#but Ivan baby you can't go kiss isadora and then go back to Patrick and say that you only love him
srijellyfishtempura · 2 years
I honestly just want iván and Patrick to be an old married couple in the middle of all this high school drama like right now they're at the club and they're kinda just in their own world dancing badly but they're absolutely owning it
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voidstilesplease · 2 years
I just finished the season. What the hell was that? I’ll start with things I liked Patrick’s shirt in the last two episodes and answering my question as to where Phillipe is. Now things I didn’t like basically everything, the new characters didn’t care about them, and the characters I did like previous are now so out of character that it’s ridiculous. Patrivan they so shippable in season 5 why destroy the one good ship from last season. Patrick didn’t deserve any of this neither did Ivan. I never minded Ari I didn’t hate her I didn’t like her she was just always there but this season wow they did her more rude, at the end I was worried for the baby with how much she drinks. I wish Raul was hit by the car he is almost if not as bad as the two guys in isadora’s storyline. Raul’s friend caused the fight at the game which caused everything to go nuts then drugs Mencia and well you saw how that turned out. I am glad isadora finally got actual justice for what happened and got to kiss the guy that likes her. This season was dumpster fire there were good moments but there were actual moments where I cringed and wanted to skip sometimes I had it on 2x speed just because I couldn’t stand the scene/characters. Overall I think this might be the worst season. Was it just me or did you get Carmuel goodbye parallels from patrivan goodbye. Carla left Samuel a voice message as he slept and then left, Patrick left Ivan a voice message as he was unconscious then left.
Im halfway through and it’s just pain. The only good thing that has happened other then the patrivan pool scene which was A+ was they answered my question where is Phillipe. He went back to his country.
Adding your previous message here, too, because I wasn't too quick to respond to that, and now you're finished. I could have warned you that the halfway mark wasn't the most painful yet. But, I guess, now you know 😭.
I must say, Patrick's wardrobe this season is great. Less provoking, but not less handsome. To me, it actually represents his maturity, the growth of his character, which is 🤌 from beginning to end.
Now about the rest of the season... Well, I understand if the new characters don't appeal to you yet, but I do have potential favorites. Nico, for example. He's just precious, I think. And Didac, too. The way he stood up for Isa against his childhood friend was very good. Sara, I feel for her. Bilal and Rocio could be cute but there's too little content to say any more than that, unfortunately. Raul is toxic and physically abusive - no, no, no. I have a penchant for liking toxic people (ahem Patrick and Ivan), but physical violence is just irredeemable. Sonia, who isn't part of the promoted new cast, is actually a great character.
But of course, I came here for the characters we already knew from season 5. Specifically, Patrivan. And true, the first episode actually felt a little off in the beginning because of some characters' behavior that I wasn't used to in season 5, but I also realized that circumstances from before changed them.
And yes, 100%. Patrick deserved better. Ivan, without the intention of invalidating his grief, could have done better. And Ari - oh god. Where do I even start with Ari. I didn't mind her in season 4, started to hate her in season 5, and just want her to disappear every time she's on screen this season. Patrick is self-destructive, but Ari is a walking disaster. She takes down everyone with her. And worse is, she betrayed her own brother. Who only wanted to help her, and Ivan too. But they stabbed Patrick's back instead, and then his chest right to his face. But the most despicable part is the pregnancy. I don't even want to think about it, much less address that it's actually part of season 6. I just want to delete that part in my brain because I can't.
True. The one, true, good thing to come out of this season is Isadora's storyline. But overall, I didn't hate the season. I understand if you do. But for me, objectively, it actually is the best season after 1-3. Even if it did crush my heart to pieces.
Anyway, thank you for sharing your thoughts! I am sorry if I'm rambling in my reply but I'm still, kind of, disoriented by the whole season, tbh.
Finally, no, it wasn't just you. The last scene with Patrick and Ivan is a parallel to Carmuel. Only, this one broke me utterly. Their parting isn't as acceptable as Carmuel's, in my opinion. Their parting is an audio recording that may or may not be heard by Ivan. And his accident could be traced back to Patrick's car, and now Patrick could even be under suspicion. His departure could be seen as running away rather than giving their relationship a chance to breathe. It's brutal.
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