#but I don't realllllyyyyy want it to make it to that area and then confuse everyone
legolasghosty · 2 years
First Lines Tag Game
Thanks @molinapattersons for the tag!
Rules: Post the first lines of your last 10 fics posted to ao3. If you have less than 10 fics posted, post the first lines of all your fics.
Luke fidgeted uncomfortably in his chair. It was a bit awkward spending time with Grandma Annie when she fell asleep halfway through him telling her about his latest gig with the guys.
(From In Our Hearts A Hopeful Song)
Harry watched as Ron and his new wife, Lavender Brown, prepared to leave their little house, trying to ignore the pounding in his skull.
(From Even Though I Hate You (I Wanna Love You), aka my one and only not JatP fic)
Alex laughed as he followed his boyfriend through the empty museum. Willie was rambling a mile a minute about the exhibit they were sneaking in to see, but Alex could only catch one word in five as they ran through the halls.
(From Your Colors Show Me Your History)
Kissing and being kissed by Alex was like learning a new language. But Willie had to admit they were a little more dedicated to this than they were to the two years of Spanish they had to take in high school. How could they not be? This was so much better.
(From You Are My Favorite Place)
Alex loves Carrie. He’s really glad that she and Flynn are finally able to get married, and he’s honored that Carrie asked him to be in her bridal party. But, in this single moment, he really wishes he were somewhere else.
(From I Shouldn't Keep Loving You (But I Like it When You Hold My Hand))
Alex groans as he stuffs his key into the lock of his and Willie’s apartment door and twists.
(From Love Is Forever(Even When You Make A Mess))
Alex leaned back against the kitchen counter in his and Willie’s apartment, looking into the living room at his partner, surrounded by their friends.
(From All of Me, Honestly, Is Dedicated to Hold You)
Julie laughed as she followed her brother around the high school Halloween Festival. Their parents trailed behind, but Carlos was eager to see everything laid out across the huge field behind Los Feliz High School and kept racing ahead. 
(From Save A Horse, Ride A Cowboy)
Julie stood still for a long moment as the last notes of Stand Tall faded out around them. Then she spun around to face her boys, all standing around the garage where they were rehearsing.
(From I Didn't Know You Knew, which is way too serious of a title for what the fic actually is....)
Alex glanced nervously at the light blue gift bag sitting on the coffee table as he made breakfast. It looked like a pretty normal birthday present, and was far from the only thing Alex had for his partner today, but he kept second-guessing its contents.
(From It's New, It Looks Good On You)
No pressure tagging @linden-after-hours, @innytoes, @wr0temyway0ut, and anyone else who wants to play!
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