#but ALSO i am in love with idea of bodyguard! osamu calling his ma when he finds out you’re in your period
sashimiyas · 2 years
thinking about bodyguard osamu! almost made me cry when i was on my period just cause he’s so caring and unassuming i wanna protect him from potential bad guys reina
protecting osamu from your father when he accidentally left the gate to the estate open :(
you wake to breaking glass, stumbling out of bed with a dizzy head and jolted heart. something is happening and your feet take you to osamu’s room without even thinking. you’re not sure what your goal is because when you’re thinking of him, it isn’t that he’s safety, but rather, you want him safe.
he’s not there. you realize this as you creep into the vicinity he’s left open. traces of his being there proven by the unmade bed, grey covers halfway off, a drawer of his dresser he failed to close, and the volleyball right near the door.
foreboding fills you until you hear your father yell from downstairs. you turn, swift on your feet, as you face the direction of the sound. he’s livid, a despotic kind of rage when someone in the house fails to meet expectations. you hear of a gate unlocked, of the possibles dangers that could have been brought to the house, and you’re able to piece everything together and know who’s on the receiving end of his ire.
you witness osamu knelt at the floor, eyes trained on his knee. your father stands above him in that purposefully harrowing kind of way. his gaze is intense and unforgiving and though your father’s always had a soft spot for you, you’re not excluded from his rage.
you know what this means, and osamu, his newest employee, loyalty still left to be proven, there is nothing the buffer the blow of his anger.
the instinct is to protect, you realize when you shield osamu from the torment of your father. you don’t get to witness osamu look up at you in shock when you stand behind him. you dont get to see the way his expression blends into reverence.
“i left the gate unlocked. i snuck out last night.” your father purses his lips as if to plug whatever curses he wants to spill out right now. you quickly talk over him so that you control the conversation. “osamu refuses to leave me alone. i just wanted to do something by myself so when he dropped me off to my room last night, i snuck out on my own and i guess i forgot to lock the gate when i came back.”
the living room is silent. everyone else had left knowing this was a conversation they could meddle in but you know they’re listening from the kitchen.
“you only go to school or public events,” the master of the house speaks with a level tone. “other than that, you’re to be at home. i’m hiring an overnight guard to handle the gate.”
then looking down at osamu, he says, “this will not happen again.”
osamu agrees immediately. he’s put you in danger, placed you in a moment to get caught in the cross-fire. he’s meant to protect your life and not the other way around.
but then why? why does his head go light like plucked petals in the wind when he knows that you value him enough to lie for him?
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