#but a hot brat
shironusins · 11 months
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Say hi to a killer-reaper fusion i did for funsies, we called him Kreeper.
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sentimental-lity · 26 days
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Feeling bratty and acting like you dont know what he means when he tells you to open your mouth for him 😝💋🤤
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angelwebs · 2 months
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heysweetbee · 9 months
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little jiggle :p
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eviemischiev · 2 months
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dollsdesires · 8 months
Sleepy guys deserve to wake up with a needy little mouth wrapped around their cock
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sentimental-lity · 17 days
Just trying to kick it w/ you ;)
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sloppypinkkitty · 2 months
Like what you see?🌸💕
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heysweetbee · 10 months
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teddybeartoji · 1 month
18+ mdni; gn!reader
thinking about toji the ultimate brat tamer vs two big brats – you and satoru.
you both talked big at first; about how he couldn't handle the two of you at the same time, about how he'd be the one to fold first, about how you'd make him whimper and moan, and yet...
here you are - laying on top of satoru, half limp, while getting pounded like there's no tomorrow. eyes hazy and threatening to roll back inside your head, tears run over the apples of your cheeks and drool trickles from the side of your mouth. he's filling you up so fucking good that you can't even properly moan – the only sounds leaving your pretty lips being shaky breaths and mewls. toji's heavy balls slap against you with every rough thrust and your ass stings from all the times he's slapped your soft, sensitive skin.
toji watches your tight little hole with hungry eyes, he watches you swallow him, he watches himself disappear deep inside you. you're so fucking warm and you feel delicious around him – he's addicted already. he's the only reason you're still half-up on your knees, his big calloused hands hold onto your waist like his life depends on it. he's not letting you go anywhere, no matter how much you want to run from him, from the pleasure.
"'s too much. i– i can't." his dick twitches inside you at your broken whine, clearly enjoying the state that you're in.
"nah." he rasps back. "don't think 's enough, actually."
toji's fingers bruise your skin as he pushes down on your back, making you arch even more for him. he takes his knee from the bed and places it down beside your trembling thigh. he's reaching new depths with this new position and he chuckles darkly when he sees your jaw fall slack.
above you, satoru lets out a muffled groan.
gagged and tied up – the only thing he can do is watch toji fuck your brains out. he can't even hold you, he can't even taste you...
he's never been this hard in his entire life.
your cheek is smushed against his lower stomach and you can feel his cock rubbing against your chest with every thrust toji makes. you're drooling all over satoru and fuck – he really just wishes he could kiss you.
his glassy blue eyes travel from your sweaty body to the man behind you, and he's met with the meanest grin.
"strongest one, hm?"
toji has never felt more powerful than he does in this moment. the legendary satoru gojo – finally at his mercy. tears cascade down his flushed cheeks and his adam's apple bobs, his skin is covered in red marks and sweat, and even though your own body hides satoru's - toji knows he's rock hard. the poor guy can't stop squirming and twitching underneath you, muffled mewls fill the air around you as his head lolls back against the headboard every two seconds.
the tip of his cock grazes against your soft skin but it's far from enough – a layer of his pre-cum coats your chest and your tummy and it's all just so fucking dirty.
toji fucking loves it.
he's going to pound you into the mattress while he watches satoru cry the prettiest tears. he's going to pump you full of his cum and then he's going to eat it out of you until you're passing out from overstimulation while satoru humps the air out of desperation. this is what you both get for talking back to him, for pushing his buttons.
he will make you both beg for his forgiveness and then he'll get to laugh and he'll get to mock – he's not stopping until you're both so fucking cockdrunk that the only thing you remember is his name.
you're both his little playthings now.
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angelwebs · 2 months
older dad bf that takes me out with his friends except i’m not allowed to talk n am just there to look cute and touch him n get him off under the table ♡
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sentimental-lity · 15 days
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I swear I’m a good girl 😇
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prettylilslutt · 2 months
You like seeing me in pain daddy 🥺
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arcoflilith · 1 month
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