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kusunokihimea · 5 years ago
ALAS: How it Works
     [ So I know this doesn’t concern too many of you, as not many people write in the ALAS verse on this blog, or with any of my sideblogs, so if you have no idea what this is...that’s okay! BUT, for posterity’s sake, I thought I’d do a quick (ha) rundown of the verse, and how it all ties in to all my silly blogs.
     First of all...the blogs! There’s this one, @whitefangwanderer, @thefriendlyflicker, @hyuuchiha, @foxesnflowers, and technically @sylviesmuses (which is more just an info blog on muses I no longer write in RP, but are part of the fic). These blogs are all, by default, written in ONE canon verse known as A Light Amongst Shadows. It’s (loosely) based on OLD RP back before I joined Tumblr with two friends. It was originally made so we could blend in ships and OCs that we enjoyed, while following as much of canon as we could, sans those ships and OCs.
     So! For a bit more of a visual, you can see the “full” (aka the best I could do) genealogy map for the verse and most relevant characters [ here ]. First thing you’ll probably notice are the two main��‘crackships’. ALAS follows canon pretty darn close up until we pass chapter 699.  From there, it takes its own epilogue course. Children and ships all pretty much stay the same, however, EXCEPT that we switch out N.aruHina and S.asuSaku for N.aruSaku and S.asuHina. Which results in four NEW ship kids! Uzumaki Akane, Uzumaki Kei, Uchiha Tenkai, and Uchiha Chikyū. The NS kids are the muses of @foxesnflowers and the SH kiddos are on @hyuuchiha.
     ALAS also fills in a some missing faces, such as Shisui’s parents, Neji and Hinata’s mothers, etc. etc. Otherwise, most of the OCs are those of the next gen from the above-mentions ships, as well as N.ejiTen and Ryū’s ship in that verse with Shisui. As mentioned in a previous post, this is a swapped ship due to revamping the plot. In short, this makes things more canon compliant, and requires less plot intervention / “OP” OC actions to make it work. So! While the plot prior had ItaRyū, the new ship for the fic is ShiRyū. That’s not to say other ships can’t work for either Ryū OR Shisui (as he’s the muse of @thefriendlyflicker), but that’s what’s written by default, and they are the parents of the three ship kids for ALAS on this blog.
     SO, now: how it all ties together. This is going to be a little long and I guess a little spoilery, BUT: for the sake of explanation of how things all fit, I’ll go over a (VERY) barebones summary of main aspects of the fic. We’ll go under a cut for length cuz...this post is long enough, lmao
     So, as said, the purpose of ALAS is to blend in OCs. And given that neither of my previous partners RP anymore, it focuses solely on Ryū. It starts much the same as her default verse: Iwa, during attempts to cut through to Hi no Kuni, use doton to scale the mountains along the north side of the country. Given they were also battling with Kumo...this still makes sense. Ryū’s village, Kusunokizan, is all civilian save for her clan...which are healers. Sages, yes, but healers. So, the village is destroyed, with Ryū being the sole survivor after her mother uses the last of her chakra to hide her behind a barrier that bends light, and makes things under it invisible. Ryū’s mother, Reika, is killed in an attempt to defend her daughter.
     On the floor of Hi no Kuni, a patrol spots the smoke rising from the mountains, and meets the Iwa squad on their way to investigate. They kill or capture them all, with some losses. Most head back to take the prisoners to Konoha, while some - including Uchiha Manami, Shisui’s mother - head on to check out the smoke. They, of course, find the ruins of the village...and Manami finds Ryū. Knowing she’s now alone, Manami tries to adopt her, but is denied due to village sanctions about rare bloodlines...and also bias against the Uchiha. Instead, she is made a ward to be raised as a village asset.
     In a different attempt to help, Manami introduces the girl to her son, Shisui...and the pair hit it off right away. Shisui’s boisterous nature helps bring Ryū out of her shell. Through him, she meets others like Itachi and later Sasuke. And while she is trained in the hospital to utilize her bloodline, the boys all head into the Academy. Itachi is rather standoffish around her, but Sasuke - always dealing with boys (and a bit jealous of the attention his brother gives Shisui) enjoys her company.
     ...then Shisui apparently commits suicide. Ryū is, of course, devastated. Her first friend is gone. Not long after, the Uchiha clan is massacred save for Sasuke. Now Manami is gone, the clan...and Itachi is a murderer, Sasuke left all alone as a ward, like her. Though unable to be an official guardian due to village restrictions, Ryū nonetheless acts as Sasuke’s as he grows up.
     After the Nami mission, Ryū - working at the hospital - becomes acquainted with his team, including Kakashi. Admitting to her worry over Sasuke, she asks the sensei to keep an eye on him for her, as she’s unable to fight. She aids with the chūnin exams, and is the medic who works primarily to save Hinata’s life, which begins a friendship between them. She also assists with Lee’s recovery, but is unable to cure him completely.
     Otherwise, things progress as canon as normal. Sasuke is infected by Orochimaru’s curse mark, and leaves to join them for training. Ryū, in the interim - having lost nearly all of the people in Konoha she’s come to care about - asks to take a trip back to her village for some kind of emotional closure and respite. While there, she discovers the sage that trained her line, and rather than return to Konoha, stays in the ruins of Kusunokizan to train to become a healing / protective sage.
     Shippuden passes much the same as canon, with mild participation by Ryū. No events change, and she is part of the war effort with the other medics, and is caught in Mugen Tsukuyomi. After the war, she encourages Sasuke to stay after her confides the truth of the massacre with her: to both let her repair his arm, and to help the betterment of the village and shinobi system by bringing it all to light. She also revives Neji as a token for Hinata and her friendship. The council is confronted by the clans’ heirs, and are removed from power. Kakashi, upon taking his seat as Rokudaime, reveals the truth and pardons Itachi to have him removed from the Bingo book and remove his criminal record.
     Once that’s all over, Shisui returns, revealing his faked suicide: to give Itachi the Mangekyō, keep his body from Danzō (and those like Obito or Orochimaru), and keep the councilman’s betrayal from the clan, lest it start up a civil war. But with Danzō dead, the council ousted, and the truth revealed, he can now return. At first, Sasuke is angry with him for abandoning Itachi, and Ryū is hurt he didn’t come to her to be healed. 
     But the past is the past, and they move on. Ryū makes Shisui new eyes from his DNA, and the pair reconnect and grow closer, eventually becoming a pair. They marry and have their three children. Sasuke, after a slowburn, ends up with Hinata, and they have two children. Naruto and Sakura end up together with two children. Neji and Tenten get married and have a son, Hinode. A raid of one of Orochimaru’s old bases reveals an in-stasis ‘clone’ of Neji he also adopts as his own and names Higure.
     The plot then focuses mostly on their kids, and the rising threat of the remnants of Root, led by Ayame, who want revenge for Danzō’s death and defamation by eradicating the Uchiha completely.
     And that’s the gist of it, really! Obviously there’s a lot more guts, but this covers most of the OCs and their bonds with canon characters! And again, you can find most of the OCs and canons on the various blogs. Any that are missing you can always ask about! But uh...yeah. This is stupidly long, but...given that this story is going on seven years old, there’s a lot to it! Hopefully this provides a little insight into how this verse, and these blogs, work! ]
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kusunokihime · 5 years ago
     [ Okay y’all, just a heads up I’m gonna be working on the new muse pages today (of the existing muses on the blog, being Ryū, Reika, Reika II, and Reiji), so things might be a little messy for a while. But the best part is: their new pages have room for bonds!
     If you’d like your muse(s) to be included on any of these muses’ bonds, give this post a like, comment what muse page(s) you want your muse(s) on, and I’ll put them on there! Multis, please specify what muses you want~ If we have a pretty good established relationship between muses already, I’ll be putting them anyway, but this is more of a confirmation / for those still a bit new to the blog.
     If there’s something specific you want said, you can also comment that! I have limited space tho so bear that in mind lol
     Now, onto the (kinda?) big reveal: what muses I’m bringing back to the ol’ bloggu to go full multi again! They are:
Ayame (main antag OC of ALAS (the monster returns lmao)) Hyūga Hanako (my OC for Hinata and Hanabi’s mother) Hyūga Hotaru (my OC for Neji’s mother) Hyūga Hinata Hyūga Neji Uchiha Manami (my OC for Shisui’s mother) Uchiha Mikoto Uchiha Shisui  Uchiha Sasuke  Uzumaki Akane (N.aruSaku child) Uzumaki Kei (N.aruSaku child) Uchiha Tenkai (S.asuHina child) Uchiha Chikyū (S.asuHina child) Hyūga Higure (Neji’s “child” (it’s...a long story lmao)) Hyūga Hinode (N.ejiTen child) Uchiha Katsumi (Shisui x Ryū child) Uchiha Tadashi (Shisui x Ryū child)
     (All of these muses are based in the ALAS verse by default!)
     Some of you probably remember these beans from my first attempt at going full multi, and yes many canons are missing from what I had before. For now I’m keeping this to my OCs and my top fave canons. I might (BIG might) add more down the road, but these are what I’m going with for the first big push!
     So same story here: if you want your muse(s) to have a bonds quip on these muses’ pages, leave a comment and I’ll add you! Otherwise for now I’m gonna leave them blank until things develop lol 
     This is gonna take me a WHILE so if some pages are wonky...they’re just a WIP - you can always IM me if you need something off a currently-unavailable page! ]
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soaringlanddormitory · 6 years ago
“  you can stay with me.  ” - Kei & Manami, “  what did you want to show me?  ” - Yuriko/Moe, “  hush, i’m trying to kiss you.  ” - Hanako/Kaoru; If that’s alright ; w ;
Yes! Of course, mama!! Definitely alright! I hope you like it though!! Sorry if it took some time! Also I got King [ @nightcrownsking​ ] to contribute a bit because he wanted to! 
Kei, Moe and Hanako belong to @polar-stars​!!
Also Keiko belongs to @polar-star-dorks!!
One of those other days where she had to face someone who underestimated her passion, believing she only stayed because she had her two older brothers with her. People who bullied her normally pointed out her lack of ability which was false, but she was never able to handle all these words well. She ended up gripping her box tightly, her arms shaking and it caused her to grip the box too hard--- causing some cookies to fall as the group of people only mocked her louder. They pointed out that she was weak, that she was fragile, that she couldn't compare to her siblings--- and she believed they were right. She bit her lips, some tears streaming down her face as she couldn't find a way to escape when she was in the middle of a circle--- around her were some of her batchmates, who accused her of not staying by talent but by family bias.
"Awww Kuga, don't start crying now! If your eyes turn red and puffy, you'll only further realize that you're only existing in Totsuki because of your siblings!" One female insulted, flicking the bells on her hair and she backed away a bit as she did. "You see, this shows how dependent you are with them! You're so freaking pathetic that it's annoying! Speak up for yourself! Unless your voice belongs to your two brothers too." She stuck her tongue out at her and Manami only ended up staring at her own two feet, not knowing how to build up words to make the people around her leave. "Look at her! She's being the same old Kuga again! I wonder why she even is in the same year as-"
The door was banged open, angry steps coming in as the people who surrounded her jumped in shock. They turned their heads to spot an Eizan. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU ALL DOING?!" A yell came from him, clearly angered. They only blinked at his reaction, and he brisk walked to one of them before holding them by the collar. "Stop being such assholes to her! She did nothing wrong! Unless you want to fucking fight?" He growled and the small crows only began backing away. The last person they want to mess with is someone from the Eizan family, and it didn't help that this boy had rings on his fingers that can clearly break skin if he punched hard enough, and if he did it right. "Get the fuck out!" He threatened them again, but they only left because they'd rather not be an enemy of the Eizans, not because of fear.
"Kei-chi..." The girl finally spoke after those few minutes of hell. Her eyes still being teary, and she ended up hugging him tightly, her head resting on his shoulder. "I'm sorry, I probably disturbed you from what you were doing... I'm sorry for wasting your time..." She ended up crying things which she would have also cried about if it were her brothers... She always has felt a nuisance, especially when her bullies added up as she stayed in Totsuki longer. She didn't like this at all, but she never knew how to talk back when her mind processed that they were right. She wanted to think differently, but her mind made her believe that what they said were true.
She only got more quiet as the male ended up accepting her hug, even ruffling his hair. He felt pretty awkward at first because he still wasn't used to affection, but this was all thrown out the window so he could comfort her. "It's okay. You don't need to apologize either... Those bastards are supposed to be the ones fucking apologizing!" He argued and he only felt the girl hug him tighter. "None of this is your fault, they're just being bitches." Kei scowled as he just noticed how she actually dropped the box so she could hug him. He only began frowning, noticing her efforts went into waste... There were still cookies inside the box, right? He'd fucking eat it even if they were cracked by now.
A few minutes passed and this only ended up with her finally being at ease. She removed her head from his shoulder before giving a brief smile at him. "Thank you..." Instead of burying him with another set of apologies, she decided to thank him instead. He always did prefer hearing that instead of a sorry when she truly wasn't at fault... Which it never was. She didn't do anything to ever make him upset, and that was the truth. He only noticed how her smile grew wider, and she began picking up the box which fell. "Too bad most cookies are cracked already... I was supposed to give them to the Elite Ten members but... no one would enjoy how messy it looks now..."
Kei shrugged his shoulders before he began picking up the cookies that fell on the floor, looking at the cracked designs and saw how much was wasted because of those people. "Yeah, it might be cracked, but we can still eat the ones in the box together." He said this and her face began lighting up again. "You can stay with me." He continued, a blush appearing on his cheeks. "I don't really have anything better to do, and we can go to my house if that would help you be happier." He noticed how she jumped in happiness, a smile very evident om her face. He couldn't help but smile back slightly as she began cheering.
"I'm totally down for that, Kei-chi! I'd love that!" She exclaimed to him and he only nodded his head, knowing that it was his own idea. It was a success! She seemed to be happy again. She got the cookies that fell on the floor from him before throwing the broken pieces in the trash can, but since there were some that were still clean... They can totally eat that instead! "Thank you for staying with me and being my friend!" She went next to him again, revealing the cookies inside the little box she carried with her. "Let's eat this together as we walk!"
"Alright... When we arrive home, let's build the best fucking house in Minecraft."
"Yes! Let's do that!"
The duo was established ever since they met through the NGM. It truly was a great experience to be a part of it, and they even became close friends. Takashi and Keiko decided to go somewhere together after the meeting with Dai, who was the teacher that was with them with almost every discussion. As of now, Dai was looking at the test results of his students, before he smiled at the people who were left in the room. "Yuriko-chan, Moe-chan, you may go now!" He clasped his hands together. "We've already talked about our amazing sightings so the meeting is now over! Unless you two have something else to talk about, hm?"
Moe blinked at this topic, not really having anything in mind. After a few seconds, she shook her head, signalling she had nothing else in mind. While the other just leaned on her chair before crossing her legs. She was trying to think of any problems or ideas she had to tell her teacher... To be fair, the teacher who she was closest to would most likely be Dai so he was already used to her random rants or vents about almost anything. But for today... she didn't really have anything to say. She winked before giggling. "Don't really have any topics, Adachi-sensei~! But I will be sure to tell you if I have anything that comes in mind!" She declared and Dai only chuckled.
"Alright you two, if there really isn't anything else, you may leave now! I have to fix these papers up." He placed the papers down on his desk. "But be sure to update me if there is something that happens!" He was really a fun teacher, and the two believed that. They both stood up, but Yuriko proceeded to carry Moe up and Dai waved at them. "Have a nice day, you two! May the ships be in your favor!" Once the door closed, he began holding his pen again before chuckling to himself. "Hope my acting was good enough, I hope she enjoys the surprise." In a split second, slid a drawer open to bring out an album.
"Where are we going?" Moe asked Yuriko, her face still expressionless despite the curiosity she felt. Yuriko did carry her a lot, but she would tell her where they were going when she did. This was one of the few times she didn't even say a thing. Yuriko began humming happily before she placed one of her hands on her hips. Moe tilted her head to the side, still not grasping on what she wanted to tell her. To her surprise, she was only spun around by Yuriko as she continued lifting her up.
"I would have to show you something! So we're going to my house!" She finally answered her question and Moe nodded. She might have no idea why they were going there, bur at least she had an idea on where they were exactly going. "Hinata is there too, and he probably prepared some chocolate and waffles! Trust me, you'll love it!" She began boasting about her brother and Moe listened to what she said. Unlike Yuriko, Moe didn't really have a biological brother before the universes combined. But someone did act as if they were older brother! To her, that was enough. She always heard Yuriko talking about her brother, so hearing about it always made her interested. Likewise, Yuriko absolutely loved hearing about the sisters of Moe.
"Yuriko senpai." She started to converse with her, and Yuriko only faced her, wanting to know what she has to say. "You really do love your brother."
"Of course I do, and I love you as a little sibling too."
Moe felt happy in the inside, but no smile was seen on her face. Instead, her eyes shone bright and it expressed how happy she was when Yuriko said that. Yuriko has always been the big sister figure to the NGM, and probably even to some people in her universe. "Moe-moe loves you as an older sister." She had to tell her she felt the same and the female she told this to basically squealed at those words and began bragging about how great Moe was and how she truly was an example of cuteness. Once again, Moe just faced her with sparkles in her eyes, enjoying every moment of it. However, when they finally arrived in her house, Yuriko gently placed her down and Moe only began wondering why they were there again. "What did you want to show me?"
Hinata opened the door before staring at the two. "I said I wanted to die 13 times before you arrived, but everything is prepared."
"Thank you for being so kind~!"
Hinata made the door open further before he pointed at the living room. "Happy Moe Got A Good Grade Day...? I don't know, but my sister said it is a congratulations party."
She ended up seeing Takashi blowing balloons and Keiko popping the party poppers from inside the living room. Even Dai was there with a bunch of albums which he carried with both arms. Her eyes widened and she noticed that there was a gift given by Yuriko. "Here is what I was going to show you! A party! Oh and a bonus! The whole NGM and Adachi-sensei decided to buy you a couple of ballerina and panda keychains!" A wide grin was seen on everyone's faces besides Hinata who brisk walked to the kitchen to get the sweets ready, and Moe who was currently covering her lips with the box that was given to her. Was she smiling? Who knows? But she did love every single bit of it!
"We're proud of you, Moe!" Keiko released yet another party popper and Takashi breathed heavily as he finally finished blowing all the balloons.
"Yeah! Very proud!" In between of inhales and exhales, he got to say those words.
"Of course, I am too! As a teacher, seeing students' success always makes me happy. So I snapped a couple of pictures, and I got some people to help!"
Moe was still hiding her lips behind the box, but she only stared at each one of them before saying she wanted to say the moment she realized what was going on. "Thank you."
Late night car rides wasn't new to them. It was a common thing for Kaoru to give her a ride home when she ends up attending any kind of seminar, or when she worked too late. It was kind of him to do so, she thought. No matter his schedule, he always made time for her and made sure that he was there for her. He didn't care about how long he waited because seeing her was always something that made the waiting worth it. At that moment, Hanako was on the front seat. She rested her head on the side, having a nap to at least gain back the energy that she lost after having a busy day. Usually, they would talk until she was brought back home, but this day was tiring than the rest.
He didn't mind at all. Her face was pretty even when she was asleep, but the cute factor was added if that was even possible. He just found her sleeping face adorable, and sometimes she would mumble things in her sleep. Despite driving, his eyes would shift to her direction at times so he could have a look at her face which he clearly loved. Cheesy, some people might think of his actions as such, but he didn't care about that. What he cared about is that he got to spend some time with her, asleep or not--- She was still there, and that was what mattered. She was still there, and that is what he cared about.
The spotlight turned red and he stepped on the break gradually so the sudden stop wouldn't wake her up. Usually this stop would take about a minute or two... That's what he remembers. He faced her for a moment, observing her. She did seem like she was a having a good sleep... But the thing is--- he couldn't control himself. He began leaning closer to her, so he could give her a kiss on the cheek. But now, he noticed that her eyes slowly opened. "Kaoru?" She mumbled his name, then realized where she exactly was. "Kaoru? Aren't you supposed to be focusing on the road?" She brought up and he only moved closer.
“Hush, I'm trying to kiss you." His voice was so soft that it sounded like a whisper. He lifted up her chin a bit and tilted his head a bit so he could give her a kiss on her lips. Instead of doing it immediately, he had a few seconds of eye contact, shared his grin to her before saying words he'll never get tired of. "I love you." She felt his lips on hers, and her heart still as fast when he kissed her the first time. It was always something that made her heart melt. Somehow so gentle, so loving and so gentle... She really did love all the kisses he gave to her. Without realizing it, she began kissing back.
Her eyes closed but she smiled as they kissed. It was those moments where she gets reminded why she had feelings for him. He was the sweetest person she knew, the most considerate and the person who waited long enough for her to achieve her dreams first. He was always so selfless. Some moments, they separated but it soon ended up with some kisses again. Sometimes they would laugh in between kisses, and at times- their noses ended up nuzzling to the other. No matter what happened, it seemed like their lips find their way to one another. "I love you too."
A blush was seen on Hanako, and suddenly Kaoru began to have the same reaction. He gave her a tiny peck on the forehead before separating, a sheepish kind of smile on his face. "It's late yet I feel so energized already." He laughed, thinking it was something that was dorky to say. "However, I wouldn't mind kissing you again, flower." He returned to his original position, as he stared at the spotlight again. "It's still red, but it will probably become green soon. I'll get to kiss you more once I bring you home." He lifted up his finger. "So you'll have to be ready to get buried by kisses. I really missed you and I had to store all my wants to go in the place just to kiss your pretty face."
Her blush only became darker, playing with some strands of her hair as she felt butterflies in her stomach and heat on her face. No matter how old they get, this was the same feeling she had towards him. Love. It wasn't hard to fall for him, and she was glad that she got to fall for someone like him. "You really are too sweet." She complimented him as he began driving, and she took note how he couldn't stop smiling as he did. Was it because of what she said? Or was it something else? She continued to stare, and she only laughed a few seconds later. "You're doing that extremely happy smile of yours. What caused it this time? Was it something I said?"
"Well, that could be considered as one of the reasons."
"Is it because of our kiss?"
"That is also considered as another reason."
"What is it then?"
"I'm happy that I got to be with you, my flower." This man... He really did specialize in making her fluster. Her face was now completely red, and he only held her hand before giving a quick kiss to it as he continued to focus on the road.
The late night city lights...
The stars that were white freckles in the skies...
The darkest part of the day was one of the loveliest parts...
But being with someone you love, made people realize where life starts...
A lover could only make the day more beautiful...
And she proved it.
She proved it.
She proved it.
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hyuuchiha-a · 6 years ago
What are mun’s ships for their muses?
[ Anon ]
     [ A good question, nonny! In truth I don’t have that many...? A lot of the charries I write here I consider either VERY difficult to ship, or have one set ship for them. I’m gonna put this under a cut cuz it’ll probably be long, lol ]
Itachi: So this particular Itachi, by default (as with all the muses here, actually) is from a very long RP before Tumblr with two friends. In that RP, he was paired with the main muse from @kusunokihime! And because of the nature of how that story went (which I call A Light Amongst Shadows, the primary verse here), I don’t have him open to ship with anyone else. T’is just how the narrative works!
Sasuke, by default, I ship with Hinata (typically mine, but also with @historias-multorum in our little blending of verses). I...really don’t see him ever shipping with anyone else simply because of how closed-off I write him? I could talk about it for days but in short, he’s just not really a shippy kinda guy.
Hinata is probably my most openly-shippable canon bean! By default I do write her with my Sasuke, but honestly she’s a very loving girlie, so I can see her opening up to other muses! I actually do love Naru///Hina, but not so much the canon version. I’d love to write out a romance with them from scratch! Otherwise, with her, I don’t have much planned / established beyond with my Sasuke, but she’s very compatible imo!
Shisui is...complicated. I’ve shipped him twice in the past, on a different blog I had: with @wanderingmelodies‘ Rin, and @quiet-kunoichi‘s Kimiko. In all honesty Shisui’s a very charming, flirty guy? But he’s actually really flighty when it comes to actual relationships, and he’s not about hookups. He just likes to tease. In actuality he’s very hard to pin down, mostly because of how I write his time between his “death” and his reappearance post fourth war. He’s got some unpacking to do. So while he might flirt with a muse, it wouldn’t be easy to actually ship with him. Otherwise, I don’t have anything set up! And I’m not sure if either of those ships are ongoing with the new blog~
Neji I by default ship with Tenten - I have another muse who is his biological child with her, and another they adopt! Given how prim and proper he is (very...old-school. Kinda conservative?), it’d take some work to get with him in an AU. He’s haughty and proud. Proving themselves to him for another muse would be hard, but...not ENTIRELY impossible?
Hanabi I don’t really ship. I think Kono///Hana is cute, but I’ve never actually written it. I don’t have her paired with anyone in the ALAS fic as of yet! She’s a bit like Shisui: a little precocious, but also conscious of her role as Hyūga heiress.
Tenkai (my older Sasu///Hina babb) I pseudo-ship with Akane on my other blog, who is a Naru///Saku daughter! I say pseudo cuz...they only get up to 14 in the fic, so...not really the age to fully date, imo lol. I haven’t gotten to write him much, so I’m not fully sure how well he’d open up to other ships? But we could try!
Chikyū (the younger Sasu///Hina babb) is...a strange bean. I don’t ship her with anyone, and...I’m not sure how she’d react to shipping lol (tho again, since they stay minors, it wouldn’t be anything hot and heavy unless written at a point in their timeline where they are adults). But again, I haven’t written her much, so we’d have to just see!
Higure (Neji’s adopted pseudo-clone...see her bio for details cuz it’s a long story lol) I pair with Fugaku II on the main blog. I’ve...never really considered shipping her! But she might give it a try. They’d have to be very patient though, she’s a fragile bean.
Hinode is the Neji///Ten bean, and by default he’s with Reika II on the main blog. But he’s a good kiddo, he’d probably get along with someone else all right! Keyword is kid, tho - just fluff unless aged up!
Manami is my OC I made to be both Mikoto’s older sister, and Shisui’s mother! I write her with another OC, Junichi, meant to be Kagami’s son. But she IS originally slated to marry Fugaku, so...that’s something I sorta ship? Otherwise she’s pretty chill, so honestly I’d say she might consider a ship if she got on with someone okay! I also guilty pleasure ship her with Reika on the main blog, but...that’s a major AU lol
Hanako, Hinata and Hanabi’s mother, I really only ship with Hiashi. But I haven’t had any inklings of other ships? Maybe with Mikoto in a random AU, I dunno!
Hotaru, Neji’s mom...I dunno. She’s very staunch in her beliefs, so she’d probably only ever get with another (male) Hyūga. But hey, things happen!
Mikoto’s primary ship is, of course, with Fugaku. But I dream of a modern AU (or maybe even canon >w>) where she and him end up seeing things differently and divorce...and she ends up with Kushina. At first as friends, but then things...y’know...it’d be cute xD LET NART AND SAUCE BE ACTUAL BROTHERS. Otherwise, I’ve never planned or plotted anything with her!
Fugaku is again with Mikoto, maybe Manami. Otherwise...no idea. He’s a bit of a grump, but just...overly serious (as laid out in his bio). I dunno how he’d get on with other muses. We’d have to see!
Obito I don’t really ship. Maybe in an AU with Rin, tho I kinda prefer Kaka///Rin, tbh. I DO sometimes indulge @abyssaldespair‘s anons about OUR ship on THIS blog, but otherwise...I just don’t see him derailing his plan for a romance. It just doesn’t seem viable to me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Madara I also don’t really ship? I only write him in a few AUs, and...they’re not too flashy with him. AtLA he has whatever NPC wife to carry on the main Fire Nation family. Pokémon he’s too busy running Team Rocket. DL, he’s kinda lost it. And OMaM...he’s open to brief flings, but not anything solid. He sort of treats partners like...an entertainment. And things get old. Heck he even treats the one ship I have on the other blog like that. So...actual romance? Prooobably not. MAYBE flings in OMaM, but...I’m not that great at writing random smut? So I doubt I’d actually write anything out.
     Anyway...I guess that’s everyone? There’s a lot of...variety in how I perceive each muse and their ability to form relationships. My more “main” muses (those toward the top on the muse page) tend to have very severe mental and emotional trauma. Forming bonds isn’t easy. And I don’t wanna make anyone ooc of how I write them just to ship, y’know? But thank you for asking! I’ve actually meant to make a post about this, so...you get one step ahead of me xD I hope your curiosity’s sated, lil nonny :3 And always feel free to ask anything else you’d like to know! Obviously I love to ramble xD 
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kusunokihimea · 6 years ago
     [ OKAY, so, gonna be making some major blog changes, tho tbh most of the change will be on @hyuuchiha cuz...well, there’s more to do there. But the plans are as follows:
Cut the following muses from @kusunokihime:
Uzumaki Akane*
Uzumaki Kei*
Okino Ayame*
Move the following muses to the lore pages on @kusunokihime:
Suigin Eiko
Suigin Kazue
Cut the following muses from @hyuuchiha:
Uchiha Itachi
Uchiha Shisui
Hyūga Neji
Hyūga Hanabi
Hyūga Higure*
Hyūga Hinode*
Uchiha Manami*
Hyūga Hanako*
Hyūga Hotaru*
Uchiha Mikoto
Uchiha Fugaku
Uchiha Obito
Uchiha Madara
     *’d muses are going to be put on an “archive” sideblog...because I’ve put a lot of work into those OCs, and they still play major roles in A Light Amongst Shadows, which is (and always will be) the main verse for @hyuuchiha. The only muses I’ll be leaving on that blog are Sasuke, Hinata, and their kids Tenkai and Chikyū. They will also retain their connections to the muses on @kusunokihime because that’s how ALAS works. The above-listed muses (and more beyond that) are still vital characters in the ALAS verse, and will likely still be mentioned or played in the background in ALAS-verse threads on either blog. So they’re not COMPLETELY gone, but I just...need to trim things up. 
     I’ve also got a map that lists out many of the main characters and their connections (but not all). I might expand on it later (and the text is still a WIP), but it does help elaborate on how the verse fits everyone together!
     I’m hoping condensing my muse pool will help me from feeling overwhelmed and burnt out. Those I’m keeping are my strongest muses, and it just makes more sense to me to focus on that. Maybe someday I’ll have time and inspo again to work on the ALAS fic, but for now I want to try to focus more on RP, and drabbles inspired by RP. I may also do guest days to bring a muse from the cut lists back every so often, but I want to pace myself in regards to muses.
     To anyone who will miss the cut muses, or only followed because of them: I’m sorry, but I gotta do what I gotta do. And if you doing the same means unfollowing, no hard feelings. If the muse(s) you followed either blog for are going to be cut, then that’s just how it is, and either way, thanks for being around while you were! This does mean that any threads or asks with those muses will, unfortunately, have to be dropped.
     That said, it’s gonna take me a while to actually clear the pages I need to clear from both blogs, and move things around, so uh...just bear that in mind. Either way, thanks everybody for your patience while I try to clean things up. Hopefully this’ll lead to me being more productive, and we can have more fun RPing! ]
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soaringlanddormitory · 6 years ago
💋 (Hanako/Kaoru), 🍔 (Manami/Kei), 🎃 (Yuriko/Moe) please ovo
Okie dokie!! Thank you so much for these!! I love all of them already ahhhhhh I’m going to ENJOY this!!
Send 💋 to randomly kiss my muse. 
“You’re oddly affectionate today. It’s really nice to see you like this and I’ll appreciate every moment of it.” Kaoru laughed a bit and the female behind him was currently hugging him from behind and leaning on him. It was one of those tired nights after work and Kaoru decided to carry her out of the car since he brought her home after their jobs were finished and she ended up sleeping through the trip.
“It’s not odd. We’re dating.” She mumbles as she snuggles to his back more and he placed his hands on hers before giving it a gentle squeeze. “I just want to say thank you for doing that. I’m repaying you with this.” She felt his fingers rubbing on her hands as if he was giving a quick massage to her. 
“Alright, fine. It’s not odd! But this is much more affection than usual.” He laughed before grabbing her two hands and dragging it near his lips to give a single kiss on each of them. “But you don’t need to thank me, it’s something I want to do with pleasure. Lovers are a give and take kind of thing.”
The face of Hanako was burning up after he did the small gesture but her eyes closed once he did. He was always so sweet and kind to her, he was even very understanding at every moment. He even was patient enough to hold it in for her. She didn’t expect that someone would love her this much. “I know that, but I can’t help it.”
Kaoru chuckled before releasing her hands. She stopped embracing him and pulled away. “That’s fair.” He replies but his eyes widened and his face instantly went red. “Oh. Hey. What are you doing.” His face refused to turn but he felt her fingertips on his back, she was currently writing something on it. “I know how this game works, you’ll write something and I have to guess… but I hope you know I suck at these games.”
“I’m not telling you to guess it, now am I?” She continued to slide her finger across his back. His body twitched a bit and she was sort of confused on why he was reacting as such. Was he ticklish? Tickling does work even if you had clothes on so it could be a possibility. 
“Yeah but…” The face of the male went even redder the moment he felt a soft kiss on his back, and he actually became quiet. He turned around before he blew some of his bangs away from his face. “Totally uncalled for-” She suddenly planted a small kiss on his lips, and his face… it was probably the darkest shade of red she’s seen on his face. 
“You’re out here, making me fluster everyday. But I didn’t know you’d fluster with those things so quickly…”
“… We don’t talk about this.” He quickly replies before he covers his face with his two hands. She kissed him first, and now he wants her to do it again.
Send 🍔 for our muses to have lunch together. 
The two middle school students decided to eat lunch together… But honestly, Kei wouldn’t admit it but it was his way of watching Manami’s back. He knew that she was a target of bullying, but as long as she’s seen with him- he felt like no one would even dare to insult her. He watched as the girl unwrapped a cloth and he was shocked with the first thing she said ever since she sat down.
“Kei-chi! I made something for you!” She handed him a bento box with a very bright smile on her face. “I wanted to make you something to show you how thankful I am for being there for me!” He took it but he was still in shock that she made something for him. “I asked Taka and Zuzu some questions, so I didn’t make it too sweet or spicy because I wouldn’t know if you’d like it…”
“You wouldn’t need to worry about that.” He waved his hand off, a slight blush forming on his cheeks because he was embarrassed. “Tch. You didn’t need to do this at all either. ” He didn’t know how to react properly in these situations, but he really wanted to accept the little gift she made for him. 
She hummed happily once he accepted the gift and she clasped her hands together. “We have matching bento boxes with the same food! Let’s eat together now!” The two now sat beside each other on the bench with maching bento boxes and food on their laps. 
He swore to god if any person came in to spot him, he’s going to place the food down and punch their fucking face if he has to. He wouldn’t want to be spotted or made fun of because of this. Manami did a little kind gesture and it shouldn’t be something to make fun of. “Thank you.” He mutters softly, but he made sure the female could hear it. 
“You’re welcome!” She brings out some chopsticks and she handed it to him and she even had her own pair. “But you should take first bite!” Wit those words, he decided to follow what she said. He decided to take the first bite and the moment he did- he was ready to threat her bullies or knock them out with a punch because it tasted wonderful. Why the fuck was she made fun of?
“It’s great.” The moment he swallowed the food, he had to compliment her for that and her face began lighting up, and he swore that that there were tears forming on the corner of her eyes. “Wait-! Fuck-! Don’t cry-!”
“That m-makes me so happy to hear… I tried my best to make something new for you and you actually like it- I-”
Kei felt the corner of his lips move a bit and he may have hesitated at first but he ended up petting her head- even if it was a bit awkward. 
Send 🎃 to carve pumpkins with my muse. 
It was almost Halloween at that time and Yuriko and Moe decided to try and carve pumpkins together while talking about the possible ship ideas that could happen during the holiday. The two planned some things already for the ship that goes by many names- “ShigeChi”, “Shigenyan and his wife”, “Glasses 2.0″ or simply Shigeo and Chieko. 
The other plans that they were deciding were for the OTPs of theirs or the OTPs for the other NGM members. So there would be MichiToshi, SoreNa and KazuRa... There was so much possible ideas to do! Hopefully, one of their ships would have matching costumes so that they can have something photograph and framed.
“That’s a great plan, Yuri-Senpai.” Moe was currently poking the pumpkin with a knife as she was carefully carving the outline that Yoshiki drew on each pumpkin. It wouldn’t be too hard for her, she was a sushi chef so precise cutting would be needed in certain parts of making sushi.
“I know, right? I totally believe that they’re going to end up seeing each other in Halloween and that’d be great, right?” Yuriko laughed as she continued to attempt to carve the pumpkin. She knew how to cut well, she was a chef. But the hard thing was to follow the outline and not mess it up.
The person who drew on the pumpkin for the outline was an excellent artist who also decided to incorporate their ships on it. If they did it perfect, the NGM had a single pumpkin each. Of course, Moe had a ShigeChi pumpkin while Yuriko had a MichiToshi one. “Do you need help, Yuri-senpai?”
The taller girl turned her head to the petite girl before she smiled softly. The tone of her voice was flat, but she could always tell her intentions or the meaning of her words. “Yes, please.” Yuriko hands her the pumpkin and Moe started helping her with the harder parts. “Moe-chan, you really are amazing.” 
Moe lifted her head up a bit from the pumpkin she was currently carving and she just gave a quick nod. “Thank you for the compliment.” She may have sounded blunt, but she really did appreciate the comment.
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