#but also despite that i just. can't help the mental image of the 'roasting' in the figurative sense of the word that i'm more familiar with
fangirl-erdariel · 14 days
Sometimes I wonder what Tolkien would think about the fact that his books have been popular for so long that some of the words in it have started to change meaning
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ok but,,,, imagine this analodukeceit au
fantasy setting. logan, remus, deceit and virgil a a gang of exiles, cast out for various reasons. they fall in love with each other and go on adventures together.
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Logan Blackberry Everton, 27
Expert swordsman. Refuses to harm or threaten anyone he considers an ally with his sword.
Exiled 6 years ago because he "betrayed" the royal throne of the Paawtonia kingdom, by killing the heir, Dayd Harper, on the day before his coronation.
In reality, Dayd was a corrupt ruler waiting to happen, and knew that Dayd was going to bring his kingdom down to ashes.
Before exile, Logan was a royal guard, specifically Patton Harper's personal guard. He & Patton were in love, and when Patton had discovered what Logan had done to his older brother he exiled him, and by the time Patton learned the truth it was too late. Logan was too far away. Their love has faded into history.
Logan's never seen without bandages covering his arms, from shoulder to wrist. Can't tell you why, it's spoilers.
Calm, calculated, but loving. Knows exactly how to calm his lovers due to his experience with having to deal with Patton's occasional mental breakdowns because Patton had a rough childhood.
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Ethan "Deceit" Moreau, 25
Works with a staff + sword combo. His boyfs thought his sword was odd for a while until Ethan finally revealed he and the "sword" could cast magic.
Exiled because he was born in an anti-magic kingdom, having magic powers. He naturally knows dark and deceptive magic, and he taught himself some fire & psychic magic later in his life.
Never seen without his body almost 100% covered and part of his face covered. The location that's covered is always changing. Sometimes one eye, sometimes both, sometimes his mouth, etc. It is unknown in the group why he does so. It is theorized to have something to do with his magic, perhaps a side effect? Only Ethan & the people from his home village knows.
Reserved. Keeps things close to his chest(metaphorically). Will take things you say about him seriously and it will take a while before he forgives you for it. He thinks fast on his feet, and is usually the reason his boyfriends dodge being hit by someone, because otherwise they'd have no clue.
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Remus & Roman Aveyard, 23
Remus uses a large, spiky battle hammer as a weapon. It's lighter than it looks, most of the impact and damage comes from the spikes. Remus just likes swinging a hammer more than a morningstar.
Roman is never seen without a shield. He'll take any weapon, but he knows to protect himself during combat. He'd never intentionally give up his shield for another person, it's all about keeping himself protected.
Exiled together at the age of 16 for sabotaging their kingdom, Fairience. They hated their father, Romulus, their mother, Farah, and their older brother, Pryce; Which led them to the foolish decision to attempt to assassinate their whole family and take over the throne together. The twins successfully killed off their parents but were halted before getting to their brother.
Pryce took over the throne, the twins got chased out of the kingdom and were hailed fugitives. They tried to stick together until eventually during an ambush they got separated and presumed each other dead, so they went their separate ways.
7 years later which is when the story starts, Remus had ended up in the exile gang this au is about, while Roman became the leader of a gang of thieves. The gang Roman leads is known to bring harm to whoever resists their ways, no matter what. They'll even overthrow their own leader if the leader goes against their ways.
Remus was mostly alone those 7 years, and became touch starved because of it. So this short, rambunctious kid known for frequently going beserk curls up in fear, shaking, just from being touched. Roman however, is not touch starved but is vary wary about strangers touching him, causing him to quickly dodge oncoming contact from someone new faster than most people could, it's a sixth sense for him to know when unfamiliar touch is coming.
Remus is super wild and all over the place, and at times seems so hyper that he must've had a lot of sugar. He's not afraid to roast & talk sh** about someone, and slap a b***h too. But when it comes to his boyfriends, Remus is very affectionate, giving lots of compliments and kisses. He is very good at distracting them from whatever is bothering them as well.
Roman is prideful and despite him keeping a shield with him most of the time, he's not very cautious. He'll dive headfirst into danger with a shield in hand. He's one of the few who can keep Remus under control(aside from Remus's bfs). He will gossip about you, just accept it. On the outside he acts very social and outgoing but on the inside he's very shy and just wants to get away from the crowds.
Roman isn't as big in this AU as Remus is, Roman's just put here for convenience.
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Virgil Caverly-Deckett, 24 (His name in the image is wrong)
Rogue, uses close-range weapons like daggers. He intimidates most who get close to him so it gives him the advantage.
Exiled for being only part human. His mother had an affair with a demon, so he's part demon. His birthplace is known for being heavily religious, and all the people saw him as a child of sin. So against his mothers cries for mercy, he was chased out of town the day he turned 8, which is when the rumors of him being part demon were proven due to his demon heritage finally coming to light. He still doesn't know what type of demon he partially is, as the only signs he has shown so far are the tiny horns that stick out of his head, the odd patches of skin on his arms and his sharper-than-average fingernails.
He was found and raised by the Dragon Witch, who is actually a relative of Virgil's birth father. Virgil then left his new home at age 19, because he wanted to make a name for himself out there(as well as find others like him), but he occaisonally visits his "Mother Witch"(as he sometimes refers to her as) whenever he can and spends time with her.
Prior to meeting the exile gang, he stopped speaking sentences longer than 10 words, and nobody knows why except for Virgil himself. Not even his Mother Witch, because he hadn't visited since it happened. He can frequently be seen counting on his fingers over and over.
Vigilant. Was pretty vagrant too, until he met his lovers. Soft spoken when calm, but when in battle or stressed his voice is loud, booming, and aggressive. His glare is powerful due to being part demon, he can convince people to back down with it. He rarely uses it on his boyfriends, its only when it's absolutely necessary. He's super affectionate, but in a cuddly way. He's silently demanding them to cuddle him a lot, and they give in because either they want to or they can't resist.
Other noteworthy characters:
Patton Catonica Harper, 24: Ruler of Paawtonia. Used to be in love with Logan but exiled him out of grief after he killed his brother, Dayd. Found out once Logan was long gone that Lo had done him a favor and has since become a shadow of his former self.
Serilda "Dragon Witch" Caverly, ???: Mother figure to Virgil. Master of making potions, charms, and other magical objects. Casts spells with staff. Has wings on her back that she can shrink for comfort and grow when she wants to fly. She also has dragon-like pupils, and has dragon claws, feet, horns, and tail that she can disguise at will for ease. She is a Draconic Demon.
Remy Brantley, 20: Wizard in training. Focuses on sleep-related spells & items. Has trouble with duration of his spells.
Emile Picani, 23: Patton's head servant and best friend. Essentially Patton's therapist as well, as he's the only one who has helped the depressed king with his trauma.
Thomas Sanders, 21: Wizard in training & Remy's best friend. Born in Paawtonia & is faithful to his kingdom. Knows Logan because they are cousins, was very close to him. Fears the day Logan returns because that means, as a defender of Paawtonia, he would have to kill the intruding exile.
So yeah,,,, Analodukeceit Exiles au. Clothing is slightly too modern for the setting but screw it. i'll draw these extra characters later kshfjshfks only the characters in the ship this au is based around were necessary for this post,,, i only added roman cuz it was easier.
i'm 85% likely gonna write a series about this au,,,, lmk if you wanna be added to the taglist. speaking of which, the taglist: @tottalynotgayatall @ollyollyoxinfree @locked-prism @gyllenhoe-f99 @bexxbeauty @a-random-queer-humanoid(you didn't say you wanted to be tagged but i thought you would like to)
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