#but Declan’s brothers are forgiveable and more importantly so is he
romantichopelessly · 3 months
If I were stronger, I’d write a one shot fic where Mr. Gray, Declan and Carmen sit down and have a talk about brothers/family and forgiveness. Maybe even throw Jordan and/or Adam in there for fun.
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sappygentlemen · 8 months
Part four to basement dweller
This series will probably have 3-4 more parts, just so everyone prepared to be EVISCERATED.
Its been 7 days since i locked Declan in the basement... I'm not as cruel as he was. On the first day, once i was sure he was asleep, i carefully and quietly entered the basement and treated his leg. Every morning i was kind enough to give him three meals, with a choice of what to eat and drink. I was much kinder, much softer, and maybe, that's what made me so angry. The longer i kept Declan down there, the angrier i became.. I've never been mad at Declan before, but i guess there's a first time for everything... even the most perfect of soulmates fight sometimes, i'm sure ill get over it, and forgive my perfect boy. Though, the idea continued to bug me, constantly repeating my head, along with the image of those green eyes, the appearance of his first whore, and then, the striking resemblance Austin wore to that slut. Declan was not kind to me, and though i did not deserve anything Declan doesn't give me. I still cant shake the feeling, the weight of his cruelty weighing heavy on me... more importantly.. his softness..not with me, but with others instead.
I had never known a kind Declan..a soft, sweet Declan. I did not recognize the man Austin knew. The man Austin saw. From the start, I had to prove myself to Declan.. make myself worthy of his presence, his bitter sweetness, his kind words, his touch.. everything was earned.. i changed for him. i did everything. for him.
Any-who!! I love my dear boy, my perfect soulmate.. my one and only... i think..
Right now, i'm walking down the steps, to let Declan out, eager to release him from his very short punishment. though i'm sure he learned his lesson. Walking down the steps was harder now, considering my missing leg.. speaking of which, hasn't been doing too well....I've done my best to keep it clean and fix it.. but i haven't been too mindful, as the only though in my mind is Declan. Quincy makes sure to check up on me, and bring me the proper tools to care for it as best as possible. He tries his best to help me as i climb down these steps, even making small talk, as always.
Once we reached the bottom, he scurried upstairs. Quincy was usually in charge of cleaning the basement, but since it currently house his older brother, i felt too cruel letting him see it, and decided to temporarily relieve him of that duty. Taking it upon myself instead. I opened the door, maneuvering around my crutches, a smile on my face as i slowly opened it, moving to stand at the door way, preparing to help Declan get out, so he could finally be with me. But instead, i was tackled.
Violent, strong, rough hands gripped my throat as i was shoved to the ground suddenly, before i could speak.
my eyes opening immediately, not wanting to believe it was Declan, wanting to fool myself once more. But as i looked into his eyes. his harsh... unwavering.. angry eyes... they were always angry weren't they..... i was forced to come to these realities, as i gasped and struggled for air, though it was of no use, no matter how much i ran, struggled, fought, kicked. it was no use. he got hold of me every time, choking me with a violent dedication. i knew i would die by his hands.
and i had only myself to blame....
Just as i had begun to accept death, a darkness clouding my vision as i took my final gasps, I heard shouting?....Quincy?... i had hoped Quincy was playing music and hadn't heard this.. i didn't want him to hate his only brother, because of my foolish actions. but i underestimated his nosiness, and i cursed myself for it. of course. i had ruined another person.. maybe Declan was doing what was best.. of course, that's what he always did... right?
For the first time in my life.. i didn't believe so.. i wanted to live... i had never tried to kill him.. so why was he so hell bent on my death? what had i done? was i not enough?
Before i could think any deeper in the few seconds of gasping, i felt, myself taking a large inhale of air, my eyes glued shut. expecting nothing to come through. a pitiful final attempt.. and this time, i felt.. air? in my lungs?.... as i tried to blink, I realized i was laying limp on the floor now, the heavy weight of Declans body had been lifted, and i could still hear screaming.. I still couldn't manage to move... or focus my vision for that matter. my body felt weak. i felt a strong stabbing pain in my left and right side, every time my body took desperate gasps..... ah..... id broken some ribs. The pain was all too familiar. easy to recognize by now.
What wasnt familar was the feeling og gentle.. soft.. comforting. warm hands, wrapping around my upper back and knees, as a figure, much smaller then Declan, attempted successfully to carry me. I felt his body move quickly, i could hear blurred speech as i think he atttempted speaking to me. Though with the malnourishment, dehydration, broke ribs, and earlier choking session. It was deemed unsuccesful. I didnt know hwere Quincy was taking me, but after a few minutes, i could hear another voice?
That voice... it was so gentle... much lighter then Quincys, kinder.... soft. Hearing it made me doubt my state of life? was i really here... or had i gone to heaven? was that an angel? their voice defiently made it seem so.
I felt more gentle, though shaky hands, taking me from Quincys arms, as i felt a huge surge of tickling in my throat, along with... liquid? it tasted like brass on my tounge as i leaned away from the persons chest, coughing up the thick, brassy liquid coating my throat. I had hoped i avoided their clothing and body with my spray of fluids. Suddenly, after a short run in the arms of thi mystery angel, i felt the soft, plush cushioning of a seat? and then a buckle over my chest... ah... i was in a car now, going god knows where. I heard both voices speak, each having an inflexion at the end that sounded more like a question... i think they were trying to keep me awake. And by god, i was trying... the urge to sleep, heavy on my shoulders. It was easy to seperate the two voices.. the unfamilar voice sounded, confident, but unsure. Leading blindly... and Quincys.. Quincys voice sounded shaky.. blurred..cracking at the end.. though i couldnt recognize their words, the nonsstop ringing in my ears made it very difficult, though i could still hear their tones.. blurred, slurry of words.. but i did my best to stay awake. telling myself to do it for Quincy..
For myself
stay awake
Quincy....i can hear him... i can hear him...
stay awake
......his hands... i feel them... so soft... so warm.. so shaky
stay awake
my dear Quincy..... always so good to me... so kind..
.....i'm sorry that in the end... i couldn't be strong for you..couldn't hold on when you need me most..... please forgive me.....
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rebelsfall · 7 years
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It started slow. There was a pressure in her chest during first period that was impossible for Belle to ignore. She had completely fucked herself over on her test, which was unfortunately something that she couldn’t bring herself to care about. Second period came and went with the pressure still there. It felt as if one of her brothers was standing on her chest and forcing her to endure it. It felt bad, but she was tired. She was so tired and drawing attention to herself during school wasn’t something that she was interested in. Third period was when it got a little worse. The pressure turned into a burn and her breath, oh, her breath. It felt as if one of her brothers was picking her up and squeezing her so tightly that she had to struggle, gasp, fight for the smallest breath. Still, attention wasn’t Belle’s friend. She’d had enough of it and it would go away. It always went away. Fourth period brought the cold sweats, and that was something that her doctors had warned her off. Belle had always paid close attention to what her doctors said and she knew what was happening when she paired all three symptoms together. During a calculus lecture, instead of taking notes, Belle opened her notebook and began to write. Lexa, We’ve waited for this for seventeen years. It’s been so good and that’s because of you. You took care of me and loved me, even if I made it difficult because of my health. I love you so much and I don’t want you to forget that. You are a good person and you will never become what you hate. Keep that in the forefront of your mind at all times. Tell Declan that he’s a good man. Tell Cash that he’s okay. Tell Axel to try his best. Tell Jason that it’s okay to be little for a while longer. Most importantly, tell them all to be strong. I know you won’t want to do this, but you will for me. Tell Mom that I know she’s sorry. Tell her that I was mad at her for a long time, but that it’s going to be okay. She’ll need you, Lexa, and you’ll need her. I know you don’t see eye to eye, but do this for me. Be there for each other for once. Give my sketchbook to Clara and tell her that I said thank you for encouraging me. Give my bunny back to Mom. I know she wasn’t a good mom to you, but do this for me. Give her the bunny and tell her that I forgive her. Tell everyone that I love them. Tell them that I love them more than should be humanly possible. You’re all my family and everything that you’ve all done for me over the years. I know that I was the soft spot for most of you, so make sure that this doesn’t ruin anyone. There’s so much more that I want to say, but I don’t have time. I love you, Sissy. Thank you. Belle tore the piece of paper from her notebook haphazardly and folded it, scribbling Lexa’s name on the front. She stuffed it into the pocket of her jeans and raised her hand, remaining calm as she spoke. “Mr. Jackson, I need to go to the nurse.” Her tone was steady which was a rarity for her when the nurse’s office was involved. Everyone seemed to notice this. She started to stand as heads turned, the sweat from her neck and face soaking through the collar of her shirt which prompted her to tug at it. Before she could sit back down the pain in her chest was blinding and breaths were no longer possible. Everything was collapsing around her and she was tumbling. It wasn’t until her head smacked against the hard, laminate floor that she coughed out a groan and clutched at her chest. Belle rolled onto her side and pulled her knees up, keeping her body compact as the classroom broke out into chaos. Shouts of her name and ‘911’ echoed around the room, but all she could see was darkness. Everything was black.
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