#but I thought ‘nado first. cause they scare me the most
achliegh · 3 years
Yeehaw Leo… it's all because this song came on one day (I don’t even really listen to country anymore so it really is fate). Leo is based off that song, each chapter is going to be based off a yeehaw song too.
Characters belong to @lumosinlove
Beta: @the-most-slyterin-hufflepuff & @punkkkboi
TW/CW: Smut, terrible yeehaw sayings and jokes, injuries, mentions of past death/suicide, minor character death, underage drinking, mentions of past arrests, cringe
Chapter Songs (listening in order is recommended):
Chapter 7:
Bar Playlist: Youtube, Spotify
Fishing In the Dark
“Okay Logan, we are going to be on Peanut together. Sound good?” Leo held a kiss dazed Logan’s face in his hands as they spent the last hour convincing Logan to go on the trail ride with them. Kissing him until he couldn’t focus on his fear was seeming to work the best. Finn got in on it too before he had gotten on his own horse, along with most of the team. Celeste and Dumo decided to stay behind and help Judy clean up.
Leading a still dazed Logan over to Peanut he helps him up, Leo following soon after. Hands under Logan's arms holding the reins. Lo was leaning back into Leo’s chest and only noticed they were on a living vehicle when said vehicle started moving to join the others.
Leo rubbed a soothing hand over his side to let him know he was okay. Finn and Clay trotted over to Leo and Logan with a smile on their faces. There was a brown Burmese cat that was lazily stretched across Leroy’s rear behind Clay.
“It’s about time! From what I’ve heard Logan is pretty good at riding, should transfer over to equine.” Clay winks and Logan smacks Leo’s arm as he tries to hide his laugh. “Just know that Leo tells me everything… even stuff I don’t want to know. But I do the same with him.” Clay shrugs and turns around going over to Thomas, Noelle and Reg, the cat just fully relaxed as Leroy bumped it around.
“How long have you had him?” Thomas vaguely gestures to Clay and his posse.
“About 4 years, found him in the woods eating a rabbit.” Clay smiles at him as they ride side by side down the trail Leo and Logan were leading. Jerry, a little song bird that loves to ride with Leo anytime he goes down the trail perching himself on the rim of Leo’s hat.
“Wha- I thought horses were herbivores!” Clay looks up at a confused Thomas and raises an eyebrow, then it clicks.
“Oooohhhh, you think Leroy is a HE! Nope, she’s a mare! Had her since I was 9 years old. Tina is a man though, fathers all the kitties around the farm.” Smiling his million dollar smile at him. “I also have a sand boa named William-”
“Snakespear?” Clay blinks a few times and laughs nodding.
“Is it that obvious?”
“Maybe to some of us who… maybe still browse Tumblr on occasion.” Thomas winks at him causing Clay's face to heat up, swallowing the happy feelings that he knows he can’t have. He smiles back and trots ahead to be next to Logan and Leo.
Logan was gripping Leo’s wrist the entire trail ride, Finn was so distracted at one point Kuny let go of a tree branch and it smacked him across the face because he didn’t listen when he was told to duck.
It was a nice relaxing ride through the countryside, nothing fancy, just an easy going adventure. Everyone made it back to the pasture in one piece, thank god, everyone was hopping off and unsaddling the horses.
Leo got off Peanut first just for a moment, in that moment he watched Logan completely freak out when Peanut took three steps to the left to graze. Hiding his smiling by sucking his lips in between his teeth, walking over to Lo he helped him off of the horse. Logan was clinging to Leo like a koala, and tight enough it was hard for Leo to breath.
“You okay?” Leo put a hand under Logan’s booty to support him and ran his other hand through his soft curls. Hoping he felt safe now.
“I am now.” Logan looks up at him and smiles before lightly nipping at his jaw. Leo laughs a little and nods a thank you to Reg who is un saddling Peanut. Leading everyone inside to relax until they go out later tonight. Walking into the entrance hall and kicking off his boots all while holding Logan still.
“I thought these were school pictures!” Jackson, or Nado as the team calls him, points to the bunches of framed photos of Leo. “Are these… mugshots!?” He laughs in disbelief. The rest of the team starts to examine the pictures more closely. Some pictures had Leo with bruises or blood, some had him smiling with a middle finger up or peace signs, others had him looking annoyed. His younger one from when he was like 12 -13 years old were of him looking scared or crying.
“Yeah, they are all my mugshots from when I was, I think, 12 to this year. The Sheriff doesn't like us at all, arrests Clay and I for random reasons and even if, like when we were younger we would call the cops because someone vandalized the gate to the ranch and tried to break in. I got arrested for a false call. I was 14 I think. The cops are definitely not afraid to use force with us either… I hope he fucking leaves us alone while y’all are down visiting.” Leo is looking at his first mugshot ever of him sobbing at 12 years old. The week of his birthday, someone threw a rock through a window at a shop and blamed him.
“Is this your sister?” Timmy points to a mugshot of Eloise from last year and Reg bursts out laughing, Clay snorts and Leo looks confused.
“That’s my mom…”
Hours later, the drunk trio had already left for the bar to get a table and to talk to some of their friends they haven’t seen since the beginning of summer. The team was in their little ranch hand house getting ready, the speakers in the house all blaring Fast! By Sueco the Child because they know… they know there will be nothing but yeehaw music to assault and molest their ears tonight.
Thomas was pulling his grey shirt over his head, smoothing the fabric down as Noelle chills in her sweatpants and his t-shirt. People who didn’t want to go out are going over to Clay’s house to learn a bunch of mixed drink recipes and to talk shit. It was mostly the girls who didn’t feel comfortable getting harassed by middle aged men with beer guts, Dumo and Celeste who have become close friends with Judy overnight, and people who didn’t like going out in general. Like Olli, Adam, Timmy, and Sergei.
“We should talk to him.” Thomas sits down next to her and wraps an arm around her shoulders, kissing her forehead. Looking at the ceiling all he can think about is how easy they got along with Clay. How his smile and Noelle together made his heart speed up. When they both turned to look at him earlier he thought he was going to have a heart attack.
“I think you need to talk to him first, this is something new for you. To like a man. I- I’m not going to lie the thought of Clay and you separately give me the same feelings, but you two together. It makes me feel the happiest I’ve ever felt. Do you maybe want to talk to Lo or Finn before we talk to Clay? To make sure this isn’t just us… I don’t know, using Clay in a way we don’t mean to?”
“Yeah, I think that's a good idea. But when can we get them away from Leo long enough to talk to them?” Looking at his watch and hearing all the thumping down the stairs he gives her one last kiss before standing up and stretching.
“You could try to corner one of them tonight?” She smiles at him and winks at him as he shakes his head. “Have a good time tonight, Babe.”
“You too.” He heads out the bedroom down and down the stairs. He was riding with James and Coops to the Bar but maybe he would try to switch and ride with Finn and Logan.
“Red-ay!” James slings his arm around his shoulders and ruffles his hair. He thinks for a moment, then sees Finn swinging the keys to his rental car on his finger as Logan is on the ground struggling to yank his boots on. He was wearing heavy combat boots to dance around at a ‘Honkey-Tonk’ as Leo calls it. Seems like a bad idea.
“Actually I think I’m gonna tag along with Finn and Logan.” He smiles at James who shrugs and slaps his back before running off. Walking over to Finn, he looks down at Logan and gives Finn an ‘is he serious?’ look.
“He doesn’t want to be called short by all the hot cowboys and these are the tallest shoes he owns.” Sighing he looks back at Logan who is laying flat on the ground out of breath from fighting with his shoes. Reaching out he helps him up. “What’s up?”
“I’m gonna ride with you if that's fine.”
“Sounds good, let's go.” Finn skips to the car while Thomas and Logan walk side by side. Getting in the car, Thomas was squished into the backseat. As soon as the doors close he is asking questions.
“How did you guys know?”
“Know what?” Logan looks back at him as Finn starts the car. Thomas looks out his window watching the other cars pull out and start driving towards the gate.
“Know that three was the perfect number for you…” He looks back at them and sees them share a look for a moment, having a silent conversation before Logan climbs into the back with Thomas.
“It took us a long time to figure out, but we knew that Leo was for us because we could barely function as a couple without him. Like we could do it but, it just wouldn’t be the same. There was always something missing after we both started getting feelings for him.” Logan sighs a little. “It's hard to explain but it was like there was always a perfect Leo sized gap wherever we went. Once we both realized we wanted him, and he wanted us… it was a no brainer to ask him to be with us.”
“It’s definitely a feeling of loss when they leave and it's just you two together. So maybe it will cement your feelings when you get away from that person for a while. If they are the main topic of conversation when it's just you and Noelle… maybe three is the perfect number for you as well.” Finn smiles at him as he drives past the gate and follows the google map to the bar.
“What if we have already had time without them and.. We- I don’t know, we want to talk to them but I’m scared because.” He gulps and wipes his sweaty palms on his jeans. “Because I’ve never felt this way towards a guy before.” Finn blinks a couple of times and Logan nods, making a noise of understanding.
“ It’s a scary feeling at first, I freaked out for a long time until I finally met Finn. Then I freaked out even more and actually tried to leave the Frat. Then I finally let myself fall and I fell fast and in the stupidest way.” He laughs a little remembering when he realized he was in love with Finn. “Basically Finn had this mini basketball hoop in our dorm room the first year we had to share a room. Second semester I finally gave in to my desire for him. We had sex, honestly it was terrible because neither of us had any fucking clue what we were doing. But after, this bitch!” He starts laughing as Finn starts getting red on the tips of his ears from embarrassment. “He got up after like two minutes of cuddling because he had so much energy and started playing basketball! I was curled up in my duvet watching him with a sore ass, and a stupid smile… That's when I knew he was for me.” Smiling at Finn, just absolutely in love he turns to look at Thomas who is still laughing a little.
“I think I realized I liked… This person after they sent me a video of them playing a harmonica really annoyingly and another person in the car threw it out the window and he pulled another one out of his pocket.” Snickering, he smiles at them. “Thanks for not freaking out on me, Noelle told me to talk to you guys because she also really really likes Clay.” He realizes he just said the name he was trying to avoid and looks at them a little worried.
“It was pretty obvious how she was flirting with him all afternoon, and you just kind of watched and looked like a little puppy following them around.” Logan moves out of the way as Thomas tries to smack his arm and puts his hands up in surrender. “Sorry! Sorry! I meant like the big strong manly man you are.” Laughing, Finn pulls into a parking spot in front of the bar and shuts the car off.
Walking into the bar the smell of sweat and beer washed over them, making them scowl for a moment. They spot Reg talking to a blonde girl with a red cowgirl hat on. Leo and Clay are already hustling a game of pool with some people who look about the same age as them. The team made their way to the tab Reg was at and got comfortable. Ordering drinks and listening to music. Leo and Clay stopped by after losing $100 on the pool game. Chatting for a few moments when suddenly a sound like bagpipes came over the speakers.
Thomas watched as Clay's face completely lit up, dragging Leo out onto the dance floor. Everyone got into orderly lines and started stepping and dancing to the song all the same. It was mesmerizing. Thomas would be lying if he said he didn’t watch Clay completely lose himself in the music and didn’t have to take a drink to cure his cottonmouth. Especially when those goldish lights would land on them.
Making them even brighter than before, the lights giving Clay’s skin a bronze glow. When Clay pulled his tank top out of the waistband of his jeans, he choked on his beer. Patting his back Finn was chuckling as he watched Leo dance.
He moved so easily, like it was second nature, the dance didn’t look hard but Finn was known to have two left feet off the ice. The lights were amazing, making Leo’s hair poking out from under his hat look like gold leaf.
He was beautiful.
It was obvious that Leo and Clay were platonic soulmates, they mirrored every move perfectly. They had fun and acted like they were the only ones on the floor and whipping their heads back and forth to the beat of the music made Clay kick Leo by accident and he would just laugh.
Once the song was over Logan, Leo, Sirius, Thomas and Clay all went to smoke outside. Sirius and Thomas were out there to get some fresh air while Logan and Leo traded a cig back and forth. Clay puffed on his own and closed his eyes looking up to the sky. Hearing Footloose come on over the speakers Logan and Leo rushed inside because that was one song Logan actually knew how to dance to.
Leo joined him on the floor and would laugh but catch him anytime he would stumble with his boots. He would end up spinning Logan back into place and singing off key from behind him.
Reg was watching his friends as he spoke with Kuny about the wildly different styles of boots and hats people were wearing when a panicked looking Clayton came up to him. Grabbing his arm and walking towards the one dark lit corner of the bar and kicking a couple who was making out, out of the corner. He turns to Reg. Watching someone behind Reg walk towards the door and leave.
“You alright?”
“Thomas just kissed me…” Looking at him with wide eyes looking so lost, Reg grabs his arm to make sure he doesn’t bolt. “He kissed me and he has a girlfriend Reg! I- I’m not a homewrecker I swear!”
“Whoa whoa, hey Clay. Look at me.” Clay makes eye contact with him and starts to relax. “Thomas isn’t the type of person to just kiss someone out of nowhere, and I bet he is going to tell Noelle right away. It’s okay.”
“But Reg, I really like them… like in the way Leo likes both Logan AND Finn. I don’t want to lose them. I just figured it out the other night. I was never going to act on it because, its pretty fucking rare, but now Thomas did and- and what do I do!”
“How about we go and sit down for a couple of songs? Maybe dancing might help you out because it always seems to relax you. Okay?” Clay nods and follows Reg back to the table, after a few fidgeting moments he goes to the bar and orders a couple of shots and takes them all in a matter of seconds. Taking a deep breath he starts to relax. He feels a familiar hand run from his shoulder to his hip.
“Long time no see, huh.” She smiles a sly smile at him and leans her back on the bar. She was wearing a low spaghetti strap tank top and painted on blue jeans with red boots that look like Clay’s. He swallows a little. She did look good, and he was getting to be just drunk enough to be horny.
“What do you want?” She catches him looking at her boobs and smirks; he flushes red and turns around to also lean his back on the bar, looking out to the dance floor where some of the team has joined Leo in dancing to Hillbilly Bone by Trace Adkins. He looked at the table and noticed Reg staring directly at him.
“I just wanted to say hi, looks like you’ve really been taking care of yourself.” She feels his arm that he unintentionally flexes and she squeezes his muscle. He looks at Reg one last time, making his decision, he looks back at her and nods towards the door.
He leaves with her.
“Are you fucking kidding me.” Reg watches him leave. Absolutely shocked. He gets up from the table and walks onto the floor, walking over to Leo he taps his shoulder. Leaning down so Reg can talk into his ear, Reg tells Leo exactly what happened.
Looking up and around the bar he can’t spot Clay anywhere, he excuses himself from the group and walks outside with Reg. Seeing Clay’s truck is still there they walk over to it and knock on the window before looking in. Empty. They left.
“Fuck. I’m texting Judy.” Leo does exactly that.
Leo, having taken a few drinks to calm down, lets himself relax. He was at a bar with his friends and boyfriends, he could have a little bit of fun. They all decided they were leaving in an hour anyway.
So when Fishing in the dark by The Nitty Gritty Dirt Band starts he grabs Finn and pulls him close swaying to the beat of the music as he mumbles the words into his neck, still stressing about Clay leaving like that. Holding Finn as close to him as he could he let himself just forget about anything but the man in direct contact with his body.
Once the song had finished he stood there still holding Finn for an extra couple of moments, letting Finn kiss the top of his head, his hat being on Logan’s head who was sitting at the table because his feet hurt. They eventually pull apart and start back towards the table.
“Oh fucking Christ!” Leo sighs as he notices who has taken his chair at the table. Ashley’s brother and the Sheriff’s son. David. He walks over and stands next to the chair. “What the hell are you doing over here?”
“I’m socializing with some new people, you didn’t bring them. Why would they want anything to do with you?” He laughs and his lackeys on the other side of the chair also laugh and slap his shoulder.
“Actually they did come here with me.” He crosses his arms and the rest of the team is looking a little uncomfortable and confused. “So if you and your shithead friends would oh so kindly leave. I would appreciate it.” Narrowing his eyes David stands up in a way that is sizing Leo up. Leo raises an unimpressed brow because David is a good five inches shorter than him and a scrawny man.
“Do they know you’re a fucking faggot? That you’re a cockslut? A fairy?”
“Why do you think we are here?” James pipes up and the three idiots across the table look at him in shock.
“You’re a whore, I could never!” David looking back at Leo and jabbing a finger in his chest. Looking David up and down slowly with a cringed face he nods.
“Yeah, you couldn’t. Now, I believe I asked y'all to leave.” Leo points with his thumb behind him.
“You’re dad would be so proud.” Leo grabs him by the collar of his shirt and aggressively pulls him closer to him with a look of pure fury on his face.
“What the fuck did you just say?”
“I said. you’re disgusting dad-” Leo is pulled away from David by Sirius.
“At least my dad wasn’t a murder!”
“AT LEAST MY DAD DIDN’T KILL HIMSELF!” Leo stops fighting against Sirius’ grip and calmly gets away from him, storming out the doors, kicking them open and walking towards his truck. Kicking rocks up and trying his best to hold himself together. Getting into his truck he slams the door and grips the steering wheel, pressing his forehead against the hot plastic and squeezing his eyes shut as tight as he can.
Minutes later Finn and Logan crawl into the truck in silence. Leo goes to apologize but they hush him and just give him understanding smiles and both of them cup one of his cheeks. He was so close to crying but he just couldn’t. Not in front of them, the people who are supposed to see him at his best.
Once they get home everyone goes to their rooms and Leo walks down behind the barn to the pond.
He spends the night by himself under his dad’s tree.
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shinymooncolor · 4 years
Hope you’re all doing well this fine Friday. Here’s part 2 of the sweater weather chat #13!
As usual, we owe this entire fandom and world to the amazing @lumosinlove 💓
Thank you to @frombeauxbatons and @siriuslyqueer for being so cool!
Also - to avoid confusion. A Finn is a Finnish person and Finn is our love Finn o’hara 😜
Link to part one 💖
Sergei is still mad about his hair. He’s also got sweaty glitter in his eye. Ava is adorable. Nado and Kuny hosts an after party. Their cat is adorable and spoiled. Nado is being stalked by a drone. Blizzard is a lucky man. We discuss dick pics. Logan wants to be supportive. O’Knutzy jerseys!!!!! Olli has a team of protectors cause he’s a precious moomin.
“Oh, looks like we have a young lions prospect joining us as well. Nice to meet you, young lady, what’s your name? And here we have Kris LaVolie, Pascal Dumais and Henrik Sunnquist as well”
“Jackieeee wanna pwayyyyy”
“Sure kiddo - bye”
“Seems like LaVolie junior has more important things than press. Gentlemen, hi! How’re you enjoying this event today?”
“I think it’s great! Great to be able to support charities and show some support in general and it’s always fun to be able to bring my little girl to skate”
“She looks like a natural! And you two vets - what’s it like seeing this in the nhl?”
��It’s great! We’ve, or well me and sunny, have been in the game for a long time and it seems like the league is ready to move into the 21st century with the rest of us”
“I’ve been trying to figure out what happened to Ivanov’s hair. Do you know?”
“Well I don’t personally. I do like the color - mixed with his blonde it’s nearly the color of my home. Yellow and blue”
“Did you dye his hair then?”
“I would never! You’d have to ask him yourself. Hah”
“Well he’s been avoiding me so far”
“Oi Sergei!!”
“Well with that bellow it seems we’re finally joined by the final third in the trio of lions veterans today - sergei - we’ve had a lot of viewers ask us about your choice of hair color today? Is it a statement or?”
“Is stupid prank. I’m find out and make regret. Also I’m full with glitter and it sweats into my eye”
“That sounds uncomfortable but you all four look good - are your families here as well?”
“Yes, most kitted out as well. We had some trouble with my youngest who refused to wear anything but a paw patrol onesie but other than that Celeste managed to wrangle the other three into their jerseys”
“They think it’s fun and the glitter was a hit. Sergei’s daughter dumped an entire box of glitter on Logan and kuny. It was funny”
“Thanks guys, you look like you’re ready to get back out there”
“See ya”
“Wait, Logan, interview?”
“Logan! We’ve had multiple asks about your jersey and the name which seems to be on the back off Leo Newt and Finn O’Hara too?”
“Uhm, yeah, it’s an inside thing”
“Ohh okay, our viewers were wondering. Are you enjoying today’s event?”
“Yeah. Feels good to be out and supporting you know? Like there’s a lot of kids out there who’s scared and if I can help one I want to”
“Yes definitely. We’ve had so many positive comments come in. And here we have Olli Halla joining. Or... heh well. He’s got Logan in a headlock now”
“Olli! How’re you today?”
“I’m good thank you, how’re you?”
“Very well, just been asking some questions from viewers. Are you enjoying wearing the rainbow colors? We’ve had a lot of question regarding your relationship status?”
“Ohh Ollibear is a precious, single moomin and he’s got a team of protectors. Whoever wants to woo our precious baby Finn has to go through a series of tests to even be considered”
“Shut up timmy”
“Well here we have Timmy Jones as well, joining Logan Tremblay and Olli Halla”
“I think we all look good in rainbows and I’m happy to support this cause. Mental health is important and we have to use our platforms to make sure everyone is seen and heard and validated”
“Aww Olli you’re making me cry”
“Shut up lo, go play with Finn”
“Haha you’re all just jealous cause I look best in rainbows”
“That was Logan Tremblay. Now, timmy, how’re you feeling about today?”
“Get to wear awesome colors, get to skate for fun and it was fun to do glitter wars in the locker room”
“Well with that I’m gonna end the transmission for now. Do send in more questions. We’re back after a short break”
Nadotheman: oiii glitter after party at our house!!! Bring your families and babies. Pets welcome too!!!
Blizzard: this is not another surprise party for your cat right?
RussianGod: it was anniversary for first month very important say so in lily baby book.
Prongstar: are you using our baby books to raise a cat?
KrisVolley: that explains a lot. They send me weekly updates. Do you have a baby book for her too?
Timmyforrealz: of course, I’ve seen it. You know they have a photographer every month. They do parties for her every anniversary and they went through an agency to get a cat sitter
Ollibear: it’s cute. Though I don’t need the daily updates on her mice eating skills
Nadotheman: she’s so talented! How’re you not impressed? She hunted and killed it herself... you don’t complain when we have some stupid kid party. You all breed like fucking rabbits... baby showers, christenings, birthdays ahhhh... so many babies... we get to celebrate our cat too...
Prongstar: did you steal my baby book? To raise a cat. That’s weird
Nadotheman: calm down she’s a kitty and we didn’t know how to raise her. At least my baby sleeps through the night.
Prongstar: don’t compare a kitten to my baby.
CarbO’Hara: hahahahaha poor James. His kid being upstaged by a spoilt kitten.
RussianGod: she’s not spoilt. She got good parents
Sergei_81: you are weird. Baby cat is not baby human.
Talkiewalkie: I did enjoy the circle of life themed cat name giving party. The snacks were really good!
DumoDad: celeste, Anya and linnea want to know if there’s going to be anything x-rated? Otherwise we’re all not going.
Nadotheman: that was one time and I had no idea she was a stripper
LeWilliam: how do you accidentally order a stripper?
Prongstar: it’s Nado. I wouldn’t put it past him. He did accidentally adopt a penguin in Pittsburgh and he’s joined like three pyramid schemes?
Ollibear: that’s why he’s got an accountant now 😂 that is one of the best memories of my life, when Nado’s mom came and yelled 😂😂😂
Siriusly: I spent $150 on a stupid cat present and she spent the rest of the evening playing with the box it came in... she’s definitely your cat...
RussianGod: best cat best cat parents best after party stop whiny
Logantremblayzzz: we’re in!!! Is the jacuzzi on?
Nadotheman: you’re not doing sex stuff in our jacuzzi
Newt-leo: we’ve all seen the photos of you doing it though. Little hypocritical
Nadotheman: well stupid drone stalking me.
Sergei_81: we bring vodka. And babies. They want play street hockey? Is March. They crazy
Talkiewalkie: oh I’m in for street hockey!! Also does that explain the amount of dick pics we’ve received?
Nadotheman: what happens on Snapchat stays on Snapchat... you’re all dirty voyeurs...
Ollibear: thought you promised to keep this pg-13?
DumoDad: that’s the pArty not the chat. I don’t think we’ve exhausted the topic of nado’s general sluttiness
Nadotheman: oi. I’m not a slut I’m sexually expressive and ya lot is all just jealous.
Nadotheman: also no one is chasing kuny? He’s dating around as much as me and he’s also sent dick pics
Blizzard: the difference is that Kuny is always naked or semi naked and well we’ve all seen his. And most of his bragging is in Russian anyways
Sunnysideup: hah if you understood you’d be ashamed. And also want to lock up your daughters.😂😂😂
RussianGod: is the accent. They all think they fix me hehe
Prongstar: I’m not even missing being single at all 😳
Blizzard: me neither 😜
Nadotheman: you’ve got Nat. I think you’ve won. Hands down. Your wives are all cool but Nat.... damnnnn 🙏🏻
Blizzard: id say back off but. What can I do 😜💖💖
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cammi-writes · 5 years
Title: Connor’s First
Part: part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5
a/n | warnings: things get steamy and our favorite android experiences his first loss of control with Y/n.
Fandom: Detroit: Become Human
Pairings: Connor RK800 x Reader
Tags: @ageathas , @bethanystan , @pokengirl2 , @boatsfordays ,@spirit-of-the-void , @tae-nado , @galaxypickles , @panpott , @send-me-to-valhalla , @mikithekiki , @purpstraw , @mynahx3 , @hufflepuffing-all-day-long , @iamnotjesha , @clussysposts , @soy-una-conejo , @datweirdname , @bandseverywhere2246 , @simi11 , @holographicang3l​ , @darkipliers-world​ , @thatsucks24​ , @ message me if you want to be tagged
Connor believed that he was thinking logically when his programming deducted that the odds of you speaking to him ever again were slim to none. But in hindsight, that was his deviancy. It was his fear that made him believe that you would hate him forever.
“Y/n-” You cut Hank off by pushing past him.
“Where is he?” You growled, the alcohol still burning through your veins.
“He’s asleep.” Hank lied and you gave him a flat look.
“Androids don’t sleep.”
“Y/n just-”
“She is correct, Lieutenant. I do not sleep.” Connor spoke up from the kitchen.
You spun on your heels and glared at the android in front of you.
99.9% possibility of anger.
Connor felt something in his chest. It made him feel on edge. He didn’t like this feeling.
“Don’t ‘Detective’ me.” You hissed at him. “What the hell was that?”
“I’ll be in my room.” Hank grumbled, leaving the two of you alone.
“I apologize for my actions earlier this evening, Y/n. I hope Detective Reed is alright.” Connor spoke robotic, which only fueled your anger.
“You broke his nose.” You crossed your arms. “Do you know how much begging I had to do to make sure he didn’t go to Fowler?”
“Most likely, a lot.” Connor nodded.
“Damn right, a lot.” You glared harder at him.
Connor didn’t like how he felt under your stare. He was getting the urge to run away, making him shuffle on his feet. He was trying to keep eye contact with you but the blaze of anger behind your e/c eyes was both exciting and terrifying him.
“I do not like the way you are looking at me, Y/n.” Connor tried to sound normal, but for the first time, his words were mumbled. Most definitely a mutation in his programming.
“I don’t like it when you punch my friends.” You cross your arms.
Connor tried to apologize again but he couldn’t. His own anger bubbling in his programming. Flashes of you and Gavin’s past flied before him before his words spilled out.
“Detective Reed is not just one of your friends.”
His accusatory tone made your heart jump. The way his eyes squinted at you made you uneasy. You had never seen Connor so raw with his emotions. And you wanted to see more of it.
“And what if he wasn’t just my friend?” You challenged him.
“Then you would be foolish to choose him.” Connor’s emotions melted away, a calm tone overtaking his angry one.
“How so?” You pushed.
“He could never make you feel the things I could.” Connor’s icy tone made your abdomen coil in desire. You could imagine the filthy things that could leave his mouth next. You wanted to continue pushing this to see where it could lead. But the pain that flashed behind Connor’s angry eyes made you realize how selfish you were being.
“Connor...” You sighed.
Connor felt embarrassment and fear pass through him. Images of you rejecting him flashed through his circuits. He imagined you laughing about his crush with Gavin. Mocking him. He started overheating and had to activate his cooling process before he shut down completely.
“Do not worry, detective. I completely understand.” Connor’s voice was sharp again. He couldn’t make himself sound emotionless... Not anymore. Not since he met you.
“Connor, can you just listen to me-”
“No. No I cannot, detective.” Connor snapped. He’s had enough of all of this. “Becoming a deviant was hard but the months following were easy. It was slow. I felt the same. Until the day you sauntered your way to my desk. Ever since then, it’s been a battle everyday dealing with my emotions.”
You gulped as Connor took three long strides closer to you.
“You are breaking me.” You could feel Connor’s synthetic breath on your face. “Since the day I met you, I’ve been breaking. The android in me is breaking. My programming has been mutating to feel things for you. My processors, my thirium pump, all of it. They’re working in overdrive just to keep up with you and the way you make me feel.”
Your eyes widened as Connor leaned closer. Fury still evident in his beautiful brown orbs.
“You’re making me more human, every moment I’m with you.”
Connor was experiencing something new. His rage was controlling him. He was fighting against his emotions, the same way he had once fought against his programming. He knew he was going to scare you away with everything he was saying. He just couldn’t stop himself. Every time a thought formulated in his mind, he spoke it without weighing the potential damage they may cause.
You tried to speak, your mouth opening and closing, but nothing was coming out. Your heart was pounding, your eyes were hazy. You didn’t know how to respond. But the urge for Connor to come closer, was overwhelming.
“Don’t blame that on me.” You breathlessly whispered.
Connor made a noise that sounded like the hybrid of a scoff and a laugh while shaking his head.
“Who else could I possibly blame?”
Connor lunged for you, pressing you roughly against the wall of Hank’s living room.
“Connor?” You gasped.
“I should hate you. That would be the most logical feeling in response to the way you make me feel. I should remove you from my existence. Avoid you no matter what. Then I would be at peace.” The way Connor viciously whispered into your ear made you shiver in anticipation. “But I don’t want peace.”
Then his lips were on yours. It was sloppy and he was producing too much synthetic saliva. Obviously, inexperienced but it was the best kiss of your life. The way he pressed so roughly against you made you moan into his mouth. You never wanted it to end.
Connor ripped himself away from you, a tendril of saliva connecting from his mouth to yours.
“You can be with, Gavin.” Connor spoke his name like it burned his tongue. “But I don’t see the point of feeling, if you’re not the source of them.”
He took a step back, still processing his own words, despite being in control of the situation.
You stood there, panting. Your cheeks were flushed. You didn’t know what to say or do but his words angered you.
“You’re so stupid for an never-ending source of information.” You hissed, making his eyebrows furrow. “I don’t want to be with Gavin. I want to be with you.”
You launched forward, reconnecting your lips with Connor’s. He was still at first, still registering your words before he slowly started reciprocating.
Connor felt like he was short circuiting. He couldn’t keep his mind off of you or the way you shoved your tongue into his mouth. That’s why he stumbled back, landing on the couch with you on top of him.
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dented-nado · 5 years
"You haven't lost me," Harvey Dent and Bruce Wayne. Love ya so nado
Visiting Arkham wasn’t something that anyone really decided on doing. Aside from housing some of the most notorious killers and criminals, the place itself was… well… they could stand to at least put a smiley face on a wall somewhere.
It was a running joke among Gothamites that Arkham was where the insane went to get more insane and the sane went to lose their minds.
Except for Bruce, it wasn’t a joke.
It seemed no matter what he did, no matter how much money he tried to throw, he couldn’t get Arkham to change. The money would never end up where it was meant to, and he’d be damned if he let any of his funds go to the wrong places, even accidentally or unknowingly.
Making a new mental hospital? Separating out whatever the joker was from everyone else? Getting helpful treatment for those who really need it? It was… frustrating, infuriating really how difficult something that should be so simple based on the needs of human beings suffering both in Arkham and all over Gotham deserve.
He hated it, every time, as Batman when he had to drag people like Harleen Quinnzel and Edward Nygma back there; knowing it was still slightly better than being left to their own devices to terrorize others in the city. Each time he watched them taken to be locked up with a hole in his chest, knowing that if they just had the right help, right outlet, they wouldn’t have to be locked up anymore. He wanted to make it happen… god did he want to make that happen. Someday he would.
Then there was the purpose of his visit, as himself without any armor unless you counted the classic “Brucie” smile as armor. Harvey Dent.
His best friend since… well… birth.
The best friend that may be gone forever, lost in a maze of his own mind, trapped by two face who took out every ounce of pent up pain, anger, loss, regret, guilt that Harvey had ever felt on the world - all with the flip of a coin that had been held over his head as the decider of all things since he barely knew how to talk.
The worst part, Bruce was sure it was his fault. What kind of friend was he, to have not seen it sooner? He knew something was wrong, but he didn’t do anything. And now he’s lost someone else he cared so much about forever.
At least that’s what he told himself.
Finally, he was able to drop his smile that had been making the muscles in his cheeks burn in protest for pure appearances as he approached the single metal chair that sat in front of an inch of bullet-proof glass. Hoping, praying even he’d hear his friend's voice today, that Harvey would still be there… somewhere... to quiet the growing doubt in his mind.
“…You again pretty boy?”
No, it was two-face again today. He’d maintained his composure up to this point, but he couldn’t find it in him to stop the deep sigh that catapulted out of his mouth.
“Disappointed?” Two-face taunted, turning the scared and warped side of his face towards Bruce as if to emphasize his point.
Bruce met his eyes, searching almost desperately, despite knowing it was fruitless.
“I won’t stop coming until I can talk to him.” Bruce declared stubbornly, leaning forward on the metal desk, having to be careful not to slip too much into Batman despite wanting to grab Two-Face by the shoulders and demand he tell him that Harvey was still there, that this other personality hadn’t fully taken over and left nothing behind. “And I’ll keep coming after that.”
“Whatever you want to say to him you can say to me.” Harv growled with as close to a  smile as he could get with dead nerves and stiff muscles on one side of his face, all while referring to Harvey like something nasty he had stepped on. “I’ll make sure he gets the message.”
Bruce paused, it was a new offer from Two-Face, though knowing him he had no real intention to pass the message along. Maybe he expected Bruce to insult this new persona, to demand that Harvey became the caring man he once was as soon as possible.
He instead leaned back in defeat, too drained already to yell, or beg, or plead… so he spoke with all that was left in him.
“I’m sorry.”
Two-face tilted his head at him. “For what? If it’s for when you forgot Harvey’s birthday because you didn’t get any sleep , I don’t give two shits, and I don’t think he even remembers.”
Well, he was still sorry about that, even if he had been stopping a number of bombs from going off the night before that had caused him to forget about a birthday he had previously never missed.
Bruce inhaled sharply through his nose. “I’m sorry because I should have known something was wrong, known you needed help… I should have realized when you seemed so adamant about not wanting to go home most of the time, or have me over when we were growing up - that you were… you were… needed to get out of there.” Bruce began to ramble, not caring as Two-face stared at him coldly, any thoughts behind those eyes completely unreadable. It wasn’t anything like the days where Bruce thought he could read his best friend like a book, and Harvey seemed to just intuitively be able to complete his thoughts.
“I wish I hadn’t been so wrapped up in my own world that I couldn’t see you were suffering in silence for so long. And I’m sorry that… that I’ve lost you because I was a bad friend.”
There was a long sickening silence, a distant scream from who knows where echoing from somewhere deep within the asylum and the tap of a guards foot the only sounds that could be heard as Bruce stared at his feel, wondering if he should just leave, accept defeat, accept that he was never going to see Harvey in that face again.
“You haven’t lost me Bruce.”
Two-Face usually spoke with a slightly gruff voice that edged upon a roar, but that… that was said a deep but soft voice Bruce was so used to but hadn’t heard in so long.
His head shot up to find him with his hands pressed up against the glass, staring at Bruce like he just wanted to break through the glass and hold him just for a moment, just long enough to tell him he was going to be okay, even if he didn’t believe it.
“It’s never been your fault Bruce. Don’t ever think you were a bad friend!”
“He never spoke up about it.”
“I never said anything. I…I couldn’t! But you, you’ve always been there for me.”
“He was too weak.”
Bruce stared at them, yes them, because he wasn’t talking to Harvey or Harv anymore, he was talking to both of them.
“You… I… I could’ve…” Bruce stammered, trying to catch up with the situation.
“Shut up pretty boy, there’s nothing you could have done.”
Bruce stared back at them, baffled and yet… for the first time hope bloomed in his chest. Of course… he had been treating Two-Face like a in-human monster, a demon that had possessed his otherwise innocent and kind friend’s body. Much like anyone does with their own feelings of pain or anger, shamed it and declared it deplorable and evil... something they’d rather not deal with in themselves.
“If anything… I was worried this…” Harvey clenched his fist, and Harv followed close behind with his own fist. “Would make me lose you.”
Bruce leaned forward, lightly touching the glass with his own hands over where their fists still leaned and pressed his forehead against it with a breath of air that betrayed him by coming out unstable and shaky.
“Never. You’ll never lose me.” He closed his eyes and smiled. “I think I’ve said before… once I’ve decided I like you, you’re never getting rid of me.”
He heard Harvey snicker slightly, and Bruce popped one eye open and smirked teasingly at them.
“No, you're both stuck with me for life.”
“Wouldn’t have it any other way pretty boy.”
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roh-tae · 8 years
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sequel of Separated
Genre: baby daddy au, a little bit of everything
Featuring: Jiwon (Bobby) x reader
A/n: I called Jiwon “Bobby” in the first part, but I’m changing it to Jiwon cause I like calling him that better for this scenario
“You, you what?”
You stared at Jiwon shocked at his words.
I want us back.
You knew in your heart you wanted it too, not just for Dabin, though that was your main reason. But you also still loved Jiwon, you had wished for so long that you two could get back together. Be the happy family you once were. You were so sure that Jiwon didn’t want that, and now hearing that he did, you were more confused that you thought you would be.
You had told yourself, the day Jiwon asks to try again, you’d immediately say yes. But now that the day was here, you weren’t so sure it was the right thing. The sudden change of routine, how would it affect Dabin? Surely she would love it, having you two together under the same roof again, but it’s not like you could just forget everything that had happened in the past with Jiwon.
“I want us back, I want us to try again. For Dabin, it’s what she needs, and deserves.“
He held your hands in his as you just looked at them, the sight seeming so unfamiliar.
“Um, I, I don’t know. Can we just talk about this later? I need to get Dabin home for dinner.”
You looked over his shoulder, seeing your daughter still peacefully sleeping despite the loud atmosphere of the practice room.
“How about I come over for dinner? We can both be around her again, we can put her to bed together, and then we can talk about things.” His smile was hopeful, his suggestions sounded good, refreshing almost. You knew Dabin would love them, so you caved.
“Okay, you can come over.”
He smiled wide as he quickly went to gather up his things and tell the guys while you went to wake up Dabin.
“Dabin~ Sweetie, time to go home.”
You smiled as she sat up, rubbing her eyes, then smiling and hugging you.
“How about you go kiss everyone goodbye and I’ll put your things in your bag for you?”
She gave you a big smile along with an Okay mommy! You watched as she hugged all the guys goodbye, kissing their cheeks and them doing the same to her.
You held out her bag once she returned to your side, helping her place the straps over her shoulders.
“Wait! I have to say goodbye to daddy.” She looked around, searching for Jiwon who was walking over as he checked his phone.
“Actually, daddy is coming over tonight, for dinner.”
You laughed as you saw the look on her face, it was the brightest smile you’d seen her have in awhile. “He is?”
“I am!” Jiwon held out his arms as Dabin jumped into them, laughing as he tickled her and kissed her cheeks.
“Can you sleep over?”
Jiwon looked to you, his expression changing as he didn’t want to say anything to get her hopes up. “It’s up to mommy, let’s just get some food first. I’m hungry!”
“Me too!”
You both laughed at her as she raised her hand high in the air while you made your way out of the practice room.
As the three of you started off down the sidewalk, the walk to your apartment not being too long, you nor Jiwon had much to say, leaving Dabin to do most of the talking. She was rambling on about puppies and other animals, occasionally asking “Mom, dad, did you hear me?” To which you two would laugh and in unison respond, “Yes Dabin, we did.”
Eventually, she’d rested her head on Jiwon’s shoulder, not having much to say as she was growing hungrier. You kept your view forward, not noticing Dabin whispering in Jiwon’s ear, but noticing him laugh before whispering back to her. You just ignored it, softly smiling to yourself, loving having your family somewhat back together.
As you continued walking, your hand flinched when you felt Jiwon’s hand take hold of yours and intertwine your fingers with his. You looked down confused, then met his gaze as he just smiled.
“Dabin told me to.”
You looked to see your daughter smiling and giggling behind her hands, which made you smile. Jiwon was shocked at first that you didn’t drop his hand once Dabin had forgotten about it, but he didn’t comment about it, loving the feeling. He’d missed this just like you, and he was happy that Dabin had convinced him to go for it.
When the three of you arrived to your apartment, Jiwon and Dabin went to play in the living room while you made dinner. Jiwon had asked a few times if you needed or wanted any help, but you kindly declined, preferring to watch the two of them playing together.
She really did love being with Jiwon. She laughed more, smiled more, she was different when she got to spend time with him. Having the both of you really was better for her. But you weren’t completely ready to give Jiwon a second chance, not so fast.
“This is soup is really good y/n.”
You smiled to Jiwon as Dabin nodded in agreement, slurping up her noodles.
“Dabin.” You shot her a look, just making her laugh, soon Jiwon joining in. “Sorry mommy.”
You softly smiled to yourself as you continued eating, the two of them just giggling to themselves. Though much wasn’t said, you enjoyed this, having the three of you together for dinner. It was different, but a good different. You’d been so used to it just being you and Dabin, it was nice to change things up and have Jiwon here.
Once you all had finished eating, it was time to get Dabin cleaned up and off to bed.
You brushed her teeth and had Jiwon grab some pajamas for her to change into. Once you were done with her, you had her go change while you went to get her a up of water to put by her bed.
As you filled up her cup, you headed down the hall, stopping before entering her room as you listened to her and Jiwon.
“Daddy, can you sing for me?”
“But you know how bad of a singer daddy is.”
“You’re not, you’re good! You always sing for me.”
“Okay, anything for you. Let me see~”
You smiled as you could see them through the crack of the door. Dabin smiling up at Jiwon as he searched his brain for a song to sing for her.
“Geudaereul barabol ttaemyeon, modeun ge meomchujyo. Eonjebuteonji nado moreugeyeossjyo. Eoneu nal, kkumcheoreom geudae dagawa. Nae mameul heundeuljyo, unmyeongiran geol naneun neukkyeossjyo.”
You recognized the song immediately, it was the same one you often sang to Dabin when she asked you too. It sounded a bit different when Jiwon sang it, but the meaning was still the same. You slowly entered the room as he continued singing, you joining in as you sat next to him on the bed, making both him and Dabin smile.
“I love you. Deutgo issnayo. Only you, nuneul gamabwayo. Barame heutnallyeo on geudae, sarang. Whenever, wherever you are. Whenever, wherever you are.”
Jiwon took your hand in his once again, but this time you didn’t flinch. The two of you kissed Dabin goodnight as you set her water at her bedside, then headed out of her room gently closing the door behind you.
“You know that song?”
Jiwon looked at you as he began to help clean the dishes. You smiled as you set some dishes on the counter, then turned to face him. “I sing it to her almost every night. She loves it.”
“Yeah, she does. She makes me sing it every night too. She never told me you sang it to her.”
“Me either.” You both just smiled, Jiwon turning back to the dishes as you watched him. The two of you were actually getting along, you weren’t fighting, or just pretending to be civil with one another. You were actually doing it.
As he put away the last dish, he dried his hands and walked over to join you on the couch as you were checking your phone.
The two of you just staring at one another, neither one of you knowing where to start. So many things needed to be discussed. You figured the best place was to start at the beginning.
“Why did you walk out?”
Your bluntness catching him a bit off guard, but he knew he should’ve expected it. He took a deep breath as you saw him trying to formulate an answer.
“I shouldn’t have done that to you, and my excuse is gonna sound stupid and you won’t like it. But, I was stupid, I was scared. I felt I was too young and I wasn’t ready. And that was wrong. You were scared too, you weren’t ready either. But I left you to deal with it all on your own. And I’m sorry. Looking back on it, I wouldn’t have walked out on you, I missed out on so much time with Dabin. I put you so much pressure on you, and I just want you to know how sorry I am.”
He was sorry, you could tell, you could hear it in his voice. But you still had your reservations.
“I can’t just forgive you, and let you back into my life, our lives, and act like you didn’t do the things you did. I mean, you say you want more time with her, but you don’t use all the time I give you. You leave her with the other guys and go out with your friends. I can’t do that, and I never would. I love every minute I have with her. And it hurts me that you don’t take advantage of every second I give you with her.”
He could see how much he’d hurt you, and it killed him. Like he said, he wished he could take it all back, but all he could do now was prove to you he was willing to change. To make up for his lack of effort in the past.
“I know, I know. And like I said I with I could change that, but I am going to do my best to show you that I can change, I will change. For the both of you. I want this to work, I want us all back together.”
He moved closer to you, taking your hands in his as he made you look at him, despite the tears that had started to fill your eyes no matter how hard you tried to fight them.
“I never once stopped loving you, I know I might have acted like it, I might have seemed like I didn’t care about you. But y/n, I love you so much. I want you and Dabin back in my life for good. I can’t let this opportunity pass me by and regret losing you both again.”
You could hear the sincerity in his voice, but it still felt too soon for you to just give in. You wanted to, so badly you wanted to, but your heart still was saying no.
“I’m sorry, I just, I can’t do this.”
You stood up, pushing past him as you hurried to your room, closing the door as you buried your face in your hands, your tears too much for you to hold back anymore.
You heard Jiwon knock at the door, but you ignored him, knowing he’d eventually come in anyways. Which he did.
As he walked in, he just wrapped his arms around your waist, resting his head on your back as he just held you, not saying anything. Your body immediately relaxing in his embrace, your breathing slowing, your tears ceasing.
“Can I trust you?”
You felt him slowly retract his arms, stepping back as you turned to face him. “If I say yes, and let you back into our lives, and we try this again. Can I trust you that you’re going to change?”
Without warning, Jiwon pressed his lips to yours to which you returned the action. Deepening the kiss as your hands immediately moved to his hair while his dropped to your waist.
He pulled away, the two of you catching your breath as he looked at you.
“I promise, I’m not walking out on you two again. I won’t.”
So the song I was listening to while reading this was “Always” by Yoon Mirae, so I like used part of that as the song Jiwon sings to Dabin. So if you were wondering what song it was lol. Also, not sure about this, like if it is a good enough continuation. But yeah, let me know what you thing :)
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