#but also I'm high and my side is itchy and I'm still mad about it
chimericaloutlier · 1 year
Any other autistic shirt-ruiners out there like me, with a huge hole in the bottom of your shirts where they sew that gods-bedamned side tag on?
I had a extra sharp and pointy one, poking straight into my soul and pinning me like a butterfly onto the pinnacle of Tartarus, on this otherwise really lovely soft cami, and I literally just now ripped it out with my teeth, there is pink thread bleeding everywhere, it's carnage, and I regret nothing
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sweetkiwi-vt · 6 years
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Creepypasta OC
Pablo and Lilly #digitalart #creepypasta
About the characters:
Both are related.
The man in the chair is called Pablo...
No wait.
I'll just let them speak.
My name is Lilly Ork and I'm 4 years old.
I like pandas and bears, because they are really cute!
I also like listening to my papa. He always gives me something fun to do!
I don't like lemons. They make me want to throw up, also I don’t like chilies, but I like cakes! Papa doesn’t let me to eat them so much though.
I don’t have a mama or grandpa and grandma. I saw papa kill them.
I don’t go to school either. Papa said that that's a bad idea.
Daddy told me that when I was little I met my grandma and grandpa once. They didn’t like me, when I asked about my mommy he said she didn’t like me either!
I didn’t mind it though. As long as papa gives me Pat's on the head and buys me new toys every time an old one gets dirty I don’t mind!
I have long brown hair made in pigtails, with such cute pink ribbons I took from a girlie I saw on the street. She got really mad at me, her mommy too. So papa took her out that night! Then he gave me the ribbons!
I wear a really pretty one piece dress with paws print on it! Papa bought me that dress recently, but from being nice white color it turned red, the brown. When I asked my papa about it, he told me that red color changes to brown when dry. I think I missed a part then.
One day I got really sick, my eye was really itchy, so papa and I went to see a doctor.
Papa then told me that I had Heterochromia. I'm not sure what that means. He gave me an eyepatch to hide one of my eyes.
I have a story on that too. Little while ago I got lost in a supermarket. Papa and I were out shopping for trash bags and something to eat. An old lady found me there. She told me I have beautiful eyes. Apparently I have one green and one blue eye.
Papa was mad at me for going off on my own, but he praised me for finding another annoying victim.
I don’t speak much, papa doesn’t like noise, so I'm quiet. I don’t really like to speak either. Now that I think about it, I don’t like hearing other people talk. Papa always talks to me and with me but I don’t hate it. Because its papa.
When I'm alone with papa and not haunting annoying people, we usually draw and collect things. I like doing that!
It's really fun to collect rocks and then draw on them!
What I dislike to do is talking with older men. They always look weirdly at me. My papa too dislikes them.
I cant read or write but papa is teaching me!
I can now read headlines of newspapers alone!
I really like my teddy bear. This is 3rd one already.
I like to give poison to people my papa points out to me.
I usually walk to a person papa doesn’t like and then lead them astray!
Then my papa strangles them!
If not that, then I put white poisonous powder I have in my teddy bear.
People don’t suspect anything. That's weird.
Well it was nice talking to you!
Papa is behind you though. His eyes are telling me that both of us were quiet annoying and noisy just now!
Good bye! It was nice talking to you!
My name is Eren Ork. I am 24 years old, a collage drop out and orphan.
Well not to then full extent, as you will hear later on, I killed my mother, father and step brother.
Because I was bored and they were all annoying.
That's what I hate the most, annoying people.
This is my story. It's not short but well, listen to it while you still can.
I've been alone since I can remember.
I grew up in a rich family.
"Next heir of our cooperation"
"He is so smart he can do anything."
Well, I would've stayed if my mother wasn’t a cunt like she was.
She would force me to study and made me spend my hours watching my father work.
Maybe because she wasn't even sure if I was my father's child.
As far as I know, I'm a single child. An only son of the CEO, and like I said only one who can actually take over the company.
So I was adored and respected to some point.
I learned how to act.
How to play a piano.
And how to hate my family.
I never went to actual school. Other then my mother's abuse in a way, I was always alone. So when I turned 12.
I discovered something really amusing.
"We are reporting. The several killings that have been going on. As the reporters from the scene are reporting. In this small house, like you can see. We found multiple bodies. Their skin was used as a canvas, is what the policeman are stating. It is still..."
My face was glued to the screen.
The fact, that someone could do something like that, amused me. It seemed interasting. I wanted to try it.
"What are you doing?! Aren’t you supposed to study?!" My mother was screaming at me from the door to my room. She's so loud and annoying.
"Get away from that. Damien! Take that thing out of my son's room!" So loud.
"You move away from that thing!" She stomped next to me, and grabbed me for my arm and pulled me up.
"Let me go, you loud hag." Is what I told her.
She just frowned and slapped me.
I felt it, I wanted to return her the same favor. But my father was behind her.
"Just what do you think you are doing?!"
That night, they fought through the whole night.
I just thought.
"Oh. This is fun"
For the 1st time in my whole life I found something fun. Yes, the 1st time.
Due to my actions and absence, my father bought me a cat. It was loud so I killed it. Then the dog, then the hamster, then they just gave up on buying me pets. I would always think of some reason on how they died. I couldn't tell them I liked how when they kinda screamed.
So, when the tutors would come in...
I would make them turn away.
Leaving my father and mother the only other option to educate me.
Boarding school.
When I was 15. I got sent into the boarding school. It was a private school, which are usually boarding schools. Unlike other rich boys I was thrilled to get sent into one.
I was away from that annoying mother. But...
Now there were some adults with no real status giving me orders...
So annoying.
It wasn't an only boys school so.
"Hey Pablo is kind of handsome?"
"I know right. His brown hair and eyes are so special!"
To let you know. I have dark brown hair and green eyes. I was told a lot that my Emerald like eyes resemble my mother's, never saw her in color, and my hair kind of resembles my father's. That's why they probably suspect me not being an true Ork, but a bastard child of some sort. And my build, well it was normal. I had height, but I wasn't anything special really. So...
"Ahhh. I wonder how would be to date him." "His family cant reach mine though" I never understand those girls.
So they are annoying.
I want them to go away.
"Hey" I spoke in a normal tone. I didn't want to let them know I'm pissed off. More like "They are giving me a headache."
"Oh sorry." The girls looked at me surprised. Only one of them spoke.
They had sad faces on. I couldn't care less. I would like to see them all cry. Maybe I could mess with them for a bit.
I could only grin on that idea. The fact I didn't think of something like that for so long....
So by the time I was about to graduate. I was considered popular in my school.
People would want to talk to me.
For the first time in my whole life, what my bitch of mother thought me paid off.
I was popular, I had fun ruining people's lives.
Until I mention the rest. For the whole 4 years I haven't visited my mother or father. I couldn't stand idea of them.
I haven't seen them or talked to them for 3 or 4 years. My boarding school didn’t allow parent visits, so I saw them at the day of graduation for the 1st time after 3 years.
"God. You've grown so much Pablo." My mother was standing in front of me. When I was 14 I was still looking up at her, now I have to look down to be able to follow her. She had her hand on my cheek. She was crying. I still didn’t understand it. She was also annoying. But during my time here. Other then good grades and popularity. I gained ability to fake my feelings quiet easily.
Not that I felt any.
I just smiled at my mother. "You've gotten older mother.".
"Well aren’t you mister obvious."
My father was staring at me from the side. He had a grown on his face.
You asshole.
What so I don't take after you anymore so you get all cold with me.
After the graduation ceremony. I returned home. And started collage.
In collage it was the same as high school. This time it wasn't a private school. My father's business was falling apart.
He also held a grudge against me never visiting home.
Like I care.
In collage, I met an interesting girl.
She was from a poor family and liked me.
So we started dating.
It was a good way for me to try out discovering "love".
Since it seems like my mother is planning something. Just to be ready.
One day, she called me drunk and came to visit her.
And we slept together.
And then, the bitch disappeared.
She dare disappear after using my body.
And year later, she appeared. But this time she had a baby with her.
An ugly worm.
Annoying. Annoying.
They are all annoying.
She gave the brat to me and left again. Like hell.
"What the hell?! Just what do you think you just did?!" Screamed my mother at me as I was left in a hallway, door just closed with 2 month old baby in my hands.
"Now no one would want to wed you! You idiot chil--" next thing I knew was that my grip was on my mother's neck. "You are so annoying and loud. Another word and Ill snap that God damn neck of yours." I let her down.
Baby was just looking at me, she didn't cry. Just stared. That took my interest.
"I will be in my room."
"Pablo! Get back here!" I walked away listening to my mother scream my name as I went up the stairs to my room.
I was 20 when I got my daughter in my hands.
Pretty young.
She was the only quiet one. She cried first few months until she turned one. After that she didn't cry almost at all.
My father and mother didn’t like Lilly one bit. So when she turned one I dropped out of collage and was kicked out of my house.
I saved money over the course of my birthdays from age 18 to 20 and had enough money to get myself a apartment and small job.
You think that's the end of my story?
Of course not.
When Lilly turned 2.
I went back to my house. Just to show Lilly her family.
There I met, a boy. He was around 10 years old. Heh. My parents adopted another child. To rise him as their company's successor.
Apparently, my father's company got big after I left.
They didn't even bother to tell me, to visit their only son.
I put Lilly down and snapped.
I killed my whole family that night. Oh how?
Simply by strangling them all to death, wouldn't be enough? Well that’s right.
Despite them being worse the horse crap. They did let me in the house.
We were invited to dinner every weekend. So I thought of a better way to kill my family.
I purchased a slow killing poison, I made Lilly put some in my father's tea when he was playing with her. For my mother, when I was showing her off my cooking skills, I cur her wrist open. I could just grin as she bled out. How did I not get found out? Because I had Lilly with me. I would go out of the kitchen "to fetch something" while Lilly would be in kitchen for a little while then start crying or scream. My plan went just as expected.
My father collapsed after being drugged for weeks on the poison, and my mother would be killed in a matter of hour.
All that was left was to get rid of evidence and then act as if I know nothing.
That day staff was out of the house. So Lilly didn’t have to scream or cry. There was a main butler and maid, but they didn't really care, being occupied in their own business.
So I just gave my mother sleeping pills. She probably overdosed. And the fiasco with my father went as planned.
So my dirty Step Brother, he too was a sleep. All that was left was to...
Bam. Put the house on fire. That's what I did. And...
"The big cooperation of the Ork family has fell under, due to the whole family's death. The whole house was burned to the ground by, how it seems, a mistake from one of maids. She used the fire lamp trying to light the rock over in the kitchen, burning the whole house down. Fire started in the kitchen  making the staff fall unconscious due to the smoke. When the family noticed the fire it was already too late."
I was staring at the screen with grin on my face. Lilly in my lap looking at the screen. Lilly was smiling,
The first words she every said were papa.
After that she never spoke again.
She was smiling this time and seemed really exited. "Papa! We do that again?!" Didn’t expect her to react that way.
"Did you find that fun?"
Lilly nodded at my question.
She is truly my daughter.
I put my hand on her head.
"Of course, well kill lots and lots of annoying people again."
And so
My killing spree as a Black Demon began. Yes. My nickname is only black. I wonder who is the worst in our duo? I gave my precious angel a teddy bear, in teddy bear there was poison. Every time we go to kill.... We are always ready.
Hope you liked them. I'm planning on changing their names , but I don’t now in what.
If you have a suggestion please do tell me.
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navrayray · 6 years
I'm Sorry, I Love You
Alternate Universe where both are underground rapper,best friend before the friendship falling apart due to some misunderstanding.Only for Yoongi to realize he had fall in love with Namjoon when he felt the sudden burn in his heart and coughing up flower petal,but he choose to hide his feelings and endure all the pain until their mutual friend can’t stand it.
Well I sort of finishing this for the Namgiweek last time, so I just post it here, and here is the link to my work too: AO3
kay so here goes~
Staring into the ceiling,he wondering is the ceiling always been this high? Or is it because he felt so lonely?
Slowly sit up with the dizziness striking him that he squint his eyes and frown,the living room was a mess,books and paper scattered around the floor,and there was flower petals everywhere,some even covering in blood too,what did he do again just now?
Right,trashing the room just because he’s in bad mood again,and something that had been torturing him since then until now.
How long since it been? He still remember it of course,the day both of them having a big fight and almost breaking up their friendship,but just to realize it’s more than friendship that he want,definitely more than that…
Min Yoongi,an underground rapper and famous with his rap skill,always having his stage at the downtown bar call Hope,which running by his best friend Jung Hoseok.There’s another friend of them too,Kim Namjoon which are known for his intelligence and also his unique rap skill,three of them sometime will perform on stage together but most of the time they either going solo or duo.Especially Yoongi and Namjoon also kind of well known by their powerful duo stage that always hype up the bar and everyone just went crazy for them.
They were best friend,always sharing their thought and music together,or even compose their own music together,Yoongi always thought that they gonna be best friend forever and he never thought there will come a day where they start to fighting each other.What’s the reason of their fight again? He can’t remember it clearly,but it is bad than the usual quarrel they had,that none of them able to compromise with each other,that Yoongi remember Namjoon raise up his hand at him,he thought Namjoon gonna slap him but he didn’t,and Namjoon just left,leaving Yoongi alone,broken.
At that moment,he had the feeling of throwing up,he suddenly feels his throat expanding and there’s something about to come out from it.He thought he gonna suffocated that he press his palm against his throat and he start coughing,the coughing continue until he notice something being cough out from his mouth,its something like flower petals and Yoongi just froze at that moment,unable to process what’s going on with his body.
Not like this…
Why did it have to happen right now?!
Why did he have to realize his own feeling after the one he love left?!
Crying out without any voice,he just want to disappear from this world,he just want to get rid of everything,but he can’t.
He still care,he still have the photo of both of them in his wallet,he still going to the bar when Namjoon perform solo,but he just watch it from far away hoping Namjoon won’t notice him.He start taking medicine that prescribe by doctor to slow down the symptom,so that he still able to perform on stage.
It’s already been two months since their friendship falling apart,although they still perform in the same bar,Hoseok always make sure their time won’t clash to each other by Yoongi’s request.
“Yoongi,you alright?”Hoseok walk toward the stage with a drinks in his hand and give it to Yoongi who about to perform later.It’s hard not to notice how much weight the other have loss,which Hoseok really concern about it,”Did you eat your meal properly?”
Yoongi just shrug his shoulder while take the glass and drink it to sooth his drying and itchy throat,which he had been coughing and throwing up petals for quite some time now.
“You know we’re worry about you right? I mean me and Jin-hyung.”Hoseok frowned and grab Yoongi’s arms,while Yoongi just look at Hoseok and finally nodding slightly,”Don’t worry,I’m fine.”
Before Hoseok can said further,Yoongi give back the empty glass to Hoseok and walk up stage after grab the mic from the presenter.This is the only place that he can truly letting his mind off,without thinking of anything but his music,as the music start Yoongi start to rap following the flows of tempo,his voice turn even huskier and hoarse compare to months ago,yet somehow it attracting more people’s attention to his powerful rap.
But then he suddenly stop abruptly half way during the performance,his eyes widened at how he can’t let his voice out,all the audience also looking at each other wondering what happen suddenly.Hoseok quickly goes up to the stage and grab the mic to control the crowd while giving a stare at Yoongi to leave the stage for now.
Yoongi leave immediately to go to the restroom behind the bar,as he start to coughing real hard till some petals are force out from his body with some blood again.Clenching his fist and breathing heavily to calm himself down.
Calm down Yoongi.
You can do it...breathe...1...2...3...breathe…
Just when he start to calming down,the door open again and startled Yoongi almost jump as he turn around just to see Hoseok shocking face.
“...What the fuck?!”Hoseok almost shocked to see all the petals and blood in the sink,he literally stomp his feet toward Yoongi and grab his hand,”Are you trying to kill yourself?! How long had you been keeping this from me?!”
To be honest he never seen Hoseok so angry before,even if Hoseok is mad about a thing,he won’t lash his anger out suddenly,not like this,so Yoongi couldn’t react when Hoseok grab his hand and shout at him.
“Answer me Yoongi!”Hoseok pull Yoongi’s hand to snap him out from his thought,Yoongi just lift up his head and looking at Hoseok but nothing come out from his mouth even though he open his mouth seems like want to say something,”Damn it Yoongi! Why don’t you tell me?! I’m so worry about you,can’t you trust me even a bit?”
Of course Yoongi trust Hoseok,but he just can’t bring himself to talk about the disease that he had,he don’t want to make others worries and he thought he can keep it to himself,he can hide it very well.But it seems that he just a normal human being and there’s always limit on how his body can hold it.
“Yoongi?”Hoseok still holding Yoongi’s hand,but he can feels then Yoongi is trembling,and another shock when he notice tears stream down his cheek,”Don’t tell me you’re crying...gosh no no no…”
Yoongi never show his vulnerable side to anyone before,even when he too stressing out he just not gonna show it to others,he don’t want others to think that he is weak because of his height and his small frame body.But now he can’t hold it any longer,he too tired to bear it himself,and when he overwhelmed by Hoseok’s anger,he literally broke down and he can’t stop his tears and his body start to trembling.
“Shh shhh...it’s okay...it’s okay now.”Hoseok pull Yoongi in his arms and hugging him tightly,palm rubbing his back over and over again to comfort him,he never seen Yoongi such fragile before,and somehow he know what’s the cause of it.
“Aish…”pull Yoongi a little bit and cupped his cheek,wiping the tears from his cheek,”tell me,are you falling in love with Namjoon?”
Hoseok didn’t even try to wait for answer for he know when he saw Yoongi’s expression,so he continue,”Why didn’t you tell him?” but Yoongi just shake his head.
“...there’s no use…”his voice is still cracking,bet he hurt his throat after all the coughing and throwing up,”...I only realize my feelings after our fight...I can’t bring myself to let him know,I don’t want to be pity by anyone,especially by him…and I don’t want to think about what if Joon doesn’t have the same feeling to me?......”
“Yoongi…”Hoseok frowned and just pull him into hug again,and he just let Yoongi cries in his embrace,”...but if you keep continue like this,you’ll die...and if Namjoon have the same feeling toward you,you’ll gonna miss the chance if you don’t tell him…”
Yoongi keeps on shaking his head,refuse to talk more,he just don’t want to think about it for now because it’s just too hurt to think.Hoseok sighed a little and didn’t ask anymore although he still worry about his best friend.
Outside the restroom,Namjoon was standing there with his hand on the door knob when he overheard the conversation between the two.He totally in shock to know that Yoongi have feeling for him and even affecting his health,but do Namjoon love him? He don’t know,all this while Namjoon just thought of Yoongi as he best friend that share the same passion toward music and also understand each other very well,and because of knowing each other too well that they often got into fight.
Letting go off the door knob,Namjoon stepped away from the door and turn his back away.He know he’s a coward if he leave now but he can’t facing it without really know his own feeling,he don’t want to give Yoongi the impression of he being pity to him.So he left,without telling anyone.
Since Hoseok know what happened to Yoongi,he try to rearrange the schedule of performance in his bar,not letting Yoongi to overwork and warn Yoongi to look after himself instead.With Yoongi’s stage decrease,Hoseok need to work with Namjoon which he is now pissed off because he couldn’t contact Namjoon at all.
“Damn it where did Namjoon go?”Hoseok huffed and put down the phone and rubbing his head,Yoongi saw it when he came by to the bar since he always come here aside staying at his home or his studio.
“What happen?”Yoongi asked,Hoseok nearly jump from the chair till he turn his head and saw Yoongi,”Uh...nothing,just that I try to contact Namjoon but that bastard didn’t pick up his phone.”
“Try call Jin-hyung? Maybe he know where is he.” Yoongi suggested,Seokjin is another close friend to three of them and like a big brother,although most of the time Seokjin always act like a brat,but when come to important matter he will be a reliable brother for them to lean on.
“Oh,right…”Hoseok blink his eyes and press his phone to search for the contact and call,while he making the call,Yoongi just walk to the bar and ask for a glass of water,he still need to continue to take the medicine to control his symptom.
But medicine isn’t cure,it just slow down the symptom,so when he start to throw up,he felt suffocated and the unbearable pain keep on increasing each time,and everytime he feel like want to give up his life.
“What?!”Hoseok shout startled Yoongi,Yoongi turn to him with a confuse look while Hoseok still talking to the person in the phone,probably Seokjin,”What do you mean he left without any message?!”
Yoongi frowned at the word,he clench his fist against his chest to bear the suffocating feeling that being building up just now.
“Thanks hyung...alright,I’ll let Yoongi know,bye.”Hoseok hang up the call and sighed deeply,”That bastard...I’m gonna punch him if I ever found him.”
“He left,isn’t it?”Yoongi take a deep breath before ask,Hoseok just nodding his head slightly and looking at Yoongi,with a serious look which make Yoongi nervous,”what?”
“Yoongi,what if he didn’t return?”Hoseok ask,”If you continue like this,you’ll die.”
Of course Yoongi know what’s the consequences of having this disease,if his feeling doesn’t being answered by the one he love,he eventually gonna give his life away.Now knowing Namjoon had left the town,it’s almost certain that Namjoon probably won’t return anymore.
Yoongi should hate him right? For running away like that,for leaving him behind without wanting to mend anything that gone wrong,but why he can’t?
“Yoongi,just think about this,you can’t die like this,it’s not fair.”Hoseok hold Yoongi’s hand and continue,”Jin-hyung ask if you want to accept the surgery,you know it can be treat although it had side effect…”
Yoongi just look down at the hand that being hold,how he wish the one holding him was Namjoon,but Namjoon left.
“Thanks Hoseokie…”Yoongi put his hand on top of the other’s hand,”Just...let me think about it…”
He wanted to cry,but he can’t,not in front of Hoseok again.So he just pull his hand away and give Hoseok a faint smile,”There’s still time,just let me go on stage tonight,kay?”
Hoseok sigh as he nod his head,knowing how stubborn Yoongi can be,he just stop asking anyway and get up from the chair,giving Yoongi a really tight hug before going to prepare to open the bar for the night.
On the other side,Seokjin just hang up his phone and he is currently in Namjoon’s apartment which already empty,but somehow he know where is Namjoon going since they are friend for years now.Driving down to Namjoon’s hometown is not really a hard task,the only thing is if he was right that Namjoon is there.
But luckily he do found Namjoon,and Seokjin just walk up to Namjoon and grab his hand,”where do you think you’re going?”
“Jin-hyung?!”Namjoon startled when someone grab his hand,and even more shock that it was Seokjin,but then feeling guilty that he look away.
“Joon,don’t give me that face,are you really feeling guilty now for running away after all this mess?!”Seokjin frowned and ask,”I guess you already found out what happen to Yoongi right?”
Namjoon just keep silent and Seokjin nowhere gonna let him go either,and he had a lot of patient compare to the other two.
“You know I can stand here with you all day,right?”Seokjin continued,”You shouldn’t run away like this,if you don’t have feeling for Yoongi,then just tell him straight,I’ll just let him undergo the surgery so he won’t suffer like now,you know that will cause him life,right? Or do you really hate him so you just want him suffer?”
“No!”Namjoon immediately respond,of course he didn’t hate Yoongi,he couldn’t hate Yoongi,but he not sure about his own feeling,do he love him? Or is it just a feeling of pity because of what Yoongi facing right now? He not sure that’s why he ran away.
“Then face yourself and tell him what your feelings!”Seokjin scolded,”But don’t do it because you feel responsible,be honest to yourself,and be honest to Yoongi.”
“Hyung...I need time…”Namjoon look down again,clenching his fist.
“There’s not much time,Yoongi can’t wait for you forever.”Seokjin letting Namjoon’s hand go,”I just hope it’s not too late for both of you.”
But Yoongi didn’t really have much time anymore,it’s only been a week when Hoseok found Yoongi collapse in the staff restroom and he being rush to hospital immediately.Seokjin also arrive at the hospital soon after when Hoseok call him.
“How is he?”Seokjin found Hoseok outside the patient room at ICU and Hoseok just shake his head.
“The doctor said he really need to take the surgery soon after his condition stabilize else he not gonna make it.”Hoseok gritted his teeth,”Where the hell is Namjoon?! Is he really want to continue to run away from all these?”
Seokjin didn’t say anything,he just looking at Yoongi through the window,where he look like a sleeping baby which he use to be,and then Seokjin just murmured,”Maybe they just not meant to be together,maybe Yoongi just fall in love with the wrong person…”
“Hyung……”Of course Hoseok heard it and it really hurt him to see his best friend in such condition.
The night Yoongi when admitted to hospital,Hope bar still running their business even though the bar owner Hoseok is not there,and Namjoon is there because he remember it is the day Yoongi suppose to perform on stage,but when he came by,the bar is rather less customer than before.
Walking toward to the bar and get a drinks from the bartender before he decide to ask,”It’s seem quiet tonight?”
“Oh…”the bartender blink his eyes and nodded,”Yeah,because Yoongi-ssi suddenly collapse so he just been rush to hospital hours ago,boss is with him too.”
Namjoon nearly drop his glass when he heard that Yoongi being sent to hospital,and his eyes widened,”Wh-what did you said? What happen?”
“I’m not sure but he just suddenly collapse in the restroom,well boss forbidden all of us to enter the restroom until he come back...ah...Namjoon-ssi?!”
Before the bartender able to finish his word,Namjoon rush to the restroom and kick the door open,he doesn’t care if the door is broken,well he can pay for it later.When he see what happen in the restroom he was completely in shock.
The amount of flower petals that scattered around the floor,and some of it even covered in blood that already start to dry up,did Yoongi just endure all these by himself? What did he do to deserve someone like Yoongi? Do he really deserve him? And now he just gonna lose him because of his cowardness?
Before he can really think,his legs already start running out the bar and stop a cab as he immediately get in and usher the driver to drive to hospital.He don’t want to end like this,he don’t want to regret his whole life,he know he being selfish and coward,but he keep praying that he will do anything to mend all these mess.At that moment,he just realize how much Yoongi meant to him,all those fight just too silly to taken into heart,they know each other so well that none of them can let go of their ego,yet he should do it but he just didn’t,and now he just hated himself so much.
When Namjoon found the room where Yoongi is,of course he saw Seokjin and Hoseok too,and when Hoseok saw him,immediately Hoseok storm to him and giving Namjoon a good hard punch on his face and the other stumble down to the floor,when Hoseok about to land another punch at Namjoon,Seokjin quickly grab Hoseok’s hand and drag him away.
“Calm down Hoseok!”Seokjin said loud enough so Hoseok can hear it,and Hoseok did stop,just still glaring at Namjoon,god he never felt so much anger in him before.
While Namjoon slowly getting up and rubbing his cheek,he can see how big the bruise gonna be but he couldn’t care about that now,he just look into the room and walk toward it before he was stop by two of them.
“Where do you think you’re going?”Hoseok literally scowled at him,refusing him to enter the room,but Seokjin pull Hoseok away again.
“Why are you here?”Seokjin ask instead,and he just stare at Namjoon waiting for answer.
“......”Namjoon look into the room again before looking back at both of them,he can’t run away anymore,he can’t be a coward anymore.
“I don’t want to lose him…”exhaling before continue,”I know I’ve been selfish and coward for running away,and maybe it’s too late to admit all these feelings,but I want to see him at least for the last time even though I might not get the last chance to mend anything.”
“Don’t say like Yoongi not gonna wake up anymore.”Seokjin sigh and rubbing his temple,”He’s sleeping although his condition haven’t fully stabilize yet.”
Hoseok about to say something but Seokjin stop him knowing what he is gonna say,so he continue to talk to Namjoon,”You can go in,but if he wakes up and doesn’t want to see you,we just gonna ask you to leave,and Yoongi gonna take that surgery.”
“Thank you hyung.”Namjoon quickly go into the room while Hoseok just frown and push Seokjin’s hand away,”Why are you helping him?”
“Hoseokie,you know what exactly Yoongi want right?”Seokjin looking at the two inside the room,”Just give him the last chance to make things right.”
Of course Hoseok know,so he just whine and sit on the chair against the wall and Seokjin follow too,”I’m gonna punch him again if he cannot make it right,and don’t stop me by then.”
“I won’t,I promise.”Seokjin chuckles,and lean on the back of the chair to get his eyes close for a rest.
It’s feels so quiet around him,and he felt his body so heavy like it just rammed by a truck,Yoongi slowly open his eyes and close again,a few attempt of blinking his eyes to get use to the light,first thing he saw it’s just the white ceiling and beeping sound from the machine beside the bed.
Thinking of what happening,he just remember he was in Hope bar to get prepare for his stage,and suddenly a sting pain in his heart and he start to having trouble breathing and then all become pitch black.
Probably he collapse after that and now he’s in here,the hospital.When he want to lift up his hand but something is holding his hand,”......?”
Slowly tilt his head aside and saw a person is beside the bed,a hand is holding him.Yoongi can’t see the face because it was buried in between the arm,but somehow he know who he is.And seems like the person notice the hand movement that he lift up his head and looking back at Yoongi with eyes widened.
“......”Yoongi also looking back at Namjoon,suddenly he feel all of these are dream,”...It’s a dream...right? You’re not here...that’s just…you left...”
Namjoon snapped out from his own thought when he heard what Yoongi said,he get up from  his chair and sit on the bed before pulling Yoongi up and hugging him in his arms.
“Shh...it’s not dream...I’m sorry Yoongi,I’m sorry…”Namjoon whisper in his ear,”I’m here now,everything is gonna be alright…”
“...but you left…”Yoongi’s voice broken down,tears starting to rolling down his cheek.
“I won’t leave anymore,I promise I won’t leave anymore…”Namjoon pull Yoongi away slightly and cup both his cheek,”I’m sorry for everything,I’m sorry that I hurt you,I love you Min Yoongi.”
Before Yoongi can say anything,Namjoon just lean in and steal his lips away,hand wrapping around the small frame body of Yoongi and slowly rubbing his back.While Yoongi clench his fist against Namjoon’s shirt and close his eyes return his kiss,how he wish that all of this is not a dream,and he won’t wake up from this dream.
Apparently it’s not a dream at all,when Yoongi wake up again and this time with clearer memories and Namjoon sitting beside his bed with a book in his hand while another hand still holding him,he can feels his cheek is burning red.
“Hey…”Namjoon put his book away when he noticed Yoongi is awake and move to the bed and help Yoongi to sit up against the bed,”How do you feel?”
“‘...tired…”Yoongi still feel tired and numb all over his body,but somehow he feels lighter in his heart,”...but better.”
Namjoon just looking at Yoongi while still holding his hand,rubbing the back of Yoongi’s palm with his thumb,Namjoon just glad that he didn’t lose him,and he swear to himself that he won’t let go of this hand anymore.
While the two having their time to talk with each other,doctor came to check on Yoongi condition which apparently doesn’t need any surgery and it will slowly heal by itself.
Seokjin and Hoseok also come to visit Yoongi after knowing Yoongi had wake up,when they saw how Namjoon and Yoongi talking to each other,both of them relieved and glad that everything finally turn out right for them.
“Whoa guys,look at that tree.”Hoseok look outside the window and the tree start to blooming and it’s actually cherry blossom.
“Looks like the spring come early this year.”Seokjin smile and said,standing just beside Hoseok to watch the scenery.
Yoongi on the bed and Namjoon beside him also looking at the blooming cherry blossom with a smile,holding hand together.
“I love you…”
“I love you too,Yoongi.”
No winter will last forever,spring will come eventually and our hand will hold together forever.
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