#but also people not putting leashes on their dogs in cities because they think they're special
californiaquail · 3 months
i don't consider myself an angry person by and large but few things make me angrier than people intentionally doing or not doing things that could result in harm to everyone around them just because they don't like being told what to do. we live in a society fr get the fuck over yourself and your idiotic 12 year old selfish ass mindset.
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pokemonmarinebiology · 4 months
Intro post!
Hi! My name is Jacob (18yrs, he/him), and I'm from the Hoenn region! I used to live in New Mauville, but I recently moved to Mossdeep City because I got hired as a Laboratory assistant to the research station here! I mostly do the grunt work, but that's ok because I have *crippling* thalassaphobia.
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Button - Jumpluff (Starter and Ace)
Button has been by my side since I was a kid, he was the first pokemon I had and he's been my favorite ever since! Every spring I have to put a leash on him, otherwise he'll fly away and explode.
It might be weird to have a support pokemon as my ace, but Button fills that role because he always helps me get out of sticky situations; be it with Sleep powder, encore, Rage Powder, etc.
Bleebus - Magmar (Battle Pokemon)
Bleebus is your usual bulky fire type, and she packs a punch too. I caught her on vacation to Johto about 3 years ago, and ever since then she's been a mainstay of my team. She is also a functioning emergency stove, and that's saved me more times than I can count.
At least 10 people have come up to me just to tell me how ugly Magmars are, but I very much disagree; she's the prettiest Magmar ever!
Chuck - Relicanth (Battle Pokemon)
I found Chuck on a diving expedition as a kid in Pacifidlog town, about 7 years ago. I was pulled away from my group by an underwater current and Chuck brought me back to them! He seemed to hang around with me the rest of the trip, so I begged the tour guide to let me take him and he eventually agreed; and he's been fighting valiantly alongside me ever since! Apparently most Relicanth aren't supposed to be cyan though.
Completely unrelated, but getting pulled away from my group then was mentally scarring. I swear there was some giant pokemon in the distance beelining for me..
Knight - Corvisquire (level 37) (not battling anymore)
I was Wonder Trading about 11 months ago (before it got banned for being unethical) and I was given this lil gal as an egg, so I've had the pleasure of raising her from infancy to now.
She hasn't battled for a bit because of an accident that happened last time, and I think she's still shaken up by it. I can tell she's so close to evolving though! If she could just push a little more I'm sure she wouldn't have to worry about getting hurt like that again.
Megasaw - Nymble (big baby)
Despite his intimidating name, Meg is an extremely timid pokemon (Disclaimer: I lost a bet and had to let my friend name my next pokemon). I haven't even been able to get him to battle more than 3 times total! I've been told that once he evolves he'll be so much stronger and aggressive, but at this rate I doubt it. I'm probably gonna have to spend my life's savings of Rare Candies to get him to evolve.
Eeny (dad), Meeny (mom), Miney(daughter), and Mo (son) - Maushold (Helpers)
Honestly, I love these little goobers. They help out around my house and the lab, doing all the things I might be too busy (or too tall) to do. And it's not like I'm forcing them to, Eeny and Meeny actively encourage Miney and Mo to work in order to vent their precocious amounts of energy. They're not too bad at battling either, and have saved my butt plenty of times. They're also the only pokemon I have that can terastalize, which makes sense since they're from Paldea.
Asmodeus - Manectric (pet)
Azzy isn't on my team preview because, we'll, he ain't really a fighter. He's all bark and no bite, n he's even left me to get attacked by pokemon he's 4x super effective to! I still love him though, cuz he's a total lap dog and never shy to ask for cuddles (which I will always happily agree to)
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marias-in-pyjamas · 4 years
Eclipse: Chapter 1.1
See more from the masterlist.
Commanding Agent Adam du Mortain x Detective Eliana Langford x Specialist Agent Mason ; Agent Nate Sewell x Detective Ellara Kingston
Content Rating - Warnings: G - none
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At Detective Kingston’s Apartment 
Ellara groans as she felt her face slowly getting wet because of the thing that is excitedly licking it. Albeit reluctant, she opened her eyes only to be greeted by the sight of her dog's nose. 
"Woof." The dog barks, making her let out yet another groan before she wraps her arms around the small of its body. Stirring from her position, she saw the clock and realized what day it was. 
14 Jan ’19 – 05:00
It's so early omg. 
But it's not like she could complain. And she is feeling pretty excited about today too. Who wouldn't, when it's the first day that you are officially your town's detective? Ellara chuckles to herself, scrambling to stand on her feet. 
She stood in front of her bedroom mirror, carrying Sol with her. She stares at herself, and oh does she look like a disaster. But it doesn't matter. She can do a lot to fix it. 
And so with Sol still perched on her arms, she walked to the kitchen starting her morning rituals with breakfast for the both of them as usual. 
Everything feels like the usual except from the rapid beating of her heart inside her chest. She doesn't even know if it's excitement, or just her nerves trying to make her reconsider all of this. Well she wouldn't, would she? She dismisses the thought by shaking her head. She proceeds to continue eating as she happily watches her dog eat with the same enthusiasm. 
A few spoonfuls and minutes later, she found herself cleaning after their mess. It was quick, as she only ever need to wash a single breakfast set. Maybe I should sleep more. 
"Woof!" Sol calls out wagging his tail and getting his owner's attention 
The woman's eyes immediately went to him and she gave him a very fond smile. A smile that is a lot more genuine than a lot of her others. She crouches down and pets the pupper, "Wanna go for a walk? What do you say, boy?" 
"Woof, woof!" 
And that was all it took for her to understand the answer.
After the walk
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"I hope the walk was enough for you, baby." Ellara smiles as she detaches the leash from Sol's collar, letting him run free around the apartment again. 
Thankfully, the weather isn't hot, and the walk wasn't that much of a bother. Getting ready for work before walking Sol is probably the best decision she ever made this week. Especially with Tina's message. 
Ugh, a murder? As my first case? 
Her smile turned into a frown just thinking about it. Wayhaven is a quiet town. And it's the first murder in town ever since she was born. It shouldn't even bother her, but it does anyway. Ellara values all of her firsts, so it's only natural that she's reading too much into this. 
Her thought was cut off just as she heard a motorcycle engine start up loudly. And, when did someone own a motorcycle in this street before? 
Curious, she quickly pulled her blinds open. Peeking on her window, she saw a figure sitting on a big motorcycle. The person has their back facing her, and with a black helmet on she can't even catch a glimpse of what they look like. The motorcycle zooms away. 
It must be her new neighbor. She saw a car parked in front of the apartment yesterday. Unfortunately, she weren't able to meet her new neighbor yet. Oh well, maybe she'll knock later at night just to make sure they're settling in. With a shrug, she closed her blinds once again. 
She looks around her apartment making sure that everything is in order before she grabs a box of dog food from her kitchen. She puts plenty of it on the pet feeder she had managed to assemble. At least now, she won't feel too worried for her dog during work hours. 
The dog catches up to her, and follows her closely behind until she stepped outside the door. Sol sits on the floor inside the apartment at a close distance. She crouches on the floor to level with him and smiles. 
"Bye, boy. Be good okay? Mommy will be home before you even know it," she says, giving Sol one last kiss before she stood, locked the door, and finally left for work.
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At Detective Langford’s Apartment
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14 Jan ’19 – 04:15
Eliana had been staring at the ceiling for almost an hour now, her racing thoughts still not calming down. She was woken up by a nightmare earlier, but considering her line of work, it’s not really much of a surprise to her anymore. The things she’d seen in the city marked her, haunted her. But it also made her stronger, fiercer. Things normal people would easily succumb into and feel squeamish about. But still, she persevered. She continued working hard. She continued doing her job well. She continued pushing forward towards her goal – to be the youngest police captain in the history of Metropolis Police Department. And for a while, it seemed like the universe was finally on her side. Her career was advancing according to the time line she had planned for herself. But of course, as it always does, something eventually happens to prove her how wrong she is to think that the universe is on anyone’s side. Just as she was finally getting the hang of being a detective, she was reassigned out of nowhere into some backwater town: Wayhaven. A wrench in her carefully-crafted plan. A wrench in her career.
So that’s how Eliana had found herself staring at the ceiling of her new apartment in Wayhaven, wondering if she was maybe cursed from something she did from her past life. Luna – her pet puppy – was snoring beside her. Her furry companion’s head resting on the crook of her arm. Careful not to jostle her too much, Eliana turned her head towards the clock in her bedside table to look at the time. Knowing that she will not be able to sleep again anytime soon, she fully turned her body towards Luna and cuddled the puppy closer to her chest. Counting down from five to calm her nerves, she inhaled the familiar scent of the puppy and planted a soft kiss in her forehead. Luna turned sleepily towards her and licked Eliana’s nose as a response before going back to sleep again. Chuckling softly, she gently extricated herself from Luna and scratched her ears before sitting up on the side of the bed.
Going to work early is not exactly new for Eliana. So with that in mind, she pushed herself off of the bed and started her morning routine. She changed from wearing her night clothes to her sportswear before she started stretching her limbs to prepare herself for a little rigorous exercise. After a few minutes of exercising, she proceeded to place some dog food on Luna’s bowl, causing the energetic puppy to clamber off of the bed in a hurry to get to her food.
Eliana went to her kitchen to make herself some much needed coffee. Whenever asked, she always say that she prefers her coffee as dark and black as her soul. While waiting for the coffee machine to finish, she sat on the bar stool in the kitchen island and searched the internet for the directions of the police station. Bookmarking it, she prepared all the stuff she needs for work and finished drinking her coffee, which actually counts as her breakfast.
After Luna finished her breakfast, Eliana spent a few more minutes spoiling the little girl with pets before fetching the puppy’s collar and leash. With a smile on her face that only her furry companion ever witnesses, she turned toward Luna and asked, “Who wants to go for a walk?”
“Bork, bork!” Luna exclaimed while wagging her tail enthusiastically, already running towards her human.
God, she loves that puppy, even if she’s not really on good terms with the one who gave Luna to her. Fastening Luna’s leash on, the pair of them went outside to do their usual morning run, but in a different area and surroundings now.
After an hour of running, Eliana decided to walk around the neighborhood with Luna, just to acquaint herself more with her current residence. The stares of the townspeople as she and her puppy passed was something she expected. After all, she knows that it’s not usual for people to see someone from the city transferring here as she herself is not even sure why she was transferred here. But what else can I do right now except to suck it up?
Taking the other way around towards home, Eliana and Luna walked together at a leisurely pace, knowing that there’s still a long time before she needs to prepare for work.
After the walk
After arriving home, Eliana rested for a little while before finally taking a shower. Enjoying the hot shower for a few minutes, she turned it off to get dressed and get ready.
Having finally finished dressing-up for work, Eliana stared at herself on her full-body mirror. Her hazel eyes stared back at her, the only memory of her late father that she remembers. Her lean form is hidden beneath her black button-down shirt that was tucked in a tight-fitting black jeans, with her police badge holder clipped on the side of her belt. A simple gold necklace is sitting prettily on the base of her throat partnered by stud earrings of the same color, three on her right ear and two on the left. The black combat boots she’s wearing gives her an extra two inches on her height, but even without the boots, she’s already taller than some of the detectives in the city. A black leather jacket completes her whole look, helping her fight off the chill when she’s riding her motorcycle. She’s about to turn away from the mirror – seemingly satisfied by what she saw – when her eyes zoomed in on the roots of her hair. The light brown color is reappearing again, a reminder that no matter what color of hair dye she chooses and uses – underneath it all and despite everything that has happened – she’s still her mother’s daughter and having that same hair color of hers is an evidence of that.
Making a mental note to buy more hair dye in the town square, she went outside her room and secured Luna’s playpen. She double-checked that the automatic food and water dispenser is working then kissed Luna goodbye. She shouldered her bag and her black helmet and turned to leave.
Not really knowing what to expect (although she thinks that she’ll most likely be bored to death on her first day as a detective in Wayhaven), she took a deep breath and went outside her apartment, locking it behind her.
Eliana went to the parking space where she left her motorcycle. Securing her helmet on and starting the engine, she decided to first try out the coffee shop she saw near the police station as she still has plenty of time to spare. Maybe she’ll stakeout outside the station for a few minutes, just to see how busy and active it could really be, this early in the morning.
Making up her mind, Eliana drove away from the apartment block’s parking space, the roar of the engine of her motorcycle heard by the detective living next door to her’s.
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thewanderingace · 2 years
I'm SO fucking sick of people!
I've got morons in my neighborhood who won't stop setting off gigantic fireworks that sound like bombs going off and scaring the shit out of my dog. EVERY. SINGLE. NIGHT. Not only are they illegal and terrify my dog but those things are dangerous! I live in suburbia! You can't set off things made of fire when you are surrounded by houses for miles! What goes up must come down! Plus I'd bet my left arm that those who are doing this are drunk as fuck which certainly doesn't help things.
And on top of that, when I went outside just now (it's about 10:30pm) to try and see who is setting them off so I can call the cops on them (cause I'm fucking done with this) this family walks by with their dog off its leash and this dog comes running up onto my property, straight at me, growling. WE HAVE FUCKING LEASH LAWS ASSHOLES! The dog gets like three from me snarling and growling before the dumbass owner nabs it. I say not so happily that we have leash laws in this city please put your fucking dog on a leash and get it off my property and away from me before it bites me (I actually just said the leash law bit). And this lady. This stupid lady has the gall to say "I have a leash" while holding it up to show me. Then put your dog on it! I replied loudly. And she's like "okay call down lady." BITCH! I WON'T! Because there's not point in carrying a leash if your dog ISN'T ATTACHED TO IT! "I have a leash". FUCKING BITCH! You're dog was about to attack me!
And dont even get me started and the other idiot neighbors I have who also don't follow leash laws and assume that everyone and every dog loves other dog and let their untrained animal run free. The amount of times I've almost been bitten is insane and I'm SICK OF IT
I'm so pissed! I hate people so damn much. I hate people who think what they do doesnt affect others. I hate people who own dogs and claim they're "well trained. He wont attack unless I say so" BITCH! You're dog literally just came at me to attack! I was standing in my own yard! PUT YOUR DOG ON A GOD DAMN LEASH!
And I swear if I ever figure out which house around here is setting off professional grade fireworks I will call the fucking cops on them. I'm tired of my dog being terrified every night. I'm not waiting until mine or my neighbors house catches fire because these idiots were too blaise about setting off literal bombs in a neighborhood.
I'm done. I want to move out of here, buy a plot of like 10 acres, build a house on it, and never fucking leave it.
And I know with everything going on in the world and the U.S. right now this is trivial but after today this was just the last straw. I'm angry and tired and annoyed and I want to never see or interact with another person again in my life. People suck.
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