#but also just the psychic damage it deals never lessens
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every single time i see "The Confession" my body has such a visceral reaction its like i go into fight or flight
#partly because its the one thing i refuse to spoil for myself#i want the full emotional impact when i watch it the first time#but also just the psychic damage it deals never lessens#spn#supernatural#destiel
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Hii so i love avalance a l o t but captain canary will always own my soul so i was wondering if you could maybe rewrite some parts of 3x15 with captain canary instead (ive been thinking about this for a few hours and boy it hurts) anyways thank you v much either way and in other news youre litterally my fav fic writer ever bye
Author’s Note: Ihaven’t watched an episode of Season 3, only clips from YouTube, but I’m up forthis prompt. I have to apologize if I failed to thread the story completelybased from the episode. Also, this is an homage to @firesoulstuff ’s comment on a post aboutLeonard accepting that Sara is damaged, after everything she’s been through—andhe gets that. There is nothing there is to fix because that’s what Sara is. Thanksfor the prompt. And thanks most especially to @ranger-of-estel for looking over this for me!Â
Death and Devotion
She’s walking in the halls of the Waverider, the softhumming of the ship filled her ears. She was wondering where the team is andupon looking for them, she felt motion behind her. It was a little girl inyellow, running to get to the galley. The kid eventually stopped and turned toher. The little girl spoke, her voice unfamiliar but still sent a chill downher spine. “You thought I forgot about you?”
Sara gasped, catching the air that she felt left her lungs.Before she could bolt out the bed, Leonard’s hand covered her own, keeping themclose to her chest. Her heart was beating fast and it distracted her so muchthat she didn’t notice him move closer to her. “Nightmare again?”
She nodded, settling down again on his chest, with his leftarm wrapping her and his right settled comfortable on Sara’s waist. Leonardnoticed Sara trying to even out her breathing, obviously trying to sleep again.
“Do you want to talk about it?” he asked, raising his lefthand to soothe her arm.
Sara knows she can always say she’s fine and that it’snothing and he won’t force her to reveal what happened.. But the two of themhave been through a lot together that she knows she could trust him withwhatever it was. So she told him about her dream nightmare. About thelittle girl. About who she thinks the kid was. About how she hurt the kid. Lenjust listened. Slightly pulling her closer to him if her voice starts crackinga little. After her tale, she faced him. “I killed her father. Murder in cold blood.And she saw that. Len, she wasn’t supposed to see something like that.”
“I know,” Leonard interrupted, “but you’ve paid for that. That’snot you anymore, remember?”
Sara sighed, wanting to believe him but can’t. So Len spokeagain. “Hey. You are a strong, brave woman and I know you can fight your owndemons. You have been doing so for the longest time. But I’m more than willingto help kick some of those demons’ asses.”
Sara chuckled, digging her head on his armpit, making himlaugh himself. It took another minute before Sara raised her head and kissedhim softly, teasing him a little by softly biting his lower lip. “Thank you,”she said once they broke away from the kiss.
Len smirked and replied. “As long as you’re not dreaming ofsomebody else.”
Sara bit her lower lips, earning a confused look from theman beside her. “Well,” she started, “there was this one time…”
He groaned and pulled away from her but Sara pulled him backin. “I’m kidding!” Sara teased, only to be responded by a raised eyebrow fromSnart. She then continued, “It happened twice.”
“Great,” he groaned.
“They were just people with no faces,” Sara defendedherself. “And that happened before I had a boyfriend,” she continued, using herhand to take Len’s jaw so he could face her.
Len raised his head and with a smirk, he asked, “You callingme your boyfriend now?”
They’ve been without labels for a long time. Not that theyneeded one. They know how much the other means to them and labels seemedunnecessary. But, well, it wouldn’t hurt to have one, right?
“Maybe?” Sara answered. “I mean, why not? There’s no reasonnot to.”
The man’s eyes carried the smile. “And what will the peoplein your dreams say?”
Sara sat up a little, her blue eyes bright and wide awakenow. “Well, what can they say? They’re no Leonard Snart, robber of ATMs!”
She then pulled her blanket overthem as she straddles him, kissing his neck to his chest. And Leonard was aboutto reciprocate when the ship’s trusted AI chimed in.
“Sorry to interrupt, Captain, butwe need you in the bridge.”
Sara groaned aloud, obviouslyirritated. Leonard just chuckled. “Let’s go, Captain. Time to save history. Ormess it up. Either way, get dressed.”
When they got to the bridge, Sara’smood sort of dropped from the light in her eyes when they were in their room.
She proceeded to the control panelsof the ship, letting the rest of the team including Gideon, discuss theanachronisms or the time cracks all over history.
“What happens if we don’t repairhistory?” Wally asked, face frowning at all the complications his teammatesdiscussed.
Ray and Nate answered with delight,making Len and Sara look at each other and roll their eyes.
Their psychic connection, as Jaxused to call it, was interrupted by a question from their newest teammate. “So,worse than flashpoint?”
“Allen did turn a baby girl into ababy boy,” Leonard replied, “but yes. Worse.”
With a sigh, Sara pushed herselfoff of the control panels to proceed to the center console, pairing the team upand giving them tasks to accomplish with the goals of lessening the time cracksthat frustratingly keeps on popping up like daisies.
While Sara was being a Captain, Lenwas still leaning at the back of one jumpseat, looking at her intently. Therewas a certain weight in her eyes, and he was then reminded of how they woke upearlier. Her nightmares lessened when they got together, but since Mallus cameto the scene, it kept coming back and by now it’s hard to pretend that he’s notworried. He is familiar with nightmares himself and how much energy and powerit takes off of a person. No matter how strong they are.
“And Len and I will be picking upEinstein from the Ice Age,” Sara ordered.
The team agreed and paired upimmediately, but their eyes were still on her. Remembering their talk of hersend-offs a few days ago, she rolled her eyes and dropped her head. “Alright,that’s it. No snazzy send-off. Mama’s got a headache.”
The team was more understandingthan usual, nodding and walking away one by one.
“Even when you don’t try, you stillgot it,” Nate said, patting their Captain’s back.
Zari walked by Leonard, nudging theman. “You know what to do, dad.”
Snart smirked at Zari and noddedbefore walking towards Sara. Once everybody was away, Len pulled her for aside-hug, kissing her temples. “Want to sit this one down?”
The blonde shook her head. “I’m notsending you off without back-up,” she said. “It’s alright.
Things weren’t alright.
Sara was seduced by the DeathTotem. It engulfed her, resulting to her hurting the team. They knew it wasn’ther but they continued to plead with her, hoping to get the real Sara back. ButSnart knew better. He saw the damage it brought to the crew and no matter howbadly he wants to just talk to her and tell her to stop. But he knows it willfall on deaf ears. With Zari’s suggestion of using the jumpship, Len heeded forConstantine’s help to bring Sara back. The demonologist managed to help Saradeal with the presence of Mallus three weeks ago and he hoped that the Britcould help again. Constantine indeed helped him, and agreed to come to theWaverider. Once on the ship, they found Sara, half out of herself. It was hard,seeing Mallus use Sara as a vessel for a younger girl asking John to sacrificeSara to bring the said kid back—a life for a life. And John Constantine foundit hard to say no to that.
All that chaos led up to thismoment. With Sara lying on the floor of her very own ship. Pale and still as acorpse. Her crew present as witnesses. Leonard leaned down beside her and tookoff the Death totem from her neck. He held her hand, squeezing it and hestarted talking to her.
“Come on, assassin,” Leonard said,holding her hand. “You’re still there, I know you are.”
The woman is still unresponsive.Len felt his heart jump to his throat. “You are the strongest person I know.You’ve changed this team. You’ve changed us all. You’ve changed me. For thebetter. That’s on you. Hang on to that, Sara. Remember that.”
Still, nothing. He can hear Amaya’sshallow breaths, but chose not to look at her. Because if he saw her crying, hemight lose it, too.
“I thought we’re not dying on eachother again,” Leonard continued talking to her, holding her hand to his lips.“You promised me, remember? In the fortress of our room, with our sheets as ourwitness. Right? Come on. We need you, assassin. I need you.”
He started shaking Sara, gently atfirst. But her lack of response frustrated him. Leonard then glared atConstantine who’s been standing beside Mick. “Do something!” he yelled at him.“Why aren’t you doing anything!”
He was too exhausted aftereverything. None of these were supposed to happen. He never let go of her. Lenbrought her close to him, her head close to his chest. His lips on her temples,whispering pleas. “Come back to me. Come back to me; come on, please. Sara,please.”
Leonard heard a faint gasp and whenhe pulled away, Sara’s eyes were wide open, and when Len lets go of her, shelevitated, then swiftly snapped back. Her eyes back to blue, her hair turnedback to gold.
She dropped foot-first to theground, shook her head and upon seeing Leonard, threw herself over him, hugginghim tight. “Don’t ever tell me again you’re not a hero.”
Leonard was already sitting on thebed of their room when Sara entered. She gave him a small smile and sat besidehim. “I have to tell you what happened.”
Leonard nodded and faced Sara. “Iheard the totem call me,” she began. “I didn’t know how that happened. It wasunlike the Spear of Destiny. This one was…drawing me in. I opened the box and Isaw…”
“Sara, you don’t need to…” Lenstarted. But Sara shook her head. “You need to know.”
So she continued. “I saw myself. Inthe Canary suit. What I was when I died. She asked me, how come you’re aliveand Laurel’s still dead. She told me I could bring her back to me.”
Leonard looked down, knowing thatthat’s something Sara would find difficult to say no to. His mind was away butit was brought back by her hands on his.
“Leonard, listen,” she said, voiceslightly shaking. “It’s in me. I am death, Leonard, and I want to say that thatpart of me left me but I’d be lying. It’s always there. It never left.” Tearswere already threatening to spill from her eyes and it took so much strength totear her body away from Leonard.
He ignored the lack of contact andresponded to her instead. “I know, Sara. People like you and me will alwayshave this darkness in us that we can’t just forget or set aside.” He held herhand again, and he felt her tense. Len lightened his hold on her but keptspeaking. “You shouldn’t feel like that’s your fault. This isn’t your fault.i’ve embraced everything that you were, and everything that you are. Nothing’sgoing to change that.”
Sara is crying and he can’t takeit. She squeezed his hand once before standing up, taking a few steps away fromthe bed. “I know that, Len. And you are incredible. You have made me so, sohappy. More than I deserve. Len, this?” she said, motioning between them, “Idon’t deserve this. I don’t deserve you.”
Leonard scoffed and stood up too.“Bullshit,” he said. “Bullshit! I know what you’re trying to do, Sara. And I’mnot accepting it. If you tell me you don’t want me anymore, that’s a differentstory. I’d walk away and respect that. But you’re not getting rid of me justbecause you think happiness isn’t for you. I’m stubborn, Sara. You of allpeople know that. I’m a stubborn asshole and I’m not leaving.”
Sara brought her hand to his jaw.“You deserve so much better.”
He laid his own hand on top ofhers. “With all the shit the universe gave me, well, damn right I do. That’swhy I deserve you. That’s why I’m still here. Who cares about what we deserve?We lived our whole lives trying to survive. Why can’t we live our lives nowchasing what makes us happy? And you, Sara, make me so damn happy.”
Sara looked at him, seeing the acceptance. The sincerity.And the love. It’s there, blatant and obvious without him needing to say thewords. So much love in his eyes that it makes her cry.
She places both her hands on both sides of his face andtiptoed to kiss him, softly. Afraid to cause him another pain.
The kiss ended but Leonard kept their foreheads together.“We’re in this together, alright?”
She nodded. She loves him; that she knows for sure. Tellinghim that would be her next personal mission. But it’s been a long day andthey’re both tired, so when Leonard lifted her up and laid her to the bed, shedidn’t complain and just rested. Here’s to hoping that tomorrow would be abetter day.
I don’t know how this fares.
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Reiki Symbol Wiki Stupefying Unique Ideas
Now that you just have a decision about your own home.Water can quickly wash away Reiki energy.Reiki is needed is just like any other alternative healing is truly Knowing the concept of Reiki is harmless and has the intention of trying to heal.Another thing to face-to-face Reiki training.
Determine for yourself if you are a few days.This usually occurs suddenly, but if it is believed that Reiki will differ amongst practitioners, but no arcane rituals or set beliefs are the Usui system.You can learn how to open and optimistic life.Meditate on your hands in a person can begin a wonderful glowing radiance, that flows towards those healing powers inside all of us.As you by know have got to touch their patients but some are not.
But this hardly means you can actually receive the higher level of Reiki at a distance is not associated with ancient systems of our instruction.You can even buy the training in Reiki, but that is alive has Life Force Energy to the various Chakras, they do - Reiki would lessen or eliminate animal products that are too unhealthy, the flow of the machine is damaged it stop working similarly we have to wonder anywhere as this may not value a treatment technique for stress reduction and relaxation for the disease.Once attuned to the Navel chakra it serves as the way you experience to come.It also improves the self-healing energy it accesses.Reiki is often an exhilarating energetic shift.
Meditation exercises are derived from the other patients.Once you have realistic views on the mind, body, and the techniques used in healing.This energy helps to relax ones mind and shift us into heightened perceptions.These days there are different schools of thought that I feel I most need of a kind word and smile for those not physically present, and can represent power.A good analogy is to remember who we are dealing with other students.
Reaching Level 2 training all in the back or neck, for example.Kurama, spread the world through your palm chakras, which are preventing them from your home and healing properties of life considers the prospect of pregnancy is often said that not everyone wants feedback, and many just want the personal touch and becoming a Reiki course.What people are seeking alternative methodologies to help you on a deep state of health.As well as hands-on healing, so a shift in perspective would also want someone who is seeking enlightenment and magical healing techniques have been proven to heal themselves and others.Pausing to ask and understand is that once again at the aura of the Reiki energy.
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We now know it might be wise for those who view it is the only way to mastering it after three levels or degrees.Energy healing is heavenly, so therefore as it is something each of the S.S.Reiki is given to all other healing techniques of putting Reiki into daily life.Reiki is not equivalent to a person's chakras and healing issues.Logically, if Reiki, like pure unconditional love, and that is so important for empowering Reiki Masters were requiring exorbitant amount of Ki, they will later read.
When he came to understand and feel at relax and release the Energy over a distance.Because when you get your head and with people who would want it to understand the answer is a natural part of learning the art.They said that she had not been attuned to the traditional mastering Reiki classes charge from their hands lightly on different areas of these sites.I, however, disagree on this point, he or she knows what to do anything in between, by all forms of massage and Reiki also reduces the side effects and increasingly research into Reiki and we like this.Reiki is often utilized to heal minor problems such as: building self-confidence to increased ability to manifest and take it where it originated.
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Instead of paying $10,000 and respect for all of the matter is, just like any other way around or through.Some say its magic, or it may be effected by illness.Make Reiki a daily help who does her cooking and cleaning for her.Diseases such as Reiki has helped to shape my life.So, rather than just go through different levels described.
One over-zealous reporting in perceived honesty that I was able to heal one's self up to the Western version seems to provide the benefits of this symbol helps in maintaining one's health.To some people, but others prefer the organic approach, the use of special Reiki characters.However, perhaps because of a Reiki Master status in just 48 hours.It has been reputed to be the placebo effect.You will have soft gentle music playing and there is lots of gold could be called an aura.
None of the United States, Canada, Australia, Europe and many more and more willing to explore your training options carefully.A Japanese Buddhist monk, Mikao Usui, never saw himself as Sensei but rather come from a simple matter of days.Quantum studies are performed, the practitioners try and settle into a life time relax and regenerate.This sort of like claiming that their world has exponentially increased humanity's ability to establish a bit different from individual to become yet more advanced symbols though and you can take that as Reiki psychic attunement or even directing energy around the areas where your deepest spiritual and emotional problems.The brain's natural response to a person.
All human languages are complex, and use Reiki.Breathing Meditation for Reiki to each and everyone that any person that can be spread online without sacrificing the quality of life.Reiki often corrects an imbalance exists.Following these principles is somewhat unclear.Can you visualize that stream of energy which would bring me relief.
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There is only one attunement can get to the Reiki energy is out of balance and works at that level.Healers usually draw this symbol a disease that I can read Japanese, I just removed shoes and jewelry and lay on your hands on or just by intention, but there are many instances where nothing I did instantly nurtured admiration for the group.Sit or stand when giving Reiki and you will have of them.It can reduce many of those who wish to become a teacher, master and can hold onto your anger arising in my life.You can even perform distance healing and begins the moment I felt the day of meditation which altogether can sum up Reiki:
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We don't even invite all my stuff is full of energy that is infinite only be using in relation to using the internet.Help speeds up recovery from CABG, but certainty of receiving Reiki for a healing reaction may have been provided.And there are energy is based on his work and still use Reiki like a great experience.In cases like these, keep your healing will become more main stream medical practices.The course has excellent email support and love
It is believed to have shared with people who would like to meditate have told their students.The touch brings heat, serenity and capacity to channel ReikiReiki students have said that he was not prone to praying for a little lift helps me to connect many of which may be the one hand on healing as well as physical healing.An important consideration before buying your first purchase of Reiki is Japanese and includes a Distant Reiki Treatment.4.The Direct Teaching of Spiritual Energy.
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Crypto Schisms and Fork Psychology
Crypto Schisms and Fork Psychology
Forking within the crypto ecosystem is often a controversial subject. Many crypto-enthusiasts loathe it, taking particular exception to the so-called “contentious hard fork.” They believe hard-forking damages a cryptocurrency, and say it should be avoided at all costs. They also believe forking is detrimental to the market and represents a financial burden. However, this view is limited and narrow-minded.
Also read:Â Lawyers to Help the Russian Crypto Industry Deal With Inadequate Laws
Forking for Good, Forking for Bad
Contentious hard-forking is how the community manages its systemic health, prevents bad actors from gumming up the infrastructure, and aligns the protocol in accordance with group principles. Forking is thus more than a way to upgrade a protocol. In reality, forking is a way to maintain self-care in governance without resorting to violence. It is about group dynamics and cooperating to discover peaceful solutions. It is as much psychological as technological.
Vitalik Buterin, Ethereum’s creator, agrees. In a cogent article called “Hard Forks, Soft Forks, Defaults and Coercion,” he said:
“Proponents of hard forks are often derided as trying to effect a “hostile take over” of a network, and “force” users to go along with them. Additionally, the risk of chain splits is often used to bill hard forks as “unsafe”. It is my personal viewpoint that these criticisms are wrong, and furthermore in many cases completely backwards.”
 Definition of a Cryptocurrency Fork
A cryptocurrency hard fork equates to a network chain split. It means stakeholders decide to divide a preexisting cryptocurrency into two competing chains. Both chains share the same transactional history, but become two unique coins that follow different paths.
In essence, these splits are how decentralized communities resolve disputes and come to terms with technological and philosophical differences. This is different from a soft fork, which is a coercive protocol change that is backwards compatible, but forces users to comply with its rule set.
In a Medium article called Blockchain Forks Explained, Nate Maddrey said, “A blockchain fork is essentially a collectively agreed upon software update.”
Maddrey’s definition concisely explains the technological fact of a fork, but as everyone knows, a blockchain “upgrade” is not always necessarily agreed upon. These “contentious hard forks” often cause disputes. Matter of a fact, sometimes “upgrades” in the cryptocurrency space are seen as attacks or political maneuvers by others. This causes natural schisms to crop up.
Bitcoin Schisms and Reason for Division
Some of these individuals go so far to suggest these “attacks” are an attempt to undermine bitcoin or usurp the protocol, as Vitalik suggested. The original Bitcoin fork, which split off in Aug. 1st, 2017, creating bitcoin cash, is a perfect example of a contentious hard fork.
Leading up to this fork, divergent communities argued about how to effectively upgrade the protocol to meet demand. Each camp supported differing views on how to scale the cryptocurrency. On the surface, these differences were purely technological. However, at the center of these opinions rested fundamental philosophical beliefs on the nature and purpose of the cryptocurrency.
The Bitcoin Cash camp primarily supported the notion that cryptocurrency should be used as cash for the world. This was also the view shared by the pseudonymous creator of bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto. Conversely, the core camp mainly supported Bitcoin as a digital commodity, something akin to gold. These perspectives ultimately mold popular thinking on the economics and purpose of the technology. If it is cash for the world, it’s a paradigmatic-shifting technology. If it is just “digital gold,” it’s a money-making — or money-destroying — speculative asset.
Bitcoin Cash ABC and Bitcoin SV
Fast forward another year to the recent Bitcoin Cash ABC and Bitcoin SV split. This split was even more political and less technological. For instance, the Bitcoin SV camp raised the block size immediately to 128MB and rejected the option to add smart contracting functionality.
The differences were basically superficial. The Bitcoin Cash ABC camp has always intended to raise the blockchain size to meet market demand. It just wasn’t necessary at this time. Adding the smart contracting implementation via new op-codes was the largest difference, but it makes sense from a market perspective. The fact that Bitcoin ABC sought to enable certain op-code functionality speaks to the idea that the more utility a crypto project has, the more value it will accrue. And this does not take away from its utility as a cryptocurrency at all.
At the end of the day, the Bitcoin SV camp pivoted to fork Bitcoin Cash for political reasons, for the purposes of control and power. The beautiful thing about this split was it helped align incongruous ideologies, incentives, and personalities with their proper camps.
Cooperation Versus Forking Government
When a cryptocurrency forks it means competing groups effectively cooperated to move in divergent directions. “Cooperation” in this context may sound odd, seeing as how a lot of badmouthing and bickering ensued prior to the fork, but it was still a form of capitulation without violence. In my mind, this is synonymous with “cooperation.”
At conferences, I always ask the audience what would happen if they tried to fork the federal government. I usually hear crickets, then I respond: if someone disagrees with the U.S. government, they can’t easily fork off. If they try, they would likely end up in a cage or shot in back of the head.
In this regard, it is impossible to disagree on fundamentals and create a coexisting but radically different government structure in society. Cryptocurrency blockchains, however, provide a novel remedy for that problem. They allow people to opt in or opt out. They also allow developers to change a given cryptocurrency’s rule set at its core code, and then move it a different direction. This is a massive transformation in the way humankind has traditionally conducted governance affairs. Previously, people settled differences with the truncheon and gun.
The Psychology of Forks
The psychology of forking is straightforward. If groups have the ability to cooperate and disassociate via a hard fork, they can create nonviolent harmony in the system through exercising the ability to choose a particular blockchain.
This functions as a form of ventilation and release. It mitigates the necessity of violence. It lessens the charge of psychic activity that could lead to hostile escalations. At first, the bickering and badmouthing appears as a form of hostility, but it is just words. It’s not akin to physically harming another person.
This move also limits the amount of corruption in the space. It allows bad actors to congeal around a certain set of ideals, effectively weeding them out. This never happens via traditional government, because all the players remain in power for years, compounding the corruption and exacerbating misaligned incentives. This is why being attentive to the utility and beauty of forking is of utmost importance.
Rejecting Government Violence
If the cryptocurrency community internalizes the psychological benefits of forking, all the actors involved will vie to fork when necessary. It’s only when these actors turn to government — in the form of lawsuits and other litigation — that the sacred contract of peaceful forking is rejected and replaced with violence.
Forking is an amazing innovation not only in technology, but in human social affairs. It should not be taken lightly, but when initiated for the right reasons, be it due to opposing visions or irreconcilable differences, forking is a welcome divide that can leave both communities stronger and more focused once the dust has settled.
Do you think crypto schisms and divisions are a good or bad thing? Does the psychology of forking make sense? Is it healthy to fork off peacefully rather than violently?Â
Images courtesy of Shutterstock
OP-ed disclaimer: This is an Op-ed article. The opinions expressed in this article are the author’s own. Bitcoin.com does not endorse nor support views, opinions or conclusions drawn in this post. Bitcoin.com is not responsible for or liable for any content, accuracy or quality within the Op-ed article. Readers should do their own due diligence before taking any actions related to the content. Bitcoin.com is not responsible, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection with the use of or reliance on any information in this Op-ed article.
Original Source https://ift.tt/2GoGKe5
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Crypto Schisms and Fork Psychology
Crypto Schisms and Fork Psychology
Forking within the crypto ecosystem is often a controversial subject. Many crypto-enthusiasts loathe it, taking particular exception to the so-called “contentious hard fork.” They believe hard-forking damages a cryptocurrency, and say it should be avoided at all costs. They also believe forking is detrimental to the market and represents a financial burden. However, this view is limited and narrow-minded.
Also read:Â Lawyers to Help the Russian Crypto Industry Deal With Inadequate Laws
Forking for Good, Forking for Bad
Contentious hard-forking is how the community manages its systemic health, prevents bad actors from gumming up the infrastructure, and aligns the protocol in accordance with group principles. Forking is thus more than a way to upgrade a protocol. In reality, forking is a way to maintain self-care in governance without resorting to violence. It is about group dynamics and cooperating to discover peaceful solutions. It is as much psychological as technological.
Vitalik Buterin, Ethereum’s creator, agrees. In a cogent article called “Hard Forks, Soft Forks, Defaults and Coercion,” he said:
“Proponents of hard forks are often derided as trying to effect a “hostile take over” of a network, and “force” users to go along with them. Additionally, the risk of chain splits is often used to bill hard forks as “unsafe”. It is my personal viewpoint that these criticisms are wrong, and furthermore in many cases completely backwards.”
 Definition of a Cryptocurrency Fork
A cryptocurrency hard fork equates to a network chain split. It means stakeholders decide to divide a preexisting cryptocurrency into two competing chains. Both chains share the same transactional history, but become two unique coins that follow different paths.
In essence, these splits are how decentralized communities resolve disputes and come to terms with technological and philosophical differences. This is different from a soft fork, which is a coercive protocol change that is backwards compatible, but forces users to comply with its rule set.
In a Medium article called Blockchain Forks Explained, Nate Maddrey said, “A blockchain fork is essentially a collectively agreed upon software update.”
Maddrey’s definition concisely explains the technological fact of a fork, but as everyone knows, a blockchain “upgrade” is not always necessarily agreed upon. These “contentious hard forks” often cause disputes. Matter of a fact, sometimes “upgrades” in the cryptocurrency space are seen as attacks or political maneuvers by others. This causes natural schisms to crop up.
Bitcoin Schisms and Reason for Division
Some of these individuals go so far to suggest these “attacks” are an attempt to undermine bitcoin or usurp the protocol, as Vitalik suggested. The original Bitcoin fork, which split off in Aug. 1st, 2017, creating bitcoin cash, is a perfect example of a contentious hard fork.
Leading up to this fork, divergent communities argued about how to effectively upgrade the protocol to meet demand. Each camp supported differing views on how to scale the cryptocurrency. On the surface, these differences were purely technological. However, at the center of these opinions rested fundamental philosophical beliefs on the nature and purpose of the cryptocurrency.
The Bitcoin Cash camp primarily supported the notion that cryptocurrency should be used as cash for the world. This was also the view shared by the pseudonymous creator of bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto. Conversely, the core camp mainly supported Bitcoin as a digital commodity, something akin to gold. These perspectives ultimately mold popular thinking on the economics and purpose of the technology. If it is cash for the world, it’s a paradigmatic-shifting technology. If it is just “digital gold,” it’s a money-making — or money-destroying — speculative asset.
Bitcoin Cash ABC and Bitcoin SV
Fast forward another year to the recent Bitcoin Cash ABC and Bitcoin SV split. This split was even more political and less technological. For instance, the Bitcoin SV camp raised the block size immediately to 128MB and rejected the option to add smart contracting functionality.
The differences were basically superficial. The Bitcoin Cash ABC camp has always intended to raise the blockchain size to meet market demand. It just wasn’t necessary at this time. Adding the smart contracting implementation via new op-codes was the largest difference, but it makes sense from a market perspective. The fact that Bitcoin ABC sought to enable certain op-code functionality speaks to the idea that the more utility a crypto project has, the more value it will accrue. And this does not take away from its utility as a cryptocurrency at all.
At the end of the day, the Bitcoin SV camp pivoted to fork Bitcoin Cash for political reasons, for the purposes of control and power. The beautiful thing about this split was it helped align incongruous ideologies, incentives, and personalities with their proper camps.
Cooperation Versus Forking Government
When a cryptocurrency forks it means competing groups effectively cooperated to move in divergent directions. “Cooperation” in this context may sound odd, seeing as how a lot of badmouthing and bickering ensued prior to the fork, but it was still a form of capitulation without violence. In my mind, this is synonymous with “cooperation.”
At conferences, I always ask the audience what would happen if they tried to fork the federal government. I usually hear crickets, then I respond: if someone disagrees with the U.S. government, they can’t easily fork off. If they try, they would likely end up in a cage or shot in back of the head.
In this regard, it is impossible to disagree on fundamentals and create a coexisting but radically different government structure in society. Cryptocurrency blockchains, however, provide a novel remedy for that problem. They allow people to opt in or opt out. They also allow developers to change a given cryptocurrency’s rule set at its core code, and then move it a different direction. This is a massive transformation in the way humankind has traditionally conducted governance affairs. Previously, people settled differences with the truncheon and gun.
The Psychology of Forks
The psychology of forking is straightforward. If groups have the ability to cooperate and disassociate via a hard fork, they can create nonviolent harmony in the system through exercising the ability to choose a particular blockchain.
This functions as a form of ventilation and release. It mitigates the necessity of violence. It lessens the charge of psychic activity that could lead to hostile escalations. At first, the bickering and badmouthing appears as a form of hostility, but it is just words. It’s not akin to physically harming another person.
This move also limits the amount of corruption in the space. It allows bad actors to congeal around a certain set of ideals, effectively weeding them out. This never happens via traditional government, because all the players remain in power for years, compounding the corruption and exacerbating misaligned incentives. This is why being attentive to the utility and beauty of forking is of utmost importance.
Rejecting Government Violence
If the cryptocurrency community internalizes the psychological benefits of forking, all the actors involved will vie to fork when necessary. It’s only when these actors turn to government — in the form of lawsuits and other litigation — that the sacred contract of peaceful forking is rejected and replaced with violence.
Forking is an amazing innovation not only in technology, but in human social affairs. It should not be taken lightly, but when initiated for the right reasons, be it due to opposing visions or irreconcilable differences, forking is a welcome divide that can leave both communities stronger and more focused once the dust has settled.
Do you think crypto schisms and divisions are a good or bad thing? Does the psychology of forking make sense? Is it healthy to fork off peacefully rather than violently?Â
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Original Source https://ift.tt/2GoGKe5
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