#but Lola is a big fluffy softie and Barry bonds with her real easy and gets used to dogs cause of that
fastestloseralive · 3 years
tell us more about your au? :)
you mean the au where Barry gets adopted by the Garricks? okay this is going to probably be a lot so get ready. also half of this is on @haljordangreenjedi because katie’s the one I’ve been talking to about it
there’s a lot of backstory I’ll never get into but basically all you need to know is barry, iris, and hal were childhood friends, because I’m obsessed with those three and that concept, but ANYWAY. Barry’s mom dies when he’s 11 and he goes into the system but he ends up with Jay and Joan as his foster parents. they don’t live that far from central, I mean, keystone is right next to it, but in my head they live on this nice big farm. it was originally just that they have less a farm and more a lot of land cause like, it’s the Midwest, and also the entire au is called the “life on the farm au” cause it’s very self-indulgent and I think that it would be lovely to live somewhere like that, but I digress. It’s not so much a farm as it is they have some small animals around the place, like some goats and chickens and possibly a cow, and it’s mostly just that they’re very out of the way without actually being THAT far from keystone or central. Like, Barry still goes to the same school because I said so. But anyway.
The thing about it is that they’ve been alive a long time, and Jay and Joan are lowkey immortal/age slowly bc speed force, and like, idk. Maybe they’ve helped out some kids before or whatever. But they get Barry as their foster child, they end up adopting him somewhere along the line (Barry’s dad got wrongly arrested for killing his mom, and like, idk either he dies in prison or they just work something out bc Henry’s in there for life so Barry can get adopted) although Barry doesn’t change his last name.
And okay okay. Barry lives out there with them, and like their niece Dinah comes around sometimes and Barry’s friends with her but his entire life it feels like they’re keeping something from him. He has no idea what it is. He doesn’t know why Jay gets so amused when Barry rambles on and on about those old Flash comics his mother loved, and like the idea of this is that it kinda parallels Barry and Wally in that Wally was a flash fan and Barry marries into his family and Wally gets to be so happily surprised when he finds out Barry’s the Flash. Anyway, Barry doesn’t know Jay’s the old Flash from the JSA (which is valid because Jay should be like, super old, but still) and for a while he’s convinced that with all the secrecy and weird non-related extended “family” members and etc etc, Barry thinks Jay was in the mob. He tells Dinah about it once day when she’s visiting and they’re out alone feeding the chickens and she totally goes along with his theory despite that she knows it’s the stupidest thing ever cause Dinah knows about the JSA, but Barry doesn’t. Anyway, none of this gets resolved until Barry gets powers himself. and it’s not super fleshed out but like there’s so much I love about it.
ALSO they have two dogs when Barry’s younger named Cooper and Lola and then an essential part of the au (cause I’m me and it’s so self-indulgent) is that Barry gets a kitten named Indy (after Indiana Jones, cause Barry was going through a Harrison Ford phase cause it was the mid-80s and “Han” didn’t sound right for a cat’s name) but yeah. that’s pretty much it
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