#but apparently he tried reflecting an essence of a fertility cult????
cozycryptidcorner · 1 year
EVERYBODY!! look at these paintings by Vsevolod Maksymovyc
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ramrodd · 3 years
Parable of the Sower With Matt Fradd (from Pints With Aquinas)
One of the things about the Salvation Gospel I've alway tried to avoid is how people can get their bowells all tied up in knots trying to find an application in every verse and then trying to accomodate it. ' I've had a working relationship with the Holy Spirit since 1953 and he has always been something of a navigation device I could rely upon. The epistemology of the Bible is inerrant by definition, given that it reflects the mind of The One, as described in Revelation 4:2.
Number is featured heavily in scripture. Numerics illuminates the presence of The One in the very letters of the narrative, while numerology is embedded in the text, such as the 7 days of creation.
Mundane numerology is the numerology of the chapters and verses which was added 1500 years after the original autographs were been circulation and it's where you can really see the Holy Spirit at play.
For example, Acts 10:34 - 43 employs the numerological base 7 as cosmic quotation marks to set off the Christian doctrine that emerged as a direct result of Pentacost. That's one of my favorite examples of the Holy Spiirit enriching the fabric and living experience of the Bible.
Another example is the relationship between Matthew 13 and Revelation 13. If you notice, the verse structure of Matthew 13:1 - 18 and Revelation 13:1 - 18, with the 9th verse and 18th verse being substantially identical. The allusion is intentional.
Revelation 13 is a cubist portrait of the centurion in Mark 15;39. Leviathan, the beast from the sea, represents Rome, which is a naval sea power whose command of the Mediterrnean  is the basis of Pax Romana. Behemoth is the beast from the rivers that represents the Legions, who conquered Gaul with a campaign designed around its rivers. Leviathan is the 4th creature in Daniel's dream and Behemoth is the iron jaw of that creater, while the centurions were the iron teeth. The number of the beast, 666/616, was literally the number of the death warrant issued for the crucifixion of Jesus carried out by the centurion in Mark 15:39.
Now, the relationship between Revelation 13 and the Parable of the Sower is that the Roman legions immediately adopted Jesus as a new god and the basis of a clandestine Roman Christian fellowship everywhere in the Empire before the intelligence report from Palestine got to Tiberius in Rome. The fertile soil is this underground Christian community of the Roman profession of arms which became the stewards of Roman 13:1 - 7 because the centurions were already submitted to its constraints. That's what the centurion in Matthew 8:9 (who is Cornelius) means by "I am a man under authority...", by which he means the Roman secular rule of law he swore to protect and defend as a proxy for the divine power of the Emperor.
And, of course, in numerology, it is important to remember that the 13 of both Revelation 13 and Matthew 13 is reduced to the single digit of 4, which, in Mark 4, is the first record of the Parable of the Sower. And It is apparent that Cornelius included the Parable of the Sower in the Gospel According to Mark to illustrate the proliferation of Christianity throughout the legions to his direct report in Rome, who was Theophilus, who had a role in the Praetorian Guard similar to George Smiley's role in John LeCarre's MI6. This is what Luke refers to in Acts 24:22.
In essence, the Parable of the Sower provides a profile of the distribution of the pre-Canon Christian fellowship in the Roman empire in the same way Mark 3:7 - 8 provides the demographics and broadcast footprint of John the Baptist's mission to prepare The Way for Jesus. A John the Baptist cult persisted in those regions into the 2nd and 3rd century. Every where the legions went, it was accompaneed the talking cross of the Gospel of Peter and the covenant cutting ceremony that is identical to the covenant cutting ceremony in Genesis 15.   ' My essential divergence from Pro-Life Evangelicals and the Solo Scriptura agenda is that they have become latter day Judaizers in their impulse to justify the Pro-Life heresy as anything but a fund raising device in the worship of Mammon and the pursuit of political power behind the Big Lie of Trump, Conservative libertarianism and the J6 agenda of Steve Bannon and Newt Gingrich.
And the Salvation Gospel is handmaiden to that agenda.
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