#but I love Ben and the cats more so I’m leaving my job in fall
brickcollector · 1 month
In the think tank (shower)
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messers-moony · 3 years
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Paring: Five Hargreeves X Fem!Reader
Summary: Five goes through everything with his best friend, and when they return with the announcement of their marriage his siblings are appalled. 
Request: “I can request a FiveXreader where the reader is loving, sweet and naive, Five's best friend but the reader has no powers (You can invent a way how they became best friends and they are in love with each other, cliché but I love) One day the reader was sitting in front of the Umbrella Academy and saw Five leave in a hurry (The scene that he will travel in time) In this the reader does not abandon Five and decides to travel in time with him, they end up trapped in the apocalylipse, can you make them stay together?  (Like married I don't know) And also the scene where they go back to 2019? Sorry, if this so bored”
Five couldn’t believe his eyes. After a failed mission, he and his siblings decided to sneak out. Klaus had spotted a park on the way home, and that’s where they went. For the first time in years, they felt like kids again. They were all ten years old and had never experienced a playground before. Allison had never laughed as much, and Diego seemed to finally forget his insecurities while swinging from monkey bars. 
Even on occasion, Luther would help Ben cross the monkey bars. Vanya was finally included, and Klaus had never seemed so carefree in his life. But Five had his eyes on someone else. She sat at one of the navy blue tables, quite a ways away from the playground, watching the siblings with a soft smile on her face. A notebook was in front of her while she twirled a pencil in her hand. 
Curiosity killed the cat. Five was too intrigued not to sit with her. So despite this probably being the only time he could experience a playground, he sat in front of her, obscuring her vision from his other six siblings. Her eyes met green ones; they looked evergreen in the dark of the night. His hair almost looked black, but she knew it had to be dark brown. 
“Good evening.” Her voice, it sounded like heaven to him, “Evening.”
It felt awkward, and the silence could’ve been cut with a knife, “My names Y/n.”
“Five? That’s unique.” Y/n complimented, and his cheeks flushed, “Thanks….” 
Her vision went back to the other kids, “You’d think they’ve never seen a playground before.”
“They haven’t.” Five stated, looking at his siblings, “Our father is strict, so we snook out to come here.”
“I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to come off as rude-“
“You didn’t.” Five smiled, looking at her e/c eyes. 
Since then, Five would sneak out a lot more. His power was a fantastic tool. When he and his siblings began to sneak out more, Five always invited her. Klaus, Diego, and Vanya seemed taken with her. Y/n was always so kind and sweet. Her laugh radiated, and it made everyone around her smile. It was like she was Aphrodite, and he was Ares. 
After becoming friends with the academy kids, Y/n had a habit of sitting outside the academy. She usually sat on the edge of the sidewalk with her notebook on her lap, pencil in hand. Five couldn’t remember a time when her hand wasn’t covered in graphite or ink from drawing. He adored it, though, because it was so her. It made him stare at his black pens, aimlessly smiling, knowing that she probably had the same color ink on her hand. 
Becoming friends with Five meant knowing his ambition. Five Hargreeves was driven by his goals and wanted to do them regardless of the consequence. So Y/n knew about his dream to time travel despite his father's wishes. On a gloomy day, Y/n sat on the sidewalk. The only thing drawing her from her daydream was the slam of a gate. 
He didn’t turn, “Five!”
Y/n grabbed his arm, “What’re you doing?”
“I’m- I’m going to time travel.” Five stated with that daze in his eyes, “And you need to stay here.”
“No! I’m not letting you go alone!” Y/n exclaimed incredulously, “Y/n, please.” Five pleaded. 
She shook her head, “Absolutely not. Either we go together, or we stay here together.”
“Fine.” Five reluctantly agreed, holding out his hand for her. 
Hesitantly Y/n slid her fingers through his. They were intertwining their hands together. Five was so focused on time-traveling correctly that he didn’t notice the pink flush on his best friend's face. But he did it, once and twice—finally a third time. Smoke clouded the area, and fire could be seen for miles. 
Y/n dropped his hand and covered her mouth. Five circled in his spot in shock. He felt nauseous and queasy. He couldn’t believe that he let this happen. He shouldn’t have pushed himself. They were stuck. Fucking hell, they were stuck, and he couldn’t do anything. Y/n ran back to the academy, and Five followed her. The h/c haired girl stared at what used to be the Umbrella Academy. Now in ruins. Five dropped to his knees, tears collecting in his eyes. 
“It’s- it’s gone….” 
Y/n hugged him tightly, “It’s okay, we’re going to be okay.”
“I’m gonna- I’m gonna be-“ 
Five didn’t get to finish his sentence. He pushed her away and threw up to the side. When he finished, Y/n took her jacket sleeve and wiped it around his mouth—gently combing his hair from his face. Y/n had never seen Five look so drained. Seeing her in front of him, taking care of him made him break. Five broke into sobs holding onto her like a lifeline. Y/n rubbed his back and held him just as tightly. 
“I’m here, Five. I’ll keep you safe.”
Being thirteen in an apocalypse seems like a death sentence, but when you grow up the way Five did, it’s more bearable. The first few months were awful. Searching for shelter, food, clothes. It was downright hell, but they made it through. On cold nights Five would hold her close to his chest, and on hot nights Y/n would always manage to get him cold water. 
Years passed, and their friendship turned into a relationship. They needed each other to survive, and they just needed each other. Five couldn’t be more grateful that she insisted on coming. He couldn’t imagine doing this alone. But now, he had his girlfriend leaning her head on his shoulder while watching the fire. His arm wrapped around her shoulder, leaving occasional kisses on her temple. 
“I couldn’t imagine this world without you.” Five confessed, “I couldn’t imagine my life without you.” Y/n challenged. 
He smirked, “Oh, really?” 
“Don’t let it go to your head, smartass.” Y/n snorted, “Too late, it’s already there, my love.” Five retorted. 
She kissed his cheek, “Love you.”
“Love you too, darling.” 
Five years later. They were twenty-five, and he wanted to make it official. It was a rather cold day wherever they were, and Five was holding her closer than ever. Y/n was shivering on the old mattress they had found. She was constantly snuggling closer to Five’s chest. They laid facing each other, and Y/n’s head was tucked under his chin. Five’s hand ran through her long hair - after being unable to cut it - soothing her nerves. 
“Marry me.”
“I want you - Y/n - to marry me.” Five repeated, looking down at her.
Her teeth chattered, “Are you sure?”
“It’s not like there’s anyone else to choose from.”
Y/n glared playfully, and Five chuckled, “Asshole.”
“So, what do you say? Make me the happiest man on earth and marry me?”
“I say that if my fiancé doesn’t stop being an asshole, then I won't marry him.” Y/n retorted jokingly, “I love you too, pretty girl.” Five replied, smiling softly. 
He kissed her forehead and allowed her to muzzle closer into him. Gently he pulled the two plain rings he found. They were battered, of course, and the gold was dirty, but that didn’t matter. Five slipped the ring on her finger and his. Y/n placed a gentle kiss on his lips that he gladly returned. Sweet, soft, passionate, and full of love. A description of how she was. 
“Love you.”
“Love you too.” Five replied, “Now get some sleep.” 
Y/n was about to fall asleep when she heard Five mutter one last thing, “Y/n Hargreeves.”
29 years. 348 months. 1512 weeks. 10,585 days. Until a woman showed up in their shelter, offering them both a job. Five could remember pushing Y/n behind him defensively. The last thing he wanted was for her to get hurt in any interaction he had. The woman offered them a way home. Five turned to his wife, and she saw it. For the first time in forty-five years, she saw it. Hope. 
Y/n took Five’s hand in his, squeezing it gently. The softest smile crossed his features before agreeing with the woman’s offer where both of them became assassins—partners in crime. Nothing turned Five on more than seeing his wife fend for herself, and god, was she good at it. Y/n was so naive and innocent when she was ten. But now? At the age of fifty-six, she wasn’t that girl anymore. 
But when they reached the age of fifty-eight, Five finally found out the correct equation. They were at their last mission, make sure John F. Kennedy gets shot and everything goes to plan, but Five had different ideas. Taking Vanya’s book from his suitcase, he looked over the equations one last time. They were going back; Five would go home today. 
“Yes, love?”
Five sighed, “Are you ready?”
“Ready for what?”
“To go home.” 
Y/n’s smile was blissful; Five could’ve fainted on the spot, “Home?! Like- Like-“
“Home.” Five answered to his overjoyed wife. 
Y/n kissed him more passionately than ever. Five could feel her gratefulness in her kiss. His hands placed themselves on her waist, and hers were around his neck. God Five never wanted to forget this feeling. The feeling of his wife in his arms, kissing him as she would never get enough. When they pulled apart, Five opened the portal. Gripping her hand, they jumped through and landed on the leaf-filled ground in the icy rain. 
“Does anyone else see Little Number Five and Little Y/n, or is that just me?“ Klaus asked, not trusting his eyes; maybe it was an illusion from the drugs. 
Five and Y/n stood up. The first thing Y/n noticed was the ring on her finger was too big now. But Five looked down at the suit he had been wearing previously. The blazer now reached his knees instead of his waist, and Y/n’s shirt was hanging off one of her shoulders. Five and Y/n looked at each other. They were thirteen all over again. 
He grabbed Y/n’s hand and dragged her into the academy. Y/n had only been in the academy a handful of times before, and she usually was only allowed in Five’s room because she wasn’t supposed to be there in the first place. His siblings followed aimlessly and took their spots at the table. 
“What’s the date? The exact date.” Five inquired, grabbing different things around the kitchen. 
“The 24th.”
“Of what?”
Y/n took place beside him as Five began making a peanut butter marshmallow sandwich. The same snack he used to love as a kid. Y/n could remember him trying to eat it back at their apartment the commission provided them but complained it was too sweet. It seems that being in his teenage body again made him crave the sweetness of the snack. 
“So, are we gonna talk about just what happened?” Luther questioned, but no one answered, “It’s been 17 years.”
Five scoffed, “It’s been a lot longer than that.”
The same big spatial jumped behind Luther as he began to take marshmallows from the cabinet, “I haven’t missed that.” Luther murmured. 
“Where’d you two go?” Diego asked. 
“The future.” Y/n answered politely, “It’s shit, by the way.” Five added spatial jumping beside her again and gently kissing her cheek. 
The siblings stared in shock at Five’s sudden act of affection; Five could feel their eyes on him, “What?”
“You just kissed her.” Allison stated, “And?”
Allison didn’t say anything, “Is it a crime for me to kiss my wife or something?” Five asked agitatedly. 
“Yes, wife.” Five sighed. 
“Called it!” Klaus exclaimed. 
“I should’ve listened to the old man. You know, jumping through space is one thing.” Five began as he looked through the fridge, “Jumping through time is a toss of the dice.” 
He came back with peanut butter in his hand at the front of the table, his wife beside him; he took in the appearance of his siblings, “Nice dress.”
“Oh, well, Danke!” Klaus smiled. 
“Wait, how did you two get back?” Vanya questioned. 
“In the end, I had to project our consciousnesses forward into a suspended quantum state version of ourselves that exists across every possible instance of time.” 
Diego couldn’t wrap his head around it, “That makes no sense.”
Five went to remark, but Y/n cut him off, “It doesn’t have to. All that matters is that we’re back.”
“How long were you two there?” Luther queried, “Forty-Five years. Give or take.”
Everyone looked at the two teens in disbelief, “So what are you saying? That you’re 58?”
“Well, not exactly. Our consciences are 58, but it appears that our bodies are back to 13.” Y/n answered. 
“Wait, how does that even work?”
“It seems that Five might’ve gotten the equations wrong.” Y/n replied, and Five glared at her, “I’m not mad! I’m just happy we’re home. Appearance be damned.”
Five took notice of the newspaper in front of Y/n, “Guess I missed the funeral.”
“How’d you even know about that?” Luther inquired, “What part of the future do you not understand?” Five retorted. 
“Heart failure?” Y/n asked, “Yeah/No.” Luther and Diego contradicted. 
Five clicked his tongue, “Nice to see nothings changed.”
The teenage boy began to walk away, “Uh, that’s it? That’s all you have to say?” Allison questioned.
“What else is there to say? It’s the circle of life.”
Vanya was the first to get up and hug Y/n, “I’m glad you’re home.”
“Me too, Vanny. Me too.”
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sleepysnk · 3 years
before the chapter begins, i'd like to say a few words. thank you all for joining me on this journey, this was my first series, and it was definitely a huge ride. i'm very sad that it is coming to an end, but i am going to be working on new projects soon. thank you all so much for the support on team player ❤! i hope you enjoy the finale!!
Team Player: The Finale
Pairings: Eren Jaeger x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Cursing
Word Count: 5.0k
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Eren's eyes flew open as the sound of his alarm blared from his phone, groaning he reached over to turn off the annoying sound that awoke him from his slumber.
For a moment, Eren thought that it was a normal school day. He almost dreaded getting up until he realized what today was.
It was game day.
More specifically, today was the championship game against Marley University.
Almost instantly, Eren rushed out of bed to his dresser. He threw his outfit on within a few seconds, not really seeming to care about waking up his roommate Armin.
"Ugh.. Eren? What are you doing? It's barely nine," Armin groaned, rubbing his tired eyes.
Eren looked over at him. "Today is game day Armin! I have to be at the field soon," he replied, grabbing a hair-tie and throwing his hair into a messy bun. "Are you coming?"
Armin looked up from his phone. "Maybe.. is (Y/N) gonna show up?"
Eren grabbed his phone, scrolling to find her contact. "I'll find out in a sec," he replied, sending her a quick text.
"I'll probably come, I don't have anything to do anyway," Armin said, laying back down on his bed.
Eren gathered his things into his bag, he double checked if he was missing anything; of course he wasn't and he was ready to go within a few minutes.
"I'll see you then Armin," Eren said, putting his phone into his pocket.
Armin nodded, "Good luck! Don't be a dumbass today."
Eren opened the door to their dorm. "I won't.. you'll see," he said, exiting the room and walking down the hall.
Eren's mind was racing as he made his way to the locker room on campus, today was his last day to show if he was really worth it to those scouts. If he missed this opportunity to go to the Chief's, he would never be able to live with himself; he needed as much luck as he could get today. He silently prayed that he wouldn't fuck up.
He turned around to see Jean jogging his way towards him.
"What's up Jean?" Eren asked, nodding.
Jean put his hand onto his shoulder. "Are you excited for today? I mean, it's the championship game! Who would have thought we'd make it this far!"
A smile formed onto his features. "Of course I'm excited! I just know we're going to win," he said, patting his back. "We got this."
The two entered the locker room, many of the other players were standing getting ready or they were joking amongst themselves. Eren could feel the atmosphere, excitement, nervousness, it felt so surreal and he couldn't believe this was happening.
"We're leaving in 20 minutes! Be ready!" Coach Smith called.
Eren dropped his stuff in front of his locker, unlocking the lock and pulling out his football uniform. The team got special uniforms to wear for the championship game, they looked good.
Eren tossed his shirt off, throwing it into his bag; he started to search for his pads when he heard giggling coming from behind him.
He turned his head to see Reiner and Jean with huge smirks on their faces; it confused Eren.
"Huh? What's funny?" he asked, furrowing his brows.
Jean covered his mouth a bit. "You own a cat or something? Your back is fucked," he said, looking at Reiner who was laughing along with him.
Eren's face suddenly grew pink as the memories from the previous night began to play in his head. Him and (Y/N) got a little… busy.
"It's none of your business, at least I can get some," Eren said, rolling his eyes.
Reiner put his hand on his shoulder. "We're just messing with ya," he said, walking towards his locker. "At least you were doing something right!"
Eren turned back to his locker, grabbing his uniform and other equipment. "You guys are so lame.." he muttered, putting his shirt on.
A sudden ping from his phone made his attention go towards his back, he assumed it was probably Armin letting him know that he was going to show up. He pulled it out of his bag, but this time it wasn't Armin, it was (Y/N).
(Y/N): good luck today ❤ i'll for sure be there today <3
A smile grew onto his face from her message, he wanted to show her that he could do it. To prove all of their hard work wasn't for nothing, he wanted to make her proud of him; the same with his coaches.
Eren: thank youu :) i can't wait to see your pretty face!
"Eren! Hurry up! We gotta get out there soon!" Jean called, heading towards the exit of the locker room.
Eren turned his head, "I got you! I'll be there in a sec!"
He tossed his phone back into his bag, zipping it up so none of his stuff would fall out or get lost. He fixed up his bun and passed by the mirror, he loved the uniform, the school definitely went all out for the championship uniforms.
Eren made his way down the hall where the rest of his teammates were, they had about an hour or two before the game was supposed to start, but he knew people were going to fill in fast. It was the most anticipated game of the week, and all eyes would be on Eren.
"Alright! Listen up!"
Everyone fell silent as Coach Smith made his way towards the players, he wore a special jacket that was made for him.
"No more funny business! It's finally time for us to shine and show those Marley kids that we are the best! I want to see your best effort today, okay?!" he yelled.
"Yes sir!" they yelled together.
Coach Smith crossed his arms. "Remember what I taught you, today everything comes down to this. Our efforts and hard work were not for nothing! Don't let me down! Some of you have some great scouts here today, you show them that you ARE worth a spot in the NFL!"
Eren totally forgot that Mr.Zacharias was going to be attending that day, it all made him even more nervous than he already was. He knew that if he failed today, there was no chance he would have a future in the NFL and all of it would turn to dust.
"Now let's get outside and play some football!" he yelled, smiling at them excitedly.
"Yes sir!"
Eren put his helmet on and began to follow his teammates outside to the stadium, he could see students already making their way into the field. He felt the excitement coursing through his veins, he was waiting for this moment, and now that it was finally here he couldn't wait to get out there and show everyone what he could do.
The weather today was perfect too, it was sunny, and the air was crisp. Everytime Eren took a breath it felt like his confidence was growing more and more, that feeling also growing whenever his mind would go to (Y/N). She was going to be there that day and Eren wanted to show her that he could do it; that he could make it.
"Hey Eren."
He turned to meet Reiner's gaze, the blonde seeming serious.
"Yeah? What's up?"
Reiner put his hand on Eren's shoulder. "Good luck today, alright? I know Coach was saying that the scouts were here.. I know he meant that speech for you specifically too. Don't mess up, okay?"
Reiner had always been the type to motivate everyone on the team, he was team captain after all. It was his job to make sure everyone was straight.
"Thanks Reiner, good luck to you too. Maybe you'll be the next Ben Roethlisberger," he said, chuckling shortly after.
Reiner's honey eyes went wide. "What?! No one can be as good as big Ben," he replied, shock written on his face.
Eren shook his head, smiling. "Yeah maybe you're right, but you got talent. I hope you get a spot."
Reiner smacked his shoulder, "You got the talent too.. don't doubt yourself. Especially not today,"
The two trailed into the stadium together, Eren could see the way everyone was acting and he could tell that they were all nervous or excited. This was the opportunity many of them had to impress scouts from different NFL teams, including Eren and Reiner.
"Get out there and start practicing! Especially you Reiner! You gotta show those guys how you toss balls," Coach Smith yelled, pointing towards the stadium entrance. "You too Eren!"
Eren adjusted the straps on his helmet, heading towards the entrance where Reiner previously entered.
"Mr.Zacharius is out there.. please say hello," Coach Smith whispered to him.
Eren nodded, "You got it coach!"
He walked down the long corridor that led to the field, he saw a few people already sitting in the stands as well as Marley sitting across from them. They seemed as ready as ever, it made Eren's blood grow hot; he wanted to show them that they should never underestimate Trost University. Ever.
Eren entered the field, his skin forming goosebumps from the cooler fall air. It was football weather, and he couldn't ask for a better day.
His eyes landed on Mr.Zacharius who was watching something on an iPad, Eren assumed he had to be watching plays from other players, hell, maybe he was looking at his.
"Nice to see you, Mr.Zacharius."
The taller man looked up, a grin soon taking over his features. "Nice to see you too Eren, how have you been? Are you feeling any better?" he asked, placing the iPad underneath his arm.
He moved his ankle around in a circular motion. "Yep! I took a lot of time off of my feet, I couldn't miss today," he replied, smiling.
Mr.Zacharius crossed his arms over his chest. "I see.. well, I hope to see what you've got to offer today."
"You won't be disappointed, that's for sure."
The older man seemed a bit surprised by Eren's statement, but nonetheless did he chuckle at his words.
"I hope to see your improvement," he replied.
"Eren! Come on dude! We have an hour before showtime!" Jean called, waving him over.
Eren looked back at them, then back at Mr.Zacharius. "I'll see you later," he said, raising his brows.
"Yes of course, have a good game!" he called.
Eren jogged towards Reiner and Jean, the two were just throwing passes or playing with the football.
"How did it go with Mr.Zacharius? Did he make you piss your pants?" Jean asked, raising a brow.
Eren rolled his eyes, "No, he didn't, not everyone makes me piss my pants, Jean." he replied.
"It seems like Marley is bringing their best today, did you see their O-Line? I heard they were doing the most they could," Reiner said, looking over at the opposing team.
Jean nodded, "For real? I mean.. they beat us last time but that was because of that shitty interception. There is no way their luck will be as good as last time,"
Eren looked over at Marley's side, he could see the coach staring at him. "There is no way they're going to win again. We have built up our defense, Marley is gonna have a hard time getting past us," he said, taking the ball from Reiner. "Besides.. we're a team, right? We should have faith in them,"
Jean and Reiner looked at one another before looking back at Eren. The two couldn't lie that he had a point, they needed to have faith in their defense, just like their defense has faith in their offense; it worked both ways.
"Can we get passing? I gotta practice with Jean," Eren said, snapping his fingers in Reiner's face.
He blinked, "Yeah! Go along,"
Eren jogged down to the end of the line, he saw Jean do the same; their eyes locking with one another.
Eren ran down the field, turning his head to see where Reiner was aiming to throw. He watched the ball fall towards his direction, Eren's arms flew open and within seconds it was in his arms. His body hit the floor with a small thud on the grass.
"Got it!" Eren called, putting the ball into the air.
Jean ran over, holding his hand out for him to grab. "Don't dirty your uniform just yet.. that's for the real shit," he said, pulling him off the ground.
Eren threw the ball towards Reiner. "Yeah.. you're right, but how much longer until the game starts? Less than an hour, right?" he asked, looking at Jean.
He turned his head to check the clock that was counting down on the giant screen. "Yeah.. we got 40 minutes or so," he replied, adjusting his helmet.
"Coach is probably going to call us back, so let's go." Reiner said, jogging towards the two with the football in his hands.
The three boys made their way back to the locker room where the rest of their teammates were, they spoke to one another in small groups or just stood around waiting for the game to start.
"Good, you're back. Did you speak with Mr.Zacharius?" Coach Smith asked, placing his hand on Eren's shoulder; stopping him in his tracks.
"Yeah! Things are good.. for the most part," he replied, looking towards the floor.
He patted his shoulder, nodding his head. "Good, glad to hear that."
Coach Smith made his way to the front of the room. "Alright! Listen up!"
The room grew quiet from all of the yelling, the players' attention went to their coach, a look of acknowledgement written on their faces; including Eren's.
"I told you all earlier to give your best today, and I mean that. Those scouts are going to be looking at you! Show them you're worthy!" he yelled, clapping his hands together.
Eren nodded his head as the words filled his mind. He knew what he had to do today, no more bullshit, he had to play like a team player.
"Alright!? Now let's go play some football!"
"Yes coach!"
He grabbed his playbook before nodding them over to the exit of the locker room, Eren and the others followed him down the corridor. He could hear the faint sounds of cheering and whistling coming from the stands, Eren could tell that there were more seats filled from the last time he was out.
Reiner turned to meet the faces of his teammates. "You guys ready?! Let's fuck some shit up today!" he yelled, hyping them all up.
Eren felt the excitement and enthusiasm going through him, he shook out his hands as a way to make himself a bit more comfortable.
"Now presenting the Trost University Falcons!"
"That's our queue," Jean said, looking at Eren.
The players jogged out of the exit, smoke filled into the air and small fireworks shot into the sky; a small 'pop' coming from each of them. Eren heard the cheers and yells coming from the stands, he missed the vibe of game day. The atmosphere felt just right today, and he wanted to make use of it; all eyes were going to be on him.
The team made their way to their side of the field, each of them taking a seat on the bench or standing to get water.
"Let's see if Marley is gonna pull up with their A-Game today," Jean said, narrowing his eyes at the opposing team.
Eren chuckled, "We'll see about that, don't get too cocky, Jean."
Jean looked at him before looking back towards the field. "I'm not getting cocky, I just want us to win," he replied, leaning back against the bench.
"We will, I know we will," Eren said, chewing the inside of his cheek.
He turned his head around a few times, he was confused who was calling his name. His eyes then landed on the person he wanted to see the most.
A smile took over his features, she was sitting with Armin, and she wore the hoodie he gave her a few nights before.
Eren waved at her, because he couldn't go to the stands; it was against the schools guidelines for football players. Though, he couldn't wait to see her after the game.
"Do you think they're gonna win?" Armin asked, looking at (Y/N) with concern.
She looked at the floor. "Hard to say.. I tried my best with him, but I think it'll all pay off once the game starts," she replied, looking back towards the field.
Armin looked at Eren, "I hope you're right (Y/N)."
Eren looked towards the field, he could see the referees who were talking amongst one another. They were going to call the players out for the coin toss, he silently hoped that Reiner would pick a good side of the coin so they could get the ball first. Get the ball quick, and get points on the board.
"We will now have the team captains of each team come out for the coin toss."
"That's your queue, Reiner." Jean said, patting his back.
The blonde looked towards the two. "I got this," he replied, making his way out towards the field.
Eren looked at Jean as Reiner went onto the middle of the field. "Let's pray together," he said, laughing a bit.
"Gentlemen, congratulations, it is an honor to be here today. This game today has shown your incredible efforts, Trost will pick the side, this being heads and this being tails."
Eren watched Reiner speak to the referee, his heart thumping in his chest.
"Trost has chosen heads and Marley is tails, I will now flip the coin." he said, throwing the coin into the air. He stared at the floor before speaking again, "It is heads, Trost will receive the ball this way."
"Hell yeah! Reiner is one lucky son of a bitch," Jean said, excitement in his voice.
Eren adjusted the straps to his helmet, he could feel all of the eyes burning into his head. He looked back to see (Y/N) giving him a thumbs up, he blew a kiss towards her before making his way onto the field.
"It's now or never, bring all that you got!" Eren yelled, looking at his other teammates.
"Good shit Eren!"
Eren bumped heads with his teammates on the sidelines, he had just scored another touchdown. Trost was trailing Marley 28-24 in the 3rd quarter.
Eren plopped down on the bench, his water bottle being handed to him, he squeezed it a bit and let the cold drink fill into his mouth. Sweat formed on his skin, even if it was a cool fall day, he still felt warm.
"We might come out on top with this one.. if we keep at it, Marley will have no chance!" Jean said, looking at Eren with a smirk.
He chuckled, "We will, there isn't any 'mights' we are going to win this game."
Jean looked at him with a bit of shock, he knew Eren could be somewhat motivating, but he usually became a hot head during games whenever Trost was behind. It was odd seeing his teammate being so motivational and positive, but Jean wasn't complaining, he needed Eren to be at his best.
"Are you feeling alright?"
Eren looked up to see his coach standing before him. "Yeah, I'm fine, why? Do I not look good?" he asked, wiping the sweat from his brow.
Coach Smith sat beside him, the playbook in his hands. "You look fine, but I'm just asking since you've been working hard. It's different to see you this way, Eren." he chuckled.
He couldn't help but grin. "Yeah, don't worry about me coach, as long as the others are okay, we can make it."
Coach Smith only nodded, "I hope that is the case. Marley is up by four points, if they score again, we have to come up with something,"
Eren looked over with a confused expression. "We still have the 4th quarter! Marley doesn't stand a chance, our offense is tiring them out," he exclaimed, pointing at the field.
"I admire your determination, I wish we had this at the beginning," he said, adjusting the cap on his head.
Coach Smith was right, maybe if Eren was like this earlier in the season things could have gone differently. Eren wasn't the type to motivate before, he usually only looked out for himself, he was disgusted by the person he was before.
She changed that for him, and that's why he is so determined to win.
The whistles blew, making Eren look up along with the rest of his teammates. It was now the end of 3rd quarter, that meant Trost only had one more to either take the lead, or lose the championship.
Eren couldn't let that happen, ever. He would lose everything if he lost today, and he didn't want to let down (Y/N), he wanted to make her proud.
"You got this Eren, keep that positive mindset and you'll win this game, like a true team player."
He watched his coach make his way towards the front, past a few students. Eren had to remind himself that he couldn't be negative, if he was, the game would go in that direction; he'd turn back in the opposite direction.
"Eren! We're up!" Jean called, jogging towards the field.
Eren looked up, grabbing his helmet and putting it on his head. "I can do this.. you'll see!" he yelled, adjusting the straps and making his way to the field.
This was it.
The final two minutes of the game.
Eren hadn't expected the game to go by so quick, but Trost's offense was always going back and forth onto the field. Though, no points were scored, no matter how many times they went out there.
They were still down by four points, all they would need is a touchdown.
"We're down to the last two minutes here! We gotta think of something and fast!" Jean said, looking at Reiner.
The blonde seemed stumped himself, how could he pull this off?
"I say we get as far as we can, and let the field goal unit take this one." he said, crossing his arms.
Eren turned his head, "What!? Reiner, you can't be serious man! That's only three points! We need four!"
Reiner realized what Eren was saying was true, there was no way a field goal could tie this game.
Reiner kneeled on the ground. "Next play, we go for it. Jean or Eren, I need one of you down there, I gotta launch this ball." he said, looking at the two of them.
Eren swallowed thickly, the last time this happened, Jean and Eren collided with one another and the game was over due to an interception.
"Give it to Jean."
Jean turned towards Eren with a look of confusion. "What!? Eren, this is something you can do! There is no way I can make it down there," he replied, furrowing his brows.
Eren looked back towards the stands, his eyes landing on (Y/N) who seemed to be watching him. A smile took over her features as soon as she noticed him, it made Eren's heart grow.
He couldn't let her down like this! She was here to see him and how great he has become, if Eren was to give up now, she'd be disappointed and he'd regret it later.
"Look, no promises, but I'll try to get down there. I want it near Jean though, he has the best opportunity," Eren said, looking at Reiner.
Reiner stood up, "Alright, let's go!" he clapped.
Eren jogged over to the line, his heart beating in his chest, he felt queasy; almost like he could pass out right now. These next few plays will determine what happens to Trost, if they fail to get down there, they're finished and this game is over.
He looked forward at the player in front of him, all he had to do was push past this guy and get to a point where Reiner had a clear opening to give the ball to him or Jean.
As soon as those words came from Reiner's mouth, Eren began to move quickly down the field. The player behind him was close, he was reaching for his jersey, Eren had to get out of his guys grasp.
He watched Reiner throw the ball, it was as if everything was going in slow motion. Eren's eyes scanned the area around him, Jean wasn't in sight! He was being blocked by another defender, there was no way he could get out of that.
"You can do this! I'm not giving up on you!"
Eren smirked as (Y/N)'s words echoed in his head, he pushed the defender behind him away, and reached his hand into the air; the football landing in his fingers.
Cheers erupted from the fans as Eren rushed down the field, he turned and spun around to avoid any contact from the players trying to bring him down.
"Go Eren! Go!" Jean yelled, running fast behind him.
Eren ran as fast as he could, he could feel the burning of his throat, his heart racing in his chest.
He was home free now, the end zone clear in front of him. Eren stepped into it and the crowd began to scream and cheer for him, he made it.
He got the touchdown.
"Yeah Eren! You did it!"
His eyes averted to (Y/N) waving and jumping in the stands, Armin was beside her yelling too.
He slammed the ball into the ground, it bounced to another part of the field. He looked at (Y/N) with a smile, his pointer finger directed right at her.
"Good fucking shit!"
Eren's teammates suddenly came around him, knocking their helmets together, or smacking their shoulders. Reiner even hoisted Eren up and shook him around a few times.
(Y/N) smiled in the stands, Eren actually pulled it off. She hadn't expected him to become this new person, but he actually was able to fix his mistakes.
"He did it.." she said, looking at Armin.
The blonde placed his hand onto her shoulder. "It's all because of you (Y/N)."
She giggled before turning her attention back onto the field where the players were celebrating, the whistles blew, meaning the game was now over.
"Trost wins!"
The students in the stands began chanting Eren's name, confetti fell from the sky, and the school's fight song was being played by the band.
Eren came over to the sidelines where the rest of his teammates were at, Coach Smith had a big smile on his face, Eren hadn't seen that look on him in weeks.
"I'm proud of you." he said, hugging Eren and patting his shoulder.
"Thank you coach.. I couldn't have done it without your help," Eren replied, looking at him with a smile.
Without warning, Eren felt something being poured over him and Coach Smith. It was cold… was it the water bucket?!
"Haha! Look at Jaeger!" Jean said, laughing as he handed the bucket to someone behind him.
Eren rolled his eyes as he took off his helmet. "You're lucky my helmet was on," he said, smirking.
He turned his head to see Armin and (Y/N) coming towards him, he jogged towards the two and embraced (Y/N) in a hug.
"Did you see that?!" he asked, his voice full of excitement.
She looked into his emerald eyes, they seemed to sparkle almost. "Yeah I did! You did amazing!" she replied, putting her arms around his neck.
"I couldn't have done it without you.." Eren said, cupping her cheek.
Her eyes grew wide, "I'm proud of you, Eren."
He chuckled, pressing a kiss onto her lips. She felt her cheeks grow hot from it, she could also feel Armin staring at the two like idiots.
"Get a room!" Armin said, laughing a bit.
Eren pulled away to look at his best friend. "Yeah whatever, but thanks for motivating me Armin. I knew I couldn't have done this without you either," he said, putting his hand onto his shoulder.
Armin smiled, "No problem, Eren."
His head turned towards the familiar voice, it was Mr.Zacharius coming over to him. He grew tense, what was he going to tell him?
"Mr.Zacharius! Good to see you," he said, looking at (Y/N) and Armin.
The man chuckled a bit. "It's good to see you too, congratulations! I'm proud of your improvement to the team, and I loved seeing you play today. I always knew you were a good kid," he replied. "Anywho, I wanted to give you this,"
Eren watched him hand over a folder, he wasn't sure what it was, but he decided to open it.
His eyes grew wide as he read the documents, it was an official statement saying that Eren was going to be entered in the 2022 NFL Draft.
"No way.." he said, his jaw dropping.
"Congratulations.. I'll see you in April!" Mr.Zacharius said, waving at him and turning around.
Eren stood there in shock for a moment, he was actually going to the NFL! His dreams were coming true and he couldn't believe what was happening.
"Well? What did he give you?" Armin asked, nodding his head.
Eren turned around with the papers. "I'm in!" he replied, his eyes lighting up with excitement.
Armin and (Y/N) looked at one another with shock, happiness, and joy. (Y/N) was the most excited for him, it was a big opportunity for Eren, and she wanted to be there for it.
"Congrats!" she said, hugging Eren tightly again.
He put his hand around her waist. "Thank you (Y/N), I can't wait to do this with you and Armin by my side," he replied, kissing her cheek.
She smiled to herself, burying her face in his chest. Eren couldn't be happier with his life now, he did it, he made everyone around him proud and he couldn't wait for this next step for his future.
And he was going to do all of it with (Y/N) by his side.
tagging: @ererokii @eremiie @katsuhera @moomii-hime @sofi-yeager @jaegercult @flam3bird @callmepromise @thicmitten @bell0214 @daughter-of-the-stars11 @chayauwu @lunamoonawatcher @hugemommymilkers
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artreider · 3 years
Station 19 rewatch: 4x14
Going to try to do another rewatch before my family wakes up. We have a lot to do today and there is a dark cloud over the house after loaing our cat this week. Here's hoping i can get through one of my favorite episodes before they get up.
Surrera is so cute here and the whole food thing, like girl where is our payoff on this baby that was so clearly teased. Or is there another medical condition that could be blamed on her excessive eating.
Im so glad maya and andy are friends again. I loge their friendship.
I'm glad andy acknowledges that getting married doesnt fix things; but i worry that if maya and carina hit a rough patch, andy will remind maya of this conversation or use her own issues with sullivan and their marriage as an i told you so.
Danielle is beautiful but does anyone else think she lost weight, random question but just looking at her in her uniform there she seems smaller and it worries me. Didnt really notice last time i watched this episode but am i alone in this.
Oh carina baby you so dont want to go. I just want to hug you.
Jack is so cute, he deserves a family so much but i really do fear he'll be killed off.
Im surprised ben reached out to Sullivan instead of dean.
I love this outfit on maya. Carina your girl is flirting with you and thinking of happier times, engage with her.
I love that maya opens up with carina about her dad and the protests and the happenings in the world with him. It shows so much growth and im here for it. Also anyone else annoyed that one carina answered gabriella's phone call when maya is opening up to her and two that she didnt turn it off for their last few hours together.
The look of like disappointment/devestation on maya's face when carina answers the call and walks away from her is too much hurt.
So sad that bailey isnt there and that ben is alone for even a second of this.
I'm glad andy and sullivan came to be there with ben. Like i get why they wanted andy but im sad after ben and Dean's episode dean wasnt there.
Oh jack, i dont even know what to say besides oh jack lol.
The drama with trash girl is too much lmao. I know its important for jack/inara but its just too much.
Carina packing up her knives being a trigger for maya like she's leaving forever is heartbreaking.
Carina snapping at maya hurts, dont be mean to baby. Also the kitchen sign is totally carina's doing and though she hadnt confided in maya yet that she is her home its a dead giveaway.
I really need screen grabs of the changing words on the sign.
The kids talk, the coming out talk and the marriage talk are all things that should not be done while packing or doing anything else.
Wait it totally sounded like she said "it felt pregnant" lmao or i just have babies on the brain.
Now carina being flirty and maya not reciprocating.
Maya you shouldve pushed the marriage talk now if it was what you really wanted. Instead of letting carina drop the i never wanted to get married bomb and walk away.
Andy and ben together, this friendship is beautiful. I feel like it took several seasons for ben to really get in good the team. Im trying to think of other moments besides the prt support and such when he really connected with folks before this season and none come to mind. He has been an outlier from my memory, tell me im wrong with examples please.
Lmao "you slept with my wife which means we are in a pod", things a pandemic makes funny.
Thats just wrong, giving gibson shit still. Dont hit the puppy with the newspaper when he's doing nothing wrong.
Once again with gabriella, seriously carina turn off your phone and be present with maya and maya alone.
Maya's jealousy is everything. This argument ugh, so good and just the tip of the iceberg.
I hope that maya does take the month break and the months after to really get to know the us immigration system and what it will take for carina to become an american citizen as well as learn more italian. I dont need her fluent but id love to see her use some italian with carina. She lost her brother who she spoke to in her native tongue itd be nice for her to gain that in her wife.
I love how carina stops herself as she raises her voice at maya, like she realizes it may be triggering to maya. I really do think the show and actresses put in a lot in this episode to show how well they know each other and have grown. I feel like they talk more even if we dont see it and maya is working on her issues with carina's love and support. I also do love how this argument ends though ;)
Once again maya opening up and finally carina is there and not sidetracked. And its nice carina opens up as well.
Ben's dream with the different versions of himself and his mom is funny and heartbreaking.
Joey in the dream lmao.
The nice thing about ben is if he gets hurt on the job and cant be a firefighter anymore he has other professions to fall back on.
Oh jack. I just want you to get your happy ending.
I still think its so weird to be talking about jack after they had sex but im glad they are in a place that is so comfortable and can laugh about him.
Once again another bomb dropped, kids. This is something that needs to be discussed properly.
Oh maya dont drop the marriage bomb like that. And i guess i dont underatand the outrage of the "just because", like why would carina think it was anything but that when it was dropped on her like that and after she said she didnt want to get married. This fight is so much about misunderstandings and hurtful comments.
I get how maya's fear gets the best of her here especially after carina said they just moved in together because they didnt want to be apart (asif that is a bad thing) and it was bureaucracy.
And i can understand why maya's fear hurts carina but they both needed to take a minute to breathe and try to talk it out.
I do like when carina tells maya to breathe, again like she knows her triggers and feels maya is on the verge of a panic attack.
If carina felt she married maya when she moved in i really dont see the harm in making it official. Would her having been moved out in italy for 6 months or more have felt like a divorce. I really need to know more about her logic here.
I agree why not just do it.
You've both said enough carina. I hate that she just walks away, so un carina like.
How did jack end up at the hospital? Was he called or what?
Andy is such a good friend this episode, checking on everyone.
Gabriella is so right noone wants to be proposed to the way maya kind of did. Like i cant help but wonder how carina would've taken a true proposal.
Im so glad gabriella spoke some truth to carina and turned her around on the marriage idea.
If we let the wrong decisionss rule how we live our lives things in the world would be so different. Less babies possibly and fewer marriages among other things.
Once again andy being a good friend this episode.
If carina hadnt shown up im curious what maya's next move wouldve been after talking to andy.
Love the proposal and love how its carina who announces they are getting married.
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benjiwyatt · 4 years
do you have any ben/leslie headcanons! i love your posts abt them so much it's great to see someone get as emotional abt them as i am asjdkajhjd
i got this message and i was like "god, i dont really know if i have any headcanons" and then i opened my notes app and started typing and didn't stop for over an hour
i'm literally putting this under a break and organizing it into categories bc it's absurdly long
here it is
basically canon but leslie definitely had a crush on a young benji wyatt and followed the story religiously for the first couple months before she started college
ben is only slightly jealous leslie had ann go out with chris to try and get more money for the parks budget rather than leslie asking him out with the same goal. he knows it’s insane, unethical, and illogical but he’s still excited that he gets to spend the night with her on a date plus two other people even if it is to accuse her of bribery.
ann realizes early on that leslie was attracted to ben and teases her mercilessly about it. she thinks it’s absolutely hilarious that leslie wants to make out with "mean ben.” after april and andy’s wedding, she realizes it's more than just attraction and she lays off.
before ben can even think rationally about what he’s doing, he’s in line at bed, bath, and beyond with a crock pot in his arms, calling stephanie to ask her to send him their family’s chicken soup recipe
ann knew ben liked her from the beginning and was totally positive when she ran into him in the hospital asking for leslie’s room number while holding jj’s waffles and a tub of homemade soup.
ben realizes he’s falling in love with leslie when he is at city hall with her until 3am one night trying to budget for the amount of cotton candy machines she wants for the harvest festival. in his exhaustion, he naively believes her when she tells him she’ll go home in a bit so he leaves. he never gets a text from saying she made it home so he stops at jj’s the next morning and brings a takeout container of waffles and a coffee complete with an outlandish amount of whipped cream and sugar to the parks department. he finds her asleep in the conference room. he starts trying to convince sweetums to donate more cotton candy machines that afternoon.
chris had to have known ben liked leslie. he’s not an idiot. in the deleted scene from their wedding, they read out emails from their “tumultuous first week in pawnee” and chris writes to ben saying, “why are you so focused on leslie knope?” ben replies saying, “i’m not. whatever. shut up.” there’s no way chris is this oblivious. ben takes her out for a beer. ben pays out of pocket for a children’s performer to help her out. ben shows up on chris and ann’s date just because he thinks leslie might be there. chris can’t be this dumb. but when they take the city manager jobs in pawnee, he knows it can’t happen so he cuts ben off when he starts to ask about dating someone in city hall. he cracks down on the rule in front of leslie after the tom incident to hammer it in. he starts setting ben up on a bunch of dates to try and head it off. he sends them to indianapolis for the little league pitch because, realistically, he knows they’re the best bet for success but makes sure to interrupt their dinner and invites them to his apartment to continue to run interference the rest of the night. after their fights in 4.06-4.08, he hopes he won’t have to worry anymore. the next work day, they come into his office looking nervous and happy and he knows he’s about to lose the partner and best friend that’s been by his side for the past decade.
april and andy knew they were secretly dating. it went unspoken aside from a few implicit teasing remarks from april and a few suggestive attempted high fives from andy but leslie assured ben they wouldn’t tell anyone despite their ostensible behavior.
ben had commissioned the li’l sebastian plush for leslie after he had died but the toy shop didn’t finish it until after they broke up. he felt bad not going to pick it up so he did despite not being able to give it to her. he kept it for all those months and sometimes thought about getting rid of it but could never bring himself to do it.
when leslie made personalized copies her books for her friends with individualized annotations and notes in the bylines, she had two copies for ben. there was one that she gave him during their breakup that was very simplified and watered down where the note basically just said “i’m really glad you decided to stay in pawnee.” then there was a second copy that she kept while they were split up that was totally covered in notes and random thoughts she couldn’t say during their time apart. she gives him that copy when they get back together and it may or may not be the best gift he’s ever received.
april was much less abrasive with them during the break up because she’s a sweetheart and wants her friends to be happy.
the first time leslie admitted she was in love with him was during a long night of drinking and crying at ann’s house
ben craved the taste of sugar during their breakup because he got used to tasting the sweetness when he kissed her
ben found himself unable to sleep at night without the sound of leslie talking in her sleep to comfort him
april texted leslie the night of the halloween party to let her know that ben and andy were at the hospital after a fight and everything was fine and she didn’t need to worry. leslie was mad at andy for a few days after and he couldn’t figure out why.
the only photo in ben’s bedroom was of himself, leslie, and li’l sebastian at the harvest festival. if he got caught staring at it and crying, he would just say he missed li’l sebastian so much.
april and andy started having star wars and star trek movie nights to try and cheer ben up
ben and leslie got in the habit of having weekly game nights with april and andy during the campaign since they were all basically living together. it became a tradition that kept going as often as they could make it happen, even after the kids were born. they try to have game night at least once a month. april pretends to hate it.
one of my absolute favorite ideas about them is that she sleeps much better when he’s around to keep her grounded. after they get together for good, she starts getting closer to 5 hours of sleep a night.
another favorite involving leslie’s sleeping: ben is typically accustomed to tuning out incoherent nonsense that she babbles in her sleep but she also has some of her best ideas when she’s not busy trying to focus on a million different things. when he hears her coming up with legitimately good ideas or making speeches or having solid debate arguments, he takes out the notebook he keeps in his nightstand to record her thoughts and quotes. he revisits and revises the notes to strengthen her statements and make them more professional and less rambling but makes sure to keep her distinct voice apparent in them.
ben prefers pancakes to waffles but he will go to the grave with that secret
this isn’t a headcanon because nbc posted it but one of ben’s holidays on leslie’s calendar is watch synchronization day which is the day they celebrate syncing their watches to, as leslie puts it, “always be in harmony, like our hearts” which is just one of the sweetest fucking things in the world
leslie makes ben read and watch all the harry potters because he didn’t get into them when he first tried. ben is much more of a success than ann. she buys him a ravenclaw scarf for christmas.
their first fight as a couple was a historical debate gone awry
since ben clearly has some affinity for custom stuffed animals, he has some made for the triplets.
they’re both dog people but they adopt a cat because sonia and stephen beg for one and it does fit their busy lifestyle much better. they love the cat. they get a dog when the kids are older and life is slightly less hectic.
they both love striped shirts and sweaters so much that they have to make a conscious effort to avoid wearing them on the same day and matching
leslie makes sweets and bakes desserts while ben typically handles cooking the actual meals
i always loved the ann/ben dynamic in bus tour because there’s been such an obvious shift in ann’s attitude towards him in this episode. maybe it’s because she and tom just broke up and she just turned chris down again and she’s frustrated with relationships but i think it’s her realizing ben isn’t going anywhere. since the campaign is winding down, she realizes that things aren’t gonna go back to the way they were because ben is now part of this and he’s clearly in it for the long haul. ann’s definitely jealous that ben is just as important to leslie as she is and she now knows she’s never gonna get that full attention back. ann sits ben down to have a real “don’t you dare hurt her” speech after this ep and before win, lose, or draw. this is when he tells ann he wants to marry her.
they discover they both adore the princess bride after ben says “as you wish” to her one night and after that it becomes their movie.
the wildflower mural becomes a thing between them when ben says he considered that to be their first date, prompting leslie to tell him what the mural means to her.
ben puts banjo boogie bonanza on one of the mix cds he gives leslie at the beginning of their relationship
harrison ford movie nights start after they both reveal they had a crush on him as a kid. ben was obsessed with han solo and leslie was into indiana jones’ whole history teacher vibe.
they basically hate each other’s taste in music and stop exchanging mix cds once that becomes apparent that they aren’t gonna find much common ground. they both love tom petty, al green, and etta james and music in that vein though.
ben makes leslie watch game of thrones just to try to explain why he’s called her khaleesi. she gets into it, not so much because of the show itself, but because of how passionate her boyfriend is about it.
they start learning basic french during the s4 campaign because they think it will be useful to have a basic multilingual vocabulary for their political careers and because leslie confesses she has always dreamed of seeing paris. they study spanish next.
ben makes leslie watch the star wars prequels just so he can complain to her during them. he doesn’t think she’s paying attention and then he reads about midichlorians in the paper.
ann is also in on ben’s plan to sneak vegetables into leslie’s waffles.
they will sometimes jokingly refer to themselves as the “dream team” or “dynamic duo” because, despite chris’s absurdity, it’s true
i’m open to literally any origin of this because no matter what it’s perfect but i like to think that “i love you and i like you” started at some point in season 4 when, at some point, leslie went “i like you” and ben replied “you like me?” “mhm” “hm just like me?” “yes i like you. i love you and i like you. both.” “mmm i love you and i like you too”
i barely even register some of these things as headcanons since they just live so solidly in my brain
this might be my favorite ask ever thank you for loving benslie enough to ask me this and be genuinely interested
if anyone read all of this, i love you
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indigobackfire · 3 years
HPHM April Prompt: Day 7
Prompt # 7 - MC's first kiss
@stupendousbookworm | Uuuhhh, I might have to cheat on this one, because my MC's first kiss was not with her #endgame love interest — spoiler alert, it was with Ben, — but I had written some of this already and it's WAY more exciting. So Barnaby's and Indigo's first kiss together. One day late but I had to do it ;P
An arrogant Gryffindor challenges Barnaby Lee to a fight the old way, and when defending Indigo's honour is more important than keeping himself out of trouble, he can't help himself but accept.
And when amends have to be made, their feelings might come into the light.
Characters: Indigo×Barnaby, Chiara chameo.
Timeline: End of year five-ish — I haven't even got half way through year five so if anything sounds out of place I just haven't been there yet.
Content Warning: Violence, blood.
"What did you say about her?" Barnaby asked the cocky Gryffindor one year below them, Derek Vonner. Impressively snob for a muggleborn and infamous for his arrogant attitude.
Indigo and Chiara who were having a chat in the courtyard with Barnaby, and who also overheard the insults shared a look, but before they could say anything, the boy smirked and continued. "I said she's a lunatic and an imbecile." He looked straight at Indigo. "Your cursed vault insanity is bringing all of Gryffindor down, just like your brother did."
Indigo couldn't be bothered, it had been a while since someone had made this big of a fuss about the vaults and her brother, but then again, it wasn't the first time. She was somewhat hurt but not much fazed by it.
Barnaby standed like a wall between them. "Now, you offend her, you offend me."
"Is this a threat?"
"If you want it to be."
Indigo stepped beside the two who were standing face to face. "Guys, please, he might've offended me, but dueling is still prohibited out of the club."
"Please, Barney," Chiara pleaded with her soft voice.
"And I'm still Gryffindor's prefect so-"
"Silencio," Vonner casted nonchalantly with a flick of his wand towards Indigo. "Just shut up, wil you?"
Barnaby became livid in a way nobody, not even the Slytherins, have ever seem him like, gripping the cocky Gryffindor's cardigan by the collar.
While that happened, and more people surrounded them, Chiara undid the silencing charm and made sure she was okay.
"Hey, I still mean it, no dueling!" Indigo shouted once she had her voice back.
"Why don't we resolve this the muggle way then?" Vonner suggested with a smirk.
Not Indigo nor Barnaby had much muggle blood in them, but they both knew what that meant. Chiara scooped closer to Indigo, afraid the boy might pull out a knife or something of sorts, but it was simpler and safer than that.
"Barney, please," Indigo said when she saw the shine in Barnaby's eyes — they were much alike in this aspect, always hungry for a fight.
He handed her his wand. "Hold this for me."
And Vonner imitated the move offering his wand to one of his friends who were laughing excitedly at the scene. He also took off his cardigan and cracked his knuckles to set the mood. Vonner, at least by the looks of it, seemed like he could stand against Barnaby in a fight — reasonably strong and tall.
But too much of a show off or perhaps watched too many fighting movies, as while he bounced around and mumbled threats under his breath, Barnaby punched him cut and clean.
Chiara gasped, but Indigo had to hold back a laugh from how funny and gracious it looked.
But the Gryffindor wouldn't stay down for long, swinging for the first time which Barnaby swerved, then again hitting him on the side of his face making a loud sound when his fist meets his jaw. But it's when Barnaby moved his mandible with a loud crack to get it back in place that everyone cringed.
The Slytherin then smiled in a way that would've fooled even Indigo into thinking he's a wicked boy, raised his eyebrows and while Vonner stepped forward for another punch, Barnaby swerved again, hitting him right on the stomach in a way it pulled sounds of wincing from the small crowd. Vonner curled to his knees with the pain.
"Seems I'm quite good at the muggle wa—"
Vonner thought quick and while Barnaby was distracted, swiped a leg behind his feet and pulled him to fall on his back. Vonner straddles him and begins a punching fest that makes even Indigo's stomach turn.
Barnaby's face became as red as Godric Gryffindor's soul. Covered in blood.
"Is the Silverwood bitch worth the beating, you himbo!?" He shouted at Barnaby's face nearly spitting.
But Lee is stronger and in a single blind punch makes Vonner draw back. With a swift move of his leg, Barnaby inverted the scene and pushed the boy to the ground and punched his ear with force.
Vonner stopped for a moment, holding his ear and writhing in pain and dizziness. Beside Indigo, Chiara moans in agony.
"Make them stop, Indigo. He could've damageed his ear!"
While Chiara's speaking, Vonner reacted and started trying to retaliate without much success. With his face pressed down to the ground, one foot awkwardly kicking Barnaby's leg, there isn't a chance for him. And Indigo knew that Barnaby had the strength to knock him out cold if he wished to — if he loses his control.
"Barnaby!" She shouted.
He looked at her with sweat dripping down his forehead, those tiny green eyes still sparkling. He stepped back leaving room for the boy to sit up, letting down his guns, to which Vonner responds by punching Barnaby straight on the mouth.
And before either of them can do something about it a shout cuts through. "The cat's out of the box!" Which every Gryffindor knows, McGonagall is making her way there.
And while most rush to get themselves as far away from the confusion as possible, the three friends stand there frozen. Vonner stumbles his way out of the courtyard followed by his friends, and despite his terrible attitude, Chiara can't shut down the healer inside her.
"You mind if I go check on the boy?" She asks Indigo hastly. "I know you can take care of Barnaby but those idiots... I wanna check if his hearing is okay, he could've hurt his eardrum."
"No problem and don't worry about us, if needs to see Madam Pomfrey, make sure he does."
Indigo kneels by Barnaby's side while Chiara runs after the others. He's still taking the blow from the punch, his torn lip bleeding — besides his nose and eyebrow.
She runs a thumb over his bruised cheekbone making it dissapear with some magical focus. "You are such an idiot, Barney."
"I've been told that before."
In the low murmur of the courtyard in which people are still watching the two of them from the outskirts, they can hear the tap of McGonagall's heels on the stones getting louder, his eyes widen.
"You are so screw—" she began saying.
But with a single pull, gripping her loose tie, their lips met and with all the adrenaline overflowing in his bloodstream, he couldn't feel a drop of pain, just the ecstasy of finally kissing her. A built up of years, months in which every second counts, but now meant nothing, because he was kissing Indigo bloody Silverwood.
In her stomach, the flutter of wings made her nearly dizzy as his lips move ever so softly over hers, the taste of his blood seeping through when she corresponded, taking the collar of his shirt in a fistfull, a low hum coming from her throat.
It's the third time McGonagall called their names when they finally attended to her angry reprimand. "What on Merlin's name is going on here? And what happened to you, Mr Lee?"
They both raised to their feet.
"I punched him," Indigo spits out.
Minerva's eyes widen. "Wha— Punched him? What for?"
Barnaby wiped the blood off his chin only to create a smear. "I asked her. To punch me. I did. I wanted to see what it felt like. The first times were too weak then I asked her to do it again. She just went a little too hard on the last one, but it's okay," he spoke nearly without a pause.
She looks at Indigo flabbergasted. "Is that it, Miss Silverwood?"
"I didn't mean to hurt him, professor. We're friends after all. We were being idiots to say the least."
"Mr Lee is then sweating like that because?"
They share a look. He shrugged. "Because I'm hot?"
She looked at them more confused than ever before, wondering at what to make out of the scene and their explanation. She scanned the courtyard but everyone was making a not so good job of pretending to mind their own business. Yet people all around watched perplexed, some laughing, some anxious to see what Minerva would do to them.
"And the... public display of... affection? Right here on the open of the courtyard?"
"That's my fault," Barnaby promptly said. "Couldn't help myself."
"Right… I'm not punishing you for the punch as it was… consensual, nor for the kissing as it isn't technically prohibited in school grounds, but for the scene you cause. This is no behavior for a prefect. Specially Gryffindor's prefect."
"I'm sorry, professor. I promise none of the sort will ever happen again."
"I do hope so. Detention tonight for both, I'll send an owl with your due obligations."
"Sorry, professor," Barnaby said, looking down at his feet.
"Sure, Mr Lee, just… clean yourselves up. There's blood all over your faces."
Barnaby raises his head and looked at Indigo's face, his blood on her lips like smudged lipstick, a deep shade of red burning on her cheeks.
"Why did you kiss me, Barnaby?"
They had moved away from the crowds, by the edge of the forest, sitting side by side on a stone bigger than an Acromantula. She hadn't gotten news from Chiara, but hoped she had the situation handled or else it would blow on their faces sooner than later.
"So professor McGonagall would think that was what we were doing before," he said proud of himself. "I saw it in a... what did she call? A film Penny showed me over the last school break when I visited London."
She would've been a tad jealous of that if she didn't know Penny's obsession over Skye Parkin which was a bit too intense for just some regular Quidditch supporting.
"Well, that I was kinda aware of, but com'on, Barney. Come clean, what did you really do it for?
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean—"
"I'm not mad, I just wanna know why."
He looks her in the eyes. "Because I wanted to. I've been meaning to do that for a while. Because I really really like you. For the longest time."
"Me?" He nodded, confused at her confusion. "Why didn't you ever tell me?"
"I tried to show you but you never seemed to notice. Also cause I remember you saying you liked Charlie last year and then you helped Ismelda try to get to me."
She sighed. "I had a crush on Charlie but I kinda gave up on it, everybody knows he only cares about dragons and will probably marry one." He laughs softly. "As for the Ismelda situation… I felt bad for her and she seemed to like you a lot, and maybe on the right occasion you would have liked her too."
"I couldn't like her, not because of anything she is or is not, but cause I liked you."
She stared at him for a moment, her heart racing in her chest making all that silence very loud. She had closed his cuts with her wand, the little crust of dried blood over them as the last sign not to mention the bruise on his jaw, legs and clavicle she wasn't able to vanish entirely due to her nervousness. Still, he continued to look as breathtaking as always.
"If only you had told me," she said finally looking away.
"I was convinced you wanted someone smarter. I'm not the brightest, you know that."
"Since when do you like me?"
He smiles, a faint blush to his cheeks. "Uh… I always had my eye on you. But I guess when you stood up for Ben against Merula our first year. It was so brave. But then she convinced us to hate you, to fight for those stupid vaults. I turned my admiration into anger."
First year, they were kids and she didn't remember much of him from that time except from the sorting hat ceremony and the lake crossing. And the fact that with one look she knew, at that tender age, that he would break many hearts. Sure enough, she was right — didn't expect, though, one of those to be hers.
"Must've been fun to spy on me then," she laughed, nudging his shoulder, "back in the third year. Well, up into the point you straight up told me."
"It was worth it. I did memorize your schedule after a while, better than anything from any class. It was a good excuse for my fixation." He laughed a bit louder. "And when you tried to fool me with your clones?"
She laughed too. "We spent so long on that Polyjuice potion, only for you to ruin it all this quick."
"I could still tell which one was you because… I just knew you." He took her hand in his, much bigger and both warm. "I would still know you with my eyes closed."
She rested her head on his shoulder, solid like bedrock, and held back his hand.
"But then you tried to convince me to leave Merula's side," he continued, "I was the happiest I could've been. I was just playing hard, y'know? You could've convinced me with way less."
"You did tell me your life's story in one sitting over a glass of butterbeer."
"I wanted you to know me. The whole school knew Indigo Silverwood the Hogwarts curse-breaker and how her brother did this and that, and I was so jealous cause I wanted you for myself, to know your secrets and your dreams. When I couldn't have that I chose to give what I wanted from you."
She was one breath away from breaking into tears. "Sometimes I wonder if they love me or hate me."
"Who cares? You know, I was completely fallen when we duelled for the first time. You were so fierce and talented and cunning. I swear I would've won if you hadn't mesmerized me."
And with that she breaks down, she could take the love confession but the correct use of big words to describe how he felt, made her heart go into a pace so fast, her chest was hurting. "This isn't fair!"
"What?" He asked embracing and comforting her.
"That you look so dreamy and that you're telling me all these wonderful things while the only thing I can tell is that I never even tried to approach you that way because I never thought I'd have the chance."
"Why wouldn't you have a chance with me? We've been friends for ages."
"Because you're the most handsome guy in all of Slytherin, not to say the sweetest, most caring, most loyal, the strongest, the kindest, and half the school is in love with you and I'm by far not the best looking one of them nor the most considerate, dragging you all into this cursed vault and R dangers."
Barnaby's stomach is flooded with butterflies at her words, wanting more than anything to melt in her arms.
"I'd go anywhere, fight anything for you. I think you're the prettiest and smartest and my favorite person, I don't know how you didn't see that." He took a deep breath. "Didn't see that... I love you, Indigo."
She looked up at him, his eyes glowing green and wild like the Scottish highlands, cheeks a shade of pink, lips wet and red. She brushes her thumb over them. "Barnaby," she whispered getting closer.
"That's me."
She rested a hand on his shoulder and pulled him nearer until their lips are touching softly, wrapping her arms around his neck. The taste of yearning came clear to her as he pulled her even closer to him, parting his lips, seeping his fingers into her hair, holding her face as if she was water about spill from his palms.
When they parted, both pulling for air, he looked at her like he discovered the answer to a charade, like a niffler before a pot of gold, the way he looked whenever she complimented him. Indigo felt like she did flying on the back of a hippogriff when she looked at Barnaby. That boy, buckwild, alive, beautiful, and in love.
"I love you too," she said without having to think much, because it was true. And one doesn't have to think much to state the skies are blue or the grass is green. She loved him before she could call this love romantic.
He smiled and hugged her to the point of nearly crushing her in his strong arms.
"Oh, okay. Barney, you're stronger than you think, love."
He let her go. "Oh, sorry."
Without thinking much, she ran a hand down his biceps which gave him tingles in his stomach. "Poor Vonner to be on the other side of your fist."
He crossed his arms. "Pfft. I don't like hurting people, but I was over my head and he deserved it."
"Let's leave him behind us." She took his hand and uncrossed his arm. "Perhaps we should go out some time."
"Tonight," he responds automatically with a smile.
"We have detention tonight, B."
"Oh, yeah. We can have a detention date then. A datention."
She snickered. "Alright. Anywhere we're together is the best place I could ever be."
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majorxmaggiexboy · 3 years
idk if i’m actually going to attempt to participate but i still want to make a little list of Tober/Tember prompts and ideas of what to do with them. also tagging @f-ro-g bc New Pack. Every time i do one of these i start forgetting every media i’ve ever consumed so we’re going to see if i can at least get more than like three different fandoms on here. Might or might not come back through and flesh these out with actual details later on.
Whumptober Ideas
1) All Trussed Up and Nowhere to Go/”You have to let go”/Barbed Wire/Bound - Hadestown, full stop. The whole prompt is Hadestown. It’s in the lyrics, even. It is this post that makes me finally notice the “Keep on walking and don’t look back” line in Wait For Me and i’m so angry right now
2) Talking is Overrated/Garotte/Choking/Gagged - I’m thinking a rewrite of my first Three Musketeers fic just because it was funny the first time around and also wouldn’t take much Effort. Next.
3) Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones, But.../Taunting/Insults/”Who did this to you?”
The Bradmadge Brawl of S2E1 but with passion and malice next question
4) Trust Fall/”Do you trust me?”/Taken Hostage/Pushed
Nothing springs immediately to mind but i’m leaning toward Psych or The New Pack
5) Red In My Ledger/Betrayal/Misunderstanding/Broken Nose
*slams hand on table* New Pack. Mordaunt. It writes itself.
6) Touch and Go/Bruises/Touch-Starved/Hunger
On-Drakon we’re going to give Arman and Mira some love even if only two people on this website even know them.
7) My Spidey-Sense is Tingling/Helplessness/Numbness/Blindness
TASM just for the sake of it? Undecided
8) Coughing Up a Lung/Pneumothorax/Exotic Illness/”Definitely Just a Cold”
Ben Tallmadge and the Delaware Dive next question
9) Rumors of My Death Have Been Greatly Exaggerated/Presumed Dead/Blind Rage/Tears
Bucky it’s your turn babe
10) Oops, I Did It Again/Hospital/Flare-Up/Ice Chips
Ben you’re going back in the Delaware it’ll be so funny
11) Just Keep Swimming/Adrift/Drowning/Dehydration
Personally i think having a third Ben vs. Water fic would be the funniest possible move but Grimaud or Mordaunt could also work here
12) It’ll Be Fun, They Said/Torture/Made to Watch/Begging
Jean-Olivier comes to mind but hmmmmm there was also that one TURN S3 au that could work
13) That’s Gonna  Leave a Mark/This Is Gonna Suck/Burns/Cauterization
Hmmmmmm OH! OH! Raoul! The New Pack. Done.
14) Under Pressure/Crush Injuries/Beaten/Force
It says Force and Force is Star Wars so naturally this is Mando’s number.
15) Feed a Cold, Starve a Fever/Delirium/Fever Dream/Bees
Ben Tallmadge guess what....
16) On a Need-to-Know Basis/Recovery/Scars/Aftermath
I’m thinking the Psych Not-Ghost AU would work here but there are certainly other options.
17) Field-Care 101/”Please don’t move!”/Hemorrhage/Dread
Might go with something Leverage right here just because i just watched Leverage. Nothing’s jumping immediately to mind. Warm Bodies could also work though.
18) The Doctor is In/”Now smile for the camera!”/Doctor’s visit/CPR
I’m thinking Reid just because Dr. and i’ve never been able to write Doctor Who so. What other Doctor characters are there. McStuffins isn’t in the running here. Oh! We could do something MCU, Bruce is a Doctor isn’t he? God can you imagine Dr. Hulk trying to
19) Just a Scratch/Bitten/Bleeding/Stabbing
Didn’t ... d’Artagnan once utter the phrase “it’s just a scratch” in relation to someth.....first episode, i think? Great so we have a winner, good job everybody.
20) Lost & Found/Trunk/Trapped underwater/Solitary Confinement
Weirdly Mando is the first character to come to mind. Someone beat me to 80% of my other idea but there’s potential.
21) That’s Where the Blood’s Supposed to Be/Bleeding Through Bandages/Pressure/Blood-Matted Hair
Let’s be real the only two options for this one are Bucky or Eliot and they’re virtually the same character so where does that leave me
22) They Made Me Do It/Cursed/Demon/Obsession
*vague wave* Merlin ?
23) You Break It, You Buy It/Auction/Ransom/Pursuit
That one 3M au with Athos and the big mix-up and the Oops and all the...stuff, yeah. That works.
24) One Down, Two to Go/Self-Induced Injuries to Escape/Flashback/Revenge
Holy sh- i didn’t see this one initially. I mean? Jean? Ow.
25) Hide & Seek/Escape/Flight/Hiding
Psych? Orrrrr....TGM?
26) You Will Go Down With This Ship/Fallen/Waterfall/Trap Door
I’m trying to think of literally anything i’ve ever read or watched that’s got a ship in it ummmmmmm hey what if we interpret “ship” as yeaaaah let’s do another Mando one that’ll work
27) “I’m Fine, I Prom...”/Passing Out/Vertigo/Collapse
I mean..... .... ... is there a character this doesn’t work for though? Wait. No actually let’s do Childermass since he gets that what is it an allergic reaction to magic? I mean i know Segundus gets like that to so....ha let’s make it be Both of them.
28) It’s Not Just In Your Head/”Good, you’re finally awake”/Nightmares/Panic
First thought is New Pack but it might take some pondering.
29) All Work and No Play/”You’re still not dead?”/Too weak to move/overworked
it’s like Civil War but with Bucky and Jean-Olivier having an all-out brawl good lord it’s an either/or situation.
30) Digging Your Grave/Major Character Death/Left For Dead/Ghosts
*shot of choc milk* the exact TURN AU i was Just thinking about yesterday,,,
31) Hurt & Comfort/Disaster Zone/Trauma/Prisoner
I feel like i need to put Gwynplaine here just because he hasn’t had a turn yet
Alt. Prompts
1) Losing Control
Arman. Very obviously extramuch Arman definitely. Let’s have another one with the involuntary dragon himbo.
2) Threats
*chin hands* trying to think of a character who gets threatened a lot. will circle back. I’m actually thinking Psych again but idk.
3) Caning
Ro we’ve genuinely discussed about 16 different variations on this one i think it’s Time
4) Mercy
5) Forgotten
Is it time for Jack Frost of all people to make an appearance or is this just Bucky again
6) Head Injury
It would be real easy to just put the headbonk au here but i’m going to try to show some restraint and do a different headbonk story
7) Screaming
Going to assign Gwynplaine here just because he really has been neglected in this lineup and also it would probably be good for him to vent a little bit in this manner
8) Comfort
Someone’s going to get petted like a cat and i just haven’t decided whomst but when i do it’s over for everybody
9) Self-Sacrifice
What do i even say to that i Feels like another New Pack but it’s still up for grabs tbh
10) Trapped
Tempted to pour one out and just say Bucky but idk idk we’ll think of something this is very much a first draft stream of thought general idea planning session
11) Near Death Experience
It would be hilarious to just put something like Meet Joe Black for this one but WAIT NO NO GO BACK ACTUALLY WARM BODIES LET’S DO WARM BODIES
12) Regret
It’s gotta either be Psych or TURN
13) Tragedy
My first thought is to do a damn Hannibal fic without ever having actually watched the show just because i’m still angry about how i read it ended but considering that i only know the characters’ voices from tumblr chatposts i feel like that’s not the best venue to
heck we might just do New Pack
14) Battlefield
Either TURN or New Pack or....the song’s a little bit dramatic for a Bucky but actually....unless? no....but Maybe,
15) Anxiety
Every character i’ve ever cared about could potentially fit right here so :/ Arman could have 3rd ficlet but again, literally every character, i,,,,,they’ve all got anxiety X’D
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gnarf · 4 years
Gnarf’s 2020
and what a fucking year that was... Anyways, let’s talk about the good things, shall we?
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I made it through 2020 alive and without going insane! Yay! So lets see what else I did. (This is a long post)
In the beginning of 2020 I said I won’t participate in many fests. Only three or something like that. Lets check how that went!
Fests Gnarf participated in: 9
@lockdownfest @lcdrarry @hd-wireless @hpfluff-fest @hd-hurtfest @hd-fan-fair @hd-erised @gameofdrarry in drarropoly @wireless-festive-minifest​
Haha yup, three. Sounds legit. I also wandered off to try if I can art! No worries, I gave that up :D Mad respect to all Artists, arting is exhausting and the progress is too slow for me.
If you really want to check out my attempts, here’s what made its way onto AO3:
Dont Blink! for LCDrarry, it includes the Angels from Doctor Who and was a pain in the arse.
If you knew... was made for H/D Wireless and has the armiest arm i ever saw, very proud of that one. Its also the last thing I made.
Home Sweet Home was also made for H/D Wireless, and the first bigger art piece I tried my hand on.
A muffled groan which is rather explicit and I entirely forgot about making it :D it has a ficlet going with it too.
(I think theres other Art stuff here with the tag #gnarf draws or something)
I reached my yearly goal of writing 100k words once again!
Fics and Ficlets I wrote this year: 20(ish)
Better Side of the Bed (Lock Down Fest, T, 2k)
It was all Malfoy's fault. Harry could be at the Burrow right now, but instead he was trapped in Malfoy's tiny flat. All because that dick couldn't stop bothering him about a stupid life debt he didn't even care about.
Doing What's Best (G, ~800 words)
Lucius looked down at the little bundle currently sleeping in Narcissa's arms and felt terror shoot through his body. A little boy, his hair so white it was nearly invisible. Born only a few hours ago, taking his first breath in the light of the rising sun. Narcissa had whispered a welcome, her eyes wet, her smile bigger than ever. But they both knew, even though temporarily safe, he really wasn't. Draco was born into a world ruled by war. If only it'd end soon.
I better be hallucinating this (T, 3.8k)
After the war Draco Malfoy is sentenced to Azkaban for a really long sentence. Apparently aiding in Dumbledore's death overrules any argument Harry could put up for him. After the trial, as the days pass by, Harry is more and more outraged at the sentence. He can't stop obsessing over the fact that Draco Malfoy saved his life and aided him during the war and is very much capable of redemption. Not to mention that Malfoy has always been a delicate git and would never survive Azkaban. After a few weeks obsessing Harry decides that Malfoy indeed can't remain unjustly in Azkaban and starts to plot a way to break him out of jail and hide him in Grimmauld Place. When Hermione finds out she's not amused. Ron is horrified. Draco still thinks he's hallucinating.
Keep Holding On (Wireless, M. 33.333) A collab with @maesterchill​ who surprised me with lovely art for it!
After the Battle of Hogwarts, Harry and Draco both fall into their own battles with their mental states. Draco is sent to Azkaban, and Harry turns to drinking, hoping to forget. Months later, Harry visits St Mungo’s new ward on the request of a friend, only to find Draco in a deep vegetative state. Not willing to give him up, Harry stays by his side, while simultaneously dealing with the Ministry's newest grand idea to make everything worse. Making new allies, and losing old ones along the way, will hopefully be worth it in the end.
Age is just a number (Fluff Fest, T, 1.5k)
Married for decades, their life is perfect. Until Harry gets a call and hears the following words: "Mr Potter, we caught your husband stealing ten large packs of King Sized condoms."
There was still hope (Hurt Fest, M, 3.1k)
Draco winced as pain shot through his leg with every step. This secret, back-alley laboratory had been his last chance, last hope, to find the potion. But nobody had it in stock, and there was no time left to brew it himself. Panic was slowly overtaking his entire mind as he crept out of the store and back to the nearest alley to Apparate back home. He already felt off, and it was still early in the day. Of course this thestral-shit had to happen to him, of all people. As if life wasn't bad enough for him already.
Desire (E, 1.7k)
"Auror Potter, what a pleasant surprise to meet you here. What can I do for you?" "Stop the show, Malfoy. There's no one around, and I'm not here as an Auror." Draco watched Potter move closer until they were nearly nose to nose, only the small counter of his shop kept Potter at distance. Potter's eyes were dark with something Draco couldn't exactly name, his face was flushed and the air surrounding him felt somehow static. Draco felt the urge to lean further over his counter, to drink in his sight, to touch the man on the other side—but he didn't.
Drarropoly 2020 currently holds 7 ficlets and is in a Series. The highest rating is Mature and its 3.2k in total at this point.
Let's not wait for France (Fan Fair, T, 17.7k)
All Harry had wanted from his Eighth year at Hogwarts was a little peace and a little privacy but, from the moment that he stepped onto Platform 9 3/4, it was obvious that nothing was ever going to be that easy. An accidental bond with Malfoy that resulted in them having to stay together at all times was the final straw. Things couldn't be worse. So much to a quiet year in Hogwarts.
Love letters for the oblivious (Mini Wireless, T, 716 words)
Draco had gotten the strangest letters all week long, which wasn't what anyone needed at Christmas. Especially not him. Either someone was taking the piss, or he had a very dumb and inefficient secret admirer. And Draco didn't know which would be worse.
Double-Booked (Mini Wireless, T, 2.1k)
Finally, peace and quiet, and— "Malfoy?!?" Or the one where Harry thought he could enjoy a quiet Christmas far from everyone, just to find out that the cabin he had booked already accommodated another guest.
The best Christmas he ever had (Mini WirelessT, 1.9k)
Christmas had never been less appealing to him than this year. That was until Arthur Weasley showed up at his door, dressed as Santa, inviting him to the Burrow.
Anon Fests to be added
Whoever made it to this point: yoooo! Friend! Lots of love to you! I also got tagged in many get to know me posts, plenty of love in my Inbox giving me love slaps left and right (honestly, im bruised, stop slapping me), amazing person awards, top 5 fics, and whatever you can think of.
To make up for not answering most of them because I’m a horrible person:
My favourite colour: purple My age: I’ll be 30 next year in April, I expect gifts, I don’t accept first borns My favourite trope: eight year My favourite animal: cat My favourite ice cream: Ben and Jerry’s Cookie Dough Here’s my writing Playlist, it’s the worst you’ll ever see, and yes, I use YouTube, I’m old.
Other things that happened in 2020 that made me happy:
I kicked out my mentally/emotionally abusive partner of 7 years in January
I kept my grandma alive through this *waves hand at world*
I was able to share my birthday cake with my family becaus I got to leave my first quarantine a few days before my birthday
I got to keep my job
I found a lot of lovely friends in this fandom, and got to keep them through this year
My cats are their usual little jerks and actually enjoyed me being at home due to the raging pandemic
I finally cut off my hair
I’m about to hit 3.5k followers here and I love you all
I’m also tagging everyone who sees this and wants to do something similiar! Show us what you did in 2020, the things you’re proud of, and the things you loved! Let’s spread some happy for the end of the year 💜🥰
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Klaus Hargreeves x Powered Reader
-Watch and Learn-
Warnings: buffoonery ensues, fun times
This gif is beautiful and represents the reader v well.
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Do you realize shoplifting is bad, yes. Are you about to do it on a dare, also yes. You see, Klaus has been up to no good recently, you put it up to his desperation for your complete and undivided attention.
For about a month you were over in Australia visiting an old friend, and your poor Klaus was left all alone to fend for himself, for 30 whole days. You were honestly surprised that your apartment didn’t burn down, or look incredibly trashed with random street cats walking around it.
Amazingly enough, everything was intact, but oh man did Klaus miss you. For the first day he wouldn’t even leave your side. The two of you laying on the couch and Klaus couldn’t keep his hands off of you. Not that you minded, he was needy and very handsy that night. So let’s just say, no movie watching was happening.
But back to your current situation, here you are outside a high end clothing store, and you’ve never been more ready in your whole life.
“Remember the goal Y/N, some shiny bracelets, sunglasses, a pricy pricy shirt, and something special for, muah.” Klaus purred sweetly in your ear trying to throw you off, but you remain unflinching and determined.
“Piece of cake, this will be a record haul.” You tell him with a mischievous smirk as he grins back at you.
The two of you casually walk into the store, you’ve put on your long blonde wig and dark sunglasses to better conceal your identity if things did in fact go south. Klaus didn’t try much to disguise himself as he walked in looking like some carefree wanderer, but then again, he’s the distraction.
He walks to the nearest group of employees and begins an over dramatic display of fascination for a certain hat that is laying a top a mannequins head. You make a beeline for the jewelry, finding your prize and nonchalantly sliding them into your inner jacket pocket. Easy money. Next you practically glide over to the sunglasses, looks around you before snatching your favorite pair, ripping off the tag and placing them casually into your coats inner pocket. Yours now.
You scan the store for the shirt isle, easily enough your eyes land down an isle to your left where you let out muffled snort. Klaus now has dark glassed Harry Potter looking specs as well as a fancy cowboy type hat. All in all he looks relatively good, like a sexy desert traveler who’s about to steal some hearts. A smile forms onto your face as you briefly watch him keep up his dramatic act of being the best shoplifting distraction you could have asked for.
Turning back to the pricy isle of shirts that altogether probably cost more then your car, well that is if you actually payed for it. You continue forward, your eyes scanning over the silk and leather fabrics, over ones encrusted with jewels and animal fur that you’re hoping is just fux fur. Your keen eyesight finally stills onto a gorgeous Gucci sweater that practically screams take me. You glance up and find where the nearest security cameras are, spotting them, you pull your attention back to the task at hand. You run your hands down the sleeves and swiftly tug, the sweater comes off the rack and makes a quick descent towards the polished tiled ground.
As sly as a fox you kneel onto the tiled floor, picking it up and sliding it into your coat where it’s completely hidden from any prying eyes that might not be minding their own business. With a smirk you stand up, taking the empty rack and calmly sliding on a new sweater that you found at the local thrift store, that’s been patiently waiting for its next clothing rack. You turn down the isle watching Klaus sweet talk an employee who seems to be under his little spell. You can’t help it when your jaw clenches in subconscious jealousy, you know it’s all for show but still, only you get that adorable smile and emerald eyes that at least they can’t see due to his current fashion statement.
Shaking those thoughts away, you ground yourself again to what you and Klaus actually came here for. Now to find something special for your man, scanning over the brightly lit store your eyes widen in excitement at the beautiful jewel encrusted golden snake necklace that only queens of Egypt should be allowed to possess. You coolly walk over to the necklace, your nerves racing in a bustle of excitement as you make it to the glass case that surrounds it. You shift your eyes once to the left and then once to the right, surveying the area for any intruders. No ones in the nearest proximity due to Klaus’ amazing ability to draw in a crowd practically anywhere.
“Oh and look at you, Klaus is gonna love you, not as much as me but hmm you are one beautiful snake.” You whisper to the glimmering metal hiding behind the stores attempt at a security precaution. Reaching out your hand you simply use your power and defy the laws of what humans should be able to do. Your hand phases through the see through glass where you promptly pick up the dazzling trinkets made for royalty. You silently stick it into your bra and turn around, making your way down the isle and towards Klaus and his crowd of high end retail workers.
You walk past him and give him a wink, he takes the subtle hint, says his goodbyes and trails after you towards the doors. You slow down your pace so he can catch up, a sudden arm slings over your shoulders as he kisses the side of your cheek.
“My dear you would not believe what a bunch of kiss-asses those guys are. Enough to match Luther honestly.”
“Well you seemed to be handling them just fine from what I could see.”
“Huh yeah, they thought my tattoos where interesting.”
“They did, didn’t they.”
“Ohhh were you...were you, gettin a lil jealous Y/N?”
“What? Jealous of a couple of blonde bimbos, you need your eyes checked babe.” Klaus lets out a laugh as he opens the stores door for you. You avoid eye contact, your frustration slowly building until he reaches for your open hand. The contact and the way that he leans into your side instantly calming your agitation once again.
“Alright fine. That was admittedly mean and unnecessary, and yeah okay I was a tad bit jealous...but come on Klaus. You make me feel things.”
“Aww Y/N you’re so cute, my little thief. So watcha get?”
“Oh some of this some of that. I’ll show you when we get back to the apartment. I’m gonna have to come back later and destroy the security footage.”
“Oh right, that silly thing those pricey stores like to do. Security cameras.”
“Ruining fun for burglers since they were invented by some paranoid prick.”
“Eh they have their uses.” Suddenly his attention snaps over to a hotdog vendor further down the sidewalk, “Oh hey, you want a street sausage...and I’m not talking about mine..ah Jesus Y/N I was kidding don’t hit me.”
“You have a strong arm. It was a serious question before you assaulted me.”
“Babe we have stuff that’s worth more then the building we live in. We should just go home, we have leftover Thai in the fridge.” Klaus abruptly halts the both of you, shifting your body so he can rest his hands on either side of your shoulders as he looks deeply into your eyes, his face shifting into a pleading expression.
“But my tum tum is grumbling...listen to it Y/N...it says feed me or I’ll die of hunger.”
“Wow I didn’t realize you could speak stomach. Klaus you are truly full of surprises.” You deadpan with lack of facial movement but a low sigh coming from your parted lips.
“Do not antagonize me woman this is serious.” He gives you the biggest and most adorable puppy eyes, trying with all of his might to sway you to the dark side. You roll your eyes as a smirk tugs at the corner of your lips. His eyes go wide in excitement, knowing he’s won you over with his usual Klaus charm.
“My lovely lady, you are a gem among the city sewage.”
“Thanks Klaus. You really know how to make a girl feel special.”
“That’s what I do babes.” Replies Klaus with a quick kiss to your lips before he drags you over to the vendor, that admittedly smells quit delicious if you’re being honest. He orders a simple dog for the both of you, actually paying for it himself to your great astonishment. Then he slathers his in toppings as you select a few of your own, then it’s through the city park to reach your apartment. The two of you and your concealed stolen goods, walking casually down the parks walking trail as you both happily munch on your hotdogs.
“Maybe I have too much on mine.” You have a look at Klaus who’s face is smeared with ketchup and mustard as he fumbles with is already messy napkin while you take another bite from your own hotdog in an attempt at concealing your laughter. “Seriously Y/N, it’s all over my face now, I’m a mess.”
“That’s what she said.”
“Ben don’t laugh..” Whines Klaus with a pout as he glances over at you who’s definitely losing your shit. “Okay fine, it was pretty funny.”
“You walked right into it. I couldn’t help myself.”
“Well Ben’s about to pee himself if you’d like to know so good job at that.”
“Thank you thank you I’ll be here all night.” You bow to no one in particular as Klaus finishes off the last bit of his hotdog. You hand him your napkin as you throw your dirty ones in the nearby trash can. Klaus doing the same, now looking much less of a mess, both on his face and hands. He swiftly catches up to you and practically throws himself onto you. You stagger to the side as his full weight begins dragging you downward towards the wet pavement, oh no you are not about to have his lanky ass get you all dirty. As a witches cackle escapes from your mouth you use your phasing abilities and a second later your idiot boyfriend has fallen onto the cold cement. He lets out a yelp as his hands reach out to catch his fall, he does a little tumble before sitting on the ground, a annoyed huff leaving his lips.
“Eww Y/N I was in you.” Whines Klaus as he picks himself up once again, you cross your arms and bite your lip in amusement.
“You didn’t think so this morning.”
“That was very different.”
“Yeah well your fatass was about to send me into the dirt. I happen to like this coat and would prefer to keep it looking snazzy.”
“Your snazzy can kiss my buns, I’m going home and then I can be in you...but not in that way.” He quickly adds as he reaches out for your hand, you gladly accept his appealing invitation and just like that the two of you make your way out of the park and towards the apartment building where some fun times await.
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dalekofchaos · 4 years
How I would change The Amazing Spider-Man movies
My other Marvel changes
Rami Spider-Man Changes
X-Men Changes
MCU Changes
The Amazing Spider-Man
Lose the punk skater attitude. Peter is an academic nerd
Make a small nod to Harry with Ben and May commenting on Peter’s childhood friendship with Harry Osborn
Mary Jane is best friends with both Peter and Gwen, she has been Peter’s friend since childhood, and was friends with Harry as well. She is Peter’s official wingman for Gwen. Kind of disappointed we never got to see Shailene Woodley as MJ and seeing Peter and MJ slowly falling in love throughout the trilogy would’ve been nice to see.
Peter and Gwen have chemistry and more believable instead of stuttering and babbling fools. 
The relationship between Ben and Peter is less hostile. Ben is trying to warn Peter that he is going down Richard’s path and tries to warn him “With Great Power, comes Great Responsibility”
Lose the “I didn’t get milk, so I’m gonna help a guy rob the store” just have Peter getting his pay cut at a job he’s working at and he pulls a “I fail to see how this is my problem”
Peter is less of a vigilante and more of a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man more scenes like he had with the little kid on the bridge and less villainous acting
Bring in Curt Conners wife and son, to make him more sympathetic, basically just use the Animated series take on The Lizard and Conners’ family to make his story more tragic.
The Lizard looks more like his classic look
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Captain Stacy’s last words aren’t “stay away from Gwen” it’s Keep Gwen safe”
Lose Gustav Fiers, he is not a well known villain. Make Norman Osborn as the big threat of the trilogy
The Amazing Spider-Man 2
Nathan Jones plays Rhino
Lose the campier bits of TASM 2
Keep the plot from the trailers
Do not split up Peter and Gwen and with this we lose the stalking Peter Parker
Do not kill off Norman Osborn. In fact cast Jason Isaacs as Norman as a sign that Norman is the big bad of this trilogy
Make it seem like Norman is pressuring Harry to do all this and Peter is trying to save his friend from his father’s grasp 
Felicia Hardy’s cameo shows her stealing a cat suit from the vault, hinting at her future as Black Cat
Do not let Sony fuck things up just to establish the Sinister Six
Ultimately, Harry would side with his best friend. Because of this, Norman kills Gwen
Keep in the deleted MJ scenes
Keep in the alternate ending with Richard Parker
The Amazing Spider-Man 3
If there were a TASM 3 I have a feeling we’d see the following things
Norman Osborn becomes the Green Goblin and leads the Sinister Six
The Sinister SIx would feature. Green Goblin(played by Jason Isaacs), Doc Ock(Played by Christoph Waltz) Rhino(played by Nathan Jones) Vulture(played by Michael Keaton) Kraven The Hunter(played by Jason Momoa) Scorpion(Played by Michael Mando) Mister Negative(played by Donnie Yen)
MJ and Harry both help Peter with his grief in losing Gwen
Near the end, Peter and MJ finally admit their feelings for each other and fall in love
Peter would begin working for the Daily Bugle and find a rival in Eddie Brock(Played by Tom Hardy) and JK Simmons would return to play JJ Jameson
Norman would find out Richard is alive, so he hunts him down and personally kills him with his own hands to finish what he started all those years ago
The Symbiote we see in the vault would latch itself onto Peter and Peter would use this against the Sinister Six
Ultimately in the final battle against Norman, Norman uses sonic weapons against him causing the black suit to leave Peter’s body, which would land on Eddie Brock
When Norman thinks he has Peter at his mercy, he rushes with his glider to kill him, but Harry sacrifices himself to save Peter and Peter finally puts an end to Norman’s reign of terror as the Green Goblin. Harry doesn’t die, Peter wasn’t able to save Gwen, but he’s able to get Harry the help he needs. Harry is in a coma, while Norman and the Sinister Six are sent to the Raft.
End credits. Tony Stark offers Peter a chance to sign the accords and join The Avengers.
Due to the success of The Amazing Spider-Man trilogy, and how Oscorp Tower was almost in the first Avengers. Andrew Garfield would return to play Spider-Man in the MCU and best part is Peter and Tony would be peers and Peter would not be Tony’s sidekick. During the MCU movies we would see Peter face Venom and Black Cat, while in his second movie we see him mentoring Miles Morales(played by Caleb McLaughlin) and passing the torch onto Miles. 
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danwhobrowses · 4 years
Minor F.R.I.E.N.D.S. Rant - Ross is NOT the Worst
So I’ve hit a little breaking point here. We all know that Friends is iconic, reruns on loop are a huge part of many people’s downtime
But recently, everyone seems to get on Ross Geller’s ass
I think most of it is because it’s easy to pick on him, he’s neurotic and has a tendency to whine and be stubborn. The ‘We were on a break’ debacle still gets argued today - and they were on a break, Rachel even clarified ‘a break from us’, and it’s not like he went to the bar with intention to sleep with someone AND he was 100% right about Mark.
Here’s the thing though, everyone says ‘Ross is awful’ But every one of the Friends are awful, that’s the point, they are all flawed people who try to grow in a way where they get stability. Some may say ‘yeah, but Ross is the worst’ but to that I ask...is he? He’s certainly not great, being snobby, self-loathing and fragile in his masculinity
But let’s consider what the others have done Note: This is not a ‘Why XXX Deserves More Respect’ post, so I’m not all out defending Ross here, I’m just pointing out that his fellow Friends are not as pristine as made out
Phoebe - Phoebe’s past itself is layered in mystery and violence, at some point she stabbed a cop and she mugged a kid Ross, so we will glance over that as her having a past, but I don’t think Ross ever impersonated a police officer, a literal crime, and only got off because the officer was attracted to her. She also implies to be a bigamist since she was married to the ‘gay’ ice skater and also implied to have been married in Vegas, believing that it only counts in Vegas. She also immediately dates her identical twin sister’s ex-fiancé when he broke up with her which is a little bit sketchy, and off-handedly bullies Ross and Chandler, finding times to mock and undermine them. Not to mention the fact that she kissed David while dating Mike, and she also stole a kid’s cat thinking her mother’s soul was in it.
Monica - Equally if not more neurotic due to her OCD, Monica has that destructive side to her too. She sabotaged Rachel’s chances with Jean Claude Van Damme out of jealousy, she dated her ex’s son and she bet away her and Rachel’s apartment in the heat of competitiveness. While an accident she was also reckless with Ben and hit his head and her marriage to Chandler apparently mattered little when she flirted with Celebrities on the roof party. Monica’s hands may be the cleanest of the six but she is not without her faults.
Chandler - Perhaps the most neurotic and self-sabotaging, Chandler is partly responsible for a few of Ross’ relationships falling apart; letting slip that Ross had feelings for Rachel, making Ross write a pros and cons list between Rachel and Julie and taking him to a bar after the break - not to mention telling Ross not to be honest about it and erase all evidence of sleeping with the Xerox Girl, Chloe. He also leaves Ross’ son on a bus - who he took mainly to pick up women, kisses Joey’s sisters and then doesn’t recognize which one he kissed, toys on Rachel’s boss Joanna twice, kisses Joey’s girlfriend, steals several cheesecakes he doesn’t pay for and tells a kid he’s adopted, which is pretty damaging stuff. He also almost runs out on his wedding with Monica, and in an attempt to prank Ross says he has sex with Dinosaurs, and then that he’s dead. His fear of commitment also made him toy with Janice for the early seasons of their on-off relationship.
Joey - I mean, let’s just set aside most of the bachelor stuff, Joey has courted a few taken women, for instance his ex Angela who he wrapped Monica into helping so she could date Angela’s then-boyfriend too, he also slept with Kate while both were dating other people. Outside of dating he also attempted to sabotage one of his students for a part in a show, he abandons Chandler on a highway when he rightfully shows doubts about this movie gig and is too stubborn to admit that Chandler was right, he also threw Ginger’s wooden leg into a fire and bolted and like Chandler lost Ben, contributed to sabotaging Ross with the list and took Ross to a bar during the break. He impersonates a Doctor to get personal information on a patient for Phoebe, tries to steal an award he claims in someone else’s stead and tried to steal his childhood toy from a baby! Joey’s personality is the only thing that really makes people look past his flaws.
Rachel - people say Ross is the worst, but I’d contest that Rachel is far more destructive than Ross, especially towards Ross himself, the on-off relationship of the two had often caused Rachel to be conniving and borderline sociopathic towards him. Most of Ross’ non-Rachel relationships are sabotaged by Rachel - the most direct sabotage being convincing Bonnie to shave her head so she could appear the more attractive option - she invites conflict even without thinking about whether she actually wants to be with Ross, she also does this to Joey. She acts really hostile to Ross’ partners, Julie especially - even Ross was less aggressive towards Mark than Rachel was to Julie, the same can be said with Charlie too when Joey was dating her but not to the same extent as Julie. After kicking Ross out of her office for trying to do a romantic gesture on their year anniversary she instigates the ‘break’, and then immediately let Mark, the focal point of their core argument leading to this break, into her apartment even though she had to know it’d hurt Ross - which it does since this action also causes Ross to spiral further into sleeping with the Xerox girl. After that in Barbados, she was petty enough to immediately after breaking up Ross and Bonnie write an 18 page front-and-back waiver just to justify herself as in the right to date Ross again, in the aftermath of that she also dates a college student just to spite Ross - before Ross then dates a college student and Rachel then dates Elizabeth’s dad. No list of Rachel’s constant sabotage of Ross’ relationships would be complete without mentioning that time she went to (and successfully achieved to) stop Ross and Emily’s wedding too, Ross was legitimately happy and Rachel went to London, professed her love, realised how stupid she was being, and then still won the day. Rachel also demonstrates a lack of independence and petty jealousy of others, seen when out of jealousy for Chandler and Monica getting engaged she tries to booty call Ross twice, the second time getting her pregnant. She also tends to play victim even when she’s in the wrong; when Vegas happened, she painted Ross as a gay heroin addict for the annulment which spirals into Ross having the third divorce he wanted to avoid, she would also later reveal that she remembers suggesting they get married too. She also tries to lump blame on Ross for getting her pregnant even though the video proves that she came onto him and throws Ross under the bus with her father when confronted on why she is not with Ross despite having his baby.
Obviously, in spite of this people will sympathize with Rachel because Barry cheated on her and then went on their honeymoon with the person he cheated on, Maid of Honor Mindy, and because they would also feel that Ross cheated on her too. But Rachel was not above cheating herself: she had sex with Barry knowing he was engaged to Mindy, she would also be Mindy’s maid of honor for that wedding, on top of that she also convinced Ross to let her go on Ross and Emily’s honeymoon, the same thing she was mad at Barry for doing - meaning she was a hypocrite as well. Outside of Ross, Rachel also intentionally conspired to make Chandler and Monica uncomfortable for keeping their relationship secret, she dates her assistant Tag and breaks up with him on her birthday simply because he didn’t fit into her ‘plan’, she stole Monica’s perfect baby name and immediately agrees to marry Joey just so she wouldn’t be alone after having Ross’ baby. In the final episodes she also agrees to a job in Paris without considering how this’d affect Ross, the father of her child who already had to barely see his other son, when she intended to take Emma with her.
As entertaining the characters are they are, by design, not flawless; many times being vengeful saboteurs, having tendencies to be hostile, jealous, unfaithful, judgmental, hypocritical and compulsive liars, with each reaching maturation points at different points in the show (if at all) only in later seasons when they settle down. 
While this does include Ross in having his fair share of unlikable moments, I have always felt that it’s unfair that Ross becomes the ‘easy target’ especially when in my opinion Rachel is worse but forgiven mostly because she’s the pretty face and Ross looks like David Schwimmer.
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a-simple-complexity · 3 years
Things about the creepypasta improv thing my close friend and I have been doing since 4th or 5th grade (maybe longer):
- My character doesn't really have a cp name yet but has been around for 401 years
- My character, when not at the mansion, is roomies with JTK (and he steals cheese its)
- Vivian's (the close friend) character is close to Slenderman and has a older sister bond with Sally
- Aside from the Jeff The Cheeze Itz Snatcher gag we have more running gags
- Such as Masky locking Toby in the closet when he's annoying only to turn around and see Toby standing there.... MENACINGLY (lol)
- LJ punts Mr Widemouth across the mansion weekly
- EJ is no longer allowed to cook for others after the barbeque of 2017. We miss you, Butler Bill
- Tuesdays and Thursdays Viv's character takes pets and children out the mansion for a playdate while everyone else has some fun
- Viv's Hidden Stash of Tuna TM
- My Hidden Stash of Vodka and Rum TM
- My character might have a problem but then again immortals aren't really affected by alcohol like most mortals are
- Speaking about my character: Holy. Pets.
- They have a bunch of guard dogs (despite them all being guard dogs they are pampered like you wouldn't believe)
- Pastas respect COVID stuff. Slender ordered everyone to scatter until it's mellowed out alot. Slender caught it at some point. They say get the vaccine and wear ya damn mask.
- There's a "Community Garden". It's just a few pitcher plants, some Butterworts, a killer cow plant (courtesy of Ben pulling some strings), a small patch of wither roses (courtesy of Herobrine), and a oran berry plant (courtesy of a few poke-pastas), rose bushes, etc
- Holidays are fun too
- Christmas time is filled with my character and Viv's taking Sally, Jane, Clockwork, and Nina out for a "girls" night
- Granted Nina only gets taken along bc despite the love-hate relationship between my character and Jeff, Jeff deserves time away from Nina during the holidays at least
- Also despite Jeff hating Nina he appreciates the knives she gives him (and return he gives her some sort of card)
- Due to staying in the vents constantly and stalking everyone my character gets everyone what they think they like would like
- Christmas lights everywhere. Splendor always gets Offender to put the star on top the comically large tree just bc
- Despite it not being Christmas music, everyone listens to Hotel California by The Eagles
- and watches Christmas movies (what was that Christmas movie with Tim Allen?)
- Everyone plays in the snow. Jeff decides to start a snowball fight and Sally makes a snow man.
- Everyone wears something festive and it's normally an ugly sweater thanks to Trender
- Spiked nog anyone?
- Thanksgiving includes everyone gathering together and having fun
- A small hunting trip is planned instead of a football game (the hunt takes place the day prior bc no one wanna miss the parade)
- Sally's favorite float is the Charlie brown float
- You know how the president pardons a turkey? Slender pardons a victim (and has been doing it since meeting Viv's character bc of a joke Viv made)
- My character makes mashed potatoes or some sort of really outdated dish from the 1700's
- The Slender Bros, Viv's character, Sally, Toby, Smile Dog, Jeff, and Nina all watch the dog show after the parade
- Nina is kinda allergic to dogs and doesn't really like them but bc of her lingering obsession with Jeff she puts up with it
- Offender and Trender argue over what dog they think should have won (funny to watch to grown immortal-ass men argue over this)
- Slender carves the turkey
- The pardoned victim is allowed to stay for dinner granted a majority of memories get changed (not really erased, just changed)
- My character, Jeff, and Ben all walk through the woods before dinner and get fucking plastered (and think no one notices....everyone notices)
- the week of Thanksgiving the tree gets put up (acceptable if it's the week of Thanksgiving, any other time then it's just weird)
- My characters mom, (considered the co-founder of Hell) pops in, steals a couple slices of pie, and leaves
- Halloween is celebrated kind of like Thanksgiving and Christmas
- My character decorates the mansion with various bones
- 31 Days of Horror Movies (at some point it's decided to watch Earnest Scared Stupid and some of the serious dog lovers opt out)
- The Slender Brothers dress up as the three musketeers. Splendor is Porthos, Offender is Athos, Slender is D'artagnan and, Trender is Aramis
- Jeff and my character do a duel costume by dressing of as Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer from Cats (musical not movie, duh) alternatively they dress as Rum Tum Tugger and Mr. Mistoffelees.
- Sally dresses as Carrie or a fairy princess
- Jane, Clockwork, Nina, Viv's Character dress up as four of the five muses from Hercules (Viv changes last minute to a cat due to her character having cat ears and a cat tail)
- Toby, Masky, and Hoodie originally wanted to dress as the three musketeers but after slender took that idea they decide to dress up as separate things. Toby dresses as Masky. Masky dresses as the phantom of the opera and Hoodie is a ghost.
- Smile dog dresses as a hot dog :P
- A small hunting trip is planned and Jane and Clockwork take Sally trick or treating
- Everyone finishes the month with A Night are Before Christmas (a classic)
- Not many celebrate Valentine's day
- It's really only the Slender Bros, Viv's character, My character, Nina, Toby, Masky & Hoodie, and Sally
- and by Sally I mean she just leaves candy from the candy bowl everywhere
- Masky and Hoodie make a day of it since Slender gives them holidays off. They eat cheesecake in the woods and just spend the day together.
- Toby spends the day alone but still celebrates in his own way. Eating waffles.
- Offender (in our improv thing he's not....yeah....he's just a hopeless romantic that does consensual hook ups) and my character spend his their leaving roses out at restaurants and going to bars for hookups. They have a bunch of stuff worked out.
- Viv and Slender spend the day in bed or lounging in the living room watching some cheesy comedy.
- Trender spends the day as a self care day seeing as he's alone at the moment. Every day is self care for him but it's even more on Valentine's Day. He goes all out and even treats himself to a fancy restaurant.
- Splendor likes going to neighborhoods and leaving cute little poems on people's doors then heading to the zoo for personal time.
- Nina harasses Jeff who, in return, leaves the mansion and heads to the apartment him and my character share.
- New Years is something everyone celebrates. While some have resolutions others have new quotas they're trying to meet.
- Sally tries to stay up and watch the ball drop (she's only seen it drop twice before falling asleep)
- My character and Viv's character get shit faced
- Jeff normally sits there with a beer in one hand and Smile Dog beside him
- that's really all that consists of New Years
More about our two characters:
My character:
- a 401 year old demon thing
- in our universe hell is ran by the 7 devil's as well as my characters mother. Hells more of a city than a pit.
- Has lived with Jeff as a roommate since late 2018
- Use to be with Herobrine but broke it off with him for unknown reasons.....they're civil and still good friends. He's one of those people that could make a good boyfriend but is best as a close friend
- On their 400th birthday a crackening happened in Hell that enhanced their powers and they were hunted by Zalgo. Luckily a truce was established.
- Has been by Viv's character side since her characters soul was first created. More in Viv's Character's section
- Y'know those dogs that were talked about in the beginning? They primarily stay at their mothers mansion in Hell.
- Also all cats go to hell but they don't get hurt. They like to watch. Sometimes if you're lucky you might get a celebrity's cat. That's how my character got their lovely (and kinda douchy cat) Delilah. She likes to pee all over people's suits just bc she's like that.
- They were born in 1620 but are progressive
- Still liked fashion through the ages
- Maybe not the health damaging ones
- Is able to fly and teleport but due to back pain and migraines prefers to stay grounded and rarely use teleportation
- Doesn't actually kill much but has had souls sold to them (job as a demon....doesn't really need one though....is Crossroads Demon)
- Had a one night stand with Trender about 240ish years ago
- Does have proxies....it's those souls they take and barter around for
- Souls in hell can be used for currency depending on whether or not they sold their soul
- Anyways, was at some point known for having an obsession with chainsaws and hoodies...still has a bunch of hoodies and a chainsaw but doesn't really use them much (is more of a flannel and gun person now)
Viv's Character:
- her character managed to get everyone's favorite dwarfed rag doll cat from the internet
- Her character use to be with Entity 303 and ended up Slenderman
- that makes two of us who were with a Minecraft pasta and ended up with a slender brother lol
- I think her character is called Kat or KC so for now imma call her character Kat
- Kat has an addiction to tuna and milk
- Also has cat ears and a cat tail which are both very sensitive
- when Kat's soul was created my character was created. Even though Kat has been through many many reincarnations my character has always been alongside her. Even though my character doesn't die they act as a guardian towards Kat.
- Has a tendency to sit up in the cat walks and within the walls of the mansion alongside my character
- Gets lost in the forest from time to time and needs help getting out
- Despite being with Slender she has her own room to store her weapons and stash her plans.
- If I'm not mistaken Kat also was with Toby for a short while but doesn't talk about it much. Imagine dating your ex-lovers boss lol
- Disappears for up to a week sometimes without saying where she's going and when she comes back she acts as if nothing happened
- When both Kat and my character started living in the mansion they shared a room for about a year.
- Kat had a personal garden that was completely wiped out by Zalgo before a treaty was established and she still hasn't forgave him
- The garden mostly had marigolds and a few small plants. The only one that really mattered was Audrey the Venus fly trap.
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geo-winchester · 4 years
The dance (1940’s AU)
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Soldier!Poe dameron x Singer!reader.
Summary: Poe came back to his hometown after a mission where General Leia invite him to a party and he had a great time with one of the singers.
A/N: Hi everyone! I hope you like this story it came to me when I heard put your head on my shoulder and even if I know it’s not from the 40’s let’s pretend it is. If you got any feedbacks I love to hear them and sorry if there’s a few mistakes.
Poe would lie to everyone if he said that the last time he was on his hometown was the day when he go to fight on the big war, but no, the last time he was there was a few months ago and now he was there because after a success mission General Leia throw them a party so they could relax or have sometime with their family, Poe wasn’t much of a party person and he wasn’t planning on going to the party but after his father insisted he change in to his uniform and make his way to the party, he knew Leia always pay for a singer, most of his friends were excited to see who is going to play that night, as he was talking to his friends Leia came to the group.
-Captain Dameron, I though you wouldn’t came- she said.
-I wouldn’t miss it- he said faking a smile.
-Your father make you come, right?- he smiled as he nod -Well I know you’ll be happy with one of the singers.
-Someone I know?- he asked.
-You’re about to find out- she said as the lights from the scenario turn on -Enjoy the show Dameron.
-Thank you ma’am.
This wasn’t the first time Yn sing for this squadron, but that doesn’t mean she wasn’t nervous, maybe it wasn’t the fact that she was about to sing for 50 people, she was nervous because she saw Poe coming to the party, it seem like it was a long time ago since the first time she saw him and she had to admitted she loves how he look on that uniform. As she walk through the stage she could hear the whistle and the applause from the audience, a few seconds she and her companions start to sing one of their famous song and as the show keep going, the crowd keep whistling and start to dance, but most of the time she never leave Poe’s eyes. When she was done she and a few of the lady’s went to the bar looking for something to drink, they were talking about some of the soldiers, until all of them look behind Yn as they giggle.
-Can I get you a drink Miss YLN- she heard Poe behind her, she turn around and nod with a smile, they sit a little far from the crowd after he order their drinks -Is nice to meet you again.
-The pleasure is all mine, it’s been a while since you were here.
-Long enough to miss it- he said, she took a sip to her drink.
-So tell me captain, is there someone you came to see?- she asked.
-I came to see my father, he’s been fine and everything is going well with his dinner- he said and she nod -and of course I also came to see my beautiful girlfriend, she had this beautiful voice and it’s the most beautiful woman I ever seem, with this smile that make me think that I’m the most lucky man in the world, and she is funny and clever- he said looking at her.
-She sound nice.
-Yeah, Actually she is over there talking with Snap- he point at one of her friends and she punch him in the arm making him laugh -I’m just messing with you, honey.
-You better be, or you are going to see me dance with Ben- he tense and she smirk -Relax baby, I’m just messing with you- she use the same tone he used, he roll his eyes before he put his arm around her shoulder, she cuddle beside him and she could feel how he kiss his forehead.
-When’s the next show start?- she shook her head.
-I’m done for the night, Leia thought you may want my company- she said with a smile.
-Remind me to thank her later- he said and finally kiss her, he could feel her smile between kisses.
They stay for a moment that way, they keep talking about their days, he told her about his day with her father and that he visit his grandmother.
-She told me that you visit her- she shrugged.
-I always love that woman beside she promise me that she’ll show me how to cook you favorite dish- he smiled.
-She always loved you too, did she told you that the times she invited you to dinner it was because she want to help me to asked you out- she couldn’t help but laugh.
-You took a lot of time to do that- she said.
-Well that’s because I knew that you were going to be the last girl I ask her out, after I asked you, I wouldn’t think about any one else, I always going to love you for my rest of my life- he said as he look at her in the eyes.
-I thought you never saw me that way before- she whisper making him shook his head.
-I love you, since I saw you in your window reading that book...
-It was a book from H.P lovecraft, I didn’t sleep that night- both of them laughed, they hear that the next singer was getting ready, they stay in there places as most of his friends took their partners to the dance floor.
-Where’s your next show? Maybe... I can asked Leia for a couple of days and go with you- she smiled.
-Then you should come here- he look at her confused -This was my last show, I’m tired of doing this and I been talking with your father and he offer me a job, so you’re seeing the next sub-chef of your fathers dinner- she said proudly.
-I thought you love to sing.
-I do, but I also miss my home and my family... and I want to be here when you come back- she said, he cupped her cheek before he kiss her.
-I got the feeling that this would be over soon- they haven’t realize that Yn’s favorite song start to play until a few of Poe’s best friend join them on the table.
-Yn please, as a friend of Poe I beg you teach him another song- Snap said.
-What do you mean, this is an amazing song, one of my favorites- she said.
-Ahh, now I get it Poe- he said smirking at Poe, who finish his drink and took her hand.
-Let’s dance- he said, she follow him to the dance floor and he bring her to his chest, she put her head on his shoulder as they start to dance slowly, she could hear him whisper the song on her ear -Put your head on my shoulder, hold me in your arms, baby- she smiled as he keep singing -Put your lips next to mine dear, won’t you kiss once baby, just a kiss goodnight maybe, you and I will fall in love- she put her arms around her neck as he put them on her waist, he had a smirk on his face.
-I thought you didn’t like this song.
-But you love it, and it always remind me of this, you in my arms as you sing it lowly- she blushed.
-So that’s why snap hate it?
-Maybe or maybe it was the fact that I put it all the time- she giggled -I mean everything I said before you know?- she nod -Marry me...
-What?- she couldn’t believe what she heard.
-Pleas Yn Yln, would you make me the happiest man on the earth and marry me- she look at him as he was crazy but when she realized that he wasn’t joking she kiss him.
-I have a condition.
-Really? You have a condition?- she nod.
-You have to promise me that you are going to come home safe and sound... and then we’ll get a small house we’re we going to live happy with a cat and our kids- she said making him smile.
-I’ll promise- he said before he give her a quick kiss.
-You know...- she start to said -The city hall is still open...- he looked at her with confusion but then his look turn into surprises and excited.
-Are you sure? I mean we could wait until the war is over and our families could be there, on a little church- she shook her head.
-I don’t want to wait dameron- she said getting closer to his face -I want to marry you now, so when you get back to the fields you have a wife to get back and in your letters you will write dear mrs dameron, beside I don’t need a fancy wedding to marry you, all I need is you by my side...- he cut her with a passionate kiss.
-Then lets go Mrs Dameron.
Both of them giggle like little kids as they run to his car, in all the way to the city hall Poe took his hand and every time he could he kiss it, when the car stop in front of the building both of them look at each other.
-Are you ready, Mrs. Dameron?- he asked before they get out of the car.
-As ready as You are, Mr. Dameron- they smile and kiss one more time before he get out of the car and help her to get out -I knew it was a good idea to pick white dress for the party- she said before they made their way to the building.
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ythankucaptainmccoy · 4 years
Final Frontier: Unwanted Job Chapter 2
Alright guys this is the second chapter, and if y’all have any questions about the fic or anything mentioned in the fic let me know. I will eventually make some background story for Cait/Queen, but it will probably come in bits and pieces. I’m also going to say there is going to be a lot of pining between Queen and Catfish! Warnings: Alcohol, Blood, Cursing, Violence, mentions of death, past relationship abuse and PTSD.
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Sounds of clanking plates and the smell of food is what woke Cait from her sleep. She rubbed her eyes and looked towards the open kitchen that was under the loft. Catfish was making food and Benny was serving it on plates. They were also talking in hushed whispers, and every once in a while she would hear her name. She quietly got up and stalked towards the kitchen. “Good morning Queen”, Benny said over his shoulder. “Good morning”, Cait smirked. 
“Catfish’s menu consists of biscuits and gravy with bacon”, Benny announced. “Smells good Fish. I didn’t know you could cook”, she beamed. Catfish turned and smiled at her, “There are a lot of things you don’t know about me Reina”. Cait shivered as he put some spanish in his sentence. She would never truly admit it, but she loved when he spoke spanish and how easily it rolled out of his mouth. As she watched his muscles move under his black shirt she noticed Benny. He was out of Catfish’s line of sight and thank God he was. 
Benny was rolling his hips and making an ass slapping motion in front of his crotch. “You okay there Ben?”, Ironhead asked as he made his way out of the guest room. Benny immediately stopped as Catfish turned around only seeing Benny standing there looking ashamed and Queen blushing like mad. “Do I even want to know?”, Catfish questioned with the cock of his brow. “NO! I mean...no he was just being an ass”, she told him. “So where is the coffee?” Ironhead asked, trying to change the subject.
“Here I’ll get it”, Cait said as she went to the cabinets. She reached up into the cabinet to start searching for the coffee grounds. Catfish was watching out of the corner of his eye as she reached farther into the cabinet. Her ass was so enticing to stare at, and he would have continued to stare if it wasn’t for Ironhead clearing his throat and motioning him to go help her. Cait almost jumped when she felt Catfish come up behind her and press against her. 
He pulled the coffee grounds down and handed them to her. “Thank you”, she gratified. “Your welcome”, he smiled. He went back to the stove to continue cooking as Cait started the coffee. “Ya know Pope and Redfly need to get up and eat. There is plenty of work that needs to be done around the ranch”, she announced. Benny grinned as he slipped towards the guest room. Once he slipped in they could hear shouts from Pope and then from Redfly. 
Benny came bounding out of the room as Pope and Redfly came barging out of the room. “Look fellas Queen said you all needed to get up”, Benny told them as he pulled Queen in front of himself. “What for? We don’t leave for the next couple days?”, Pope groaned. “Because you babies agreed in exchange for crashing at my place that y’all would help me with ranch chores”, she stated with her arms crossed. “You can’t be serious”, Redfly said. “Oh I’m dead serious”, Cait grinned. Once everyone had finished their breakfast she gave them each a list of things that needed to be done.
“Benny you have cleaning Chief and Takoda’s stalls and putting in fresh shavings if they need it, and to fill up their water tanks and put hay in the hay holders for them. Ironhead you will man the four wheeler with the trailer on the back where you will take Redfly to the trees I felled in the past weeks. Redfly will take the chainsaw and cut up said trees. Then you can haul it back to the barn for the log splitter. Pope you will be manning the log splitter, it’s super easy, and I’ll show how to start it before I leave”, she explained.
“Okay. What about Catfish and you?”, Benny asked, smirking. “Me and Cat are going to take Chief and Takoda to ride the fence line and make repairs where needed and to check the creeks to make sure they haven’t frozen over. If they have then when we get back I’ll have to get the big tanks out and put them out for the cattle”, she explained as she grabbed her jacket. “Oh and I would dress warmly boys it snowed last night”, she told them. 
She shrugged on her coat only to turn around to look at the guys. “Come on you lazy shits lets go”, she berated. They quickly went to get their things and headed out to the barn to start the day. She got everything together that Ironhead and Redfly would need, and loaded it onto the trailer. Once they headed out she showed Pope how to man the log splitter and where to stack the pieces after they were split. Then she showed Catfish how to brush Chief and pick his hooves. Then she went to start on Takoda, and he was already waiting at his stall door for the day.
Once she had groomed her horse and made sure Catfish did a good job on Chief she showed him how to saddle him and put the bridle on. Catfish watched in absolute wonder and some apprehension. “Look, you need to relax. These guys are mustangs that I broke. You have to trust them because if not they spook at every little thing. Just relax. Besides I gave you the older one because he is a bit calmer”, she laughed. 
“He was once wild?”, Catfish questioned. “Yepp I went out and got him from the Bureau of Land Management when they had a round up day. He was the only Grulla stallion that stood out to me so I took him. He has been very easy going since I got him. Takoda the sorrel over there that I’ll be riding is still young and feisty at times that’s who I’ll be riding”, she smiled. “Do you think you can handle it?”, she asked, biting her lip. “Yeah I think I can handle it”, he nodded. 
Cait led her horse out with Cat leading his out as well. “Alright get on from his left side just like this”, she instructed as she showed him. He put his foot in the stirrup and hoisted himself up and onto the back of the horse. Cait mounted her horse and looked at Catfish to instruct him how to hold the reins in one hand and how to steer and how to make him move forward. He was definitely out of his comfort zone, but after a few practice rounds he had relaxed much to Cait’s delight.
“Alright so we will start at the fence here and make our way to the four separate pastures”, she pointed out. “Alright hermosa lead the way”, he hummed. With that she gave leg pressure and took off at a canter. Chief not wanting to be left behind sped up to a canter as well to keep up. Cait couldn’t help the laugh that escaped her when she looked back to see the look of panic on his face. “Relax and ride him like you would a rocking horse. Rock your hips”, she instructed.
Finally he straightened his posture and started to ride better. It was a nice cool day and by mid day she found that the creeks hadn’t frozen over yet. “So where did you learn all this? I mean I know your family owned a ranch, but what made you buy one yourself”, Catfish asked her. “Well honestly I missed home and the good days work. So I decided to have all this built with the money I had. It keeps me busy, and it keeps me in shape”, she commented. 
“Don’t you get lonely out here though?”, he inquired. “Sometimes I do, but not a lot of men are willing to date or settle down with a woman who is so independent”, Cait mumbled. “Well they are idiots. A woman like you is hard to come by and great when you need help”, he praised. He noticed the way her cheeks flushed at the praise he had given her. “I mean I would love to have a normal ranch life. Hell the thought of having children scares me, but if I were with the right man that was supportive and there for me I would gladly settle down, but I just don’t think that I would find that out here ya know”, she ranted.
“Sure men may be a little intimidated by a woman who is independent, but I don’t think that is the sole reason”, he said. “What do you mean?”, Cait asked looking down at a piece of fencing that was down. “Maybe they just don’t know how to take care of you and take care of you or what you really need”, he mused. She mulled it over in her head as she got down and grabbed the tools she would need from her saddle bag. “Oh and what would I need Fish?”, she grunted as she mended the fence. 
“Maybe a man who could cook and help you with chores. A man who could make you smile without having to do anything. Someone who will treat you as an equal and not just like he owns you”, he starts but falls silent when Cait stiffens. “I don’t think any of those things are the main reason”, she huffed. “What do you mean?”, he asks. “I...well lets just say I have trust issues and that's the true reason I haven’t met anyone”, she hurriedly stated.
Catfish could tell that she was different as her horse nudged her. She had fallen silent after that statement and seemed to fold in on herself. They rode in silence for a while as he tried to figure out what to say to her, but nothing came to mind. They mended a couple more places, and finally finished around two in the afternoon. “Cait do you want to talk about it”, he asked as they untacked the horses and brushed them out and put them in their stalls. The others had made it back earlier and were finishing up.
When she didn’t answer he grabbed her arm to get her attention, but the look of horror that crossed her face and the flinching as if he would strike her had him reeling back as if touching her had burned. Her breathing quickened and she stumbled backwards away from him. “Queen it’s okay. Hermosa whats wrong?”, he questioned. She ran from him towards the open fields, and it wasn’t a moment later that Benny had him pinned against the barn wall. “What the hell did you do to her Fish!” Benny yelled.  “I didn’t do anything. I swear I just grabbed her arm and she flinched back like I was going to hit her”, he said with a pained look. 
“Shit!”, Benny cursed. He dropped Catfish and sprinted out to look for you. Ironhead came up beside Catfish, and grasped his shoulder. “We need to go after her because she looked like she was on the verge of an attack”, he concernedly stated. “Look there is something I need to tell you about Cait. Benny is the best at helping her through something like this. Come on let's get inside and I’ll tell you all about it”, Ironhead informed.
Once inside Ironhead helped get lunch together and sat down at the island bar to explain things. “After we got back from the last job a year ago Cait started dating this guy. At first me and Benny liked him. He seemed able to take care of her and be her rock when she needed him. She was suffering from PTSD, and at first he handled it well. Then the verbal abuse started and we started to notice. Then they took a two week vacation and when they came back Fish...she...man she was covered in bruises and had broken ribs”, Ironhead relayed.
“Why didn’t she call one of us or leave that puta”, Fish growled. Just thinking of a man saying anything to her or hitting her made his blood boil. “I don’t know I think she had just convinced herself that this was how things would be for her because of the PTSD she was having. Anyway it took two months before we convinced her to leave him. When he found out he tried to commit suicide with her in the car. He drove into a frozen lake. If it hadn’t been for some people who saw the incident she would have died”, Ironhead continued. 
“Ese hijo de puta”, Catfish swore. “Well I said he tried to commit suicide he succeeded, and she hasn’t dated anybody since”, Ironhead finished. “That’s what she meant earlier when she said she had a hard time trusting men, and no wonder she ran”, he huffed. They all started to worry when Benny came back when it started to get dark. He was carrying Cait and she was limp which caused all of them to quickly make room for her by the fire. “I found her lying in the snow under one of the trees by the farthest creek”, Benny told them. 
“She’s freezing”, Pope said as he felt her head. “We need blankets and lots of pillows hurry”, Catfish ordered. Everyone looked at him with shock. Catfish was always reserved and took a back seat in situations like these, but they quickly fell out of their shocked state when he yelled at them to get moving. Every blanket and pillow in the house was put in a pallet by the fire, and they all watched as Catfish watched over her. She started to stir a little, and when she opened her eyes they all breathed a sigh of relief.
“You scared me hermosa. How are you feeling?”, he asked her. “Cold and hungry”, she whispered in a hoarse voice. Benny scrambled to make some soup as Catfish pulled her out of the blankets only to pull her into his lap, and cover them both with the blanket. She was still shivering and her skin was like ice. “We need to get you out of your wet clothes hermosa”, he told her. “My clothes are upstairs in my dresser”, she said shakily. He stood up with her and carried her up the stairs. 
“Do you think you can undress and redress yourself?”, Catfished questioned. She tried a couple of times, but her shivering made it too difficult. “Is it okay if I help you?”, he asked soothingly. One harsh shiver wracked her body as she chewed her lip in contemplation. “Yeah it’s okay”, she nodded. Making sure his movements were slow and soft in order to not spook her again, he peeled her jacket off. He tossed it over the railing where he could hear Redfly bitch about getting hit in the face with a soaking wet jacket. 
Redfly’s rant made her giggle, and he couldn’t help but chuckle a little. Next he slowly pulled her boots off and set them near the stairs. Next came her shirt and under armour that he pulled off slowly. Once she was free of her shirts he tried to avert his eyes away from her breasts that were being caged in by a black push up bra. His gaze wandered over the newly exposed skin and he saw old scars and some that looked newer. 
How many of those had been given by that bastard you had called a boyfriend once. He tried to focus again and helped her out of her jeans and socks. “I think you're blushing Fish”, she chuckled then shivered. That shiver wasn’t due to the cold though it was because of the brush of his hands along her ribcage. “Do you think you can do the rest?”, he questioned. You watched how he seemed to get nervous as his Adam's apple bobbed. “I think so, but what if I need help”, she breathed.
“I’ll sit on the top stair facing away, but if you need me I’ll help”, he whispered. “Such a gentleman”, she sighed. He smirked but turned to sit on the top stair as she managed her sports bra and panties. Once she was naked she pulled fresh panties, a button up flannel shirt and sweats on. Fish would be lying if he said he didn’t peak when she was buttoning her shirt up. Once she was dressed he helped her downstairs where Benny had some chicken noodle soup waiting in a bowl. Redfly and Pope retired to their rooms once they knew she was going to be alright.
“I’m off to bed. Benny you should too it’s been a long day”, Ironhead told him. “No that’s okay I think I’m going to stay up a little while”, Benny told him. Cait didn’t see the look that Ironhead gave his brother of they need to work this out get the fuck out of here. Benny finally caught on and said his goodnights and tried to act like he nodded off to sleep. “Look about earlier I’m sorry”, Catfish apologized. “It isn’t your fault I shouldn’t have acted like a scared child”, Cait responded. 
“No you had every right after what you have been through”, he stated. A look of horror crossed her face knowing that he now knew of why she acted the way she had. “Hermosa the boys told me everything and no man should ever have done the things he did to you. If I would have known what was happening I would have come to get you”, he said hanging his head. “But you didn’t know. Don’t beat yourself up over my mistakes”, she consoled. “No hermosa. Never ever think that it was your fault for what happened. He wasn’t a man he was a coward”, Catfish spat angrily then softened when he saw your frown.
“You should get some sleep”, she told him. “And so should you”, he retorted playfully. Cait started to walk toward the pallet on the floor she had made the night before, but she was scooped up by strong arms. She squealed as Catfish lifted her into his arms bridal style and carried her upstairs. “You will sleep in your own bed tonight”, he stated matter of factly. “But I will not have you sleeping on the floor”, she protested. “Fine then we can share the bed”, he shrugged. 
“Well you have seen me half naked so what's the harm right”, she laughed nervously. “I promise hermosa I will stay on my side as long as you stay on your side”, he laughed. She never realized how much she loved his boyish laugh until now. He deposited her onto her side of the bed and then he lay on the other covering them both. “I wonder what the guys will think of us sharing a bed”, she joked. “We will probably never hear the end of it”, he joked back.
Sleep found both of them rather fast that night. Down in the main area Benny was trying to contain his giddiness of what he just witnessed a few minutes ago. Cait had seemed so happy in his arms, and Fish seemed in such high spirits too. He enjoyed seeing her so open with someone since her ex and he would be damned if he was going to let anything or anyone come between them. Besides she just admitted that Fish had seen her half naked, and the icing on the cake was they were sharing a bed.
Oh my gosh guys this one was long, but I figured that I would give some background on Cait. This is my first time really writing about this kind of stuff so don’t judge me. Hope you all enjoy these as I will keep posting them as long as I have ideas and I have so many for Catfish and Queen.
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amwritesitall · 4 years
Cordelia Goode Playlist
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I’m sharing these so I have post schedullleeedd for my days oooofffff. They most likely won’t be popular but it’s all good :) I’m going to put little baby reasoning since this is a thicc list
Playlist link
Also if you guys want more character playlists go check out @make--your--life--spectacular​ ‘s playlists. Here’s links to Ally and Venable :)
“Dreams” by Fleetwood Mac
Now here I go again I see the crystal visions I keep my visions to myself It's only me who wants to wrap around your dreams And have you any dreams you'd like to sell? Dreams of loneliness
So the first few songs all kind of have the same reasoning and that is witchy vibes. You can’t have a Cordelia playlist without some Fleetwood Mac
“Rhiannon” by Fleetwood Mac
She is like a cat in the dark and then She is the darkness She rules her life like a fine skylark and when The sky is starless
The ultimate witchy vibes song
“Seven Wonders” by Fleetwood Mac
So it's hard to find Someone with that kind of intensity You touched my hand I played it cool And you reached out your hand for me But if our paths never cross Well you know I'm sorry but If I live to see the seven wonders I'll make a path to the rainbow's end I'll never live to match the beauty again The rainbow's end
We love our talented Supreme
“Has Anyone Ever Written Anything for You” by Stevie Nicks
Has anyone ever given anything to you In your darkest hours Did you ever give it back Well, I have I have given that to you If it's all I ever do This is your song
This song is so preetttttyyyyyy. I feel like this would be one of Cordelia’s favorites
“The Witch Queen of New Orleans” by Redbone
Dime or a nickel any one could buy Voodoo of any kind She had potions and lotions, herbs and tanna leaves Guaranteed to blow your mind Early one mornin' into mucky swamp dew Vanished Marie with hate in her eyes Though she'll never return all the Cajuns knew A witch queen never dies
This song talks about Marie Laveau and idk witch vibes. Cordelia is also the witch queen while Marie is the voodoo queen
“girls” by girl in red
I shouldn't be feeling this But it's too hard to resist Soft skin and soft lips I should be into this guy But it's just a waste of time He's really not my type I know what I like No, this is not a phase Or a coming of age This will never change
A lot of songs just make me think of bb Cordelia
“Loving Is Easy” by Rex Orange County
Loving is easy You had me fucked up It used to be so hard to see Yeah, loving is easy When everything's perfect Please don't change a single little thing for me
Soft gal loving. Prime happy Cordelia vibes
“i wanna be your girlfriend” by girl in red
I don't wanna be your friend I wanna kiss your lips I wanna kiss you until I lose my breath I don't wanna be your friend I wanna kiss your lips I wanna kiss you until I lose my breath
Teen AU Cordeliiiaaaa
“Glory Box” by Portishead
I just want to be a woman From this time, unchained We're all looking at a different picture Through this new frame of mind A thousand flowers could bloom Move over, and give us some room, yeah
HOW CAN I NOT PUT THIS SONG ON HERE?? This is one of my favorite songs they have ever used on the show
“you’re my world” by atlas
You were my earth You were the planet You were the grass The wind and tides And now that you're gone I feel so out of place And now that you're gone I'm just driftin' through space
“If We We’re Vampires” by Jason Isbell and the 400 Unit
It's knowing that this can't go on forever Likely one of us will have to spend some days alone Maybe we'll get forty years together But one day I'll be gone Or one day you'll be gone
I’m going to use my reasoning from my other post about this song.
Cordelia knows that one day she will die. There will be another Supreme after her and she can’t live forever. This is her coming to terms with the fact that maybe it’s for the best that she won’t stay around forever. Not being immortal allows her to live in the moment and savor all the time she has.
“Red (Demo Version)” by Miki Ratsula
Stars light up the sky, the clock strikes twelve Adventure in sight, the hours melt Ben Howard plays, she sings along I look to my left and fall in love
When she leans in for a red light kiss And places her love on my lips Hearts and lungs increase in pace Passion overwhelms our space But, the corner of my eye lights up in green This fragile moment woken by reality Our lips depart, our breathing slows as I wait again To kiss her lips, when the light turns red
Soft teen Cordelia vibes
“Planets of the Universe - Demo” by Fleetwood Mac
I will never love again the way I loved you You will never rule again the way you've ruled We will never change again the way we are changing Oh, you'll forget the chill of love but not the strain
One of my favorite songs. The demo is my favorite version of it because it feels so raw? Like the emotions in it and also young Stevie sounds like a cutie at the beginning and end when she’s talking to Christine.
In general this is also has Cordelia vibes too lol
“18″ by 5 Seconds of Summer
I'm not old enough for her I'm just waiting till I'll eighteen I think she wants to get with me But, she's got a job in the city And she says that she's always too busy She's got a naughty tattoo In a place that i wanna get to
Being a student at the Academy and having a thing for Ms Headmistress Cordelia
“House of the Rising Sun” by Lauren O’Connell
It's one foot on the platform The other's on the train I'm going back to New Orleans To wear that ball and chain
Witchy woman
“Bad Liar” by Selena Gomez
I was walking down the street the other day Tryna distract myself But then I see your face Oh wait, that's someone else Ohh, tryna play it coy Tryna make it disappear But just like the battle of Troy There's nothing subtle here In my room there's a king size space Bigger than it used to be If you want you can rent that place Call me an amenity Even if it's in my dreams
Nervous Cordelia trying to hide her feelings. Possibly Teen Cordelia?
“Nervous - Acoustic” by Gavin James
'Cause every time I saw you I got nervous Shivering and shaking at the knees And just like every song I haven't heard yet no I didn't know the words in front of me In front of me, and oh But I don't wanna know Who'll take you home?
Season three shy gal
“Mariposa” by Peach Tree Rascals
I can't wait for you To come my way I've been far away But I'll keep runnin' Just to find a way to you til' then
Cordelia will do her damn best to get to her love. Don’t mess with her b.
“Sweet Love of Mine (Acoustic)” by Joy Williams
When you found me I was all alone The whole world around me And nowhere to call home I heard your voice sing like heaven's choir Gathered up my fears and threw them in the fire
Oh my darling, sweet love of mine I'll hold you all through the night
I don’t think this is what the song is technically about but it makes me think of Cordelia finding someone that finally loves her and helps her love all of the things that Fiona made her self conscious about.
“Hurts Like Hell - OurVinyl Sessions” by Fleurie
I don't want them to know the secrets I don't want them to know the way I loved you I don't think they'd understand it, no I don't think they would accept me, no
I loved, and I loved and I lost you
Dreams fight with machines Inside my head like adversaries Come wrestle me free Clean from the war Your heart fits like a key Into the lock on the wall
This song makes me think of Misty x Cordelia or angsty teen au Cordelia. I can also cry on demand if this song is playing
“Waiting Room” by Rex Orange County
Our family reunion I'd rather be anywhere but here It's like a pain you shouldn't ignore But my uncle's here to open the door, and I don't like him This family reunion I felt so uncomfortable, I left They all decided to stay So it's just me and my mistakes And I'd like to know that you smile when you're alone And when you need time to yourself Remember me, I won't be anyone else I'm just the boy you love
And my lover, my best friend When I heard that you don't know why you're here I fell face down And became one with the ground And my lover's best friend
Cordelia’s hella dysfunctional family and just yeah
“Fancy Shoes” by The Walters
Let's go walking in the city tonight You wear the dress that makes you look so nice Like my fancy shoes I wore them just for you Tell me why all the good ones go Well I don't know but I want it to somehow change I'll be a better man if you just stay
This one I don’t have much of an explanation for besides vibes
“Common Sense” by Joshua Bassett
Common sense tells me kiss the girl goodbye Common sense tells me leave it all behind Common sense says the girl's not worth my time But common sense ain't common when you come to mind
Delia madly in love
“I Talk to the Sky” by Maddy Estelle
I write down things I wish I could say to you I talk to the sky I collect words I wish I could give to you I talk to the sky, I talk to the sky The sky doesn't say a word
Cordelia after she’s lost her loovee the annggsstt but sis is getting a happy ending
“Two Straws” by Also Joe
You've been on my mind In rain and sunshine You've got the sweetest smile that I've ever laid eyes on You make me dance And I make you laugh But nothin puts me in a better mood than being loved by ya This is the love that I've been dreaming of
Delia after falling really really hard
You might like:  Audrey Tindall Playlist or  Poems that Remind Me of Cordelia Goode
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soft--dragon · 4 years
Home Again
Five is still figuring out how to adjust to his new body and new life, surrounded by real people who cared
In which the Umbrella fam is worried about Five, and Five gets the damn hug he needs
Cursing (I wish I could say it was minor, but this is Five and his chaotic siblings were talking about here)
Don’t really know where this is set, sometime during season 1, I had an idea so I just wrote it (Vanya isn’t in this though she’s every bit deserving to be in the Umbrella Family as the rest of them)
Five knew it wasn’t going to be a good day.
It was a feeling that settled in his gut the longer the day dragged on. He jumped from his room to the kitchen, startling Klaus, and probably Ben who Five assumed was close by.
Klaus quickly got over his momentary shock, blinking a few times, taking in the bags under Five’s eyes and slump in his posture.
“You look like shit dude.”
It was a blunt statement from Klaus, one that deserved an equally blunt retort from Five. “Fuck off.”
The smallest of the Umbrella Academy dumped the contents of the coffee pot into a mug, taking a large gulp of the dark, rich liquid. He sighed at the familiar taste, swirling the half of the remainder before downing that too. Klaus visibly recoiled, eyebrows shooting to his hairline.
“Five, you might want to take it easy on the coffee, you’re in a body that isn’t built to hold that much caffeine.”
“That’s rich coming from the guy that’s killing himself with drugs and alcohol” Five bit back, eyes narrowing at his brother.
Klaus quickly raised his hands in surrender, hoping it might relax the riled boy in front of him. “Calm down Five, I was just-”
Five jumped before he could finish the sentence, taking what remained in the coffee pot with him.
“....That...could’ve gone better” Ben said from where he was sitting on the dining table, a contemplative look on his face.
“Yeah no shit genius” Klaus grumbled, crossing his arms firmly. “But at least he didn’t stab me.”
“Diego’s more likely to do that than Five, Klaus.”
“Fair point.”
Ben turned to look at where Five had disappeared, anxiety prickled at his skin. Something wasn’t right with his baby brother.
Allison wasn’t phased when she heard a loud thump close to her room. In this household, random noises were entirely normal. This was a mansion with six supernatural people, plus a mom robot and a advanced chimpanzee.
But what sounded like glass breaking and a hissed curse made Allison stand and move to the door. What she found, wasn’t what she expected.
Five was kneeling on the floor, rubbing his head and glaring daggers at the shards of glass surrounding him. The carpet was stained with what smelled like coffee.
The boy’s glare snapped up to Allison who had the sense to not react lest she agitate him further. Five was like a feral cat sometimes, had to be slow and unthreatening for him to give you the slightest sign of trust.
She leaned against the doorway, trying to appear casual. “You alright?”
“Fine.” The reply was curt and rough, like Five was trying not to let too much emotion slip out.
“Need a hand cleaning that up?”
“No, I’m more than capable Allison.”
“I know you are, I was just offering to help-”
Five hissed another curse and with a blink of light, he was gone again. Leaving Allison confused and a little hurt in his wake.
It wasn’t a smooth jump.
Five stumbled over his feet, similar to outside Allison’s room where he dropped the coffee pot. He almost face planted, but managed to catch himself on a nearby desk.
“Jesus Christ Five!”
The shout made him start, leaping into a defensive stance, almost snarling like an animal. His gaze fell on Diego lying on his bed. He was clutching his chest and a knife tightly, breathing rapidly. Probably coming down from the momentary adrenaline rush of fright.
“Why the hell are you in my room!?” Diego asked, but there was no real heat behind his words, mostly confusion.
Five didn’t pick up on the lack of venom, instead challenging the question with his own spiteful words.. “I didn’t do it on purpose asshole!” He snapped, gripping the desk tighter when he felt himself tether on his feet.
Diego must’ve seen it cause he sat up, putting the knife down. His usual glare being replaced by raised eyebrows and worried eyes. “Five, you feeling alright?”
“I’m fine! Why does everyone keep asking me that?!”
Diego’s worry disappeared in a split second at the sharp retort. He glared back in response, feeling his anger rise like a wild fire. “Because we care? Don’t know why we bother though, seeing as you piss on every attempt of basic emotion we give you.”
Five flinched back, gritting his teeth to ignore the pain that sentence gave him, but good god did it sting. He blinked away before Diego saw how much that statement hurt. He refused to show weakness.
But Deigo had seen it. Guilt and regret pooled into his stomach, staring at the spot where Five has just been. “Damn it” he hissed to himself, pinching the skin between his eyes.
Five hadn’t had proper company throughout his years in the apocalypse. He was relearning the ropes of socialising with his family. And adjusting to life in general.
Deigo sagged onto his bed, gripping his knife like a life line.
Why did he never think before speaking?
Luther was probably the very last person Five wanted to see right now. And to make matters worse, he was accompanied by Pogo and Grace.
The universe seemed to love kicking him when he was down.
The trio looked over when Five blinked into existence, close to falling down again due to his exhaustion of late nights and constant jumping.
“Oh hello sweetie” Grace smiled pleasantly, though concern shone through her robotic features at Five’s state. “Are you al-?”
“I’m fine, I’m fine” Five cut her off, waving a hand in their general direction. He needed to jump again. Away from people for awhile.
“Master Five” Pogo spoke up. “You seem exhausted?”
“Late night Pogo” Five replied shortly, hoping he’d be satisfied with the answer and leave him alone. He went to leave the room when a strong, yet gentle grip caught his upper arm.
It didn’t matter to Five that it was gentle. The fact was, it was still a grip.
He swung round in barely contained panic, throwing a fist. It slammed against Luther’s jaw. Though it barely making the bulkier man shift, the look on his face said everything Five knew Luther was feeling.
Shock, concern, anger, maybe even fear.
He jumped for a fourth time, leaving Luther, Pogo and Grace behind in varying levels of distress.
Five hit the ground again, almost screaming every foul word he knew right then and there in frustration. He wasn’t trying to be a dick. Honest to god he wasn’t. But his siblings were just so- so....caring. He wasn’t used to it, he wasn’t used to having others around, except Dolores.
They all wanted to help him. He suspected it was because of his form, he looked so vulnerable that they felt a need to protect and help him any way they could. It was kinda sweet really, but so incredibly forgein to him. He reacted the only way he knew how. With anger.
It was the only emotion he had been feeling these days. Anger at himself for screwing up the equation that got him stuck like this. Anger that he wasn’t able to save his family from the apocalypse. Anger because he wasn’t damn smart enough to figure out how to save the world.
Horror swirled in Five’s gut when his vision became blurred, the tears slipping from his eyes and onto the carpet. He swiped a furious arm across his eyes but it did nothing to stem the flow. He scrambled to his feet, running down the hall. He had to get to his room. If he got there, he could hide, and the others would never know he was crying.
Why couldn’t he jump? His mind was muddled. He couldn’t see. He could barely breathe.
He slammed into something solid. He would’ve fallen to the ground if a tender hold to his arms didn’t stop him. He could hear someone talking, but he couldn’t place them. It was all too much right now. All he could see was ash, taste it on his tongue, feel it on his skin.
He screamed, not knowing what else to do, tears streaming down his face. His heartbeat pounded in his ears, everyhing was too damn loud.
But then he felt...warm? It was like a heavy blanket had been put around his shoulders. He clung into the source of the warmth, desperately to not let it go. To not back to the freak show he’d been forced to live with for 45 years.
“...ive! Five you’re okay, please just breathe for me, breathe you can do it.”
He knew that voice, he knew it. It wasn’t Dolores, it couldn’t have been Reginald he was dead-
“Five please, please just breathe.”
Five complied, trying to draw in air but coughing when he couldn’t get in a full breath.
“That’s it buddy, you’re doing so good, come on, in and out.”
Five tried again, fingers digging into a soft material.
“You’ve got it, you’re doing great Five.”
Five drew in another breath, feeling his head clear. He pitched forward heavily, being caught by a sturdy figure.
“Good job Five” a soft voice murmured praisingly. “I’m proud of you.”
Five blinked a few times, the tears in his eyes not fully receding. Above him was black hair, kind eyes and a soft smile.
The ghost smiled wider, gently squeezing Five’s arms in confirmation. “Yeah, feel better now bud? Got it out of your system?”
Five’s hesitated then his head fell against his brother’s collarbone, sniffing. “Yeah...”
“You wanna tell me what triggered it?”
Five’s fist clenched Ben’s jacket tighter. “Memories” he mumbled.
Ben nodded his understanding. They stayed like that for awhile, Ben holding his little brother tightly to his chest, rubbing his back comfortingly. It felt nice, but Five’s anxiety wouldn’t stop spiking.
“I’m scared Ben...”
The small, unsure voice that spoke broke Ben’s heart. He squeezed Five tighter to him. Wishing he could take away all the pain and fear Five had to deal with during his time in the apocalypse. Take that away and give him his childhood back. See the boy laugh with a sparkle in his eye like he used to when they were all young. He dropped a kiss into Five’s hair, resting his head atop his smaller brother’s.
“I know” he murmured, “and I’m sorry you had to be alone for so long. I’m so sorry Five.”
The pair stood, arms wrapped around each other for a long time. Ben lost track of the minutes that went by. Though he did notice Five was getting steadily heavier in his arms. When he looked down, the boy was out.
Ben shook his head fondly, lifting Five into his arms. He paused for a moment. Had he always been this light? Ben couldn’t remember Five ever feeling so...small.
He shook off the surprise, carrying his sibling to Five’s room, gently easing him onto the bed. He sat on the edge, watching Five sleep, taking in how young he looked, but aware of how old he was. Having seen death and destruction at every turn. Years spent in solitude, forced to survive in a barren wasteland for years. It was horrid of think about.
Ben’s hand phased out of reality for a moment as he brushed it through his brother’s hair. Five nuzzled into the touch, eyebrows finally relaxing and giving him a look of peace.
“Sleep well Five” Ben murmured. “Your family will be here when you wake up, I promise.”
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