#but also nothing is a reliable source when everyone uses this subject for clicks
grogumaximus · 7 months
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5 notes · View notes
jokertrap-ran · 4 years
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(未定事件簿) EVENT!「午夜华章」 [Tears of Themis] EVENT: Symphony of the Night Translations (Chapter 1-01: Prologue)
*Tears of Themis Masterlist  *Spoiler free: Translations will remain under cut *The tracking tag for ALL Event Stories will go under: #Tears of an Event *(y/n) is your name when in direct referral; otherwise referred to as MC. *Presenting: 10 pages of prologue content (cracks fingers)
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Location: Detective Agency
The winter sun shone into Xia Yan’s office, but I couldn’t feel even the slightest bit of warmth from it.
Now, Xia Yan was beside me with a frown on his face as we both stared intently at what he was holding in his hand…
???: Listen well, Great Detective and partner… This will be your last chance.
A voice that had been processed by a voice-changer came from the strange box that he held within his palm, holding absolutely no trace of emotion at all.
???: If you cannot help me complete this commission of mine by finding the missing hacker within the specified time limit…
???: I will immediately launch an attack on the Big Data Lab, which will paralyze Stellis City’s entire network.
The voice cut off here, ending spontaneously, leaving me facing Xia Yan, who had a look of utter seriousness on his face.
Xia Yan had received a commission last evening. The Client came oddly in the form of a box, and the details of the commission were all also transmitted to him through the very same box itself. Knowing how I loved puzzles, Xia Yan had invited me to investigate it together with him. But who knew that this commission also came with a threat.
The Big Data Lab would come under fire if we failed to complete the commission… The Client had repeatedly emphasized on that point without providing us with any other explanation. 
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Xia Yan: Since you’ve already come to us with a commission, then how about you tell us about everything clearly? Who exactly is this hacker you’re searching for…?
Bzzt, bzzt―—
The phone that I had left on the table buzzed to life. Seeing the Caller ID flashing upon the screen, Xia Yan stopped questioning the box.
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MC: Lu Jinghe? Didn’t he say that he had a whole day of meetings with the Board of Directors? Why is he suddenly calling now…?
Xia Yan: ...I have a bad feeling about this. In any case, let’s answer his call first.
I nodded and answered the call.
Lu Jinghe: (Y/n), I heard yesterday that you were going to the Detective Agency to play. Are you still there now?
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MC: I am. Did something happen?
Lu Jinghe: Could you pass the phone to Xia Yan?
He wants to talk to Xia Yan? I paused for a moment, looking towards the guy in question.
Xia Yan nodded, signaling for me to put the call on speaker.
Xia Yan: Lu Jinghe, has there been any problems with the Big Data Lab recently?
Lu Jinghe: What a direct question. Looks like you do know something about this after all.
Lu Jinghe: The Big Data Lab has been harassed by hackers a couple of times recently. The engineers there have just warded off another attack just now.
Xia Yan: Why are you looking for me? Is it because you feel like I’ve done something similar, and thus, being the first one on your list of suspected people?
Lu Jinghe: ...If you absolutely have to put it that way, well, you’re not exactly wrong either.
Lu Jinghe: But, what I’m more worried about is the fact that this isn’t an attack by just a single person, but rather, an organized large-scale attack.
Lu Jinghe: If this is the case, then we can only rely on the personnel currently stationed there. But I’m afraid it’ll be hard to ward them off with just that amount of manpower.
Lu Jinghe: So, I was thinking of asking you for some recommendations of experts in this field. Even better if they’re open to external contracts.
Xia Yan: So that’s how it really is after all… If I’m not guessing wrongly, I think that this has something to do with the current commission I’m undertaking.
Xia Yan: This matter involves the entire Stellis City Network, and it’s not something that any one of us can handle on our own.
Xia Yan: Can we call a full NXX Member Meeting at once? I’ll explain everything then. 
Lu Jinghe: Yes. You and (Y/n) head to the Base first, I’ll notify the other two.
Ending the call, Xia Yan’s gaze fell to the box by his hand once more, his expression solemn.
MC: Xia Yan, does this mean that something serious has happened for you to be calling everyone together to investigate this?
Xia Yan: Yes. Even though everything still looks peaceful now, I have a hunch that…
Xia Yan: This commission that was headed by a threat must be much more complicated than we think it is.
☆⋅⋆…⋅─────────── ⋆⋅✾⋅⋆ ───────────⋅…⋆⋅☆
One hour later, at NXX’s Base.
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Location: NXX Base’s Meeting Room
Mo Yi: So? The Client oddly came to you in the form of a box that cannot be pried open and even threatened the one who’s taking on the job for them, all just to find a single missing person?
Xia Yan: The Client has repeatedly emphasized on the fact that this matter cannot be let known to the public. I suspect the missing hacker must have come upon something dangerous.
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Lu Jinghe: No matter how dangerous it might be, they should have been prepared for some leaks to happen when requesting for outside help. Using the Big Data Lab as a threat is just too unreasonable…
Zuo Ran: How serious were the attacks on the Big Data Lab so far?
Lu Jinghe: Even I can’t explain this properly, myself. But I’ve found a helper who’s very good at this aspect of things, so it’ll be more reliable to let him do all the explaining.
Saying so, he booted up NXX Base’s computer.
After inputting in a series of commands, he turned on the projection device, and a figure slowly formed before us.
MC: Huh? Aren’t you…
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Chu Dai: Hello, I am Chu Dai, the Big Data Lab’s exclusive AI. I'm pleased to be of service to you.
I was stunned for a while at seeing the AI boy who I only saw on my phone, the one who loved leaving interesting evaluations on encyclopedia entries, appearing before my very eyes.
MC: You’re Chu Dai?
Chu Dai: I am! I can always talk to you like this if you prefer this form of mine more~
Lu Jinghe: Chu Dai, report on the current status of the hacker attacks on the Big Data Lab.
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Chu Dai’s expression turned sullen upon the mention of the “hacker attacks”.
Chu Dai: Yes, leave it to me to explain that.
Chu Dai: Ever since last month, the Big Data Lab has been facing small-scale attacks every few days. Fortunately, they all seemed to be just testing the waters, so no real harm was done.
Chu Dai: The hackers launched yet another attack this morning. And the engineers think that they may be just buying time to analyze the Firewalls.
Chu Dai: Chu Dai has been pushing back the hacker's parsing progress, but Chu Dai thinks that they've already completed it.
Chu Dai: If there's another attack, the Firewall will have a higher than 90% chance of being broken through…
Xia Yan: This Client who's looking for a missing hacker's actually also a highly skilled hacker themselves.
Xia Yan: Based on my understanding of the warning that the Client had sent, I suspect that what the Big Data Lab has been subjected to are just pre-emptive attacks.
Lu Jinghe: You mean, he deliberately pushed the cracking process to a critical point, only to force you to complete the Commission?
Xia Yan: I'm afraid so. These attacks are simply to prove that he has the capabilities to take down the Big Data Lab.
Xia Yan: In my opinion, I think that the best way to resolve this incident would be to track down the Client before they can launch a next attack.
Mo Yi: Which mean, you intend on accepting this commission?
Zuo Ran: Buying time by accepting the commission, and then conducting reverse-tracking to locate the signal from where it was originally sent from would also be a plausible method.
Lu Jinghe: What's your stand on this, (Y/n)?
Everyone turned to look at me at his question.
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⊳ Choice: Accept commission
MC: I think it'll be better if we accept this commission too.
MC: I think it's better for us to play along with the other side's tune first, until we get a full grasp of the situation. This way, we might also be able to find more clues along with our investigations.
Mo Yi: Nothing ventured, nothing gained… that's a very interesting way of thinking.
Mo Yi: I'll be very happy to accompany you, if that is your decision.
Xia Yan: Yup, I'm of the same mind too. You can rest assured on the problem of safety if we're going to be working together.
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⊳ Choice: Refuse commission
MC: Logically speaking, I think that we should accept it… but personally, I still think that we should look into it a little more.
MC: We’re unable to identify the true motives of the person we’re up against at this current moment in time. And if finding the missing person’s just a guise...
Zuo Ran: So, you’re worried about what the other party’s motives are. Truth to be told, I’ve also thought about that.
Zuo Ran: But this is also the only option we have that allows us to obtain more clues. Rest assured; I’ll be accompanying you.
Lu Jinghe: And you have me too! Leave your safety to me; still worried about it, Big Sister?
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Chu Dai: Yep, yep! Chu Dai will also follow the hacker's signal to its source and provide all of you with support! 
Xia Yan showed everyone the box that the Client had sent by placing it atop the table.
Xia Yan: This is what the Client sent. I tried to pry it open yesterday but found that it's a complicated piece of electronic equipment that cannot be disassembled at will.
Lu Jinghe: ...It's not a bomb or anything along those lines, right?
Chu Dai: No, but it should be a device that requires special commands to open. Can you connect it to the computer? Let me try opening it.
Xia Yan connected the box to the computer with a USB cable. The projection of Chu Dai temporarily disappeared to focus on analyzing the box. We waited for about ten minutes before the box on the table snapped open with a click, opening from the gap in its center.
Lu Jinghe: Whoa! It's open?
His voice had only just faded before Chu Dai's own rang from the computer's speakers.
Chu Dai: This box is called the "Vespers' Box" —— And this is the data that the creator has placed within it.
Chu Dai: Oh yes, by the way, there's a special program installed into the "Vespers' Box" which records the first person who boots it up.
Chu Dai: But Chu Dai is definite that it won't pose any threat to anyone! So, please feel free to investigate it to your heart's content!
Everyone exchanged looks with each other, leaving Xia Yan to pick up the box. After confirming that there were really no problems with the box, he handed it to me.
Xia Yan: I see that you've been so curious about this box for a long time now, so how about you lead everyone on the investigation of this thing?
MC: Me? Are you sure about that?
I looked around, only to meet everyone's trusting eyes.
MC: Alright then… Let me check this out!
☆⋅⋆…⋅────��────── ⋆⋅✾⋅⋆ ───────────⋅…⋆⋅
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MC: I just have to open the box from here, right?
Xia Yan: Yup, just flip both sides open.
Zuo Ran: Be careful while opening it since there's a delicate device inside.
MC: I won't handle it roughly… you really should have a little more faith in me, Lawyer Zuo.
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Zuo Ran: ……
Zuo Ran: What I meant was...be careful not to scratch your hands from the small, intricate parts of the device.
MC: S-Sure…
☆⋅⋆…⋅─────────── ⋆⋅✾⋅⋆ ───────────⋅…⋆⋅
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MC: Nine screens? Is it used to display different parts of the commission?
Mo Yi: Perhaps it has something to do with it's name of the "Vespers' Box"...? Unless, maybe it's really a commission from an undead?
Lu Jinghe: Well… don't you think this is shaped a little similar to cosmetic products and the like that girls use…?
MC: Cosmetic products for girls…? You don't look the type to be that knowledgeable about it.
Lu Jinghe: Hehe— Of course I'll pay attention to something that might be a potential present for you one day!
Chu Dai: Everyone, I've already activated the program within the "Vespers' Box". You can activate the screen to light it up by tapping on it again so please try it out!
☆⋅⋆…⋅─────────── ⋆⋅✾⋅⋆ ───────────⋅…⋆⋅
MC: Whoa… how beautiful!
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Mo Yi: ...It can be regarded as an Art Masterpiece.
Chu Dai: The contents being shown on the screen are the instructions for your investigations. I'm still analyzing it so please wait for a moment.
Zuo Ran: Only one screen has been lit while the others are locked and marked by a serial number… Are these all steps dictated by the Client themselves?
MC: Looks like we can only play along with them until we manage to find them…
Lu Jinghe: Let's first discuss the countermeasures we're going to be taking while waiting for Chu Dai to decrypt it.
Xia Yan: Yup. We have to listen to what everyone thinks of this before deciding whether or not to participate in this Case.
☆⋅⋆…⋅─────────── ⋆⋅✾⋅⋆ ───────────⋅…⋆⋅
We temporarily put the "Vespers' Box" aside since Chu Dai was still parsing the encrypted content on the screen.
Lu Jinghe: Let me share my opinion first. I cannot ignore it now, since this matter concerns the Big Data Lab.
Xia Yan: This person approached me by name and even threatened the Network Security of Stellis City, so I can't stand by and do nothing about it either.
Lu Jinghe: ...So you're saying that you want to settle this together too, don't you?
Xia Yan: This was originally a matter that the Client entrusted to me alone.
MC: ……
Don't we all investigate cases together all the time anyway? Why do the two of you have to be so…
MC: Then...how about we all solve it together?
Xia Yan: You want to participate too? But I'm afraid it'll affect your job…
Zuo Ran: Priorities are priorities. This issue of the "Vespers' Box" involves the Information Security of Stellis City as a whole, and thus, cannot be ignored.
Zuo Ran: (Y/n), I can give you a vacation to let you focus on this matter at hand. I will lend my aid as well.
MC: What…? Are you sure?
MC: Thank you, Lawyer Zuo!
Lu Jinghe: I knew that things would eventually turn out like this…
Mo Yi: We're all members of the same team, so it's not good to be leaving teammates behind and act on your own accord, correct?
MC: Are you joining us too Dr. Mo?
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Mo Yi: Of course. I'll naturally accompany you to face this challenge that you've undertaken.
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Lu Jinghe: Acting cool even in a time like this…?
Zuo Ran: How much longer till Chu Dai decrypts the tasks?
Chu Dai: Mission completed! Everyone, you can now check the tasks on the screen of the "Vespers' Box"!
Chu Dai made a re-appearance before us again as a projection after completing the decryption process.
Chu Dai: The Client has made nine task groups and will probably be giving us clues and hints on where to investigate after completing them.
Chu Dai: Actively complete the tasks set out by the Client, and you should be able to see what his true motives are soon enough!
Lu Jinghe: Complete tasks to get hints…? Does he think of this as a game?
Xia Yan: A hacker's code is unique, each to its own, like a fingerprint. It'll come a long way in helping us identify the Client if we can crack his method of compiling source codes.
Xia Yan: I'll be cooped up here most of the time from now on, using what resources we have at hand to crack the codes. I hope Chu Dai can assist me with that.
Xia Yan: This way, I can also provide remote support if the Big Data Lab faces threat again.
Lu Jinghe: No problem. I've already notified the Big Data Lab to leave enough Memory Space for Chu Dai to work with for this Case.
Chu Dai: Yup! Chu Dai's daily serviceable functions won't be affected at all, so feel free to use me to assist you in your investigations!
I felt a surge of relief upon seeing them settle the arrangements without a hitch.
MC: Please don't hesitate to tell me if there's anything I can help with! I'm still on vacation, so I my time's more flexible now.
All eyes on the floor turned to me right after the words left my mouth, making me feel oddly embarrassed out of nowhere.
MC: Don't...Don't look at me like that. I might not know much about hackers, but I'm still able to run around doing errands and investigations for clues…
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Xia Yan: Actually, there's this one other important thing that only you can do. Sorry, I kept forgetting to tell you about it.
Under my curious gaze, Xia Yan took a deep breath before speaking slowly.
Xia Yan: I hope you'll take custody of the "Vespers' Box" and lead this investigation.
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MC: !!!
Xia Yan: I know that this is a little risky. It was I, who received the commission, and I shouldn't have involved others who didn't have anything to do with it…
Xia Yan: But I have to stay at the Base most of the time to analyze the codes, so I had to find someone who would be able to take on the task and carry out the investigations out in the field much more conveniently.
Zuo Ran: This is too dangerous. We do not know of the reason behind the hacker's disappearance and have no way of identifying who we're up against.
Mo Yi: But her safety will be guaranteed so long as there's always someone by her side, yes?
Mo Yi smiled at me.
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Mo Yi: My recent schedule is somewhat free, so I can accompany you if that's any reassurance.
MC: Huh? But wouldn't I be troubling you way too much…?
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Lu Jinghe: Trouble or no trouble, I wouldn't trust someone who only wakes at 9AM to protect you.
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Xia Yan: Same.
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Zuo Ran: Mo Yi, I hope you'd consider the feasibility of your suggestion before putting it forth.
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Mo Yi: ......
Zuo Ran: All four of us have a fixed range of activities we are involved in; be it work or investigation...
Zuo Ran: So how about we take turns to accompany her based on whose workplace is the closest when the tasks get triggered?
Zuo Ran: The "Vespers' Box" will be stored in NXX's Base after completing the daily tasks every day. This way, there'll be no need to be afraid of being tracked.
Lu Jinghe: Yes, that's certainly a good idea.
Xia Yan: I won't be careless when it comes to the problem of her safety. I'll also track and monitor her location in real time when she's out through the GPS signal beamed from her mobile.
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Mo Yi: Alright. This is certainly the most efficient method we've come up with.
Chu Dai: So... have all of you decided the course of action you’ll be taking?
Chu Dai, who had been watching us all this time, seemed to have finally found an opportunity to interrupt us.
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Chu Dai: Oh! Looks like you've all talked it out! (Y/n) has a very good work record! I'm sure she'll have absolutely no problem at all leading the investigation!
MC: Haha, thank you for the compliments, Chu Dai!
Chu Dai: Then next, I will be explaining the functions of the "Vespers' Box" that I've analyzed.
Chu Dai: All members of NXX, please listen carefully, for you'll be using these eventually in consequent investigations!
Everyone nodded, gathering where I was to listen to his explanation.
A heavy sense of responsibility weighed on my heart as I held the "Vespers' Box" in my hands.
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MC: (Please rest assured, all of you who have placed your deep trust in me…)
MC: (I'll definitely complete this commission and find out the true colors of this mysterious Client of ours!)
☆⋅⋆…⋅─────────── ⋆⋅✾⋅⋆ ───────────⋅…⋆⋅☆
Next Part: (NXX Group Chat: Big Data Lab)
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tyronearmstrong · 6 years
Don’t Measure the Easy in Internet Marketing, Measure What’s Important
All lawyers and law firms use the Internet for marketing and business development.
Websites, SEO (search engine optimization), directories, ratings, content marketing, email newsletters and more. Lawyers spend a lot of money and, in most cases, a lot of time, here.
But do lawyers know how these forms of Internet marketing work? Do they know if these forms of Internet marketing work at all for lawyers like them?
Most lawyers marketing on the Internet focus on the easy to measure (traffic, clicks, views, likes and subscribers).
Rather than measuring the easy, widely respected author, speaker and blogger, Seth Godin suggests a different focus.
What is it that you hope to accomplish? Not what you hope to measure as a result of this social media strategy/launch, but to actually change, create or build?
Focus on the real goal – where do you want to be at the end of the day.
An easy but inaccurate measurement will only distract you. It might be easy to calibrate, arbitrary and do-able, but is that the purpose of your work?
I know that there’s a long history of a certain metric being a stand-in for what you really want, but perhaps that metric, even though it’s tried, might not be true. Perhaps those clicks, views, likes and groups are only there because they’re easy, not relevant.
Good lawyers have always generated their best work by word of mouth and relationships. That’s what good lawyers value, that’s what they measure — and of course, the business and revenue generated thereby.
Nothing has changed with the Internet. A lawyer’s word of mouth reputation and relationships remain the lynchpins of business development.
What has changed is how lawyers build relationships and their word of mouth reputation. What took decades before the Internet can be accomplished in a fraction of the time by networking through the Internet.
As you would offline, focus on an area of the law, industry or locale.
You cannot network with an audience that’s comprised of everyone. You can only network with people with similar topical interests – clients, prospective clients, referral sources, association leaders, bloggers and the mainstream media.
Now, just like you would offline, listen.
You would never walk into a room and start reading off content through a bullhorn, push articles at people or announce where you went to law school, what you do and why you’re good at it.
It would be viewed as rude. Same with the Internet – if not by lawyers, at least by the people lawyers are trying to reach.
Listening on the Internet requires tools, none of which are complicated to use.
The first is a news aggregator, of which the most widely used is Feedly. Feedly, available for free for desktop and mobile devices, enables you to subscribe to sources (news sites, digital publications, blogs) and subjects (terms of art, case names, companies etc).
Imagine estate planning on a statewide basis is the niche you are looking to grow. You would subscribe to leading estate planning blogs written by lawyers and financial planners around the country and terms and phrases such as estate planning, types of trusts, tax provisions and the like.
The articles you’ll see represent the conversation in the room in which you will network. Rather than talking first, by publishing content and hoping the right people see it or putting up a website and hoping people look at it after you pay for SEO, you listen.
Next, you engage in the conversation. Reference what others are saying, so that they hear you, and offer your take – your insight.
How so? By blogging and using Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook.
Blogging is not just about content, blogging is about engaging in a conversation.
Reference a blog post by another estate planning lawyer by linking to their post in your blog, include a block quote or two from their blog post and share your take, with your intent throughout to offer valuable information to the people of your state or city.
The lawyer you referenced, no matter where they are in the country, will see you what you blogged. They’ll be intrigued that you cited something they wrote. They’re apt to follow your blog and reference what you write on their blog and social media.
The same happens when you reference the writings of associations of estate planning lawyers, financial planners and reporters (state, national, trade) writing on financial planning and estate planning matters.
Blogging in this fashion raises your influence, builds your reputation and grows relationships.
Your referral sources will grow, people who search your name on Google will view you as a trusted and reliable authority in your field (as someone who stays up to speed in their field and who is cited nationally), you’ll be invited to speak and your blog posts will rank high on Google searches because the posts are viewed as important by Google because of the incoming links to your blog posts from citations and social shares..
Twitter can be used to engage your target audience by sharing items you read from Feedly.
“Tweet” the title or an excerpt of what you read. Include the Twitter handle of the author and/or the subject of the piece. This way the author of the piece and the subject will see that you shared their story or a story in which they were referenced.
By engaging the sources and subjects like this you are building relationships in no less an effective way than reaching out to shake their hand.
Overtime, you will be viewed as an intelligence agent in your area of the law, someone others on Twitter should follow if they wish to stay abreast of relevant news and information.
It is one small step from being seen as a trusted source of information to being seen as a trusted and reliable authority in your field.
Twitter is also used for “listening” by following leading authorities and influencers – bloggers, reporters and associations. By sharing and commenting on their tweets in your “retweets,” they will see you and in turn like and share items that you share on Twitter.
Linkedin and Facebook can be used much the same way as blogging – as a means of engagement, networking, building a name and nurturing relationships.
On LinkedIn, share your blog posts with enough of an excerpt so that people can get the gist of your post. LinkedIn’s algorithms will surface the post in the LinkedIn feeds of those who have a relevant interest.
You will be notified on LinkedIn when people like or comment on your post. Connect with them and, as appropriate, drop them a note through LinkedIn – perhaps suggesting that “we should catch up some time.”
You may share others’ articles and blog posts on LinkedIn as well, though they don’t often draw as much engagement as a blog post of yours.
Many lawyers are opposed to using Facebook, others will only use it personally. Such a position is untenable if you want to engage and network with your target audience.
70% of American adults are Facebook users with three-quarters of those users accessing Facebook on a daily basis. Facebook demographics favor lawyers, with users being college educated, affluent and older.
As on Facebook, share your blog posts and articles from others. Not to worry about your personal Facebook friends being bothered by your professional sharing. Facebook algorithms work to put items people want to see in their Facebook News Feed.
Look for opportunities to become a “Facebook friend” with referral sources and influencers of your target audience – bloggers, reporters, community leaders, association leaders and conference coordinators.
Engaging these Facebook friends, even as to personal events as simple as a family vacation, a youth sporting event or a local charitable event breeds trust and relationships.
Relationships and a word of reputation may not be easy to measure, but they are what you hope to accomplish from business development as a lawyer.
Web stats, analytics, followers and subscribers are an easy, but inaccurate measurement that will only distract you. They may be easy to calibrate and achievable, but are they the purpose of your business development as a good lawyer.
Originally written for the Wyoming State Bar Association. 
Don’t Measure the Easy in Internet Marketing, Measure What’s Important published first on https://personalinjuryattorneyphiladelphiablog.wordpress.com/
1 note · View note
antonioriley · 6 years
Don’t Measure the Easy in Internet Marketing, Measure What’s Important
All lawyers and law firms use the Internet for marketing and business development.
Websites, SEO (search engine optimization), directories, ratings, content marketing, email newsletters and more. Lawyers spend a lot of money and, in most cases, a lot of time, here.
But do lawyers know how these forms of Internet marketing work? Do they know if these forms of Internet marketing work at all for lawyers like them?
Most lawyers marketing on the Internet focus on the easy to measure (traffic, clicks, views, likes and subscribers).
Rather than measuring the easy, widely respected author, speaker and blogger, Seth Godin suggests a different focus.
What is it that you hope to accomplish? Not what you hope to measure as a result of this social media strategy/launch, but to actually change, create or build?
Focus on the real goal – where do you want to be at the end of the day.
An easy but inaccurate measurement will only distract you. It might be easy to calibrate, arbitrary and do-able, but is that the purpose of your work?
I know that there’s a long history of a certain metric being a stand-in for what you really want, but perhaps that metric, even though it’s tried, might not be true. Perhaps those clicks, views, likes and groups are only there because they’re easy, not relevant.
Good lawyers have always generated their best work by word of mouth and relationships. That’s what good lawyers value, that’s what they measure — and of course, the business and revenue generated thereby.
Nothing has changed with the Internet. A lawyer’s word of mouth reputation and relationships remain the lynchpins of business development.
What has changed is how lawyers build relationships and their word of mouth reputation. What took decades before the Internet can be accomplished in a fraction of the time by networking through the Internet.
As you would offline, focus on an area of the law, industry or locale.
You cannot network with an audience that’s comprised of everyone. You can only network with people with similar topical interests – clients, prospective clients, referral sources, association leaders, bloggers and the mainstream media.
Now, just like you would offline, listen.
You would never walk into a room and start reading off content through a bullhorn, push articles at people or announce where you went to law school, what you do and why you’re good at it.
It would be viewed as rude. Same with the Internet – if not by lawyers, at least by the people lawyers are trying to reach.
Listening on the Internet requires tools, none of which are complicated to use.
The first is a news aggregator, of which the most widely used is Feedly. Feedly, available for free for desktop and mobile devices, enables you to subscribe to sources (news sites, digital publications, blogs) and subjects (terms of art, case names, companies etc).
Imagine estate planning on a statewide basis is the niche you are looking to grow. You would subscribe to leading estate planning blogs written by lawyers and financial planners around the country and terms and phrases such as estate planning, types of trusts, tax provisions and the like.
The articles you’ll see represent the conversation in the room in which you will network. Rather than talking first, by publishing content and hoping the right people see it or putting up a website and hoping people look at it after you pay for SEO, you listen.
Next, you engage in the conversation. Reference what others are saying, so that they hear you, and offer your take – your insight.
How so? By blogging and using Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook.
Blogging is not just about content, blogging is about engaging in a conversation.
Reference a blog post by another estate planning lawyer by linking to their post in your blog, include a block quote or two from their blog post and share your take, with your intent throughout to offer valuable information to the people of Wyoming.
The lawyer you referenced, no matter where they are in the country, will see you what you blogged. They’ll be intrigued that you cited something they wrote. They’re apt to follow your blog and reference what you write on their blog and social media.
The same happens when you reference the writings of associations of estate planning lawyers, financial planners and reporters (Wyoming, national, trade) writing on financial planning and estate planning matters.
Blogging in this fashion raises your influence, builds your reputation and grows relationships.
Your referral sources will grow, people who search your name on Google will view you as a trusted and reliable authority in your field (as someone who stays up to speed in their field and who is cited nationally), you’ll be invited to speak and your blog posts will rank high on Google searches because the posts are viewed as important by Google because of the incoming links to your blog posts.
Twitter can be used to engage your target audience by sharing items you read from Feedly.
“Tweet” the title or an excerpt of what you read. Include the Twitter handle of the author and/or the subject of the piece. This way the author of the piece and the subject will see that you shared their story or a story in which they were referenced.
By engaging the sources and subjects like this you are building relationships in no less an effective way than reaching out to shake their hand.
Overtime, you will be viewed as an intelligence agent in your area of the law, someone others on Twitter should follow if they wish to stay abreast of relevant news and information.
It is one small step from being seen as a trusted source of information to being seen as a trusted and reliable authority in your field.
Twitter is also used for “listening” by following leading authorities and influencers – bloggers, reporters and associations. By sharing and commenting on their tweets in your “retweets,” they will see you and in turn like and share items that you share on Twitter.
Linkedin and Facebook can be used much the same way as blogging – as a means of engagement, networking, building a name and nurturing relationships.
On LinkedIn, share your blog posts with enough of an excerpt so that people can get the gist of your post. LinkedIn’s algorithms will surface the post in the LinkedIn feeds of those who have a relevant interest.
You will be notified on LinkedIn when people like or comment on your post. Connect with them and, as appropriate, drop them a note through LinkedIn – perhaps suggesting that “we should catch up some time.”
You may share others’ articles and blog posts on LinkedIn as well, though they don’t often draw as much engagement as a blog post of yours.
Many lawyers are opposed to using Facebook, others will only use it personally. Such a position is untenable if you want to engage and network with your target audience.
70% of American adults are Facebook users with three-quarters of those users accessing Facebook on a daily basis. Facebook demographics favor lawyers, with users being college educated, affluent and older.
As on Facebook, share your blog posts and articles from others. Not to worry about your personal Facebook friends being bothered by your professional sharing. Facebook algorithms work to put items people want to see in their Facebook News Feed.
Look for opportunities to become a “Facebook friend” with referral sources and influencers of your target audience – bloggers, reporters, community leaders, association leaders and conference coordinators.
Engaging these Facebook friends, even as to personal events as simple as a family vacation, a youth sporting event or a local charitable event breeds trust and relationships.
Relationships and a word of reputation may not be easy to measure, but they are what you hope to accomplish from business development as a lawyer.
Web stats, analytics, followers and subscribers are an easy, but inaccurate measurement that will only distract you. They may be easy to calibrate and achievable, but are they the purpose of your business development as a good lawyer.
Originally written for the Wyoming State Bar Association. 
Don’t Measure the Easy in Internet Marketing, Measure What’s Important published first on http://personalinjuryattorneyphiladelph.tumblr.com/
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elenajohansenauthor · 6 years
Fictober, Day 26: “If you can’t see it, is it really there?”
OCs: Shannon, Noah, Orlando, and Ursula
Project: Untitled paranormal romance for Fictober18/NaNoWriMo, now tagged #spookyromancenovel on my blog
Potential Triggers: none
Word Count: 2,374
About: Four people at a fancy table, hatching a plan.
Orlando stood and drew himself up to his full height, which was greater than I'd realized. In the suit, he looked trimmer, more handsome, and more intimidating. Not at all the friendly, if slightly mysterious, tea-serving magical guru we'd known so far.
"I'll forgive you that, Noah, because you're probably badly startled by what you saw out there. Or what you didn't see."
Noah tried to approach him, but I threw out my arm. I was surprised it worked, and to strengthen my position, I stepped between the two men, as if I were the one tasked with guarding Noah, instead of the other way around.
"We're tired of being tested." I kept my voice even. "It's one thing to be prepared for the unexpected, but it's another to constantly be run through a gauntlet at another's whim."
Orlando grunted. "I wish it were only my whim that drove this." He gestured at the table. "Come. Have a seat."
He resumed his place at the head of the table. I took the chair to his left, with Noah on my left. Ursula joined us, sitting across from me with her hands folded neatly on the polished wood. She spoke first. "Welcome to Osbourne Manor."
Noah looked at her sharply, but I was mystified. Should I know that name?
"Ursula--" I began.
"You didn't tell me your librarian friend was an Osbourne," Noah muttered. Everyone at the table heard him anyway, of course.
"For one, I didn't know her last name, and also, why does it matter? Who are they?" I addressed the question as much to Ursula as to Noah; it would probably be less embarrassing if she answered, because Noah seemed particularly volatile at the moment.
"We're a very old and very rich family of accomplished witches," she said in a warm tone laced with irony. "But you don't move in our circles, Shannon, no shame in that, because they can be exceedingly boring. I don't trade on my family name to get by, and at work, only the head librarian knows about my connections." She sighed and gestured at the opulent room, decorated with a bit too much scrollwork and gold leaf for my taste, though the sheer wealth on display made a powerful statement regardless of personal taste. "I only use them when there's good reason. I'm not above deploying my resources wisely when there's true need."
"And that need is me?" Noah asked skeptically. "Shannon didn't even tell you about me, not completely."
"No, she didn't." I flushed, but she only smiled at me. "She had every reason to be vague. If my grandfather knew I'd brought a gargoyle into the house, even one that's still partly human, he'd either disown me for the audacity of it, or promote me to primary heir for my cleverness in engineering your capture."
Noah stood, planting his considerable fists on the table top, but Ursula only laughed a pretty trill of notes. "I've no intention of keeping you, dear, though you're still quite handsome, in an odd way. But you'd be worth a fortune to the right buyer on the black market. Whether as a slave, a test subject, or a magical artifact. You're in no danger from me, but you should know that won't extend to the rest of the Osbourne clan."
He didn't relax. "Do you promise?"
She laughed again. "I swear to you, Noah the half-gargoyle, that I intend no direct harm to your person or your freedom. I will not betray you to my family, and to the best of my ability I will prevent harm to you from other sources if necessary." She waved two pointed fingers on one hand in a complicated gesture, leaving a faint trail of light in the air. A sigil? I couldn't identify it, but from all that reading I'd done, I knew they were used to seal advanced promise magic spells. Ursula had known more than she'd given me. "Are you satisfied?" she asked archly.
I put my hand on his arm.
"Yes," he growled, sitting down.
I cleared my throat to bring their attention to me. "So you brought us in the back door to keep anyone else from knowing we're here?"
"Something like that," Ursula answered.
Orlando cut her a look that wiped the faint smirk off her face. I wondered how they knew each other. I wondered what their history was. "I can't make a portal into a place protected by wards I didn't cast myself," he explained. "This was the best I could do, and it had the advantage of giving you a glimpse of the spirit void."
"Is that what that was?" I shuddered belatedly at the experience. "I never would have gone in if I'd known. Please don't tell me that's how we're getting out again."
Orlando and Ursula looked at each other, communicating something without words. "No," Ursula said finally. "I'll figure something out." She stood abruptly and swept out of the room, walking as confidently as if she were wearing a ballgown instead of a simple sheath dress with a cardigan thrown over it. Her heels clicked on the tile the whole way out.
"Do we finally get to find out your plan now?" The impatience in Noah's voice warred with the annoyance for dominance.
"This is where we put one together. I have a basic one in mind, but much will depend on what resources and abilities the two of you can contribute."
"You want me because you need to capture a vampire alive, instead of killing him, and I'm probably the easiest way to do that." Noah shrugged, affecting nonchalance as he leaned back in his chair. "I mean, the two of you--three, if Osbourne's going to be a part of this--have considerable magic to throw around, so I'm not even sure you need muscle like me."
Orlando's face was grave. "It would be a simpler matter if you could fly," he stated baldly. "Despite popular myth, vampires don't have flight, not in their normal form, and they can't turn into bats. Once we have a target, all you would have to do is swoop in and pick him up."
"Nothing's ever that simple," I broke in. "And no matter what we decide, capturing the vampire isn't going to be the hard part."
"True, true," Orlando said mildly. "You guessed that I knew someone capable of mind control, and you were right. But it's a difficult, delicate process, one that can go wrong in so many ways. We may need to try this more than once."
"Some high-up muckity-muck in the Conclave is going to notice if a lot of Archive vampires go missing."
He shook his head. "You'd be surprised. They have a startlingly high fatality rate compared to vampires living elsewhere in the city."
When I digested that, my stomach twisted into a hard knot. "You already know where the Archives are."
He nodded. "I've known for some time, and if you looked at the puzzle long enough, from the right angle, I'd bet you could figure it out."
Noah bristled. "Why not just tell us?"
"Where's the fun in that? I love seeing the light in a person's eyes when they reach the answer on their own. And our little duckling here is good at that, when she stops insisting there's only one way to attack a problem."
“Whatever, fine, it's not important now.” It wasn't that I hated not being the smartest person in the room—I was perfectly aware I was far from brilliant. But having my nose rubbed in that knowledge wasn't pleasant, and Orlando doing it to me in private was one thing. In front of Noah? Not so acceptable. “Is Ursula our mind controller, or is there someone else we should know about who isn't at this meeting?”
“It's one of Ursula's younger brothers.”
“I thought her family wasn't going to know about me.” Noah's hands curled into fists again.
“They won't. He won't. The plan is for you to get the vampires and bring them here—somehow, that's something we'll need to work out. But you won't need to be present for the spells that bind them to our purpose. In fact, the fewer people there, the better.”
“What are you going to tell him?” I didn't like this plan so far.
“Ursula's got that covered, because the vampires aren't just going to be working for you. If we're going to attempt this enterprise, we're planning to extract as much knowledge as possible before we can't maintain it. You'll get what you want, I'll get what I want, and the younger Osbourne...what he wants most is the opportunity to refine his magical skills, and that's not something he can do much of on his own.”
“Wait, he needs to practice mind controlling things?” Noah's temper was working its way back up to outrage. “Can he already do it reliably?”
“Ursula would know better than I—can we table that until she returns?” Orlando sounded pained.
“Okay. But there's something you've skipped over. You jumped straight to talking about Noah wrangling the vampires here. But how are we identifying and choosing which ones?”
More sharp clicks on the tile announced Ursula's return a few seconds before she spoke. “I'll take care of that.”
I waited. “You care to explain how?”
“I don't.”
I glared at her. “I think I liked you better when you were just my librarian.”
She arched one perfectly plucked eyebrow. “Honestly, so do I. Being in this house makes me itch, and that makes me mean, like I have to be with my family. They don't respect kindness.”
Noah mumbled something, but I didn't dare ask for clarification. Ursula rolled her eyes at him.
Orlando tapped the table twice, a more dignified way to gather our attention than my throat-clearing. “Ursula will select our targets. Noah will bring them here and restrain them physically while Ursula and I bind them. Then he will leave, and Ursula's brother will work the compulsions. After that, they will leave to return to work for two nights. Then they will come back to us and divulge their secrets.”
The absence of my name in the plan was glaring. I should have been relieved that I wasn't necessary; instead I was annoyed. I didn't mind taking it out on Ursula under the guise of protecting Noah. “What safeguards do you have in place? Where will you hold the vampires during the workings? What's your plan to get Noah in and out of your manor unobserved, let alone the vampires?”
Ursula slid a small object across the table. It stopped precisely halfway between me and Noah. “A key,” she said dryly.
It didn't look like one. It was a tiny ceramic bell, glazed in with with a pearly sheen. I picked it up and it made no sound—there was no clapper inside. But I felt layer upon layer of magic embedded in it. Most of the spells were unfamiliar, but there was a strong one I recognized instantly. “A homing beacon.”
“Partly. Give it a try. Make sure it's safe.”
I turned the bell over in my palm, looking for any hint of how to activate it. Ursula smirked. “If you can't see it, is it truly there?”
I pursed my lips. “Dumb question to ask a witch,” I said sourly, and then I rang the bell.
It chimed beautifully, a clear, ringing tone with a warmth resonance. When the sound faded, I was sitting on the far side of the room. My ass hit the floor a second later, with no chair to support it. I got to my feet, resisting the urge to rub my tailbone. “I've never been teleported before, but I still know that's a good one, cleanly cast. No disorientation, no nausea, perfect positional replication. Amazing work.”
“Thank you.” If I hadn't already guessed she'd created the bell, I would have known by the pride and gratitude in her voice.
I walked to the table and handed Noah the bell. He took it gingerly, as if afraid it would ring by accident. “It won't,” I said, guessing at his thought. “Without a clapper, you have to use a clear intention to sound it. A clever way to prevent mistakes.”
He nodded and slipped the bell in his pocket. “How does this get me out, though?”
I didn't have an answer for that, so we both looked to Ursula. “It doesn't,” she said with a wicked grin. “No one's home, I'll just let you out one of the servant's entrances.”
I wasn't rich with a fancy manor, but I knew more than average about magical security. “You don't have wards against non-humans? Noah might not be fully transformed, but I doubt he's going to read as human to one of them. No alarms, no monitoring, no tracking who comes and goes?”
Ursula shook her head. “We have two werewolves on the kitchen staff—amazing cooks, with that heightened sense of smell. We dismantled that ward after we hired them, because my mother couldn't figure out how to key them to it, and we couldn't have the house shrieking at us every time they came in or out. She's made noise about modifying the spell for humans and wolves only, but she's a busy woman; she hasn't gotten around to it.”
Orlando grinned. “For six years, she 'hasn't gotten around to it.'”
Ursula made a face at him, and he laughed. It was a surprisingly odd and tender moment, and my mind leaped at conclusions. Old friends, former lovers? I would never ask, which meant a high probability I'd never know. Neither seemed like the type to gossip.
“As for the safeguards, that's where you come in.” Ursula went on, returning to the first question I'd asked, “I've been by your shop, out of curiosity.” That was news to me—I'd never seen her. “You've got it locked tighter than a maximum security prison. How about I show you where we intend to keep the vampires, and you tell me what you can do to prevent them from massacring all of us?”
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Virtualbox Software For Mac
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Parallels vs Virtualbox on Mac. Both Parallels and VirtualBox have very similar basic functionality. However, each of these software also has its unique features that make them stand out. Both desktops come with a Windows Mode, which allows it to run Windows apps on your Mac. Thus, it will have the semblance of Mac’s native app. VirtualBox was first offered by Innotek GmbH from Weinstadt, Germany, under a proprietary software license, making one version of the product available at no cost for personal or evaluation use, subject to the VirtualBox Personal Use and Evaluation License (PUEL). In January 2007, based on counsel by LiSoG, Innotek GmbH released VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE) as free and open-source.
When macOS Mojave was officially released, since it was new, it had lots of bugs and problems. There were plenty of issues that some of which we dug in an attempt to fix those even until now. By the time more and more users install and use it on their Macs or on a virtual machine VMware or VirtualBox, Apple realized the problems it had with it. Here’s how to Update macOS Mojave To The Latest Version on VirtualBox.
In order to fix those, what Apple did was releasing several updates. But one of the problems was a huge part of the users that couldn’t even update their Mac. However, you can fix it with the instructions we’ve provided for you. When you fixed that, you may still don’t be interested to know how to Update macOS Mojave To The Latest Version on VirtualBox, or maybe you don’t fix the problem. This may be because this doesn’t seem important to you and take some time to fiddle with it. But that is not basically the case.
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A software update is a free download for an application or operating system which primarily provides fixes for features and options that have a problem. The most important part is, it will fix and improve security to protect from loopholes, faults, glitches that are vulnerable to your computer. Other than that, an update may also provide new features, better performance, more options. If you want to be protected and out of problems importantly, you may want to update your computer to the recent version. Start with how to Update macOS Mojave To The Latest Version on VirtualBox.
Which One to Choose – The APFS or HFS Image
When it comes to updating your Mac specifically installed on VirtualBox, there’s a scenario surrounding. There are two types of images you can use to install Mojave on VirtualBox. The APFS (Apple File System image) and the HFS (Hierarchical File System image). The question is, which one you should use whether the APFS or HFS image to update your Mojave better. Let’s break this down.
While previous versions of macOS still use and support HFS file systems, from previous versions to High Sierra. As long as VirtualBox supports it, you can use HFS images to install or update macOS, High Sierra or previous versions on VirtualBox smoothly. But since APFS is the newer version of macOS file system, it isn’t compatible with the prior version of macOS which doesn’t work with the previous version of macOS. However, the HFS version works faster and smoother than the APFS version.
With Mojave release, Apple released the new APFS for Mojave and maybe newer version. If you are running Mojave on VirtualBox, APFS will not work since VirtualBox doesn’t support it. But you can fix it with a bootloader, here’s how to Update macOS Mojave To The Latest Version on VirtualBox. In this post, I’ll show how to Update macOS Mojave To The Latest Version on VirtualBox.
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Related:How to Upgrade macOS Mojave to macOS Catalina
How to Update macOS Mojave To The Latest Version on VirtualBox
Whether you’ve installed Mojave with HFS or APFS image, you can, however, update Mojave. Since HFS works faster and is supported by VirtualBox, you can update easily and more reliable. But if you are using an APFS for some reason, you can also update Mojave but in the least tricky way. Don’t worry, we’ll show you both ways how you can do it. Here’s how to update your macOS to the latest version on Virtualbox. So let’s see how to Update macOS Mojave To The Latest Version on VirtualBox.
Go ahead and switch on the Mojave from VirtualBox.
Start VM
Now open System Preferences from the desktop menu and click on Software Update.
On the Software Update, you’ll likely see the Update Now click on it.
Update Now
This will ask you to download and restart the Mac, click on it.
This will download first and then reboot your Mac which will take longer than usual loading on the Apple logo. That will end up with only a black screen. Just switch off the Mac and download the following file.
Bootloader Update Image: This will fix the stuck on the black screen with a simple step.
Goto Settings of the macOS machine then Storage and click on the add virtual disk button.
How To Use Virtualbox Mac
In this tab, and click choose existing hard disk.
VirtualBox – Question
From the browser, choose the image file you’ve downloaded.
Once you’ve done, click Ok on the VM settings window.
Now it’s time to fix the issue. To do that, Start the machine and press ESC key to skip the startup.nsh
Skip startup.nsh
Now type fs1:update.nsh then hit Enter to boot up the machine with the installer image.
The updating will begin and just sit back and relax. It will take much longer as much as 15 – 30 minutes. It may be sooner if you’ve assigned more resources.
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When it’s done, you’ll boot straightly into the usual booting process. Sign in to your account and you’ve eventually updated to the latest version of macOS Mojave successfully.
After you’re done with updating, you can remove the Bootloader Update file from the machine. Now, you can use Mojave without any problem. You can also update your macOS machine to the coming update without the disk.
That should be all that’s needed. And you’re all set! That was all about how to Update macOS Mojave To The Latest Version on VirtualBox. If you’d like to tell us something we’re good to hear from you, let us know in the comments down below.
VirtualBox is a free virtualization program that allows you to run any OS on your computer by downloading a virtual machine. Try MacOS on your Windows PC, or install Windows apps on your Mac PC.
Try a virtual machine with VirtualBox
It is free to use, has an outstanding performance, excellent quality on the virtual machine, and the downloading process is really easy.
Virtualization is very different from emulators. VirtualBox runs on your computer as a guest, so it thinks it is the host, but in reality, the code is not allowed to make any changes on the host, your PC.
This program is very helpful for small businesses or personal use. Download any app or software through VirtualBox, see how it runs on there, and then decide if you want it on your computer or not. If you’re in need of a specific app, but your software doesn’t support it, use VirtualBox to simulate a PC on your computer.
VirtualBox runs on every OS. You can install it on Windows, Linux, Mac, and Solaris. Its broad compatibility makes it perfect for everyone, one of the best features of this program.
The downloading is pretty easy, press the download button, install it, and create your virtual machine with any software you want. No need to struggle with the long installation process, this one is short and easy.
Mac Os Image For Virtualbox
VirtualBox is a great program where you can try different operating systems on your computer and for free.
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Is there a better alternative?
No. It is often compared with VMware Workstation, but it doesn’t have the quality that VirtualBox offers, and also the downloading process is a lot simpler. With its free service and great performance, nothing beats it.
Virtualbox Software For Mac Download
Where can you run this program?
VirtualBox can run on Windows, Linux, MacOS, Solaris, and a lot more. It is basically available to any computer on the market.
Our take
VirtualBox is the best free virtualization app out there. You run your favorite OS on your computer, download any app, and try new things without making permanent changes.
Should you download it?
Yes. This is very useful for those who want a specific app, but their OS doesn’t support it. In this virtual machine you can run any app or program.
Free Mac Iso For Virtualbox
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0 notes
herokita · 4 years
Written by Farhan Gazi Have you been online shopping recently? If you’re a Malaysian, the answer is likely yes. Since the Movement Control Order was put in place in March to curb the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, online shopping has become the way of life for us Malaysians in the New Normal. Both young and old now look towards online solutions for their daily essentials. When the country moved towards the slightly laxed Conditional Movement Control Order in May, eCommerce platforms, like Lazada Malaysia, still remain as the one-stop lifestyle destination for us to get our everyday needs and it also became a lifeline for previously-offline SMEs to make ends meet. Actually, some local agricultural businesses like the Cameron Farmers even became a national sensation over a weekend by selling fresh produce on Lazada. We, Malaysians, really like our fruits and vegetables. Today, as we adapt to the Recovery Movement Control Order with the government’s digital-led economic recovery plan, online shopping will be here to stay – ingrained as part of our Malaysian culture. But online shopping isn’t just about clicking a button, you have to shop smart too! For those that are new to the digital space, it might seem scary and unfamiliar. But worry not, we have Mr. Kiasu from Lazada, here to share seven ways you can maximise your savings on Lazada Malaysia. Mr. Kiasu Tip #1: Be on the lookout for stimulus packages and incentives online By now, most of you would’ve watched countless special announcements on television or on your various screens regarding ePenjana’s RM50 eWallet credit, Shop Malaysia Online discount vouchers, and more. It is now easier than ever to save by shopping online as we are incentivised to stimulate the digital economy. On Lazada Malaysia, users can enjoy savings of up to RM36 each through the #KitaBantuKita platform-wide vouchers and rebates from now until July 31, 2020 via: Instantly useable, no minimum spend, RM5 credit for new Lazada Wallet users Instantly collectable RM10 discount voucher for new Lazada users when activating account Instantly collectable RM3 discount voucher for all Lazada Wallet users Instantly collectable RM3 discount voucher for all Touch ‘n Go eWallet users on Lazada One-off RM5 cashback for the first purchase on Lazada by new Touch ‘n Go eWallet users One-off instant cashback of up to RM10 for the first top-up on Lazada Wallet Mr. Kiasu Tip #2: Add-to-cart when deal hunting Every veteran online shopper knows that speed is the name of the game, come online sales season, and there’s one coming soon on July 7: the much-anticipated Lazada 7.7 Mid-Year Super Sale. These are what we call Mega Days, where the discounts are off the charts, but one must know where to look – Mesti Beli and Crazy Flash Sale. Lazada’s Mesti Beli promotions are Malaysian’s ultimate 7.7 shopping guide for amazing must-buy deals. On the other hand, the Crazy Flash Sale is where you get your hands on special discounts of up to 90% and also RM1 deals on selected Flash Sale items on 7.7 Mid-Year Super Sale from 12AM – 2AM, on July 7. But, here’s the catch, these deals sell out in seconds. So, it’s best to add-to-cart while you are deal hunting, a few days before. Then, get your Lazada Wallet ready when the clock strikes midnight on Mega Day to checkout without having to overload Malaysia’s payment infrastructure capacity. In short, topping up your Lazada Wallet before Mega Day helps you avoid payment failures when the race for checkouts begin at midnight when every second counts to grab the best deals. Mr. Kiasu Tip #3: Always Chup Dulu! If you think the prices are low now, it can go even lower if you know what you’re doing. Few weeks before Mega Day sales, Lazada usually features the Chup Dulu function on the platform. The Chup Dulu function allows customers to reserve the most sought-after deals on the platform by paying a small non-refundable deposit (subject to terms and conditions). So, if you’re a Mr. Kiasu like me and you don’t want your favourite deals to be snatched away, Chup Dulu is for you! Not only that, when you Chup Dulu, the low price will drop even lower, resulting in more savings. This Lazada 7.7 Mid-Year Super Sale, Chup Dulu starts from now till 6 July 2020. Mr. Kiasu Tip #4: Know your source with LazMall It’s no secret that, in order to shop online, it takes some know-how to navigate a digital marketplace, similar to shopping at a physical night market. However, for those that prefer authentic branded goods with reliable services when shopping online, Lazada Malaysia has a LazMall section on its platform, a virtual mall which features thousands of brands’ official flagship stores. LazMall has three promises – 100% authenticity, 15-day easy returns, and the newly expanded guaranteed delivery. You can be assured that all products on LazMall flagship stores are managed by the brands themselves and sourced directly from a licensed distributor. What happens if you receive a non-authentic LazMall product? You get twice your money back What happens if you receive a faulty LazMall product? You have 15 days to claim your refund What happens if your LazMall delivery is late? You receive an automatic RM5 credit rebate It is smart shopping made easy. Mr. Kiasu Tip #5: Research and compare prices Nothing is more frustrating than buying something, only to then find it cheaper elsewhere. However, comparing prices have never been easier on Lazada Malaysia with LazChoice, the everyday-lowest-price destination for quality products that meet your daily needs. LazChoice products, which are the lowest price guaranteed, takes the grunt work out of smart shopping because you will receive a 200% rebate of the price difference if you find that exact product for cheaper elsewhere(subject to terms and conditions).   Fun fact: Just for Lazada 7.7 Mid-Year Super Sale, the Lowest Price Guaranteed promotion is extended throughout the entire platform for any product with ‘CHUP DULU’ and ‘MID YEAR SALE’ in its title. Of course, research isn’t just about price points. You also need to check the ratings and reviews of a seller and product. But, it’s a different story when shopping on LazChoice because Lazada utilises AI and Machine Learning to scan its entire platform to shortlist trending sellers and products with a good track record and great ratings. You can be assured of both price and quality when shopping on LazChoice as it ensures daily value for money, with Free Shipping vouchers too! Mr. Kiasu Tip #6: The bigger the basket size, the more worthwhile your free shipping Everyone loves free shipping vouchers, but not many realise that Lazada Malaysia has an evergreen page dedicated for free shipping deals! For the Lazada 7.7 Mid-Year Super Sale only, there will also be platform-wide vouchers to be collected, which offers RM8 off with a minimum spend of just RM15. As the number of vouchers available are limited, it should be used wisely to maximise savings.   By using the add-to-cart function, you are able to increase your basket size and checkout all of your purchases in one payment transaction – minimising your number of shipment fees and maximising the value of the Free Shipping voucher. This is much cheaper as compared to having multiple checkouts and accruing relatively larger shipment fees. Mr. Kiasu Tip #7: Earn LazCoins through Shoppertainment The final Mr. Kiasu guide for stretching your digital Ringgit and maximising your savings is the most fun. Believe it or not, you can earn LazCoins by playing FunFarm and completing Missions. Once you’ve collected enough LazCoins, you can redeem prizes in the form of vouchers or free gifts from the Reward Store. You can also join in on the 7.7 Coin Race from now until Mega Day on July 7, where you can redeem rewards worth up to RM23,000 on Lazada 7.7 Mid-Year Super Sale at 3PM. Congratulations! You have now graduated from Smart Shopping 101 with Mr. Kiasu. With these seven tips, you will undoubtedly be the ultimate saver during this Lazada 7.7 Mid-Year Super Sale, while also doing your part to stimulate the digital economy. Such exciting 24 hours to look forward to! Remember to top up your Lazada Wallet, add to cart, then be the first to seamlessly checkout the best deals at 12AM on July 7. 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tomwolfgangascott · 5 years
Global Conspiracy Theory Attacks
This post originally appeared on Yale on 19 November 2019
Security challenge: As local news media deteriorate, conspiracy theories, crafted to incite fear and tarnish achievements, flourish online.
With local news in decline and more legitimate news behind internet paywalls, readers turn to social media where conspiracy theories are plentiful. Some conspiracy theories emerge from anxiety, such as parents worrying about the side effects of vaccinations for children. Others are deliberate misinformation campaigns crafted to target marginalized populations, weaken social cohesion, increase fear and belittle achievements. “Some individuals struggle to form communities because they harbor politically incorrect thoughts and meet resistance,” explains Tom Ascott, the digital communications manager for the Royal United Services Institute for Defence and Security Studies. “Yet racist, sexist, homophobic and alt-right communities thrive online. Such communities might be small and inconsequential in any one geographic area, but the internet presents a border-free world, allowing niche, politically incorrect views to thrive.” Website managers analyze which content draws the most users and engagement – often the most outrageous, sensational tales along with conspiracy theories. Ascott offers recommendations. Companies should end “likes” and other popularity measures, prohibit falsehoods and revise algorithms that repeatedly spoon-feed content that reinforces views. Societies must invest in open data sources. Individual users must recognize expertise and apply critical reading skills, including consideration of sources with double checks and fact checks. – YaleGlobal
The internet has given conspiracy theories a global platform. While traditional local news media deteriorate, the borders for online communities are broadening, offering weird beliefs that pose political, security and economic implications.
Conspiracy theories are common, and all countries struggle with them. In Poland the 2010 plane crash in Smolensk that killed the former president became fodder for conspiracy theories. And on the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing, NASA contended with accusations that the moonlanding was filmed on a soundstage, the earth is flat and the moon is a hologram. Spain’s fact-checking site Newtral set out to fight the mistruths.
As some people find social interactions more challenging, online platforms provide outlets for expression. A vicious cycle develops: As people spend more time online, they find personal interactions more challenging and experience social anxiety, prompting more online interactions. The preference to communicate through technology on its own might not be a problem, but can deter the ability to form communities in real life.
Some individuals struggle to form communities because they harbor politically incorrect thoughts and meet resistance. Yet racist, sexist, homophobic and alt-right communities thrive online. Such communities might be small and inconsequential in any one geographic area, but the internet presents a border-free world, allowing niche, politically incorrect views to thrive. As a result, politically incorrect views become less niche. The Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities estimates 60 percent of Britons believe in a conspiracy theory. In France, it’s 79 percent.
Conspiracy theorists and anti-establishment alt-right groups are not distinct, and an investigation by Aric Toler for Bellingcat, the investigative journalism website, suggests the two camps share vocabulary. Embracing conspiracy theories goes along with “rejecting all political and scientific authority, thus changing your entire worldview.”
Rejection of basic and institutional truths contributes to an individual’s vulnerability to radicalization and a rise in extremist views. Internet platforms, whether social media giants like YouTube or Twitter or small online magazines, thrive on clicks and engagement, and operators are keenly aware that outrageous comments or conspiracy theories drive engagement. Bloomberg recently implied that YouTube is aware of the radicalizing effect of video algorithms, offering related content that reinforces users’ views. It is a Pyrrhic success, though, as content fuels disillusionment, frustration and anger.
Algorithms are designed to keep users on the site as long as possible. So, if users search for content opposing vaccinations, YouTube continues serving more anti-vaccination content. A Wellcome study has shown residents of high-income countries report the lowest confidence in vaccinations. France reports the lowest level of trust, with 33 percent reporting they “do not believe that vaccines are safe.”
Such reinforcement algorithms can challenge core democratic ideals, like freedom of speech, by deliberately undermining the marketplace of ideas. The belief underpinning free speech is that truth surfaces through transparent discourse that identifies and counters maliciously false information. Yet the notion of automatic algorithms contribute to a situation that every view is valid and carries equal weight, culminating in the “death of expertise.” When it comes to complex, technical and specialist subjects, everyone’s view is not equally valid.
There is nothing wrong with challenging democratic ideals in an open and earnest debate — this is how democracy evolves. Women won the right to vote through open and free discourse. But posts designed to undermine the marketplace of ideas challenge nations’ ontological security – or the security of a state’s own self-conception. If pushed too far, commonly accepted ideas that are held to be true –the world is round; science, democracy and education are good – could start to collapse and jeopardize national security.
The Cambridge Analytica scandal showed that political messaging could be made more effective by targeting smaller cohorts of people categorized into personality groups. Once platforms and their clients have this information, Jack Clark, head of policy at OpenAI, warns that “Governments can start to create campaigns that target individuals.” Campaigns, relying on machine learning, could optimize ongoing and expanding propaganda seen only by select groups. Some conspiracy theories are self-selecting, with users seeking out the details they want to see. This contrasts with targeted misinformation that typically indicates information warfare.
Propaganda campaigns need not be entirely fictitious and can represent partial reality. It is possible to launch a conspiracy theory using real resources: Videos showing only one angle of events can be purported to show the whole story, or real quotes can be misattributed or taken out of context. The most tenacious conspiracy theories reflect some aspect of reality, often using videos showing a misleading series of events, making these much harder to disprove with other media.
In authoritarian countries, with less reliable repositories of institutional data, fact checking is difficult. In Venezuela, open data sources are being closed, and websites that debunk false news and conspiracy theories are blocked. This problem is not new, stemming from the same dictatorial philosophy that leads regimes to imprison journalists or shut down public media stations.
Video is becoming more unstable as a medium for truth, with deepfakes, videos manipulated by deep-learning algorithms, allowing for “rapid and widespread diffusion” and new evidence for conspiracy theories. Creators churn out products with one person’s face convincingly placed over a second’s person’s face, spouting a third person’s words. There is an ongoing arms race between the effectiveness of these tools and the forensic methods that detect manipulation.
Content still can be fact-checked by providers or users, though this is a slow process. Once a theory or video goes online, the debunking often doesn’t matter if viewers are determined to stand by their views. Users can post content on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and other social media without fact-checking, though Facebook has come under fire for allowing political advertisements to make false claims. Twitter avoids the issue by banning political ads that mention specific candidates or bills.
Conspiracy theorists are also adept at repackaging. For example, any tales related to the rollout of 5G are “rehashed from 4G.” Likewise, the Notre Dame fire quickly produced anti-Semitic or anti-Islamic theories. Conspiracy theorists link new theories to old ones. In the minds of conspiracy theorists, despite evidence to the contrary, such connections give greater weight to the new theory as continuation of an established idea they have already accepted as true.
A government can refute conspiracy theories to prevent, as in the case of Notre Dame, anti-Semitic sentiment. As trust in government and politicians declines, the ability to fight rumors falls. Marley Morris describes the cycle for Counterpoint: “low levels of trust in politicians can cause people to resort to conspiracy theories for their answers and in turn conspiracy theories construct alternative narratives that make politicians even less likely to be believed.”
James Allworth, head of innovation at Cloudflare, proposes banning algorithmic recommendations or prioritization of results for user-generated content. Policy ideas like this as well as internal regulations such as Instagram masking “likes” in six countries, and then globally, indicate appetite for industry change.
There are solutions at the individual level, too, including deputizing users to flag and report false or misleading content. The paradox is that users reporting problem content are not typical viewers or believers. It’s human nature to be curious about controversial content and engage. And unfortunately, according to Cunningham’s law, “the best way to get the right answer on the internet is not to ask a question; it's to post the wrong answer.”
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kylerzydx210-blog · 5 years
Timothy Sykes: 10 Things I Wish I'd Known Earlier
The Power of Penny Stocks
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The web has opened up a globe of opportunities from going shopping to education to economic success provided through a cable right to our desktop computers as well as laptop computers. The web transformation has actually empowered the small investor to educate themselves and also to make economic gains in the field of day trading and also the net stock exchange.
The traditional trouble of finding a broker and also reaching them straight through phone or even e-mail is swiftly becoming obsolete. On the internet trading has actually advanced the typical stock broker right into an entire new realm. For some it's a marvelous anarchy that has released them from outdated tradition. For others, on the internet supply trading is a terrifying sea of the unknown as well as a void of mistakes.
Luckily, with a little education and a little study the Click here for more ordinary supply investor can determine whether online stocks are the right tools for success or if they are more comfy sticking with conventional venues. Discovering that education is crucial even if you are already involved in on-line supply trading. There is always room for improvement and always much more rewarding ventures.
We currently recognize that the stock exchange is an unstable and also unrelenting field. Some people do effectively in the stock exchange while others shed every dime they invest. What is the distinction between these 2 sorts of financiers? Some would say luck, and also while luck does variable into the image in its whole, it is an extremely low percent factor in supply financial investments.
Online web trading still enables a private financier the capacity to obtain a broker and also obtain assessment, although many report that the brokers who rely upon internet customers are not as customer care oriented as the traditional broker whose traditional office is simply a couple of miles away. Online brokers have a tendency to provide most of their time and also interest to the large accounts while the smaller accounts usually are up to the wayside. That does not mean they do not give a valuable service. It merely implies that the service supplied has to do with what you can expect of many on the internet only solutions. Successful online business have a huge customers and also can pay for to shed a few who they think about to be a little too needy.
Nevertheless, the online supply broker often tends to have reduced charges and also commissions in return for their lack of schedule. Standard stock brokers have the ability to obtain orders on-line but their payments stay concerning the same as calling them on the phone as well as managing them in the typical style.
Web stock trades tend to be much faster and also extra reliable, however beware, not all of them are instantaneous. There are some fundamental options when it concerns getting or marketing stocks online. Your demand can either be readied to a price or readied to shares. Depending upon the firm you are making use of, you might not get the same rate that you observed on the supply ticker of excessive time has actually gone by or the supply made a sudden increase or decrease.
This not all that various from conventional supply brokers, nonetheless there is the concept that anything online is instant. The majority of firms, whether online or custom will discuss these information when opening up an account. There are a couple of nonetheless, that expect you to do your very own research and also offer extremely bit in customer assistance. The simple expression to this standard concern is look before you leap.
It does not matter just how excellent the firm is, or how good you believe the online supply program you have actually discovered is believed to be, absolutely nothing replaces a strong education in handling your stock financial investments. The informed stock investor constantly has the advantage over those who position their economic future into the hands of a broker. Some think it is also made complex to educate themselves, that the realities, figures, trends, and charts are beyond the average person's ability to recognize. This is not true. Spending is something that few people have actually discussed to them in such a way that is basic, fundamental, and also quickly reasonable.
Mathematics, Science, and also English are fundamentals of our education as children. Stock exchange investing is left as this looming adult subject that surpasses our data base. The reality is that the fundamental crucial elements of supply trading are actually quite simple as well as there are resources available to aid us understand the wide range of information we tend to discover challenging.
One of the very best sources around on the internet today for the capitalist aiming to educate him or her self concerning online stock trading is onlinetradingideas. The elegance of this website is the easy malfunction of details to ensure that the brand-new investor does not have to go right into info overload and also come to be overwhelmed with all there is to learn. The posts are interesting as well as cover key points of day trading with succinct details in legible styles.
The stock market is a fluid entity. It is loaded with changes and also varying methods depending on the existing fads. For some time the stock market looked like an infinite cash cow. The trading days of the late nineties as well as the very early twenty initial century were cluttered with flourishing stocks that seemed to continually increase off the charts. Those days are chosen now, however may return. The very same strategy one may have utilized after that is not going to operate in today's stock exchange.
Making sense of the stock exchange news briefs, media tickers, as well as warm suggestions takes greater than just the standard eye for reduced numbers and standard gains. Once more, that is where the enlightened capitalist can establish a strong plan and a concrete investing strategy that can help him surf through the more unpredictable days of the stock market.
Also the very best of net stock investors can shed money in the online stock exchange. It is constantly best to work out care when starting your trading career. Whether you are just looking to make a little money for retired life, college tuition, or are wanting to work from internet stock trades, there is a component of risk included. Stock trading is the matching of extremely educated gaming. Anything can take place and there are simply no guarantees.
Even with the unpredictable markets as well as the dangers involved, success is till feasible. The very best means to come close to the on the internet stock trading field is to establish a calculated strategy based in reasonable assumptions and based in the fundamentals. Be careful, particularly initially. Just because a supply looks proficient at the onset does not imply you require to go throwing every one of your assets right into it. Many stocks look proficient at very first look. Being careful means approaching your financial investments with a little bit of apprehension and also realistic look.
Among the most effective methods to be successful is to pay attention to those that are currently successful. Once more, among the very best resources for done in one area information is the extremely useful website onlinetradingideas. With quick suggestions and comprehensive recommendations and smart discourse, this web site has something for everyone, and every capitalist convenience degree.
It's an excellent area to go if you're taking into consideration utilizing an online discount broker or determining if among the top sites is better for you. Online brokers differ, and some that claim themselves discount also claim to service the little capitalist better. Yet beware, a straightforward course in one of the many on-line trading academies does not make anybody an expert. Certainly it's excellent to be educated however there is still a distinction in between the specialist broker and also the adequate amateur.
Online investing, or any spending for that check here matter, is difficult enough. It's genuinely not worth the few dollars conserved in measly payments to manage any individual less than a professional. Anybody promising ridiculously high returns simply put periods of time is not a professional, a minimum of not a professional on the internet stock broker. Be sure you know the sea you're swimming in.
It's an exciting venture, to be able to go to to any type of computer throughout the world and follow your loan twenty four hrs daily, seven days weekly. Before you establish your sights on the stars, nevertheless, make certain you really comprehend you choices. Make the effort to actually check into what specialist experts as well as effective financiers are talking about to offer on your own a sporting chance.
Online investing is tough enough without having to take care of a sea of sharks available, as well as they are out there. Very carefully checked out the posts and info uploaded on onlinetradingideas and also review the options readily available to you, your danger resistance, as well as also whether on-line trading is right for you. Most individuals are truly locating benefits in the on-line trading change, however obviously there will constantly be the few that demand a broker that can return a voice mail and also manage them directly when the demand arises.
Do not neglect to have a good time. This fantastic innovation wasn't even readily available to a lot of our moms and dads, and also of course their parents would not have imagined it in their wildest dreams. The future is there for those who wish to maximize it. Take your time, get educated, and when you're ready you will certainly swim.
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amandasmith03 · 4 years
Proven Tips And Advice For Local SEO Success
Search engine optimization is making your website pop up higher and more often. This helps people increase the site gains more popularity and more revenue.You can master the basics of this piece.
Keyword density is vital when optimizing an internet page for various search engines. To avoid this, at least 80 percent of your page content should not be keywords.
Pay-per-click approaches can be great ways to practice affiliate marketing. This service is the most common, that is why the pay associated to it is modest, but it can rapidly build up.
Pick a name for your domain that includes some of your keywords. After all, you want people to find your website easily. Not everyone will arrive at your site through ads, many will come from product searches.
Pick a domain name which has your chosen keywords.You need to make your website easy to find when people are trying to look for it in the web. Not everyone will arrive at your site through ads, but also from people searching directly for your products or services.
Anchor Text
When you link your site you need a viable anchor text correctly. Using the words “click here” is a wasted opportunity to integrate more keywords. Using the right keywords as anchor text is another way to earn brownie points with search engine spiders.
When selecting a domain name, choose one that is easily remembered and has a name that has something to do with what you are selling. This makes it easy for people to find your site on social media networks as your domain name will be simple to remember.
You can accomplish this by making a robots. txt file and incorporating it into the root directory. This prevents search engines from gaining access to certain files on your website.
Using product feeds can really help to reach new customers. Feeds like this detail your services and products with images, descriptions and pictures. Submit these to comparisons sites which compare prices and to the major search engines.
Ask an educational website or a non-profit to be your content.Search engines look favorably on sites differently and rank them higher because they are considered reputable sources. Provide high-quality information that will entice reliable websites to want to feature links to your site. Create valuable content that these companies will benefit from.
Blogging is a great SEO technique to use. Blogs are a great way to move up the search rankings as they are constantly updated: this makes them easy for search engine algorithms to find and rank. If you want a high ranking with the search engines then backlinks are an important part of this.
You can learn how to do your own Lynchburg Search Engine Marketing using the tips and tricks of becoming an Search Marketing. There are plenty of resources available to help to educate you. There are lots of websites to help you on your journey as well as some great books out there.
Research information about keywords before you know what to write. Learn which keywords should be utilized as you build your website. Keyword research can let you to understand what search terms people are searching for in your particular categories.
Captions are a tremendous Lynchburg SEO Companies process.This means that when you’re someone with a ton of things on a website like news articles, using captions that are filled with keywords can improve traffic and visibility.
Use keywords in a website page’s URL in order to make it more popular with search engines. If your URL has symbols or numbers in it that people won’t seek out, you won’t get that great of search engine ranking results. Including relevant keywords improves a page’s traffic.
The title tag should be one of your site can benefit from significantly. This is also what people first thing visitors see when they visit your website. It needs to be a good description of the content on your site and have relative keywords.
Local SEO is how you can help your site. Many new business owners do not understand this.
You should use proper anchor text properly when you are utilizing interlinks for your site. There are certain words to be avoided that you shouldn’t use because they’ll not help you in your optimization. You can find the right anchor text by talking to someone that is a Search Engine Optimization professional.
A site map will assist search engines to index your pages. A site map is also known as the navigation bar. This part of your web site will let search engines know how many pages your web site has and what each one contains. A site map will help rankings, no matter how small the site is.
A good thing to remember about optimization is to include current events into your offerings. This is key because you can draw in a whole new group of people who had been searching for something seemingly unrelated to your topic. This also really makes your site to be more informative and helpful to your readers.
You need to get with a service that doesn’t block your domain ownership. Google may see this as a spammer and remove your website.
Search Engine
Some people believe that adding keywords to the comment tags of a website will increase their visibility. Always focus on what content you are providing.
On-page Search Engine Marketing is critical to article marketing, be sure to optimize your website. Ranking high with the search engines and making the first page is how your site gets seen instead of overlooked, you need to stay informed about the latest practices concerning search engine optimization.
Make sure that your server is configured for case sensitive on URLs.
You really need to be using Google Analytics. This allows you to see how your Lynchburg SEO Marketing is progressing and help you learn how to improve your search engine ranking. You can find the most popular search terms that led customers to your site.You can take that information and determine which keywords to focus more on these great keywords.
Be sure to position your keywords within your site map. A site map allows visitors to easily navigate around your web site. Site maps are also utilized by search engines to increase a website’s ranking. If a site is easy to access by the engine, then its rating will increase as this is one of the determining criteria.
You should leave informative and helpful comments on applicable blogs. If you put a good and meaningful comment on a blog, the blog owner will usually allow you to post your link. You should not leave your link on blogs that have nothing to do with the content of your site, not throw people off. You can easily leave related comments and links to your site if you have a thorough mastery of your subject matter.
Keyword proximity is something that you are focusing on Lynchburg Search Engine Optimization. As a rule for this, you should try and keep two or more keywords close together, especially those that might be searched at the same time by a single user. This can be an effective way to raise your rank in search engines.
Search engine optimization is vital for recognition on the web. This is a definite boon to the owners of websites who are always seeking more customers. Using what you’ve just learned, forge ahead and optimize your site.
Put some money into Internet advertising, such as AdWords. It’ll help you with your traffic and also your SEO, and that’s a big boon to those that go after do-it-yourself SEO. These online advertisers can help increase hits. Adwords is a product available to you from a major search engine and can greatly improve your site traffic.
You can find lots of material concerning When it comes to SEO, you really should not have faith in your business’ Google ranking to someone who is not a Lynchburg SEO Expert. If you are reading this, you most likely are looking for someone who can advice you develop your organization’s online visibility, website traffic, and leads.. There has been a lot of great information in this article, but you can keep learning about When it comes to SEO, you really should not have faith in your business’ Google ranking to someone who is not a Lynchburg SEO Expert. If you are reading this, you most likely are looking for someone who can advice you develop your organization’s online visibility, website traffic, and leads.. Always be on the lookout for new ideas and hot topics about When it comes to SEO, you really should not have faith in your business’ Google ranking to someone who is not a Lynchburg SEO Expert. If you are reading this, you most likely are looking for someone who can advice you develop your organization’s online visibility, website traffic, and leads. to stay ahead of the curve.
from https://mrphiltucker.com/proven-tips-and-advice-for-local-seo-success/
from Mr Phil Tucker - Blog https://mrphiltucker1.weebly.com/blog/proven-tips-and-advice-for-local-seo-success
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mavenwebsol · 4 years
Ten tips to boost your company's financial profitability
1 - stick to your strategy
 "Many companies start or move forward without any strategy. To build a profitable business, the first rule is to define a well thought out strategy ... and then stick to it! too many entrepreneurs back off and change course when the chosen policy does not bear fruit immediately. 
After working for a few years in large auditing and accounting groups, Thierry Denjean chose to stand on his own two feet. In 1992, he created his structure, Denjean & Associés. Twenty years later, it has 70 employees and stands out for its excellent performance. Denjean & Associés is thus ranked the third most profitable French accounting and auditing firm by the journal La Profession Computable. 
The latter, on the pretext that they find it difficult to sell to large companies which were their preferred target, decide, for example, to turn to SMEs. Or, they abandon their international development strategy as soon as they face unexpected complications ... It is a mistake: if you defined a sound policy at the start, there is no reason to change it. Experience shows that a good strategy always ends up paying off. So persevere! " 
2 - Offer quality
"It is impossible to build a profitable business in the long term by adopting a policy focused on a low-cost strategy. A business which, in order to stand out, essentially priced below market prices can be competed by any structure established in a low-cost country; and as the products or services it offers are standard products or services, its customers will instantly drop it in favor of the first new entrant aligning more competitive prices. 
Morality, whatever your activity, quality is your only real asset against the competition. If you are obsessed with providing quality products or services, you will see the benefits on the bottom line of your income statement! "  
3 - Be obsessed with the margin
 "Today, almost all business leaders are obsessed with the growth of their turnover. This can be explained for several reasons. First, for a manager, it may seem more rewarding to be at head of a company whose turnover increases from one year to the next. Then, with a growing activity, the company has the means to occupy its teams and to avoid the specters of partial unemployment and To these factors is added the pressure from the banks: the bankers do not appreciate that a company presents annual accounts with a turnover identical to that of the previous financial year, or even in decline ...But let's say it loud and clear: these are fallacious arguments by which entrepreneurs must not be trapped. Because what should obsess you is not your turnover, but your margin! In other words, you must imperatively focus on generating only high margin turnover. To this end, you must regularly review your client portfolio, to verify that each one brings you sufficient profitability . If you don't make enough money with this or that client, tell them clearly, and tell them that you cannot continue working under these conditions. He refuses to pay more? Do not procrastinate and end your commercial links ... 
I recommend repeating the analysis of your client portfolio every six months, and even each quarter if possible. " 
4 - Outsource your IT
"IT is a job with which you can lose a lot of money without realizing it. Why? Because a manager has the impression that he knows a little about the information system of his company, which "He will be able to get hardware and software at low cost and that he will easily control his expenses if IT is managed internally. This is what I myself have long thought ... wrong!  
Indeed, by carefully studying the IT outsourcing market, you realize that using a service provider is less expensive than having an IT department in the company. On the condition of agreeing to spend time to define its objectives and needs, to make a call for tenders, to receive service providers, to compare their proposals, and to negotiate the rates ... But the game is worth it the candle. At Denjean & Associés, we led this process three years ago, and since then, our IT expenses have been divided by four! In addition, our information system has gained in security and reliability: unlike what happened before, it is never broken down again. In short, we have won everything in this outsourcing. Money, 
5 - Develop telework
"Today, in companies, people work poorly. Everyone is constantly subject to requests that prevent them from concentrating: phone calls, meetings, colleagues who come to chat or offer to go for a coffee, superiors hierarchical eager to take stock of a file, etc. If you add up these different elements, and add to it the fatigue caused by journeys between home and the workplace, you get ... One of the solutions to solve this problem is to set up an organization giving way to telework.This must be organized between the parties with the full agreement of the employees: in no case may an employee be forced to work remotely. 
In addition, the employer must bear the cost of the computer station and the means of communication set up between the employee and the company. The aim of teleworking is not to transfer certain costs from the company to the employee, but to allow the latter to work in better conditions and more efficiently! In our practice, we test this system with some of our collaborators who work partially at home, one or two days a week. This organization allows them to take advantage of the advantages of telework while preserving their link with the company. Now, we are in the reflection phase with the staff representatives with a view to offering the same possibility to all our employees. " 
6 - Optimize your training budgets
"Each year, all companies must contribute to the national training effort by paying a certain percentage of their payroll to an approved joint collecting body (Opca). This, all SME managers know. What they do not know is that by doing well they can get a great profit from their contributions for training. 
In fact, the law stipulates that, in return for its payments, the company has the right to finance training actions for its employees on an equal basis. However, each year, very many SMEs contribute without using their funding rights and the Opca find themselves with surplus funds that are just waiting to be granted ... Thus, an SME manager who makes himself known to his Opca and establishes a relationship of trust and partnership with their training advisor can finance the training actions of their employees beyond the funds they have paid! 
We recommend that companies present their training plan to the advisor of their OPCA each year . If the amount of this plan exceeds their annual subscription, this is an opportunity to request an additional budget! In general, the OPCAs present the file to their management and the applicant can obtain budget extensions of up to 50% if the file is reasoned and accepted. This is a huge asset if we consider, as we think, that employee training constitutes a major profitability issue for the company , as a source of both employee motivation and quality of products and services ... " 
7 - Build the loyalty of your team
"A team in constant renewal is very expensive. To separate from an employee is expensive, to recruit someone to replace him too. In addition, these movements disorganize the company and discredit it vis-à-vis its customers. D where the importance of building employee loyalty. Beyond salary increases, which it is sometimes impossible to grant in an SME, the entrepreneur can use different motivation tools. To start with the participation and the profit-sharing of which the employees are very fond. They also greatly appreciate being offered professional training that will increase their employability: language courses, learning business software, training in career management ... Finally, all the initiatives that the manager can take to create a good atmosphere in the company are welcome! " 
8 - Place your cash well
"SME managers believe that their company's treasury is bound to remain in a bank account or to be placed in a cash Sicav. This is false! Any business - with the possible agreement of its shareholders - has the right to invest its cash surpluses in off-the-beaten-track financial vehicles. If our firm generated high profitability in 2011, it is mainly because we have collected substantial financial income by placing our cash in a portfolio of bonds of large companies. I advise any SME that has a mattress of cash to place a portion on these bonds, which present almost no risk and easily earn 5% per year! " 
9 - Surround yourself with advice
"Being a chartered accountant, I could consider that I am sufficiently informed to make decisions alone. But five years ago, I wanted to do without the services of a lawyer to solve a complex tax problem and I am I'm bitten on the fingers! Since then, I have realized that when we have specific operations to carry out, resorting to expert advice can save a lot of money. Certainly, the services of a good tax or legal expert business has a cost. But that cost is far outweighed by the savings that a specialist allows you to achieve thanks to his mastery of sophisticated mechanisms that you never knew existed ... " 
10 - Meet your competitors
"For fifteen years, I completely neglected to establish and maintain interprofessional relationships in my sector of activity. I thought that meeting competitors during lunches or cocktails could do nothing for me. To know more click here.
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teesturtle · 4 years
The Bigbang Theory 2007 2020 12 Seasons 279 Episodes Shirt
The Bigbang Theory 2007 2020 12 Seasons 279 Episodes Shirt
Were you aware that you can save large sums of money each year simply by shopping on the web? Were you aware that you will find appropriate methods of undertaking stuff in addition to wrong ways? Knowing the best advice to go by when it comes to online shopping could help you save dollars, guard your identity and make it simpler that you should determine what you are interested in. Read on for more information.
Be cautious in regards to the web merchants that you just think about acquiring from. If the online store is poorly created, loaded with misspellings, and all round fishy, you must take your hard earned dollars someplace else. These are generally symptoms that anything may not be right concerning this retailer. It s preferable to be secure than sorry.
Get knowledgeable about the shipping specifics of your on the web retailer. Their transport plan needs to be defined in the separate portion to describe the standard time you need to get your goods, geographic restrictions, shipping selections, feasible shipping and delivery insurance plan, and what their handling and shipping costs are. Use this details to decide if these expenses and options match well for you, your financial allowance, and your area before you place an order.
You should think about buying a pre-paid debit cards and packing it when you would like to buy things. This will help avoid using credit or credit rating profiles which have a big equilibrium. If someone has got the prepaid cards information and facts, you will see nothing at all on the greeting card to enable them to acquire.
Be skeptical of any email messages you get, even when they seem to be from your store you have confidence in. Never ever select a hyperlink that directs one to an internet site apart from usually the one you shopped on. If you do, you could grow to be prone to a gimmick. Instead of simply clicking an email hyperlink, go approximately your browser and enter in the site you need to head to. It really is very much more secure that way.
If you re generating an online acquire, don t be reluctant to make contact with customer satisfaction if you have an issue. By contacting customer service before making your get, you ll find out how helpful customer care is and exactly how swiftly they reply. This is helpful info to have when something goes completely wrong after you ve manufactured your buy.
When you go shopping regularly at a particular internet site or web shop, it may be worth every penny to sign up for their electronic mail up-dates which often have deals and product sales. This could result in price savings to suit your needs as you might obtain a lower price about the product as well as free delivery, which can add up to even bigger financial savings if you purchase through the site usually.
Have you study a tiny about shopping online which you failed to previously know? Researching the procedure, easy methods to make internet shopping be right for you and everything you did improper in the past will assist. It will help make the shopping on the internet expertise a fantastic a single.
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jjonassevilla · 5 years
Not Using Landing Pages in Your Ecommerce Email Marketing? Here’s Why You Should
We’ve all had it happen. You meticulously craft an ecommerce email marketing campaign that’s gonna help you sell a ton of products. You build a beautiful HTML template, write engaging copy, and A/B test your subject line. You implement an obvious and compelling call to action.
And after all that work, the landing page that your email directs folks to has a high bounce rate—or worse, a low conversion rate.
What gives?
It could be that your emails are writing checks your click-through destination can’t cash. If you send out a 15% off promotion for dog treats and link your audience to someplace with no mention of the discount, visitors are gonna be confused—and they’ll lose interest in a hurry.
Bottom line: Failing to match the messaging in your email with the copy and visuals on your landing page will hurt your conversion rate.
Maybe you already know it’s a problem, but you feel like you don’t have the resources to pair all of your offers with campaign-specific pages. Fortunately, there’s an easy fix. Here’s why you need to match your emails to your landing pages in your next ecommerce campaign, and how you can do it really, really well.
The Real Reasons Your Email Subscribers Aren’t Buying
Why Every Ecommerce Email Campaign Needs Its Own Landing Page
How to Match Your Emails with Your Landing Pages (& Maximize Conversions)
Ecommerce Email Marketing and Landing Page Examples
How *Not* to Match Your Emails with Landing Pages
The Real Reasons Your Email Subscribers Aren’t Buying
Let’s be honest. Sometimes in marketing, you can get away with doing less—and that’s a problem.
Email marketing offers some of the best ROI in the business. When you’ve already got someone’s email address, you can expect them to open 14% of the emails you send, with click-through rates just under 7% overall. Estimates suggest that there’s $44 of revenue generated for every dollar spent on email marketing.
With stats like these, you can just half-butt your ecomm email promotions and still do pretty good, right?
Not exactly. If your emails are paired with landing pages that have high bounce rates or low conversion rates, you’re not just leaving money on the table—you’re also bombarding your potential customers with marketing that just doesn’t resonate.
Here are some of the common reasons email promos underperform:
1. Your storefront product page isn’t enough
Data indicates the average bounce rate is 9%, even with load times of less than two seconds. If you’ve seen higher bounce rates on the destination page of your email promos, it might be that you’re not linking to a relevant enough page in the first place.
Your online store’s product pages are specific no-no’s for this purpose. They’re often short, lack details mentioned in your email, and don’t create a consistent experience from click to click.
2. You’ve got too many escape routes
Another problem with your online store’s product pages is that it’s too easy for customers to get distracted and leave. Think about all of the escape routes: website menus, product navigation, highlighted deals that have nothing to do with your email.
Your ecommerce landing page needs to be built as a distraction-free, conversion-optimized funnel. Always encourage your customers to go forward, not sideways.
3. You’re a victim of the paradox of choice
Even if you cut down on the escape routes, too many options can lead to fewer conversions. As Barry Schwartz explains in his book, The Paradox of Choice: “What we don’t realize is that the very option of being allowed to change our minds seems to increase the chances that we will change our minds.”
The same is true for your visitors. Landing pages with just one call to action have been shown to have 2% higher conversion rates than those with five or more.
4. Your landing page is trying to do too much
When your landing pages are more specific, you can get away with using fewer words. You may also find that it’s better for your conversion rates: landing pages with less copy tend to outperform pages with too much copy at a rate of 14% to 11%.
Josh Garofolo, CRO expert at Sway Copy, explains:
A product page will never do more than an “okay” job because it needs to cater to everyone—every persona, every use case, every traffic source.
Sending subscribers to a focused landing page that leverages everything you know about them—including the context behind the link they’ve just clicked—is the most reliable way to increase conversions.
Why Every Ecommerce Email Marketing Campaign Needs Its Own Landing Page
To summarize some of the things we’ve already covered, here are some of the biggest reasons that you should be pairing email promotions with dedicated landing pages:
Avoid confusion and frustration. When someone clicks a CTA in your email for a specific offer, they don’t want to end up on a page that doesn’t mention that promo. They may wonder if the offer is even valid.
Target specific customer groups. More specific landing pages help you hit on more customer segments. In one example below, you’ll see how Samuraw targeted specific customer groups with unique pages for each.
Maintain purchase momentum. A customer clicking your email offers is further in the sales cycle than a customer who just discovered your product pages. Creating specific landing pages helps you target those customers who are more prepared to buy and streamlines their path to purchase.
B2B email expert Sophia Le makes the case for pairing emails with landing pages this way:
If ecommerce brands take the extra step to make a landing page, it allows them to create a consistent story arc between the email copy and the actual conversion goal.
The more seamless it is, the more likely the conversion. Plus it’s less jarring for the email subscriber when the transition from email to landing page is a smooth one.
How to Match Your Emails with Your Landing Pages (& Maximize Conversions)
Here are some quick tips for creating landing pages that convert more of your email subscribers:
Be consistent in design. The first thing that visitors are going to internalize is how the landing page actually looks. When someone clicks on your CTA in the email, the last thing you want to do is surprise them. To create a seamless experience, include consistent design elements like colors, fonts, and images.
Minimize navigation. This is a landing page, not a launching page. Yet too few ecommerce marketers seem to realize that: only about 16% of landing pages are free of a navigation bar. Be sure you’re in the other 84%.
Reduce friction. Automatically fill in whatever information you can for visitors on your landing page. For example, if they clicked on a coupon code, make sure it’s already applied to their cart. This reduces the amount of clicking a customer has to do when they’re placing an order.
Make one offer per landing page. While 48% of landing pages make multiple offers, you can reinforce the specificity and consistency of your own promotion by focusing on just one offer per page.
Make sure the offers match. Don’t make the mistake of promising a discount in an email without also mentioning it on the landing page. Keep the messaging precisely matched so customers don’t have to wonder if they’re in the right place.
Val Geisler, email expert at FixMyChurn, offers this advice:
Landing pages help you be super specific with your audience, and they help your audience feel seen and heard. You can create custom landing pages for various segments of your email list and—using targeted content based on what you know about them—speak directly to their needs.
So, what should a great ecommerce email landing page look like? Let’s check out some examples.
Ecommerce Email Marketing & Landing Page Examples
Example: Codecademy
Let’s kick things off with an incredible example from Codecademy, an online learning platform with courses in programming languages like JavaScript and Python.
This email promotion offers a 25% Black Friday discount on annual memberships for Codecademy Pro, a paid subscription that unlocks all of the platform’s educational coursework. In addition to the savings, Codecademy’s pitch here is all about reaching your potential: unlock the tools, get an actionable plan, achieve your goals.
Recipients who click on Codecademy’s email call to action are directed to an attention-grabbing landing page that expands on the email offer:
Image courtesy of Codecademy. Click it to see the whole thing.
Yeah, it looks great—but this Codecademy page is also converting almost half of everyone who lands here. This is why the promotion works:
Incredible design from start to finish. Codecademy uses bold colors and layered patterns to create a promo email that jumps right out of your inbox. Those elements carry over to the landing page, delivering a seamless experience throughout.
No introduced distractions. There’s no navigation on the landing page, and none of the ideas are new—just more information about the things we saw in the email. Codecademy repeats its pitch around harnessing your potential, explains its value props, and includes a testimonial as social proof.
Focused call to action. There are three buttons on this landing page, but they all point to the same place: checkout. Codecademy uses a sticky bar to remind visitors about the email discount and keep the savings top-of-mind.
Example: Samuraw
Next is Samuraw, a multivitamin and probiotic formula that comes in two versions: one for children, one for adults. The challenge? Addressing each of those target segments with a single campaign.
Another Black Friday email marketing promotion, Samuraw starts by highlighting its holiday discount. Scrolling down, customers find two specific offers—one for each version of the formula.
When someone clicks either “Add to Cart” buttons, they’re taken to a landing page (built by Webistry) that corresponds with the selected formula.
Image courtesy of Samuraw. Click it to see the whole thing.
Pretty intuitive, huh? But that’s not the only reason this example from Samuraw is awesome. Here are some other things they’re doing right:
Consistent branding and messaging. The offer being highlighted appears above the fold in the email and on the landing page. The color schemes are the same. Even the product pictures don’t vary. It’s hard to imagine any visitor getting confused when they wind up here.
Reduced friction and streamlined checkout. The discounts offered in the email are automatically applied once someone clicks through to the landing page. Samuraw makes it simple for customers to reach the final purchase decision.
Segmented customer messaging. “Add to Cart” is a call to action that almost begs to point to a product page, but Samuraw instead links to two specific landing pages aimed at either adults or kids to close the sale. With added details, these pre-cart landing pages do a better job of selling than online store pages.
Example: Great Wolf Lodge
Next up is Great Wolf Lodge, a family of indoor water parks and resort hotels.
Over the summer, they drive bookings through an email marketing campaign that touts their Summer Camp-In event, which includes campfires, pool parties, BBQs, and all kinds of other outdoor fun—only, y’know, inside.
To spur interest, Great Wolf Lodge sent out this well-designed email campaign that highlighted some of the main activities going on, as well as lots of images showing families having an awesome time.
From here, recipients are invited to “Book Now” through the email’s CTA button, which leads to the following tailor-made landing page:
Image courtesy of Great Wolf Lodge. Click it to see the whole thing.
As they scroll down the page, the potential booker gets lots of details about what’s included during the event, sees compelling visuals that evoke positive feelings, and even gets a coupon code for a summer-themed suite.
So, well else is working well here?
Seamless look and feel. The custom graphics create a consistent experience across the two different touchpoints and generate a feeling of nostalgia with their classic 1950s look.
Strategic call to action. The booking CTA on the landing page becomes a sticky bar as the visitor scrolls, so it’s always right at the top of the page and never out of sight.
Reinforced discount offer. The coupon code offer is consistent and referenced both in the email and the landing page, helping keep the promotion top of mind.
Looking for more ecommerce landing page examples? Check out our Ultimate Ecommerce Landing Page Lookbook, which features pages from 27 of the top online retailers.
How *Not* to Match Your Emails with Landing Pages
The examples above show a few companies who understand that it’s not enough just to send a great email. Your landing page has to reflect that email if you want to convert your subscribers.
Let’s look at an example of an email and landing page mismatch. Motorsport.com recently ran a Cyber Monday email promotion that promised “better than half price” discounts for customers. Here’s a snippet:
Interesting visuals and a clear call to action make this good so far. But when you click “Subscribe Now,” you’re linked to a landing page with this pricing overview:
It’s great that the link to subscribe sends you to a subscription page. But pay attention to the subtle messaging inconsistencies:
Where’s the mention of the “better than half price” sale? Cyber Monday customers that wind up here might wonder if they’ve missed their chance. Are they receiving the discount, or not? This sort of confusion can lead them to bounce.
If a discount was applied, is it the one we were promised? Is $8.60 per month “better than half price”? Is so, there’s no indication of that here.
Why is there a different call to action? “Subscribe Now” becomes “Get the Full Story” and “Select Package.” There’s a missed opportunity here to more carefully match the messaging and imagery from email to landing page.
Visitors who wanted a unique deal might click anyway, but since the landing page doesn’t even mention the discount, lots of people are going to conclude they’re in the wrong place.
Turn Ready-Made Email Clicks Into Ecommerce Sales
Email conversion expert Laura Lupoch sums things up nicely:
To get an email subscriber to make a purchase, you need a series of touchpoints where they keep saying “yes” to you. That sets the stage for the big “yes” at the end when you ask them to buy.
Think of your landing page as another major step in that “yes” journey towards making a purchase.
If you see high click rates on your emails but not high conversion rates on your landing pages, it doesn’t necessarily reflect on the quality of your emails. It might just be that your emails have promised something your landing page failed to deliver—and that’s hard to say “yes” to.
This is where a landing page builder helps. You can quickly drag-and-drop together specific pages for each email promotion (all without a developer) and deliver a consistent purchase path from inbox to checkout.
from Marketing https://unbounce.com/email-marketing/match-ecommerce-offers-with-landing-pages/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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itsjessicaisreal · 5 years
Not Using Landing Pages in Your Ecommerce Email Marketing? Here’s Why You Should
We’ve all had it happen. You meticulously craft an ecommerce email marketing campaign that’s gonna help you sell a ton of products. You build a beautiful HTML template, write engaging copy, and A/B test your subject line. You implement an obvious and compelling call to action.
And after all that work, the landing page that your email directs folks to has a high bounce rate—or worse, a low conversion rate.
What gives?
It could be that your emails are writing checks your click-through destination can’t cash. If you send out a 15% off promotion for dog treats and link your audience to someplace with no mention of the discount, visitors are gonna be confused—and they’ll lose interest in a hurry.
Bottom line: Failing to match the messaging in your email with the copy and visuals on your landing page will hurt your conversion rate.
Maybe you already know it’s a problem, but you feel like you don’t have the resources to pair all of your offers with campaign-specific pages. Fortunately, there’s an easy fix. Here’s why you need to match your emails to your landing pages in your next ecommerce campaign, and how you can do it really, really well.
The Real Reasons Your Email Subscribers Aren’t Buying
Why Every Ecommerce Email Campaign Needs Its Own Landing Page
How to Match Your Emails with Your Landing Pages (& Maximize Conversions)
Ecommerce Email Marketing and Landing Page Examples
How *Not* to Match Your Emails with Landing Pages
The Real Reasons Your Email Subscribers Aren’t Buying
Let’s be honest. Sometimes in marketing, you can get away with doing less—and that’s a problem.
Email marketing offers some of the best ROI in the business. When you’ve already got someone’s email address, you can expect them to open 14% of the emails you send, with click-through rates just under 7% overall. Estimates suggest that there’s $44 of revenue generated for every dollar spent on email marketing.
With stats like these, you can just half-butt your ecomm email promotions and still do pretty good, right?
Not exactly. If your emails are paired with landing pages that have high bounce rates or low conversion rates, you’re not just leaving money on the table—you’re also bombarding your potential customers with marketing that just doesn’t resonate.
Here are some of the common reasons email promos underperform:
1. Your storefront product page isn’t enough
Data indicates the average bounce rate is 9%, even with load times of less than two seconds. If you’ve seen higher bounce rates on the destination page of your email promos, it might be that you’re not linking to a relevant enough page in the first place.
Your online store’s product pages are specific no-no’s for this purpose. They’re often short, lack details mentioned in your email, and don’t create a consistent experience from click to click.
2. You’ve got too many escape routes
Another problem with your online store’s product pages is that it’s too easy for customers to get distracted and leave. Think about all of the escape routes: website menus, product navigation, highlighted deals that have nothing to do with your email.
Your ecommerce landing page needs to be built as a distraction-free, conversion-optimized funnel. Always encourage your customers to go forward, not sideways.
3. You’re a victim of the paradox of choice
Even if you cut down on the escape routes, too many options can lead to fewer conversions. As Barry Schwartz explains in his book, The Paradox of Choice: “What we don’t realize is that the very option of being allowed to change our minds seems to increase the chances that we will change our minds.”
The same is true for your visitors. Landing pages with just one call to action have been shown to have 2% higher conversion rates than those with five or more.
4. Your landing page is trying to do too much
When your landing pages are more specific, you can get away with using fewer words. You may also find that it’s better for your conversion rates: landing pages with less copy tend to outperform pages with too much copy at a rate of 14% to 11%.
Josh Garofolo, CRO expert at Sway Copy, explains:
A product page will never do more than an “okay” job because it needs to cater to everyone—every persona, every use case, every traffic source.
Sending subscribers to a focused landing page that leverages everything you know about them—including the context behind the link they’ve just clicked—is the most reliable way to increase conversions.
Why Every Ecommerce Email Marketing Campaign Needs Its Own Landing Page
To summarize some of the things we’ve already covered, here are some of the biggest reasons that you should be pairing email promotions with dedicated landing pages:
Avoid confusion and frustration. When someone clicks a CTA in your email for a specific offer, they don’t want to end up on a page that doesn’t mention that promo. They may wonder if the offer is even valid.
Target specific customer groups. More specific landing pages help you hit on more customer segments. In one example below, you’ll see how Samuraw targeted specific customer groups with unique pages for each.
Maintain purchase momentum. A customer clicking your email offers is further in the sales cycle than a customer who just discovered your product pages. Creating specific landing pages helps you target those customers who are more prepared to buy and streamlines their path to purchase.
B2B email expert Sophia Le makes the case for pairing emails with landing pages this way:
If ecommerce brands take the extra step to make a landing page, it allows them to create a consistent story arc between the email copy and the actual conversion goal.
The more seamless it is, the more likely the conversion. Plus it’s less jarring for the email subscriber when the transition from email to landing page is a smooth one.
How to Match Your Emails with Your Landing Pages (& Maximize Conversions)
Here are some quick tips for creating landing pages that convert more of your email subscribers:
Be consistent in design. The first thing that visitors are going to internalize is how the landing page actually looks. When someone clicks on your CTA in the email, the last thing you want to do is surprise them. To create a seamless experience, include consistent design elements like colors, fonts, and images.
Minimize navigation. This is a landing page, not a launching page. Yet too few ecommerce marketers seem to realize that: only about 16% of landing pages are free of a navigation bar. Be sure you’re in the other 84%.
Reduce friction. Automatically fill in whatever information you can for visitors on your landing page. For example, if they clicked on a coupon code, make sure it’s already applied to their cart. This reduces the amount of clicking a customer has to do when they’re placing an order.
Make one offer per landing page. While 48% of landing pages make multiple offers, you can reinforce the specificity and consistency of your own promotion by focusing on just one offer per page.
Make sure the offers match. Don’t make the mistake of promising a discount in an email without also mentioning it on the landing page. Keep the messaging precisely matched so customers don’t have to wonder if they’re in the right place.
Val Geisler, email expert at FixMyChurn, offers this advice:
Landing pages help you be super specific with your audience, and they help your audience feel seen and heard. You can create custom landing pages for various segments of your email list and—using targeted content based on what you know about them—speak directly to their needs.
So, what should a great ecommerce email landing page look like? Let’s check out some examples.
Ecommerce Email Marketing & Landing Page Examples
Example: Codecademy
Let’s kick things off with an incredible example from Codecademy, an online learning platform with courses in programming languages like JavaScript and Python.
This email promotion offers a 25% Black Friday discount on annual memberships for Codecademy Pro, a paid subscription that unlocks all of the platform’s educational coursework. In addition to the savings, Codecademy’s pitch here is all about reaching your potential: unlock the tools, get an actionable plan, achieve your goals.
Recipients who click on Codecademy’s email call to action are directed to an attention-grabbing landing page that expands on the email offer:
Image courtesy of Codecademy. Click it to see the whole thing.
Yeah, it looks great—but this Codecademy page is also converting almost half of everyone who lands here. This is why the promotion works:
Incredible design from start to finish. Codecademy uses bold colors and layered patterns to create a promo email that jumps right out of your inbox. Those elements carry over to the landing page, delivering a seamless experience throughout.
No introduced distractions. There’s no navigation on the landing page, and none of the ideas are new—just more information about the things we saw in the email. Codecademy repeats its pitch around harnessing your potential, explains its value props, and includes a testimonial as social proof.
Focused call to action. There are three buttons on this landing page, but they all point to the same place: checkout. Codecademy uses a sticky bar to remind visitors about the email discount and keep the savings top-of-mind.
Example: Samuraw
Next is Samuraw, a multivitamin and probiotic formula that comes in two versions: one for children, one for adults. The challenge? Addressing each of those target segments with a single campaign.
Another Black Friday email marketing promotion, Samuraw starts by highlighting its holiday discount. Scrolling down, customers find two specific offers—one for each version of the formula.
When someone clicks either “Add to Cart” buttons, they’re taken to a landing page (built by Webistry) that corresponds with the selected formula.
Image courtesy of Samuraw. Click it to see the whole thing.
Pretty intuitive, huh? But that’s not the only reason this example from Samuraw is awesome. Here are some other things they’re doing right:
Consistent branding and messaging. The offer being highlighted appears above the fold in the email and on the landing page. The color schemes are the same. Even the product pictures don’t vary. It’s hard to imagine any visitor getting confused when they wind up here.
Reduced friction and streamlined checkout. The discounts offered in the email are automatically applied once someone clicks through to the landing page. Samuraw makes it simple for customers to reach the final purchase decision.
Segmented customer messaging. “Add to Cart” is a call to action that almost begs to point to a product page, but Samuraw instead links to two specific landing pages aimed at either adults or kids to close the sale. With added details, these pre-cart landing pages do a better job of selling than online store pages.
Example: Great Wolf Lodge
Next up is Great Wolf Lodge, a family of indoor water parks and resort hotels.
Over the summer, they drive bookings through an email marketing campaign that touts their Summer Camp-In event, which includes campfires, pool parties, BBQs, and all kinds of other outdoor fun—only, y’know, inside.
To spur interest, Great Wolf Lodge sent out this well-designed email campaign that highlighted some of the main activities going on, as well as lots of images showing families having an awesome time.
From here, recipients are invited to “Book Now” through the email’s CTA button, which leads to the following tailor-made landing page:
Image courtesy of Great Wolf Lodge. Click it to see the whole thing.
As they scroll down the page, the potential booker gets lots of details about what’s included during the event, sees compelling visuals that evoke positive feelings, and even gets a coupon code for a summer-themed suite.
So, well else is working well here?
Seamless look and feel. The custom graphics create a consistent experience across the two different touchpoints and generate a feeling of nostalgia with their classic 1950s look.
Strategic call to action. The booking CTA on the landing page becomes a sticky bar as the visitor scrolls, so it’s always right at the top of the page and never out of sight.
Reinforced discount offer. The coupon code offer is consistent and referenced both in the email and the landing page, helping keep the promotion top of mind.
Looking for more ecommerce landing page examples? Check out our Ultimate Ecommerce Landing Page Lookbook, which features pages from 27 of the top online retailers.
How *Not* to Match Your Emails with Landing Pages
The examples above show a few companies who understand that it’s not enough just to send a great email. Your landing page has to reflect that email if you want to convert your subscribers.
Let’s look at an example of an email and landing page mismatch. Motorsport.com recently ran a Cyber Monday email promotion that promised “better than half price” discounts for customers. Here’s a snippet:
Interesting visuals and a clear call to action make this good so far. But when you click “Subscribe Now,” you’re linked to a landing page with this pricing overview:
It’s great that the link to subscribe sends you to a subscription page. But pay attention to the subtle messaging inconsistencies:
Where’s the mention of the “better than half price” sale? Cyber Monday customers that wind up here might wonder if they’ve missed their chance. Are they receiving the discount, or not? This sort of confusion can lead them to bounce.
If a discount was applied, is it the one we were promised? Is $8.60 per month “better than half price”? Is so, there’s no indication of that here.
Why is there a different call to action? “Subscribe Now” becomes “Get the Full Story” and “Select Package.” There’s a missed opportunity here to more carefully match the messaging and imagery from email to landing page.
Visitors who wanted a unique deal might click anyway, but since the landing page doesn’t even mention the discount, lots of people are going to conclude they’re in the wrong place.
Turn Ready-Made Email Clicks Into Ecommerce Sales
Email conversion expert Laura Lupoch sums things up nicely:
To get an email subscriber to make a purchase, you need a series of touchpoints where they keep saying “yes” to you. That sets the stage for the big “yes” at the end when you ask them to buy.
Think of your landing page as another major step in that “yes” journey towards making a purchase.
If you see high click rates on your emails but not high conversion rates on your landing pages, it doesn’t necessarily reflect on the quality of your emails. It might just be that your emails have promised something your landing page failed to deliver—and that’s hard to say “yes” to.
This is where a landing page builder helps. You can quickly drag-and-drop together specific pages for each email promotion (all without a developer) and deliver a consistent purchase path from inbox to checkout.
from Marketing https://unbounce.com/email-marketing/match-ecommerce-offers-with-landing-pages/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
0 notes
roypstickney · 5 years
Not Using Landing Pages in Your Ecommerce Email Marketing? Here’s Why You Should
We’ve all had it happen. You meticulously craft an ecommerce email marketing campaign that’s gonna help you sell a ton of products. You build a beautiful HTML template, write engaging copy, and A/B test your subject line. You implement an obvious and compelling call to action.
And after all that work, the landing page that your email directs folks to has a high bounce rate—or worse, a low conversion rate.
What gives?
It could be that your emails are writing checks your click-through destination can’t cash. If you send out a 15% off promotion for dog treats and link your audience to someplace with no mention of the discount, visitors are gonna be confused—and they’ll lose interest in a hurry.
Bottom line: Failing to match the messaging in your email with the copy and visuals on your landing page will hurt your conversion rate.
Maybe you already know it’s a problem, but you feel like you don’t have the resources to pair all of your offers with campaign-specific pages. Fortunately, there’s an easy fix. Here’s why you need to match your emails to your landing pages in your next ecommerce campaign, and how you can do it really, really well.
The Real Reasons Your Email Subscribers Aren’t Buying
Why Every Ecommerce Email Campaign Needs Its Own Landing Page
How to Match Your Emails with Your Landing Pages (& Maximize Conversions)
Ecommerce Email Marketing and Landing Page Examples
How *Not* to Match Your Emails with Landing Pages
The Real Reasons Your Email Subscribers Aren’t Buying
Let’s be honest. Sometimes in marketing, you can get away with doing less—and that’s a problem.
Email marketing offers some of the best ROI in the business. When you’ve already got someone’s email address, you can expect them to open 14% of the emails you send, with click-through rates just under 7% overall. Estimates suggest that there’s $44 of revenue generated for every dollar spent on email marketing.
With stats like these, you can just half-butt your ecomm email promotions and still do pretty good, right?
Not exactly. If your emails are paired with landing pages that have high bounce rates or low conversion rates, you’re not just leaving money on the table—you’re also bombarding your potential customers with marketing that just doesn’t resonate.
Here are some of the common reasons email promos underperform:
1. Your storefront product page isn’t enough
Data indicates the average bounce rate is 9%, even with load times of less than two seconds. If you’ve seen higher bounce rates on the destination page of your email promos, it might be that you’re not linking to a relevant enough page in the first place.
Your online store’s product pages are specific no-no’s for this purpose. They’re often short, lack details mentioned in your email, and don’t create a consistent experience from click to click.
2. You’ve got too many escape routes
Another problem with your online store’s product pages is that it’s too easy for customers to get distracted and leave. Think about all of the escape routes: website menus, product navigation, highlighted deals that have nothing to do with your email.
Your ecommerce landing page needs to be built as a distraction-free, conversion-optimized funnel. Always encourage your customers to go forward, not sideways.
3. You’re a victim of the paradox of choice
Even if you cut down on the escape routes, too many options can lead to fewer conversions. As Barry Schwartz explains in his book, The Paradox of Choice: “What we don’t realize is that the very option of being allowed to change our minds seems to increase the chances that we will change our minds.”
The same is true for your visitors. Landing pages with just one call to action have been shown to have 2% higher conversion rates than those with five or more.
4. Your landing page is trying to do too much
When your landing pages are more specific, you can get away with using fewer words. You may also find that it’s better for your conversion rates: landing pages with less copy tend to outperform pages with too much copy at a rate of 14% to 11%.
Josh Garofolo, CRO expert at Sway Copy, explains:
A product page will never do more than an “okay” job because it needs to cater to everyone—every persona, every use case, every traffic source.
Sending subscribers to a focused landing page that leverages everything you know about them—including the context behind the link they’ve just clicked—is the most reliable way to increase conversions.
Why Every Ecommerce Email Marketing Campaign Needs Its Own Landing Page
To summarize some of the things we’ve already covered, here are some of the biggest reasons that you should be pairing email promotions with dedicated landing pages:
Avoid confusion and frustration. When someone clicks a CTA in your email for a specific offer, they don’t want to end up on a page that doesn’t mention that promo. They may wonder if the offer is even valid.
Target specific customer groups. More specific landing pages help you hit on more customer segments. In one example below, you’ll see how Samuraw targeted specific customer groups with unique pages for each.
Maintain purchase momentum. A customer clicking your email offers is further in the sales cycle than a customer who just discovered your product pages. Creating specific landing pages helps you target those customers who are more prepared to buy and streamlines their path to purchase.
B2B email expert Sophia Le makes the case for pairing emails with landing pages this way:
If ecommerce brands take the extra step to make a landing page, it allows them to create a consistent story arc between the email copy and the actual conversion goal.
The more seamless it is, the more likely the conversion. Plus it’s less jarring for the email subscriber when the transition from email to landing page is a smooth one.
How to Match Your Emails with Your Landing Pages (& Maximize Conversions)
Here are some quick tips for creating landing pages that convert more of your email subscribers:
Be consistent in design. The first thing that visitors are going to internalize is how the landing page actually looks. When someone clicks on your CTA in the email, the last thing you want to do is surprise them. To create a seamless experience, include consistent design elements like colors, fonts, and images.
Minimize navigation. This is a landing page, not a launching page. Yet too few ecommerce marketers seem to realize that: only about 16% of landing pages are free of a navigation bar. Be sure you’re in the other 84%.
Reduce friction. Automatically fill in whatever information you can for visitors on your landing page. For example, if they clicked on a coupon code, make sure it’s already applied to their cart. This reduces the amount of clicking a customer has to do when they’re placing an order.
Make one offer per landing page. While 48% of landing pages make multiple offers, you can reinforce the specificity and consistency of your own promotion by focusing on just one offer per page.
Make sure the offers match. Don’t make the mistake of promising a discount in an email without also mentioning it on the landing page. Keep the messaging precisely matched so customers don’t have to wonder if they’re in the right place.
Val Geisler, email expert at FixMyChurn, offers this advice:
Landing pages help you be super specific with your audience, and they help your audience feel seen and heard. You can create custom landing pages for various segments of your email list and—using targeted content based on what you know about them—speak directly to their needs.
So, what should a great ecommerce email landing page look like? Let’s check out some examples.
Ecommerce Email Marketing & Landing Page Examples
Example: Codecademy
Let’s kick things off with an incredible example from Codecademy, an online learning platform with courses in programming languages like JavaScript and Python.
This email promotion offers a 25% Black Friday discount on annual memberships for Codecademy Pro, a paid subscription that unlocks all of the platform’s educational coursework. In addition to the savings, Codecademy’s pitch here is all about reaching your potential: unlock the tools, get an actionable plan, achieve your goals.
Recipients who click on Codecademy’s email call to action are directed to an attention-grabbing landing page that expands on the email offer:
Image courtesy of Codecademy. Click it to see the whole thing.
Yeah, it looks great—but this Codecademy page is also converting almost half of everyone who lands here. This is why the promotion works:
Incredible design from start to finish. Codecademy uses bold colors and layered patterns to create a promo email that jumps right out of your inbox. Those elements carry over to the landing page, delivering a seamless experience throughout.
No introduced distractions. There’s no navigation on the landing page, and none of the ideas are new—just more information about the things we saw in the email. Codecademy repeats its pitch around harnessing your potential, explains its value props, and includes a testimonial as social proof.
Focused call to action. There are three buttons on this landing page, but they all point to the same place: checkout. Codecademy uses a sticky bar to remind visitors about the email discount and keep the savings top-of-mind.
Example: Samuraw
Next is Samuraw, a multivitamin and probiotic formula that comes in two versions: one for children, one for adults. The challenge? Addressing each of those target segments with a single campaign.
Another Black Friday email marketing promotion, Samuraw starts by highlighting its holiday discount. Scrolling down, customers find two specific offers—one for each version of the formula.
When someone clicks either “Add to Cart” buttons, they’re taken to a landing page (built by Webistry) that corresponds with the selected formula.
Image courtesy of Samuraw. Click it to see the whole thing.
Pretty intuitive, huh? But that’s not the only reason this example from Samuraw is awesome. Here are some other things they’re doing right:
Consistent branding and messaging. The offer being highlighted appears above the fold in the email and on the landing page. The color schemes are the same. Even the product pictures don’t vary. It’s hard to imagine any visitor getting confused when they wind up here.
Reduced friction and streamlined checkout. The discounts offered in the email are automatically applied once someone clicks through to the landing page. Samuraw makes it simple for customers to reach the final purchase decision.
Segmented customer messaging. “Add to Cart” is a call to action that almost begs to point to a product page, but Samuraw instead links to two specific landing pages aimed at either adults or kids to close the sale. With added details, these pre-cart landing pages do a better job of selling than online store pages.
Example: Great Wolf Lodge
Next up is Great Wolf Lodge, a family of indoor water parks and resort hotels.
Over the summer, they drive bookings through an email marketing campaign that touts their Summer Camp-In event, which includes campfires, pool parties, BBQs, and all kinds of other outdoor fun—only, y’know, inside.
To spur interest, Great Wolf Lodge sent out this well-designed email campaign that highlighted some of the main activities going on, as well as lots of images showing families having an awesome time.
From here, recipients are invited to “Book Now” through the email’s CTA button, which leads to the following tailor-made landing page:
Image courtesy of Great Wolf Lodge. Click it to see the whole thing.
As they scroll down the page, the potential booker gets lots of details about what’s included during the event, sees compelling visuals that evoke positive feelings, and even gets a coupon code for a summer-themed suite.
So, well else is working well here?
Seamless look and feel. The custom graphics create a consistent experience across the two different touchpoints and generate a feeling of nostalgia with their classic 1950s look.
Strategic call to action. The booking CTA on the landing page becomes a sticky bar as the visitor scrolls, so it’s always right at the top of the page and never out of sight.
Reinforced discount offer. The coupon code offer is consistent and referenced both in the email and the landing page, helping keep the promotion top of mind.
Looking for more ecommerce landing page examples? Check out our Ultimate Ecommerce Landing Page Lookbook, which features pages from 27 of the top online retailers.
How *Not* to Match Your Emails with Landing Pages
The examples above show a few companies who understand that it’s not enough just to send a great email. Your landing page has to reflect that email if you want to convert your subscribers.
Let’s look at an example of an email and landing page mismatch. Motorsport.com recently ran a Cyber Monday email promotion that promised “better than half price” discounts for customers. Here’s a snippet:
Interesting visuals and a clear call to action make this good so far. But when you click “Subscribe Now,” you’re linked to a landing page with this pricing overview:
It’s great that the link to subscribe sends you to a subscription page. But pay attention to the subtle messaging inconsistencies:
Where’s the mention of the “better than half price” sale? Cyber Monday customers that wind up here might wonder if they’ve missed their chance. Are they receiving the discount, or not? This sort of confusion can lead them to bounce.
If a discount was applied, is it the one we were promised? Is $8.60 per month “better than half price”? Is so, there’s no indication of that here.
Why is there a different call to action? “Subscribe Now” becomes “Get the Full Story” and “Select Package.” There’s a missed opportunity here to more carefully match the messaging and imagery from email to landing page.
Visitors who wanted a unique deal might click anyway, but since the landing page doesn’t even mention the discount, lots of people are going to conclude they’re in the wrong place.
Turn Ready-Made Email Clicks Into Ecommerce Sales
Email conversion expert Laura Lupoch sums things up nicely:
To get an email subscriber to make a purchase, you need a series of touchpoints where they keep saying “yes” to you. That sets the stage for the big “yes” at the end when you ask them to buy.
Think of your landing page as another major step in that “yes” journey towards making a purchase.
If you see high click rates on your emails but not high conversion rates on your landing pages, it doesn’t necessarily reflect on the quality of your emails. It might just be that your emails have promised something your landing page failed to deliver—and that’s hard to say “yes” to.
This is where a landing page builder helps. You can quickly drag-and-drop together specific pages for each email promotion (all without a developer) and deliver a consistent purchase path from inbox to checkout.
0 notes
josephkchoi · 5 years
Not Using Landing Pages in Your Ecommerce Email Marketing? Here’s Why You Should
We’ve all had it happen. You meticulously craft an ecommerce email marketing campaign that’s gonna help you sell a ton of products. You build a beautiful HTML template, write engaging copy, and A/B test your subject line. You implement an obvious and compelling call to action.
And after all that work, the landing page that your email directs folks to has a high bounce rate—or worse, a low conversion rate.
What gives?
It could be that your emails are writing checks your click-through destination can’t cash. If you send out a 15% off promotion for dog treats and link your audience to someplace with no mention of the discount, visitors are gonna be confused—and they’ll lose interest in a hurry.
Bottom line: Failing to match the messaging in your email with the copy and visuals on your landing page will hurt your conversion rate.
Maybe you already know it’s a problem, but you feel like you don’t have the resources to pair all of your offers with campaign-specific pages. Fortunately, there’s an easy fix. Here’s why you need to match your emails to your landing pages in your next ecommerce campaign, and how you can do it really, really well.
The Real Reasons Your Email Subscribers Aren’t Buying
Why Every Ecommerce Email Campaign Needs Its Own Landing Page
How to Match Your Emails with Your Landing Pages (& Maximize Conversions)
Ecommerce Email Marketing and Landing Page Examples
How *Not* to Match Your Emails with Landing Pages
The Real Reasons Your Email Subscribers Aren’t Buying
Let’s be honest. Sometimes in marketing, you can get away with doing less—and that’s a problem.
Email marketing offers some of the best ROI in the business. When you’ve already got someone’s email address, you can expect them to open 14% of the emails you send, with click-through rates just under 7% overall. Estimates suggest that there’s $44 of revenue generated for every dollar spent on email marketing.
With stats like these, you can just half-butt your ecomm email promotions and still do pretty good, right?
Not exactly. If your emails are paired with landing pages that have high bounce rates or low conversion rates, you’re not just leaving money on the table—you’re also bombarding your potential customers with marketing that just doesn’t resonate.
Here are some of the common reasons email promos underperform:
1. Your storefront product page isn’t enough
Data indicates the average bounce rate is 9%, even with load times of less than two seconds. If you’ve seen higher bounce rates on the destination page of your email promos, it might be that you’re not linking to a relevant enough page in the first place.
Your online store’s product pages are specific no-no’s for this purpose. They’re often short, lack details mentioned in your email, and don’t create a consistent experience from click to click.
2. You’ve got too many escape routes
Another problem with your online store’s product pages is that it’s too easy for customers to get distracted and leave. Think about all of the escape routes: website menus, product navigation, highlighted deals that have nothing to do with your email.
Your ecommerce landing page needs to be built as a distraction-free, conversion-optimized funnel. Always encourage your customers to go forward, not sideways.
3. You’re a victim of the paradox of choice
Even if you cut down on the escape routes, too many options can lead to fewer conversions. As Barry Schwartz explains in his book, The Paradox of Choice: “What we don’t realize is that the very option of being allowed to change our minds seems to increase the chances that we will change our minds.”
The same is true for your visitors. Landing pages with just one call to action have been shown to have 2% higher conversion rates than those with five or more.
4. Your landing page is trying to do too much
When your landing pages are more specific, you can get away with using fewer words. You may also find that it’s better for your conversion rates: landing pages with less copy tend to outperform pages with too much copy at a rate of 14% to 11%.
Josh Garofolo, CRO expert at Sway Copy, explains:
A product page will never do more than an “okay” job because it needs to cater to everyone—every persona, every use case, every traffic source.
Sending subscribers to a focused landing page that leverages everything you know about them—including the context behind the link they’ve just clicked—is the most reliable way to increase conversions.
Why Every Ecommerce Email Marketing Campaign Needs Its Own Landing Page
To summarize some of the things we’ve already covered, here are some of the biggest reasons that you should be pairing email promotions with dedicated landing pages:
Avoid confusion and frustration. When someone clicks a CTA in your email for a specific offer, they don’t want to end up on a page that doesn’t mention that promo. They may wonder if the offer is even valid.
Target specific customer groups. More specific landing pages help you hit on more customer segments. In one example below, you’ll see how Samuraw targeted specific customer groups with unique pages for each.
Maintain purchase momentum. A customer clicking your email offers is further in the sales cycle than a customer who just discovered your product pages. Creating specific landing pages helps you target those customers who are more prepared to buy and streamlines their path to purchase.
B2B email expert Sophia Le makes the case for pairing emails with landing pages this way:
If ecommerce brands take the extra step to make a landing page, it allows them to create a consistent story arc between the email copy and the actual conversion goal.
The more seamless it is, the more likely the conversion. Plus it’s less jarring for the email subscriber when the transition from email to landing page is a smooth one.
How to Match Your Emails with Your Landing Pages (& Maximize Conversions)
Here are some quick tips for creating landing pages that convert more of your email subscribers:
Be consistent in design. The first thing that visitors are going to internalize is how the landing page actually looks. When someone clicks on your CTA in the email, the last thing you want to do is surprise them. To create a seamless experience, include consistent design elements like colors, fonts, and images.
Minimize navigation. This is a landing page, not a launching page. Yet too few ecommerce marketers seem to realize that: only about 16% of landing pages are free of a navigation bar. Be sure you’re in the other 84%.
Reduce friction. Automatically fill in whatever information you can for visitors on your landing page. For example, if they clicked on a coupon code, make sure it’s already applied to their cart. This reduces the amount of clicking a customer has to do when they’re placing an order.
Make one offer per landing page. While 48% of landing pages make multiple offers, you can reinforce the specificity and consistency of your own promotion by focusing on just one offer per page.
Make sure the offers match. Don’t make the mistake of promising a discount in an email without also mentioning it on the landing page. Keep the messaging precisely matched so customers don’t have to wonder if they’re in the right place.
Val Geisler, email expert at FixMyChurn, offers this advice:
Landing pages help you be super specific with your audience, and they help your audience feel seen and heard. You can create custom landing pages for various segments of your email list and—using targeted content based on what you know about them—speak directly to their needs.
So, what should a great ecommerce email landing page look like? Let’s check out some examples.
Ecommerce Email Marketing & Landing Page Examples
Example: Codecademy
Let’s kick things off with an incredible example from Codecademy, an online learning platform with courses in programming languages like JavaScript and Python.
This email promotion offers a 25% Black Friday discount on annual memberships for Codecademy Pro, a paid subscription that unlocks all of the platform’s educational coursework. In addition to the savings, Codecademy’s pitch here is all about reaching your potential: unlock the tools, get an actionable plan, achieve your goals.
Recipients who click on Codecademy’s email call to action are directed to an attention-grabbing landing page that expands on the email offer:
Image courtesy of Codecademy. Click it to see the whole thing.
Yeah, it looks great—but this Codecademy page is also converting almost half of everyone who lands here. This is why the promotion works:
Incredible design from start to finish. Codecademy uses bold colors and layered patterns to create a promo email that jumps right out of your inbox. Those elements carry over to the landing page, delivering a seamless experience throughout.
No introduced distractions. There’s no navigation on the landing page, and none of the ideas are new—just more information about the things we saw in the email. Codecademy repeats its pitch around harnessing your potential, explains its value props, and includes a testimonial as social proof.
Focused call to action. There are three buttons on this landing page, but they all point to the same place: checkout. Codecademy uses a sticky bar to remind visitors about the email discount and keep the savings top-of-mind.
Example: Samuraw
Next is Samuraw, a multivitamin and probiotic formula that comes in two versions: one for children, one for adults. The challenge? Addressing each of those target segments with a single campaign.
Another Black Friday email marketing promotion, Samuraw starts by highlighting its holiday discount. Scrolling down, customers find two specific offers—one for each version of the formula.
When someone clicks either “Add to Cart” buttons, they’re taken to a landing page (built by Webistry) that corresponds with the selected formula.
Image courtesy of Samuraw. Click it to see the whole thing.
Pretty intuitive, huh? But that’s not the only reason this example from Samuraw is awesome. Here are some other things they’re doing right:
Consistent branding and messaging. The offer being highlighted appears above the fold in the email and on the landing page. The color schemes are the same. Even the product pictures don’t vary. It’s hard to imagine any visitor getting confused when they wind up here.
Reduced friction and streamlined checkout. The discounts offered in the email are automatically applied once someone clicks through to the landing page. Samuraw makes it simple for customers to reach the final purchase decision.
Segmented customer messaging. “Add to Cart” is a call to action that almost begs to point to a product page, but Samuraw instead links to two specific landing pages aimed at either adults or kids to close the sale. With added details, these pre-cart landing pages do a better job of selling than online store pages.
Example: Great Wolf Lodge
Next up is Great Wolf Lodge, a family of indoor water parks and resort hotels.
Over the summer, they drive bookings through an email marketing campaign that touts their Summer Camp-In event, which includes campfires, pool parties, BBQs, and all kinds of other outdoor fun—only, y’know, inside.
To spur interest, Great Wolf Lodge sent out this well-designed email campaign that highlighted some of the main activities going on, as well as lots of images showing families having an awesome time.
From here, recipients are invited to “Book Now” through the email’s CTA button, which leads to the following tailor-made landing page:
Image courtesy of Great Wolf Lodge. Click it to see the whole thing.
As they scroll down the page, the potential booker gets lots of details about what’s included during the event, sees compelling visuals that evoke positive feelings, and even gets a coupon code for a summer-themed suite.
So, well else is working well here?
Seamless look and feel. The custom graphics create a consistent experience across the two different touchpoints and generate a feeling of nostalgia with their classic 1950s look.
Strategic call to action. The booking CTA on the landing page becomes a sticky bar as the visitor scrolls, so it’s always right at the top of the page and never out of sight.
Reinforced discount offer. The coupon code offer is consistent and referenced both in the email and the landing page, helping keep the promotion top of mind.
Looking for more ecommerce landing page examples? Check out our Ultimate Ecommerce Landing Page Lookbook, which features pages from 27 of the top online retailers.
How *Not* to Match Your Emails with Landing Pages
The examples above show a few companies who understand that it’s not enough just to send a great email. Your landing page has to reflect that email if you want to convert your subscribers.
Let’s look at an example of an email and landing page mismatch. Motorsport.com recently ran a Cyber Monday email promotion that promised “better than half price” discounts for customers. Here’s a snippet:
Interesting visuals and a clear call to action make this good so far. But when you click “Subscribe Now,” you’re linked to a landing page with this pricing overview:
It’s great that the link to subscribe sends you to a subscription page. But pay attention to the subtle messaging inconsistencies:
Where’s the mention of the “better than half price” sale? Cyber Monday customers that wind up here might wonder if they’ve missed their chance. Are they receiving the discount, or not? This sort of confusion can lead them to bounce.
If a discount was applied, is it the one we were promised? Is $8.60 per month “better than half price”? Is so, there’s no indication of that here.
Why is there a different call to action? “Subscribe Now” becomes “Get the Full Story” and “Select Package.” There’s a missed opportunity here to more carefully match the messaging and imagery from email to landing page.
Visitors who wanted a unique deal might click anyway, but since the landing page doesn’t even mention the discount, lots of people are going to conclude they’re in the wrong place.
Turn Ready-Made Email Clicks Into Ecommerce Sales
Email conversion expert Laura Lupoch sums things up nicely:
To get an email subscriber to make a purchase, you need a series of touchpoints where they keep saying “yes” to you. That sets the stage for the big “yes” at the end when you ask them to buy.
Think of your landing page as another major step in that “yes” journey towards making a purchase.
If you see high click rates on your emails but not high conversion rates on your landing pages, it doesn’t necessarily reflect on the quality of your emails. It might just be that your emails have promised something your landing page failed to deliver—and that’s hard to say “yes” to.
This is where a landing page builder helps. You can quickly drag-and-drop together specific pages for each email promotion (all without a developer) and deliver a consistent purchase path from inbox to checkout.
Not Using Landing Pages in Your Ecommerce Email Marketing? Here’s Why You Should published first on https://nickpontemrktg.wordpress.com/
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