#but also you can't kill marry nor fuck a single one without the other two coming for you. they'd interrogate you at best. kill you at worst
I'm sorry to impose this impossible dilemma upon you all
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atopvisenyashill · 3 months
Because I like giving Jaehaerys a headache: Baelon goes to avenge his brother Aemon against the Myrish pirates. He ends up dying as well. Who is now heir?
Well in canon, Baelon runs off to kill the pirates, then comes back and is suddenly named heir. So if he runs off, and just doesn't come back, that puts Jaehaerys is a trickier position because he had never actually named Baelon as heir, plus Viserys isn't yet married while Rhaenys is married with a powerful husband and a dragon (I don't think Viserys nor Daemon had even claimed their dragons just yet).
So...I do think he'd use this opportunity to say "well I have two grandchildren who could be my heirs and given the rapid deaths of both their parents, I think the lords should help me decide between them" as a way of sort of kicking away any responsibility for the aftermath. However...so fucking tricky. Viserys hasn't already become entrenched as heir yet which is a lot of why he has so many votes in the GC 101. He also doesn't have his Targaryen bride yet nor even a lone daughter to point to - his heir would still be Daemon and Daemon isn't all that old yet. Now, Rhaenys doesn't have a son either but she's at least had a single child, is married, and again, has a dragon.
I think he'd go for a GC earlier because just straight up bypassing Rhaenys for Viserys is very weird in this situation; you can almost see the sense in passing up a granddaughter for another son because Jaehaerys is still alive (ie it's not inherently in his eyes, a daughter before an uncle thing - he's just passing up one son for the other). But this is just very clearly passing up Aemon's line for Baelon's and I do think there'd be some pushback here. And I also think he'd have to play politic a lot more here as well - yeah, he can definitely still rely on misogyny (that's what the greens did after all lmao) to back his claim up, but without having named Baelon as heir, he looks like a little bit of an asshole here. And unfortunately for him, while he's politcking, Alysanne is not only politicking to get Rhaenys the throne, she's also probably really fucking pissed off that he's doing this after their two oldest sons have just died. This is absolutely going to be a crazy Second Quarrel where the King and Queen are a) not living together b) on completely opposite sides and c) getting ready to duke it out via their Rhaenys/Viserys proxies. So for sure, Jaehaerys is having Viserys claim and probably Daemon claim a dragon immediately, marrying Viserys to Aemma immediately, and um. Probably things go badly for poor Aemma here.
Whatever way it goes, I think it's a really close vote. These men are not just going to vote in a woman without a lot of promises made to them. The main people Corlys and Rhaenys need to win over are the Lannisters, Tyrells, and Tullys. We don't know how the Tyrells voted but we do know the Tyrells and Hightowers clash a bit so it's possible they can sway their votes. I think Grover Tully is a nonstarter but Elmo might be able to sway some votes, along with the Blackwoods who are already voting for them. Who knows what's happening with the Lannisters - they side with Viserys, then the Greens, but that doesn't mean Tymond can't be swayed. Plus, with Alysanne actively campaigning for Rhaenys (she had died before the GC 101 remember), that might sway things in their favor.
It's really tricky to say! I think what way it goes just kinda depends on your read of the characters and Westeros as a whole - I think canon shows us that they'd still rather a man above all else in several instances, especially when the person sitting on that seat would prefer a man. Jeyne, for example, had the backing of the Royces against her male cousins. And Rhaenys has to wait until 94 AC for Laenor, but Aemon/Baelon die in 92, so the GC is probably held in 93 while she's pregnant again, so she's arguing on behalf of a theoretical child, while Viserys and Daemon are here and alive, and a living breathing man is always worth more than a girl's theoretical baby (regardless of whether Viserys has his own heir or not smFh). On the other hand, god wouldn't it just be fun if Jaehaerys' plans were all completely ruined because Baelon runs off and gets himself and maybe Vhagar killed as well because he's upset and Alysanne manages to out politic him and get Rhaenys crowned while she hasn't even had a son yet? That's my dream, their marriage would be completely FINISHED but it would be so fucking funny.
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Oh, Jesse...
Did anyone really think Skyler was going to say something? You people haven't been paying attention, have you?
"...you think Walt is going to get away with this." Bitch, he is. Your husband has no physical proof of anything. Zero. Nada.
Also, Marie, go and attack Walt, if you dare. Leave Skyler and her child alone, please. She didn't deserve this shit. Again, yes, she was - and is still - an accomplice, but what could she have possibly done differently?
Hank's monologue about the day he catches Heisenberg being the last day of his career hurts, man. While he missed many exceptionally obvious clues early on, I still can't help but sympathising with Hank here. Ugh. It is frustrating when a show doesn't have a true villain, so you can't really root for anyone getting their comeuppance (except Todd, because fuck Todd).
Huell and Kuby are great. You guys could probably get away with snagging half a million each without anyone noticing. I'm just saying. No single person needs, nor should have, that kind of money. Sharing is caring.
Oh, poor Saul. Thinking that Walt would consider killing Hank isn't very far off from what he's already done. I mean, he killed Mike for literally no reason whatsoever and poisoned a child only - only - to try and turn Jesse against Gus. I thought we were past killing a family member at this point, especially one who has the power to put you behind bars for life, but hey- what do I know?
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Since I have a PT lying around (okay, I have two; don't judge, I thought I'd lost the first one, so I bought another one), I decided to check and the elements corresponding to those numbers are: Se, Pr, Ca, Sg, Kr and Te. Maybe there's a significance there, maybe not. I don't feel like doing the research right now. Good try, though. (Pulled from EW's episode recap.)
"I can't remember the last time I was happy." Oh, that- that hurts. Also, again, BC demonstrates than no other human would be able to pull this role off. The way he looks at Anna Gunn... one would believe, without a doubt, that these two actors are actually married to each other.
Skyler 👏 is 👏 the 👏 ultimate 👏 wife. As the Croats would say: žena, majka, kraljica (woman/wife, mother, queen).
I love how the cops are baffled by Jesse essentially throwing all his money away. Why would anyone throw millions of dollars away?? Well, why would anyone keep millions of dollars? I don't know what I'd do with that kind kind of money, at 27. You would, essentially, never have to worry about anything, ever. Wouldn't that kind of living get, I don't know, boring, after a while? And Jesse, ths kind soul, was willing to give all of his money - all of it - to Mike's granddaughter and the parents of the child whom he watched being murdered right in front of him.
"Would Jesse rat on Walt?" No. No, he wouldn't. Why, you ask? Because the one character trait that's persisted with Jesse, other than his kindness, is that he is exceptionally loyal. He is the Hufflepuff, if you will. (No, I will never stop using the Houses as the starting points for characterizations.) And, in a horrible twist, Walt is the only person in his life that still cares for him, in his own twisted way, and that he cares for in return. Would anyone give up the person closest to a father figure they have? (Also, yes, I am aware that Jesse still very much has a family, but it was pretty much demonstrated that either he, or the show, doesn't care about those people anymore, since they didn't have a single scene dedicated to them since when? Season three?)
Wow, these rants/thoughts are growing as I inch myself closer to the end. I will be going through the show once more (of course), so I'll probably post my thoughts on season 1, as well. I know I have lots to say about the school scenes, for example.
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