#but anyway each spin only has a 0.5% chance of being an xxl reward
lucysweatslove · 1 year
My Unique Vintage dresses came.
I currently have the dresses in my “bribe myself to do tasks I struggle with” rewards system (this is a complicated system I designed to help motivate me to do things like eat vegetables and floss, but the gist is: so tasks, earn “spins” or “chances,” which in turn can give me different sizes of rewards. I can use 1 to randomly select a reward from the size, 2 to choose the reward, or 3 (or 5 for extra small rewards) to trade in for 1 of the next size.)
I really really want to try on the jellyfish dress (and the rainbow dress, but it’s a size smaller), but I a) haven’t “earned” it yet, and b) I don’t know how I would take it if it didn’t fit/was too small. Part of why my rewards system rn is working for me (I’ve been brushing my teeth and flossing regularly for a couple months now) is the anticipation giving me dopamine. So waiting in this context is going to be more dopaminergic. Also, It’s not a good body image day nor is it even a good body acceptance/neutrality day, so I do not have the emotional energy to effectively handle them being too small. So they are currently folded in my closet.
I do hope I can “earn” the jelly dress this week or next though, and that it fits. Rob’s friends’ wedding is the 27th I think and it’s supposedly casual dress but I think the jelly dress would look really cute (and it’s not like any of my other more casual dresses are appropriate and fit right now). I have time to “earn” the rainbow one since that one will (hopefully) be my Pride dress, and Pride is in August this year.
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