#but I plan on doing this for every muse and adding them to the carrd :) because I love to suffer :)
hatigave · 1 month
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Archie Kennedy                                 an extremely detailed character study     (     cw: mention of suicidal ideation, briefly mentioned mental/physical/sexual abuse, depression.     )    
Full Name: Archibald John Kennedy Nickname/Alias: Archie Meaning: An Old German name, Archibald is made up of the elements erchan, meaning "genuine," and bald, which means "bold," Title: Midshipman / Fourth Lieutenant Pet Name: none
Gender: Masculine leaning nonbinary in modern verses. Cis male in canon or historical verses. Orientation: homosexual Age: 27 Birthday: July 30 Birthplace: London Astrological Sign: leo
Immediate Family: Johnathan Kennedy (father) Caroline Kennedy (mother) Edward Kennedy (older brother) Margaret Kennedy (older sister) Distant Family: none of importance that he particularly cares about aside from his aunt Theresa who introduced him to theatre and poetry when he was five years old. Upbringing: strict for modern standards, but lenient regarding the time period. As the second son and youngest child, Archie was able to enjoy a lot more simple pleasures than his older siblings. The Kennedy home was a place where love lived, and he was raised with the knowledge that this would never change Infancy: Archie was an easy infant. He slept through the night early and never fell sick aside from a minor cold once. In fact, he slept so soundly that his mother and the staff thought him dead at times. Childhood: as the youngest child he quickly took up the role of class clown in their family dynamic. Archie would go to great lengths to make his siblings and parents laugh. And it was not unheard of for him to crawl up on the table or other furniture to perform a scene from a play he'd grown obsessed with. Scraped knees became a staple as he fell out of trees while playing with Edward. He was so filled with joy. Adolescence: his adolescence is divided into two parts, the years before him joining the Navy and those after joining. Before he was a carefree boy who would spend nearly every waking hour at the theatre either performing or assisting wherever he could. Acting came naturally to him, and he was able to circulate in the same circles as some of the most prominent figures in the scene. After he was quick to crush whatever joy remained inside of him. Jack Simpson took everything from him the first time he slammed his face into a wall and undid his trousers — Archie shrunk within himself as a way of surviving the trauma he endured. Adulthood: the abuse has changed him forever, and the carefree happy boy he once was has been reduced to a mask. Happiness is still there, but it only comes out as an act when he thinks it is beneficial to others. He sees Horatio's sadness and counteracts this by once more taking the shape of the jester. Archie pushes away his own fears in favour of uplifting those around him. The only place where his happiness and joy are real is on the Indy, but even there he's prone to fall into the clutches of his depression and his suicidal ideation.
Species: human Ethnicity: Caucasian  Preferred Hand: right-handed Facial Type: triangle Eye Color: blue Hair Color: strawberry blond Hairstyle: wavy unruly thick hair that is shoulder length Skin Tone: fair with a tendency to burn rather than to tan Makeup: none, although he is no stranger to stage makeup Build: mesomorph Height: 5'3 / 160cm  Weight: 62kg Facial Hair: none Birthmarks/scars: various birthmarks littered across his body, minor scars across his hands, arms, chest and back either from battle or gifts from Jack Simpson. One more gruesome-looking scar on his left ankle. And in post-canon verses the scar from being impaled by a sword. Distinguishing Features: impossible blue eyes.
Health: while his physical health is excellent, his mental health is far from it. He suffers from severe ptsd / depression / non-epileptic seizures Energy: high, although this is a reaction to his body quite literally being in a fight or flight state for years. If he feels safe somewhere he will become low energy and sleep for hours on end to recharge. Memory: Archie struggles with short-term memory after he developed seizures and most of his childhood memories have been wiped. But he does remember faces and minor details extremely well. Senses: an exceptional sense of hearing, but his eyesight is not as great as it could have been. Allergies: a minor allergy for eggs, but he thinks everyone just gets itchy after eating them.   Handicaps: non-epileptic seizures. Phobias: claustrophobia and a deep-rooted fear of being buried alive. Addictions: none in canon, a slight addiction to sleeping pills in modern verses.
Style: flamboyant and colourful when he's able to dress in anything but his uniform. A big fan of natural fabrics and obnoxious patterns in modern verses. Grooming: well-groomed with an insane attention for detail. Archie 100% plucks his eyebrows. Posture: atrocious when sitting. Extremely straight when in the presence of higher ranking officers or standing.  Gait: an upright posture, a controlled arm swing, and consistent strides. Confident, even when it is all an act. Habits and Mannerisms: cracking his knuckles or his neck, nervous movements of his fingers, clearing his throat. Scent: lavender, seaweed, vanilla.
Mood: melancholic internally, happy externally. Attitude: while he portrays a very positive attitude towards the world, he is not above a well-placed snarky comment. There is a filter in place between his mouth and his brain to filter out any 'bitch please' phrases he might wish to say. He however has no such filter for his face, and his expression will betray him. Stability: about as mentally stable as a Jenga tower  Expressiveness: extremely. Archie has never felt an emotion that has not immediately been visible on his face.
Current Residence: verse depended Friends: Horatio and William Enemies: Jack Simpson Bosses: Edward Pellew, Don Massaredo in a weird way Heroes: Horatio and Edward, he idolizes those men, as well as Katharine "Kitty" Cobham Rivals: n/a Relates to: tba Pets/Familiars: none, even when Archie has a soft spot for cats and he would love to have multiple of them.
Lovers: See this headcanon. Marital Status: verse depended.   Sex Life: alive and well. Often, frequent, and preferably with no strings attached. Element: fire
Occupation: Midshipman / Fourth Lieutenant depending on the timeframe. Rank: see above Wealth Status: upper class, old money. Organizations/Affiliations: the British Navy / mostly loyal to his friends and those who he thinks need him, not necessarily the crown itself.
Religion: catholic  Morals: he sure has them, but they are easily discarded in favour of the needs of his friends. Crime Record: charged and found guilty for mutiny and treason. Also aiding and abetting in war crimes with Horatio, although he has not stood trial for that. Motivation: the protecting of those he cares about, very little self-preservation. Etiquette: well-mannered, and pristine.
Main Goal: to survive long enough to see those he cares about happy and safe. The only reason why he pushes forward is to ensure their safety, it has very little to do with his own wellbeing. It helps that he always surrounds himself with impulsive people who keep finding themselves in the shit. The circle truly never ends. Desires: to be loved and accepted for who and what that he is.  Greatest Achievement: becoming fourth lieutenant. Biggest Failure: not pursuing acting, even if it was the only thing that ever truly provided him with joy.   Regrets: not being present when Simpson died. Not making peace with his family before the end. Worries: being forgotten or being seen and afterwards being judged as not good enough.
Hobbies/Interests: plays and poetry with an unhealthy obsession with Shakespeare's works.   Skills/Talents: acting and reciting poetry and general lines from memory. He has an affinity for dance and music as well even when he does not like to sing around others, and he gets self-conscious while dancing as he always feels like he's being watched. Likes: lively music, sweet foods, physical affection from those he trusts, compliments. Dislikes: snakes, thunderstorms, small spaces and abuse of authority. Sense of Humor: sarcastic and dark.  Quirks: vocal stimming and a few facial ticks (twitching his mouth, scrunching his nose)  
Strengths: considerate and empathic. Archie is not prone to seeing enemies in nationalities and forgives easily if he or his friends have not been deeply wronged. Flaws: prone to oversharing. His snark can be interpreted as being insubordinate and mean-spirited. Perception: gloomy and bleak or overly optimistic and dreamy. No in-between. Soft Spot: those who are at war within themselves, young people who are looking for guidance. Cruel Streak: none.
Powers/Abilities: n/a Origin: n/a  Weaknesses: n/a
Favorite Colors:  light blue, deep orange Favorite Animals:  cats, foxes, and he's really into the idea of lions even when he has never seen any. Favorite Mythological Creatures:  Pegasuses Favorite Flavors: anything rich and sweet. Dark chocolate, strawberries and strong tea with milk Favorite Foods: he's a big lover of good bread and cheese, but he also loves oranges. Favorite Drinks: strong tea Favorite Genre: romance (with a happy ending) Favorite Books: anything Shakespeare  Favorite Movies: n/a Favorite Games: cards, even when he gets his ass beaten by Horatio every single time. Favorite Shows: n/a Favorite Music: high-tempo folk music as long as it contains a fiddle Favorite Bands: n/a Favorite Songs: n/a Favorite Sports: n/a Favorite Stores: n/a Favorite Numbers: 3 Favorite Websites: n/a
Least Favorite Colors: bright, eye-burning, pink. Least Favorite Animals: snakes and rats Least Favorite Mythological Creatures:  sirens Least Favorite Flavors: anything sour Least Favorite Foods: none, he will happily eat anything Least Favorite Drinks: strong bitter coffee Least Favorite Genre: horror Least Favorite Books: none, he will try and find a redeeming quality in all books. Least Favorite Movies: n/a Least Favorite Games: he's a big fan of all games either physical ones or board games. He gets way too into it. Least Favorite Shows: n/a Least Favorite Music: anything that does not move him to his core. Least Favorite Bands: n/a Least Favorite Songs: n/a Least Favorite Sports: n/a Least Favorite Stores: n/a  Least Favorite Numbers: 13 Least Favorite Websites: n/a
Languages: English, Spanish post episode three, and minor French which is barely enough to hold a conversation.   Accent: Queen’s English mostly, but years of speaking with a Cockney accent to blend in with the working crowd of the theatre have left their mark, and it will sometimes slip out when he's drunk.   Voice: rather loud, he goes slightly up in pitch at the end of a sentence. Expletive: in fact Laughter: loud and infectious. Archie laughs with his whole body and he's prone to laughing fits.
MBTI Personality Type: ESFP Temperament: sanguine Enneagram: type seven / the enthousiast Ego/Superego/Id: id
Alignment: lawful good Symbol: a waxing moon Vice: lust Virtue: compassion
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decthe-a · 2 years
A painter has Covid and won’t be here until Thursday instead it seems. Means I won’t be rushing to tidy everything tonight. I still will be but not every little thing will need completed now :)
Carrd is coming along fine. I have the rules completely redone. Ignoring Zhonglis muse information as usual but it’s almost done. I have removed the updates page and added a to do list page so I can keep track of what I plan to do. 
Muse page needs done. Unsure how I’ll achieve this layout right now but I’ll work something out as I don’t really like my current one. But that could be due to it being very empty with no muses lmaooo.
The intro page is the same as well as the main nav page. I’m working on a warnings page so people know what content will be here and what content is involved with what fandoms and so you can blacklist them. Credits page will be reworked as well too I think as I don’t like the current layout. I have an Idea on what to do so :) 
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