#but at my peak i would play grounder with my friends and let my other friend named cassandra sometimes teach me how to irish jig :’^)
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loverscrossmp3 · 1 year ago
you guys have to stop reblogging that what did you do during recess post before i think too long about myself as a little girl and kill myself
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kinetic-elaboration · 5 years ago
January 27: Thoughts on The 100 2x09, Remember Me
...For some reason I was really angry at the beginning of this? Also there’s a lot of Lxa bashing. Sorry. And some Clarke criticism but in the latter case, I mean it well.
Also this is really long whoops.
So...I miss when killing off main characters was a big deal and people actually reacted to it.
I truly cannot take Lxa seriously I’m sorry. I don’t find her... intimidating at all.
I’ve already complained repeatedly about her complete bad faith deal making at every turn so I won’t go into it again but nevertheless, here she is, again, moving the goal posts of the negotiation. ‘I’ll withdraw my army if you cure the Reapers. No, if you give up your friend. No, if you give me his body.’ Clarke should have double crossed her immediately.
Also I know that I ultimately did think it was reasonable for Finn to face Grounder justice (except insofar as that justice was itself morally untenable--that is, the Torture Porn) but now that he’s dead, I think there’s no real moral argument to be made that the Grounders deserve his body. I understand their traditions, which in fact I found quite moving when I first watched this ep, but surely his people have, or could make up, some traditions for his burial also. He is still their friend. This seems like little more than an excuse to be cruel. And Clarke’s so fucking broken she just goes with it. It’s truly awful. I mean she’s doing the only thing she can do I guess but it’s laughable that she sounds as if she has any sort of upper hand, you’re getting played bitch.
(Yeah I know, Lxa is being ‘groundbreaking’ and ‘revolutionary’ by even semi-accepting capital punishment without torture and taking his body is a way of appeasing her harder line advisers but like cry me a river--she’s either the all powerful commander or she’s fucking not.)
“We want the same things.” Lol if you wanted the same things you would have stuck to the original deal. No I’m not over this at all I guess.
I also still can’t get over how Clarke has literally never earned true leadership in the eyes of her own people and yet she continues to be randomly viewed as a leader by the Grounders and thus retains pretty much full de facto control over her own people’s power structure.
Also Kane shut the fuck up. I completely forgot about this but they really did put him through an off-screen 180 where all of a sudden Lxa is a God to him and can literally do nothing wrong and to this day we have never been given an explanation how that came to be. Guess it’s easier to tell not show huh?!?
ALSO I get we’re suppose to see a sort of racism-corollary to lines like “I don’t think they know what peace is” like obviously this rubs one the wrong way automatically. But Abby’s not really wrong. And despite what Kane thinks, Lxa has given, again, NO indication at all that she is interested in peace. She has given a lot of indications that she wants to do whatever she can to wring as much from the Sky People as she can without giving anything in return and hey we’re only halfway through the season and she’s already psychologically broken Clarke (also the only person she acknowledges as the leader even though she is not, cannot emphasize this enough, the leader of anything... and thus the only person L really has to break) and sunk-cost-fallacy-ed her into submission. Now that Finn is dead Clarke would cut off her own tit to make Lxa happy because anything else is “letting him die in vain.”
...Why am I so angry lol?
I understand the positions of both Clarke and Raven in this scene, which is fucking brutal, but I sympathize more with Raven. Clarke’s basically just a messenger, but what the Grounders are demanding is (I know I already said it) cruel, and cruel to Raven above all. And Clarke is almost all business. I think that’s what she needs to be for herself but it’s not helpful to the situation.
Anyway here are my faves in Mount Weather. It’s almost hard to watch these scenes because I want to, like, memorize them. Partially for the C/M story and partially just because. Today’s adventure is getting to a radio to send a message to the Ark-wide channel, which is a term for a thing that exists. Also I forgot how snarky everyone / Miller was to Maya. Which, I get. But--are they not thinking about how her own people have experimented on her? Like she is expendable to them, this is just a known fact at this time. So yes, there is a real risk to her, Nathan.
“Oh, is that all?” / “No--there’s more.” Monty’s so one-track he didn’t even hear the sarcasm. I love him.
“Their army has been getting their ass kicked by Mount Weather forever.” Bellamy speaking the truth. Do they need the alliance, or do they just need the Grounders to back the fuck off from attacking them? (Spoiler: they do not need the alliance.)
Ah Bellarke, always quick to reassure each other. Blindly, even.
“Since I don’t take orders from you, I’m going to need a better reason” is one of my favorite lines, and underrated. Finally someone reminding Clarke she’s not actually in charge of everyone and everything all the time. (I realize this sounds like I dislike Clarke. I don’t. I just find certain traits of hers frustrating. But this just makes her a good character.) Also you can see that, rather like her moment with Raven, she falls back on being business like and direct and issuing orders to avoid talking about feelings or breaking apart.
The United States War Room survives the apocalypse.
I’m sorry but it’s ridiculous to think that Lxa invented the concept of an alliance lol.
I guess Clarke needs to go all in on the alliance because of Finn, but... I also think this is part of who she is. Her sense of practicality outweighs any human desire to hold a grudge, and I think she assumes a level of practicality in others too, automatically, such that she underestimates wariness in others. Like Bellamy and Gustus and everyone is right to be uncertain about this literally hours-old alliance--not even an official alliance, since L’s latest demand hasn’t technically been met!--and Clarke’s like ‘yeah I’ll sleep next to people who would have killed me six hours ago np!’ because now that she’s in, she’s in. She’s neither angry nor afraid.
Linctavia like “Google Earth, always taking pictures.”
Is Lincoln wearing Ark clothes?
I know Raven is made to look kind of wan and sunken and sad but yet this scene where she’s being disarmed is honestly like peak hotness for me and I don’t know why. I like my women sullen and covered in knives?
Interesting how allegedly only the warriors knew English and yet Lxa’s big announcement re: get in line with me or die is made in English. Just going to point out yet again what a big mistake that throwaway S1 line is.
What a sad life to lead, where random declarations followed by “or death” have to form the entirety of your belief system “Don’t be upset that your wife and child are dead...or I’ll beat you to a pulp.” I truly don’t understand how we were ever supposed to get in line with this society as sympathetic or interesting. So much so that they get a whole prequel I guess???
I’d rather have a Mount Weather prequel except not really, don’t ruin it for me.
I love Miller’s canonical insane superhuman strength. This is a trait often overlooked in fics.
The usual comment on Mount Weather scenes: I love all of it.
The thing is that if everyone were on board with the funeral ceremony, it is touching. Murderer and murdered together, and the people who’ve been hurt, on both sides, saying goodbye as a group. It’s just that Clarke’s people were coerced into this--they weren’t convinced it would be a fitting ceremony, just told ‘well this is how it is and if you don’t like it, we could perhaps... KILL YOU?”
Is this a new revelation that Mount Weather crashed the Exodus ship (still a really satisfying belated explanation imo)? Or did we know that because, unlike Monty et al, we knew about the jamming signals already? Can’t remember.
You can see how L came to believe what she believes but nevertheless this is bad advice lol. “Don’t care about other people.” Okay, I’ll just stop doing that then.
Mmmm, a feast in a subway station. Delicious. Fucking full pig head as the centerpiece. Very DC.
Kane (handing over pure space moonshine probably): Just don’t drink too much of it. Clarke (five minutes later): Guzzles whole bottle at once. #partygriff is officially canon.
Waiting until tomorrow to start the war? Procrastinators. Clarke didn’t kill Finn for this.
I love Certified Dramatic Ho Bellamy knocking the cup out of Clarke’s hand even though she had made no move whatsoever to drink it.
“When you plunged your knife into the heart of the boy you loved, did you not wish that it was mine.” Lxa, also a certified Dramatic Ho.
Clarke kinda deserved to be punched in the face given that it wouldn’t actually make sense for Raven to try to poison Lxa--and make Finn’s death mean nothing? And put them all in danger in enemy territory? Nonsense. Nevertheless it’s hard not to feel bad for her when she follows this accusation up with a psychotic break.
Hmmm, do I think Abby turning in Jake was the same as Clarke killing Finn? Not really. She didn’t directly kill Jake, that was Jaha, and Jaha is who Clarke should really be mad at. That said, I don’t think she was really saving anyone in the direct way Clarke was. So, apples and oranges. Crazy awkward moment to bring it up, though lol. “Oh Clarke, you’ll feel better eventually--remember that time I killed your Dad? I got over that! Wait--does talking about your dead father upset you? That’s a surprise!” Nevertheless I appreciate major actions having consequences as that’s a semi-rarity on this show.
Monty Green: hero.
“Lxa needs this alliance as much as we do.” - True, if she intends to get her people out of MW. “She’s shown herself to be flexible.” - Not true. She’s given the bare minimum of concessions. Kane, please crawl back out of her colon for like 5 seconds, get some air.
Interesting that Raven and Bellamy are chilling near each other. I wonder what they were discussing. Tbh Bellamy’s feelings on everything in this episode are rather opaque. Other than understanding why Clarke mercy-killed Finn and being skeptical of the alliance.
“Kill one person and destroy the alliance” is literally only merciful because the default in this society is “kill everyone all the time for any reason.” Like, I guess??? That’s mercy by comparison?? But forgive me if I am not moved to admiration.
“This time justice will be done” says the woman who used the barest sliver of evidence to decide that a random person was guilty so she could have a public execution. A public execution to replace the other public execution, in fact, not to avenge a death because Gustus isn’t dead. (Yet.)
Kane’s really okay with letting Raven be tortured to death, huh? Gah he’s fucking annoying.
Bellarke: Crime Solving Duo. That’s some satisfying teamwork. Clarke figures out how the scheme worked. Bellamy figures out who’s behind the scheme. With all the evidence put together, the motive becomes clear. (Honesty, they should have been suspicious that the poison not only didn’t kill Gustus, it barely harmed him lol.)
Check out all the Department of Homeland Security stuff on Monty’s computer. This is perhaps Dante’s log in? There’s a set of “personal” files too. And a set of President’s Office files, which one would assume not everyone would have.
Anyway, I have a Thing for tense sequences of hackers...hacking.
When I first watched this season I was often so tense my whole body hurt and it’s mostly because of MW scenes like this one where Monty is caught. Like aaaaah it still gets me. He almost makes it... and then almost makes it again, with his silly little salute... (Never forget that he is A Dork.)
On the one hand, Raven being tortured and then seeing Gustus tortured to death allows her to see why Clarke killing Finn was an act of mercy, to forgive her, and to move on, so the narrative can continue with them as allies and nominal friends. And it works, basically. But I also think there’s something to the theory that they were never the same, that the wound never really healed.
I’m sorry but Octavia’s face when Clarke’s like “Yeah B, you’re expendable, go get yourself killed, have a map!!” is hilarious. Like, he’s just said that Gustus doing anything for Lxa made sense, and Octavia responded with “Look at the thanks he got” which seems to me like She Knows and then 5 seconds later Bellamy is basically thrown away by the person we all know he’d do anything for... I mean the face is fair. Also this is Bellamy’s idea and it’s a good idea and so he was right before and Clarke is also right now, but it’s still so... annoying.... like “okay, I’m done caring about you lol bye.”
And Raven’s just totally confused. It’s been a damn long day I guess.
Why are they all such fucking hotties? It’s hard to pay attention to “the plot.”
So the ashes Abby tries to give to Clarke are the same ashes, perhaps, that Jasper scatters in S3? This vial looks smaller. Why did she not immediately give them to Raven? That would seem to be the obvious thing to do.
And here we see Clarke, under L’s direct influence, becoming Increasingly Insufferable. I love her but this is obviously supposed to be her descent into the abyss: she treats her friends like little expendable minions, she turns her back on Finn’s memory, and then she ends the episode by dramatically walking into a dark room in slow motion to creepy chamber music. I mean this is the hero’s fall guys!! That’s what it always was!!!
If only they’d handled Bellamy’s hero’s fall in 3A, and Clarke’s rise again in 3B, as well.
That ending is a straight up horror movie thanks that’s why this is my favorite season.
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blodreina-noumou · 6 years ago
Hello can you rec some good Octavia episodes? (apart from s6) i want to re watch but not the whole thing hahah
I would love to! Let me build you a complete Octavia episode list - what I consider the best and most important in her arc. (Under a cut, since it’s long.)
Season 1:
(I tend to skip the first four episodes, because I find them really cringeworthy, and Octavia is barely in episode 1x05. But if you wanna see her chase some butterflies, that scene is in 1x02.)
1x06 - “My Sister’s Keeper” - An obvious classic, where we get to dive deep into the Blake siblings’ history and how Octavia was exposed as an illegal child. Shows how simple mistakes can have lifelong impact, and really illustrates how complicated Bellamy and Octavia’s relationship is. Plus, this is where we get all of the first interactions between Lincoln and Octavia, and where Octavia’s rebellion against Bellamy’s rules takes a more righteous shape - from here, her goals shift from “do whatever the fuck I want because I finally can” to “do whatever the fuck I want because I need to protect this strange, new person, who is an outsider like me.”
1x07 - “Contents Under Pressure” - This is where Octavia’s stubbornness really takes shape, and we see her compassion and kindness in full bloom. She refuses to stay away from Lincoln, even though Bellamy keeps threatening her when she goes to the captive Grounder. She poisons herself to get Lincoln to give up the antidote, so Raven will stop torturing him. In a camp starting to go mad with power, Octavia is one of the few who tries to stop the brutality. The first time she talks to Lincoln, and he speaks back, and her face fills with joy and wonder - ugh, it gets me every time.
1x08 - “Day Trip” - Octavia’s role in this episode is smaller, but I really love the scenes she has. Realizing that everyone in the camp is tripping balls, she cleverly distributes the jobi nuts and uses the chaos to help Lincoln escape. I love her offering Jasper an “anti-grounder stick.” It shows her ingenuity, chaotic-good methodology, and her quick thinking, and I love all of her scenes in this episode.
Season 2:
2x02 - “Inclement Weather” - I think 2x01 is worth watching as well, if only to see Lincoln lug Octavia around like a sack of potatoes, and to see the first Trigedasleng lines spoken on-screen. But 2x02 is where Octavia really begins to shine again. After being given the antidote to the poison she was attacked with in the s1 finale, Octavia recovers quickly and is pissed. She takes Nyko captive, and attempts to use him to trade for Lincoln’s release from his people, who want to kill him (brutally) for being a traitor. When she stomps into their camp, holding a knife to Nyko’s throat and shouts, “I laik Oktevia kom Skaikru…and you have something I want!” - I fall in love. Ferocity in a tiny package.
2x10 - “Survival of the Fittest” - Octavia’s fight with Fio, which is one of my favorite scenes of hers. Everyone - from her own people to the Grounders - wants to stop her from getting herself hurt, from putting herself in danger. No one thinks she can handle it. No one trusts her to weather the storm, despite the fact that she’s been dodging lightning bolts her entire life. When she rises, again and again, refusing to go down, we really get to see her almost manic determination to prove that she’s a fighter, a warrior, and she won’t give up just because she’s in pain, or scared, or angry. Then, Indra offers her the chance to become her Second, and Octavia’s life changes forever.
2x13 - “Resurrection” - As one of the few to escape the bombing of Tondc unscathed, the pressure to save those trapped in the rubble falls on Octavia. She struggles to earn the respect of the other Seconds, but ends up saving everyone with her ingenious “let’s chuck this bottle of alcohol at this burning pile of debris and use the smoke as cover” plan. She’s able to keep everyone moving and takes charge, even while people continue to doubt her. By the end, she’s earned a respected and admired place among the other Grounders.
2x16 - “Blood Must Have Blood, Pt 2″ - Betrayed by Lexa, abandoned by Indra and the other Seconds, and knowing Lincoln is trapped and branded, yet again, as a traitor to his people, Octavia desperately tries to find a way to rescue the remaining delinquents inside of Mount Weather. She teams up with Bellamy, Clarke, and Maya to devise a plan, and ends up playing an instrumental role in protecting everyone - right up until Clarke is forced to pull the lever that irradiates Level 5. In many ways, this is Peak Octavia - she’s an excellent soldier, a badass, stoic warrior, and a surprisingly soft and understanding friend towards Jasper and Maya.
Season 3:
3x01 - “Wanheda, Pt 1″ - My primary reasons for loving this episode are aesthetic and pretty shallow. We get to see how far Octavia has come in learning Trig - she’s basically fluent at this point, and manages to act as translator between the Azgedans and the scouting squad. She’s in full Grounder gear, but is also clean and uninjured - a rarity for her. She saves Jasper’s life with a super slick knife toss, rides around on Helios like a pro, and shares some wonderful banter with Raven and Bellamy. It’s a fun one.
3x05 - “Bitter Harvest” - Octavia is doing her absolute best to protect both sides of her identity - the Grounders and the Sky People - but they’re making it very, very difficult for her. She has a bunch of amazing scenes. Saving the little boy named Gabriel, trying to warn the Grounders about the incoming attack, letting Gabriel pet Helios. Unfortunately, in trying to protect both sides, she betrays both sides instead, and Zoe Monroe ends up dead. It’s an underrated Octavia episode, because it really shows her true nature, and how even when she has the best intentions, she just can’t get things to go the way she needs them to.
3x09 - “Stealing Fire” - A really, really tough one, but essential to Octavia’s arc. The death of Lincoln kom Trikru, her savior, her soulmate, her true love. The building energy and tension of Octavia being born for this role, of using subterfuge and misdirection to sneak everyone out, of hiding under the floor with everyone, and of nearly escaping with Lincoln safely in tow…only for it all to go horribly, horribly wrong, at the last minute… it’s good TV, even though it’s heartbreaking. I’ll never forgive them for killing Lincoln. But Marie’s performance is stunning, and this is the beginning of Octavia’s downfall - which makes for some great television.
3x12 - “Demons” - I think this is one of the weirdest episodes of this show, but it’s also a really good one for Octavia. She’s pushed down all of her grief for Lincoln, focusing solely on getting the mission done, and on figuring out how to save everyone from ALIE. When she finds his book, and his jacket, and has that moment where she breaks down and shoves everything off the desk - my heart breaks for her. It includes some good Blake sibling moments, as well. Bellamy going from “don’t surrender, no matter what” to “here let me put these cuffs on myself for you” in a matter of 0.3 seconds because Emerson threatens Octavia is a top Blake sibling moment.
3x16 - “Perverse Instantiation” - Octavia reunites with Indra, and receives some pertinent and salient advice - don’t kill Pike until the fight is over, because they need him. Octavia fights with herself, coming close to ruining everything, but manages to swallow her rage long enough to fight alongside the man who executed her soulmate. But once it’s done, she does not hesitate - I was immensely satisfied, seeing her run him through with her sword, although it absolutely signals the start of Octavia’s descent into darkness.
Season 4:
4x01 - “Echoes” - Octavia begins her role as Skaikru’s assassin, taking out the men guarding Roan and allowing Abby to swoop in and save his life, saving all of their asses in the process. Again her role is limited, but she takes out the guards with a spear chuck and a badass knee-slide. It’s a cool moment. We begin to see the cracks in the surface as she starts spiraling more and more.
4x06 - “We Will Rise” - Tensions are very, very high in camp, as Ilian is being held as a prisoner for destroying the Ark, and pretty much everyone but Kane wants him dead. Octavia is still healing from Echo’s failed attempt to capture her, and has clearly gone even deeper into the darkness as a result of being pushed away by Kane and Indra. She allows the crowd to rush Ilian, then lets them drag him outside. She very nearly executes Ilian, in the same place Lincoln died, and in the same manner. Kane talks her down, and we get a very emotional and well-done flashback sequence of Octavia remembering Lincoln’s death. When she flees camp at the end, we can’t help but see her as a wounded, grieving kid, who took on way too much violence and brutality way too quickly.
4x07 - “Gimme Shelter” - Black rain strands multiple characters inside and forces them all to wait out the storm, dealing with rising resentments and anger. Octavia and Ilian find themselves sheltering in a cave together. Pushed to her limit by Ilian’s questions, Octavia very nearly walks out into the black rain, in an attempt to kill herself. Ilian rushes to pull her back in, and they consummate their brief, sweet relationship in a moment of mutual need.
4x09 - “DNR” - Octavia and Ilian try out peace for a while, to disastrous results. Her scenes are brief, but one of my favorite Octavia moments happens when she’s left to her own devices in the garden plot, moodily whacking at the soil, trying her best but clearly begrudging this peaceful lifestyle. Although the scene where she kills the other Grounders is brutal, it’s very effective. Octavia can’t escape the violence of her past, can’t pretend that she is able to go back to being an innocent girl. She still needs more time to see how much damage it’s caused her. Unfortunately, s4 kind of twists this arc and tosses it on its head, because she ends up being greatly rewarded and venerated for her ability to use violence to win the Conclave.
4x10 - “Die All, Die Merrily” - Even still, I can’t help but be enthralled by Octavia’s struggle in the Conclave. She uses her lifelong skills of hiding and making herself small to survive most of the battle. Then she teams up with Roan, showing that she’s willing to make allies out of enemies, if it ensures their survival. I’m still really sad at the way Luna’s arc ended, and that Octavia was the one who killed her - but it’s still a great episode for O, and one that really underlines her entire arc and character progression.
4x12 - “The Chosen” - Heda Octavia rises, though she’s never explicitly referred to as such, of course. Watching Octavia take the lead with uncertainty but steadfastness is so compelling. She takes on the entire human race as her people in 4x10, and then, she puts her money where her mouth is, forcing Skaikru to make the choice over who will be allowed to survive in the bunker, and who will be forced out into Praimfaya. It’s the beginning of Blodreina, in so many ways, and really sets her up well for her s5 arc.
Season 5:
5x02 - “The Red Queen” - Another classic. We get to dive deep into what happened during the six years that Octavia and the rest of humanity were trapped underground. Octavia chooses her new mantra, her new armor, and her new identity. She fights viciously, without mercy, and ends up triggering the start of an entirely new, but still very brutal, tribal culture. It’s a fun one!
5x04 - “Pandora’s Box” - My favorite parts of the Blodreina arc are where we get to see the cracks in the surface. When Bellamy breaks through the bunker to free Wonkru, Blodreina disappears and Octavia comes back, for the briefest of moments. She manages to look so small and vulnerable when she throws herself into his arms, despite her warpaint and armor. Her first interactions with Diyoza are so good, and the building tension of the other characters realizing just how much things have changed is palpable.
(For what it’s worth, I think most of the episodes between 4 and 10 are worth watching - but for the sake of keeping this as short as possible, I’m gonna skip those synopses. Octavia does a lot of posturing and power struggling with Bellamy and Clarke.)
5x10 - “The Warrior’s Will” - Blodreina is finally knocked down by her former friends. After throwing Gaia, Indra, and Bellamy into the fighting pits, she is thwarted by Monty’s dramatic entrance, with his miraculous flowering plant. Octavia, deep in her spiral, recognizes that the people around her do not understand that remaining in the bunker is untenable, impossible, and not something she can accept. She burns the farm. It’s the first time I was ever really mad at her, but it’s a very important part of her arc.
5x11 - “The Dark Year” - After an entire season of teases and hints, we finally, finally get the long overdue explanation of what exactly happened in the bunker during the infamous “Dark Year”. Although the cannibalism thing was pretty obvious at that point, and almost everyone in fandom had figured it out, there was still something very shocking and unsettling about seeing the way it played out. I think the true twist comes from two places - that is was all Abby’s idea in the first place, and that Octavia is forced to execute her own people in cold blood for refusing to take part. They’re epic, emotional, difficult scenes, and Marie knocks her performance out of the park.
5x13 - “Damocles, Pt 2″ - It takes losing nearly all of her people, and almost losing her adoptive sister/close advisor, but Octavia finally comes to see the error of her ways. They gave her about fifteen different, gloriously perfect lines to go out on. She marches into the light, shooting like a madwoman, screaming her mantra - and then she drops to her knees, ready to give herself up to save her family. In some ways, I wish she had died, but really, I can’t lie - I cheered and felt overwhelming relief when Emori, Echo, and Murphy bust in with the rover, saving the day. In the later half of the episode, we get some excellent Blake sibling moments, as well as a great conversation between Diyoza and Octavia.
Those are for you, anon, since you only wanted the first five seasons! For the rest, who might’ve followed along this far, and want to know where to go from here:
Season 6:
6x02 - “Red Sun Rising” - While everyone else goes crazy from eclipse toxin, Octavia just goes crazy. Seeing her struggle, wanting the surviving members of Skaikru to beat her up, is so heartbreaking. I think this is the episode where I really started to resent Abby and the way she treated Octavia. Lots of great little Niytavia moments, as well as a deeply frustrating but compelling Blake sibling reunion.
6x04 - “The Face Behind the Glass” - Giving Octavia a scared little girl to look after was one of the best things this show has ever done with her. Octavia thrives best with a clear goal, defined mission, and identifiable enemy. She has all of those things in this episode, but tragically, she cannot prevent the Children of Gabriel from killing Rose. It’s a surprisingly emotional arc in the midst of a lot of sassy angst.
6x05 - “The Gospel of Josephine” - The Octavia/Diyoza team-up this season was everything I wanted, and so much more. The scenes of them talking in the weird quicksand stuff are so interesting. It’s great to see Diyoza give her version of a pep talk to Octavia, and I love the banter between them and Gabriel. Also, the little nod she gives Diyoza after coming up out of the muck - “guess you want to live after all” - it means goddamn everything to me, okay? Don’t touch me, I’m emotional.
6x09 - “What You Take With You” - Our babygirl pops out of that anomaly lookin’ fresh and clean and younger than she did at the beginning of s5. We still don’t know what happened to her in there, but we do get a certain visualization of the emotional and spiritual journey she’s gone on, which has resulted in her dramatic transformation. I really loved her mindscape scenes, the return of the butterflies, and even Pike’s return, as much as he makes my blood boil.
6x12 - “Adjustment Protocol” - Bellamy and Octavia can finally work together again without going at each other’s throats. Seeing this improved, peaceful version of Octavia is so satisfying, especially after two solid seasons of her unquenchable bloodthirst.
6x13 - “The Blood of Sanctum” - At the end of reliving her arc in my head, via writing this, I have only one thing left to say: Octavia Blake is a badass mothafuckin’ bitch and there is no way in HELL that she is dead.
Thanks for reading! If anyone actually decides to use this as an actual watch guide, lmk. If you think there are any really important ones that I missed, give me a shout!
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allthings-fantasy · 6 years ago
The Way Things Were (Part 4)
Author: @allthings-fantasy
Pairing: Bellamy x Reader
Word Count: 3631
Authors Notes: Heyo! Back in action. Enjoy reading!
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3  MASTERLIST
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As the days passed, the communication between the Ark and the ground grew stronger. Raven was able to set up a video call. Kids were finally able to talk to their parents again, but not you. You couldn’t face your father after leaving him like you did, seeing his face would only amplify your guilt.
The air was growing colder each day, frost was starting to form on the grass in the mornings. Winter was coming and supplies were running low. You spent most the morning helping Jasper divide nuts and roots into rations packs. Keeping busy kept your mind off of things, Bellamy specifically. The two of you didn’t speak much, little conversations here and there, a spare touch once in a while, but nothing more. 
You watched as Clarke strutted across the camp, a backpack slung across her shoulder, Bellamy hot on her tail. Curiosity got the better of you, your gaze cautiously focusing on the two of them deep in a conversation. Bellamy was stuffing his own pack full of rations, it was enough to last him a few days. That’s when he felt your gaze, his eyes shifted upwards and met yours. You turned your head back to the work in front of you, acting as if you didn’t notice. “What’s got your panties all twisted?” Jasper snickered to himself as he tossed a nut into his own mouth. “Would it happen to deal with your brooding boyfriend, Bellamy Blake? Or is it ex-boyfriend now?”
He raised an eyebrow at you, causing you to groan. Grabbing a handful of nuts, you tossed them at his face. Smirking in victory when one hit him square in the eye. “What’s it to you anyway?”
Jasper’s shoulders lifted in a shrug. “Since you became Monty’s best friend, and me being Monty’s best friend, we are theoretically best friends. Therefore, your business is my business.”
Your eyes widened at his statement. You’ve always been acquaintances with Jasper, but you didn’t think he really liked you that much. “I thought I was Monty’s best friend?”
“I thought I was yours.” Your back straightened at the deep voice behind you. Jasper’s mouth opened to speak, but your harsh glare made his jaw snap shut.
Slowly turning around, you found the source of the voice standing in front of you. “Did you need something?” One of your eyebrows arched as you tied the ration bag in your hand closed.
Bellamy smiled down at you, before giving you a short nod. “Actually, yes. I do. Clarke apparently talked to Jaha and there is a supply bunker that should get us through winter. She wants me to come, and I want you to come.” He shrugged like he was talking about a walk through the park.
“Why do you want me to come? Clarke is more medically savvy than me, and in case you haven’t noticed, I’m not exactly skilled in hunting.” Your gaze shifted over to Jasper as he politely excused himself. Bellamy’s one hand reached out and rested on your shoulder, giving it a soft squeeze.
“You haven’t been out of the camp since we found O. I thought you’d like going and seeing more…” He said it almost bashfully. “We’re leaving in five, okay? So pack a bag, but make sure you bring extra, you never know what can happen in a day.” And just like that, Bellamy turned on his heels and left you standing there. Dumbfounded.
“So, are you going to go with him?” You jumped at the sound of Jasper’s sudden voice, too focused on the man walking away from you.
Whipping around, you folded your arms over your chest. “What’s the worst the could happen?”
Jasper’s eyes widened to the size of discs. “Um, you could die? How am I going to explain to Monty and your father that I let you frolic through the woods?”
You didn’t think your eyes could roll any harder. “Jasper are you serious right now? Do you actually think Bell would let a grounder or a mutant animal hurt me?”
“Well, Bell left you alone in the woods before.”
Exactly five minutes later, you had your own pack stuffed with supplies for the day, taking Bellamy’s advice and packing a little extra. Clarke and Bell met you by the front gate, both of them greeting you with thin smiles. “You two ready to go?” Clarke glanced between the two of you before heading outside of the camp.
Bellamy was right, you enjoyed seeing the forest. The air was crisper here than in camp. The vibrant green of the foliage, the deep brown of the dirt below your boots, everything was so pretty down here. So natural. No one talked for most of the way. Clarke took the lead and Bellamy brought up the rear.
In the midst of all the green, a bright purple flower was caught out of the corner of your eye. Taking a few steps off the trail you focused on the little flower on the ground, a small smile forming onto your lips. Bell came up behind you, his hand resting against the small of your back. “It’s pretty.” You smiled a little bigger, nodding your head. It became certain to you that Mother Nature would never stop amazing you.
“Guys! Keep up, we’re almost there!” Clarke’s voice called out from in front of you. Her arms hung at her sides as she cast the two of you a look of annoyance.
The smile on your face dropped as you shifted around Bellamy to head back on the trail. Bellamy’s arm slung around your shoulder as he held the flower in front of you. Your hands carefully gripped the dainty stem. “What’s this for?”
He shrugged. “You saw it and thought it was pretty. I like seeing that smile.” Bell smirked and kissed the top of your head before moving you forward.
You were ten years old when your crush for Bellamy first started. At ten, boys were supposed to be gross and have cooties. But you thought he was the cutest boy in the whole entire world, even if he was 14. No matter how many times he said you were annoying or that you were just some snooty little kid, he was always there for you. To him, you were just another little sister.
Anytime Monty couldn’t eat lunch with you, he always sat with you to make sure you weren’t alone. If he was in a really good mood, he’d even walk you back to your house! Some of Bellamy’s friends would tease him about being your friend, but he always put them in their place.
Today was one of those days. Monty promised his mom that he would stay with her and help her on some special plant project. You sat at the table in the far back corner of the cafeteria. There was the loud commotion of other kids running around, all of them talking and playing amongst themselves. The sandwich in front of you no longer seems appetizing.
A loud group of laughter rang out from the other side of the room. Your head peaked up at the noise, noticing Bellamy and his group of friends He made eye contact with you across the room before turning his head to say something to his friends. They all made mocking “ooo” noises as Bellamy headed over towards you.
“Monty staying with his mom today?” Bell asked you as he sat down, taking a bite out his apple before handing it out towards you.
You glanced between your banana and his apple, deciding his apple looked more appetizing, and you handed him your banana. “Yeah, some stupid soil testing and he was all excited to be a part of it.” Your voice was a mumble, scowling at the table in front of you before biting into the crisp apple.
“Well, that’s what I’m here for.” He shrugged at you and leaned his elbows on the table, staring down at you. “Oh, I almost forgot.” Bellamy leaned back slightly and rummaged around in his front pocket. In his hand was a tiny black box. “Here.” You gave him a questioning glance before carefully picking up the container. “Well, open it or give it back.”
Giving him one last scowl, you pried the lid off the little box. Nestled inside was a single flower, six white petals with lots of little black specks around the center. It was cute, Bellamy always had a habit of bringing you different flowers. “What’s this for?”
He let out a small laugh. “I knew it’d make you smile. I like seeing you smile.” 
“Why don’t we split up? There should be a door around here, somewhere.” Clarke glanced between the two of you, waiting for your agreement. “Okay, I’ll go over here, you guys check up on the hill.”
You nodded and headed off behind Bellamy, keeping the flower still tucked in your hand. “Y/N, there’s another reason why I asked you to come along with me…”
He sounded nervous, his fingers fumbling around the handle of his ax. “Well, you see… I do-”
“Y/N! Bellamy! Over here, I think I found the door!” Clarke cut off Bellamy’s confession, making him grumble something to himself, shaking his head.
A small smile twitched onto your lips, grabbing his free hand with yours. “C’mon. We can talk later.”
Bellamy gave you a curt nod and tugged you over towards the door, buried under layers of grass and dirt. Clarke was hunched over the door, trying to pry it open with her bare hands. Bell huffed and shook his head. “Here, look out.” Dropping your hand, he walked over to the door. Lifting the ax above his shoulder, Bellamy struck the metal of the door. The door let out of a groan as the seal gave way under his powerful blows. “Okay, grab the handle and help me.”
The three of you all grabbed onto a handle, pulling with your entire body weight until it finally popped open. There was a collective huff from the group as you all peered down into the shelter. Clarke was the first one to stand up, adventuring down the stairs into the bunker. “You go first, I’ll be right behind you.” Bellamy moved to the side, allowing you to reach the stairs.
You pulled out your flashlight, igniting the stairs with a beam of light. The floorboards creaked under the weight of the two of you. Clarke was holding a lantern, looking around the entire perimeter. A large shelf was along the far wall, holding up a few containers.
Cobwebs stretched and lingered on your hand as you wedged one of the lids open. Inside was a large pile of wool blankets. “Hey, I think all these tubs have blankets in them.”
“Really?” Clarke turned around and moved to stand beside you, sending a warm smile in your direction. “Oh, these will be great at night.” One of her hands reached out, running over the fabric.
A loud thud from the other side of the room caused both of your heads to turn. “Seriously, there’s not even a tent in here! Or a decent medical kit!” Bellamy growled as he slammed the lid shut on one of the containers.
“Bell, it’s fine we haven’t looked through everything yet.” You tilted your head to the side slightly, keeping your distance as he still roughly pushed around some boxes.
He let out a scoff. “Oh please, half of this shit has already been ransacked. This trip was a complete waste!” In a fit of anger, Bellamy kicked one of the big drums over. Oil spilled all over the floor as it fell, followed by a large slam. “Well, I’ll be damned…”
His anger was quickly replaced with glee. “What is it?” You cautiously stepped forward, trying to peer over his shoulder. Bellamy turned his head and smiled back at you, a large grin on his face, gun in hand.
“Ready to be a badass, baby?” 
A large red curtain was hung along the far end of the bunker, a big black X was painted in the center. Bellamy smiled in pride as he strutted back over to you and Clarke, handing each of you a gun. “Okay, so this end goes up against your shoulder… and you look through this little piece right here…” He demonstrated on his own.
You awkwardly held the weapon in your hands, shifting it until the butt rested against the pocket of your shoulder. “Like this?” One of your brows arched as you turned to face Bellamy.
“Uh, a little higher, and… here straighten your back a little bit.” His entire frame surrounded you, showing you how to hold the gun more comfortably. “That better?” You nodded. “Okay, now aim for the X.”
You tried to suppress your scoff, rolling your eyes. “Yeah, I got that.”
Bellamy held his hands up in defense. “You’re right, I forgot all your gun training back on the Ark.”
Clarke laughed softly at the encounter, before shaking her head and aiming her own gun. She let out a shallow breath as she slowly pulled the trigger. You all anticipated the loud bang, but all you got was a soft click. “What the hell…” She scowled at her gun before trying to pull the trigger again, receiving a click for the second time.
“There must be some duds…” Bellamy shifted his eyes over to you as he popped some of his rations into his mouth. “Y/N try yours.”
You lined up the shot exactly how Bell told you to. Taking a deep breath, you focused on the X through the site. As you exhaled, your pointer finger gently pulled back the trigger. The bang filled your ears, a recoil slammed into your shoulder. In the matter of less than a second, it was over. A hole was situated to the left of the center of the X.
Your jaw dropped as you lowered your weapon, turning around with a huge smile on your mouth. “That… was amazing… Clarke, you gotta try it.” You laughed as you handed her your gun.
“I’ll be back in a minute, I gotta use the restroom.” Bellamy grabbed a handful of nuts and quickly went outside.
Clarke and you took turns shooting at the red sheet, turning around, you noticed Bellamy was still not back yet. “He’s been gone a little while, don’t you think?” You glanced over at Clarke, worry starting to etch into your features.
“Yeah… I guess we lost track of time. Do you think you should go check on him?” She mumbled between the bites of nuts in her mouth.
Your head nodded, laying down your gun on the shelf. “I’ll be back in a few minutes, okay?” Clarke nodded and muttered a ‘be careful’ before you took your flashlight and headed back towards the stairs.
At first, you couldn’t see anything. All that was in front of you was dense forest. No signs of Bellamy anywhere. You shined your flashlight ahead as you stepped further into the night. “Bell? Bell, are you out here?” You were met with silence.
Fear started to settle in the pit of your stomach. The image of finding a dead Bellamy flashed in your mind. “Bellamy!” A small whimper was the only response you got. It came from the left of you, your flashlight exposed a small clearing past a couple of trees.
Cautiously, you followed the sound. The whimpers turned into murmurs, the murmurs turned into ‘kill me’s’. In front of you, Bellamy sat hunched over on his knees. Tears were streaming down his face as his fingers harshly dug through his hair. “Bellamy!” You dropped your flashlight, darting over to him as you skidded in front of him on your knees.
He wasn’t looking at you, he looked straight through you. “Please, just end it. Kill me, please. I deserve it.” Bellamy wept in front of you. Your hands cupped his cheeks, giving him a quick once-over to look for any obvious injuries.
“Bellamy! Bell, look at me.” You squeezed his face slightly, shaking him. “Bell, baby I’m right here. Look at me. I’m real.” You pressed your forehead against him, noses squishing together. His labored breaths fanned across your face, and for the first time, he fully looked at you.
“Y/N?” His voice was nothing more than a hoarse whisper. “You’re here.” It was more of a statement, stating it as a fact to reassure himself.
You smiled at him, eagerly nodding your head. “Yeah, I’m here.”
Bellamy’s hands lifted and rested against your forearms, his thumbs softly tracing against your skin. “Well isn’t this sweet.” A deep foreign voice interrupted the moment shared between the two of you.
Jumping away from each other, you noticed another boy from camp standing over the two of you. “Dax?” You voice wavered as he shifted the barrel of the gun towards you.
He laughed, shaking his head slightly. “I don’t want to hurt you, Y/N. I really don’t so I need you to listen to me when I say move away from him.”
It didn’t matter if there was a gun pointed to your or not. You started shaking your head, but Bellamy’s grip on your arm tightened. “Y/N, just do what he says.” He spoke to you but kept his eyes on the Dax. His hands pushed you away softly. “It’ll be alright, princess.”
Sending another reluctant glance in his direction, you shuffled to your feet and moved away from Bell to stand behind Dax. “Now, stay there and shut up.” He growled at you, shoving the butt of the gun against your side.
“Don’t touch her.” Bellamy rumbled from his position on the ground, an icy stare filled his eyes.
Dax laughed, shifting the gun into on hand as he pointed it at Bellamy, lifting his other hand to run through your hair. You tried to ignore the cringe that was sent down your spine. “Now, now, Bellamy. You’re lucky she’s even still alive right now. Shumway said not to leave any witnesses.”
“Shumway?” Your eyebrows furrowed at the mention of the guardsman’s name. “What does he have to do with this?”
Bell sighed, keeping his eyes on the hand that lingered on your shoulder. “He’s the one who gave me the gun to kill Jaha.”
“And now, he sent me here to kill you,” Dax smirked slightly, his head giving a sadistic tilt.
Rage started to burn through your veins. You’d almost lost Bellamy more times than you care to count. You’d be damned if you were going to lose him for real. “Don’t you fucking dare hurt him.” The confidence in your voice shocked you.
“I thought I told you to shut up.” The hand that Dax had on your shoulder was used to shove you to the ground. You landed with a thud on your back, causing all the air to escape your lungs.
Bellamy moved on instinct rather than logic. He bolted up from his knees and charged at Dax. Both guys tumbled to the ground in a mess of fists and swings. The gun flew from Dax’s hands as he tackled Bellamy onto his back, hands forming around his neck.
Your eyes landed on the discarded gun on the ground. “Get off of him!” Dax’s head fit perfectly in the small site on the barrel of the gun.
“You’re not gonna shoot me, sweetheart.” He sneered at you, hands loosening around Bellamy’s neck. Your finger pulled back on the trigger. Every ounce of confidence in your body left when you were met with the click of a blank. Before Dax was able to climb off of Bellamy, he found a spare bullet on the floor. With one quick swing of his arm, the tip was lodged into the side of Dax’s neck. You watched in shock as blood splattered over Bellamy’s face.
Blood poured from Dax’s neck as he tried to stop the bleeding with his hands. The color in his face started to drain as his spine began to go limp. With wide eyes, he collapsed onto his side. The two of you watched as Dax’s last bit of life slipped from his body.
You were snapped back into reality when Bellamy began to move closer towards you. Your feet carried you over to him, wrapping your arms around him, you helped him over to lean against a nearby tree. Slowly, you sat down beside him, turning slightly to your side to face him. Lifting a hand, you wiped some of the blood off of his face. “Are you okay?”
Bellamy’s head rolled to the side slightly to look at you. “I think I should be the one asking you that.” His lips twitched into a small smile. Your hand cupped his cheek before brushing some of his hair out of his eyes.
Settling down beside him, you rested your head on his shoulder. “What were you trying to tell me earlier? Before we found the bunker?”
Above you, he sighed, one of his arms lazily wrapping around your lower back. “I want you to run away with me. Leave camp, just the two of us, live happily ever after.”
You leaned back, staring up at him. “Bell, you can’t leave camp. You can’t leave Octavia, it would crush her.” Your head shook with emphasis.
He simply scoffed. “Y/N, she hates me.”
“She needs you, Bell. I need you. Everyone at camp needs you.”
Bellamy’s eyes closed as he leaned his head back against the trunk of the tree. His arm around you tightened, pulling you tight against his chest. “Can we take on the world tomorrow?”
“Whenever you’re ready.” 
TAGS: @vxidnik   @notyourcxnderella   @nadiagazecka   @jodiereedus22   @kateboi   @bellamyblakemorley   @toodeeptowake   @desperateand-lonely   @trashpandasunited   @disneychic8   @haydieenzzibug
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halebabe · 8 years ago
Mistake | Bellamy Blake x Reader
A/N: This wasn’t requested or anything it was just an idea that I felt like writing down. This is my first time posting something I’ve written so please be nice + english isn’t my first language so please excuse any mistakes. Other than that feedback is gladly appreciated :^) I hope you enjoy it!
Characters: Bellamy, Reader
Summary: Bellamy seeks some encouraging words from his best friend (Y/N) after killing the grounder army but is hit with an ugly truth.
Warnings: don’t read if you haven’t seen the 100 S3 Ep 5+9 SPOILERS AHEAD
Genre: Angst
Word count: 937 words 
He didn’t know what to feel or if he was feeling anything at all right now. Deep down he felt nothing although this should have brought him peace, brought Gina peace. But peace wasn’t setting in. Instead anxiety slowly took its place leading him to you. What he needed the most right now was to hear that it was the right decision, the only thing he could have done. And he needed to hear this from you. Only you could shut his conscience up, the little voice that was calling for him to stop and regret. That told him to question Pikes motives and his own, to look at the bigger picture. But wasn’t this the right thing to do for his people? Wasn’t this necessary for protecting his people and most importantly Octavia and you? His rapidly changing thoughts came to a sudden halt as he came face to face with you. But what he saw only increased his anxiety. You were pacing around your room almost tripping over the many books you had lying around. A bagpack was sitting on your bed waiting to reach its brim. Some T-Shirts were peaking out silently telling him that you were leaving. But you wouldn’t- no you couldn’t leave him. “(Y/N)?” It came out more fragile than intended. You merely glanced at him still in search for your torch. “What are you doing?” “Leaving.” Your answer was almost immediate and as much as he wished for it to be there, there was no trace of uncertainness in it. “It’s not safe out there. You know that.” “Seeing as we massacre innocent people now I think it’s safer for me outside these walls. Away from Pike. From his people” There was a small pause before you muttered. “From you.” It was almost like you hit him in the face. At a loss for words he made his way over to you, taking a hold of your arms. You looked up into his eyes, determination clearly written all over your face. “This is insane (Y/N). I would never let anybody harm you. And you can’t possibly think that I would hurt you.” “ You think Pike won’t take actions the moment he notices I don’t play by his rules? Tell me you wouldn’t arrest me.” Silence filled the room. You scoffed “ I knew it.” Seemingly defeated he let go of your arms. You pushed past him taking your jacket and closing your backpack. Your back still facing his you heard him mutter something under his breath. You put your head back contemplaiting your next move. After what seemed like hours you broke the silence. “You know what I don’t get? Why you did it. The Bellamy I know wouldn’t do something so reckless, something so stupid that would put his people in danger.” Faster than your eyes could comprehend he turned around fury clearly evident in his eyes. “ We were already in danger. Since the moment our ship touched the ground these people wanted nothing more than to see us dead no matter the price. Do you think they would have missed a chance like this? They got us surrounded and outnumbered. I did what was right for OUR people. I did what was necessary.” Now it was your turn to raise your voice. “ NO. This was NOT necessary. Mount weather was but THIS -no this wasn’t. You let your anger and sadness take over your brain. What you did was stupid and put all of us in danger. We had an alliance for fucks sake Bellamy and you destroyed it. You know how long it took for Clarke to get Lexa into doing this? Do you think she will just let us all live after she finds out that you killed 300 of her people that were here to PROTECT us? Oh my god Bellamy these people put their lives on the line to make sure that WE were SAFE. These people were our allies. They trusted us enough to sleep outside our walls knowing just how effective our firearms are. And you- you just slaughtered them.” By now you were in tears. Your heart was racing and anger was quick to work its way through your body. Bellamy was taken aback by your statement. He didn’t know what to say - how to defend himself anymore. You stood there glaring at him with as much disgust as you could muster. Something he had never seen from you. Not able to stand his sight anymore you made your way out of your room pausing in the doorframe. Glancing over your shoulder one last time you muttered “ Come looking for me when you realise that you are on the wrong side, not when you miss me Blake.” With that you were out of your room. Out of Arkadia.
A lot had happened since you had left. The commander had a barricade established around Arkadia and Bellamy was worried that you wouldn’t make it out of this alive. He had no clue where you were or if you were even alive anymore. Things in Arkadia were also going in the wrong direction. Pike had sentenced Kane, Sinclair and Lincoln to death, something Bellamy didn’t want. Octavia had left Arkadia as well and he needed to warn her. Your words were still echoing in his head urching him on to leave Arkadia and find you. Maybe it was because he needed redemption. Or maybe because he was finally starting to believe that he wasn’t the good guy anymore, but he made it out of camp setting his mind to finding both Octavia and you.
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firstade-universe · 8 years ago
Kiss Me Quick, Make it Last
Lexa is staring, slack jawed with disbelief, at the four tickets in her hand, in the middle of Anya’s living room. “You guys, this is incredible! You most definitely did not have to do this. It's too much.”
Lincoln put a soft hand on her shoulder. “We absolutely did. You earned it, Commander.”
“There are four tickets here so you are all coming with me, yes?”
“Unless you'd rather take Titus.” Anya joked lightly.
“No, I most certainly would not. You three will do nicely.” She smiles big and bright and full of gratitude. “Seriously though, this probably cost a fortune.”
“Listen Woods. You have saved all of our lives at one point or another, and we promised ourselves to give you something your have never had in return. So just take the damn gift, put your jersey on and let's go. Unless you missed the part about those being for tonight.” Raven, always direct and to the point, shouts sternly. It takes Lexa a few minutes to find appropriate clothing in multiple layers, but once she does, the group heads off for the Polis City Premiere Sports Complex. This addition to the city happened about five years ago, and Lexa has never been. It seems as though tonight will be a night of firsts. The four friends make their way into the building, going through various security checkpoints and tickets scanning personnel. When they finally reach their seats, Lexa’s jaw hits the floor. Slowly, almost shyly, she reaches up and brushes her fingers on the thick plastic panel between her and the ice rink.
“Our tickets are on the glass.” She breathes out, it's not a question, because Lexa Woods knows how to read a damn ticket. It's a statement being made by a girl that is in complete shock and awe. Lincoln and Raven excuse themselves to buy beer, which Lexa politely declines. She and Anya take their seats and stare at the empty rink.
“Well. This should be fun. I've only ever sat up there.” Anya points to the upper deck of the arena and nudges her friend. “You okay?”
“Huh, me? I’m great! This… this is great!” Lexa nearly yells with her excitement. It takes about ten minutes for the other two to return with beer and some snacks. They all chat casually and consume the purchases. Lexa’s attention is pulled from Raven's current story when someone takes the seat next to her. She turns slightly and sees a gorgeous blonde depositing herself in the chair and a young man with long brown hair taking the chair next to her. He immediately pulls his phone out and immerses himself in it. She sees the blonde look at the phone, look at the side of his face and then sigh. She decides that no one near her is going to have a bad night, because this is her once in a lifetime game and no drama is going to ruin it.
She clears her throat lightly before speaking to the blonde. “Uh, hi, I'm Lexa.”
The blonde turns and eyes her curiously before she answers. “Clarke.”
“Clarke.” She repeats, trying out the syllables and how they roll off her tongue. “That's an unusual name for a girl, but I like it. Clarke.” She sees the blonde shudder slightly, and chalks it up to the cold from the ice. “Have you been to a game before, Clarke?”
“Oh, yeah. These are my dad’s season tickets. I come to games all the time with him.” Clarke's voice is husky, but still soft in a way Lexa can't really explain. She thinks, maybe if she hears more of it, that she could figure out exactly what she is hearing.
“Season tickets right here? Wow. Your dad has good taste.”
“He does. How about you?”
“Well, I like to think I have good taste, but these three disagree I am sure.” She points over her shoulder to her friends, how have somehow seemed to not notice she was no longer involved in their conversation. But then Clarke is laughing, not a full belly all out laugh, but more than a chuckle.  Lexa can't help but smile at the blonde, and give her a confused look. She decides right there, that she needs to hear that sound again.
“Not that, silly. Have you been to a game before?”
Lexa rubs the back of her neck attempting to hide her embarrassment. “Oh, um. Yeah. But I sat way up at the top in the old arena. I think my back was against the wall.”
“It's been more than 5 years since you've been to a game? The Marcus Kane jersey makes sense now.”
She smiled brightly at the recognition of her childhood hero. “Yeah, he was my dad's favorite player. The game I went to was his last home game ever.”
“Kane retired in early ‘08. What have you been doing with your life for the past 8 1/2 years?” The blonde rests her chin on her hand and waits for her answer.
“Damn, Clarke you're like, a walking stat book or something.” Her answer was cut off by a third voice.
“I am gonna go get a drink. I'll be right back.” The man boy announced as he stood and began walking away.
Clarke sighed deeply. “Yeah I would love one, Finn, thank you for being so considerate.” She grumbled under her breath.
“So, um, anyway. Where is your father tonight?”
“He and my mom took a trip. Paris then Amsterdam.”
“Still in love after all this time?” She pretend swooned with her voice, causing Clarke to smile again.
“Very much. Yes. What about you, what brings you here?”
Lexa looks over her shoulder at her three friends. “I just got home, and my friends decided to surprise me with a ticket.”
Clarke leans forward to look around Lexa, catching a glimpse of the three next to her. “That's awfully nice of them.” She locks eyes with Anya for a brief second, but it was long enough to peak the older blonde's curiosity.
“Lexa, are you making new friends and trying to replace us, all while we are sitting right here?”
“Never. Anya, Lincoln, Raven this is Clarke.” She points to each person as she says their name. “Clarke, my three favorite people in this city.” Clarke offers a small wave accompanied by a smile, which was quickly wiped away as she felt Finn dump his body into the seat next to her dramatically. The announcement of the teams taking the ice bellowed through the PA system. The lights dimmed and music started playing as the teams skate out. Their seats are right behind the home bench and Lexa is watching intently as some of the coaches and players come to sit right in front of her. Once both teams are on the ice, the announcer introduces a young woman, Harper McIntyre, to sing the national anthem. Everyone rose from their seats and took their various positions while looking to the flag. Some have their hands over their heart, some have them behind their back, but Clarke glances over to see the four new people in her row standing at full attention, like her uncle does when he comes to games. She elbows Finn who looks to her curiously, then looks at the four and shrugs as if to say ‘so what?’
Once the song is over and everyone unseated again, Clarke leans forward as addresses the group next to her. “Thank you for your service.”
Lexa smiles at her, and notices Finn still engrossed in his phone. Flirting with Clarke now seemed like a really good idea. “If it takes fighting a war to meet a beautiful girl like you, it will have been worth it.”
Clarke is laughing again, and now Lexa is wondering how hard she will have to work for this girl's number because, damn if she isn't addicted to that sound. “Did you just quote Hamilton?”
“Ad-libbed a bit but yes, I did.”
It is time for the game to start, and the first puck drop is happening about 75 feet away from them. Tonight's match-up is the Polis Grounders vs the Arkadia Sky. Just behind Lexa is a group of Ark fans who have dubbed themselves Sky Crew. Lexa surveys the rink and her eyes land on the Sky’s best player. She leans over to her new found walking stat book and begins asks, “You think the Grounder can pick up Blake in the off season?”
“Maybe.” The blonde sighs. “I don't know if I want him though. He's a great player, but when they lose he puts the blame on everyone else. Even when he plays poorly, it's not his fault. Our team functions so we'll under Coach Indra, one cohesive unit. I think his big head would throw a wrench in that.” Lexa hums in response. The trade commentary back and forth through the first period, laughing at each others impression of a sports announcer. During the first intermission, Lexa excuses herself to accompany Anya and Lincoln to get drinks, leaving Raven at their seats.
They reach the beer line and Anya breaks away for the bathroom. “So, Commander, having fun?”
“So much. Thank you for this. Really.”
Lincoln chuckles softly. “Don't thank me. Just make sure you get that girl's number, okay?”
“Yeah. I am working on it.” Lincoln orders them each a beer, and he and Lexa head back to their seats. About halfway down the steps, she notices Clarke isn't in her seat and Finn is sitting next to Raven, who clearly looks uncomfortable. Upon arriving, she looks over Finn, clearly judgmentally. “Your seat is over there.”
He looks to Lexa smugly. “I am just trying to be friendly here, while my girl is getting whatever it is that she wanted.” She scoffs at him and shoos him down to his own seat taking hers next to Clarke's. The second period goes pretty much the same way as the first until about midway through when the Grounders score a goal. Lexa and her friends all high-five each other then she turns to Clarke for one as well. The blonde is screaming her head off and cheering as loud as possible. She turns to Lexa and envelopes her in a crushing hug, then pulls back quickly, completely mortified.
“I, uh, um. Sorry. I just got really excited because Ryder is a good friend of my dad's and that's his hundredth career goal.” The blonde rushed out quickly, embarrassed and blushing slightly. There is a knock on the glass in front of them, Ryder is there, waving and smiling brightly and Clarke gives him a thumbs up. They take their seats again and Clarke leans over slightly. “Again, sorry.”
“Clarke. Please stop apologizing. I'd take a hug from you anytime, no matter the reason.”
Clarke looks to her somewhat shyly. “Okay.”
During the rest if the second period they trade information about themselves. Lexa finds out that Clarke is a surgical resident at Polis General. Clarke finds out that Lexa was just honorably discharged from the Marines, and has a job lined up with Polis PD.  Her friends call her 'Commander' because of a running joke, not because of actual rank.Clarke finds out that Lexa is single, and has been for a while, Lexa finds out that this is Clarke and Finn’s forth date. Lexa assumes there won't be a fifth. When the second intermission starts, Clarke mentions they stop serving everything once the third period begins.
Lexa leans over slightly and nearly whispers in the blonde's ear. “Can I buy you a drink?” Clarke nods enthusiastically, then looks at Finn and frowns. “Don't worry about him, he can just stay and hit on Raven like last intermission, but I'll make sure you have a good time. I promise.” She sticks her hand out for Clarke to take, and she does. They quickly walk up the stairs and Clarke pulls her arm slightly. “We can use the club level bar, we don't have to go out there.” Lexa nods and allows Clarke to lead her. The club is not empty, but there are far less people than the concourse. There is a large square bar in the middle of the room and the girls sidle up to it, leaning on the bar facing each other.
“Was Finn really hitting on your friend while I was gone?” She asked with a small frown.
“He was, but don't worry about him. He's not good enough for you anyway.”
“And how would you know that?”
Lexa looks at her before she explains, just as the bartender comes over. “Well. Wait, first what would you like to drink?”
“Whatever you are having.”
“Two Coors Lite's please.” Lexa orders and pays the man, then turns back to her companion. “As I was saying. #1. He has barely spoken to you all night. #2. I am assuming you didn't make him buy the ticket from your dad, so he is here for free and made you buy your own drink last intermission. That automatically makes him a douchebag in my book, and you deserve much better than that. #3. I haven't heard him tell you how beautiful you are, and that is just unforgivable.”
Clarke reaches up just slightly and plays with the hemline on the taller girl's jersey as she bites her lower lip. “You, Commander Lexa Woods, are one smooth woman.” Just as Lexa is contemplating reaching out and tucking a loose lock of blonde hair behind the girl's ear, the buzzer sounds signalling the start of the third period. They make their way, hand in hand, back to their seats. Upon arrival, Clarke sees Finn talking to the woman next to him, Costia. Her and her dad have season tickets as well, so Clarke knows her somewhat. She thinks it's odd that she isn't jealous, but then she realizes, she has been doing the same thing all night. She taps him on the shoulder to get his attention, and Lexa watches as they have an intense discussion. She turns her attention back to the game, attempting to avoid being nosy.
A shit goes wide of the Polis goal and a Sky player gets slammed into the wall hard. He is clearly pissed and grabs the Grounder who hit him and begins swinging. The two go at it for a few seconds before the ref breaks it up. Arkadia calls a timeout, with two and a half minutes left in the game.
The announcer brings everyone's attention to the jumbotron for the start of the kiss cam.
“I love the kiss cam. People's reactions are priceless.” Clarke says pulling Lexa’s attention away from the screen briefly.
She nods and agrees then looks back up and laughs as she watches people get surprised, then lean over and kiss their partner. She can hear Clarke laughing next to her and it makes her smile even bigger. Then the camera flicks to Clarke and Finn, and Lexa’s stomach drops. She doesn't want to watch the beautiful girl she just met kiss that douche. Clarke though, she seemed to be prepared. She turns her body slightly and grabbed a fist full of jersey, pulling her intended kiss victim to close, then planted her lips softly on Lexa’s. There are cheers and hoots coming from the other people in the arena, but Lexa doesn't care. The kiss cam moves off of them as play continues on the ice. Neither girl pull back yet, in fact Lexa pushes more confidently forward, finding perfect rhythm with the blonde. They finally pull back when Anya clears her throat behind Lexa. They break apart just in time to see Ryder break away toward the empty net on the Ark side. He flicks the puck perfectly into the net as the buzzer sounds.
Cheers erupt and quickly fade. People begin moving out if the arena and Lexa can't find it in herself to move away from the girl who just kissed her.
Clarke seems to have the same mindset, but came to a much quicker resolution. “So, there is a bar not too far from here called the Dropship. I think I owe you a drink.”
“That sounds great. What happened to Finn?” the man-boy seems to have disappeared.
Clarke smiled at her. “I told him he should ask Costia out since it wasn't really working out between us, and I was attracted to someone else.”
“I see.” Lexa leaned forward and kissed her cheek. The she stood and offered her hand. “Come on beautiful, let's celebrate this win.”
Celebrate they did. Eventually, Lexa convinced Jake Griffin to make sure they got to go to at least one Sky vs Grounder game a year. The third year, Lexa proposed. The fifth year, Clarke was pregnant. The tenth year, five year old Aden Griffin-Woods was given a puck from his favorite player, Marcus Kane Jr.
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gonzoisdead · 7 years ago
Rec. League Rage Revisited
There was mould on the mitt when I found it. Spending winter on the floor of a wet shed will have that effect on a black, leather baseball glove. The white crust at the top of the webbing was nothing to be mad about: It meant the old thing was useable — and not lost. It’s the same glove I used as a teenager, playing every summer until high school when the sport I love most finally lost its fun. Unable to reconcile my competitive nature with a subpar throwing arm and low batting average, I quit and committed myself to umpiring. I lost interest in officiating, too, after a few years. So, I quit baseball. Again. Meanwhile, my glove sat unused in my dad’s garage until the second half of university when an internship sent me to Calgary for three months. Not knowing many people, I was lucky to get an invitation to join a slo-pitch team. Mostly this experience reminded me about how much I love the little parts of baseball: Yelling how many outs to your teammates every inning, throwing the ball around the horn when you get an out with no runners on base, saying “around the horn.” Oh, the sayings. More than anything about the game, I love the talking. “Let’s get on the sticks!” “Good eye!” “Grip it and rip it, bud!” But I was also reminded of how abrasive I can be socially. I am cursed with enthusiasm that translates only into intensity and an inability to be nice to people I don’t like. I never got mad about losing during rec. league slo-pitch and I was never, ever harder on a teammate than I was on myself. But the friend who invited me came up once after a bad inning with a gentle reminder about how the game was supposed to be fun. Oh, right. Fun. So, I nurtured a new love for cheering on my teammates, enjoying seeing someone break out of a slump or make a good catch on a tough ball. Still, though, the intensity flared up: Diving in a sleeveless shirt and skinning my shoulder, cussing too much and talking trash. Anyhow, I faced no consequences for my attitude. A few years later, living in Regina again, I was invited to join a dodgeball team. Dodgeball is a hilarious game and paying to play it as adults is ridiculous.   Nobody in the world should take dodgeball seriously. So, it’s difficult to justify getting kicked out of a dodgeball league. There were two incidents cited in my banning: Punching a scoreboard and flipping off another team. Both were childish; both I can explain away. Hearing these reasons cited through my team captains — who are classy people and not at all the type to get kicked out of a recreational dodgeball league — was still embarrassing despite the delicate manner in which the news was delivered. Later, somebody from my team mentioned the ejection to my dad. The majority of a family dinner after that was spent discussing my blacklist status from the league over a game meant only for children. Highlight reel stuff. This spring, about two years after “banned from rec. league” was added to my list of accomplishments, I got the itch to play a sport again. Having fond memories of my slo-pitch experience in Calgary, I tried my luck with the same league that booted me. Using a fake name. Soon, the email came with the list of people on Monday Singles, which, as its name suggests, was made up of 13 players who joined the league without teams. Austino Davies was one of them. To earn favour with my new teammates, I volunteered to pick up the equipment, an act of generosity that designated me as the team’s captain. I learned everybody’s name and cheered for them all. I volunteered to sit and to play any position left over. I tried to cuss less. I was determined to not be “the intense guy.” I was forced to have fun because I was so damn bad. I couldn’t stop a grounder, catch a fly or hit a line drive, so I hustled in and out of the dugout and tried to provide some levity in what was genuinely bad baseball. Our team would finish the short season with a 3-6 record. I had to ask myself: What am I hoping to gain here? Most of the players on the team were new to the city and were playing as a way to meet people. As it turned out, Monday Singles was an astutely accurate team name. Going out for drinks with a group of lonely, horny people once was enough. Even during the first few games, there was an air of people figuring out if they were going to have sex with each other. All this time, I was just trying to be chill. This is not my default. Knowing I was only playing for fun with a bunch of strangers made it easier to not lose my cool over little things. I realized I had to fix my swing after hitting nothing but grounders. So, I focused on putting some loft and power on the ball. I actually ended up looking forward to slo-pitch on Mondays for a couple months. But as the season progressed, I developed friction with one of the Singles, a tall Ontarian named Dan. Dan bugged me from the start. By the second game, I noticed he was continuously criticizing the play of our Indian teammate who had no baseball experience. I didn’t think it was a coincidence that Dan was toughest on the team’s lone visible minority member. In the final game, my tension with Dan boiled over. We were playing poorly and Dan was still being tough on Harshil, yelling where to stand in the outfield and chastising him for not hitting the cutoff man. So I called him out in front of the team. After fumbling for an explanation, he went on the offensive and spent the next few innings loudly bashing me. This was the exact type of confrontation I had wanted to avoid by joining rec. league sports again. But, knowing I was in the right (and that Dan was a dick), I held my ground and tried to focus on playing well. I played fine but the team did not. After an inning of cold war tactics, the conflict reached its peak when Dan walked over to me on the sidelines and asked if I was going to fight him. “I’m not hitting anybody,” I replied, “but if you want to do something, go right ahead.” He wasn’t throwing a punch either, he said, not really resolving the situation. Neither of us apologized and we continued playing. Out in the field, as the other team’s score finally got out of reach and my patience was dissolved, I was prepared to be ultra petty. With the season minutes from over, and therefore being minutes away from never interacting with Dan, or any of my other teammates, ever again. So, after an opponent had a big hit, I watched from the infield as Dan threw the ball to me. I turned slightly as it passed from center field. Then I stood, watching it roll to the backstop. Ultra petty. Dan came and tried to make peace after. I agreed to a truce. We finished the game, did the “three cheers,” shook hands with our opponents and said our final goodbyes. I picked up the bases to return them and get my deposit back. The Monday Singles were no more. I walked back to my car slowly, with nobody around, crossing the open park and looking at the colours of the sunset. I was still embarrassed and slightly sad about again letting my rage flare during non-competitive sports. But, I stand by my belief that Dan was being a dick to the team’s only visible minority for nine games and nobody said anything. So, despite still being extremely petty, I feel better about my actions knowing that I did the right thing without laying hands on somebody. Even if I can’t make friends, I’m still trying to be a grown ass man. Still, it’s dumb macho shit — like every detail described above — that explains pretty accurately why women outlive men. Laughing at myself, I threw the bag of gear into my trunk for the last time. Nothing had really changed over two months. I didn’t learn anything about myself I didn’t already know. I hadn’t become a better person or a better batter. Truthfully, I had spent $80 to spend my Monday nights with a random assortment of people in the hopes of capturing adolescent moments of innocent fun. There were a couple moments when I was successful in that pursuit. But, ultimately, when we walked away for the last time, all those people were still strangers, just as they were before. The mitt went back in storage, right next to my social skills, back to gathering mould.
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kinetic-elaboration · 5 years ago
November 18: Thoughts on The 100 2x07
Okay, gonna try this again with another ep. Long Into the Abyss
The last time I was watching T100 I was back at the beginning of S2 so I could remind myself of some stuff for a fic so now I’m really out of sorts.
I remember watching this ep for the first time and thinking, ‘oh, I guess Keenan isn’t going to be important, then.’ The fucked-up-ness levels of this scene are supremely underrated. Much like how they experiment on Maya--they know no shame. Also I feel like the implication is that Keenan isn’t the first person they’ve killed in this way. Does no one.... miss them? Why was there no revolt from the populace on the grounds of ‘they’re experimenting on us’ if not on the grounds of ‘they’re experimenting on these random kids’?
That Keenan was felled by rain makes me think that the rain was....dun dun dun, acid the whole time.
“Civilian check-in will take place at 0900 hours. All civilians must be accounted for by your station supervisors.” I mean first there are only two stations lol but otherwise... collecting more data for the Ark AU.
“This is not our home, it’s theirs” is SUCH a retcon and I’m still angry about it.
It makes absolutely no sense that Abby is still in charge even though the duly elected Chancellor is back in the settlement. I mean I know they’re just making shit up now but they’re not even trying.
Jaha’s faith would be more compelling if it didn’t mean randomly abandoning big chunks of his people--not just Marcus and the 48 but every other station that may or may not be out there. I guess he still sees them as a whole not as individuals or even as sub-parts. (I’d say he’s being selfish but in fact he will sacrifice himself too.)
This would have been a good time to lean even more into the 100 as a distinct people all their own. Clarke (and co.) care about the 48 than anything else. But no one else does, really; they were already thrown away.
That was the worst speech Chancellor 1 and Chancellor 2 could have given because now it’s super obvious they are not on the same page.
“The Grounders are attacking because of me” is 100% true and you should say it. People in this fandom love to hate on fuckboy Finn but the actual main characters stuck behind him right up until the bitter end lol, let’s not forget that.
Also yes Clarke’s line is stupid (”The Grounders are attacking because that’s what they do”) but.... she’s not entirely wrong that the Grounders have historically targeted them for almost no reason, over and over, since day one. So yeah they’d probably be attacking anyway. Not five minutes ago Jaha was saying they were just trying to get ‘invaders’ off their land so....yeah no one knows.
Raven’s Gate!
The Mount Weather delinquents! I love them. I love their group dynamic. I love the bizarre way Jasper is sitting, and how much faith he has in Clarke, and Monty being the voice of pessimistic reason. I do not love Monty’s hair. That is an unfortunate cut.
Says the boy whose crime was being a stoner.
Like tbh now that I’ve looked at the whole season from afar, trying to make it make sense for fic writing purposes, I see that this whole ep’s story line probably mostly exists just to buy some time while actual progress is made outside the Mountain but... I still love it.
Give Ricky Whittle an Emmy lol.
S2 Clarke was such peak Clarke... she’s so smart. Figuring everything out all the time.
[All Grunting]
David Miller is the true and only MVP I said what I said.
Mount Weather population: 382. You know people can give bone marrow without dying. Perhaps you could stop being so greedy and impatient.
Octavia trying to be brave and strong while looking young and scared and small is Endearing.
Totally forgot Nyko was a healer.
Or an Angel of Death lol.
I’m just going to say it. Bellamy was turned on by Clarke electrocuting Nyko.
I’m not super crazy about the Finn and Lincoln comparisons given that Finn acted of his own free will and Lincoln was turned into a cannibal.
The only scenes that really matter are the MW ones as per usual.
“Ye of little faith.”
“That’s my boy.”
I love Miller’s little thief kit omg. And Monty the Stereotypical Hacker.
“And they said we wouldn’t amount to anything.” UNDERRATED LINE.
“Abby, you cannot seriously be taking seriously the thoughts of a teenage girl we previously agreed was completely expendable lol??”
I’d say ‘why do the Grounders need such a comically large force to wipe out a tiny little enclave of scared refugees’ but of course the last time they went up against an even tinier group of refugees they got roasted, toasted, and burned to a crisp so...fair enough.
“She was Anya’s second” as in that should matter because Clarke and Anya were such good friends....?
Jaha hates not being in power so bad. Like he’s this-close from saying ‘Abby stop playing and hand over the pin to a real adult.’ Like he truly thinks she’s just fucking around and he’s entitled to the final say because...habit I guess?
Another point to Finn: if they left they would NEVER come back for the MW kids lol. What an obvious lie. Does Jaha believe his own bs??
Also someone should have pointed out that the Grounders have literally never been good faith with them. Never. Like who says that if the Ark left the Alpha Station site that the Grounders wouldn’t pursue them and kill them anyway? The delinquents abandoned the dropship site and were followed and attacked. (Am I mis-remembering or was ‘leave or die’ the offer then too?) The Ark doesn’t know how much land “belongs” to Trikru (prob because none of it does lol). Like, Jaha’s confidence that Lexa wasn’t lying to him the whole time--like every other time she opens her mouth, because almost everything she says is in fact a lie--is wildly misplaced imho.
All of that said and I completely stand by it--he’s not wrong that he’s the real Chancellor and it is ridiculous that the actual elected Chancellor has to beg the rando who just happens to have the pin to do something. Like--he is right  on the procedure but wrong on the substance is what I’m saying.
And here another example of how only the person who controls the army has real power.
Remember when Abby and Clarke had a good relationship? And it was significant and moving? Anyway another answer to ‘why are you throwing everything away on this plan’ would be ‘because it’s not a shitty plan, you’re just not hearing it out,’ or alternately ‘because we need to deserve to live as I have already said back in the pilot and walking away from MW would be morally abhorrent.’
Netflix subtitles don’t know Miller’s name lol.
MW surveillance of Alpha Station.
Honestly as soon as the stuff with the Grounders moves to the fore I just zone out. Maybe it’s because the tension is gone when you know what happens or maybe it’s because I never really believed ADC but...eh. She has a cool glove though.
They really do hammer home the idea that the MM aren’t really “alive.” Someone bring back that ‘they’re the souls in the underworld’ meta stat.
“This is our world. We deserve this.” Imo this is the hubris of the descendant of American Executive Branch survivors, the belief that, because they were chosen to live for their importance to the whole concept of America, that they now deserve not just survival but a return to that which they themselves destroyed. (I know in this universe it was some rogue AI blah blah blah--it’s more interesting if it was a nuclear war in the traditional sense in my opinion.) Dante has the other side of the argument: We are the keepers of history. The responsibility, over the entitlement. And he recognizes that this legacy is already stained, perhaps irrevocably. Is it ridiculous that he drew his line in the sand? Did he even make that decision, about the Grounders, or did his father make it? Does he think it’s okay because the Grounders are ‘savages’? Because the MM can survive without the bone marrow but not without the blood?
I’m going to be honest, I have no idea what the concept is here with saving Lincoln. Like is this real science about overdoses or just like shit made up as they went along? The only thing I got was the heart thing with the electric shock but like...unclear on the rest... is it just waiting out the detox, I guess?
The dropship has a cute tiled floor. I never noticed that.
They didn’t lie! They were just being as dramatic as possible! Griffin women specialty.
I never shipped M/inty but that was a nice moment. Love those attempts to expand Miller’s character. Also completely forgot that what Miller found was the engineering schematics.
“It’s not complicated really. We just need to keep them alive long enough for the drug to leave their system.” Okay so I was basically right. Not sure how she came to that conclusion from the fight scene but w/e.
L just strikes me as like a young person pretending to be a leader rather than like an actual leader... I’m sorry. But that’s just my read.
Anyway here she is, bad faith as always--moving the goalposts again. “You can have your truce if I get one thing”--LADY YOU GOT YOUR ONE THING THE FUCKING REAPERS HELLO. You don’t get a second thing. I mean fuck really you’re already getting two things: the Reapers and an ally in taking down the Mountain. Now you want a third thing?? No. No more things.
“The one you call Finn”--see, honestly, fake. You’re from fucking Baltimore, no one talks like this or has ever talked like this in the history of human speech.
Anyway, that was intellectually exhausting. Missed seeing my girl Maya. And even more importantly, Raven. And Bellamy had so little to do. He looked damn fine though.
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