#but I’m in the process of workin on organizing stuff and getting things together so I can bring my shelves over to hang
staying at my new place for the first night. wack.
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jackbumplayground · 8 years
[fic] Late Night Snack-ductions
- No particular type of warning just but there are mentions of sexy times and maybe Jackson moaning~
- Oh and there maybe a curse word or two.
- Domestic AF
- This is not beta-ed so apologize in advanced for grammatical errors and typos.
- Has 1,510 words.
enjoy! -K
Jackson’s POV
Jackson was inside his and Jaebum’s bedroom getting ready to sleep and maybe wait for him to get home when he got a text.
Hubby Beom 8:53 pm:
Jax, I’ll be late tonite cuz my boss told me there are some revisions to the song that we’re workin on. So sorry bb, don’t w8 up for me. love u.
Jackson Wang-Lim  8:55pm:
oh okay :/ love you too.
Hubby Beom: 8:55pm:
“-sighs- I knew it.” Being a stay at home husband (Jackson) and having a composer husband (Jaebum) has its perks - Like their 5 night all expenses paid trip to Bora-Bora all curtesy of Jaebum’s employer (who knew Mr. Park was so generous to his employees), a swanky address in Seoul, and a hefty paycheck among other things but of course, Jaebum’s talent is needed by his company.
It is not the first time that this happens so he just docked his phone to the charger and get some much needed shut eye not knowing that he’ll be hungry later.
Jaebum’s POV
Jaebum glanced at the digital clock. It’s getting really late and It’s unfair to Jackson come home late again. But thankfully Jackson is very understanding and even though patience is not his best quality. He decided to call it a night and head home. He has to make it up to him by leaving on the dot this weekend and take his husband out for a nice dinner. Or maybe a romantic weekend getaway.
“Hyung, wanna get some coffee?” one of his assistants-slash-mentee, Yugyeom asked.
“I can’t Yugyeom, I’m about to go home now. Damn that verse was difficult to change but good thing Yougjae pulled off the revisions smoothly.” 
“Good job everyone! Final recording will be tomorrow.” He then hollered to his team and proceeded to leave when Jinyoung approached him and gave out a medium sized package. Curiosity got the best of him but before he can open his mouth Jinyoung replied, “Jackson asked me to buy a pack of organic tea cause I told him I was gonna pass by China town”
“Oh,” Jaebum has managed to say. 
“I swear, your husband is slowly becoming like our boss” Jinyoung snickered. Jaebum was not amused that Jinyoung he just compared their boss to his husband. pfft Jackson is way prettier duh. Before he said that out loud and can be fired, he left the studio, saying his goodbyes to Mark and Bambam. He expects to be home in less than 30 minutes as the rush hour is already over. He just can’t wait to take a shower, sleep and cuddle Jackson. If he’s lucky, he can get some of dat ass™️️
Jackson’s POV:
*2hours later*
Jackson kept on tossing and turning. The thing is, he can’t sleep cause he just heard his stomach growl and the fact that Jaebum is not yet at home made him even more restless. Now he has a dilemma: being lazy to get up and prepare something to eat, but he’s really starving knowing that last time he ate was around 6pm-ish.
He doesn’t know how lucky he is when he remembered keeping some chocolates inside the drawer of the bedside table although he had to crawl for it because it was on Jaebum’s side of the bed. He managed to get a bar of matcha green tea flavored kit-kats among the tubes of lubes and packs of condoms and happily opened it and ate it away. 
Jackson might have a religious experience munching his hunger away.
“mmmm...oh god this is soo good!~”
He was in the middle of his indulgent state when the garage door opened signalling Jaebum’s arrival. Too bad he didn’t notice that at all.
 Jaebum’s POV:
Jaebum thinks that he deserves a pat on the back cause he did managed to get home in approximately 30 minutes. Well he should cause its past 11 o’clock and people are already at home, hence no traffic.He took of his coat and shoes and tossed the key in the counter where Jackson will probably yell at him again that the ‘kitchen counter is not a place for car keys’ but he’ll just argue back that it doesn’t matter cause they have sex there sometimes anyway. (Even if really unhygienic. But then, horniness knows no location.)
“mmmm...oh god this is soo good!~”
Speaking of carnal desires, he heard Jackson moaning?
“What the actual fuck..” he whispered as he tries to get the logic out of Jackson’s moans minus him in their bedroom. ‘It just does NOT add up!’ As Jaebum tries to argue with himself.
He did not waste time opening the door and saw Jackson under the covers of their sheets...touching himself?
He felt himself getting hot and bothered (and maybe he felt his pants getting tighter cause damn, Jackson’s moans are just...sinful.)
“Jackson?” Jaebum called.
Jackson turned on the night lamp and tried getting out of bed but the sheets were all ruffled in the process. 
“Jaebum! you’re home! I didn’t know got in? I usually hear the garage door open..but oh well, welcome back!” He approached Jaebum, got on his tippy toes and tried to peck his lips but he suddenly felt him grabbing on to his waist and pushed him back to the bed.
Both males were unceremoniously tangled up on their queen sized bed. Jaebum was on top of Jackson when the taller of the two wasted no time in placing his lips on to the smaller one managing to get his tongue inside Jackson’s sweet mouth. And wow, he literally tasted so sweet! like, chocolate.
Jaebum pretty much knows where this would lead to as his hands started to roam inside Jackson’s tank top feeling the smooth skin underneath.
“Jae..Jaebum...” Jackson moaned again and Jaebum was happy cause this time, he moaned out his name and they were not even on the ‘good’ part yet. ‘It does feels great to be home’ he thinks as he smiles on to the kiss. He felt hands pushing him off gently as Jackson sits up and brought his arm around his neck but never breaking eye contact.
“Did you miss me that much? You didn’t even say hi to me..but the kiss made up for it.” Jackson smiled bringing their noses together into a cute Eskimo style kiss.
Jaebum stole one more kiss from Jackson’s lips and saw some crumbs at the corner of his mouth.
“Well first of all, hi, I missed you and It’s great to be home” he chucked. “But you know, as soon as I approached our room, I heard you moaning..under the sheets.”
“Where you..touching yourself? and why do you have some green crumbs on your lips?” He tried to wipe some with his thumb and tasted it.
Jackson just simply giggled at his husband's antics and not really planning on answering him yet.
...Jackson has been eating chocolate?
“Is this chocolate?” Jaebum inquired. ‘ohh its Kit-kat’, he concluded.
Jackson wasn’t sure why but he got flustered and explained to Jaebum that he got hungry and he knew both of them kept some kit-kats in the bedside drawer so he ate them and quickly indulged. 
“I-I didn’t even notice that I moaned out loud enough for you to hear it!” 
“But it was soo good! I guess I was really hungry.” 
Jaebum smiled but changed the mood quickly into a slightly solemn one. “Look Jackson, I’m so sorry that you had to eat without me earlier. I know you hated that and you probably had lost your appetite. I mean, I know you tend to do that. Its just that the guys and I have to revise the some of the songs that were were working on and-”
“Shhh..” Jackson held out his index finger and pressed it on to Jaebum’s lip. “Honey, I know. I understand. You texted me remember earlier remember?”
Jaebum held Jackson hand and laced their fingers. “Just..let me make it up to you.”
“Can I take you out to dinner? this Saturday?”
“We have been married for three years, Jaebum.”
“So, is that a yes?
“Of course you dweeb.”
They finally made it to their bed but this time, they were all washed up and ready for shut-eye when-
“I still can’t believe you thought I was touching myself earlier.”
“Oh you know, maybe you were getting ready for me.”
A pillow was hurled at Jaebum’s direction. Plus a beautiful laugh was heard.
“By the way, Jinyoung got me some organic green tea..”
“Yes, its still in the car, babe. I forgot to get it out.”
“oh its okay. good night, hun.”
Jaebum felt Jackson’s smooth and supple lips kissing him goodnight.
“hmm..tastes like chocolate.”
I was inspired by this tweet:
Tumblr media
Additional notes:
- The other night I was reading an article in buzzfeed (Yes, I do read stuffs there and I am not ashamed) and saw that tweet. Of course being the Jackbum trash that I am decided to make it into a fic.
- This was originally a drabble and I certainly didn’t expect this be this long.
- This is sort of a present for the lack of updates these past few weeks. (read: PSA)
- I am actually so conscious about this fic although I did enjoy writing it.
- There are such things as Matcha green tea flavored Kit-Kats and I love them!
- The title is so.. cringe worthy and i’m sorry >.<
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