#but I stand by whatever is in my Core and it’s love for Xigbar and what I hope to soon be perceived as the Tragedy as it truly must be
cryptidsncurios · 5 months
Thinking about the lyrics to “Don’t Think Twice” like?? Some of these lyrics uuuuuuh.. About Xigbar??? With his core being Luxu?? Like
“How did I live in a kingdom of thieves / And people who say things they don't really mean, really mean”
“So why do I say things I don't really mean, really mean / I'm only crying 'cause I never dreamed / It'd take this long, it'd take this long”
…idk man. I’m just……….
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nopantssaturday · 5 years
One Little Spark - Chapter 1
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A/N here it is folks, the fic that NOBODY asked for
Thanks to the help of my lovely editor @4ddictwithapencil
Warnings: Smut, Lemons, Whatever you call it on this godforsaken site
Pairing: OC X Xigbar
Word Count: 4313
Working for an evil organization wasn’t so bad. The work was hard, constantly going on missions was tiresome and dangerous, and the time off was rare, but it wasn’t so bad. She had a place to live, food to eat; that’s all she could really ask for in her condition. Being a Nobody wasn’t all that it was cracked up to be, and there weren’t many places that she could hope to go. Basically, it was work this crappy job or become a dusk where she wouldn’t have any free will at all. And this was better than nothing.
In the time Fexa had been Number XV, she made a few friends and got along with just about everyone there, if not by friendship then through apathy. Many people in the organization, like Number VI, very much kept to themselves. It probably had something to do with the whole “No Heart” Thing. Whatever. It didn’t really matter. Fexa had herself and that’s all she ever needed, even when she had a heart.
Well, she wasn’t all by herself. Fexa did have companionship. It wasn’t intentional, but after a long mission and a night in a dirty motel room gone awry, she  had an active partner to spend her nights with. It had been some time since that fateful night, but from it, the two of them  had formed a bond. What kind of bond? That was a little harder to answer.
At first, the nightly visits were short and sweet. The sex was good, but that was it. Usually after it was over, he would go through the same routine. After a moment of rest, he would rise from the bed, slip on his pants without a sound, say something witty and snarky as he zipped up his coat, and then with a two fingered salute, he would say “Thanks for the fun, Doll. I hope we can meet like this again soon.”. He then would open up a portal and disappear into the night.  Fexa assumed that he didn’t use the door to not alert the other members of their arrangement, but she could also see him doing it solely for the purpose of making a dramatic exit. He really liked to sell that “edgy space pirate” charade.
But that was then.Things changed again after a mission a couple of weeks ago. .  
It wasn’t supposed to be difficult, just some run of the mill espionage in Motunui, a world that recently came under the organizations radar. And at first, things weren’t bad. In fact, the world was one of the most beautiful that Fexa had ever seen. The sand was soft and white and the waves were gentle. It almost made her dream of travelling here on a day off. Almost.
“C’mon Babycakes.” Xigbar smirked “We weren’t sent here for you to dream about your next holiday. We’ve got work to do”
Fexa resentfully sighed. She did have work to do after all. They were being assigned to check out a large amount of magical activity that was being located at the top of a local volcano. The girl looked down at the scanning device in her hand. Yup. Still going strong up there.
The two of them started their ascent to top of the mountain, every once in a while, stopping for a moment to feel the soft island breeze brush against her face. After about an hour of hiking, the two started to make it towards the top. As Fexa ascended, she could feel the warm air get hotter and dryer. The readings in her small palm seemed to be going higher and higher with every step she took, she could hear a loud rumblings from the top of the mountain. There was definitely something up here.
As Fexa was about to ask a question to Xigbar, he turned to her, and quickly pressed a finger to his lips, “Shh… This is going to take a lot of expert maneuvering” He winked. Well. Sorta winking. He closed his one exposed eye in a dramatic fashion to imply that he was winking. What a jackass.
Quietly, the two of them peer inside of the volcano core. What they were expecting to be there was nothing compared to what was. Inside of this volcano stood a heartless that looked as large as the volcano itself. It looked as if it’s body was made entirely of lava and brimstone, but didn’t have the tell tale emblem of a heartless. Usually ones this big had an emblem of some sort. Whatever. There wasn’t anything else that this thing could be. Of course, maybe the emblem is on the other side of the beast.
Slowly, Fexa rose from her hiding spot next to Xigbar and pulled out the company issued gummiphone. It was a little bulky since it was an older model, but it had a camera and that’s all she used it for anyway. She needed to get as many photos of this thing as possible. She rose the camera and took a couple of good shots of the beast from where she stood. ‘Great. Now you just need the other side.’ She thought looking to Xigbar and pantomiming a message to him using elaborate hand gestures. Honestly it was more like a bad game of charades but she essentially said ‘I’m gonna go take some photos over there”. The sharpshooter replied with a nod and a thumbs up.
Fexa then started the small walk over to the other side of the volcano’s edge, trying her best to stay silent and unnoticed. These hot leather jackets were great for espionage at night, but wearing black from head to toe in the middle of broad daylight on a tropical island was much less of a smart move.  As she made her trek around the crater, Fexa made a conscious effort to watch the beast to make sure that she wasn’t detected. Slowly she walked, paying more attention to the heartless than where she was actually stepping. Camera in hand, Fexa turned to the beast to take another photo with her gummiphone.
With her focus on her blossoming career in photography, Fexa failed to notice the edge of the crater that she was standing on beginning to crumble. But by the time that she did notice, it was already too late. Suddenly she felt the rocky edge collapse under her feet and then within a second she was beginning the descent into the volcano. Fexa let out a startled gasp as she fell. Unfortunately, that gasp was enough to alert the heartless below that she was on her way down. The beast let out sharp and blood-curdling screech that shook the island; or at least that’s what it felt like.
The fall was only for a few short moments, but, to her it felt like a lot longer. She was helpless. There was nothing to use that could pull her to safety and no way to get help. It was horrifying, feeling her life flash across her eyes. It was traumatic and funny, really. That this was how she was going to go out. But before Fexa could make it to her hot and molten demise, out of the corner of her eye she saw a giant molten hand flying towards her. And then, suddenly, everything went black.
Fexa came to some time later. She had only known time had passed because She was no longer in a steamy hot volcano and was no longer plummeting to her death. She was in a bed. Not her own, but one that was very similar. It was the medical bay in the Castle that Never was. She survived. Fexa had no idea how she got here, but she wasn't going to start looking for answers any time soon. Her eyes began to close once again as she fell into a exhausted sleep.
The next time that Fexa woke, she was not alone. Standing at the edge of the bed was Saix; the organization’s second in command. He didn’t look pleased. Then again, when was he ever?
“Howdy, Chief.” Fexa greeted her commanding officer with a little two fingered salute. “How did I do today? Pretty stellar if I say so myself.”
Her superior was not amused by her sarcasm. He never liked sarcasm, really. “Well,” He started. “If you’re asking how you performed on your mission last week, then no. It was not. You were explicitly directed to not interface with the creature, and for your incompetence, we have lost a week of time as you healed here. You should be lucky to be alive. If it wasn’t for a rock formation on the inside of the volcano that broke your fall, you probably wouldn’t be alive. Your carelessness could have cost us valuable data.”
The small woman let out a mouthy groan. “But”, she paused. “ you should’ve seen this thing! That heartless was as big the volcano! There was nearly no way to avoid getting caught.”
“Yes, Number XV, it was large, but that was no heartless. It was a GOD. THE god of the island. That is why we explicitly told you to not interfere.” Fexa let out another groan. That’s why it didn’t have an emblem. She certainly felt stupid. Maybe she should have just burned to death in that volcano.
“However, we were able to extrapolate a lot of useful data from the images received from the photos you took. So.. Good job.. Mission accomplished..” That last part was more of a grumble than the rest, but it was luckily still heard.
‘Good job, Fexa, you get to keep your job for another day.’ she thought.
Saix continued, “When you are feeling well enough to walk, head back to your quarters. We will summon you when you are needed. Until then, accompany Vexen in the Laboratory and resume your duties as his assistant.”
Saix then without another word, turned away and left the room. “Well, that went better than expected, I guess.” Fexa grumbled to herself, It wasn’t until Saix left the room that she noticed the other person. In the corner of the room stood Xigbar, leaning against the wall.
“Hey kiddo, you took a hell of a nap there, didn’t ya? Almost thought you’d never wake up”, he chuckled. “Come on, let’s get you to your room.” He walked over to the bed and put out a gloved hand. Fexa looked up at him with an eyebrow raised. What is this guy up to? “Come on, Doll, we ain’t got all day and I’m running out of patience. I can only be this charming and chivalrous for so long.” She took his hand begrudgingly and rose from the bed.
Her legs were a little wobbly at first but by the time she had reached the door, she was as right as rain. Fexa and Xigbar walked down the hallway in silence. Other than when they were on missions, this actually was the first time that they were walking through the castle together. Most of the time, the two avoided each other in the public eye to avoid anyone making assumptions of where they were at night. But walking together now? It was pretty nice.
The two of them reached the door to Fexa's quarters and opened the door. With a brief glance down the hallway in both directions, she stepped inside. “Care to come in?” She asked the ruggedly handsome man
Xigbar followed behind Fexa into her room and shut the door, but before Fexa could even say a word, she could feel strong hands reaching around her waist. She was  turned to face Xigbar as he placed a kiss onto her lips. Normally, his kisses are hard, hungry, but this kiss was deeper. It exhilarated her. But then he pulled away again, meeting her hazel eyes with his one of gold.
“I thought I lost you there, kid. You were out for a while.” He mumbled.  One of his hands worked its way behind Fexa's head, tangling his fingers into her  hair and pulling her into another deep kiss. “Why weren’t you more careful?”
“It wasn’t my fault. The rocks gave way, there was nothing I could do.” Their lips crash together again. “And why do you care, huh?”
“I-I don’t.” He replies, kissing her again but with the rough hunger that she knew. “I just wanted to know what was going on in that pretty little head of yours when you decided to take up skydiving while standing at the edge of a volcano.”  
And… He was back. Fexa kissed him,matching his own fervor and pushed him backwards onto the bed. The small woman rose over him on the bed and wasted no time placing herself on top, both legs at either side of his waist and forcing his back against the headboard. “Oh, you’re gonna talk to me about hair brained ideas? What about that time in Corona? When you thought it would be a good idea to instigate the royal guard?” She kissed him again, grinding her hips into his growing erection. A muffled groan vibrating against her lips.
“Hey hey…” He pulled away. “That horse totally deserved it.” But before he could explain his very incorrect reasoning any further, another kiss was slammed against his lips. This kiss was like something Fexa had never experienced before. It was almost as if from the contact of lips alone, there was an electricity flowing through them both; a spark. It was a spark that she had never felt so strongly in her life.
Their lips stayed locked for what felt like an eternity, and every time she thought to pull away, Fexa found that she couldn’t. It was magnetic. It felt impossible to part, but after some time, she found her lips shifting, focusing their attention to his bottom lip, massaging the tender flesh with her own. The friction, while small, felt like a fire inside. Xigbar let out a groan as the vixen continued her assault in his lips. His mouth parted slightly only to nibble into the kiss. She let out a slight gasp in surprise and he used this opening to slide a his tongue between those soft lips of hers.
Tongues clashed and danced as hands started to roam. Fexa could feel the rogues war-hardened hand run its fingers through her hair, causing her to breath out a soft contented sigh into the kiss. His other hand started to make its way down to her breast, folding the soft mound through the thick material of her coat.  Xigbar then parted his lips from hers, with a low chuckle.
“You know.. These coats suck…” He looked up at her with a cheeky grin and a look in his eye that made Fexa know that was going to happen next. His hand slowly moved from her chest, back upwards to the zipper of her coat. Pulling it down slowly, he took very second to relish the sight, he stopped only at about midway through her breast before plunging his hand inside the coat and caressing her bare breast. It was just too hot inside that thing to wear anything underneath.
The sharpshooters hand caressed her breast, ghosting a thumb over her nipples causing her to shudder and gasp. It seemed that tonight, no matter what he did, it sent sparks echoing through her body. The couples lips intertwined once more and Xigbar continued to caress her breast, using his other hand to bring the zipper down lower until it was entirely open.
Their lips parted again as Xigbar plunged down, leaning Fexa back slightly and bringing his lips to her unattended breast.  She moaned out in bliss as his lips and tongue swirled around her sensitive peaks.
While she was so lost in her pleasure, Xigbar took his opportunity to grab Fexa by the shoulders and onto her back and scramble himself on top of her, pinning her to the mattress with a smirk and unzipping his own coat, He quickly pushed into the soft skin of her shoulder with his lips and sucked and nibbled until a dark flower bloomed in its place.
Beneath him she laid out, breathy and flushed. Her eyes twinkled like starlight; and it was breathtaking. But it didn’t last. In retaliation to her little, gift, Fexa brought her hands up to his shoulders and used all of her strength to flip him onto his back. Too bad they were both on the edge of the bed.  
The couple fell off the bed and to the floor with a loud ‘thump!’ There was a soft beat of silence as the two brought their eyes to meet each other before a soft smile came onto Xigbar's face and then hers. Soft chuckles erupted into laughter that filled the room.  As the laughter subsided, her eyes met his eyes once more, but this time his gaze was uncharacteristically soft and with it, a strange feeling bloomed in her chest. It was… something new, and warm, and unusual, but not bad.  Not bad at all.
From beneath her, the rogue sat up, not attempting to remove her from atop him and, not breaking their gaze, closed  his eye  and landed  his lips on hers in a heat and passion that Fexa has never known before. He slowly slid his open coat down his shoulders and then hers, never breaking the contact their kiss.  
The the soft thud of the heavy coats falling beside them was soon followed by the sound of pants unzipping and sliding down.
She sat on top of him now completely bare with the only thing dividing them being the thin fabric of their undergarments, and the heat between them was unavoidable. Their lips parted and their heavy pants hung in the space between them. The air was electric and their senses were in a tizzy.
Slowly, Fexa’s fingers slithered downwards and found themselves playing with the edge of eyepatched mans boxers, unintentionally licking her lower lip in temptation. What lay beneath them was beckoning her.
“Go on, Doll… you know what You want…” he purred, urging her to further to what they both deeply desired. She lifted her waist just enough to slide the boxers down, unveiling his cock to the open air.
She wanted it. She wanted it, now. But before she could find herself giving in to the temptation, she looked up, planting one more kiss on his lips.  The warm sensation multiplied, as if a million sparks ignited her soul.
She pulled away, and their eyes met once again  as they were transfixed, she slowly positioned herself atop him and eased him inside her aching heat. As she descended, the sensation that ran through her body was exhilarating; breathless. While her movements were slow, Fexa could feel every nerve inside of her come alight with a fiery desire.
She took him inside of her all the way to the hilt and a swept and lust-filled sigh left her lips, that Xigbar matched in kind. Their sighs hung in the air for a moment, as if the power of their union was one that was too much to bear.
After she became accustomed, she slowly pulled herself up, not fully but enough to create the friction that they both desired, and then rolled her hips down onto his hard and aching cock, shuddering in pleasure and earning a well deserved groan from him. She did it again; creating a steady rhythm, soon increasing the pace out of impatience and need. Her arms slithered around the back of his neck as his hand made its way onto her hip, giving her extra guidance. The other hand, however, moved downwards and arriving right on her sensitive bundle of flesh that was aching attention. She let out a sharp gasp as he played with her, matching her pace and pushing her orgasm closer.
She continued her motion, his hand playing with her as she moved along his cock, the coil inside of her growing tight and increasing her speed. The couples gasps and moans filled the room they kept going, adrift in the others bliss. It was like a deep grove and the farther they dove, the more lost in eachother they fell. They went faster and faster. Fexa’s moans started to turn into soft outcries. It was too much. The coil within her was about to break.
“Don’t worry baby… “ the pirate purred. “Come for me. Come on my cock. I know you want to..”
And that was all the reassurance she needed. She increased her pace one final time going as fast as she possibly could, and Xigbar’s fingers matched her pace. She was at her limit, just on the edge and then her vision went white as she felt her muscles spasm around him. He jerked his head backwards with a groan as he became undone, releasing his spend inside of her as she rode out her orgasm. And then, it was quiet again, the only sound in their room being their pants of exhaustion.
It was then that Fexa realized how exhausted she was. She felt the intense fatigue from her efforts ripple through her thighs and her Orgasm was so powerful that she was still a little dizzy. The world almost spun around her as she pushed her forehead against his and her arms still around his neck. His hand that was once was teasing her reached around her waist, meeting its twin.
The couple stayed like this a moment, but Fexa wasn’t sure how long that moment lasted. It could have been a few seconds or maybe a few minutes. She really wasn’t sure. But she didn’t want the moment to end, that much she did know. This kind of intimacy was very new to her and something of a side that she had never seen in Xigbar, but she really didn’t mind it. She almost swore that it made her feel.. happy. If such a feeling existed for nobodies. Which they don’t.
The quiet and serenity of the moment lasted another second before Fexa was pulled from her thoughts.
“Uhh.. hey babe.? You wanna uh.. get off of me please? Or at least let me out of you?” She looked down and realized that yes, she has not moved at all meaning that he was still inside her. She pushed up with her legs, freeing him as his cum dropped out of her in tandem, but the pain of exhaustion rippled through her legs, causing her to let out a groan before back down onto his lap. So now his dick was free. But she couldn’t move her legs… perfect..
“So… funny story… I… can’t feel my legs” she couldn't help but laugh. It was funny, really. “It looks like I really exhausted myself.”
Xigbar looked at her a moment in confusion before letting out a hearty laugh.
“Oh did you, now!? My little minx is too tuckered out? What happened to all the fire in your blood?”
He slid himself out from under her and stood, causing her to plop onto her knees on the floor. Then leaning down, he eased Fexa’s arms around his neck once more and he swooped his first arm around her back and the second under her knees, lifting her up and then gently placing her onto the bed. She looked up at him with confusion as he placed a small peck on the top of her forehead.
“There we go. Least you can be tired in your bed”
This was about the time that Xigbar would make his leave. Fexa doesn't protest when he does this, but as she waits, and waits, he doesn’t go. He just stays put. She  looked over to him, his arms behind his head as he looked up at the ceiling. Fexa wondered what he was thinking about. Probably nothing. But still she wondered. It was then that he looked away from the ceiling turned his body to face her. He nudged her over on the bed, laying on top of the blankets and turning himself to face her while propping he head up with his hand.
“Damn.. you sure are a sight..” He cooed “Im impressed. I would have never believed that you were in the med bay this morning if I didn’t see it with my own eye. If I had known you’d be like this after an accident, I would’ve thrown you into a volcano waay sooner.” He chuckled
“Oh Ha. Ha.” Fexa retorted. “Don’t you have a special portal to open up or somewhere to be or something?”
He looked at her with a scoff and then to the ceiling, pressing a finger to his chin and feigning something of serious thought. “Hmmmmm…” He paused. “Nah. I’m too tired to even think about moving right now. I guess that means your stuck with me, Princess.” He looked back at Fexa and gave her a suggestive glance before leaning over and placing a kiss on the top of her forehead yet again.
She gave a playful scoff in response. She didn’t mind him staying the night.. The bed was big enough for two, it was just strange to hear him expressing a desire to stay with her. “Well, alright if you insist…” Fexa said with a sarcastic fake-agonized tone. “I’m going to sleep then. You do what you will.”  She turned over onto her side and soon after, was in a deep sleep.
By the time she woke up the next morning, Xigbar was gone again. But this time, there was a piece of paper left behind in his wake.  
‘You were snoring really loud so I went back to my room to get some decent sleep. See ya around, Hot Stuff. ;) ‘
Ever the Charmer, as always.
A/N: I know this sex is a little softer then Xigbar’s M/O, but there is a reason for this, I promise! More to come soon! 
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