#but I just... almost everyone else has a poncho or cape of some kind
cadcreates · 4 months
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Day 11 - Killer Whale Mumbo
Traditional style! I'm actually surprised how well that went, guess the challenge is paying off already
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seven-for-president · 7 years
Loved your HC about sleep talking MC. Could you do one with the RFA +V & Saeran about an MC who crochets things for them like blankets, hats, scarfs, even stuffed animals? Thanks!
So, after I googled what to crotch means xD, here you go! ≧ω≦
° You always thought that he was cute
° so you made cute things for him (*^▽^*)
° little gadgets you crotched for him like scarfs or hats
° he loved those and cherished them
° but you realized that he couldn’t wear 3 scarfs at the same time… ( TДT)
° it was physically impossible to do so no really ?
° you made up your mind and decided it was time to make something else
° you worked day and night on your new project
° in the end you made a cute little doll from a LOLOL character (*≧▽≦)
° the things you made were never bad or ugly but this one….
° it was a masterpiece!
° of course there weren’t many details, it was more like a chibi Version
° big head and eyes, small body, on one word: cute
° so perfect for Yoosung
° cute and cute mix well right?
° he came home late because of his club activities
° you patiently waited for his return
° when he arrived you rushed to the door and greeted him with a hug
° “Did something happen MC? You seem very cheerful today.”
° “I made something for you.”
° his face was saying: please not a scarf again!!
° lol
° “What did you made this time?” (・_・ヾ
° he was a Little scared but you overheard the this in his voice and dragged him to his Computer desk
° “Look, it´s a little figurine. I thought you have enough scarfs by now.”
° at first he was relived, at least not another scarf thank god!!
° but when he took a closer look he saw it was the character he always played in LOLOL
° “OH MY GOD!!!! MC this is just perfect!!”                                 o(〃^▽^〃)o
° you were really glad he liked it, all of your hrd work payed of, finally
° “I´m glad you like it Yoosung.”
° you were happy that you could give him something he seemed to like very much, so you were pleased with yourself
° as a thank you, he went on the most romantic date you could imagine
° awwwww
° so in the end, everyone was happy yay  o(≧∇≦o)
° you kept yourself occupied with handwork whenever Jaehee was away, which was often but that´s nothing new ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
° soon there were new blankets and pillows all over the house
° at first she didn´t notice them but after a few weeks it clicked
° “MC, did you bought a new blanket again?”
° by the Looks of it, they were handmade and very expensive because of the good Quality
° “I didn´t bought anything.”
° “But where are all these things from? Blankets, pillows and even tablelothes…”
° “These? I made them.”
° you got up from your place on the Couch and set the new hat you were working on aside
° Jaehee looked like she didn´t believe you
° as a proof you showed her the work in Progress
° she couldn´t believe her eyes… (*〇□〇)
° she never knew you were so talented
° suprise Jaehee!
° as she saw your talent she asked you to make a few things for her
° scarfs, hats, a Poncho, gloves, and even a stuffed toy from Zen
° you had nothing to do anyway so you agreed
° as the weeks passed you got more and more work to do
° soon everybody from the RFA wanted to have something and you happyily made it
° Jaehee then had a brillinat idea, you could open your own online-shop
° with a little help from Seven, you made him a PhD Pepper-can-plushie in return, your website went online
° more and more requests arrived each day and your Hobby soon becae your fulltime Job
° on some days you were as busy as Jaehee but you never gave up on making little things for her (●♡∀♡)
°  you first had the idea to crotch something for him as a present for succesfully performing his new Play
° it was a small pillow and it said congrats for rocking the theatre
°   super cute, right? o(^▽^)o
° he never noticed on what you were working all the time but he saw that you did something
° he was confused why you always kept it a secret from him
° but hey, he understood that everybody has their secrets
° so you finished just in time for the first Performance of his new Play
° but you were a Little shy and didn´t gave it to him directly (*´∀`*)
° you decided to throw it onto the stage llike other fans did it with flowers and candy
° I wish someone would throw candy at me…
° your crotching skills may were quite well, your throwing skills weren´t
° which resulted in the pillow landing directly on his face
° ouch
° he looked irritated and then Kind of passive-aggressive (;¬_¬)
° you knew you did something wrong, but was it your fault that you weren´t good at throwing pillows??
° now it seemed like he startedto cry, your sense of fault was bugging you even more…
° but he eventually saw from who the pillow was thrown and his mood changed immediately
° the look on his face said that you´ll have to talk about that after the Show
° the Show was a bid succes (what else?) and you went to Zen´s Dressing room
° he was already there, with the pillow in his arms
° “This was you MC, wasn´t it?”
° you looked down, embarassed and nervous
° “Yes, it was me. I wanted to give you a suprise but it ended up hitting you. I´m sorry Zen.” (⌣_⌣”)
° “Why should I be angry at you? You´re not the first Person to throw somrthing at my face and you´ll surely won´t be the last.”
° he came towards you and kissed you
° “More importantly, I´m honored and very happy that you made me something so Special. I´m moved and I almost cried tears of joy.”
° so that´s why he cried…
° “I´m happy when you´re happy Zen. I just wanted to give you something since you´ve been practising so hard These past few weeks.”
° “So you mean if I Keep practising hard you´ll make more for me?”
° he looked like a Little child on Christmas morning o(≧∇≦o)
° “Sure, if you want that I can make more for you.”
° he picked you up and spun you around while you screamed in shock
° “Zen out me down, if I knew you´d be happy about this Kind of Thing I would have made something sooner.”
° from this day on you had to make something for every new Play he acted in
° oh, and the Foto from Zen who was crying came in the newspaper by the way XD
° face reality, you didn´t had anything to do in his huge Penthouse
° exept for Petting Elisabeth and waiting for Jumin´s return of Course
° so you made up your mind and decided to find yourself a Hobby
° first you tried teaching Elisabeth some tricks, failed
° then you wanted to start Yoga, failed
° after painting and the attempt of playing the piano, which caused the Violation of Elisabeth´s ears, you tried crotching
° to your and everyone elses suprise, you seemed to have a Talent for that
° of Course you had a few Troubles at the beginning but you became better really quickly o(^∀^*)o
° you started small and soon Elisabeth had a cute Little cape, and then 5
° when you thought she had enough you made something bigger
° first scarfs, then hats and pillows and after a while even whole blankets
° the penthouse looked like a cute little shop from an old Lady
° at first Jumin didn´t really care, he noticed the new things for his beloved cat but didn´t questioned it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
° then there were all of these pillows
° they didn´t look bad and fit into the living room well, so why bother saying anything?¯\_(ツ)_/¯
° but he started to get a bit confused when the blankets started to appear all over the Couch
° “MC, where do all these crotched things come from? Not that they look bad but there are more by each day.”
° he didn´t sound angry or like he would ask you to throw them away, just confused
° “I started crotching and made all these things. If you don´t like them I can put them away or give to someone.”  
° you didn´t mind if they disappeared, it was only a hobby to kill time to begin with anyway
° “No, don´t take them away, I like them and I think you hold a Special Talent for crotching.”
° you were pleased with yourself and kept crotching, now for Jumin
° he was more than happy to receive the small presents you made especially for him
° it only got a bit embarassing when he wore a pink scarf to work XD
° anyone who looked weird at him got fired
° some People are good with Computers, some have amazing cooking skills
° you had neither
° but your  Talent was crotching, doesn´t Sound  too amazing, I know but it came in handy from time to time
° Seven sat infront of his Computer the whole day and sometimes the night too
° he had a good chair but even a high Quality object gets uncomfortable sometimes
° so you made  a small blanked on which he could sit
° it was made from good wool so the fluffyness didn´t vanished right away and he was able to sit comfortable
° at first he didn´t notice any difference about his chair
° he just wondered when his ass didn´t hurt like hell after 12 houres of work
° but hey, not like he would complain about it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
° he got up to fatch some cans of PhD Pepper along with some Snacks
°  please don´t eat like him…. it´s not good
° when he came back he noticed something was off
° there was a small blanket on his chair which he had never seen before
° he felt Panic creep up in his mind and thought that someone had broken into his house ◑.◑
° however that is possible for the average human being…
° he sat down and was about to open a tab for the CCTV when you exited the bedroom
° you wanted to get youself a drink when you saw a very panicked Seayoung
° “What´s wrong with you? You look like you saw a ghost.”
° “MC, we have to leave. I think someone broke into our house…”
° he looked around to see if he could find anything out of the ordinary
° “Sure, what did this Person do? All of your cars are still here as well as your Computers and robots.”
° he packed you by your shoulders and looked deeply in your eyes
° “MC, they placed a small blanket on my chair….. I´ve never seen it before so it has to be from some intruder.”
° you looked at him
° then you laughed your ass off XD
° he was even more confused than before and tillted his head to one side
° “Why are you laughing? Don´t you take me seriouslay??”
° “I do but I doubt your eyesight. I made this blanket for your chair and placed it there before you started working.”
° at a closer look it really did look homemade and he noticed it was in his favourite shade of red
° after he calmed down you went to bed again and forced him to join you
° but he coulden´t sleep over all the exitement that he had because of your gift O(≧∇≦)O
° it didn´t look like much to others, youself included, but you thought about something usefull and it made him happy, especially because it was handmade
° seeing him overjoyed like Little kid overa simple blanket you decided to make more o(*>ω
° he fealt bad and made you a lot of Gadgets in return, you both were happy, giving and receiving small Gifts from each other
° but he still tightened the security, if that even is possible… XD
° you often thought about Things you could give him
° he was a fotographer but giving him Pictures was Kind of …… difficult
° he also didn´t really care for specific bands, which excluded CDs from the gift-list as well \|  ̄ヘ ̄|/
° the only Thing left you thought of was something like a plushie or a nice pillow
° but you thought it wasn´t a present from heart if you just bought some random stuff
° so you thought of croching something for him
° your grandmother thought you how to do simple stuff like scarfs and later how to make figures
° but you knew you needed some practice again in order to make something decent
° it wasn´t hard to hide it anyway…
° that sounds Kind of mean
°so you practiced and practiced
° the first of your works were offerd to Yoosung, beacuse he lost his scarf and to Jaehee
° later you made  a small cat for Jumin and another one for Seven
° of Course V noticed and he slowly became …..jealous
° just a few minuites before his present was almost finished he took the Courage to confront you with his Feelings
° “MC, why do you make all These Things for the RFA?” (*゚ー゚)ゞ
° you heard that he sounded a bitt nervous and quickly catched on with what was going on
° “Because Yosung neede a new scarf and Jaehee would have gotten sick…”
° he fidgeted with his Hands nervously
° “But why the small cats for Juimin and Saeyoung?”
° “They like cats and both of them helped me out o much over the past few months. Why wouldn´t I Show my gratitude.?”
° “ I understand. But I´d ish for you to make me something as well…”
° he spoke tha last part so quiet tha you almost didn´t heard it and you pretended you didn´t
° “Well, now that I´m finished with my masterpiece I´m going to give ot to it´s rightful owner,”
° he looked hurt ~(>_
° but only for a Brief Moment untill you placed the soft figure of a stuffed camera in his Hands
° “Here, I made this for you. As  present. I practiced hard and I gave the practice products to the others. You know I tink you deserve only the best.”
° he was moved to tears as he Held the small camera Close to his heart
° he even started to cry for gods sake!
° “Thank you so much MC. I can´t express how happy you made me by doing this for me.”
° he gave you a big hug and a sweet kiss
° with this you decided to never give someone exept him a homemade-whatever
° needless to say he was very happy about that ;)
° he was edgy (this is my word of the week by the wayXD)
° so he needed edgy stuff in his room
° unfortunately he didn´t like common pillos or blankets
° so yo had to dye all of the bedsheet black and the pillows too ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
° while you were at it you dyed yours as well
° but his room still looked Kind of lonly, there was only a bed and a wardrobe, all painted in black
° you made up your mind and made some decors yourself, all black and Grey obviously
° first it was a small blanket to put on bed when it wasn´t used
° then there appeared two identical cute pillows on eac side of the bed
° followed by more pillows and after some time two small figurines, repreenting you and Saeran cute
° he was happy, although he was a bit shy to admit it to you in Person
° instead he showed his happiness by sharing his most important Thing with you
° ice cream
° he bought a big bucket of Ben´n´Jerry´s and invited you over for a DVD night, although he hoped it wouldn´t just saty by watching onlx DVDs if you know what I mean ( ° ʖ °)
° you arrived at his place and he opend the door for you, gesturing you to step inside
° you made yourself a home on his Couch hile placing the new pillows you made on it
° they were black with the letters S and C, Saeran Choi (or if your Name starts with C you can Interpret it as that XD)
°  he joined you there and started the film, noticing two new items in his Collection of Things made by you
° “MC, I know I never said thid but I´d like to thank you for all of the Things you made. I realice I don´t Show it very good but I´m extremly happy about them and I value them. Forever, I promise.”
° he gave you a sweet kiss and you were at a loss of words (。♥‿♥。)
° a tear started to fall down on your cheek and Saeran thought he said something bad again
° “I´m happy you likethem. And even more that you told me so. I love you Saeran.”
° “I love you too MC, more than I´m able to express.”
° you hugged him and took this a s an offer to turnoff the TV beacuse he was turned on now
° wasn´t that a brilliant choice of words? XD
° all I say from this Point on is that he didn´t Need the day-blanket for a while now wink ( ° ʖ °)
So, I´m finally finished. I apologice for taking this Long but I´m on Holidays in Malta right now and so I don´t have a lot of time writing actually. Before anyone complains that I have time when I´m on Holiday, I actually go to School here to improve my english….But anyway, I really hope you like it and that it makes up a tiny bit for taking so Long
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