#but I’ll be not at all anxious and also not excited about my garment choices if I go suit pants
freddieandersen · 9 months
got last minute invited to a wedding in two weeks and I /want/ to wear my kilt and my goal for this year /is/ to get more comfy making non-bland fashion choices but I worry about hurting my friends’ feelings if I choose to be not bland at their wedding
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How to successfully steal you girlfriend's hoodie! (gone right).
Requested by anonymous! This originated from one of my head canons, please enjoy! ♥︎ As always, you can also find it on AO3.
“I’m off, then. I’ll see you later, hm? Love you.” 
“Sure! Love you, too.” 
Kyan calmly leans down to give me a quick peck on the lips, before gently smiling at me and heading for the front door with a bag in one hand and her coat in the other. I slowly wave at her, observing her as she steps out of the apartment, and remain still on the couch until the door is completely shut. I wait in absolute silence for a few moments, in case she forgot to bring anything with her, and when I don’t hear any steps or suspicious noises, I finally let out a sigh of relief. Now’s the time. 
I cautiously get up from the couch with a few small steps, trying to be as quiet as possible, even if I’m currently home alone. I’m quite paranoid about this whole ordeal, I’ll admit it without shame. But! It’s a dangerous mission, and getting found out would mean very harsh consequences. Aikyan is fairly intimidating as it is, so trust me when I say that she surely doesn’t get any less frightening when she’s mad. 
However, back to my initial plan. I reach Kyan’s (well, it’s practically ours, now) bedroom, and carefully rest a hand on the handle. A strange feeling that appears to be a mix of excitement and uneasiness dwells within me, but it’s too late to back out now. I open the door with a decisive movement, finally getting access to my final destination. I briefly look around without any particular reason, only to then locate my target: her closet. Found you~!
I lightly close the door behind me, just to feel a little less anxious, and stare with fascination at the many colorful garments hanging in the closet. These are Aikyan’s precious possessions that shall never be touched by other unsanitary and unworthy hands — her words, not mine. It’s not the floral, white blouses or the vintage leather jackets I’m looking for, however. It’s the puffy, soft and large hoodies she wears when it gets really cold during the nighttime. Since there’s a substantial height difference between the two of us, they end up almost reaching my knees. 
“Hm, which one of you am I going to wear…” I mumble to myself out loud, holding my chin between my fingers and contemplating this seemingly hard choice. In the middle of this mess of colors and figures, a certain piece of clothing catches my attention. It’s a black hoodie with a patch of two fluffy dogs sewed on the upper side. This is… didn’t she wear it yesterday? Wait — so it still smells like her? Looks like I’ve found the perfect one, then~! 
I grab it without thinking about it twice and quickly take my own pink t-shirt off, throwing it somewhere on the floor — I had to wash it, anyway. I hold Aikyan’s hoodie high-up in the air, admiring it some more, before finally putting it on with much ease. Yeah, just like I predicted — it almost arrives at my knees. Ah, but it’s so soft, and it smells amazing~! Just like Kyan. It’s as if I’m being hugged by her~ 
Even the sleeves are too long, as they cover my entire hands, only to leave out the barely-visible tips of my fingers. I contentedly smirk at the delicate feeling of the fabric against my skin, and I sit on the edge of her bed while kicking my feet in the air, since I can’t exactly reach the floor. I then throw myself on the bed, perfectly landing on her pillow, and bury my nose in her fluffy sheets, taking a good sniff of her scent. This thing is worse than an aphrodisiac, seriously…
I hug the pillow really tight and wrap my legs around it, ducking it under my chin. It all feels so cozy — her smell, her soft hoodie, her oh-so-comfortable bed — I could just sleep here fore the rest of my days. The only missing thing (or person) that would complete the picture is none other than my girlfriend. I don’t want to hold onto a mere pillow forever, I need to have her squeezing me tight and close, and maybe also tenderly kiss the top of my head like she always does. 
As my body gets progressively warmer thanks to the covers, I feel sleep slowly taking over my body, and at the moment it seems like a very inviting proposal. I’ll just rest my eyes for a few minutes… “Aikyan…” Is the last word I’m able to whisper under my breath, before finally giving in and begin snoring softly.
“Baby, I’m home!” I gently call out to Rikyako as I place my bag on the kitchen table, expecting some form of answer, but the whole apartment is suspiciously quiet. Maybe she’s just listening to some music in her room? However, when I pass by my own room, I hear the faintest sound of snoring. Did she seriously fall asleep in my bed? Again? What must I do with her…
I push the door and take a small peek, noticing that she’s cuddling my pillow with a happy grin on her face. I giggle in resignation at the sight, fully opening the door and stepping inside. There’s just one thing doesn’t look right — what is she even wearing? It’s unusual to see something black on her… right at that moment, however, I see the dogs (Laela and Chocola) that my mom sewed for me on the hoodie, and it all clicks. That’s my hoodie! 
“Uh…?” She quietly hums against the pillow, clearly still half-asleep, as she rolls over and ignores my death-stare. I pinch the bridge of my nose in frustration and look at my girlfriend happily sleeping in my bed.
“You’re lucky you’re cute, otherwise it wouldn’t have ended well for you.” I reach out to stroke her mess of brown hair, patting her head a few times and moving a strand behind her ear. Her eyelids then flutter open, as she shyly looks up at me with those innocent, brown eyes filled with concern. Is she scared that I’ll get mad? How could be anyone get angry at her when she’s this adorable? 
She lazily pulls the covers back just enough to signal that she wants me to come to bed with her, and I can’t help but oblige. “Just so you know,” I lovingly caress her cheek and maintain a calm tone. “all my clothes are off-limits from now on. Understood?”
“Yup! Now cuddle me.”
“As you wish, princess.” 
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wolfpawn · 4 years
I Hate You, I Love You, Chapter 168
Chapter Summary -With a day to think over her issues, Danielle and Tom decide on a venue and discuss other important parts of the wedding.
Previous Chapter
Rating - Mature (some chapters contain smut)
Triggers - references to Tom Hiddleston’s work with the #MeToo Movement. That chapter will be tagged accordingly.
authors Note - I have been working on this for the last 3 years, it is currently 180+ chapters long.  This will be updated daily, so long as I can get time to do so, obviously.
NOTES -So yeah, Ashford castle is in Connemara too, it is a very fancy hotel where Rory McIlroy the golfer got married, and Pierce Brosnan...well, if I have to say who is, I'm shook.Also, apparently, that is the name of one of the people running the agency Tom is with, so yeah, I just went with that.
Danielle looked at the extravagant building in front of her apprehensively. It was gorgeous but it was a five-star hotel, of course, it would be, the sensible side reminded her that this was one of the most expensive venues in Ireland and that was simply too much. The other part realised what she loved about Kylemore Abbey, it was far more to their liking in many ways. She sighed. Perhaps that was why they did not say yes straight away so that when she did, it was because she was not worried about other places, that she would know it was right for them. She no sooner saw the wedding organiser for the hotel and felt as though it was more of a brag for them to have high profile weddings than anything the bride and groom could want for their day. At the end of it all, she gave one look to Tom and a slight shake of the head and he gave a similar nod before they thanked the events planner and went back to the car.
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“Elle?” Tom asked curiously.
“Can we tell Kylemore yes?” Tom stopped and looked at her. “I thought you didn’t…” “I know but this place, which is gorgeous, yes but it’s not us.” “No, it’s not,” Tom agreed. “I would love to stay here for a few days but for our wedding…”
“Definitely.” “That doesn’t mean Kylemore has to be the place though.” Tom pointed out. “If you’re not happy with it, we don’t have to pick it, it’s not a ‘here or there only’ choice. We can keep looking.” “Kylemore is not renowned for weddings, just the pictures, it’s known for other things. No one we don’t want will suspect it and it is beautiful. They were actually nice to us and seemed to care about our day, not the publicity and I just feel it is a far better fit. I just...with time to think and whatnot, I would like it, honestly.” “And the cost?” Tom pressed slightly. They had spoken about it several times but before they left, Tom physically sat her down and told her that though he knew she was a financially savvy woman, something he liked about her, and she knew he was not one to spend unnecessarily himself as could be noted by his constant use of the same few garments but weddings were costly affairs in general and with neither of them planning to do it more than once, he wanted it done right and knew she was similar. She was meticulous by nature, so of course, she would want the best from their day and he was willing to do whatever was required to do so within reason. If he said it was reasonable, he was willing to do it and wanted her to feel that she could ask for most anything she wanted for the day and he would agree.
Danielle inhaled deeply. “As you said, it’s once-off.”
Elated that she had listened to him, Tom retrieved the number for the Abbey and dialled it, watching as Danielle began driving towards the Victorian complex, making arrangements to book their day, excited to be getting something so official sorted.
It was dark by the time Danielle and Tom left the Abbey. There was a substantial amount of paperwork, not just from the management for them but with their decision made, Tom had informed Luke of said decision and he, along with Tom’s agent, Christian arranged for an NDA to be faxed to the Abbey for Danielle’s and Tom’s privacy which took some time to organise. At the end of it all, Tom and Danielle were relieved to be in the car and returning to her grandmother’s.
“Well, that’s sorted.” Danielle was content to have that particular issue put to rest. She had texted Emma as her matron of honour to inform her of the location. “I am sure Aunt Bernie will be seething at our ‘outdoing’ Laura.” “And what will Laura think?” “That she is happy to get her wedding reception in the hotel she swore she would, I assume. We went to our...I have no idea what relation they are to us but some relation’s wedding in that hotel and she swore it was her dream location, that was like ten years ago and sure enough, she’s getting married there, so I don’t think she will care about us, she likes her own thing.” Danielle stated as she pulled the car out of the car park and drove in the direction of Galway.
“Are you excited to have this done?” Tom queried.
“It’s one less stress now. We have the church and the reception, that’s two of the biggest concerns sorted, everything else is just small stuff. I will ring the florists in the morning, we also need to be honest, sit down and discuss numbers in the bridal party.” “How do you mean?” “Well, how many groomsmen are you thinking?” “I am not sure, I don’t know how to get it down to two or three.”
“Well, you best be thinking. We need to start getting that side of things sorted.” “How many bridesmaids have you?” “I only chose Emma so far. I was thinking perhaps Nacelle too but nothing planned yet.” “Well Luke is a given,” Tom rattled off. “I think he has to be my Best Man.”
“At this stage, he deserves that, your firstborn and a substantial inheritance, if you don’t kill him with the stress first.”
Tom gave her a slightly bemused look. “I was also thinking Ben.” “Well, you were his groomsman, you are best friends, it makes sense,” She agreed.
“But Francis...”
Danielle gave a slight nod, Francis she had met at the gathering they had in their home with Hugh Laurie, his wife and the Cumberbatch’s. He had been Tom’s roommate in college, they knew each other from Eton, they rarely got to see each other anymore, Francis rarely was in Britain these days, he moved to the US a time before but he and Tom met often when Tom went there, Jeremy often going to where Tom was to see his friend or when Jeremy was in England, she knew his meaning to Tom, he had been his main peer support when his parents had broken up. “Well, then, have three groomsmen.”
“Would you be okay with that?” Tom asked hopefully.
Danielle scoffed. “Tom, if you want seven groomsmen, then so be it, it’s your wedding too.” She reminded him.
“Is that going into the realms of excessive?”
“Not at all, it’s a reasonable amount and they are three of your closest friends.”
“But you have only two bridesmaids?”
“I think it’s safe to say I can wrangle up a third. I don’t really talk to many from school any more, I lost contact with most of them when I went to Britain, that’s not to say I don’t have people I can ask, so I will consider a third and we keep it even. We have our flower girls sorted, we can’t choose between them, but that’s fine, the Duchess can no doubt assist with Lucy, we need two little page boys then to even that, I was thinking, you’re Francis’ boy’s Godfather and he is what, eight? He will be perfect and if we ask Ben and Sophie if we can use Kit? If they decline, we have other options.”
Tom eyed her cautiously. “How much thought have you put into this?” “I analyse everything, I’m peculiar like that, that’s why I went to study business, why I became a paramedic and why I am a safety officer.” She commented, not taking her eyes off the road due to free-roaming ponies and sheep that she knew could be at risk in the darkness.
“I feel like I am leaving too much of this on you, like I am not doing my fair share.”
“I am the naturally organised one, though, it makes sense that I would do a lot of the planning.” She pointed out.
Tom had to concede that was true. He had found that since Danielle had entered his life, even before when it was as a friend, aspects of it had become far more organised. She showed him the fine art of cooking when he had time and making portions of whatever he could that would be perfect for those evenings he would not have time to cook. It made filming a hundred times easier, she even suggested that if he did not even have time to cook, get some deli cooked meals and portion them, it startled him how efficient she was. And now as his partner, she had organised his life all the more. Even his morning routine, which had taken him upwards of forty-five minutes to an hour with breakfast was twenty now. Time efficiency, he realised, was a matter of immense importance to her and none were happier with that alteration to his life than Luke, who had more than once pleaded with Tom to remain with Danielle for that reason in itself if nothing else. “Well, let me know if you need me to do more.” She nodded as she indicated to turn onto another road. “Do you still think it an extravagant waste though?” “Oh yeah, I’ll always maintain that.” She laughed slightly. “But a waste I’m okay with.”
“So, you’re happy with that? You’re okay, with it.” “Yes.” She confirmed, noting the worried look on his face. “For the record, I am okay with everything.”
Tom knew her comment was more than a general statement. After their discussion yesterday or more accurately her letter and Tom making reference to it after, Danielle seemed better, more like herself again. There was a small cloud over things but not as bad as the day before. She seemed to be glancing at Tom every other minute as though waiting for him to say something on the matter but he said nothing, he simply held her hand and kissed her whenever he felt her getting anxious. “Good, I am here Elle, no matter what, I am here. If you woke up tomorrow and decided to never return to England, if you told me you were not interested in marrying me, if you wanted never to kiss me again, you can trust me with what you told me and you can talk to me about it if you are ever ready to speak about it.”
With a loving smile, she brought her hand over to his for a moment and gave it a small squeeze. “I am so lucky to have you.”
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spidony-starker · 5 years
I am so late on this
Kinktober: day 1
Lingerie (Peter is 18)
It was a late Saturday evening when Tony Stark and his young lover stumbled through the door of their home bound in each others arms as they found their way to the softness of plush couch cushions.
The older man cradled his boy and peppered him with kisses as he giggled and squirmed. “I love you.” He gave a kiss to his neck. “I love you.” And another to his forehead, then to the tip of his nose. “I love you.”
Then finally he interrupted the gleeful laughter with loving lips, the tips of his fingers grazing his lover as he melted beneath him.
When he parted he stayed close, not even two inches away as he let the doting darkness of his eyes embrace the ones that looked right back at him.
“Tony…” The boy gripped the dark grey tartan of his coat while his arms wrapped around Tony’s back. “Why do you treat me so well?”
The man frowned. “What? Pete, don’t be ridiculous. I don’t want to hear any of that.” Tony gripped Peter’s face in his hands. “Why would I treat you any less than the most precious being in the universe?”
Peter gave a small smile. “I’m sorry, I still get in my head sometimes, even now. I’m just really happy y’know, I think my brain is trying to trick me.”
Tony rose a brow. “Don’t think such somber things sweetheart.” The man lifted himself from the couch, taking the boy with him so they sat upright as he kissed his hand. “Tell your big beautiful brain to go fuck itself.”
Peter laughed at the comment before pouncing on the man, pressing a deep kiss to his lips. “I love you.” And then the younger boy remembered the dinner they had earlier, the amorous way the man stared at him as he spoke.
“I have something for you, a little gift.” The boy’s eyes twinkled as he babbled about how the man didn’t need to, the automatic and embarrassed rambling, while also feeling an indescribable warmth in his heart.
Tony took out the boy’s worries for the nonsense it was, as he usually did, before saying he would give it once they got home.
“While I'd love to see you squirm in this lovely restaurant, I’ll be nice enough to give it in the sanctity of our own home.” While Peter was confused, he was equally as curious and excited.
As they kissed, Peter pressed a gentle hand on the man’s chest. “Tony…”
“Hmm?” Peter fidgeted. “Remember what you said at the restaurant? T-the gift? I’m really curious.” The man laughed.
“I was wondering if you forgot, but I was enjoying this so much. You want to see it?” The boy nodded briskly.
“Alright angel, hold on a second.” Tony quickly left the room, leaving Peter to tap his fingers before he came back with a small black bag.
“There you go, I hope you like it. If not, you can always return. I kept our conversation a few nights ago in mind when I bought it.” The man’s face was nonchalant as he handed over the bag, although even he worried he made a bad choice.
Peter took the bag, anxious under Tony’s watchful eye, as he pulled at the crinkly red tissue paper. Once it was out of the way, he could see a mass of shiny fabric.
Slowly, he reached into the bag and pulled out the garments. As they were revealed, Peter felt something like a jolt of electricity, a mixture of shock and excitement. He could barely believe what he was holding.
Made from expensive and lavish satin fabrics of deep reds and onyx,the piece included a bralette of intricate woven lace, tight panties, stockings, and garters.
Peter’s face burned a deep red while his eyes remained glued on the clothing. He couldn’t bring himself to look at Tony as his fingers trembled and pants grew tight.
“O-oh..wow..” Tony rose a brow. “Oh no, is that good or bad?” Peter fidgeted in embarrassment. “Tony..It’s, I mean..they’re wonderful.” The boy gave a small smile, finally able to look up at the man.
“I love it, I-um. Thank you.” Tony tilted his head. “Are you sure?” Peter gripped the fabrics tightly, completely flustered as he struggled to speak.
“Yes! I really really like it, it’s just..You didn’t have to, they look expensive. And..I won’t do it justice y’know? I’ll look dumb..or bad. It’s super pretty so..yeah.” Tony frowned and crossed his arms.
“Really Pete? ‘Dumb or bad?’” Peter looked down at his lap. Tony sighed before leaning forward and sweeping the boy into his arms, holding him tight.
“I wish you could see yourself through my eyes.” The man gripped onto Peter’s arms as he looked him in the eye.
“Because then you wouldn’t say stuff like that, ever. Instead you’d be painfully aware just how pretty you are.” Peter couldn’t hold back a grin, a twinkle in his chocolate eyes.
“There it is, there’s that smile.” Tony traced his hands up till they could grip Peter’s face. “That beautiful, sexy smile.” The two stared at each other, heads tilted and lips parted, until they couldn’t stand the gap.
As they kissed Peter gripped tightly onto the older man’s back, soft groans escaping between their lips as Tony pushed him into the couch.
Peter pulled away and borrowed into Tony, dragging his lips to the crook of his neck were he nipped at his protruding collarbone.
“Ghh..So, how do you feel now? Change your mind angel?” Peter looked up at Tony with half-lidded lusty eyes, his breathing labored. “Mmm..yes. For you.”
The man laughed. “For me?” Peter tugged at his shirt and whined. “For both. I..I want to wear it.”
“So I chose well? I like to think I have good taste.” Peter pushed him and stood from the couch as he gave the man a fake scowl. “You’ll see.”
While he took the outfit to the bathroom, Tony leaned back and crossed his legs, biting his lip at the tease. The man’s anticipation grew quickly.
After a few minutes he heard a muffled crash. “Heh, you alright doll?” A bit of silence passed before he heard the boy’s exasperated voice. “Yeah! Um..hold on. There’s a lot of straps..”
Tony smirked and took out his phone, the wait time painfully long, until he was snapped back into attention. “Tony..”
“Hmm?” The man looked up to see Peter peering around the corner. “Look”. Tony dropped his phone onto his lap, his eyes sparkling with awe.
As the boy stood there, he held his arms behind his back, his feet angled slightly inward. The paleness of his skin glowed against the dark fabrics like marble, his soft muscular form resembling a greek sculpture. He was nothing less of a complete masterpiece, a gift Tony wanted to unwrap.
“How um..how do I look?” The man rose from his seat, walking up to the boy in silence till he loomed over him with eyes so piercing they burned the boy’s skin. “You look fucking amazing.”
Peter grinned while Tony slid his hands down the curve of his back, pulling him close as he eyed the sweet pinkness of his lips. “Mm really?” The man kissed the younger boy, pushing into his small body.
When he pulled away he stayed so close their noses nearly touched. “Mhm, and you taste like fucking candy.” Peter blushed and tilted his head, sticking his tongue out teasingly at the man.
“Oh?” His shyness quickly burned away to a smugness fed by the hunger in Tony’s eyes. “So you like what you see? I sure hope so, don’t get me wrong I love this, but it’s a little embarrassing.”
The man chuckled. “Oh sweetheart, you look like a dream.” He dug his nails into Peter’s back. “A sexy little dream.”
Peter groaned and clung to Tony, the slick, lacy fabric of his panties visibly stretching. “Tony..can we? Please?” The man smirked and pressed a kiss to the boy’s neck before sweeping him up in his arms. “Ooh, you’re getting it wet babyboy. Up we go.”
Peter clung to the man as he carried him to their bedroom, gently tossing the boy onto the mattress. Peter pushed himself against the headboard, looking up at Tony with hazy eyes.
The older man eyed him as he shed his blazer and loosened his tie. “Y’know, I’ve never seen something so blatantly lewd and beautiful at the same time.
Like the face you make when I touch you after my day of work is done, the way your body throbs with just a tap. But I think this takes the cake, I mean really sweetie, look at yourself.”
Tony finished the buttons on his shirt and tossed it aside before walking to the foot of the bed, resting his hands on the mattress. Peter twirled his finger flirtatiously around the soft curls of his hair, his cheeks rosy and heartbeat rapid.
“It’s funny, to put something on, and for it to look so good all I wanna do is rip it off.” Peter grinned and crawled to the foot of the bed, looking up at the man with wide eyes.”Oh yeah?”
The boy rose to his knees, sliding his hands up the man’s legs and hooking his fingers on his belt. “After all the work it took putting it on~?” Peter gripped the leather and yanked it through the loops.
“I really do like it though, it’d be a shame if it got ripped or dirty.” Tony smirked. “Don’t worry sweetheart, I’ll just buy you another one.”
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