#but I can't find a very reputable source on that so grain of salt I guess
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ww2yaoi · 13 days ago
had a dream last night that I found a pair of usmc dog tags and they had that black material around the edge and it reminded me that I've never looked up what the hell that was. so I guess they're called silencers and they were put around the dog tags so they wouldn't clank together during combat....... pretty obvious idk why I never thought about it before
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kedreeva · 3 years ago
hi kedreeva!! you do so much research on the types of foods, etc you feed your animals, but I'm really unsure on where to start. I'm a young adult and I'm thinking about getting my own cat so I would like to find a reliable source of food for them, but I don't really know how to start that research. do you have any tips on where to get free articles, or how you read papers? sorry if this is a really broad question
Generally when I want information, I start searching by "[general keywords] science" and looking for research papers done on the subject. Date matters! Researchgate turns up a lot of nice stuff. Often times I have to go into the sources that are cited and look those up to get the info I want.
I don't always read the really technical stuff first; if the abstract looks promising, I will skip down to the discussion. That's the area where they are likely to admit where they messed up, and if their findings are contradicted by other research. I look to see what claim they are making, and then go back up into the method/results and see if what they have concluded from what they did is reasonable. I do this BECAUSE one time in high school I was reading an article in a magazine at the library about how "women who birth children are less likely to [experience some bad thing]" (I think some kind of cancer) but in looking at the study, what they ACTUALLY found was not that birthing children made women less susceptible to the bad thing, but that not having as many periods did. Something which could potentially be accomplished by something like oh, idk, taking a birth control method that allowed you to skip 9+ months of periods, without wrecking your body by forcing it to produce a whole human and then altering your life forever if you keep the result. And I've found this type of thing in several papers, particularly ones where the discussion admits "our findings didn't match so-and-so's study."
SO LIKE. The "conclusion" papers draws don't always.... feel like they match what the methods and results say, and reputable science should be repeatable. If 3 studies find one thing and 1 finds another, there's a good chance the 1 fucked up somehow.
For you, though, I would look into a vet nearby first. You can ask for information on feed, and you can ask why X is better than Y food. Any vet that is worthwhile will be able to tell you not just which food is worth feeding, but why. At the very least, they can advise you which ones NOT to feed. Unlike fowl, there's a LOT of knowledge about feline nutrition out there, and vets are often up to date on it.
You can also look into finding a nutritionist! I know that some feed producers claim they employ nutritionists, but in my opinion that's not really... sound. It's their employer telling them to recommend their product, their employer who is paying them. Hopefully a random nutritionist or a local vet is not going to be paid to endorse a certain brand (though obviously some DO, so that muddies the water some, and there's no helping that, which is why you try to check a bunch of sources instead of just one).
Anyway, it's mostly a matter of taking as broad of a look as you can to start with, and then narrowing down to specifics. Join communities if you can find them and watch what people are saying, follow any leads you think might take you someplace useful. Anyone that tells you to do something, but that can't tell you WHY... probably doesn't know as much as you want them to know and the advice they give can be taken with a grain of salt while you look for better info.
Best of luck! Give yourself as much time as you need before you take the leap, and I wish you and your future feline much joy!
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violetvenom · 3 years ago
@speikobrarote Well..I actually made a note about it and found it again. XD
@raeloganthesonic06fangirl That is actually a good question. I googled a bit and found this:
"It usually is only removed from those who have been convicted of an offence, removed from professional bodies or accused of criminal behaviour."
In the past, only convicted criminals or people struck off professional bodies have had knighthoods taken away.
An honour can be withdrawn (or ‘forfeited’) for a variety of reasons, including criminal conviction and bringing the honours system into disrepute.
So based on this, Quackerjack definitely is a #1 candidate for getting that honor withdrawn. Not a surprise tho. But there is also this:
The Committee’s recommendations for forfeiture are submitted through the Prime Minister to the Queen. If the Queen gives her approval, a notice of forfeiture is usually placed in the London Gazette.
Problem is; those cases are rather modern and not really an indicator how it worked in medieval times and I can't find proper informations/sources how it worked back then right now.
Since I can't find a proper source to back it up take the following stuff with a grain of salt; those are mostly my thoughts and understanding of the situation assuming the episode was written with the rather common knowledge and stereotypes about the medival times. But since I'm not a historian I can be partly or completely wrong. XD
Alright..let's go:
Since the title is tied to honor and reputation, Quackerjack must have done something which more or less impressed King Herbeth. Thus resulting in dubbing him a knight. As far as I know the dubbing can actually happen at any given time and place, but usually the ceremony aka the knightly accolade followed to emphasize that status. This was usually a public ritual and so basically everyone under the rule of the king would know about the new knight. A title which not only grands nobility but also shows this person is a trusted servant of the king.
I highly doubt that Quackerjack got the official dubbing with ceremony, since the time between his arrival in the past and Darkwings wasn't that long and the ceremony took preperations. Nonetheless he was still a knight because King Herberth simply said so.
BUT the moment Quackerjack got exposed to be the kidnapper of Binketh, King Herbeth was very upset with him and wanted his guards to seize him. I'd say this is the exact moment Quackerjack lost that title.
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Friendly reminder that in 'Quack of Ages' Quackerjack was not only the court jester of King Herberth but he also was his advisor AND A FRIGGING KNIGHT.
I overlooked that detail for so long...damn...
And now I wonder how many time had passed between Quackerjack's arrival in the past and Darkwing's. It didn't seem it was much...so how or what did Quackerjack do to get two positions and a title in such a short time? 😳
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