#but as a hero in one of varric's stories and how that parallels the inquisitor and solas like people view you as a figure not a person
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You mentioned you romanced Lucanis, how do you feel about Neve x Lucanis getting together if you don't romance either of them?
It's fine, I guess.
I romanced Davrin on my first playthrough, and I'll be honest, Neve and Lucanis getting together came out of no where for me. After the scene played, I realized that I rarely had them together in my party, and if I had, it'd probably make more sense. Or have more chemistry.
I left that scene like, "...What just happened? Oh well, good for them, I guess, have fun!"
I had Neve in my party a lot [Davrin and Neve were my go-to duo], and Lucanis was unfortunately benched until it was time to do his quests... which is really ironic, like if you had asked me who my least favorite companion was at the end of that first playthrough, it would've been Lucanis.
It doesn't help that I saved Minrathous, so I missed out on some of his personal quests, too.
I didn't dislike him or anything... though learning about Spite did have me throw him off the table of potential love interests because that Anders Romance Trauma [affectionate] kicked in and I said, "noooooo, I'm not doing that again, you cannot make meeee-"
Which, again.... ironic. Because he crawled his way back onto the table and made me feel things. It healed some parts of me. But also did more damage. It's complicated, like being an andersmancer makes it a whole other discussion for another day.
I will say, I saw a lot of talk about Neve and Lucanis prior to doing his romance which made me wonder if it was another Isabela and Fenris "Isabela bad because she USES Fenris if you don't romance him" situation where players are weirdly jealous and take it out on the female character... which uh oh.
Yeah, I can honestly say I never felt "threatened" by Neve while pursuing Lucanis. I brought them out and about several times, waited to see if they'd flirt or anything, or give me a reason to feel that he liked her more than my Rook, and like... It's not just a Neve and Lucanis thing.
It's more to do with Rook feeling like an outsider within the group who isn't allowed to interact with their companions until the game tells them to. Walking around the lighthouse feels really lonely sometimes because you're just approaching your friends, listening to their conversations, and then they look at you like "....can we help you?" and you just... walk away. Also the visual during team meetings where everyone is sitting together with Rook on the other side by themselves with only Assan sitting at their feet...
...again, topic for another day.
Anyway, aside from that? No, I never felt like they crossed a line for me that would make feel like they liked each other better than Rook. If there is banter that does, then I didn't get it.
There was this really sweet banter after I locked his romance in though, the one where Neve commented on Lucanis smiling more and making sure he recognizes that he's happy with Rook. That only endeared me to Neve more than I already was, I adore her.
But if I'm not romancing either of them? Let them have their fun, y'know?
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felassan · 6 years ago
Faces of Thedas Part 1
(Part 2 is here)
Soooo I came across what seems to be the whole of Faces of Thedas free online. 0: 
I’m picking through it and there’s some cool/interesting stuff in there. these parts were the highlights and most notable bits for me so far. not suggesting this is all new or that these things are all good, just that they were what stood out most to me.
- it specifically notes that it’s a useful guide to their characters, with their histories and personalities carefully researched and detailed. i.e. it’s official information. I do have to say there are quite a few typos (Par Vallon? Kal-shirok? Teveinter? Bartran? Sa arebas? bit sloppy) and even several lore-errors in it. not a big deal, just you’d think it’s the kind of thing they would have caught during editing and proof-reads
- blond hair and blue eyes are distinctive features of Anderfels mountain men
- Leliana’s features are very Fereldan
- it describes Cass as a “cactus patch” LOL, dragon-hunting as a limited field with just two classes of practitioners - “skilled” and “deceased” - and lists Anders’ Awakening-era equipment as including Ser Pounce-a-lot (yey!) and dried mackerel (yuk). includes notable quotes from some of the characters; Dog’s is “Woof!” (of course). Varric is totally making Cass a character in his next bestseller. Cole’s equipment list ends “and an unusual hat”. Stitches is one of the best healers in Ferelden. Dalish the Charger is a flirt. Varric’s allegiances include “the Champion of Kirkwall”. ;__; Harding’s role is “Adorably Sarcastic Lead Scout”, and her family mabari Contessa weighs 170 pounds. an aside, but descriptions of Origins-era Anders cause him to strike me as an Enneagram 7
- if Hawke killed Anders for his actions at the end of DAII, disciples (like-minded mages) elevated him to martyrdom for his valiant blow against their oppressors. if Anders lived, after the Kirkwall Rebellion he’s not only a pariah but arguably the most universally despised person alive in all of Thedas. even among the Rebel Mages he’s considered an extremist, and there’s apparently hardly a mage alive who’s in any way pleased with his actions 8| according to this book, hundreds died when Kirkwall Chantry blew up
- one of Alistair’s few indulgences as King was commissioning a custom pike designed specially for him. it’s a masterwork ironbark twohanded spear, and was inspired by Oghren’s old off-color jokes about pike-twirling.
- “Alistair is one of the few truly good people in Thedas”
- he sees siring Morrigan’s child as a fate worse than death
- whatever her outcome, Anora remains a Queen of Ferelden in her heart
- Leliana is still the girl that had a pet nug she named Schmooples, despite it all
- after the Fifth Blight, Dog was allowed to rest/retire, settle down, find a mate, and produce many Mabari pups. these pups share the ferocity of their father, and could prove equally valuable companions to those worthy of their loyalty. after his passing, there’s a good chance that interested parties would be after his bones to display them as a prize or curio.
- far from just using the network of mirrors to hamper both sides in the Orlesian Civil War, back when Briala had control of the eluvians she also used them to bring food to alienages, gaining the support of City Elves in the process, and to aid elves in other ways too. she’s also noted to have been doing what she could to gain the support of the Dalish, and that her logic was that the longer she could drag out and harry the Orlesian war effort, the more time she would have to free her People from their bonds. her goals are for all of the elves of Orlais, City and Dalish both, and she’s making efforts to bring unity between the two. in the Orlesian court she spends time, through intrigue, supporting nobles who support elves and tearing down those who do not. Briala is bae ok I added that last bit myself
- “Many Dalish don’t see city elves as being truly elves and so don’t see any particular reason to help them, and for that matter why would anyone want to have equality with a shem?”
- in need of an Inquisitor to head up their soon-to-be-hatched recreation of the Inquisition of old, and potential allies of the Chantry and the Divine, Leliana had set out in search of the Hero of Ferelden while Cassandra sought Hawke.
- rogue Seekers as well as the templars and rebel mages were in attendance at the Conclave. before the sky opened, Cassandra and Varric were supposed to address the Conclave, so that Varric could recount his tale of the Champion
- I like this snippet on Cass’s development: “introspection is a difficult skill to learn, however, and her brash impulsiveness often leaves her deeply chagrined or ashamed of mistakes that could have been avoided had she taken time to consider before rushing to judgement. Or to paraphrase her own recriminations, recent events taught her anything, it’s the extent of her own ignorance and short-sightedness.” I like to think this sort of reflection and development applies to her looking back on some of the ill-thought comments she made early in the course of DA:I, like asking Lavellan “Isn’t there room for another god?” and similar.
- Cass and Galyan could never make a stable, serious relationship, but they did get together when they could and harbored feelings for each other right up until he died at the Conclave Q.Q
- “Celene does, in fact, have sympathy for the elves,”    ಠ_ಠ
- Cole perceives pain as very nearly a physical thing with which he can interact. his unhesitating stream-of-consciousness recounting of peoples’ most painful memories occurs because he wants to excise the pain by exposing it and helping his subject through it
- This part on how Dorian can potentially be used by GMs in campaigns: “Dorian provides a strong candidate for a high-society Tevinter who would employ the heroes. Due to his position in Tevinter nobility as well as his experience in researching arcane lore, he would be able to provide access to Tevinter archives or artifacts in return for tasks the party performs for him.” Echoes of Dorian’s role in Dragon Age 4, perhaps?
- idk i just really like the parallels in the Grey Warden order recalling Fiona to Weisshaupt and making the shocking discovery that she was cured of the Taint, and the order recalling the Hero of Ferelden upon learning that no Warden died to deal the killing blow on the Archdemon, if Morrigan’s ritual was completed
- literally everything about Fiona
- Fiona’s silverite battlemage staff is emblazoned with the Theirin coat of arms.. my heart...
- the lil section on romancing Harding
- bit more insight into Qunari views on gender and trans people
- an alternate version of the story of Flemeth and Conabar; Flemeth was betrothed to the poet Osen, but they were very poor. The nobleman Conabar struck a deal with Osen to buy her. she agreed but Conabar recanted, claiming he had no money to pay. he killed Osen and imprisoned her. she called upon the demon to aid her, but it only became her guide and never possessed her. she killed Conabar and fled.
- Harding’s calling cards in guerrilla warfare are latrines booby-trapped with Antivan Fire or hornet nests. a former bard and fellow scout even immortalized one such escapade in a spectacularly graphic limerick
- Josie’s dangerousness, hardworkingness, talent, formidableness and high sense of personal responsibility/ethics is emphasized 👏 “she is one of the most gifted communicators and stateswomen alive”!!
- the Charger Dalish “hails from a secret group of elves. It has long been thought that the elves had regained the secrets to lost magic, and Dalish is living proof”.
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happywitch416 · 6 years ago
Dragon Age Questions
I was tagged by @joufancyhuh thank you! This was fun! I’m gonna tag @kaleidoscopegirl @thesecondseal @rhetoricalrogue @lechatrouge673 @bugsieplusone @sasabelle-a and anyone else! Everyone else!
01) favorite game of the series?
DA2, hands down. I played DAI first and don’t get me wrong it’s a pretty game and a good game, but I love Hawke’s story. Someone who tries so hard and it’s never enough. I relate.
02) how did you discover Dragon Age?
I got a free copy of Inquisition with a new xbox, and honestly, hubs is the one who was oh it has dragons, Erin will like that! I wonder if he ever regrets that decision.
03) how many times you’ve played the games?
Origins- completely through 3 times? My dalish Elf who i didn’t even name her own name. Oops. Then my Arwen Tabris who smooches Zev and I actually have sorta fleshed out. I also have a Cousland and a dwarf that I never finished. I suffer from The Joining is Stupid syndrome.
DA2- I replay this constantly. I love Rose whether I am playing her as a mage or a rogue. I have played through with Selene twice maybe? I like all the choices! And how the choices change things! And well, Varric.
DAI- I’ve played through each race, as female, probably half a dozen times a piece. I really like being a Qunari lady, me and Sera swoon together. And it’s very different from other fantasy races I’ve played. And I love Val Cadash with her giant warhammer. The Iron Bull loves her too. Lol
04) favorite race to play as?
In all honesty? Elf. Elf me. Unless I’m playing Rose. Rose could never be an elf. So. But playing as a dwarf IS SO FUN and honestly far more relatable than playing a human.
05) favorite class?
For Origins and DA2, I prefer rogue. That being said, I hate playing rogue in DAI, so I mage it all the way.
06) do you play through the games differently or do you make the same decisions each time.
Depends on why I’m playing. For fun? I don’t care. For story plots? I keep it consistent unless I want to know how an action changes things (Hawke in the Fade :c). I do have playthroughs specifically for certain world sets too. Like World Asshole is basically thumbing the line of are my heroes even heroes anymore? Or just shiny monsters.
07) go-to adventuring group?
Origins- Zevran, Morrigan, Shale/Oghren.
Awakening- Valenna, Anders, Oghren.
DA2- Anders/Merrill, Isabella, Varric always. Rogues can tank if they try hard enough.
DAI- Varric, The Iron Bull, Viv or Dorian.
08) which of your characters did you put the most thought into?
Rose Hawke. Her past, present, and future is planned and mostly written. I adore her. She is how and why I discovered the how and why people write fanfic. And make headcanons. And Pinterest boards.
09) favorite romance?
But in Origins, it’s Zevran. All day every day. I love me a character of questionable morals with a heart of gold. So complex, so murdery, so cute.
10) have you read any of the comics/books?
I think maybe I own them all? The books are a bit dry. But I love the comics. Superb art work, pretty good story telling. I read them mostly for lore reasons but they stay because they are good.
11) if you read them, which was your favorite book?
Until We Sleep
12) favorite DLCs?
Mark of the Assassin is just pure madness and Tallis makes me heart eye emoji. But The Descent and Jaws of Hakkon are my favorites. The music! The scenery! The stories!
13) things that annoy you?
I cannot romance Varric ever.
DAI’s gender and race locked romances. Some I get, Dorian and Sera because hi, representation matters. . But why can Cullen only romance elf/human ladies? Why on earth is Cass straight? The Iron Bull is only one who isn’t locked out of one thing or another and I love that. I love Bull. But like I feel we went meh good enough or something with the others. Especially after the everybody bangs everybody of DA2. Which was that trying to do a good or lazy writing? Dunno.
Fandom ruins a lot of things for me. I don’t want to take part in convos beyond my circle. Yikes.
Alistair. I get it, it’s tragic but ugh. I’m just too old for him. Same actually for Cullen, and for the above reason, Fandom. Yikes.
The Samson/Cullen thing they tried to replicate with Leliana and Calpurnia. It only worked for the boyos cause they are two sides of a coin. Unless Leliana is secretly a mage? Maybe she IS the ravens.
Consistent Canon doesn’t go here. They don’t even know who that is.
Why do you whitewash your own characters?
I don’t want to kill the dragons. Let me recruit them.
Where the fuck is my Mabari: Inquisition Addition
14) Orlais or Ferelden?
KIRKWALL. Ferelden is quaint and Orlais is just gross. But has lots of shiny so it does rank higher than Ferelden.
15) Templars or Mages?
Mages, mostly because I want to dismantle the Chantry and continue the tradition of blowing it up. It’s bad. Templars just don’t have enough walking explosives for that.
16) if you have multiple characters, are they in different/parallel universes or in the same one?
I slap them all in the same verse if they are fleshed out in anyway. Rose Hawke and Val Cadash are best buds, business partners, and occasional bed warmers. Arwen Tabris is hiding from them at this point, she took that Warden Commander title and noped the fuck off around the world with Zev. She doesn’t want their drama too.
17) what did you name your pets? (mabari, summoned animals, mounts, etc)
I name the Mabari Hero. Let’s be honest, that mabari is the true hero of the first two games.
18) have you installed any mods?
I only started modding a few months ago and haven’t modded any of these yet.
19) did your Warden want to become a Grey Warden?
Arwen- Nope. But she really wanted to live, with that much blood on her hands it was join or hang.
20) Hawke’s personality?
She’ll help but she’s tired.
21) did you make matching armor for your companions in Inquisition?
If by matching you mean I dyed everything but the plaid weave of shame black then yes. Plaidweave is for liars.
22) if your character(s) could go back in time to change one thing, what would they change?
Arwen Tabris would kill Vaughan and his ilk at the wedding, not letting them take Shianni or the others.
23) do you have any headcanons about your character(s) that go against canon?
Rose Hawke is a rogue and a mage. Arwen Tabris is not getting married at the start of Origins. Val Cadash is still a respected member of the Carta while also being Inquisitor. Rose and Varric live happily ever after.
24) are any of your character(s) based on someone?
Rose is the one that has the most of me in her. The rest are just who they are.
26) favorite mount?
Dracolisks. Because the cowards make me kill dragons. Cowards!
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kaaras-adaar-a · 6 years ago
DA Questions
Tagged by @space-vashoth 
Tagging: @dinah-myles @ironbullsmissingeye @aylenlavellan @dryadalismagicae @dalathin @gcldendust @blade-and-shield
01) Favourite game of the series? 
Inquisition. It holds a very special place in my heart no thanks to Kaaras, and him being my first experience with the Dragon Age series <3 It’s just got all the right elements for me. 
02) How did you discover Dragon Age?
Actually, and old friend from when I was in my previous fandom said I’d like it because I loved Mass Effect. No regrets ever since, and I knew I needed this game as soon as I saw that Bull romance scene >.> 
03) How many times you’ve played the games?
I’ve finished Origins once, DA2 I’ve done twice, and DA:I I’ve done... a lot >.> I keep making new characters, but I always go back to Kaaras because he’s my baby and I love him. 
04) Favourite race to play as?
Qunari! <3 They are unique and BIG. Anything with horns is an instant heck yes for me! 
05) Favorited class?
06) Do you play through the games differently or do you make the same decisions each time?
That entirely depends on the character I’m playing. I have a fair few other characters in DA:I who are each their own, and I replayed DA 2 because I wanted to get a better feel of my Hawke, who turned out SO different to my first playthrough. If I replay Origins, I will most likely play as a new character as well, who will have their own choices. The only way I’m making the same choices would entirely depend on what kind of character I’m playing. 
07) Go-to adventuring group?
I will ALWAYS take my LI in the party, unless it’s Fenris and a mission he will disapprove on, hahaha. DA:O was Zevran, Wynne and a mix on the third character. DA2 is generally Fenris, Varric (always), and Sebastian or Aveline. I always bring the companion quest member to their quest. DA:I depends on the character I am playing because they all have their favourites. Kaaras takes Bull always, Dorian, Varric and Cass. Basically he never takes Blackwall, Sera and rarely Solas. 
08) Which of your characters did you put the most thought into?
I’ll be honest, none, LOL. Overall, I’d say Kaaras, because he’s my favourite and my biggest, but when I MADE him... I put literally 0 thought into him at all. He just grew and grew on me, and here we are. 
09) Favourite romance?
Iron Bull, Josephine, Cassandra, Fenris, Zevran, Alistair, Dorian. I’ve yet to SEE some of them, like Leliana and Morrigan, which I would like to eventually. Oh... and Harding IF you could actually romance her.  
10) Have you read any of the comics/books?
I’ve only read some of Asunder, but I have some of the comics as well, I just need to actually read them.
11) If you read them, which was your favourite book?
I’ve only read half of Asunder, and it kind of bored me... 
12) Favourite DLCs?
Tresspasser, it’s just got this... weird atmosphere to it that really pulls me in, but also makes me sad... I dunno. I also love Jaws of Hakkon. 
13) Things that annoy you.
Look, I love Dragon Age, and the slight annoyances aren’t going to ruin the experience for me. I love the games, I love everything. I’m not going to say shit about it, lol. If you’ve got something specific to ask, then ask me. 
14) Orlais or Ferelden?
15) Templars or mages?
16) If you have multiple characters, are they in different/parallel universes or in the same one?
They are all in the same story line. My Hero, my Hawke, and Kaaras are all in the same canon universe. All of the other muses I’ve made are all COMPANION muses, who also belong in the same universe. Not gunna lie, the thought of making a different Hawke, different Hero or different Inquisitor honestly feels like a betrayal to my own characters, so I will never make a different one. They will all belong in the one story line and that’s that. It’s like my big whole canon story to me. 
17) What did you name your pets? (mabari, summoned animals, mounts, etc)
I think I named him Woof in Origins and Dog in DA 2. Can’t remember tho, lol. 
18) Have you installed any mods?
I started off playing DA:I and DA 2 on Xbox, so at the start, nothing was modded. When I got DA:I on PC, I installed mods, but Kaaras is still very vanilla, most of the mods I use are merely armour replaces, environmental mods and ones to make blood stay off clothes, etc. Maybe a hair mod here, but that’s about it when it comes to their looks. 
19) Did your Warden want to become a Grey Warden?
At the start, not really. She just wanted to survive, lol. So... she did what she had to. 
20) Hawke’s personality?
My Hawke is very stern. He is a mix of blue and red mostly. 
21) Did you make matching armour for your companions in Inquisition?
No, lol. XD 
22) If your character(s) could go back in time to change one thing, what would they change?
My Hero and Kaaras know that they can’t change the past, even if they wish to. They’ve accepted that life has to move forward. My Hawke? He suffered the most, and he has many regrets, most of those are for the loss of his mother, what happened in Kirkwall he blames himself for, and Anders, and he wishes he could turn it all back.
23) Do you have any headcanons about your character(s) that go against canon?
No, I’m pretty strict on when it comes to canon. The only thing is the qunari background in DA:I isn’t Kaaras’ background. I’ve tweaked that so it gits his true background better. 
24) Who did you leave in the Fade?
25) Favourite mount?
Harts, they’re so damn majestic! 
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vvakarians · 6 years ago
DA 20 Questions
Tagged by @goblin-deity ! Thank you fam! If anyone wants to be tagged consider yourself tagged!
1. Favorite game of the series
Inquisition! It’s the one I started with! It’s an amazing and beautiful game. 
2. How did you discover Dragon Age? 
There was a cosplayer I used to follow here on tumblr that cosplayed as this character named Dorian, and then they cosplayed as Fenris. I looked into both characters because I really liked the designs. From there I checked out the game from the library and fell in love with DAI!
3. How many times have you played the games?
I’ve played DAI too many times to count, I can probably count on my pc, which is a handful of times, otherwise on my ps4 at least 25. DA2 I’ve completed exactly twice, played it four times. DA:O I’ve completed exactly once, but played multiple times, like three times I think.
4. Favorite race to play as?
Elves or qunari!
5. Favorite class?
I absolutely love mages, always have. In DAI I play as a necromancer or knight enchanter, in DA2 I play as a blood mage or a spirit healer. I have a harder time playing as one in Origins, but I usually play as a blood mage or an arcane warrior. Other than that I play as a Double Handed Warrior, usually a Reaver or some other scary subclass lmao.
6. Do you play through the games differently or do you make the same decisions?
In general I usually make the same choices kind of? Mostly because I can’t push myself to ally with the templars. I do edit my canons outside of the actual games, like Calliope allies with the Mages but they do end up saving the templars as well, just after they get to Skyhold. Artemaeus, my city elf who was adopted by the Dalish, sided with the mages but left the templars to fend for themselves (save for Barris who did not deserve to die). Honi, my Adaar, sided with the mages and conscripted the templars, she was pretty harsh on them but decided that both sides could benefit from coming together. In general I haven’t changed my stance on the Grey Wardens, it wasn’t their fault that Clarel had a moment of weakness in being manipulated and I couldn’t find my Inquisitors justifying anger towards them enough to banish them. With Halamshiral I can’t in any way place Celene on the throne, it’s just my personal thing. After reading Masked Empire I said nah. But if ya like her that’s cool. I don’t usually have someone drink from the Well, I considered it with Callie, but I felt that shit could go down from a Solas perspective and I was not about that angst. 
7. Go to adventuring party?
1st World State: Tauriel Mahariel /Ophelia Hawke/ Calliope Lavellan
DAO: Alistair/Zevran or Leliana/Morrigan or Wynne 
DA2 (When I need Anders): Anders/ Aveline/ interchangeable rogue
DA2 (When I need Fenris): Fenris/ Sebastian or Varric / Merrill
DAI (Base Game): Solas/ Sera or Cole/ Iron Bull
DAI (Hakkon): Dorian/ Iron Bull/ Sera or Cole
DAI (Descent): Vivienne/ Iron Bull/ Sera
DAI (Trespasser): Dorian /Iron Bull / Interchangeable rogue
2nd World State: Aviel Tabris / Valentyne Hawke / Honi Adaar
DAO: Alistair / Leliana or Zevran / Wynne
DA2: Anders (or Merrill)/ Isabela / Fenris (or Aveline)
DAI: Dorian (or Vivienne) / Sera / Iron Bull (or Blackwall)
3rd World State: Mah’Vir Surana / Sparrow Hawke / Artemaeus Lavellan
DAO: Zevran / Morrigan / Alistair (or Sten)
DA2: Fenris / Merrill (or Anders) / Interchangeable Rogue
DAI: Dorian (or Solas) / Cole or Sera / Cassandra
8. Which of your characters did you put the most thought into?
Calliope 100%, I put most of the thought into my first world state characters. Tauriel was the easiest to make and her canon hasn’t changed much, same with Ophelia, but all three of my heroes were well, well thought out. I’ve had four or five years of making them under my belt.
9. Favorite romance?
For angst, absolutely Solas. You can’t get much more angsty than that. Other than that my most favorite romance is Fenris’, he’s a character that I love greatly and as a sexual abuse survivor with PTSD I related to him a lot lmao. 
10. Have you read any of the comics/books?
I have all of the books except for Last/First Flight (?), I’m currently reading Masked Empire. I also have the World of Thedas Volume...2? And I have the first Magekiller comic.
11. If you’ve read them, which was your favorite book? 
Masked Empire for sure, it’s because I love Felassan.
12. Favorite DLC’s?
Trespasser or Jaws of Hakkon, I absolutely love the stories in both. I’m also biased towards my favorite of the series/I love killing Dragons. And Veil Quartz, I love Veil Quartz.
13. Things that annoy you?
The fandom mostly. I fucking hate some of y’all shits. I hate the lack of rep too, they did fucking great in DA2 with almost every LI being bisexual. Could have done that with DAI with the straight LI’s but, shrugs. Other than that I don’t hate it much. 
14. Orlais or Ferelden?
Orlais, it has the Emerald Graves and I love big ass trees. 
15. Templars or mages?
Is that even a question? Mages
16.  If you have multiple characters, are they in different/parallel universes or in the same one?
I have three separate world states, and then an AU with @trans-aloth . Calliope’s has at least 25 separate oc’s in it because I’m a fucking menace. Other than that they usually stay seperate. Alexx and I combined worldstates with Cianan and Callies for that AU. 
17. What did you name your pets?
I only have names for Calliopes world state pets, but I will def name the rest of the others when I play. 
Tauriel: Kili (mabari)
Cassiopeia: Ser Claws (mabari)
Merielle: Howl (mabari)
Serynn: Athena (mabari)
Fen’Asha: Pluto (mabari)
Ophelia: Willoughby (mabari)
Calliope: Bones (Deepstalker) , Enasalin (Dracolisk) 
18. Have you installed any mods? 
I did way back when I thought my computer could handle it. Still got all of them downloaded but I play primarily on my ps4 or ps3.
19. Did your Warden want to be a Grey Warden? 
Tauriel had accepted the fact that she needed to become a Warden and only was angry about it when Duncan said that it was no place for the children. She managed to convince him to let her take them however. Cassie did not want to become a Warden and fought it tooth and nail, but had nowhere else to go. Serynn had accepted it wholeheartedly, it wasn’t much of an issue. Merielle wanted to get out of the Circle but was difficult in taking the Ritual because she didn’t like the fatality rate. Fen’Asha was also in that same boat and at first saw it as another injustice. 
20. Hawke’s personality? 
Ophelia is a securely purple unless dealing with templars, then it’s Red through and through. Halcyon (their eldest sister) is a Red Hawke, Blue with her family, and Hero is a Blue Hawke, Red with templars.
21. Did you make matching armor for your companions in Inquistion? 
Yes! I usually do! I use a gold/red/black color scheme, so it involves a lot of fucking Dragon Bone. 
22. If your character could go back in time and change one thing what would it be?
Tauriel would have gone back and saved Tamlen. She would have insisted that they look for him and at the very least if they found him they would make him a Grey Warden too. If that wasn’t an option she’d make sure Evra and Krie didn’t get traumatized by the fact their father was killed by a mirror of all things. 
Ophelia would go back in time and watch their mother more closely, or perhaps ask Carver not to go to the Deep Roads with them. Leandra’s death was the hardest thing they ever had to go through aside from handing Carver over to the Grey Wardens. The estate just felt so empty without Leandra. 
Calliope would go back in time and save their best friend from being taken by the templars. But they also realize that things would have been vastly different or the both of them that way. And they also realize that they were pretty young when Isi was taken from the Clan, they wouldn’t have been able to do much. It’s just something that haunts them to this day. 
23. Do you have any headcanons about your character(s) that go against canon?
Calliope is a mage and a warrior, SO I MEAN. Calliope’s home clan is also from Orlais and their mother is a former slave from Tevinter who then went to the Kirkwall Circle after being captured in the Free Marches.Other than that they end up with a First Enchanter that’s an oc of @trans-aloth ‘s. I also have an oc that ends up with Varric, because I have a distaste for the real life Bianca. Tauriel also ends up in a poly relationship with Cassiopeia and Alistair. Other than that, Alistair, Zevran, and several other people are trans. 
24. Who did you leave in the Fade?
Stroud, all three times.
25. Favorite mount?
Dracolisk’s or any of the Harts, I love ugly boys and giant elk.
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