#but as per his ever-evolving musical style I’m sure this will be magical
allinsideyourhead · 1 year
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Seven Psalms is out tomorrow(!!!), so for no reason in particular, here’s Paul in a pink t-shirt.
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jq37 · 5 years
oh WOW that new bloodkeep ep
**spoilers for family in freefall bloodlines and lifelines**
Man this episode was a lot. Probably my fave of the season so far.
Brennan seems to have an M.O. in terms of plotting things. They way we got a focus on each character in a stressful situation reminded me a lot of Family in Flames from the FH season which came at about the same point in the story.
Anyway, we start with Brennan giving the most unnecessarily verbose description of falling ever.
I am actually not sure how big Lilith is supposed to be in relation to everyone else at this point. Or how big her kids are supposed to be. I thought the really young ones were like straight spiders but like Jessa and the boy who’s name I’m forgetting were centaur style like her. But like, idk. 
Efink insisting that she’s still holding the wheel (even though it truly means nothing) was so funny.
Both Matt and Brennan do very good re-entry sound effects.
Brennan: Feel free to do nothing.
Rekha: *SLAMS that induce labor button with no hesitation*
Truly amazing
“You feel your fire break.”
Leiland falling to his doom while bossa nova music plays in the background and rolling his eyes at Maggie is iconic.
Everyone is dying and Sohkbar is just like, fine.
Lilith polymorphs into a full ass spider.
Even though it ended up going sideways (literally) not a bad plan from Markus.
Brennan is so good at scene setting exposition.
Erika acted the hell out of that moment when she and Sohkbar share a look before she tells Russel everything is gonna be OK. She didn’t have to but she did that for us.
The wheel that steers nothing metaphor was such a good turn of phrase from Bren.
Rekha goes, “THIS is the bad day,” with Kristen Bell’s inflection and I am reminded that it has not even been a full 24 hours in game since ep 1. Wild.
Anyway, Efink’s norn spirit things disappear which is what happens when you roll snake eyes I guess. Amy is legit tearing up.
Brennan’s throwaway joke of explaining story structure low key killed me.
Leiland gets advantage on perception and rolls a nat 20!
Are all of the Vingury just gay for the next person in their chain of command? Because that’s what it seems like.
Matt’s flustered Leiland as Miles implies ~things~ is adorable.
Animal handling 2, electric boogaloo. I love that joke.
Maggie is so OP. Maggie hits the ground and isn’t even at half HP. Leiland is knocked into negatives though.
His first death save is a nat 1. WHICH IS 2 FAILURES. I was so stressed.
Then J'er'em'ih rolls a nat 20 to go save him!
I love the phrase, “J'er'em'ih’s normal form” as if he has a normal anything.
“J'er'em'ihdeserves the credit.”
Anyway J'er'em'ih(w/ an assist from Sohkbar) saves Leiland!
Rekha was so concerned for John. Like, not even Maggie. Rekha.
“It’s gonna be an egg!?”
Samantha Eagles. (Of the Philadelphia Eagles?) I died at that line.
Maggie levels up and gets healing magic. (“Fuck yeah!” says Maggie.) John stabilizes.
The fact that Maggie thought it might be an egg makes me concerned that she maybe isn’t ready to be a mom.
I love that Maggie just wordlessly presents her baby to Lilith (the alpha mom of the group) like a kid showing their mom and art project.
OK, this is such a tiny moment but I love, love, love that Maggie has a good enough relationship with Lilith that when she heard what she thought was a threat to her baby, she just asked, “Is that a threat to the baby?” instead of attacking her or going *Maggie will remember that* and harboring mistrust. The way she asked was so adorable. Also, Lilith would never.
Markus floats basically the exact same plan as Lilith (defect to good, get pardons) but at least he uses it as a plan of true last resort.
Lilith being the keeper of basically all of Efink’s self esteem is great. Also, everyone has to keep reminding her that she is queen.
“As the resident magnificent failure.”
“Allow me to be the basis for your self comparison. That’s the best I can offer you.” LEILAAAAAAAND.
Anyway, Leiland gives a great pep talk to Efink who throws her spell cards over her shoulder irl (”it’s an RP episode. it’s fine”).
Amy to Brennan who is about to start roasting Efink’s entire life: Don’t do this.
So when Brennan said, “Efink gets to decide right now if she’s good at magic.” I was thinking, that’s a big thing to put in a PC’s hands unless you want the answer to be yes. Because, in another story, “No,” might be the better answer narratively, but who’s gonna voluntarily nerf themselves like that?
So Efink dips into an episode of Friendship is Magic which Brennan beautifully picks up the narration for and gets the info they need without rolling for it. She also has some major self actualization and is now dry, less vain, and less dramatic.
It kinda seems like this was leading towards Lilith being the new leader what with her thoughts while she was falling and her being passed up for the promotion but, come on. She would have to make a crazy soul rending deal to just take the crown normally and she has kids and common sense. Otherwise, I think Erika would have made that play.
“Is my son a different player than me?” I love Rekha.
Like Leiland, I fully thought she was gonna name the kids John at first. (Are you ‘allowed’ to jr. a kid who isn’t named after you or your spouse? I’ve never seen someone do that. As in, add the jr., not name a kid after a friend).
I love that Matt roleplays Leiland into so many awkward moments. A good RP-er doesn’t care about their character being cool all the time.
“I’m naming him after the name of yours that I prefer.” That was so sweet.
“First of all, J'er'em'ih’s an excellent judge of character.”
Everyone coming together to make Leiland feel better was so so sweet. These guys are like the exact opposite of murder hobos in a game where they 100% have the right to be.
The baby tells Leiland to kneel and he just does it because of course he does. (Leiland later: I HAVE A VERY PARTICULAR SET OF SKILLS)
Maggie after Leiland swears total fealty to Leiland Jr: Can’t you keep anything at like 80%?
Efink rolls a nat 20 on her check to navigate the Bloodkeep, basically completing her self actualization arc.
Leiland resists the urge to chase Hamhead, completing a portion of his arc.
The running thing of people giving Maggie biologically incorrect info on kids because of their drastically different biology.
Aww all of Lilith’s kids.
Lilith dispel magicking the book golem, implying she could have done that at any time and just chose not to.
Leiland apologizes to Maggie for being bitchy to her out of jealously, which I thought was sweet but was just the warm up act for what was about to happen.
But, before that, Maggie’s dad calls and Efink hangs up on him for her. For a second I thought that cutting off the call meant we wouldn’t get to see what was behind the doors but, luckily, that wasn’t the case.
(Also Sohkbar and Lilith eating popcorn as Maggie and her dad fight).
Did Efink appoint herself high adviser?
“Please don’t bite him,” *Leiland Jr. bites a spider*
So, anyway, Leiland and Maggie go into the portal and see visions of (1) weird sex between Zaul and Lilith and (more importantly), (2) Zaul bagging on Maggie when she’s not around/thirsting after Leiland when he’s not around.
The simile about winning the lottery after you find out money can’t buy you happiness was so good.
“What a fucking pig!”/“I agree.”/“Oh, do you?”/“Actually I do.”
Instead of being mad at Leiland (or Lilith for that matter) she just doubled down on being mad at her dickhead ex. And Leiland, instead of being all winner winner chicken dinner just felt bad for Maggie and Decklan.
“Was this something the baby should have seen?”/“No.”
“This is one of the lesser times it’s bad to say your father’s name.” Yikes Leiland.
Anyway, the whole hang makes plans to take Sohkbar shopping and it really fits in with the theme of this ep of everyone boosting everyone’s self esteem. This ep has a lot of genuinely heartwarming moments.
“Sohkbar yes. Sohkbar yes. Sohkbar yes.”
“What did you roll? [28] You see everything.”
Leiland Jr. as new king seems like a questionable decision imo but I’m not gonna backseat RP.
“You guys start engaging in a fun conversation about statecraft.”
“Lilith, I’d like a hug.” Lilith hugs her and kicks her legs up like she’s in the climax of a romcom.
The whole group hugs and Brennan calls them out and has a NPC call them out, even though he’s the person who led them to this path!
Man, the promo for this ep really made it sound more dire and less heartwarming that it actually was.
“Imagine there’s 9 squares in a grid.” TRAPP
That like 20 seconds had so many good lines. “We’re cutting out the middle man and taking evil straight to you.”/“We’re evolving evil.”/“We’re disrupting evil.”
Now that I think about it, they really haven’t escaped the bloodkeep so far, have they? They’ve been going back and forth between it but not really trying to escape it per se. 
Olag is back because, again, of course he is.
Final battle y'all!
Sounds like we’re getting actual Gollum next week so that should be fun. Also, very curious to see what that last, “No,” is in response to. These guys are good at cutting trailers so it could be nothing serious, but who knows?
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