#but also that natsume ended up having so much pent up frustrations that he took tsumugis word and did as he offered
natsmagi · 1 year
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tsumugi being so fucked in the head and devoted to eichi that he doesnt see an issue in trampling over innocent people but still recognizes that. obviously people may come to hate them for this. people are being sacrificed after all. and hes okay with that. hes so disconnected from it all that none of this phases him, even allowing natsume to get physical with him if he so pleases because god. all this man does is please
it all sucks so fucking bad though bc like. yea eichis plan worked in the end. tsumugis judgement wasnt exactly wrong. but tsumugi went along with it under the assumption that him and eichi had something. that even once the contract expired, theyd continue working together. but just like with natsume, this war ended up costing tsumugi the people he cared about. completely tossed aside once the gig was up. yumenosaki is better now, sure, but despite tsumugis claims of "no matter what anyone does to me, i cant feel anything," once the war was over and he was left all by himself natsume noted that he felt like if tsumugi was left by himself for longer he may do something reckless like take his own life. thats how badly this got to him. and in the end, after everything they went through, after everything they lost, natsume and tsumugi were left with only each other as they sat by that burning pile of documents
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