#but actually 12.3.19 bc mightnight 47
gratitudism · 5 years
I’m grateful for trusting Christina. I know I’ll see her Wednesday and get to go over a list of things that have caused me stress or upset or confusion or anything out of truth and gold. I’m really grateful for her and that. I’m also grateful for ig live. Claropsyche answered my questions on live and she’s really normal. Jovan answers me on live. Taylor Blake let me go on live with her. Snail mail answered my shit on live. I’ve been feeling really lonely and trying to set the intentions of self soothing like blog writers recommend. It all comes down to “who am I being?” The font makes the ? look Hebrew. He brew some tea for me girl. Anyways, I’ve been very in my head in the most comforting way. The most non analytical way I have been in idk how long I can’t recall. And the peace has been discomforting. So I guess I resort to old habits like ghibli films and Instagram live. Not much to say when I’m letting go of things and the only thing holding on to them is old energy clearing that had the desire for I guess drama but idk I haven’t read it yet. Because truly I don’t care about some things but my body is saying otherwise and I can’t read it or I should say I just haven’t read it yet. I miss bpi a lot it was only closed for one week but I missed it a lot so I’ll go read tomorrow night and see what’s up. I hope it’s not sumi. I hate that cranky old sucker punching dipstick. Well not hate, she gets big and I get small. But I hate not being neutral to her bullshit. I guess a lesson idk. I think I feel my mock ups close though. I think a home and a love but I’m not entirely sure. It’s super incredibly windy out right now. Maybe if I read more I’d understand how others speak and not just have only my own language. I keep eating potatoes and kale I hope I’m ok and hydrated enough. Ok I’m so tired I’m gonna finish nausicsaa even tho it was only background for the first hour and half. Anyways Custodio is season three was the best season and my feet are dearly and incredibly cold. Sleep well Aliya. Read this back sometime and read the energy then if you’d like and gauge and see who wrote it but maybe not now bc ur in it. Ok I love you Aliya goodnight sweet dreams. see soft white little kittens and screams. Ok I love you peace ily also hit up Michael about shows when you’re home you’re doing great ok I love you I wish you had a nice beautiful loaf of sour bread ok bye
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