#but also just in general think what if they would've meet prior
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elliesglock · 3 days ago
alright so we back mofos. i deleted my original AMAZING timeline so we're gonna run it back with anotherrrr updated timeline!
everybody knows that i know paige met azzi before azzi met her. and it's very invisible string theory imo. paige met azzi before their official meeting at team usa. paige and azzi had an aau tournament that overlapped during summer in 2016. azzi is 14 and paige is 15. azzi is playing 2 grades above her age group in her aau league against paige's au team but she's not playing paige. there's a part in the full game video where it cuts to the sideline and we see big grinning cheesy paige watching the game. from what we know about paige and how she is with azzi, i think she had her eye on azzi. i mean in the part of the video paige is in azzi makes a play and it cuts to paige grinning and looking away all shy. the way her expression is makes her look like she's just seen her crush. and i think she literally did. she's picking at her face and having some nervous ticks in that portion of the video. so i said in my original timeline paige had a secret admirer thing going on. and i 100% stand by that. paige brings up in the slam interview that she knew azzi for 3 years (in 2019) so that timeline lines up with her first seeing azzi. now azzi doesn't remember this, therefore she says she met paige 2 years ago. and i just admire that so much 😭. she was focused on her game and paige was focused on her type shit. and the invisible string theory really comes into play when you think about paige REMEBERING THIS and it meaning so much to her. like that was the first time she ever saw her girl. i feel like she would've been completely transfixed by azzi and would've felt something she had never felt before and knewwww azzi was different. ugh my little baby soulmates i cry. it literally gives love at first sight. paige obviously doesn't talk to azzi i don't think until they meet officially in 2017 in the usa trials. do i think paige found her instagram and started stalking it? 100%. i just don't think she followed or liked any of azzi's photos until 2017 when azzi most likely gave her, her instagram. so essentially paige has been plotting on azzi for a total of 9 years since they were literally fetuses. no surprise there from p honestly we're not broaching new territory. imo pazzi have always been soulmates and meant to find each other. like the universe knew what it was doing putting them in the same arena, to find each other. it's always been on their side.
this is when they officially meet at usa. this is the time azzi remembers lol. i think paige initiated everything due to what they both have said. and if we think about how she already had a crush on azzi prior, it's not crazy to say she wanted to initiate conversation because azzi was literally her crush or at least someone she admired. i think p saw her again and was like oh yes that pretty girl that was at my aau tournament i've been watching her for a bit let's go make friends with her. plotting p yet again. this is just the first peg in her multi-step generational bag scheme. azzi very obviously was young and definitely had a shy demeanor to her. and she was not ready for the fireball that was about to be hurled at her face named paige. i think paige really did try talking to her which is why i don't believe p when she said that they "didn't talk very much off the court". but maybe azzi wasn't really feeling it and was standoffish and so that's why she said they didn't talk much. i also think they have a very shy, sneaky kinda vibe when they talk about usa. as if they were doing something then that they weren't supposed to. i've said in many of my analyses, paige and azzi talk about things sometimes like they know more than they're letting on. and they def do. i think they talk a bit during usa and maybe a little more....oop and then get on the plane to go home. now paige is not gonna let this opportunity slide and is still trying to slide her way into azzi's good graces. so ofc she's going to sit with her on the plane and yap her ear off. great rizz lil paigey you're doing amazing sweetie. i guess paige felt as though this was her BIGGEST bag bc i know azzi was SICK of listening to that girl. they've mentioned in their slam interview they got back home to minnesota and that's when they "really" became friends. which i can believe. i think they just went to see other more and started something. i've never believed they were just bsfs for a long period of time, i think they were IMMEDIATELY messing with each other as soon as they met. and i think it reallyyyyy starts when they get back.
i think they're still in that fwb kinda situation, but they're friends. they see each other quite a bit in 2018, their tournaments overlap and they have similar basketball schedules so they probs were seeing each their. i know it's a hot take but i think they were being sneaky around these meet ups and like kissing behind closed doors and maybe staying with each other and having...fun. im still conflicted on whether people knew or not. i'm sure paige and azzi told their friends they were messing around. i think paige is very much the type to talk about her all the time and im sure her friends knew ALLLL the details of what was happening between them. same with azzi but she's not as bad as a yapper so im sure some things were kept private. however i dont think their parents knew. their dynamic at this point def gave they were trying to be discreet and act like friends but were doing things private. and maybe it was a homoerotic friendship where they didn't feel as though the way they were being intimate they were just kinda having fun as friends? idk im not completely sure 😭 they def didn't subconsciously see each other friends though. they were flying back and forth seeing each other a lot, and also preparing for more usa tournaments so im not surprised it turned into what they had here. they were practically unable to separate 😭
there's two weird shifts and one comes here, and one comes in 2020. they're, again, together ALLL the time in 2019. againnnn at the scene of the crime flying back and forth to be with each other. and these meetups def meant more than just a friendly encounter, they were coming to see other knowing EXACTLY what was gonna go down. in early 2019, azzi comes and watches paige's state championship game. and i'm sure celebrations were in order cough cough. that supportive aspect of their relationship has always been there even if they weren't technically dating. i use to think they were dating in high school just because of the sheer amount of times they spent together and went to support each other's big moments, but now i think they were just in a very committed situationship. i think it most likely would've been exclusive. they dedicated so much of their time together it honestly would've been hard to see anyone else. it's easy for me to say here that feelings are starting to develop/they are in love with each other, and it really sets up how they were in 2020. i mean these bitches are legit FLYING to see each other. at the big age of 16-17 years old 😭 azzi also tears her acl during this time and paige is there for her every step of the way. she prayed over her knee and carried her off the court. paige was in love with her im sorry. she was. and if these bitches try to tell you they were nonchalant and didn't have feelings for each other during this time THEY ARE LYINGGGGG. who fr carries their situationship off the court and then PRAYS over their knee. obv paige remembers how in love with her she was because she legit CRIES talking about it. feelings def were getting hard to ignore during this time, especially the way paige would've been taking care of azzi. their injuries always have the tendency to bring them closer and make them realize things. we've seen historically it happens. but anyway i'm sorry this is messy, they were def in love with each other but still in that messy kind of fwb arrangement.
hugeeeee shift. again. together all the fucking time. i mean paige legit quarantines with them. and i think it really shows her feelings for both azzi and her family. she 100% came to their house during that time for comfort. and she found solace being with azzi during such a rough time. they both had tournaments canceled, paige's high school career was over, they had to say goodbye to teammates, paige's graduation was lackluster. i mean it was just a sad time and i think it's so telling they spent it together. almost like nothing would be able to cheer them up like being with one another. i think most likely there were conversations about being together during this time. i think it would've been CRAZY not to considering they had no where else to go besides to bed with each other oop. i don't think they get together though, because paige is leaving for college soon and the distance would be something they've never experienced before. they've experienced distance but not as a couple yk? and i'm sure just being in a fwb relationship and being apart was still hard for them because they are love sick fools. so they don't get into a relationship. now you can debate me if there was some hard feelings. around this time i personally don't think there was. i think it was very amicable. paige also wins gatorade player of the year and they just go out and play basketball together a lot. it's very exclusively one another. like i was saying before they had no time for anyone else. who's paige realistically going to get with during this time? what she's gonna bring em back to azzi's house? like no 😭. all in all, they decide to stick to casual and remain the way they've always been. maybe there's convos about seeing other people to explore their options once paige gets to college. i could very much seeing that happening.
paige is in college, azzi's still at home finishing up high school. that casual relationship is VERYYYY casual because i personally think they were talking to other people and exploring their options with other people. im not the one to play into uconn anon shenanigans with paige being a player. that was not happening sorry to all who believe. was she probably talking to other people? yes. but nothing was done to intentionally hurt azzi and vice versa. they both mutually agreed to be in that kinda arrangement with each other in my mind. now considering they were both probably VERY much in love with each other but weren't admitting it, im sure this was a hard time for them. i don't think they were getting revenge on each other with other people tho thats stupid. they most likely hated being apart and both were in the trenches, but i dont think they were bringing up their feelings like they maybe should have. paige also makes her feels playlist around this time. and it's such a driving force in why i feel like they weren't together at this time, the bitch was in the trenches like cmon. nobody that has newly go into a relationship is making feels playlist saying "nobody is taking their baby" and "that should be me". which also brings me back into thinking that paige prob disliked azzi was talking to other people. ITS VERY NORMAL GUYS. they were young and feelings are hard and they also had A LOT of things to be doing. the song, "can't be friends" in her playlist is very interesting to me. simply because i think paige felt that way. she knew she couldn't only ever just be friends with azzi you know. and maybe this time apart showed her that. being with azzi all the time leading up to this, i think it distorted her ability to be able to see that being JUST friends with azzi wasn't enough, cause she was content just being with her yk. i definitely feel like azzi wasn't maybe coming to campus every so often and seeing paige. and they probably did hu with each other. that's what they knew guys. and i'm sorry i've said this many times but paige was 100% calling azzi her girl around this time. at the end of this year, azzi comes to uconn. this is when the lines get really blurred. after being apart for so long, i think the feelings creep on them and they inadvertently stop talking to people all together. maybe it's a conscious thing where they feel like they can't be so dedicated to someone like they are and feel good about talking to other people. they 100% were still getting with each other too. i think this starts the rough patch between them. i like to call it the great pazzi war. shots were fired and orphans were created lemme tell you. i think the feelings for each other and the dynamic they've made starts to become a little too much. and it creates riffs in their relationship. i think they're both tired of the whole casual sort of arrangement and it therefore makes them argue and have harder times, but they're both idiots who just won't say "hey im in love with you, let's just get into a relationship we both want it". this leads me to 2022.
we bout on year 80 of the great pazzi war atp. messy ass tt's, some little spats, shady comments. now i think they start to get better this year for sure. i do think they argue and make each other mad and being the scorpios and libras they are they post petty tik toks. aaliyah and nika im so sorry you had to go through this. i always think about the outside tik tok azzi and aaliyah made during this time. IT WAS SO MESSY. it was exactly azzi saying eat that to paige. she put on her best outfit and posted to the pettiest song basically saying i don't need you and im not dealing with you cause im going outside tn. paige's phone im so sorry that you had to be typed on that vigorously that night 💔 i know paige was texting her like azzi take that down im serious don't go out come talk to me please im sorry!!!! pleaseeeeeee. now maybe azzi stayed strong maybe she didn't. but around this time they def were beefing a bit. but they fix it guys don't worry. i think they both get sick and tired of the arguing and decide it's best to just do what they know they've always should've done, and start dating. now it might be just them testing the waters, but it's a start damnit. i think about the repost paige did where she says "when your girlfriend cries when old people are sitting alone" and azzi's friends comment on her tt saying "gfs are on this app!". it just says to me they both immediately kinda knew what they were 😭. but paige is unserious she knows she was calling azzi her girl even when she wasn't. so it doesn't surprise their friends and them already start calling each other that. i think their friends were just happy they finally stopped playing around. and it was out of pure excitement they posted those comments.
now i've told yall i know they got together at the end of 2023. i think they did that testing the waters relationship for about a year before fully locking in. we get A LOT of things in 2023 too. but you can tell they are really in their honeymoon era after this leading into 2024. and now they're happily married we had an amazing summer together! kids on the way talk soon
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depvotee · 10 months ago
I don't post much abt cyberpunk anymore but I do constantly think abt So Mi and Marid.
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wannaeatramyeon · 4 months ago
DG x Reader: Bodyguard
G/N. Cracky. You, the bodyguard. DG, the 'helpless' idol. Masterlists
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When the rest of DG's senior team insisted he get a bodyguard, he thought it was a joke.
What sort of idiot would attack James Lee.
Then he remembered he's not James Lee, at least not to the general public. He's Diego Kang, CEO of PTJ Entertainment, an idol with amazing moves and an ass that won't quit but no fighting experience.
Right. Right. 
He supposes that makes sense. It would've been suspicious to say no, especially with his legions of stans and stalker, and his prior history.
You're not exactly who he would have picked.
Bodyguards are usually monstrous, huge, intimidating men. You're not really any of the above.
In fact, you're kinda cute. And apparently your resume is also impressive enough too.
"Perfect candidate." 
"Extensive training." 
"Unmatched awareness." 
-were chirped into his ear before he gave you his nod of approval.
Besides, DG thinks it might work to his advantage to employ someone so unassuming.
"No upskirt pictures!" You yell at the paparazzi, parting them to make way for the pink-haired idol, and pointing accusingly.
DG, in a moment of complete confusion, peers down to his own legs in case he really did wear a skirt.
No. He's in his pants, of course he is. His clothing is supplied as part of his sponsorship deal. Why would he be wearing a skirt?
"What was that?" He asks, when you're piled into his minivan. Brows knitted together instead of his usual cold, impassive expression.
You give him a shrug, "Just in case."
"In case of?"
"Just in case," you repeat, tapping your nose and nodding knowingly at him.
Now, he remembers.
During one of his many many boring meetings, when you were officially under his employment and before you started, he had been warned you might be like this.
“No pictures today!” you holler and the paparazzi groan.
Someone brave enough shouts back why.
“DG lost all five MAMA noms and he’s in a terrible mood. He might ask me to kill you if you take any pictures,” you say back solemnly and without humour.
DG feels bitter but not that bitter. Upon hearing your words, he stifles a laugh into his sleeve and disguises it as a cough.
To sum it up, you're an oddball. 
Still, DG tolerates you because of your flashes of brilliance and your brutal honesty.
"Here, sir." You offer up a steaming hot drink and DG raises an eyebrow. "Honey and lemon. For your throat."
When DG doesn't take it, you finally explain. "Your singing sounded awful, sir. Thought you might need it."
He did think he sounded off but the yes-men at the studio told him otherwise. He should have trusted his own instincts and makes a mental note to replace them.
DG chuckles to himself before taking the first sip.
"No touching please," you jump in just as a fan is starting to get handsy.
"Excuse me?!"
You turn away from them, letting their indignant outrage slide off you and usher DG on to the next group to interact with.
DG gives you a nod of thanks and you give him a subtle wink back.
"You best not be zooming in on his tits," you snarl at another paparazzi. "No under boob, side boobs, any boobs!"
DG glances down at his chest. Fully concealed in a mock neck jumper. There's no bare skin on show at all.
"Can you explain?" He asks, once you climb in the minivan after him and slide the door close.
"You know." You say, handing over another honey and lemon drink.
"I don't, actually."
"You know," you repeat, eyes signalling towards his chest area and hand gesticulating at your own. "And, y'know." 
You nod at his hot drink and pull a face, indicating that he was pitchy as hell in the last rehearsal.
DG shakes his head at your antics but takes a sip regardless.
"For you, sir." You hold out a brand new baseball cap with both hands and head bowed respectfully.
"I don't want this."
"Yes but you need it."
"For your bad hair day."
"Trust me, sir."
DG narrows his eyes at you. You're rude as hell, no tact at all. He’s not sure if you even have a filter, or you just say whatever thought pops into your mind. 
Somewhere along the way, he finds that you're the only person that tells him the truth.
He takes the cap and thrusts it on his head.
"Much better!" You pipe up with an oblivious grin, adding insult to injury.
"What are you doing?" DG pulls a face as you wrap your arm around his waist and hurry him on.
"There's someone tailing you," you murmur, "I've been watching them for the last five minutes."
There is? How on earth did this person get past his radar?
As if answering his thoughts, you tell him, "They look like a normal ajumma. No-one would have suspected her if I wasn't watching."
You pick up the pace and DG matches you stride for stride.
"Your manager is waiting just up ahead with the car. I'll take care of them." You give DG a salute and a toothy smile as he looks at you in alarm.
In all honesty, you look a bit helpless. Yes, your resume looks great and yes, your recommendations are glowing but DG hasn't actually seen you in action yet. He can't help the way his stomach lurches thinking about you in danger.
And what if this isn’t an untrained, rabid stan, but someone who knows about his other life and is after James Lee?
"I'll be fine, sir!" You turn quickly and sprint off in the opposite direction at breakneck speed.
A couple hours later, after DG has paced endlessly back and forth, you show up at his office.
Your hair is a little out of place, and your regulation suit is a little dusty but you're otherwise untouched.
"Are you ok?" his eyes snap to yours.
"Of course, sir!" Your beam is as bright as ever.
DG exhales deeply, pinching the bridge of his nose, relief overwhelming him and he desperately wills his pulse to return to normal.
"Call me James," he sighs when he realises it's not working and his heart seems to beat quicker and louder now you're in sight.
You don't ask any questions like why James, why not Diego. You accept it at face value, no doubt having some secrets of your own.
Your smile is unfaltering as you respond, "Sure thing, James, sir!"
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galedekarios · 9 months ago
Can I ask where the dialogue about gale previously being a professor pre game events is
hello, anon! thank you for the question. the short answer is: there is none!
the longer answer is that as far as we know, he wasn't a professor before the events of the game, but only becomes one in one of his epilogue endings.
we do know gale is a wizard of acclaim and scholar of exceptional accomplishment:
Gale: Let's see. I hail from Waterdeep, the City of Splendours. I'm a wizard of considerable acclaim, and scholar of exceptional accomplishment. I have a cat, a library, and a weakness for a good glass of wine. And if the mood takes me, I'm known to try my hand at poetry. There.
it could mean a number of things of course, we don't exactly know because gale doesn't say what that entails for him, but he likely published works on his research subjects and it's also likely he's worked on spells with tara together since we do know that she invented the 'cat flap of displacement'.
we do also know that gale had pupils prior to the game, but not as a professor:
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Player: Do you have much experience being a teacher of magic? I suspect so. Gale: I've had a pupil or two, but never for very long. Their ineptitudes tend to... irk me. Gale: You do seem to be a precocious talent though. I can always tell when I meet with a keen mind receptive to Mystra. Gale: Keep it up and she might just take a personal interest in you one of these days.
again, we know he wasn't a professor or he would've certainly mentioned it in his introduction, as well as it not being such a big part of his epilogue ending, showing his growth and making peace with himself. the way his files frame him becoming a professor also speak against him being so before the game:
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This dialogue covers instances where Gale attends the Withers party in a human (non-god) form. His default state is that he returned to Waterdeep and became a professor of Illusory magic at his former school, Blackstaff Academy. General vibe here is that this is a Gale who's found peace with himself - he's a great teacher, one his students are mostly in awe of.
i think it's more likely he either tutored - as that is a very common practise in waterdeep, and even available to the lower classes:
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or gale took on a wizard apprentice independently, which... i can sort of see happening. although, it seems he wasn't ready at that point. we can only speculate as to why. perhaps these pupils couldn't keep up with gale, who we do know has a brilliant mind that's always moving, perhaps he wasn't ready yet to take on such a great responsibility while romanticising the idea itself.
what we do know is that he likes sharing knowledge, he wants to impart wisdoms and teachings. not only do we notice that along the journey with gale as a companion, but it's also explicitly a wish revealed by the love test with zethino the dryad:
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Zethino: Gale: the learned wizard. The charming gentleman. The walking apocalypse. Zethino: Listen. Think. If the wizard were given the choice, what food would he be? Player: A shiny red apple - wholesome as can be. Gale: Ah, the fruit of scholars. How I long to have a troop of loyal students grace me with apples by the orchard-full in exchange for wisdoms imparted... devnote: Pleased, briefly daydreaming
and that he does grow into his own in the epilogue, through his travels and experiences.
he becomes a great professor, whose students hold him in high regard and whose passion for the position is evident in everything he says during the epilogue.
anyhow, i hope that was helpful! 🖤
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lookingforhappy · 8 months ago
TUA: Young Blood Review??
yeah idk what to call this but I wanna talk about this book so bad so here's my thoughts
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General (Spoiler Free) Review
It's pretty good! solidly between Okay and Good on my rankings which is honestly a really good outcome for me as I was worried it was going to be much worse.
There's some continuity errors with the lore the show has established (I will go over this later), but they're not glaring, just vaguely annoying because there's some pretty easy ways to fix them (I'll also explain later). But there's also some more fun additions to the lore that's in keeping with the show and the characters.
(there were also quite a few typos that were missed but it wasn't overwhelming, just noticeable enough that they probably should have caught them before they were published - at least one sentence is missing a word and several words are spelt wrong including in one instance the name of one of the OCs)
I could list all the aspects of it that are "okay" but I think u get the picture. in all honesty it's fairly unobtrusive which again, for me, is glowing praise lmao.
I thoroughly enjoyed this book despite all of the issues (that I will pull apart beneath the read more). In fanfiction terms I think it's best described as "fluff" as not much really happens but it's an interesting exploration of the Umbrella's, their powers, and their attitudes in the months before Ben's death.
major spoilers review under the cut ↓
and now, we shall tear this bitch apart lol
Continuity Errors
There's only one big issue that I have and that is the Umbrella's knowing that there were other children born on 1st October 1989. which they repeatedly refer to as october 1st children in the book.
The Hargreeves don't know that there's others, outside of the 7 of them, born with powers to mothers who weren't pregnant. They believe, and were likely told or manipulated by Reginald into believing, that he adopted all of the special children.
as is said in 2x10:
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Lila is the first of the other 43 (+?) kids that they meet and is the one to reveal that there were others born with powers like them.
In the book, the Hargreeves' all know that there were other children born with powers (ch23 pg 164). and it's not a throw away line as a big part of the plot is that they meet Ryan, another of the 43.
which... kind of annoying and easily fixable. here's how I would've worked around this issue while still preserving the plot:
Ryan's powers are the ability to determine and gift powers to others. He is unable to gift himself powers and unable to gift new powers, change powers, or remove the powers of the 43. His powers also require a fair amount of effort on his part, as well as his physical touch to bestow them. When he uses his powers, and when those he's gifted with powers use them, earthquakes occur in that persons vicinity and toxic (flammable) dust appears in the air.
note the dust, the dust is the crux of my fix:
Instead of the Umbrella's realising that Ryan is one of the 43 due to prior knowledge, have them blame the powers on the dust making them hallucinate. Once the firefighters arrive and begin evacuating and putting out the fires after Ryan is dealt with, have them blame the hallucinations vanishing on the dissipating of the dust.
Or, have Reginald pose this to the Umbrella's and manipulate them into believing his story rather than their own eyes.
To prevent the universally disliked "it was all a dream" trope have Ryan's existence as a member of the 43 be confirmed to the reader through another POV, such as a third party, Reginald, Pogo or Grace.
Other/Minor Continuity Errors
The siblings consistently refer to Reginald as "Hargreeves" when in the show they almost always call him "Dad"
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Diego says he painted his room black because he likes the colour black, but in the show his room is white/greenish with blue and brown wooden accents
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Diego also says he hates the Umbrella Academy uniform and that he thinks it's too "cute" and that they should wear black uniforms instead... but in the show, the uniform changed styles between 2002 and 2006 to be a black spandex/leather thing
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and Luther continues to wear a version of this outfit into his young adulthood
Since this book is set in 2006, the year that Ben dies, that doesn't give the Umbrella's much time to change (and for this to be one of the outfits that Allison remembers well enough to recall with Claire).
Ben is also a strange case in this book as his powers are more readily described, yet his powerset/style is more consistent with Sparrow Ben or with the new trailer than the actual Umbrella Ben.
The first issue is that Umbrella Ben's powers are only seen 2 - 3 times, but he uses them in a specific way each time:
he lifts/opens his shirt
the horror only comes out through his stomach
he seems to have little or no control over the tentacles themselves
he seems to be in pain or to be struggling each time
he doesn't seem able to move once he summons the tentacles
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so it seems that this is the most effective way that Ben is able to use his powers,
however, Sparrow Ben's powers are a lot more controlled:
he is able to control indivdual tentacles with finesse
he doesn't need to lift his shirt but instead summons the portal over the top of his clothes
is not in visible pain or discomfort while summoning them
he is not stuck to one position while using his powers but instead uses them to traverse his environment
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and in the s4 trailer his powers seem to have changed even more:
his tentacles are now emerging from his back, not his stomach
he is fully suspended in the air, his weight only supported by the tentacles
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now, the Ben in this book has:
tentacles that emerge from his back
is suspended mid air by said tentacles at least twice
has the finesse to use his tentacles to pull a fighting Luther and Diego apart with injuring them.
He also rips his shirt everytime he summons the tentacles and has openings sewn into his uniform by mom to allow them to exit.
obviously this is a strange merging of all three Bens so far which ends in the continuity issue of Umbrella Ben's powers being more refined in this book, set months or weeks before his death, than they ever were while he was that bit older, and dead.
The book also makes a big deal about them not being able to wear anything other than the uniform, but Allison has a lot of clothes in her room as a kid and is seen wearing casual clothes in multiple magazines and posters
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aside from Five, it's implied that all the others have casual clothes and are allowed to wear what they want during their free time.
Other Gripes
these aren't particularly big issues but they are choices that I don't personally agree with. If you enjoy/ed these choices then fair play.
I'm not personally fond of the use of the name Viktor and he/him pronouns in a prequel setting, as I'd prefer realism rather than pretending he's always been Viktor. plus I feel like we all know that he's Viktor. But he doesn't yet, and neither does anyone else. So to have Viktor consider why he dislikes the name "Viktor" and wants to change it is a little strange and not very well articulated when the name they're talking about is "Vanya".
I respect that Elliott Page prefers this attitude towards his identity pre-transition but in the context of fiction, and of Viktor specifically, I find it a little unneccesary and overly complicated.
Ben also "dies" temporarily on this mission and the medical inaccuracy continues to bug me.
s1 was so good at showing that they're still human and prone to injury. Diego ends up in a sling because of a bullet nick and Five is caught in an explosion he set off. But in the book Ben falls maybe 4 stories and is unresponsive, so Allison begins CPR without checking for a pulse or breathing. Ben is resuscitated almost immediately and has almost no complications from literally being dead after falling from that height.
It's not only completely disregarding the themes season 1 set, but also a really quite tacky fake-out.
The kids also drive to the party but forget the car and walk back in less time than it took to drive, and without shoes in Allison's case.
Grace is treated as though she is non-sentient. after all of the work and love and care that season 1 poured into showing that Grace did develop sentience, and the ability to love, to see her treated by every member of the academy (Diego isn't innocent either, though he is the nicest) as a machine is saddening.
in s1 she is trapped behind programming and unable to voice her opinions because of that. not because she wasn't sentient. her sentience and love for her children does peek through until she is eventually set free by Diego and Pogo.
her hint to Luther and Allison that she dissapproved of Reginald
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her expressing her feelings of longing and loneliness through the painting she imitates
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and then her immediately escaping the house with Diego to get out from under Pogo's watch and to confess her part in Reginald's plan
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she is so much more than a robot that doesn't understand jokes, movie references, glitches when asked a question she doesn't know the answer to, and throws away clothes that her kids might want.
Ryan himself felt very underdeveloped. We know his powers, and that he's a very good manipulater/public speaker. We also know that he likes Bach and beer, but not modern music. He's lonely and trying to surround himself with friends and those loyal to him by gifting everyone powers.
but all we know of his origins is that he's from a small town called Dobbsville just upstate from the Academy. He dislikes his "friends" from there as they treated him like the only one without powers, and has a bad enough relationship with his family/guardians that he ran away to the City and gifted enough people powers that they let him live in their college dorm (probably illegally and) for free.
We don't know his last name, his family situation, the reason he ran away from home and towards the Academy when he feels fightened and threatened by them. etc etc.
He feels so open and undefined... it's so strange.
Good Things
because I did actually enjoy this book and maybe let's end on some compliments instead
Diego discovered his powers aged 2 & a half by throwing a knife and perfectly shattering a glass - and Reginald being pleased about it
Reginald told Viktor when he was 12 to take a pill anytime he felt uncomfortable - explaining why Viktor takes his pills after emotional upset rather than at a specific time in s1
The scene where they got dressed for the party was fun, I loved the rationale for their outfits and that Allison and Luther were dressed according to the old movies they'd watched rather than anything people would usually wear to parties.
Reginald manipulating them into going to the party just to neutralise Ryan. despite the continuity errors I loved that Reginald knew all along. I was about to be disappointed that they'd gone the route of making him oblivious but I loved this twist.
The Academy becoming unpopular due to Five's disappearance - he seems to be thought of as dead by the public which made them realise that they're not a "cute" organisation and then the support waned considerably until there's barelyanyone left who cares.
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neallo · 4 months ago
what are your headcanons for how mello and near first met? who was at wammy’s first? did mello hate near immediately or was that not till later?
oh omg hi this is one of the only semi-general questions you could've asked that i have a blanket answer for. i'm sure some of my older works diverge from this -- and probably some new ones will continue to, just because i like to switch it up -- but i do have a sorta standard history i like to work from. standard disclaimer: these are my preferences for my own writing, and i think a really wide range of headcanons can work quite well here :3c
in my mind, mello was at wammy's first, and was the top student in his age / ability category. when near arrived, he was not immediately placed at mello's level; not only was he younger and newer, but the headcanons i have about near's background also generally mean he didn't know english when he first arrived at wammy's, so at least some of his time each day would've been devoted to learning that, & perhaps to help him catch / keep up he would have a tutor in his native language until he understood english well enough to be in one of the general classes. perhaps there are even small groups of ESL students for different languages.
i don't know. whatever. the point is that near is not in mello's class to start with, and mello feels some amount of pity towards near. not because of the ESL thing lmao (i imagine mello had to learn english when he first arrived as well) but because of all near's near-ish traits. honestly, i don't tend to think of mello as having been a particularly nice child to the other orphans, even pre-rivalry, but near's scrawniness + health problems + social isolation i think on some level prompts a small protective streak in mello. he's this small, sad-looking, lonesome child, and mello is the first and only person he likes and trusts. in an unpublished bury us both companion piece i have their first meeting occur while near is hiding from roger and mello lies on her behalf, then shows her another hiding place. actually. damn i should post that. can't remember why i haven't.
i vary somewhat on how close they were as children depending on what dynamic i want to go for, but i tend to think there was at least some care & friendship there. the basis of their friendship, i imagine, is that mello feels older and wiser and cooler and stronger than near, and gains a sense of importance and security from near relying on him. this implodes horribly when near is moved up into his class level and starts besting him in every subject. so begins the rivalry. so ends their friendship. i do tend to imagine mello would intervene on near's behalf if he were ever being physically bullied / threatened, but they're never close like they were before again, because mello leaves before they can both mature and grow enough to sort anything out. except in AUs where that doesn't happen, which are my roman empire.
there are a few reasons i like this general sort of setup best for my own works. for one, having mello arrive first means that he got to experience, for however long or short a time period, being the golden child of his class. i think having this sense of specialness and accomplishment would make near beating him all the more painful. i could get way into mello's self-worth problems here but instead i'll just say: mello believes himself worthless and needs to be The Best in order to prove to himself that he's good enough at all. which has never actually worked for him, but, you know. i also like them having been friends prior to the rivalry because it resonates better for the sorts of dynamics i like best, and twists the knife a little from near's side. mello cared for him and looked after him, once, but now he sees near as his enemy. ough.
wow they make me bonkers!
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dinnfameron · 2 years ago
ki! happy nice ask day!
what moment in schitt's creek do you think shows the most growth in david as a character?
Hello! Thank you for the ask! I've been thinking about this one for a while, because David's journey is such an amazing thing to behold. He grows in so many facets of his life over the course of the series, so I think it's really hard to choose a moment where we see The Most growth.
One thing that strikes me about David early on, though, is his loneliness. He isn't a particularly self-centered person when we first meet him, at least not moreso than the other Roses. He's a little aloof. Entitled. Snippy. But he's also generous, and he's never outright unkind. When asked for his help, he pretty much always gives it freely, with only mild complaining.
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But David is also really cut off from others. We see how reticent he is to spend time with people he doesn't know well. We know that he has no contact with any of his old friends. We see how his relationships with Stevie and then with Jake blow up in his face.
Fast forward to season 6. David has finally found love. And he's getting married!! But then Patrick says he wants to have a baby??? Record scratch, freeze frame, etc.
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Prior to The Premiere, we've seen David agree to move in together when he thought it's what Patrick wanted. We've seen him try to set Patrick up with some random because he thought it would keep Patrick from having regrets later. We've seen him joke(?) that it's too late for Patrick to back out of the marriage when he finds out something embarrassing about David’s family.
I believe old David would've tried to do damage control on the baby thing. Maybe he would've never brought it up, hoping (correctly) that Patrick was too high to remember saying it, and that it would just go away on its own. Maybe he would've hinted at a slim possibility he'd be open to the idea of children. Maybe he would've even offered looking into adoption to appease Patrick, knowing all the while it'd be a huge mistake.
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I don't mean to imply David was ever manipulative or dishonest in his relationships. What I'm saying is, there was a time that David was so lonely, I believe he would've done anything to have what he now has with Patrick, including compromising his own wishes for himself. In fact, the first time I watched it, I expected the baby conflict to be dragged out a little more. I expected more hand-wringing, at the very least.
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By the events of The Premiere, though, that isn't who David is anymore. He values himself. He values Patrick. He knows he is worthy of love exactly as he is, that he shouldn't have to compromise any part of himself. And he knows that he can't commit to a life with Patrick if they want different things.
So he talks about it with Patrick immediately. He's honest about what he does and doesn't want. He's open about his concern that Patrick might feel differently. He doesn't shy away from the conversation, even though he knows it might mean the end of their relationship.
And what's more, when Patrick assures David that they're on the same kid free page, he takes him at his word. He trusts Patrick because he trusts them; he trusts their relationship.
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Would the David of earlier seasons have even been capable of that level of trust? Would he have been able to reconcile his doubt so quickly? Thanks to the work David has already done on himself, he's secure enough in his own skin to be the loving partner we see in those final episodes.
Now that's some growth.
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sepublic · 8 months ago
In response to some claims that Noxus is the true hero of Prime Hunters -and indeed, I did play with this belief a couple times in the past- I have to reconsider his character and how the writers actually intended for him to come across. Between being called a zealot, the Vhozon being described as a monastic race with a fanatical view of morality, and a 'Vhozon codex'. And I feel like this dude is meant to be more of a Holy Crusader, Knight Templar type character.
In other words, he's bad news; He seems more noble at a glance, but it becomes apparent from extended interaction that Noxus holds very dangerous views. It's worth noting that the specific sources describing his motives to seize the Ultimate Power, whilst not working with Samus, are "to prevent it from falling into the hands of lawbreakers or the unworthy."
Nothing is said about not using the Ultimate Power; They do have a criteria for those who can have it, and apparently the Federation isn't one of them. Another source also says, more condemningly:
"The Vhozon race makes its home in the icy outer rim of the galaxy, where it wages constant war on the forces of chaos and evil. Noxus follows his race's strict moral and spiritual code, and has become a bounty hunter to administer justice to felons and sinners throughout the galaxy. Though the Vhozon and the Galactic Federation share a strong belief in justice, they define the word very differently. The Vhozon are absolutely merciless to those who violate their strict rules of morality, and their methods have left them at odds with the galaxy's other civilized societies. When Noxus heard the telepathic communiqué, he did not hesitate to set a course for the Alimbic Cluster. He is determined not to allow the ultimate power to fall into the hands of a heretic."
So yeah, these guys actually sound like assholes. The "Tough on crime" sort, not much different than Evangelicals who like to push their beliefs on morality onto others and insist on making them law. I bet Noxus is a loser who hates pre-marital sex.
This reminds me of how in the Zero Mission manga, we actually had a brief sub-plot of the Federation being comprised of more reasonable politicians and views (represented by Keaton's tenure as Chairman), while others were much more fanatical and fascist about things (hence Vogl's term). Given Sakamoto's insistence on attributing the corruption in Other M and Fusion to a rogue faction of the Federation, and not the Feds as a whole, I think this makes sense; Plenty of governments aren't monoliths who all agree on the same thing.
My point being, I wonder if the Vhozon would've supported Vogl, if they share similar views. Or if they're too extremist for even that side of the Federation, which is representative of how a lot of right-wing groups can disagree with one another, and even accuse of others of not going far enough.
I bet the Vhozon believe suffering is purifying because they evolved on a freezing planet they had to fight to survive on; They kept warm by generating friction from spinning, hence their gyroscopic abilities. They had to fight to keep themselves alive, and this translates to a disciplined lifestyle due to resources being scarce.
The Judicator carries ice from Vho, a bit of home on its wielder at all times, that unleashes Vho onto the immoral galaxy; They believe Vho’s frozen crucible forged a just society out of the Vhozon, and spiritually believe the Judicator as a vessel to bring this deliverance off-world. The Judicator can apprehend and lead to a sentence to learn from; Or it can destroy. It is the wrath of Vho, which the Vhozon worship almost like a god in and of itself. You either adapt and survive, or be wiped out.
This leads to an idea I had for a story where Samus meets Noxus, on his own, for the first time prior to Hunters; Like in a Metroid TV series that adapts all of the major arcs, while having plenty of episodic adventures between and even during said arcs.
Based on what we know of the Vhozon, I can absolutely see them participating in the war against the Space Pirates (since Weavel is also a rival to Noxus) when they first used Metroids against the galaxy. Following Mother Brain's defeat, the Metroids could no longer be controlled and turned against their Space Pirate commanders; With no choice, many Space Pirates destroyed and/or abandoned the Metroids on the planets they occupied, knowing the Federation would be obligated to perform clean-up for them; It was a way to save their own skin and also take some Feds down in the process of aborting their Metroid program.
The task of exterminating Metroids from former Space Pirate bases was often commissioned to bounty hunters like Samus, the greatest Metroid slayer in the galaxy, as well as other ice-wielding mercenaries like Rundas. Noxus wasn't hired by the Federation, but he chose to lead his own crusade against the Metroids regardless, because from a Doylist and Watsonian standpoint, his freezing Judicator is exactly the kind of specific weapon needed to kill the Ultimate Warriors.
Samus and Noxus encounter one another, team up; He seems like someone with the same ideas and views, the same goals, just like Rundas before. Noxus has some antiquated and eccentric beliefs, but whatever… But then they come across some stray Space Pirates. Noxus' Judicator can be used to encase victims in ice, not freezing them solid, but still leaving them confined for Federation police or anyone else to arrest them later.
But due to his ranking within the Vhozon codex, Noxus has the authority to take liberties as he deems fit, to judge on an individual basis (hence his crowning weapon’s name, the “Judicator” that places heretics at such deciding mercy to begin with). And even though the Space Pirates are neutralized as a threat and even pleading for mercy, Noxus decides to just execute them right here and there, instead of waiting for the Federation to arrest them.
Cue a moral dilemma for Samus, who objects to this, begrudgingly. Noxus asks what's the difference between this and her massacre of an entire base on Zebes; That's different, Samus insists, she was in their territory and had to fight to survive and succeed. They gave her no choice, they had no intention of backing down or surrendering. Maybe this could be a moment of growth and reflection for Samus; Remember how you can find a Space Pirate hiding from you in Zero Mission, and kill them anyway? Yeah. It seems Samus has a tendency in canon to reconsider her actions, such as the Metroid genocide of SR388 later on…
Coldly, Noxus brings up rumors that Space Pirates murdered Samus' family on K-2L. Samus retorts that she decides how she feels about that incident, and especially how she chooses to live afterwards. And last she checked, all pirates involved in that massacre are dead, except one, but he's not here.
Yet as far as Noxus is concerned, it's proof of Space Pirate policy towards innocents; These pirates would do the same if given the same opportunity. Is that not proof of guilt, the dark intentions in their hearts?
But they haven't, we don't know that yet, Samus argues. There's a reason why the sentence is lesser for an attempted crime, VS one pulled off. Noxus scoffs and insists this is why the Federation is weak, and Keaton a disgrace for reversing Vogl's policies.
Noxus finally brings up this point; Even if she personally disagrees, he's not asking Samus to do it. She can still look the other way. At the very least, she's not going to fight Noxus for them, is she? He's an ally to her, she knows that; He just helped her exterminate all Metroids on this planet! Samus needs Noxus more than these Space Pirates, he is of more contribution to the galaxy than this scum; It's a simple choice, a calculus between a greater and lesser evil (not that Noxus considers himself evil, but this is Samus' semi-reasonable perspective).
Samus fights Noxus anyway, and beats him because it's Samus. She ends up freezing/trapping Noxus, in an ironic mimicry of how he apprehends 'sinners' with the Judicator, and lets the Federation arrive to arrest the Space Pirates, and deal with Noxus themselves. Noxus is left pissed off as hell when Samus leaves, hence their... disagreements over the Ultimate Power.
Makes it appropriate that Noxus is seen fighting Trace, who also hails from a fanatical race bent on imposing their will; Although the Kriken seem way less concerned about moral superiority, and much more upfront about wanting to rule through Might makes Right. Unlike the Vhozon, they just want to take over the galaxy, rather than "bringing about moral influence" which is just a roundabout means of conquest if you think about it.
Given Vho is on the outer rim, I wonder if that puts them close to Kriken territory; Given mentions of waging constant war, I bet the Vhozon have a tendency to agitate open conflict with the Kriken, unlike the Federation which prefers diplomacy and is desperately trying to keep it because you do not want a full-scale war against an empire that makes the Space Pirates look like chumps. So again, the Trace-Noxus rivalry is perfect.
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Hey CJ, you mentioned that you disagree with a lot of your old TWDG opinions, any that stand out you wanna share? Also i agree with what you said about wanting to play the series for the first time again with no prior knowledge - i would love to meet louis character for the first time again.
Yeah, some opinions have changed with time and moving on from being a hardcore, active fan in the fandom. I'm pretty sure I've talked about some of them more recently, like how I used to not like Jane but now I've become something of a "Jane apologist," if you will.
I was also super vocal about hating the Clementine comics when the 12-page comic dropped, and I'm pretty sure I was shitty about Tillie Walden... which I look back on now and feel embarrassed. In fact, I specifically remember calling attention to the fact that Skybound turned off comments on the first book trailer and on their instagram, twitter, etc. and being like, "look at these COWARDS! they know we hate the comic and that Tillie's a bad artist, they're trying to shut us up!" ........but then I heard they turned them off because Tillie was getting threats, and it caused me to dig around and see the vile shit fans were saying.... It gave me pause to think things through and I feel very differently about it all now.
I've also changed my mind on Minerva. Like Jane, there was a loooong period of time where I didn't like her, but now? I think she's great. A real tragedy.
In fact, real talk, I think my perspective on most of the female characters in TWDG has shifted dramatically. I've done a lot of thinking on this just in general; I'm much harder on female characters than male characters. I can pretend like noooooo I was always soooo fair... but no, not always. I'm sure it's from some deep-rooted, internalized misogyny I have that I'm working on, but I also think the games sometimes neglect those characters, too. Which makes it easier to brush them off as just "poorly-written" and "bad characters" if I don't like them when that's not always the case.
Or let's be real, we all know how this goes; the games give us a flawed male character and fans are like "he's my blorbo, here's a 50k essay about why he deserved better and a list of my headcanons and the twenty AUs I've written for them-" but then a female character's just as flawed and fans are like "lol she's poorly written, here's an essay on why-"
Don't look at me like that. I know I'm guilty of this. I know y'all remember Mitch. Back in the day, Mitch was my boy and I used to write about him all the time but like... god forbid I put that much effort into writing about Violet or Minerva, right?
Or even look at Kate, for example. Past CJ would've talked about how much she doesn't like Kate and she hates the forced romance with Javi, she's just there as a way to make David and Javi fight, etc. But you ask me about Kate now and I'm like, "Girl, ANF did you so dirty, you didn't deserve this."
Or how about Bonnie in S2? We all love to hate on Bonnie, but like... she's such an interesting character?? She's a recovering drug addict so desperate for a place, and you can see Carver's manipulation at play in the way she talks about him to Clementine. It takes seeing him physically beat Kenny within an inch of his life before she's like "Yeah no, fuck this, we're leaving tonight." And we give her shit about Luke's death and being mean to Clementine but frankly? Yeah, she's mean to Clementine and that's fine.
What, it's okay for Kenny to lash out and call her a stupid kid when Sarita dies because he's your poor meow meow and it makes his character soooo morally gray and complex? But Bonnie lashes out about Luke's death and suddenly she's just a massive piece of shit? No complexities or anything? There's no grey morality? No underlying motive or emotions behind the choice to abandon the group with Mike and Arvo?? She's just a bitch??
And do I even need to talk about Sarah? Hmm? We all know how Sarah was received and how fans still talk about her. Again, Sarah has a complete meltdown over losing her father and people get hurt, and fans wish death upon her... but Kenny has a meltdown and brutally beats up Arvo or threatens to smack Clementine or a number of things.... "that's fine, he's just really upset, he lost his family, y'know? everyone keeps trying to GASLIGHT me that he's bad but if you really think about it, Arvo totally deserved to be abused and it's actually Clementine's fault Kenny hit her because she tried to stop him-"
I just... the lengths we go to justify and defend this violent, toxic character but then act like Jane is the worst, I can't-
It's so funny to me whenever I see someone in the fandom complain about wanting more morally grey, flawed female characters because like... y'all couldn't even handle Jane. Or Lilly. Or Sarah. Or Bonnie. Rebecca. Eleanor. Christa. Minerva and Violet, in a lot of cases. So like... what do you actually want?
Note that I'm guilty of this, too, and I've asked myself that question... haven't fully worked out the answer yet.
That's the major thing that comes to mind about opinions I had that I've changed my mind about. I think a big factor in that is letting twdg go and getting invested in other fandoms, doing a lot more reading, getting back into writing, etc. Obviously I've really gotten into the Dragon Age fandom and that's what triggered this "journey of self-reflection~" when it comes to how I perceive female characters. Like, you want flawed, morally-grey ladies? That's your series... assuming you can actually handle it.
But I also recently finished a playthrough of Fallout New Vegas and remembered my love for Veronica Santangelo, like... I don't care that the game doesn't technically have romance, that's my girlfriend, I love her. Then the other night I finished my first playthrough of Life is Strange True Colors [I know, where the fuck have I been, right?] and I spent 40% of the time looking at flowers, 10% being sad about Gabe, and the other 50% trying to figure out who I liked more, Steph or Ryan.
I've also been reading a lot of wlw novels which is just..... THAT'S a whole mess I won't get into because this is already long enough and you didn't ask. Just know that's also another factor in this reflection.
And to answer the other part of your ask: I miss Louis. I would love to play TFS again for the first time again, that was a fun time.
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katyspersonal · 1 month ago
Since Elden Ring, the DLC and now Nightreign I've noticed the community in general has become a lot more toxic in a lot of ways, even when it comes to critique. SOTE for example had so many sky-high expectations set up for it that a DLC was never going to meet that people screamed bloody murder over not happening, accusing it of being a 'rushed cash-grab''. It doesn't even feel like people enjoy these games. Was it always like this? I feel like you're a balanced voice of reason, but sadly an outlier.
fhsdhf I was going to passionately agree but you NEEDED to make it awkward with a compliment at the end XDDD 😳 Thank you, I appreciate this!
Though I feel like I am not very "balanced" on this regard; I take my sweet TIME to see flaws and not-so-solid decisions, and I am clearly biased towards SOTE's outstanding greatness! x) I think I can work with literally anything, even the dreaded Promised Consort Radahn idea! I know Fromsoft creates base game with the assumption that they won't get to make the DLC in mind, so this is why most of foreshadowing gets obscured or misleading. I knew how it could work in timeline before thinking of it from development standpoint, because Miquella wanted to recreate Marika's order but "better" ever since he literally created an Erdtree but better so having "Godfrey but better" and reserving role of Malenia to Maliketh-like is NOT far cry besides Godwyn was already married to Fortissax xD. He's always been a little copycat after his mother despite clearly dreading her flaws, which is kind of endearing tbh
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Okay I side-tracked. Meanwhile, actually "balanced" people still were disappointed by at least a couple of choices! :p I am just... not. It helps to have prior experience with Fromsoft's games to not have unrealistically high expectations from their games, of course! And no, "playing Bloodborne but reading literally all of it through the lense of fandom's memes and mischaracterisations" is NOT prior experience with Fromsoft! I mean stuff like, being aware of development HELL of Dark Souls 2 and 3, what developers say through interviews all the time, all that!
Here is a very good compilation of every interview and every art work by Fromsoft so far, and trust me there are some interviews that you won't find in public that was also helpful so far! This stuff, and being aware of every other bit of cut content that is very insightful in most cases!
1) Fromsoft notoriously bites more than then can chew, 2) Fromsoft's base games are made with the assumption of the game flopping and thus DLC not being made and 3) Fromsoft lets out their intentions through nonverbal or indirect means are three crucial things to keep in mind when criticizing their writing! (I feel like people who complain that Fromsoft "accidentally promoted genocide by not explaining through words that Hornsent are people too an that Marika's trauma doesn't excuse her" need to internalise number three more often... :/ )
You just must try to understand how they create things, because they have very distinct approach, and above all, they are honest. There are so many decisions in both character designs/comebacks AND gameplay that would've sold way better, yet they still don't stoop to them if that's not what they believe in.
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And yes needless to mention I have no idea what is wrong with kids these days (I am 27, kinda old) thinking that to engage with media and to have fun is to constantly find MORE reasons to be upset at both creators and the fandom. How is this fun to engage with something you clearly hate? We all feel pity for Youtubers who can do nothing but pump out the videos about how bad this new videogame or series is basically inventing reasons to nitpick and wanting to stay mad, wondering whether criticism is dead as a concept and if getting exposure by rage bait is worth it, but it should not be different for seeking reasons to trash on something on sites like Twitter and Tumblr.
Just, generally I loathe the approach of "oh this game is so stupid writers fucked up on so many levels every character's writing is problematic there is so much misogyny in their works they are so transphobic they wanted to cater to that type of fans I hate but pls don't think I am a hater this is still my most fav game ever uwu". Put aside that every time, for both Bloodborne and Elden Ring, these "reasons why Fromsoft fucked up" are literally invented; if they are truthful in their eyes, what they are DOING here? Why bother engaging with a "shitty" piece of media by "shitty" people that you have to urge fellow fans to "fix" into something "actually good"? Why not go and engage with something that is already good and already made by good person? ..ah, right, they fucking CAN'T, because their insistence to invent reasons to get mad makes all those good things and people look also bad for THEM so they've got nowhere to go because in every fandom they take their seething selves WITH them.
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fsjujhdds sorry lol.
I guess I could consider "staying mad and always wanting better" as one of the ways to express love and passion somewhat; for example, I am a type to harshly criticise someone I actually care about, because otherwise they won't improve. Only, when these people's reasons to be angry are just wrong and forced, and when they also attack fans that see things differently, and when they also weaponize their identities to have an excuse to be malicious (seriously wtf?!)... yeah, that's not "passion expressed differently". That's just being a jerk.
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crossdressingdeath · 1 year ago
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[A collection of letters between two correspondents, but all written in an unfamiliar code or cipher. At the end of the scrapbook is a sheet titled 'Plaintext Deciphered by G'.] Chosen of Bhaal - Your proposal is intriguing. Tell me more about the Crown of Karsus. Chosen of Bane - It was created to enhance and broadcast the dominance of its creator, but during the Folly it was inverted, turned inward. Now, instead of the wearer dominating others, others can dominate the wearer. Chosen of Bhaal - Useful. I like it. How do you exert this dominance? Chosen of Bane - The crown has three begemmed finials. They are the foci. And... they are detachable. Chosen of Bhaal - Three? So that's why our masters want Myrkul added to the cabal. With the Crown on the right cranium, we would rule from the shadows. But how do we get it? Chosen of Bane - We steal it from Mephistopheles himself. And I know who can get us there - a diabolist named Helsik.
Look at these two, scheming. Honestly all of these are so short it feels almost like they were passing notes during a meeting rather than writing letters to each other but I guess they did both have the influence to have things like this delivered directly without having to wait for whatever mail service Baldur's Gate has... I'm just imagining some poor messenger having to run back and forth across the city because these two refuse to have an actual meeting instead of writing to each other and no one on either side is brave enough to suggest that maybe talking in person would be more efficient. Not entirely sure how Gortash got his own letters when presumably Durge would've had them originally (unless he kept copies?), but it's very fun. Although there's something sad in Durge not recognizing the code that they and Gortash used to communicate; I know that it's just the same text that everyone gets, but there's a sort of tragedy in how this is something they used to communicate with someone important to them, they might even have come up with it with Gortash just so the two of them could write to each other privately, and now they can't even read it.
Also I'm still very curious about the timeline of events here. This seems to be the first time Gortash suggested they use the Crown of Karsus, but clearly they were at least able to get into contact prior to this point; did they decide to team up just in general before they had any sort of plan? Were they acquainted somehow before the alliance came up as an idea? Were they just aware of each other's presence in the city and one of them wrote to the other when the idea of working together occurred to them? And I am also once again wondering when exactly Myrkul joined the alliance. Obviously they haven't at this point since Bane and Bhaal want Myrkul added, and I get the sense that Ketheric joined at some point post-heist (in his journal he makes it clear that he thinks the Netherstones were used to convince him and the Bhaalists to join the alliance, when these letters show that Durge and Gortash were allies before the Netherstones and the Crown were brought up as an option; either Durge and Gortash lied to him about how the alliance first started or the Netherstones had been acquired and Durge had one before Ketheric was on the scene and he made an assumption), but beyond that it's hard to tell what happened when.
Also, Gortash? It's cute that you're keeping all the notes you exchanged with your ally, but a code isn't very helpful if you keep the plaintext right with it. ...Unless (if we want to make it angsty) that code was exclusively used between him and Durge and once they vanished he cared less about keeping it a secret because it was now useless...
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scarlet--wiccan · 5 months ago
That's why I kind of think it would be better if Billy and Tommy HAD just had their memories erased, and then got separated and adopted by different families? Maybe false ones were even given to them, the Kaplans, and the Shepherds? The discussion and discourse wouldn't be necessary.
And it would've also explained why they were both listed on the Young Avengers Initiative in the first place, given that the qualifications for potential members were that they were both superpowered AND directly related to an Avenger. We still don't actually know how it registered them as being relatives of Wanda and Pietro.
For the last time, are no "false" versions of these characters, aside from the kids who appear in House of M. And I really don't think there's any need to erase their memories-- they were barely even toddlers when they died. They're sometimes made to seem a bit older in flashbacks, but in Avengers West Coast, they were really still babies.
The reincarnation storyline is difficult to describe succinctly, but it's pretty easy to wrap your mind around if you actually read the book. And while it was a slightly awkward maneuver, it served a purpose-- besides aging the twins up to teenagers, it was meant to resolve the original dilemma of their existence, which is that Wanda cannot create and sustain life from nothing. But if the twins are reincarnated via "normal" conception, they're able to exist as normal human beings. A lot of readers miss that fact-- whatever else they might be, and no matter what doubts or anxieties they (mostly Billy) experience, Billy and Tommy are human, they are free from Mephisto, and they're not magical constructs.
Yes, it would have been just as easy to say that Wanda, using the Life Force-- an even higher power than Mephisto-- could have just resurrected the twins wholesale and, for whatever reason, sent them back in time to be adopted. It's completely believable by comic book standards. But I appreciate that Heinberg actually meets the material where it’s at and attempts to provide a workable solution, instead of simply handwaving the details as many writers would have done. It's the same reason I like the Life Force retcon so much in general-- it reframes HoM in a way that actually makes sense within the established parameters of Wanda's powers, instead of throwing them out the window.
The "initiative" you're referring to is called the "Avengers Failsafe Program," and it was created by the Vision. The program is designed to identify potential new Avengers, but Iron Lad doesn't seem to know exactly how it works, save that each of the candidates apparently have some connection to prior Avengers-- not that they're all "directly related." My assumption is that the program runs a search off of public data and records, and just identifies potential matches. We learn, later on, that the Wanda's babies were still included in Vision's memory files, which would explain why the twins were flagged as a match-- or maybe they just came up as a potential match for Wanda and Pietro themselves, since they have such a strong family resemblance.
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writeblrgarden · 11 months ago
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Meet Etlu, who got second place in our grow a plant event in november! Etlu goes by she/they, and you can find them at @etlu-yume. She has been writing for about 20 years, primarily fantasy or urban fantasy, and lately has been dipping their toes into slice-of-life.
Tell us something interesting about yourself!
"Interesting" is a tricky thing because it's so subjective! Like some people would say being able to speak/read/write another language is interesting, and others would just expect it, right? I guess in some ways I could be considered a quadruple threat - in addition to writing, I also am an artist, study languages, and played and performed with music groups on local and international stages.
Tell us about the WIP you'd like to talk about today.
Fangs with Benefits (not what I did for NaNo - but that's self indulgent and stays between me and the dust on my hard drive). Fangs with Benefits follows the story of a set of siblings, Sherry and Gael. After the pair are banned from donating blood, they are forced to move to the big smoke in order to chase medical treatment for a family illness. After a chance meeting, the pair discover the secret supernatural underground of their new home. Full of supernatural creatures, Sherry decides that there's a solution to their frustration with red tape at the hospital; Vampires. After all. It would be of mutual benefit to both parties. And so chaos ensues.
Describe your writing process. Do you like to plan everything or are you more spontaneous?
I'm a bit all over the place. I tend to do best when I have a game plan, something to refer back to (more often than not somehow it takes scenic routes between written points; go figure). However sometimes, particularly when later scenes will not leave me alone, I will just go ahead and write them out in a separate document. Once they're out of my head and down on paper, it usually becomes much easier to go back to where I had left off and keep going. That said, it's a work in progress and always changing. What worked last year may not work for me this year, and so on and so forth. I'm just hoping I can try and establish a better year-round writing habit in 2024 <3
What have you found to be the most challenging and/or rewarding about writing?
If you'd asked me this question prior to last November, I would have struggled. Maybe I would've said "a blank page/new chapter" is the most challenging thing (and, really, it still is). But. I think the most rewarding thing about writing comes in two parts; 1.) One is when you're writing for others or an audience. I can't really speak too much on this, since I've been super shy with my work and haven't posted much if any online for general consumption. But to the few people I do share with, seeing their reactions to the story progressing, screaming about characters or events. I know there's been times where those reactions have been the difference between opening up the document and writing a few more words that day, or giving it a miss. 2.) Two is when you're writing for yourself, using your writing to help process things that have happened or that you're struggling with. It may not make things 100% better, it may not change the situation at all. But somehow there's also a weird healing power to it, too.
Below the read more is more of our conversation with Etlu
What inspires you to write?
This is a hard question! I'm actually trying to work this out myself. I started to fall out of love with writing a while ago, and I'm still looking for my way back. I'm sure I'll get there, I just don't know how long it will take, or what form it will take. But I'll get there. <3
Share some advice for other writers.
Hmm. One of the classics is "you can edit a bad page, but you can't edit a blank one", which is very true. But I'm not sure that's the kind of advice I'd want to give other writers - or myself for that matter. Bad days happen - be kind to yourself. If you're working towards a goal, keep believing in yourself. Don't give up. You can achieve amazing things! (Said from 2018's cloud of cough medicine zombie fog and pulling like 30K out of nowhere in the last 2 days of November.) Also it sounds weird but don't start from a fresh document. Even if you're finishing a chapter off, just start the next one. I'm super bad at taking this advice myself, but it's easier to re-read a few lines and make tweaks before moving forwards than it is to sit there face to face with a blank page at the start of a session.
What do consider your writing strength?
I'm probably best at workshopping or bouncing ideas, and then never writing them. Does that count? haha. On a serious note I think perhaps my strengths with writing is my structural pacing. (Not plot pacing. I've already picked up some rushed chapters in the last 3 months)
What has been the nicest compliment you've received or what has been the toughest criticism you've received?
Actually today I had a message from a friend, just a simple spotify link to a song. They followed it up with comments that they had been ruminating about events of the last couple of chapters when it started playing, and it made everything hurt even more. It's been a week since they read it - to hear that my silly little story is something that they're still thinking about this long after reading it, that combined with music it brings out more emotion. It's the little things like that, that remind me what it's all about.
What do you love the most about writing?
I'm still trying to work this out. But it falls somewhere between research, the friendly banter with other writers while everyone procrastinates, and the way that your words and the way you write will be so very different to the next writer, that everyone has their own style.
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des2dream · 8 months ago
Winx Club Hot Take 6!
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What ever happened to these girls?! With how well they're designed compared to other background characters, you'd think they would be somewhat crucial to the story. Meet Alice (the curly red-head in blue & pink), Emma (the red pigtail girl in red pants), Trista (orange dress & purple braided hair), Vicky ( short purple hair in blue), Marzia (a girl with blue hair, yellow head scarf, & red shirt) and Clarice (the one in the middle with the most detail & blonde pigtails). I've seen Clarice, Marzia and Trista make appearances in Season 3 while Emma may have appeared in the film, The Secret of the Lost Kingdom so I assume they were freshman at the time. By the beginning of Season 4, I would assume they're now sophomores with Alice and Vicky being freshman. Season 4, Episode 1 was the ONLY time these girls stepped into the spotlight beyond being background characters....well, mainly just Alice and Clarice. This episode had established that The Winx are now assisted teachers at Alfea having graduated so that means they can't live in their iconic student dormitory anymore.
The Winx find that out when they are met with the background girls I mentioned prior now residing in their old dorm rooms. The Winx were a bit upset by this, but the new residents (especially Alice) were thrilled at the idea of staying in a dorm previously home to the Alfea graduates who earned their Enchantix and defeated previous villains during their school years. Clarice however, isn't impressed. Throughout the first half of the episode, Clarice was more annoyed with The Winx if anything thinking that "because they're Enchantix fairies they think they're all that" since all of Alfea idolizes them. She was so bothered by them that she sabotages The Winx's exercise course as a way to humiliate them, but it unfortunately results in putting Flora in the infirmary. Even worse, Alice was accused of causing this and is going to be sent away. When The Wizards of the Black Circle arrive to attack Bloom, Alice rushes in to get help and participates in the battle. By the end of the episode, Clarice admits she sabotaged the course and apologizes so she and Alice can stay at Alfea.
That's all they contributed to the series. After that, they go back to background characters. They don't even stay in The Winx's dorm for very long because Season 5 decided to write our main fairies back into students again! These girls were such a missed opportunity! Roxy becomes a new student at Alfea so why couldn't she move in with them?! Bloom, Flora, Stella, Aisha, Techna, and Musa are Alfea graduates who now run a magic pet store on Earth while also being Guardian Fairies. They're done with school so I feel like the series would've made for an interesting new arc of Roxy, Alice, Clarice, Emma, Vicky, Trista, and Marzia becoming the next generation of The Winx Club instead of having our existing main six being 16 over and over again from Seasons 5 through 8. It would've been nice to see episodes of Roxy learning how to be a fairy in a magic school similar to Bloom's arc in Season 1. We got a glimpse of seeing who Alice and Clarice are but we never got to see the personalities of the other girls. I feel like maybe the comic issues did this a bit better, but it still would've been fun to see it onscreen.
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kitkatopinions · 2 years ago
Watched the rwby season 9 finale and I gotta say
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Rwby criticism and spoilers beneath the keep reading as well as discussions of attempted suicide
First let's talk about Ruby's 'ascension.' We see Ruby see a memory of Summer sneaking off on her last mission with Raven, a mission that she lied to Tai about saying it was just a run of the mill Ozpin mission. Ruby is distraught by this, taking issue with her lying and sneaking around with Raven, and expresses anger and then when the blacksmith is like "maybe she had a lot of weight on her shoulders" Ruby is like "so does that mean I should just give up" and then she remembers the words of the mom she seems to barely remember saying "I love you just the way you are" And that drives her to pick herself and she comes back as herself, with her memories somehow completely intact and taking on no physical change at all. Is it explained why she's the only person who ascends who doesn't lose her memories or take on a physical change? No, not really. When she appears as herself again, Jaune says "she knew what she needed to be all along" which isn't true because she actually just spent an entire wanting to not be her, which just makes it seem like Jaune is ignoring all of the problems Ruby had in favor of pretending she's perfect. Then the Cat calls Ruby incomplete, broken, weak, and confused, and Weiss is like "You're wrong," but doesn't elaborate so it feels kind of empty tbh, then Yang says "she's never been any of those things," and I've just gotta say that after Ruby spent the entire volume in a depressed spiral being confused it feels really hero-worshippy putting Ruby on a pedestal of unhealthy standards and not noticing her feelings or turmoil or struggles for Yang to just be just be like 'my sister has never experienced confusion a day in her life.' And Blake says that Ruby's lack of weakness, confusion, brokenness, and incompleteness is the reason why they follow her, and call me crazy but that also seems to put crazy high expectations of perfection on Ruby that her team refuses to believe she's ever weak or confused and therefore rely on her as a leader when she just went off about not wanting to be a leader and not being able to meet their expectations.
Like, did they learn absolutely nothing? Also everyone and their brother was talking about how Ruby was going to shed the markers of Summer Rose and come into her own, but actually, no, if the close up on Ruby's emblem is any indication, they're just leaning into her having seemingly built herself on the example of Summer. Which... I feel like it's bad, I feel like if this arc was supposed to be about Ruby's growth and we're meant to think that she took a lot of inspiration from Summer in her life, that she should've grown more into her own person. Also I'm just gonna say that I think it was such a big mistake to make 'Ascension' so reliant on themes of death and suicide. I get that they were trying to do a heart-warming message about how you should choose yourself because you're enough, but first off, the messaging is so messed up when you consider how it frames 'trying to destroy yourself' as something that is either a generally good thing in the end or not permanent and something that you can come back from. Either the writers should have gone out of their way to make the purpose of Ascension clear prior to seeing anyone we know ascend and have it be something Ruby (and Little, Neo, etc) choose on their own fully aware of what it means and not through means outside of things like getting murdered, being manipulated into drinking poison, or jumping off a high thing Javert style.... Or they should've had it be something that nobody really knew about and still have Ruby and Neo not essentially try to kill themselves to get there. I literally do not care that we're 'meant to see the tree/tea like therapy uwu' because it was so badly done that the actual result is that if I'd seen this when I was fourteen or fifteen it would've hurt me pretty badly.
Next complaint! Ohhh my girl Neo. I am so so sorry. In case anyone's playing catch-up, Neo has existed since volume 2 and ever since, people have been clamoring for more from her and have wanted to see some focus put on her, especially after her return in volume 6 where fans (like me) were disappointed to see her playing sidekick to Cinder (especially since the only reason she wasn't targeting Cinder anymore was because the writers were making her act stupid for their plot) and kept talking about how much the writers could do with her. She kept playing second fiddle to Cinder with no focus from her return to all through V8, but then she was dropped into the ninth season which was supposedly character-growth focused! Although dropping anyone away from the main plot was a bad idea imo, I was still excited because I was sure it meant that Neo would get focus and be the main threat for the volume and we could see her come into her own and get fleshed out outside of 'wanting revenge' and 'Roman.' Aaaaaaand what did MKEK do??? They benched her for the better part of the season, had her the central focus of one scene that was written to highlight other characters being dead - proven by the fact that the characters said things Neo could have no idea about which meant the writers weren't focused on Neo and were instead focused on what would get emotional responses from Ruby/the audience. And then they had her get taken over by the Cat! And the Cat became the main antagonist for the season! Using Neo's body and speaking through her mouth (Neo is one of many disabled villains and the only mute character,) but leaving Neo completely absent again! And then Neo basically Javerts herself into tree-land with a vague idea that possibly she could eventually come back (if the authors were desperate for views) but is essentially dead to the plot now. As a fan of Neo, that's literally the dumbest most useless bad thing they could've done!
As for the Cat, the existence of it was gone into in the last second lore dump, and bro. They kind of imply that the Cat had no choice but to be evil, after Alyx's betrayal, and that it was not only good before then, but had spent like ages lovingly taking care of everyone in the Ever After, and so..... Am I supposed to feel happy that the Cat died? Am I supposed to dislike the Cat? Frankly, that's yet another life that just got fucked up by the Brother gods, and still no one in the cast of main rwby characters has talked about how horrible they are, and even the show itself seems to not fully acknowledge that they're responsible for so many problems. Anyway, despite their desire to make the Cat the big villain of the volume, I just wound up being upset that it got killed off just like that and nobody even questioned the morality of the situation.
Also just as a side note, who the fuck decided that what Rwby really needed was a backstory for the backstory for Remnant's existence? Who wanted that? What are they gonna do now, find out that the Tree was actually created by an even older god who came from an even weirder place?
Also about Jaune, I hate it. What was the point of making Jaune an old man? What was done that couldn't have been done through other better means that didn't put him in central focus? He's just back to how he was, just with Extra Special angst and as an Extra Special person who now has more experience than the rest of Team RWBY somehow and got to experience Weiss lusting after him. He is such an author's pet, I honestly wish he was dead. I'm gonna have to see him for several more volumes, aren't I?
My last complaint for this post (I have more to say, I just know this post is getting long so I'm saving two big complaints for later,) is that Little (now known as Somewhat or something) is someone I did not care about AT ALL and in fact I hated them, so the very forced Ascended Little running in and talking to Ruby and now being a giant rat that calls Ruby a Huntress for some reason (because she needs her position as a badge-carrying law enforcement officer to be affirmed and who better than the thing that has no clue what the fuck they're talking about)... It just served to make me annoyed. The entire volume would be improved by Little not being there at all.
Anyway, that volume was a fantastic waste of my time and the only good things that came out of it were ruined. We've now left the Land of the Hand of the Author and forced 'growth' that doesn't actually get the characters anywhere, and we've now entered the Hiatus heading to the next volume in a potential time skip.
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i-mybrunettelady · 1 year ago
1, 4 and 8 for El 😁
arsonson <3
4. Someone my muse likes, who doesn’t like them back quite as much
logan thackeray, in a way. el is still very much pro-trahearne marshal agenda, but he doesn't mind logan at all - it's not a terribly close relationship, to be sure, but it's a working one, esp because logan became marshal when el isn't as explosive as he'd been during the personal story. he also thinks logan is hot and likes looking at him.
on his end, though, logan doesn't like him quite as much. again, it's a working relationship, and logan respects el's expertise and knowledge and status, but he just doesn't really jive with him as a person even though el does remind him of nyra, who is a former protegée of his. but it's general knowledge that nyra is more likeable than el so
q1. Someone my muse met only briefly, but who impacted their life
aurene. el is a known elder dragon hater, and i think i may have written about their first meeting years ago, but prior to meeting her, el really felt like all the dragons were like mordremoth. so he approached her as such, and they had maybe one or two conversations total because he was never really comfortable around her. she did, however, change the way he views them - not as creatures that ought to be destroyed at all costs, but maybe as individuals on a wildly different timespan and with a wildly different worldview than him.
does he still dislike them? yes. does he still dislike aurene? no. but she did change the way he perceives them, and that's enough.
8. Someone my muse never met, but would have loved to
riannoc. see, el is a secondborn, but he awoke on the tail end of that year, and is one of the baby secondborn; as such, he was born after riannoc died, and heard all the stories about him, especially from trahearne (who was his necromancy mentor, after el's necromantic wyld hunt was revealed.)
now, this is where i explain my hcs as to hearne and riannoc's relationship. they were brothers, sure, in a sylvari way. but trahearne was also a little in love with riannoc, though i hesitate to say they were a couple - intense love, coupled with a certain level of being charmed by heroism and chivalry (which drew him initially to nyra, btw) were a potent mix he really didn't have the maturity to discern at such a young age. so the way trahearne would've spoken about riannoc did awaken a deep desire in el to meet him, though that never came to pass. only time he was ever able to see riannoc was in caladbolg visions.
(it also bears reminding that trahearne and el were in a romantic relationship themselves for a time. what that says about trahearne, i leave up to you.)
(it's also very interesting to me that el awoke with the notion of death from the get-go, but that he never really experienced the full effects of being left behind after someone's gone until trahearne dies. food for thought, el lore edition)
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