#but Venom's species by itself is just a blob
mintaikk · 2 months
I fuck hard with Asexual Venom, but the idea of Venom, an alien whose species doesn't breed sexually and don't have concepts of sex, being sexually attracted to some boring sad and sweaty white guy he picked up on the streets is just so funny to me
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magicalgirlagency · 9 months
As someone who love Geological and travelling. I wonder why there aren't any Mahou Shojo with a biomes theme already. It could work really well with the Climate Change topic too.
The main girls would be based on earth's biomes (jungles, oceans, mountains,...) The protagontist would be a Desert themed heroine (since deserts are badly underrated/misunderstood, they're amazing too ppl).
I think the Protag would be really confused about why she's desert based, since due to their reputation, she thinks desert are just "bad" and scary wastelands. Add in the mascot (a shapeshfiting snek or bird could work nicely) along with a Forest themed teammates who love studying about deserts (and nature in general), and there could be a plot point about the Desert Girl learning to accept her powers.
The team would include:
An ocean themed warrior who's older (probably 23-24yrs old) than the rest of her team, is their leader and mentor (since the sea is much, much older , practically ancient compare to other biomes). She'd use a spear/trident as her weapon and can shift into a "full aqua" form in which she's near unbeatable since nothing can really physically harm her in this liquidfied state. She'd have gills (for breathing underwater) and Bioluminescence (since deep sea creatures have them). Oh, and she can sing very well, 'cause mermaids and sirens. She's the team Cool Big Sis and is actually the legal guardian of one of the girl. She's normally really calm, but she teases the younger members a lot.
*Also she does have a mermaid form, her tail is that of a sailfish. And she could bite like a shark in this form, 'cause why wouldn't she be able to do that? She could manipulate ink and salt too, since squids exist and the ocean is salty.
The empathetic and warmhearted girl is a tundra themed warrior. She has a fox-like outfit which change the colour of its fur depending on the seasons (like how arctic foxes change their fur color). Her boots actually was design similarly to the hooves of a Reindeer and she have a cloak that can turn into owl wings allowing her to fly. Her body can also give off a very cold aura due to tundra being the coldest biome, but her body temperature itself is very warm. Plus, her suit would be fluffy so her friends enjoy snuggling with her for warmth during winter. She's a cuddle bug so it's a win-win for her too. Also, she's shorter than her friends since tundra animals have shorter legs and the flora there is very short as well. She uses a pair of metal fans to fight.
*She would be able to summon harsh cold wind and manipulate them to attack her enemies. She can also create moss patches and small shrubs to protect her friends. And she got great hearing btw, due to artic hares.
An energetic girl transforms into a Lake/River/freshwater Swamp heroine. She can manipulate water and is able to summon boiling hot water for attacks. She's able to purify polluted water. She can create blobs of murky slugde that can poison and slow down enemies. Her suit is based on crocodile/alligator and frogs. Her armor is thick and scaly, giving her nearly OP defense. They are mostly dry, but she can make them produce a slimy and venomous mucus at will. She also has buglike mandibles on her mask. Her armor also has iredescence btw, since it'd be very stylish. Her weapon is an axe.
*she's the Ocean Heroine adopted daughter. She enjoy cooking and her food taste amazing, but watching her cooks can be scary. She's very insecure about her look (she has vitiligo). Despite being tomboyish and energetic, she prefer dresses over pants. She also has a pet snake.
The Forest lad herself, she's very studious and creative. Her armor is based on tropical birds, big cats and flowers. This mean that she has the most colorful armor of the group. She has a pair of large bird wings behind that resemble a combination of several bird species wings. She can also became invisible to enemies (chameleon) and can deliver poisonous attack using her "claws". She also have this patches of small flower on one of her shoulder plate, from which she can realise a sleep inducing gas. She's not at all okay with the Protag feeling toward deserts and tried her best to change her friend view on the biome. She has like, three pet cats at home. Her weapon is a bow along with javelins.
*she's a part of the student council, and is the chillest one in that group. It's common knowledge among the younger students in the school that if you want to get out of trouble, you bribe her with some cool stationaries and she'd help you.
The Protagontist herself, she's kind and friendly, but easily confused. Her armor is based on desert snakes and scorpions. She has multiple segmented legs sprouting from her back armor plate. She also has a scorpion tail that can deal some serious damage. She can tank extremely high heat along with enduring below zero temperature. She is able to control sand to attack enemies. Additionally, since Antarctica is a desert, she has an ice mode that she'd to unlock.
*she watched alot of dark MGs show and was not at all on board with becoming a Magical Girl when the birb mascot first came to her. Thankfully, the mascot do watch those animes too (they got tricked by the art style) and thus is also as traumatized as she is.
...dear lord, I just write all that in 30mins, how did this happen???
Hey, you should craft your own series with that! I sense great potential for storytelling!
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Hey can you do anything fluffy with either death x fem/gn reader or war x fem/gn reader? All good if you don’t tho Have a nice day 😁
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And Imma lean more towards Death cause this ol' bag'a bones needs some fluff.
Scenario: Slight AU where the Nephilim still have ability to reproduce,so in this Reader is gonna be preggers! Just some nice preggers fluff with Death. Enjoy!
Groaning tiredly,you flip onto your left side for the thirtieth time that night. The little one growing in you was kicking your ribs AGAIN,giving you pain and discomfort and another sleepless night. Another tally mark tacked onto the what seemed endless sleepless nights. If anyone had told you the downsides to pregnancy,you would have had second thoughts about becoming pregnant. Although,you BEING pregnant was a miracle within itself. It was thought the Four had given up fertility once they took on their roles of Horsemen,but Fate seemed to prove that very wrong,as you were now heavily pregnant with Death's child.
You remember the night you told the Four you were expecting quite vividly. All were gathered at your small abode,hanging out and eating and being a happy family for once. You had even managed to lure Fury in with the promises of her favorite treats. You hadn't been feeling so good as of late,and against Death's protests and promises that he could heal you just fine,you still went to a HUMAN doctor. Said doctor telling you the news right away as you described your symptoms and only then did the ultrasound reveal the slightly bigger than normal blob in your uterus. Congrats,now all you had to do was tell Death. No biggie! Right?
Wrong. Very very wrong. Telling Death you were with his child was nerve wracking,and you had kept it from him for months. But,this night was Fate deciding enough hiding. When Fury offered you some very strong otherworldly alcohol,you politely declined. This confused her and her brethren,as you usually partook in drinking with her. With all their gazes and questioning,you meekly told them all you were expecting and therefore,alcohol was a big no no. The silence was DEAFENING. You even beloved they stopped breathing. Then,Strife was the first to speak. How did you know the kid was Death's? What stopped you from taking another lover when yours was gone on missions huh? Venom dropped from his words and all eyes landed back to you.
You had never felt more insulted and let that be known. Hot tears streamed down your cheeks as you lowly pleaded your innocence. Death was,has been,and always will be your only lover. You two had had a night,almost three months ago,when this miracle child was conceived. You knew it was Death's,no doubt in your mind,but if they all wanted to doubt you and cast doubt upon you,you would be more than happy to raise the child on your own. Death chose that moment to speak,telling his brother while he appreciated the sentiment of protecting Death from being cheated on,if he EVER accused you of doing so ever again,he would use his tongue as raw materials next time his boots needed to be re-soled. After that,he turned to you and dipped you low,kissing you with such passion and love it left you breathless. Once you broke for air,Death told you how excited he was to finally have a child,a product of your love for one another. He would wait on you hand and foot while you were carrying his child,Oblivion damn his missions and such. He wouldnt leave your side.
And he had made good on that promise for the next three months,making sure you were attended to and loved and pampered. Fury often came by to see how big you were growing while Strife and War visited to build furniture for the child. Even the Makers paid you both a visit,offering their service at crafting anything your child may need and Karn offering to babysit once the child was born. You had never felt more love than you did now,with everyone of a different species coming together and making sure you and your child were healthy.
You were pulled out of your thoughts by Death's cold hand caressing your face.
"My love? Are you with me? I've been calling your name for the past five minutes." He asked lowly. You chuckled and kissed his palm.
"I'm here love. Just thinking is all. Hard to sleep with our little one constantly kicking me in the ribs." You said,wincing as you shifted. Death chuckled and laid his head on your belly,kissing it softly.
"Little one,your mother needs rest. May you please stop kicking her ribs and let her be?" He asked your tummy. You were shocked when the child did indeed,stop kicking. You sighed in relief and laid against the pillows,humming when Death tucked you in and kissed you goodnight.
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pasteljeon · 5 years
Shadows (m)
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summary | he could love you … if only you’d let him in.
genre | venom au, venom!jk, smut, angst
warnings | tentacle porn, oral (female receiving), edging, guk has a fat cock ana oop, size kink, sexual tension, mating cycles, heat sex (yeah, you read that right)
length | 1.9k
notes | i crawl out of retirement for this one (1) halloween fic that i’ve been dyin to write since forever. and, as some already know, this also just an excuse for tentacle porn. :D happy halloween everyone! wish i could’ve written sth longer, but it’s still midterm season for me & i’m beyond buried in work rn :”( regardless, please enjoy!
Silence. The mass lying in the middle of the room remained motionless.
You sighed, forehead thumping against the one-way glass. Theoretically, you knew he wouldn’t be able to see you, but he could sense you. Feel your presence.
“Kookie. Please.” Your breath ghosted across the barrier.
The darkness shifted, a tendril reluctantly reaching to seek out your heat, pressed against where your palm was splayed on the other side.
“Miss ___.” You flinched, the monotone voice of your assistant startling you momentarily.
“The next trial begins in ten minutes. Should I bring the volunteer in?”
Her perfectly manicured nails tapped against the sleek black clipboard, sharp eyes unimpressed as they note your affection for the containment within.
Living organisms with compositions so extraordinary they were coveted as a chance to revolutionize humanity. A symbiotic relationship, they relied on molecular bonding with a host to survive. A symbiote. The term alien often whispered with every passing of fluttering white lab boats.
Simply put, they were experiments.
And you headed them all.
You glanced back briefly, only to find he’d already retreated, unmoving once more.
The research facility was intimidating, stripped white walls bare and plain, the building expansive and equipped with the latest technology. Endless floors filled with glass walls lining different divisions.
Within these walls, there was transparency. Outside of it, no one knew much at all.
The guilt chipped away at you slowly.
They were real. They felt. They were very much capable of the same human emotions your species processed. They hurt. Felt pain. Each compatibility failure was destroying them.
There were many that did not survive the crash. All that was left, scavenged from the space outreach initiative, were seven uniquely distinct specimens. All the equivalent of a male.
They all had binary identifications, but you gave them something else. A name.
Namjoon. He was exceedingly intelligent. The first few months had been spent attempting to establish ground communications with them. Namjoon had picked up your language easily, and it no longer shocked you to see a massive dark blob flipping through encyclopedias. He liked to read, consuming pages like oxygen. With every routine checkup, you’d deliver a few novels you’d enjoyed in the past. His upper section of his blobbed body would incline, and you’d imagine he was thanking you.
Seokjin was the eldest of the bunch, as concluded by your preliminary findings of their biological structure. Oddly enough, though it had been discovered early on that their kind could sustain themselves on anything, they still preferred human flesh. It didn’t make them dangerous, necessarily—you could teach them human ethics. For the most part, Seokjin tried not to nip at your ankles when you visited. As a substitute, you taught him how to cook. There was a mini kitchen set up in his quarantine, and some nights were spent with him stretching his mass over your shoulder and watching you work.
Yoongi was, kindly put, lazy. He slept most of the day, scarcely reacted when you tried to interact with him. You did, however, discover he liked music. He got speakers. Headphones made his head hurt, he once signed to you. Noise sensitivity.
Hoseok was so human it hurt. He was energetic, restless. He bounced around his containment. His own version of dancing, almost.
Taehyung and Jimin refused to separate. When you first examined them, you’d nearly mistaken them for one entity. Soulmates, if the concept existed in their world. They shared one cell, liked to tussle and fight one another.
Then there was Jungkook. He was shy, barely moved when you first met. If not for the pulse beneath his silk, there was no sign of life at all. You were endeared as he slowly broke from his shell. He liked you. You knew because you were the only one that could get close, that could touch him without repercussions. He’d killed his hosts, regardless of compatibility, thrice before they paused trials. He hated it more than any of them.
But here, they were safe.
And yet here, they were also being harvested. Used. To become the steppingstone in humanity’s evolution. Time was running out, and the private company that spearheaded the research was demanding results.
Here, they are to become weapons.
And you were going to break them out.
“Kook. Jungkook.”
Your voice was urgent, though steady.
Panic setting in heavy in your stomach when you saw him press himself closer to the wall.
“Hey, hey. It’s okay. I won’t let it touch you. But we need to get out of here, and fast. The building’s going to collapse,” you coaxed. The flames licked your back, warning you of the fire that blazed across the hall.  
He quivered, drawing away from your extended hand.
Fire. Bad. Hurts.
You bit back your gasp. His voice was low, a quiet rumble in your head.
You steeled your nerve. “I know. Bond with me.”
He stilled.
And then—mine. You belong to me. We are one.
And you said, “always.”
He shot to you, sinking beneath your flesh and making a home in the beating of your heart.
You disappeared.
As the building burned, so did all the data and files you’d accumulated over the years. The symbiote all dispersed, you having found a suitable host months prior. Some were friends, some were not. But they all cared, and you knew they would find sanctuary in a peaceful life with them.
So you let them go, and turned over a new page.
You monitored your vitals for the first few hours, fearing the compatibility would elude you.
Will not. Belong together. Us.
His thoughts echoed, though always soft.
“Where do you want to go?” You wondered aloud as you fingered the plane ticket in your hands.
Hungry, he said instead. You could feel him gnawing at your liver. “Don’t do that. You might accidentally split it.”
If he had lips, you imagined he’d be pouting.
Where we going? You had the feeling he was trying to read the slip.
“Somewhere cold.”
You hate cold.
“You hate the heat.” The first calls for boarding had you wheeling your luggage to the gates.
Don’t care. As long as we are together. Can go anywhere.
You smiled down at your passport, cheeks warm. “Yeah.”
It took time to adjust to a completely different lifestyle. Your previous line of work had compensated your risk generously, and you’d had enough foresight to invest and save wisely.
Here, you’d picked up a job as a pharmacist at one of the local drug stores. It was terribly mundane, but you found you liked this kind of routine. It was a welcomed change from the scars you’d collected. A sense of normality.
It was October when everything changed.
Jungkook had been restless lately. Distant. Withdrawn.
It’s like he’d curled up in the corner of your mind. Lethargic.
You knew the symptoms.
“Kook.” He stirred faintly at the sound of your voice.
Lover. He rumbles lowly, rousing slowly.
“Your heat. It’s coming soon.” You rolled over, the sheets pooling at your waist. A tendril wraps itself loosely around your calf.
“What will you do?”
Another tendril creeps up your stomach, squeezing your breast firmly.
Their heats were intense. Nothing like you could’ve ever imagined. While they only occurred once a full cycle, the need overwhelmed them, made them ravenous and delirious. And a human host? They served as aphrodisiacs. Enhanced the craving until it all but consumed them.
You woke in a feverish haze, a thin sheen of sweat coating your skin, panties shoved aside and thighs smeared with wetness.
“J-Jungkook!” You gasped, back arching as he fucked you harder.
“Love. My love,” he rasped, fingers curling, watching you come undone with dark eyes.
It was also the only time they could fully materialize.
He was ethereal, pupils blown out, a thin ring of gold visible in the ebony that threatened to swallow it all. Completely naked, tanned complexion stretching over corded muscles, he hovered over you, arms braced next to your head. His hair was soft, luscious and long, falling in waves over his forehead. Darkness mirrored his every movement, his true form rippling beneath the surface.
“Want you. Need you,” Jungkook groaned, gaze smoldering as he fisted your sleep tee. “Please.”
“Since you asked so politely,” you managed breathlessly. You took his hand and slipped it underneath, guiding it until he traced the underside of your breast.
He ripped the fabric apart, buttons flying as he shoved the offending material off your shoulders. “Need. Can’t control. Please.”
In spite of the inferno brewing within, he remained your ever sweet Jungkook. The shadows drew closer, the touch soft though frantic, mapping your body in long strokes. He buried his face in your cunt, abnormally long tongue driving you crazy with every lick.
“K-Kook, I c-can’t,” you sobbed, fingers gripping his locks as he coaxed another orgasm from you easily.
His palms, warm and large, spread your legs apart. His cock was intimidating, tip angry and throbbing, a tantalising vein running along the side. He was dripping with something akin to precum, the substance slightly lighter and thicker than the human equivalent.
The dark tendrils snaked around you just as he slammed into you.
Your moan was lost to his lips, kiss messy and wild, your mind blanking with every thrust and the stroke of his tongue. His tentacles tweaked and pulled at your nipples, twisting and teasing, others suckling at your clit while some were wrapped around his length, providing ridges that edged your sensitive core.
“Mine. Mine. Ours. Breed,” Jungkook chanted, the grip of his shadows tightening as if to brand their shape to your skin. It was too much.
“Y-yes, Koo, need you, need you just like this,” you cried out, walls spasming around him as you reached your high once more.
The bedframe rattled loudly, Jungkook’s pace increasing inhumanly as he pounded into you. “N-ngh—ah! L-love, so perfect, made for me. Thank you, thank you,” he moaned, hips stuttering as he came, filling you up hotly. So much it spilled from where he remained inside of you, dripping down your thighs.
His forehead rested against yours as he fought to quell his hunger for just a moment longer. Though his release brought brief clarity, the lust was already beginning to trickle back in. His cock twitched, the ache so profound his shadows latched onto you harder.
Your legs wrapped around his back, eyes soft as you said, “I’m all yours. Don’t hold back.”
Jungkook exhaled shakily. “Make me crazy.”
He nuzzled your neck, even as his dick pulsed, he pushed his nose into your jawline and whispered, “Lover. You and me. Until the end.”
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fnf-bitty-extras · 2 years
Age: 9 (28)
Height: 3 inches (4 ½ head to tail)
Species: Beast Bitty (Snake)
Pronouns: She/vey (vey/veir/vemself)
Description: A bitty with a humanoid upper body and a long snake tail. She has forest green scales covering her entire body and a head similar to a hooded snake, but more emotive and with very thin lips. Her eyes are a deep golden yellow with slit pupils. Vey have hollow deep red circle markings along veir spine, and small dots between them. Vey also have deep red lines along the outside of veir hood, 3 lines on each side that curve with the hood itself and taper off at the bottom of the hood and at the very top of veir head. The inside of her hood is a somewhat pale but still dark desaturated red. The scutes on the underside of her tail are a light lime green that’s almost yellow. Said scutes taper and become smaller as they move up towards her hips, disappearing into her regular scales right above them.
Personality: Nisha is smart and uses it to her advantage, having a knack for tricking and stealing from everyone from humans to demons to even other bitties. She likes to stick to the shadows, slithering in through the cracks of buildings and taking what she wants without a sound.
Abilities: She has a potent venom in her fangs, with similar effects to a rattlesnake or pit viper.
Age: 12.5 (35)
Height: 3 ¼ inches
Species: Beast Bitty (Gargoyle Gecko)
Pronouns: She/it
Description: A bright red and white gecko bitty. She has a large blotch of red along her back and down her tail, as well as the very sides of her mouth and a broken-up line along her sides. The big blotch of red has a line of white inside, going right along her spine and down to the first bit of her tail. It has various small bits of red on its head and limbs as well. Its eyes are a very light sky blue and they have slitted pupils.
Personality: Cerise is a very aggressive bitty, having been a stray for a long time she naturally distrusts people and, to an extent, other bitties. Despite this, she can’t stand to leave others like her in a bad situation, and often helps other stray bitties when she can.
Abilities: Its senses are heightened when out in open air, to such an extent that they can sense even the smallest shifts in movement, temperature, and air pressure.
Age: 8 (26)
Height: 3 ⅛ inches
Species: Bombhead Bitty
Pronouns: He/him
Description: A dark black bombhead bitty with glowing blue eyes and black pupils. He has bright blue lines along his body that look like electricity. His hands and feet are also this color, and all of the blue glows in the dark. Due to this he wears a grey-black cloak.
Personality: He is quite aggressive due to his high visibility, using his thunder to scare away threats and lightning if he needs to fight. Secretly he’s more scared than he shows…
Abilities: Crackle can create a sound like thunder and can shoot lightning from his body. Said lightning is hot plasma white with a blue glow.
Age: 3 (16)
Height: 3 inches
Species: Blob Bitty
Pronouns: nigh/dim/murk (nigh/nighs/nighself, dim/dims/dimself, murk/murks/murkself)
Description: A black blob bitty with grey rosettes covering nighs body, almost like a melanistic jaguar. Dim has a very short coat of fur.
Personality: Evo is bitter and withdrawn, snapping at anyone who comes near. Nigh keeps to the shadows and away from others, people and bitties alike. Murk is quick to leave a social situation whenever one pops up, usually leaving a bad impression on whoever they interacted with.
Abilities: N/A
???? (I call them Scrimblo <3)
Age: young
Height: 1 ½ inches
Species: Unknown
Pronouns: They/it/voi/scrib (voi/vois/voiself, scrib/scribs/scribself)
Description: A small bitty with a roundish puff of black fur on its head and two big ol yellow eyes. You can’t really see anything else tbh. Just fluffy. The rest of their body is covered in scribbly fur. Sometimes they become a scribbly puffball with two lil stick legs and arms.
Personality: 👁👁
Abilities: Somehow they keep appearing where they shouldn’t be. Teleportation???
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tyrantisterror · 8 years
What groups have changed since their first bit of concept art?
All of the concept art on my tumblr - well, all of the most recent art, I suppose, since some of the newer stuff contradicts some of the older stuff - is pretty up to date in terms of the general idea, even if it’s not as pretty as it could be if I had drawn it right now.
But here - I’ll give you a big old list of all the monsters planned so far that I haven’t drawn after the cut.  It’s not complete, mind you - just the ones I know I’m gonna cover as of now.
Midgaheim Monsterology
Terms that apply to all dragon clades:
Dragonets: young (i.e. everything from baby to adolescent) dragons
Knuckers: freshwater aquatic dragons
Guivres: saltwater aquatic dragons
Hydras: dragons with multiple heads (sufferers of hydra syndrome, a common magical genetic disorder)
Zmeys – three headed variant of Hydra syndrome, lacks enhanced healing
Lesser Drakes
Tarasque Peludas
Greater Drakes
Flightless Greater Drakes – greater drakes whose wings are used for other purposes than flight, a missing link between lesser and greater drakes
Puk – a two foot long domesticated dragon from Germanor
Piasa – the only greater drake ever known to be found outside of Midgaheim and Meditera .  Was driven to extinction by competition with Thunderbirds.
Colchian Lindorm
Vouivre: eyeless wyrms
Sting-tailed wyverns
Zilants (False Wyverns)
Bergstutzen – mountain dwelling, stout species
Springewurm – leaping species
Stollwurm – burrowing species
Loongs (will be mentioned in the Midgaheim files and eventually expanded upon once I feel confident enough to tackle the many Asian mythologies in full)
Ground Hoogahs
Kite Hoogahs
Creeping Basilisks (4 legs)
Gallopping Basilisks (6 legs)
Crawling Basilisks (2 legs)
Slithering Basiliks (legless)
Other Serpents
Amphisbaena – two headed serpents that can have anywhere between 0 and 6 legs.  Amphisbaena have two torsos connected by one hip.
Gliding Serpents
Jaculus – a small, bipedal serpent that leaps out of trees.  Its neck frill can resemble wings and allows it to glide for short distances.
Ichneumon (hydrus) – a serpent that preys upon larger serpents, burying itself in mud to attack its foe from beneath.  Similar in appearance to the Jaculus.
Sciatale – a bipedal serpent with brilliantly colored, shining scales that can hypnotize prey.  It is extremely warm.
Aspis – highly venomous winged serpent
Horned Serpents
Cerastes – Horned Serpents form Midgaheim and Mediterra, have ram-like horns
Actual Snakes
Zaltys – a domesticated magical serpent that protects the home of those who keep it; innate healing magic
Cyoneides – massive snakes with hair-like bristles on their backs that eat elephants.  Inhabit marshlands, rivers, and mountains.  Can be mugwort green or blue.  They are constrictors.
Elop – a large viper with incredibly potent venom
Dipsa – an incredibly small snake whose venom is so potent it can kill a human before they even feel the bite
Boyg –  a serpent that oozes acidic slime, native to Germanor
Sjoorm – a snake that lives its juvenile life on land, but moves to the sea for its adulthood.  It is massive.
Aiatar – a gigantic snake that raises its young native to Germanor
Other Reptiles & AmphibiansReptiles
Lizards (Agamidae)
Grylio – a poisonous lizard that poisons fruit to ensnare prey
Turtles (Testudines)
Aspidochelone – also called “asp turtles.”  Predatory turtles with serpentine necks and faces, aspidochelones pretend to be islands, lying dormant for days or even weeks with just their shells exposed.  When amphibious creatures land on their backs, the aspidochelone dives down, drowning its prey so it can eat at its leisure.  Aspidochelones are one of three unrelated sea monsters to use this “false island” hunting method.
Fastitocalon – also called “shield turtles.”  A gentler breed of island turtle, fastitocalons are larger than aspidochelones and feed more on krill and schools of fish.
Common Waterhorse – native to Celpict
Columba’s Waterhorse – a Celpictish water horse
Morar Waterhorse – a Celpictish water horse
Muckross Waterhorse – a Celpictish water horse
Muc-sheilche – aka the Maree Waterhorse, native to Celpict
Seileag – a Celpictish Waterhorse
Eachy – A Waterhorse native to both Celpict and Francobreton
Lagarfljot – a Germanorean Waterhorse, many humps
Gytrash – a Waterhorse that is more adapted for land than sea, having webbed feet but able to walk fairly well.  They have large, luminous saucer-shaped eyes.
Crocodiles (Crocodyliformes)
Orobon – a short snouted crocodilian, head is vaguely similar to a catfish
Backahast – imitates a log to ensnare prey
Common Celpict Kelpie – the traditional kelpie
Ceffyldwr – a more proactive breed of kelpie
Eachuisge – a kelpie that inhabits lakes (most kelpies prefer running water like rivers) that is particularly intelligent and cruel, sometimes leaving parts of its human victims for other humans to find.
Shoopiltie – a small breed of kelpie that resembles a pony more than a horse
Tangies – a breed of kelpie with seaweed-like hair
Endrop – a breed of kelpie found in south-eastern Germanor and Ruslovak
Haikur – another kelpie species from Germanor
Neugle – a kelpie whose victims are consumed by magical blue fire when drowned
Llamhigyn y Dwr – a large, flying, tail bearing toad from Celpict
Salamandrals – aka Deas, Stellios.  A large newt that can eat and live inside flames.
FishSharks (Selachimorpha)
Murrisk – large shark that releases toxic venom into water to poison prey
Beishtkione – a black headed fish found on the coast of Celpict
Acipenser – a fish whose armored scales are so spikey that they appear to open forward instead of backwards
Ray Finned Fish
Pontarf – large freshwater fish that can eat children
Large Eels
Freshwater eels (Anguillidae)
Piast – another massive Celpict eel monster
Moray eels (Muraenida)
Skrimsl –massive eels living on the North-Western coast of Germanor
Ciriencroin – a massive, armored eel native to Celpict that preys upon lesser leviathans
Swamfisks (part of Lophiiformes, i.e. anglerfishes) – fish that attract prey by appearing to be decaying
Leviathans (descended from reedfish)
True Leviathans
Isaiah’s Leviathan – The largest breed of leviathan and second most aggressive; can be found much closer to shore than other greater leviathans, making it the most deadly species as far as humans are concerned
Jasconius – The second largest breed of leviathan, often swims in circles, and has sometimes been domesticated due to its unusually docile temperament
Job’s Leviathan – the third largest and most aggressive breed of leviathan
Jonah’s Leviathan – The fourth largest breed of leviathan; not particularly aggressive, but not as docile as Jasconius
Murexes – a purple leviathan that can eat boats, smallest of all the breeds of greater leviathan seen in Midgaheim
Foreign True Leviathans (mention them briefly)
Shell-back Leviathans
Lyngbakr – largest of the lesser leviathans.  Is squat and heavily armored, with dorsal plates that vaguely resemble rocks.  Lays still until others land on its back, then devours them.
Skeljungur – second largest of the lesser leviathans.  Squat, fat, and even more heavily armored than the lyngbakr, with thick scales that rattle when it surfaces.  Has short flippers and no dorsal fins.
Sea Boars
Taumafiskur – A black leviathan with white or pink stripes extending from its eyes to its mouth, and from its mouth outwards.  The stripes give it the appearance of a bridle.  They are particularly unfriendly to humans.
Trolual – A type of leviathan native to Germanor.
Orkus – A type of leviathan
Scolopendra – a whiskered leviathan (small for its clade) with multiple leg-like fins that vomits when caught
Ziphius – a leviathan whose four fins look almost like legs.  It has large eyes, a beaked mouth, and fur-like quills on its neck.
Lobe Finned Fish
Lungfish (Dipnoi)
Yannig – a nocturnal sea monster that screeches like an owl to flush out prey.  It travels between the surface of the ocean and the deep sea.
Human-imitating Fish (Tetrapodomorpha)
Hakenmanns – a massive fish with a human-like face; they are carnivores that feed on humans.
Undines – mermaids if mermaids were fish who just looked humanoid rather than an actual chimeric hybrid
Bishop Fish/Sea Monks – fish with human-like faces and strange, conical frills on their heads that resembles pope hats
Unarmored Krakens
Graceful Krakens
Linaean Kraken – Another kraken with a low reproductive rate
Konung Kraken – large krakens with the lowest reproductive rate of the family, lures fish to its jaws by belching a sweet scent
Tennyson Kraken – a deep sea kraken that only rises to the surface to die
Montfort Kraken – an enormous kraken that preys almost exclusively on fishing ships
Celpict Krakens
Muirselche Kraken – A kraken with an enormous appetite and gut, most commonly found on the coast of Celpict.
Sughmaire Kraken – The only freshwater kraken, related to the Muirselche.
Amored Krakens
Pliny Kraken – a whale hunting breed of kraken
Island Krakens
Hafgufa Kraken – enormous kraken that can swallow men, ships, and even some whales.
Pontoppidan Kraken – a kraken that hunts like the aspidochelone, lying dormant on the surface to resemble an island before ensnaring prey that land on its back.  It also moves so fast that it creates deadly whirlpools
Wallenberg Kraken – A heavily armored but comparatively small species of kraken whose excrement attracts schools of fish, which the kraken ultimately feeds on
Swamp Krakens
Buratche-ah-Ilgs – a shapeless blob creature covered in eyes which occasionally shoot fire, native to northern Germanor
BirdsFowl (Galliformes)
Phoenixes (descended from peacocks)
Mediterran Phoenix
Francobreton Fenix
Ruslovak Fenix
Foreign Phoenixes (mention briefly)
Egyptian Phoenix - Benmu
Asian Phoenixes – Feng Wangs and Ho-Os
Stymphalian Birds – carnivorous swans/geeze with toxic shit and barbs that shoot out of their wings
Gulls (Laridae)
Boobrie – a huge seagull that eats sheep
Rukhs (i.e. giant eagles)
Kaukasios Rukh: A massive eagle native to Mediterra
Midgaheim Rukh: Hraesvelg’s species
Cornu: a black rukh native to Celpict
Kreutzet: a ruhk from Ruslovak
Bariuchne: a Midgaheim ruhk that is closely related to the Ziz
Foreign Rukhs (mention briefly)
Sinbad’s Rukh
Adarllwchgwins – massive, domesticated hawks made for riding
Habergeiss – a nocturnal owl with horns that shrieks when a person is about to die.  Native to Germanor.
Perching Birds (Passeriformes)
Messenger Ravens – Incredibly intelligent corvids that are as big as wolves
Hyrcinian birds – a type of nocturnal songbird with bioluminescent feathers; native to Germanor
Behemoths (sub-clade to Perissodactyla)
True Behemoths
Job’s Behemoth (mention only)
Midgaheim Behemoth
Catoblepas: a behemoth native to Midgaheim noted for its weak neck muscles and impenetrable skin.
Beithir: a behemoth native to Francobreton that is covered in thick fur instead of thick skin
Odontotyrannus – a large, black behemoth with three cranial horns growing from its forehead.  It is carnivorous and eats elephants.
Monoceros Unicorn:  a missing link between unicorns and behemoths, the armored unicorn is a small behemoth with a prominent cranial horn used for goring its enemies.
True Unicorn: a creature that superficially resembles a horse, with long goat-like legs, a long, flowing lion-like tail, and a more deer-like face.  Its main feature is its horn, which is made of a magical substance called alicorn.
Scythian unicorn: a gray, unimpressive unicorn native to Mediterra
Cartazonon: a yellow-red unicorn with a black horn and a long mane, incredibly aggressive.
Yale: a two horned creature related to the unicorn, whose two cranial horns are articulated by muscles.  Has the dainty body of a Pure unicorn, but traces of the elephant-like armor of behemoths, and a boar-like mouth
Horses and donkeys
Sleipnirs – massive eight legged horses.
Diomedean Horses – carnivorous horses
Aneskelades – a giant donkey that can shrink to the size of a regular donkey
Cthonic Boars
Stokkull – a blind sperm whale whose face is covered in strange, fleshy flaps of skin
Raudkembingur – a sperm whale with a red “comb” of dorsal fins along its neck.
Nauthveli – a sperm whale with a cow’s bicolor pattern and a more serpentine tail (no fluke).
Swordfiskur – an orca-like porpoise whose dorsal fin is hard and sharp, allowing it to gore its prey (larger sea monsters, particularly baleen whales) from below
Hrosshvalur – a red-maned porpoise with a horse-like head and enormous eyes.
Mushveli – a dolphin with a ratlike face and a whiplike tail
White Hart – a magical stag
Sianach – a huge, aggressive, ugly deer native to Francbreton and Celpict
Achlis – an elk with an enormous upper lip and poorly articulated legs
Busse – a cow with stag-like horns that can camouflage like a chameleon
Urus – a cow whose massive horns are serrated to saw down trees
Tarbhuisge – a massive, aquatic, ocean dwelling bull
Geryon Cattle – red & purple cows that were discovered by the Mediterran ogre Geryon
Bonnacon – cows attuned to fire magic
Midgaheim Bonnacon – shits fires
Mediteran Bonnacon – breathes fire
Caprinae (Sheeps & Goats
Khrysomallos – flying, golden fleeced ram
Dorraghow – a monstrous otter from Celpict
Cathanegs – i.e. magically attuned members of panthera
Irusan – a particularly massive cathaneg from Celpict
Murcat – a tusked cathaneg native to Celpict
Armored Lions – various thick skinned lions of Mediterra
Nemean Lion
Cithaeronian Lion
Gulon – essentially a magical bobcat, native to Germanor
Crocottas: massive hyenas
Calopus – a horned wolf with long, porcupine-like quills on its back
Barghests (Fenrisbrood, Hrodvitnirs) – magically attuned wolves
Orthrus – a massive two headed hound
Freybugs – magically attuned feral hounds
Aufhocker – another, larger breed of magically attuned feral hound
Katthveli – a massive whale-sized seal with a voracious appetite for flesh.  Its flippers have hooks, its face has whiskers, and males have tusks in addition to sharp teeth.
Roshwalr – giant, vicious walruses native to the northern coasts of Germanor
Afanc – a giant carnivorous beaver native to Celpict and Francobreton
Nependis – an ape monster with a boar-like face
Acephali (also called Blemyahs)– humanoids whose heads are directly connected to their chests (no neck)
Blue Men of Minch – hostile subterranean people native to Celpict
Circhos – an aquatic humanoid with three toed feet whose legs are different lengths.
Hill Ogres
Mountain Ogres
Cloud Ogres
Centimanes (Hekatonkheires)
Greater Cyclopes
Lesser Cyclopes
Fair Folk/Forest Folk/Fairies/Nature SpiritsTrolls
Swamp Trolls
River Trolls
Pond Trolls
Forest Trolls
House Trolls
Cave Trolls
Mountain Trolls
Sea Trolls
Redcaps – not a subtype of goblin, but a philosophy
Other Humanoid Fairies
Attercroppes – snake people (i.e. snakes with humanoid arms and legs – not serpentaurs)
Sprites – bug people
Kobolds – small dog people
Low Elves/Brownies – rodent people
High Elves/Alfar - faeries that are actually descended from humans
Liosalfar – light elves
Dockalfar – dark elves
Schrats – forest elves
Huldra – beautiful, tall, always female fairies whose backs appear to be hollow and who have long, ox-like tails
Nereids – fish people
Mandrakes – humanoid plants
Hamadryads – human above the waist, tree below
Bestial Fairies
Bugbears (fairies of indistinct clade)
Cait Sith – fairy cats
Cud Sith – fairy dogs
Crodh Sidhe – aquatic fairy cows
Undead-like Fairies
Monstrous Fairies
Formian Giants
ChimerasBestial Chimeras
Draconic Chimeras
Lou Carcolh – Dragon & Snail Hybrid, enormous, resembles a snail-shelled dragon with tentacles over its mouth, drips with slime
Tarasque – a complicated chimera: hybrid of dragon, basilisk, turtle, and lion
Zburator – Dragon & Fenrisbrood hybrid
Alphyn – Dragon & Cathaneg hybrid
Naui – a dragon with the head and wings of an eagle; first created in Ruslovak
Draikainas – Dragon, Titan, & Serpentaur hybrid
The Hybrid Children of Echidna
Lernaen Hydra – most of genetic code comes from a Mediterran Lesser Drake species
Ladon – most of genetic code comes from a Mediterran Wyrm species
Chimaera – dragon, basilisk, lion, goat mix
Cerberus – half dragon, half hound; hydra syndrome results in three canine heads and multiple serpent heads
Cetus – half dragon, half kraken
Crommyonian Sow – half boar, half dragon
Strutting Cockatrices (two legged)
Scuttling Cockatrices (six legged)
Skoffin (Draconic Cockatrices)
Codrile – a particularly unstable and massive cockatrice made of rooster, basilisk, crocodile, and dragon parts that goes through several metamorphoses.  They have a gem-like plate on their forehead.
Amphisien – cockatrice with a head on the end of its tail, made by mixing an amphisbaena with a basilisk and a roosters
Heliodromos (Vulture griffin)
Keythong (wingless griffin, kinda pointless)
Mediteran Hippocampi
Biast Na Srognig – the horned hippocampus, has one unicorn-like horn
Havehest – a hippocampus whose body is entirely fish and whose head is mostly horse
Enfields – fox/eagle hybrids
Perytons – flying stags
Questing Beasts – hybrid of snake, leopard, and stag
Leucrottas – hybrid of crocotta, cathaneg, and unicorn, with monstrously large jaws that none of its component parts have.  Has the legs and tail of a unicorn, neck of a lion, and the rest is a monstrous caricature of a crocotta.
Pegasi – flying horses.
Serras – a monster with the body of a fish, the head of a lion, and the wings of a bat.
Parandus – a hybrid of bear & ibex
Wolpertinger – a rabbit with fangs, antlers, and wings
Ant-lions – one of the most notorious failed chimeras in history, doomed to die because its digestive system cannot handle the food it hungers for.
Allocamelus – a camel with a donkey’s head.
Cameleopard – A hybrid of camel and leopard, has horns for some reason.
Calygreyhound – a mix of eagle, bull, and antelope.  Front legs and skull of an eagle, body and horns of an antelope, and hind legs of a bull.
Celphie – a cow with five legs, which are cow legs at the start and human arms at the end.  It’s made purely as an oddity.
Centycore – a lion bodied, horse limbed, bear headed hybrid with an enormous mouth and ears that speaks in a human voice.
Dard – a creature with the body of a lizard, the neck of a horse, and the head of a cat
Falconfish – exactly what it sounds like
Human Hybrids
Hippocentuar – part man, part horse, part fish
Ipopodes – a centaur that functions like a satyr – i.e. only has a horse’s hindlegs, not the forelegs.
Onocentaur – part man, part donkey
Melusines – humannoids that are human (with some snake features) above the waist, and snake below
Draconcopedes – like normal serpentaurs, except they lack arms
Cacus – three human heads, breaths fire
Mediteran Sphinxes
Nains – Francobreton satyrs with clawed hands and carnivorous appetites
Gaborchends – goat headed men
Cynocephali – dog headed men
Donestres – lion-headed men
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Did you know that tarantulas have very poor eyesight? Most of the time, they cannot perceive you, you are just a weird blob part of the background. Sometimes, you are a weird tree that picks them up or drops food in their little world and they’re usually chill with that.
A note on their little worlds: tarantulas get nervous if their enclosure is too big. Again with the poor eyesight thing. They like to see the perimeters of their territory. I’ve kept baby tarantulas in pill bottles and deli cups before to ensure they don’t stress themselves out patrolling their perimeter all day.
Also, they are ridiculously fragile. Tarantulas can be basically divided into two groups: the tree guys (arborials) and the ground guys (terrestrials). Tree guys are small and leggy and can jump from branch to branch no problem. These are the lil dudes you can hold and they will think you’re a weird moving tree. Terrestrials are the big boys with the big butts and stumpy legs and big chompers. They like to dig and will die if they fall higher than their legspan so it is really dangerous to hold them or pick them up. Also, their enclosure must be filled with dirt almost to the top because if the dumb babies try to climb the walls they can fall, break all their legs and die.
Speaking of dying, female tarantulas live significantly longer than their male counterparts and get much bigger. A male tarantula will basically live long enough to mate once and kick the bucket… sometimes doing both at the same time. If a female is hungry or pissed off she will eat the male trying to make babies with her. She can live long enough to have multiple batches of eggs.
There are LOTS of babies in each egg sac because statistically most of them won’t make it to adulthood. A really common cause of death is something going wrong when they shed their exoskeleton, which they so periodically throughout their lives as they constantly grow until death. Imagine it’s 2008 and you’ve just had a big meal. You flop down on your bed, and your belly is really full and uncomfortable, so you decide to take off your skinny jeans. You’re lying on your back, trying to wriggle out of the too-tight fabric but you’re just so exhausted you literally die halfway out of them. That is how tarantulas do.
But if they survive simply existing they can still get preyed upon by hungry critters. This is where some species differ once again. The “old world” tarantulas in Africa and Asia are the fast and feisty, bitey little bastards. One guy I knew was tending an old world tarantula, blinked, and it was gone. He spent 45 minutes looking for the little blue son of a bitch until he found it hiding in a wrinkle of his jeans. The venom in their bites range from a bee sting you aren’t allergic to to “holy shit my arm has a fever and I can hear my pulse”. None of them are deadly to humans that aren’t allergic to them, just a real pain in the ass.
The “new” world varieties from the Americas are on the whole more chill. They are far more likely to run from a fight and hide, but will rise up on their back legs to try and look big when brave enough. Sometimes they rise up too high and flop on their backs, then scurry to right themselves like they’re embarrassed or something. On thing to look out for with these dudes is their urdicating hairs. The little fuzzies all over their bodies are not soft like fur, but are in fact stiff and sharp like little bits of fiberglass. When threatened, a tarantula will itch its butt, effectively kicking off a patch of hair into the air that forms an irritating cloud. Do not lean in for a closer look when they do this, you can go blind. Also, if the tarantula rubs itself on you while holding you, it is not a cat. It is not nuzzling you affectionately, it is trying to give you a rash so you will leave it tf alone.
One last cute fact: they use their webs to make beds and dinner plates. When it is almost time to molt, a tarantula will weave itself a nice little hammock or mattress so that when it flops on its back to do the skinny jean wriggle it does so in comfort. And when they successfully catch prey to eat, a tarantula will often do what hobbyist affectionately call a “happy dance”. The tarantula turns around and around in a little circle, making a nice round, sticky plate to set its meal down on to eat.
Hope this taught you something and was a pleasant distraction! 🕷💕
hey, hey anon. first of all, i love you dearly for sending this thank you i owe you my life <3333
second of all i did indeed learn some things!!! i knew about the hairs that some tarantulas have but i didn't know that that was more of a new world thing o: !! and i CERTAINLY didn't know that they don't like open enclosures, and that terrestrials could die if they fall farther than their legspan that's INSANE how do they survive in the wild...... there were lots of other really neat facts that i hadn't heard before either thank you for your service and tedtalk i love you
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