#but also jatp at some point
joynershats · 1 year
sometimes I just refuse to engage with fandoms from some medias entirely, like, wym you're discussing that this or that character or actor or scene is accepted only if viewed in one manner... let me be delulu
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beencryingfor25years · 11 months
So this month I’ve jumped back into my willex chiropractor au (after not working on it for almost a year) and it just passed 20k words tonight!!
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narcissusbrokenmirror · 11 months
I mean cmon. if u parallel the Hollywood ghost club with being in a church nowadays. Willie's in a fucking cult everybody. Willie is so convinced that he's in a place that its so amazing but he cant go out of the line or leave it bc its gonna get him in trouble, he fears caleb but he still admires him, also the hgc is a only members club but they always have new welcomes. And you have to give out your soul and make no questions. And there's a big authority figure that upholds all the power and only wants to help those in need, how Caleb can just say that whatever u need and want is there.
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mouse-fantoms · 2 years
It would have been so cool for the concept to be explored of like… ok you got Willex and Juke right? We would have seen those two ships be developed more if they were given the chance to *ahem*.
With Juke, realistically, there’s the whole one alive one dead ya know if you’re getting technical with it. It would have been interesting to see play out where they show Julie age while Luke remains the same age. Like that’s the thing that’s not going to escape them, that’s the thing that makes them remember the reality of their situation.
But with Willex, they don’t have that. They both benefit from being ghosts in that sense.
I’m not saying Jatp would have turned into a soap opera but I could just see where some minor conflict would be happening because of this. I just feel like Luke could show some envious feelings towards Alex. How him and his other half get to be happy and in love technically forever bc ghost psychics. Yet, there’s probably going to be a certain point where him and Julie can be that with each other.
Or like maybe it even gets brought up when like there’s suspicion of like “Nick” and how Caleb is like silent recently put how it can’t be that easy and it gets puts together “Oh man 👀 he got desperate he possessed the Nick guy” and Luke is the real adamant one as to how to fix it and wanting to take action and he wants to keep it on the down low and not tell Julie even though the other two are like “why shouldn’t we tell her tf?” And Luke just is so adamant and keeps shutting them down and he just lets out “She’s already dealt with so much, I want our time with her to be the best it can. Caleb’s a ghost, we’re ghosts this is our business. We can’t worry her with this type of stuff. I want her to think of us and have the best memories.” He’s like saying we and us but like substitute those for an I and you get what he subconsciously means.
Julie and Luke aren’t like blinded by love, they know what they are. They know the reality of their interesting little relationship. Luke saying “That would mean more loss in her life” about not telling Julie right away about Caleb and the jolts and that they have to cross over to stop it makes me thinks he would also put off telling her about Caleb possessing Nick. For as much time as they’re able to spend time together, he would want her to have the best it could be considering their added uniqueness to it. Which includes putting off telling Julie semi-important… well really important information.
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tangledstarlight · 1 year
its just me and my 30 sims save files against the world
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mahuhumaling · 5 months
JATP Season 2 Wishlist
that i wrote in my notes app back in:
Tumblr media
and realized i never posted it here? tbf i'm rarely on tumblr. but because i really miss them rn i want to share my ✨ brainrot ✨ that i had back when i thought they were getting a renewal.
Carrie Wilson
she was my biggest flaw in Season 1. I wish her "redemption arc" is fleshed out more in Season 2; give her either more context & backstory to validate her reason for unnecessarily antagonizing Julie, or screentime to properly address how she's just projecting an emotion completely different into bitterness and anger into Julie's recovery
show particularly her earlier dynamic w/ Flynn and Julie? Maybe as Flynn calls her out, we'd get flashback glimpses prior to Rose's death (maybe even Double Trouble temporarily being Triple Threat 👉🏽👈🏽)
for some reason i'm picturing a scene where she's in her dance studio (she has one in their mansion, of course) practicing some of her Dirty Candy routine when she keeps messing up and not in the right mindset to keep dancing. i feel like the best (maybe easiest but whatever) way to guide the audience into her artist mind is to make her be a perfectionist. in frustration, she blows up for a minute before slumping onto the ground and reminisces her fun times with Julie & Flynn
also when you have her develop, please don't make her lose her femininity and the bubblegum pop music, it's great
Old Songs Resurfacing
it'll prove how detailed & thorough you are as a screenwriter if you pay off the songs mentioned in Season 1 in passing to be actual songs in Season 2
Unreleased: Get Lost, Long Weekend, Crooked Teeth, My Name is Luke, and if that riff from the scene in EP. 5 that spurred on the Bobby reveal isn't from one of these songs, add that too
Demo Album: Late Last Night, Lakeside Reflection, In Your Starlight
imagine your queer couple gets to have their first kiss first than your het main couple, not only will that settle Madi & Charlie's statements about being uncomfortable in doing a kissing scene and maintaining the priority of Juke's emotional over physical relationship, it would also make an powerful statement
Reggie's Character Arc
i know that he initially had an arc that involved a romance with Flynn but because of the ages of who they casted, they scrapped it and didn't have time to rewrite the scripts for him as filming neared, so they have time to adapt to how jeremy portrayed him for season 2: a lovable dork who craves familial love
since there's a possibility that lifers can now see the boys, maybe some found family trope for Reggie and Ray Molina?
he has pretty much formed a parasocial relationship with him at this point
so why not instead of a love interest, Reggie can have his character arc develop & we see his family before thru flashbacks and paralleling those in the current times because he sees Ray as a father figure
picture this: it's raining, Bobby opens the garage door to the sound of knocking, the boys find Reggie soaking wet and out of breath when he tries to say he doesn't know where else to go then the boys immediately figure out another fight in the Peters household happened. Reggie tries to talk again when Alex (because even though they're the airhead-sarcastic duo, they know they love each other) runs up to hug him and tells the other he doesn't have to say anything
cut to a freshly showered Reggie, quietly watching tv with Bobby, Luke, and Alex in the garage, eating whatever
also a solo acoustic country song, pls. just to make him happy
The Aftermath of the Deaths
for both the boys and Rose
we get parallels about how Bobby dealt with trauma and grief to Julie
like, the reason why the clothes are still in there (are to have costume changes for the boys) is because Bobby immediately moved out of the house (therefore also the garage) and left the clothes there because he couldn't bear to burn it, or visit the boys' houses to break the news to their families and return the clothes, or donate it somewhere so he just...left it. it would make for a more solid reason (for costume changes) and an emotional context as to how Bobby really tried to forget them because it was "easier."
it would also make sense why Carrie and Julie ended up friends. Rose probably was there for Bobby when they discovered what happened at the alleyway, so they stayed friends over the years and had their respective families but still kept in touch, (bonus points if absolutely nothing romantic happened between them! yay to normalizing platonic male-female relationships) and why Rose would immediately think of Bobby's three late bandmates to send for Julie when she was on her deathbed
Bobby never really "moved on" (because grief is a really complex thing). it's showed that he has a therapist and everything, and this could definitely have some aftereffects on his daughter. Carrie growing up seeing her father be this amazing rockstar but a negligent father and only showing love in ways she doesn't need (like riches and fame and connections to the music industry) because he's actually a really lonely man on the inside and no one can see that except for Bobby's spouse and Carrie. it'd explain why Carrie is spoiled, and other negative character traits that Carrie has on the surface
it's even why Bobby changed his name to Trevor: 1) Bobby is so closely associated to Sunset Curve and it's an absolute pain to be reminded of that every day, 2) it's a stage name and artists really do get that
More Worldbuilding
they already had some pretty creative concepts/ideas in the first season, so why not expand/expound on them a bit more
the instruments are attached to their souls that's why the boys at first can only touch them, like how Willie's skateboard and helmet are attached to him
which is why when they attach themselves to the world of the present, they gather up energy and focus on touching tangible things like the picture frame
this may follow the logic toward the end where they are finally able to touch Julie because she has become attached to their souls. emotionally.
More Creative Collaboration
i believe in the principle that when a story is finally released/published/told to the world, the world shares it. this is also visible in film/tv where when the scripts are finished and actors receive them, the story becomes part of theirs to work on. which means that they have some sort of autonomy over their characters' motivations, a chance to be heard of their ideas and pitches, and why some certain scenes wouldn't work, etc etc. it doesn't just become the director's story nor the screenwriters'.
the actors' ideas such as Perfect Harmony and their solos from Nothing to Lose are great because they let them in. they took risks, and it paid off incredibly well. more of that please. have them be a part of the writing process, (also the story), but never forget what made the music production great in the first place. be coherent and don't be like others that let too many hands work on one piece—it will lose its sound, its identity.
Julie Knowing
that Nick is possessed by Caleb. ohmygOD. hear me out.
the same S1 ending will play somewhere in 2x01, but it will be revealed that Julie was watching through the window the entire time and when she opens the door to receive the flowers, that last look she gives him is actually her scheming.
determined to get Nick back, imagine The Promised Neverland's level of mindgames Julie could play with Caleb because we already know our girl's smart
Free Willie Willie's Freedom
since the boys feel indebted to Willie's help, they insist on helping him too with getting rid of Caleb's stamp
maybe through his connection with Alex? or maybe Willie's family or friends who are still lifers (which is unlikely but either way). he needs to be saved !!
Song Sequences Ideas
juke counter melody duet like Rini's "Even When/The Best Part," Shane & Mitchie's "Wouldn't Change a Thing," or dodie & Jon Cozart's "a love song/a non love song"
emotional carrie ballad paired with lyrical hiphop choreo
willex song - i absolutely have no idea where this could go directionally but maybe alex on an acoustic guitar with a really soft sweet tune
reprises of S1 songs but in the complete opposite of their original style (the fandom's lonelier All Eyes on Me version, i see u)
nick guitar solo - just because Sacha actually plays, idk how it'd fit in to the plot yet but hey
Nothing to Lose (Reprise) - back in the '90s, a producer manipulates Bobby to sign a record deal to become a star but on one condition: disassociate himself with Sunset Curve, to which he first declines until he slowly gets persuaded. (sort of like Todrick Hall's So Lucky to Be You meets Lyn Lapid's Producer Man)
"So how about it, Bobby Shaw? Do we have a deal?"
"I'm sorry?"
"Call me Trevor Wilson."
i'm pretty sure someone made an animatic with this idea too but i cannot for the life of me find it !!
7. Season 2 starts the same way as Season 1 does before the opening song plays
Black screen that reads a text "Hollywood 1995"
a pan down to the Orpheum's overhead sign that reads "SUNSET CURVE SOLD OUT"
cut to the interior with Rose finishing up her cleaning when a stage manager calls out: "Sunset Curve!" to which Bobby abruptly stops his pacing back and forth to look up. he and Rose look at each other. music swells until...
cut to him running onto the alleyway, "are they still not finished eating? those gluttons are dead to me i swear—" he cuts off his own words when he sees the boys getting dragged onto stretchers. but we, the audience, don't see it. just a close up of bobby as the ambulance lights reflects his face. rose comes up behind him, still clutching their t-shirt.
[i honestly have no idea if Bobby should get on stage because it just proves Luke's theory of The Orpheum's opening bands eventually becoming big & successful so it'll explain the Trevor Wilson fame even though at first he only did it for the boys, or if he shouldn't because according to the article Julie googled he ran away immediately after they were pronounced in the scene] but either way, this is how the opening starts.
then it progresses to Rose and Bobby respectively having children so they could parallel each other blah blah
8. Julie plays a simple song on the piano while the guys watch her in awe
Storytelling through Props
let's dive deep into Rose's luggage/suitcase and use the props to head for Julie's emotional attachment with them
they already did it with the wardrobe: Rose wears the black leather vest in the pilot while Julie wears the same thing in EP 6
add depth to the characters' relationships like us finding out Julie's multilayered necklace is actually a gift from Carrie or something
SOYON ANN YOU'RE A GIFT FROM GOD. Bobby's necklace is present in both young and old!him
**Rose in flashback scenes should be wearing clothes we've already seen Julie in Season 1 just for greater effect.
The Bobby Conflict
definitely needs to be brought up again by Season 2; they only discarded somewhere in the middle because more pressing matters like the boys' existence blipping away was pushed to the forefront of the story
however, The Bobby Conflict changes. it'll be cleared up that he was offered a record deal as a solo artist by a manipulative producer. and given that the poor boy is only 17 (too, maybe), he agrees. what he doesn't know is the contract's fine print: giving up Sunset Curve's royalties
that information clears it up to the audience and the band, so the conflict becomes this: Bobby's Survivor's Guilt. god wouldn't that be so good tackling that in a kids'/family show.
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1mnobodywhoareyou · 1 month
Wrath of Venus
idea credit to @floating-in-the-blue courtesy of this reblog (I also recall some back and forth in the tags but i can't be bothered to find them). Title/band name credit to @legolasghosty. And motivation credit to every single person who sent a rose. This happened exclusively because I didn't want to give Bex snippets to people who don't read Bex 😅. It'll hit ao3 eventually. When i can think of tags. May or may not become a proper AU. Hope y'all enjoy.
JatP | 1404 words | G | ambiguous/pre-Juke | alive AU
Julie’s thoughts are interrupted by an unexpected voice to her left. “Hey, you come here often?” 
Julie turns toward him, eyes narrowed as she takes him in from head to toe. Brown shaggy hair, captivating smile, broad shoulders… She grimaces as she notices the cut off tee but continues her inspection anyway, taking note of his black pants - surprisingly absent of tears or holes, the countless chains hanging from his waist complete with dangling folded wallet…
“How does anything stay in that?” she asks, pointing to the offending accessory.
He scoops it up and flips it open. “Little secret I have,” he responds with a sly grin. “If you keep it empty, you don’t need to worry about it.”
Julie rolls her eyes. “Broadcasting your poverty isn’t as cute as you seem to think it is.”
He offers a resigned shrug in response. A pause and then, “I’m Luke, by the way.”
“Julie.” He repeats, saying it slowly like he’s feeling her name out in his mouth. She does everything in her power to keep from rolling her eyes. This is one of the worst parts of being involved with the music scene in LA. Men who feel like they’re entitled to her because she exists. Them and the men who feel like she’s an interloper who doesn’t belong there. If she’s really lucky, she’ll encounter a two in one. She’s trying to figure out which this Luke guy is when-
“What’s a girl like you doing in a place like this?” 
Sure, the dingy bar isn’t a great place to hang out or be found, but it’s unfortunately one of the few places for some of the best acts to get their start. And if she wants to keep her edge over her competition, this is where she needs to be. But he doesn’t need to know that.
“Could ask the same of you,” she counters. 
He sputters for a moment and Julie hides a proud smile behind her glass as she takes a sip of her drink. 
She waits patiently for him to recover. 
“My band’s playing tonight,” he finally says. 
Great. He’s one of those. 
She nods politely, choosing to keep her thoughts about guitarists and lead singers to herself. He gives off lead singer energy. 
She starts to spin herself back toward the bar when she feels him slide onto the stool beside her. His energy seems to have shifted from that of casual bar patron looking for a hookup to overly excited puppy desperate for attention. She eyes him curiously.
He immediately takes the opening she’s inadvertently offered. “We heard this is the best place to get noticed by this killer agent. Took us weeks to even get booked. And everyone’s so good! Can’t wait for our set.” He looks out toward the floor, scanning the small crowd that’s gathering. “Hope she’s here tonight.”
Julie looks up at the bartender who’s trying their hardest not to laugh. She sends them an amused wink. Julie knows that the staff here are discreet, she’s built a solid relationship with all of them over the last several years and they’ve always got her back when needed. Willie’s been a constant through the ups and downs of her wading her way through this world.
Julie hums in acknowledgement as she tries to decide if she wants to brush this guy off or find out more about him. You know, for work. Obviously.
Curiosity wins out. 
“Have I heard of you?”
This time it’s Luke’s turn to consider her carefully. 
“I don’t know. We’re still pretty small and-”
“Try me.” Julie can’t help but be amused by how quickly this guy’s energy seems to shift.
“Well, uh…” he stammers.
“Unless you’re lying to pick up women in the bar?”
His eyes widen comically. “What?! No! I promise I’m in a real band that’s playing a real show tonight. Well, set. A small set.”
“Okay,” she gestures toward Willie, silently asking for a copy of tonight’s event poster. They’re not even hiding their eavesdropping at this point and immediately hand her one. She reads through the list, glancing back up at Luke once she’s done. 
“Well you’d be cutting it too close to be the next act. I know for a fact that you’re not Midnight Madness or Whisper Cats. And you said it’s your first time playing here so I doubt you’re the headliner. Which means you must be Sunset Curve?”
He sputters at her again. This time she doesn’t bother hiding her grin. 
“How did you do that?!” he asks once he’s recovered.
Julie shrugs. “I know things.”
This is, apparently, the wrong thing to say. He eyes her carefully and oh, Julie knows that look. That’s the dude in any male-dominated space’s “I’m about to test you” look. She loathes that look. 
He glances up at the bartender, as if he’s considering ordering a drink to fully settle in next to Julie, then back at the stage, then back at Julie. 
She raises an eyebrow, part curiosity, part challenge. She’s been here before. Her part in the game never changes, she just needs to wait for them to make their move.
“So who’s your favourite band, then?”
And there it is. She narrows her eyes at him. His tone is just slightly different than most of the guys she encounters but she can’t quite figure out how or why.
“You wouldn’t know them.”
He scoffs. Julie suppresses an eye roll. 
“Try me,” he challenges. 
“Fine.” She leans forward, into his space, and stares at him. “Wrath of Venus.”
He hums consideringly and takes a long moment to think. Julie waits for the inevitable response of his made up opinion, usually negative, of her completely made up band. 
“I don’t think I’ve heard of them,” he finally answers, far too earnestly. “What kind of music do they make?”
This time it’s Julie’s turn to sputter as she’s completely caught off guard. She glances back at Willie who offers her a sympathetic shrug and smile but no actual aid. She glares at them before turning back to face Luke.
“They’re a hard rock girl group,” she finally blurts out.
Luke hums thoughtfully. “That makes sense. I still don’t know enough women-fronted groups. I’m working on it though.” He shimmies his phone out of his pocket. Or tries. From the look of things, his pockets are deeper and tighter than is ideal. 
He lets out a small, victorious shout once he finally succeeds. He unlocks it and taps around. “Can you tell me their name again? I want to look into them later!”
“Uhhhhh…” Julie stalls, trying to come up with literally anything to cover her ass. “They’re not on any streaming services yet. Still really new. Up and coming.”
“Oh,” Luke says, dismay clear in his voice, as he pockets his phone again. “I guess I’ll have to keep an eye out for some shows. They’re from here?”
“Uh, no. They, uh… They just come through town once in a while. When they can afford it, you know?”
Luke nods. “Yeah, I do. I’m so glad we actually live here.”
Julie notices the current act finishing up from over his shoulder. She nods toward the stage. “You’re almost up.”
Luke turns toward the stage in a panic. He scrambles off his barstool. “Nice to meet you, Julie!” he calls as he darts off. 
She breathes out a sigh of relief. Willie sets a refill of her drink down next to her. 
“Say. Nothing,” she warns them. 
They mime zipping their lips shut but don’t bother trying to hide the amused grin. 
“Watch them actually be good,” she grumbles as she lifts her glass to her lips. 
And they were. Really good. Enough so that Julie had to go and properly introduce herself after their set. Thankfully, there wasn’t any real opportunity for Julie’s fake band to come up again as she was introduced to the other band members and they exchanged contact information. She gave herself a mental pat on the back for managing to maintain a professional front through it all. 
And after getting over his shock that she was indeed the Ms. Molina from Dahlia Records he’d been hoping for, a downright giddy energy overtook Luke. It would take much longer than is reasonable for Julie to admit how endearing she found it. And would continue to. For better or worse.
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littlemissaddict · 10 months
Hi could I get JATP Luke x reader where the reader is best friends with Julie and she’s part of the band too but behind the scene she gets bullied at school physically (because people are jealous of her voice) Julie and Flynn never noticed that she tried to cover up her bruises
Thank you for the request, I don't really write for jatp anymore but I've whipped up a little something for you. I also may have gone a little off plot with the above request but I hope you still like it.
No-one had ever realised, or so she thought as no-one have ever commented on it, that she only ever wore long sleeves and she never wore short skirts or dresses. Some might say it wasn't a conscious choice, that she that wasn't her style but in truth she would have loved to wear half the outfits that both Julie and Flynn wore without a care.
The truth was that even though she was part of the band, her peers at school seemed to hate her where they adored Julie and the boys, not like she could blame them what wasn't to like about them. She could handle it when it was just funny looks and sharp words but lately it had been physical. It started with kids tripping her in the hallways so she either fell and grazed her knees or bruised herself when she fell against the lockers. Then it had escalated a few days ago, a group of them had cornered her after school as she was heading out from a late study session in the library, one boy had grabbed her wrist so hard she'd had been left with finger shaped bruises encircling her wrist. They were painful and sore when she moved her arm but she'd been able to hide it from her friends, from her parents, from everyone.
Only she hadn't. Flynn had caught sight of it accidently when she reached across the table for something at lunch and only decided not to say anything when she caught sight of the way she quickly tugged her sleeve back down over it. Now Flynn wasn't stupid, she knew something was up and she was worried but in the middle of the cafeteria was not the place to discuss it. So she went to Julie, who was at a loss for words as to why she hadn't come to them for help as they were friends after all. And because they were in the studio when Flynn approached Julie about it, the boys overheard everything.
"Okay back up, what do you mean she's covered in bruises?" Alex had asked, a little confused as to why a couple of bruises were a worry to them.
"Yeah we all know she's clumsy, could it not be because of that?" Reggie piped up.
"I doubt it when the bruises are shaped like fingers" Flynn shot back, the worry for her friend the cause of her rudeness towards Reggie.
"And the way she has been hiding them, if it was just because of her clumsiness then why would she feel the need to hide them" Julie added, her eyes drifting over to Luke who had been way too quiet considering this was his girlfriend they were discussing but when her eyes found him, she found him lost in thought as if he was going back through his memory to try and find anything that could point to what was happening to their friend. Julie didn't blame him as she'd done the same.
"Wait, do you guys think you could follow her just for a little bit, see if you can figure out what's going on" Flynn suggested, perking up at the thought of getting answers so that they could help her.
"But she can see us.." Alex spoke cautiously as if it wasn't already obvious.
"Yeah but no-one else can so you'd have to be close enough to see but far enough away that she doesn't catch you" Flynn explained and she'd barely finished talking before Luke had poofed out of the studio, clearly with a place in mind of finding her.
Luke knew that she like to spend an hour or so after school in the library to catch up on homework so that once she left the schoolgrounds she didn't have to worry about completing it, which meant she could focus on other things like the band or sneaking off with him. When he landed in the library it was quiet, there was a couple of people in there but she wasn't one of them and a glance at the clock told him she had either already left or she didn't come today. Although something was nagging at him, he was sure she'd mentioned this morning that she'd be joining them at Julie's once she'd finished her English Lit essay so he decided just out of curiosity to wander around the halls just to see if he could find her.
A commotion a little further down the hallway drew his attention and when he turned the corner, not only did he come face to face with the source of it but he found her. She was in the middle of a circle of people, kids he'd never seen before but assumed went to school with her, Julie and Flynn only from the looks on their faces he could tell they were anything but friendly and as he got closer he could hear what they were saying which only confirmed that he was right.
"You're not even that good a singer, I don't know why they haven't kicked you out of the band yet"
"Yeah, you don't really fit in with them, they'd be better off finding someone else"
"And that guitarist, Luke was it, god knows what he sees in you I bet he'd be better off with Julie" a final one spoke as they leaned forward to tug on the oversized hoodie she was wearing.
That was enough for Luke, he'd seen enough, heard enough but he couldn't understand how a teacher or anyone else hadn't heard it and at least come to her rescue as it wasn't like he could do much because no-one could see him. He had to do something, couldn't risk them saying or doing anything else but at least he could tell them back at the studio that their fears had been right. Figuring that if he made enough noise that it sounded like someone was heading their way it'd probably get them to back off enough for her to leave he started banging on the lockers closest to him to make it sound like someone was there hearing everything that was being said and when he chanced a look around the corner he saw that his plan had worked for once.
He could see the group giving each other panicked looks, she was also looking in his direction and when she met his eyes he was quick to wave her over. Thankfully they let her go without a word, obviously not wanting to take the chance of being caught out as bullies and she sighed out in relief as she rounded the corner finally away from their torment.
Only her relief was short lived as she realised that she'd now have to explain what had been going on. Embarrassment and guilt flooded though her as she turned back to Luke as she was expecting to be met with a lecture telling her that she should have told them but instead he was quick to sweep her into a hug letting her know she was safe.
Eventually she would have to explain the full extent of what had been going on but at least now it was going to get better and hopefully with the help of her friends she could put a stop to the bullying.
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jmrothwell · 5 days
Fic writer asks:
4, 11, 16, 24, 44, 70
(there are too many great questions!)
Thank you thank you! They are really good questions!! (found here)
Long post is long so there's a read more cut. (Question 16. (How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Share one of them?) gets especially long because I decided I want to discuss all my WIPs.)
4. Where do you find inspiration for new ideas?
This is a wonderful question, and honestly it depends. Some ideas definitely are me reading or watching something and forming an AU around that. Sometimes it's listening to music and a vibe strikes me that I am like I must write a story that fits this vibe. Other times, I'll be daydreaming and a single scene will pop into my mind and haunt me until I write it down which usually leads to creating the world and circumstances to allow that scene to happen. Sometimes I get an impulsive (in the cases of my darker angstier stuff intrusive thought) and my brain is like wouldn't that be messed up? (Like Crash Pad, Ch 11 solely happened because I built the backstory for the POV character and brain went, you know what't be really screwed up?)
11. Link your three favorite fics right now
Oh geez. But there are so many good fics!! At this moment the immediate top 3 that jumped in my head were:
-It's a supernatural delight by @invisibleraven (JatP fic) -Trip of My Life (Every Time You're Touching Me) by @daintyduck99 (JatP fic) -Prince Charming's Jacket by hitechlatte (Rise TMNT fic)
16. How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Share one of them?
So most of my fic ideas are in some WIP phase. (I'm serious when I saw I need a focus schedule to help me out) We Run Together - This next chapter is all Reggie being all anxiety riddled because Cam and Bobby take him shopping . . .still not sure if we're gonna get to the plane ride this chapter or next. Bobby's first since turning and Reggie's first period. . .it's a miserable affair for the two of them. I have this mental image of them during a layover just sprawled in the waiting away noses shoved in some sort of fast food bag or peppermint bag fighting off the queasiness of being trapped in a metal tube with a bunch of people, including young kids. . Hello Baby June, Goodbye Heart - I keep going back an reading what we have for the next chapter and all our notes. I don't know how much Ash is ok with me gushing about details bu I'll just say the stuff we've got planned it's literally that meme of "give me fic. 'you have to write it.' no write only fic." A lot of of my JatP wips are on rotisserie skewers in my brain right now, rotating, coming into view, reminding me of their presence, enticing me to work on them. And they ALL have moments that I am like, you were the scene! The reason I started this fic in the first place and I still haven't gotten to you yet!! . Crash and Burn - Gotta get through this last chapter of Crash Pad, which is gonna be fun. But then Glowing Embers!! Aaaah, the Donnie POV side of Crash Pad!! Especially Ch 9-11 of Crash Pad like I am at that point of must write this that I have worked myself into a frenzied state where writing is no longer possible . Finally the Donnie Double AU - This AU has so much angst potential. Right now I have two planned fics for it. An unnamed one where Mikey goes after the Donnie Duplicate to try and coax him back to the lair. Only instead he sets him off. And like I said, it gets angsty. The Donnie Duplicate 1000% believes he is OG Donnie, it is hardwired into him, no amount of evidence is going to convince him otherwise. Also hardwired into him is the belief that the only way to get his life back is to kill the entity that stole it from him i.e. OG Donnie. Which leads me to the second planned fic Meant to Be(working title, it may change). This is the reader insert(possibly OC) led fic. Essentially the premise is Donnie Duplicate runs into MC, and initially begins clinging to them out of an 'I just lost my entire support system' desperation that turns into a really unhealthy obsessive possessiveness. When I say it is pulling a lot of vibes, especially the planned ending, from Meant to be Yours from Heathers the Musical I ain't lying. In fact most of the vibe songs I am pulling for this lean into dark and angsty feels. Straight up have been listening to a song called Stalker's Tango on a loop for planning parts of this fic
24. Worst writing advice anyone ever gave you?
Hmmmmmm, this ones tough, if it was bad advice I most likely purged it from my mind. The thing is sometimes what is great advice for one person and their way of writing may be terrible advice for some one else. Like even the write daily advice, I think this is great advice. But it needs to be tailored to some extent. When I got back into fic writing I worked myself to the point where I am now needing to reevaluate my expectations of me and my writing. Because I can no longer keep up with the way I wrote a few years ago. The same advice I would have thought was great then would kill me now.
44. What mistakes do you keep making no matter how many times your beta corrects you?
This question would be easier if I had a regular beta XD. Personal mistake of my own that I keep noticing, I don't let the story breath enough.
70. When asked, are you embarrassed or enthusiastic to tell people that you write?
I have no hesitations telling people I write. I might not always discuss what the stories themselves are. But the brilliant thing about fanfiction is I don't have to, I can just talk about the joy of exploring the characters outside of canon, exploring how they would behave in different circumstances. At my sister's wedding a couple years ago, most people didn't even care about the what I was writing, more on the how I found the time. Because this was when I was in peak production mode, where I was slowly burning myself out with the sheer amount of writing I was doing without pacing myself at all.
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supercalime · 20 days
i heard about the whole jatp drama, and i totally get your worries in that regard 😭 sooo often a show has something great going for itself, just for the creators to fuck up so badly that it's almost unfathomable sksksk (also looking at the umbrella academy season 4 disaster). gotta say that at this point, i think i will leave 911 behind fr if bucktommy aren't together anymore. i am out with one foot simply because i only watch certain storylines while skipping others, some characters haven't interested or excited me in literal years. but i love buck. after so many years of watching him try to find real happiness, and with the show slowly reaching a point where imo it's seriously time to wrap it up very soon, i cannot imagine that they will manage to strike gold the way they did with bucktommy ever again. tommy is the first love interest of buck that they actually tried to integrate into the world and the firefam. tommy got the seal of approval, we see buck seemingly finally reach that point in life he was searching for. making him go through ANOTHER breakup just to introduce ANOTHER love interest, nullifying all that bucktommy has established? there is a limit for how often you can press the reset button, and we have reached it with buck a long time ago. let the man finally have something else to work towards. we need a breath of fresh air in here. i am optimistic about s8, and i will live no matter what happenes, but i think that would be my final straw to disconnect from 911 amd canon buck ngl 🤔 fingers crossed that bucktommy is alive and well because it's got sm potential!! 🙌
Couldn’t agree more bestie!
Tbf my reaction to the jatp bs is on me haha. Everything was more intense in 2020/2021 for obvious reasons so it wasn’t surprising for me to have latched on to a tv show and relying on it for my mental well being. But all that bullshit made me learn to change my mindset and behavior on how to interact with media and fandom, which is to have the bar so low it’s in hell.
Anyway, back to 911. I wouldn’t blame you for stopping to watch the show at any point if it’s not interesting any more. I’m not even a fan of this one. I saw bits and pieces throughout the years as one tends to do with procedurals and didn’t want to have my experience tainted with the fanon ship that shall not be named. In fact, I’ve followed lone star from the beginning and I think I still prefer it over the og.
Now onto buck and his relationships. I completely agree with what you said about hitting the reset button over and over. Procedurals tend to stall instead of committing to a solid change unless they get repetitive and/or write themselves into a corner (which both apply to buck here). So yeah, it would be a disservice to bucks character if he yet again goes through another breakup and the cycle keeps going, specially since tommy was pretty well received as his LI unlike all the other ones that weren’t meant to last from the beginning (Abby, Ali), were the wrong person for him (Taylor) or were forced down our throats (Natalia - there was so much telling and not showing how “right” their relationship was, it’s embarrassing).
So, unless there’s outside factors preventing tommy to come back and stay for good (contracts, conflicting schedules, etc), it makes no sense for bucktommy to not continue on the path they are going.
I want bucktommy to thrive, but I won’t hold my breath waiting just yet. If they are broken up or eventually will break up (which I must emphasize I do not want cause I ship them with all my heart) I might quit the show as well. Buck and Tommy were a breath of fresh air and I would love to see what could happen to them if we are lucky enough to see their romance continue
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rukeiiii · 1 year
i hate netflix for cancelling jatp. it's one of the best tv shows in the app, tons of people of all ages enjoyed it too, AND jatp was also all over websites and apps after it was released and up to this point of time too. i also hate netflix for not doing fantoms request on bringing it back; there is literally almost three to five million fantoms who has been tagging and tagging netflix to bring the show back and some to the point where they would sue netflix, and yet netflix hasn't done anything about it for the past TWO FCKING YEARS?! big red flag honestly 🚩🚩🚩
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legolasghosty · 7 months
I Belong in Your Arms
Happy JATP Feb Fan Fest day!!!! This is my gift for @interestinglittlerelationship! Hope you enjoy! (Also sorry I'm a bit late!)
Relationship - Willex Rating - Teen Additional Tags - Foster Care AU, Friends to lovers (mainly friends at this point), hurt/comfort, heavy on the comfort!
Summary -
Alex takes a right at the prompting of his phone and spots the hanging sign for Bohemia Roast. A grin spreads across his face when he spots a familiar figure lounging on a table just outside the cafe. He debates trying to sneak up on them for a second, but decides against it. The accidental elbow he got to the ribs last time he tried makes a solid case against it. “Willie!” he calls out instead, tucking his phone into his pocket. Willie looks up and Alex can see the exact moment he spots him, because his whole face lights up. Alex is still a good ten feet away when Willie rushes him, nearly bowling them both over onto the sidewalk with the force of his hug. Alex squeezes them back just as tightly. It’s been way too long since they’ve actually seen each other in person. 
Read Here on AO3, or read the whole fic below the cut!
Alex hurries to the front of the bus, shooting a quick smile and a “Thank you” to the driver before stepping off onto the sidewalk. He’s 99% sure this is the right stop. Well. Okay, more like 64% sure, but that’s just the anxiety talking. His phone buzzes in his hand, telling him to go left. If Google can be trusted, his destination is only a five-minute walk away.
He turns and starts down the sidewalk. The sun is bright above him, even though it’s the middle of October. He ducks around a young couple taking pictures with some celebrity impersonator with a flashy white wig. Seriously? He hadn’t realized that was still a thing that happened outside of theme parks. Though maybe Hollywood is a bit like a theme park. It would explain a thing or two.
Alex takes a right at the prompting of his phone and spots the hanging sign for Bohemia Roast. A grin spreads across his face when he spots a familiar figure lounging on a table just outside the cafe. He debates trying to sneak up on them for a second, but decides against it. The accidental elbow he got to the ribs last time he tried makes a solid case against it. 
“Willie!” he calls out instead, tucking his phone into his pocket.
Willie looks up and Alex can see the exact moment he spots him, because his whole face lights up. Alex is still a good ten feet away when Willie rushes him, nearly bowling them both over onto the sidewalk with the force of his hug. Alex squeezes them back just as tightly. It’s been way too long since they’ve actually seen each other in person. 
“Your hair’s longer,” Alex mumbles without letting go, those same strands tickling his nose.
“You still have this hoodie,” Willie responds, his fingers tugging on the pink fabric.
“Someone told me pink was my color,” Alex snarks.
“That person must be a genius,” Willie says, chuckling. “I missed you,” he adds a moment later.
“I missed you too.”
Alex doesn’t bother saying more than that, not yet. Right now, he can just soak up Willie’s warmth and familiar presence. Sure, Willie’s hair is a bit longer, and Alex is taller than him now, but they’re still the same people they were a few years ago when they met. And even though they haven’t seen each other all that often since Alex got moved out of the group home after a couple of weeks, they’ve still been in each others’ corners ever since that first night.
Eventually, Willie relaxes a bit and Alex pulls back. “So,” Willie starts with a smirk, “what brings you to Hollywood?”
“Oh, all the famous people,” Alex jokes. “I think I even saw Marilyn Monroe back there.”
“Wow, de-aging technology has gotten so fancy,” Willie retorts with a laugh. “Hasn’t she been dead for like… a while?”
Alex shrugs, faining innocence. “I’m just telling you what I saw.”
Willie stares at him for a second before they both burst into giggles. It feels good, laughing with Willie again. In person, not over the phone.
“Come on, you have got to try this place’s iced teas,” Willie declares.
Alex just grins as Willie grabs his hand and pulls him into the little cafe. The interior is warm and cozy, lit largely by the sunlight that streams in through the front windows. Shelves along one wall hold a mix of plants and in-house coffee blends. The rest of the space is taken up by stools and tables, along with a couple of couches. The place is just the right level of loud, enough that Alex can feel the life flowing around him but not enough that he feels the need to shout. 
“Okay I know I said tea,” Willie says as they approach the counter, “but no pressure there. What do you want?”
Alex inhales the scent of fresh coffee. It smells great… for another time. “No I think I’m with you in the tea club today,” he responds. “Dan and Judy are nice and all, but I swear coffee is the only thing they drink. Period. I haven’t had a decent iced tea in like six months.”
Willie nods. “Makes sense, they sound like coffee people.” They glance up at the menu board. “I was going to try the passion fruit one this time, but the strawberry citrus I had last time was sick.”
“I’ll trust your judgment,” Alex agrees, swinging their still joined hands back and forth a bit. “Hasn’t steered me wrong yet.” He pauses, thinking. “Well, okay, except for that sushi thing. And Thor whatever number the last one was. And that dog that-”
“Hey, that last one is Google’s doing,” Willie protests, cutting him off. “I just gave you what the top search result was.”
“Yeah and then I got bit by a freaking lapdog,” Alex retorts, a laugh bubbling up behind his words.
“Wow, ‘freaking’?” Willie teases back. “Someone’s working on their language.”
Alex groans and drops his forehead down on their shoulder. “Dan and Judy blow a gasket whenever I say anything even remotely connected to a swear word,” he explains. “Like, come on, if you’re gonna be foster parents, you’ve got to be able to manage kids that come from homes where swearing is a thing.”
Willie winces sympathetically. “That’s rough, dude. You should leave them a nasty review on Rate My Foster Parent.”
“That’s not a real site,” Alex mumbles, but a smile is starting to pull at his lips again.
“But it could be,” Willie counters.
Alex rolls his eyes, then smirks. “Oh but how would lovely individuals like Ms. Hannigan ever stay in business then?” he retorts.
Willie shudders. “All the more reason for it to be a thing,” they decide. “I had to watch the 2014 Annie way too many times with Lydia while I was with the Bennets.”
“You have a point,” Alex concedes as the person in front of them finishes ordering and steps away.
“What can I get for y’all?” the woman behind the counter asks with a friendly smile.
“I think we’re in the market for iced tea,” Willie responds. 
He mirrors the barista’s grin, but it’s not the same as the easy one he’d been wearing a moment ago. It’s a bit tighter around the edges, lips closer together and fewer crinkles around his eyes. Alex is familiar with having different smiles for different situations of course, he probably has half a dozen himself. And Willie’s “I’m being polite” smile isn’t nearly as distinctive as it was three years ago when they met, which is a good sign. But still, Alex wishes he could lift some of the weight that pulls at their face when they’re pretending to be happy, but not sure if they’re allowed to exist. 
“And you said the strawberry citrus, right?”
Alex starts, realizing he zoned out for a second. “Yeah, that one,” he tells Willie. He gets a glimpse of the real smile again at that. It makes him feel all light inside, just like it always has.
Willie finishes ordering and reaches for his wallet.
“No it’s cool, I got it,” Alex says, hand slipping into his own pocket.
“Nah, Caleb gave me an allowance for this kind of stuff,” Willie responds, pulling out a $10 bill. “I think he’s trying to teach me financial responsibility or something.”
Alex shoots him a questioning glance. Willie’s eyes say, talk about it later. So Alex lets it go and just drops a $1 in the tip jar. The woman tells them it will be right out, so they head over to the other end of the counter. Alex leans back against one of the tall tables to wait. 
He’s a bit startled a moment later by a warm arm pressing against his own. He glances over to see Willie almost leaning on him, arms folded protectively and eyes fixed on the people behind the counter. Alex can’t help but remember all the times Willie grabbed his hand or pressed their feet together under the table or wrapped him in a hug back when they were in the same foster home. It had been nice back then, but 13-year-old Alex hadn’t considered why that was Willie’s first instinct for helping him. Heck, he hadn’t even heard of love languages till around a year ago.
Alex hesitates, then wraps his arm loosely around Willie’s shoulders. They don’t pull away, to Alex’s relief. Instead, Willie edges a bit closer, shoulders relaxing a little. Alex fights the urge to brush his lips against their cheek, just to see if that would make the real smile come back faster.
Neither of them stirs for a few minutes. The cafe continues to move around them but it doesn’t touch them. They just stay in their little bubble as they wait for their teas. They could be talking, but it’s nice to be quiet every once in a while with someone you love.
Eventually someone calls Willie’s name and slides their drinks across the counter. Willie darts forward, grabs the cups, and is back in front of Alex within moments. “Inside or outside?” he asks, grinning.
Alex glances out the window. “It’s still warm enough for outside,” he decides, taking his cup and grabbing Willie’s now-free hand.
“I don’t know, you might catch a chill, white boy,” Willie teases, following him out to the table where he’d been waiting earlier. 
“Eh maybe I won’t get yelled at for not going to church on Sunday then,” Alex jokes.
Willie frowns and Alex regrets his words. “They shouldn’t be yelling at you,” Willie points out softly. “Especially not for that.”
Alex shrugs. “Yeah, they shouldn’t,” he agrees. “But there’s not much I can do about it.”
Willie nods and squeezes his hand. They have to let go of each other as they sit down on either side of a small, wooden table, but Alex brushes his toes against Willie’s, just to keep the contact he knows is nice for them both.
“So, tell me all about-” Alex sets down his cup to throw up some jazz hands, “-Caleb Covington?”
Willie giggles. “Yep I guess that is how I text about him, isn’t it,” they remark.
“There are sparkles around his name like every other time,” Alex confirms, laughing.
“And I stand by it,” Willie states. “This guy is very extra. But… not in a bad way? I don’t think?”
Alex leans forward, resting his elbows on the table to listen. “I mean he did give you coffee money,” he points out. “Isn’t that stuff supposed to stunt your growth or something?”
“If I didn’t already know that was a myth, I’d believe it now,” Willie responds. “I swear Caleb drinks like half a pot of the stuff with breakfast and he’s like six-three or something.”
Alex laughs. “So what you’re saying is that you need something else to blame for being shorter than me now?”
“Guess so,” Willie says, nodding. They don’t say anything else for a moment and Alex waits, knowing by now that sometimes they just need a minute to collect their thoughts. “He’s cool so far,” Willie says finally, a bit softer than before. “And he’s gay, which is nice. I haven’t met his boyfriend yet, but he sounds chill from what Caleb says.”
“That’s great, Wills,” Alex remarks, offering an encouraging smile. 
“Yeah, he’s like the chillest foster parent I’ve ever had with all that,” Willie agrees. “He even… um… he mentioned we might even be able to get the legal stuff squared away so I can start HRT if everything goes okay with the GP next month.”
Alex can’t help the surprised laugh that escapes him. “Willie, that’s awesome!” he declares, grabbing Willie’s hand again. “You’ve been wanting that for like… ever.”
Willie nods and offers a hopeful smile. “Well cross your fingers for me,” they answer. “I mean… I don’t know if I’ll last long enough for that to actually happen.”
Alex immediately reaches across the table and latches onto their other hand as well, making Willie look up at him. “Hey, no,” Alex says quietly. “No blaming yourself for any of that. It’s not on you to make yourself this perfect kid that fits with all the random expectations of stupid white people. They knew they weren’t going to get perfect kids when they registered to be foster parents. Heck, they signed up for not-perfect kids when they decided they wanted to have any kids at all. Other peoples’ bad choices and reactions aren’t your fault.”
Willie bites his lip but nods again. “Yeah. I know that,” he says. Alex isn’t fully convinced, but he doesn’t push it. “It just sucks that I’m the one who gets screwed up after.”
“Yeah, it does.” Alex squeezes Willie’s hands, then lets go of one to take a sip of his tea. “Oh dang, this is awesome,” he remarks.
Willie grins, not all the way but close enough to make Alex feel fluttery. “Right? I don’t know what kind of crack they put in these, but it’s seriously addictive.”
“Yes,” Alex responds, pointing at him before taking another swallow. “How’s yours?”
“Sick,” Willie says. He sips at his drink again, then adds, “Caleb apparently comes here a lot. It’s not that far from where he works so he’ll come here on lunch breaks or something sometimes?”
“I probably would too if I was close enough,” Alex admits.
“Same. But he brought me here like the day after I moved in, something about serious conversations requiring caffeine. But said ‘serious conversations’ were all like… what kind of breakfast food do I like? And favorite movies? And allergies, even though I’m pretty sure that’s already in my file or whatever?”
“Sounds like my level of serious conversation,” Alex says, chuckling. “But I think I’m starting to see what you meant before about him being extra…”
Willie laughs. “Yeah, he’s just like that I guess. I mean he runs this fancy club place on Sunset Boulevard, so I guess it checks out. The place kinda sounds like an old speak-easy sometimes from how he talks about it.”
“Good think alcohol isn’t illegal anymore then,” Alex jokes.
“Man, I don’t think he’d get caught even if it was,” Willie responds. “He’s like scarily good at talking people into things. These couple of missionary dudes showed up at our door last week and I’m pretty sure Caleb had them questioning their own fancy book by the time they left.”
Alex smirks. “Serves them right.” He falls silent for a moment, sipping his drink. “So you like it there?” he asks.
Willie bites his lip again and nods. “Yeah, I do. And I’m scared I’m gonna mess it up. That I’ll drive him away.”
Alex laces their fingers together a little more securely. “Well whatever happens, I’ll still follow you,” he promises, just like he has dozens of times over the last few years.
Willie smiles, a bit shaky but so real and honest that it makes Alex’s face warm in its glow. “You too,” they reply easily. “We’ll figure it out.”
“One day at a time,” Alex finishes.
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thedeathdeelers · 1 year
Juke au request:
where sunset curve is famous, julie carrie and flynn are backup dancers for this big epic gig and Luke sees julie right there on the spot onstage
I got that vivid idea last night I can't write if my life so I asked someone else to write it but they don't write fir that ship it would mean a lot to me to see this fleshed out
hello! sorry i don’t really do requests anymore cause i’m nowhere near as motivated to write jatp fics, but here’s how i think this could pan out:
ok so julie being a backup dancer feels a little ooc for me in the way that i think she should always be the star of whatever she’s doing — and that although luke would be intrigued to see her cause she’s very Pretty, it wouldn’t be enough to fully captivate him. they both bonded over music and it’s how he fell for her so deeply
my idea is that julie finds herself being a backup dancer with flynn and carrie because it was her only way to keep her promise: she still can’t bring herself to sing again after her mom’s death but rose made her promise to always be involved with music, to always have it in her life. so julie does the next best thing: she chooses to dance - she’s still surrounded by music all the time, it’s just slightly different to what she’s used to: she doesn’t sing
and maybe. maybe at this event/gig/festival that both luke and julie find themselves in, that’s where they first meet. i’m thinking that perhaps luke coincidentally walks past her backstage at some point before their performance and hears her hum a song (maybe one of theirs? maybe one by rose and the petal pushers?) and it peaks his interest cause 1. it’s his song (or a song by a legend called rose molina and he doesn’t often hear people listening to rose and the petal pushers) and 2. cause even with just the soft humming he can hear the quality of this girl’s voice
but before he can backtrack and approach her, maybe talk to her about music, he gets called over for sound check and then it’s just a busy day and he kind of forgets/lets it go
that is until later on when he sees the same girl dancing on stage and is a little surprised she isn’t the one singing — and shit, he also notices that she’s kinda cute too.
he’s Intrigued even more at this point. because he thinks he saw her look a little happier humming to a song backstage than she does dancing her heart out onstage
and now he wants to know more
cue him looking her up on instagram, and reggie and alex rolling their eyes at him. cue him going way back down her old posts until he stumbles on the earliest ones on her insta and it’s a short clip of her…singing
like singing singing. and now he’s sat there on their tour bus, mouth hanging open and heart beating in his throat because holy shit this is the most beautiful voice he’s ever hear
so he shoots his shot….and DMs her 👀
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shuffleoflove · 1 year
i was looking through my notes app and found some notes i wrote while reading edge of great (the jatp novelisation) in feburary 2021 so i thought i'd post them bc i miss the time when i was so obsessed with jatp i could quote large parts of it from memory:
okay it's thicker than i expected this is a good start
multiple povs?! oh my god yesyesyes
i've read one page and I'm already loving it because i was expecting it to just be a retelling of the action with barely any insight to characters thoughts other than "i was feeling sad :(" but it's giving so much more than that
luke says sunset curve were all "vibing" shdhfnd
the dialogue is slightly different in some places but honestly i don't hate it
a pink flower in a vase next to rose?? the dahlia symbolism is here already people
bobby is a cheesy hopeless romantic confirmed
[luke about trying to be modest] "it was a new look for me, i'll admit." avdhfdhdhd
alex interrupts reggie trying to flirt with rose avdbfjdd i'm loving the new dialogue
luke makes a joke about staving to death oh god the dramatic irony
julie's literal first words are "my best friend flynn is amazing" 🥺🥺
loz feliz performing arts high school??
julie calls carrie cute?? girl-
i've been spelling dirty candi as "dirty candy" this whole time. whoops.
trevor has literal platinum records but the thing julie decides to point out is that one of his songs was in a car advert shdjdjfjf
nooo they took out flynn shouting demon at carrie
julie mentions flynn and how amazing she is at nearly every given opportunity
"flynn and i were always straight with each other" this is meant to a dramatic moment but i'm laughing at this ahdjdnem
julie is a writer!! not just of lyrics/poems, she writes other stuff too!!
she describes the garage as being full of ghosts when referring to memories of her mum... i'm living for all the dramatic irony
ahh julie and ray are speaking in spanish to each other so much more than they did the show
the teacup and spoon rose had been using before she died were still there 🥺
julie says that she felt like her mum was telling her to play the cd ahhh
the first thing she says about the guys is that they're cute JULIE AHDJFK
wavy hair reggie yesss
julie says oh my god instead of oh my gosh
julie doesn't know luke's name so she's calling him floppy acdjfjrks
her reasoning for letting the guys stay in the garage was because she thought it was what rose would've done 🥺🥺
they took out reggie losing his shirt this is so sad 😔
[alex about julie playing wake up] "i couldn't remember the last time I felt so moved by music that wasn't actually my own."
okay i get why they changed povs but i kind of wish we'd gotten julie's pov while she played wake up
the first episode took up about 1/5 of the book jesus-
they skipped the bit about the only thing scarier than one girl crying being two girls crying 😔
flynn: "instagram" alex: "what-stagram?"
flynn hugs julie after she tells her about playing music again awwww
noo they cut out the scene where ray comes in to the studio ffs stop cutting scenes please
alex: "it tingles in weird places" alex, literally one line later: "well, it did."
according to alex the other describe him as "warm and fuzzy"
also so far everyone's pov has called luke out for being too cheesy
reggie: "i'm gonna guess death breath"
alex is now describing luke as the puppy reggie never had
alex calling luke and reggie his family 🥺😭
when julie went into her room and found the guys messing around she was on her way to text flynn 🥺 this book just makes me love their friendship so much more
reggie is described as having "a mop of hair" god i wish 😔
dahlia symbolism count: 3. so far it's been a vase next to rose, the curtains in the studio, and the flowers in julie's picture of her
luke: "our instruments are attached to our souls." reggie: "and sometimes our belts."
okay so the book confirms that julie found therapy helpful but she just didn't want to go back because she thought others would see her as fragile, which imo is a lot better than in the show when she just seemed like she hated it
they merged alex asking if julie got back into music with luke showing her bright which i get because if they kept everything in the book would be pretty long but... idk i kinda liked how it was just julie and luke when he showed her bright
julie describes the wow performance as being like a superbowl half-time show
list of celebs who've been name-dropped so far: weezer, the smashing pumpkins, katy perry, and harry styles
julie wanted to kiss kayla?!? wlw julie confirmed
reggie's internal dialogue is using way more words than necessary and as an autistic person I relate to that so i'm gonna use this as proof reggie is autistic 😙✌
reggie says how little julie's smiled since they met and is now describing her smile in detail 🥺🥺
me, seeing that reggie's pov is already over: :(
me seeing that it's alex's pov and he's about to meet willie: :D
avxhfjfldnd alex was so mesmerised by how beautiful willie was he forgot to speak 😭😭
damn they took out willie asking alex if he's into guys if he wanted a picture with fake marilyn monroe (they changed it to spider-man)
y'all willie gave alex a hip bump I'm dying over here
"wait, how can i see you again?" god this is killing me i love them 😭🥺
"even if you don't have questions" willie is hardcore flirting and i respect that
"i liked the sound of that" god it's been a few minutes and alex is already whipped agshdndm
dahlia reference number 4 (this time it's a mug)
instead of calling julie "insanely talented" luke calls her "annoyingly talented"
julie canonically uses the word "bonkers" and idk why i love that so much
ahhh i'm already halfway through the book and it's still episode 3
i'll look at the pictures first though
okay now onto flynn's pov
maybe this is just me, but why does everyone say "mother" instead of "mom" all the time? it seems weirdly formal but whatever
flynn calls flying solo "our song" (meaning her and julie's) 🥺
svdbfjff whenever alex went to meet willie he just said he was going for a walk
wait, walks? plural?! alex and willie had more interactions and we didn't get to see them?! livid 😤
willie wanted to show alex the museum because it was one of his favourite places... god I'm soft
"i would've followed willie just about anywhere" stoppp this is too much for me 😭🤧
"together. i liked the sound of that." awwefdhehrhe
alex's catchphrase seems to be "I liked the sound of that" rather than "okay"
"so close that I could feel his breath" why did I think they were gonna kiss 💀💀
willie: "feels good, right?" alex: "yeah, it does." alex, in his head: "i was talking about the screaming, but i was talking about being here, now, with willie, too." oh god oh fuck-
"wagging an eyebrow" girl why is that worded so weird 😭💀
nah there's no way luke doesn't know what a sample is
yess we're back to luke's pov 😎
the book confirms that it was luke who wrote "hi bobby" on the mirror but i still refuse to believe it because of the one tumblr post i saw comparing all the boys handwriting and saying it was reggie (also the writing it too neat to be luke's 😌)
they cut the entire julie-sneaks-around-while-flynn-distracts-carrie bit 😔 (and also the guys mooning trevor)
"and the truth was, [julie] was becoming important to me. i hated to let her down." awwww 🥺🥺
sbdjfkfl reggie called the hgc creepy and alex got defensive because it "was willie's place"
when luke said they were "overdressed" they all tucked their shirts in
ffs not the eyebrow wagging again (this time from flynn)
so julie considers carrie as her frenemy and not an actual enemy... inch resting...
"the awkward "joke" just sat in the air like dead fish" abdhfjf what are these metaphors
awww when alex asked about the lifers being "sworn to secrecy" willie wanted to telm him about caleb owning everyone at the hgc's souls but he couldn't 🥺🥺 if I catch anyone posting willie slander it's on sight 🥊😠🥊
OKAY WHAT I'M LIVID - they reduced the whole "do this forever"/"there's a lot to like here" thing to just the dialogue. literally no mentions of the lingering glances or luke's "you got a crush on willie". fucking disgraceful. i hate it here.
willie watched the guys getting stamped and said it felt like his stomach was filling with lead SEE I WILL NOT TOLERATE ANY WILLIE SLANDER IN THIS HOUSE
willie noticed alex looking into the crowd before leaving and wondered if he was looking for him... do tell me willie who else could he possibly be looking for
"alex said, looking stressed (then again, when did alex look not stressed?)" avshdnfmfr
julie describes nick's voice as "soft" and "graveled"
apparently julie has had a crush on nick since kindergarten, and in kindergarten nick cried because he couldn't get the lid off of his glue stick
luke says that knowing he let julie down at the dance hurt more than caleb's jolts 🥺🥺
the boys' little "sorry" song has it's lyrics written the same way the other songs, the ones actually in the soundtrack, do. tell me jatp why the sorry song isn't on the soundtrack right now 🔫😠
literally no mention of alex's dancing what in the homophobia
according to julie, finally free is about the power of connecting through music, but i still choose to believe it's a gay anthem about coming out
when julie saw her dad cooking breakfast and humming finally free she "almost died from how cute it was"
wait i just realised throughout this whole book there's been barely any mentions of julie and luke sharing the mic, and nothing about luke and reggie sharing either, and julie waking through luke in bright was just ignored. disgusting.
julie canonically thinks ray is the best dad ever 🥺🥺
that being said I'm pissed the book cut reggie from this scene
julie describes herself as being "charmed" by luke being nervous jskdkkdhs
flynn's pov again babey 😎
lmao nevermind the chapter was two pages long
also the whole perfect harmony sequence is just cut and all we hear is julie mention it to flynn... bruh
reggie and alex both see how hard luke is simping for julie and just give each other shit-eating grins whenever he mentions her dgehdjdj
when willie tells alex he can't explain why he's spying on him alex says "and to think i had felt there had maybe been something between us" fuckk
alex wondered if willie had ever had feelings for him or if he was playing him the whole time 🥺😭 bby nooo
they cut girls amirite... no one talk to me...
y'all... i think, other from julie, alex has had the most pov chapters... interesting...
the boys were literally so distressed about flynn eating pizza when they could smell it and not eat it and said they'd die of deprivation sgdhdjfkd
alex: *was choking back a sob*
willie: *was choking back a sob*
me: *was also choking back a sob*
😃 wtf... when willie says he cares about alex and hates that he brought them all into this mess, alex snaps at him... bro wtf that is not what happened and doesn't fit in with what alex was feeling in that moment at all... fuck this book
julie hugs flynn in the book at lot more than in the show so maybe it does have rights after all...
they've made a "face the music" pun at least 5 times so far in this book
wait - luke says that julie played his parents unsaid emily implying she sang it?? yo...
"but there was nothing I could say, nothing I could do, to make things better. so instead, I watched her go." why does that line hit so hard
"i pulled him in for a quick hug" lmao girl no
I JUST REALISED they cut the "i would've still followed you" scene 😭 the homophobia of it all 💀💀
'"i won't forget you," he said before spoofing out. Me either.' god don't do this to me today 🥺🥺
"with my smoothest dance move" now THAT'S the alex i know and love
the promoter and his assistant have names now: frank and tasha
the book's nearly over and i just realised there were barely any reggie pov chapters 🥺 not only is he my comfort character i also really liked his internal dialogue... oh well 😔
they really let there be spelling mistakes in this book smh
"who knew sunset boulevard smelled like cat pee and old takeout containers? not very glamorous, given that this was my hollywood rockstar dream."
"the music filling me like air - like joy" god I love that line
julie feels the need to point out how good luke looks in his tuxedo avdhdndmd
"i'm gonna miss you." "not as much as we're gonna miss you." oh god oh fuck-
"are you real?" "we were always real. But now... maybe... we're here?"
okay so i finished it and it was fun to read overall but i felt like past episode 3 was very rushed and condensed (makes sense since episode 3 finished past the half-way point of the book) and it stopped being as well written (barely any internal dialogue and descriptors), and some moments were mischaracterised heavily (including a lot of the willex) and juke just didn't seem developed at all. also i wish reggie had gotten more pov chapters since he's, y'know, a main character. i'm pretty sure he got, like, 2 :( also a lot of the music scenes lacked emotion but since this is an adaptation of something with music without music i'll let it slide. it was still nice to read either way.
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claire8216 · 11 months
Fic Tag Game
Thanks @fandomscraziness22 for the tag!! 🩵
How many works do you have on AO3? 10! My page says 7 but I have some I've published anonymously.
What's your AO3 word count? 122,718
What fandoms do you write for? It's been a while since I've posted anything but when I do find the motivation to write it's usually Julie and the Phantoms, Outer Banks, or The Summer I Turned Pretty! I've written some for other fandoms too but that was a looong time ago haha.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos? (Not including the ones I'd like to remain anonymous 😉) - Fire Red and Ocean Blue (TSITP) - I Hate the Way I Don't Hate You (JatP) - Been Counting My Blessings Thinking This Through (OBX) - Something Like That (JatP) - I'm Standing in Your Line (I Do Hope You Have the Time) (JatP)
Do you respond to comments? I really try to respond to every comment, even if it takes me a while to respond! I genuinely appreciate people who take the time to not only read my writing but also share with me their thoughts, so the least I can do is respond back 😊
What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Oof in general I usually stick to happy endings so there hasn't been a ton of angsty endings! But I once wrote a fic exploring a character navigating the aftermath of the sudden death of his wife. It ends with him bonding with a woman in a bar who had also lost her husband, and they dance together and while it's nice to have some sort of companionship again, there's an unspoken agreement that nothing and no one would ever compare to their late spouses. (Based off the song Ghost of You by 5SOS, specifically the last line!) I don't usually write major character deaths, and I actually ended up taking that one down because it was too sad for me haha.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? The rest of my fics pretty much all have HEAs because at my core that's what I enjoy most haha. But my favorite and probably fluffiest ending is Fire Red and Ocean Blue.
Do you get hate on fics? I don't remember ever getting any hate! *knock on wood*
Do you write smut? What kind? I do not, but I always enjoy reading a good smut fic!
Do you write crossovers? No, but I love AUs or fics based off of other books/shows/movies!
Have you ever had a fic translated? Also no haha.
Have you ever cowritten a fic before? I've attempted to, a loooong time ago when I was first getting into fanfic. Nothing ever came of it though, we were both, like, 12 so it fizzled haha. I have no idea where that person is today but I hope they're doing well!!
What WIP would you like to finish, but doubt you ever will? Back when s1 of Outer Banks came out I started working on a Jiara one night stand fic and got about halfway done. I still think about it often, but too much has happened in s2 and 3 it just wouldn't make sense anymore and I'd basically have to start from scratch.
What's your all-time favorite ship? This is a tough one! My oldest and most beloved ships will always be Romione and Percabeth. But no ship has ever, and may never again, have me in a chokehold quite like Juke did during the height of my JatP hyperfixation. So one of those three! 😂
What are your writing strengths? Ooo I love a good theme or motif or analogy and bringing everything back around full circle. It makes my little perfectionist virgo brain very happy haha.
What are your writing weaknesses? Sometimes I'll rush through the little details just to get to the main plot points. I constantly have to remind myself to slow down, a sort of "stop and smell the roses" if you will, and set the scene or create unique little character details to make my fics more descriptive.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in a another language for a fic? If it's needed it's needed! I usually will copy/paste and look up the translation if I need to.
First fandom you wrote for? Glee haha. I used to be OBSESSED.
Favorite fic you've ever written? I feel like this answer changes depending on my mood haha. Right now I think it'd have to be Been Counting My Blessings Thinking This Through, but that could totally be recency bias haha. I am very proud of it though!
What fic would you want to rewrite someday? I wrote this PJO (Tratie) fic called Rivers about 10 years ago and to this day the idea behind it is probably one of my favorite ideas I've ever had for a fic. When I reread it now, I can't help but see the writing of a 15 year old girl who had no idea what she was talking about and was unable to execute it in the way I wanted to in my mind haha. I always tell myself I'm going to rewrite it, and maybe with the show coming out soon, it'll inspire me to!
This was so fun!! Tagging @story-courty @bex2313 and @writerownstory and anyone else who wants to participate!
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pink-flame · 5 months
I’m obsessed with your writing. I’ve been re-reading We Found Wonderland and also reading your other JatP works and I just get so 🥰🥰 about it
Aww, thank you so much! This means so much to me. I hope you're enjoying the re-read. I'm working on a WFW spin off with some of those events from Queenie's point of view so keep an eye out for that! 💜
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