#but I can't unhear haha
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What Star Trek fans hear in their mind when they look at this picture: "All right, Mr. Sulu. Let's see what she's got!"
What I hear when I look at the same picture: "Get your hand off my leg."
(in case you don't know :D)
#lol perhaps I'm not the only one#but I can't unhear haha#it's just canon now#the one with the whales#star trek iv: the voyage home#star trek bloopers#james t. kirk#spock#william shatner#leonard nimoy#star trek the original series#star trek tos
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That One Meme but it's "Attention" by Charlie Puth
Who's throwing that turtle on my Curtisson? Oh wait, it's meeee~!
...I should draw Curtisson as turtles. Give me a day or two.
Pspsps come get some food, Curtisson fans.
#thsc#the henry stickmin collection#my art#sven svensson#burt curtis#curtisson#I was planning to draw a bonus art of curtisson turtles from the start but I forgor#I can't remember when I started hearing turtle on my knee#but now I can't unhear#and now neither can you!#enjoy your free curse#I think this is the first time I've drawn sticks in the throes of passion like this haha
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It's wild to me that there are trans men out there just.. happily living as men. Not the physical aspect - believe me, I know what T can do and I love it haha - just the mental rewiring u gotta do to push all the Woman stuff out of yr brain. And no I don't mean that bs about being stoic and shit, to me, the big difference is self confidence and the ability to express that around others
For example, i saw a post once that women are much more likely to say 'I'm sorry' in lieu of an 'excuse me' (like when u gotta squeeze by someone to get where yr going). And lemme tell u, I work in an environment with a lot of women and a lot of squeezing by people, and I can't unhear it. 'Sorry' is like.. the most uttered word in the kitchen. And not just for squeezing past, it's said as a replacement for like.. any kind of Whoops or Behind You or 'I am just doing my job and I happen to be working kind of close to where you're working' like it is such a frequent and persistent word
And the worst thing is I* also say it?? Almost as much as everyone else??? Bc I was living as a woman for way too many years to suddenly be Confident Man - it's engrained in everything I do - and even a simple 'excuse me' feels rude sometimes.
*this user has anxiety and that's 90% of the problem
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I really really love egwene's song but also I can't help hearing it as 'avocado, avocado'
Am I alone in this predicament
haha i always can't help hearing it as "have a candle, have a candle" so you are not alone!!! my brain loves subbing in english words for Unknown Old Tongue when it can (for example, there's a line in mat's theme that sounds a little like "time of wine" and now i can never unhear it, especially since it fits mat so well jfkg)
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Roxy Lalonde, Rose Lalonde, Kanaya Maryam, Dave Strider
Act 6, page 7493-7496
ROXY: haha im sorry
ROSE: Sorry about what?
ROXY: for stammering an all being an agog grinning idiot
ROXY: i just cannot....
ROXY: actually believe u are real and here and alive and not dying and so am i!
ROXY: here with u i mean + sharin all those mentioned attributes
ROSE: I can't believe it either!
ROXY: i have so much to say...
ROXY: i think???
ROXY: even though i cant think of the stuff atm
ROSE: I know what you mean.
ROXY: i hope its ok if i just sit near u not bein 'specially articulate for a bit
ROSE: That is more than ok.
ROSE: As long as you are willing to similarly excuse the spectacular demise of my capacity for artful self-expression.
ROXY: omg!!!!
ROXY: ahahah youre dirk!
ROXY: wow wow i just caught it wow wow wow!
ROXY: you sound SO much like him oh my GOD thats too perf and cute :3
ROSE: Dirk?
ROXY: hahah i cant get over it now i cant unhear it...
ROXY: even your voice sounds kinda like his but its just... girl dirk
ROXY: lmao wow yes <3
ROSE: He sounds like a hell of a guy.
ROXY: ohh u have noo idea
ROSE: Well, I'm told he should be arriving here in a little while.
ROSE: If he's anything like Dave's late older brother, and if he's anything like me, which he apparently is, then this is when I'm guessing the real party will begin.
ROXY: im redy <|:)
ROSE: I want to know things about him.
ROSE: Such as, if he shares his elder counterpart's avarice for soft puppet ass.
ROSE: And if that, combined with his myriad, vaguely unsettling psychological peculiarities, could occupy a dedicated team of therapists for years.
ROXY: the answer is yes and yes
ROSE: Hmm.
ROSE: Knowing this amuses me, for some reason.
ROSE: But mainly, there are things I want to know about you.
ROSE: I presume there will be plenty of time later to hound my biological father for the dirt on his proclivities.
ROXY: whatta ya wanna know about me?
ROSE: Everything!
ROSE: I think the main difficulty in deciding what to ask is in sifting questions I would have for my mother, that is to say, the woman who raised me, from the questions I have for you.
ROXY: well i didnt raise u or anything but i can sincerely take a crack at both kindsa questions
ROSE: Do...
ROSE: You really like wizards?
ROXY: rose
ROSE: Yes?
ROXY: rose
ROXY: rooose
ROSE: ...
ROXY: i fucken
ROXY: wizzards
ROSE: I see.
ROSE: As odd as it sounds, that actually does go pretty far in letting me know something about both of you.
ROXY: oh?
ROSE: My relationship with her was complicated.
ROSE: But I've come to see that as mostly my fault. I was too young to understand her.
ROXY: i never even got the chance to misunderstand my mom
ROXY: or grownup you
ROXY: or... i mean i didnt get to misunderstand her IN PERSON
ROXY: more like as a legendary figure
ROXY: cause i grew up 400 years after she died
ROSE: Ah, right.
ROSE: I think I'm going to have to call the contest early. Yours is the more interesting biography, by quite a lot.
ROXY: not really!
ROXY: not to me at least... i was lonely
ROXY: i thought about her a lot to pass the time
ROXY: she was p amazing at least according to history
ROXY: she wrote hella books about wizards and rode a genocidal fat man down a waterfall of blood
ROSE: She wrote hella books about wizards?
ROXY: yeh!
ROXY: they were famous n good and everything
ROSE: It sounds like I fumbled into the wrong line of work.
ROSE: There's no money in this Sburb business.
ROSE: Well, there is. It just comes in incredibly stupid denominations, which are not particularly useful.
KANAYA: Do You Have Copies Of These Books
ROXY: ummmm yes!
ROXY: yes i do there are copies back on my planet
ROXY: assuming john didnt retcon them away like a book thiefin sneak!
KANAYA: I Would Really Love To Read Them Some Time If You Wouldnt Mind
ROXY: no not at all!
ROSE: By the way, this is Kanaya.
ROSE: Sorry for the combination of bad manners and general dumbfoundedness which precluded a more timely introduction.
ROXY: hey!
ROXY: thats a nice name and also ur pretty
KANAYA: Thank You
KANAYA: I Admire The Aesthetics Of Your Name And Appearance As Well And In No Small Part Due To Their Respective Similarity To Your Daughters
ROXY: wow man that was somehow both a convoluted thing to say yet smooth as hell
ROXY: m impressed
ROSE: Welcome to Maryam City, population, a whole lot of great remarks like that.
ROXY: but yes ill get u those books!
ROXY: theyre great they made me wanna write my own wizard books
ROSE: Did you?
ROXY: errr
ROXY: yeah sorta :\
ROSE: Could I read them?
ROXY: ummmm
ROSE: Hey, you got to read mine!
ROXY: yeah but u were like an old pro when u wrote yours!
ROXY: they won pulizters and shit
ROSE: Did they really??
ROXY: um idk probably?
ROXY: i dunno they are just vry vry good
ROXY: so the ancient prize scholars im sure were like, dude these wizards
ROXY: are vry vry fucking good
ROXY: give them all the awards, then shut down the awards, but not cuz of the looming apocalypse, just cuz u literally cannot do better than these wizards
ROSE: I can live with that.
ROSE: It's always been one of my professional goals to write tales of magical men so provocative, they would cause the permanent and unceremonious dissolution of at least one prestigious award.
ROXY: so yeah i dunno i guess u can see
ROXY: but its a pale ghost of a story compared to ur stuff and its also um kinda weird?
ROSE: I like weird!
ROXY: yeah
ROXY: just... your opinion means a lot to me & im nervous u might think it sucks!
ROSE: But I never even wrote the masterpieces you read.
ROSE: I think you may have a view of my abilities which I haven't earned yet.
ROSE: Really, I'm not that good.
ROSE: I have my own story drafts which you can read if you like.
ROSE: They're nothing special, frankly.
ROXY: o really??
ROXY: aw man ok then that sounds fun! :)
KANAYA: If During Your Manuscript Exchange You Need Someone To Read Over Your Shoulder
KANAYA: To Proofread
KANAYA: To Purge Each Sentence Of Punctuation And Capitalize The First Letter Of Every Word
KANAYA: Id Be Happy To Volunteer
KANAYA: Strictly Professionally Of Course And Not Because I Really Want To Read Your Wizard Things Too
KANAYA: (I Really Want To Read Your Wizard Things Too I Hope Thats Okay)
ROXY: hahaha yeah sure its ok!
ROXY: kanaya sorry me and rose are babbling away here to each other we dont mean to be excluding you
KANAYA: Its Fine I Am Thoroughly Enjoying My Role As A Spectator
KANAYA: I Know That Rose Has Been Looking Forward To This A Lot
KANAYA: And That She Received Similarly Vicarious And Politely Passive Enjoyment From The Interactions I Had With My Ancestor
KANAYA: So Now I Will Just Resume The Politely Passive Part Of It Ha Ha
ROXY: u dont gotta!
ROXY: jump in whenever you feelin it! :D
ROXY: i love meeting new trolls
ROXY: well at least when theyre not evil or somethin
ROXY: love them not evil trolls
ROXY: like the cranky one over there in rad ruby shades
KANAYA: Terezi
ROXY: yeah shes a boss
KANAYA: Thats A Pretty Fair Way To Describe The Attitude Of Anyone Higher Than Me On The Hemospectrum
KANAYA: But Yes You Are Right
ROXY: oh also
ROXY: lest we forget dear fefeta
KANAYA: Fefeta
KANAYA: Do You Mean
KANAYA: Feferi?
ROXY: no fefeta!!!
ROXY: she was a dear precious soul
ROXY: she was my sprite
ROXY: guess she never happened in this version of stuff though?
ROXY: dang
ROXY: thats sad but maybe not quite as sad as her existing then exploding?
ROXY: im confuse
ROXY: wonder what even else is different...
ROSE: Well, you died too.
ROXY: i did?
ROSE: Yes, while pushing me out of the way of a fork.
ROSE: So, thank you for that, retroactively. And... to a different version of you.
ROXY: jeez
ROXY: yeah i... had a really similar thing happen in my timeline...
ROXY: also involving a fork
ROXY: and even tho youre ok now its still almost too sad to even talk about
ROSE: Yeah.
ROSE: We didn't get to exchange even a single word before you were gone.
ROSE: All I could think was, "How can this be happening again?"
ROSE: Luckily the sense of misery was short lived, though.
ROSE: It wasn't long before I was informed the incident was part of something bigger taking shape.
ROSE: And that John was on his way with a different version of you.
ROSE: I had no idea what "a different version" actually entailed, but I wasn't about to quibble.
ROSE: I was so relieved.
ROXY: same
ROXY: altho...
ROXY: instead of waiting for you to come back i had to jump thru all these hoops with john
ROXY: and went through some uh
ROXY: different stuff
ROXY: i uh
ROXY: i MAY have thrown an impromptu funeral for your alt-u dead body :o
ROSE: You did?
ROXY: yup
ROXY: sorry if that sounds weird
ROXY: and i knew i was comin to meet a new version of you
ROXY: but
ROXY: it helped me
ROXY: with like
ROXY: feelings about people i left behind
ROSE: A funeral...
ROSE: Wow, that,
ROSE: Sorry for this, if it comes off as odd, but,
ROSE: That is so "mom" of you.
ROXY: oh yea?
ROSE: M-hm.
ROXY: hehe
ROXY: i like your mom!
ROSE: Me too.
ROSE: I don't mean to be too analytical about getting to know you, really.
ROSE: I guess comparisons are little hard for me to avoid, since the adult version of you played such a significant role in my life.
ROSE: So I can't help seeing the similarities when they are there.
ROSE: But also you are so clearly your own person, shaped by your own experiences, and that is the person I would prefer to get to know, rather than a young avatar for the memory of a departed parent.
ROSE: Yet this is the context which somewhat inescapably colors my perception of what you reveal.
ROSE: So while some observations are in the vein of predictable, charmingly so, mind you...
ROSE: Others I regard as surprising.
ROXY: what about me is surprising?
ROSE: Well.
ROSE: You aren't,
ROSE: You don't quite seem like a person who...
ROXY: .....?
ROSE: I don't want to ask anything that would sound rude to you, or spiteful to her.
ROSE: Because I don't feel that conflicted about this anymore.
ROSE: Particularly since I had my own troubles with it. So it would be pretty hypocritical.
ROXY: conflicted about what?
ROSE: Let me back up a little.
ROSE: It was a long ride on that meteor.
ROSE: One experiences things over a few years, given a lot of time to think. Changes and such.
ROSE: About half way through, I started thinking more...
ROSE: About mom. And about you.
ROSE: Knowing that I'd probably meet you, and. I don't know. Live up to the experience?
ROSE: It's silly, but I'm guessing you understand what I mean.
ROXY: :)
ROSE: Basically, I was just nervous.
ROSE: And it was all mixed up with feelings of conflict and remorse over my mother.
ROSE: Who, to my hazy preteen recollection, never wasted a day in my life on sobriety.
ROSE: She and her habit put all those days to quite effective use, actually.
ROSE: And I don't even quite remember the thought process that led to this, but,
ROSE: I sort of ran with it too?
ROSE: The habit, I mean. For a while at least.
ROSE: I was still distraught about losing her. And wanted to understand her.
ROSE: To connect with her, in some way. And I guess that was the only idea I had.
ROSE: And on some level, I think connecting with her was also a way of preparing myself to meet you...
ROSE: Even though that probably makes no sense.
ROSE: Since you aren't literally her, and don't share all her...
ROSE: I guess I shouldn't speak for you, though.
ROXY: so youre sayin
ROXY: youre surprised im unlike her in that way cause i dont seem like someone whod get drunk off her ass all the time?
ROXY: hahahaha
ROXY: well i guess i should be flattered if u rly think so buttttt
ROXY: wrong
ROSE: So... you,
ROXY: my storys kind of like yours!
ROXY: i had a mom i never knew and wanted to feel close to her however i could
ROXY: i grew up MOSTLY unsupervised in her old old house
ROXY: and it had all this old stuff in it plus some old booze squirrelled away here and there
ROXY: aaand i just uhhh started up even tho i was WAY too young for shit like that WHOOPS....
ROXY: and like i said it was a bit lite on discipline round then, its not like a buncha silly pumpkin eaters were gonna stop me
ROSE: Pumpkin eaters?
ROXY: chess guys
ROXY: loads of them
ROXY: but yeah i wanted to be like her and do what she did but mostly just made a hot catastrophe of myself
ROXY: i doubt that is what she wanted
ROXY: at the time it seemed like a cool thing a real intellectual an mysterious book celebrity would do while also leading a badass and secretly subversive life in opposition of tyranny
ROXY: but
ROXY: i think what is more likely is
ROXY: she knew the whole world would end and everyone would die no matter what she did
ROXY: which was probly hard to live with
ROXY: idk if i can blame the old lady for wantin to get a WEE bit sauced after a couple of rapping clowns won a presidential election
ROSE: Yeah, I...
ROSE: Wait, what?
ROSE: Clowns?
ROXY: long story
ROXY: bad story
ROXY: plz continue
ROSE: Ok. Yes, I'm sure my mother knew the end was coming too.
ROSE: Knowing that helped put a lot of her behavior in context for me. I was always too young to understand.
ROXY: poor moms :(
ROXY: poor poor adult dead sexy lady us :( :(
ROSE: Truth.
ROXY: but anyway
ROXY: back to... us!
ROXY: kid alive sexy lady us
ROSE: Yes.
ROSE: It sounds like your Rose had an incredible career, but all things considered, I prefer being kid alive sexy lady me.
ROXY: agree
ROXY: i know what you mean about being nervous
ROXY: about meeting you i mean
ROXY: maybe nervous isnt quite right but
ROXY: when i started thinking about meeting u is when i started thinkin...
ROXY: i should try being not QUIIITE such a mess
ROXY: so i started takin the idea of cleaning up my act more seriously
ROSE: Ultimately, I concluded the same thing.
ROSE: I decided it wouldn't be a very dignified way to make an entrance.
ROSE: Or for that matter, a very constructive way to help out in a struggle to preserve reality.
ROSE: Luckily, I was able to cut it out a while ago. I admit, it wasn't easy.
ROSE: But it helped a lot to have people around looking out for me.
ROSE: *Poke.*
KANAYA: *Sits Poked*
ROXY: yeah i had friends help me too!
ROXY: i couldnta done it w/o them either
ROSE: I never had "IRL" friends before this trip.
ROSE: It's interesting to observe the various ways they apply themselves to your benefit.
ROSE: Some people are around to make you feel like you're worth sticking with, even when you fuck up.
ROSE: And some people are around to kick your ass to make sure you don't.
ROXY: haha
ROXY: i think i had to play the latter role to my friends a lot
ROXY: and also to myself i guess
ROXY: who kicked your ass
ROXY: was it the yelly guy over there?
ROSE: No, Karkat was mostly preoccupied with his own... shenanigans.
ROSE: The yelling is deceptive. He's a rather private person.
ROSE: Vriska, however.
ROSE: She really is quite an extravagant bitch.
ROXY: lmao
ROSE: But it turns out people like that tend to have some convenient assets.
ROSE: Such as, the sheer force of personality to keep a bunch of idiots from falling apart.
ROSE: Don't get me wrong. It's quite annoying.
ROSE: But... useful.
ROXY: yeaaah
ROXY: i probably should have been more of a bitch to all my peeps
ROXY: maybe we wouldnt have gone to jail and died
ROSE: Let it be a lesson to us all.
ROXY: seriously tho
ROXY: is so nice hearin ur stories
ROXY: especially the similarities of stuff we experienced
ROXY: wizards and writing and mom stuff and even bad things we went through
ROXY: and obviously were similar by dna and all
ROXY: but even so
ROXY: it still feels comforting
ROXY: that even if u flip the universe upside down and change it all around
ROXY: pull us apart by centuries, kill humans off, flood the world
ROXY: were still connected to each other
ROXY: in a mysterious way that goes beyond genes and circumstance
ROXY: and that i think is some tight frickin noise to consider
ROSE: I'm considering it right now, and yes.
ROSE: That noise... it is SO tight.
ROXY: :')
ROSE: :')
DAVE: hey what are we all talking about over here
ROSE: Damn it, Dave.
#homestuck#roxy lalonde#rose lalonde#kanaya maryam#dave strider#homestuck act 6#page 7493#page 7494#page 7495#page 7496#homestuck act 6 act 6#homestuck act 6 act 6 intermission 5
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1, 5, 19, 26, 49 for the ask game!
Pfft I nearly responded with 2 instead of 1
1. I have too many fandoms I'm not listing it all but usually my comfort chars are my fav chars haha but in some fandoms my comfort char is the silly goofy lil bean that would walk up and no hesitation give me a hug
5. Brown. Just look at my picrew stuff xD
19. Awwww you really think I can paint nails without making it look horrendous. That's cute, but no.
26. What type of scenario? like, a regret? a game? some random stuff that got stuck in my head? because --glares at that stupid youtube shorts background song that i can't unhear-- send help i hate it so much i mute the video the moment i hear the first note
49. ................... does throwing the rock in with a heavy dense splash count?
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Why do I hear APOBANGPO in the fanchants in Jimin's music show stages haha like "APOBANGPO PARK JIMIN"
i went back to the mnet performance bc the first time i watched it, i literally couldn't tell what they were saying before the 'park jimin' and now i can't unhear apobangpo 😂 might as well be !!
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I just figured I'd let you know Luis Miguel (Really popular artist here) has an old song named 'Sunny' so now every time I see that name in your posts my mind immediately plays it. (Also people recently rediscovered and turned it into a meme given that it kinda sounds like he says 'Sonic')
I love this haha!! xD I looked up the song real quick and it's catchy x3
(The Sonic thing is hilarious too xDD I can't unhear it.)
#sonneeee#aw man i swear I've heard of Luis Miguel#like my mom played his music a few times (but can't remember which song/album exactly aaa)#this is amazing though xD
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thank you for introducing me to she won't go away! it's really catchy, it's stuck in my head haha
i have some more songs for you, if you like! (if you ever get bored of listening to them there's no pressure, don't worry :) )
https://youtu.be/I-QmZpLWjHc?si=z-akV3WN3phFS7ED (i like this song but the "ooooo" part is kind of annoying and sounds like the roblox death sound...)
https://youtu.be/ZahB3PakFc4?si=BCw-LUfpNKpJzXKF (if you like guitar, i think you would like santana!)
i hope you have a nice day :)
I really liked Nomu, Computer Talk, Last Waltz, idwtgtbtn, and Castaway! Which is all of them technically, since the others are already in my playlist ahaha. The guitar part in She's Not There is really cool! Also, I can't unhear the Roblox death sounds in Out of my League 😭
I also listened to Venus as a Boy, and the whole song was so mesmerizing? Not sure if that's the right word, but the instrumentals and melody make me feel like I'm ascending into godhood. A bit off topic, but I feel like my dad would really like Space Cowboy. Thanks for the recommendations once again!! I'm glad you liked She Won't Go Away ahaha
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Super late but 3, 11, 21 and 34 for the question thingy <3
hey-hey Feli ^-^ thanks for sending these~ i put my entire brain into answering them haha xD
3. 3 films you could watch for the rest of your life and not get bored of?
- Le fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain
- Juno
- Donnie Darko
11. what do you consider to be romance?
ok THAT sure is a question. erm. so. i always say (because i think it's very true) that Nothing Else Matters by Metallica has shaped my idea of romantic love a lot. The whole business of feeling afeectuon and a deep connection to another person, being interested in learning about them and learning about yourself through them, experiencing life not only as yourself but also as a pair, being able to trust in and depend on each other and to be truly authentic with each other, maybe more than with any other person. idk if it's naive or idealistic of me to think these things and maybe sort of expect these things but i know that it's the only thing i want to believe in at the moment. to have all that with a person. maybe not forever, but for a considerable amount of time.
21. are you a spiritual person?
that's interesting because i think about that a lot. and i think i kind of am? spiritual- ish? idk in situa tions where i desperately want for things to go a specific way (most of the time it's stuff like "please let everything be ok") i find myself crossing my fingers, physically, and i guess praying (actually mumbling short, pleading phrases) to some sort of higher entity. or entities. who even knows. it's kind of like an ritual. and i wouldn't keep doing it if it had not worked before. so that's that. nothing too specific i believe in but a very spiritual act i find myself turning to when i really need things to be good. another pretty weird thing: i think that i am "safe", as in "nothing bad can happen to me now", when i see dead animals on/next to a street. especially, when i am driving myself. i really hate seeing dead animals, it always makes me feel like i want to cry. but i have developed the little insane and superstitious assumption that now i am safe from bad things (like accidents) because the bad thing has happened to somebody else (the animal) already. i realize how macabre it is. but i guess it helps me deal with seeing dead things by making their deaths less pointless?
and now writing and explaining about it, i think my sort of spiritual beliefs are a weird coping mechanism for situations in which i feel very powerless or a lack of control over my own life, oh god...
34. any pet peeves?
when the people doing the remixes/mashups of songs i like, change the tempo or pitch of a song to match the other song(s). sometimes it's not all too much and then it's fine but i can't unhear when a voice is higher/deeper than it normally would be xD
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aw no worries! They didnt say it to me directly I just accidentally overheard it and now i can't unhear it haha
Nah but even at that it’s so wrong!
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I’m last anon. I don’t think I have a favorite musical genre, but I remember having a phase where I listen to The Cranberries almost everyday when I was younger. Later, I had an Adele phase, where I repeat Someone like you for about 10 times a day even though I didn’t even have a boyfriend to be sad about haha.
Ooh The Cranberries 🙌 RIP Dolores (p.s. Miley Cyrus did a cover of Zombie and I LOVE it)
Lmao who didn't have an Adele phase 👑 she could make the singlest people ready to break up 😌💅 You know, I always thought Adele was super unique, but ever since someone pointed out she sounds like Amy Winehouse I can't unhear it 😭 Not that it's a bad thing, ofc, just something I always think about
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olivia: oh, i've never thought of it that way but now I can't unhear it. how unflattering. olivia: that makes me nervous. it's more motivation to heal and get back out there. being a sideline guy isn't a bad thing (even though i know how bad you want to be playing). having that guiding light is helpful, so know that you're still making an impact. olivia: they're good! danny's a little sulky today but that's to be expected. haha, we'll wear whatever team danny is on! i'll always be a patriots girl at heart though.
text - 𝒿𝑜𝑒 & 𝓁𝒾𝓋
olivia: trophy wife = happy life. and thanks for not saying WAG. that acronym makes me shudder. olivia: okay but seriously, how did you get my number and how is your arm? i literally yelled 'ouch' out loud watching that happen. joe: wag sounds too much like a dog in my opinion. nothing against dogs but why we referring to women who support us to a dog? joe: i've got my ways, mrs. amendola. the wrist is healing up well. thank you for asking. still sucks to be on the sidelines watching and not playing but the fellas are doing great. joe: how is the family doing? need to get those little ones of yours in some bengals gear!
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🎶 “Bye Bye Baby” is giving me major “Goodbye To You” vibes 🎶
#I can't unhear it now#I'm not saying it's a bad thing at all haha#my inner 90s/early 00s kid who loved Michelle Branch and The Wreckers is thriving hahaha#oh shit has anyone ever done a tiva gif set to 'goodbye to you' lmao
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The voice claim for Pinepaw is a lot different then I imagined it to be! I was thinking more like Callum from The Dragon Prince which is not at all the voice he actually has lol
He's just a little guy! I imagine he's one of those boys whose voice breaks very, very late so he's all squeaky until his junior year of high school.
I like the take for Callum - he definitely has the right energy. Although he's a little low pitched and I just can't unhear Sokka, haha.
I'll post the video tomorrow anyways, since I finished it tonight!
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{We're dancing on tables And I'm off my face, Just right after these two lines theres a echo of a deep voice of a man saying “Loueh” that may be the culprit of killing his vibe while partying. This “Loueh” bit repeats every 28 seconds, which is an important number to the author.} Is this true? I just read it genius and now I can't unhear it 😳
Once it was pointed out to me, I couldn’t un-hear the deep voiced “LOU” either. So I feel you. Haha.
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