#but I will be FUCKED before I check in to Eka’s
automatonne · 7 months
Sometimes having a vore fetish sucks donkey dick because there’s no real way to enjoy it except for fantasizing and roleplaying.
I miss roleplaying so much, but people get so weird sometimes and my preferences hardly tend to align with other people’s (and because I’m feminine, they want me to be the pred 99% of the time, and… ugh).
I have no idea sometimes.
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jeontaeh · 3 years
He hates how fucking vulnerable and defensive Taehyung makes him! Hates how weak he feels! Hates how badly he wants to be wrapped in the essence of Taehyung, Taehyung, Taehyung. Just wants him, all of him.
Pumping inside of him, filling him up, calling him his baby, his love, his dollie, just- his. Jungkook wants to be Taehyung's.
"Hey Kook," Jimin said, snapping Jungkook out of his thoughts while the two waked to their chemistry class. "I wanted to ask.. how come you and V bunked chem yesterday?"
Jungkook's breath hitched. "Um- we- we were doing stuff."
"Doing what?"
"What stuff?"
"You bunked chem to chill?" Jimin asked, and Jungkook nodded. Jimin snickered.
"Okay, cut the shit." Jimin said, stopping in the middle of the hallways, Jungkook stopping too. "What were you guys actually doing?"
"Nothing that should concern you, Park." Jungkook said, and Jimin frowned.
"Why not? You've been hanging out with him for the past month or so and barely talk to me anymore. I don't wanna sound, like, gay or whatever- but I just feel like you've been acting weird-" Jimin said, and Jungkook rolled his eyes, feeling his shoulders tense up at Jimin saying gay.
"No I haven't! You- you're acting weird!" Jungkook snapped, and Jimin paused. "It's none of your business, I didn't sign a contract saying I have to constantly hang out with you or something." Jungkook said harshly.
Jimin hesitated for a few seconds, and then let out a confused splutter of a laugh. "N-no- you didn't sign a contract, I just thought we told each other stuff,"
"I guess we don't." Jungkook mumbled, and then turned and walked to the class quickly, letting out a sigh of relief as he turned around. That was close.
Jungkook walked into the class and saw Taehyung sitting on the corner, sitting by two girls. Jungkook's pretty sure he's heard one of the girls talking about wanting to sleep with V.
Jungkook mustered up enough of a mindset to not get jealous or- or even care, for that matter. Why should he? After all, this stupid crush on Taehyung was eating up his insides, and the sooner it went away, the better.
"Jungkook!" Taehyung called, and Jungkook looked at him. Taehyung picked his books up, ignoring the two girls who were in the middle of talking to him, and walked up to Jungkook, sitting down beside him.
Jungkook blushed a little at that small gesture. "H-hey," Jungkook said, sitting down. Taehyung smiled at him, placing his hand on Jungkook's back and leading it down slowly, letting it rest on Jungkook's lower back.
"Heard we're doing an experiment today. Wanna be partners?" Taehyung asked softly.
"Okay." Jungkook said in a small voice, seeing how Taehyung looked at him closely. Jungkook felt his cheeks tint more at that, and looked away quickly.
Jimin walked into the class, expressionless. He saw Jungkook and Taehyung sitting together, and his breath hitched, and he just tightened his grip around his books and sat somewhere else, beside one of the girls.
The chemistry teacher walked in, and instantly began the lesson. "Students, today we will be conducting a lab experiment. However, last time I let you make your own pairs, we almost burnt this place down. So I'll be assigning partners." She said, and Taehyung groaned at that.
"Lisa and Youngjae. Eka and Jennie. V and Jimin. Jungkook and Yugyeom-"
"Who?" Taehyung asked Jungkook, and Jungkook kicked his foot under the table. "The new kid. Don't be mean."
Yugyeom walked up from his seat and walked up to Jungkook. "Hey. Guess we're partners." He said, a small smile emerging on his face.
Jungkook looked at him. He'd never really talked to him ever before. This could be interesting..
Soon enough, they began the experiment, and Taehyung stood there beside Jimin, who was setting up the apparatus. Jimin was awfully quiet, while Taehyung just talked mindlessly.
"-and it's like, whatever, I guess. I just thought it was a little offensive and insensitive for Namjoon to say cheesecake is better than brownies, especially when he's like so misinformed and opinionated-" Taehyung ranted, while Jimin just hummed and nodded along.
Suddenly, Taehyung paused. He squinted his eyes, looking ahead of him, while Jimin spoke up. "Could you get 25 ml of chlorine in this-" Jimin started, handing him the beaker.
Taehyung frowned. "Who's that guy Jungkook's with?"
Jimin looked ahead, and then looked at Taehyung in confusion. "Why does it matter?"
"It doesn't, but who is he?" Taehyung asked, and Jimin sighed. "Kim Yugyeom. Joined a month ago. He's in the football team, if you noticed." Jimin mumbled, and then looked at Yugyeom and Jungkook.
Jungkook was giggling really loud, barely able to pour the mixture into the test tube like it said on the instructons. Yugyeom spoke to him, one hand on Jungkook's lower back. Taehyung frowned at that.
"Seems to be real fucking funny, huh?" Taehyung mumbled, and Jimin rolled his eyes. "Why do you care?"
"I don't!" Taehyung snapped, and then saw how Jungkook bent over the table slightly to check measurements, and how Yugyeom just playfully patted Jungkook's ass- and how Jungkook turned around and giggled. Taehyung felt a vein pop in his neck, and heard Jimin sigh from beside him.
"V can you just go get what I asked?" Jimin said, and Taehyung hummed, and then grabbed the beaker and walked away from the station, and towards Yugyeom and Jungkook.
Jungkook was giggling, and Taehyung saw Jungkook push Yugyeom away playfully. "You're so funny~" Jungkook said, and Yugyeom grinned. Taehyung walked up to them and practically slammed the beaker onto the table.
"God's sake, Kook. I can hear you giggling from a mile away." Taehyung said, and Jungkook bit his lip, looking at Taehyung in confusion.
"It's okay. Your laugh is really cute," Yugyeom said, and Jungkook blushed, looking away quickly.
"O-oh- thanks," Jungkook squeaked, and Taehyung looked at Yugyeom, eyebrow twitching.
"How're you fitting into the school so far, new kid?" Taehyung asked him directly, and Yugyeom looked at Taehyung.
"It's cool. I'm friends with Jackson and Mark and all, and they're quite nice. Plus, football is fun-"
"Cool. Jungkook, do you know where I can get the chlorine solution?" Taehyung asked softly to the other boy, who looked at Taehyung with his pretty doey eyes.
"It's right behind your station, V." Jungkook laughed, and Taehyung looked at him for a few seconds.
"Right. Um-" Taehyung started, and Yugyeom, unknowingly, put his hand on Jungkook's back while he leaned over the table to work on the stuff again.
Jungkook poured the mixture into the other, observing effervescence and white precipitate- and while doing so, felt a hand on his upper back, and then other hand on his lower back. Jungkook turned and saw Taehyung and Yugyeom on either side of him, Taehyung looking at Yugyeom with a slight glare.
Jungkook felt Taehyung's hand dip lower, and Yugyeom suddenly gulped, stepping away. "I-I need to go use the washroom." Yugyeom stammered, and then turned around and rushed out of the lab.
Jungkook turned to look at Taehyung. "You're acting... jealous."
"No I'm not. I don't care," Taehyung said, and then placed his hands on Jungkook's waist, stepping closer to him. "But I'm sure he wasn't all that funny now, Jeon."
Jungkook felt a flutter in his tummy and gulped, thighs pressing together. "You are jealous!" Jungkook gasped with a grin, and Taehyung leaned in to whisper in his ear.
"Does baby want me to bend him over right here and fuck his little brains out?" Taehyung said in his deep, raspy voice into Jungkook's ear.
Jungkook paused, words getting caught in his throat. His cheeks turned bright red, and he felt himself getting flustered, seeing Taehyung's darkened eyes. "N-no sir." Jungkook squeaked.
Taehyung pulled away, and then slapped Jungkook's ass lightly. "Good boy." He whispered, and then turned around and walked back to his station.
Jungkook stood there for a few seconds, and then turned around to ensure no one saw him looking like a ripe tomato. Fuck, Taehyung had no right getting him so flustered. That said.. was he.. jealous? Of Yugyeom?
No.. why would he be jealous? Taehyung doesn't like Jungkook.. they're just fuckbuddies. Right?
Meanwhile Taehyung walked back and Jimin frowned at him. "Did you slap Jungkook's ass?"
"I literally saw you."
"You didn't."
"V, I saw you spank him right there-"
Taehyung gave Jimin a manly, friendly, bro-like, not gay, slap on the ass, and Jimin shut up, rolling his eyes. "I hate you."
"Same here, Park." Taehyung said, and then turned and saw Jungkook looked at him with a slight blush in his cheeks.
November 1st kicked off with a football hitting Jungkook in the head.
"Pay more attention, dumbass!" Someone yelled from across the field, and Jungkook fell to the ground, palms facing the green wet grass. He heard some laughs and rubbed his head lightly.
He looked up and saw one of the guys on his football team, Jaebum, looking at him in annoyance, presumably the kicker of the ball.
"You didn't have to hit him, Jaebum." Jimin mumbled, walking up to Jungkook, who got up.
"I merely kicked the ball at him. If he wasn't staring into space he'd have seen it coming." Jaebum grumbled, and Jungkook glared at him, fists bunching up beside him.
Jaebum was like, totally right. Jungkook was staring into space, zoning out. He was.. well, he was staring. Taehyung wasn't being annoying today, just stern, since the football coach wasn't present. He had his sleeves rolled to his elbows, bandana against his silver hair which was damp with sweat. He was wearing these black sweatpants and if Jungkook squinted he could see the outline of Taehyung's dick and..... well, you could call Jungkook a whore.
"I wasn't staring into space, JB. You need to mind your own business," Jungkook snapped.
"Not when your sloppy football skills could ruin our matches. The Seoul tournament is coming up after winter break and you're gonna be the reason we lose-"
"Dude shut up! You're only cranky because you're not leader and don't get to boss us around-" Jungkook started, and Jaebum walked up to him and shoved him right against the hard wall.
Jimin's eyes widened, and Jaebum's friend- Jinyoung, rushed up to him, pulling him off Jungkook. Many of the other boys surrounded them, calling out for them to stop, or just watching.
"Guys stop-" Jimin started, putting his arm in front of Jungkook protectively, while Jaebum looked angered.
"What did you say to me?"
"You heard me." Jungkook spat.
"Jungkook, c'mon- let's not escalate things," Hoseok said, and Jaebum scoffed.
"Yeah, Jeon. Why don't you just go read a book since that's all you can do, and leave the sporty stuff for us more.. manly dudes. Y'know?" Jaebum said with a small smirk, and Jungkook frowned.
"Excuse me?" Jungkook asked, and Jaebum's friend tried dragging him away, but Jaebum turned around shot a glare at Jungkook. "You know what, JB? You know you suck at football and always have, and you're taking it out on me because your HUGE ego compensates for your tiny dick, and-"
Jungkook got punched in the stomach.
He fell to the ground, groaning, and heard some words being thrown around from his friends.
"You shut the fuck up, faggot bitch." Jaebum growled, and Jungkook looked up at him, and before he could say something back, a figure came and stood right in front of him, blocking his vision of Jaebum.
Jimin rushed up to Jungkook and helped him up. "You okay?" Jimin asked, and Jungkook nodded. The punch wasn't too bad, probably just a light bruise. Jungkook stood up on his feet, and then saw Taehyung standing in front of him, looking at Jaebum with his eyes darkened.
"Fuck off, V. You don't need to get involved, I was just telling him-" Jaebum started, and Taehyung looked at Jaebum calmly, all the other boys surrounding them now (because why the fuck would they be playing football when there's drama going on).
Taehyung put his hand up in the air, shutting him up in an instant. Jungkook stood behind him in confusion, and then heard him utter a few words.
"If you ever touch him or call him that ever again I'll break every fucking bone in your body, got it?" Taehyung growled lowly, and everyone's eyes widened.
Jungkook paused, cheeks turning red. Jaebum looked confused, face going pale. "Um- I was just-"
"Out of a thousand things you could've said and you chose 'faggot bitch'? Pretty fucking weak. Maybe that's why you're not captain. I mean that, and you can't play for shit." Taehyung snapped, and Yoongi cleared his throat.
Everyone was looking at V in confusion, wondering why he was acting so... well, hypocritical to his own past self and also weirdly protective over Jungkook? Jungkook noticed this, and grabbed Taehyung's forearm.
"V-" Jungkook started, and Taehyung continued giving Jaebum a death stare. Jungkook sighed and walked in front of him, getting the silver boy's attention. "Not here." Jungkook whispered, and Taehyung looked at him for a few seconds, and then snapped his attention back up.
"Everyone, 10 laps around the field. Now." Taehyung ordered, and everyone looked pissed, confused, or both. Taehyung grabbed Jungkook's arm and pulled him off the field, walking quickly towards the locker rooms.
They entered the locker room, and the moment they did, Taehyung pushed Jungkook against the wall, hands travelling to his waist. Jungkook, in a flurry of events, grabbed Taehyung by the shoulders in slight confusion- but then Taehyung leaped forward, meshing their lips together in a kiss.
Jungkook kissed him back, tongues getting tangled, feverish, warm, fast. "V-V-" Jungkook whimpered, and felt Taehyung's hands tracing up his thighs. "Babe- relax," Jungkook let out softly, pulling away. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing." Taehyung mumbled, kissing the junction of Jungkook's jaw. "Nothing's wrong. I just want- want you- wanna be in you-"
"V.. listen, you- you can't act like that in front of everyone. It could raise suspicion.." Jungkook trailed, and Taehyung sighed.
"I'm sorry. I just got so pissed. He was being a dick, and- and he fucking touched you- hurt you! I'll fucking kill him, just tell me- tell me to kill him and I will-"
"No, you won't kill him. Jeez, I didn't know yu were so protective, V." Jungkook said.
"I'm not." Taehyung said, wrapping his arms around Jungkook's waist. "Just protective over you."
Jungkook blushed, feeling his stomach swarm with butterflies. He leaned his head back, letting Taehyung kiss his neck slowly. He hummed, letting his hands grab Taehyung's shirt.
"Jealousy.. protectiveness.. you're acting different, Mr. V." Jungkook said with a small smile, and Taehyung looked at him.
"Don't make it weird." Taehyung said flatly, and Jungkook paused.
"I-I wasn't trying to-"
"Okay, good. Can we bunk and go to my room? I'll fuck you over the desk," Taehyung suggested, and Jungkook nodded tight lipped. Taehyung smirked, and then kissed Jungkook again. Jungkook eased into the kiss, but his mind wandered off.
Don't make it weird. Jungkook sighed. Wasn't it already weird?
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kisskissbanggang · 6 years
[<10min. read, ~1.9K words -- Yogi!Ten x Neutral Reader -- Fluff, Smut -- Soft Dom/Sub, Self-Bondage, Orgasm Control, Anal Play, Overstimulation]
[Admiring Sub!Ten for Anons💕]
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He was beautiful. It was really the only thing that came to mind when you went to yoga on the first day and saw Ten for the first time. How had you never noticed him on campus before? However, you quickly remembered the rule you set yourself for the year: no dating. Not after the last dumpster fire. Do a little soul searching. Surely there would be more guys like Ten around when you found yourself again. Then again, watching Ten help the instructor demonstrate poses you'd be learning by the end of the week made you feel a little lightheaded. You just vowed to walk it off.
That is, until you saw Ten at your studio art class later that day. You weren't even aware of him at first until he popped over your shoulder. "Hi!" He was stage whispering, not wanting to disturb the quiet room waiting for the studio supervisor and art professor. "You're in my yoga class, yeah? I don't know anyone here so I'm just going to sit by you." You could only nod dumbly as he took a seat next to you in the open studio.
So you became school friends. Not all at once, since you were still terrified of how pretty he was, but it did happen. Specifically, after you just so happened to watch him playfully compare scorpion poses with a cheerleader before yoga one day. Later, in the studio space, he'd crept up behind you as you were working on a portrait of your roommate's cat. "That's a grumpy cat," Ten whispered behind you, spooking you. You reflexively jerked your brush back, a practiced move after too many errant brush strokes over the years, and accidentally elbowed him square in the sternum. Ten yelped in surprise, stumbling back. Quickly, you jumped down to check on him. Ten was... Laughing. He was laughing hysterically. And you became school friends after that, Ten coming to help you with your poses during yoga and being excited when you shared your art with each other during your studio time.
Before too long, you began hanging out outside of class, too, Ten escorting you to the student cafe regularly and taking turns buying drinks. You sat, people watching, sometimes sketching but usually just talking. On this particular day, he leaned over to watch over your shoulder.
"How is that pose anatomically possible?" Ten smirked as he watched. It was a figure study, just a feminine figure whimsically posed and looking pensively out a window. Thankfully, yoga inspired more than just reflection in you. It also helped motivate you artistically.
"It's absolutely possible," you fired back, "... If not a little finessed."
"Okay, wait, let me see," Ten theatrically moved his chair in front of you, hogging your attention as he tried to shuffle into the position you'd drawn. He shifted to sit sideways in the chair, dramatically and exaggeratedly failing to do your pose before settling to just work a leg behind his head with the other struggling to keep his balance on the chair -- a wobbly eka pada sirsasana of sorts. "Yeah. There. I got it."
"Very funny."
"This is easier, even. Look, I can still comfortably drink my coffee."
It was disgusting how dirty looking at Ten made you feel sometimes, but he really was beautiful. Even doing the most mundane things, but especially working on art or practicing yoga. Just the way Ten looked at you made your heart flutter, though you still couldn't figure out what all those looks meant.
"Look," you sighed, focusing on your work again, "the next model session for the art department isn't until next week, but this is itching at me. I hate working off pictures and statues, so I'm working with what I can."
"Are you committed to drawing a feminine figure right now?"
"No, why?"
"I'll pose. I used to do it for scratch cash so it'll be easy."
"Are you sure?"
"Why not? That's what friends are for."
Ten told you you'd have to come to his room after some plans, so you didn't cross campus to his dorm until later that night. In the short time since you'd become friends, you hadn't seen his luxuriously single room with no roommates or grumpy cats. You knocked on the door. No answer. Without really knowing what compelled you to, you tried the knob. And, barring a split second of resistance, it opened.
You gasped, dropping your sketchpad in the doorway.
Ten lay sprawled out on the floor, draped over a footstool and hogtied to a timer that kept his wrists bound to a spreader bar at his raised ankles. It took you an extra second to register that he was naked, fully exposing a cock ring squeezing his erection and a vibrator pulsing firmly in his ass.
You clapped your hands over your eyes as you stepped into the room, slamming the door shut behind you.
"Ten, what the fuck?!" Only a muffled yell replied. You groaned as you peeked through your fingers, kneeling next to Ten's trembling body as you unbuckled the ball gag in his mouth. A thick string of saliva that had built up dripped from his lips and the gag onto the floor and he pulled away, gasping as he relaxed his jaw.
"Holy shit," Ten panted, "my timer failed. This is the first time ever. You were supposed to catch me cleaning up."
"I don't know, like a sexy 'I see how you look at me thing' and, I don't know, just help me!"
"Keys, Ten, where are the keys?"
"No clue. Haven't needed them in so long."
"You just... Do this? Regularly?" You had to admit, it looked good on him.
Ten nodded, a blush creeping through his flushed cheeks. "At least turn off the vibrator, please. I've been edging for ten minutes."
"Why can't you..." You wanted to say it. You ached to say it. Though you didn't want to admit it, you'd imagined Ten doing it countless times even before today.
"I considered it before you came in, but, you know."
"Want me to leave?"
"Just turn the vibrator off, please, I'm begging you." The words made your chest hurt. You were lightheaded again. You reached for the vibrator and the controls on its base, but the moment you touched it Ten jerked in pleasure. "Come on, come on," he pleased, "hurry and turn it off." You tried to get a handle on the vibrator again, but each time you touched him Ten shuddered under you. Anymore of this and you'd be dying as much as he was. Without even realizing, your hand drifted down between your legs.
"Oh my god, stop moving," you admonished, trying to do the right thing. You placed a firm hand on his lower back, making Ten moan deep under you, his hips rolling in response. You both froze in the moment, both debating on how to proceed.
"Please," Ten breathed. "Please" what? More? Stop? It was hard to read him.
"Please what?" Oh my god you'd said it out loud.
"Again..." Ten pleaded, pushing back against your hand that still held the vibrator in place. That was all you needed.
"But if I do that you'll cum," you playfully complained while slowly pulling the vibrator out. Ten attempted to thrust back against it but was stopped by your hand on his ass. "Or is that what you're trying to do now?"
"I want to cum," Ten moaned, "please help me cum. Fuck me and help me cum." He was a babbling mess by now. His straining cock leaked on the floor and you scooped some of his precum up and used it to wrap your hand around him. Ten's fists tightened behind his back, automatically thrusting into your hands as you pumped the vibrator back into him. "Yes, yes, yes," he moaned, desperate when you suddenly stopped. "No! No no no, please don't stop." You took a breather, cracking your knuckles and moving to sit on the floor in front of him. He looked deep into your eyes, tears welling up and biting his lip.
"Cute," you cooed. "You're so pretty. I bet you're gorgeous when you cum. If you cum. Do you want me to kiss you?" He nodded his head hard in anticipation. You kissed his forehead before gently kissing his lips. He moaned, shuddering against your mouth as you kissed and licked at him. You moved to the side of him, letting him suck on your fingers as you continued to edge him. You varied the speed and intensity of the vibrator, as well as the pace at which you fucked him. Finally, you swiveled back behind him. He gasped and whined as you pulled out the vibrator entirely. His cute, aching hole gaped and you scooped up more of Ten's precum from his tip to spread around his rim. He cried out at the feel of your fingers. He practically screamed when he felt your tongue run over his entrance next. Ten pushed desperately back against your starving tongue, nearly crying when you occasionally pulled away to let him come back down.
He'd had enough. Ten's breathing was ragged and he sounded like he was nearly in pain by now. You replaced your tongue with your fingers, immediately starting with two since he'd already stretched himself open so well. He thrashed and bucked, trying to get more of you faster so he could cum. "Don't stop, don't stop," Ten moaned loudly, nearly screaming when his cock finally erupted. You quickly dipped your hand down between his legs, catching as much as you could in your palm. Ten gasped for air after his orgasm washed over him, suddenly tensing when he felt the tip of the vibrator slip into him, crying out again when you turned it onto its highest setting. His cock leaked more cum he didn't even know he had as you slid back in front of him.
"Are you okay?" You asked. Ten nodded tersely as he grunted through the overstimulation. "Is it possible for you to cum again?" He eyed you suspiciously, biting his lip as he nodded again, even more suspicious when you smiled. "Good. Lick my hand clean before I see if you're right and we do this all over again." The look in Ten's eyes suggested furious admiration as well as fierce lust as he lunged forward for your hand. He hungrily lapped at your palm, whining from the severe pleasure coursing through him. Just to be safe, he sucked your fingers dry for good measure before you finally turned off the vibrator and gently slid it out of him.
You were just about to inspect Ten's cuffs again and help calm him down when he wriggled under you, rotating his wrist to click open the latch holding the cuffs to the spreader bar. "Here, let me," he said softly and pulled his arms away, twisting and manipulating his limbs in their sockets until he worked his hands back in front himself and carefully knelt back up. Double-jointed. Of course. "I guess I panicked and forgot I could do that." His shit-eating grin spoke volumes as he collapsed into you and flicked open the safety locks. "Was that a good pose?" Ten laughed breathlessly, yelping when you playfully grabbed his recovering dick.
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mynameisjessamyn · 8 years
You know, my yoga asana practice isn't pretty. It's fucking gruesome most of the time. It's a lot of sweating, crying, swearing, falling down, & picking myself back up again. For most of us, the gruesome reality of an asana practice is shocking- I mean, it's all fun and games when you're looking at instagram photos, but real life is on some different shit. BUT THAT'S THE POINT. This practice isn't supposed to be easy or pretty. And it's not about the fucking poses. Flexibility and strength are cool & all, but don't get it twisted- that's not why we show up on the mat. There is a spirit inside each of us, and it needs to be nurtured and cleansed. And that nurturing/cleansing isn't easy or pretty, and it sure as hell doesn't have anything to do with social media. So while I'm pleased with where my eka pada raja kapotasana II prep is heading, the actual shape of my body doesn't begin to measure the work that's going on beneath the surface. And that work never really gets "easy"- even postures I've been practicing for years can feel brand spanking new depending on what's going on in my brain. Don't get hung up on making things "easy"- the point is to stand in the fire and challenge yourself, no matter what happens to your consciousness in the process. BTW, all my @codyapp plans are 30% off until tomorrow night- use the code 'NY2017' at checkout. If you're a brand new yoga practitioner, I would recommend starting with "Begin To Embody Yoga", "Get Loud", and "Bare Your Soul, Find Your Flow." I am so proud to be part of your practice, Cody students- y'all impress the shit out of me. I've been blessed to watch so many of you grow, and I'm so inspired by the work you've put in to become more in tune with your spirit. If you've just started one of my Cody plans and you want to ask a question, check out my youtube channel before clicking send on that email because I have several videos answering new student FAQs that will more than likely offer necessary guidance. Put in the time, pick yourself up when you fall, and trust me- all is coming. All is coming. And I honor the fuck out of your practice. (at Durham, North Carolina)
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mirceakitsune · 8 years
Why big websites don't handle copyright like art sites
Three journals in three days... that's a new record for me! Apparently I have to rant about yet another thing, happening in the always restless and never too complex world we have today.
There's been some drama circulating around the fandom recently, regarding a few Youtubers who make music slideshows with vore drawings taken from art galleries. The whole thing sparked up after an artist contacted such a channel to request a takedown, the user didn't agree to removing the video, and a whole riot erupted over the subject of art theft. I already expressed my view on most of these journals... which in short is that the video creator did wrong to not take down the video when requested, even if I also feel that artists going after such videos may qualify as copyright trolling, although both legally and morally they of course have every right to do so.
Now although there were both points I agree with and points I don't agree with, what bothered me in some people's reactions was something else: I'm noticing that a lot of folks are acting as if websites like Youtube and Facebook are supposed to be these heavenly places full of people that agree with each other, where a bunch of virtual police officers are ready to bring justice and solve any beef a user has with another user, and where censorship should be as harsh as national television. This is referring to a few comments which are collectively saying "how dare Youtube not immediately act against such cruel copyright infringement"... which is at least a legitimate point compared to comments like "won't you please think of the children seeing this on the free and open internet"! So allow me to blow my fucking brains off, regrow a new head, and vomit out my thoughts:
I will begin by stressing out the essential: Youtube is not Furaffinity! A website the size of Facebook cannot be moderated like a website the size of Eka's Portal! If someone steals someone else's art on here, a moderator will be dispatched. This moderator will assess the situation, say "oh yeah, I know this guy", and ban or warn the offending user. Youtube is a place used by millions... from ordinary people to media companies and celebrities. There is no one on Youtube who has the time and resources to investigate every single issue in the world. Heck they can't even find any competent coders, who can stop the website from glitching and breaking all the time... and it's Google we're speaking of here! They tried fixing their lack of moderators with an initiative called Youtube Heroes, whose purpose was allowing users to moderate the platform themselves... needles to say everyone was at Google's neck (myself included) as the program was basically going to empower internet trolls and SJW's with the right to carry out personal vendettas. So until an artificial intelligence program capable of human intelligence is researched, don't expect that to change anytime soon.
Now obviously, anyone can report an offending video. Bad news however: The system is mostly intended for the entertainment industry and popular online celebrities, who have verified websites and a mass of people that can vouch for them! You need to fill out a form containing proof that you're the author, which is also not very safe for your privacy granted they ask your real data for it. Agent Smith knows who you are, and agent Smith knows what you've been drawing. Some artists have done this still, and there are reports of it even working a couple of times, although I must say it's surprising. The person checking the complaint needs to somehow verify the data, including looking at... your... art gallery... hmmmmm.
You see, we're talking about furry vore artwork here. This basically means that when you file a copyright complaint with Youtube, you basically tell them the following: "There's this video that stole some of my art, you have to look through it and find out where it is... also here's a link to my gallery, you'll have to go through that as well and see that it matches". The moderator proceeds to watch an entire video showing all sorts of wonderful critters gobbling up each other... after which they need to enter the website furaffinity.net and open up your gallery, only to look at more of them lovely arts until they find at least one that matches. Obviously they don't even have proof that your FA gallery is truly you, though by this point they've probably taken the window rather than the elevator. I'd like to let readers picture the reaction of a Google employee, as they're drinking their coffee at the top of a skyscraper as multi-million dollar deals happen in the next office, going ahead and doing all that... because I'm legitimately having a blast every time I think about it.
Which brings us to the last issue some users brought up: *takes a deep breath of air* "At least make it age restricted! Won't anyone just think of the children, who might come across all this vore art on the free internet? What will happen when they see those images, which are almost as bad what they're seeing on Cartoon Network"? For those who believe this is a concern, there's a video I'd highly recommend watching, which explains in great detail thoughts I don't feel like typing a whole paragraph about: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=umDr0mPuyQc
Conclusions and disclaimers: Before you grab your pitchtorch and fork, I am not supporting art theft! As I said a million times, if an artist asks you to remove their works from something you posted, do so out of respect for that artist. Beyond that however, and beyond the sole issue of wronging another artist by disrespecting their requests... please, let us stop making pointless drama out of things that don't require it. Also understand that as much as it sucks for some, copyright cannot be enforced everywhere on the internet: Attempting to do so usually takes more resources than possible, and punishing people over any case of copyright infringement would lead to total tirany... unless kids posting an image on Facebook should have the cops show up at their door, in which case we'd need more prisons than residential buildings. Thank you also if you stuck around to read all this, which apparently went on for longer than I thought.
0 notes
jeontaeh · 3 years
Sex was confusing.
Jungkook always saw romance as too idealistic. The whole idea of falling for someone to the point where you'd let them tear you to pieces and not bat an eye was terrifying. He can't imagine liking someone that much. Crushes were never his thing.
And also no one in this school was his type.
So, naturally, Jungkook never thought much about being a virgin. He knew all his friends had had sex numerous times, they were more than blunt about it. Jungkook never got the big deal. The big hype around 'sex'. What made people crave it? What was it about sex which made people go, very literally, crazy?
Of course, Jungkook's a hormonal teenage boy, he has needs. And yes, when Jimin leaves from time to time, Jungkook locks himself in their washroom and slowly jacks off- biting his hand not to let out any loud sounds. But that was the extent of it.
His friends on the other hand? Batshit crazy.
Namjoon talked about how good it was to finger some girl from his math class. Hoseok talked about how good it was to eat out some girl from his chemistry class. Yoongi talked about how good it was to have some girl from his english class sit on his face. Jimin talked about how good it was to fuck some girl from the grade above. Jin told them they were disgusting, but Jungkook knows he's done all of those, if not worse.
V, god, don't even get him started on V. He had this sort of.. magnetic energy surrounding him. Something that made people turn heads, both boys and girls. After all, being captain of the football team and hot as fuck had its perks. People were either jealous, lustful, or both.
V, easily put, was a player. A fuckboy. With his dark grey hair which he tied up in various coloured bandanas His dark eyebrows which seemed to either be furrowed angrily or raised in a flirty manner. His tendencies, the way he talked with his deep husky voice and walked with his commanding nature, it was all do.. alluring.
Not to mention, his dark eyes and a smirk that could kill seemed to always be around girls. He always had a girl against his locker, or on his lap, or around him, trying to get his attention. Jungkook never got that. Never got what was so goddamn attractive about him which made all girls want to get a taste.
That was until he got a bit of it himself.
See, when you've been cornered by those big big hands, and been fucked mercilessly, and have gotten dirty sentences rasped into your ear, you kind of get it. So yeah, Jungkook kind of gets it. He gets the hype. Yes he's only had sex twice, but it already makes him want to do it many many more times.
Not that he's going to. Whatever happened the last two days was an accident. It wasn't going to happen again. Unfortunate for Jungkook's needs but fortunate for Jungkook's ass. They like girls, this wasn't what was supposed to happen.
"Kookie!" A voice snapped, and Jungkook's head perked up. "You're daydreaming."
Jungkook saw Jimin, and pursed his lips, picking on the cuffs of his white school shirt that was tucked into his tight black school trousers. "What do you want?"
"Did you hear what Yoongi said?" Jimin asked, and Jungkook shook his head. They were walking towards their first lesson, Math.
Yoongi rolled his eyes, and then looked at Jungkook. "Apparently one of the cleaners found a used condom in the showers of the locker room."
Jungkook choked on his spit.
He paused, eyes growing wide, slowly looking at Yoongi. "W-what?!" He snapped, and Hoseok snickered.
"The coach is pissed. I think we all know who could be dumb enough to get a girl into the locker rooms," Hoseok laughed as they entered the math classroom, and Jungkook gulped.
"V." They said simultaneously, and the moment Jungkook walked in, he saw V sitting on his chair, feet propped on his table, black bandana pulling his hair back, a little smirk on his face as a group of people surrounded him.
"Who was it?"
"How was it?"
"At least you wore a condom.."
"Guys, chill." V said, looking at his friends who were walking over. "Why're you all just assuming it's me?"
"Because no one else would be dumb enough to just throw a condom like that!" Yoongi said, and V rolled his eyes, and then put his hands up in defense.
"Alright, alright. I'm the culprit." V said, and Jungkook sat down behind him, ignoring all the talk. "And me, the victim." Jungkook mumbled to himself, and V turned around.
"D'you say something?" V asked knowingly, and Jungkook just gave him a small glare.
"Who was it, though? Eka?" "Or was it Jennie?" "Joy, again?" "Sana?"
"How about, it's none of your goddamn business." V snapped, and everyone shut up the moment he raised his voice.
"Someone's getting defensive.. for real, who was it?" Jimin asked, and Jungkook cleared his throat. "I think it's best if we just focus on math." Jungkook said, and V grinned.
"Jeon's right, for once." V said, turning to face him. "After all, it's no one's business but mine, is it?" V said, and Jungkook looked at him with his big eyes, and felt their wave of nervousness washing over him.
He looked at V's small smirk, and before he could speak- the door opened and the teacher walked in with a "Good morning."
The teacher began talking, and Jungkook felt his fingers tapping against the desk. It felt like everyone was looking at him. Oh god.. they know. They know. Everyone knows.
"C-can I go to the washroom?" Jungkook asked, standing up, and the teacher sighed and then let him go. Jungkook got up in an instant and walked right out of the class, footsteps fast.
He began walking down the hallway, and then heard the door of his math class open and close. He started walking faster, but just heard the footsteps draw closer, and then saw a figure start walking beside him.
"Going to the washroom, Jeon?" A deep voice came, and Jungkook kept walking, looking straight ahead. He could make out the figure with the loose untucked white shirt, opposite of his.
"Where the fuck else, V?" Jungkook snapped, and then started walking faster, but let out a gasp when he felt V grab his arm and shove him into a dark room.
Lights turned on, and Jungkook realised they were in the janitor's closet. V closed the door shut, and then turned to Jungkook, smirking a little. He moved forward, making Jungkook move back until his back hit the wall. "Drop the attitude."
"S-says you." Jungkook said, suddenly feeling flustered with how V put both his hands to the wall by his side, confining him.
Jungkook saw V lean in, and then hover his lips over his neck, and Jungkook has his hands clasped tightly to his side, and then finally lifted up to grip at V's shirt. "What're you doing?"
V looked up at him. "What do you mean?"
"V.." Jungkook trailed, like it was obvious. Was it not? "W-what the hell are we doing? Having sex? Twice?? And now- now what- you're pushing me into janitor closets- what is this?"
V looked unshaken, just shrugged. "I don't know." Careless.
"You should, you should know! Because I don't either, and I'm confused. Are you.." Jungkook trailed, and then tilted his head a little. "Gay?"
V jumped back, eyes growing wide in defence. "Fuck no, what the fuck? Bro- what?"
Jungkook looked more confused. "Bisexual?"
"Ew, no- I'm straight." V snapped, and now there was a visible gap between them. Jungkook rolled his eyes.
"Dude, that doesn't make any fucking sense. What, are you experimenting?" Jungkook asked, and V scoffed, shoving his hands in his pockets, looking offended.
"Am I- no! No- look, Jeon- I'm not- I'm not queer. That- that's just fucking weird. You're the one making this weird, not man."
"I'm making this weird?? Why'd you drag me in here?" Jungkook snapped, and then V smirked a little, stepping closer again, almost forgetting what he just said, and wiped his thumb on Jungkook's bottom lip.
"You looked cute."
Jungkook paused. "Cute?"
"Scared shitless." V reiterated, and Jungkook felt himself blushing a little. "Well, obviously. Your dumbass threw the condom to the side- and- w-what if the teacher checks it? Like- they'll realize we fucked- a-and then- ohmygod they'll run a DNA test! A-and- and- everyone will know- and-"
"Jungkook." V said lowly, and Jungkook looked up, because that might've just been the first time V said his name properly. "Relax."
Jungkook gulped, feeling V's big hands circling around his waist. "They're not gonna run a DNA test. There's used condoms all over this goddamn school, you'll be surprised in the weird places people have fucked." V snickered, and Jungkook nodded shyly.
"O-okay. I hope so. B-because if they do-" Jungkook started, putting his hands up. "They won't, god- will you calm down?"
Jungkook put his hands on V's chest. "Sorry.." Jungkook mumbled, looking away, and then looked back up, and saw V smiling a little. "What?"
"I wanna fuck you again.." V whined a little, and then squeezed Jungkook's waist and began kissing down his neck. Jungkook's eyes widened.
"Now?" He asked, and V hummed, and Jungkook rolled his eyes. "Dude, we can't fuck now."
"Why not?" V said, and Jungkook scoffed. "Maybe because we have class right now?? And anyone could hear us?? Also this is literally a janitor's closet???"
"Blah blah blah- you're not making any strong arguments." V said, and Jungkook glared. "Go fuck some girl, I'm sure they'd leap to get fucked by the handsome V- oh~" Jungkook said in a high pitched voice in the end, waving his fingers.
V paused for a few seconds, and then pinched Jungkook's thigh. "Yeah but I wanna fuck you."
Jungkook paused for a few seconds; a silence filling the room. V looked up at him, waiting for an answer, and Jungkook just blurted out "This is weird, V! I mean- what, are-are we just gonna hook up normally?"
"Why not. Tons of people do. It's called casual sex, look it up."
"I know what casual sex is, dumbass. I just- i-isn't this a little weird?" Jungkook asked, and V's eyebrow rose. "Why would it be weird?"
Jungkook paused for a few seconds, and then squeaked "I-I mean- w-we haven't even kissed-"
V burst out laughing, and Jungkook's eyes grew big, cheeks growing bright pink. "I-I mean- not-not like that! I-I just- I thought-"
V was still snickering, so Jungkook pushed past him, trying to walk out of the janitor's closet. But before he could, V grabbed his arm and pulled him back, and then pressed their lips together.
Jungkook's breath hitched, and he stood frozen in shock as V kissed him gently, hands trailing down to wring around his hips. Jungkook stood still, and V pulled away. "Is that fine?"
Jungkook was blushing, and then nodded a little, looking down to make sure V doesn't see how ridiculously flustered he was. "Y-yeah,"
V grinned, stepping a little closer, making Jungkook have to step back and crowd into the corner of the room. "Yeah?"
"V-" Jungkook started, and then gasped as V wrapped his arms around his waist and pulled him closer in, hands going down to his thighs to lift him up.
"Ugh- V you're so annoying-!" Jungkook snapped, grabbing V by the collar and kissing him rough. V smirked into the kiss, hands going down to his ass and squeezing it, making Jungkook hum into his mouth, tongues pressing against one another.
They kissed for a good few minutes, both kissing messily, one pulling away to breathe and the other pulling them back in, cheeks red. After a bit, V let Jungkook down, and Jungkook breathed heavily, flustered.
Jungkook hit V on the chest, and V just grinned uselessly. Jungkook groaned. "Fine! After school, your room."
V bit his lip, and then looked at the door, opening it to let Jungkook out. Jungkook huffed and walked out, and as he did, V slapped his ass, and Jungkook jumped a little, turning around to glare at him.
"Do you want me to fuck you??" Jungkook snapped, and V scoffed. "I'm gonna be the one doing the fucking, Jeon."
Jungkook's cheeks tinted, and he mumbled "Same thing." under his breath, and then both started walking back towards their math class.
While they were walking, Jungkook stopped, and V bumped into him. Jungkook turned around. "What exactly are we?"
V looked around, and Jungkook realised he was trying to make sure no one was there. "Friends with benefits, I guess."
"We're not friends." Jungkook snapped, and V rolled his eyes.
"Enemies with benefits, then. Fuckbuddies. Whatever the fuck you want to call it, Jeon." V snapped back, and Jungkook pursed his lips, and then kept walking.
"Fuckbuddies sounds better." Jungkook stated, and V hummed. "A little too vulgar, maybe."
"This whole ordeal is a little vulgar, no?" Jungkook said, and then right before going back into the class, he made sure V stepped close to him, and then poked his chest.
"And V? Throw away the condom next time," Jungkook whispered, and then clicked his tongue and turned around to walk into the class.
V stilled for a few seconds, and then looked away, smirking a bit to himself. "Little tease," V mumbled to himself, shoving his hands in his pockets and walking into the class.
1 note · View note
jeontaeh · 3 years
"I did WHAT?!" Jungkook shouted, eyes wide, hands slapping over his mouth.
Jimin sat on his bed, facing Jungkook, looking pissed. "You get ONE other dude's dick in you and you scream out your ex's name. The tomfoolery!"
"We weren't exes. And oh my god-" Jungkook let out, sitting down on the bed, rubbing his face in frustration. "What is wrong with me, Jimin. What is actually wrong with me? I mean, Sehun's so nice! And he's sweet, and- and he treats me nicely, and he got me those chocolate cookies the other day!" Jungkook whined, hitting his head.
"He also didn't punch you in the stomach."
Jungkook groaned, lying over on his bed. "Also, he didn't sleep with another girl to pretend he was never with you. Also, he didn't call you a faggot. Also, he didn't punch Youngjae. Also, he didn't-"
"I get it, Jimin," Jungkook mumbled, looking at Jimin sideways, room tilted. "I hate myself. I think- I think I was just overwhelmed with what had happened earlier. I was all up in my head. So I moaned his name." Jungkook said, and then hit his head against his bed over and over.
"You are a DUMB bitch."
"I know. What do I do about it."
"Tell Sehun what happened. Or, wait, don't. Just say it was a mistake or something. And after that, get V out of your mind. Don't start liking him again, Jungkook. Not after he hit you. I like him now, I really do. He's changing and super fun to be around again. But he hit you. That doesn't just go away."
"I don't want to defend him- but he was going through some shit during that time," Jungkook said, and then shook his head. "No no- you're right. I'm not going to let this go. And like I said, I don't like him. I don't! I like my boyfriend. I like my smart, hot, artsy boyfriend. I like Taehyung-" Jungkook said, and then gasped.
Jimin's eyes widened. "OH my god! I meant Taehyung." Jungkook said, and then put his hand over his mouth, eyes big. "Sehun! I meant Sehun! Oh my god!!!!!"
"Girl the fuck is wrong with you." Jimin frowned. Jungkook whined and then rushed towards him, tumbling onto Jimin's lap, the blonde haired boy groaning with Jungkook's body on him.
"I don't know, Jimin. I need to get this out of my mind. Remind me of all the bad things V did to me." Jungkook said quietly, and Jimin wrapped his arms around Jungkook's waist.
"Was mean to you during football practice that one time before you both went for a run."
"Oh we didn't go for a run we had sex."
Jimin frowned. "Okay. Um. That one time he yelled at you because he failed math-"
"No, but we had sex after that so it was fine," Jungkook mumbled again. Jimin sighed.
"Okay well, what about the time when he kissed you and then asked Eka out the other day. Or how he texted you all winter break but ignored you once you were back. Or how he said he regretted being with you. And called you a mistake."
Jungkook leaned against Jimin, pouting to himself, playing with his fingers. "I didn't mean to make you upset, Jungkook. Sorry." Jimin said in a small voice, and Jungkook shook his head.
"No, it's o-okay. I just... I don't like myself." Jungkook squeaked and Jimin frowned. "What?"
"I don't know. I have this perfect guy in my palm, but I keep running after the one who treated me like shit." Jungkook said, and then sniffled. "W-why?"
"I don't know either, Kookie." Jimin said, placing his chin on Jungkook's shoulder. Jungkook looked at Jimin.
"Become gay so we can date."
"No." Jimin said, and then pushed the giggling Jungkook off his lap. "Why do all my friends keep asking me for sex! Am I nothing more than my body?"
"You're our bitch." Jungkook said, and Jimin leaped forward and began punching and wrestling with Jungkook, on top of him on his bed. Jungkook laughed, wrestling him back, shrieking and kicking Jimin's butt.
Suddenly the door opened. "Hey Jimin I'm- WOAH what the fuck-" Taehyung's voice came abruptly, and Jimin rolled off Jungkook and onto the floor. Jimin stood up, hands in the air.
"We were wrestling," Jimin explained, and Jungkook laughed at how red Jimin looked. Taehyung rose his eyebrow at Jimin, wearing a red supreme headband and a dark green sweater, black tracks. "Yeah. Um. Okay." Taehyung said, and Jimin sighed.
"Wasn't going to have sex with him, that's your job." Jimin snickered, and then paused.
Taehyung widened his eyes, and Jungkook did too. "What?" Jimin said, turning around. "Who said that? Ha! Haha! What? That's weird. That's so weird. I should shut up." Jimin said quickly and then ran into the bathroom, closing the door behind him.
"Hey." Jungkook said to Taehyung, who walked up to him with a small smile. "Hi. Jimin promised he'd tutor me math."
"Aw why, what happened to your old tutor?" Jungkook asked, a little smirk on his face. Taehyung sighed, sitting down beside him.
"He was terrible." Taehyung huffed, and Jungkook hit his leg with a small growl and then looked at Taehyung's face- who was laughing. "I'm kidding! You were the best."
"Meanie." Jungkook said, sitting down beside him. Taehyung smiled. "Your hair's fading into an ashy blonde kind of..." Jungkook trailed, touching a lock of Taehyung's hair.
"Is it? Ugh- I need to re-dye it. I look hot as fuck with grey hair, so I'm keeping this shit for a while." Taehyung said, and Jungkook giggled. "True." Jungkook said, and then both ignored it.
"Lemme check your homework." Jungkook suggested, and Taehyung opened his laptop, since the homework was online. His laptop opened on google, and Jungkook saw him opening the homework up. While doing so, Jungkook's eyes squinted at one of the tabs.
Types of sexualities. Jungkook let out a little giggle.
Taehyung looked at him with confusion. "What're you so giggly about?"
"Nothing." Jungkook said, biting his lip. He felt Taehyung touch his chin. "Oh, well, you're clearly finding something quite funny, aren't you?"
Jungkook looked at him, and saw Taehyung smirking a little. "Are you ticklish?"
Jungkook paled. Next thing he knew, he was getting tickled from his sides, letting out loud shrieks of laughter, face going pink. "T-Taehyungie!"
"Awww you're so sensitive!" Taehyung said with a grin, bringing his fingers up and down his sides. Jungkook pushed him away, his face of laughter contorting into pain. "A-ah! Cramps!" Jungkook squeaked, and Taehyung let him go.
Jungkook looked at him for a few seconds, and then began tickling Taehyung's neck. Jungkook squealed when Taehyung didn't get affected and instead pushed him over until he was on top of him, tickling Jungkook's waist.
"Cutie," Taehyung said in between Jungkook's laughs, and Jungkook gripped onto Taehyung's collar, giggling loudly.
"Um." Jimin's voice came, and Taehyung rolled off Jungkook and stood up on the floor, and then put his hands up. "We were wrestling."
Jimin looked at Jungkook, who was still trying to calm his dying giggles down, fixing his unkempt sweater. Jungkook bit his lip at the two boys, blinking his doe eyes. Taehyung looked at him for a few seconds, and then took a deep breath and looked away.
"Let's study." Taehyung said to Jimin, who nodded. Jungkook saw them both sit down on the floor, backs against the bed since it'd be easier. Jungkook played with strands of Taehyung's hair mindlessly, and then saw Taehyung turn around a little.
"Sorry." Jungkook said breathlessly, and then pulled his hands back. "Your hair feels s-soft.
Taehyung looked at him and then turned back around. "Don't stop." Taehyung said, and Jungkook returned to playing with Taehyung's hair, braiding some longer strands into tiny little braids.
"No V look- you made a little error there. See you've got the concepts and stuff down, you just need to make sure you check your answers twice. That would've made full marks if you put the calculator value down properly." Jimin said, and Jungkook looked at Jimin.
"Is Jimin a top or a bottom?" Jungkook asked Taehyung, who looked at Jimin with a hum, thinking.
Jimin frowned. "What? Stop- let's get back to work-"
"Bottom." Taehyung concluded, and Jungkook gasped. "No, he's not! You don't know him well enough. Jimin's a top if I've ever seen one."
"I'm a top if you've ever seen one." Taehyung snapped, and Jungkook put his chin on Taehyung's head.
"Nooo... remember at the hotel~" Jungkook teased, and Taehyung blushed and then turned around, ruffling Jungkook's hair. Jungkook laughed and then poked Taehyung's face with his fingers, squishing his cheeks together. Taehyung bit Jungkook's finger and Jungkook squeaked.
"Bitch what the fuck." Jimin snapped, and Jungkook pulled away from Taehyung, didn't know why he got so giggly and touchy around him. Taehyung looked at Jimin.
"Say it, coward. Bottom or top?" Taehyung said, and then the door opened.
"Jimin's versatile." Eka's voice came, and Jungkook looked at the door and grinned. "Eka! No way, you think so?"
"You guys might know him, but you haven't seen him in bed." Eka said, and winked at Jimin, who blushed profusely.
"You guys are all the worst and disgusting and I hate you." Jimin said, and Eka walked into their dorm, and Taehyung laughed, but then stilled when he saw Sehun walk in as well.
"Jimin's a straight."
"Thank you."
"A straight up BOTTOM-"
"I fucking hate you."
"See, he gets me." Taehyung said, and then put his hand out for Sehun to high-five him. Sehun looked at his hand awkwardly. Taehyung looked up at him and frowned.
"Dude just fucking-" Eka started, and then high-fived Taehyung for Sehun. "Have you never high fived someone before?" Taehyung snickered, and Sehun gulped, looking at Taehyung a little tense.
"Don't be mean." Jungkook said, hitting Taehyung's head lightly. Taehyung craned his head back so Jungkook's face was directly above his.
"Sorry." Taehyung bit his lip, and Jungkook blushed a little and pushed his head back, keeping his hands on his hair. Jungkook looked at Taehyung's work on his laptop.
"Oh look, you got everything right! Good job." Jungkook said, and then wrung his hands around Taehyung's neck. Taehyung put his hand on Jungkook's forearm. "Hm. But I don't know if I'll be able to reciprocate the same results on exams."
"Don't worry, V. Everyone gets better with practice." Jungkook said, and Taehyung craned his head back again, but this time rested it on Jungkook's thigh. "You think so?"
Jungkook nodded, and saw Taehyung bite his lip and look up at him, blinking his lashes slowly. Jungkook realised Taehyung was looking at his lips and put his hand over Taehyung's mouth. Taehyung laced his fingers with Jungkook's and Jungkook giggled- and then looked up- and-
Eka, Jimin, and Sehun were looking at the two weirdly. Jungkook suddenly realised who Sehun was and then gasped and pulled away from Taehyung, jumping off the bed and rushing towards Sehun. "Hi babe!" Jungkook said, jumping onto his lap and hugging him tightly.
Sehun hugged him back slowly, confused. Eka looked at Jimin with a raised brow, and Jimin just shook his head at her. Sehun whispered we need to talk into Jungkook's ear, and Jungkook nodded idly, continuing to sit on Sehun's lap.
Jungkook looked at Taehyung, who was looking at his laptop with a slight scowl, picking on the side of his brows with his fingers. Jungkook felt Sehun bringing his hands in to wrap around Jungkook's waist- so Jungkook got up. "Water." Jungkook said to Sehun, who nodded. Jungkook walked up to the mini fridge in the corner of the room and opened it, seeing small bottles of water and cans of soda.
"Anyone want some soda or something?" Jungkook asked.
"Coca-cola please," Eka said. "Me too." Taehyung chimed in, and Jungkook took out two cans of coke and one small bottle of water. He walked over to them and handed a can to Eka and chucked one at Taehyung, who grabbed it with one hand without even looking.
"Thanks baby." Taehyung said, and then flicked open the can with his thumb and took a sip.
Everyone paused. Jungkook's eyes widened. Jimin and Eka looked at Taehyung, who finished his sip of coke and then looked at the others. Taehyung suddenly saw Sehun frowning and realised what he said.
"Thanks.... ba-nie. Banie. Bazee. Bailee. Thanks Bailee." Taehyung stammered, and Sehun looked at him with furrowed brows.
"Who's Bailee?"
"That's what we call Jungkook." Taehyung said. Jungkook just looked at Taehyung in disbelief.
"Right." Sehun muttered, and then got up from his bed, walking over to Jungkook. "Let's go talk now." Sehun said, grabbing Jungkook's hand and pulling him outside the room.
"Sehun-" Jungkook began, and then heard the door close behind him as he was dragged out to the hallways. "Sehun look- if- if this is about what happened that night-"
"What? No way? Why would I be worried about you moaning out another dude's name while I'm having sex with you?" Sehun laughed, and then stopped laughing and frowned. "Of course this is about what happened that night! What happened!"
"I'm bad with names." Jungkook let out. Sehun frowned. "...What?"
"I'm so bad with names. I've called Jimin 'Bimin' for the past four years. I don't even know what that girl's name in there is. I don't even know my own. Don't be mad at me!" Jungkook cried out, and Sehun relaxed his shoulders.
"Look, I-I don't usually get mad over things. I'm not that kind of guy. I'm just... confused? Do you like someone else, or was it just a slip up?" Sehun asked. Jungkook gripped onto his shoulders.
"A slip up, I swear." Jungkook said, looking up at Sehun.
The truth is, Jungkook agreed to become Sehun's boyfriend because he genuinely liked him. He felt his heart flutter for someone else for once, felt infatuated with this boy who was so smart and so nice and had a pretty smile. Jungkook was happy.
Happy that he could move on. Now he's not sure anymore.
"Good." Sehun said, putting his hands on Jungkook's waist. "Hey- how about we go hang out alone for a bit?" Sehun suggested, and Jungkook hummed, leaning up to kiss his cheek.
"Yes. That sounds great." Jungkook smiled. Sehun kissed his cheek back. "Do you know any place we could go? To be alone, just the two of us? Where no one would barge in?"
Jungkook paused. The art room, he thought- but then gulped. Jungkook shook his head. "Not really. Let's just go to your room."
"Sure. Wait here, I'm gonna go get my phone real quick." Sehun said, and Jungkook nodded and saw Sehun walk into his and Jimin's dorm.
Sehun walked into the room when Eka, Jimin, and Taehyung were laughing about something. Sehun walked in, and Jimin looked at him, straightening up. "Hey Sehun. Everything cool?"
"Yeah. Great. Do you know where the condoms are?" Sehun asked, and Taehyung felt his muscles tense, looking up at Sehun slowly.
"I have some in my bag." Eka said idly, taking one out from her small pocket in her bag and then chucking it over to Sehun, who snickered.
"Thanks. Jungkook told me to get one. Probably wants to do some stuff again," Sehun laughed, and Taehyung looked away from Sehun, looking at his laptop with a wrenching feeling in his gut. "Bye!" Sehun smiled, and then turned around, stuffing the condom in his pocket and walking out of the room.
Sehun reached outside, and saw Jungkook waiting. Jungkook saw him and smiled. "Let's go," Sehun said, and Jungkook nodded, walking with him hand to hand.
The hanging out didn't go that well.
Both were chilling, listening to music, and then suddenly Sehun started kissing Jungkook intensely. Jungkook realised Sehun wanted sex because his dick felt hard. So Jungkook pulled away and said he didn't want to do it.
Sehun nodded and apologised, saying they could just play videogames or something. Jungkook nodded. Sehun kept saying sorry. Jungkook said it was okay. And then Jungkook said something about how turtles fart a lot and then ran out of Sehun's room.
Jungkook ran towards Jimin and his dorm and then broke the door and ran in, wanting to cry to Jimin about how weird he was again. When he walked in, he saw just Jimin and Taehyung.
Taehyung was drawing a penis on Jimin's head with a pen.
"Hey Jungkook. Jimin lost a bet." Taehyung explained, and Jimin nodded. "Yeah, I said I bet he couldn't eat three pieces of hair and then he did it. Eka left."
"Wonder why." Jungkook murmured. Taehyung looked at him. "Weren't you out doing freaky stuff with Sehun?"
"What? No. Kind of." Jungkook said, and then shuddered, sitting down on his bed. "What happened?" Jimin asked.
"It's nothing. Well- um- we were hanging out. Me and Sehun. And then he tried having sex with me. I said no, but then-" Jungkook began, and then saw Taehyung's eyes turn dark.
"What?" He growled lowly, and Jungkook's eyes widened. Taehyung walked up to his pencil case, opened it, and took out a knife. "I'm going to fucking MURDER him-"
"Oh my god! Stop! No- he didn't do anything weird! He's not like that. And oh my god where the fuck did you get a knife from??" Jungkook snapped.
"The art room..." Taehyung trailed.
"Why the fuck does the art room have fresh supplies of knives- doesn't matter. Kook, what happened then?" Jimin asked.
"Nothing. It got awkward. He said sorry but then I told him he smelled like turtle farts or something and then ran!" Jungkook squeaked, covering his face. He waited for a response, and then felt hands wrap around him.
"You're so cute." Taehyung said, and Jungkook looked up and saw Taehyung smiling down at him.
"Stop~" Jungkook whined, hitting his chest with his little fists. Taehyung kept his hands on Jungkook's waist, leaning in to boop their noses together. Jungkook giggled.
"Okay do you guys keep forgetting I'm in the room or something?" Jimin snapped, and Taehyung turned to look at him, and Jungkook did too. Jungkook blushed, and Taehyung pulled away, and then looked at his watch.
"Fuck- I've got to go for football practice. Park, you coming?" Taehyung asked.
"I'll come in a bit." Jimin said, and Taehyung nodded. "Sure. Bye Jungkookie." Taehyung said, and Jungkook bit his lip and waved quickly at him, seeing the boy walk out.
The moment he did, Jimin threw up on the ground. Fake threw up. He didn't actually throw up.
"What the fuck was all that?" Jimin snapped, and Jungkook tensed. "The looks, the touching, the flirting, the teasing, the tension! Jungkook, do you still like Taehyung?"
"No." Jungkook said quickly. "I don't."
"Then what was all that?"
"There's only two parts of him I know." Jungkook said suddenly, looking at Jimin. "There's V, who's cold and rude and mean. And we hated each other. And then there's... Taehyungie." Jungkook bit his lip. "He's nice and funny and kind of got this mean cut to him but it's light hearted. And he's so nice to me, a-and, and-"
"Which one was the one who hit you?" Jimin said lowly, and Jungkook stilled.
Jungkook looked at the door, whole stature falling a bit. "Taehyung. Taehyung did."
"Jungkook I don't have a right to tell you what to do with your life. No one does. Except, like, the government or whatever. But- as your best friend, it hurts to see you go back to someone that hit you. I don't care what his backstory was, Kook. You don't hit someone like that."
"I know... I'm not going back to him, Jiminie. I swear." Jungkook said. "I-I just get weird around him. I think I should stay away from him."
"He hasn't proven worthy of you yet, Kook. I doubt he ever will. No offense to him." Jimin said, picking up his football kit bag from the side. Jungkook hummed, nodding.
"Don't be upset, okay? I'll see you later." Jimin said, and walked up to Jungkook and kissed his cheek. "Take a shower."
"Yes daddy." Jungkook said, and then saw Jimin take a step away, look at him, and blush a little. Jungkook gasped. "I knew it! You're a top."
Jimin rolled his eyes and walked out of the room, calling him a turtle fart as he did. Jungkook saw the door close and collapsed onto his bed, sighing to himself. Jungkook took his phone out, looking at old texts of him and Taehyung.
Taehyungie💞 where are you
Jungkook im sick ): got fever n stuff
Jungkook it's so coldddd would love someone 2 cuddle me ): you know?
Taehyungie💞 thats sad
Taehyungie💞 can you suck my dick?
Jungkook no... i just told you i'm sick
Taehyungie💞 oh ok
Taehyungie💞 bye ig
Jungkook sighed to himself, didn't know why he was reliving the pain of the time. But he continued looking at these old messages, reminding himself.
Reminding himself why he should stay away from Taehyung.
Taehyungie💞 come to my dorm
Taehyungie💞 wanna fuck u
Jungkook how sweet
Jungkook but like i've told you like a hundred times already i have an art presentation today
Jungkook i've been working on it for months remember i told u!! wanna come see it?
Taehyungie💞 no? lol
Jungkook aw plssss come to the auditorium thats where the presentations are happening! i'm doing mine in a futuristic way remember? u said it sounded cool too!
Taehyungie💞 wait can i fuck you after?
Jungkook no... i was thinking we could just hang out?
Taehyungie💞 im busy then
Jungkook ok..
Jungkook [picture attached]
Jungkook isnt this a nice photo V? i wanna post it on insta gimme a caption
Taehyungie💞 fuck i got excited i thought you sent nudes
Jungkook oh um
Jungkook but do you like the photo?
Jungkook you can see my veins too hehe
Jungkook teacher got so mad at me i literally cracked open all the blue paint pots skdjks
Taehyungie💞 kook stop texting me so much my phone keeps vibrating
Jungkook oh... sorry
Jungkook felt that knot in his stomach he used to get when Taehyung used to treat him like this. Jungkook just took it silently, too. Probably because he didn't know he had a crush on Taehyung at the time. It just sucked. Sucked because it felt like it was happening again.
Jungkook threw his phone away, groaning to himself and shoving his head onto his pillow. Dumb. Dumb was what Jungkook was. Dumb and dumber, his only two braincells. Ugh.
Fuck it. He didn't want to get hung over Taehyung like this. Not again. Jungkook opened his messages and clicked on Sehun's chat.
Jungkook hey sehunnie sorry for that
Jungkook i got scared ): sorry
Sehun its fine! dont worry its my fault
Sehun you good tho right? didnt mean to make u run away D:
Jungkook awww yeah im fine! good luck for football practice
Sehun sure hope so :/ V's glaring at me idk what i did
Jungkook hes just a meanie dont worry about it
Sehun youre cute <3 see ya later
Sehun saw Taehyung changing in the other part of the room. He heard some conversation between some of the guys.
"Eka's so fucking annoying. I keep asking her for nudes but she won't send any." One of the guys grumbled.
"Stop fucking asking, you pussy." Taehyung growled. "Don't give Eka trouble, I'll punch you, got it?" Taehyung snapped, and the boy nodded weakly and ran away.
Sehun hummed, and then took his shirt off to change into the jersey. The door opened and closed, and Sehun realised him and Taehyung were the only ones in the locker room. He heard a snicker. "How's stuff with Jungkook?"
Sehun kept quiet. Taehyung looked at him. "What, got bad hearing or something?" Taehyung asked, eyebrow raised.
"Don't really feel like talking to a dude who hit my boyfriend." Sehun said, and Taehyung tensed.
"Jungkook forgave me for that, Sehun. Don't get inbetween something you don't know about." Taehyung grumbled, and Sehun's eyes were darkened as he walked up to Taehyung.
"No, I know exactly what's going on. You like him, don't you?" Sehun snapped, and Taehyung tensed. Sehun was behind him. "It's so fucking obvious. You keep touching him. Didn't you say you were straight?"
"I am straight." Taehyung let out, voice wavering.
"Whatever. You still want Jungkook. Stop putting your hands all over him. He might've forgiven you, but he told me you still aren't friends. So don't-"
Taehyung turned around, looking at him. "Jungkook and I go way back. You don't know shit. Stop fucking rubbing yourself everywhere. You're fucking perfect, you get everything! Just leave me the fuck alone," Taehyung snapped, and Sehun shoved him against the wall.
Taehyung hit the wall and then frowned, eyes going dark. "What the fuck?" Taehyung growled lowly, fists clenching. Sehun looked at him, smirking.
"You're mad I'm captain, huh?" Sehun snickered. Taehyung controlled his fists. "Shut up."
"You gonna hit me, V? Huh? Do it. Punch me too. Then Jungkook will see what a dick you really are-"
"I'm not going to fucking hit you. Shut up." Taehyung gritted his teeth, and Sehun leaned forward.
"Why, huh? What're you gonna do, V?" Sehun snarked lowly, and Taehyung looked at him angrily, seething practically. Taehyung felt like punching him, but then imagined Jungkook's face in his head. Taehyung leaned back.
"I'm not going to hit you." Taehyung said softly, and Sehun pushed him back, angered look on his face. Taehyung leaned forward to push him back, getting annoyed as well, but then Sehun grabbed him by the collar, pushed him hard against the wall- and pressed their lips together.
Taehyung's eyes widened, and then he stilled, feeling Sehun move his lips against Taehyung's. Taehyung didn't kiss back, just had his eyes blown wide. Sehun pulled away from the kiss, looking at him.
Taehyung looked back at him and then gulped. "Bro w-what the fuck." Taehyung said, and Sehun kissed him again, cupping one side of his face, kissing down his jaw and aligning his lips to Taehyung's again.
Taehyung felt the neediness from Sehun and then pushed him off slightly. Sehun kissed his neck. "Fuck me. Please." Sehun whispered into his neck, and Taehyung's eyes were widened.
"What? I-" Taehyung began, and then Sehun leaned up and began kissing him again. Taehyung didn't know why the fuck he wasn't pushing the dude off- but something about this was oddly funny and oddly... arousing? In like a prideful sense.
Taehyung felt Sehun grip Taehyung's shirt tighter and kiss him heavily, moving their lips together. Taehyung gripped Sehun's waist, kissing him back for a measly second and then pushing him off.
"What-" Taehyung began, but got cut off.
"-the fuck?!" A squeak came, and Taehyung and Sehun turned to the side and saw Jungkook by the door, eyes wide. Jimin was behind him, hands covering his mouth.
"Fuck." Sehun let out, seeing Jungkook. Jungkook's mouth was fallen open. Taehyung just gulped.
0 notes
jeontaeh · 3 years
Taehyung was never this anxious before.
Walking into breakfast on the first day of the week- he took a sandwich from the canteen and then spotted his friends sitting with the rest of the football guys. Except Jimin and Jungkook were sitting on another table with Eka and Sehun.
Taehyung walked up to the footbal guys. He saw Youngjae telling the rest of the guys some story, and everyone was laughing loudly. But when Taehyung got there, Youngjae spotted him and then hesitated, quietening. "I-I'll tell you guys later." Youngjae mumbled.
Taehyung opened his mouth to say something, but then saw Yugyeom mumbled something to Bambam, and both of them get up and leave to go sit with Jungkook. Everyone was kind of quiet, not knowing what to say.
Taehyung gulped. "I've got some- some homework to finish. So I'll go." Taehyung mumbled, and then walked away from the table. When he did, he heard all of them begin talking and laughing again.
Taehyung walked out of the food hall and sighed. He didn't feel hungry anymore. Taehyung just threw the sandwich in the dustbin and walked to the only place he could get some peace. The art room.
Taehyung walked into the small room and then sat down on one of the chairs, remembering how a few months ago- Jungkook was sitting on his lap at this exact spot, talking about how he thought bees were very cute. And Taehyung had just smiled and kissed his cheek and said how he thought Jungkook was very cute. And Jungkook blushed and hid his face with his hands.
Taehyung almost smiled at the memory, but then remembered. Remembered how after the two went to the boys' lounge, and Taehyung ignored Jungkook completely and made some homophobic comments. And how Jungkook looked disheartened and kept trying to tell Taehyung something, but Taehyung didn't listen and instead continued fucking around with the other guys.
Taehyung cursed to himself. How did he not notice that Jungkook had a crush on him?
Taehyung took his phone out and began going through old texts of him and Jungkook. They hadn't texted for weeks. The last text was this.
Kookie hey taetaehyungie
Kookie i thought abt what u said 😙
Kookie on my way to your room right now!!
Kookie 💞💞 im gonna give u many many kisses !!
Taehyung let out a small breath he didn't know he was holding. Fuck. Fuck- they were so close to being together. Taehyung was so close to holding Jungkook every night and calling him his baby. Taehyung was so fucking close to having one good thing in his life.
But instead, everything went wrong. So- so quickly.
Taehyung scrolled through their texts and let out a small smile at some of them that occurred when everything seemed fine.
Kookie youre a little meanie
Taehyung you're the one that left without kissing me goodbye 😡
Taehyung no u dont
Taehyung pretty babie
Kookie i like u sm ):
Taehyung when I see u next I'll kiss ur cute butt
Kookie EWWW i <3 u
Taehyung heard the door of the art room open, and turned with widened eyes and saw Jungkook. "Oh-" Jungkook let out, fingers tightening around the door handle. "What- what're you doing here?"
"I just came here to... be alone, I guess," Taehyung mumbled, and saw how Jungkook was looking away, awkward.
"Okay," Jungkook said, and then walked inside and towards the cupboard to take his art file. He grabbed it, and then looked at Taehyung wearily. Jungkook opened his mouth to say something, but Taehyung did first.
"Kook," Taehyung let out, and then stood up. "I-I never meant to hit you."
Jungkook looked at him for a few seconds. "Okay," Jungkook mumbled, sounding unconvinced. Taehyung sighed.
"I didn't mean to. I swear. I just- I can explain everything. I promise," Taehyung said, taking a step towards him. "It's my father- he-he's terrible. And when I was younger, my-my mom said these things to me-"
"Okay, V- I don't care," Jungkook said, and Taehyung stilled, looking at him. "Stop telling me all this. It doesn't concern me."
"O-okay. Okay. I know- I know that. I just- um- I-I thought I should tell you, b-because-"
"Well don't. I don't want to know whatever backstory you're going to make up to somehow redeem yourself. It isn't going to happen, because I don't care." Jungkook said harshly, and Taehyung nodded quickly.
Jungkook walked two steps towards the door and then turned around. "And also- don't hang out here. This isn't your little hangout. I only introduced you to this place because I... I trusted you. I don't want you to be here. Go hang out with the football guys or something."
"Yeah o-okay. Sorry." Taehyung stammered and then saw Jungkook walk out and slam the door shut. Taehyung flinched lightly, and then turned around, coiling his hands into fists and sighing.
Taehyung was sitting on the side benches, watching the other boys play while he sat out. The distant sound of the whistle felt like white noise to him. He just sat there, watching as Sehun kicked another ball into the goal effortlessly, and then smiled when the other boys congratulated him. Taehyung just watched.
Earlier that day in class, he'd had to watch as Sehun kept complimenting Jungkook and saying all this stuff about him and how pretty he was- and Jungkook kept blushing lightly and telling him to shut up. Taehyung could just watch.
"You're so good! Aw, we're going to kill those dudes at the Seoul Championship next year!" Hoseok cheered, and Sehun laughed.
"Sehun?" Youngjae asked in a small voice. "The- um- the coach said you could teach me how to correct my footing-?"
Sehun smiled at him. "Of course, man! You're already really good, but if you just position your foot like this-" Sehun went on, and Taehyung saw as the boys surrounded him, all listening in, looking at ease.
The coach cleared his throat. "Okay, boys. I want all of you to write down on pieces of paper who you want the next Captain to be. The final decision will be mine, but I want to see what the rest of you think. And please- no drawing penises this time." The coach sighed.
"Sorry," Jackson mumbled, and the boys laughed.
Taehyung walked off the benches and began walking across the field. "Aren't you gonna vote, V?" Namjoon asked.
"No," Taehyung said, picking up his bag.
"You have to vote, V." The coach said, and Taehyung rolled his eyes. "I don't feel like it, Coach. You can decide through 13 votes, can't you-"
"Just be a part of the fucking team. Stop whining." Jimin snapped, and Taehyung looked at him and paused for a second. Taehyung walked over to the coach, and he handed Taehyung a piece of paper and a pen.
After a few minutes, all the votes were collected, and the papers were given to the coach. The coach counted and checked all of them, and then hummed.
"Right. 1 vote for Jackson. 2 votes for Jaebum. 10 votes for Sehun! Great," The coach said, and Taehyung just turned around to walk away, feeling a pained feeling in his gut.
"Who was the last vote for?" Someone asked. "V, but that doesn't count." The coach mumbled, and Taehyung frowned to himself.
"Seriously, dude? You votes for yourself?" Bambam asked, and Taehyung scoffed. "No, I didn't. I votes for Jackson."
"R-really!" Jackson asked, cheeks tinted. Taehyung hummed. "'Cause I didn't think anyone else would," Taehyung mumbled, and then turned around and walked away, didn't see Jackson look down sadly.
Who votes for him?
"Class dismissed." The teacher said after the bell rang, and everyone quickly got up and began walking out of the door. Taehyung slipped through the tables and grabbed an arm.
"Can we talk?" Taehyung asked, and then saw a frown. "I just- I feel like I should apologize."
"Yeah, you really fucking should." Eka snapped, and Taehyung looked at her with a sigh.
"Eka, listen. I never meant to hit him. I swear- I-" Taehyung began, and saw Jimin walk up to them after hearing what Taehyung said. "Please. Just hear me out. I know what I did was wrong. It was pathetic, it was- it was weak, and I hate myself for it. But-"
"Fuck off, V. It doesn't mater, because you're still going to be an asshole after this. Even if it was a mistake, it's not like you're going to learn and suddenly change." Jimin said with a scoff.
"Yeah, you're not me," Eka said, and Jimin laughed.
Taehyung felt weak. "I'm trying to change, I swear," Taehyung said in a small voice.
"Too late," Eka said, and she and Jimin turned around and walked out.
Taehyung took a deep breath. He felt that feeling he'd had for the past week where his insides would feel tightened and his breathing would get shorter and his stomach would feel inverted.
Taehyung picked his books up and walked out of the classroom, but when he did, he saw Jungkook walking away- rushing almost, and Sehun running behind him.
"I said no, Sehun," Jungkook mumbled, and Sehun sighed, grabbing Jungkook by his waist. Both probably didn't see Taehyung, who was leaning against the wall.
"Hey, come on-" Sehun said, and Taehyung felt his eyebrows furrow. Was Sehun hurting him? If Sehun was hurting him, Taehyung would kill- "Why no?"
"Because," Jungkook said. "I-I don't feel like dating anyone right now. You're really sweet, but I just don't feel like having a boyfriend." Taehyung's breath hitched.
"Why not, though?" Sehun asked. "I thought it was nice when we kissed last night... didn't you?"
Taehyung froze, tightening his grip around his books. Taehyung heard Jungkook giggle. "T-that was pretty nice. But- I just- I went through a pretty bad relationship not too long ago. I don't think I'm ready to jump into another one-"
"But Kookie! I'll treat you really well, I swear. I like you a lot, Kookie. I think you're really cool and funny and cute." Sehun said in a soft voice. "Can't you give me a chance?"
"I-I don't know," Jungkook said. "Everyone says stuff like that. It's too soon for me to trust another-" The words got cut off, and Taehyung heard the sound of kissing.
Taehyung heard with widened eyes as the sound of two lips being pressed together continued on for a bit, but then- "Sehun- no-" Jungkook said, pushing him off lightly. "I'm just... not ready yet. Sorry." Jungkook said. Sehun chuckled.
"No no- don't apologize. Don't worry about it! You're just so great, it's hard to resist." Sehun said, and Jungkook giggled. "But don't think this won't make me ask you out again next week. Or the week after that. Or the week after that. I'll wait till you're ready, Kookie." Sehun said, giving him a wink.
Jungkook smiled softly. Sehun looked at him for a few seconds. "Hey- if you want... you probably haven't done this before, so it'll probably sound really weird to you- but you know those kinds of relationships where people just... hook up?"
Jungkook froze. "No!" Jungkook said loudly. "No- look! Either I date you, or I don't. I don't want any of that fuckbuddies crap," Jungkook said frantically, sounding scared. "If that's what you want- then I don't want you to think about me like-"
"Okay- okay, relax. I was just asking, don't worry. Plus, I'm not the kind of guy to sleep around. I like intimacy and feelings and shit." Sehun said, and Jungkook giggled. Jungkook kissed his cheek and then saw Sehun blush a little and turn around to walk away.
Taehyung gulped and straightened up, turning to walk back to the dorms. He watched as Sehun walked past him, and saw how he was wearing a jersey, the captain's jersey.
Taehyung knew the long weekend was coming up- so he rushed into his bedroom, dropped his books, and instantly took his laptop out to book a train ticket back home.
The train ride from Busan to Daegu took an hour. Taehyung was in a blue coat, not wearing his bandana, looking outside at the greenery and snow in silence throughout.
He finally reached and picked his bag up, walking off the train. He walked out of the train station. He got a taxi and took it to where he needed to go. He reached the place and then saw a woman selling flowers and tea outside.
"Can I have one bouquet of those?" Taehyung asked, pointing at one of the purple lilies. The woman smiled and picked them out, handing them over to Taehyung. "And two cups of green tea, please," Taehyung said, and she handed that over too in small ceramic cups. Taehyung paid her.
"Thank you." She smiled, and Taehyung gave her a nod, and then turned and walked away, holding the small holdable tray of tea cups and purple flowers.
Taehyung walked on the damp dirt path, the only sound being that of birds chirping and tree branches rustling from the wind. Taehyung waked across the ground and finally reached. He saw the stone slab and felt his throat close up.
Kim Seoyeon 1982 - 2013 Loving and beautiful mother
Taehyung reached down, sitting beside the grave. "Hi mom." He whispered, feeling the lump in his throat that always rose. Taehyung placed the bouquet of flowers on her grave and placed the cup of green tea beside it.
Every time he visited his mother, he brought green tea for her. "I know I haven't met you for months. Truthfully... I was just... really happy for some time." Taehyung said, and then looked down at his fingers, gulping.
He looked at his mother's grave. "I'm sorry, mom," Taehyung said softly, feeling his skin tingle beneath his eyes, moisture growing in them. "I-I'm sorry."
He dragged his fingers down the dust on her gravestone. "I d-don't know w-what to do, how to- how to feel. I wish you were h-here." Taehyung let out and then looked down. "A-all these years. I hated dad. I hated him so much. B-but now I feel l-like I've become like him."
Taehyung sniffled, feeling a tear roll down his eye. "N-none of m-my friends like me anymore. T-the coach kicked me o-off as captain. T-the only person I liked... I h-hit him. I shouldn't have-" Taehyung began, and then put his hand on his face, tears rolling down his skin. "H-how am I any different t-than dad?"
Taehyung took a deep breath, looking up at the sky, seeing it blur in his vision. "I j-just-" Taehyung began, and then closed his eyes. "I don't want to d-disappoint you," Taehyung whispered.
Taehyung heard the silence after his words and then continued looking up, seeing the clouds meld together, moving slowly. He remembered the sound of his mother crying while his father hurt her because he kissed a boy.
He remembered how his mother came back later and cradled him in her arms, pressing kisses to his forehead. And then she told him she'd protect him forever.
Taehyung looked up. Protect him forever.
Taehyung looked at his mother's gravestone. His mother didn't leave his father as early as she did because she had Taehyung. His mother didn't divorce him because of Taehyung. His mother didn't tell her husband about anything bad Taehyung did to make sure he doesn't get yelled at.
Whenever Taehyung got bad grades or did something bad. His mother would keep quiet about it, and just tell Taehyung gently that it wasn't alright. Or if his father did find out, she'd talk to him softly and tell him to not take it out on Taehyung- that he's just a child, that he hadn't done anything wrong. To take it out on her instead.
Taehyung froze. His mother was always just trying to protect him.
She'd always been so loving, so kind, so accepting, so- so nurturing and mature. There's no possible way she could've been mean and vengeful towards anyone. Taehyung remembers after a certain dinner at home when his father had made some racist comments. Later his mother told him that his father was wrong, and there's no need for hatred against anyone for their race.
His mother taught him to be kind, to love everyone, to not hurt people, to be caring. His mother taught him to not treat people differently for their cast, color, creed, anything.
Taehyung sat up. There's no way she would be disappointed of Taehyung.
She would be happy.
She would be so happy that Taehyung found someone he liked so much. She'd ask him everything about Jungkook, and tease Taehyung for acting the way he would, and brush his hair and tell him to never hurt Jungkook.
She wouldn't be disappointed.
Taehyung smiled to himself. Maybe, just maybe he was wrong about his sudden epiphany. But deep on the inside, he knows his mother better than his father ever did. And he knows his mother would accept him in a heartbeat.
Taehyung got up from the dirt, smiling. "I love you, mama," Taehyung whispered, pressing a kiss to his fingertips and tracing them across her gravestone.
Being with his father for so long, Taehyung had become mean, rude, toxic to the people who showed him love. He'd become like his father.
Taehyung didn't like that. He didn't want to be that person- the person everyone hides from and is scared of and doesn't want to be around. Because that doesn't make him any different from his father.
And what else- Taehyung has never given a single fuck about what his father thought or did. So why would he start now? Frankly- Taehyung doesn't care. He doesn't care anymore.
He doesn't care about what anyone thinks. He's going to be like his mother and put himself first. He doesn't care.
He can love whoever he wants.
Taehyung reached school on Saturday night, the whole day passed by visiting his mother. He knew he only did it because the whole of next week he'd be thinking about how it was the anniversary of his mother's death. So he'd visited her earlier, gotten the closure he needed.
Taehyung rushed into the school building, dressed in his blue coat and beige high neck sweater and tan jeans. He rushed down the hallways of the dormitories, knowing where he was headed, knowing who he needed to talk to.
He was aware no one wanted to speak to him. But maybe. Just maybe- if-if he tried hard enough if he just was persistent enough-
Taehyung bumped into someone, not even realizing. He looked and saw Youngjae, whose eyes were widened in fright. "I-I'm so sorry-" Youngjae stammered, taking a step back.
But Taehyung put his hands on Youngjae's shoulders. "Don't worry," Taehyung said, and then smiled. "Youngjae- you're actually really good at football. What Sehun told you about the footing was wrong. I never told you this- but you shouldn't be playing mid. You should be playing striker. 'Cause you're really really good." Taehyung said, and Youngjae's eyes were wide.
"W-what?" Youngjae let out, and Taehyung gave him a look. "I'm sorry for ever being mean to you. I hope I can make up for how shit I was to you. I'll see you tomorrow. I need to go now. Bye!" Taehyung said and then continued running.
Youngjae's eyes were wide as saucers, and he almost fainted. Taehyung was high as hell, Youngjae thought. That could be the only explanation. But somewhere inside, Youngjae was happy. Really happy.
Taehyung rushed to Jungkook's room and then stopped, taking a deep breath. Taehyung knocked on the door twice. He waited for it to open, and then let out the deep breath when it did, and Jungkook was on the other side.
He looked beautiful. His hair was falling, must've just dried it. He was wearing a pink sweater and what looked like yoga pants. Jungkook looked at Taehyung. "What?" Jungkook asked, sounding annoyed.
"Jungkook," Taehyung said softly and then smiled hesitantly. "I know. I know you're mad at me. I know I'm a terrible person. I don't want you to think I'm trying to redeem myself. You don't have to accept my apology," Taehyung said, and Jungkook watched silently. "But I'm sorry. I'm so fucking sorry. I never meant to hurt you. Ever."
Jungkook was quiet. Taehyung took that as an indication to continued. "I know you don't like me. And I'm so sorry it took me so long to finally understand," Taehyung said, and then smiled at little. "Understand how goddamn stupid I was. I mean- fuck. If I just- If I weren't such an asshole, Kookie, maybe the two of us could've-" Taehyung trailed off, and saw Jungkook looking at him with widened eyes.
"What're you doing?" Jungkook asked, and Taehyung gulped. "Nothing. Nothing- don't think I'm here to kiss you and make you mine- or- or try and have sex with you or something weird. I've just realized. I realized t-that- I like you, Kookie." Taehyung said, and then dropped his head down. "I know you're thinking I sound really fucking stupid. But I like y-you so much. And-"
"No. N-no- don't do this," Jungkook said, shaking his head. "You're lying again. You just want to fuck me. You just-"
"No, not at all. I promise." Taehyung said weakly, looking at him closely. "Kookie, I've been thinking so much lately, a-and-" Taehyung began, and smiled a little. "J-just been thinking about you h-has been keeping me sane, Kookie. I m-mean, these past two weeks have b-been the worst for me. Just seeing you smile in the hallways was more than enough-" Taehyung said softly.
Jungkook looked at him for a few seconds in disbelief and then pushed past him, walking out of the room. Taehyung frowned and turned around, and then saw Sehun there. Taehyung saw as Jungkook walked up to Sehun, grabbed the taller boy by the collar, and pressed their lips together.
Taehyung stopped at the doorway, eyes wide. He opened his mouth, but nothing came out. Jungkook kissed Sehun firmly, moving their lips together with intensity. Taehyung watched in confusion and then saw Jungkook pull away.
"V-" Jungkook began, and then looked at him. "I never told you." Jungkook continued, trying to sound normal. "Sehun's my boyfriend,"
Taehyung froze. He watched Jungkook with wavering eyes and then saw Jungkook look up at Sehun with his big, big beautiful eyes, and smile at him. "He was very persistent." Jungkook giggled and saw Sehun smile.
Taehyung looked at them for a few seconds, and then felt his insides go lax, his mind go blank. "That's great," Taehyung said, voice parched. "I'll just- um- I-I'm gonna g-go," Taehyung said with a quick smile, and then turned around and walked away, heart beating rapidly.
Jungkook saw him walk away and then looked back at Sehun, who had his eyebrow raised. "...I'm your boyfriend now?" Sehun asked, and Jungkook gulped.
"Yeah. I'm ready now. I really am. I don't want to think or let my old- old relationship stop me. I like you, Sehunnie," Jungkook whispered, and Sehun smiled. "I don't want to be hesitant."
"Good, good," Sehun said, and then wrapped his arms around Jungkook's waist. "What was V here to talk about?"
"Nothing. He was being an asshole like usual." Jungkook giggled nervously, and Sehun snickered and then kissed Jungkook again. Jungkook kissed him back and then saw him pull away.
"I actually came here to ask you out again. Seeing as that won't be necessary, I'm gonna go back to the library and get my homework finished. See you at dinner." Sehun said, kissing Jungkook's cheek. Jungkook blushed and nodded, and then saw him walk away.
Jungkook took a deep breath and then walked back inside his room. He saw Jimin sitting on his bed. He'd heard everything, and had his eyes wide. Jimin gulped. He had to talk to Taehyung.
Taehyung rushed into his room and closed the door behind him, and then fell onto his bed, clutching his sheets tightly. Taehyung felt the moisture building up and cursed out. He didn't want to cry. Not again. Not constantly. Couldn't keep crying like this. Couldn't keep weakening himself-
Taehyung felt tears fall down his face and felt himself spiraling, powerless. Taehyung gripped his pillow tightly and gritted his teeth and tears continued rushing down his cheeks.
V. I never told you. Sehun's my boyfriend.
Taehyung pressed his face against his hands, feeling his nails scratching down his cheekbone in anger as he continued thinking of the way Jungkook smiled up at him.
Sehun's my boyfriend.
How Jungkook kissed him so firmly, grabbed his collar and looked up at him with big eyes. It was all too fucking much. He didn't want- didn't want Jungkook to leave him. Didn't want him to go away. Didn't want to lose him like he lost everyone else.
And god fucking damnit- Taehyung was such a terrible person. He was absolutely vile, horrible, fucking pathetic. He should be happy for Jungkook, be happy for his happiness. But no- Taehyung was selfish, and mean, and hated, and worthless. Jungkook deserved everything in the world except him.
Taehyung fell asleep crying, eyes clasped shut tightly. He knew the next week would be absolutely fucking terrible.
0 notes
jeontaeh · 3 years
Jungkook felt a soft whine leave his lips, fingers clenching around white bedsheets as Taehyung fucked him, cock rooting deep inside his ass.
"A-ah-" Jungkook let out, his hips getting pulled higher up as Taehyung continued fucking in and out of him. Jungkook was on his knees, palms against the bed, ass up in the air, Taehyung behind him. "I-I'm g-gonna cum,-"
Taehyung had a sheen of sweat all over him, letting his hand trail up Jungkook's quivering thigh and travel to his cock. "Cum for me, baby," Taehyung said, tugging on his member. Jungkook let out a whimper, before cumming all over his tummy.
Taehyung smirked, and continued rocking into him, bed shaking slightly from the rigorous movement. Jungkook stayed pliant and steady until Taehyung came in him, and then felt another choked out whine leave his throat at that.
"I really," Taehyung panted, pulling out of him and falling onto the bed. "-wanna fuck you raw."
Jungkook turned around, looking a mess. His hair was all messed up and his cheeks were rosy red, eyes dilated and parts of his body reddened from where Taehyung grabbed him really hard. "That sounds fun but I don't want aids, so no thanks." Jungkook said, and Taehyung whined, falling atop of him, nestling his nose in the crook of his neck.
"Pleaseee-" Taehyung said softly, and Jungkook giggled, wrapping his legs around him, both flopping to their sides on the bed.
"Noooo~" Jungkook replied, and Taehyung wrapped his arms around his waist. "Maybe later.. when you're clean," Jungkook said, and Taehyung looked up at him.
"Okay well winter break is coming up-" Taehyung said, kissing Jungkook on the mouth. "-so I'll go to the doctor-" Taehyung continued, kissing Jungkook again. "-and then maybe I can sow my seed in you-"
"Not if you use THAT metaphor." Jungkook said as he rolled off the bed, grimacing and making a fake puking noise. He stood up, waddling over to the pile of clothes on the floor.
"Oh come on now," Taehyung said, sitting up, letting out a snicker. Jungkook looked around for his clothes, while Taehyung raked his body with his eyes."What're you doing?"
"Putting my clothes on? I'm really sleepy so I wanna go back to my dorm-" Jungkook started, but then Taehyung stood up, walking over to him.
Taehyung grabbed his forearm. "Just stay at mine," Taehyung said, emotionless.
Jungkook hesitated. "A-as in.. sleep in your- your bed-?" Jungkook squeaked, and Taehyung cleared his throat, looking away.
"I mean, you could sleep in the other bed, but it's not as comfortable." Taehyung mumbled, and Jungkook looked at him for a few seconds.
Taehyung turned around, and Jungkook saw his muscles tense up a little. "Dammit, Jungkook- I'm not good at this kind of thing. Just- fucking- stay over tonight and sleep in my fucking bed, stop being a bitch about it," Taehyung snapped, and Jungkook felt his eyes glimmer a little.
Okay, he knows Taehyung has a hard time with emotions and stuff. But even the slightest glimpse into a more vulnerable, open, lovable Taehyung made Jungkook's heart gallop.
"Okay.." Jungkook trailed, picking up a random t-shirt and putting it on (knowing damn well it was Taehyung's). "You're so bossy, sheesh."
Taehyung slapped Jungkook's ass as the boy jumped onto the bed. Taehyung smiled at him, and then took a pair of trackpants and tugged them on, jumping onto the bed himself. Jungkook giggled, looking up at Taehyung, who looked down at him with a small smile.
Jungkook leaned up and kissed him really hard. And in the midst of kissing him realised two things.
1. Fuckbuddies don't just share beds and kiss for no reason.
And as Taehyung kissed him back and wrapped his arms around Jungkook, Jungkook realised the second.
2. Fuckbuddies don't just cuddle.
But Jungkook laid his head on Taehyung's shoulder, and it fit so perfect, and his hands fit like a jigsaw with Taehyung's, and his lips slotted so well with Taehyung's, and Jungkook just wanted. Wanted Taehyung to open his eyes right now, look at Taehyung, and tell him the same.
Instead, Taehyung opened his eyes and looked at Jungkook for a few seconds. Jungkook gulped, looking up at him hesitantly. He felt a hand on his thigh, and then saw Taehyung suck in a sharp breath, and let out a few words.
"Kook," Taehyung said, and Jungkook hummed. Taehyung's gaze was intense, almost killing, lips looking ever so close to kissing Jungkook. "You're- you're my best friend,"
And Jungkook paused. He let that sink into his mind, and then nodded ever so slightly, tucking his head back onto Taehyung's shoulder.
He then realised two things. Two crucial things.
1. This was literally a fucking Taylor Swift song.
2. He didn't say it back.
Falling in love would have a few steps to them, as said by Taylor Swift circa 2014;
One night he wakes Strange look on his face Pauses, then says. "You're my best friend." And you knew what it was He is in love.
Thus raises the question- Was Taehyung in Love???
Answer, simple and short, : no.
Okay so next morning (after the beating hearts, gleaming eyes, hesitant hand holding, and much-too-soon spooning) Jungkook woke up, took one good look at Taehyung sleeping soundly, and bolted.
It was a Saturday, a good day, and Jungkook had his fingers bent from how shaky they'd been since the night before. Taehyung held his hand all night, and Jungkook couldn't fucking sleep with that going on.
So here he was, in the library, with the laptop opened in front of him. It was currently 3 pm. He had successfully avoided Taehyung all day. Jungkook just had things to think about..
So Jungkook opened up google, opened up a tab, and then typed in. How do you know if your crush likes you back-
What the fuck what the fuck what the fuck- Jungkook deleted that sentence and then took a deep breath. What. Is he doing.
His hopes MUST stay below a certain level. The moment he rises them even an inch above that thin grey line, it means he's gotten his hopes up, and will soon see them tumble down.
"No, no no-" Jungkook mumbled under his breath, and then clenched his fists for a few seconds, and searched it up again.
How to know if your crush likes you back
Jungkook scrolled down the article, muttering dumbass under his breath again and again.
1. Notice physical contact!
This article was already way too enthusiastic, probably getting trafficked by losers who are pining over someone who will never like them back, aka- Jungkook.
Speaking of physical contact, Taehyung is quite touchy. Duh, you're fucking. If he wasn't touchy, that'd be weird.
No but, he's sometimes overly touchy? Like last night.. when he randomly grabbed Jungkook's hand and brushed the pad of his thumb over his fingers ever so softly, and Jungkook couldn't fucking THINK. Even now, just the thought of that small gesture sent Jungkook's heart racing.
2. Figure out their shyness around you!
Taehyung's not shy. Not at all. He's loud, assertive, dominant, lets everyone know what's in his mind, and doesn't hold back. Sometimes it comes off as borderline mean, but Jungkook's come to adore it.
That said- Taehyung's shy around Jungkook. Just sometimes.
Like the other day when Jungkook was doing art, and Taehyung's cheeks got kinda red. When Jungkook asked why, Taehyung scratched the back of his neck, did that thing where he pretends to look disinterested, and then asked if Jungkook could sit on his lap.
And Jungkook hid his blush and did, letting Taehyung wrap his arms around him and watch him paint while holding Jungkook. It was a silent ordeal, but it made Jungkook's heart flutter.
3. Notice if they treat you differently!
Yes! Oh my lord- Jungkook's literally heard the football guys bitching about how Taehyung doesn't say shit to Jungkook. While they all have to run laps, Jungkook sometimes slows down or stops to drink water, and Taehyung doesn't tell him off. Meanwhile Youngjae stops to breathe and Taehyung shouts at him.
Plus, Taehyung's.. nice to Jungkook. He's not nice to anyone else. Not even to the girls he's into. Not to Eka, or any of the other tens of girls he's hooked up with. No, only nice to Jungkook.
Only protective over you.
4. Check their interaction with you on social media!
193 likes, 47 comments jeonjungkooks i look like a bug lol
view comments...
eka11 awww so cute
lalalalisa_m this is so adorable!!
minyoongi damn maybe if i post an ugly pic of myself i'll get comments from girls too
hoseokj @minyoongi you'll never get comments from girls
minyoongi @hoseokj bro fuck u
kth_v aw
kth_v fuck
kth_v that picture of you is so fucking cute
kth_v im making it my lockscreen
jeonjungkooks shutupskdjskdj
Jungkook sighed, looking away from his phone. He's not.. dumb, right? There's only so much he can push aside before coming to terms with the fact that maybe Taehyung does return those feelings?
And maybe, just maybe, Taehyung telling Jungkook he's his best friend wasn't friendzoning? In fact it was something more? Misconstrued conceptions constructed in Taehyung's mind that he's trying to push aside?
Jungkook slammed his laptop screen shut, and turned in an instant, seeing Taehyung standing there, bandana yellow today, clad in a red sweater and sweatpants.
"H-hi." Jungkook said softly, and Taehyung sat down beside Jungkook, looking.. nervous.
"Um- why- why'd you leave this morning?" Taehyung asked, and Jungkook's breath hitched.
"No reason. I just- um- got a text from Jimin.. he didn't know where I was and stuff, so I left. Sorry." Jungkook said quickly, and Taehyung placed his hand on Jungkook's thigh.
"Good." He said, looking at his hand. "Anyways, what were you doing?"
"Nothing. Just working on a- um- english essay." Jungkook said quickly, and Taehyung rolled his eyes, taking his hand off Jungkook and leaning against his chair.
"God, Kookie. Your academic focus is quite endearing." Taehyung said, and Jungkook giggled.
"So is your sporty flare, Mr. Kim." Jungkook said, and Taehyung snickered, looking at Jungkook with an odd look on his face. Almost.. fond.
Taehyung suddenly leaned in, so he was quite close to Jungkook. "You ever wanna.. just.. kiss someone, but you can't, 'cause you're in public?" Taehyung asked softly.
Jungkook looked down at Taehyung's lips, gulping. "S-sometimes." Jungkook squeaked.
Taehyung hummed, and then pulled back, smiling at Jungkook, who seemed frazzled now. "Wanna play a game?"
"...A game?"
Jungkook giggled loudly, looking at Taehyung while holding a big dictionary. "Okay okay- what's the definition of... Diphthong."
Taehyung made the most confused face. "That one had to mean a bikini thong,"
"No! Stop guessing that for everything! It means two adjacent vowels occurring within the same syllable. Your turn!" Jungkook said, passing the dictionary to Taehyung.
They were sitting in the far away end of the library, by the geology and zoology section, alone, playing a dumb game where you read a word from the dictionary and the other has to guess the definition.
"I literally don't know a single word you just said. Okay... hmmm.." Taehyung said, flipping thought the dictionary. "Aholeahole."
"Asshole!" Jungkook said loudly while grinning, and Taehyung put his hand over Jungkook's mouth, both giggling.
"Baby you're too loud." Taehyung giggled, and then looked at the dictionary. "And no, it's the name of a species of Hawaiian flagtail native to the central Pacific." Taehyung read, and Jungkook rolled his eyes.
"It's not pronounced like that, genius! Okay, my turn-" Jungkook said, grabbing the book. While trying to grab the book, Taehyung grabbed his waist and pulled him onto his lap. Jungkook giggled brightly, gripping on Taehyung's shirt.
Jungkook fell onto his lap and looked at him closely, smiling. Taehyung looked back up at him, and then trailed a hand down Jungkook's spine. "Kookie.."
"Yeah?" Jungkook asked softly, and Taehyung looked up at him with somber eyes. Taehyung reached forward and pressed their lips together, and Jungkook hummed, kissing him back.
Jungkook pulled away for a split second. "V-" Jungkook squeaked, kissing him again, and then pulling away again. "Someone might catch us-"
"Don't-" Taehyung said suddenly, pulling away. "Don't call me that."
Jungkook paused. "W-what?"
"Call me by my real name," Taehyung said, looking hesitant, looking away as he always did. "Taehyung. Call me Taehyung."
"Taehyung." Jungkook repeated with him. "L-like that?"
"Yeah." Taehyung gulped. "I-I don't want others to, but you can. You can say it." Taehyung whispered, and Jungkook's heart skipped a beat.
"I-I can call you Taehyung?" Taehyung nodded.
"Taehyungie?" Jungkook said with a small smile, and Taehyung rolled his eyes but smiled nonetheless.
"Okay that's enough-"
Jungkook began giggling, kissing his forehead. "My TaeTae~"
"I hate you~" Taehyung said in the same tone, and Jungkook laughed harder, leaning in to kiss him tight, when suddenly they heard footsteps approaching.
Both pulled away from each other, jumping eons apart. Jungkook turned to the side and saw Jimin.
"Um.. hey.. what're you guys doing?" Jimin asked, and both boys gulped. They looked at each other, and then back at Jimin.
"Nothing." Both said together, and Jimin raised his eyebrow. They probably just made that 10 times more suspicious.
0 notes