#but I'll forgive it because it's just so concerned with being a silly fun time that of course its brains fall out of the plot. one element
mariocki · 4 months
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Night Monster (1942)
"Why don't you have Millie do that, Miss Judd? That's a maid's work, not a housekeeper's. You needn't answer because I know the reason: that spot under your hand is blood and you didn't want anyone to know."
"Blood? Ridiculous."
"Yes, it is ridiculous. It couldn't be blood, but it is. I've seen those spots before and I've seen you trying to scrub them out because you knew what they were. Blood, the whole house reeks of it. The air is charged with death and hatred and something that's unclean!"
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bun-z-bakery · 3 months
Does Dogday have any bad or annoying habits?
✧. ┊ 𝑁𝑒𝑤 𝐷𝑜𝑔 𝑂𝑙𝑑 𝑇𝑟𝑖𝑐𝑘𝑠
Oh, absolutely! Dogday has a few little habits, good and bad. Some slowly died down after a while but these are just a few I could think of rn :3
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Teeny tiny CW for this one! There is mentions of some destructive behavior such as hoarding and codependency. It's not too detailed but I wanted to let you guys know before reading!
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Old habits die hard
He has a lot of old habits that were drilled into him during his time at playtime co. Like
Talking in third person. 
Following a strict schedule. 
Scolding you when you swear etc. 
It takes a bit, but eventually he's able to catch and stop himself. 
Sometimes he'll mess with you and speak in third person, all you can do is sigh and stare. 
Oh no! Our table! It's broken!
He breaks things, ALOT. He sometimes forgets his strength and has a habit of gripping objects a bit too hard that they break. 
Your phone? What phone? 
Your laptop? He has no idea how that happened. 
We don't talk about how the railing came off of the wall, even though he doesn't know how it happened! 
What's mine isn't yours
As much as he trusts his angel, he can never be too sure. 
He keeps cans of food or anything he can snack on hidden as a “just in case”. When you four escaped he used to be very territorial when it came to food. Not that he wanted to be. 
He knows he can trust you, but he also knows from experience anything could easily be taken away, so expect him to be territorial with food or gifts for the first few months and expect to find stale food hidden under your bed too. 
What's yours is his
Dogday hates being apart from you, he has a bit of separation anxiety. He'll even “borrow” your stuff when you're gone. 
Clothes? He can't wear them, so he'll make a little nest on your bed with them. 
Getting him to wake up and move from the pile so you can put your stuff away is a struggle. The amount of torn and ripped clothing you have accumulated is concerning. Coming home to your favorite sweater or shirt being ripped and torn under his weight while he's in dreamland isn't fun, but once again, he has no idea how that happened. Strange. 
Paranoia and over thinking until he drops. 
He tends to overthink and rambles alottttt to himself when you're not there. Poppy has a hard time snapping him out of it. He can't help it, if something happens to you he'll never be able to cope plus he would never forgive himself for not being able to protect you.
Whenever you're home, he's basically glued to your side. Privacy? You don't know her! 
He keeps an eye on everyone and sometimes walks around the property at night to make sure it's safe.
As much as you reassure him, he still can't shake the feeling that something followed the four of you out. 
Manners? Not in this house, apparently. 
He's a bit of a messy eater and slurps his food. 
Everyone agrees he should be more mindful of his eating habits, but he can't help it. It's good! 
It was cute at first, seeing him enjoy his first proper meal after so long, but cleaning the mess and himself wasn't. 
The look of disapproval and disgust on your faces was enough for him to stop. 
Keep your tongue to yourself please
Whether it be affectionate or because you have food on your face, it doesn't matter. He will lick you! You think it's gross, Poppy thinks it is absolutely disgusting, and Kissy just sides-eyes him when he does. The table was silent the first time it happened. He sees nothing wrong with it, so expect it to happen again. 
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A/N: I really had fun with these, I know I'll probably think of more in the future lol he's a silly dude we love him in this house. Thanks for reading and here's your order! 🍰☕
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