#but again my shit is already on ao3 in a public space so who tf knows
heartlessfujoshi · 1 year
Hey, you still use docs, after the whole Google sharing ai thing?
I'm more at risk of having my shit taken from AO3 than I am from Google. So.
Use that information as you will. This is a good article about this subject - Google Docs and AI.
The important part is here:
Does Google use customer data to improve the model(s)? No. Google does not use any of your content (such as documents and predictions) for any purpose except to provide you with the Document AI service. At Google Cloud, we never use, nor do we intend to use in the future, customer data to train our Document AI models.
I'm sure there will come a point in time where I will need to move away from GDocs (if that time is now, please let me know). My only problem is, what's the best option? MS Word? I have One Drive, so we're back to the same issue with GDocs, with everything living in the cloud.
I'm so ingrained into Google that idk how'd I break out of the mold lmao. I abhor AI (as most of my followers know), but because I'm already putting shit out on the internet, my shit is probably already fucked. What battle do you choose. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
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