#but I don’t understand how eat issues can cause flickering light sensitivity
tj-crochets · 5 months
Hey y’all! Weird question time. Do you know of any treatment for flicker vertigo besides removing the flickering light?
Everything I’m finding just explains what flicker vertigo is and says it’s rare which is. Unhelpful.
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toloveawarlord · 4 years
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Ch. 1
Pairing: Wren Blackwell x Jonah Clemence
Tagging: @plumpblueberry​ @starry-starry-night24​ @youreawizardharr​  (please let me know if you want to be tagged!)
A/N: Day 4 of the 12 Days of OCmas! Are Wren and Jonah as Star Crossed and Wren believes?
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The tinkling of the bell above the door signaled their arrival. Too early for incoming influx of captains and merchants with documents to be reviewed and approved. Another two hours should have been free to work on overhauling the filing system that her boss had struggled to keep in order. She didn’t need to rush after hearing her son exclaim the visitor’s names.
“Uncle Fenrir! Uncle Ray!” The ten-year old’s voice echoed through the small building laced with surprise and joy. Abandoning his schoolwork for a chance to spend time with his two uncles. Amber eyes sparkled up at the two. Rarely did he get a visit from his family.
Fenrir beamed a grin at him, accepting the welcoming hug. “Reece, ya got taller!” He stopped by any time he came down to the ports, pitching in to help if Wren needed it.
Which meant today must be business. Never did Ray come by her work without warning. Placing down the files in their proper piles, Wren maneuvered through the chaos to emerge from the office. “Reece, you can go out for a break.” She didn’t want him to hear any military discussions, lest he want to join.
“Come on, I’ll buy ya a treat if it’s alright with your mom,” Fenrir offered to the eager boy, glancing to her for the okay.
It was like looking at two needy puppies. “That’s fine.” As Reece raced out the front door, Wren called to the ace with a serious tone. “No guns this time. I’ll kick your ass if you even think about it.”
She received a salute paired with wicked grin. “Yes, ma’am.”
“This time?” Ray questioned, emerald eyes moving from the vacant doorway to his sister.
“Reece is becoming increasingly interested in weapons ever since he was allowed to shoot Fenrir’s gun,” Wren replied with irritation. She’d agreed to teaching her son a little hand-to-hand combat for self-defense. At no point, had permission been given for him to wield a weapon.
Ray chuckled at her frown. “I count myself lucky that Fenrir came away in one piece.” His memories of a protective older sister when they were but children resurfaced with nostalgia. Though she came across as calm and collected, she possessed incredible fighting skill that could rival some of his chosen thirteen. 
The army would gain much if Wren agreed to join, but he knew that she would never, not with her son to protect.
The two moved into the messy office for privacy. Wren cleared a spot on the desk to sit while Ray claimed the only empty armchair. “What are you looking for?”
“Shipping manifests that could pass initial inspection but might be importing contraband.”
Wren cast a glance over the organized mess. “I’ll look into it. Though, it will undoubtedly take me a few hours. What is it that’s being smuggled in?” If she had a frame of reference, then it would make the search much easier.
“You know I’m not supposed to tell you that.” The investigation now a joint one. He’d have to explain to the Reds why he involved a civilian in a sensitive, top secret mission.
“If I know what I’m looking for, the box size and contents will be much simpler to find.”
Ray shifted to cross his legs, mulling over his options. Trust wasn’t the issue. He knew Wren would be discrete and quick. But involving her meant bringing up her name at the meeting with Red Army late tonight. Was it better to have some information than come up empty with those smug bastards? 
“Stop worrying. I want to help, so let me.”
He sighed. “Tainted magic crystals. They’re small enough to go undetected but a single one can cause massive damage. If the calculations are even slightly correct, the influx that has been reported could destroy half of Cradle. Wren, you don’t have to agree to this. I understand if you want me to walk away.”
A dire situation. Time sensitive.
Wren could see why he’d been hesitant to tell her. Part of her, the mother part, wanted to tell him no. Becoming involved opened her and Reece up to being targets. Her common sense wanted her to walk away.
But Ray would only come to her with something so dangerous if it weren’t his last option.
“I’ll do what I can.” 
The King of Spades relaxed at her agreement. “Thanks, sis. I’ll assign a soldier to keep watch here and at your home. Just as a precaution.” His gaze flickered to the large clock sitting on the wall. They’d made a detour here.
“Go on. I know how busy you are. I’ll come by with whatever I find,” Wren said with a wave of her hand. They hardly saw each other but on a few of his off days.
After the two officers left, Wren gathered all the shipping manifests that were within the last few months to pour over at home. She only took a break to cook a light meal and eat with her son before it was back to examining the documents. 
Night had settled in by the time she discovered anything significant. There were a handful of suspect items that had been flagged, but only one stood out. Regardless of her gut feeling, Wren took all of the evidence and would allow them to mark off the ones that were unneeded.
“Reece, I’m going to take some things to Ray. I’ll be back later-”
“I wanna come!” He cut her off, abandoning his schoolwork to scramble over the back of the couch. Amber eyes as big as a puppy, begging to for permission.
Wren reached out and brushed her hand through his red hair. Normally, it would be alright, but she wanted him nowhere near this case. “Not this time. I won’t be gone long. Stay here, okay?”
“Aww, but mom!” Reece protested with a frown.
“Please don’t fight me on this, Reece.” She pressed a kiss to his head as she gave him a tight hug. To admit it would be too hard, but there were more reasons than simply his safety from outside threats that she worried about.
                                                 << << <<
Soldiers at the gate had redirected her to Central Quarter. The two armies had convened, and she’d have to find Ray there. The neutral zone hadn’t changed much. Wren only came when she absolutely needed to. She’d chosen to live in the port town of Black Territory, far away from anyone in Red Territory.
The meeting had come to a close by the time she arrived. She’d been greeted by the 10 of Spades on his way out with a tip of his hat. Wren stayed in the foyer of the Civic Center, finding a nice pillar to hide behind. The Jacks exited next and following them the Queens.
Their boots were all that echoed throughout the large room. Their dislike for each other well known. As one came to a stop, so did the other. “Who’s there? The Civic Center is closed. You’re trespassing.”
Ten years.
It had been ten years since she’d heard that voice.
And it still caused her heart to throb painfully inside her chest.
His steps grew closer.
If she continued to hide, it would reflect poorly. Wren moved from her spot behind the pillar. With stiff movements, she passed Jonah without a word, instead moving to Sirius. “I brought what the King of Spades asked for. I was only waiting for him to come down.”
“He mentioned that. I’ll deliver them for you.” Sirius took the compiled documents and headed back for the stairs. He cast a worried glance back over his shoulder, but the woman was already heading for the door.
Don’t look back. Keep walking.
Her palm pressed against the door, but cool fingers wrapped around her other wrist. Wren tensed at his touch, wanting to pull away but found herself unable to.
“I’m owed an explanation.”
He was right.
“You drop out of school and disappear for ten years.”
Her reason one that he wouldn’t understand.
“Wren! Look at me!” A gentle, but firm command.
Emerald green met beautiful molten amber.
Wren swallowed down the lump in her throat. It hurt more than she’d imagined it would. Strong emotions that she’d bottled up and shoved deep into her heart, rattled in their cage, threatening to burst out. If they did, she feared she’d lose all control. “We were dumb kids, who didn’t understand that it would never work.”
Not even she believed the words that passed her lips.
“How could you possibly know that?” He wore so many emotions. Hurt. Confusion. Anger. She’d vanished. The day prior they were sneaking off during a break to be alone, and the next, gone. No explanation. No note. “I searched for you. I went into Black Territory against my families wishes-”
His family the catalyst of her disappearance.
But she couldn’t reveal that.
“Jonah, we’re different people now. You’re exactly where you’re meant to be, and if we’re being completely honest, the Queen of Hearts could never be with the King of Spades older sister. One thing or another always got in our way.” Whether it be his family or the Red Territory fan girls who hounded her for even speaking to him back in school. His duties joining the army would have broken them apart, and once Ray became the King, that would have done them in as well. “It’s for the best.”
He was still the Jonah she’d fallen in love with. His brows creased, not willing to accept that he couldn’t have everything that he wanted. “Did you think me not enough to protect you?”
It had little to do with protection. Wren tugged her hand free, shaking her head. “You would never go against your family.” She turned and shoved the door open to escape into the chilled night air. Pain blossomed across her chest. Her legs threatened to give out.
Return to Black Territory and try to forget.
As if it worked the last ten years.
“What is that supposed to mean?” He couldn’t simply give in. None of his questions had been answered. Jonah followed; his voice drenched in confusion. “This isn’t about my parents. You left me, Wren! Without so much as a word. I deserve to know why!”
She clenched her fists and whirled around to face him. “It’s always been about them, Jonah! Do you have any idea how many times your mother found a way to make my life miserable? She’s the one who had me pulled from your class, turned my teachers against me, and she tried to pay me off when--” Wren caught herself before she blurted out the one thing she refused to speak of. Emerald irises fell away from the shock on his features.
Their raised voices had drawn the attention of the Jacks loitering by the fountain and with them, someone who was meant to be at home.
“Pay you off for what?” Jonah couldn’t think of a single thing that would require an exchange of money.
“It doesn’t matter. I didn’t take the money, but I did leave. It’s over, Jonah. I think it’s better if we just pretend we’re strangers.”
“No. I refuse to leave things this way-”
A small hand slipped into hers. Reece wore a concerned expression. He’d never seen her so upset. “Mom?” He’d disregarded her wishes, following her all the way to Central Quarter, where he’d never been before.
Jonah glanced between the two. “Mom? You have a son?” It was dark but the moonlight illuminated the boy well enough.
Matching amber eyes met for the first time.
The missing piece walked right into the puzzle.
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thealphabetmurders · 4 years
Laundry Day
Pairing: Prinxiety
Word Count: 3580
Summary: Virgil walks in on Roman with the door unlocked, causing him to realize some feelings he didn't know he had.From the sentence prompt: "I'm sorry, I thought this door was locked."
Triggers: anxiety, suggestive themes
Authors Note: This is my second Prinxiety fic in a month, what is happening to me? 
Thank you to Koko on my Discord for the sentence prompt. This was really fun to write. 
(Read on AO3)
Virgil didn’t mind his roommates, not at all. Sure, living in a city apartment with 3 other people sounded like a nightmare, and it was sometimes, but they worked together great. Logan was a surprisingly component chef, Patton was good at keeping the peace whenever tensions rose, and Roman encouraged them all to be active to match his own fitness lifestyle. Of course, they are also all close friends, but they had all had their own fair share of bad roommates, and after two years of the 4 of them living together, there was no reason to stop or for that to change. They were in a comfortable, domestic heaven.
The Home-osexuals Chat
P: Hey kiddos! Remember I wont be home for the next week because of the convention in Jersey, please do not slack on your chores, I will be upset if I come back to the house and nothing is done :(
L: This is Logan. I believe we still have the list you wrote out for us, we will do our best to abide by it.
R: You have nothing to fear Padre, we will complete everything you need us to!
Virgil looked at his phone, smirking, before placing back in his pocket, blasting the music from his large headphones as he gathered up his laundry as well as his roommates. He felt proud of himself for actually being ahead of schedule and doing his and his roommates laundry a day ahead of schedule.
Normally, laundry would be a task left up to the individual to complete, but 3 months into living with each other, Virgil quickly found out that his roommate absolutely despised doing laundry- a formidable task that Virgil had never had an issue with. So, his job was to wash, dry, and fold everyone’s clothes for that week. It was a bit awkward folding his very platonic roommates undergarments the first time, but after doing it for years, he barely bats an eye now.
With a huff, he reached down, and grabbed the three smaller plastic laundry bins and one large one on top of one another, the stacking made the baskets reach his chin. He struggled to the elevator but eventually made it up to the 14th floor and set the laundry down so he could begin folding.
Virgil began with the large basket- Princey’s laundry. It was the biggest and the most daunting out of the 3. With work out clothes and dancing attire and the fact that Roman spills on himself a lot, he goes through a lot of laundry. No matter. He begins his work at a steady pace, folding the shirts and shorts in the way that he knows Roman likes, separating the clothes in the basket by the occasion. Work out clothes and undergarments go on the bottom, everyday in the middle, and dancing/theater attire goes on top. Virgil let his mind wander about a couple projects he has to complete for work and a potential promotion that is in the works at his job. He bites his lip, shaking his head, wanting to distract himself from the pressures of work on his day off. He steadies himself and focuses on the polyester fabric between his fingertips and the sound of Hayley Williams’ voice.
Once he was finished, Virgil put the basket on his hip, feeling like quite the 19th century maid, and made his way up the stairs where Roman bedroom was. Patton and Roman essentially had control of the upstairs (it only being their two rooms and a bathroom) while Logan and Virgil claimed a hallway for their corner of the house. It didn’t take long to realise that Roman blasting show tunes while Logan was studying for his Masters was not going to work out.
Virgil sighed, knocking twice on the door decorated with golden stars and fairy lights draping on the outside. There was music Virgil couldn’t quite make out play from inside the room, so it is very likely he could have just not heard Virgil’s subtle knocks, “Ro, I have your laundry,” Virgil said, to no avail. He tried the door handle and it twisted successfully, so Virgil pushed himself into the room, “Roman, where do you want me-”
He cut himself off, unable to form any sentences after seeing Roman. It wasn’t Roman fault, Virgil caught him off guard. And it’s not like he was doing anything bad, and yet Virgil’s palm seemed to sweat and his throat dry once he saw Roman doing flexibility stretches. Roman was sat on the floor, holding his right ankle with both his hands behind his head, his other leg bent on the floor in front of him. Maybe it was because Roman was also completely shirtless or maybe it was the small and tight shorts that did not leave a lot to the imagination or maybe it was the way Roman’s olive skin gleamed with sweat under the lights, paired with his Adonis like body. Maybe it was all of that. Maybe it was none. But Virgil’s brain just went white as all he could do was stare.
“Ah, Virgil!” Roman let go of his ankle, and relaxed himself cross-legged on the floor, “I’m sorry, I thought this door was locked,” He stood up, towering over Virgil, stretching his arms a bit. Virgil nodded, dumbly, “Yea, uh, I knocked but the music-” Roman walked over to the speakers and turned off whatever cheesy pop song was playing, and now Virgil could clearly hear all the blood rushing in his ears. “The music is… Is no longer playing,”
“You okay there, Raggedy Angst?” Roman chuckled, clapping a hand onto his shoulder.
Virgil nodded, feeling the color in his cheeks rising and he is praying to God Roman is dumb enough to not notice the way he is avoiding his gaze, “Yea, uh, just a bit tired, didn’t get a lot of, um, anything to eat today?” He tried that, hoping he would believe him.
Thankfully, Roman did, sucking in a breath through his teeth, “Yikes, no sleep and no eating, that is really bad for you Virge,”
Roman grabbed the laundry basket from Virgil and it took all of his strength to not whine as his fingertips brushed against Virgil’s waist. Roman was talking, most likely about his sleep schedule or eating, but Virgil was not there.
Virgil was transported into his own personal 80’s style fantasy dream sequence, where Roman had him backed up against a wall. He had on that smirk that used to make him roll his eyes but now has him weak in the knees. Roman brushed the loose hairs out of Virgil’s face, which made him bite his lip and hold back a gasp.
Roman smiled, “You’re so sensitive,” And then he was manhandled onto the bed, Virgil imagining just how soft those silky red sheets would be against his back, as Roman straddled him and lightly kissed his neck before nibbling his ear, whispering into it, “You want me to show you how flexible I can be?” And Virgil wanted that. He really, really needed that. But he was shaken out of his daydream by Roman, the real Roman, shaking his shoulder.
“Geez, you really are out of it,” Roman crossed his arms, concern all over his face.
“Huh?” It took him a moment to process what Roman said, “Yea, I- uh, might have a nap,” He swallowed thickly, his conscious eating away at him from what he just imagined, “Do you- uh…” Virgil trailed off, attempting to find the words, “Do you always workout li-like, y’know… Without clothes,”
“Not typically, no,” Roman shrugged casually, seeming unbothered by the question, “It is just you were doing my laundry when I normally do my stretching, and I didn’t have any clothes to wear. You are a day early,”
Virgil nodded, biting his lip, rubbing under his nose, “Right well, uh, I am gonna have that nap now. Uh,” Virgil did a two finger salute, causing Roman to raise an eyebrow at the awkwardness, “Sorry, I am tired,” His eyes flickered to the left and right before exiting the room.
Virgil closed the door behind him, leaning against it for a moment, before groaning, “Well, fuck,”
Virgil may have gotten sleep but it certainly was not peaceful. The unwanted thoughts kept plaguing his mind, not even his favorite conspiracies YouTube channel could get his mind off of the golden-toned man.
“So, you’re having anxiety ‘cause… You find Roman attractive?” Remy took a long sip from his coffee before rolling closer to Virgil’s chair, “I dunno babe, this one is on you,”
Virgil spun around, angry, “How is this on me?”
“You should have seen that Roman is hot as fuck earlier,” Remy shrugged, “I look at him and am like ‘congratulations dude, you’re literally a 10’. I am honestly surprised none of you gays had a sexy dream about him sooner,”
Virgil cheeks warmed as he gripped the front of his fringe, “I did not have a…” He looked around, making sure there were no co-workers to overhear, “Have a sexy dream about Roman!” Remy raises an eyebrow and Virgil bit his lip, “Not in… So much detail,”
Remy cackles and pulled out his phone, shaking his head, “Ah man, that’s hilarious,”
“Look, it’s not like I have never thought Roman was attractive before, of course he is, but like, I don’t understand why I am having this… Reaction,”
Virgil and Remy were silent for a while, the the latter spoke up, “Maybe it’s all been like, building up and it just took one thing to make you realise, and that was Roman lewdly stretching out on the floor,”
He nodded, “I guess I do find my self seeking Roman’s company more so than anyone else, and we are like, always talking and texting,”
“So it was just a matter of your dumb brain making you realise you have feelings for him, so you’re not just in denial for the rest of your life,”
Virgil raised an eyebrow, “Well, that’s rich coming from you,”
Remy’s expression flickered from smug to sheepish, but blink and you would have missed it, “I don’t know what you are referring to,” He scratched the side of his face and took a long sip of his coffee while Virgil scooted in closer, placing his hands on his knees.
“Oh really? So, you are just never going to address the absolutely giant crush you have on Logan? How you keep having problems with your coursework that only he can help with? How every time you’re around him you always bring your Louis Vuitton galaxy bag in hopes that he’ll ramble about space?” Remy kept sipping his coffee, avoiding eye contact very casually, “We’re not going to talk about that?”
Remy stopping drinking, smacking his lips together and sighing, “Nope,” Virgil rolled his eyes, crossing his arms, “Do you even want to date Roman, or do you just want to f-”
“That’s a good question,” Virgil cut him off, as one of their coworkers walked by to get coffee from the breakroom, “I’ve been thinking about that, and I am not 100% sure. I know I am attracted to him in some weird, ambiguous way, but I haven’t even seen him since the- since the ‘incident’ so I guess I just have to find out,”
Remy nodded, “Well, good news is, you can find out right now,” He gestured his now empty cup towards reception where the devil himself was standing, dressed in his favorite form fitting red sweater tucked into black jeans. “Mm, he looks so good in casual wear,”
“What?” Remy smirked, “Getting jealous? I may not want to date him but I am also not blind,” Roman walked over to the two men, waving with one hand, holding a drink carrier in the other one, flashing a classic 1000 watt smile.
“God, I bet he doesn’t even know how beautiful he is,” Virgil muttered to Remy, who just nodded.
“Hey, gorgeous, this certainly is a surprise,” Remy smiled, standing up. Roman set the drinks down before pulling him into a hug. He looked over to the drink carrier, pulling out the frappuccino he assumed was his, and collapsed back into his chair.
“What are you doing here today, Ro? You didn’t tell me you were coming?” Virgil frowned.
Roman leaned against Virgil’s desk, ruffling his hair a bit that was damp with moisture. His curly brown locks looked like that of a supermodel, or a 1920’s Hollywood actor. He sighed, putting on a soft smile, “Well, I got done with my lessons early and was in the area, thought I would surprise the two boys that are hard at work,” He looked around the office at everyone either on their phone or browsing Facebook on their computer, “Busy day, I take it?”
Virgil groaned, “We all just finished our projects for the month, so there is nothing new to work on, so we are just at work for the sake of being at work,”
Remy rolled his eyes, “I hate it here,”
“Capitalism really does suck sometimes. The 40 hour work day isn’t even productive. Studies find that people in typical office jobs can accomplish all their work in 3 hours, and to force someone to be at their job for more than double than length actually can cause a sharp decrease in productivity, or, what was that called, Virgil?”
Virgil was taken aback, “It’s called presenteeism. Wait, you were actually listening while I was rambling about that?”
Roman shrugged, like it was the most obvious thing the world, “Of course I did, why wouldn’t I want to listen to you, Virgil?” He softly smiled at Virgil, placing a hand tenderly on his bicep.
Remy smirked into his frappuccino, trying not to say anything while Virgil attempted to not scream.
Internally, he let out the biggest groan, “Well, fuck,”
Was Virgil avoiding Roman? Yes. Was he doing it in a way that was super obvious? Of course. Did Logan scold him for a little bit for taking over the kitchen table with unfolded laundry? Undoubtedly. When Virgil finally calmed down a bit from his gay panic (and regular panic), he tackled the pile of laundry he had been avoiding. Many of the clothes were now wrinkled from sitting out so long, so he had to get out the ironing board and tend to those as needed.
He hummed to the lo-fi beats coming from his headphones, ironing one of Logan’s shirts, beginning to relax, when his headphones were ripped right off his head, just as he was beginning to get lost in thought and maladaptive daydream.
“What the hell?” Virgil looked up and saw Roman holding the headphones on the tip of his finger, an eyebrow raised. He was wearing a show shirt that he cut the sleeves off of as well as most of the torso to make into a 00’s style crop top. “Oh, h-hey Roman,”
Virgil was distracted. Distracted that the object of his fantasies was standing right in front of him, looking a bit annoyed and confused, as well as the fact that he was wearing that particular crop top and Roman always looked so good in white… He was distracted, so he ran over his own finger with the iron.
“Ow, fuck!” He exclaimed, gripping his right finger, tears pricking in the corners of his eyes.
“Oh my Lord!” Roman rushed over to the kitchen and began frantically opening cupboard doors, “Where is the first aid kit, where is it,” He muttered to him,
Virgil breathed out heavily, “Roman, don't worry about helping, I- I got it,” He rushed away, making a beeline for his and Logan’s bathroom. He turned on the cold water and thrust his entire hand underneath the rushing water, the cold mixed with the warm from the burn made for an uncomfortable sensation.
“Okay, what is going on with you?” Roman opened the bathroom door (shit, Virgil forgot to lock it) holding the first aid kit, “You have been avoiding me and been weird ever since I came to see you at work. Was it the fact that I surprised you at work, or something?”
Virgil was not sure if Roman could see the bright blush on his cheeks but he would be a fool not to notice the stutter in his voice, as he pulled his hand away from the sink, “O-oh I really didn’t min-”
“Ooh, that looked really bad,” He commented, interrupting Virgil. He manhandled him closer towards himself and held a tight grip on his wrist and he uncapped the burn cream and liberally spread it across his finger, “I have been burned multiple times before, don’t worry, I will take good care of you,”
Virgil is on fire. He is on fire and he is dead. Roman’s eyes twinkled a bit as he hummed lowly an adage that he did not recognize, but it had the melody of Disney. His lips were parted slightly, thankfully not noticing the long minutes Virgil was staring at them. When Roman dragged a tongue across the bottom one and bit it as he was wrapping the bandages, it took all of his willpower to not say something, instead opting to cover his entire face with the hand not being treated.
“There you are, all finished!” Roman patted down the wrap and kissed the bandages, just to add insult to injury.
Virgil nodded vigorously, “Okay, thanks Roman, bye,” He attempted to move around Roman, but Roman’s wide frame compared to Virgil’s small one made it a losing battle.
“Easy, you’re still being weird, what is going on with you?” Roman gripped Virgil shoulders, and he was avoiding eye contact with the beautiful man in front of him.
Virgil should just say something, tell Roman, rip the band-aid off, and they can get on with their lives after a couple weeks of awkwardness. These past couple days have been absolute torture, he doesn’t know if he can keep it up.
But, his anxiety has something else to say.
“Just, forget about it Roman, I’ll tell you some other day,” Virgil mumbled, if the bathroom hadn’t been so quiet, neither of them would have been able to hear it.
The other man sighed, dejected, and Virgil felt a pang of guilt, “Okay, fine, you are under no obligation to tell me, just know I miss talking to you,” Roman lifted his hand to brush the hair out of Virgil face, and of course, his body had to betray him with a involuntary whine, “and I-” Roman cut himself off, raising an eyebrow at the noise. Virgil wanted nothing more than for the floor to open up and swallow him whole. He is sure he is going to be the first person to actually die from embarrassment.
He swallowed thickly, eyes squeezed shut, “Yea?”
A beat. “You like me, don’t you?”
Normally, Virgil would respond with some snark or a belittling comment towards Roman, but his nerves were turned up to 10 and he couldn’t even think straight (more so than usual), so in the vast sea of sassy remarks, there was not one to be found.
“Yes,” He responded, honestly.
There were a couple moments of deafening silence in the bathroom where Virgil thought Roman was going to sigh, disappointed in him or hit him or kill him. All irrational, but all seemed very likely in his anxious state.
“Virgil?” Roman asked again, his voice softer.
Roman placed a hand on his shoulder, “Can you look at me?”
Virgil sighed, slowly placing his hands down to his side, looking up into Roman’s wide brown eyes. He had on a soft smile. Before Virgil could even register what was happening, he was being lifted up by his thighs, his legs instinctively going around Romans waist and arms around his neck. Roman then pushed Virgil back against the wall, holding him there for a passionate kiss.
At first, he didn’t kiss back, so shocked by Roman’s bold actions that his brain was lagging like a 2006 Chrome browser. Roman began to pull away, but once Virgil’s brain caught up with his body, he pulled himself closer to his partner and kissed back with a passion and fervor that he is sure Roman did not expect.
If this were a movie, the lightbulbs in the bathroom would have burst and the music would have swelled, but instead, all Virgil could sense was the softness of Roman’s lips and the heavy weight lifted off of his shoulders. The feeling of ecstasy made his legs tingle, almost causing him to lose his grip on Roman and collapse onto the tile.
Virgil one the one to break the kiss, resting his forehead against Roman’s chuckling slightly, “So, I am guessing you like me back?”
“Have for a while now, Virge,”
The two of them chuckled, peppering soft kisses onto each other’s faces that would normally make Virgil gag, but now it made his heart swell.
They heard the front door open and slam shut and a sigh came from the kitchen, “Really kiddo?” They heard Patton yell, “You couldn’t get the laundry done before I came home?”
Virgil sighed, frustrated, leaning his forehead on Roman’s shoulder.
Roman chuckled, amused that Virgil was about to get chewed out, “Someone is in trouble,”
He groaned, tightening the grip on Roman’s waist, “Well, fuck,”
A/N: By the way, here is the link to the stretch that Roman was doing. I did my best to describe it, but if you need a visual, here. 
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namjoonchronicles · 8 years
Driven #3 - [MONSTA X] Kihyun!Au
[A/N] Give me love, like her -Ed Sheeran. He has such bright smiles, I need to wear my sunglasses.
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Kihyun hides his smile as he caught you dissecting the fish open, taking out small bones out of them with your chopstick. "Gahh, mom. Seriously." You exhaled sharply, as you widened your eyes at the bone. Kihyun wet his lips before he pressed them together, glancing at you from the corners of his eyes. Kihyun leans to his side, next to you.
"So...doctor. How's the surgery going." Kihyun whispered. "Do. Not." You hissed. Your mother bursted laughing and the whole table threw their head back. For a family, you guys pretty much have the same kind of laughs. You know, the hearty kind, super sincere and gleefully satisfying chuckle. Kihyun was taken aback at first, but he awkwardly joined in. 
Except you, of course.
"You know I don't like fish, why would you do this to me, to the only week I've decided to return home..." You whined as your mother fans herself from the aftermath of the heartiest laugh. "You don't like fish?" Kihyun suddenly raise his voice. And your father blinks to his bowl and cleared his throat the way elderly usually do, "And you don't know that?" His voice is like a thunder in the clear sky that silenced everyone, signalling of a heavy rain that's about to come. Kihyun gulped, suddenly feeling nauseous without an apparent reason. "Right you are, dad. How could my... boyfriend, not know that I hate fish. I'm already skeptical about how our relationship is going to last with this kind of attitude in hand." You narrowed your eyes, glancing to the side at Kihyun.
Kihyun forced out a smile and an awkward chuckle, "Something new to learn about my princess." He added a giggle to loosen the weight of the conversation but your father opens his mouth, and cut off his wings, "...She's my princess first, why is she your princess." Kihyun was cornered, everything he says or does, is either being lashed out completely or treated as a weak stance, but whatever it is, the dinner was straining him and it was weird because it shouldn't be like that. Especially when it starts with a great laugh resulting from his sarcastic joke. Kihyun didn't understand. But halfway through, the dinner lightens up with stories from you. About your typical day at the office. Some politics that got your father fired up.
And some point, he even agrees at your opinion. Kihyun was astonished beyong believe. So you got your smarts from your dad. He's not a lawyer for nothing. You had such strong arguments about things that he would usually shrug off and the way you speak about it makes it interesting. He had stayed in the same apartment with you for awhile but he had never witnessed this passion. He didn't even know you were capable of talking this way. All you ever do is scream at him, or ignore him entirely. No in-between. "Like the case that happened in Federal Highway last Tuesday. A young lady, high on meth, driving on the wrong side of the road. Collided with an oncoming car and caused the death of one driver while grazing a total of seven cars prior. The lady is let of with a mere $5000 fine, and had been stripped of her license until further notice." You shake your head a little.
"It was a murder, dad. She shouldn't be let off just with a petty $5000 fine, she killed someone. And driving under the influence. I think the law is messed up." You brazenly put your opinion in. Your dad clicked his tongue but in a way of accepting your arguments and pauses, as if he is carefully arranging the words in his head. Something that lawyer unconsciously do. "True, what you say," he admits, "...the law is painfully light when it comes to kind of case. It was mid-day light, and she was driving under the influence. I guess, the public is discontented because the video of the incident is leaked. And the victim who died had just gotten married, and the wife is pregnant. It was a horrible incident. And the perpetrator is obviously guilty, and recently, she was identified as 'disabled person' by the press." Your father laced his fingers together.
"Disabled?" You roared. Your little brother nodded, "Incapable of learning. Dyslexic." "And yet she got a freaking, license." You scoffed in disbelief.
"What is wrong with the world," you finished your rice. Your mother passed a look to Kihyun. Then she smiled, secretively. She patted Kihyun's wrist gently. "They're always like this when it comes to issues involving the law. You'll find it interesting, and you don't have to say a word." Your mother whispered to him.
"Ask your brother why it's like that." Your father swirled his drink. Your brother laced his fingers the same way father did, "There's nothing we can do. The country's law is like that." You darted your eyes at him, "Well. Something needs to be done."
So the dinner ended with smiles and a tone down, and Kihyun could finally see a family dinner. He was appreciating every moment of it, and although he secretly look forward the next family gathering, he kept himself quiet. It was the kind of dinner, he would never obtain from his own family dine. Here, it feels like home. And in his place, it felt like a battlefield, almost constantly. He feels suffocated and if things goes wrong, someone might die from choking.
Kihyun lived a pretty okay life. His mother is from a well-off family and his father used to struggle when he was younger, but now that he's above average in wealthy scale, he became raunchy and greedy. Although his parents are still together, Kihyun could feel that they no longer communicate with each other, and is staying together with the sole intention to save face. Something about Kihyun's grandmother from his mother side, not liking his birth dad, therefore did not bless the wedding, or even came to the wedding when she was invited. No one talked about the wedding because it was a sensitive issue. So everytime it was dinner in his house, he would feel as if he's holding everything together. Stitching everything up. And although his mother tried hard to make him feel like the household is as normal as the ones that his friends had, Kihyun couldn't fight instincts.
That's why when he got an opportunity to leave the house, he didn't waste anymore time. And as he predicted, his mother moved out the house the day he left for college. She seems happier now. She's being healthy. She eats well, drinks less, have friends over for barbeque parties and organize fun events. Kihyun was relieved. Although the marriage is still there. Kihyun went back to the house his father lived in and frequently, he found some girlish car parked outside. He never set foot into that house ever again. Apparently, now he has a younger step brother that he wants nothing to do with. He may be older now, but Kihyun would rather him stay in his own lane, while Kihyun stays in his.
Kihyun's flashback ended when you opened the cabinet underneath the sink and placed a pail under it. You start to twist the pipe around and water gushes out, and into the pail. "What are you doing." He was alarmed. There's only the two of you downstairs in the kitchen, because your parents are off to help your little brother make final checklist on his engagement party tomorrow morning and noon. "Can't you see the water is pooling?" You asked him. Kihyun had his eyes stucked on the waistband of your trousers. "Don't stare at my belly button." You warned and he averted his eyes away.
You twisted the pipe a little more and hoisted yourself up. "Why do you know how to unclog the pipe." Kihyun asked. "I lived alone for two years." You easily answered and turned your attention to the flickering lights, "I change bulbs on my own, change tyres, knock nails into walls, drill stuff... Everything I learn from my mom. My dad's a little...how should I say. It's not like he couldn't. It's because he's born in a privileged family and never had to do those things. My mom is...different. She grew up in poverty and had to learn to do things to earn money. So, I took a lot from her, I think." You stood on the chair then on the kitchen counter, and twisted the bulb. "Can you fetch me a new one in the first drawer on the left?" You told Kihyun and he went straight to it, without a question.
After successfully changing the bulb, you jumped off of the chair with a smile. "I think I need another shower... You can go straight to sleep if you want." Something about sleeping in the corner the half of his size didn't make Kihyun as excited as he thought he would be. But when the door to your room creaked open as he twisted the knob and turned on the lights, there was a mattress ready for him. With a pillow and blanket. "When the hell did she prepared this." He wanted to lay down, but hearing the shower being turned on gave him an unwanted imaginations. But as he tries to reminisce the sexy things about you, he started to remember about the things that girls usually make excuses on, to have guys over; that you happily do alone. Things like fixing the pipe, changing the bulbs, changing the tyres. Those things.
"That's definitely sexier." He thought to himself.
"Noona, you need to call Wonho, I can't reach him." Your little brother yelled through the door. "I'll send the message!" Kihyun replied. "You guys, behave." He couldn't resist.
You opened the bathroom door fully dressed in your PJs and Kihyun was seated on the edge of your bed, hugging your plushies. "Why are you not asleep yet?" You asked him. "I want to brush my teeth." He said and put away the teddy. He got into the bathroom with you and reached out to your brush and his. You both stared into yourself in the mirror with no words exchanged. Nothing felt awkward. In fact, it was a really mundane thing to do. And although it was the first time you did it together, it didn't feel extraordinary. And Kihyun slept that night, thinking about if you're as driven as he is.
How do you make a lover out of an enemy?
"Who's Wonho?" Kihyun asked out of curiosity, knowing that you hadn't sleep. And he was right. "Why Wonho?" You asked him again. "Stop answering my question with another question." He shot. "Your little brother told you to reach this Wonho-person because he couldn't get through the calls."
You hummed. And Kihyun frowned at the ceiling due to lack of answers from your side. "So who's Wonho?" He was persistent.
"Someone who shouldn't be anybody, but is somebody. At least to my side of the story." You sighed tiredly. "So you DO have a boyfriend before." Kihyun grinned.
"It was nothing like that...it's embarrassing, so stop asking before I murder you in your sleep." You warned. But Kihyun sat up and kept pushing for answers. "If I tell you, will you shut the fuck up and sleep?" You hissed and he nodded, eagerly. "He wasn't in love. I was." You said, and turned to face away from Kihyun. "One-sided love?" He perked. "Yes. Now you can mock me for the rest of your life." You rolled your eyes despite having it closed.
That's interesting. Very interesting.
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