#but I had this thought that Yuri would probs have a lot of thoughts running in his head at once
leviadraws · 2 years
Sooo since requests are open maybe romantic Kokoro x Yuri ?
I love them both
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"Look at me"
Bonus sketch for context:
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(this is probably out of character but I'd thought it'd be cute okay ;;;)
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mommymooze · 4 years
Big Girls Have More Fun
You were always a very big girl. Your mother had complained when giving birth to your brothers that their shoulders were so wide it was a miracle that they ever made it out. When the midwife had problems getting you to leave the warm comfy space known as your mother’s womb, Mommah cried because it was going to be another boy. She and Father were so happily surprised that after all these years they finally had a girl. Weighing in at almost 10 pounds, you were also the biggest of her children. Everyone who saw you when you were little thought you were a big boy. It didn’t help that you had plenty of hand-me-downs from your brothers so your clothes were always masculine. You were bald headed until you were two, until your (h/c) hair finally started to grow in. Mother always styled your hair so cutely with lots of ribbons and bows. Being the girl and the baby of the family, you did have a few beautiful dresses that you wore on special occasions, but you preferred the tough pants that were from your older brothers. Girls clothes never fit very well in the shoulders, so your dresses were custom made. Having 6 children’s feet under the table did not call for a lot of extra money for clothing, and you preferred your older brothers castoffs anyway.
Always chasing after your brothers and their friends, you were as much of a boy as they were. Instead of dolls and dress up, you preferred wrestling and play fighting. If someone said you couldn’t do something because you were a girl, you had to push yourself until you could climb higher, run faster or swim farther than any of those silly boys. Mother tried to get you to wear makeup when you turned 13, hoping that some feminine influence would stick. They found out all to quickly that most of the powders and eyeshadows made your face break out until you looked like a chipmunk. Since you would not wear dresses, when you were older your mother convinced you to wear loose-fitting long-sleeved blouses that had a bit of frill around the neck or cuffs. This was to make you look more feminine because…well because you had muscles. No tea parties for you. It was much more fun to hang out with one of your brothers. Your oldest brother was a carpenter so helping lift stacks of wood, hammering nails and learning to build things was fascinating. Your next brother was a bricklayer. Helping him move pallets of bricks, stir the bonding material to go between the stones and hand him bricks as quickly as he could lay them was always fascinating. It was so satisfying seeing a line of bricks suddenly become an entire wall by the end of the day. The middle brother was apprenticed to the blacksmith. This was your favorite brother to work with. He would let you pump the bellows and work on basic metal pieces and he would finish them. Your fingers were a bit smaller and more nimble than his, so he had you assembling pieces together he would hammer in the rivets to join them into the finished work. He taught you how to make shoes for horses, some in different lengths and widths. You really loved hammering on a piece of metal, molding it into something new and useful.
Shortly before you turned 18 your parents were killed in a tragic fire. Having nothing left to keep you home you had heard of the Academy at Garreg Mach. With the blessings of your brothers you headed out to become enrolled and most importantly, to see what you could make of yourself. The atmosphere at the school was exciting. You had been homeschooled by your parents. Taught the basics reading and writing, a bit of etiquette (though your brothers still attacked every dinner like a pack of ravenous wolverines.) You were invited to join the Golden Deer, a mostly wild and boisterous bunch except for Marianne and Ignatz. It was a perfect fit for you. Raphael was just like one of your big brothers and loved to spar and wrestle with you. You found Leonie to be a great friend, easy to hang out with because neither of you were extremely ‘girly’.  That word was more for Hilda and Marianne, who would dress up and fix their hair for hours, complain about getting dirty. Still, they were still sweet and became good friends. Even Lorenz could behave himself and tolerated in small doses.
Claude was the ‘leader-man’ for the deer. He certainly was mischievous, playing pranks or generally annoying at times. Much of the time he follows their Professor, Byleth, always asking questions and trying to get more information than Byleth probably wants to supply. You arm wrestled him once. He’s an archer, great upper body strength, you thought he would be a challenge. But he lost pretty quickly, telling you that you should stick to someone more of Raphael’s or Caspar’s build.  It was really strange when one day Claude and Byleth are called away on a special mission. A few of the other students, the heads of the other two houses and Hilda are not seen for a couple weeks. Some of the knights filled in for teaching when they are available. Otherwise the Deer are thrown in with Professors Manuela and Hanneman for most of the classes.
You are thrilled to get extra training on brawling from Catherine and Alois. Alois is okay, great at brawling, but his jokes are something hard to stomach. Being a brawler meant you were always well armed. Ugh. Catherine is a ton of fun, she is built a lot like you. Broad shouldered and incredible upper body strength. She is a plethora of knowledge. She’s constantly giving tips on the best holds, the best way to take someone down. Knowing that you would come across a lot of male opponents as there were few female brawlers such as you two, she gives tips on distractions, specific grabs and holds that were very effective against men. Some of it feels like cheating, especially the sudden fake flirts and the like, but any weapon in a battle for your life. The other students may not have enjoyed the few weeks without Professor Byleth, Claude, and Hilda, however you are having a blast.
Byleth and all of the missing students return without a word as to what happened while they are gone. You decide to trail Claude today because he’s acting extra suspicious. He stops at an area close to the sauna, not far from where Byleth’s room is located. He is talking to that shifty merchant guy that hangs out over there at times. Your curiosity gets the best of you and you approach greeting Claude loudly.
“Hey (y/n) talk about timing! I can use a strong pair of arms if you have a few minutes.”
Instinctively you point to yourself. “Me? Sure, I’ve got a few.”
Claude grabs your arm and pulls you behind the merchant showing that there is a hidden entrance to somewhere underground. The air is cooler down here, but a bit stuffy. After a couple turns down the corridors you are met by a tall guy with a deep voice and purple hair. The two are speaking in low voices, you can’t make out what they are talking about. The new guy looks as you so you give a little wave of your fingers. The two men lead you down several more corridors, you feel like you are going in circles now. Finally, they stop and the new guy pulls out a key and opens the door, ushering everyone inside.
“Glad you brought Muscles here, Balty is a bit busy at the moment.” Says new guy.
“I want a look see before I hand over the payment. I’m sure you understand.” Claude says with a grin.
Yuri grabs a dagger and works on a board, loosening it to reveal the contents of the box is a large cache of lances.
Claude pulls one out and invites you to take one in hand.
“Dagdan construction.” You spin it, twirl it and look it over carefully. “Decently made.”
“Who made you the judge, friend?” Purple hair snips.
“Apologies. Worked as a blacksmith for a time. Repaired lots of stuff from lots of places.” You place the weapon back in the box. “I’m (y/n)” you give a bit of a smile introducing yourself. You really get a good look at purple hair. Is he…wearing makeup? It looks good on him. Your face grows into a bigger smile.
“Yuri.” He says. At least he grips your hand firmly.
Claude puts the weapon back in the box, so you grab the board that was pulled off, put it back on and hammer it into place with the butt of your dagger from your belt. You pick up the box (use your legs not your back) and hoist it onto your shoulder. Yuri silently escorts you and Claude back to where you first met him.
“Glad to do business, friend.” Claude gives Yuri a tap on the shoulder.
“Always.” Yuri turns to you, “Come visit sometime. I’ve got a friend who would probably be interested in a spar or two.”
“No prob!” You wave with your free hand and follow Claude back to the surface.
A few weeks later, after the Golden Deer have returned from a successful mission, Claude pulls you aside.
“Can you spare some time, friend? I have a special sparring match you might be interested in.” Claude’s eyebrows waggle a bit, a half smile on his face.
“Spar? I’m always up for a challenge. So what’s up?” You answer, it’s been a while since you’ve been in a good match, and the Professor has been teaching you some cool moves and holds that you want to try out.
“Remember Yuri? He’s got a friend that just loves to fight and grapple. Thought you two should be introduced. Maybe teach each other a thing or two?” Claude informs you as he leads you down into Abyss. He leads you to their tavern and you see Yuri seated there with a big dark haired guy wearing chains across his chest. His chest is very muscular and well developed, certainly a brawler like yourself. Claude introduces you to Balthus. The both of you reach out for a handshake, you grasp each others hands and it immediately turns into an arm wrestling type of match to see who can squeeze the others hand the hardest. After a minute you both stop and laugh at each other.
“Way to go, Pal!” Balthus laughs, slamming his large hand down on the table making everything on it rock and wobble.
“Good to meet you too.” You say back to the big guy, a shy smile coming across your face.
Yuri is the next to speak. “So friend, we thought it was time to introduce the two of you. Are you interested in a friendly competition to perhaps determine who is the better brawler?” The half smile on his face lets you know there is some sort of mischief behind this invitation, making it all more enticing to accept the invitation.
You agree to the match. Yuri slaps you on the back. “You won’t regret this, come on.” He says as he leads you off to who knows where in Abyss. You’ve turned left and right and gone through enough doors you do your best to simply keep up and stay with him until he’s led you to a small room. Hanging on a hook is a soft gold tunic and short pants.
“You weren’t exactly dressed for this, hope you don’t mind we’ve provided clothing for you. I’ll leave you to get yourself ready. Be back in a minute.” He says as he closes the door behind him.
Just what kind of a setup have you gotten yourself into?  You wonder as you put on the clothes. You do a few squats, throw a few punches and hooks. They are easy enough to move around in you suppose.  Just before your mind starts to spiral wondering what the heck is going on, Yuri appears again, grabbing you by the hand. He’s leading you to a door that he pulls you through then slams the door shut behind you.
You find yourself in a well lit but small auditorium. There are rows of benches filled with people of the Abyss. On the opposite side of the dirt floor area you are in is Balthus, wearing pants like yours, but in a shimmery gray color. He looks like someone spread oil all over him, his muscles are shining in the light. He’s waving and blowing kisses to the audience.
A voice booms loudly into the room and the crowd quiets, “And now for the main event, our own Balthus vs. (y/n)!”
WTF? This was going to just be a wrestling match. What is this horse and pony show?
“Brawlers, meet in the center and shake hands. Start at the ring of the bell.“ the voice booms in the room, bouncing off the walls with a slight echo. Balthus wiggles his fingers in a “come here” sort of gesture.
As soon as your hands touch, the bells go off and he’s grabbing you trying to throw you to the ground. You grab his wrist, twisting it behind him, kicking at his knee to get him off balance. He tries to use his free elbow to jab you in the side as you pull him back towards you shoving your knee in his ribs. The crowd surrounding you is yelling and jeering, throwing garbage at you for trying to hurt their champion. For good measure you grab the back of his head with both hands, smashing his face to your knee.
The grappling goes back and forth for a while. You’re able to grab him and throw him against the ground, then he grabs your foot, pulling you off balance and you land face first in the dirt.  Next he’s got an arm pinned behind you, so you pull him quickly over your back to flip him down into the dirt. Most of it is arms flailing, smashing into the other to get a good grip and really pull the other into a good position for a finishing move. You’re still confused as to how all of this is happening. Claude and Yuri have some explaining to do.
Balthus is smiling. Smiling! As he grabs you around your waist and flips you upside down dropping to a seated position forcing you into receiving one hell of a piledriver to your skull. You were able to brace a bit on his thighs, so your neck wasn’t broken, but you were going to have a hell of a headache after this match.
The crowd is now screaming “Bal-tie! Bal-tie!” and stomping their feet so hard the ground feels like it is shaking.
He flings your legs to the ground and leaps up to give you a hard elbow drop, but your instincts kick in and you’ve rolled out of range. Once he hits the ground you’re behind him, knees in his back, your right arm grabbing him under the chin pulling it straight back. Balthus’ neck is straining against the pull. He’s stuck in your powerful chinlock.
“Tap out or I break it!” You scream.
You feel the slaps on your calf as you let him go and fall back on the ground. The crowd is booing and screaming and throwing rotten food at you. You struggle to your feet, raising your fists in the air. Your head is screaming at you, bruises in places you haven’t had in a while as you limp back to the door that let you into this goddessforsaken place. You bang on the door once, “Let me in before I bash it down.”
The door opens a little as you smash it open into the wall behind it.
“Great going there kid! I knew you could do it!” Claude is beaming at you until you grab his shirt and pull it tight around his throat and shove him against the wall and as far off the ground as you can get him. “Gah!” he screams as he’s holding on to your hand, trying to take some of the pressure off of his throat.
“What. The. Hell. Was. THAT!” You are seething with rage. Your teeth are grinding so hard he can hear the crunching as your eyes are fixed on his, burning with hellfire.
“Calm. Calm d-down (y/n).” He stutters, patting your fist still holding him up on the wall. “Let’s talk. C’mon. You had a great fight, just like I promised.”
You let go and he drops to the ground sitting against the wall. You move to a nearby bench, taking a seat you close your eyes and shake your head. The Claudster had manipulated you into this. You should have known.
Claude gathers himself back together. Standing he brushes himself off, straightening his collar as best he can considering most of it around his throat is now shredded material.
Yuri pokes his head in the door. He looks at Claude. “You’re still alive? I’m surprised.” The violet haired man takes a small step into the room. “Catch, Tiny!” he laughs as he throws a bag at you, coins jingle inside as you catch it. Before you can look back he’s closed the door.
“Tiny?” you ask.
“That’s what everyone said when you walked into the arena. She’s so tiny compared to Balthus. Your head doesn’t even come close to his shoulder. Now they’re calling you the Tiny Terror.
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softwonjunnie · 5 years
my thoughts of the final ep
this gets a lil long so click the button to read it all lmao
before the ep;
okay so i already know hyeongjun, yohan and eunsang will be in the top 11 but it will be fun to see where they place!!
also if dongpyo and donghyun dont make it in the top i will sue someone
and i am so not ready for this 4 hour thing lmaoooo its too long mnet why
during the ep (very out of context stuff);
daehwi is so cute :(( chaeyeon too :(((
aaah wonjin u fit the center so well, pls get the center position!!!!!
donghyun fits the to my world concept to well pls center
“three months” yohan you’re full of bullshit!! he takes feedback so well aaaah so good
hyeongjun being scared of going to the front when it’s his time to be the center lmao so cute
keumdongie is 110% perfect for the center, plsssss guys vote for the right boy
wonjun & hyuck’s hand heart, help my heart
dongpyo legit describing himself as what the center needs, thats my boy
yuvin’s “i’m still growing” iM QUAKING
dongpyo’s satoori gets me every time help
kookheon looking so happy for yuvin :((
“boy” was supposed to be the non-sexy song...... as if
i need yuvin to do the music works-move if he gets into the final lineup
eunsang tries out for center and all positions and everything all the time, pls just let him be center  
donghyun isnt even a candidate for center???? are these ppl blind or something
can i just say that i’m hella dissapointed at mnet for not making the boys sing live?? it’s super boring to look at them running around and lip-syncing
also thanks mnet for hiring your worst staff to cut the live performance of to my world lmao it looks awful
also mnet are great at slowing down the final episode to make it so long, applause for that?? no jk it’s horrible, it could've easily been cut down to like 2 hours or less... i’ve just watched both performances and it’s 2 hours and 45 min left.... they’ve been talking about the 11th place boy for like 4 minutes now.... what is this
guess if this bih didn’t just cry when they thanked seokhoon
dongpyo and yoonjung :(((((
dongwook is the best representative of all seasons, i love him
dohyun can play the piano?!!!!! i was expecting for him to joke around when they said “dohyun play” but then he did it so effortlessly
lee eunsang is a vocal legend !!!
dongpyo is crying, yuvin is crying, seungyoun is crying, (jo) yuri is crying, everyone is crying
seungwoo’s message to dongpyo, kill me
aND DONGPYO MADE ONE TO SEUNGWOO TOO im crying too much already
hyungjun nations crybaby
jinhyuk didnt make a message to jinwoo...... :(
suhwan saying he’ll become a better main vocal than yuvin :)))
they’ve lined up now for the results.... i’m not ready...
omg i always say their names along with dongwook in my head, and when he counted up the boys’ names and he said “brand new music lee” my mind said daehwi?? omg
dongpyooooo :( getting major daehwi-feels here
seungyoun rising from such a low rank!!! gj!!!!!
wait a sec.... 4 places left and we have eunsang, hyeongjun, seungwoo, jinhyuck, wooseok AND mingyu left?....... AND YOHAN WHAT
nations crybaby yES
the only three month trainee who deserves 1st place
my baby boy in x position... darling.... guess if i cried even tho i knew about him debuting already?
after the ep;
well well well
its so sad how it’s ending already
it feels like yesterday when i first saw the videos of the ppl nominated for the x1-ma centers
time flies by so fast
i’ve gotten waaaaay more emotionally attached to these boys compared to any of the other seasons
idk if im happy or sad bc it makes me so sad to see the eliminated boys
donghyun :(((( you made it this far and im proud of you to make it into the top 20. you fought hard all this time!! good job!!!!! we love you
i remember picking out dongpyo, donghyun and hyeongjun as my faves from those first pictures that came out...
and i remember how i found the ep1 live stream on youtube and just wanted to watch a super small part - and i turned it on right at starship’s performance. and i was so heartbroken at hyeongjun performing so poorly because he looked so cute, but he fought back!! and he did so well and came in 4th (!!!!!) place! i love him
and i remember how i first saw donghyun and thought “ah! he looks a lot like donghyun from season 2!” and then i was gonna write down his name and..... wait a second
now that i look back at my list i wrote in the beginning with trainees to look out for...... im shook
i wrote down song hyeongjun, ham wonjin, don dongpyo, lee eunsang, lee wonjun (ah bby :/ ), keum donghyun, nam dohyun, kim yohan, cho seungyoun, kim sihoon and yoon junghwan
8/11 were in the top 20, 6/11 got into the final lineup and the others are hella talented and were eliminated too early
but i guess overall i’m satisfied with the outcome?? like i would’ve wanted wonjin and donghyun in it but i’m not too bothered tbh. it’s alright
i would’ve wanted jinhyuk and wooseok to change places bc i think jinhyuk would bring more to the group, him placing 14th is bullshit
the most saddening thing tho is that the starship boys are all split up now for 5 years so we probs won’t see a starship boygroup now for another 2.5 years so bye guys
conclusion i love pdx101
i love the trainees
and i love you guys who follow me and send me love and support, let’s all support our wonderful boys together!!! pdx101 fighting!!!!!!
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delysartfanart · 6 years
Satsuten ep.8
Guys... this episode killed me a lot. Was a surprise, but don’t know if good or bad. I just say this: If you didn’t watched it yet, take some handkerchief. You need it.
Let’s start from the Walking Dead... ah no sorry, wrong story...
1- Ray killed all of the zombies, and then Cathy appear
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My first thought was: YURI INCOMING???? 
and then: squeeze squeeze!!!
Ray then activate the elevator, and Gray start to disapoint her. 
2- They come to Eddie’s floor. Ray watch the hands of zombies coming out (REALLY, GUYS, STOP WITH THIS WALKING DEAD!) and she start to destroy them, thinking that they were peluche or dolls...
Ray... ok you are under effects of drugs, but... how can hands like them... being hands of peluches????
and then Eddie too appear. And Ray start to think that all of this situation is strange. 
3- they arrive at Danny’s floor and...
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isn’t rainbow, but I don’t care so much. It was so funny, cool, and disgusting at the same time. 
(O well, all part of Zack has killing mode, even his vomit)
after this, Ray woke up from the drugs, can’t find medicine, start to being nervous, and Gray start to blame her.... Oh man!
4- The scene go to Zack and...
prepare yourself now....
Are you ready???
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THIS CUTE BABY! WE HAVE A PART OF HIS PAST! This part in the manga comes more later, but they put this part now. I wasn’t ready for it, damn!
Anyway, Zack, after killed the two proprietors, run away, and kill a woman. Then he “stole” her car for sleep in it. The next morning an old poor man (also blind) find him. Zack was hungry, so they go into man’s house, and Zack eat a bread.
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(this is heartbroking, ok?)
5- Zack wanted to kill so hard, but at this time it was something new for him, that couldn’t understand
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So he, that wanted at first to kill the old man, then he change his decision, and go out for kill someone else. (glad that he did it, poor man!)
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After this, Zack come back to home, and the old man find him, dirty for the blood. 
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Zack explained to him that he wanted to kill and he did it, and this is the reaction of this man:
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I watched the episode two times, and I cried two times! Was a surprise, like I said. J.C. killed me and other fans of SNT! This kind man asked after this what Zack wanted to do, but he doesn’t answer to him. Prob because he doesn’t know it.
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6- This is the next day-
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*coff coff* stop fangirling too much, Dely!
Anyway, the next morning come, The old man go out, but he doesn’t come back. He let a letter to Zack, explained that he went out for buy some bread, but Zack:
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yeah... of course... (the only part of this flashback that made me laugh XD)
But it’s so late, and Zack start to being angry because the man doesn’t come (his way to being worry for someone?)
Zack takes a knife that was here and go out for search him, but he find some people and the police, that discovered the corpse of the old man that was into a river....
And then:
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Zack finds them and understand that were them that killed the old man, so he kill them (Good job my boy!!!!).
During this time, Zack say something that is deep of meanings of why he kills (or one of the reasons of why he is a killer): 
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He observed that they were so happy, and said that happy people makes monsters. Probably he intended that most people love to hurt others, to make them suffer, and for this they are happy. Their bad actions also make innocent people monsters. For this Zack hate people who are so happy, because of this trauma that he had during this childhood. He only found people who were so happy to torture him and call him as a monster (the proprietors) and people who were happy for killed someone innocent (the two bullies), so this is the only reality that he know, that he can understand. For this reason he kill people, especially if they are so happy (and the reason of why he ask always to Ray to smile). This fact is an obsession now that he couldn’t change (we saw it at Cathy’s floor, when he was under drugs). And also, in this way he answered the old man’s ask: That he want to slaughter happy people for seing their despair.
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So yeah, he starts to being a killer in this way...
7- The flashback finish (the dream, sorry, Zack was sleeping), and...
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*coff coff*
VOTE: 10/10
ONE OF THE BEST EPISODES. Mini Zack is so cute and soft, I wanna adopt him and hug him. He deserves happiness.
And the old man was so kind and gentle with him. The first person (Ray and also prob Gray too) that considered that for who he is: a little child, not as a monster. He could be like a father for him, but the reality is cruel, and good people die... (he was also the only normal character in all SNT!)
Ray’s vision on the floors are well done too! 
I loved this episode, really much <3 
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There was a cat into the manga? I forgot it. But it’s cute.
Also, I imaginated after this episode that Zack come back to home and find this cat. And he start to cry without knowing the reason and hug the cat. The cat also follow him everywhere until he dies... This is so sad I know...
(I forgot to post the bonus, be patiente! Too much feelings and things into this anime!)
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Do all of the questions that you didn't do already.
first fokkaðu þér og ég hata míg @cocokatikat
What was your favorite food when you were a child? Hot dogs!What’s the #1 most played song on your iPod? Can you feel my heart by BMTHWhat is one of your favorite quotes? He jests at scars that never felt a wound. Romeo and Julliet Act. 2. Scene 2What’s your favorite indoor/outdoor activity? Indoor. Video Game/Annoying my friends. Outside: Hiking, or PhotographyWhat chore do you absolutely hate doing? Taking out the garbageWhat is your favorite form of exercise? Anything but running.  What is your favorite time of day/day of the week/month of the year? Sleep!What’s your least favorite mode of transportation? Walking. What is your favorite body part? My head i guess?What sound do you love? ALREADY ANSWERED If you could throw any kind of party, what would it be like and what would it be for? I would throw a party for all my friends so i could meet them irl and there would be a lot of food and alcohol. If you could paint a picture of any scenery you’ve seen before, what would you paint? Oh so up near the top of my state there are such pretty giant hills and i’d love to paint them if i could paint.If you could choose to stay a certain age forever, what age would it be? prob 21 because i can drink and i’m still young. Back when, If you knew the world was ending in 2012, what would you do differently? i don’t know? I don’t remember what i did back then.If you could choose anyone, who would you pick as your mentor? Maybe someone in the tech industrly. O Steve Jobs. but idkIf you could witness any event past, present or future, what would it be? If you could learn to do anything, what would it be? How to fly a plane. If you had to work on only one project for the next year, what would it be? I feel like i already am. To save the US from Trump. If you were immortal for a day, what would you do? Swim in a volcano. Maybe go into space? If you had to change your first name, what would you change it to? I actualy like my first name the way it is. If you could meet anyone, living or dead, who would you meet? Alan Turing, Steve Jobs, FDR, My Grand Father.If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would do? Pay for all of my friends meds and other needs they have. Buy one a car. If you were reincarnated as an animal/drink/ice cream flavor, what would it be? A Cat so i can sleep all day and not be bothered. If you could know the answer to any question, besides “What is the meaning of life?”, what would it be?If you could be any fictional character, who would you choose? Which celebrity do you get mistaken for? I’ve never been mistaken reallyWhat do you want to be when you grow up? I would love to play a instrument but i’m really thinking about a small Tech Job at my local political party goverment jobs aren’t that bad after all. When you have 30 minutes of free-time, how do you pass the time? Watch Adult Swim. What would you name the autobiography of your life? ‘I’m sorry you have to read this shitty Autobiography’What songs are included on the soundtrack to your life? Anything that’s sad sounding. also classical music. Have you ever had something happen to you that you thought was bad but it turned out to be for the best? Yep going into the hospital. What was one of the best parties you’ve ever been to? I’ve actualy only been to one so i guess that party? What was the last movie, TV show or book that made you cry or tear up? Yuri!!! on Ice. What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever done? Admit i need help and to get helpWhat was the last experience that made you a stronger person? What did you do growing up that got you into trouble? Grades, Curfew violations. Stuff like thatWhen was the last time you had an amazing meal? My meal tonight was pretty good. Salmon and a salad.What’s the best/worst gift you’ve ever given/received? Best gift i gave was well i gave a tiny cactus to him and he loved them. I’ve loved a lot of the things i’ve been given it doesn’t take a whole lot. What do you miss most about being a kid? Answered alreadyWhat is your first memory of being really excited? I can’t remember most of my childhood so idkWhat was the first thing you bought with your own money? uhm i can’t sayWhen was the last time you were nervous? I’m always nervousWhat is something you learned in the last week?  I learned about the mind and how memory works. What story does your family always tell about you? A story about how i smashed my head into a table in kindergarden lol.At what age did you become an adult? 18Is a picture worth a thousand words? Elaborate. I think it is. Because just take any famous painting you can stare at it for so many hours and still find details about it. A well done painting such as A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte by Georges-Pierre Seurat. Like theres just so much detail in it and i still find other. For example he used very tiny dots of paint to paint such an intresting painting look at it hereWhere’s Waldo? Behind the dog!The best part of waking up is? The urge to go back to sleepHow now brown cow? who there Whasssssuuuuppppp? I’m tired and i hate @cocokatikat
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