#but I think Dan and Matt are friends with other athletes at PSU and get invites to Super Bowl viewing parties
aftg-alignments · 2 years
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Allison is VERY excited for the halftime show game!
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mareofthesky · 4 years
Me, bulletpoint brainstorming a fic to write then realizing I will probably never actually write it at all. Kind of always craving more of the outsider perspective crushing on Neil Josten tho, and wanted to share in my thought bubble. I introduce my thoughts on the self prompt: Kid from the Palmetto track team is crushing hard on Neil.
- seeing him on morning runs and being like o dayum dat boi fast n fit
- approaching one day and being like yo y u not on the track team boi come to tryouts
- Neil laughing and being beautiful like I’m flattered but I already play exy and introducing himself and stuff
- Track kid talking to his teammates at lunch one day in the athletes caf and seeing Neil across the way/ talking about how fast he is and their convo
- Track kids being like how??? Do u not know about Neil Josten??? He is infamous at this school
- Track kid being like whomst I just noticed him cause he’s hot and like wow that butt in his short shorts
- Track team being like yo stay away from that Neil he has a bad rap u don’t want to get involved with him he’s like involved in gangs and stuff
- Track kid being like no way is he like that the Neil I met was so nice and wholesome
- Track kid starts to run into Neil more often on morning runs, occasionally talking to him about sports and stuff and like I don’t know the weather and class and it’s easy and track kid is def forming a hardcore crush
- One day they are talking about the start of the season and Neil mentions the kickoff home game and says he should check out the team and cheer them on and all, invite all his friends or the track team or whatever- looking super cute as he is excitedly beaming about exy
- Track kid (should he have a name yes- why is the first thing that pops into my head Brian I kind of hate the name Brian well whatever) Brian [actual name pending] goes with his best friend from high school who is also at PSU and she is so jazzed cause wow everyone on the exy team is so hot like have you SEEN Allison Reynolds when she is on the court?? Or Renee Walker or even Matt Boyd and Dan Wilds? Wow am I so bisexual.
- Brian or whatever rolls his eyes and says well I was noticing that guy Neil
- Josten? Hm... yeah sure he is striking (lmao puns) but you’ve heard the rumors right he is dangerous despite his looks
- Brian says he doesn’t see it in his exchanges and you can’t believe the rumors
- They pay close attention to him in his game and see his unabashed joy on the court, the flash of his eyes when he scores a goal and the camaraderie of him and his teammates on the court and Sylvia maybe her name is says okay I see it he looks like nothing but a cinnamon roll I don’t know where these people are getting this impression of him as a hard broiled criminal come from I get the idea he was more a tortured survivor
- Brian rolls his eyes as he catches a flash of neils smile as their goalie Andrew Minyard deflects the ball from goal and slams it down court into Neils awaiting racket, an action so effortless it seems as if it has been rehearsed countless times
- Neil deftly cradles the ball, takes a few steps, and feints before driving it home into the opposing teams goal. The goalie stares in shock at the rapid turn of events, glancing behind herself as the goal glows red and the end buzzer blares, the scoreboard illuminating a 10-4 fox win.
- Brian stares as Neil pulls his helmet off and the sweat covered strands fall into his pinkened face, breathless laughter as his teammates sweep him into a hug. Their goalie looks on but a sort of fondness plays at his lips that looks almost out of place on his expression which had been otherwise apathetic
- Somehow??? Maybe more exchanges I don’t know but they end up at edens twilight on the same night, after a week where they had their first track meet and Brian #killed in his races, him and Sylvia decide to go out with a couple of Brian’s track friends and some of Sylvia’s friends from the rainbow center and Brian spots Neil at the bar and can’t help but chat him up cause oh shit he has not seen Neil like THIS before, all black and skin tight and mesh and a little piercing he has never sported usually and a smudge of shadow around his eyes/ black sparkly nail polish and glitter and oof he is so gay and maybe Neil is as well??
- Neil spots him first and actually says hi and Brian is blushing like mad and can’t control himself and suddenly the bartender is there too and laughing and joking to Neil that he has an admirer and Neil looks unconcerned and in disbelief just saying no I mean we are kinda friends we see each other a lot in the morning on runs and rolands eyes sparkle as he says seeing?? Another man??? Wait until Andrew hears about this. And Neil rolls his eyes like not even and Brian is blushing like mad and Neil finally seems to get it and is like really?? Omg I’m so sorry I didn’t realize I’m told I’m kind of oblivious but I really didn’t mean to seem like- and then Andrew is behind him a solid presence and not crowding but watching and Roland laughs and prattles on and Andrew isn’t possessive or rude or even angry or anything he just goes “Neil is a bit of an idiot isn’t he” and looks fondly over at him as he scoffs and rolls his eyes and they have a witty back and forth banter and Brian slowly realizes they are so comfortable with each other and in love and trusting and he feels comforted by this fact and so happy for his crush that he isn’t even mad about the instant heart break. They part ways and Brian goes back to Sylvia and the gang and Brian says about his heart break and tells the track kids whose eyes widen and they are like DID WE NOT TELL YOU ABOUT MINYARD OH GOD be glad your hand wasn’t chopped off Neil isn’t even the most dangerous part of that duo he’s the one you really have to watch out for- rumor has it Neil is under his protection or something- anyone who tries to get close to him will regret it. Brian tunes him out to think back to the gentle touch and soft exchange he had witnessed and deduces rumors aren’t all they are cracked up to be and feels happy it seems like Neil has someone who cares for him deeply
- ((Doesn’t mean he can’t still admire him and his beauty or continue to revel in their lighthearted exchanges))
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nathanielwessninski · 7 years
AU!Football (Aareil!Andreil), Part 1.
I feel quite angry because yesterday I spent hours writing pieces of this, so that suddenly the light goes out in my urbanization and EVERYTHING I wrote is erased. fuckin 'shit. Now, again, I come back to this because it really is an idea that has not left me alone all day yesterday (and today). In itself, it is an AU in which instead of the Foxes being an Exy team, they are now Football, except Neil, who will now be a Vixen.
This will be like a light introduction to the characters.
Here the sport of Football is mixed, so the alignment will be the same as in the canon, except that Neil will be a cheerleader and Seth will be alive and occupy his 'position'.
Kevin will continue to be an obsessive sportsman who plays with an injury to his left hand (because of Riko), but will recover. Seth is less asshole here, because I admit that a certain part of me liked the character and I want to give it a try, but it will still have its sassy bitch side (not really homophobic).
(Seth and Allison are not in relationship romantic here, but they are best friends; Renee and Allison are girlfriends).
(The Moriyama here are not any kind of mafia or anything like that, only a high-ranking business family; and Riko is just a jerk. Do not worry).
Allison and Dan are still wild and loyal to theirs, and with Renee shutting the fucking mouths of all those who still think that a girl can not play a contact sport as well as a guy.
Matt and Nicky are smiling and adorable as always, but protective of their family. Andrew is a little less aggressive than usual with the Foxes (God bless you, Betsy Dobson), but an imbecile with sociopathic instincts as always; is a little closer to them and can engage in small conversations when the Foxes aren't being intrusive (Renee helped a lot to get to this type of 'truce'), and on RARE occasions defended the fools when someone tried to pass with them.
Aaron does change here a little more than the others did, it's something more closed than before in terms of his thoughts and feelings, but he considers the Foxes the true family he never had, although it took a lot to reach this understanding (Nicky , Renee and Betsy fought a lot for this); he is among the first to jump to defend them, although he is usually a asshole with them.
Another radical change is found in the fact that Aaron never sent a letter to Andrew, so they never met or knew of each other's existence until a slightly funny situation occurred at the University; It was something like Nicky strongly confusing Andrew with Aaron, which brought many questions that had no answers until they reunited the twins in the same room (along with a broad search in the family registry and a blood test).
Andrew had just transferred to PSU to continue his career in Criminal Justice, due to certain complications (he savagely beat a professor who tried to hurt Bee) at his previous University; To say that he was stupefied by such a finding would be bullshit, he really expected a strange shit like that of his sanguine 'family', not that he cared more, actually. What he was curious about, with a simple transfer of universities, he had just discovered that he had a twin and a cousin.
At first he stayed away from them as much as he could, he did not care a bit, he just focused on his classes and visiting Bee in his new office (she got a new job at PSU as a psychologist for his athletes).
Until she confused Andrew with Aaron when coach Wymack led his team to meet before her and decide what day it was for each of them to have a session with her. From there she advised Andrew a lot about how well it could make him try to know and approach this part of his family that he did not know, and that they seemed to be alone (besides the Foxes).
It was a complicated and lengthy process that Andrew and Aaron could engage in a long conversation, without monosyllables or sharp and sarcastic answers. From there they were able to reconstruct a bit of family history: Tilda gave both twins up for adoption, only to finally repent a bit and take one of them (Aaron) before finalizing the paperwork, Andrew went to the Foster System (and then to Juvie for his problematic attitude) and Aaron stayed to live with an abusive mother for years (not that Andrew was better in the foster homes), until he met Nicky and after his mother died of an overdose (and a strong argument between Nicky and Luther Hemmick in which the minor finally cut off all relationship with them), Nicky took Aaron's custody (with the help of another distant relative who did not agree with the method of raising of the Hemmick).
Andrew suffered physical and psychological abuse in the homes to which he was given, but was only sexually abused once by Drake Spear when he was thirteen, one year after he was adopted by that family; but on that occasion Drake was caught in the act by the very Cass Spear, who called the police directly.
Destroyed for having failed a child as wonderful and amazing as Andrew was, she moved some contacts to move Andrew to an adoption and help institute where a distant friend of Richard Spear, Betsy Dobson, worked as a psychologist. (And after two years of understanding, fighting and love, Andrew let Betsy finally adopt him).
So, now both twins and cousin are in the process of approaching with help from Betsy (poor of her, with Andrew antagonizing everyone, Aaron being scathing and Nicky very gaudy).
A few months later, and all three of them maintaining a more civilized relationship, Andrew was slightly coerced by Bee (again) to join the football team (which was a fucking trick because Betsy knows there are VERY few things that Andrew can deny her).
(At times, Aaron admits to himself that he feels somewhat jealous of Bee's close and loving way of being with Andrew; he would have loved to have someone like her nearby).
Andrew's expressionless face and slightly psychopathic behavior constantly intimidates the Foxes a bit (except Renee and Wymack, and sometimes Allison), but over time they get used to it.
Aaron does not even like football, but he was violently harassed by sportobsession!Kevin Day to be part of the team after having seen him wildly tackling a son of a bitch who tried to touch Neil Josten (And Nicky happily joined the team to not be alone).
Aaron have a thing with Neil Josten, everyone knows it (except Andrew, because he don't know about Josten).
The day that Andrew Minyard met Neil Josten was fucking memorable for Allison: it was on a type of team-building weekend organized by Dan and Wymack, that they somehow managed to reunite everyone including the twins and Seth (Bee and Abby were really happy).
Then as the day progressed and the afternoon fell, they decided to make a movie marathon in Abby's living room, but before they needed to recharge supplies, so Wymack asked Renee and Allison to take care of it; somehow the trip was joined by Andrew and Seth.
They arrived at 7/11 and set out to collect different types of snacks for everyone; then in one of the corridors Allison spotted a very familiar auburn hair, let out a small squeak of joy and ran over there, alerting Andrew and Renee that they thought there was some threat, only to see the blonde hugging wildly to a short guy.
After leaving the mysterious boy and letting him breathe, Seth also approached and released a sassy comment: 'look just who is here, if it is other than a whore vixen smartass'.
Before any Fox could say anything else, the unknown boy (for Andrew and Renee) counterattacked: 'what's up, drug addict? Have not you received your daily dose, that I notice you something cranky?’
Surprisingly, Seth only grined sideways and stretched out a hand to stir the hair of the boy under: 'how did you do in the competition, midget?'
The auburn boy reply to Seth: 'of course we won, Gordon; nobody compares to us, so I hope you Foxes do not leave us in bad during the season'.
In that Allison jumps and assures with conviction: 'clearly this is our season, Josten, we have two new members who are monsters in the field when they want; we will destroy the asshole of Riko'.
Josten only gave a small laugh at that and nodded in support; and that sound really caught Andrew's attention, that he looked up from the candy shelf to finally see the one who seemed to be friends with Gordon and Reynolds, being stunned.
'Shit,' was the first thought that went through Andrew's mind, followed by 'fucking gorgeous' and 'problem': in front of him was a boy a few inches taller than him, with auburn hair and impossibly blue eyes, like celestial ones. Beautiful. His left cheek had a slight pink burn of three circles, barely visible, and on his right he had three fine cuts; However, not a single one of those scars left any kind of beauty, not even remotely. Even though Andrew's face remained expressionless, an intense blush was staying on his cheeks as he detailed the impressive boy in front of him; he never had seen someone so painfully attractive like Josten.
Allison noticed it (Renee too, but she did not anything).
The blonde took the Vixen's forearm and pulled him closer to the group saying: 'Oh, right! You do not know Renee or Minyard, personally; You never could meet to meet my Renee and Minyard arrived when you were in the competition. Babe, Monster, he's Neil Josten, sub-captain of the Vixens.'
Renee introduced herself and greeted him kindly, curious about the times when his girlfriend talked to him about this boy, Andrew only blushed a little more when Neil looked directly at him but swerved off with a cutting: 'Cheerleader, really?'
Before Allison spoke, Neil responded quickly and sharp: 'What, I do not look like that? Then you'll have to excuse me, I forgot to put on my uniform skirt for you.'
The right corner of Andrew's mouth trembled (the closest thing to a smile that Renee had seen in him): 'so sassy, Vixen.'
A grin formed on Neil's lips: 'so, Andrew Minyard, I could say it's a pleasure to finally meet Aaron's twin, I've heard a lot of things from you'.
Andrew like: 'I bet were not good at all'.
Another short laugh came from Neil's lips: 'no, they were not, but they're still interesting'.
A thought was shared among the other three present in the scene, something like 'fucking weird flirting' (being kinder in Renee's head).
Andrew may only want to kick himself when he felt so trapped looking at Neil's fluffy lips.
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atomicjuniper · 7 years
Here’s the fic I wrote for the @aftgexchange for @dysfunctional-college-roommates! One of the summer options was Foxes go to a waterpark and well...I guess I sort of set them in the waterpark I go to with my friends every summer and...I kind of wrote more than I expected to? Anyway it’s 7k now (sorry!) and I had a lot of fun but it’s unbetaed. How did this happen, I ask myself, when I couldn’t think of a title. I’ll probably clean it up and post it to Ao3 one day or something but for now I hope you like it!
Neil felt hot just looking at Andrew. It was eighty-five degrees outside. Pushing higher as the afternoon approached, and they’d just gotten off a bus full of athletes. Also, Andrew allowed Neil to share headphones with him while their arms pressed together the entire trip, so there was a less uncomfortable warmth growing inside of Neil’s chest.
Even so Andrew persisted in his usual dark attire despite the heat. Though Neil was quick to notice that the all-black outfits were one-by-one being replaced with navy blues and lower hues of the color spectrum. He gained more contentment out of that than this waterpark trip they’d somehow all been talked into ever could.
           “Thirty dollars each?!” said Kevin, “Coach, you’re aware we could get at least some new equipment with this instead?”
           Wymack dragged his gaze from the money in his hands and yet another form to sign to meet Kevin’s. The worker at the booth made a face Neil knows well: the realization of how thin the glass protecting you is.
           “Would you rather take the children’s prices instead?” Wymack asked, “Cause knowing our lot it wouldn’t take much to convince them.”
           Neil glanced up at the numbers above the worker’s head, wondering if he could get away with saying he was under eighteen, but found that for once the children’s prices at this rinkey-dink waterpark were much higher than the adults. It was a small attraction in the more rural parts of the area. Keeping track of what was out the window on the ride up proved they were surrounded by woods, mountains, and Hooters restaurants for a good mile. Now they were all at the entrance sign, the park’s title reading The Land of Make Believe. It stared at and mocked all of them almost as bad as their opposing fans. Neil wished he could say they were all in, at worst, the middle of nowhere, at best a pocket dimension where this wasn’t actually happening. But he in fact knew the town they were in was actually named Hope.
           “What’s his problem? That’s around the same price as an IMAX movie.” Matt whispered to Dan. Dan nodded. She seemed the most prepared for the trip, with a colorful beach bag, sunglasses perched in her hair, and a rolled up towel. Abby was the last to exit the bus with a cooler and her nursing essentials.
           “Do we get a sympathy discount if we bring up one of our teammates died?” Nicky whispered to Aaron. His t-shirt read Wild By Nature.
           “Don’t know if you mean currently or the near future but I’m so down for either one.” said Aaron. The physical trait separating him from Andrew today was the purple swim trunks from the team’s late-night Wal-Mart run. They had flowers on them, but they were minimalist graphics, so it was acceptable. Andrew on the other hand had dark camo pants on to prove how much he was NOT swimming.
           Allison heard the joke they made but merely squeezed her eyes shut in reaction. The strap of her bikini was sticking out through the neck of her top. She already had tan lines this early in the summer.
           Neil let out a breath and did his best for the warmth still cradling in his chest to not leave with it. He stared at Andrew’s profile as if to gather extra energy. Andrew was instead staring at the No Smoking sign like a disgruntled ex. At least his actual disgruntled ex served him alcohol.
“Um,” the ticket taker said, looking over Wymack and in the team’s direction, “Your shirt���”
Every Fox looked down. Then they followed the line of sight of the person behind the glass and realized they were referring to Nicky.
           “Is it not appropriate?” Nicky asked.
           “Um, I’m not really sure.” The poor kid looked nervous. It made Neil thankful he never had to take a summer job. Never had to deal with a streamline of people. “There are children here, but I’m not certain if they would get it. I’d change just to be sure.”
           “Oh, well if you insist,” Nicky removed his shirt, being certain to sway his athletic body from side to side as he pulled it over his head. He tossed back his hair and dropped the shirt onto the dirt. “Right what it says on the tin, right?”
           Aaron and Andrew knew no one ever assumed their relation to Nicky on first glance, but if there was a way to annul it right then and there they’d take it.
           “Is my shirt okay?” asked Matt. His shirt read Human Mermaid.
           “Um, I’m pretty sure it is,” said the worker, “It might even be more appropriate.”
           They were all given colorful waterproof bands (orange, appropriately) over their wrists. After the money was settled they moved past the sign and into the park. When they were all in front a water gun target game Wymack clapped his hands.
“Well!” Wymack said, “It seems that you maggots have been reprimanded before your very first steps into the park. Your one and only job to your coach is to exceed my expectations, but with you people making the attempt would be miles above what I expect from you to begin with.”
           “You can say that again,” said Kevin, eying the rest of the Foxes. His shirt was a white tee with an orange pawprint on the back.
           “Don’t act like you’re above them. You’re associated with monsters too, remember?” Wymack sent a pointed look to Nicky and Aaron, the closest “monsters” in proximity to him.
           “Aw, don’t look at us like that, Coach!” said Nicky, “Only four of us are monsters! Four-ninths is…dangit why didn’t we bring an electronic calculator to a waterpark!”
           Neil, the math major, wondered which one of them wasn’t being factored in as a monster, how much easier this would be if they still had ten players on the team, and drew the conclusion that he didn’t want to be involved.
           “I nominate slicing Kevin into a fraction!” cried Allison.
           “Hello? Adult authority speaking?” said Wymack, “I nominate that we, as a group effort, venture further than the goddamn Food Lion without involving bodily injury or committing a felony for once?”
           “Only ‘or’, Coach?” asked Andrew, “That’s leaving lot of room for error.”
           The team tried not to laugh at Andrew’s joke. Neil began to notice Andrew looked and sounded tired. He had the urge to say something or reach out for his hand but it had to wait.
“Aren’t there some guidelines we should be going over, David?” Abby asked.
           “Please.” said Wymack, “Guys, it’s hot today. We have a nurse for a reason. Get in the water and try to cool off. If that’s not your thing, just keep hydrated. We have drinks in the cooler if you for whatever reason can’t buy anything. Also, you have our numbers, in case of emergency keep your phones with you at all times. At. All. Times.” Wymack and in fact the whole team was glancing at Neil, for some strange reason. “Is there anything else?” Wymack turned to Abby for confirmation.
           “Alright. Sunscreen. Put it on. Just because the only time half of you ever go outside is during practice doesn’t mean you can soak it all up in one afternoon. Also no running near the pool, no eating a half hour before entering the water, yadda yadda blah blah. What else am I missing?”
           Abby looked hesitant to say the next one. “Group assignments?”
           None of the Foxes were really speaking before this, only becoming bored with the precautions, but they all perked up at that and it somehow became more hushed.
“Look, we’re assigning groups.” said Wymack, “Before you start groaning you don’t have to follow it to the tee, you can mix and match however you please, but ultimately we don’t want anybody getting separated and ending up on their own.  There are nine of you so it’s gonna be groups of three.”
           There were yet to be moans from the Foxes. That would wait until which groups were announced. For one thing Neil, judging by what they’ve been through, precautions never hurt. And as much as he wanted to stay with Andrew he would be comfortable with any of the choices as long as it wasn’t Aaron.
           “Kevin, Neil, and Andrew. You’re some of the few Andrew won’t kill on sight and overall seem to at least tolerate one another.”’
           “Debatable.” said Kevin. He went ignored.
“Matt, Allison, and Renee.” Allison and Renee shrugged. No one seemed to have a problem with that for a moment. Until the thought fell on Dan.
           “Wait, so-”
           “Dan, Nicky, and the other Minyard.”
           “I have a name?” said Aaron.
           “Coach…” said Dan.
           “Hey, don’t be that way,” said Nicky, “We don’t bite!”
           Wymack approached closer to their side of the group. “I don’t want any trouble today,” he said, “In fact, don’t bother me at all unless it’s an absolute emergency. All I want is to not be bothered and sharing a beer with Patchy the fucking Pirate. I’m ready, indeed. Are we good?”
           Half the foxes gave a half-hearted yessir. Nicky, Renee, and Allison could be seen exchanging money through hands.
           “What bet is this one?”
           “You just made a SpongeBob reference, sir.” said Renee,
           “Coach, I’m disappointed in you!” said Matt, “I took you for a Simpsons man and now I’m out the price of admission!”
           Though Neil knew human spontaneous human combustion was near impossible for him to witness, he was almost convinced by Wymack’s face. “Look if any of you injure yourselves call Abby and not me.”
           And with that the group began to disperse. Dan, Aaron, and Nicky headed towards the pool, Matt, Allison, and Renee went to the waterslide area, Kevin walked within sight to check a map, but Andrew still stayed still and looked more bored than ever. Neil’s fingers brushed against Andrew’s knuckles.
           “It’s cool,” said Neil, “I don’t want to go swimming either. I mean, I kind of don’t have an option…” Neil gestured to his body. He was showing more skin than Andrew today, with the sleeves of his PSU shirt reaching over his shoulders but leaving a gap of skin leading to his armbands. His shorts were past his knees and left only parts most of his leg hair covered up anyway. He even decided to wear sandals instead of sneakers.
           Andrew made his first movement by glaring at Neil’s face. He pulled his hands away and shoved them into his pockets.
“I’m going to get something to eat.” said Andrew.
“But I might go get a key and throw my stuff in a locker first.” Andrew ignored him and kept on walking, “Hey! What happened to ‘stay in groups’?”
           “He doesn’t seem to be listening so far,” Andrew gestured his head to Kevin, “It’s only twenty feet away. You’re not gonna get eaten by a shark in five minutes, are you?”
           Neil considered the possibilities.
           “Okay. You go ahead,” said Neil, but Andrew gave a salute and already halfway gone, “You’re such a weirdo why do we hang out!”
           The last line he called out a bit too loud, attracting heads of vacationing families to look his way. The anxiety spiked up in Neil and he immediately ran for the lockers.
Dan Wilds lowered her sunglasses from her hair to her over her eyes. She placed her hands behind her head and eased out the tension out of the rest of her muscles, laid back on a long chair in the row of them beside the pool. Sunlight was pressing on her bare legs and shoulders. Children ran past her into the shallow pool.
Behind the dark layer before her eyes she could see Nicky dicking around on a large pirate ship in the pool meant for children. Dan put it off for now, as long as he was in her line of sight. The problem was Aaron hadn’t come out of the changing rooms yet. Abby pulled a drink out of the cooler between their chairs and placed its condensation on her forehead. Dan reminded herself to keep an eye out, but for now there were no worries.
At least it wasn’t, until a tall shadow blocked her sun. Dan did her best not to react.
“Aren’t we supposed to be adults?” Kevin asked.
Out of all the questions Kevin Day has asked Dan this one felt the least confrontational or rhetorical. Though his words were still wrapped in an undercurrent of aggression.
“Legally speaking, yes.” said Dan
“Then why are we at a theme park designed for children?” She turned her head to the side to avoid his gaze and shadow.
“It’s a family park and we’re a family,” said Dan, “Also this one was the closest and had the least crowds.”
“And the traffic for the beach crowds?” said Abby, “Yikes.”
           “And aren’t you supposed to be with Neil and Andrew right now?”
           “I just got a key for my locker,” said Kevin, “Besides, they’re adults they can handle – well they should be able to handle themselves. Theoretically.” His face turned away from Dan to the water momentarily, as if the thoughts raced through his mind. Then he looked back, “I mean, is that a ‘vacation’ to you? Sending unstable people out in public so you have to look after them more than usual? Instead of being home and doing what’s required?”
Dan sighed. Kevin seemed to be another forming cloud on her day so far, “You didn’t have to come, Kevin.”
           “And what would you have said then? You wouldn’t have complained about it?”
Dan threw up her hands in defeat. “Day, shouldn’t the point of fighting for your life be, I don’t know, to live?”
Kevin pinched above his nose. He breathed in, then breathed out. “If you need a waterslide to keep your heart rate up then there are other problems with your life.” Kevin gestured to the myriad of spongy attractions like oyster slides and jellyfish fountains and crocodile floats. “Snakes? Crocodiles? Jellyfish? Dart frogs? They don’t intend to keep me alive. Do you know what pirates were, Wilds? They weren’t child friendly. Which shouldn’t even be relevant because, as I seem to have remind you people again and again, we’re not children.”
It was a shame Dan’s shady eye-role was shaded by her shades. “You brought alcohol, didn’t you?”
“Look at the keychain to my locker, Wilds, it’s shaped like a surf board. And you expect me not to drink?”
Abby covered her ears. “I’m not hearing this.”
“For what it’s worth I didn’t drink any of it yet.” said Kevin. “It’s, what, one in the afternoon? I’m not that terrible.”
“So he says.” said Dan.
“I didn’t hear any of that either.” said Abby.
At that moment Matt passed by the three of them. He had a towel around his neck, wearing still sporting his Human Mermaid shirt but in bathing trunks now (they were cloud themed).
           “How’s my Number One doing today?” Dan immediately sat up in her seat.
           “I’m good so far. I’m good.”
           “Well that’s good cause nobody deserves a day to themselves better than you.” Dan beamed, and Kevin suddenly felt like the conversation had be dropped.
           “If you wouldn’t mind, can you put some sunscreen on the back of my shoulders?” Matt nodded and she handed him her bag. She looked back at where Kevin was standing. “Kevin, relax. Maybe you don’t want to go down a waterslide or sunbathe by the pool but it doesn’t hurt to just breathe for a second. Do what you want to do and rest.”
           Kevin looked around as if he wasn’t quite certain how to do that. “I’m going back.”
           As Matt looked thought Dan’s beach bag he placed some of her keys by her foot.
           “Oh wow, it is shaped like a surf board.” said Dan.
“Alright: betting time,” said Allison, “Who’s punching who in the face today?”
           “My money’s on somebody getting kicked in the groin.” said Matt. The group of guys Allison had attracted around them laughed.
“That’s oddly specific, Boyd,” said Allison, “Not wise to measure the amount of groin-kickage in the US by America’s Funniest Home Videos.”
The guys laughed what Allison said. They tended to laugh at everything she said.
“I’m not measuring anything on anything.” said Matt, “Just seeing a year-worth of pent-up aggression from wanting to see justice while wanting to avoid a red card.”
“I dunno. I guess it depends on how much you hate the guy,” said one of the guys close to Allison’s arms, “Your teammates get riled up easily?”
Matt and Allison chuckled at that.
They were all waiting on a long line for the Lazy River. After time passed Allison, her slim bathing suit showing off her muscular psyche naturally attracted other guys at the waterpark. Matt was directly at Allison’s side, but somehow Renee had gotten shuffled towards the edge of their group.
Renee grinned anyway. She’d been on the outlier of the conversation. “It doesn’t hurt to think outside the box,” she said, “But from my experiences of fighting Foxes, I’m putting money on taking advantage of their surroundings.”
Allison laughed, “You’re so right. I’m just imagining Kevin smacking Neil upside the head with one of the waterslide tubes or a floating crocodile.”
All the guys laughed but Matt’s was the strongest. Loud and hardy. Renee laid back further on the fence and smoothed her hands over her cover-up.
“You’re right, that is an amusing image,” said Renee, “But that’s not what I was considering when thinking of a waterpark.”
Matt and Allison thought on her words for a moment, and as they did their laughter died down. “You don’t mean…if they try to drown someone?” Allison asked.
“You can’t drown in shallow water!” said one of the guys. They were still laughing, since they were never involved.
Renee stood on her toes to look over the gate to see the attendees laying on tubes on water in motion, “That’s the pirate’s cove. I’d estimate the Lazy River is roughly five feet.”
“Dang, that’s stone cold, Walker,” said Matt, “So, if I’m understanding correctly, I’m putting your money on ‘one of the boys finally snaps and are never seen again’?”
“I didn’t mean drowning. I meant using the water as a tactical advantage.”
“Like drowning.” said Allison.
“I meant like standing your ground in a familiar environment.”
“Like when you’re drowning someone.” said Matt.
“Woah,” said one of the bros, “That’s like that scene in The Matrix and shit? Y’know, the third one? Where they fight in the rain and all that? And all, like, the clones are staring at them? But nobody drowns. It’s their souls that’s drowned. But the clones are supposed to be like…like…us.”
One of the guys groaned, “Nobody here cares about your philosophical musings, Lathan.”
Renee considered herself to be social, but would never quite know how to respond to that. “The bottom line is, I’m putting in fifteen.”
“Done deal.” Renee leaned in very far to shake Allison’s hand.
All the boys that weren’t Matt exchanged glances with one another. “Um, what exact sport do you play again?”
“Exy.” said Allison.
“Woah, isn’t that a rough sport for you?” One guy turned to Renee, “And especially for you?”
Renee offered him a polite grin, “It’s sweet for you to worry about me. But I’m the goalie, so I suppose that helps. Keeps me from all those nasty hits.”
Allison laid back on the fence. “Fuck that,” she said, “It’s a unisex sport so there’s more than one gender of player. Simple as that.”
“Yeah, girl power!” said a guy.
“On that note,” said Matt, “Our team captain is a girl.”
“Woah, lucky!” one of the guys said, and Renee noticed Matt didn’t mention his relation to her.
“Does that ever get awkward?” one of them asked.
Allison and Matt wanted to tell them no, but there was no good way or easy answer. Good thing they were close to the end of the line by that point.
“Well, it was nice meeting you boys!” said Allison, “I’d like to hang out with my friends now, if you don’t mind.” Allison was already backing away to the steps leading to the river.
“No, no, it’s all good!” a guy said, “It okay if some of us have your number though?”
“Oh, yeah, okay, sure. But I don’t have my phone with me? Maybe later.”
“Okay. After the ride maybe?”
“Uh, yeah definitely maybe!”
Renee grabbed a two-seater tube to share with Allison. Matt grabbed a two-seater one just for himself, due to his height. Allison laid back beside Renee, dipping her feet in the water as they drifted afloat.
Allison sighed. “Filling the void, right?”
“Filling the void.” said Renee. “That’s why the world is filled with lots of people.”
“You said it.”
Neil turned the key to lock the door shut. The moment he stepped away from the locker he felt lighter and anxious, though that could have been from being on his own with other people at the moment. He wasn’t certain if the children with their parents were glancing his way but he had difficulty stopping himself from thinking that they were. So he found his way outside as fast as he could. Neil distracted himself but putting the new temporary key on his keyring.
The sun was out and warm. He was noticing the positives of this place so far. The waterpark was filled with families but as long as you avoided the waterslides there were little to no crowds. The more open space compared to more populated amusement parks which gave him room to breathe.
He looked at the map that Kevin was reading before. This place seemed to be an assortment of waterslides, a series of water-based things like the river, carnival rides and games he’s outgrown, and a hayride leading to a petting zoo.
When Neil returned he found Andrew and Kevin near the carnival games. Kevin was giving a shot at the Can a Tin-Can! game, currently smashing a pyramid of cans with a baseball. The medium-sized plush shark he won was tossed on the wooden picnic table directly behind him where Andrew was sitting. There was a large stuffed dolphin and starfish seated next to Andrew’s cheesy fries. Andrew was resting his head over his folded arms.  
Neil set down his water and phone and cautiously sat down across from Andrew. From here Neil could see Andrew’s eyes were closed.
The team had known about the waterpark trip for a few weeks now, but hadn’t considered, oh right, preparation, until the night before. Most of them spent the previous night on an emergency trip to the store to grab the essentials. Then they did regular shopping. It was past midnight. Andrew was the one who drove. Neil considered why Andrew was more tired than the rest of them, since he waited at the doors until they left and everything he needed was on a list he gave to Neil. Maybe it was just the usual lack of sleep. Neil could relate to that.
Kevin tossed a stuffed eel among the pile. Neil considered the idea of tucking the shark into Andrew’s folded arms but he knew he was already tucked away with his knives and Neil would like to keep his own arms for next season.
“Keep eyeing me while I’m sleeping and you’ll lose your sight privileges.” said Andrew. The stuffed shark had nothing on the real thing.
Neil’s head jolted up from his hand. “How could you tell?”
“You’re predictable.”
Neil sighed, then shrugged. “The consequences of a personality, I suppose.”
Andrew mumbled something but it was softened by his arm and exhaustion. Neil thought it almost sounded like a threat, but of course with Andrew everything does.
“Goddamnit!” Kevin yelled. He was at a game called Frog Bog. In the booth there was a pool with rotating lily pads in it. He apparently was required to launch rubber frogs onto the pads by placing them on a mini-catapult and slamming it with a hammer. Judging by his reaction and lack of frog plush Kevin had yet to succeed at this. There was a frustration burning in the way Kevin put his hand on his chin and looked like he was fully prepared to scold the frog on its life choices.
Neil stood up and assessed what was in front of him. Kevin had been succeeding at strength and aim based games thus far, ones benefited from his Exy skills, but this one was centered more around timing and trajectory. His experience would also help here but, of course, the carnival game was likely rigged too. He watched at Kevin paid for his next try (What happened to buying equipment, Kevin? Neil wants to say but doesn’t) and was given another rubber frog. The frog looked like it had been launched from a catapult all summer; beaten to hell and as slimy as a real frog.
Kevin folded the frog onto the catapult and slammed the hammer down. The frog flew so high it missed the pool entirely.
“I’ll try.” said Neil. Kevin shoved the hammer in his hands. Neil paid for his try and was handed a frog. Kevin and the other employee watched as Neil looked from the catapult to the frog to the Lilly pad to the hammer to figure out some plan.
“Hey, isn’t that they Candy Cane forest over there?” Neil shouted, pointing in a random direction.
The moment the employee glanced away Neil gripped the frog with his bare hands (it felt gross) and chucked it at the lily pad. It was a direct hit, but then bounced right off into the water.
The employee turned back to look at Neil. “Dude, don’t act like you’re the first one to try that stunt.”
Neil became frustrated but felt no need to try again. “What’s even the point?” he asked,
“He says after he loses,” said Kevin, “Spoken like a true coward.”
“What are you going to do with all of these toys anyway?”
“Charity, probably. I mean, fish are really popular with kids. After that fish movie. Finding Elmo or whatever.”
Neil wouldn’t know what movie that was, and would imagine that there would be quite a few fish in movies, but judging by the employee’s reaction it must be something mainstream. He instead moved on to the next booth over, Can a Tin-Can!, and paid for a turn. Neil told himself he’d try earnestly and honestly this time. He lobbed the ball at the cans as hard as he could.
It missed. It bounced off the wall. Neil ducked and knew by the sound it must’ve hit a person. And he knew that there was only one person in the vicinity it could have hit.
So much for honesty.
Neil was afraid to look. He felt bad as he turned back around
Andrew must have either fallen asleep or just became startled in the same way he is when he wakes up. It had been a long time since Neil saw that look on him.
Everyone there pointed to Neil as the culprit.
“I…Andrew…,” said Neil.
“You have thirty seconds left to live.” said Andrew.
“Andrew it was an accident! You know I’d never do that to you on purpose-”
“Twenty-four, twenty-two, twenty, eighteen…”
Neil bolted for it. He dashed past the games, rides, and families and headed for any open space. But strangely enough, for the first time while running off-court, he wasn’t afraid. Perhaps it was due to it being Andrew and the knowledge he would never truly bring harm to him. He felt a grin forming as he found a building with a door, ran up the stairs, and waited for Andrew to find him to see what would happen. Hiding without the danger, now that was something new.
Aaron didn’t want to be here. There were children yelling and crying outside the dressing room. Said dressing room was had a bamboo hut theme. He was wearing swim trunks that he knew he would only wear once. Every now and again he’d hear a different scream, a distant scream, likely from the waterslides he was certain were a hazard of some kind, even if he had yet to go anywhere near them. He stared at the lock. It looked like the lock to a bathroom stall. It was the only barrier between him and out there.
Katelyn had been sending him texts. He knows because they were exchanging them during the bus ride. She was giving him the details of the mall trip she was going on with her friends. Occasionally she’d send a pic asking his opinion on what she was wearing. Now his phone is in a locker so it wouldn’t get wet. She likely wasn’t sending anything now since she knew about this “trip”, but still.
Aaron unlocked the door and walked out. It led out to the Pirate’s Cove, a pool that had a lot of space but the water only went up to your calves. There was a large pirate ship in the middle. There were a lot of children here, especially in this section, but looking further Aaron did notice the packs of college and high school kids hanging around. He spotted Boyd, Walker, and Reynolds around that area, surprise surprise. The college kids were loud and, even from this distance, pretty obnoxious, but they weren’t screaming. The children in Aaron’s vicinity had no problem screaming. He’s glad he isn’t a kid anymore, for a lot of reasons.
He stepped in the water. It was cold at first. He moved around to cool off his feet and find something to do. There were a lot of floats in the water meant to be “fun”. A few crocodiles and whales, a slide shaped like an open oyster. It was a bit creative, he supposed. Just as Aaron began to take in his surroundings, a gush of water sprayed his back. The water was cold.
Turning around, of course, was his cousin on the pirate ship. Nicky was manning a watergun attached to the wall. He let out a laugh to congratulate himself on his perfect aim and timing. There was a line of small children behind him clamoring to use the watergun. Nicky is supposed to be the oldest on the team.
For a split second Aaron was furious enough to run up the ship and throw Nicky overboard, shallow waters and fake crocodiles be damned. But no, if he did that people would notice. Then they’d get “concerned”. Then they’d intervene. It would stop being fun. Aaron didn’t have the energy for that. So let out one grunt and sulked off to another part of the pool.
Aaron found a jellyfish-shaped shower next to the oyster slide. He went under it just to cool off the rest of his body. When he was under the water the screaming children became blocked out for a mere moment. He walked out and sat down in the water. It covered his legs and lapped at his elbows. The sun shined over Aaron’s shoulders. He breathed. This was more like it.
And then there was this damned kid. Not a screaming kid, just a damned one. He was on the oyster slide going down and around again and again, hogging his turn from the other kids. Even when the other kids try to reason with him he wouldn’t stop.
Oh, he doesn’t remind me of anyone. Aaron thought. But he made an attempt to tune it out. He focused on the cool water and his own surroundings. He thought about calling Katelyn before he got on the bus, and then again when he got home. Before he could close his eyes he saw a sudden movement in his peripheral vision. It was a grown man making a beeline to the slide and the other kids. Aaron tensed up, then told himself he was projecting again.
He went for the kid, presumably his father. Oh good someone else, an authority figure, is solving this problem. Swell. Aaron tried to separate himself from the problem once again. But then he heard screaming. It wasn’t a child this time.
The presumed father was yelling at the kid in a way Aaron deeply recognized. Aaron tried eying the lifeguard, but she didn’t seem to notice what was happening. The only option left was for Aaron to tell himself that it wasn’t his problem. It wasn’t his problem. But then the guy grabbed the kid by his shirt and that’s when he had to do something. Aaron got up from the water.
Aaron considered decking the guy, but that thought brought a flash of Andrew’s former pills and unnatural smile, so no, he’s not doing that today.
“Hey!” Aaron yelled, “What’s your problem?”
The anger and words get mixed together. Something about how this isn’t Aaron’s business because this is not his kid. Then it turns into and argument, a shouting match, he heard a whistle being blown at him and now the lifeguard takes notice.
And then Nicky’s there to break it up. Nicky’s asking what the problem is. The alarm bells went off in Aaron’s head. Why does Nicky always try to get involved.
So Aaron just. Shoved the guy. Shoved him because he could. Just like this guy grabbed his kid by the shirt because he could.  
Nicky ran up to Dan. “Um, we have a bit of a problem-”
Dan held her hand up to Nicky. She held up five fingers, then counted each one down individually until reaching one. Dan took a breath.
“Alrighty,” she said, “Go ahead. Lay it on me.”
For once in a long time, Andrew thinks he’s actually going to kill Neil.  When Kevin called Neil’s phone, it rang from the table they were sitting at before. Kevin isn’t as good at deciphering Andrew’s subtleties as others are, but there was no doubt to him Andrew looked distressed.
“This is absolutely nothing like last time,” Kevin told Andrew, “He’s probably safe and he didn’t run. He’s just being an idiot. But he knows you that’s not what you meant. He knows that above everyone.”
           “Thirty seconds.” Andrew muttered to himself. Then Andrew was the one who ran. He had been searching in the most plausible location Neil could have made it to. When he couldn’t find him there he looked everywhere else.
           It turned out Neil hadn’t gotten far at all. He was in a castle meant for plays for small children, where Andrew had already looked, but he hadn’t realized there was a second floor. When he checked for a second time Neil is just standing there, chatting with one of the employees.
The moment their eyes meet Neil ran again, and he had the audacity laugh while running. On one hand something resembling relief settled within Andrew. On the other, he’s chasing down Neil in the middle of the goddamn heat when he knows he can’t catch up. Andrew is this close to killing him.
Something solid smacked the back of Neil’s head. “Ow!” he looked down and saw his cell phone on the ground. He thought it was in his pocket but apartently it wasn’t. “You almost broke my phone, Andrew-”
           Andrew stormed over to Neil until he was cornered at the barn. He slammed one arm on the wall at Neil’s side.
           “You never let anything be simple, do you?” said Andrew, “Do you think this is a game? I have a mental map of this goddamn park now. What am I supposed to do with the knowledge that the Candy Cane Forest is next to the Tilt-a Whirl and the Frog Hopper? I have to live with that for the rest of my life now and it’s your fucking fault.”
Neil couldn’t stop himself from grinning at Andrew’s words even as his back touched the wall. An alert lit up in his mind how Andrew could corner him at any time but it wasn’t an alarm.
“Um, this was genuinely my bad, Andrew,” said Neil, “I really thought I had my phone on me but I guess I left it somewhere?”
           “I gave you too much time.” Andrew said. Questions were the only things he dodged willingly, “I won’t be so generous next time. Your thirty seconds has been cut down to five.”
           “There’s a next time? I thought you said you were gonna kill me.” said Neil
           “Oh, Neil, of course I am,” Andrew ran a finger down Neil’s chin. There was still an opening at Neil’s side but instead of running he shivered at the touch, “Let me count the ways,” Andrew’s fingers were firm yet tickled Neil’s skin as they ran down his neck. His hand spread out and sank down until his palm pressed over Neil’s windpipe. Neil could feel his pulse pumping under Andrew’s skin. “So many options to choose from. But only one opportunity. It needs to be satisfying.”
           “I never took you for the romantic type.”
Andrew squinted his eyes in disgust. His hand slid down to Neil’s chest and his face hovered closer. “You’re going to shut up now.”
When their noses touched Neil’s smile shrank down and his eyes closed.
“I’m going to shut up now…” Andrew groaned at that.
“Yes or no?” His lips brushed against Neil’s when he spoke.
“God yes…” Andrew’s lips slammed hard against Neil’s for such insolence. After a few good minutes of a warm buzz Andrew’s own Razr ™ phone buzzed in his pocket. It was a text from Aaron.
            yr pet ran away to the barn. leav him whr he belongs
           Andrew rubbed Neil’s thigh to keep him quiet as he texted back.
           Thinkin abt it
           Found him btw. Thx.
“Well, gang, what’s the damage toll today?” Wymack asked. He had a new pair of sunglasses with the price tag still hanging off it.
           “Neil got lost in the park.” said Matt
           Wymack threw his hands up. He appeared to be about to make a joke, but then backtracked.
           “Neil, what the hell? Did something happen?”
           “I’m alright now!” Neil emphasized, “It’s not a big deal anymore!”
“Off to a great start.” said Wymack.
“Aaron nearly got sued for throwing a grown man in a kiddie pool.” said Nicky.
“Will you stop exaggerating shit for drama?!” Aaron said to Nicky, “He ‘threatened’ it but it was empty. It’s dealt with now It isn’t going to become a problem.”
           Wymack rubbed his temples, “Anything else anyone needs to report?”
           “I decapitated a rubber frog with a mallet,” said Kevin, “but the thing was falling apart anyway, so I blame that on poor maintenance and not my superior tactical strategy.”
           “Of course, Kevin. And what were you saying about damage to our equipment?”
           “They can’t fine us for their own incompetence, Coach.”
           “Let’s hope they don’t, Kevin. Let’s hope they don’t.” Wymack turned to the third group, “What about you three? Get in any legal trouble at the waterpark today?”
Matt and Allison had their backs turned to the group at the moment, in a heated debate with Renee.
           “See? He didn’t technically drown anybody.” said Allison.
           “Once again, I didn’t say drown. I a tactical advantage.” said Renee
           “But does it count as tactics if he’s just submerged?” asked Matt, “Was his head under the water? How long was he under? Did he cough at any time? Yo Nicky, you were a witness weren’t you? We need you to testify!”
           “Hey!” said Wymack, “We’re trying to leave here!”
           “I scored the digits of four guys and one girl,” said Allison, “I’ll likely never use them, but hey, you never know for a rainy day.”
           “I made twenty dollars while enjoying myself,” said Renee, “Thank you, Aaron.”
           Aaron had no idea what part he had in this and didn’t intend to ask.
           “Wait!” said Allison, “What about the Neil bets?!”
           “Oh yeah,” said Renee, “Make that fifty dollars.”
           “Wait, Neil, you didn’t sustain any bodily injuries, did you?” asked Nicky, “Cause even if it’s a tiny papercut that’s thirty right there.”
“’Neil Bets’?” Neil asked, even if he had a large suspicion of what those entailed.
           “Yeah, obvious things you do. Like when you say ‘I’m fine’ or don’t know a movie reference or wear mismatched clothes. It’s like taking a shot, but with money.”
           “I feel like I should feel something about that,” said Neil, “but I mostly don’t care.”
           “Finally, he gets it.” said Andrew.
           “I need a vacation from this vacation,” said Wymack.
 “It looks like you survived.” Matt said to Dan, “How you holding up?”
           Dan breathed in and out. “Well, I did get some sun. I got dragged into a few incidents for a few minutes but they pretty much cleared up by the time I got there. Overall it was okay.”
           Matt handed a plush frog plush over to Dan.
           “You won this?”
           “Maybe, maybe not.”
           “Aw, it’s soft! It’ll make a great pillow on the ride back. You’re the best.”
           When Matt hugged Dan, careful around her shoulders, he could have almost sworn he witnessed a green glow hovering above the chess tattoo eying him. Kevin Day, semi-professional sports player, professional celebrity, aspiring Olympian, survivor, would not stoop so low to start a war over stolen carnival prizes. Despite how earned they were. But he would make sure Matt would be miserable when the end of August hit.
Neil purchased ten temporary tattoos from the gift shop at Andrew’s request.
           “Punishment for what you put me through today.” Andrew said.
           “Andrew, they’re like less than fifty cents each.” said Neil.  That almost seemed like a challenge so Andrew grabbed two Super Soakers off the wall and dumped them at Neil’s feet.
           As they waited for the bus to arrive Neil wet the sponge for the tattoos with his water bottle. They picked a ship for Neil’s neck and skull for Andrew’s cheek.
           “You better not fuck up my beautiful face.” said Andrew.
           “It’s called a temporary tattoo for a reason.” said Neil.
           “Your hair is temporary. You’d have a problem if I ripped that out the wrong way.”
           “Always violence with you.”
           “Yeah? Neil, I’m getting a skull on my face.”
           Neil laughed. “A skull tattoo on your face is less violent. More…a cry for help.”
           “Face tattoos are a cry for help in general.” Andrew said loud enough for the words to reach Kevin. He got no response but Neil saw Kevin glance in their direction.
           When Andrew pulled the white strip off Neil asked him how it looked. “Stupid and fake. Fits you perfect.”
Neil removed the square from Andrew’s cheek. The skull had a rose near it’s chin. Neil found it a little endearing. “It’s not as serious as it thinks it is. Fits you perfect.”
            Andrew shoved Neil on the shoulder for that.
When the bus arrived they sat next to each other. Neil kept using the sponge to keep Andrew’s face cool.  
           “You want me to play music on the way back?” Neil asked. He wasn’t certain if he’d get the same answer as he did on the ride up here but he was willing to try.
           “Do whatever you want. But I’m gonna fall asleep halfway through.”
           Neil grinned. “Oh good. That means I can play whatever I want.”
           “Fuck off.” Neil placed an earbud in his left ear then delicately did the same for Andrew.
By the time it moved Andrew was already nodding off from the mixture of exhaustion and running and his latest bout of almost-feeing.
           “It’s a yes for my shoulders tonight.” said Andrew.
           Neil understood. As Andrew looked out the window and began to doze off Neil lowered his head on his shoulder. Looking at Andrew, his Andrew’s skin felt cooler to the touch even through he never went in the water. It must be contagious.
As the bus moved on and the scenery passed Neil found his eyes closing too.
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