#but anyways i literally don’t care if the entire vlog is dead silent and like five minutes i’d watch it all
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tedzyrotten · 11 months ago
sleep token but they do that “amusement park vlog” that every youtube collective does when they meet irl
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buttercream-imagines · 8 years ago
Stuck || Jack
all masterposts found here
pairing - Jack x reader word count - 1,783 warnings - none A/N -
summary - The one where you and Jack talk it out
Your best friend, Conor, was finally moving into a place of his own. The lease on the flat he shared with Josh and Jack was up and so the boys decided to move on to their own places. You were excited for him, but also thrilled for yourself. You and Jack didn’t exactly see eye to eye, and being able to hang out with Conor when Jack wasn’t around was going to be a real blessing.
Today was Conor’s housewarming party. All of his friends were going to be there and you were pumped to go see his new place. You dressed in leggings, some black pumps, and a loose sleeveless top that matched the plum lipstick you were wearing. As soon as you got to Conor’s new flat building, you went straight for the elevator, not at all wanting to take the stairs to the fourth floor where Conor’s flat was.
Just as the elevator doors were about to slide shut, you heard someone yell, “Hey hold the elevator!” You immediately stuck your hand out to prevent the door from closing but instantly regretted it when you saw who was there. None other than Jack. Neither of you spoke when the elevator doors slid closed except when Jack muttered a thank you for holding the door. It wasn’t like you and Jack argued with each other whenever you were with each other, it was just that things were awkward and tense like there was some grudge you had been holding against each other for years.
Truthfully, you had nothing against Jack. When you had initially became friends with Conor, he had the intention of setting you up with Jack. You were immediately attracted to Jack, but he wanted nothing to do with you. He always snubbed you if you were in the room and would purposefully talk to anyone in the room except you. After speaking with Conor about it, you both decided it was better to focus on being civil with Jack than trying to form any kind of relationship with him.
You were snapped out of your thoughts by the lights over you flickering and the elevator shaking to a stop. “What did you do?” Jack asked immediately.
“Nothing!” you said defensively. “It just shut off.” Jack walked over to the doors and started banging on it trying to see if there was any chance of anyone hearing you. You tried pressing buttons but nothing was happening. “What do we do?” you asked.
“We call for help,” Jack snapped at you. “I’ll call Conor.”
“What’s Conor going to be able to do?” you replied hastily. “Unless he’s got a crowbar and some-”
“I’ve got no reception,” Jack said, cutting you off. You immediately checked your phone to see that you didn’t have service either. Jack looked at you and you shook your head, causing him to angrily hit the wall of the elevator.
“Now what?” you asked, shoving your phone back in your pocket.
“I don’t know!” Jack shouted, turning to you with angry eyes. “We fucking pound on the doors until someone hears us.”
“That could take ages!” you protested.
“Do you have a better idea?” he said. You sighed and sat on the ground, leaving Jack to pound on the elevator doors until he wore himself out.
Not much time had passed before Jack gave up and sat on the ground. “We’re going to be stuck here forever,” he mumbled, running his fingers through his hair. “And I have to be stuck with you. I’m going to die in an elevator with you.” Ignoring his jab at you, you shook your head.
“Eventually they’ll realize that the elevator is down,” you reasoned. “By then they’ll fix it and we’ll be out.” Jack remained silent, probably because he knew you were right.
What felt like hours past but when you looked at your phone, you saw that it literally had only been ten minutes. Ten minutes of utter silence between you and Jack. “Can I ask you something?” you said, deciding to break the silence between the two of you. You locked your phone and put it in your pocket. Jack just looked up at you and glared.
“What?” he asked, looking back down at his phone.
“Why don’t you like me?”
Jack snapped his head up to look at you, locked his phone, and put it in his pocket. “Are you being serious?” he asked.
“I mean,” you almost laughed, “yeah. I don’t understand. You’ve hated me since you met me. You didn’t even give me a chance.”
“You didn’t deserve a chance,” he said back harshly.
“That’s what I mean!” you said. “Why? What did I ever do?”
“You came into Conor’s life right after he broke up with Victoria,” Jack said. “Like, within days. I saw right through it. You don’t care about him. You saw he was single and took it as your opportunity to get in and use him- or us or whatever- for fame and money and attention and Instagram followers.”
Your jaw dropped when Jack finished his explanation. Had he really been thinking that for all this time? “You’re joking,” you finally said. “You don’t actually believe that, do you? You think I’ve been using your brother for fame? For attention?”
“The timing was just-”
“No, fuck that!” you almost shouted. Your words were echoing off the metal walls of the elevator. “First of all, Conor approached me first. I didn’t read that he was single and go on a fucking journey to find him. You know how we met, and it wasn’t like I was stalking him until he gave me the time of day. I’ve never gone after him in any romantic way and I’ve never slept with him. He’s the one who wanted us to get together days after I met you. I was never pining after Conor and I certainly wasn’t hoping to get with him for attention. Second of all, I’ve been here for over a year and a half. I have been in one vlog of Joe’s and Conor has posted two pictures with me on Instagram. People hardly know I exist. If I was here for the fame, you can bet your ass I would’ve been out that door a long time ago. I’ve stuck by Conor’s side through everything, not to mention what I’ve done for the rest of the boys. I’ve cared for all of you when you’ve been sick, I’ve been by Caspar’s side through break ups, I’ve let Josh cry on my shoulder whenever he’s homesick, I could go on. I’m not here for attention or fame or money. I’m here because I love and care about Conor and all of the other boys. And even after all of this shit, how horribly you’ve treated me after all this time, I love and care about you too. You don’t deserve it, and I have wanted so many times to just wipe my hands clean and never talk to you again, but I can’t seem to let you go because I care about you. But you,” you let out a laugh of frustration, “you have never once given a damn about me. I could drop dead right now and you’d throw a party over my body. I don’t even know why I keep trying.”
You were angry to say the least. You couldn’t even look Jack in the eyes. You were picking at the skin around your fingernails, fuming at the fact that Jack had this affect on you. You let out a shiver and you suddenly realized how cold you were. Your arms were covered in goose bumps and your fingers felt like ice. “Here,” Jack said suddenly. You looked up at him and he moved to sit beside you, pulled his sweatshirt over his head and handed it to you. You let out a breath of disbelief but took the jumper anyway as you were too cold to protest. Even after all this time, feeling the warmth of where his body had just been made your heart do a little flutter. “I’m sorry,” he said quietly. You looked up at him in shock. “You’re right, I never gave you a chance. Sometimes I just get so protective of Conor that I go mad, especially after Victoria. And then I get jealous when he’s got somebody who cares about him like you do. So after all this time I wanted to make sure you never hurt him but I also just felt so angry all the time that he found you before I could.”
“You can’t tell me that after all this time, you’ve found a way to care about me,” you almost scoffed. “Like the way you’ve treated me has just been your, your way of handling your jealousy?” Jack’s face was a little red and he looked down and scratched the back of his neck.
“Look I never claimed that I was smart,” he mumbled. You let out a tiny laugh and shook your head. “I’m really sorry,” he said again. “And I know it doesn’t matter how many times I say it because I’ve done way too much damage for you to ever forgive me, but I, I’m just sorry. I wish I could go back in time and give you a chance when you first walked into the flat. Maybe if I had, being stuck in this elevator with you would bring out an entirely different outcome.”
You felt yourself blush at what he said. Before you could stop yourself, you placed a small kiss to Jack’s cheek. His skin was warm to the touch and he had a small smile on his face. “Maybe we can just start over?” you said quietly.
“Yeah,” he said back, “I’d like that. I’d like that a lot.” He opened his arms up to you and you gave him a tight hug. The feeling of his arms around you was a feeling you wished you had always known. One of his hands was pressed to the back of your head, the other gently laying on your back. Your head rested in the crook of his neck and you could smell his cologne on his skin.
Eventually, you ended up laying on your back with your head rested on Jack’s outstretched legs. You were playing 20 questions, talking about anything you could think of. It made you both realize what hating each other had caused you to miss out on. You were almost disappointed when the elevator suddenly sprung back to life. The disappointment faded quickly though, because you knew that things between you were never going to be the same.
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