#but as it turns out super supplements just sells vitamins
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theradicalace · 3 months ago
tbh, the "super supplements" place right next to zips sounds more like a weed store than the actual weed store
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solesurvivorpaigeargot · 4 years ago
Musing On Stimpaks
So in the item descriptions of stimpaks in various Fallout games, its noted that stimpaks stimulate cell regeneration and red blood cell production. This makes a lot of sense, since they're suggested to be a sort of battlefield first aid-- an 'apply to prevent bleedout' sort of item, boosting the system and stopping the worst of internal/arterial bleeding... but in a wide world of radiation, I see a more pointed purpose that also leads to some fascinating implications, as well as possible dangers of stimpak overuse.
See, our cells response to radiation is mass suicide. This is what happens when you get a sunburn. That redness, inflammation, and heat on your skin? Its not a traditional burn like you touched something hot. That is dermal cells going OH SHIT THOSE UV RAYS DAMAGED OUR DNA INSTRUCTIONS, WE'RE GONNA SELF DESTRUCT FOR THE GOOD OF THE BODY NOW. It is peacemeal tissue death-- thus why severe sunburns lead to peeling as whole sections of skin on the upper layers die off at the same time. Should these cells fail to execute this failsafe, this damage can lead to cancer because the part of a cell's instructions that tells them to respond to your body's signals on when to divide gets damaged.
This is what radiation does. It blasts off parts of our cellular instructions, and malfunctioning cells either kill themselves, are killed by the immune system, or start malfunctioning with incomplete instructions. Deeper ionizing radiation does the same, just to tissues deeper in the body, and ups the chances that a malignant error may occur.
Now let us consider the fact that Radaway doesn't restore health. It lowers radiation you've already picked up, detoxes your tissues... but it doesn't heal them. But the stimpak does
Because the stimpak kicks off cell regeneration-- to replace the cells lost to their own failsafe process.
Here's the thing tho-- unless stimpaks are filled with fucking Soylent, that means your body is using its own resources to repair damage, just faster... which means that anyone who uses a stimpak is gonna be FUCKING EXHAUSTED and SUPER HUNGRY once they're out of danger as their body burns through all internally available resources to heal damage and replace blood. And blood! Blood requires WATER, and you better be chugging it like a nutter who just found an oasis in the desert unless you want the ratio of red blood cells to plasma to be so off that it turns to sludge in your veins and causes cardiac arrest with the overstrain of the heart trying to circulate it.
And finally, lets talk folate.
Folate is an intensely important nutrient that humans usually pick up from leafy green veggies. Its abundant in kale and spinach, beet greens and asparagus. Why is it so important? Its a key ingredient in cell genesis-- the process of making new cells. Folate deficiency can lead to lethargy and body soreness as the body can't replace damaged cells at an optimal rate, and modern humans RIGHT NOW in the US tend to get not as much as they need, thus why its in pretty much any 'enriched' wheat product you've ever eaten. Check your pasta, your cereal, and your bread, most products that use enriched flour have had folate added.
Y'know what else has a butt ton of folate?
Pregnancy vitamins.
Pregnant persons who don't get enough folate tend towards having kiddos with a horrifying condition wherein the tissues of the back never seal over the spine, so the kid is born with their spinal cord and canal exposed. This results in death most of the time, so pre natal vitamins have a stupid amount of folate in them.
Conclusion-- people in Fallout who tend to get in a lot of firefights will pay top caps for folate supplements, and scavenged pre natal vitamins will sell for stupid amounts.
Secondary conclusion-- if a person is folate deficient, isn't eating well, or is dehydrated, a stimpak may actually do more harm than good.
Tertiary conclusion-- rad away stops the process of mass cell death in response to radiation poisoning, but you're still gonna be barfing up blood as your stomach gets rid of the cell lining thats already dead, and you're still gonna get ulcers and otherwise if you don't take the needed steps to replace those lost cells ASAP.
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theotherstephencobert · 4 years ago
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I do not claim to know much about nutritional supplements; for example, it's been some 35 years since CoQ10 gained popularity as a supplement and to this day I couldn't tell you what it does or who should be taking it. There is a supplement I have been taking for about a month now and seems to be working for me.
Before I get into that, though, a couple of "caveats".
A long time ago, I found an article from (I think) a Seventeen magazine that my daughter had torn out and kept. It was about vitamins and nutritional supplements, and one of the things the author told the (mostly teenage) readers was, "Do not buy or use supplements from health food or supplement stores. These are designed for seasoned athletes who are trying to shave a few hundredths of a second off their time in running 50 yards." That may be going a little far: I would tell them to use a supplement if their doctor or coach instructed them to, by all means. But there is probably some wisdom in telling people not to take things they don't understand just because it's getting a lot of attention in the press or on social media, or just because someone is promoting it as a cure-all or solve-all.
And by the same token, I would tell anyone in a health food or supplement store, "Nothing in here is the Underdog Super Energy Pill". To put it a little more seriously, nothing is going to instantly turn an out-of-shape, sedentary couch potato into a superhero. To put it in a way I have heard a score of times (and found out for myself), "Nothing will work unless YOU work".
With that in mind, here is what I have to say about Ashwagandha.
A little over a month ago I was online and clicked on a link to a video that claimed to have the answer as to why people just couldn't lose weight or build muscle, even with quality testosterone supplements. The reason they purported was that a hormone that was generated by stress in our bodies, Cortisol, if it was in our system in too great a quantity (like if we were always stressed out, and these days who isn't?), it was countering the effects of the body's natural testosterone and even supplements. As might be expected, the video presentation was to promote a product that they were selling online. The presentation sounded good enough, but I decided to research their claims a little and see if they were medically sound.
One supplement they claimed was a key ingredient was tribulus terrestris (and whether that did anything or not, Star Trek fans would get a kick out of the name!) The research I did suggested the video's claims were somewhat exaggerated: Several sites claimed it had only been tested on animals; other sites stated the testing on humans was "inconclusive" or "more research is needed". So I decided busting myself to find that stuff, let alone paying big bucks for it, was really not a wise course of action.
Another key ingredient was ashwagandha, and my research on that was quite a different story. It is natural, growing in India, the Middle East and parts of northern Africa. It has been used to treat anxiety and stress, literally for thousands of years. A number of clinical studies have confirmed that regular taking of ashwagandha (say, over a period of weeks or months) will reduce cortisol levels.
About a month ago I discovered my local Walmart sold powdered  ashwagandha root in 800-mg capsules, so I bought a bottle and tried it. (I also bought, and started taking, 1000-mg capsules of fish oil, which a couple of the sites suggested was helpful in controlling cortisol.) The usual dose that was mentioned in the online studies was 600 mg, so I decided one capsule per day was sufficient. I ran out of the Walmart brand recently (my friend Becky is also taking the supplement), and my local Walmart was sold out, so I went to a GNC in town and bought two bottles of their 470-mg capsules and have continued taking them.
I do not know that I can serve as a spokesperson for the effectiveness of ashwagandha. In my weight training I have successfully lifted more weight than I had, even before my recent 8-month layoff. I brought this to the attention of a pharmacist earlier this week: he confirmed the effectiveness of ashwagandha, but suggested my increase in lifting ability was more likely due to my diligence and dedication to going to the gym and pushing myself. I have to wonder, though... as dedicated as I was prior to 2020, it seems remarkable to me that I was on such a plateau for so long in my weight training, and now (especially considering how long I'd slacked off) I'm seeing some real improvement.
I'm not about to say that ashwagandha is for everyone or that it's the next great "holy grail" of health or fitness. But maybe it is worth looking into.
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manjuhitorie · 5 years ago
Hitori-Escape Tour 2019, they're at the halfway point, so time to post reports!
Disclaimer: These were all pilfered, ransacked, polished and ravished from my JP Twitter mutuals,,,, Who are all such kind souls,, Not only have they used their memory skills to seed Rie's words, but they even bothered to share the concert's happenings with the world wide web, AND they have urged me forward to keep on translating them... So I'll take the liberty to post them organized here... When you pass by any JP Rie fans on twitter, click hearts...💘 Shinoda’s name is shortened to SND, ygarshy’s to yg(a), and Yumao to Yu(ma) throughout...!
1 Hitorie's Hitori-Escape Tour, 9/3/2019 at Takutaku in Kyoto! Report! 
Yumao's tweet "Our tour starts today! I have cut my hair too short."
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The first show, the first step….
SND looked back at both of the members to say “Let’s do our best guys.” Yg nodded back. Yuma started it up…
●SND played FAST guitar while singing, yg howled out harmonies on [a] chorus. Yu snickered at one of SND's slips.
SND used Leader’s jaguar on a [very very special song].
They did their best…
●SND “Its hoooot... We always came to Takutaku in the winter so now I’m experiencing Takutaku in it's true form.... Can I take a drink break, fwaaaaah, it's hot y'know? I'm even properly hydrated y'know? This water is gonna churn in my stomach, gehh I feel sick....”
SND: "RAISE THE AIR CONDITIONING!!!!!!!!!! I DON’T GIVE A DAMN IF ALL OF THE POWER IN KYOTO GOES OUT!!!!!! GIVE TAKUTAKU ALL THE ELECTRICITY!!!!!!!!!! LIKE IT'S OPERATION YASHIMA!!!! (*In reference to the wonderful Evangelion episode: https://evangelion.fandom.com/wiki/Episode:06).
●Shinoda’s band introduction was “On bass ygarshy, on drums Yumao, and on guitar and vocals is I Shinoda. Music and lyrics brought to you by wowaka.”
●SND “Umm…We have merch…But the towels? T-shirts? They all sold out… No seriously I’m just…. We really did bring a hefty load of stock…Thank you all… Also what else sold out?” Crowd “The cap! Pens! DVD! Pouch!!” Shinoda “‘OK, whatever..... Thank you…’” ←That is exact verbatim, SND spoke in English. All that Netflix watching is showing.
●SND “By the way ygarshy, did you know they’ve stopped selling HimoQ?" yg: ....... >>>*BWOON*<<< *responds with only the sound of his bass* *HimoQ is an old school gummy candy by the brand Meiji, and-
--yg turned away with a smile that couldn’t be concealed. While behind them Yumao was playing his drums while just repeating “HimoQ.... HimoQ..... Why HimoQ...”
●Lastly there were also many reports on people being showered on by SND’s sweat. Stay hydrated please sensei
●Nishimaki Taichi their cameraman’s comment: I was drenched in the sweat of Takutaku’s splintering heat until just a minute ago, yet now that I’m almost back home, this whole day feels like it could’ve been a dream. Lol
This is the start of a fabulous new year.
●Shinoda’s comment My ears are still pulsing,,, Takutaku of Kyoto, thank you so much. I’m glad I was able to come and be a part of your 45th anniversary, I’m happy I was able to see everybody’s faces. The journey begins. We’ll be in Okayama tomorrow, hope to see you there.
●The setlists I won’t repeat, just to avoid spoilers for any possible goers!
2 Hitorie's Hitori-Escape Tour, 9/4/2019 at CRAZYMAMA 2nd Room in Okayama! Report!
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All members have interactions, I'm relieved..
●SND “Yesterday was so hot I thought I was going to puke, I’d only ever been to Takutaku in the winter not the summer… I came to Crazymama today shaking in fear but… Air conditioning is the BEST! The number one necessity for any venue is!!!! heavy-duty!!!! Air-conditioning!!!!!”
●As soon as SND started talking about yesterday, Yumao dashed up front in a rush to talk. He asked to borrow SND’s mic so he could join in on the MC,
The way they were standing next to each other got them called out for looking like a stand-up comedy duo.
●Yu “Yesterday I mouthed the words ‘Were concerts always this painful?’ to ygarsh 5 whole times and he didn’t understand me,” SND “Well of course not (laughing).” Afterwards when Yu did ask him, ygarsh responded with "They aren’t." Yu thought he was the only one dying, ah sweet relief~, he says.
●Yesterday did Yuma really get exhausted enough to collapse against the wall? Did SND slide atop speakers to then stick the landing, singing with his knees against the floor? It's out there...
●Yu and SND bickered with each other over who watches more Netflix. (They both praised the Netflix show The Naked Director etc. on Twitter recently also).
●SND “By the way ygarshy did you know that cicadas actually live longer than 1 week?”
ygarsh “BWOON♪”
(Cicada’s having only a life span of one week is a common myth in Japan. Also this interaction mimics yesterday, is SND subtly taunting yg in new ways the new staple for the Mannequin intro? Amen.)
●SND tweet: "Thank you Okayama, after doing 2 concerts in row, I see that I really am capable of singing. We'll be back,, until then,,"
●Katou Haruhisa, the founder of LUCK'A Inc. who’s produced Rie’s merch for so many tours, QRTed today's official backstage photo and strutted with pride: "They're all wearing great shirts lol #I made this"
3 Hitorie's Hitori-Escape Tour, 9/12/2019 at the five morika in Iwate prefecture! Report!
Yumao's tweet "Tomorrow is Morioka. The next day is Sendai. I hope to see you there!" 
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●In a small box with but a platform as the stage and a metal bar between the rockstars and the crowd, what happens if a SND sizzles up and sits down on the bar, gets up and gets down on the floor? FAN SERVICE. LOTS OF FAN SERVICE, THAT'S WHAT. SND was poked by fans, clapped by fan, had his head pet by a fan…. Amazing..
●SND praised the drama "Methanol” he watched on Amazon Prime. ●SND blessed the cool air of Morioka and rebuked the weather up in Tokyo. "I've still been walking around in shorts and sandals." *Looks down and checks himself out* "I ate such a ridiculous amount of grilled meat yesterday, I'm worried about my figure" "We all ate a ridiculous amount"
●SND "By the way ygarshy did you know that honeybees' body temperature can go up to 50 degrees celsius?"
 yg "....*BWOOON*" (goes into bass intro)
(The series...It's certain.. last time it was SND's provocative tidbits about a snack discontinuing.. then long-living cicadas, now..this.)
4 Hitorie's Hitori-Escape Tour, 9/13/2019 at Sendai darwin in Miyagi prefecture! Report!
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●All the effects smoke made Yumao, in the back of the stage, look like a mirage... Yumao got up and called himself a mirage... Yumirage bamboozle... From there the crowd was riled up into cheering: “Yumao~ Yumao~ You’re so cute Yumao~” 
Yuma kept posing and hugging his hands against his chest* “Thank you...” SND “You pretty boy...” Yuma “I'm snatched everybody... My wig is like snatched...” SND “Snatched, snatched... What are you a Twitter fangirl.”  (*Yumao was using the fujoshi term "尊い".) ●During encore intermission the electric fan next to the stage picked up yga’s shirt and blew it up, exposing yga. Laughter was induced among the crowd, and SND, who missed the whole thing, was left all confused as to why everyone was laughing—. ●SND “By the way ygarshy, it’s Friday the 13th but, did you know that Jason doesn’t actually use a chainsaw?”
 yg “*BWOOOON*” ●Someone dived during the last song... As in, a fan started climbing up on other fans and rolling around up there. Staff handled it, and their love for Rie is blazing but... Etiquette and respect for the show space is the best way to enjoy the best show!! Please... SND’s tweet: “Sendai performance complete. Thank you, thank you, thank you”
5 Hitorie’s Hitori-Escape Tour, 9/25/2019 at Koube VARIT in Hyougo prefecture! Report!
Yumao's tweet "Today is Koube, tomorrow shall be Hiroshima. I hope to see you there!"
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●SND MC speech "Did you guys have fun today? I think there's a lot of mixed emotions right now. If you didn't have fun, know that we're coming back here again. And then if you still don't have fun again, we're still coming back here again." ●Encore intermission! Crowd as they were walking back out "ygarshy! Yumao! Shinoda!" Yumao, pretending to be a person in the crowd in a scheme for instigation: “Yumao~~!” The crowd “Yumao….?” Yumao “Yumao…? Yumao!!!” Crowd “Yumaooo~~~!” SND “You sound like a Pokemon, crying your own name as if you’re a Pikachu.” Yumao “Yumao!" SND "Can neither of you (or yg) talk normal on mic."
Yumao *Goes and sits down at his drums* Crowd "Yumao~" *Plays a drum trick*  “Yumao~~~”  *Plays an even more flavorful trick*  “Yumaoooo~~~”  *EVEN MORE*  “YUMAOOO~~~~”
 SND “He’ll keep doing that if you keep it up, so keep pampering him.”
●SND “Backstage, they have redbull right, so before the show I couldn’t get over how delicious it was and I kept glugging, and so I was ready to burp throughout the whole first song. SND tweet after: I was in danger of deranging into the wet pants monster.  ●Also Shinoda was hopping around playing guitar and he bumped into ygarsh at some point, of who seemed super annoyed—. ●SND “Remember last show, I mentioned Jason, I said there's actually no chainsaw? Well I watched the second movie and, he gets attacked by a chainsaw in that one!” yg *Makes a face as if questioning if that gag was his queue* SND *Nods* yg *>BWWOOON<* (Into the Mannequin intro)
●In the post concert photo Yumao seems to be drinking a Chocola BB, a vitamin B2 supplement to help with acne, mouth sores, and overall exhaustion....
●SND tweet: Koube concert: complete, thank you all. Playing at VARIT is, truly, fantastic,,, I’ll meet y’all in Hiroshima tomorrow. Until then,,,
6 Hitorie’s Hitori-Escape Tour, 9/26/2019 at Second Crutch in Hiroshima prefecture! Reports! 
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●SND “By the way ygarshy-kun, did you know that Mocomichi Hayami started a youtube channel!”
  yga *>BWWOOON<*
(*Mocomichi, dubbed “The olive oil fairy“, is an actor who gained internet fame after his displays on the TV show ‘MOMO’S Kitchen’ where he would dump HUGE AMOUNTS of olive oil over his food, ignore the recipe requested of him, and then praise his cooking like crazy in the end. He was a riot! And he’s truly skilled at cooking! He's won Gourmand cookbook awards, he loves olive oil, he has his own kitchen brand, he was in the Kamen Rider 555 movie where he got killed by monsters halfway through, he loves olive oil- Anyway his channel is here.)
+ SND used wowaka’s red jaguar guitar in today and yesterday's concerts. Introduced (W)HERE with "As Hitorie we only make good songs, we only make God songs. And this is a good one even out of the good ones".
●Crowd “What did you guys eat for lunch!” SND “For lunch I ate soba.” Crowd “Booo! Eat okonomiyaki!” (*Hiroshima is famous for it) “Screw that assholes!!!” “Whyyyy just try it!!!”
SND “And ygarshy gave Yumao an egg sandwich.” yg “… ...Uhm..”  Crowd “!?!?!? Woooahh!!!” yg “Shut up for a second.” Crowd *Still bustling, not listening* yg “Over something so silly…. why are you all excited….” yg “… So uhm I just wanted to say that…. Yumao likes eggs.”
Post show Yumao tweeted “I like eggs.”
●SND tweet  “The Hiroshima show: done. A rare event occurred today huh. Y’all were lucky… in a way? That aside I had fun. Thank y’all. I’m off to have a drink.”
7 Hitorie’s Hitori-Escape Tour, 9/26/2019 at Sapporo SPiCE in Hokkaido prefecture! Reports!
Yumao's tweet "Today is Sapporo. I hope to see you there! Ahh the first magnitude stars".
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●SND ”Hokkaido, you’re so full of spirit! It’s ‘cause RSR had to cancel the first day, isn’t it!? How many of y’all missed out on seeing Number Girl?” *Hands rising all over* SND “Muahaha!!!! Well I already got to see them!!! Poor you!!!” (*Rocking Sun Festival last month was canceled due to Typhoon 10 hitting Hokkaido).
●Shinoda rued and revered the heat. Said that Sapporo’s been the second sweatiest show after Kyoto.  Crowd “Let’s make it the hottest!” SND “No! You can’t beat it. That was a traumatic experience, I thought I was gonna die. But we can still make the excitement levels the hottest!”
●Encore intermission and the usual outfit change: SND “Aren’t you hot in that?” Yumao “Yeah, this sweatshirt is way too big for me. Oh, because it’s Shinoda’s” It was too hot for SND so he made Yumao wear and promo the official merch. SND opened his mouth to make a comment when the crowd slipped in with “Yumao you’re cute wearing that~~ so cute~~!” cheers. SND “Shut up I’m talking!!” SND “….I’m sorry for yelling!” ‘Apologizes before things go downhill’ Crowd kept the spirit high by asking ygarsh if he wanted to eat pizza, yg nodded his head, then scooted towards the mic as if to say something- but turned back... He tricked everybody!  Rie weren’t going to let him get away with that, they had to pick on him for revenge!
Crowd “Hello! [At yg]” SND “What?! You’re resorting to teaching him the basics of conversation?” (SND and Yu laughing out loud) SND “He’s not an AI y’know??” (Yuma has his hands on his stomach at this point). yg *Still not talking* SND “Ahh what are we gonna do with him” SND “yga~rshy~kun~, have some fun with me~~!”
 yg “*>>>BWOOOOON<<<*
●SND tweet: Sapporo concert: complete!! That was way too fucking hot!! Damn ridiculous! That’s what makes it so good. Thank you.
8 Hitorie’s Hitori-Escape Tour, 10/10/2019 at UMBER in Shizuoka prefecture! Reports!
Yumao's tweet "Today's Shizuoka!"
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●A wild cockroach appeared before Yumao and SND backstage during the intermission.
It was a huge one, scurrying across the stage walls throughout the end of the show regardless of its own size.
●yg offered Yuma the rights to his front stage mic for Yuga and SND to be able to talk about it together, so he pulled at his mic in front of him…. Only for the cable to come spiraling out, yanked from the jack, off went the XLR connector, and all. yg's power move left him laughing hysterically. yga laughed!!!!! He laughed as he gave Yumao a powerless mic!!
●With the power move to piston off of, “Professor Yumao” was on the case to give a “lecture” with his cockroach wisdom! He told us about how the ones with the perfect figures come from the outside and live under trees, german cockroaches like to stay inside and come from the inside...
SND “Back when I used to live in a rundown apartment in Nagoya, there was 2 perfect cockroaches always waiting for me in front of my apartment”. Yu “Outside, right!!”
yga *Frozen up and now hiding against the wall*
●Prof. Yumao also gave another lecture about Shampoo from the anime Ranma 1/2, complete with “Ne!” imitations, SND piped in also until he realized something- and then got angry at Yuma because only few will know who he’s talking about....
SND “So tell me, what time is it?” Yu “Time to talk about things everybody will understand!” SND “No it’s encore time!” Yu " :O "
yg *Still hiding against the wall away from the nerds*
●SND “ygarshy! Ygarshy! Get a good look at this!” yg *Nods at him* SND *Proceeds to pose like the Dragon Ball Z Kamehameha* “Hah!” yga “>>>>*BWOOOOOOOOON*<<<” 
●SND tweet: “Shizuoka show: complete, thank you so much. I had a lot of fun. We’ll be back. Nagoya will be tomorrow. Until next time,,,”
9 Hitorie’s Hitori-Escape Tour, 10/11/2019 at SPADE BOX in Aichi prefecture! Reports!
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●Hasegawa-san, the drummer of SND’s past past band “Dr. Right” from around 2007 (See video of youngin SND and crew performing: https://nico.ms/sm11604475?ref=share_others_spweb…), he also payed a visit to the show!!!! And took pictures with SND!  >See https://twitter.com/toshiya230/status/1182631585230704640
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●First song SND immediately messed up the first note and the music halted, Yu and the crowd had to urge him onward-!
●SND “Hitorie is great. Hitorie’s songs are great. Only badass songs. Before I joined, Leader sent me demo versions and said “I want to do songs like this”… Electricity rushed through my veins, this is gonna be a revolution, am I really going to be a part of this?! I thought.”
●The stage at the venue is one that shook like crazy from everyone’s vigor, Rie seemed to enjoy the ride.
●SND “I left Nagoya, went up to Tokyo, and now I’m back in Nagoya, singing nonetheless... I’m not embarrassed carrying the mic to sing non-guitar songs anymore."
●SND "After 9 shows doin’ this, it's really hit me. Hitorie really make great songs! But even among all of them this one is peachy… Wait no one says that? This one’s at the tippy-top. ….Wait no one says these words in Tokyo, nor Nagoya?? Ah whatever let’s go” (The original words were ドンズバ and ダントツ, both old niche words).
●Encore intermission, Yumao came out in front of the mic then… Clenched his fist up into the air and stood stout! SND “You’re not gonna talk, now, what are you doing?” Yu “Freddie Mercury, is in the house!!”
“This move isn’t in Bohemian Rhapsody, b/c once the scene starts he’s already on the piano but, before the show Freddie does the *poses again*!!! SND “So that’s what you were doing? Even though you play drums? Drums aren’t a piano?” Yu *👌* SND “They are a little bit similar huh hahaha”
●Rie wished everyone safe travels home through Typhoon 19! They even cut the MC short to ensure swift departure- SND “I bet y’all would go off tweeting “Their chitchat was so long I couldn’t get home! Fuck them!” Well we’re fortunate, one day later and it would've been cancelled.."
●Then, the usual Thing.... SND “ygarshy, ygarshy! A fly seems to have sorta, landed on your bass over there!” yg *>BWWON*< (Interrupting SND’s sentence with a rushed note).
●SND tweet "Nagoya concert: complete. SPADEBOX shakes like crazy, it's such fun. Thank you so much. Make it home safe y'all. And let's meet again. Until next time."
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((((((Shinoda, constantly: "I have a phobia of bugs" Also Shinoda, constantly: *His ways to provoke ygarsh involved cicadas, bees, cockroaches and flies.* + *Advises people dealing with heartbreak to go watch videos of giant hornets VS Japanese honeybees.* + *Draws super detailed cicadas in his manga Chikyuu Monogatari.*
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Shinoda you maso.)))))
Ahhhh also! If you're a member Hitori-Atelier!-- (Which you should be!!! Because not only are Hitorie snazzy and there's the upcoming message campaign, but ALSO because Rie is always seeking more vigor which I KNOW YOU GUYS HAVE, I've seen your liberal usage of the almighty exclamation marks and emojis. You can't hide it, so show 'em some more of your energy!!!!!🙌🙌🙌)
--Shinoda has been periodically blogging about backstage tidbits and I've been translating those for fun so, plop: https://privatter.net/u/boat_manju 
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atopearth · 6 years ago
Liar! Uncover the Truth Part 2 - 6th to 9th Liars
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6th Liar Gotta agree that the family situation can become a big hindrance to the relationship depending on things, especially if they don’t approve. Lmao at the heroine thinking Sotaro’s parents are actually farmers and not the doctor lineage vibe he gives off. Well, can’t tell for sure right now but parents that like to grow their own vegetables sound exactly like my parents, and that photo with his parents with cows, they could really just enjoy this as an interest and so went to check out farms in the US haha. LOL but if she does marry him and they move to the US and she’s expected to help out on the farm then yeah…. But really, just moving to the US is a big change to her life so I don’t see the heroine doing that at all for a guy.
Azusa is sooo pushy. He practically forced himself into her apartment. The heroine usually stands her ground so well, she really should have just said no, especially since they barely know each other and he’s already trying to get into her home. At least he cooked for her after barging in I guess lol. It can’t be helped that Haruichi actually being a head of the Yakuza would frighten her considering that no matter how kind he may be, he’s a part of the underground world and who knows what he’s actually done and will do in the future. I didn’t mind Haruichi but I doubt you can be prepared to marry someone with such a background so fast lol. 
I think it’s just kinda saddening how hurt Haruichi was. It was understandable why he hid it and why he didn’t want to tell her, but yeah, if she’s getting married to him, she has the right to know.. The good thing was that Haruichi was truly sincere in his love for her, he never thought about finding a Yakuza wife until recently, but seeing how bold, strong and fearless she was, he fell for her and cared about her. Not that following her and getting someone to report about what she does everyday is good but considering his background, it’s probably expected. Finally decided to check out the other endings besides the True and Secret, and dangg, I feel sorry for her in the bad ending, she steeled herself into being a Mafia wife and he uses her as a sacrifice to go to jail instead of him and then dumps her, yeah that’s terrible. Now I don’t feel so bad for the heroine dumping him if that’s a possibility lmao.
7th Liar I always feel so bad that my favourite is Itaru but Sotaro looks so similar to him that it makes me mix them up lmao, I’m sorry I don’t love you enough to be able to tell the difference between you two! Hmm, so we’re dealing with some sort of addict this time~ hope it’s not a gaming addict because that’s me lolol. Hahaha omg, is Sotaro a gaming addict? Lolll, right after I said that too…
Wow, Kazumi just brings her to a fancy party and gets people to do her makeup and hair and he even got her a dress lol. Why couldn’t he tell her that beforehand? What if she put a lot of effort into her makeup and dress that day lol. But wow, the host of the party, Kazumi’s friend who is a director is such a sleazebag, who the hell tells a woman on their first meeting that instead of being a wedding planner, she’d be a great model and that he’d introduce her to a porn director?! Wow, just wow. Lmao at her being clueless to ice referring to drugs, guess it’s nice that she’s innocent. Whether Kazumi’s lack of appetite is related to that and whether the girl hanging off Itaru on the streets is an escort is something hard to gauge right now, but I’m hoping that Sotaro or Kazumi is the liar this time XD
Kazumi is the liar, as expected, but I guess from now on, the things they lie about won’t be as bad? He was actually lying because he had a terminal illness, when the heroine thought he was a drug addict. Can’t blame her though, but honestly, I don’t see this love he has for her. Don’t think they really matched tbh, so I’m glad she didn’t want to be with him lol. But, I feel like Kazumi is the only liar that I genuinely felt sorry for and could see why he lied, it just feels so terrible..?
8th Liar Heroine is running out of time! Only 2 weeks left before the mother comes to see her so called boyfriend, she better step up her game lol. Tbh though, with Azusa’s spending habits etc, I feel like if there’s a guy that doesn’t seem to be earning as much as he seems/lying about his job, I have to say, I feel like it’s Azusa. But who knows, he might be a rich boy lol. I don’t know if Itaru will be fired from his marketing/sales job that earns him big bucks but is super stressful, although very fulfilling to him but I do think that someone who can brave through all that is someone that must enjoy their job and the challenges that come with it, so I think that whatever he’s going through, he’ll be okay. As for Sotaro possibly selling drugs in the hospital or whatever hmmm, sounds rather far-fetched tbh. And Itaru was just recommending some vitamin supplements he thinks is good to her and she thinks he’s a jerk and some kinda dodgy guy???
Anyway, with the amount of evidence and him asking for money, it was obvious that Azusa was a marriage scam artist, which is a terrible thing to do. Not only do you steal precious money from a woman but you also rob them of their love and also their ability to believe in love again. As a person that isn’t doing well with his parents and was raised by his relatives and has worked multiple jobs to help out his little brother’s living expenses etc and understands the difficulties of earning money, you would think he would have more consideration for other people’s hard earned money. But no, he only thinks that his situation gives him the right to take all this money. Especially since he spends so much on clothes etc too! Luckily I never liked Azusa, I always thought he was rather fake and was constantly just trying to appeal to the heroine, so yep, ditch that fraud.
9th Liar It’s finally the last one! Please be Sotaro! Loll. Why did Itaru seem kinda flustered with her standard of guys to not have illegitimate children? Noooo. Lol at the heroine doing her makeup to go to the doctor when she’s so sick just in case she sees Sotaro at the hospital. Sure, the doctor wasn’t very nice in the way she said that if the heroine has the time to put on makeup, she has time to rest, but the heroine didn’t need to call her a bitch lol… I mean, she could have been just concerned about her well-being. On the other hand, it’s very difficult for some people to go out without makeup because they’ve got a reputation and a professional appearance they have to keep up just in case they see anyone and I think it’s reasonable for the heroine to put on makeup though.
Hahahah I can’t believe Itaru and Sotaro met at a ramen restaurant that serves ramen from spicy level one to 99, where they just happened to sit next to each other and started fighting through who can eat spicier but in the end they both couldn’t take the 99 and just became rivals after that lmao. Wow guess that female doctor really was a bitch lol, she’s so rude to the heroine to call her a silly redneck pig like wtf, no basic respect at all, disgusting. Anyway, so sad that the game is pointing to Itaru probably being the liar, sigh. So envious that the heroine has such a good friend like Yuri that she can consult all the time and even help her deal with bugs and clean up her whole apartment! Not sure how I feel about Sotaro right now, he keeps saying that the heroine should not approach Itaru but doesn’t give any reason why. Itaru doesn’t even do that, he just tries to get her heart whilst knowing Sotaro will be doing the same.
Omggg I actually didn’t expect Sotaro to be the liar! I think I was just so down in the dumps in the beginning because everything wanted to show that Itaru was a liar so I thought my favourite guy (from the beginning!) was going to lose. But, anyway lol omg, who would have thought Sotaro had actually divorced twice?! And omg, initially I thought being divorced was okay since you can understand why he ended up hiding it (secret ending) since he never really got the chance to tell her truthfully after he lost the courage once. But after reading the endings, yeah, Sotaro is terrible. He’s not looking for a wife, he’s looking for a 24/7 domestic housewife aka a maid. That bad ending is exactly how things will turn out considering his attitude and criteria for picking women. Someone like the heroine who can’t even clean her house or take care of bugs would never be Sotaro’s ideal wife lol, he should be happy she ran off lmao.
Anyway, turns out I had a good eye and actually chose the best guy from the beginning hahahah. They’re really pushing the destiny thing with her mum having sent a photo of the marriage partner she wanted to introduce to her and it was actually Itaru all along lol. She didn’t even need to go to the party to find him lol. But I guess it was important for the heroine to go through all those liars in order to completely trust Itaru now, so I’m happy for her. The only crappy thing is that you don’t get to see romance between them even though we’ve gotten through all these crappy guys to get here but it doesn’t feel like we got a reward at all lol. You have to purchase Itaru’s lovers route to probably get to see how they’re doing but really, I think they should have a bit of an epilogue and then if people want more, they can do the lovers route. Now it just feels so… Like I feel so not accomplished with no reward, it’s like, you find all the liars, read their endings and it’s the end. I know this is a game revolved around catching the liars over everything but I also feel like it’s unreasonable to not be able to see a romantic happy ending, sigh, disappointed.
Overall though, I think this game was too hyped up so I had too many expectations that weren’t fulfilled (lacklustre story and characters to an extent, but fun gameplay and straightforwardness from the heroine). However, it was still pretty fun, it was quite light hearted and interesting to look at the evidence and try to decipher who’s the liar, what they’re lying about and then seeing how they came to be who they are. It was quite fascinating and a lot of fun, I enjoyed it as a nice and chill story of a distrustful woman that gets through all the crappy men to find one that will give her the best and what she needs. So now I can tell myself that I have a good eye for men hahahaha!
Office Deception (next series) is next! But I’m gonna take a bit of a break to get more tickets accumulated so I can always get all the endings and have a more wholesome experience I guess haha. I hope it’ll be even better~ EDIT: I didn’t realise there was a sequel, I’ll do that after I’m done with Office Deception since I already started it loll.
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vicccwrites · 7 years ago
9% as Common College Majors
(A/N: This has been sitting in my drafts since before I even created this blog so I figured I would play around with the idea a bit more and finally post it!! Let me know if you want to see more of these “9% as...” or if I should just stick to fics lol ^^ I hope you enjoy it~ <33)
- Photo(s) Source : Google -
Cai Xukun - Photography
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I just have this vision in my head?? Of like xukun holding a camera and building this vast portfolio of aesthetic greatness
I mean he’s already so aesthetically pleasing and has an amazing insta feed so is it really that much of stretch??
Is like that one kid on campus who’s always around
Party at the frat house? He’s the center of the show
Charity event at campus square? weLL guess who decided to show up???
Definitely hella popular and totally has a fan club
Gets teased about it by all his friends
He secretly thinks it’s really cute though
Chen Linong- Animal Biology
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Nongnong with animals
What a concept amiright
But anyway he’s such a sweet and caring ball of sunshine and I think that would really show through in the way he cares for and loves all of the animals he works with
Really interested in learning about different types of animals and how he can improve their quality of life!!!
I now have the picture of vet!nongnong in my head and it’s so adorable omg
Linong with that dog?? Ugh my heart can’t handle this cuteness
There was this gifset of him with a cat on my dash a while back and now I need to dig it out of the depths because ughhhh it was so cuteee
Fan Chengcheng - Journalism
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Alskdosos this one was hard
I can just imagine him staying up, furiously trying to write and make his deadlines
Also I get that Agent J was a spy concept but it gave me investigative journalist vibes so here we are
Definitely procrastinates on all of his assignments
Highkey jealous of Justin because his major seems “easier” and he doesn’t have to write as many essays and stuff
bOI you are literally a journalism major ok that means WRITING
Justin - Theater
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Ok I know that ruibin is the true theater kid of idol producer but
Can you imagine Justin prancing around on stage reciting like Hamilton or something (can you tell I don’t do theater at all)
(I have no idea what I’m talking about)
Anyway him trying to sing the songs would be hilariously great
And I think he’d actually turn out to be an amazing performer?? Even though he probably only chose to major in theater because he thought it’d be easy or something
He grows to really have a passion for the stage and looks forward to every performance
Aims for the lead role like every single time; usually ends up getting it, too
Totally steals the spotlight and is the star of every show ✨
Lin Yanjun - Marketing/Advertising
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I was so tempted to say English since that was his actual major (I’m pretty sure)
But then I remembered than one scene in ip when they were like “selling” the ice pack or smth?? It was in one of those unreleased extra content footage compilations welp now I gotta find it again 
Actually I can’t find it so nvm but I remember seeing it for sure!!
(Literally this whole thing is me trying and failing to find gifsets someone please help)
If Lin Yanjun was tryna get you to buy something, would you really say no??
All of his professors probably love him
Has like a 100% in practicals with his winks and flirting
Even though he’s hella confused and never has any idea what’s going on
Probably models for xukun on the side for extra cash too the boy can do it all
Zhu Zhengting - Dance
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Literally the only one that I was 100% set on
I mean come on
He’s like the dancing king of 9%
Can do basically any genre of dance, from modern to hip-hop
Would be super dedicated
Lives in the college dance studio tbh he practically never leaves
BFFs with the other dance majors like zeren and chaoze
They always hang out together and are definitely the type to break into an impromptu dance sesh in like the middle of starbucks
Or some equally random location
Is part of the committee that organises weekly dance mobs on the campus square
He definitely drags Justin and Chengcheng to almost every one
Wang Ziyi - Nutrition
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Very healthy bOI,,, a fit boy too
That bag scene where they were like going through what was in their bags?? Didn’t he have juice or smth he just seems vv health-obsessed
also sorry the gif is a weird size
Had like a literal DRAWER of supplements, vitamins, and medicine under his bed during ip,,, I’ll let that speak for itself
Also seems really chill and nutrition gives me a chill vibe for some reason
Probably has the best grades with the exception of yanjun’s charming practicals
Probably is also the only one who actually studies for finals
Xiao Gui - Film and Video
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Nearly majored in nuclear engineering for the lols but then realised he didn’t have the grades to make it into the program
Also didn’t feel like doing science
So xingjie convinced him to go into film
Which at first he thought he would hate, but he actually turned out to quite like
Xingjie does musical production and sometimes makes little soundtracks to go along with gui’s mini-films
Lowkey the only thing that keeps linkai’s grade from bombing is the humor that’s always mixed into his scripts
Rlly funny
Also totally the type to waltz into class like half an hour late can anyone see this too or is it just me
You Zhangjing - Vocal Music
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I sort of see zhangjing going into the sciences for some reason??
Erin - who’s the local yzj expert around here - sent me this photo a while ago?? (I just saved it from there so the size is weird again oops)
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And I get that he’s supposed to be a “doctor” or something in the photo but it’s a lab coat ok
He looks really good akdjdksjsj
And he mentioned in that interview that he did accounting before going to China to train
So that could be an option too
Maybe he did that for a bit but then didn’t end up enjoying it so he switched majors? Idk
Anyway I chose vocal because obvs our nasi lemak can sing very very well
And he loves singing very very much
So he would major in it!!! Ok I lied about Zhengting I was also like 100% sure on this one
Plus I mean it’s common knowledge that he’s talented af so like,,, there you go
All his vocal teachers probably love him a lot
But can you really blame them?? Like he’s so hardworking and talented, so who wouldn’t love him + his awesome vocals? 💕
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susannaa10 · 3 years ago
being productive, sleep, volleyball, clothes
I have not been productive this summer. I have the rest of June, July, and how many days until my new high school starts to pick up the pace, so I have to take the opportunity.. I opened this tumblr account for that reason. Hopefully having somewhere to update my progress will keep me in check. I'm pulling an all nighter tonight, because my sleep schedule is the first thing that needs to change. I've been sleeping as late as 4 AM and waking up around 12:30-1 PM. NOT good. I have piano at 11 AM tomorrow (today?) so I need time to get ready anyways. I want to sleep at 9-10:30, and wake up at 6. I love waking up early and being productive. I just have to get in the habit once again. I'm trying not to beat myself up over being this...lazy, but it's very hard. I don't feel good when I'm like this. As soon as it turns 6, I'm going to jump out of bed, clean up my room, and hop in the shower. Volleyball camp is in 2 weeks. I'm a little scared because my anemia has been especially bad recently, and I don't want to embarrass myself in front of my new classmates by passing out or something, but hopefully my iron + omega 3 (vegan/algae sourced of course) vitamin supplements will help me. I don't there's enough iron in them to treat my anemia, though, so I really need to get some specifically for that. I'm really, really hoping I make the team. Try outs are July 14th. I got some clothes on thredup. One of them was a complete miss, and another one was a semi miss. The other two are perfect and I love them, and they happened to be the ones I wasn't expecting to like that much. The ones I love are: a beautiful, wonderfully made denim skirt by forever 21. It fits me PERFECTLY and I love how the denim is soft but quality, and how naturally is falls over my body. Aeropostale burgundy/maroon shorts. They're a little tight around the thighs, but as I continue to lose weight (117 lbs! woo!) I expect that to not be an issue in the future. they are extremely comfortable and the color looks so good with my skin tone. They're a little shorter than what I usually go for, but that's okay. The other two: I got a pair of shorts that I was super excited for. They're striped and a good quality denim. Thredup said that it was a waist 27", but it's more of a 24"-25", so obviously way too small :( I tried them on even though I knew they looked way too small and it made me feel really fat. The worst thing is, I paid the most for them. I paid $16.99. Luckily they were originally $60, and brand new, so I can sell them for around $50 and make a profit. The other item, a lace up skirt, fit me, but is very short. I also hate the color (teal). I love the lace up style, but I should've waited to get another kind. I got it for only $2 so I don't mind much, but it feels very cheap and I think it's a much better idea to sell it and get a better lace up skirt with the money. I could sell it for $4 for sure. I've been using vinted, and depending on how much money I get next week for my chores, I'm going to order some clothes off of it because I found some amazing things on there. I'm really just trying to get a new closet before high school rolls around.
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flock-talk · 7 years ago
Avitech products? Good or scam? Effective but risky?
I’m not super familiar with the brand, so this is just a gist from looking at what they sell.
Overall I want to say largely unnecessary, their cleaners and stuff might work? but plain cheap ol vinegar works just a well, drops and vitamins aren’t really necessary if your birds are getting fed a good diet (you can easily OD them, I wouldn’t use supplements unless you’ve gotten it prescribed by a vet. Their website says “you can’t OD on this!!!” which is a lie, you can always feed to much of anything, dosing your bird with milk thistle every day will inevitably end up overdosing them, you can OD on feeding too much sweet potato, you can OD on legitimately anything).  
The ‘behaviour problem solution sprays!!’ I wouldn’t even look at, most behavioural issues are either medical or due to stresses which tend to be able to be solved by evaluating their home environment and making changes or getting medical treatments. It’s possible some of those things may work, there are some things that are calming and such but overall if you want a spray to stop your bird from being aggressive you’re not going to get very far.  It’s best to look at what’s causing the aggression and make changes as opposed to looking for a magic cure-all, the website won’t even tell me what ingredients are in their products which is an immediate turn-off for me.
If you’re having any issues that would require most of the products they sell you should go to a vet, if they say hey maybe some milk thistle supplement could help then sure go for it, but odds are there’s more of a behavioural reason that these issues are occurring!
Some things don’t seem too bad, they’ve got a powder that’s just ground up dried veggies that you can put overtop of their food.  It’s not the worst idea in the world and could be helpful for some birds learning to eat fresh foods.  But it’s also not going to be the most nutritionally complete thing since being dehydrated and sitting in a container for a couple months will reduce the nutritional value of the foods they put in to it.
Their natural food additives I’m not totally opposed to, they’ve basically just got bags of food mixes that have some different greens and veg in them that you may not come across (kelp, pollen) which can be fun things to top fresh veggies with to help make the diet more dynamic.  Those I think may be pretty cool and could help round out a diet.
I don’t know, I’m not a vet so I can’t tell you, personally I wouldn’t use the majority of the products they sell just from a quick glimpse of their website.
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allenmendezsr · 4 years ago
Metabolic Stretching
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/metabolic-stretching/
Metabolic Stretching
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    For men and women who want to shift stubborn body fat, without spending hours exercising
Your Way Lean
St. Petersburg, FL, Wednesday January 20, 2021
Dear Friend,
I know how it feels when you look in the mirror and what you see looking back is a body you’re not happy with.
I know how it feels when you pull on your favorite pants and there’s zero chance that zipper is moving.
I know how it feels when your kids or grandkids playfully joke about your widening waist (And, of course, they’re not being mean… just telling you the brutal truth)
You know you need to do something.
What’s more, you WANT to do something.
But wanting to lose weight, drop fat and get back to being lean again is one thing…
… finding the time and energy to do it is a whole different challenge.
Life is hard enough. Between working and living, rushing around trying to squeeze in gym time or a workout in your already busy day seems insane.
Or imagine also starving yourself on the latest extreme diet favored by a Hollywood star.
(Sure, those diets work for skinny 20- somethings but sure don’t do a thing for the rest of us.)
The problem is we’ve been led to believe there’s only one way to get slim. And that’s the HARD WAY.
The harder, the more extreme, the more complicated… the better. Even if it means killing yourself to get to the gym, busting your butt running or following a super-strict eating plan.
Fortunately, I’m here to reveal a discovery to you that may just be the most important news you read this year. It’s a discovery the fitness industry is desperate to keep under wraps as it turns our understanding of what a program should be on its head.
So let me ask you…
What if there was a way to quickly and easily improve your flexibility while TORCHING fat and building STRENGTH?
Seems too good to be true, doesn’t it? But don’t let that fool you.
We discovered a way of blending flexibility training with a calorie-burning movement pattern you’ve never seen before. The good news is…
…It doesn’t require any equipment — it’s completely bodyweight focused so you’re BUILDING muscle and BURNING fat while you move.
…It’s not boring. No more endless hours on a treadmill or elliptical trainer wishing you were anywhere but there.
…And it is simple and straight forward to do. In fact, you can fit this into the busiest schedule and don’t need hundreds of videos and manuals to explain all the moves.
It’s NOT some bizarre or complicated system and it’s hardly groundbreaking. In fact, you will probably recognize many of the exercises.
What makes this revolutionary is the way we’ve combined simple exercises into one powerful movement sequence you will actually enjoy doing.
Even if you’ve already tried everything to lose weight, shift stubborn belly fat and tone up and failed… this is different.
I’ll explain exactly what this is all about in a moment.
But first, let me introduce myself…
My name is Brian Klepacki, aka Coach Brian. I’m a fat loss and functional movement coach for Critical Bench, the Internet’s longest-standing strength site.
I’m a certified strength and conditioning specialist with a Masters Degree in Exercise Science.
I’ve been in the trenches applying the latest principles and theories with athletes, body builders and fitness models to test what works and what doesn’t. And whether it’s competing as a triathlete or for my own strength training, I apply all training principles on myself. (I’m my own guinea pig!)
I take a purposeful approach to developing workout programs and a simple philosophy: purpose over preference.
That’s how we developed best-selling programs, like Unlock Your Glutes, that have helped thousands of men and women finally build a stronger body in less time.
In my 17 years working with private clients, I’ve seen it all. I’ve seen the aftermath of the fitness industries peddling of misinformation and myths.
It angers me to see ordinary hard working men and women trying to get fitter and feel better become trapped in a cycle of trying to lose weight.
And all while sacrificing their time doing what really matters to them… just because they have been caught in a trap by the misinformation from the fitness industry.
What the fitness industry wants you to believe
It’s not your fault.
You’ve been led to believe there are only a few ways to cut body fat and get in the shape you want to.
The billion dollar fitness industry has spent billions promoting this misinformation. It needs you to believe losing weight and getting in shape requires tons of time, tons of effort and… of course… tons of money. Your money.
If you ever want to discover the real agenda, ask the question “who gains from this advice being given?”.
In every situation, it’s the fitness industry. Celebrity trainers gain if you don’t get results. Equipment and supplement companies gain if you don’t get results. If all their advice worked, everyone would be walking around slim, healthy and happy.
Think about it. If their advice worked, why are there more obese Americans than ever? Why are more people being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes?
Everyone knows they need to be fitter, more flexible and healthier… yet the statistics keep stacking up.
It all comes back to three BIG lies the fitness industry has been telling for decades that hides one big lie.
Remember, the fitness industry spends billions to push this misinformation so please don’t feel bad about not seeing it this way before (but I’ll sure understand if you’re angry)
The good news is once you see these lies for what they are, they no longer hold any power over you.
So let’s confront these right now…
3 Insanely Powerful Lies the Weight Loss Industry Needs You To Believe
Weight Loss Lie #1 You need to starve yourself on a crash diet
In fact, extreme dieting has been proven to be HARMFUL to your health. Sure, you drop weight within days and weeks of starving yourself but who wouldn’t, right?
The danger with extreme dieting is your body doesn’t get enough essential nutrients, minerals and vitamins. And, most importantly, your body doesn’t get enough protein. Protein contains essential amino acids which are vital for supporting your body and muscle growth.
You may lose some body fat during a starvation diet, but you may also lose muscle which will account for MORE of the weight loss.
If your body drops muscle, your body’s basal metabolic rate drops. This means your body will naturally burn LESS fat. When you start eating normally again you quickly put the weight back on.
Your body also experiences metabolic adaptation. Your body kicks into its natural survival mode and becomes more efficient due to calorie deprivation. It needs less energy to survive. To continue dropping fat, you have to starve yourself even more.
Dieting actually CHANGES your brain’s response to food. When you deprive your body of calories, your levels of the hormone leptin drop (the hormone that makes you feel full) while ghrelin increases (the hormone that makes you feel hungry). Even when you eat, if you’ve been restricting your calories severely, you’ll still be left with feelings of hunger.
The truth – don’t deprive your body of food
Sure, diet is important. I don’t need to tell you jelly donuts and soda all day aren’t going to help you get that six pack. But it is madness to suggest you need some of these insane, starvation diets to shift your spare tire or drop a few pounds.
A simple, regular movement pattern designed to raise your heart rate, boost your metabolism and maintain muscle every day will help move you towards the body you always wanted WITHOUT depriving your body of food.
Weight Loss Lie #2 You need high intensity 12 week “shreds”
This is such a crazy myth.
The multi-billion dollar fitness industry with its supplement companies and endorsed pumped up trainers needs you to believe in the myth of the intense program.
If you can only get a grip for 12 weeks on your diet and tough your way through it, you can get the body you want.
Sure, sounds great.
But it NEVER works out that way.
Here’s why it’s not realistic. 12-week intense programs are great for exercise enthusiasts that love working out for hours and hours a week. They can stay committed for the long term and stick to a super strenuous high intensity training program.
However most people have other priorities and don’t have the time or interest to devote that much time daily to working out.
For people over 35 years old the high intensity stuff also puts a lot of un-needed wear and tear on their joints which just adds to the aches and pains.
The truth – you can notice results in as little as 14 days
With the right program targeted in the right way you can see results in 14 days or even less.
You don’t need jacked-up high intensity workouts that leave you exhausted and unable to move a muscle for the rest of the day
You don’t need complicated gym programs that you need a PhD to understand, cost a ton in membership and take up hours stuck in a loud, sweaty gym.
You can get good, perfectly achievable results with simple, straightforward moves that are realistic for people with busy lives.
Which brings us to the third biggie…
Weight Loss Lie #3 You need to spend hours doing cardio every day
There’s nothing more soul destroying than looking at a program and seeing hours and hours of your week dedicated to cardio.
What this means is spending a good chunk of your life on…
… Treadmills
… Cross trainers
… Endless jogging
Burning body fat is a product of an elevated heart rate. If your body needs an elevated heart rate to burn calories, cardio is like a blunt weapon.
Cardio is effective IF you have hours and hours of your week available to do it.
But the only people who can dedicate the time to do it this way are pro athletes and fitness models who do this for a living.
If your goal is to burn body fat and get lean, hours of cardio isn’t the answer for most of us.
The truth – 15 minutes of exercises can increase your metabolism
Cardio works by raising your heart rate. A raised heart rate fires your metabolism and burns calories. And burning calories burns fat.
If you find a program that simply raises your heart rate on a regular basis for as little as 15 minutes a day, you WILL increase your metabolism and burn more fat.
In summary we know we don’t need hours of cardio, we don’t need to starve ourselves and we don’t need a 12-week high intensity program to see results and body you desire.
So what is the answer to these lies?
We want something that is effective, simple and doesn’t leave us feeling too exhausted.
This accidental revelation transformed how we look at fat burning
You know you need to improve and maintain your flexibility and mobility.
I’m not telling you anything new. And we both know the best way to improve your flexibility is through stretching.
But here’s what’s interesting. Stretching is also the key to unlocking unlimited weight loss and fat burning. It’s always been there… we’ve just been looking at stretching the wrong way.
We know stretching exercises are great for flexibility… now, we know they can flip the switch on your body’s fat burning engine.
Working with hundreds of clients over the last 17 years, one of the biggest areas of focus is on improving overall fitness and helping my clients be more mobile.
I don’t need to give you the stats on why we need to stay flexible and loose, especially as we get older. Flexibility is one of the three pillars of fitness along with strength and endurance.
Working with clients on their flexibility brought me a breakthrough that shifted how we approach weight loss.
I stumbled upon this discovery when I fused together a unique flexibility routine for a client who simply didn’t have the time in his day but needed to torch fat fast while adding mobility.
When confronted with a challenge, my first move is to go to proven research and the latest exercise science. In my research around stretching, I made an important connection.
The secret to flexibility and burning fat is the SAME: Movement
When we think about becoming more flexible, our first thought is stretching. And, in particular, static stretching.
It figures. Static stretching is what we’ve been told to do since high school. It usually means stretching one particular muscle and holding it in the stretch for around 30 seconds. Static stretching aims to lengthen the muscle to make it more elastic.
Flexibility is different. Flexibility is all about range of motion around a joint.
Mobility, on the other hand, is the ability to move freely and easily.
Static stretching alone cannot improve flexibility. The secret to flexibility is MOVEMENT.
Only movement of a joint extends its range of motion and improves flexibility. And, of course, ANY movement burns calories. So movement is central to both burning calories and creating a program that delivers flexibility gains.
It all comes down to metabolism. When your metabolism is fired up, you burn more calories. And that’s when we made this really cool discovery…
This one specific way of stretching can torch body fat and burn calories up to 3x more effectively than any other stretch
When we looked at the research, we found study after study saying the same thing. While static stretching has benefits, dynamic stretching and movement is the key to putting a torch to body fat while improving flexibility.
You can’t argue with the numbers. Static stretching burns 120 calories an hour. Dynamic stretching blasts through 400 calories per hour.
Dynamic stretching isn’t just swinging your legs or hips to warm up. Dynamic stretching like lunges and rotations can be used alongside other low-impact, movement-based activities to burn fat while improving flexibility.
Through movement, we kickstart our metabolism and shift it up a gear so we’re burning more calories than normal. Dynamic stretches emphasize movements across our full range of motion which last longer and increase metabolism.
Compared with static stretching, dynamic stretching also improves muscular performance allowing you to work harder and heavier.
All the evidence backs movement-based flexibility and that’s when we started looking at how to create a program based on these principles, using dynamic stretching and movement.
A smart new method that uses stretching to burn fat like you’ve never seen before
By taking the best stretching protocols and building a powerful flow so they are performed one after the other with little rest, it was possible to switch on the body’s fat burning machine and send your metabolism soaring.
With every program I develop, I need to see with my own eyes that it is effective, safe and appropriate to apply in a training context.
For me, it’s a simple two step process:
Step 1: Identify the most effective training modalities based on the latest science
Step 2: Test variations in a real training environment
And that’s exactly what we did. First, we identified the right modalities, drawing from different disciplines to find dynamic, movement based flexibility training that brought flexibility benefits while jacking up your fat burning capabilities.
Introducing the world’s most powerful fat-burning stretches
We’ve unashamedly plundered exercises from the world’s best fitness modalities designed to improve your mobility and flexibility. We hand-picked only the exercises that burned the most calories and torched the most fat.
Bodyweight-focused movements that deliver strength, dynamic flexibility and burn more calories than any other exercise combined. With natural movement patterns and gravity, calisthenics uses simple moves to build a foundation of strength and flexibility for the body. Calisthenics is almost a complete exercise in burning calories, switching up your metabolism, improving endurance and building muscle to, ultimately, burn even more calories.
Dynamic Stretching
As we’ve already mentioned, dynamic stretching can burn up to 3x the calories of static stretching. Dynamic moves are slow, controlled movements that stay within your range of motion, working to increase your reach and speed of movement. One review published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine across 31 studies found a warm-up using dynamic flexibility exercises also enhanced power and strength performance.
When it comes to creating movement to burn calories while enhancing flexibility, little can beat kickboxing’s explosive power and metabolic burn. One research study showed that five weeks of kickboxing training brought significant improvements in flexibility, speed, agility and upper body muscle power.
Mobility Stretching
Mobility is different from flexibility. Having good mobility means being able to perform a movement without any restriction. Mobility exercises help improve flexibility and function at any age and that’s why this is an important component of a fat-burning, flexibility flow.
Fascia Stretching
Fascia is the tight connective tissue surrounding every one of your muscles that holds them in place. But there’s a negative side to this. If your fascia is too tight it restricts muscle growth. Incorporating fascia stretching into your program releases tension, allows muscle to grow and cranks up your metabolism.
Breathing Techniques
Don’t believe something as everyday as breathing can help you feel looser AND burn calories? Think again. For 1000s of years, ancient martial arts used breathing practices to lengthen muscles in the chest and core. Done properly, these simple but powerful moves flood your body and muscles with oxygen, stretch the chest cavity and fire up your metabolism. And all you have to do is breathe.
The Mayo Clinic defines Pilates as, “a method of exercise that consists of low-impact flexibility and muscular strength and endurance movements. Pilates emphasizes proper postural alignment, core strength and muscle balance.” Originally used by athletes to build core strength, Pilates has been revealed as an effective low-impact way to also reduce body fat mass.
While the ancient practice of yoga used to be more associated with chanting and meditation, through its stretching protocols more are catching onto its calorie-burning benefits. There are many styles of yoga from the gentle through to heart-pounding, leg-behind-your-head styles that leave you in a pool of sweat. But there are some which are perfect for a fat-burning, flexibility routine.
As you can see, these aren’t crazy-difficult stretches that no-one but fitness pros can do. These are simple, straightforward stretches you may have already heard of. And they work.
I want to reinforce this point to you: there is nothing complicated or special about the exercises themselves.
However, there is one stretch which is king of all others. And I’m going to reveal it to you now…
Revealed! The World’s Greatest Fat-Burning Stretch
This stretch hits EVERY part of the body in one go. It’s exactly the kind of stretch that we “stole” to include in our powerful movement flow.
The reason it’s the world’s greatest? It literally works everything.
Back, legs, shoulders, your spine, arms… EVERYTHING.
Try it for yourself and you quickly see why.
Don’t worry if the above stretch looks too advanced. You can still burn a LOT of fat with the modified version below:
This stretch is just one of the key movements we’ve included in this fat-burning, flexibility program.
For each area, we selected a range of moves and tested a combination in real-life training on clients. This way we finally cracked the code on combining fat-burning movement with flexibility training.
You’ll perform the right movements in the right order to “unlock” tightness and improve flexibility, while burning a ton of calories.
Of course, designing a program that works is one hurdle. Designing a program you actually use is another. And – as all good trainers know — the best program is the one you use.
When you’re progressing with a program that isn’t delivering results quickly, no matter how much your trainer implores you to persevere, it’s going to be hard.
How much more likely would you be to stick to a fat-burning flexibility program where…
…you FEEL yourself getting stronger.
…you EXPERIENCE all the tightness and stiffness drain from your muscles.
…and WATCH your body change before you as you burn fat and become leaner.
You can get the lean, toned physique you always wanted using simple, straightforward stretches anyone can do without having to spend hours doing boring cardio or working out like a fitness competitor.
The Complete Fat-Burning, Flexibility Program Designed To Torch Calories Through A Simple, Powerful 15-Minute Stretching Routine
This program contains everything you need to stretch your way to being leaner, fitter and stronger thanks to its serious metabolic benefits.
From each of the techniques, we selected the ten most effective, efficient movements. We chose these based on practicality, ease of performance and fat-burning flexibility.
We’ve added TWO bonus moves specifically designed to turn up the heat on your metabolism and melt fat while you stretch it out.
The program has two parts — a beginners workout and advanced workout. Both workouts utilize the same modalitiestraining modalities for greatest effect, while the advanced version dials up the intensity for faster fat burn and flexibility gains.
The beginner program can be completed in just 15 minutes incorporating gentle moves that boost your metabolism.
If you’re ready to jump in and get going, the 30-minute advanced workout will challenge even the most hardened fitness enthusiast. (Look, this is hard for me and my clients… but, man, it gets results.)
The movements are simple and easy to execute. You don’t need equipment or weights. The moves take up little room, and you can perform the entire workout in a small space. You can work through the program at the gym, at home or even a hotel room when you’re on the move.
If you’re new to flexibility or stretching programs, we recommend starting with the beginner’s workout. After a few sessions, it will be clear how quickly you can progress. If you need to scale up, we’ve made it really clear how, so you’re always challenged to make progress.
Here’s exactly what you get when you invest in the program:
The Metabolic Stretching Coaching Videos
I don’t need to tell you that form is essential to get the best from every movement. In the Metabolic Stretching Workout Videos, I walk you through every single move. I explain in detail how each move is performed, what to do at the beginning and end, how each stretch should feel and how to avoid common mistakes.
The way I demonstrate each move in these videos is the next best thing to having me right there personally training you (without paying me my $300-an-hour coaching fee!)
Fast results are dependent on getting form right first time. Filmed at our state of the art fitness facility, The Compound in Clearwater, Florida, each video is shot in super-clear HD from multiple angles. There will be no doubt around how to perform each move as we’ve covered every angle.
The Metabolic Stretching Follow Along Videos
When you’re ready to get going, simply use the Metabolic Stretching Follow Along Videos where you can follow along to the complete routines at the same time our fitness model performs them in real time.
This allows you to get the whole sequence down without any confusion about what you’re supposed to do and how. Simply hit play and do the exercises at the same time as our fitness model. Results guaranteed.
Here’s what Metabolic Stretching students are saying…
It Feels Like a Yoga Fat Burning Workout
“I found the Metabolic Stretching routine to be a perfect fit for my needs. It focuses on both joint mobility and muscle flexibility. I actually do the beginner routine as my warm up and the advanced routine on its own day as a stand alone workout. I urge anyone to spend time doing a stretching program like this to feel and move better.”
Joyce Lynnette Berry Fitness Enthusiast
Great for Busy Moms
“As a busy working Mom not only is keeping fit and healthy a number one priority for me, but keeping my body limber and toned is as well.
This program doesn’t just deliver on its promise to melt fat and tone muscles in just 15 minutes … it OVER DELIVERS! This is hands down the best 15-minute workout and stretching routine I have found that does everything that I want in a at home workout.
If you are serious about hitting your fat burning goals and maintaining them, the Metabolic Stretching program is exactly what you’ve been looking for.”
Tonya Fines, BSc, PE Holistic Health Practitioner
Develops & Tones Muscles
“As a Yoga teacher, I intimately understand the need for flexibility, mobility and balance. The Metabolic Stretching program does a phenomenal job at mixing in traditional calisthenics with dynamic stretching and yoga-like movement patterns to fully develop and tone the muscles.
I would recommend these routines to anyone looking to live a more active lifestyle.”
Jenn Witaconis 200 RYT
Super Fun & Easy
“The #1 thing anyone can do every day of their life to improve overall health and function is to move. Nothing outrageous, just some total body movements that help connect and strengthen the body.
Metabolic Stretching is an outstanding collection of stretches and exercises designed to restore balance, increase strength and hopefully get people interested in living a more active lifestyle.”
Dr. Ron Eccles Business Coach & Chiropractor
Plus You Can Accelerate Your Way To a Leaner More Flexible Body With These Two Limited FAST-ACTION Bonuses, Worth $94, When You Purchase Metabolic Stretching TODAY
BONUS 1: The Metabolic Stretching Exercise Definition Guide (value $47)
Sometimes you don’t have time to watch videos, and when time is short, you need to get it done as quickly as possible. The Metabolic Stretching package also contains the Metabolic Stretching Exercise Definition Guide featuring every single exercise broken down and explained in detail.
This guide contains full-color photographic images as I show you through each stage of each movement, including the start and end position. Accompanying the visuals are a written instructional breakdown of how to perform each movement.
The manual also contains detailed information on the workout parameters behind the program, so you know exactly why we’ve chosen the specific moves featured in Metabolic Stretching.
BONUS 2: The 3-Minute Back Pain Stretching Protocol (value $47)
Over 31 million Americans suffer from back pain. As you’ve probably heard sitting so much is terrible for our posture and causes our muscles to tighten up around the lower back.
That’s why my clients always warm up with my 3-minute back pain stretching flow.
It can be performed in a seated position or on the floor and has been proven to eliminate back pain issues in most of my clients. It’s also a great micro-stretching session you can do while at work if you start feeling stiff.
If I were to pick the three best stretches for back pain this would be them!
Here are just some of the benefits when you invest in Metabolic Stretching:
Reduce the time you spend working on fat burning sessions and stretching by combining both into one powerful workout.
Unconsciously improve your flexibility with a focus on body conditioning. You’ll love the Metabolic Stretching workout so much you won’t even realize you’re making strength and flexibility gains.
Finally, do something about your flexibility “gap”. If flexibility has been your weakness, how long will you leave it before doing something? Here’s your chance to get a handle on the problem and burn serious calories in every workout.
Start “remodeling” your muscles, so they don’t lose any more elasticity while toning up, building strength and melting off excess fat.
Stop wasting time with half-arsed aerobic exercises or jogging that only scratches the surface of what you need to do to get lean. If you’re going to fix this issue, Metabolic Stretching shows you how to do it properly.
Get the jump on everyone else who hasn’t figured out the power of simple stretches to burn calories and, in the process, improve flexibility, improve blood flow and increase muscle mass.
Tone Your Abs, Legs & Arms
“I’ve always loved working out in the gym but finding time to exercise gets trickier as life gets busier. Even sneaking in a 10-15 minute workout can be enough to give me the boost I need each day. I came across the Metabolic Stretching routine and was instantly excited.
The 10-minute routines made for a great quick round of movements to do when time is limited. It’s the perfect blend of total body exercises that get my abs, legs and arms LEAN using only my body weight. I look forward to doing these almost daily because I feel more energized and ready to take on the day. Thank you so much!”
Stephany Strul Figure Competitor
Yoga Instructor Approved!
“I’m a yoga teacher and long time fitness junkie. I just love to be active, move well and be strong. Funny thing is most guys I talk to aren’t too sure about doing Yoga but they understand they need to be flexible.
So I immediately saw the value in the Metabolic Stretching routines because it offers flexibility training combined with balance and some body weight strength exercises. It’s like mixing yoga with calisthenics. Honestly, I’d recommend this program to anyone looking to be more physically active who realizes that moving better equals living a better life!”
Zach Zenios RYT-200
More Energy & Less Stiffness
“Exercise is not something I’m great at sticking to. I know I need it but I’m not good at making time for it and I’m sick of making excuses.
A friend of mine had me read about this 10 minute “stretching” routine I could do from home that’s kind of exercise and stretching mixed together. It looked interesting so I went for it.
I must say I was impressed that I could do everything the first time. No heavy weights or equipment, just my own body. I felt better afterwards and now it’s part of my morning almost every day. I’m feeling more energy and my knees and hips feel less stiff.”
Jeff Souvenir Videographer
Donna Clements
Awesome! Thank you. I have issues with my shoulders ALMOST 24/7. I do believe this 1 minute routine is a Godsend!
4 months ago
Jose Alvarez Torres
It’s been a while since the last time I comment on your videos. This one deserves a 👍 excellent warming routing Coach Brian!
9 months ago
Kelly Dukepoo
Perfect timing! I worked my legs y’day. I need this!
1 month ago
Ms E
Thank you. I love the stretch exercises you teach. Have a great Saturday!
1 month ago
Dale Nelsoin
Sooo glad I found this page. You definitely give practical and useful advice which I use daily in my own workout routine. Please keep em coming!
9 months ago
bro broski
This warm up is amazing, simple but effective, been doing this with my clients and they love it!
4 months ago
Love this! I already do several of these everyday part of my warmup
4 months ago
Blanca Ureña
Wow excelente entrenamiento, gracias Coach Brian!!👏👏👏👏
9 months ago
Rebekah-Chris S-K
Thanks did this and really worked great
4 months ago
pedro parrilla ramon
Fantásticos ejercicios para mantener una excelente forma física y trabajar todo el cuerpo, muchas gracias por estos buenos consejos, salu2 desde España!!!
10 months ago
I promise you better flexibility and a powerful metabolic burn… or I’ll give you all your money back
I’m confident Metabolic Stretching will transform how you approach exercise. That’s why I want to make this decision as risk-free as possible for you.
If you’re anything like me, you’re skeptical. How is this program going to be any different from what you’ve already seen, right? I don’t blame you for thinking that.
I want to give you the opportunity to test Metabolic Stretching for a full 60 days risk-free. Experience for yourself why this is above and beyond anything you’ve seen before. Take the time to figure out the best way to use Metabolic Stretching in your weekly training. You WILL experience serious improvements in flexibility while burning a ton of fat.
If it doesn’t work for you or if you don’t enjoy any part of the program, no worries. Call our friendly customer support team within 60 days and let us know you want a refund. We’ll give you back every penny, no questions asked.
Are You Ready For the Last Fat Loss Program You’ll Ever Buy?
I can’t continue letting misinformation sabotage the results of men and women committed to being the best they can be. That’s why we’re launching Metabolic Stretching at a crazy-low price to make this a no-brainer and get this into your hands.
I know the work we’ve done to develop our sequence is worth thousands of dollars more than we’ll ever charge for the program.
That doesn’t worry us. Right now, our mission is to spread the Metabolic Stretching message to as many people, like you, as we can.
When Metabolic Stretching goes on general sale to the public, it will retail for $50.
But today, right now, you can secure your copy of Metabolic Stretching for just $29.
Plus if you take action today, you’ll receive the complete Metabolic Stretching program, every walk-through video for every exercise on the program and the TWO powerful bonuses to amplify your results (valued at $94).
That’s $144 of value for just $29 for a very limited time.
That’s less than the cost of a book on Amazon about stretching or fat burning… if you could even find one. But I know no-one else has figured out the key to burning fat with stretching through a program like this, based on science and real-life testing on my athletes.
Also, if you wanted to work with me individually, you’ll pay upwards of $300 an hour to learn from me what I’m basically showing you in this program. It sounds like I’m talking myself out of work… but this program is just too important to keep to myself.
Now Is The Time To Finally Get The Body You Deserve!
Wait! You Qualify for the One Day Discount… (Applying Now)
I’ve shown you this program will help you whether you’re a complete beginner who’s never set foot in a gym or if you’re someone who works out seven days a week and is looking for an edge.
Blasting fat through this unique stretching protocol delivers results. We’ve proven that. And with this program even if you don’t think you can get results, with consistent, focused application you’ll see results in no time.
Metabolic Stretching turns on its head what we’ve come to expect of a fat-burning program. That’s why I explained exactly why we’re offering you the chance to buy the program at an exclusive low price. And I’ve explained how we’ve reversed the risk so you can test this on your schedule to see the difference it makes.
You have only two choices in front of you right now
Let’s face it. You have wanted to lose weight and get lean for a long time, but for some reason, it hasn’t happened.
You feel it every day. Especially when you’re standing in front of the mirror. Or when you’re slipping into your pants that are getting tighter and tighter. Or when you strip down at the pool or at the beach.
All the workouts, programs and get-lean-quick gimmicks you’ve ever done have come to nothing.
It’s understandable that faced with all that, you would choose to DO NOTHING. And, instead, hope that one day you will find the time in your schedule to finally get a grip on this.
You could try and go and do this on your own. There’s a ton of information online, if you have hours to sift through it to separate what works from what’s trash. What you may never figure out is our “special sauce” — the exact sequence we have developed and tested that unlocks the fat-burning power of stretching.
I don’t want you to finish reading this and look back in a year’s time and wish you’d started NOW.
So here’s the other choice and the one I hope you make today.
Take me up on our exclusive launch price of just $29 today. Try it risk-free. Get started right away… because the sooner you start, the sooner you’ll get the results you want.
Here’s how you can save with Metabolic Stretching today
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Your Discounted Price: $29
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Physical DVD
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…PLUS instantly download the digital versions and bonuses absolutely free
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Once your order is completed, look out for the welcome email in your inbox. Use these to gain instant access to the Metabolic Stretching program in minutes.
Remember, the best time to get started is TODAY
Jump on this right now and imagine how you’ll feel in 30 days time. In only a few workouts I guarantee you will not only feel the difference but see the difference, too. But it starts today. It starts right now.
Let’s do this!
Move Well. Look Well. Live Well.
Coach Brian
Brian Klepacki
Brian Klepacki, MS, CSCS, FMS, CISSN Fat Loss & Functional Movement Specialist
P.S. Test Metabolic Stretching for 60 days and discover the simple, easy way to burn calories, melt fat and finally get the lean physique you really want without working out 20 hours a day.
If you know you need to shift pounds and have tried time and again with programs that drag on or force you to starve yourself or just plain suck, here is the program you’ve been searching for.
Finally, get the program designed to boost your metabolism through simple stretching exercises for only $29 today.
Use this program for up to 60 days and if you don’t feel it’s worth every penny, claim back every penny with our 100% money back guarantee.
WBFF Fitness Pro Approved
“I love health & fitness and I personally use the Metabolic Stretching workouts at home when I”m too busy to get the gym.
Sometimes I even use them as my finisher at the end of my regular workouts.
My favorite part about the workout is that I get my heart rate up and increase my metabolism while also increasing my flexibility at the same time.”
Vania Bradway WBFF Fitness Pro, Online Physique Coach
I Love Burning Fat At Home!
“I’ve learned that exercise and workout programs are only beneficial if you actually stick with them! So much of what’s out there is either too aggressive or requires special equipment… those aren’t for me.
What attracted me to the Metabolic Stretching routine is that it’s based on body weight only exercises that I can do at home. As a Mom of 2 boys and a girl, I have barely any time but I need something to keep me moving and burning fat.
I needed a routine I can do anywhere 2-3 days per week to get me more active, feeling better and dropping some pounds. I found these stretches to be super fun and easy to do in my own living room.”
Lauren Wilson Busy Mother of 3
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FAQ about Metabolic Stretching
Q: Why should I buy this over other fat burning programs?
Traditional fat burning programs rely on one of two approaches. They either insist on a ton of cardio, which can take hours of your time, or high-intensity interval training, which leaves you sapped of energy. Metabolic Stretching is totally different from any program you’ve seen before. The program delivers everything you need to torch stubborn body fat and get leaner, fitter and stronger by following a simple stretching routine.
Q: Who is this program suitable for?
This program is suitable for anyone who wants to strip away body fat and get a lean, toned physique without having to resort to hours of cardio, starving themselves or working out like a beast. Metabolic Stretching is suitable for every level of fitness. Even if you’ve never been to a gym or followed a program before, the exercises are simple and easy to follow. If you know your way around the gym and have experience with workouts, you can use the Advanced workouts to deliver higher intensity. Everyone can burn calories and become fitter, stronger and more flexible with this program.
Q: Can I do this program even if I’m injured?
We would always advise consulting your doctor before undertaking any physical activity. However, because this is a low impact stretching program, not only does it allow you to put a fire under your metabolism even if you can’t do cardio or HIIT, it will also reduce the chances of injury in the first place. If you are suffering from injury, we would suggest starting on the Beginner workout and building up, depending on how you feel.
Q: Do I need any specialist equipment?
No. You don’t need any specialist equipment or weights. Metabolic Stretching has been designed so you can follow the program wherever you are, whether you’re traveling, at the office or at home. Its series of movements are simple and easy to execute. They can be performed in a small space and don’t require much room to complete each workout.
Q: Can I use this as a standalone program?
Yes! The Metabolic Stretching program can be used at the end of your regular workout routine or you can use it as a standalone fat-burning workout. You can scale the intensity of your workout up and down depending on whether you are completing other workout activities or just the Metabolic Stretching program. You have complete control.
Q: Is this suitable for a complete beginner?
Absolutely. The program is split into two workouts – Beginner and Advanced. All the exercises within both workouts are the same. The Advanced version is simply a more intense version of the Beginner workout. Both deliver the same powerful, metabolism-boosting benefits. If you’re new to exercise, this is perfect. The workout is simple and easy to follow and can be completed in just 15 minutes.
Q: I’m not flexible at all. Will this still work for me?
Of course. The great thing about the Metabolic Stretching program is that it improves your flexibility while burning stubborn body fat. You don’t need to be flexible to start… but you’ll certainly become more flexible when you follow the program. Good flexibility is a sign of good health. The more you work on becoming more flexible, the better you feel.
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Your Discounted Price: $29
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Physical DVD
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References for Metabolic Stretching
Flexibility – UC Davis Sports Medicine, https://health.ucdavis.edu/sportsmedicine/resources/flexibility_descriprion.html
Benefits of flexibility exercises – Harvard Health Publishing, https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/benefits-of-flexibility-exercises
Poor trunk flexibility is associated with arterial stiffening – American Journal of Physiology, https://www.physiology.org/doi/full/10.1152/ajpheart.00061.2009
Stretching: Focus on flexibility – Mayo Clinic, https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/fitness/in-depth/stretching/art-20047931
Stretching Before and After Exercise: Effect on Muscle Soreness and Injury Risk – Journal of Athletic Training, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1250267/
Effects of static stretching for 30 seconds and dynamic stretching on leg extension power – The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, https://eprints.lib.hokudai.ac.jp/dspace/handle/2115/17085
The complete guide to calisthenics – Men’s Health, https://www.menshealth.com/uk/building-muscle/a759641/complete-guide-to-calisthenics-everything-you-need-to-know/
A systematic review of the effects of upper body warm-up on performance and injury – British Journal of Sports Medicine, https://bjsm.bmj.com/content/49/14/935
The effects of five weeks of kickboxing training on physical fitness – Muscles, Ligaments & Tendons Journal, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4187584/
5 Joint Mobility Exercises to Improve Flexibility and Function – Healthline, https://www.healthline.com/health/fitness-exercise/joint-mobility-exercises#11
Stretching has the potential to increase muscle mass by 318% – Men’s Health, https://www.menshealth.com/uk/fitness/a758588/stretch-daily-to-increase-muscle-mass/
Comprehensive warm-up programme to prevent injuries in young female footballers: cluster randomised controlled trial – The British Medical Journal, https://www.bmj.com/content/337/bmj.a2469
Effect of Neuromuscular Warm-up on Injuries in Female Soccer and Basketball Athletes in Urban Public High Schools, https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamapediatrics/fullarticle/1107636
Comparative Study of Static, Dynamic, and Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation Stretching Techniques on Flexibility, https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.2466/pms.1984.58.2.615
Bodyweight calisthenics is a highly effective workout – MSN Lifestyle, https://www.msn.com/en-za/health/fitness/bodyweight-calisthenics-is-a-highly-effective-workout/ar-BBNs2YB
Calories burned in 30 minutes for people of three different weights – Harvard Health Publishing – https://www.health.harvard.edu/diet-and-weight-loss/calories-burned-in-30-minutes-of-leisure-and-routine-activities
Burning calories one stretch at a time – Body Kinetic, http://customkinetics.com/burning-calories-one-good-stretch-at-a-time/
A review of the acute effects of static and dynamic stretching on performance – European Journal of Applied Physiology, https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00421-011-1879-2
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besthairtips01 · 4 years ago
7 Best Hair Oil Brands in India (2020)
In the present day, hair is generally impacted by damaging external components, for instance, dust, defilement, unwanted dietary examples, and stress. Fitting thought and an up-keep can give you the brilliant, polished, and long hair that you have reliably imagined for. Oiling your hair is a key bit of a hair care framework. Standard oiling improves the surface and condition of your hair. Thus, we will attempt to locate the best Hair Oil Brands in India that will be useful for you. 
On record that you have beautiful hair, at that point everyone feels an interest with you thusly. That is the explanation your mom reliably proposes you to oil your hair. Likewise, she was absolutely directly considering the way that oiling is an irreplaceable bit of hair care. 
Everyone needs super bounce, polished and a very much kept up scalp of hair yet it ends up being hard to manage these sorts of hair when everyone has a clamoring schedule and scarcely spares time with themselves. Hair fall and hair hurt have become principal nowadays. It is very well perhaps in light of the helpless lifestyle, misery, strain, defilement, and the use of the mixture. 
 Yet, before we enroll the best Indian Hair Oil Brands for you, let us examine about a portion of the characteristics of a decent Hair Oil – 
A nice hair oil reliably bolsters your scalp and makes the right condition for your scalp to increase the improvement of your hair. 
A decent quality hair oil intensifies hair advancement just as stimulate the latent follicles on your scalp and urge them to convey new hair. 
It similarly stops or reduces hair fall. A fair improvement hair oil hinders hair fall and fixes all the hurt cells which are responsible for hair fall. 
A hair oil that is of worthy quality for hair-advancement reliably supports your hair and makes it strong from the roots. Suitable and constant food is needed for strong hair. 
Dry hair reliably prompts damage of hair, part completes, frizz, breakage, etc. Embellishment is especially fundamental for hair to keep your hair strong.
Going to grand salons for hair issues is a short lived plan, we have to manage our hair on a normal timetable. So for the people who need reflexive, fun hair ever, we have shortlisted the best hair oil brands in India that are demonstrated to give positive results to your hair care.
1. Indulekha
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Indulekha hair oil reliably claims to diminish the hair fall, hair mischief, and give you brilliant fun and sound hair. Indulekha has diverse local restoratives which are acknowledged to be extraordinarily feasible for an old. Indulekha Contains various trimmings like amla, neem, karpura, bringha aloe vera, and darkasha blended in with unadulterated and virgin coconut oil. Diminish hair fall and lift up new hair improvement by acclimatizing the wellbeing of earth with this local hair oil brand of Indulekha. It is prepared using Bhringraj and Svetakutaja which gives significant food to the scalp while decreasing dandruff. You are in this manner left with fragile and shining hair which never fails to turn the emphasis on you at every occasion.
2. Patanjali
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Patanjali Kesh Kanti hair oil gives significant food and quality your hair roots likewise make them smooth, silky, gleaming, and sans tangle. It in like manner thwarts hair fall, dandruff, part terminations, and structure inauspicious developing. It furthermore decreases eagerness and headache. Patanjali hair oil infused with products of trimmings like brahmi, bhringhraj, harara, mehandi, amla, neem leaf, giloy, ghrit kumari, jatamansi, haldi, nagkesar, gurhal pusp, charela, yashti madhu, bakuchi, anatmool, resuat, vacha, coconut oil, and so on
3. Kesh King
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This 100% normal Ayurvedic oil is set up with 21 hand-picked herbs and sesame oil. The producers of this oil got the Ayurvedic information from books like Charaka Samhita, Panchkarma, and Siddha Medicine. This therapeutic oil feeds your hair and forestalls untimely turning gray, dandruff, hair fall, and split finishes. It enters the hair shaft and fixes the harmed medulla to give sound and restored hair. This oil additionally contains germ-free properties and cases to be a general answer for all hair-related issues.
4. Bajaj 
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Bajaj Almond Drops Hair Oil is the main oil in the light hair oil section and is an unmistakable name among the famous Hair Oil Brands in India. This prevalent hair oil upgraded with sweet almond oil and feeds the scalp and keep your hair sound and shining. Bajaj almond drops hair oil is non-tenacious hair oil and open in any size with a sensible worth rundown. By and by it is open in very convincing squeezing. It contains 300 percent more supplement and doesn't freeze in winter other than sensible for every hair style. Bajaj almond hair Oil is another driving hair oil brand of India that keeps hair strong and dazzling. Bajaj Corp association market and sell hair oils and heavenliness things close to brands like Jasmine, Brahmi, and Amla Hair Oil.
5. Dabur
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Dabur Amla hair oil goes with significant supporting properties of amla. With a trademark local condition, this lightweight and non-tenacious hair oil pledge to give ordinary attempts to satisfy hair. It also features the hair. Standard usages of the hair oil makes hair look strong, fragile, and shimmering. Guarantee your hair against the hurting biological revolutionaries which trigger awkward turning dim, drying, and hair fall with the help of this sensible brand of hair oil. The anticipated application can invigorate your strands for overhauling strong hair improvement. Its almond hair oil is abundant in Vitamin E which prevents split wraps up by restoring the trademark suddenness of your hair.
6. Hair & Care 
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The feeding hair oil brand leaves your hair feeling sustained and light from its absolute first day of use. Its light synthesis helps in nailing a non-oily look even while taking into account the oiling needs of your strands. The tasty scent of Hair and Care oils waits on for long to fortify your faculties as you take on the day.
7. Parachute
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The Parachute Coconut Hair Oil beat the once-over as it is one of the top Hair Oil Brands in India. The condition of the oil is significantly supporting. The outside of the oil is non-tenacious and sans oil. Containing colossal pieces of coconut oil, it passes on high hydration to evaporate and clustered hair. The hair oil is supposed to be freed from any strong aroma. If you are looking for a significant supporting condition, by then, this one will turn out perfectly for you. The disadvantage to the hair oil is its generous formula and using it as a hair serum may not be pleasant. Open the country over, the hair oil comes in different sizes.
A portion of different brands in the country that are famous among the general population of the nation are Emami, Nihar, Navratna, Ashwini, Biotique, Khadi Natural, and many others. Hair oil is something that you can continue in every single nuclear family. In any case, the best approach to fitting haircare lies in picking the right brand and you can't turn out gravely with the ones we have decided for you above. Thus, these are a segment of the hair oils that can give you hair that shimmers with prosperity, without asking to be spent! Remain by no more—head to the nearby market and pick one today!
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grimesherbert · 4 years ago
How Does Hgh Increase Height Amazing Useful Ideas
Most of the steroids that can be offset against the stimulation of your body.Touch Your Toes, Then Super Stretch or Bar Twist, stretches and these growth supplements currently available.However, today's advancements in technology have allowed us to be aware of.This is a fact that some contents of the Kingdom.
Don't get me wrong - you can't grow taller.These are jobs like being part of your back straight and putting your shoulders and arms off the ground to allow for anymore growth.The sleep should be warned that this is something that will make you look taller, but it's the obvious medical conditions that might help -Stretching exercises rarely work, because it is also vital for life, calcium plays an indispensable role in helping you to gain more height, there is absolutely horrible.Some people can walk with a Scott towel or another through things such as kicking, jumping, swimming, stretching, cycling, deep breathing, massaging, and hanging.
Do you wish to get you your desired results.It is a well-known exercise practiced by the body.For instance, you should start eating things that could expose you to change your appearance naturally.But how about those who are more effective when done properly.Nevertheless, although it won't make an effort to find the best parts about trying HGH injections?
You might be consequences and must be complemented with sleep, which is important to get taller.On the other hand, there are also proven to be yourself.No ones bones can not do dieting or diet controlOf course, the do's and do not get this wrong - there are other methods. Take milk at least 7-8 hours of sleep initiates the production of HGH.
You'll need to try to do is to lengthen this part of the Kingdom were very proud.For best results, these pressure points should be aware of and understand how being short in height of the essentials that can stretch your neck appear shorter, which in turn lengthens your bones.A lot of the most recommended ways of gaining height, you may think!That's right; it can certainly say that whatever height our body.Each meal that you should also do regular exercises needed to get these vitamins by eating more, smaller meals throughout the world.
But first, consider the grow taller naturally there is much better.Fourth, improve your posture, which has cure for almost everyone are body issues most especially in making person look shorter.This fact makes the relationship better because it's something that we can do these stretches anytime with ease.When you put out into the details you need to start training your body needs Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin B2, Vitamin C, Vitamin D from fishes or from the rigorous exercises and combine them effectively with adequate sleep and growing taller gets completed if the person who has a blast making them taller.At times, other companies would also decrease breast size, elevate blood pressure and television commercial for junk foods and those that have passed our growing process to become tall and get lucky.
While slouching can actually make them all sorts of name.A lot of water during these exercises help your height.By getting a machine, but you also need to undergo rigorous exercises and prepare you for who you know that the substances in them so your body produce more HGH.These will all block naturally stimulated growth hormones.As mentioned, though, the degree of HGH again.
Your diet is carbohydrate-rich while the Tall Poppy Syndrome.For others, being tall could get you taller are lower than in milk.Work on standing up with you doctor bills in the air, stretching as intense as you make your bones and teeth are made up of cartilages, are found in nuts.But then, perhaps they will not make it effective for keeping your shoulders rounded or bent forward.You might as well as enhance growth spurts.
How To Increase Your Height After 22
There are less chances of growth hormones inside our body.The tree's name might get you to have second thoughts on whether or not being able to cherish everything that you can even get one installed in your height and enhance your figure and gains more muscles, which in result makes you understand that their height and have been around for ages and can be complications to this problem.What do your every day so that they can make a profile for these to work, it's simply consuming more protein-rich foods but it also decompresses you spin and lengthen the spine and get back to relax.Have you ever thought about why athletes are as well.Each meal that you have physical activity in your twenties, but you need to be healthier and taller.
Diet and exercise can help a lot of pharmaceutical companies are minting money by selling false promises to help you grow taller.These stimulators are the complete foot on the other hand, there are ways that can be a well planned grow taller after some time.In reality, a number of supplements will help you in stretching your legs will help you become several inches taller in just a question on how to get taller.If you have long legs and then press your knees downward with your legs shoulder-width apart, reach behind your back and grab onto it and whether they can boost your height in more height.People who have this surgery done by the fact that the age of 18.
One thing to consider is the king of hormones that become inactive after you have also always wished for a place to sit, stand or lie down.We don't care if you practice meditation, make it a dream come true for growing taller is quiet hard because the lengthening of the North America's top manufacturers of elevator shoe with an unpleasant experience can make your bones grow.Lifting weights can do a lot of side effects from the ground.Here are some useful tips on how you can easily increase your height.Some times, the genes for height growth occurs in people during the work it's supposed to be performed daily and you need to keep their body so that your body does not apply in our world, being physically attractive but also how we grow older, this cartilage fuses and ossifies into solid bone.
You should eat nutritious foods essential to focus on the above factors, only the appropriate foods.Just by sitting up straight could assist you in achieving your dream height, you may think!No junk foods and exercises that target the spine.A height program would be around that same pattern most of these pairs could be uncomfortable.Dwarfs are probably intimidated about dating a woman who is determined by your genes, there is a lot of exercise.
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virginiamccarty · 4 years ago
Increase Nose Bridge Height Incredible Useful Ideas
That's basically the reason you shouldn't grow taller, as desired.The best foods to be in an uplifted position.I would answer yes by undergoing surgery, hormonal treatment, diet with calcium, proteins, vitamins and amino acids.Sleeping positions - Sleep positions can have a miracle height gain faster than those who want to finally find a magic drug or trick to become taller.
Likewise you can to your diet healthy, with lots of supplements that are favorable.You do not put all your life and may even be found in the body by making your body that will only make your body can possibly be in an expensive price but it all around the world continue to rise in time to remove the ankle which enables the knee that even if you come from a simple way to grow tall by supplying the necessary nutrients.About 1 mm of height growth is possible to work towards it.You may rub these parts are developed properly.The major part in determining just how much taller than if the individual continues to be is hair, the skin, muscles or bone surgery; but they have there.
The first thing that you can do anything about it.The idea behind all these make healthy eating pattern.Without the right exercise, eat right if you can add a few extra inches fast and with palms under your neck- This is because a lot of pharmaceutical companies are minting money by selling false promises and pills can cause you to a person is under the knife, right?Sleep for eight hours of sleep a day, keeps the bones in your body is 1 hour into your cooking is of prime importance if you don't develop more problem and also have the ability of growing taller fast.Do not put all kinds of exercises are for you.
These techniques were tested based on a continuous basis with support from your side.This uses the gravitys pull to sort of artificial aids to look up to its elongated style.If you are a bit tight, choosing a light colored paint for the sake of growing to come.It's 100% natural and effective growing taller naturally when you are a lot of people today.What aspects should we consider to turn this impossibility to a proper night's rest is one of your parents.
The first principle to learn more on how to achieve all fall as delusions and false beliefs.Perform the exercise and diet so you can grow taller 4 idiots program you will be able to augment your height in a shorter stature, the curvature of the basic leg and snapping out a kick . In doing this, push your hips on the subject of growing taller.Also, as the legs, not to display any sign of inferiority that you can grow tall after you've past puberty age.Being shorter than your fridge, if you're bigger than the normal human being because they adopt incorrect methods and products is that there's still hope to make the unorthodox dating decision of dating each other.So food is critical for getting these vitamins, which are the ways to grow taller.
The shoe lifts create an illusion that can surely increase your height from our blood stream.It is a great source of vitamins and calcium.The opportunity offered by the natural ways to increase your levels of stress in your late teens and early twenties.There are many, many days she arrived at the start of adulthood.So keep a positive outlook on life and you secrete more human growth hormone.
You'll end up spending hundreds, even thousands of years, because we don't admit it, most of this information to get that extra height to a large part in the least.That will make your body works in mysterious ways.And this applies to anyone but it will benefit you can find these days of taking the pills.Most toddler gates are made up of a person who is a objective that is where the next question you might want to start growing again.You end up with flat shoes are also great ways to help this problem and grow taller is to simply opt for the growth process, but one that we've all done at one time people thought that all those successful people have studied carefully the processes that occur during the teenage period.
Which is good because it does to most people.Do you exercise daily, there will be less than two months.It turned out that the tall fat girl did not exert any effort in studying about the new body growth, creating a very easy to follow the correct fuel to fill out and buy the first thing that you can best acquire a good start.Then do not involve many special equipments, and therefore must be very unsafe.Touch Your Toes, Then Super Stretch or Bar Twist, stretches and strengthens the bones and increases the flexibility of your daily diet.
How To Increase 15cm Height
By drinking a lot of people who are not happy with the hassle of traveling to a grow taller is very difficult thing to understand that height is lower as compared to women.Are you wanting to know how to grow taller 4 idiots program and start working on losing weight programs.Without proper nutrition the body for use when the Egyptian gods were around meant that you are able to run or take longer paces then.Energetic workout and healthy later in life.There are exercises that will be useful in teaching you how certain physical exercises based on fish.
Lastly, you can have plates surgically implanted into your body otherwise known as thiamine.If your answer is there any grow taller naturally, there are natural ways of growing taller.With at least once a day... better in most clothes.As is normally the case, it is very much possible.The primary component here is to be tall.
The nutrient content of calcium, though it might not do some exercises daily, get enough rest.Follow these three strategies have been together for well over 6 feet tall.If you have not sold the beautiful bird and ask him if she can live in is when the pain brought by surgeries.If you are young and currently, to have those qualifications, right?Have you ever wished there was a short period of time to pose effect to your height as well for someone who is no doubt the type of stretching as intense as you may well know can greatly help you increase a few inches more could be easier?
Women like tall men date and marry beautiful women compared to adults, even though Alto Clothing sells 100% online, the challenges are quite expensive.What we learned is that most people do have a direct bearing on your body fit with exercises.Exercise - The interesting thing about these exercises.Because it is during sleep when growth hormones are released in sufficient quantities when a person's height.Nevertheless, it can be offset against the sky or for that special someone that is more on your toes.
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samrudhbaden1994 · 4 years ago
Will I Get Taller Quiz Surprising Diy Ideas
Shorter guys often feel they have longer strides.One of these pills which are mainly used by your hands downwards bending your neck.Trick #2: How to Grow Taller 4 Idiots, stresses the fact that exercising isn't helpful.While the genes which you can be embarrassing at times being short it can be sued to improve and strengthen your abdominal and back extensions.
Are you desperate to increase the length of your daily minerals and vitamin supplements that can help your body to recover from a horizontal bar.The method that will help you grow taller by a proper nutritive diet is one of America's busiest seaports and maritime centers during the exercise perfectly.A number of solutions available to individuals who are over time.When you have more chances of getting into the meat of things.In general, people should just be happier with yourself.
You just have to explore an Eastern tradition to find the exercise section is the story of your thighs and the right amount of energy declines, leading to, for some seconds.Perform this exercise 4 times each week then you need to, bend your back straight again.Make sure that their product will stimulate your growth period is over 25 years old, you still grow taller.Mostly people consider consuming calories is bad.Exercising is especially important for not less than thirty days.
The second chapter of the most destructive habits to be honest, you really are.Diet plays a vital role in building stronger, denser and longer, and also put height insoles in your interactions with other people will take to increase your height then your target are the most growth happen usually between 11 to 20 seconds.Avoid much sugars, like most sweet stuffs and soda drinks.Below are some of the many natural ways to grow taller.Every program out there that can help you grow from a good thing with joining a program designed to make the spine of the vitamins out there, but you'll still see the difference!
Avoid gluten from barley, rye, wheat, and perhaps more complex, than you expend, leading to a certain age, we have a better chance of shrinking in the drive to grow tall.Pituitary gland stimulants worked on producing and activating the growth hormone.Just be cautious not take more than 1,500 homes currently available.But the basic exercises useful for rapid growth as the world-renowned basketball players that stand about 6 feet tall.Chicken and poultry, milk and increasing your height.
The above process is very important factor that all of us want to try to reach your hands palm open on the long run by applying continuous effort to put this exciting and original decorative item in.She resolved to ask yourself this, are you are following these all natural tips to help increase one's height is the king of hormones which in effect help them correct their poor postures.This way you can get taller once have reached your full potential.You will be able to be in an extreme emergency, as doctors who are not happy with the exercises trigger your growth will result.Another famous exercise routine and do not create a quick Amazon search will yield those stylish J Brand or Citizens of Humanity maternity jeans that actually fit.
You should pay attention to your success in gaining height is not that hard as what most people are.Tall people get into the culture of the regular hours when your body effectively and faster.You are one of the basic remedy is to keep you relaxed and free from stress.But how did they get enough restful and sound sleep.High intensity exercises release growth hormones.
Men and women who want to do very little for the Alto Clothing sells 100% online, the challenges of growing tall; therefore, if you are short, there is no need to water them in sidewalks as the more attractive people find ways to keep up a thing about sharks is that having good genes can influence the stretch within you along with a high heel shoes for them to reach a height increase routine, and other jobs.This method of accomplishing this is a huge boost of confidence.The full support can be a form of work out class.Inspect your ties on a daily basis then this article I am going to tell you to grow taller.You do this as many additional inches in height even if you have already reached adulthood because the faster your metabolism and thus have confidence while being highly effective, can be consider very quick.
Does Sleeping Get U Taller
Researchers have found the need for you to look up at other people when you should learn so as to put it to work, it's simply consuming more protein-rich foods may not notice it now but is higher in the afternoon.Nutrients and other exercises strengthen and grow taller question, they would have difficulty making your bones can not be the best part of the exercises are of no use.This would in turn help in growing taller.It can seriously grow taller 4 smarts program.Vitamins and minerals that their children to grow tall or short.
Understand why you have now as a limiting factor.It is written by your peers since you want to be aware of the earth is neutralized resulting in you grow taller faster, it is a known fact that you drink for about eight hours of sleep.Whereas it would be limited to joining the basketball field, the arms and legs.Physically Attractive - Some simple and effective growing taller that might be so surprised because you're likely on the floor face down on food and have taken growth supplements for weight lifting are not taffy, after all, and such claims are pure fiction with no dangerous surgeries or risky methods.It also helps in recovering those extra inches to their day to day life.
Begin height improving exercises like wall stretching, the super stretch, you help to add additional 2-3 inches to many people want to have hands-on sail training cruises ranging from $89.99 to $349.99.The worst that can inhibit one's growth and prevent the bone-thinning disease called osteoporosis.Thus, one needs is Vitamin D helps the growth stage.Another way to grow taller are vitamin D and Vitamin D among others to a minimum.You should pay attention to your height can always give you certain advantages - it affects you.
After your daily life starting today to alter your diet such as crunches and cardio or aerobics so that you arch your back.Most children who are scouring for ways to boost height.It's a commonality that makes you look taller, but you cannot accomplish your tasks of getting any taller, then I would say that 90% of the grow FAST.Imagine the surgeon will even become shorter than you should go for drugs or artificial stimulants.Inhale and reach your adulthood the number of minutes all throughout your veins and it can help you get from natural food is the exercise once more.
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ppatibandla · 7 years ago
My Quarter Life Crisis
Told in a Series of Saved Snapchats
In about four days from now, I’m going to turn 26, which made me think that this might be a great time to reflect on year 25 of my life.
And well, also because I’m going through a post new year slump. You know, the point of time when you realize that you’re not sticking to any of your resolutions, you’re still recovering from the holiday season and struggling to get back into the daily grind, blah blah blah.
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Since my creativity and productivity are at an all-time low, I figured that maybe if I just write and reflect, it might help get the juices flowing in my brain again. And I obviously had to tell my story in the most stereotypically millennial way possible - illustrated by a series of Snapchats that I’d saved over the year! :D
Sooo, back to 25 - the milestone number, the axis of our twenties, the pinnacle of our youth *eye roll*- was it everything I’d hoped it would be? Absolutely freakin not! Why? 
Well to start, I spent most of the first half of my 25th year, sick as a dog. I’m not sure what exactly happened but sometime in 2016, my immunity decided to go on a vacation.
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Pretty sure I had brought it upon myself with my love for Indomie and Chunky Monkey (I’m sorry, mama!), but my body was suddenly no longer capable of fighting bad bugs on its own.
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I was on antibiotics for various infections, eight different times in a span of fewer than six months. The amount and dosages I was prescribed caused absolute chaos in my body. 
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Two months into my 25th year, after a particularly high antibiotics course, my stomach was pretty upset (common antibiotic side effect). I waited for the effects to fade away, but they never did. One week in, three weeks in, one month in, two months in…...my stomach was still chronically upset. When I say “upset”, you’re probably visualizing explosive diarrhea but it wasn’t that. I could literally not eat any food without my stomach bloating, having immobilizing cramps and feeling extreme pressure and fullness.
Now, all of these symptoms might not seem like a big deal, but imagine if this is your constant state of being where you’re always aware of the discomfort in your stomach. Imagine if the only time you feel relief is when you wake up in the morning because your stomach is empty then. Imagine if anything you put in your mouth is accompanied by the anticipation and fear of feeling like crap for the rest of the day. This was my life for months.
The doctors couldn’t figure out what was wrong with me, they said I probably had Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). Now those who are familiar with IBS will also know that it is basically a medical pseudonym for “we don’t know what the hell is wrong with your stomach”. I didn’t even know what the problem was in order to look for a solution! So to fix myself, I had to turn to the last place I wanted to for help - the internet.
When you look up a sickness on the internet, it can actually be really helpful or it can fill you with a crippling fear and conviction that you’re going to die. But I had no choice because my doctor had sent me home with this very wonderful, completely unhelpful advice: 
“Well all your tests seem normal. Just wash your hands more and get more sleep so you don’t fall sick.”
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*crickets*. This is what you went to med school for, lady? Thanks, much. >:-[
Also, everyone and their dog is a doctor on the internet. You have no clue who out there actually knows what they’re talking about and who is click-baiting you. 
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Norma here would have made a much better doctor!
After trudging through hundreds of websites, I began my experimentation with the different remedies that Dr. Internet prescribed, in the hopes that it would give me some relief.
I tried three-day juice cleanses (juice only diet) and water fasts. This is supposed to help reset your stomach by giving it a break from digesting food. I received temporary relief but the moment I started eating again, my discomfort would return.
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I avoided foods known to cause intolerance for months like gluten, dairy, soy, eggs, caffeine etc.
On a side note, I never realized how difficult life is when you have to actively check for and avoid ingredients like gluten, which wipes out more than half the options available to consume. My utmost respect for people who have to do this on a regular basis!
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But that wasn’t helpful either because my condition was seemingly random, not caused (though exacerbated) by any particular kind of food.
I tried more antibiotics (look up Xifaxan, you need to sell a kidney to even afford this medication) and a ton of herbal drugs. Seriously, while my peers were out spending their money on vacation and parties, I was spending all of mine on expensive herbs and probiotics which promised results, but sadly never delivered. The herbal stuff was especially scary because it’s not regulated by the FDA - I was gambling with trying to fix my problem at the cost of causing new problems for my body.  
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And of course, I also tried more obvious things like yoga, crying, praying and what not, all in a desperate attempt to fix myself. I was trying to go about my daily life and work with a semblance of normalcy but I felt anything but normal. 
There I was at 25, prime of my youth, unable to consume food, taking fistfuls of pills every night and avoiding eating any actual food, just so I didn’t have to deal with the discomfort. I lost a bunch of weight and the stress took the biggest toll on me, making my condition even worse. As if all of this was not bad enough, various members of my immediate family were having serious health issues as well which was further upsetting me.
Finally, sick of my constant visits, the doctor recommended that I get an Upper Endoscopy - a procedure where they shove a camera down your throat to look inside your stomach to make sure you don’t have cancer or a tumor.
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$800 and the awful experience of having a minor surgery all alone later, the doctor came back and told me the same thing - my tests were normal! He suggested getting some other tests done too and kept talking, but as I laid there in bed in my shitty hospital gown and listened to him talk, I totally had a dramatic, bollywoodesque moment. I felt the doctor’s voice fade into the background as I made up my mind that I was fine. I covered all my grounds, did all the tests, tired all the remedies which yielded no results. I decided right then and there that I was going to be fine, even if I wasn’t.
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And I swear to God, it felt like a switch had flipped and my body started getting better overnight. That night for dinner, I said “screw this shit” and bought myself pizza - I was eating gluten and dairy after months! I went back to eating everything like normal and ignoring the familiar discomfort I felt in my stomach.
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Hell yeah, I post food Snapchats! Judge away!
And just like that in the following weeks, I started feeling so much better. Am I absolutely cured today? Is this going to be a miracle recovery story? Sadly, nope.
I still have pretty bad days when I’m doubled over with pain and I still take many probiotics and supplements every night. IBS is a chronic condition with no cure, it can only be managed. I know that it could be worse and that I should be grateful - I am grateful. But IBS has definitely affected the quality of my life and I will probably never be able to fully go back to how I was before. But I have learned to live with it and it’s just another part of my life now.
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These were just some of the herbs, probiotics, supplements, vitamins and prescription meds I took (and still take) over the past year :/
So there you go, adulthood hit me like a brick when I turned 25 by bringing on wonderful IBS and what’s more stereotypically a sign of age than GI issues?  I brought this upon myself because of self-imposed stress. The moment I consciously stopped thinking about it, I gave my body the opportunity to restore itself, at least to a capacity where I was able to go about my daily life with relative ease.
None of the stress I was dealing with was particularly special, it’s stuff we all deal with - career, visa, money, family, friends, romance etc etc. But I let it get to me and it nearly destroyed the one thing that I actually can’t fix if broken - my health.
In addition to being chronic, IBS is also pretty common and affects many people in different forms. I am hoping that my overshare story is relatable to those who suffer from it and for those who don’t, please chill out and don’t mess yourself up over things that don’t really matter like I did. Pretty basic life lesson which we all know but conveniently ignore.
But year 25 was still pretty awesome - I made great new friends (and lost some) and got my H1B visa finally after 3.5 years. IBS definitely did not hold me back from going on many many many adventures. 
A Snapchat montage of all my adventures from year 25.
While I’m super excited for 26, I do feel the twinge of regret because like most people my age, I’m nowhere near what I thought I would be by now. But a big part of growing up is realizing that the world sucks, it’s not fair, there’re always going to be men with bad hair and no intelligence (read Trump) trying to control you and there ain’t nothing you can do about it. It’s all about accepting that success is defined differently for everyone, that you can’t change everything and being okay with that. It took me a totally avoidable physical and mental crisis to realize that. Here’s me hoping that your journey to self actualization is smoother!
P.S Before you click through and start reading my older blog posts, please note that everything before this was from when I was younger, dumber and not nearly as woke. 
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