#but I also really just wanted the dimensional displacement tantrum
artbribery · 1 year
Pariah Dark is turned into a toddler and entrusted to the care of the Ghost King aka Danny.
He can’t keep him in Amity or the Realms so he goes to the next best choice: Gotham.
I originally thought about it with Pariah “PD” Dark as the toddler and with Danny being the tired single dad following his child, fixing his messes and giving apologies.
But Danny is so tired that it doesn’t even register to him that what he just apologized for was actually a Red Alert emergency for the Bats. 
An unearthly screaming ringing in Gotham, an eldritch being took the entire town into another dimension. 
An emergency in which Danny just went up there to the source of the screaming, crouched down, full named him and gently but firmly told him to put it back like he caught him with his toddler hands in the cookie jar. 
And then everything went back to normal. 
Just like that.
(This next part is shitposting)
A few minutes earlier(?)
I am a vigilante doing a stake-out at the farmers' market in Gotham. They sell a huge variety of stuff, including fresh shrimp. Today a toddler walked by the shrimp cooler and started chanting "SHRIMP! HEAVEN! NOW!", emphasis on the "NOW!". Eventually leading his father to say "Please PD, we can't keep doing this." What is Shrimp Heaven? Why does PD need it now? What are my responsibilities in this situation, if any? I'm confused and delighted by this sloganeering child, but I fear something darker may lay under the surface.
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