#but I do have 2 different versions of Steve and a Nat pattern made by the same person as this
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apocketfullofmuses · 5 days ago
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(( my latest cross stitch project 😁 ))
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quietlyimplode · 4 years ago
Natasha Romanoff Masterlist of Fic Recs - Version 2.0 - Page 1
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Updated June 2021
This is not an exhaustive list (and in no order whatsoever) of the brilliant fic that is out there. Please let me know of any i have missed or any recs to put in and I will endeavour to add it. I have not included warnings or ratings. Please make sure you look at the tags, judge for yourself and as always take care of yourself first. (17 authors under the cut)
The Irish Mayhem @the-irish-mayhem
White - part of Perfection of Duality Series - the making of Natasha Romanoff. One of my favourite fics in the world. I will love it forever.  -    25/25
Perfection of Duality- part two - Natasha - Natasha in shield - 4/?
Mypedia @sebuttstianstan
anything that bleeds - Natasha - Natasha is a sub. Don’t let that fool you, Natasha’s backstory with bdsm elements. 21/22
Shadesfalcon @shadesfalcon
Like Real People Do - Clint/Nat - ‘Do we have song?’ Iterations of what’s the ties that bind them together.    1/1
Whether you ask it or not - Clint/Nat - Natasha gets poisoned - and has the line ‘“’Night, little dragon. May your fires ever burn hot upon your unsuspecting foes.”    1/1
Sometimes winning means you’re the last one standing - ot6+everyone - don’t play ‘never have I ever’ without some laughs and trauma rearing its head   1/1
I am good - Clint/Nat/Laura - Clint brings Natasha home for the first time.   1/1
Careful She Bites - Clint/Nat - don’t confront Natasha about the handcuffs. Just don’t.  2/2
What happens here stays here - Clint/Nat- Natasha can’t remember Budapest.  1/1
Koren M- cybermathwitch
I’d Make Room for you - Clint/Nat/Laura - perspectives of each other are important. 1/1
Course Corrections - Clint/Nat/Laura - taking care of each other 2/2 snippets into conversations/life Course Corrections (Age of Ultron Fix-It Fic)
As if you have a choice - Clint/Nat - Natasha gets pregnant. They know they can’t keep it. 3/3
The weight of us - series of 11 - my fav is ‘Seeing Red’ and ‘Sharp and Sweet’. Clint/Nat shield days
Red Flag Warning - Natasha - red is a warning colour. Clint should know.   1/1
Edgeofthegalaxy @natasha-romanoff-deserved-better
buried in your bones, i see it in your closed eyes - Natasha dissociates and its a long way back Clint/Nat 1/1
Origins - Young Natasha in the red room, of learning morality and goodness. 1/1
But even the strong can fall - Natasha goes silent on a mission, Clint knows something is very wrong. Clint/Nat 2/2
Just a Kid - sometimes Natasha doesn’t realise how messed up her childhood was. Sometimes she needs to be told. Nat/team 1/1
Collateral Damage - Natasha comes home from a mission; Tony needs to patch her up. Tony & Nat 1/1
Daughter of Rohan @natrasharomanova
Living Louder - Clint/Nat - break my heart. Origin stories.   21/21
Beside you (sequel to living louder) - Clint/Nat - shield falls. Clint and Nat find each other in the aftermath.
It’s still raining - Clint/Nat - everything happens when it’s raining.  1/1
You are a piece of me, I wish I didn’t need. Clint/Nat/Laura/family. Clint brings Nat to the farm for the first time. Healing ensues.   1/1
Impossibilities- Clint/Nat but with Pepper/Maria/Darcy and Jane - Natasha is pregnant?   1/1
Wake my spirit Cold - Clint/Nat - Christmas throughout the years -    1/1
(We could be) infinite - Clint/Nat - ENDGAME FIX IT. The soul stone split in two. No one dies.    1/1
I am not the only traveler who has not repaid his debt - Clint/Nat - ENDGAME FIX IT. Natasha dies but is alive in a multiverse. Clint dies in the alternate. They meet in the middle.     1/1
Sugarfey @sugarfey
Chrysalis - Natasha - this is how it goes and how she came to be.  Ashes series  1/3
A walk on part in the war. Natasha - Drakovs daughter is ‘saved’.  Ashes.  2/3
World on Fire - Clint (/Natasha) Clint has a history and can play the guitar.  Ashes   3/3 - my favourite part.
First Name Basis- Clint/Nat - getting to know you.    1/1
Right where I used to be - Clint/Nat - it’s Natasha’s birthday, Clint uses this to get to know her better.    1/1
Once was lost - Clint/Nat - slow burn, Natasha offers herself to him once.    1/1
Expresso is not an option - Nat/Maria - ‘you could destroy shield in a heartbeat, couldn’t you?’
Thursdays Child - Nat/fury - fury mentors Natasha-from afar.    1/1
Shelter - Clint/Nat/liho/lucky - Lucky puts one big paw on Natasha’s knee and looks at her as though she hung the sky with pizza -   1/1
Almost home - Natasha - find a mooring and settles -    1/1
Long spaces 3/3 - Natasha/Clint - natasha and Clint fit together - all the broken pieces. .  3/3
Inkvoices - @inkvoices
Smile for the living - POST ENDGAME - Natasha is brought back.     1/1
In deed- Clint/Bucky/Nat. In which dogs and deeds are discussed.    1/1
Driver chooses the music. Clint/Nat - get in the car.
On Names - Clint/Nat- she goes by many names -  1/1
Fallout Patterns - what happens when your mind is a nuclear bomb? Nat/Clint - sex is not always sex when trauma is as deep as hers -   14/14
Breathe me with your hands - Clint/Nat - navigating sex -  1/2 One Red Thread Series- Nats pov.
Hold you by the edges - 2/2 One Red Thread - Clint’s pov.
Ghosts that we knew - Clint/Nat - aftermath of the avengers. Natasha navigating the world when Clint safewords out. 15/?? Unfinished.
How the day sounds - Clint/Nat - thanksgiving throughout the years -     14/15 (?fluffy)
You were a kindness - Clint/Nat - a perfect look at the trauma of being brought in. Let herself be nothing but a branch. Let herself be nothing but stardust. Stardust could not be hurt. Stardust could not be used. Stardust could not be held.    1/1
Crashing, understanding, blinding, tumbling - Nat/Tony - plane crashes - tony takes care of Natasha whilst blinded -    1/1
Two plus two is five - Clint/Nat - how do you test a concussion? Two plus two is five in large quantities of two.   1/1
Into the dark (song fic) - team after harrowing mission watch Clint and Natasha dance - 1/1
The ocean carry you home - team- pepper is pregnant, Natasha doesn’t cope well with the news. Yellow blue bus.    1/1
Enigma731 @enigma731
Something just like this - Clint/Nat - Clint is depressed. Natasha doesn’t know how to help.    1/1
Going to the Chapel. Clint/Nat - get married in Budapest and have sex.
September - Tony/Nat bonding - Tony makes a memory machine to cure ptsd, Natasha helps.   1/1
Everything Costs - Clint/Nat- Natasha keeps getting hurt on missions, Clint wants to know why.  1/1
That’s way you showed me (I wasn’t quite so alone) - Clint/Nat - 3 christmas’ -    1/1
Prompts (some lovely short 1 shorts) - team assorted -   13/?
It starts with Time - Natasha - Natasha goes looking for her family -   1/1
The war I can’t win - Natasha/Clint - Clint gets injured. Natasha is his support.  1/1 (it mentions Occupational Therapy this is a winner)
We are not shining stars - Natasha/Laura + Clint - Clint dies (fair warning) it’s all Natasha can do to cope.    1/1
Unpack your heart - Clint/Nat - in the beginning they left post it notes -   1/1
Hearts and Bones and Blood - Natasha/Clint - Clint saves Natasha from mental health services when she first comes to shield. Because sometimes she gets lost in her own head.
What Girls are Made of - Nat/team - 5x Natasha has unconventional means of flying.    1/1
Ghost Towns - Clint/Nat - Natasha has memories implanted in her head, shield medical and Clint try to help.   1/1
The glass parade - Steve /Natasha - he watches her become different people.  1/1
Cleanliness Is Next To
 - Nat/Clint- Or Five Memorable Showers Clint Barton and Natasha Have Had, and One Time There Was a Bath Instead. -  1/1
The more you know - Clint/Nat - this is what they learn first (or Natasha is not what is written in her file) -  1/1
Perspectives - Nat/team - perspective and interpretations; what do you see?
safe as houses - Clint/Nat - what makes them go to a nonshield safehouse?
The clutch of circumstance - Clint/Nat- he helps her start. 1/1
Voluntary Procedure - Clint and Natasha agree to be mind wiped. The others are not happy - Clint/Nat/Team 6/6
Stronghold - Natasha and Clint shut down their various safehouse. Clint/Nat (team) 1/1
Spy Vs Spy (recced by Anon) - Clint & Coulson & Natasha - Natasha Romanov was the most beautiful person in the room and nobody asked her to dance. 2/2
Paperairplanesopenwindows @paperairplanesopenwindows
On the first day of Christmas - Clint/Nat/Laura- Laura wants to celebrate, Clint and Nat aren’t so sure - 1/1
A little to the left - Clint/Nat/Laura - she’s Natasha but a little to the left (POST ENDGAME) -   4/4
Family Togetherness Time - Clint/Nat/Laura - Steve gets concerned about Nat and turns to the people he thinks can help. 3/3
In every lifetime I choose you - Nat/Steve - Natasha gets captured to get to Steve. 11/11
Burn baby, burn. Clint/Nat - Clint saves Natasha from heatstroke. 1/1
Teamwork - Clint/Nat - fuck or die, Clint’s not ok but Natasha is. He doesn’t understand. -   2/2
Other people - Clint/Nat- she’s up for some monkey sex until she’s not.    2/2
altheterrible @altheterrible
Shining white in the sun - Natasha - Clint dies, Natasha tries to cope. She doesn’t do it very well. 7/7
tastes - team - different tastes in points in time - 1/1
places to go, people to be- Natasha - Natasha gets to decide who she really is after the fall of shield 1/1
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