#but also some not so assholish stuff that I find kind of endearing or strange
sigurdjarlson · 7 years
Reading the BoS terminals on the Prydwen give me so much joy
Maxson gives motivational speeches even in his emails
Maxson told Cade to prioritize mental health and treat it as a legitimate medical issue
He also mentions that he knows very well that being stuck on the Prydwen can be detrimental to your mental health
he ordered violent confrontation to be a last resort (synths being the exception..sometimes? You can bring em in his damn ship lmao) and to trade tech for food and medicine
Maxson uses caps when he’s angry
Maxson cares deeply for Ingram to the point he ignores Cade telling him she would be MORE equipped than any other soldier on the battlefield and instead keeps her on the ship because “Please don’t take this personally. I can’t afford to lose you. My decision is final. I’m sorry.”
Teagan hated seeing Ingram stomp around “with that damn scowl on your face” and specifically got some of her favorite candies to share with her
Quinlan is writing Maxson’s biography and being super creepy about it
People have literally made cults worshipping Maxson which Maxson hates and actively has then disbanded
Quinlan is a huge comic book nerd and tries to hide it but lowkey has scribes fetch him comics
Danse was diagnosed with PTSD but refused to take time off.
Ingram does too and was complaining about phantom pains where her legs were
Teagan apparently has fallen down drunk around the Prydwen multiple times and it’s happened so many times Cade has to order treatment now
Some soldier got an STD that apparently only comes from ghouls
Maxson had his coat specially made and Teagan was excited to give it to him
It was Rhys who had Neriah’s mole rats delivered (he said she owed him the bottle of whiskey she promised because they bite and shit everywhere) but he couldn’t get a pilot to take a Brahmin cuz they refused to put “that disgusting thing” in their vertibird
If you look at the recreational terminal downstairs Ingram says it’s for general use for the soldiers but it will be shut down if things “don’t stay clean”
in said terminal you can see several people writing to their families and then someone talking about going on feral hunts, and another person talking about who holds the highest record for jumping from a super high height in power armor. Someone jumped from trinity tower apparently but it destroyed their power armor so it didn’t count
..and other BoS crap I like.
if you listen to the soldiers talk you’ll hear them talk about tipping Brahmin with vertibirds
if you talk to the squires while with Dogmeat they’ll lament that they aren’t allowed to have pets (quinlan has a cat tho??)
they’ll also talk about how they want to be “a great soldier even greater than Paladin Danse”
Maxson apparently personally talks to them often cuz they quote motivational things he’s said to them a lot.
Danse mentions that he doesn’t agree with having kids on a warship but it’s not his place to question Maxson’s orders.
after BB the squires will be very upset and call Danse a liar/traitor. they just sound so sad and hurt UGH
Danse is referred to as well-liked by Maxson (it just made me smile and then..not smile cuz he was ordering Kells to hunt him down)
Maxson made Quinlan and co go over the data multiple times just in case there was some mistake (mostly mentioning this cuz I feel a little annoyed when people say it was on a whim)
if you tell Danse Maxson sounds like a lunatic he’ll tell you not to judge him by his words but to judge him by his actions cuz they’ll prove his sincerity. He’ll also frown at you for a long time afterwards. He gave my sosu the dirtiest look in an old playthrough.
if you fail missions Maxson will (aggressively) lecture you about the importance of accepting responsibility for your actions, learning from your mistakes and bettering yourself.
He refers to you as “my friend” if you make a comment about being impatient to get into the institute
If you kill Li he’s absolutely fucking furious with you. “She was misguided but she was never a traitor.” And before that he’ll bite your head off if you suggest they’re going to torture her
you can fuck up every mission and despite your major fuck ups he promotes your ass and looks at you all :D even after you joke about murdering him to take his place as elder
“hand on the shoulder moment” is how one of his audio files prior to you going into the institute is described and I’m not sure why I find that so amusing??
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