#but School intruder got entered and the ghost starved him or some shit and then was like 'let's go to school (assumedly to get 'hikaru')
honorthysalad · 2 months
I was kind of hoping that the reason impurities were attracted to 'Hikaru' was because of Hikaru's wish. that because he said 'anyone will do', any impurity could fulfill his wish, and it was only a matter of convenience that nounuki-sama got to him first. Any impurity, provided they were able to remove nounuki-sama, would be able to take Hikaru's place, and they'd want to as they're already in the wrong place by being on the mundane side. If they take hikaru's place, then they'll belong. but uh, at this point I think it's just a thing they do. maybe he functions like a hole in the membrane and they just go over to him to back to where they need to be? but the wig ghost was able to do that without him and was actively trying to get away so idk
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