#but I have a hard time not being stupid af about people’s whose intelligence I admire
landlockedcorsair · 8 months
Having impure thoughts. Very distracted by things I’m thinking about.
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bookycharm · 4 years
The types as people I know in real life (not all the types sorryyy)
Intp (a friend of mine)
Does basically nothing, studies the night before but still has pretty solid to really good grades
Really intelligent, has a really high iq but insecure
However, confident enough to tell me about her high iq
Awkward AS FUCK, can be a bit cringy but lovable
Secretly thinks nobody likes her and has conspiracy theories
Teachers love her
Surprisingly flirty
Probably had an emo phase she hasn't told me about
Entp (my brother)
Caothic AF, got in a LOT of trouble when we were kids
Has the luck of Neville fucking longbottom
Very very very lazy
Once made a pretty decent bow out of sticks from our backyard
Will fight you anytime
Is a ravenclaw but wants to be a slytherin because "they have the most fun". (Also, he hates Gryffindors)
Has lots of friends
Teachers HATE him (with a few exceptions who think he's just funny as fuck)
Isfj (a friend)
Cutest human being
Genuinely funny, has a very unique sense of humor. Could have easily been vine famous
Obsessed with shrek memes
Has lots of hilarious tik toks she made on drafts but she's too afraid to actually post them
Cries easily
Can get sad easily
She's literally so awesome but so fucking insecure
Secretly romantic
A pure bean of light. Is nice to everybody
Always the first to say sorry
Enfj (my best friend)
If she loves you she will love and spoil the heck out of you
If she hates you, you'll know immediately
Tries to be nice but also is pretty judgemental
Considers herself an ambivert
Very studious. Loves to learn new things
She spends all her free time in the library
Is a really good friend. Will hear to all your ranting. Gets mad at the things you get mad, will defend your honor
Rants a lot
Very smart, top of her class
Will read Aristotle and a freaking children's book on the same evening
not afraid to express her opinions
Infj (a friend)
Brutally honest. Sometimes she isn't aware it can be hurtful. She doesn't do it on purpose though, it's just the way she is
Smol but will fight you
Serious most of the time but also adorable
Loves for everything to be organized
Is trying her best
Studies hard
Loves dark humor
Is having non of your shit
Is shy and it was hard for her to make friends at first bit now she has lots
She can get stressed really easily
Obsessed with star wars
Honestly hilarious
So FREAKING lazy, he failed most of his classes
Lots of self-deprecating jokes
Comes up with the funniest Instagram captions
His Instagram stories are just him doing the stupidest, craziest, funniest things I've ever seen
A meme
Honestly thought he was secretly a weeb but he's just a nerd
Infp (a friend)
Hates where she lives (with lots of people) but everyone there loves her
She isn't trying to be funny she just naturally is
Writes stories on her free time
Learned a whole new language in like 6 months
A dork
Loves to read
She can be savage as FUCK
Has a hard time saying no
Indesicive, needs a lot of different opinions before she makes a decision
Worries over little things
Genuinely cares about you
Estp (my other brother)
I'm truly amazed at how he does so little, and with little effort he gets straight A's
Really popular and knows it
Will debate with you just for fun
Can't stand stupid people
Has no patience
Will get really angry sometimes but also has a soft spot
Has watched like 100 anime series, got the entire family into anime.
His friends go to him for help while studying
(Might do a part 2 if I can correctly type other people I know, these are just the people whose type I know for sure)
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castawayholmes-blog · 7 years
I have so many dreams about the avengers on hogwarts that I spend more time thinking of it than actually writing/ reading about them but lets go.
Tony Stark is a proudly Ravenclaw whose dad was in Slytherin and mother also Ravenclaw. Don't ever tell me that Tony is a Slytherin because all he has of that house is sass and self-confidence. He is what people may call 'evil', yes, he is, but he let his intelligent comes first in ever ocasion, he was probably that kid in school that is pretty smart without even doing a thing and spends most of his time looking for random facts and creating almost useless spells. Tony's best friend is Bruce.
Bruce Banner is like this shy hufflepuff kid who everyone loves but at first was scared cause he has this record of having nervous attacks. He would be the one who gets the most points for the house, he would cheer a lot for quidditch cause he feels like the team needs that kind of support.
I like to imagine that his friendship with Tony started when Stark said this weird fact during class and Bruce shyly started to ask about the fact and they spend the rest of the class making theories and sharing random facts they read somewhere.
Natasha Romanoff is like the Queen of Slytherin, a lot of people loves her but she made a lot of inimigs for not taking shit home, she fights and for the love of god, if someone insults muggleborns in front of her she will kick your ass. She's the Captain of the Quidditch team and is a really hard player, everyone's kind of afraid of her too. She's also very smart and that's what also made people really like her. Her best friend are this other Slytherin boy named Steve and two hufflepuffs.
Steve Rogers would be so Slytherin it would hurt. He was going to do shit and say 'technically that wasn't me" and he was actually right so no one was able to blame him, he lied a lot to get what he wants and don't even get me started of how angrier he would get in the minute he heard that someone hurt a person he loves.
Natasha and Steve friendship started in the first day when Steve got sorted into Slytherin and was really sad cause all his family was in Gryffindor and/or Hufflepuff, so he was afraid they were going to label him evil. Natasha then said she was a muggleborn and didn't even knew what was going on. Well, she protected Steve from all the persons who ever said shit to him and he would do the same for her, not that it was necessarily.
Bucky Barnes is the other best friend of Steve, a angry and kinda scary hufflepuff everyone is kinda of afraid of and also wants to be friends cause he looks so cool with the long hair and all. He likes flowers and always cheers for his house and Slytherin during Quidditch games, when they are against each other he just sits and hope none of his best friends gets hurt, and god save the fool that hurts Steve and Natasha. He is really smart but doesn't like people knowing he's a geek and nerd af.
He and Steve met when Rogers was getting into a fight in 1st year with two bigger guys in like third grade, so he helped him get away (Steve didn't want to back out so Bucky just started using the spells his learn in the two guys).
Clint Barton is also a hufflepuff and don't ever tell me otherwise. He is freaking loyal as hell and smart af, he has eyes on everything and even the professors are scared of how much he knows about Hogwarts and the students. It actually helps a lot when Steve and Natasha are planning to do some prank cause he knows where they will be and what the don't like. He doesn't get caught like the others cause he's always far from them during the time of the pranks and the teachers actually likes him.
Nobody knows how Clint and Natasha started being friends, they just showed up one day talking like old friends and just haven't stopped since.
Thor would be that Gryffindor everyone is kinda of angry because he would be the definition of the house itself. Not only he has to act brave in every situation and act like he's the only right one ever, he picks fights against people who were quiet just for fun. He became a great friend of Steve, what made all the other ones in Gryffindor so confused cause "how can someone so Gryffindor be friends with someone so Slytherin?" well no one knows the answer. Somehow he becomes really close with some people in Slytherin after meeting Steve on the train 3st year, also because his little brother is in Sly.
Loki is this Slytherin everyone though would be a Death Eater or just get involved with the Dark Arts. He was pretty quiet, always with a book on hands and a sharp answer for everyone who comes disturb him, especially if someone is his brother or anyone involved with Thor. One time he had to be partner with Bucky in DADA and actually liked him a lot, they were both guys who people think are dangerous but is just misunderstood. He also likes Tony and they sometimes got into stupid adventures because no one else wanted to change everyone's hair in Gryffindor to red and see the confusion in they eyes when they woke up (when they tried to get it off they started to looking a lot like the Weasleys, some boy actually tried so much he was exactly like Percy)
Wanda Maximoff would totally be in Slytherin while Pietro was in Gryffindor. They didn't fight for it, actually they made fun of each other all the time but nothing really seriously. The Maximoffs are almost 4 years younger than the rest of them but somehow they ended up becoming real friends with them, especially Clint, who would teach them life lessons and act like a parent everytime something stupid happens.
Sam Wilson is from Durmstrang (sorry if it isn't write correctly), he showed up for the Triwizard Tournament and became a great friend of Steve. They still communicate a lot and he even asked Natasha for a dance in the ball (she went with Clint but she couldn't miss the chance).
And then there is Peter Parker, this kid that it's actually 7 years younger than everyone there but still got the chance to be in the most popular group of friends in Hogwarts. He's brave and sassy, a smart kid who look a lot like Tony Stark.
Peter joined the 'Avengers' (as they started calling the group because everyone there likes to fight a injustice sometimes) after he tried to fought really big guys who were saying shit about muggleborns and we couldn't let them say this shit cause his parents were killed by Death Eaters for that. He used really good spells and Tony was impressed so he went talk to the brave kid, therefore finding out they are pretty much alike.
Sorry this was to big but I had to so sorry
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