#but 'we take the data you were going to scrape anyway and sell it to you minus the users who opted out' seems like a step forwards
sufficientlylargen · 7 months
Can someone explain to me why the idea of Automattic selling data to Midjourney is so awful?
I get that people don't want their posts and art being used to train generative models but... they already are being used to train generative models. If you make something public on the internet, then you can't stop anyone from scraping it and add it to a training set (there's no such thing as DRM that works against a well-funded opponent), and as I understand it all the big "AI" companies are already doing this.
So it seems like Tumblr is basically telling Midjourney etc. "Hey, wouldn't you like to get this data without having to process out the noise from webscraping? We'll give you cleaner data if you A) pay us and B) don't mind that we're going to let users opt out of it."
Shouldn't this be strictly better than the alternative, which is "Midjourney etc. just keep scraping all publicly available data regardless of what users want and also Tumblr doesn't have enough money to cover its operating expenses"? What am I missing here?
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Mr.Loverman part 1
Stardew valley bachlors x chubby! trans! male reader. 
First story posted on tumblr. 1,537 words!
The faint chatter of false kind voices talking politely to customers over phones echoed through the cubicles, making Y/n feel empty, his chest felt hollow. His eyes stared at his computer screen, data and random memos flooded his head. 
This really wasn't how he expected his life to go, sitting in a soul-draining, dream-crushing, aspiration-ruining, cubical, run by an evil corporation that had by this point taken over the grocery industries and planning to basically take over the world. He felt miserable.
And he wasn't even given time off after top surgery. In fact, he was being forced to work, but by this point, he couldn't sue. JoJo was so rich, they worked hand in hand with the government.
His chest hurt, he had to get help to get his fucking employee shirt on, he couldn’t get paperwork because it was always on high shelves, and he was turned into a go-for because his productivity was so low. 
Y/n rubbed his hands over his face, trying to ignore the pain that was thrumming through his chest, the fresh stitches hurt so bad, he couldn’t focus, he sighed and stood up. Too quickly it seemed. 
Pain shot through his chest, it stung, he gasped, looking down at his chest, blood seeping out onto his dark blue shirt, leaving a stain that slowly started growing. His body screamed at him to sit back down.
He whimpered and cried softly, he needed to call someone, but they took away cell phones to keep up productivity, he shouted. “Please! I need help!” he shook softly as pain shot through him.
Thirty minutes passed of this, of constant begging for help, shouting, and yelling as his chest bled before his manager came to his cubicle, basically making small talk while y/n cried in pain.
That was fucking it, y/n could fucking deal with it, so, after three months of bed rest, he got on a bus and went to Stardew Valley, and to his grandfather's farm.
The bus passed under street lights as Y/n leaned his head against the window, staring longingly out the window and at the stars, music blaring through his headphones. His mind was racing and anxiety pooled in his stomach as he thought about the fact he was uprooting his life and moving 17 hours away to his grandfather's old farm.
It was too late to turn back now, the bus was driving and Y/n couldn’t stop it, he couldn’t turn and run like a scared animal. He couldn’t, his eyes filled with tears, he couldn’t cry right now, he did this for himself, he did this for his own mental health. 
Y/n let out a sigh as he closed his eyes and leaned against the window, soon falling into a blissful slumber. 
Y/n was awoken by the sudden jolt of the bus stopping, he realized this was his stop, Stardew valley. He picked up his bag and his small suitcase, dragging it sleepily off the bus, greeted by a young woman.
“Hello, you must be Y/n!” The woman said enthusiastically, a bright smile on her face “I’m robin the local carpenter, mayor Lewis sent me here to fetch you and show you the way to your new home. He’s there right now, tidying things up for your arrival, the farms right over there, if you’ll follow me.” Robin turned on her heel looking back quickly to make sure y/n was following.
Y/n seemed a bit frazzled, having just come from a 17-hour bus trip and then having info dumped upon him, he followed quickly after the woman as they followed a dirt road down to a decent-sized house “This is F/n (farm name) farm.” Robin gestured to the farm with her arm.
Weeds, rocks, trees, and branches scattered across the ground. It dawned on Y/n that he’d need to do more work than expected, and his sudden relaxation seemed to be present on his face as Robin asked “What’s the matter? Sure it's a bit overgrown but there's some good soil under that mess! With a little dedication, you’ll have it cleaned up in no time!”
Robin encouraged Y/n who turned to look at Robin, who once again turned on her heel to lead him up to the door. Once they got up to the steps Robin’s smile stretched a bit “...And here we are! Your new home!”  Y/n looked at the door and an older man walked out 
“Ah the new farmer!” he said “I’m mayor Lewis, mayor of pelican town! You know everybody’s been asking about you!” Mayor Lewis said “It's not every day someone new moves in! It’s quite a big deal!” The mayor says, before turning to look at the rickety old cottage “So… you’re moving into your grandfather's old cottage? It’s a good house…. Very… rustic...”  He seemed to be trying to make Y/n feel more comfortable, which was failing.
 “Rustic is one way to put it! Crusty might be a little more apt though!” Robin joked, and the mayor looked shocked “Rude!” he said quickly as robin laughed “Don’t listen to her Y/n she’s just trying to make you dissatisfied so that you buy one of her house upgrades.” Lewis said to y/n 
Robin crossed her arms as she made a noise that seemed a bit upset as the mayor continued “Anyway… you must be tired from the long journey you should get some rest. Tomorrow you ought to explore the town and introduce yourself, the townspeople would appreciate that!” Lewis said, a kind smile on his face, before he turned on his heel and began to leave before turning back around “Oh! And I almost forgot, if you have anything to sell just place it in this box here ill come during the night to collect it!” he paused for a moment “Well… good luck!” Before both he and Robin walked away. 
Y/n let out a breath walking into his grandfather's old house as soon as he could and dropping his bags down on the ground, kicking off his old beat-up shoes, taking off his shirt leaving him in his underwear, he looked down at himself, his face twisting in displeasure as he studied his body.
Y/n was not a thin man by any means, in fact, he was a large man, something he got teased for constantly, his soft tummy,  large thighs, and round face haunted him like a persistent ghost. He let out a sigh “Don’t think about it.” he muttered to himself, gently tracing the scars that rest just below his chest, the few things that made him happy about his body, his top surgery scars, inverted T scars sat beautifully under his chest, a reminder he was strong.
He let out a gentle sigh as he sat on the edge of the bed head in his hands, his body gently shaking as he began to cry, did he really uproot his life for this? He wanted to love it, the few times he visited his grandfather's farm he remembered loving it. 
Every time he would run around the fruit trees, climbing them to pick any ripe fruit he could, sometimes falling and scraping his knees on the tiny rocks beneath. Water the plants with his grandfather, play in the field with the cows even though his grandfather told him not to. 
The memories float into his head leaving this moment more somber, his heart heavy with sadness.
Y/n let out a  shaky breath before breathing in deep and letting out a little laugh, was he really crying about it not being up to his expectations? How much more of a ‘stuck up city boy’ could he get? 
He stared at the floor as he shook his head, no, he was gonna work hard on getting the farm to look nice, to be like his memories, to impress his grandfather, starting tomorrow he was gonna get this place tidied up.
Y/n laid in bed, pulling the warm duvet over him, causing him to soon fall asleep, and he dreamt.
He was in a field filled with F/c (favorite colored) flowers, that smelled familiar, he began to walk in a direction, the further out into the field he got he heard a group of male voices laughing and talking, he soon found the group. 
They were in a cuddle pile, a man with short purple hair and a torn-up Joja hoodie held someone with short brown wavy brown hair with glasses.
 leaning against the Joja hoodie guy’s shoulder was a man with long black hair that covered one of his eyes, and in his arms, a spikey blond-haired guy was curled up seeming to have fallen asleep.
 On the other shoulder, a long-haired gentleman rested, seeming to be smiling as he read something, a short-haired man wearing a green sweater was reading over the long-haired gentleman's shoulder.  Y/n smiled and he realized he knew them, they felt like home. 
He quickly joined the cuddle pile, all of them seeming excited to see him. He fell asleep on their laps, his hair gently being pat.
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degeneratekitten · 3 years
Double Trouble
!!!WARNING!!! Read the tags before continuing. If any of the tags upset you then you probably wont like it when it happens in the story.
I think its fair to say that this is long overdue, I hate leaving people on cliffhangers, but i am very prone to do so. So I posted this, even if its a year late.
Not sure if I’ll be back again, maybe I’ll post a few stories I started on then never finished but who knows. Anyways enjoy the whump.
After Bud popped out his somehow less-evil-than-him twin, you couldn't help but to snatch the outraged coral up for a round of testing. You made sure to scrape up samples, eyes sparkling as the little coral put up a confused struggle.
You ignored Bud’s limp form on the towel, he looked to be in an incredibly rough shape, eyelights wavering, scales a little bloody, and little bits from the bones on his back missing. His mouth was still frothing, and he looked to be wallowing in his own waste, but you hardly noticed as you fluttered around the lab completely dazzled by the spontaneous birth of a fully formed coral.
You of course asked all the typical round of questions to the little thing, utterly fascinated by the asexual reproduction you just witnessed. You were sure that you’d just witnessed a breakthrough in what you were sure was the catalyst for the bitty surge. Their mutation!
You spent hours interacting with the coral, staring at the samples he produced while talking with him. You even ended up making a breakthrough with the treatment for the Brassberries who were still plagued by the growths. You ended up finding out exactly the source of the growths. Their makeup, and exactly why they were lingering on the brassberries where they had formed a complete bitty on Bud.
It turned out that the growths were in themselves a mutated strain of a virus that had taken up magical properties. The original virus seemed to be the cause of asexual reproduction in the original bitties. The virus mutated to start causing bittes to mutate as well, then mutated into this strain to exclusively promote more extreme mutation in bitties. It was searching for new traits or combinations of them to form into full Bitties.The Brassberries did not hold any extreme traits, thus the virus simply formed deady growths on them, whereas Bud seemed to have mutated just enough to create a newer unique bitty.
Even after finally tending to the catatonic Bud you ended up throwing yourself into research, only breaking to eat and use the bathroom. What you found out during this time about the virus and the new coral which you started calling Dub, was amazing.
The coral was incredibly energetic for its breed, finding pleasure in darting around in a manner most edgy types would deem too troublesome to attempt. Even if he was actually “less” violent than most corals, he still got angry, cussing you out and throwing stuff. He did almost bite you, which prompted you to test his venom, which also turned out to be far more potent than a regular corals.
He got angry a lot less than a regular coral,and his triggers were fewer than normal, and where Bud would throw tantrums, the coral would try to find the positives in a situation, and even attempt to work with you. Plus, where Bud was narcissistic this Coral was surprisingly self-aware, he would admit when he went too far, and even apologize for that behavior. A shocking trait for a Coral, yet also dangerous as it was easy to let your guard down after an apology.
He was still incredibly destructive, but he was far less malicious about it than most edgy types, plus the things he destroyed were easily replaceable and not valuable at all. The only time he ever really destroyed something valuable was when he was “clumsy” about it, which surprised you as he really tried to make it seem like he “wasn't” clumsy and was destroying things on purpose. He liked singing, and was incredibly open about wanting to cuddle, and would say he loved you frequently without a tsundere act. He was possibly the most bearable Coral on the planet!
Although he had some pretty surprising good points, he was still an Edgy type. He still tried to bite you, cussed excessively, was violent, was incredibly demanding, wasn't very bright, and enjoyed “marking” as much as Bud. You could say he was an ideal protection type bitty, but really if you were to even sell him he would probably be more dangerous than most Edgy types due to how he could almost seem “pleasant” at times.
Dub was still venomous, was more active than a regular edgy, and could easily trick someone into believing that he “wouldn't” bite you. Hell, you’d almost gotten bitten on the neck earlier when you gave him a hug at his insistence. His reasoning being “Bitch you give awful hugs!”
You had a hard time keeping your guard up around him, as he acted like a Blueberry sometimes only to turn around and try and bite you. During one of those instances you also found out something incredible about him.
“Hey ma… Can we talk?” Dub asked, as he chewed on a piece of meat you’d slathered in mustard as a bribe to let you take more ectoplasmic samples. You’d discovered that bribing him was one way to get him to cooperate, a mark firmly in the blueberry corner.
“Yeah Dub, tell me whatever is bothering you.” You replied, not looking away from the sample, you were noticing some strange growth coming from the samples you took from him, almost as if the virus was still actively trying to form him from the samples. They petered out fairly quickly and stopped their activity but it was still interesting.
“Can we go huntin?” He asked, as he viciously tore at the meat, he was wrapped around it like he was trying to strangle it, but the whole time staring at it like it was doing something wrong.
“When we’re done with tests we can go on a hunt with the other protection bitties, I’m sure you’d love it.” You replied, really he had been rather restless and you were sure to take him out on a hunt sooner rather than later. 
Dub ended up glaring at you. “You’re never done with testin tho!” He exclaimed, as he let go of the meat and moved towards you in an aggressive manner.
“I’m BORED! I need some ACTION” He shouted, slapping his mustard covered tail on the table, splattering mustard all over your workspace. Really why you had decided that feeding him in your workspace was beyond you. Nonetheless it irritated you, and you turned to him with a frown. 
“I’ve been giving you plenty of exercise! We play tag with the fluffies after we eat! Why can't you do that for a little bit while I finish up? It won’t be much longer now, you just have to be patient.” You stated, watching as Dub shook his head violently, and continued to argue.
“You’re a lyin bitch! We been testin for so long! I haven't even seen outside yet!” He argued, and you supposed he had a point, but it's really what he did next that pushed your buttons. 
“I WANNA HUNT!” He screamed, before taking the samples you had just taken and throwing them off the table! “TAKE ME HUNTING NOW YA STUPID SLUT!” He cursed, baring his teeth and looking as if he was going to lunge at you.
You didn't give him enough time to lunge though, as soon as he bared his teeth as you, you panicked and punted him off the table as hard as you could. You heard a loud “thwack” as he collided with the wall, and more cursing.
“FUCK YOU BITCH! THAT FUCKIN HUUUUUUUURT!” He sounded close to tears, but was even now attempting to stand up. Eyes wide, you quickly put on your handling gloves and ran over, checking over his mustard covered form for damage. His skull was cracked, but that was about it, and he looked at you with tear filled eyes, and you could swear he was trying to look cute so you wouldn't hurt him more. But really what ended up catching your attention was the fact that without any monster candy, or even healing magic, the cracks in his skull were closing all on their own.
Your breath caught in your throat as you stared in wonder at the closing cracks, they closed up in a manner of seconds.
“Wow.” You ended up breathing out, before poking at the place where the cracks used to be. The coral in response bit your gloved hand, but seeing as you were wearing thick gloves, it really had no effect, even as he tried to bite harder.
Staring at him, (not at all irritated at his attempt to kill you, you swear) your curiosity ended up getting the better of you, and you ended up slamming the little coral into the wall again, cracking his skull once again, then quickly pulling the bitty to yourself and purposely prying open the crack as far as you could get it.
‘WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOIN! STOP! WE CAN TALK BOUT THIS!” The coral screamed as you practically split his skull in two. You got a glimpse of what his eyelights looked like through the crack, before you ‘accidentally’ completely detached the right side of the top of his skull.
Surprisingly the detached bit persisted for a few minutes, and you were utterly shocked with how long it lasted without turning to dust. Furthermore, you were shocked that Dub immediately started to regenerate, instead of dusting himself.
You held Dub like he was a treasure as you stared utterly captivated with his amazing regenerative capabilities. A laugh ended up bubbling up from your chest, and you ended up hugging Dub to your chest as you laughed. Of course the difference in attitudes ended up stalling him, and he ended up drooling all over your lab coat as you praised him, telling him how he was the greatest discovery since electricity.
After squealing for a little while, all thoughts of hunting completely left your mind, you instead locked Dub up in an enclosure while he cried about his headaches, and started writing about his capabilities. You were planning on researching exactly what kind of mutation he had, then once you had enough data you would see if you could somehow start breeding him with other bitties to pass on such a valuable trait. 
You could only imagine what kind of bitty you could end up creating if only you were skilled enough in programming. You had millions of bitty design ideas that you could only dream of coming to fruition. Sadly the closest you would ever get to an ideal bitty was if you bred one. Dub himself was only a first step on that path.
You decided that first you needed to see if you could create another Bitty like Dub from Bud. So you ended up dragging Bud downstairs, kicking and screaming, and ended up feeding him a sample of the growths he fell into before. You saw what you were hoping for, and just like before, with enough shocks and emotional strain, you had another fully formed coral.
You were thrilled to discover that the second coral also had the same regenerative capabilities, and wasted no time in beginning your stress tests. In the end you decided that you would use Dub for the more tame testing, but as for the second coral, well you needed to know exactly what could kill this type, so you were strapping in for some brutal testing.
Everything started off tame enough. You took more samples of course, before having the both of them go through an obstacle course. There was plenty of cursing, Dub himself was so incensed with you and your testing that he simply refused to participate unless you kept true to your word and took him hunting. You ended up giving in to that request if only to obtain a set of data that you couldn't obtain in the lab, you ended up taking the other coral as well, and observed the both of them literally tearing themselves apart in their pursuit of the hunt. It seemed that they did not have poisonous venom anymore, instead they had paralytics. Which resulted in them using their exceptional stamina and irritating nature to coax more aggressive prey into chasing them long enough to either literally snap the bitties in half or have the prey collapse immobile but still aware due to the paralytics. After which they would wait for their bodies to regenerate and gorge themselves on their prey, live. You yourself ended up having to finish off their prey as they ate, which resulted in intense screaming on their part, something about ruining their fun. It was startling to say the least.
You gained many insights from this exercise. One being that the new corals were surprisingly well aware of their own abilities, as if they knew even without having to be told what they could do. The second being that they fell very firmly in the “protection” variety. Although at this point you debated on whether or not you should continue using “protection” as their classification, it was originally coined for marketing purposes but as the years went by it was just dangerous to call them anything less than hunters.
Of course after securing and storing the prey the corals had obtained you waste no time in taking them right back to the lab. They were satisfied enough with their work and cooperated fairly well with you afterwards. You knew that wouldn't last very long though, as what you had planned wasn't exactly pleasant.
You started with testing their magic. You didn't know how much these bitties could do, you gave them magical gauges, to measure their resting potential. Much like humans, bitties could increase their magic proficiency through absorbing it through places of power or artifacts but they always started with a baseline for magic at around the same place. These bitties had a slightly higher capacity for magic, but it turned out to be negligible in the long run. They could not use magic.
Next was the strength testing. You ended up testing their bite strength first, using a special tool, then their grip strength, and finally followed by the grip strength of their tails. It all ended up coming out at the average for Corals, much to your disappointment.
The next test involved their speed, it was the final test for the day, and to make sure you got the best results you ended up using what could essentially be called Bitty catnip to coerce the two corals into competing. You dangled a singular piece of mustard flavored magic treats in their faces and told them to race. You ended up setting up a small track for them to cover. You also stipulated that they were “Not to sabotage each other.” You’d made the mistake of not stipulating such a thing before, to say it was messy was an understatement. In the end the two of them tied, and the candy was split in half between the two. They were exhausted from the day's tests, and you needed them in tip top shape for the tests tomorrow. So you ended up patting them on the head, telling them they did good, and leaving them in their respective enclosures for the night.
The very next day though, you ended up setting up a longer course, or rather, you took the second coral to the track that you use for horses, a good circular track that didn't actually have an end with markings for distance.
“Ok little one, today I need you to keep running no matter what.” You smiled at the second coral as he stared at you, frowning. 
“Wadya mean?” He asked, staring at the track with suspicion.
You took out a small collar and fastened it around the bitties neck, it was tight enough to press directly against the bitties neck while loose enough that it could move up and down. It was quite obviously a shock collar, a miniature version meant for bitties, with a little tweak.
The secondary coral batted away at the collar, wrestling with you to try and get it off, before ending up giving up and sending you a glare instead.
“The fucks this stupid thing for?” He glowered, baring his teeth as you set him down at the beginning of the track and pulled out a little remote control.
“It's something new I made after realizing I needed some more physical motivation for you little guys. It's brand new, and honestly I don't know any better specimen to try it on than a little coral who can regenerate from everything.” You smirked at the coral, as he seemed to shrink a little bit at your look.
“Now, like I said before, I need you to run, and if you stop, I’ll have to punish you.” You stated, waving the controller in his face.
“Fuck you!” The little edgy spat before crossing his arms and turning his little back on you.
Shaking your head, you turned the dial on the 8 setting before pressing a little red button underneath.
You looked down at the little coral watching as it seemed to flop over in a little convulsion, his eyelights started to flicker and foam started dripping from his mouth.
“FUUUUU---UuuuuuuUUUUCkkk!” He buzzed out, voice wavering from the shock.
The shock lasted for about 10 seconds, but the little coral looked like it had completely fried him. He looked at you in shock before you smiled down viciously at him, and pointed at the track.
“Whenever you stop running I’ll turn the shock up, this dial goes all the way up to 50, and can even take down a bear on that setting.” You watched the coral look at you in horror as you pointed in the direction he was supposed to run.
“Now get moving, or the next shock I set will be worse.” You stated.
“Fuck you bitch I ain’t doing shit!” He screeched at you, flopping down on the ground and thrashing around like a toddler.
“You can’t fuckin make me!” He screamed, right at you turned the dial up to 9 and pressed the button. You held the button down for about 20 seconds that time, watching the coral freeze up in shock foaming more at the mouth as you let the shock continue.
“AAAAAAAAhhhhh!” He screeched, and as soon as the shock subsided he looked at you with tear filled eyes. “Momma please! Don’t hurt me anymore!” He started begging, and started to slither towards you, with a tear streaked and snotty face.
“Start running then.” You stated simply a little disturbed by the fact that the coral had called you momma instead of mom, or even bitch, a testament to his mixed nature. The blueberry was showing itself off right here.
The coral started to blubber harder, and didn't even notice when you turned the dial up once more to 10. “P-lllll-leaaaaaase! Momma! I Don’t wanna run that track!” He begged as he inched closer to your leg.
You kicked him away, sending him flying towards the track and pressing the button while the little coral was midair. He screeched loudly, voice wavering as he fell, and simply lay there, stiff as a board and foaming from his mouth.
“I said. Start. Running!” You shouted one more time, finger poised over the button as you stared the coral straight in the eyes.
He listened that time, making his way to the track and slithering off at top speed on the track, he was still crying as he ran, and his ugly snotty foamed up face made him look like a cherry rather than a coral. Really if it wasn't for the gold tooth you would swear that he was a cherry.
You started the timer as soon as he crossed the starting line, watching him slither at top speed like a moron. You weren't exactly inclined to inform him that he would tire himself out more by using up all of his energy at the beginning. You were looking to determine just how far he could be pushed before he collapsed. 
He passed you 3 times on the track at top speed, a mark firmly in the “hunting” variety, as you’d resolved to start calling them. You did have to turn the dial up at every pass though, as he’d taken to screaming obscenities at you at the stop, demanding to go home, or have chicken nuggies as a reward for “good behavior.” The speed he was going at was taking its toll, as he was already starting to show signs of fatigue. It was slightly above average for a hunting variety, but endurance wise it wasnt looking good.
By lap 5, he was sweating, by lap 7 he was moving at the pace he should have been moving at from the start. You had to shock him at the halfway mark on lap 7, and once more at the start of 8. The shock ended up at 19, at which point you could smell burning magic as he passed, an observation you wrote down in a separate journal in regards to the collar.
He made it to the lap 12 before he collapsed in front of you, panting, tear stained cheeks, and  a sticky dirt covered tail painting a sorry picture. He weakly looked at you, pleading silently for a break, before you shook your head, and turned up the dial this time to 23. The level had been slowly rising with each lap, since he didn't seem to get the memo that cursing after each lap only brought more pain. Although this time since he was so exhausted he wasn't cursing, just trying to look cute.
Seeing you turn up the dial, he let out a weak sob, before getting a move on at a glacial pace. He was almost crawling this time, as he wobbled back and forth on his run. You knew this was the lap he would collapse, so you took to following him this time, ready to mark down the exact distance he stopped at.
It wasn't common knowledge that bitties tended to dust at extreme exhaustion, no one liked to test them to their limits But it was still an established fact, the question was whether or not this kind would dust as well.
He reached the quarter mark of the track before he stopped again, breathing heavily, face flushed red with magic. A sign that he was on the verge of extreme exhaustion. You simply wrote down your observation, and kept the button in sight of the mutant coral, causing the bitty to widen his eyes and begin slithering again a little faster than before.
You could hear his sounds of distress, a surprising amount of dry sobs wracking his little body as he went along. His face only getting redder as time passed, his magic running rampant. He reached the halfway mark before he collapsed once again, panting so heavily that you “almost” felt empathy for him.
“You can’t stop yet.” You said, pressing the button, and watching as red smoke curled upwards from the collar. You smelt cigarettes, and mustard in the air. The bitty sobbed even louder, babbling incoherently as he attempted to use his arms to crawl further, which you supposed you could allow. 
He managed to crawl the rest of the distance to the starting point, before he smiled in satisfaction and closed his eyes. You wrote down the result, before shocking the bitty awake. This wouldn't stop just because he was tired. He woke, screaming and staring at you with shock and horror.
“Keep going.” You stated, as you watched him sob wordlessly and attempt to crawl further. 
He kept stopping, and each time you turned up the shock, although eventually you ended up having to stop his shocks at 25. Turning the dial up to 26 caused magic to pop on his tail, roasting him alive faster than he already was. The only thing that saved him at that moment was that his regeneration was “still” at full capacity, healing any wounds instantly. You would have kept turning up the dial but since it affected the results of your experiment, you supposed that 25 would be the limit.
He kept crawling, until the edges of his fingers started to dust, and the red flush on his body started to literally burn him. You didn't let him stop. He lapped once more, before his little body literally started to explode. Horrifyingly, not killing him, as even while his body was malfunctioning his healing was not. In fact it seemed to go into overdrive. 
The popping of his body sounded like firecrackers as the magic rampaged, you could see dust piling up on the ground. Eventually the magic caused more dramatic effects.
His arm exploded into dust, only for it to regenerate right where it had been, then explode once more. 
Ecto flesh had involuntarily started to form, a little belly forming before melting off in searing hot magic, only to form again and boil off. 
His tail wasn't any better, as the scales fell off repeatedly, before forming again.
His skull was the same as his arms, but for some reason he kept trying to pop off his own skull with his disintegrating hands. 
He screamed, then stopped, popping his own vocal mechanism and spitting out dust, before coughing as they regenerated only to pop again. He seemed to be in eternal agony, unable to die painlessly as his own body malfunctioned. The only way it seemed he would die is if he ran out of magic.
“Momma! Please! Help me!” He shouted, and you almost did, before stopping yourself. The data was far too valuable, you ‘had’ to know just how long this would last. So instead you sat by him and timed his death. This wasn't exactly the first time you’d seen a bitty die from exhaustion, but it was the first time you’d seen them recover repeatedly from it.
The whole ordeal lasted for about 10 minutes, like a candle burning down to the last bit of its wick, it petered out slowly. The regeneration slowed down, longer intervals came between regenerated limbs, yielding deformed bones that curled in odd places as they popped like firecrackers while reforming. 
His skull became just a small mouth as his eyes melded closed, his screams changing pitch as his vocal mechanism changed with repeated regeneration. His tail stopped regenerating, leaving only the tailbone, while his melted ecto flesh bubbled ominously as it formed restraints around his deformed arms. 
Dust started becoming a part of the regeneration, forming little pockets that burst like pus from his skull, into an ever growing pile of dust. 
Eventually the screaming stopped, and his tail stopped regenerating along with his arms, leaving a strange mass of crooked ribs and the back of a skull as his little red ai flickered before dissolving in a fizzle of red sparks. 
The air reeked of cigarettes, burnt mustard, and burnt flesh, while magic swirled thickly in a red fog on the ground. You stopped your timer, and let out a shaky breath as you stared at the large pile of dust as it caught fire from the fizzle of magic and became ashes in the wind.
To say it was the most gruesome death you’d ever seen was an understatement. You almost thought it wasn't worth repeating as an experiment.
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cockbiteproductions · 4 years
multiples of 8, except in the misc section. all even numbers for the misc section
200: My crush’s name is: well well well this question again. you’re not getting anything out of me!!! they fucking use this website!!!
192: I am allergic to: nothing. but i found out like yesterday not everyone gets dermatographia and im kinda annoyed. what do you mean your skin doesnt get red and puffy the moment you touch it......
184: Xbox or ps3: xbox solely because of ah
176: Last YouTube video watched: my watch history says this, which is a scene from a show called billions. this scene in particular is about my favorite character asking about their introduction scene with their former mentor figure that they quickly outranked and asking why they were picked for the internship that lead them down this [entire shitpath].
168: Luck: [long sigh]. [puts on clown makeup].
[obi wan voice] im my experience there’s no such thing as luck. 
[rian voice] luck? there’s probability plausibility and actuality. luck is superstition. luck is lazy math. [winston voice] that’s what i always say.
160: Soul mates: again souls arent real..... nor do i believe that people are “meant for each other” on any sort of cosmic/larger level. you are more compatible with people based on your upbringing and your interests and your values and those are adaptable over time though some people are so different that they will never get along and other people match/complement each other incredibly well.
152: Phone or Online: lmaoooo this questionnaire once again showing its age. throwback to when these things weren’t synonymous. online for sure. what am i gonna do with a phone? talk to someone with my fucking voice? i think not.
144: Oranges or Apples: to eat by themselves? probably apples since they are easier and less of a mess. and apples are more consistently better than oranges. oranges, it’s easy to get a batch that just sucks. juiced? probably orange. i love me some fuckin orange juice. but i like apple cider more than orange juice.
136: Hillary or Obama: lmaoooo again.. the age of this. 2008 or 2012. going to guess 2008. obama but not like. enthusiastically. while he was certainly better than [what we got going on now] he still bombed the hell outta some countries......
128: Manicure or Pedicure: ive never had either but i would probably be more comfortable with a manicure. people touching my feet would make me ticklish.
120: Gay Marriage: the only type that should be allowed. sorry straights youre no longer allowed to get married. /s obviously.
112: Facebook: oh BOY are you fucking ready. are you???? im starting the readmore NOW because this is going to be something. i doubt anyone except robots maybe will actually read my deranged pro-privacy anti-facebook/social media/surveillance rant but im angry every time i think about it and if i were a more important person than a rando on the internet with a keyboard im sure facebook would hire someone to kill me one day.
but before that, they need to pay some goddamn fucking taxes. they are profiting off the data of billions of people and getting away with paying SO LITTLE back. 
you ever hear about deepface? no this is not the beginning of a prequel meme. deepface is facebook’s facial recognition technology and facial recognition is fucking terrifying. that shit is as good as humans at facial recognition at this point. does that not scare you? that a bunch of computers can figure out if this photo contains you or not? it’s one thing if humans recognize each other, but another thing when computers who can process data almost infinitely faster than humans can are able to do it. the scale and speed at which these fucking nightmares operates is hard for us to imagine and so we are all not scared enough of what they can do. this kind of technology is so deeply privacy violating it’s hard for me to stress it enough. every image of you ever uploaded on the internet could possibly be put through facial recognition tech. and with the fact that there are cameras literally everywhere at all times now at this point it’s so fucking possible that if desired, someone could find out where you are at all times. and that gets SO scary when used by governments. are you comfortable with your government knowing where YOU are at all times? yes? what about if tomorrow your government is overthrown by a group of radicals you completely disagree with? you still comfortable with that? facial recognition is kind of a fucking pandoras box that we are opening and now that we have the technology available to us, unless we actively take steps back from it, it WILL eventually/already is being used in malicious, intensely privacy invasive ways.
and everything in that above bullet point goes for ALL DATA COLLECTED ON YOU, EVER. everything you’ve ever said on facebook is probably put through some multi layered neural network fucking robot who is learning how to understand what humans say on your input and also cataloging things about you as a person. it is doing SO MUCH more than reading the exact text of what you are saying and then picking up on keywords. neural networks are an attempt to copy how humans think by making an artificial version of a brain basically. in simple terms it’s a map of points and connections and you feed it data for a while and tell it what the desired outcome should be. it will adjust those connections and the weight of those points based on your data and expected outcome. that change in connections and weights is how it learns. then after a while it has fed on enough data that it will begin to expect what your desired outcome is. now imagine millions and millions of connections and points. it’s fucking huge. you ever hear about how we don’t know how machine learning/deep learning/neural networks works? this is that. it’s because they are so large and they have changed their weights and points so much that we no longer understand how it makes its decisions. ml is on a deeper level starting to understand what you mean when you say words. like a human. and can pick up nuances humans cannot because of its perfect memory. do you understand how scary this is? do you? i really do not know how to express this better how absolutely buckshit wild and terrifying the idea that everything i say online can be scraped and put through a robot and a profile on me and who i am and my ideals can be gathered almost instantly. how hard would it be to write a scraper that goes to my blog and grabs the text of every post in my talk tag? and then there’s free and open source nlp software (or you can pay for it) and you can feed in everything ive said on this blog ever. you can go to my facebook. you can go to my twitter. you can find my profiles on every online platform ive ever used and take everything ive ever said and determine what kind of person i am based on that. and then you can then make further distinctions based on that data. (sidenote: facebook wouldnt have to scrape the data on my profile, it’s all in their databases already. they have everything ive ever posted on public or private, on my old profile i’ve deactivated, every photo ive posted or been tagged in, everything ive ever uploaded to their servers or have been associated with.) and someone or robot can make decisions about me based on that data. it could just be am i likely to buy [this product] or it could be something much more like am i a threat? am i dangerous to you, the person using this data about me? what are my politics? what are my views on [this topic]? are they too extreme? should i be denied [real life thing] based on what this machine has determined about me from my data online? not to sound fucking crazy, but you ever watch that episode of black mirror? nosedive? and its system where you can rate interactions with people? how this one girl was trying to increase her ranking so she would qualify for a cheaper price on housing? how we’re already starting to see things like this in real life with china’s social credit system?
call me a fucking wack job but i think it’s so deeply creepy that we have digitized so many aspects of our lives and leave machines we no longer understand how they make their decisions to analyze every bit of data about ourselves.
by the fucking way facebook tracks data on people WHO DO NOT USE FACEBOOK. FACEBOOK TRACKS DATA ON PEOPLE. WHO. DO. NOT. USE. FACEBOOK. are you scared? i am.
i’ve been thinking about this tweet from @/malwaretech on twitter from a few days ago. text: On a serious note, social media tracking is more extensive than you may think. For example: those Facebook 'like' buttons you see on every website? They call home. If you're logged into your FB account, it records that you visited that web page, even if you don't click 'like'. doesn’t that sound a lil fucked up to anyone else? that facebook knows that i visited that webpage even though i did not tell it? that it will use that data to build a better profile on what my interests are and that it will use that data to better sell ads to me? i’ll be honest i am unsure of if facebook sells that information to other vendors. i think that might be not allowed but i wouldn’t be surprised if that data somehow got into the hands of people who arent facebook.
the fact that for the longest time you could NOT get your data deleted from facebook? that even if you deactivated your account facebook would still keep all of that in their shit ass servers forever? as far as i know, that’s changed now, but i would not at all be surprised if the next day it was revealed that facebook was Actually Keeping all that info anyways
the fact that by default facebook’s privacy settings are set to allow anyone to see most info about you? just this whole opt out culture is so fucking wack. it should be opt in. your privacy settings should default on the MOST PRIVATE and it should be up to you to ACTIVELY SEARCH OUT how to change them to public. it is ON FACEBOOK to actively cultivate privacy but of fucking course they don’t.
lmao cambridge analytica politics russia brexit trump. i don’t have the energy to even open this fucking can of worms but i will say that again, another layer of deeply fucked up that political campaigns can use that data to try to coerce or influence elections.
do you remember when in 2019. yes twenty. fucking. nineteen. 2019. two thousand and nineteen. 2019. i dont know how more to stress how recent but late this is. 2019. facebook admitted that it and instagram were still. STILL. STILL. S T I L L. storing passwords as plaintext? meaning your password that is “password123ilovedogs” is stored AS “password123ilovedogs” in their database. it is STANDARD AND EXPECTED PRACTICE that websites store SECURE hashes of passwords (not like fucking. md5 or something) meaning you do a bunch of fucking “irreversible” math on the password and store that instead of the actual password itself. so the db would be storing “298!79v@w8W#R;3,f9jf” instead of your actual password. anyways face. fucking. book. was storing passwords as plain text. which means if they ever have a data breach on their passwords db then all that data inside will just be your actual goddamn password. your actual goddamn password. what the fuck? what the fuck? and we still use this website? we? me? i use this website daily? i use this website on a daily fucking basis and allow it to continue to collect information on me? im so goddamn angry.
the fact that now in this day and age you are considered weird for not having any social media? super fucked up. the fact that employers will check your social media and if you don’t have one that is somehow a red flag? weird as hell. why must we participate in the world’s largest data collection scandal ever just to be a member of society? i cannot choose to opt out. facebook collects data on me even if i do not have an account. society expects me to have some form of social media and if i do not then that i am the weird one for it. if you choose to live a life of trying not to be tracked it is almost impossible. can you live your life in modern society without an email address? without a smartphone or laptop? there is an expectation that every person is available to communicate with digitally and if you find the practice of data collection abhorrent and don’t want to use websites that do so, then you’re the weird one who has a LOT of society’s services unavailable to you.
im not going to even touch on the psychological effects that facebook and social media have on people other than to ONCE AGAIN, say they are very real and deeply fucked up.
by the way check out haveibeenpwned. enter your email and it’ll check against databases to see if your email has been on recent dumps. i have been. lately there have been a few older accounts of mine that have been breached and it’s terrifying.
fuck jesse eisenberg man he fucked over spiderman crazy
fuck faang. fuck big tech. fuck data collection. btw edward snowden is a hero. fuck all of this.
104: The future: man we’re in for it. i am not optimistic about it at all. too much tech progression / not enough foresight / expansion/globalization of the world / global warming / political and economic issues are all coming to a head to make the world a fucking disaster.
96: Changed a diaper: never done it! i am not around children often.
88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is: having a vague idea of where things are locally. im very bad with directions.
86: The thing that I’m looking forward to the most: answered already.
84: People call me: yeesa, apparently. i have a fair amount of nicknames but i just call myself teresa.
82: I have gotten a speeding ticket: sure haven’t though i deserve one
80: The first person i talked to today was: soph​ because she wakes up at a normal goddamn time so i’ll sometimes have a text from her from a few hrs ago
76: Right now I am talking to: milo and a discord server im in for a group of friends i made when i was applying to college. though i havent responded in quite a while since i went on my angry facebook rant.
74: I have/will get a job: well i HAD a job for the beginning of the summer when i was a TA but i do not any more as that was first summer semester only. hopefully in the fall i’ll have a job as a TA again but who knows. and then after that when i graduate i hope hope hope hope hope i will have a job lined up.
72: Today: woke up. made a plum smoothie. played minecraft. took a nap. here i am. it’s all very riveting.
70: Next Weekend: it’ll happen for sure. odds are i will be waking up and eating food and coming on the internet and chatting with friends and doing a bit of writing and trying to learn a bit more html.
68: The worst sound in the world: answered already.
66: People that make you happy: will roland lmao. 
64: My friends are: well it’s basically the same people i tagged in my last post on people who make me happy.
62: My School: you tryin to doxx me? it’s alright. not the best for my major. and also stupidly trying to reopen for the fall because theyre greedy and idiots. it was like my 5th choice school but it is what it is.....
60: I lose all respect for people who: already answered
58: Your hair color is: black as fuck. im east asian.
56: Favorite web site: controversial but archive of our own dot org i guess. i believe in their mission and like how they have advocated for fans and have created a fan-owned space on the internet. they’re not perfect but i overall support them.
54: The worst pain I was ever in was: answered already
52: My room is: a time capsule of what i liked in late middle school/early high school.
50: Where would you like to be: im fine where i am. maybe visiting friends though. i would like to Hang With Them and Do Fun Activities.
48: Ever been in love: who’s to say....... what is love? (baby don’t hurt me). but for real the concept of love is weird to me, especially romantic love. i don’t know. i’ve certainly obsessed over people. i’ve noticed i kind of “pick people” to have crushes on. i can’t really say why. but then it creates a feedback loop of i pay more attention to them -> i think more about them -> i like them more. so i’ve made conscious decisions that have lead to me obsessing over people.
46: More guy friends or girl friends: girl but that’s just because people in fandom spaces tend to be women and most of my friends ive made through fandom.
44: One person that you wish you could see right now: kaity is coming to my town but we cant see each other because of a pandemic so im kinda fucking miffed about that. i didn’t get to see maria before she left my state so i’m also miffed about that.
42: Have you made a list of things to do before you die: lmaooooo no. i would just like to be satisfied with my life. would like to see friends. do fun things with them. 
40: Last person I got mad at: idk im not generally a mad person. mark zuckerberg probably.
38: I wish I was a professional: as in i suddenly have all the skills and talent needed to be a professional? i think a director &|| writer tbh. i would love to have the Creative Vision necessary to come up with dope ideas AND translate what i have in mind into real life. i would love the ability to be able to tell compelling stories that mean a lot to people.
32: Athlete: lmao if it was 2008 or 2012 i would ahve said ryan lochte but nevermind. idk. maybe katie ledecky.
24: Movie: am not much one for movies...... star trek 2009.
16: Book: i don’t know how to read.
8: Yankee candle scent: idk about yankee candle specifically but i love the smell of apple. 
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juniper-tree · 5 years
Disaster Recovery
Tumblr media
Rating: Mature for dirty talk (but very immature)  |  4577 words
Mass Effect: Andromeda - Sara Ryder x Tiran Kandros
Link to AO3 - thank you for reading
When Kandros and Ryder's private email exchange ends up in the wrong hands, everyone is embarrassed.
Having some fun torturing Ryder & Kandros (my loves), and also doing a little head-hopping and generally being a goof.  
Warning: mention of reproduction & reproductive issues near the end. Just a head's up. <3
The message went astray somehow. The cause must have been an errant keystroke, or a clumsy jerk of the hand—the careless, one-handed typing of someone, flustered and hot, with more indulgent things on their mind than precise data entry.  
Someone who was distracted, imagining the quickened pulse and hard swallows of the person meant to read their words. Imagining how quickly that person would close the email if they were in public, lest prying eyes happen to see. The things they might do when they read it again, in private.  
Someone who was too distracted to see they'd accidentally put an extra name in the "Send to:" field.  
Cora rubbed her bleary eyes and tapped the datapad awake. Her morning messages scrolled up the thin blue screen.
The coffee on her desk did not send graceful spirals of steam into the air to entice her, or transmit any It's time to wake up! signals to her brain. Instead it sat there, flat and heavy—hot, but not very excited about it. That made two of them. She drank it anyway.
It was bad. They would have to find something new in Heleus. A native substitute. There had to be one. This Milky Way coffee was over 600 years old, and tasted like it.  
Yawning, Cora swiped her finger across the screen in a sluggish rhythm, trashing a dozen useless messages. There were copies of copies of intel reports from every corner of the cluster, useless ads from Nexus merchants, and more insidious emails from Kadara black market traders.  
These were not-so-carefully disguised as personal notes, to trick a sleepy, or distracted, brain into reading. The family holos you ordered are in! or You'll never believe how good this synth suit looks on me... They weren't usually pornographic—the Initiative's system filters were surprisingly good at blocking those—but they were illegal, and annoying.  
Like this one, at the bottom of her list. Re: Last shore leave. "Oh, please," she muttered at the screen, rolling her eyes. These days, Cora's shore leave activities consisted mainly of waiting for shore leave to be over, so she could get back to work.  
But the trick still worked, because her eyes drifted down toward the body of the message. Then her eyes widened. Now she was awake.  
Every time I leave you, I can't stop thinking about the last time I touched you. The last time my hands found their way under your armor. I hate your armor. I never want to see it again. That's an order. I only want to see you, naked, beneath me.
"What the—" Cora could see her disgusted expression reflected in the glossy screen of the datapad. These ads were getting... creative. What were they trying to sell, some awful serial, like the ones Dr. T'Perro kept leaving in the bathroom?
Do you think about my hands spreading your thighs? How it feels when I lick my tongue up your—
That was enough. Cora huffed an angry sigh and scraped her chair against the floor as she stood up.  
In the research room, an equally sleepy bunch of crewmembers bent over their screens, making notes or checking their own morning emails. Vetra yawned, and her mandibles wiggled. That set off a chain of yawns from Liam, whose loud groan echoed off the metal wall, to Suvi, who squeaked and shook her head, her choppy red hair fluttering.
Drack never seemed to yawn. He said that when you were as old as he was, you were never not tired. No one believed him, based on the available evidence.
Cora stomped out of the bio lab and up to the round console in the middle of the room, holding her datapad up in one hand. "So is everybody else getting really filthy ads break through the email filter, or am I the lucky one?"
"Let me see," Liam mumbled, turning to take the pad from her. After a quick scan, he snorted a short laugh. Then his shoulders shook while he repressed a fit of giggles. Soon, he couldn't help himself, and laughed wildly. "Wow," he said, his free hand scratching his brow. "That's... really something."
Peebee, who seemed to have extra-sensory perception for anything indecent, ran into the room and up to Liam. "Ooh, let me see, too." She grabbed at the pad.
Liam held his hand, and the pad, straight up above his head and out of her reach. He calmly sipped his morning tea with a smug smile, while Peebee jumped around him, trying to take it. He was taller than her, and his arms were considerably longer. She grunted, frustrated, and then a devious look flashed in her eyes. Her hands, fingers clawed, moved to his ribs, tickling mercilessly.
He yelped and backed away, spilling tea onto the floor. "Just listen, ok?” He cleared his throat and put on a sultry voice.  
“Tell me what to do. Tell me where to put my fingers, how hard to grip. Tell me to go fast or slow. Tell me you need me, because I need you, everywhere."  
Everyone laughed but Cora, who folded her arms tight against her chest and looked at the floor, and Jaal, who did the same. There was a reason they got along so well.
With Suvi and Peebee looking over his shoulder, Liam scrolled through the email, which was one of a chain of dozens. "It just goes on and on," he said.
Suvi squinted at the pad. “It doesn't look like an ad to me."  
"Oh, shit." Liam pointed to the expanded data of the email thread. "This was supposed to go to Sara," he told Cora.  "Somehow you got tagged on this.  I'm going to assume that was an accident."  
"Good assumption," Cora said sharply. Liam didn't feel he deserved such a sarcastic tone, but he was, sadly, used to it.
"So the question is, who sent this to Sara?" He thought, for a moment, it could be a crazed stalker. As the Pathfinder, Sara Ryder suffered near-constant exposure to, and messages from, strangers throughout the cluster, especially after she led the attack on the Archon. It wasn't hard to imagine some nutter would get a strange idea in his head, and send her email after email of the worst dirty talk he'd ever read.
Not that he'd read a huge amount.
Peebee tapped on the pad in his hands excitedly. "Uh, you're reading it backward, genius. This is a conversation. The last one is from Sara."
Suvi gasped. "Ryder!" she said, with glee. They all looked at each other in stunned, but mostly amused, silence.  
Except Cora. "You know what?" She held up her hands in a grim surrender. "I don't want to know anymore." She shook her head and walked back to the lab.
"Who's she writing to?" Suvi asked.  
"Who do you think?" Drack answered with a grunt.
Vetra and Peebee gave each other a knowing look and answered in unison.
"I mean, who's surprised?" Vetra asked. "She was more into the Turian flexing in Last of the Legion than I was."
They continued to scan the thread for more choice quotes to read aloud, now in ridiculous approximations of Kandros and Sara's voices. Everyone had to admit that Peebee did a pretty good Kandros.
“Let me be clear: the next time I come to your quarters, I will dig my fingers under your clothes and pull them off you, slowly, piece by piece.  Then I’ll drag my talons softly across your naked body until you shiver.”
She was appropriately boring with just a hint of apathy. It made his words sound deeply unsexy.
Kallo padded up to the group, his steps soft but anxious. "Suvi," he said, like an exasperated teacher at the end of the term, "we really should begin that trial run of the ODSY drive core overload procedures."  
Suvi, giggling and wiping tears from her eyes, didn't even turn to look at Kallo when she shushed him and waved him off.  
He looked around at just how many of the Tempest's crew were gathered here, and sidled up to the console. "If something's going on," he whispered, "of course I want to know about it." There couldn't be gossip on the ship that he was unaware of... at least not for long.
Vetra gave him the rundown. "Sara and Kandros from the militia office have been writing dirty emails to each other, and we're reading them out loud."
"Oh," he said. He considered, briefly, whether this was interesting to him, decided it was not, and walked back to the bridge, leaving them to it.  
To Kallo, this was nothing compared to Gil's latest attempts at sabotaging the Tempest's perfectly calibrated systems, which he would discuss with Sara at the earliest opportunity. She always seemed sympathetic. If she wanted to spend her free time with the Turian and send him... love notes, he supposed they were—well, it was not something he understood, but he hoped it made her happy.  
"This does explain a few things," Liam said to Vetra. "Like why we never see her anymore when we dock at the Nexus. Even if it's only a day, she's gone."
"If this is news to you, you haven't been paying attention," Vetra said. "Why do you think he comes aboard to debrief her every time?  In her quarters?"
"Debrief is right," Peebee said with a wicked smile. "I walked past the door once. On accident, of course. I had no idea status meetings involved so much moaning."  She held a hand to her chest, as though she were honestly shocked. "And grunts. So many grunts."  
Jaal had maintained his position, staring down at the floor, arms folded, though now there was the distinct air of a pout in his expression. "I do not find this humorous," he said in a low, sad voice. "If Ryder has her own"—he sighed—"romantic attachments, that is her business."    
Peebee elbowed Liam in the previously tickled ribs. "Jealous," she whispered, loud enough for everyone to hear.  
A large, friendly hand patted Jaal on the back. "Don't worry about it, kid," Drack told him. "She'll get tired of him eventually."    
Everyone else looked at Drack, and subtly shook their heads. Drack shrugged. What did he know, anyway? He was only five million years old. From what he'd seen—and he'd seen a lot—some stars burned out hard and fast. Unless there was something else to it, something like love, all the fucking in the galaxy wouldn't make it last.
If anyone thought this wouldn't end in the worst way, they were wrong. It ended when Sara jogged into the room.
It wasn't a large ship, and she would have come past here on her running route eventually.  It just so happened she ran by while everyone (except Jaal) was still laughing.
She was all smiles, catching her breath and pulling down her headphones to hang around her neck. "What's up? Having an all-hands without me?"
The laughing stopped. To call what followed an awkward silence would be a sincere understatement.  
Everyone suddenly found themselves busy with... something far from the research room. Everyone but Liam. If no one else would tell her, he would.  He could handle it. Crisis management was his thing.  
"I think this is yours," he said softly, and handed the datapad to her. "Bad routing on the email. Got mixed up."
When she realized what was on the pad, her face stiffened. Her whole body stiffened. She did not look up. All she could do was stuff the pad tightly under her arm, and take herself back to her quarters on legs which were suddenly very bad at walking.  
Everyone knew her secrets now.  Everyone knew about her relationship, the dreams and fantasies she could sometimes barely type, much less say aloud.  They were things she would never have shared with anyone, except Tiran.
Sara was not hurt, exactly, and not angry, exactly, though she was not not those things. At heart, she was supremely, profoundly embarrassed. The only cure for that, she knew from painful past experience, was time. But a shower and a stiff drink, and some quality time with Benny the hamster, might help, too.  
Maybe a holo call to Tiran. He would make her feel better. He could also send a Strike Team to obliterate her entire crew. He wouldn't, but he could. Perhaps they hadn’t considered that.            
One week later, Liam Kosta strolled past Nexus onboarding security and made his way to the tram terminal. A few days' break for Tempest repairs meant he could not only get some overdue work done here, he could get some fresh, non-ship air. He could go to the Vortex or anywhere really, but preferably the Vortex, and see some faces that were not the same ten faces he saw every day.
For now, he was on an odd, but hopefully short, mission. He was headed to the militia office, to see Kandros.
If Tiran Kandros had a temper, if he was the kind of guy who would get violent when slighted or embarrassed, he wanted to know about it now. Sara was his friend, even if he had messed up and hurt her. She didn't deserve what he—or any of them—had done, but she also didn't deserve some idiot with more fists than brains.    
Besides, if he was going to get decked, or worse, he'd be prepared for it.
Kandros stood in his permanent spot. Militia officers buzzed from terminal to comm around him, but he didn't move. There were probably dents worn into the floor from his feet. His ever-present aide, Lt. Sajax, stood nearby, giving harsh orders to her omnitool in a soft, light voice.  
Liam could have sworn he saw a flinch from Kandros when he approached.  If it had been there, it vanished quickly.
"Kosta." Kandros hardly looked at him, but Liam felt the quiver in his subvocals. He wasn't especially angry, it seemed. More like embarrassed. Both of them knew what both of them knew. But Kandros wasn't about to acknowledge it.
Timidity. Not what Liam expected, but it was better than a three-knuckle sandwich.  
"Hey, Kandros," he said, keeping his voice high and friendly. "Good to see you."
He didn't know if Turians could, physically, roll their eyes, but the withering look he received from Kandros was close enough.  
"Ryder come aboard with you?" Kandros asked, with calculated, and transparently false, disinterest.  
"You don't know?" Liam teased.
Kandros didn't answer, but he shifted uncomfortably, without moving from his spot.  
"I believe she's still on-ship," Liam said. "You could email her."  He smiled at Kandros, a bigger and more obnoxious smile than he'd given anyone in a long time.  
He wanted to test him, yes, but it was also entertaining.  If anyone knew Liam Kosta could be an ass sometimes—well, first in line would have been his mum, but close second was Liam himself.    
Kandros didn't punch him, or curse. Not even a subharmonic growl. The biggest reaction Liam could see was that his small round pupils narrowed just a bit further, and his mandibles twitched once. Then he pushed past Liam without a word.
That must be Kandros at Level: Pissed Off. Not bad. As long as it didn't all explode out of him later in an uncontrollable rage, Liam guessed he was probably an all right sort of guy. He passed the test. For now.
“Touchy.” Sajax sighed and shook her head. “But he’s been that way lately.”
“Oh, I deserved worse,” he said. “We found a bunch of… intimate correspondence between the chief and the Pathfinder.”  
Sajax groaned. “Gross.”
“She must have told him we found it. I feel bad. A little, anyway,” he said with a sheepish grin.  
“Only a little?” Sajax laughed, and her laugh was softer and higher-pitched than he might have guessed. It was lovely.  “I may not want to know the details, but I’m not sure why they thought it was a secret. In the early days, every time she came by, we had to mop up the drool.”
“Hers or his?” he asked.
“Both. I hope it didn’t take them long to figure it out. If it did, they’re both clueless.”
Liam laughed, recalling all the times Sara, in the middle of a firefight or exploring a vault, would turn to him and say, I really have no idea what I’m doing, you know? Never. Not a clue.  
“That wouldn’t surprise me at all,” he said with a smile. “Sounds like they’re made for each other. We should all be so lucky.”
“Aw,” Sajax said, her subvocals humming. “That’s really sweet.”
He leaned in closer. “I can be, sometimes.”  
She looked him over, and it seemed to him like a positive appraisal. “So you’re the one who pissed him off, and made my life hell for the past week?”  
“Is he that bad?” Maybe his test method was all wrong, and Kandros wouldn’t show his true colors around Liam, if it would get back to Sara.    
“Nah,” she said with a wave of her hand. “You saw him. Grumpy and miserable. Nothing I can’t handle.”  
“Grumpy is still a pain in the arse. Let me make it up to you?”
“And how do you propose to do that?”  
He pretended to think it over, as though it had not been in his mind the moment he stepped into the office. “Buy you a drink at the Vortex later?”
“That’s a start.” Her purple markings crinkled in a kind of smile. “I’ll be there at 2100.”
“Roger that,” he said, walking backwards out of the office. “Looking forward to it.”
2100. After he finished up a few errands, he’d have just enough time to swing by the ship, and change into something a little nicer for her.  
We, the undersigned crew of the Andromeda Initiative Survey Ship Tempest and others, while in support of the freedom of both Pathfinder Sara Ryder and Nexus Militia Chief Tiran Kandros to pursue a life in their off-duty time, are nevertheless distressed by the lack of opportunity and means for these individuals to keep their private discussions just that.  
We ask that the AI Communications Steering Committee extend the budget for holovideo conferencing to include two room-to-room comm devices for the aforementioned personnel. The benefit of this outlay would well exceed the cost of not only the devices themselves, but the mental cost to the undersigned from hearing, or seeing, anything of a personal nature between our respective leaders.      
Cora Harper Liam Kosta Pelessaria B’Sayle Nakmor Drack Jaal Ama Darav Not Of The Tempest Crew Permanently But For Now Gilbert Brodie Dr. Lexi T’Perro Vetra Nyx Dr. Suvi Anwar Kallo Jath  Suvi, I did not sign this.   Lt. Popitina Sajax, Nexus Militia
Kallo found her in the galley, alone, drinking coffee. Sara had been so quiet on the ship lately. That whole email thing really made her clam up, as they say.  
Clams. He wondered if there were any clams on Aya.
He pulled a tall glass from the cabinet and filled it with water from the filter tank. It was time for his daily algae juice, which he had every afternoon at roughly the same time, in the typically empty galley. Except today, it wasn’t empty.
“Do you mind if I sit with you, Sara?”  
She gestured to the empty space on the bench seat beside her. “Be my guest.”
He spooned in the dried algae powder and it bloomed in his glass. Reconstituted, never his favorite, but working on ships for years allowed him grow accustomed to it. At least back home, there was always the opportunity for fresh.
Here? Only powder, not even tank bred. Unless…
Clams on Aya. If there were clams, there could be algae. Natural algae. He filed the idea away to ask Jaal about later.  
He took the seat next to Sara and set his glass on the table. She stared down into her coffee, her hands wrapped around the cup. Her face was blank, which was unlike her.
Perhaps some conversation would cheer her up. He always enjoyed their chats on the bridge.
“So,” he began, “seen anything fun off-ship lately? I never seem to disembark these days,” he said with a laugh.
She thought for a moment. “Well... last week on Voeld I counted twelve frozen, snapped-off toes in the snow. Most of them were Angaran. Their toes are long. That’s how you can tell.” She sipped her coffee and grimaced.  
So much for small talk. He gulped down half his algae juice and glanced anxiously toward the door.  
“This is bad,” Sara said. She sounded so dejected.
“Are you all right?” he asked.  
“Oh, I’m fine,” she said. “I just meant the coffee.”
The problem was, she didn’t sound fine, and he wasn’t sure what he could do about it.  
That wasn’t true. There was one thing he could do, one uncomfortable thing, but he had a feeling it was the right thing.  
“Sara,” he said, “I’m sorry your private emails were read by everyone and I’m sorry everyone laughed at them.”
She turned to look at him, to really look at him, he thought, for the first time since he entered the galley. “Uh… thanks,” she said, a slightly bewildered smile on her face. “But I didn’t think you were in on it.”  
“No, not me.” He found himself looking deeply into his own drink. “I didn’t find it very interesting. We—Salarians, I mean—don’t have those kinds of relationships. It’s really only about procreation for us.”
What he wanted to say is that he found everyone else’s preoccupation with sex to be dull in the extreme. Unfortunately, most species took offense at that notion. For them, it seemed, mating was the center of their universe. To him, it was a family duty, and only as exciting as that sounded, which was not at all.
She nodded in acknowledgement. “Are you… looking for someone to procreate with from the Paarchero? Or on the Nexus?” she asked with a small smile.
Sara meant well, he knew, but she could only see such things through her own lens, her own cultural experience. It was not a fun process, or a love match. In fact, family negotiations were very fractured here in Andromeda, because there were so few intact families.    
“No, not yet. I suppose I will look for someone to make a procreation bond with soon,” he said. “It would make my parents happy, if they knew.”
“It probably is weird to you,” she said, her brow furrowed.  “I mean, I can’t… um, procreate with Tiran, but that’s not what it’s about for me.”  
“Not weird,” Kallo answered, and he meant it. “Just different.”
“I’m not ruling out procreating with someone else,” she said, almost to herself, as if she’d never thought this through before. “Although with everything I’ve been through, I’m not even sure I physically can—”
A pained look came over her face, and she held her hand in the air. She always did this when the AI in her brain interrupted her.
“Thank you, SAM, but I truly do not want a real-time update on my reproductive system. Don’t need to know how many eggs I have. Let’s keep it a mystery, ok?”
She sighed and sipped her coffee, though she seemed to instantly regret it.  
He couldn’t help but ask. “Humans have eggs?”
Sara held her eyes shut tight. “Yeah, we have eggs. The point is that for me, there’s a lot more to it than all that. And—”  She laughed, and looked surprised by it. “It’s not about what was in those emails, you know? I care about Tiran. He cares about me. I—”
She looked up at the ceiling. “I love him, I guess.” Then she laughed more.  
Kallo had never been more grateful to be spared this overly complex and difficult cultural ritual. Love was simple—immediate family, close friends, those who were good to you. Whatever Sara was experiencing looked painful and… confusing. He hoped it was worth it.
“And, honestly,” she continued, “kids or not or whatever, my legacy is set. I’ve made a difference.”
Now here was something that made sense to him. Something that had only been a fleeting idea to him at first, but had settled in his mind more recently.  
“Actually, I do understand,” he said. “I don’t feel the same pressure I might have back home to continue my family’s line. Despite how few of us there are here,” he said, an acknowledgement that made him feel guilty. But he could not change his response to that.
There was so much he had done to be proud of. He had helped build the Tempest and come with her on this long voyage, to see what he had built come to life. He had helped Sara and the others defeat a terrible threat, and saved so many lives. He had made friends, and seen new worlds.  
“I will still try to make a bond but… I feel much the same as you, Sara,” he said. “I have made a mark here. And that’s important.”
“Yeah,” she said with a smile. “Exactly.  Cheers to that.”
She held her coffee cup in the air. He held up his algae juice. He didn’t think he’d ever been in a “cheers” situation before. He was not sure who was supposed to initiate the clinking, or if it was a simultaneous clink.
Sara clinked for him, ever the leader.  
APEX mission on Eos - your report
Spirits know you’re busy, but can I get a little more detail on this Eos report? I appreciate brevity—in official comms, anyway—but “your guys took care of it” isn’t going to cut it. And “my guys” aren’t being very forthcoming.
What happened down there? Something I should know about?    
PS - I’m sending all of my messages to you encrypted from now on. Just in case.
Re: APEX mission on Eos - your report
Nothing happened, really. It was a very boring mission. They walked in, did the job, and walked out. The only details I left out are personally embarrassing to me and don’t need to be in your status files. I don’t even want them in an email. For obvious reasons. Your team is doing me a favor.
You know, if you want to teach me the proper way to write a mission debrief, you’ll have to give me a hands-on lesson. Of course, I only have time late at night…
RE:  Re: APEX mission on Eos - your report
I know how to get you to talk. You say all kinds of things in my bed… I’ll find out sooner or later.  
Make it sooner. I can’t stop thinking about you whispering in my ear, your breath against my hide…
Can you do a holocall tonight? I’m off duty at 1800 Nexus time.  
Need to clear the meeting room... I’ll just tell them the pyjak peed in there again. Worked last time.
46 notes · View notes
zerohour1974 · 5 years
The Grumpy Git Returns
YouTube doesn’t want your content...
Hello people, I’m back and I have news for all of you out there.  It seems that YouTube is back on the controversy bus.  It seems apparently if your content is not seen as kid friendly or does not labelled itself as adult content then they will demonetise you.
Well got news for you... Its been an ongoing campaign over the last few years on YouTube.  It really started with the Adpocalypse where many well known YouTubers were getting their videos demonetised left right and centre.
People seem to forget that YouTube is a video site ran by Google.  Sure when it started it was an independent site but for many years it has been a Google asset.
To begin with Google didn’t really care what the content was as it was trying to push the site as somewhere to put video stuff.  So it was open to accepting almost anything that was thrown at it.
It succeeded in that respect and now it is one of the largest collection of videos out there on the Internet.  Several unknown artists became household names and made quite a lot of profit from YouTube.
But ultimately the bubble had to burst and man has it done so quite spectacularly.
First it started with YouTube Red aka putting content behind a paywall system.  Then came the Adpocalypse as I said.  This made people aware of the algorithm.
Yes YouTube uses an algorithm that decides what is going to be seen and what is not going to be promoted.  You Tube doesn’t care whether your content is entertaining, whether it is informative, whether it is worth watching.
They are only interested if they can make money from you and the only way they do that is by advertising.
YouTube is free so it has to maker money to pay for all the required bandwidth, servers etc.  So they have two ways of doing that.  One is data mining using all of the analytics it gets from, showing these videos and selling that data on. Two is to put advertising among your videos.
Data mining was frowned on recently after the Facebook Cambridge Analytica controversy.  When it was discovered just how much these sites are actually mining from you.
And I will tell you now.  No matter how much you want to believe your privacy is safe....You are being data mined.  When you watch YouTube it takes information such as the browser you are using, your location if it can gathered from your IP, the length of time you watch, the types of video content you watch, its all being stored by YouTube and sold to the highest bidder.
Similar with any social media the information, photos, etcetera you put up is been scraped of data and stored somewhere.  Why do you think it is free.  They need to be getting something in return that makes them money.
However due to the likes of the EU hounding the likes of Facebook and Google and all of the other social media platforms out there they are having to lower their amount of data mining in the public eye or be subject to heavy fines.
So such social networking companies are having to fall back on their second source of revenue.  Advertising.
However that is not easy any more as many people now use Ad blocking software on their browsers.
Also people are now much more aware of the data collection of them so with the introduction of VPN services a lot of the data these companies are now receiving is false.
What data the VPN companies are getting and what they are doing with it is probably a topic of discussion for another day but can they be trusted any more than the likes of Google we will see.
Because they are getting data.
Anyway back on point YouTube have now had to resort to getting a major revenue stream via Advertisers and these guys want to maximise that at every chance they get.
So the only way they can do that is to find content that can be seen as advertiser friendly.  So they don’t want your opinion pieces, they don’t want controversy, they don’t want anything that can not be seen as anything other than content they can monetise.
Now you have Coppa which is now being levelled at the YouTube community.
Even though this is down to Google itself and its data mining of minors, they are trying now to palm off the costs to the few remaining YouTube people who are still making money and trying to get them to foot the bill for Google’s mistake by now demonetising anything not suitable to kids.
This is why I am telling you Google doesn’t want your content.  They don’t want you to have strong opinions, don’t want you to be critical of anything, they want you to be neutral and nice to everyone and open to all viewers as that’s what Coca Cola, Snickers, or any other other major advertiser wants to be seen as.
So YouTube wants to be a bland, none confronting, all inclusive content platform where every one can feel safe from harm and no one can be offended or have an opinion that can be misconstrued as harmful in anyway.
Don’t like a game, Don’t like some music, Like some sort of thing better than others.  YouTube doesn’t want that.  That can be controversial.
Controversy means people take notice of you but not for the right reasons. They are not here to bring the platform money.  They may bring views but as I said to you earlier.  That is no longer a viable working money model to them as that’s data mining.
That has just cost the likes of Google several Billion to the EU so that is not profitable.
So Google is slowly trying to push people off its service and making itself the most generic video service on the earth.  Where they can advertise to kids, and all of their content is safe beyond controversy.
Why people still use YouTube well sadly it’s still the largest video platform.  However it is slowly wiping out its content which got it there in the first place and not encouraging anyone to adopt the platform by keep setting bars higher and higher to monetise.
Will YouTube die.  Not any time soon and the criticism will continue to be pushed out onto the platform by YouTubers  themselves to which nothing will be done.
Unless there is a sudden surge in a video provider which I can’t see happening any time soon.  Then YouTube can do what the hell they want as there is no one who can really compete or challenge them.
I repeat YouTube doesn’t want your content unless it’s generic, has no real opinion and is purely positive about everything.
And that’s the bottom line...
3 notes · View notes
sad-ch1ld · 6 years
via RSI Comm-Link
Writer’s Note: Phantom Bounty: Part Four was published originally in Jump Point 3.4. Read Part One here, Part Two here, and Part Three here.
Mila was a traitor. She’d risked her career as a bounty hunter . . . had betrayed her partner, Rhys, to free Casey. Was it all worth it? Had Casey been telling the truth about her father developing bioweapons?
Mila snuck a glance at Casey as she returned to the co-pilot’s seat. The dark-haired woman offered her a small smile, then harnessed herself into her seat. Mila’s childhood friend. A terrorist.
The emptiness of space loomed before them, nothing but darkness beyond Devana’s forward screen. Mila gripped the controls so tightly her hands ached.
“I’ve managed to mask our signal,” Casey said, “but it’s a temporary fix only. We have a half hour. No more.”
“How . . . ?”
Casey explained the method, and Mila shook her head, partially in awe of the hacking skills required, partially in dismay over the length of the resulting prison sentence if she were caught at it.
“Could have used that trick myself a time or two,” Mila muttered.
“Not if you want to stay on the right side of the law.” Casey cleared her throat. “After this is over. Of course. Just picked up the signal on the scanner. Gotta be my contact. The ship’s waiting a few clicks from the jump point.”
Mila’s hands grew tighter on the controls as she glanced at the scanner screen. Space normally held the dual promises of endless possibility and endless danger . . . but today it held only danger for her.
“Any sign of the Advocacy?” Mila asked tightly.
“Not yet. But . . . they’ll follow. They always do. Get me to my contact, and we’ll execute the plan.”
Mila tried to calm her breathing, but her heart was racing, and she couldn’t make it stop. It was supposed to be simple. Mila would pull up next to the contact ship; Casey would knock her out, then transfer to the other ship. When Rhys and the Advocacy found Mila, she’d tell them Casey took her ship and ran with it. Then everything could go back to normal. Or almost normal. Would Rhys believe the lie? Could she lie to him?
This was stupid. So stupid. She’d acted rashly. There was no way she could lie well enough to convince the Advocacy and Rhys that Casey had somehow escaped the containment pod, overpowered her, and then locked her inside. But Mila didn’t have another solution.
“Straight ahead.” Casey plotted new coordinates, and Mila followed the trajectory.
A long, sleek yacht came into view in front of them. A few thin lights gleamed along the length of the 890’s hull. The owner of this ship had plenty of money; Casey’s contact was the real deal.
“Freelancer,” came a voice over the comm. “State your business.”
Casey replied, “Tell S Whispering Wind approaches.”
“Around which sun does the finest planet orbit?”
Mila’s heart skipped a beat and she slammed a hand over the comm, silencing it. “Ilios,” she hissed. “Like the project?”
Casey’s brows rose for a split second, then her expression smoothed. “Exactly like that.”
“I thought you destroyed all that data.”
“S has cleared you for docking,” the comm interrupted, “but we’ll need to scan you at close range.”
Casey pushed Mila’s hand out of the way and hit the comms. “Roger that.”
“Tell me what’s going on,” Mila hissed. “What is this about Ilios?”
Casey sighed. “I can’t tell you about S. Or Ilios. If I did, I’d have to kill you.”
Mila tensed in her seat. There was no hint of humor in Casey’s voice. None. She was serious.
“I risked everything for you!”
“Look . . . all I can say is that People First has friends in high places. They support the cause. But not all friends are created equal. Many do things . . . for their own reasons. And can be persuaded to help if you offer the right terms.”
Mila pulled the ship up beside the much longer 890. “This contact is connected with People First? And what were her terms for you, to get you out of here and betray PF?”
The 890 commed them before Casey could answer. “We detect two life signs in the Freelancer. S says you were supposed to come alone.”
“I needed help getting here,” Casey replied tersely.
“S says both of you must board. Or we leave.”
Casey glanced at Mila with a veiled expression, “I’m sorry to drag you into this. But we both have to go over there.”
“No.” Panic rushed through Mila, and she tightened her grip on the stick. “No way. That wasn’t the deal. You go over. I stay here. Or I’m leaving.”
“Don’t call me that,” she said through gritted teeth. “My name is Mila now.”
“Mila,” Casey’s voice was low, soothing. “How do you think it’ll look if we fly away now? They’ll shoot us out of existence and jump without a glance back. You have to go over there. I’ll make sure S sends you back here.”
“How will you make sure?”
“I just will. Now suit up. We’re wasting too much time. S definitely won’t be happy if the Advocacy shows up at her door. But I’m pretty sure you understand that.” Casey left her seat and headed back to suit up herself.
Mila stared at the yacht, trying to decide if she could outmaneuver it and escape. But then what? She had to get rid of Casey, not keep her on board. She let out a frustrated sigh, unbuckled, and headed back to her gear. She ignored Casey, not meeting her gaze.
Her injured shoulder, shot by Casey, cried out in pain as she pulled her suit up. She slapped a new numbing patch on it and continued dressing. As she closed the suit up, her hand touched her necklace.
Mila’s heart twisted as she pulled the bronze token over her head. She stared down at it, at the infinity symbol, the special iridescent “good luck” stones dangling from it, and a new wave of regret washed over her.
Rhys had spent some of their last creds on this. To make her happy. Mila took the necklace and tucked it in the space between the bunk and the wall. She didn’t deserve it. And it hadn’t brought her good luck anyway, had it?
When Mila got back to the cargo hold, Casey was suited up, her helmet under one arm.
“Yeah,” Mila mumbled.
They both latched their helmets on, then Mila depressurized the cargo hold and opened the back ramp. She and Casey pushed off the ramp and drifted toward the 890’s rear lift. When they were inside the empty space, the cage lifted under them, and artificial gravity gently resumed. A light turned green above them, and Casey took off her helmet. Mila did the same.
They stared at the double doors before them, waiting in tense silence.
The doors finally slid open, revealing a broad-shouldered man in a dark grey flight suit. “S will see you now.”
The man stepped into the lift, one hand gripping a pistol, and gestured for Mila and Casey to enter the ship.
Mila squared her shoulders and met the man’s hard glare with one of her own. She wouldn’t be afraid of these thugs. She’d faced off against dozens of wanted criminals and come out on top. She could do it again.
Another pair of guards met them in the next corridor where it widened. One of them patted Casey and Mila down and removed their mobiGlas as the other kept his gun trained on them. When they were satisfied, they led them down the corridor and into a well decorated lounge.
Mila’s eyes darted around. The lounge was on two decks, and more guards looked down at them from behind the rail of the upper deck. By the taste displayed here, Casey’s contact was old money. It could have been owned by Mila’s parents or any of their friends on Terra. Silk panels from Rihlah, famous Terran brocade applied to the benches, a delicate glass and metallic table at the center, and a very impractical glass chandelier hanging from the middle of the ceiling. Iridescent stones decorated the chandelier, and Mila’s hand almost went to the spot where her good luck necklace used to be. They looked just like the stones on it.
Two more guards entered, bringing the total to five on the main deck. Mila’s lips parted as a woman, apparently the mysterious ‘S,’ walked in behind them.
It was the woman from the market stall where Rhys had purchased her necklace.
Mila did a double take. No . . . there were differences. This S was petite, with space-black hair and light blue eyes, just like the woman at the stall. But the woman before her wore a well-tailored suit and robe, not loose skirts. And her hair wasn’t done up in braids, and she didn’t have a nose ring. She looked more . . . well-preserved — her skin smooth, a product of youth treatments. This was not the same woman . . . but Mila would be willing to bet they had some relation to each other.
The woman walked up to them with a smile, and exchanged kisses on the cheek with Casey.
“Brought a friend?” she asked, raising a brow at Mila.
“Like I said. I needed a ride.”
“And who is this?”
Mila didn’t answer, just tried to keep her expression blank. She couldn’t let this woman know she knew anything about her.
“She’s just an old friend of mine,” Casey said, her voice light.
The woman’s eyes darkened, her polite demeanor fading a fraction. She gestured to one of the guards.
“Come with me, Elaine. Let us talk over here.”
Casey followed her to an ottoman near the center of the room, while the guard grabbed Mila’s arm and pulled her to the edge of the space and out of earshot of Casey and S’s quiet conversation. Did S know who Casey was originally? She’d called her Elaine, the name she’d used on Tevistal.
The two of them engaged in an intense, quiet talk for a few minutes and then Casey lifted the sleeve of her suit and peeled off a piece of her skin. False skin. Mila went cold at the sight of it. Casey hadn’t mentioned any hidden data . . . or details on the price for her passage. Casey scraped a chip from the skin and passed it to S.
Casey was selling data, probably Phan Pharmaceutical data. Had she lied about everything? Was she just stealing data to sell to competitors? Anger started to bloom in Mila’s chest, and she fought to keep her mouth shut. All that mattered now was that Mila get out of this alive and unscathed.
Casey finished her transaction and returned to Mila.
“What was that?” Mila hissed.
Casey’s expression was tight. “She’ll let you go back to your ship just as soon as she checks my payment.”
A new guard ran through the door. “Madame. The Advocacy was spotted by our scout. We need to jump. Now.”
“Wait — no.” Mila looked toward the door they’d come in. “Send me back. Send me back now.”
S shot them a glare and gestured to the guard behind Mila. “Take them each to a room until after the jumps.”
Jumps. This was starting to get a lot more complicated.
“Let me go back to my ship!” Mila’s voice rose.
Casey dug her nails into Mila’s hand and leaned close, whispering. “They won’t let you now. Keep it together if you want to survive this.”
Mila lurched to the side, trying to make a desperate run back out to her ship.
The guards closed in on her, grabbed both her arms, and dragged her the other way. She went limp, no longer fighting it as the realization of what had happened sunk in.
They took her up a flight of stairs and opened the first door they came to, pushing her inside.
“Harness up. We’ll be jumping soon,” one of the guards said.
The door slid closed and she heard the lock engage. Mila took a panicked look around the small room, and then sank down in the jump seat. Tears brimmed in her eyes as she buckled in. She’d messed up.
She’d always been able to get out of scraps before. Always. But not this time. She just kept sinking deeper into a pit that appeared to have no bottom.
The ship hummed softly as it powered up, and in mere minutes she felt the woozy sensation of the first jump. Another soon followed, and Mila’s hope died as they travelled further and further away from her ship.
When the Advocacy found the empty Devana . . . they’d know. They’d know she’d helped Casey escape. They’d think she was working with her.
And it would be true.
The stomach-lurching feeling of the third jump let Mila know her old life was over for good. Now she was a criminal . . . on the run. She could try to say Casey had kidnapped her, but why would she have? There was no good way out of this. And Rhys knew the truth; he’d known about their shared past. If the Advocacy pressed him . . .
Would Mila even get off this ship alive?
When the yacht powered down, Mila unharnessed herself and paced the small room.
Hours passed, and a guard brought Mila food and water. The reconstituted food tasted like death, like a last meal before the end, and a terrible one at that. She could barely wrap her mind around what she’d done — how much her life had changed in just a few hours. Then the locks disengaged on her door again, and she turned as it slid open.
Casey slipped through and quickly closed it. “The guards are busy . . . for the moment. This might be our only chance to talk.”
“You lied to me. You knew.”
“No. I didn’t. I’d hoped to get you back to the ship.”
“I can never go back now, Casey. Not ever.”
“Shh. I’m Elaine here.” Casey looked completely calm, unbothered by the fact that Mila’s entire life was hanging in the balance.
Mila rushed Casey and shoved her against the metal wall. “They’re not gonna let me walk out of here, are they? I’m an unknown entity. I was never supposed to be here.”
Casey winced with pain and her forehead creased with worry. “S — Sybil — will make sure she knows who you are before she lets you leave now. And when she finds out you’re a bounty hunter . . .”
“Well, I think I know something about her. There was this woman selling trinkets at the market—”
“A younger sister. You don’t say a word about knowing anything, understand? She’ll kill you if she thinks you know anything about her. She operates under the illusion that we don’t know anything.”
Mila backed away from Casey, feeling dizzy. “You lied to me. You’re selling data—”
“Not bioweapons! When we do jobs, we collect harmless, or even beneficial, research and sell it to fund our cause. But I’m funding my escape with it this time.”
“What is it? What did you just sell?” Mila’s voice rose as she spoke, and she tried to calm herself down, but her mind was racing.
“The formula for a medical treatment that hasn’t been patented yet.”
“How can I believe that?”
“Look, we don’t have time for this.” Casey placed her hands on Mila’s shoulders, forcing her to look her in the eyes. “You know about her family. She’s going to find out about you. There’s no way she’s letting you just go back to your regular life now. You have one choice.”
Mila shrugged off Casey’s hands. “What?”
“You come with me. I’m going to try to convince her to let us disappear together.”
“No!” Mila began to pace the room again. “I can’t just . . . leave the Empire.”
“If you stay — you just freed me and left your ship stranded next to a jump point. They’ll know you helped me. You have no other choice.”
“You think I don’t know what it looks like? You have to help me get off of here. Have them drop me off somewhere so I can . . . somehow make it right.”
“You know too much! About me — about PF — about Sybil.”
Red crowded around the edges of Mila’s vision, and it took everything she had not to wrap her hands around Casey’s neck and squeeze. “I helped you. You’d be dead if it wasn’t for me. You have to help me fix this. Help me get out of here.”
Casey folded her arms across her chest and glanced back toward the door. “I can’t.”
“You. Will.”
“They’ll catch you—”
“And it won’t matter to you either way. You’ll be long gone, hiding in Xi’an territory.”
Casey met Mila’s eyes and sighed. “Fine. Get yourself killed if that’s what you want.” She reached into her suit pocket and pulled out a translucent swipe card.
“Stole it off a guard.” Casey smiled ruefully. “This should get you into the corridor at the end of this one. They have a little 85X there. I know we’re stopping at a planet soon. Backwater, but plenty of places to hide. I’ll distract the guards for you. When I knock twice on your door, wait five minutes, then it’s time for you to go.”
Mila stared down at the card in her hand.
“Thank you again, for helping me. I owe you my life.” Casey wrapped her in a quick hug that Mila didn’t return. “I really am sorry. Try to be safe.” Casey gave her one last sad smile. “If you change your mind . . .”
“No,” Mila said, her voice breaking. “I’m going to fix this.”
The knocks came after Mila had given up on Casey ever following through.
Two knocks.
Mila grabbed her helmet off the floor and hugged it to her chest.
Heart pumping a chaotic rhythm in her chest, Mila waited through five tense minutes, then swiped the card Casey had given her. The door slid open to reveal an empty corridor beyond. She barely breathed as she gingerly stepped into the corridor and looked both ways. She turned right, as Casey had directed her to, and hurried toward the end. It curved right, taking her to a new door.
She said a quick prayer to the Banu god of luck that the room beyond would be empty, then scanned the card.
The door opened into a hangar bay. The 85X sat at the center of it.
An alarm sounded, and red lights began to flash in the bay.
Mila was sweating freely as she latched her helmet on.
Someone tackled her from behind, shoving her down on the floor. She fought back, twisting in the man’s grasp until she saw him face to face. A guard, the one who had warned Sybil about the Advocacy’s arrival.
Mila slammed a gloved fist into his unprotected face, and he stumbled backward. She desperately climbed forward, trying to get into the 85X cockpit, but the guard followed her.
Depressurize Bay. The small words flashed in the corner of the cockpit’s interface. As the guard grabbed her leg, she hit the button on the screen. A whole new set of alarms joined the ongoing din. The man’s eyes widened, and he scrambled away from her, toward the hangar door. He scanned his key card, trying to make it open, but it was sealed shut. He would die if she didn’t do something.
Mila paused the depressurization and lurched out of the ship. She crashed into the man, seeking the pistol he held in his grip. She slammed an elbow into his gut again, and he released the gun. She picked it up and trained it on him.
“Last chance to get out!” she yelled. He stared at her wild eyed and scanned his card again.
This time the door opened. Several guards waited beyond, but he yelled something to them and they didn’t try to enter.
The door slid shut, and Mila climbed back into the ship, tossing the pistol into the seat beside her.
She brought up the Starmap, her hands shaking with adrenaline, praying that it would display more than a void. They were in orbit over a settled world! She chose a landing site to the west of the closest city. She could abandon the ship there, hide in the wooded hills, wait it out until she was sure Sybil and her guards had given up waiting for her to emerge. She chose her destination, and then completed the prep sequence.
The countdown began. She harnessed herself into the seat as the hangar bay opened, revealing black space behind.
She throttled up and took off, leaving the 890 behind.
Mila headed directly planetside, sparing little attention for the ship at her back. If they shot up the runabout, she would have no more worries herself. There was nothing she could do but speed to her landing site.
She pictured Rhys. His handsome face, his reassuring words, the way he’d held her. That smirk she’d probably never see again unless she got caught or found a way to fix this impossible situation.
As she entered the planet’s atmosphere, she spared the time for a few tears.
A few days ago she’d been hunting the Phantom.
Now she needed to become one.
Five Months Later
Mila wove her way through dark alleyways, keeping her head down, a hood concealing her face. A lock of her newly short-cropped blonde hair fell into her eyes, and she blinked as it irritated them. The green colored contacts she wore felt dry, scratchy. But at least from afar she wouldn’t be recognized.
She glanced back at a huddle of transients gathered round a rusty heater, and turned down the next alley. She’d reached the hostel sector.
It was dangerous being back in Tevistal so soon after the Incident, but she’d run out of options and time. A dozen small-time jobs had funded her existence along the way, but now there were even more bounties on her head.
She’d been hunted for months, had been nearly caught, but so far she’d always gotten away. And this was the one place they’d probably never expect her to return.
Mila gritted her teeth and walked down the dark alley between two hostels. A cracked globe flickered, guiding her to a hostel entrance. She pushed open the door, and the scent of piss wafted over her. It barely registered. This place was only half as filthy as most of the places she’d slept the past few months.
Voices rang through the thin metal walls. Arguments. The sound of two people moaning and grunting. An old vid playing at full blast.
Mila found an unoccupied room and went inside. Dim sensor lights lit up the room. The place had a film of filth coating it, but it would do.
She shut the door behind her and activated the second-hand mobiGlas on her wrist. Her hacking program did a quick job of activating the RoomTab. The lights and power came on in response, and she pulled her mobi away. It would stay on until she ran her program again. No creds needed. Which was good, because she didn’t have many left.
A glance around the now well-lit room brought a flood of memories back. The pain came with it, weighing Mila down. She sank to the dirty mattress.
She and Rhys had tracked the Phantom to a room like this once.
Mila did something she hadn’t done for weeks. She brought up the news search she’d saved to her mobiGlas, to see if anything had changed since she’d last checked.
She rewatched the vid of Casey’s father being arrested with the sound turned off. Owen Phan’s face was the same regal countenance she remembered from growing up. When Mila had first heard that the truth about the biological weapons had leaked, it had been a relief to learn that Casey had at least been telling the truth about that. And even more importantly, Mila’s mother had been kept completely clear of the breaking scandal. Knowing that Phan wouldn’t be making weapons anymore was the only glimmer of light in these recent dark days.
Almost without thinking, Mila accessed another archived news story.
An image of herself flashed in the air before her. Or at least what Mila used to look like. It was the photo the Advocacy had been using on her bounty.
The article speculated on the nature of the terrorism, on the relationship between Mila’s parents and Phan Pharmaceuticals, and on Mila’s motives. Even with the revelation of the biological weapons it hadn’t changed the fact that the Phantom had wreaked havoc for months. Casey, and by association Mila, were still considered criminals.
The article had included a small photo of Rhys as well. He had been held for questioning, but with no proof of any wrongdoing on his part he had eventually been released.
Mila reread the final line.
Evony Mila Salinas is still at large, with several bounties on her head for crimes ranging from petty theft to terrorism.
She scanned back up to see Rhys’s face one more time, but it was like a knife through her heart. She turned off the mobi.
She needed to get to Xi’an territory fast, and she only knew of one woman who could get her there. Sybil.
But she’d been unable to dig up anything useful on the woman. All she knew was that she was related to that peddler who had sold trinkets in the Tevistal market square on Pilgrim’s Day. So that’s who Mila needed to find. Sybil might have her guards shoot Mila on sight after what she’d done . . . but Sybil had helped Casey — for a price.
And Mila was desperate enough to pay just about any price Sybil asked. She’d learned a few weeks ago that Rhys was hunting her down, trying to bring her in, that her time was running out.
Maybe . . . maybe if he did find her again in Xi’an territory, free of Advocacy influence, she could explain. She could hope for his forgiveness, if nothing more.
But until then, she’d be a Phantom. Doing what she needed to stay free.
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rykerelias-archive · 6 years
TRANSFERRED FILE. ||  @cardshcrp Remy & Elias. VERSE: ac. ( season one au. ) 006.  post ice. THREAD: to be named.
It was chaos.  It was like coming undone, fingers digging into his head and pulling at the fraying edges, tearing him apart and splitting him open, spilling him into the void – into the blackness that swallowed him whole, and he was drowning in it, in fear and rage and despair, in grief and loss and anguish and ANGER —  his breath rattled in his chest, a gasping, desperate sound as he lurched sideways, jerked upwards, hands flung out to his sides, and up, as if to shield himself from the dark – from the light, from the impending blow – his heart surged, and raced in his chest, pounding, his throat thick and dry and tight, icy tendrils of fear coiled in his chest, fire blossoming in his head, in his thoughts.  Rage, and rage –
   Memories crashed, compounded, contracting, pulsing in his head, vying for purchase and priority.   Chains, and cuffs, at his wrist and his ankles, shuffled through the prison halls, as so many of those that he had put away –  pain, a flare of it, at his neck, when he’d struggled, when he’d raged, panicked, at the last moment, as they had tried to press him onto the slab – a slab, where they would pull him, drag his consciousness, kicking and screaming from his flesh –  Not the dark.   Not the prison ward –  Too white, too silvery, too PASSIVE –  His gaze spun, taking in the room, the contents, simple, practically bare.  No windows.  No doors.  CONSTRUCT.  
  His gaze shifted, eyes still wide, chest heaving with struggled breaths, finally latching on to the other occupant of the room.   It took a moment, to register, to find words and names to go with the face, the unmistakable, distinctive crimson eyes.   “—   the fuck –”   His words were rough, and coarse, fingers dragging through his hair, scraping down his thigh, struggling to find some focus, some center, fighting the burn of tears in his eyes as he stared at the Meth.   “Is happening?”  
           Oh, gee, HM. He’s really glad he’s leaning against the wall, ’cause WOWIE, Elias is thrashing a bunch. Maybe unsurprising, given what Remy had learned of the CIRCUMSTANCES of his imprisonment - though he didn’t exactly have the personal details, whatever had been happening before his detective friend had been put on ice wasn’t likely to have been pretty.
“EVENING, ELIAS.” He offers the other a smile, not bothering to peel himself off the wall - the more distance he gives him, the better, he thinks. “WHAT’S HAPPENING - UH, LET’S SEE. YOU GOT INTO A REAL PICKLE, DIDN’T YA?”
   The LOOK that was cast in the Meth’s direction at his first few words might’ve been deadly, if looks could actually kill, a half snarl framing ivory teeth and canines still a little too long, a little too sharp for the consumers the human species had become.  “That much I figured out on my own BEFORE they shoved my ass in a hole,” he seethed, to the first of the marks that Remy’s fingers ticked down, but falling silent for the most part as his – apparently – THIEF – went down the list of ways in which Elias Ryker was extraordinarily FUCKED.   Honestly, what Remy LeBeau did to make his fortune was so far down on Ryker’s immediate list of priorities that he barely even registered the comments, filing bits and pieces of data away for future relevancy.  
    Stole –  him. His stack —  a momentary twist of an expression, almost disbelief, but then he was the living (as much as ever he guessed) proof right?  Stealing a stack, snatching a D.H.F. from prisoner storage was … in theory… as close to impossible as anything got.  But then.  Somehow, he wasn’t entirely surprised at much of anything right this exact minute.   “Not a cop –”  It was short, and terse, an ache in his chest and a sour taste in his throat at the words, his lips pressed tight, jaws clenched briefly.  “Not anymore, anyways.”  His tongue dragged over his teeth, moistened his lips, his breath steadying, slowly, his heartbeat forced slower, less sporadic as he fought his way to a center point.   “Bancroft – Ortega, what – what happened?  Is she –”  A twist in his chest again, a flood of memories, dancing in his mind’s eye, the memory that had played over and over in the days between his arrest and his being pulled.  
         ‘if you didn’t do this –’  If.   His eyes stung, violently, suddenly.  “Is she okay? What – what the fuck did Bancroft do?” God.  What did she do to Bancroft?  With her temper, barely controlled on the best of days, even with him there to be her counterweight –   “What politics.”
           “Calm down. I ain’t here t’fuck you over any more than you already been screwed.” This time he does step forward, comes to crouch in front of Elias, red eyes raking over him, slow and assessing. “Hey. Shh. Your girlfriend’s fine, promise - bit upset and such, but she’s fine.”
He offers the other a hand, a little awkward but entirely nonthreatening. “She ain’t been hurt. Bancroft came up with a shitty little guilt trip for ’er, but it ain’t gonna get her injured or nothin’. She ballsy, fussin’ at Miriam like a real spitfire. Let’s get you back in the real, huh? You’ll feel better in somethin’ like your own skin.”
Your skin, which is currently occupied by a complete wild card even by my standards.
“Politics, ’cause someone’s definitely playin’ Bancroft too. He’s comin’ up with shit that would never happen if he wasn’t being spoonfed. I dunno who yet. You comin’ out with me or nah, cher? We got a lot to talk about, but I ain’t givin’ you more to stress over unless you wanna stay out. If you wanna stay on ice, my schedule for the night’s gonna be tighter. Window t’sneak you back’s only so long.”
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He barely held back a scoff at the Meth’s first comments, a half sneer pulling at the edges of his lip, his teeth bared briefly in a grimace.  It wasn’t so much that he doubted the truth of Remy’s words – he might have been the only Meth Elias had ever met whose word he might trust, but if the events of the last months had reminded him of anything, it was that nobody did anything for nothing and that everybody was out for themselves, one way or another.  He swallowed a breath, his hazel gaze coming to settle on Remy’s scarlet one for a long moment, forcing himself to concentrate on the words that were being offered, struggling to swallow the rage and impotence that caught and warred in his chest and in his head.   Kristin.   Kristin.  The look on her face --  His gaze cut away, his head ducking down as he struggled against the tears, a hand settling into Remy’s to pull himself upright, a heaving breath taken in and held for a long moment. 
Picking a fight with the oldest, richest, most powerful man in the known worlds.   Too little too late --  Guilt trip --  The words echoed, swallowed, held.  Too many questions.  Not enough time.  Or too much time.  Time.  “How long – how long have I been on ice?”  In the dark.  Drifting, thoughtless, weightless, drowning in the dark, in the emptiness.  His spine rippled with a shudder that he didn’t bother to try and repress.  “I’m not going back.”  Short. Blunt.  He was already out.  They’d already stripped him of his authority, his badge, tarnished what little reputation he hadn’t already ruined himself.   Somebody playing Bancroft?  That took guts, and balls, and power and influence – the kind of influence it took to tamper with Neo-C coding?  Maybe. “Not til this is settled, one way or the other.”  
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trolloled · 7 years
Big List of Fantroll Facts from Hiveswap
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This is all pulled straight from the game with 0 (or attempted 0) bias from me or @peckonthecheek​
We have both played the game so I can verify several things on the list. Most of the information comes from @peckonthecheek​ who exhaustively did everything in the game and recorded useful information.
If you want to add to this post, feel free to screenshot what you want to add and send it to me!
Land - Alternia consists of 4 - 5 continents and is mostly covered by said land.
Language - Alternian is distinct from English, trolls at least write in Alternian. It is read from LEFT to RIGHT and every symbol in its alphabet can be directly translated back to an English letter.
Drones - Weak point is in its torso. Drones can burn down hives and just take away random trolls for whatever reason.
- They can also fly and fire missiles.
Lususes (Yes that’s correct) - One species of lusus is the Cuspidated Grimalkin, (A deercat) which prefers to bond with brownbloods with leadership aptitudes. If a Grimalkin loses its charge (Fairly common) it will try to find a new troll to adopt. This is highly illegal.
- Another species of lusus is the Supplikatydid, which resembles praying mantises
- There exist several books on the various species of lususes.
- Lususes have blood colors and tend to bond with trolls of certain bloods
- Sloth lususes (GLACIAL TREETRUDGER) are pretty uncommon
- Lusus can be referred to as a pet/dad
- Multiple of the same types of lususes exist
Powers - Redbloods share telekinesis and speak-with-dead powers as a caste, brownbloods share animal communion powers
- Telekinesis - no matter how weak - can erase data off of discs easily
- Overexerting powers can cause exhaustion, nosebleeds, headaches
Stickball - This is gonna be huge so just. Bear with it.
- There are several leagues depending on area - There’s some sort of piece known as a CLOVER - Positions include PUSHER, BRAWLER, PROWLER, ZAPPER - Played on Velvet - Two pieces called a DOZER (Ball) and a SNOWGLOBE (Ball) - Burgundies often play PUSHER due to their telekinesis and ability to talk to the dead players - PUSHER is the most dangerous position - No one cares if a rustblood dies due to the danger of the position - Some HAZARDS - MATCHTIP - burns you - ZAPPER - blasts you - LUSUS - controlled by opposing (brownblood) Wranglers - Only unbonded lususes are allowed (Can be friendly, neutral, or opposing) - Each ball (DOZER, STITCHER, TRACER, FINISHER, SNOWGLOBE) has its own effect (There are 15 total) - Cuebats (the tool that the PUSHERS use) are made to be hard to bend with their telekinesis - It's okay to use someones torn off leg or other weapons found on the playing field as improvised weapons - but illegal to bring in your own!  - DOZER puts you to sleep if you touch it with your bare hands - STITCHER is a ball of yarn that has to be rolled up before it can be used to score - TRACER will try to follow the path it was taken the match before - FINISHER will only move in a predetermined path to the goal. - If your tryout is bad enough, you CAN get culled  - Rustbloods caught cheating in Arena Stickball will "get culled before they can blink"  - SNOWGLOBE - 8-BALL, rigged with a nuclear bomb that explodes after a set amount of time. - Controllers are often bluebloods (Cerulean?)  - Lususes are used in this sport - they can be friendly, neutral, or opposing - Aren't allowed to be fed, though - Sloths are not commonly used in AS due to their slowness - PUSHERs are the only players allowed to score (And are thus prime targets) - PUSHER helmets are designed to leave the forehead exposed for their    Psychic Powers, however this is a weak point and why they die a lot. - There is a team called the SNOWGLOBES - Xultan Matzos was a PUSHER - very famous - If the heiress attends a match, you are “encouraged” to kneel the entire time - Not following the rules proper will get you culled - Couches are MADE of FABRIC  - PUSHERS are advised to rely heavily on telekinesis - THE MAN ON THE MOON (White, non-scoring ball) cannot be interacted with by PUSHERS. It radiates a feeling of pernicious intent (to Xefros, at least)
Lowblood life:
- Having leadership aspirations is illegal and grounds for execution.
- Suburbs (Subgrubs) are segregated by caste.
- It is mandatory to buy what the heiress is selling.
- The bus system is infrequent and unreliable ("engineered to prevent caste mobility")
- Sometimes (Most times for lowbloods?) jobs are involuntary and assigned
- There is a LOT of class struggle and oppression
- There is, quote “Forced participation in keeping that oppression running smoothly.”
- Have to practice your profession before the TRIALS or you'll get culled
- Demanding a refund as a lowblood can get you culled
- Even uttering rebellious sentiment and promoting it could lead to your execution
- It's Imperial mandate that rustbloods are kept poor - they're not allowed to have more than the bare minimum to scrape by
- "Almost all" rustbloods end up as butlers 
- If a lowblood (read: redblood) makes a name for themselves and succeeds too well, they are liable to be humiliated and culled.
- Heiress will and can make a spectacle of your death in public
- Dreaming of destroying things associated with the heiress can get you killed
- Circular discs are a luxury, if you can't afford them, you get hexagonal ones
- There are sections of magazines that are illegal for lowbloods to read (???)
- Good pizza toppings are reserved for highbloods
- Lowbloods either get instaculled in raids or snatched up for later
- Mostly to be killed as a highblood spectacle
- Lowbloods can get culled for anything and everything or no reason at all - Anyone who disobeys the heiress gets rounded up and enslaved or slaughtered - Slavery is a thing (especially for rustbloods)
- The heiress hates aliens and lowbloods
- Your money is monitored by the government to keep you poor. (Probably).
- Scythian (Troll version of Amazon) always takes forever to deliver to lowbloods
Highblood Life:
- SLAM OR GET CULLED prevents voting from lususes, unless you're a highblood, and then you can have your lusus go on stage and eat everyone, if you want
- Highbloods generally can get away with a lot.
- Indigos (Blue?) care where the silverware goes (tend to "crush anything they pick up anyways")
- High society dinners often involve bluebloods (Pranking during this time often gets you culled)
- Chucklevoodoos are a subjug thing - not a purpleblood/Gamzee thing (Typically these involve dreams and the subconscious) - Heiress has a lot of servants, literally eats off of gold plates
- Violetbloods are considered royals: They can get published anywhere and tend to write lots of reviews about everything (Their hatred for lowbloods, what they just ate), most reviews are by them and they are especially disgusted by rustbloods.
- Heiress has a court of highbloods and a drone army
- They have FLARP editions based on spies, espionage, and rebellion - FLARP editions have fatigue rules in them involving SOPOR SLIME - There is a FLARP class called ESPIACROONER - It is permitted to use your telekinesis and other psychic powers in FLARP  - Need a game grub in order to play FLARP! 
Miscellaneous (Everything else):
- There is a city named THRASHTHRUST which contains the subgrub called OUTGLUT
- Swinging a weapon at an image of the heiress will bring a drone down upon you near instantly.
- Trolls sleep in recuperacoons due to the "violent and troubling impusles" they have - Sopor is very physically and mentally draining - Can injure trolls further if they sleep in the sopor while injured. - Gotta shake off some of the slime to completely wake up (?) - There are chairs with sopor slime in them, made to relax in (See below) - Sopor slime in close proximity to a troll helps them to relax - Eating sopor slime makes you dumb though 
- Sopor Slime keeps powers in check while they are asleep.
- SLAM OR GET CULLED can end in “relatively certain death” for the losers
- There is an interplanetary warsong titled  "If You Aliens Were Not Meant To Die At Our Hands, Why Are You All So Pitifully Incapable Of Defending Yourselves?!"
- There are Illegal parts of History! Censorship is REAL!
- Protest art exists (Videogames are considered art?)
- Video game controllers dies from starvation. Once they die, the mother console lays a new one.
- Crack open a controller for game grub - pus gets everywhere
- There have been multiple heiresses, but only one is alive at a time
- Interfaces can be designed with psionics/telekinesis in mind
- Jostling sopor is good housekeeping (?)
- Magazine titles: Arena Stickball Illustrated, Grubs Diurnally, Talentless Nobodies
- RITES OF MATURATION: Occur around 7 sweeps, involve Trials, decides your future. Nothing is known about them beyond this, not even whether it means you instantly leave the planet. Trolls are expected to TRAIN FOR THESE.
- Putting inorganic material in a grubslurry activator is begging for death
- Eating raw eggs is bad for trolls and gives them parasites - Trolls have benevolent and benign parasites
- Troll pupils are kind of reflective like a dog - they reflect white, though!
- They create their hives when they are freshly pupated, CARPENTER DRONES ENFORCE THIS.
- Typing Quirks are very personal for trolls! - Close friends and quadrants can imitate them sometimes - Only two fuschiabloods - Heiress and the Queen. Both are seadwellers - Queen is far away  leading conquests in other galaxies, she is known to be incredibly powerful
- Adults are sent off-planet for their ORDEALS when they come of age
- Quadrants are Fated? (???)
- All text communications and conversations are subject to monitoring by the government.
- Trolls do not meet aliens until they’re off-planet, where they conquer them.
- The caste system is highly important.
- Trolls clean their floors with mucus (?)
- Calendars exist with celebrities on them!
- There is a month named CULLUBRE
TROLLIAN TERMS HIVE - House POWER HEXAGRID - Power grid? LUSUS - Caretaker beast SUBGRUB - suburb STEMCLUSTER - City OMNISCUTTLECOACH - Bus SCYTHIAN - Amazon but not FLARP - LARP but deadly RESPITEBLOCK - bedroom GANDER PRECIPICE - balcony ARENA STICKBALL - a sport! WAREGRID STUDYSCROLL - Looks like a placemat that you study for tablesetting MEGAFORK , MICROFORK , KNIFE FORK, "FOOLS FORK" - Several types of forks SMASHSUIT - stunt gear "SLAM OR GET CULLED" - American Idol but deadly RECUPERACOON - bed SOPOR SLIME - sedative slime that trolls sleep in RAKE PRONG, BILESCOOPER - Utensils 12TH PERIGREES EVE - assumedly christmas SCOURDRAY - Maid. Cleany. Thingy. RESIFLUID - Floor Cleaner SMEARSPINNER - Floor waxer CUEBAT - PUSHERS tool in ARENA STICKBALL FLAVOR DISC - pizza WET CHITIN SACK - ??? XULTAN MATZOS - Famous STICKBALL player BOBBLENUG FIGURINE - Bobblehead RECESSED TABLETOP ARENA STICKBALL - foozeball but not THRASHTHRUST SNOWGLOBES - ARENA STICKBALL League team SPORT OF LORDS  - ??? SPLAYSAC - beanbag filled with SOPOR SLIME CHAIRBAG - beanbag GAME GRUB - videogame CASTE SYSTEM - a system of oppression by blood - rust is lowest, fuschia is highest. ROYGBIV NUGBONES - Skull GRUBFLECKS - a type of cereal SCOURBRISTLE / SCOURBRISTLING - Mop/Mopping? Alternatively Broom/Sweeping CHITIN-RIDGER - goes to the right of the cuebat STICK-JAMMER - thumbtack DROMED BAKTAR - famous stickball player LOUNGEPLANKS - sofa CRISPRANGE - stovetop GRUBSLURRY AGITATOR - used to aggrivate some grubslurry GRUBSLURRY - made to be aggrivated HUSKLOAF - meatloaf BILESLAW - probably coleslaw : / GRUB-SAUCE - its a sauce UNRANGED CLUCKBEAST OVA - uncooked eggs? ACID TUBES - probably intestines given the context GRUB JUICE HYDRATION CYLINDERS - cans of grub juice GRUB JUICE - drink to restore psychic powers WRIGGLING DAY - birthday WIPES - a measurement of time. RITES OF MATURATION - a series of TRIALS and potentially ORDEALS that happen around 7 sweeps SMEARGUNK - cleans floors - is used with smearspinner GLACIAL TREETRUDGER - Xefros' Sloth lusus! ZIGZAG INCLINE - stairs GASTRIC EVACUATION GLAND - The uvula TUBEFLORA SHAVINGS - Banana Slices (Maybe, unconfirmed) LAWNRING - Yard SUPPLIKATYDIDS - Praying Mantis Lususes ORDEALS - gone through by adults. May be a part of the RITES OF MATURATION? CRUEL-AID - Kool-aid CUSPIDATED GRIMALKIN - deercat lusus of Dammeks GUTTERBLOOD - a term for lowbloods THROTTLEMOTH - Just a moth BELLOWSACS - Lungs SCENTBULB - Nose
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itsallavengers · 7 years
(this is my first time sending an ask on tumblr so this is a huge win for my anxious self) about your body guard AU- does Steve find out that its Obie selling under the table, not Tony? what would Steve do to him? also do the events of IM1 still happen in this AU?
So I like,,, planned out this whole fic just in case someone decided to bid for me  and yes. I decided that this would indeed include the events of IM1. With a few changes, of course.
Firstly, at the point where Tony gets taken, he’s already found out about Steve’s other life. It all came out after Steve apparently got ‘confirmation’ that the tipoff about Tony dealing under the table was true.
He’d stared at the text Natasha had sent him for a very long time, because he basically couldn’t believe it. He had been... he’d been so sure Tony was innocent. He’d have staked his life on it. Hell; he’d already decided to give up his assassin lifestyle in favour of Bodyguarding Tony.
And of course- there was the whole ‘I’m mad in love with you’ thing that Steve had going on. After deciding to let Tony in just a little bit, it really hadn’t taken much to fall hopelessly for the man. 
Because he was good. Steve had been positive of that. He’d been completely and utterly convinced. He’d been...
An idiot.
He’d let Tony worm his way in, lie to him, manipulate him so that he’d trust him. Love him. God- it was every trick in the book that Steve had written, and he’d fallen for it all, hook line and sinker.
And really, it should have been his job. To just take Tony out, there and then. He was closest, he was easiest. He could just put a bullet in the back of his head and walk right out, because at that point everyone trusted him. 
But he hadn’t been able to. Because despite the realisation, despite every lie and false pretence Tony had kept up around him- he knew that at the end of the day, he would never be able to hurt him. Not ever- God, the thought alone made him feel sick to his stomach. 
He tells Clint to deal with it, and hates how much it takes him to just get the words out, to tell him to do the job that Steve had gone in there for in the first place. It takes him an hour and a half just to dial, and even then, he just finishes with a short “I can’t” before slamming down on the end call button. Clint would know what it meant.
After a huge fight, where he lets every bit of raw emotion out on Tony, he slams the door and leaves for good. Tony- completely bewildered and an expression like he’d just been stabbed- had barely even gotten a word in edgeways before Steve had taken his duffel and walked out of his life- no more bodyguarding for the mass-murderer, no more cooking him breakfast and hiding a laugh behind his hand when Tony made a joke while on the job-
No more. He was done. It was over, and he’d learnt his lesson.
Except he can’t let it slide.
He can’t... Tony was so good. And it was near impossible to keep something like that up unless you were a complete sociopath, which he knew how to spot anyway. 
It didn’t make sense, and it was eating at Steve.
So he trawls. He scrapes meticulously, carefully, through every single byte of data Natasha sent him. Doesn’t eat, doesn’t sleep, just searches and searches and looks at the clock, counting down the moments until Clint takes the shot.
There’s thirty minutes left when Steve finally finds it.
The hidden data, buried and encrypted and completely invisible unless you were looking as hard as Steve had been- but there. Real. Proof.
Tony was innocent.
And clint was about to kill him.
Steve calls him 18 times in 3 minutes whilst driving very illegally to Stark Towers, leaving messages, voicemails, all of them the same.
We made a mistake don’t kill him he’s innocent don’t kill him he’s innocent Clint please answer please we made a mistake I was wrong we were all wrong I’m begging you don’t kill him he’s innocent-
Clint calls back, 7 minutes and 54 seconds later, saying he’s got the message, calm down Steve- but he couldn’t have done it anyway. Because Tony hadn’t been seen since Steve left, and although Clint had been looking for three days, there was still no sign of him.
Steve remembers every threat, every creepy admirer and downright scary assholes he had had to protect Tony from during his time as a bodyguard at that moment, in vivid detail.
His legs don’t give out, but it’s a near thing.
And for the next 34 hours, 18 minutes, him and his team search every corner of New York until they locate Tony.
He’s at a nightclub in Queens, and when Steve slams in, he can barely see for the cigarette smoke and flashing lights around him. In fact, it’s Peggy who spots him first- she grabs Steve’s attention across the room as she yells at the man sat next to Tony, telling him to let go of Tony’s waist before she slams his head into the table.
When Steve notices the man leer and shake his head, turning until he’s facing Tony’s face and licking up his face, it takes him two and a half seconds to cross the room and do Peggy’s job for her. His head goes right through the table, and he doesn’t even think twice about it.
Tony’s looking at him, his face empty and blank. His eyes are glassy, and he’s either high or wasted, or maybe a mixture of the two.
It’s Steve’s fault. 
They take him back home, and Steve puts him in their beat up truck while Bucky gets in the front and starts driving, face like thunder.
All the way through the ride home, Tony just leans against Steve’s shoulder and stays absolutely silent, no matter what Steve says, no matter what they do.It’s like he doesn’t even believe they’re there at all. 
At one point, he slowly pushes himself up and looks at Steve- blank and numb and nothing like Steve had ever seen before- and then presses his mouth into Steve’s, grabbing him by the collar and draping himself over his lap. It’s messy and laced with the taste of alcohol, and when Steve gently pushes him off, Tony just goes right back to leaning against his shoulder. Like a robot. Like...
Steve doesn’t want to think about what it’s like. 
He just holds Tony against him and presses his mouth against Tony’s hair, quietly apologising into the dark strands, desperate and spiked with horrible, horrible guilt.
The others try and tell him it’s not his fault that they got false information.Steve doesn’t believe any of them. 
Tony barely even registers him, even when he’s right there. And it’s because of what he did, what he said- he dug into whichever spot he could find that hurt, because he knew Tony, he knew him so well that it was almost too easy to hit at the most painful places. And at that moment, when he’d felt hurt and betrayed and like he’d been played a fool by a man who was nothing more than a money-hungry murderer, he hadn’t given a damn about what sort of vitriol had fallen out of his mouth.
He’s never wanted to turn back time more in his entire life. 
They put Tony to bed, and the others leave, but Steve remains. He sits on the couch in the living room, trying to nap and failing.
He knows he has to come clean to Tony. It’s the only way he’ll be able to get Tony to understand why he said what he did. Why he walked out.
He knows that once he tells Tony why they crossed paths in the first place, he’ll never see Tony again. And the thought alone feels like being shot in the heart, it feels like an icy burn across his chest, but he knows it’s what he deserves. 
He’s an assassin. Sent to kill Tony. Even if now, the thought made him want to gather Tony up and make sure no-one hurts him ever, ever again, that didn’t change the fact that that was what he had been out to do at the start. And it makes him hate himself more than he has ever done before in his life- knowing how badly he must have breached Tony’s trust, which was a sacred gift to receive in the first place.
The next time he snaps out of his own self-destructive thoughts, it’s because Tony is stood in front of him, looking like shit and staring at Steve as if he’s not sure he exists.
Steve tells him. Everything. 
Somewhere along the line, Tony starts crying, and it feels like the bottom just dropped out of Steve’s world. It feels like every ounce of self-loathing, every scrap of guilt and remorse and horrible feeling just got rolled into one concentrated ball and shoved like a blunt object straight through Steve’s soul, but he can’t stop. Tony deserves to know.
He begs Tony to forgive him, tries to convince him that it might have been a game at the start, but Steve had been fully willing to give up his job as an assassin to be with Tony, because he loved him, and Tony had to know that, even if he didn’t believe it. 
When Steve has finished, Tony doesn’t say anything for a very long time. Just looks at him. 
He says some things, after that. Words intended to hurt, to dig and bury themselves in Steve’s already battered heart in the same way they must have done for Tony, when it was Steve saying them.
Tony tells Steve to go. Says if he ever sees Steve again, he’ll call the cops and use every ounce of sway he has to put Steve and his team in jail for the rest of their lives. Says he hates Steve, and that whatever Steve felt for him, it certainly wasn’t returned.
‘You were just a bodyguard to me, Steve. A hot bodyguard, yeah, but that’s it. And hey- turns out you weren’t even that, in the end, didn’t it?’
Steve tries, one last time. This time it’s him crying, but Tony is just glaring at him, face devoid aside from the sharp lines of his gritted teeth.
Before Steve goes, he tells Tony to hire someone new. A real bodyguard, because someone sent Steve in the first place, and they’re still out there. And the thought of anyone putting their hands on Tony again, when he’s not there to stop them because Tony won’t let anyone near him again...
Tony tells him to fuck off.
Steve leaves.
Months pass.
He and the team keep guard of Tony. Because while Steve had been lying to protecting him, the others had actually gotten to like the guy.
Of course they would. Tony was like sunlight. 
Tony does hire someone new, in the end. Guy called Happy Hogan. Steve doesn’t think he’ll be good enough.
Then again- he wouldn’t be happy unless it was him with Tony.
And that isn’t ever going to happen. Ever.
It’s 9 months later when Tony gets kidnapped.
And Steve can’t describe the feeling of it, really. Maybe an apt description was like someone had just taken his body and stretched, until everything felt like it was tearing apart, agonising and burning inside him.
He punches the wall five times, and breaks his hand in seven places. Bucky, Clint and Natasha have to all team up to wrestle him to the floor, in the end.
A few days later, Steve goes to the only person he knows will want to find Tony as much as he himself does.
Rhodey’s first port of call is to punch him in the face and tell him to fuck off.
Steve comes back the next day.
Rhodey punches him again.
Steve comes back.
Another punch in the face.
Again. Again. Again.
And his face is black and blue, the rest of his team are cracking their knuckles and telling him to let go, but he won’t, he won’t sit and twiddle his damn thumbs when Tony needs him.
It takes 9 punches to the face and a broken nose before Rhodey finally talks to him.
It’s two black eyes and a fractured rib before Rhodey finally lets up and allows Steve to join the search.
They look for three months. By that time, the rescue funds have been cut and they’re down to the bare minimum.
Everyone thinks Tony Stark is dead.
But not Steve. Steve knows, he knows Tony, he knows that the bastard is out there, and he’s going to wander back to them any day now, asking for coffee or a burger because he is an asshole and-
This time it’s only Rhodey who can wrestle him away from the wall. The rest of his team are hundreds of miles away.
It’s a few days later when then they finally see someone.
It’s Tony.
He’s real and alive and sunburnt as fuck, stumbling in the desert with a shirt on his head as he waves desperately to the helicopter, and Steve immediately makes to leave, to fetch him, to do whatever the fuck needs to be done- but Rhodey pushes him back, growling and hissing under his breath about not wanting Tony to think he’s hallucinating.
Rhodey goes out for him instead. Steve waits in the chopper, and his feet are burning. He wants to go out there, he wants to check Tony for all his injuries, kiss them all reverently and hold his hand, feeling him there, real and alive and sunburnt as fuck.
He knows it’s not his place. That he shouldn’t even be there in the first place, but he’s selfish, what can he say- he needs to see Tony. needs to know that he’s okay, like the way he needs air to breathe or food to survive.
Tony finds his eyes first.
“I died, didn’t I?” He asks, a little sadly, and then “Sure, you were an assassin, but somehow I don’t doubt for a second that you’d turn out to be a fucking angel too.”
“I... what?” Steve chokes on his words, unable to believe that he’s actually speaking to Tony for the first time in nine months.
Tony shrugs, and then winces as it hurts him. “You. You impossible man- the assassin sent to kill me, who I was dumb enough to fall in love with- would not be here if I were alive.”
Steve’s heart is doing the dropping thing again as he looks at Tonys chest, at his sad eyes and bloody hands and-
he’s crossed the room and gently, oh so very gently pulled Tony into his arms before anyone can argue with him. And Tony just sighs and wraps his hands around Steve’s back, still unbelieving, but Steve won’t let him think that, he can’t, so he curls his fingers around Tony’s jaw and tilts his head, until Tony is looking directly into his eyes.
“Your favourite colour is purple, but you say it’s red. You tap out curse words in binary when you’re bored. You have tennis balls stored in your workshop so that I could play fetch with Dum-E. You hate peanut butter. I am very real, Tony, and I swear to you, you are not dead.”
Tony blacks out in his arms.
After the initial panic, Tony is pulled into medical,and continues to sleep until they’re an hour off their destination. Steve steadily refuses to leave his side through it all- even when Rhodey punches him again.
Apparently that one had just been for fun- but it didn’t do much, Steve just got another black eye and got on with it. 
When Tony wakes up, Steve’s there.
And once he finally comes around to the idea that yes, he is actually alive, Steve is actually corporeal, and he actually escaped, he turns to watch Steve for a long time again; the same intense stare he’d used on him the day that he’d told Steve to leave his life forever.
Steve is convinced they’re about to have a repeat performance.
But Tony just... finds his hand. And holds it.
Steve doesn’t say anything- but he grasps on Tony’s hand like it’s the only thing anchoring him to the rest of the world.
In the end, Steve breaks the silence first- telling Tony he quit, as did the rest of the team, and they decided to open up a coffee shop instead. In turn, Tony tells him it was Obie who dealt the weapons, and that after shutting down the weapons productions, he made sure Stane was thrown in jail for a very long time.
Steve says he already knows. Tony raises an eyebrow. Steve tells him that he kept up with what happened with Tony, after he left. Tony looks a little surprised, but doesn’t say anything.
They hold hands until they have to land, and then Rhodey shoves him aside to help him off. 
Pepper and the rest of Steve’s team are waiting for him at the landing pad. They have coffee and burgers for him, and they give them to Pepper before backing away a little. 
Except Tony calls out to them, and they turn around to see Rhodey steering Tony toward them, a stubborn tilt to his chin as he faces them all.
“Does Steve love me?” He asks them bluntly, when they get within range.
Bucky just laughs, and rolls his eyes as Steve’s jaw drops and he makes bug eyes at Tony’s back.
“Is the sky blue?” He replies, before stepping forward and opening his arms a little, asking permission. His face is worried and a little sheepish, but when Tony nods, Bucky breaks out into a happy little beam and steps forward; pulling him in with the same gentle touch Steve had used.
“Right,” Tony swallows, patting Bucky’s shoulder before stepping away and turning around again, facing Steve. “Uh. Well. That’s certainly news.”
“It shouldn’t be,” Steve says bluntly. “Tony, I loved you from the first month of knowing you. For the past year, it’s pretty much consumed me. I know you don’t want anything to do with me, and I do not blame you for that at all, but I just needed you to know-”
He’s cut off when Tony leans forward and wraps his uninjured hand around Steve’s neck, pulling him in and silencing his fast-moving mouth with a kiss.
“Good,” he says against Steve’s mouth, and Steve can feel the smile against his lips, “because I had a bit of a wakeup call while I was in those caves, and I realised that I can’t just let good things slip through my fingers because I’m too stubborn to 
The team whoops, and Rhodey is giving him a glare that promises the shovel-talk of his life, but Steve doesn’t even care, he just pulls Tony in as close as he’ll reach and buries his head into the other man’s shoulder, stifling his sudden wave of tears against the warm skin. “Oh my God, I’m so glad you’re safe, I love you, I’m so glad, I’m so-”
“Hey, hey, it’s okay Steve. Just breathe. I’m here. And I’m not leaving,” Tony says, hand stroking through Steve’s short hair as Steve holds him up.
“I love you,” Steve says again, just for good measure.
Tony smiles, and again, Steve is hit with just how bright Tony really is. Like sunlight.
“It took us long enough, didn’t it?” He says quietly, kissing the tip of Steve’s nose.
Steve does end up finding Obadiah.
After hiring the Ten Rings to take Tony out, he used the remaining cash to buy his way out of prison, fleeing to Cuba where Steve ended up tracking him.
Since leaving his old life behind to work the coffeeshop, he hadn’t touched a gun, let alone fire one.
Luckily, old habits die hard.
There was only one bullet left in the pistol Steve had picked up, but one was enough. He intended to do most of it in a more... hands-on fashion, anyway.
Honestly, considering Steve had prepared for resistance from any guards or traps set in place, it all felt remarkably anti-climatic. Stane barely had time to fumble at the gun holstered to his side before Steve had grabbed him by the throat and thrown him across the room, sending him smashing into the wall at speed. 
A kick down, dislocating the jaw and preventing any cries for help. Twist of the wrist, and out came the bone from its joint, along with the gun from his hand. Punch to the face, just for good measure more than anything. Drive and drive and drive, a constant downpour of punches and snaps until the scum who had sold Tony out to the terrorists was nothing more than a bloody mess of a man, looking at Steve with pleading eyes.
Steve shot him in the head, because he was kind. Any semblance of life left Stane’s eyes immediately, and he slumped against the floor.
Peggy and Clint were coming in to deal with the body (Stane was on vacation- small aircraft, such poor safety record. A tragic accident), and Steve was done here. His last target accounted for.
He pulls out his phone and dials, a smile already on his face. 
“Hey babe, sorry, I just got out of a meeting- how was your day-”
*If any of you want to see more from this au (that sounds rlly weird and threatening whoops sorry), or just fancy prompting me for a fic of your choice, you can bid for me > here 
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efosa123 · 6 years
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eCompare review hey there everyone welcome to episode 941 of the Mike from Maine show the place where we do daily interviews with successful online entrepreneurs this is your host Mike Thomas and today on the show we have mark Bishop on and we're going to be talking about a powerful software that's going to allow you to create review sites with a twist on them this is something that I actually use all the time we're going to talk about some actual use cases and how you can use this to make money let's get into it here's mark we are here today with mark bishop mark welcome back to the show come on can we have five thank you I'm a little tired getting ready we're we're recording this before my product launch for we're both in the in the midst of craziness but the show must go on mark I'm taking the time out to bring you on the show even though I'm my own launch going on because you've got a really cool software coming out that I want to share with my audience I'm going to read off the headline for this ok and we can get right into it it says here a unique legal affiliate loophole generates passive income from 7 retail platforms new and unique price comparison app allows you to legally hijack commissions from the top 7 affiliate networks in the world in minutes now when I first saw this I thought to myself it's another kind of Yakama Philly excite builder which are great like they're powerful we've seen them but after taking a bigger look inside I know it's not just that so so bringing sort of this put salt up well ok I'll make you kind of hit it there my account there are a ton of store builders out there I'm actually quite rightly say to you that I'll emigrate but you know having a store there doesn't necessarily mean you're going to make money so even if you even if you target everything build an affiliate store on the back of them Amazon products Aliexpress eBay that currently you can you can fill out the store and it's great because you don't have the risk you don't have to buy it from the stock in you know I mean there's no issues with customs you you have it all there you make a commission on these affiliate products so you know from my perspective as a store builder affiliate store builder is fantastic however you know like I said it doesn't necessarily mean you're going to make money in order to to actually get something to actually purchase what we found is we have to offer them choices so we look to look at a number of sites and some of the biggest sites now on the sites are really grown in terms of popularity and revenue our price comparison sites so you know it's human nature we all do it so you jump online and you're looking for a product and you go to a site you might see that product there it might be look for any certain price being ever going to buy that one product re you're always going to open up save for other times and you're going to look around for a better deal and like I said people do it all the time we all do it so what we wanted to do and what we did with a compare is we built in a price comparison engine so essentially what happens is somebody comes to your store they're looking for I don't I say a cow or a laptop or whatever it is and they're looking for the best deal so this is a search for available they find that product on your store and what happens then is as soon as they click on it then the price comparison engine runs a comparison from seven different sites where I say seven different sites the plug-in itself API cooperates several different platforms such as Amazon Aliexpress ebay.com Walmart come others anyway it will find or it go off and it will scrape those sites if the products on there so it which results from every every platform that has updated private building and what it does is it delivers the best price in the best deal to that particular product so rather than and your customer or potential customers needing to open up them to another tab looking for the best deal its offered up right there in front of them okay that's the things going on in my head right now I don't think it to them all that this can makes complete sense to me if you think about one example with affiliate marketing if you think about what we do when we recommend products to our audience I don't bring you on my show and tell you and tell my customers to go buy from you and then they find out that there's some discount code from someone else when they can get it lower that happens if that people won't come back to me and purchase because they're going to go okay Mike's not giving us the lowest price on this that's why if I find out something like that's happening I get really angry with the vendor I'm like well I don't tell me about that because it makes me look really bad because I'm trying to provide a service to my audience and if you're doing that if you're truly trying to help people out then they will come back you enable purchase from you over and over again second thing I'm flying to southern Turkey tomorrow so we could do that where do we go to buy our plane ticket do we go from like Turkish Airlines to Pegasus Airlines to local into your Atlas jet in America you go Delta United like did I go to to open up all of those different size individually and search for this plane ticket no of course not I'm not an idiot okay way to show it one of the websites and there are a bunch of them because this model is really profitable because they know that if they can give the best price and it provides a service people will click and buy and they're going to get an affiliate commission for it so I went to the website I certify should I'm lying my wife went to the website together cousin she's probably no nobody talking about I get on to research for that my wife was there she found the best price in one open up showed all the different prices and we purchased from the lowest one the website that we purchased from they don't care they're going to get their commission I'm happy the airline's happy the website's happy we're all happy now I mean that basically is a right I mean it happens in in all in this business you know with hotels with flights and in this case you know with physical products but yeah absolutely I mean you just said you know looking for flights I mean in the UK it would be sort of something like tomorrow or booking car or something like that people don't necessarily go to direct me to the vendor directly to the you know the person selling the flights the airline or something like that then look around and look for the best deal and yeah this is essentially what we found with you compare so rather than and you shopping around for that particular product you can just go to one side and learn a price comparison and it will offer up you know the best deal the best price right there in front of your customer you kind of touched on this earlier actually make sure we're clear on it these are you're promoting stuff as an affiliate right so you're not you don't go out there and buy any product Magnus in English and Reglan used an affiliate that's right there's an awful lot of fun training products relating to ecommerce and you know if you get it right right it can be very popular you know very profitable however there's also an awful lot of risk involved you know you have to buy those products in you have to risk money and then you have to advertise those products and then you still have to hope you actually make setups and the onions or get rid of those products you've already purchased with affiliates econ what were you doing really is you just pulling in all the data all of the details the images are basically the store builder it just builds the whole thing for you so you put in a term you enter that in and then it calls all the details so all you have to do really is put your your affiliate links in your your secret Keating's whatever it is into the plug-in and then you've got that global affiliate link throughout the whole site so it really doesn't matter where a customer values the product so if you've got say a comparison running and there's four different platforms there the pop-up and you choose or your customer chooses one of them doesn't make any difference you know because you're globally that your affiliate link is globally embedded throughout so doesn't matter where the customer purchases who they purchase from more product encourages with you can pay still going to commission so I've got much more questions for you but I'm feeling that you're running out of some of them by actually showing us yeah so go ahead and when you're ready when I share your screen and show us under the bed so let's take a look okay you seen this man work yeah okay cool so I've got him running for the first early learning Pacific yeah we're looking for years over okay so he compare so he compares a package and it's made up or harm the plug-in and the theme so plugging the training tutorials so this is the plug-in itself so if we wanted products it would be a case of say let's put on there and we can set filters as well and just touch products and then to album see site so I give that power I get out that one and then up products like so I mean again this is much the same as any store builder nothing remarkable about this see analysis good so what do you now is going through right now I said it may take some time it's going to get better and pull all the different example privet to this side here and I'll show you which is perhaps the most important element of this particular product so see very store playbills so sliders everything it all comes with the plugin so the Sun let's take a look at the shop and we just were under comparison so let's say your customer is searching your store and you know maybe like this t-shirt here so I click here they can see the comparison there it goes right there there I like how it kind of is processing because it makes me as a potential customer I'm thinking okay this isn't some static thing going on you're actually processing this in real time and it's bringing up any any instant results absolutely absolutely so you know your customer comes up comes over here aren't you that this is a bunch of process there and let's say let's say clicks there and then you know straight over to whichever platform they choose they buy on asleep the store owner gets a commission so not gonna get them clicking on a bunch of different affiliate links and a bunch of different stores so they might not buy from you immediately but they might like something else later on in the day or in the week and you don't use any liquid that's also something important to mention on yes so you know when they're clicking these these different stores obviously dropping cookies there so if they let's go back to to this product here so let's say they look at this and then you think well that's quite cool you know and I'll get those as well so you're going to get Commission for whatever they buy so it's like if they click through they're going out and then you buy that maybe that as well and you get Commission all of that just thank you back here so you can see that you know it's it's a typical store builder so I've got to think yourself it's a pretty good one you might using a store builder right now but I'm pretty sure it's not going to do this so just having those you know the best price is offered up to you straight away it's going to it's going to mean that your your banks rates going to drop two people going to stick to your site it would be more inclined to actually purchase through you I mean it's a fantastic selling so like you said weekly flights Mike you know people they come onto the site and they look for the best deal now what we recommend people do is to target these sites do specific areas say you know just say for example sort of camping or hiking or something like that if you keep it really really targeted then people will find your site you know whenever they do actually find your site they're interested in a product on your arm on your store there's good chance can approach it through you is also a good chance that are going to purchase additional products come in an upsell if you like let me know let me get up for this one so that I'm still up before the day of baseball tournament okay yeah so okay we've got on we've got the couple of products that is there that we could we could share these on Facebook and Twitter and Pinterest so that will give us instant traffic so if you are just starting I am and you're looking for traffic then you can share these in an in grymps in on pages that you manage an entire line in messages anything like that site you know if you remember if greek you've got a tar pit sites so you know like camping and hiking again you know you can find a facebook group you can join that you could share these posts these products inside that group well I know thinking like if you're going to meet one of these fakes you want to make it hard to a specific niche so and if you have that on a wordpress site you're going to get just natural organic traffic you I mean I don't even try to rank for stuff sometimes and I drink every artist things and you have you get longer tail keywords and you're creating in your creative stuff that people are actually sticking on you're providing value then your your on-page time is going to increase your your rankings are going to increase your your longtail keywords are going to are going to give you more traffic of course it's not going to happen instantly overnight from the SEO but I mean like you said you can go out there you can share on Facebook you share on Twitter you can share a Pinterest there's some great software out there that can help with traffic we just released want anyone that bought our board commander software and this is a perfect example of something that you can use board commander with to to give traffic absolute absolutely yes and I'll show you this here like so most store builders will come with perhaps three platforms that you can integrate so you can see here that we've got sent so we've got Amazon we've got Aliexpress Walmart BestBuy shop calm sea discount on eBay so what you do is you put your details in OOP sorry so you put your details in for each of those of course if you're not signed up with this you know it will take you up five or seven minutes to sign up with each of them to get more on your key but I'm not going to be the same with any store builder so you spend a little bit of time doing that add all the details in there and then basically you know as I've kind of demonstrated over here it doesn't matter which store your customer purchases from you're going to get commission so it's kind of global and just get back here so dashboard so when you add in all your different party the other men or do you just click that to add them in there how hard is it adding new products um well I mean like it's just as good back here profond it so basically it's a case of dropping in phrase there send your filters and then clicking fetch products and then you just basically you just click the ones you want to add you know it really depends on how many products you add at the same time as to how long it will take to put them all in your site but once you've done that and it just it built a page like this right when you first set up a store and you know the first couple of stores first couple of niches you enter it might be something that you're interested in but essentially we're all doing this for the money so you're going to go ostomy Shay's market that you're not really too familiar with I guess so you might think you know what what products you need to add to your store but there will be people searching your store for products you don't actually have kind of included let me show you this so I'm going to put this popular code for ladies so there are a part of the code for ladies on this site I normally that would mean we just wouldn't make any money because it wouldn't be anything on your site but or you can pair down as it goes off and it cause all of the details from for certain different platforms I like that that's like that's cool so even even if you don't have them on your site if people are searching for something you can still make money from them even though it you haven't thought about it in the you haven't already thought about it yes absolutely so it pulls all of the details and they're you know I mean if your customer might like to click there and then click there you know they can buy it you still make a commission store and it still makes a commission even though the product isn't actually on your store love it okay so mark on the front end there is there anything else that you wanted to show us on the front end before we move on to the OTO s okay so with the front end I haven't got the access page open but there's also training there's this thing on the belt we got I plug it we've got a theme so you've got the plug-in pretty much does what I've just explained to you so you've got you can set everything up from here so you can add the feature list store side store here there are sliders you can customize everything let me just have a look Sophie motions just bear with me a second so you pretty much customize everything so we're all going to be entering differently she's different marketplaces so you can get the look you want from the theme we have run it there and we have a blog built-in so again for organic traffic you can either do it manually you can even pull feeds in from WordPress sites RSS or easy with articles and it's a look we've kind of looked at that and the color settings there are number of details you can set up here you get a spinning and stuff as well yeah yeah cool okay so so that's basically that's the the front end offer there I think you guys as far as like limits on the front end before we move on to the OTO so there any like limit on there anything that people should be aware of yes around Mike um so there's two licenses on the front end so that you can set in compare that case the plug-in metallic theme on either 50 sites or you can do it on 10 sites okay so the 50 side of the license is 2777 but that's for the first 4 hours so we'll be going up and it rising to retail price of $67 and the 10 license is 2574 and that will be rising to 65 okay so that's the front end offer there bring it through the OTO is I think you've got a three of them yeah so the first upgrade is you can perform basically what that allows you to do is run this on unlimited sites so you can run it on as many sites as you want on top of that there are three additional things that I know I've said that you can customize the theme to unite the asymptotes but each theme has a different set up a different structure so you know you can customize each of these themes and it will look totally different so you know kind of a different layout a different feel and additional features with the plug-in so with the additional features there is a facebook compatible theme so if you wanted to drop a store into Facebook you can do that so you can have a fully functioning store inside of Facebook there's also an email League direction with a number of triggers there's a bunch of blog images so if you are looking for organic traffic then there's a ton of images that you can use there were two free so that included with this this upgrade and I think that's pretty much it on you can pair Pro Line upgrade through is res edition on I know a lot of people probably don't see the value in developers right but you know from my my end point of view on being able to take a product so to take this door here so you built this door and you build it with you compare and it's fully loaded everything works and it makes you money so in two or three months time so you make a fun guys a month from your store you can go ahead and you can flip that light you know if you make a thousand dollars a month two or three months time you can sell that for $12,000 you can even sell a site that makes money you can sell it up to 12 times the gross monthly revenue and I've done this just gonna say this isn't some theoretical thing I know marks made-up words if I remember correctly it was like a hundred and twenty-five or 65 or 70 I like you made a lot of money from it from one site yeah I mean I've sold numerous salsa one of the sites was suddenly 7,000 but I mean in terrible selling sites with with income I've sold a total of 163 thousand dollars worth so it's kind of something that anybody can do and if you have developers rights you can you know you can perfectly legally plently size so I don't have to contact us so it's something to consider I know it's not for everybody and I know an awful lot of people will be thinking I'm never going to do that we haven't seen it is so easy like I mean you can create some your value and you can you can sell it I mean I think it's one of those things that I think I think a lot of people see value in that I see value in that so that's that's an optional upgrade guys for you if you want to get the developer right to be able to actually create sites and sell those sites you can pick up the developer license there and I think you've got one more OTO yeah so the last upsell is resell it so if you wanted to sell the whole package the whole eekum pair package essentially you can sell it you'll get 100% of everything you make so it's kind of like Evan you're a software business if you like we just set you up with a special rink you refer people through that link and you keep 100% of everything you Richard so the guys the difference between that and me then the developer is with the developer you can sell sites with this installed on it when ya HST you can go out there and actually sell the software you don't worry about setting up a site for anyone you can just go and sell them the software itself and keep all the commissions mark thank you so much for coming on the show today is there anything else anything we missed anything you wanted to mention before we wrap it up I simply probably pretty much covered it I mean this if you do have a score building you're probably thinking I do a donate this but take a look at the comparison engine take a look a comparison that sites online they're making an absolute fortune and as you know Mike's already mentioned you know everything from flights to paid sales no physical goods you know it made sense people are more they're going to be more inclined to actually post you through year it's got a it's got a body bias right and you ultimately you can make more money I mean it's kind of a simple as a thank you so much for coming on the show today and best of luck with your launch hi spike thanks wrap me up I know you're busy good luck today I hope you enjoyed the interview today with Mark if you are interested in picking up ich impaired at its lowest price you're going to want to come back tomorrow at 10 a.m. 71 more words
0 notes
No one wants to talk about this, but we all should be. - Citadel Has No Clothes (original research by u/atobitt on Reddit) - If you've heard about Gamestop, you should read this to get a better idea what's really going on.
EDIT: This is not financial advice. Everything disclosed in the post was done by myself, with public information. I came to my own conclusions, as should you.
TL;DR - Citadel Securities has been fined 58 times for violating FINRA, REGSHO & SEC regulations. Several instances are documented as 'willful' naked shorting. In Dec 2020 they reported an increase in their short position of 127.57% YOY, and I'm calling bullsh*t on their shenanigans.
I've been digging into the financial statements of Citadel Securities between 2018 and 2020. Primarily because Citadel Securities actually has a set of published financial statements as opposed to the 13Fs filed by Citadel Advisors.
First... Citadel is a conglomerate.. they have a hand in literally every pocket of the financial world. Citadel Advisors LLC is managing $384,926,232,238 in market securities as of December 2020...
Yes, seriously- $384,926,232,238
$295,347,948,000 of that is split into options (calls & puts), while $78,979,887,238 (20.52%) is allocated to actual, physical, shares (or so they say). The rest is convertible debt securities.
The value of those options can change dramatically in a short amount of time, so Citadel invests in several "trading practices" which allow them to stay ahead of the average 'Fidelity Active Trader Pro'. Robinhood actually sells this data (option price, expiration date, ticker symbol, everything) to Citadel from it's users. Those commission fees you're not paying for? yeah.... think again.. Check out Robinhoods 606 Form to see how much Citadel paid them in Q4 2020.. F*CK Robhinhood.
Anyway, another example is Citadel's high-frequency trading. They actually profit between the national ask-bid prices and scrape pennies off millions of transactions... I'm going to show you several instances where Citadel received a 'slap on the wrist' from FINRA for doing this, but not just yet.
Now.... the "totally, 100% legit, nothing-to-see-here, independent*"* branch of Citadel Advisors is Citadel Securities- the Market Maker Making Manipulated Markets. The whole purpose of the DTCC is to serve as an third party between brokers and customers (check out this video for more on DTCC corruption). I'll bring up the DTCC again, soon.
Anyway, Citadel Advisors uses their own subsidiary (Citadel Securities) to support their very "unique" style of trading. For some reason, the SEC and FINRA have allowed this, but not without citing them for 58 'REGULATORY EVENTS'.
So that got me thinking.... "WTF is Citadel actually putting out there for the public to see?" Truthfully, not much... a 12-page annual report called a 'statement of financial condition'.
Statement of Financial Condition in 2018.
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The highlighted section above represents securities sold, but not yet purchased, at fair value for $22,357,000,000. This is a liability because Citadel is responsible for paying back the securities they borrowed and sold. If you're thinking "that sounds a lot like a short", you're correct. Citadel Securities shorted $22 big ones (that's billion) in 2018.
Same story for 2019- but bigger: $25,270,000,000
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2020 starts to get REALLY interesting...
Throughout the COVID pandemic, we all heard the stories of brick-and-mortars going bankrupt. It was becoming VERY profitable to bet against the continuity of these companies, so big f*cks like Citadel decided to up their portfolio... by 127.57%.
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That's right. Citadel Securities upped their short position to $57,506,000,000 in 2020.
We've all heard Jimmy Cramer's bedtime stories: "It's important to create a narrative in your favor so that your short position helps drive those businesses into bankruptcy." Personally, I'm convinced that most of the media hype throughout COVID was an example of this, but I digress.
EDIT: Credit to u/JohnnyGrey for the deeper-dive, here..
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Out of the $32,236,000,000 increase in shorts during 2020, $22,740,000,000 (70.5%) were increases in financial derivatives (options)...
Anyway, Citadel shorted another $32,236,000,000 in 2020 and rolled into 2021 with some PHAT $TACK$. Now it's time for a quick accounting lesson; this is where you're going to sh*ted the bed.
You see the highlighted section below? Citadel (and other companies reporting highly liquid securities) uses 'Fair Value' accounting to measure the amount that goes on their balance sheet (including liabilities like short positions). The cash that Citadel received (asset) was accounted for when the security was sold, but the liability (short) needs to be recorded at the CURRENT MARKET PRICE for those securities while they remain on the balance sheet..
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At the end of 2020, the 'Fair Value' of their short positions were $57 billion.
At the end of 2021, however, Citadel will need to adjust the value of those liabilities to their CURRENT market value... Since we don't know the domestic allocation of their short portfolio, you can only imagine the sh*tsunami that's coming for them..
Take $GME for example....
We KNOW that Citadel "had" a short position in $GME along with Melvin Capital... Can you imagine the damage that r/wallstreetbets has done to the other stonks in their portfolio? If Melvin lost 53% in January from this, there's no telling what the current 'Fair Value' of those shorts are..
I trust a wet fart more than Citadel, Melvin, and Point 72. Here's why.
This is a FINRA report published in early 2021. It cites 58 regulatory violations and 1 arbitration. After explaining how Ken Griffin basically controls the world through the tentacles of the Citadel octopus, it lists detailed cases and fines that were usually 'neither admitted or denied, but promptly paid' by Citadel Securities.
Let me shed some light on a FEW:
Quite frankly, I'm tired of typing them. There are STILL 49 violations, and most are BIG fines.
Naked shorts, failure to provide documentation to SEC, short selling on trade halts..... is this starting to sound familiar? When r/wallstreetbets started exposing the truth, they lost the advantage. Now that the DD is coming out about this sh*t, they're getting desperate.
Let's look at some recent events that occurred with trading halts in $GME. On March 10 2021 (Mar10 Day) we watched the stock rise until 12:30pm when an unbelievable drop triggered at least 4 circuit breaker events (probably more but I walked away for a bit).
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Price drop of 40% in about 25 minutes
Now... I do not believe retail traders did this.. most importantly, the market was totally frozen for the majority of that 25 minutes. Even if people were putting in orders to sell, there were just as many people trying to buy the dip.
The volume of shares flooding the market- at the same exact time- was premeditated. I can say that with confidence because several media outlets (mainly MarketWatch) published articles WHILE this was happening, after nearly a week of radio-silence. MarketWatch even predicted the decline of 40% before the entire drop had occurred. When Redditors reached out to ask WTF was going on, the authors set their Twitter accounts to private... slimy. as. f*ck.
"But wait.... didn't example # 4 say that Citadel was fined $15,000 for selling shorts during circuit breaker events!?"
Yup! and here are TWO more instances:
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2: And another...
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Think Citadel is alone in all of this? Think again... It's actually been termed- "flash crash".
$12,500,000 fine for Merrill Lynch in 2016..
$7,000,000 for Goldman...
$12,000,000 for Knight Capital...
$5,000,000 for Latour Trading...
$2,440,000 for Wedbush...
I can't tell who was responsible for the flash crash in $GME last Wednesday; I don't think anyone can. However, to suggest that it wasn't market manipulation is laughable. The media and hedge funds are tighter than your wife and her boyfriend, so spending time on this issue is a waste.
But what we can do is look at the steps they're taking to prepare for this sh*tsunami. So let's summarize everything up to this point, shall we?
Citadel has been cited for 58 separate incidents, several of which were for naked shorting and circuit breaker flash-crashes
The short shares reported on Citadel's balance sheet as of December 2020 were up 127% YOY
The price of several heavily-shorted stocks has skyrocketed since Jan 2021
Citadel uses 'Fair Value' accounting and needs to reconcile the value of their short positions to this new market price. The higher the price goes, the more expensive it becomes for them to HODL
We know that Citadel is on the hook for $57,000,000,000 in shorts, but at least they're HODLing onto some physical shares as assets, right?.... RIGHT??
This should soothe that smooth ape brain of yours...
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Well that's just terrific, because the DTCC just implemented SRCC 801 which means they DON'T have your f*cking shares... I've seriously never seen so much finger pointing and ass-covering in my LIFE....
I know this post was long, but the story can't go untold.
The pressure being placed on hedge funds to deliver has never been higher and the sh*t storm of corruption is coming to a head. Unfortunately, the dirty tricks & FUD will continue until this boil ruptures. There are several catalysts coming up, but no one truly knows when the MOAB will blow.
However, desperate times call for desperate measures and we have never seen so much happening at once. For all of these reasons and more: Diamond. F*cking. Hands.
once more, original credit to u/atobitt on Reddit, source here
0 notes
dantelaw21 · 4 years
Weekly SEO Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 301
Click on the video above to watch Episode 301 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
We’re live. Ah, what’s up, everybody? Welcome to Episode 301 of Hump Day Hangouts, where we teach you some kung fu moves to get your rankings up there into other websites out there in the search engine. But that’s great. Welcome to Hump Day Hangouts. Today is the 19th of August and this is your weekly meeting for anything SEO and good stuff and marketing and everything that has to do with that related so welcome to that before we dive into some of the good stuff that we have for today, just gonna go through the list of the awesome people that we have here. Nicole, what’s up Marco? How are you doing, man?
You see it. Now let me tell you about it.
That’s how it makes Groundhog Day. This is my life. I can’t help it. And as I always say, don’t hate the player. Hate the game, as I like this place.
Again, that’s it. If you don’t play the game as you should, then maybe you should start looking in the right place. When you’re starting out in the right place Hump Day Hangout, so here we go. But you go get some.
Let’s go. What’s up, Chris? How are you doing, man? Yeah, like I’m looking jealous over the marketplace. I don’t know. Like we had rained the last day. So like, not too excited to your brother. Well, everything else is good. And actually, I’m a little bit excited, but I cannot talk too much about it. Because I’ve been working on something for POFU.
But I think you mentioned a couple of things about that later. Yeah, for sure. For sure. What’s up, Bradley? How are you doing, man? Good. I’m good. I’m just trying to do what Adam usually does and drop these links on to the chatbox, but other than I’m good, glad to be here. Yeah, by the way, we’re missing a core, a core member of
The team in fact we’re not able to function we’re just basically barely scraping by which is because he’s like out there running the woods doing his stuff. So what’s up, Adam? So what’s up everybody? Welcome to Episode 301.
And we’re going to be diving into question soon but before we go there a couple of things number one people live is coming in hot, he’s going to be awesome. I’m really excited about getting that well on our way is going to be our third installment or the third slot live event although this one’s not going to be in person now which guy that said this is not live so he’s supposed to live online but if you want to go and get your virtual ticket, your POFU Live ticket to be attending to POFU Live, go to pofulive.com. It’s an event that we put every single year for the past three years, and it’s been pretty awesome. People are getting a lot of stuff usually stuff that we don’t share anywhere else. Just info for live. So go there.
Go grab your ticket, we’re going to be doing some fun stuff for VIP ticket holders and all of that good stuff. So go to pofulive.com. And I also believe that we have some sell happening right now. And mgyb. And we guys, yeah, and it’s in celebration of national potato day. Hey, go there.
So I dropped the coupon code in the chatbox below. But it’s if you go to mgyb.co is 25% off of our ys drive stacks for the next I guess three days and the coupon code is potato, my rankings all one word, potato, my rankings, all one word as the coupon code gets you 25% off of our ys drive stacks. There you go. You’re gonna use me, excuse me the SEO shield, which includes a drive stack but it’s the SEO shield orders. That’s what it’s for. There you go. Awesome. And by the way, Michael does
People need to buy right away as they can buy right now. And they need to submit the order right now how How’s that? How’s that working? They have a window so that they can submit basically, you know if somebody is watching this tomorrow, and they want to take advantage of the offer, but they don’t probably didn’t have data of their clients right away, what do you suggest?
Well, we understand that we understand that people can sometimes get the information right away. We understand that people need time, right? For whatever reason it is, or maybe they just want to take advantage of the coupons. Well, that’s fine. They can go ahead, buy, and then submit the information later. Now the problem is if you wait too long if you wait past 30 days, what we’re going to do is we’re simply going to refund you because we can’t let it sit there 5678 months until whatever it is that you decide to do.
So get it, hold on to it go ahead and take advantage of the offer. So that the coupon doesn’t expire, right because once it does, we can’t give you the offer.
Then get gather the information. That’s fine. Don’t wait more than 30 days because then we will refund you no question. It gets done on our we know that if you don’t submit your information within 30 days, you’re likely not to do it. And we’ll have to refund you anyway. So we might as well get rid of the problem to start with. Gotcha. So people can buy today get get get an advantage, take advantage of the coupon. And then you said, you know, submit the details over the next 30 days, basically. That’s awesome. All right. Cool. So and by the way, if you have more SEO needs, if you have more delivery needs, you know, because you shouldn’t be doing the grunt work, let us do it for you go to mgyb.co we have that sale going on. But there’s a lot of good stuff there. A lot of stuff that allegedly doesn’t work. But you know, the proof is in the pudding. We have a bunch of case studies there and more coming. So that’s going to be pretty awesome as well.
Yep. Anything that you guys want to add on? Let’s do this. Let’s do it. Actually, we ran over last week by like, almost 10 minutes because I just lost track of time. So you guys are gonna crack the whip on me today. I tight I’ve got an appointment actually have to get to so. Alright, uh, let me grab the screen.
All right, sweet.
Do you guys see my screen? Okay. Yeah. All right, we’re gonna start with
Is It Safe To Convert Gsites To Its New Format?
Igor. Hey Brad. The NSM team just got an email about Google changing the old g sites. Is it safe to follow to convert them to the new g site? I have been? I’ve done about a dozen myself this week. Seriously, I haven’t even had VA is doing it. I’ve just because I’ve been tightening up projects and stuff. And so I’ve just gone in and click the button and made sure everything came out. Okay, Mark, I know you had some comments about that. We chatted about this yesterday. Yeah, Google has been really nice about it. They giving us everything we need. They’re just moving everything over for us all you have to just click yes it. I mean, how good is that doesn’t get any better than that. Now, you will
Hang on a second, well people do have to be careful about is that it doesn’t turn into a 302. So please monitor your URLs, right use a redirect checker every once in a while to see what it is that Google is doing it because they get sneaky. Remember what they did with geo GL? Yeah, it was a 301. Then without any warning, it turned into a 302. Then they offer Firebase, which was a three or two that you had to turn into a 301. gotta be really careful. Google is really sneaky, right? Do they change other URLs from 301 to three or two from
what do you call it? From a meta refresh, to attend meta refresh, where then it’s useless. So the only thing that I tell people is you got to be really careful. Keep track of your URLs, keep checking them from time to time. And of course, don’t you do it your time should be way more valuable than to be inserting the URLs into a checker to see if it’s a 301 or three or two, you should have a VA, doing all this menial work so you can concentrate on your business, growing your business, making more money.
That’s the way it’s supposed to be.
Yeah, what I was gonna say was a couple of things, one you brought up. Gotta be careful with Google because they’re tricky about how they’ll change stuff and make them three Oh, twos without even knowing. Yep, for example, what the old g sites I don’t know, I haven’t even checked it on the new one yet. With you know, once it’s been converted to the new ones, but I can’t imagine it would have changed. But if you left the trailing slash off of the end of the URL, then if you checked it in a redirect checker, it would throw to you the final URL with the trailing slash at the end of it. So like, if you’re looking at a home page of the G site, and you were building links to the URL without the trailing slash, then you were actually getting a 302 redirect to the home page, which I thought was crazy.
But second of all, the new g sites are a lot like page builders are now so they’re like, you know, modular and like kind of like a block editor. And there it just is a lot more intuitive than the old funky g sites. And I don’t know why I’ve wanted them for so long because it’s actually a pretty good editor now and it’s a good interface. So,
How Many Videos Are Needed For A YouTube Silo To Be Effective?
okay, let’s see, I got lost my track where I was let me try this again must have been from last week. Okay, so the next question was from when building YouTube silos? How many videos should be in a silo to be impactful to move the needle? I know it depends on the competition. But what should you start with five 750? And should we focus on building more in the silo or more silos? And if more silos, how many in the silo?
I got a little bit of a headache from that question.
It just depends on it depends on you know, how competitive the keyword is that you’re trying to rank for. So whatever your top-level keyword is the top of silo keyword that you’re trying to rank for. That’s really going to be what determines how much depth you should add to it, like how many videos essentially how many other keywords, variations, longer tail versions, that sort of thing, are you going to actually target within that particular silo? It’s just like doing it on your website, right? It’s the same principle. It’s the
How much is it going to take? I can’t tell you that because I don’t know what keyword is that you’re targeting. I don’t know what the competition looks like. It’s going to take as many as it takes. So really just it’s going to it’s very much like doing a silo on your website. That’s why we talk about theme mirroring, and all that kind of stuff because it’s, it’s all the same. Creating a YouTube silo is the exact same structure. And the mat, whether or not it ranks is going to depend on you know, a lot of factors, not just the silo structure itself, but having additional keywords in there more depth to that silo adds builds more relevancy, more topical relevancy, and there are more linking opportunities from within that silo as well. So it kind of helps to power up the entire silo, the whole playlist, if you’re adding more videos that are relevant. Does that make sense?
Anybody want to comment on that before I go to the second part of that, yeah, what you start with is more than one right? Absolutely.
And then it’s just how far you need to go to get to where you want to be. Period.
Yep. So how many are going to take as many as it takes? I was like a lot. We used to get questions all the time about syndication networks, how many posts Do you think it’s going to take for me to rank for whatever keyword now, we could always have the same answer as many as it takes to take. Yeah. So the next one is it should be focused on building more in the silo or more silos and more silos. Now, remember, guys, keep it simple. You know, you can take a top-level silo keyword, and you can create a bunch of subcategories from closely very closely related keywords that are, you know, longer tailed versions are the next level down, so to speak of that main keyword, but is it necessary to do so? That’s the point-like, again, I use this example more recently, uh, you know, I’m pretty much all I’m doing now is Tree Service stuff for SEO and, and lead generation and that kind of stuff. And for the longest time, I’ve always built a simple silo structure at least for several years.
I used to do complex silos. But I just got over doing that because most local, most local type businesses don’t need that. But and I don’t know that you’re targeting local, but I’m just using this as an example.
I used to always silo with the simple site for the last few years with simple silo structure for Tree Service stuff, Tree Service being the primary keyword. So essentially the homepage, but then the silo structure would be tree trimming would be one silo. Another one that would be tree removal. And then usually a third one, which would be additional services or arborist tree services, if it was a certified arborist on the, for the contractor that the site was for. And I saw I’d have three silos on the site, basically. But what I found was Google actually really considers tree trimming, Tree Removal tree cutting Tree Service, they’re all synonyms. So I could probably and I haven’t tested it just yet. I’ve got a couple of projects and I’m waiting on some infrastructure to be built and then I’m going to be testing that. But I could probably go with just one silo essentially tree services. And you because all that content is the same, however, I could create like, essentially subcategories, which would have been the silos of what I’ve already been what I’ve been doing right. So tree removal, tree trimming, perhaps arborist services, but if why overcomplicate things, why make the build more complex? Why make the content, you know, the interlinking between pieces of content, everything more complex than it needs to be, if I could just have a flat site with one silo tree services, and just have all the content, you know, properly structured and get the same results? Why would I go through all of that and so that my answer to you about the YouTube stuff is the same thing? I would rather focus on one silo and add more depth to it and have that whole silo be a lot more powerful than have a whole bunch of different silos with the month that is very, very specific or it’s kind of hard to get, you know, additional supporting it Now if you’ve got the main category with a bunch of different subcategories and it’s logical to do so. Then I would add additional you know, add create additional playlist and don’t forget, you can have one video and more than one playlist, so I mean, it
If you have a kind of like a parent category silo, the video can be in that playlist. But then you could also have like subcategory silos or playlists that want. You know, the video can also be in one of those, if that makes sense. So, but just don’t overcomplicate things is my point, especially when it comes to YouTube? It’s really unnecessary. Does anybody want to comment on that?
I totally agree.
Okay. Very good. And I think a lot of a lot of times we try, we try to be smart as SEOs and try to you know, well, if I get really creative with my silo structures, I can get better results and it just ends up being a lot of unnecessary work. So just keep that in mind.
How Do You Set Up A Sales Tax In A WooCommerce Site?
Jason says, Hey, guys, I’m working on an e-commerce site and I hearing rumors that I need to set up sales tax for every state in the U.S. if we sell something. Do you guys know how this would work with WooCommerce? I do not because I don’t do anything eCommerce related. Perhaps Marco might.
Do you know anything about WooCommerce being in taxes and stuff?
I don’t know, like, I don’t know how you either,
like I do, I have worked on WooCommerce websites, but that’s not the part of my job that I do.
The part of what I do on that is I get traffic, the owner is kind of like the one in charge of all that guy charges, taxes and I know, on the land, like each state has separate rules, right? for buying and selling land and how much is is due at the closing. But that all gets done, it gets taken out of the total when you close the deal. It’s like you never see it because it’s taken out. So like how much or whether each state is responsible, whether you’re responsible for collecting taxes, what you need to do is go and contact the tax attorney and have them tell you what it is that you’re responsible for, whether it’s each state, your state, what the rules are in each state because only a tax attorney would be the one to answer that question properly. I’m not a tax attorney. I’m not a tax expert by any means.
So try that. I can’t really help with that. Yeah, neither can I just don’t do any sort of e-commerce stuff. So I couldn’t help with that either. Sorry. Jason. Looks like Jason says he just joined the mastermind. That’s awesome. So he says that, by the way, welcome, Jason. He says I have five websites that I need to do this syndication networks with, I need to do two of them as soon as possible. Well, I’ll tell you what, as a mastermind member, you do get benefits, you know, so contact support, make about mgyb.co. So go to [email protected] after you’ve placed your orders, and, you know, mentioned that your new mastermind members and see if you can get two of them expedited, I don’t know that we typically do that but I know mastermind members do get benefits. So Marco’s, that’s something that we can do is try to get it pushed a little bit.
Ah, we have other mastermind members. Also order. So how can we push everything? Um, yeah, that’s why I was asking. I said if we can do something we’ll try to but I don’t know that we can but what do you think? I mean if it’s just syndication if it’s just a brand that networks you know, they get pushed out and they’ll get delivered as soon as they’re done that’s how Jason yeah absolutely order right away. But we are improving the system. We’re making everything better we’re making things better right we’re training our team we’re trying to make things more fluid speedier so it’s not as if we’re just sitting there and not make trying to make things better we are
are you go and I know you guys have been working hard on streamlining stuff and all that so it will get better Pablo says Hey guys, I’m still confused with correct structure for city pages post question. One from for now top of silo on my money site is a broad category without local modifiers. If I need to cover two or more counties, I need to make each county like a separate silo or county can go after a broad topic and link back to the main silo topic example. This is one of those questions site slash Miami or slight slash appraiser Miami based on this question, how would posting look like okay?
Should You Make A Separate Silo For County And Connect It To The Main Silo?
Pavlo, I can tell you this you know I cover how I do how I reconcile those odd issues that I’ve talked about this many times and I cover this extensively in the mastermind I can’t do it here. I can give you a very high overview like a conceptual overview of it, but I can’t get into the nitty-gritty because it’s something that I only cover in our mastermind, but I use tags for creating location-based silos in a WordPress website. Okay, so I use the category structure for my topical silos. But then I use tags in a very specific way to create my location-based silos so that there are no conflicts with URLs are trying to share location-based stuff categories across topical silos or vice versa topical silos across location-based categories. Does that make sense? I don’t know if that makes sense or not. But I think you’re talking about the oddities that occur with the URL conflicts that occur when you try to use the same subcategory across multiple categories because it’s going to automatically append like a dash two dash three for each time you duplicate that subcategory into another category. WordPress is gonna automatically append to it like a dash two dash three because it has to have another permalink. And if that’s what you’re talking about, I learned to three years ago, probably three years ago now to build silo structure for location-based silos using tags and it’s a specific hierarchy, the way that I stack those tags and everything else. That’s as far as I can tell you right now.
The other way to do it was if you were going to if because remember if you’re talking about complex silo structure, which you are in this case, right? Because you’ve got, you know, topical silos and then you want to go sub silo from that, right? So subcategories that you want to add additional content pages to or even posts at that level. Right that that can create some issues. That’s why I recommend if you, if you can get away with just doing a simple silo, then and using just the post name, permalink structure, then you can stack you know, you can cross things, subcategories and other categories and things where the URL isn’t going to be displayed and it shows as just domain comm slash the post slug at that level, and that’s okay. But again, so So I mean, if you can get away with that, then that’s the way that I would do it. But again, I can’t talk specific can’t show you the structure, how to do tag-based location silos or location silos using tags here on Hump Day Hangouts. I couldn’t talk about it the mastermind though, but if you understand tags and how to use tag pages in WordPress, you ought to be able to figure it out as my point. So you want to comment on that at all, more.
The only comment that I’m going to make is that there are things that we reserved for our paid groups only. And it’s not fair for us to give it away here in a free group. If people are paying for it, people are paying for all this information. So you people who are here free, although we try to answer as much as possible, you do have to understand is that there are some things that we can’t answer, but we can answer them in the paid groups. That’s just the way it is. It’s the way we’ve always done it. We have given people what nearly six years of free information, actionable information, people have built businesses from the information we give away for free. So imagine what we give away in the free groups.
Yeah, the paid group you mean, um, but yeah. So probably just to get back to your URL question here. See, what I was talking about here is if you take a look at how you’ve got URL one versus URL to my point is if you’ve got like appraiser is your is like one of your services and if appraiser I don’t know what your Real Estate or what, but let’s just say it real estate. And so one of your categories is an appraiser and maybe one of them is home inspections, right?
Or Yeah, something like that, right, let’s just say appraiser and inspectors, let’s just use that just to show two different service categories. If you were to try to duplicate Miami, originally, if you set it up as a subcategory, as an appraiser, then if you tried to create Miami subcategory in the inspectors’ category, or home inspector category, or home inspections, category, whatever, however you name it, then you would end up having that weird URL structure. That said, it doesn’t really matter if you’re using the post name permalink structure because you don’t see it unless you’re looking at source code anyways. So it’s not a big deal. But again, it creates some conflicts that I just don’t like to try to live with when I’m building the site. It’s not really clear to me that way. That’s why I like to use tags. I don’t know if that was specifically a question, but that’s the way I interpreted it. So next is he says based on this, how should what should posting look like?
For each county, it should be the same topic or keyword, but content should be rewritten, including local modifiers. Yeah, I mean, that’s what I do. That’s why I have my blogger actually create. When we’re doing keyword plus location-specific content, my blogger just creates or curates a blog post that is targeting something very closely related to that topic. It doesn’t always necessarily have to be 100% then but she has my I have one blogger that handles all of this stuff for me now because she’s really good at it. She will curate top you know, stories that are topically relevant as well as something about the local area that you know, for the location modifier that we’re targeting. And then there will be a paragraph at the bottom that has a strong call to action and it has you know, a strong mention of the product or service or the services that would pertain to what the theme of the post was about. So my point is like, for example, in the tree clients I have don’t do landscaping work. However, landscaping is closely related to Tree Service stuff. Right. And so because of that, a lot of times there will be blog posts that are written about Lance a yard or keeping their somebody’s resident, you know, homes, the landscape beautiful or whatever. And then there will be a paragraph at the bottom about, you know, tree services, tree trimming, tree pruning, whatever that will kind of tie that concept to the landscaping, right? And then we just optimize the SEO title for it. And then use the tag-based silos and all of that, and it’s it works really, really well, especially when you use the SEO shield and the G site and you learn how to push keyword relevancy through backlink profile to your G site. So that’s what I do.
And so all of the content is unique because all of the blog posts each blog post is unique because there’s new newly curated content from my blogger, which is why I like it because it’s all it’s not. You know, one of the problems that I’m sure you are aware of this Pablo is is when you only have you know, a few seconds services? How do you keep rewriting about that same service over and over and over again, right, it gets to be very difficult to do so. And that’s why I kind of got away from trying to do it that way. And I just let my blogger kind of run away with it and it creates over time, it might take a little bit more time to get the traction that I like. But once you do, you have this kind of broad width of topical relevancy to that to what your primary services are, if that makes sense. So that’s what I do if you don’t have that ability yet for, you know, for curating posts and that kind of stuff, then you can just rewrite stuff I’ve talked about having like one article written about tree removal, in my case, right. And then having that rewritten by five different, you know, as a rewrite project, as opposed to a new writing project, it’s a lot less expensive, and now I’ve got six versions of the original article. And so that’s something you could use if you’re going to be reproducing keyword plus location across multiple locations. Does that make sense? I don’t know if that was clear or not. Do you have any other tricks for that?
No. Okay.
All right. And the second part of that I can’t answer because that question went way too long. Anyway, so we’re going to move on if we have time, we’ll come back to it.
How Do You Boost A Blog Subdomain?
Bobby, Ricky Bobby says, we have a client that uses a subdomain for their blog, their main site gets decent traffic 50,000 per month. But the blog that is blogged out example gets less than 1000 per month. Okay, they are not going to change it to a subfolder anytime soon. I’ve recommended it obviously, any advice on what to do to boost the blog subdomain. They have a few dozen articles on there. And we were starting to work on the content consistency going forward. Now that we have our keyword research and recommendations thanks to mgyb.
My suggestion would be just to start using the subdomain a lot more right. Your syndication network should be attached to it. You should be blogging consistently. And that’s essentially what I was just talking about in my previous reply or response to Pavlo’s question.
About overtime, just that the blog will start to gain more traction. And you’ll see in Search Console, especially as you publish more content, your total impression number will start to go way, way up. Because you’ll start being recognized by Google for a lot more keyword combinations. So different types of search queries will give your site impressions. And that’s actually a really good content strategy to go in the Search Console, and identify keywords that are relevant, like search queries that triggered an impression for your blog, find those queries that are relevant, that aren’t ranking well yet, but are that are close, like, for example, maybe their position is, you know, somewhere between 11 and 20? Well, those are good keywords than to start optimizing for producing more content for linking back to the original piece of content, that kind of stuff to help try to boost those to page one so that you start getting more traffic. My point is, you know, adding more content to the blog is would be my first step. And then you could always do things like, you know, paid traffic to some of the posts, and then do remarketing so that you can always be bringing people back, which will probably get more visits to the blog, even repeat visits, which is really, really good for SEO also. So those would be my two recommendations from you.
Yeah, that’s the SEO shield, SEO Power shield. It’s all part of the system. So it’s not just getting the syndication properties. It’s not just logging. It’s not just syndicating your content. It’s powering up your shield is powering up your right your @ID. It’s powering up everything that has to do with your entity. It has to do with getting your schema out there. It has to do with whatever you need to do to make the content right. So link building comes into play so embeds come into play. More link building more embeds. Press releases, link building to press release a stack the press releases if you’re local, posting, stalking your posts link building into your posts, local images, guys.
We’ve created a whole entire system for you to do this. We just can’t give you the pieces here for free.
I mean, we got to go back to that. People. Yeah, you want the system. It’s in the paid groups. It’s in Semantic Mastery and the heavy hitter, join Semantic Mastery. And you get a really good price for joining heavy hitter. But I like we can’t give you everything we’d love to. But then there would be no Semantic Mastery, if we gave everything away for free, right, the people who have to sit and think and do all of these things have to be able to make some kind of living, right, some kind of money, get rewarded for all the effort that we put into doing all of this.
So having said that, it’s the system ads, ads work perfectly well. If you do them the way that we say do. Don’t just go out and run any kind of ads that may or may not work. Use the system that we’ve set up to make the ads work. Use the system which we’ve created the
We make everything available in mgyb.co. But if you get it without really understanding what it is that you’re doing, then you’re actually doing yourself more harm than good, because you’re leaving so much power on the table, so much power that you could be using.
And that’s a good point, you know, press releases. I’ve shown this in our Facebook group, the SEO tutorials semantic mastery Facebook group. Somebody was asking a question about press releases. Well, it was more of a comment about how they read some article on some blog about our press releases doesn’t work. And so they were just relaying that information. And there was started to the discussion, a thread. And one of the arguments that the person that posted the question or the statement really was stating was, well, you guys are all saying they work, but I want to see proof. Right. And so I just took a screenshot of Google Analytics of just one project that I’m working on, that shows referral traffic. And it showed press advantage, right, which is the press release releases that we primarily use. And it showed for a 30 day period, I think was 287 or 267 visits directly from press advantage. So don’t discredit that either, like again. And that’s all part of what we teach is like the same content strategy. So in your blog, that’s one of the best things one of the strategies that I use, consistently, almost exclusively now is we publish blog posts for clients. And as soon as a blog post is published, not always a one to one ratio, depending on what their budget is, but we will publish a press release to promote the blog post. So every time a new blog post gets published, we have a press release that links back to the blog post. So we’re driving traffic from press advantage domain as well as a lot of you know, other news-type sites when it does get traffic press advantage tends to drive the domain itself tends to drive quite a bit of traffic, but that sends traffic to that newly public blog posts plus it builds a bunch of links to that newly built, newly published blog post. So it’s really, really good for building up the SEO value of your blog as well as driving traffic to it, which is what your original question was, is how to get more traffic to the blog. So that’s another great part of this strategy that we teach. Yep. So it was a great question.
Is It Harder To Rank Gdocs Than A Gsite?
Babies up with a list of questions just broken up this time a little bit. So maybe you’re getting better. Hey, guys, if I want to rank some Google property only, say a G doc and a G site? Is it harder to rank g docs than a G site? I have. I mean, for I guess I haven’t really set up any specific tests for that. But I tend to just focus on the G site because it has a lot more functionality than a G doc. I don’t know if one is harder to rank than the other what say you, Marco
would rank better.
So let me see that again. If I want to write some Google property on these, the G site because it is going to get all the power from the embeds the duck might rank faster originally. I like at first, but then the G site for sure will take over. Yeah, no, yeah. But that’ll convert better, won’t it? The G site will convert the dot some of the dots will rank right away. But the Gsite over time, it’s so powerful. And you still get leads from that Virginia. Right? Yeah, he’s still occasionally. Yeah. So I mean, the proof is in the pudding.
Is It Faster To Rank Google Properties Than Building A Shield To A Non-Google Property?
Is it faster to rank Google properties than building a shield on a non-Google property? Of course, it is. It is. I mean, it’s crazy. Because you get well you can just here’s the thing, even if you’re ranked trying to rank a non-Google property like so you got a self-hosted website is your main money site. You can still do all the same things to the SEO shield. That and that you would if you made the Google site, your primary money website.
It doesn’t really matter that because that’s the whole point of the SEO show, right? It’s to create a shield around your money site. So all the things that you’re going to do to that g site, if the G site was your primary money site, which will rank very quickly, you can still do all of that to the G site as part of your SEO shield when you have a self-hosted money site. So a non-Google property money site, because you’re not going to actually touch your non-Google property money site. with anything other than the SEO shield, you’re doing all your nastiness out to the actual SEO shield. So my point is, why not have both unless it’s just you don’t want to go through the trouble of setting up a self-hosted website and all that other kind of stuff, which I understand that so for example, for some lead gen assets, there’s no reason for to set up WordPress stuff if you’re just doing like a single location, lead gen assets and you’re going to do a bunch of them. You can get away with 100% with just GMB assets and the SEO shield assets and you can use the G site as your primary money site and the GMB website the two of those countries if combined, and you’ll do incredibly well that way. So again, but if you’re going to be building a brand, there’s in my opinion is no reason not to create a money site because you can still rank the G site before the money site ever ranks and still get the benefit of it. But you’re building that brand back to a domain that you have more control over. That’s, that’s my take on it. What do you think?
You know, it’s still effective, Google will say no.
But we see all these lawsuits as we see all of these things where Google prefer Google, over anything else. And we’ve proven it’s not something that we’re just saying. And it’s not just us giving you theory and concepts and all of these ideas that are nothing. We’re giving you facts. We’re giving you something that we actually showed on a webinar, how Google trusts itself above anything else, and because it trusts itself over anything else, it passes PageRank to itself, and it ranks its properties over anybody else’s. We see this time.
And again. So it stands to reason that if you build up your Google ecosystem, it’s why we’re in there in the first place. The whole idea to start with was Dr. Gary and I said, Google prefers itself over anything else. And we went from there, we set up, let that’s the scientific method. You start out you have a hypothesis, it’s a sentence, then you say that you ask a question. Does Google really prefer itself and why? And then you go out to prove it. And we did. And not only did we prove it, but we also showed it live. It’s not as if we just go we don’t we don’t hide that we showed it. How it is that Google prefers itself over anything else. So guys, understanding this, why are you not taking all of that power? and using it use Google was my original concept and idea, use Google to rank in Google?
But at least to be said,
How Do You Determine What Link Buiding Campaign To Use And Determine The Competition?
there you go. Next question. Say you are getting into a new niche. How do you determine the link building? We should use it? What is low, medium, hard competition? Which tool? Do you determine the competition?
Well, I mean, for me, I use a number of different tools. So it really doesn’t matter as I use for bigger projects. Now I’m using a digital marketer toolbox which is network empires towards a bit expensive, but you can also use stuff like sem rush and things. But honestly, what I do just to be what I do is I figure out what I how much relevancy I need to create with you on page right first, that’s, that’s always what I do like to do, am I going to need a lot of content Am I going to need to have proper, you know, how much content do I think I’m going to need so I always start with on-page but once I figure out what my plan is what I think is going to meet or exceed or meet and exceed whatever the competitors are in a particular space, then I set out to build that as far as the link building and everything. I just go by with it.
Exactly what you know we always talk about here, which is I do a ton of content marketing from the site through the blog to a syndication network, total SEO shield built around everything, I do a lot of press releases, which always link back through the blog posts mainly back to the back to the site. So that’s where I get most of my link building done and besides link building to the directly to the SEO shield through MGYB. Now, for most projects that I’ll start with a big link building package, so you know, the competitive What is it the Nitro I guess we call it the Nitro kit or the Nitro pack, link building just to kind of seed everything right off the bat, but then I just get into a regular schedule of doing either embed or link building or embeds plus link building. And now and I usually go with just depending on how competitive it is most of the local stuff, I mean, isn’t super competitive. So I’ll usually go with the starter kit, link building package or embed, you know, embeds plus link building to the embeds and I’ll just do that on you know, monthly or sometimes even by me
Monthly schedule depending on whether, you know if I’m ranking really well or where I want to be, then I really there’s no reason to just keep hammering away at it except for maintenance link building, which is, you know like I said, might be once every six weeks or every two months, or something like that, but I just how many links are going to take as many as it takes, right?
So it’s just it’s about the initial setup and everything and waiting for that Google dance to stop, which sometimes goes on a lot longer. And I think that’s the entity established. Go and Marco can talk on this speak to this, but I think it’s Google trying to establish or understand the entity itself when you first set it up because I got a treat care project that I’ve been working on and sharing in the mastermind. That’s just taken a long, long time for me to establish the brand name, like, you know, really solid but I think I’m finally there and with that particular thing, but what I’m saying is once you start getting past that, and it took shit like 10 weeks, it’s been dancing a lot, but I’ve also been noticing really aggressive with the content marketing and link building through press releases and everything. So I think that’s kind of along the Google dance. My point is, once you get past the initial Google dance, then it’s a matter of just monitoring Can I continually content market or do content marketing, excuse me, so publishing content, but then it’s just a matter of link building and embed, to try to get the desired result that you want. I can’t tell you which levels to use, because I just told you my plan, which is just I come out swinging hard, you know, come out with a lot right up front, just to initially seed the whole ecosystem that I’ve built. And then from there, it’s just more of an ongoing the tortoise, the tortoise wins the race type thing where I just constantly publishing new content and constantly powering up the SEO shield in strategic locations to get the desired result. What do you say, Marco?
Ah, man, and
yeah, it’s an excellent question. But that’s, that’s the
How It is, isn’t it?
I’m not sure how much to add to that. Okay. Good enough. So we got another Marco on he says, Hey, I’ll ask Will you guys be offering a coupon on national pasta day? Maybe lots of people will be looking forward to that, too. If we did it for potato day, we’ll probably do for pasta day as well.
That’s another reason another excuse to send an email right?
out of that gate. Can you hang on a second? Because just to go back to that, on how to define the competition, or how do you know, I use Jeffrey Smith’s method. I look at competing pages. And his it’s pretty accurate. When you look that up in Google, right? When you Google it and you look at the results, that’s usually a pretty good indication of what you’re up against. So I mean, if you don’t have it, I suggest that you go for the ultimate SEO Bootcamp, the best on-page training that there is I don’t care who says what, I agree, he rocks it. He kills it.
And I’m doing a lot of AdWords or Google Ad stuff now to a lot actually. And that’s something else that I determine what my SEO competition is not always the case. But in the local niches that I’m in, it’s, it’s pretty accurate. If my cost per click for a particular keyword is quite high, like and it changes by location to right, then I know that that keyword is probably going to be a lot more competitive SEO wise as well. And I think that’s only logical. You know, and I don’t know that that’s universal across the board for all keywords. Some see, maybe cost per click is very, very high. But the SEO isn’t so competitive, I don’t know. I’m just saying like for Tree Service stuff, which is, again, primarily almost all that I’m doing now. If I’m in an area, like for example, I’ve got some lead gen stuff going on and like Oklahoma City, for example, for Tree Service stuff and then others, and Fairfax, Virginia, Fairfax, Virginia, I might pay $35 per click for tree removal near me, but I might only pay $12 in Oklahoma City. So my point is like the keywords it doesn’t necessarily mean that the SEO is going to be you know, three times harder in Fairfax, Virginia as it would Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, it just typically means that the higher the cost per click, what I found is the more people that are bidding on those keywords are also paying for SEO. So it typically means you’re dealing with more competition and I and again, I don’t know that that’s universal across the board, but I found that to be the case for the niches that I’m in
MGYB Support Question
Okay, next is Nigel what’s up. Nigel he says hey gents, you were the best I wanted to give you money but now I’m about to be potato paid. That said I need help to get an order in so I can over-deliver for a new client just need some guidance on getting this order correct. Let me know your best route to do this. Right. Okay, so he must be this is it down here. I’ll come back to Ricky’s comment here in a moment is literally timing is perfect with a discount. Thanks, Bradley. I will also be taking you up on the calendly booking we discussed weeks back, as I have been getting real referral interest from SEO for luxury real estate niche and believe the SEO shows 100%. But I feel that I need to use this first experience to document the onboarding process and get the solid testimonials from my referral client and then have them as an ambassador, which is already working for other services. Yeah, that’s fine. I do I made that offer to you, it still stands. So whenever if you’ve got the link, if not just pm me on Facebook, and I’ll give it to you again. Whatever guidance you can give me or who to speak will help. I also will send you a quick video explaining if that’s better. And just so you know, I did contact support first to ask and they told me to reply before I asked but didn’t hit reply or hear back excuse me email could have gone to spam or deemed such please let me know. Thanks, guys. Yeah, as I said, I don’t think we’re connected on Facebook. Just reach out to my pm.
And I’ll get something scheduled with you because I know we made that offer to a few months ago. Okay. And you’ve been around for a long time. So no problem. Thanks.
Ricky says not a question. But when people ask my boss, how many does it take to do X, he would say 10 to the 12th. That basically means 10 to the 12th power, which is a trillion. He used to tell us, it doesn’t matter how many it takes, when it works, you’ll know but be prepared to do as much as it takes. The only time that question is relevant is if you don’t believe in the strategy. If you know the strategy works, it doesn’t matter how many it takes. We’ll keep doing it until it works. that’s a great way that’s a much more extended version of as many as it takes, but I like it.
It’s pretty good. We should copy that somewhere.
Alright, so Marco says like I understand a little No, none of what you’re all talking about. But I think your free content can help and that your team seems pretty cool. Okay. Thanks, Marco. Appreciate that. Next, Ricky says to be clear, we won’t mind paying for the services.
What was he asking about? The National potato day, but I don’t know what it was.
Do you want I mean, we have training on the SEO shield, the SEO, the SEO shoulder the SEO power shield. I can’t remember the name of the website, Rob put that up for free. It doesn’t get any better than that you can join heavy hitter the free section, tons of resources in there man, tons of free resources for you guys. The free SEO group this you have tons of stuff feedback.
So you can go to a heavy hitter club slash SEO shield or just go to because he set up a redirect the SEO shield calm. And I’ll just put both of these on a notepad file so you can see them on screen.
The other one would be HTTP books, that’s too many.
And it was the SEO shield.com.
Okay, so if you got either one of those specifically Marco on who was asking the question, then you can download them or opt-in or whatever for SEO shield training, which will explain to you what it is why it works and not and you know where to get it and all that kind of stuff. Okay?
So those are our methods Oh, by the way, you can also go here I still didn’t get the damn solid training done because I had another project pop up in the past week that I had to attend to. But if you go to semantic mastery comm slash process, you can learn much more about these are the training videos that I did, specifically for the semantic mastery process, which is what the SEO shield is built around, and all the different components and why we do what we do doesn’t give you the how it gives you the way if you want to how I point you in the where to find out the how you know where to purchase the training products or join our mastermind, that kind of stuff to where you can get the how, or you can just go or we point you just to go get it done. It’s mgyb so that you can spend your time building your business and generating more revenue instead of doing the execution of these processes. That makes sense
So either any of these right here will help you to get a much better understanding of what it is that we’re talking about. Okay.
All right, we’re gonna keep moving.
Unknown Speaker 48:12 The blog subdomain site, should we do the shield that the blog? Should we do the shield to that blog subdomain or to the main domain? Well, depends on both right and the Brian period, right, which when you build that you build out the brand, the subdomain is a part of the brand. That’s right. But it’s separate that you can’t separate that. You just have to do it. Right. You have to connect one to the other. It’s right to get disconnected. Does that a disconnect? Is that a separation? Yeah, the parent. It has a bit has a child, the child has a subdomain that the child has a parent is the main domain.
Right? So again, your primary URL, in this case, I would make the root domain, but you would include the blog URL and the building right
Just like you would your syndication network properties, so that that’s also being included with all of your drive stack files that are being created your G site, everything you see your blog is going to be constantly linked to and you remember from your primary route, you’re going to have a link to your blog. So you’re going to be transferring power through that anyways, to back to your blog. But just remember, you’re probably my opinion, your primary domain, your root domain should be your primary asset for the SEO shield. But you include the blog subdomain URL in the additional URLs that you’re going to submit with the order like your syndication network properties, for example. Okay. So there you go.
How Would You Deal With A Competitor That Is Using A Location He Does Not Occupy?
Aaron says arrived late and needs some advice. One of my main competitors is using a location that he does not occupy the property sold last week and he was never located there. Is there something I should or could do about this? Thanks. Yeah, just out SEO and that’s what I would say. I mean, I know there are people that will tell you that Yeah, you can report that and all that kind of stuff. I don’t do that. I just think it’s better Karma I understand even if they’re spamming and they got you to know they’re winning just outperform them and that’s just I don’t do negative SEO I don’t report shit like that I just don’t do it. It’s up to you whether you want to you certainly can go that route I just don’t like to do it because you know what goes around comes around and I would hate for somebody to do that and I’ve had it done and I don’t like it so I wouldn’t want to do it to somebody else and that’s just my opinion. And your comment no you know you know I agree I out power That’s it. That’s it. That’s what we did with this guy. The new client that I took on exactly what we did. We just blasted him out of the waterman. Now we’re after first place for the keywords. He had the knowledge panel. No longer got the knowledge panel. That’s the type of thing you do. You don’t go negative. Just hit it harder.
Yeah, Austin says I’m gonna have a header club. If I join the mastermind. Is there a discount for either one? Yes. As far as well. Yeah.
If you’re in both there’s a discount, right Marco.
If you join the mastermind we will give you a steep discount for as long as you’re a mastermind member if you leave the mastermind then heavy hitter goes to regular price you can only have the discounted price and heavy hitter if you’re still in the mastermind.
There you go.
Austin dawn I’ve been trying to talk you into joining the mastermind for some time because I know you’re in the real estate industry as well. So
Jason says again Hi guys, I look forward to working with you all in the mastermind group I need to order the keywords in the shielded package as soon as possible and do it Jason quarter the damn thing and yeah if you got any questions Jason the mastermind you know you get a hell of a lot more access to us there’s no doubt and as we talked about I think I talked to you on the phone last week actually. Remember to use the question form and the mastermind you’ll know where it is because it’s in the mastermind. If not just post a question, I’ll send the link to you in the mastermind. But yeah, make sure you use that too because we’ll dig, you know, do deep dives and webinars for whatever it is that you want to discuss, have us look at as you know, analyze whatever it is you want to talk about. We do that stuff in the mastermind. So look forward to working with you as well. We’re almost out of time. We got a couple more.
What Value Do You See In A Set Of Twitter/Facebook Accounts That Retweets/Share Items Via IFTTT?
Next is Hey, fellas, what sort of value do you see and I set of Twitter Facebook accounts in the geographic area of my client that are used to be IFTTT to retweet share items coming from that client and probably other area businesses, so as not to look suspicious? Yeah, I mean, it may help. I don’t know, I just don’t go through all that trouble. It may.
I mean, I think social signals from real accounts where there’s a real activity that generates traffic, so click-throughs. Back to the target URL, not just these I don’t think just the sharing. I don’t know I haven’t done any testing on this. Like specific testing, social signals in several years now, many years now, probably five years. But traffic, referral traffic from social networks is very powerful for SEO. So if you had real people engaging with those profiles or pages or whatever it is that you’re trying to set up on social accounts, where there are real people engaging with that, even if it was automated on your end, but other people were engaging with the automated content, which can happen. And then they were actually clicking through and some of the posts that were being shared to those, you know, the links that were being shared and that kind of stuff that can have an absolute effect. There’s no question. I don’t know. And I may be wrong, but I don’t know that just social signals in and of themselves produce any results anymore towards SEO at all. But real active engaged accounts that those share URLs on those accounts will get clicks from real people. And that does help because it’s referral traffic. So I don’t know Do you have any different data than that, Marco?
No, no, I don’t.
So, it depends on what you’re doing then really, I mean, if you like, here’s an example where we were talking about David Nelson’s RSS masher technology, which can build these beautiful automated auto blog type sites that will start to generate real traffic because a lot of them are like new sites and we’ve got something that you know, we’re working with some somebody that we’re going to be bringing, perhaps bringing to you guys’ attention in the coming weeks or months. We’re starting to test with it now actually, but it’s something very similar. We’re RSS mashers that could complement it. But my point is creating like these traffic-generating sites that have relative route relevant content, either by topic or by location, that can be used to drive real traffic back to, you know, our own properties or own assets that we’re trying to rank or clients or whatever. And, you know, if you have built these sites that start to generate traffic and they start pushing clicks the nose that’s very valuable. So it’s the same thing with social media accounts, if you even if you automate it in some way, shape or form, as long as people are engaging with the content that is being generated by that profile or that page or that account, whatever, then I think there’s value to it. But it’s, you know, how much trouble going through to set all that up. That’s why I typically just don’t do it. Okay, okay. All right. So here’s the thing, Google said that it doesn’t take a look at social signals. Okay.
And this is where we have to separate the bullshit from us fact.
What are they really saying?
What they’re, it could be true that they don’t pay attention to the social signal itself, or a social signal, as whatever that concept could possibly mean. What Google pays attention to is a link because guess what, everything in Google the foundational principles in Google are links. Everything is built around makes the button cannot get the variables that it needs for the algorithms unless it travels. And traveling quotes unless it goes through a link from one server to another. That’s what’s happening. So let’s look at this the way that you’re supposed to look at it. Let’s look at this, as I always tell people, scientists, and what’s actually happening. Google is sending a signal from its server to another server through a link a hyperlink into an HTML hyperlink. It’s going through an IP, whatever it’s going through, it’s going to that server, and it’s looking for something specific. It could be that it’s going to as a social media property, whatever the hell it is, that is going to, it’s been coded to pick up this I call it a signal. Let’s call it donuts. It’s been coded to pick up donuts through those links. And it’s been coded to look at Brown donuts, white donuts, jelly, doughnuts, whatever chocolate-covered doughnuts, whatever you want to call it. All right.
And if it finds those, it brings them back and tells Google Hey, I thought, it fills in on the variables, hey, I found these. Now, let’s go back instead of donuts, let’s just call it, they looked at the LinkedIn, they saw a person, click on the link, the person clicked on the link that and they went to your website went to what Google’s Following this, they went to your website, and they filled out a contact form, you think that isn’t gonna trigger any part of Google at all? Do you think that’s not gonna matter?
Call it whatever you want, call it. Fuck Google, like I always say metadata will say they call it what you want. But Google is seeing that whole client transaction from beginning to end. And you really think that doesn’t make a difference when Google sees that transaction goes take place from beginning to end.
Looking at everything looking, especially on YouTube, and in Google ads, because we know that Google pays special attention to the people that they send you. Do you really believe that these don’t matter, call it what you want this I call it a social signal. call it anything you want. We know from our testing from everything we do from everything that we’ve been covering from all of our client work from all of our businesses, guys, you got to understand that we’re not just Semantic Mastery. Marco isn’t just mathematically I have businesses, I’ve other businesses that I run. I have clients that I work with, I have so many things that I’m into, I don’t know how I have time in the day to do them all. But this is Semantic Mastery, just a small part of what I do. But everything that we show in Semantic Mastery everything that we give, you have to hang out, heavy hitter club, the free SEO group, and Facebook, every bit of information that we share has been tested because I’m not gonna risk my businesses. I am not going to risk my client’s businesses. On theory. We go we set up the theory we formally the hypothesis, we ask the question, we go out and use the scientific method. It’s very simple. And then we print back the information that we said, we know that Google is tracking that person. Why in the world would there be a pixel? Otherwise?
Alright, so last is not really well, I guess it is a question, Aaron’s comes back is replying to his previous comment about a competitor, not trying to be whiny. But when people are deceptive, it makes it bad for all of us if a business doesn’t have a real address, shouldn’t they be sad? Yeah, no, I agree, Aaron. And here’s the thing. If you’re talking about a storefront type of business that is using a fake address, then I would, I mean, maybe I’m wrong here. But I would think that it would get reported by a pissed off customer who went to Google Maps to try to go to the storefront business, and they go to a building that’s empty if that makes sense. So I’ve always talked about if you’re going to do spam Google Maps listings that you should only be doing surface area just type or excuse me, surface area business type of Google Maps listings, because, you know, like a contractor, plumber that goes to other people’s, you know, to people’s homes or buildings, or offices or whatever to do plumbing work, they can hide their address. So nobody’s gonna is clicking driving directions. So I don’t know, Aaron, if it’s if you’re talking about a service area type of business where customers should be going to the location, then I would expect it to be terminated rather quickly because people cussed pissed off, customers would report it, unless it’s one of those odd situations where it can be a service area business, and a local business or storefront business. And then if that’s the case, where primarily that’s a store, if it’s a service area business, then that you know, might be able to get away with it. So I don’t know again, I just still don’t do it. I still don’t report other listings. I don’t negative SEO. I just don’t do it. Again. It’s a karma thing and I just don’t want to invite that into my life even though I’ve had it happen to me in the past I’ve never felt vengeful enough to want to do it to others that’s just my opinion so again you’re entitled to yours and I’m not knocking you for saying that you want to report it fucking report it then you know that’s, that’s on you buddy. And I’m not knocking you for it. I’m just telling you I wouldn’t want to do it myself. That’s all I’m saying. any follow up comments to that Marco? Karma is a bitch call it what you will. Anything that you do can and will come back to me and look, go, and power up your shit.
That’s my recommendation you do whatever the fuck you want. I mean, you’re a grown person. I can’t tell you what to do.
But I definitely would not report shit I would just go get rid of it out the power that’s what you do. Not negative never ever. I’ve never ever done I’ve come really close.
Some piss me off that much where I was gonna blast him and make him appear for like some porn term. But then I
You take a breath and say, okay, it’s okay. It’s okay. Let’s just move on and make money. Yeah, I agree that energy can be spent making money.
So, again, they’re good questions. But yeah, no, you could encourage a pissed off customer to report them. I don’t know. All right. Thanks, guys. We’ll see you all next week.
We appreciate everybody being here. And don’t forget the potato. My rankings are your coupon code for SEO shields for 25% off. It’s only I think for the next two or three days. So take advantage of we can see you guys all right later.
Weekly SEO Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 301 published first on your-t1-blog-url
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beyondvapepage · 4 years
Weekly SEO Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 301
Click on the video above to watch Episode 301 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
We’re live. Ah, what’s up, everybody? Welcome to Episode 301 of Hump Day Hangouts, where we teach you some kung fu moves to get your rankings up there into other websites out there in the search engine. But that’s great. Welcome to Hump Day Hangouts. Today is the 19th of August and this is your weekly meeting for anything SEO and good stuff and marketing and everything that has to do with that related so welcome to that before we dive into some of the good stuff that we have for today, just gonna go through the list of the awesome people that we have here. Nicole, what’s up Marco? How are you doing, man?
You see it. Now let me tell you about it.
That’s how it makes Groundhog Day. This is my life. I can’t help it. And as I always say, don’t hate the player. Hate the game, as I like this place.
Again, that’s it. If you don’t play the game as you should, then maybe you should start looking in the right place. When you’re starting out in the right place Hump Day Hangout, so here we go. But you go get some.
Let’s go. What’s up, Chris? How are you doing, man? Yeah, like I’m looking jealous over the marketplace. I don’t know. Like we had rained the last day. So like, not too excited to your brother. Well, everything else is good. And actually, I’m a little bit excited, but I cannot talk too much about it. Because I’ve been working on something for POFU.
But I think you mentioned a couple of things about that later. Yeah, for sure. For sure. What’s up, Bradley? How are you doing, man? Good. I’m good. I’m just trying to do what Adam usually does and drop these links on to the chatbox, but other than I’m good, glad to be here. Yeah, by the way, we’re missing a core, a core member of
The team in fact we’re not able to function we’re just basically barely scraping by which is because he’s like out there running the woods doing his stuff. So what’s up, Adam? So what’s up everybody? Welcome to Episode 301.
And we’re going to be diving into question soon but before we go there a couple of things number one people live is coming in hot, he’s going to be awesome. I’m really excited about getting that well on our way is going to be our third installment or the third slot live event although this one’s not going to be in person now which guy that said this is not live so he’s supposed to live online but if you want to go and get your virtual ticket, your POFU Live ticket to be attending to POFU Live, go to pofulive.com. It’s an event that we put every single year for the past three years, and it’s been pretty awesome. People are getting a lot of stuff usually stuff that we don’t share anywhere else. Just info for live. So go there.
Go grab your ticket, we’re going to be doing some fun stuff for VIP ticket holders and all of that good stuff. So go to pofulive.com. And I also believe that we have some sell happening right now. And mgyb. And we guys, yeah, and it’s in celebration of national potato day. Hey, go there.
So I dropped the coupon code in the chatbox below. But it’s if you go to mgyb.co is 25% off of our ys drive stacks for the next I guess three days and the coupon code is potato, my rankings all one word, potato, my rankings, all one word as the coupon code gets you 25% off of our ys drive stacks. There you go. You’re gonna use me, excuse me the SEO shield, which includes a drive stack but it’s the SEO shield orders. That’s what it’s for. There you go. Awesome. And by the way, Michael does
People need to buy right away as they can buy right now. And they need to submit the order right now how How’s that? How’s that working? They have a window so that they can submit basically, you know if somebody is watching this tomorrow, and they want to take advantage of the offer, but they don’t probably didn’t have data of their clients right away, what do you suggest?
Well, we understand that we understand that people can sometimes get the information right away. We understand that people need time, right? For whatever reason it is, or maybe they just want to take advantage of the coupons. Well, that’s fine. They can go ahead, buy, and then submit the information later. Now the problem is if you wait too long if you wait past 30 days, what we’re going to do is we’re simply going to refund you because we can’t let it sit there 5678 months until whatever it is that you decide to do.
So get it, hold on to it go ahead and take advantage of the offer. So that the coupon doesn’t expire, right because once it does, we can’t give you the offer.
Then get gather the information. That’s fine. Don’t wait more than 30 days because then we will refund you no question. It gets done on our we know that if you don’t submit your information within 30 days, you’re likely not to do it. And we’ll have to refund you anyway. So we might as well get rid of the problem to start with. Gotcha. So people can buy today get get get an advantage, take advantage of the coupon. And then you said, you know, submit the details over the next 30 days, basically. That’s awesome. All right. Cool. So and by the way, if you have more SEO needs, if you have more delivery needs, you know, because you shouldn’t be doing the grunt work, let us do it for you go to mgyb.co we have that sale going on. But there’s a lot of good stuff there. A lot of stuff that allegedly doesn’t work. But you know, the proof is in the pudding. We have a bunch of case studies there and more coming. So that’s going to be pretty awesome as well.
Yep. Anything that you guys want to add on? Let’s do this. Let’s do it. Actually, we ran over last week by like, almost 10 minutes because I just lost track of time. So you guys are gonna crack the whip on me today. I tight I’ve got an appointment actually have to get to so. Alright, uh, let me grab the screen.
All right, sweet.
Do you guys see my screen? Okay. Yeah. All right, we’re gonna start with
Is It Safe To Convert Gsites To Its New Format?
Igor. Hey Brad. The NSM team just got an email about Google changing the old g sites. Is it safe to follow to convert them to the new g site? I have been? I’ve done about a dozen myself this week. Seriously, I haven’t even had VA is doing it. I’ve just because I’ve been tightening up projects and stuff. And so I’ve just gone in and click the button and made sure everything came out. Okay, Mark, I know you had some comments about that. We chatted about this yesterday. Yeah, Google has been really nice about it. They giving us everything we need. They’re just moving everything over for us all you have to just click yes it. I mean, how good is that doesn’t get any better than that. Now, you will
Hang on a second, well people do have to be careful about is that it doesn’t turn into a 302. So please monitor your URLs, right use a redirect checker every once in a while to see what it is that Google is doing it because they get sneaky. Remember what they did with geo GL? Yeah, it was a 301. Then without any warning, it turned into a 302. Then they offer Firebase, which was a three or two that you had to turn into a 301. gotta be really careful. Google is really sneaky, right? Do they change other URLs from 301 to three or two from
what do you call it? From a meta refresh, to attend meta refresh, where then it’s useless. So the only thing that I tell people is you got to be really careful. Keep track of your URLs, keep checking them from time to time. And of course, don’t you do it your time should be way more valuable than to be inserting the URLs into a checker to see if it’s a 301 or three or two, you should have a VA, doing all this menial work so you can concentrate on your business, growing your business, making more money.
That’s the way it’s supposed to be.
Yeah, what I was gonna say was a couple of things, one you brought up. Gotta be careful with Google because they’re tricky about how they’ll change stuff and make them three Oh, twos without even knowing. Yep, for example, what the old g sites I don’t know, I haven’t even checked it on the new one yet. With you know, once it’s been converted to the new ones, but I can’t imagine it would have changed. But if you left the trailing slash off of the end of the URL, then if you checked it in a redirect checker, it would throw to you the final URL with the trailing slash at the end of it. So like, if you’re looking at a home page of the G site, and you were building links to the URL without the trailing slash, then you were actually getting a 302 redirect to the home page, which I thought was crazy.
But second of all, the new g sites are a lot like page builders are now so they’re like, you know, modular and like kind of like a block editor. And there it just is a lot more intuitive than the old funky g sites. And I don’t know why I’ve wanted them for so long because it’s actually a pretty good editor now and it’s a good interface. So,
How Many Videos Are Needed For A YouTube Silo To Be Effective?
okay, let’s see, I got lost my track where I was let me try this again must have been from last week. Okay, so the next question was from when building YouTube silos? How many videos should be in a silo to be impactful to move the needle? I know it depends on the competition. But what should you start with five 750? And should we focus on building more in the silo or more silos? And if more silos, how many in the silo?
I got a little bit of a headache from that question.
It just depends on it depends on you know, how competitive the keyword is that you’re trying to rank for. So whatever your top-level keyword is the top of silo keyword that you’re trying to rank for. That’s really going to be what determines how much depth you should add to it, like how many videos essentially how many other keywords, variations, longer tail versions, that sort of thing, are you going to actually target within that particular silo? It’s just like doing it on your website, right? It’s the same principle. It’s the
How much is it going to take? I can’t tell you that because I don’t know what keyword is that you’re targeting. I don’t know what the competition looks like. It’s going to take as many as it takes. So really just it’s going to it’s very much like doing a silo on your website. That’s why we talk about theme mirroring, and all that kind of stuff because it’s, it’s all the same. Creating a YouTube silo is the exact same structure. And the mat, whether or not it ranks is going to depend on you know, a lot of factors, not just the silo structure itself, but having additional keywords in there more depth to that silo adds builds more relevancy, more topical relevancy, and there are more linking opportunities from within that silo as well. So it kind of helps to power up the entire silo, the whole playlist, if you’re adding more videos that are relevant. Does that make sense?
Anybody want to comment on that before I go to the second part of that, yeah, what you start with is more than one right? Absolutely.
And then it’s just how far you need to go to get to where you want to be. Period.
Yep. So how many are going to take as many as it takes? I was like a lot. We used to get questions all the time about syndication networks, how many posts Do you think it’s going to take for me to rank for whatever keyword now, we could always have the same answer as many as it takes to take. Yeah. So the next one is it should be focused on building more in the silo or more silos and more silos. Now, remember, guys, keep it simple. You know, you can take a top-level silo keyword, and you can create a bunch of subcategories from closely very closely related keywords that are, you know, longer tailed versions are the next level down, so to speak of that main keyword, but is it necessary to do so? That’s the point-like, again, I use this example more recently, uh, you know, I’m pretty much all I’m doing now is Tree Service stuff for SEO and, and lead generation and that kind of stuff. And for the longest time, I’ve always built a simple silo structure at least for several years.
I used to do complex silos. But I just got over doing that because most local, most local type businesses don’t need that. But and I don’t know that you’re targeting local, but I’m just using this as an example.
I used to always silo with the simple site for the last few years with simple silo structure for Tree Service stuff, Tree Service being the primary keyword. So essentially the homepage, but then the silo structure would be tree trimming would be one silo. Another one that would be tree removal. And then usually a third one, which would be additional services or arborist tree services, if it was a certified arborist on the, for the contractor that the site was for. And I saw I’d have three silos on the site, basically. But what I found was Google actually really considers tree trimming, Tree Removal tree cutting Tree Service, they’re all synonyms. So I could probably and I haven’t tested it just yet. I’ve got a couple of projects and I’m waiting on some infrastructure to be built and then I’m going to be testing that. But I could probably go with just one silo essentially tree services. And you because all that content is the same, however, I could create like, essentially subcategories, which would have been the silos of what I’ve already been what I’ve been doing right. So tree removal, tree trimming, perhaps arborist services, but if why overcomplicate things, why make the build more complex? Why make the content, you know, the interlinking between pieces of content, everything more complex than it needs to be, if I could just have a flat site with one silo tree services, and just have all the content, you know, properly structured and get the same results? Why would I go through all of that and so that my answer to you about the YouTube stuff is the same thing? I would rather focus on one silo and add more depth to it and have that whole silo be a lot more powerful than have a whole bunch of different silos with the month that is very, very specific or it’s kind of hard to get, you know, additional supporting it Now if you’ve got the main category with a bunch of different subcategories and it’s logical to do so. Then I would add additional you know, add create additional playlist and don’t forget, you can have one video and more than one playlist, so I mean, it
If you have a kind of like a parent category silo, the video can be in that playlist. But then you could also have like subcategory silos or playlists that want. You know, the video can also be in one of those, if that makes sense. So, but just don’t overcomplicate things is my point, especially when it comes to YouTube? It’s really unnecessary. Does anybody want to comment on that?
I totally agree.
Okay. Very good. And I think a lot of a lot of times we try, we try to be smart as SEOs and try to you know, well, if I get really creative with my silo structures, I can get better results and it just ends up being a lot of unnecessary work. So just keep that in mind.
How Do You Set Up A Sales Tax In A WooCommerce Site?
Jason says, Hey, guys, I’m working on an e-commerce site and I hearing rumors that I need to set up sales tax for every state in the U.S. if we sell something. Do you guys know how this would work with WooCommerce? I do not because I don’t do anything eCommerce related. Perhaps Marco might.
Do you know anything about WooCommerce being in taxes and stuff?
I don’t know, like, I don’t know how you either,
like I do, I have worked on WooCommerce websites, but that’s not the part of my job that I do.
The part of what I do on that is I get traffic, the owner is kind of like the one in charge of all that guy charges, taxes and I know, on the land, like each state has separate rules, right? for buying and selling land and how much is is due at the closing. But that all gets done, it gets taken out of the total when you close the deal. It’s like you never see it because it’s taken out. So like how much or whether each state is responsible, whether you’re responsible for collecting taxes, what you need to do is go and contact the tax attorney and have them tell you what it is that you’re responsible for, whether it’s each state, your state, what the rules are in each state because only a tax attorney would be the one to answer that question properly. I’m not a tax attorney. I’m not a tax expert by any means.
So try that. I can’t really help with that. Yeah, neither can I just don’t do any sort of e-commerce stuff. So I couldn’t help with that either. Sorry. Jason. Looks like Jason says he just joined the mastermind. That’s awesome. So he says that, by the way, welcome, Jason. He says I have five websites that I need to do this syndication networks with, I need to do two of them as soon as possible. Well, I’ll tell you what, as a mastermind member, you do get benefits, you know, so contact support, make about mgyb.co. So go to [email protected] after you’ve placed your orders, and, you know, mentioned that your new mastermind members and see if you can get two of them expedited, I don’t know that we typically do that but I know mastermind members do get benefits. So Marco’s, that’s something that we can do is try to get it pushed a little bit.
Ah, we have other mastermind members. Also order. So how can we push everything? Um, yeah, that’s why I was asking. I said if we can do something we’ll try to but I don’t know that we can but what do you think? I mean if it’s just syndication if it’s just a brand that networks you know, they get pushed out and they’ll get delivered as soon as they’re done that’s how Jason yeah absolutely order right away. But we are improving the system. We’re making everything better we’re making things better right we’re training our team we’re trying to make things more fluid speedier so it’s not as if we’re just sitting there and not make trying to make things better we are
are you go and I know you guys have been working hard on streamlining stuff and all that so it will get better Pablo says Hey guys, I’m still confused with correct structure for city pages post question. One from for now top of silo on my money site is a broad category without local modifiers. If I need to cover two or more counties, I need to make each county like a separate silo or county can go after a broad topic and link back to the main silo topic example. This is one of those questions site slash Miami or slight slash appraiser Miami based on this question, how would posting look like okay?
Should You Make A Separate Silo For County And Connect It To The Main Silo?
Pavlo, I can tell you this you know I cover how I do how I reconcile those odd issues that I’ve talked about this many times and I cover this extensively in the mastermind I can’t do it here. I can give you a very high overview like a conceptual overview of it, but I can’t get into the nitty-gritty because it’s something that I only cover in our mastermind, but I use tags for creating location-based silos in a WordPress website. Okay, so I use the category structure for my topical silos. But then I use tags in a very specific way to create my location-based silos so that there are no conflicts with URLs are trying to share location-based stuff categories across topical silos or vice versa topical silos across location-based categories. Does that make sense? I don’t know if that makes sense or not. But I think you’re talking about the oddities that occur with the URL conflicts that occur when you try to use the same subcategory across multiple categories because it’s going to automatically append like a dash two dash three for each time you duplicate that subcategory into another category. WordPress is gonna automatically append to it like a dash two dash three because it has to have another permalink. And if that’s what you’re talking about, I learned to three years ago, probably three years ago now to build silo structure for location-based silos using tags and it’s a specific hierarchy, the way that I stack those tags and everything else. That’s as far as I can tell you right now.
The other way to do it was if you were going to if because remember if you’re talking about complex silo structure, which you are in this case, right? Because you’ve got, you know, topical silos and then you want to go sub silo from that, right? So subcategories that you want to add additional content pages to or even posts at that level. Right that that can create some issues. That’s why I recommend if you, if you can get away with just doing a simple silo, then and using just the post name, permalink structure, then you can stack you know, you can cross things, subcategories and other categories and things where the URL isn’t going to be displayed and it shows as just domain comm slash the post slug at that level, and that’s okay. But again, so So I mean, if you can get away with that, then that’s the way that I would do it. But again, I can’t talk specific can’t show you the structure, how to do tag-based location silos or location silos using tags here on Hump Day Hangouts. I couldn’t talk about it the mastermind though, but if you understand tags and how to use tag pages in WordPress, you ought to be able to figure it out as my point. So you want to comment on that at all, more.
The only comment that I’m going to make is that there are things that we reserved for our paid groups only. And it’s not fair for us to give it away here in a free group. If people are paying for it, people are paying for all this information. So you people who are here free, although we try to answer as much as possible, you do have to understand is that there are some things that we can’t answer, but we can answer them in the paid groups. That’s just the way it is. It’s the way we’ve always done it. We have given people what nearly six years of free information, actionable information, people have built businesses from the information we give away for free. So imagine what we give away in the free groups.
Yeah, the paid group you mean, um, but yeah. So probably just to get back to your URL question here. See, what I was talking about here is if you take a look at how you’ve got URL one versus URL to my point is if you’ve got like appraiser is your is like one of your services and if appraiser I don’t know what your Real Estate or what, but let’s just say it real estate. And so one of your categories is an appraiser and maybe one of them is home inspections, right?
Or Yeah, something like that, right, let’s just say appraiser and inspectors, let’s just use that just to show two different service categories. If you were to try to duplicate Miami, originally, if you set it up as a subcategory, as an appraiser, then if you tried to create Miami subcategory in the inspectors’ category, or home inspector category, or home inspections, category, whatever, however you name it, then you would end up having that weird URL structure. That said, it doesn’t really matter if you’re using the post name permalink structure because you don’t see it unless you’re looking at source code anyways. So it’s not a big deal. But again, it creates some conflicts that I just don’t like to try to live with when I’m building the site. It’s not really clear to me that way. That’s why I like to use tags. I don’t know if that was specifically a question, but that’s the way I interpreted it. So next is he says based on this, how should what should posting look like?
For each county, it should be the same topic or keyword, but content should be rewritten, including local modifiers. Yeah, I mean, that’s what I do. That’s why I have my blogger actually create. When we’re doing keyword plus location-specific content, my blogger just creates or curates a blog post that is targeting something very closely related to that topic. It doesn’t always necessarily have to be 100% then but she has my I have one blogger that handles all of this stuff for me now because she’s really good at it. She will curate top you know, stories that are topically relevant as well as something about the local area that you know, for the location modifier that we’re targeting. And then there will be a paragraph at the bottom that has a strong call to action and it has you know, a strong mention of the product or service or the services that would pertain to what the theme of the post was about. So my point is like, for example, in the tree clients I have don’t do landscaping work. However, landscaping is closely related to Tree Service stuff. Right. And so because of that, a lot of times there will be blog posts that are written about Lance a yard or keeping their somebody’s resident, you know, homes, the landscape beautiful or whatever. And then there will be a paragraph at the bottom about, you know, tree services, tree trimming, tree pruning, whatever that will kind of tie that concept to the landscaping, right? And then we just optimize the SEO title for it. And then use the tag-based silos and all of that, and it’s it works really, really well, especially when you use the SEO shield and the G site and you learn how to push keyword relevancy through backlink profile to your G site. So that’s what I do.
And so all of the content is unique because all of the blog posts each blog post is unique because there’s new newly curated content from my blogger, which is why I like it because it’s all it’s not. You know, one of the problems that I’m sure you are aware of this Pablo is is when you only have you know, a few seconds services? How do you keep rewriting about that same service over and over and over again, right, it gets to be very difficult to do so. And that’s why I kind of got away from trying to do it that way. And I just let my blogger kind of run away with it and it creates over time, it might take a little bit more time to get the traction that I like. But once you do, you have this kind of broad width of topical relevancy to that to what your primary services are, if that makes sense. So that’s what I do if you don’t have that ability yet for, you know, for curating posts and that kind of stuff, then you can just rewrite stuff I’ve talked about having like one article written about tree removal, in my case, right. And then having that rewritten by five different, you know, as a rewrite project, as opposed to a new writing project, it’s a lot less expensive, and now I’ve got six versions of the original article. And so that’s something you could use if you’re going to be reproducing keyword plus location across multiple locations. Does that make sense? I don’t know if that was clear or not. Do you have any other tricks for that?
No. Okay.
All right. And the second part of that I can’t answer because that question went way too long. Anyway, so we’re going to move on if we have time, we’ll come back to it.
How Do You Boost A Blog Subdomain?
Bobby, Ricky Bobby says, we have a client that uses a subdomain for their blog, their main site gets decent traffic 50,000 per month. But the blog that is blogged out example gets less than 1000 per month. Okay, they are not going to change it to a subfolder anytime soon. I’ve recommended it obviously, any advice on what to do to boost the blog subdomain. They have a few dozen articles on there. And we were starting to work on the content consistency going forward. Now that we have our keyword research and recommendations thanks to mgyb.
My suggestion would be just to start using the subdomain a lot more right. Your syndication network should be attached to it. You should be blogging consistently. And that’s essentially what I was just talking about in my previous reply or response to Pavlo’s question.
About overtime, just that the blog will start to gain more traction. And you’ll see in Search Console, especially as you publish more content, your total impression number will start to go way, way up. Because you’ll start being recognized by Google for a lot more keyword combinations. So different types of search queries will give your site impressions. And that’s actually a really good content strategy to go in the Search Console, and identify keywords that are relevant, like search queries that triggered an impression for your blog, find those queries that are relevant, that aren’t ranking well yet, but are that are close, like, for example, maybe their position is, you know, somewhere between 11 and 20? Well, those are good keywords than to start optimizing for producing more content for linking back to the original piece of content, that kind of stuff to help try to boost those to page one so that you start getting more traffic. My point is, you know, adding more content to the blog is would be my first step. And then you could always do things like, you know, paid traffic to some of the posts, and then do remarketing so that you can always be bringing people back, which will probably get more visits to the blog, even repeat visits, which is really, really good for SEO also. So those would be my two recommendations from you.
Yeah, that’s the SEO shield, SEO Power shield. It’s all part of the system. So it’s not just getting the syndication properties. It’s not just logging. It’s not just syndicating your content. It’s powering up your shield is powering up your right your @ID. It’s powering up everything that has to do with your entity. It has to do with getting your schema out there. It has to do with whatever you need to do to make the content right. So link building comes into play so embeds come into play. More link building more embeds. Press releases, link building to press release a stack the press releases if you’re local, posting, stalking your posts link building into your posts, local images, guys.
We’ve created a whole entire system for you to do this. We just can’t give you the pieces here for free.
I mean, we got to go back to that. People. Yeah, you want the system. It’s in the paid groups. It’s in Semantic Mastery and the heavy hitter, join Semantic Mastery. And you get a really good price for joining heavy hitter. But I like we can’t give you everything we’d love to. But then there would be no Semantic Mastery, if we gave everything away for free, right, the people who have to sit and think and do all of these things have to be able to make some kind of living, right, some kind of money, get rewarded for all the effort that we put into doing all of this.
So having said that, it’s the system ads, ads work perfectly well. If you do them the way that we say do. Don’t just go out and run any kind of ads that may or may not work. Use the system that we’ve set up to make the ads work. Use the system which we’ve created the
We make everything available in mgyb.co. But if you get it without really understanding what it is that you’re doing, then you’re actually doing yourself more harm than good, because you’re leaving so much power on the table, so much power that you could be using.
And that’s a good point, you know, press releases. I’ve shown this in our Facebook group, the SEO tutorials semantic mastery Facebook group. Somebody was asking a question about press releases. Well, it was more of a comment about how they read some article on some blog about our press releases doesn’t work. And so they were just relaying that information. And there was started to the discussion, a thread. And one of the arguments that the person that posted the question or the statement really was stating was, well, you guys are all saying they work, but I want to see proof. Right. And so I just took a screenshot of Google Analytics of just one project that I’m working on, that shows referral traffic. And it showed press advantage, right, which is the press release releases that we primarily use. And it showed for a 30 day period, I think was 287 or 267 visits directly from press advantage. So don’t discredit that either, like again. And that’s all part of what we teach is like the same content strategy. So in your blog, that’s one of the best things one of the strategies that I use, consistently, almost exclusively now is we publish blog posts for clients. And as soon as a blog post is published, not always a one to one ratio, depending on what their budget is, but we will publish a press release to promote the blog post. So every time a new blog post gets published, we have a press release that links back to the blog post. So we’re driving traffic from press advantage domain as well as a lot of you know, other news-type sites when it does get traffic press advantage tends to drive the domain itself tends to drive quite a bit of traffic, but that sends traffic to that newly public blog posts plus it builds a bunch of links to that newly built, newly published blog post. So it’s really, really good for building up the SEO value of your blog as well as driving traffic to it, which is what your original question was, is how to get more traffic to the blog. So that’s another great part of this strategy that we teach. Yep. So it was a great question.
Is It Harder To Rank Gdocs Than A Gsite?
Babies up with a list of questions just broken up this time a little bit. So maybe you’re getting better. Hey, guys, if I want to rank some Google property only, say a G doc and a G site? Is it harder to rank g docs than a G site? I have. I mean, for I guess I haven’t really set up any specific tests for that. But I tend to just focus on the G site because it has a lot more functionality than a G doc. I don’t know if one is harder to rank than the other what say you, Marco
would rank better.
So let me see that again. If I want to write some Google property on these, the G site because it is going to get all the power from the embeds the duck might rank faster originally. I like at first, but then the G site for sure will take over. Yeah, no, yeah. But that’ll convert better, won’t it? The G site will convert the dot some of the dots will rank right away. But the Gsite over time, it’s so powerful. And you still get leads from that Virginia. Right? Yeah, he’s still occasionally. Yeah. So I mean, the proof is in the pudding.
Is It Faster To Rank Google Properties Than Building A Shield To A Non-Google Property?
Is it faster to rank Google properties than building a shield on a non-Google property? Of course, it is. It is. I mean, it’s crazy. Because you get well you can just here’s the thing, even if you’re ranked trying to rank a non-Google property like so you got a self-hosted website is your main money site. You can still do all the same things to the SEO shield. That and that you would if you made the Google site, your primary money website.
It doesn’t really matter that because that’s the whole point of the SEO show, right? It’s to create a shield around your money site. So all the things that you’re going to do to that g site, if the G site was your primary money site, which will rank very quickly, you can still do all of that to the G site as part of your SEO shield when you have a self-hosted money site. So a non-Google property money site, because you’re not going to actually touch your non-Google property money site. with anything other than the SEO shield, you’re doing all your nastiness out to the actual SEO shield. So my point is, why not have both unless it’s just you don’t want to go through the trouble of setting up a self-hosted website and all that other kind of stuff, which I understand that so for example, for some lead gen assets, there’s no reason for to set up WordPress stuff if you’re just doing like a single location, lead gen assets and you’re going to do a bunch of them. You can get away with 100% with just GMB assets and the SEO shield assets and you can use the G site as your primary money site and the GMB website the two of those countries if combined, and you’ll do incredibly well that way. So again, but if you’re going to be building a brand, there’s in my opinion is no reason not to create a money site because you can still rank the G site before the money site ever ranks and still get the benefit of it. But you’re building that brand back to a domain that you have more control over. That’s, that’s my take on it. What do you think?
You know, it’s still effective, Google will say no.
But we see all these lawsuits as we see all of these things where Google prefer Google, over anything else. And we’ve proven it’s not something that we’re just saying. And it’s not just us giving you theory and concepts and all of these ideas that are nothing. We’re giving you facts. We’re giving you something that we actually showed on a webinar, how Google trusts itself above anything else, and because it trusts itself over anything else, it passes PageRank to itself, and it ranks its properties over anybody else’s. We see this time.
And again. So it stands to reason that if you build up your Google ecosystem, it’s why we’re in there in the first place. The whole idea to start with was Dr. Gary and I said, Google prefers itself over anything else. And we went from there, we set up, let that’s the scientific method. You start out you have a hypothesis, it’s a sentence, then you say that you ask a question. Does Google really prefer itself and why? And then you go out to prove it. And we did. And not only did we prove it, but we also showed it live. It’s not as if we just go we don’t we don’t hide that we showed it. How it is that Google prefers itself over anything else. So guys, understanding this, why are you not taking all of that power? and using it use Google was my original concept and idea, use Google to rank in Google?
But at least to be said,
How Do You Determine What Link Buiding Campaign To Use And Determine The Competition?
there you go. Next question. Say you are getting into a new niche. How do you determine the link building? We should use it? What is low, medium, hard competition? Which tool? Do you determine the competition?
Well, I mean, for me, I use a number of different tools. So it really doesn’t matter as I use for bigger projects. Now I’m using a digital marketer toolbox which is network empires towards a bit expensive, but you can also use stuff like sem rush and things. But honestly, what I do just to be what I do is I figure out what I how much relevancy I need to create with you on page right first, that’s, that’s always what I do like to do, am I going to need a lot of content Am I going to need to have proper, you know, how much content do I think I’m going to need so I always start with on-page but once I figure out what my plan is what I think is going to meet or exceed or meet and exceed whatever the competitors are in a particular space, then I set out to build that as far as the link building and everything. I just go by with it.
Exactly what you know we always talk about here, which is I do a ton of content marketing from the site through the blog to a syndication network, total SEO shield built around everything, I do a lot of press releases, which always link back through the blog posts mainly back to the back to the site. So that’s where I get most of my link building done and besides link building to the directly to the SEO shield through MGYB. Now, for most projects that I’ll start with a big link building package, so you know, the competitive What is it the Nitro I guess we call it the Nitro kit or the Nitro pack, link building just to kind of seed everything right off the bat, but then I just get into a regular schedule of doing either embed or link building or embeds plus link building. And now and I usually go with just depending on how competitive it is most of the local stuff, I mean, isn’t super competitive. So I’ll usually go with the starter kit, link building package or embed, you know, embeds plus link building to the embeds and I’ll just do that on you know, monthly or sometimes even by me
Monthly schedule depending on whether, you know if I’m ranking really well or where I want to be, then I really there’s no reason to just keep hammering away at it except for maintenance link building, which is, you know like I said, might be once every six weeks or every two months, or something like that, but I just how many links are going to take as many as it takes, right?
So it’s just it’s about the initial setup and everything and waiting for that Google dance to stop, which sometimes goes on a lot longer. And I think that’s the entity established. Go and Marco can talk on this speak to this, but I think it’s Google trying to establish or understand the entity itself when you first set it up because I got a treat care project that I’ve been working on and sharing in the mastermind. That’s just taken a long, long time for me to establish the brand name, like, you know, really solid but I think I’m finally there and with that particular thing, but what I’m saying is once you start getting past that, and it took shit like 10 weeks, it’s been dancing a lot, but I’ve also been noticing really aggressive with the content marketing and link building through press releases and everything. So I think that’s kind of along the Google dance. My point is, once you get past the initial Google dance, then it’s a matter of just monitoring Can I continually content market or do content marketing, excuse me, so publishing content, but then it’s just a matter of link building and embed, to try to get the desired result that you want. I can’t tell you which levels to use, because I just told you my plan, which is just I come out swinging hard, you know, come out with a lot right up front, just to initially seed the whole ecosystem that I’ve built. And then from there, it’s just more of an ongoing the tortoise, the tortoise wins the race type thing where I just constantly publishing new content and constantly powering up the SEO shield in strategic locations to get the desired result. What do you say, Marco?
Ah, man, and
yeah, it’s an excellent question. But that’s, that’s the
How It is, isn’t it?
I’m not sure how much to add to that. Okay. Good enough. So we got another Marco on he says, Hey, I’ll ask Will you guys be offering a coupon on national pasta day? Maybe lots of people will be looking forward to that, too. If we did it for potato day, we’ll probably do for pasta day as well.
That’s another reason another excuse to send an email right?
out of that gate. Can you hang on a second? Because just to go back to that, on how to define the competition, or how do you know, I use Jeffrey Smith’s method. I look at competing pages. And his it’s pretty accurate. When you look that up in Google, right? When you Google it and you look at the results, that’s usually a pretty good indication of what you’re up against. So I mean, if you don’t have it, I suggest that you go for the ultimate SEO Bootcamp, the best on-page training that there is I don’t care who says what, I agree, he rocks it. He kills it.
And I’m doing a lot of AdWords or Google Ad stuff now to a lot actually. And that’s something else that I determine what my SEO competition is not always the case. But in the local niches that I’m in, it’s, it’s pretty accurate. If my cost per click for a particular keyword is quite high, like and it changes by location to right, then I know that that keyword is probably going to be a lot more competitive SEO wise as well. And I think that’s only logical. You know, and I don’t know that that’s universal across the board for all keywords. Some see, maybe cost per click is very, very high. But the SEO isn’t so competitive, I don’t know. I’m just saying like for Tree Service stuff, which is, again, primarily almost all that I’m doing now. If I’m in an area, like for example, I’ve got some lead gen stuff going on and like Oklahoma City, for example, for Tree Service stuff and then others, and Fairfax, Virginia, Fairfax, Virginia, I might pay $35 per click for tree removal near me, but I might only pay $12 in Oklahoma City. So my point is like the keywords it doesn’t necessarily mean that the SEO is going to be you know, three times harder in Fairfax, Virginia as it would Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, it just typically means that the higher the cost per click, what I found is the more people that are bidding on those keywords are also paying for SEO. So it typically means you’re dealing with more competition and I and again, I don’t know that that’s universal across the board, but I found that to be the case for the niches that I’m in
MGYB Support Question
Okay, next is Nigel what’s up. Nigel he says hey gents, you were the best I wanted to give you money but now I’m about to be potato paid. That said I need help to get an order in so I can over-deliver for a new client just need some guidance on getting this order correct. Let me know your best route to do this. Right. Okay, so he must be this is it down here. I’ll come back to Ricky’s comment here in a moment is literally timing is perfect with a discount. Thanks, Bradley. I will also be taking you up on the calendly booking we discussed weeks back, as I have been getting real referral interest from SEO for luxury real estate niche and believe the SEO shows 100%. But I feel that I need to use this first experience to document the onboarding process and get the solid testimonials from my referral client and then have them as an ambassador, which is already working for other services. Yeah, that’s fine. I do I made that offer to you, it still stands. So whenever if you’ve got the link, if not just pm me on Facebook, and I’ll give it to you again. Whatever guidance you can give me or who to speak will help. I also will send you a quick video explaining if that’s better. And just so you know, I did contact support first to ask and they told me to reply before I asked but didn’t hit reply or hear back excuse me email could have gone to spam or deemed such please let me know. Thanks, guys. Yeah, as I said, I don’t think we’re connected on Facebook. Just reach out to my pm.
And I’ll get something scheduled with you because I know we made that offer to a few months ago. Okay. And you’ve been around for a long time. So no problem. Thanks.
Ricky says not a question. But when people ask my boss, how many does it take to do X, he would say 10 to the 12th. That basically means 10 to the 12th power, which is a trillion. He used to tell us, it doesn’t matter how many it takes, when it works, you’ll know but be prepared to do as much as it takes. The only time that question is relevant is if you don’t believe in the strategy. If you know the strategy works, it doesn’t matter how many it takes. We’ll keep doing it until it works. that’s a great way that’s a much more extended version of as many as it takes, but I like it.
It’s pretty good. We should copy that somewhere.
Alright, so Marco says like I understand a little No, none of what you’re all talking about. But I think your free content can help and that your team seems pretty cool. Okay. Thanks, Marco. Appreciate that. Next, Ricky says to be clear, we won’t mind paying for the services.
What was he asking about? The National potato day, but I don’t know what it was.
Do you want I mean, we have training on the SEO shield, the SEO, the SEO shoulder the SEO power shield. I can’t remember the name of the website, Rob put that up for free. It doesn’t get any better than that you can join heavy hitter the free section, tons of resources in there man, tons of free resources for you guys. The free SEO group this you have tons of stuff feedback.
So you can go to a heavy hitter club slash SEO shield or just go to because he set up a redirect the SEO shield calm. And I’ll just put both of these on a notepad file so you can see them on screen.
The other one would be HTTP books, that’s too many.
And it was the SEO shield.com.
Okay, so if you got either one of those specifically Marco on who was asking the question, then you can download them or opt-in or whatever for SEO shield training, which will explain to you what it is why it works and not and you know where to get it and all that kind of stuff. Okay?
So those are our methods Oh, by the way, you can also go here I still didn’t get the damn solid training done because I had another project pop up in the past week that I had to attend to. But if you go to semantic mastery comm slash process, you can learn much more about these are the training videos that I did, specifically for the semantic mastery process, which is what the SEO shield is built around, and all the different components and why we do what we do doesn’t give you the how it gives you the way if you want to how I point you in the where to find out the how you know where to purchase the training products or join our mastermind, that kind of stuff to where you can get the how, or you can just go or we point you just to go get it done. It’s mgyb so that you can spend your time building your business and generating more revenue instead of doing the execution of these processes. That makes sense
So either any of these right here will help you to get a much better understanding of what it is that we’re talking about. Okay.
All right, we’re gonna keep moving.
Unknown Speaker 48:12 The blog subdomain site, should we do the shield that the blog? Should we do the shield to that blog subdomain or to the main domain? Well, depends on both right and the Brian period, right, which when you build that you build out the brand, the subdomain is a part of the brand. That’s right. But it’s separate that you can’t separate that. You just have to do it. Right. You have to connect one to the other. It’s right to get disconnected. Does that a disconnect? Is that a separation? Yeah, the parent. It has a bit has a child, the child has a subdomain that the child has a parent is the main domain.
Right? So again, your primary URL, in this case, I would make the root domain, but you would include the blog URL and the building right
Just like you would your syndication network properties, so that that’s also being included with all of your drive stack files that are being created your G site, everything you see your blog is going to be constantly linked to and you remember from your primary route, you’re going to have a link to your blog. So you’re going to be transferring power through that anyways, to back to your blog. But just remember, you’re probably my opinion, your primary domain, your root domain should be your primary asset for the SEO shield. But you include the blog subdomain URL in the additional URLs that you’re going to submit with the order like your syndication network properties, for example. Okay. So there you go.
How Would You Deal With A Competitor That Is Using A Location He Does Not Occupy?
Aaron says arrived late and needs some advice. One of my main competitors is using a location that he does not occupy the property sold last week and he was never located there. Is there something I should or could do about this? Thanks. Yeah, just out SEO and that’s what I would say. I mean, I know there are people that will tell you that Yeah, you can report that and all that kind of stuff. I don’t do that. I just think it’s better Karma I understand even if they’re spamming and they got you to know they’re winning just outperform them and that’s just I don’t do negative SEO I don’t report shit like that I just don’t do it. It’s up to you whether you want to you certainly can go that route I just don’t like to do it because you know what goes around comes around and I would hate for somebody to do that and I’ve had it done and I don’t like it so I wouldn’t want to do it to somebody else and that’s just my opinion. And your comment no you know you know I agree I out power That’s it. That’s it. That’s what we did with this guy. The new client that I took on exactly what we did. We just blasted him out of the waterman. Now we’re after first place for the keywords. He had the knowledge panel. No longer got the knowledge panel. That’s the type of thing you do. You don’t go negative. Just hit it harder.
Yeah, Austin says I’m gonna have a header club. If I join the mastermind. Is there a discount for either one? Yes. As far as well. Yeah.
If you’re in both there’s a discount, right Marco.
If you join the mastermind we will give you a steep discount for as long as you’re a mastermind member if you leave the mastermind then heavy hitter goes to regular price you can only have the discounted price and heavy hitter if you’re still in the mastermind.
There you go.
Austin dawn I’ve been trying to talk you into joining the mastermind for some time because I know you’re in the real estate industry as well. So
Jason says again Hi guys, I look forward to working with you all in the mastermind group I need to order the keywords in the shielded package as soon as possible and do it Jason quarter the damn thing and yeah if you got any questions Jason the mastermind you know you get a hell of a lot more access to us there’s no doubt and as we talked about I think I talked to you on the phone last week actually. Remember to use the question form and the mastermind you’ll know where it is because it’s in the mastermind. If not just post a question, I’ll send the link to you in the mastermind. But yeah, make sure you use that too because we’ll dig, you know, do deep dives and webinars for whatever it is that you want to discuss, have us look at as you know, analyze whatever it is you want to talk about. We do that stuff in the mastermind. So look forward to working with you as well. We’re almost out of time. We got a couple more.
What Value Do You See In A Set Of Twitter/Facebook Accounts That Retweets/Share Items Via IFTTT?
Next is Hey, fellas, what sort of value do you see and I set of Twitter Facebook accounts in the geographic area of my client that are used to be IFTTT to retweet share items coming from that client and probably other area businesses, so as not to look suspicious? Yeah, I mean, it may help. I don’t know, I just don’t go through all that trouble. It may.
I mean, I think social signals from real accounts where there’s a real activity that generates traffic, so click-throughs. Back to the target URL, not just these I don’t think just the sharing. I don’t know I haven’t done any testing on this. Like specific testing, social signals in several years now, many years now, probably five years. But traffic, referral traffic from social networks is very powerful for SEO. So if you had real people engaging with those profiles or pages or whatever it is that you’re trying to set up on social accounts, where there are real people engaging with that, even if it was automated on your end, but other people were engaging with the automated content, which can happen. And then they were actually clicking through and some of the posts that were being shared to those, you know, the links that were being shared and that kind of stuff that can have an absolute effect. There’s no question. I don’t know. And I may be wrong, but I don’t know that just social signals in and of themselves produce any results anymore towards SEO at all. But real active engaged accounts that those share URLs on those accounts will get clicks from real people. And that does help because it’s referral traffic. So I don’t know Do you have any different data than that, Marco?
No, no, I don’t.
So, it depends on what you’re doing then really, I mean, if you like, here’s an example where we were talking about David Nelson’s RSS masher technology, which can build these beautiful automated auto blog type sites that will start to generate real traffic because a lot of them are like new sites and we’ve got something that you know, we’re working with some somebody that we’re going to be bringing, perhaps bringing to you guys’ attention in the coming weeks or months. We’re starting to test with it now actually, but it’s something very similar. We’re RSS mashers that could complement it. But my point is creating like these traffic-generating sites that have relative route relevant content, either by topic or by location, that can be used to drive real traffic back to, you know, our own properties or own assets that we’re trying to rank or clients or whatever. And, you know, if you have built these sites that start to generate traffic and they start pushing clicks the nose that’s very valuable. So it’s the same thing with social media accounts, if you even if you automate it in some way, shape or form, as long as people are engaging with the content that is being generated by that profile or that page or that account, whatever, then I think there’s value to it. But it’s, you know, how much trouble going through to set all that up. That’s why I typically just don’t do it. Okay, okay. All right. So here’s the thing, Google said that it doesn’t take a look at social signals. Okay.
And this is where we have to separate the bullshit from us fact.
What are they really saying?
What they’re, it could be true that they don’t pay attention to the social signal itself, or a social signal, as whatever that concept could possibly mean. What Google pays attention to is a link because guess what, everything in Google the foundational principles in Google are links. Everything is built around makes the button cannot get the variables that it needs for the algorithms unless it travels. And traveling quotes unless it goes through a link from one server to another. That’s what’s happening. So let’s look at this the way that you’re supposed to look at it. Let’s look at this, as I always tell people, scientists, and what’s actually happening. Google is sending a signal from its server to another server through a link a hyperlink into an HTML hyperlink. It’s going through an IP, whatever it’s going through, it’s going to that server, and it’s looking for something specific. It could be that it’s going to as a social media property, whatever the hell it is, that is going to, it’s been coded to pick up this I call it a signal. Let’s call it donuts. It’s been coded to pick up donuts through those links. And it’s been coded to look at Brown donuts, white donuts, jelly, doughnuts, whatever chocolate-covered doughnuts, whatever you want to call it. All right.
And if it finds those, it brings them back and tells Google Hey, I thought, it fills in on the variables, hey, I found these. Now, let’s go back instead of donuts, let’s just call it, they looked at the LinkedIn, they saw a person, click on the link, the person clicked on the link that and they went to your website went to what Google’s Following this, they went to your website, and they filled out a contact form, you think that isn’t gonna trigger any part of Google at all? Do you think that’s not gonna matter?
Call it whatever you want, call it. Fuck Google, like I always say metadata will say they call it what you want. But Google is seeing that whole client transaction from beginning to end. And you really think that doesn’t make a difference when Google sees that transaction goes take place from beginning to end.
Looking at everything looking, especially on YouTube, and in Google ads, because we know that Google pays special attention to the people that they send you. Do you really believe that these don’t matter, call it what you want this I call it a social signal. call it anything you want. We know from our testing from everything we do from everything that we’ve been covering from all of our client work from all of our businesses, guys, you got to understand that we’re not just Semantic Mastery. Marco isn’t just mathematically I have businesses, I’ve other businesses that I run. I have clients that I work with, I have so many things that I’m into, I don’t know how I have time in the day to do them all. But this is Semantic Mastery, just a small part of what I do. But everything that we show in Semantic Mastery everything that we give, you have to hang out, heavy hitter club, the free SEO group, and Facebook, every bit of information that we share has been tested because I’m not gonna risk my businesses. I am not going to risk my client’s businesses. On theory. We go we set up the theory we formally the hypothesis, we ask the question, we go out and use the scientific method. It’s very simple. And then we print back the information that we said, we know that Google is tracking that person. Why in the world would there be a pixel? Otherwise?
Alright, so last is not really well, I guess it is a question, Aaron’s comes back is replying to his previous comment about a competitor, not trying to be whiny. But when people are deceptive, it makes it bad for all of us if a business doesn’t have a real address, shouldn’t they be sad? Yeah, no, I agree, Aaron. And here’s the thing. If you’re talking about a storefront type of business that is using a fake address, then I would, I mean, maybe I’m wrong here. But I would think that it would get reported by a pissed off customer who went to Google Maps to try to go to the storefront business, and they go to a building that’s empty if that makes sense. So I’ve always talked about if you’re going to do spam Google Maps listings that you should only be doing surface area just type or excuse me, surface area business type of Google Maps listings, because, you know, like a contractor, plumber that goes to other people’s, you know, to people’s homes or buildings, or offices or whatever to do plumbing work, they can hide their address. So nobody’s gonna is clicking driving directions. So I don’t know, Aaron, if it’s if you’re talking about a service area type of business where customers should be going to the location, then I would expect it to be terminated rather quickly because people cussed pissed off, customers would report it, unless it’s one of those odd situations where it can be a service area business, and a local business or storefront business. And then if that’s the case, where primarily that’s a store, if it’s a service area business, then that you know, might be able to get away with it. So I don’t know again, I just still don’t do it. I still don’t report other listings. I don’t negative SEO. I just don’t do it. Again. It’s a karma thing and I just don’t want to invite that into my life even though I’ve had it happen to me in the past I’ve never felt vengeful enough to want to do it to others that’s just my opinion so again you’re entitled to yours and I’m not knocking you for saying that you want to report it fucking report it then you know that’s, that’s on you buddy. And I’m not knocking you for it. I’m just telling you I wouldn’t want to do it myself. That’s all I’m saying. any follow up comments to that Marco? Karma is a bitch call it what you will. Anything that you do can and will come back to me and look, go, and power up your shit.
That’s my recommendation you do whatever the fuck you want. I mean, you’re a grown person. I can’t tell you what to do.
But I definitely would not report shit I would just go get rid of it out the power that’s what you do. Not negative never ever. I’ve never ever done I’ve come really close.
Some piss me off that much where I was gonna blast him and make him appear for like some porn term. But then I
You take a breath and say, okay, it’s okay. It’s okay. Let’s just move on and make money. Yeah, I agree that energy can be spent making money.
So, again, they’re good questions. But yeah, no, you could encourage a pissed off customer to report them. I don’t know. All right. Thanks, guys. We’ll see you all next week.
We appreciate everybody being here. And don’t forget the potato. My rankings are your coupon code for SEO shields for 25% off. It’s only I think for the next two or three days. So take advantage of we can see you guys all right later.
Weekly SEO Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 301 posted first on http://beyondvapepage.blogspot.com
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daynamartinez22 · 4 years
Weekly SEO Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 301
Click on the video above to watch Episode 301 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
We’re live. Ah, what’s up, everybody? Welcome to Episode 301 of Hump Day Hangouts, where we teach you some kung fu moves to get your rankings up there into other websites out there in the search engine. But that’s great. Welcome to Hump Day Hangouts. Today is the 19th of August and this is your weekly meeting for anything SEO and good stuff and marketing and everything that has to do with that related so welcome to that before we dive into some of the good stuff that we have for today, just gonna go through the list of the awesome people that we have here. Nicole, what’s up Marco? How are you doing, man?
You see it. Now let me tell you about it.
That’s how it makes Groundhog Day. This is my life. I can’t help it. And as I always say, don’t hate the player. Hate the game, as I like this place.
Again, that’s it. If you don’t play the game as you should, then maybe you should start looking in the right place. When you’re starting out in the right place Hump Day Hangout, so here we go. But you go get some.
Let’s go. What’s up, Chris? How are you doing, man? Yeah, like I’m looking jealous over the marketplace. I don’t know. Like we had rained the last day. So like, not too excited to your brother. Well, everything else is good. And actually, I’m a little bit excited, but I cannot talk too much about it. Because I’ve been working on something for POFU.
But I think you mentioned a couple of things about that later. Yeah, for sure. For sure. What’s up, Bradley? How are you doing, man? Good. I’m good. I’m just trying to do what Adam usually does and drop these links on to the chatbox, but other than I’m good, glad to be here. Yeah, by the way, we’re missing a core, a core member of
The team in fact we’re not able to function we’re just basically barely scraping by which is because he’s like out there running the woods doing his stuff. So what’s up, Adam? So what’s up everybody? Welcome to Episode 301.
And we’re going to be diving into question soon but before we go there a couple of things number one people live is coming in hot, he’s going to be awesome. I’m really excited about getting that well on our way is going to be our third installment or the third slot live event although this one’s not going to be in person now which guy that said this is not live so he’s supposed to live online but if you want to go and get your virtual ticket, your POFU Live ticket to be attending to POFU Live, go to pofulive.com. It’s an event that we put every single year for the past three years, and it’s been pretty awesome. People are getting a lot of stuff usually stuff that we don’t share anywhere else. Just info for live. So go there.
Go grab your ticket, we’re going to be doing some fun stuff for VIP ticket holders and all of that good stuff. So go to pofulive.com. And I also believe that we have some sell happening right now. And mgyb. And we guys, yeah, and it’s in celebration of national potato day. Hey, go there.
So I dropped the coupon code in the chatbox below. But it’s if you go to mgyb.co is 25% off of our ys drive stacks for the next I guess three days and the coupon code is potato, my rankings all one word, potato, my rankings, all one word as the coupon code gets you 25% off of our ys drive stacks. There you go. You’re gonna use me, excuse me the SEO shield, which includes a drive stack but it’s the SEO shield orders. That’s what it’s for. There you go. Awesome. And by the way, Michael does
People need to buy right away as they can buy right now. And they need to submit the order right now how How’s that? How’s that working? They have a window so that they can submit basically, you know if somebody is watching this tomorrow, and they want to take advantage of the offer, but they don’t probably didn’t have data of their clients right away, what do you suggest?
Well, we understand that we understand that people can sometimes get the information right away. We understand that people need time, right? For whatever reason it is, or maybe they just want to take advantage of the coupons. Well, that’s fine. They can go ahead, buy, and then submit the information later. Now the problem is if you wait too long if you wait past 30 days, what we’re going to do is we’re simply going to refund you because we can’t let it sit there 5678 months until whatever it is that you decide to do.
So get it, hold on to it go ahead and take advantage of the offer. So that the coupon doesn’t expire, right because once it does, we can’t give you the offer.
Then get gather the information. That’s fine. Don’t wait more than 30 days because then we will refund you no question. It gets done on our we know that if you don’t submit your information within 30 days, you’re likely not to do it. And we’ll have to refund you anyway. So we might as well get rid of the problem to start with. Gotcha. So people can buy today get get get an advantage, take advantage of the coupon. And then you said, you know, submit the details over the next 30 days, basically. That’s awesome. All right. Cool. So and by the way, if you have more SEO needs, if you have more delivery needs, you know, because you shouldn’t be doing the grunt work, let us do it for you go to mgyb.co we have that sale going on. But there’s a lot of good stuff there. A lot of stuff that allegedly doesn’t work. But you know, the proof is in the pudding. We have a bunch of case studies there and more coming. So that’s going to be pretty awesome as well.
Yep. Anything that you guys want to add on? Let’s do this. Let’s do it. Actually, we ran over last week by like, almost 10 minutes because I just lost track of time. So you guys are gonna crack the whip on me today. I tight I’ve got an appointment actually have to get to so. Alright, uh, let me grab the screen.
All right, sweet.
Do you guys see my screen? Okay. Yeah. All right, we’re gonna start with
Is It Safe To Convert Gsites To Its New Format?
Igor. Hey Brad. The NSM team just got an email about Google changing the old g sites. Is it safe to follow to convert them to the new g site? I have been? I’ve done about a dozen myself this week. Seriously, I haven’t even had VA is doing it. I’ve just because I’ve been tightening up projects and stuff. And so I’ve just gone in and click the button and made sure everything came out. Okay, Mark, I know you had some comments about that. We chatted about this yesterday. Yeah, Google has been really nice about it. They giving us everything we need. They’re just moving everything over for us all you have to just click yes it. I mean, how good is that doesn’t get any better than that. Now, you will
Hang on a second, well people do have to be careful about is that it doesn’t turn into a 302. So please monitor your URLs, right use a redirect checker every once in a while to see what it is that Google is doing it because they get sneaky. Remember what they did with geo GL? Yeah, it was a 301. Then without any warning, it turned into a 302. Then they offer Firebase, which was a three or two that you had to turn into a 301. gotta be really careful. Google is really sneaky, right? Do they change other URLs from 301 to three or two from
what do you call it? From a meta refresh, to attend meta refresh, where then it’s useless. So the only thing that I tell people is you got to be really careful. Keep track of your URLs, keep checking them from time to time. And of course, don’t you do it your time should be way more valuable than to be inserting the URLs into a checker to see if it’s a 301 or three or two, you should have a VA, doing all this menial work so you can concentrate on your business, growing your business, making more money.
That’s the way it’s supposed to be.
Yeah, what I was gonna say was a couple of things, one you brought up. Gotta be careful with Google because they’re tricky about how they’ll change stuff and make them three Oh, twos without even knowing. Yep, for example, what the old g sites I don’t know, I haven’t even checked it on the new one yet. With you know, once it’s been converted to the new ones, but I can’t imagine it would have changed. But if you left the trailing slash off of the end of the URL, then if you checked it in a redirect checker, it would throw to you the final URL with the trailing slash at the end of it. So like, if you’re looking at a home page of the G site, and you were building links to the URL without the trailing slash, then you were actually getting a 302 redirect to the home page, which I thought was crazy.
But second of all, the new g sites are a lot like page builders are now so they’re like, you know, modular and like kind of like a block editor. And there it just is a lot more intuitive than the old funky g sites. And I don’t know why I’ve wanted them for so long because it’s actually a pretty good editor now and it’s a good interface. So,
How Many Videos Are Needed For A YouTube Silo To Be Effective?
okay, let’s see, I got lost my track where I was let me try this again must have been from last week. Okay, so the next question was from when building YouTube silos? How many videos should be in a silo to be impactful to move the needle? I know it depends on the competition. But what should you start with five 750? And should we focus on building more in the silo or more silos? And if more silos, how many in the silo?
I got a little bit of a headache from that question.
It just depends on it depends on you know, how competitive the keyword is that you’re trying to rank for. So whatever your top-level keyword is the top of silo keyword that you’re trying to rank for. That’s really going to be what determines how much depth you should add to it, like how many videos essentially how many other keywords, variations, longer tail versions, that sort of thing, are you going to actually target within that particular silo? It’s just like doing it on your website, right? It’s the same principle. It’s the
How much is it going to take? I can’t tell you that because I don’t know what keyword is that you’re targeting. I don’t know what the competition looks like. It’s going to take as many as it takes. So really just it’s going to it’s very much like doing a silo on your website. That’s why we talk about theme mirroring, and all that kind of stuff because it’s, it’s all the same. Creating a YouTube silo is the exact same structure. And the mat, whether or not it ranks is going to depend on you know, a lot of factors, not just the silo structure itself, but having additional keywords in there more depth to that silo adds builds more relevancy, more topical relevancy, and there are more linking opportunities from within that silo as well. So it kind of helps to power up the entire silo, the whole playlist, if you’re adding more videos that are relevant. Does that make sense?
Anybody want to comment on that before I go to the second part of that, yeah, what you start with is more than one right? Absolutely.
And then it’s just how far you need to go to get to where you want to be. Period.
Yep. So how many are going to take as many as it takes? I was like a lot. We used to get questions all the time about syndication networks, how many posts Do you think it’s going to take for me to rank for whatever keyword now, we could always have the same answer as many as it takes to take. Yeah. So the next one is it should be focused on building more in the silo or more silos and more silos. Now, remember, guys, keep it simple. You know, you can take a top-level silo keyword, and you can create a bunch of subcategories from closely very closely related keywords that are, you know, longer tailed versions are the next level down, so to speak of that main keyword, but is it necessary to do so? That’s the point-like, again, I use this example more recently, uh, you know, I’m pretty much all I’m doing now is Tree Service stuff for SEO and, and lead generation and that kind of stuff. And for the longest time, I’ve always built a simple silo structure at least for several years.
I used to do complex silos. But I just got over doing that because most local, most local type businesses don’t need that. But and I don’t know that you’re targeting local, but I’m just using this as an example.
I used to always silo with the simple site for the last few years with simple silo structure for Tree Service stuff, Tree Service being the primary keyword. So essentially the homepage, but then the silo structure would be tree trimming would be one silo. Another one that would be tree removal. And then usually a third one, which would be additional services or arborist tree services, if it was a certified arborist on the, for the contractor that the site was for. And I saw I’d have three silos on the site, basically. But what I found was Google actually really considers tree trimming, Tree Removal tree cutting Tree Service, they’re all synonyms. So I could probably and I haven’t tested it just yet. I’ve got a couple of projects and I’m waiting on some infrastructure to be built and then I’m going to be testing that. But I could probably go with just one silo essentially tree services. And you because all that content is the same, however, I could create like, essentially subcategories, which would have been the silos of what I’ve already been what I’ve been doing right. So tree removal, tree trimming, perhaps arborist services, but if why overcomplicate things, why make the build more complex? Why make the content, you know, the interlinking between pieces of content, everything more complex than it needs to be, if I could just have a flat site with one silo tree services, and just have all the content, you know, properly structured and get the same results? Why would I go through all of that and so that my answer to you about the YouTube stuff is the same thing? I would rather focus on one silo and add more depth to it and have that whole silo be a lot more powerful than have a whole bunch of different silos with the month that is very, very specific or it’s kind of hard to get, you know, additional supporting it Now if you’ve got the main category with a bunch of different subcategories and it’s logical to do so. Then I would add additional you know, add create additional playlist and don’t forget, you can have one video and more than one playlist, so I mean, it
If you have a kind of like a parent category silo, the video can be in that playlist. But then you could also have like subcategory silos or playlists that want. You know, the video can also be in one of those, if that makes sense. So, but just don’t overcomplicate things is my point, especially when it comes to YouTube? It’s really unnecessary. Does anybody want to comment on that?
I totally agree.
Okay. Very good. And I think a lot of a lot of times we try, we try to be smart as SEOs and try to you know, well, if I get really creative with my silo structures, I can get better results and it just ends up being a lot of unnecessary work. So just keep that in mind.
How Do You Set Up A Sales Tax In A WooCommerce Site?
Jason says, Hey, guys, I’m working on an e-commerce site and I hearing rumors that I need to set up sales tax for every state in the U.S. if we sell something. Do you guys know how this would work with WooCommerce? I do not because I don’t do anything eCommerce related. Perhaps Marco might.
Do you know anything about WooCommerce being in taxes and stuff?
I don’t know, like, I don’t know how you either,
like I do, I have worked on WooCommerce websites, but that’s not the part of my job that I do.
The part of what I do on that is I get traffic, the owner is kind of like the one in charge of all that guy charges, taxes and I know, on the land, like each state has separate rules, right? for buying and selling land and how much is is due at the closing. But that all gets done, it gets taken out of the total when you close the deal. It’s like you never see it because it’s taken out. So like how much or whether each state is responsible, whether you’re responsible for collecting taxes, what you need to do is go and contact the tax attorney and have them tell you what it is that you’re responsible for, whether it’s each state, your state, what the rules are in each state because only a tax attorney would be the one to answer that question properly. I’m not a tax attorney. I’m not a tax expert by any means.
So try that. I can’t really help with that. Yeah, neither can I just don’t do any sort of e-commerce stuff. So I couldn’t help with that either. Sorry. Jason. Looks like Jason says he just joined the mastermind. That’s awesome. So he says that, by the way, welcome, Jason. He says I have five websites that I need to do this syndication networks with, I need to do two of them as soon as possible. Well, I’ll tell you what, as a mastermind member, you do get benefits, you know, so contact support, make about mgyb.co. So go to [email protected] after you’ve placed your orders, and, you know, mentioned that your new mastermind members and see if you can get two of them expedited, I don’t know that we typically do that but I know mastermind members do get benefits. So Marco’s, that’s something that we can do is try to get it pushed a little bit.
Ah, we have other mastermind members. Also order. So how can we push everything? Um, yeah, that’s why I was asking. I said if we can do something we’ll try to but I don’t know that we can but what do you think? I mean if it’s just syndication if it’s just a brand that networks you know, they get pushed out and they’ll get delivered as soon as they’re done that’s how Jason yeah absolutely order right away. But we are improving the system. We’re making everything better we’re making things better right we’re training our team we’re trying to make things more fluid speedier so it’s not as if we’re just sitting there and not make trying to make things better we are
are you go and I know you guys have been working hard on streamlining stuff and all that so it will get better Pablo says Hey guys, I’m still confused with correct structure for city pages post question. One from for now top of silo on my money site is a broad category without local modifiers. If I need to cover two or more counties, I need to make each county like a separate silo or county can go after a broad topic and link back to the main silo topic example. This is one of those questions site slash Miami or slight slash appraiser Miami based on this question, how would posting look like okay?
Should You Make A Separate Silo For County And Connect It To The Main Silo?
Pavlo, I can tell you this you know I cover how I do how I reconcile those odd issues that I’ve talked about this many times and I cover this extensively in the mastermind I can’t do it here. I can give you a very high overview like a conceptual overview of it, but I can’t get into the nitty-gritty because it’s something that I only cover in our mastermind, but I use tags for creating location-based silos in a WordPress website. Okay, so I use the category structure for my topical silos. But then I use tags in a very specific way to create my location-based silos so that there are no conflicts with URLs are trying to share location-based stuff categories across topical silos or vice versa topical silos across location-based categories. Does that make sense? I don’t know if that makes sense or not. But I think you’re talking about the oddities that occur with the URL conflicts that occur when you try to use the same subcategory across multiple categories because it’s going to automatically append like a dash two dash three for each time you duplicate that subcategory into another category. WordPress is gonna automatically append to it like a dash two dash three because it has to have another permalink. And if that’s what you’re talking about, I learned to three years ago, probably three years ago now to build silo structure for location-based silos using tags and it’s a specific hierarchy, the way that I stack those tags and everything else. That’s as far as I can tell you right now.
The other way to do it was if you were going to if because remember if you’re talking about complex silo structure, which you are in this case, right? Because you’ve got, you know, topical silos and then you want to go sub silo from that, right? So subcategories that you want to add additional content pages to or even posts at that level. Right that that can create some issues. That’s why I recommend if you, if you can get away with just doing a simple silo, then and using just the post name, permalink structure, then you can stack you know, you can cross things, subcategories and other categories and things where the URL isn’t going to be displayed and it shows as just domain comm slash the post slug at that level, and that’s okay. But again, so So I mean, if you can get away with that, then that’s the way that I would do it. But again, I can’t talk specific can’t show you the structure, how to do tag-based location silos or location silos using tags here on Hump Day Hangouts. I couldn’t talk about it the mastermind though, but if you understand tags and how to use tag pages in WordPress, you ought to be able to figure it out as my point. So you want to comment on that at all, more.
The only comment that I’m going to make is that there are things that we reserved for our paid groups only. And it’s not fair for us to give it away here in a free group. If people are paying for it, people are paying for all this information. So you people who are here free, although we try to answer as much as possible, you do have to understand is that there are some things that we can’t answer, but we can answer them in the paid groups. That’s just the way it is. It’s the way we’ve always done it. We have given people what nearly six years of free information, actionable information, people have built businesses from the information we give away for free. So imagine what we give away in the free groups.
Yeah, the paid group you mean, um, but yeah. So probably just to get back to your URL question here. See, what I was talking about here is if you take a look at how you’ve got URL one versus URL to my point is if you’ve got like appraiser is your is like one of your services and if appraiser I don’t know what your Real Estate or what, but let’s just say it real estate. And so one of your categories is an appraiser and maybe one of them is home inspections, right?
Or Yeah, something like that, right, let’s just say appraiser and inspectors, let’s just use that just to show two different service categories. If you were to try to duplicate Miami, originally, if you set it up as a subcategory, as an appraiser, then if you tried to create Miami subcategory in the inspectors’ category, or home inspector category, or home inspections, category, whatever, however you name it, then you would end up having that weird URL structure. That said, it doesn’t really matter if you’re using the post name permalink structure because you don’t see it unless you’re looking at source code anyways. So it’s not a big deal. But again, it creates some conflicts that I just don’t like to try to live with when I’m building the site. It’s not really clear to me that way. That’s why I like to use tags. I don’t know if that was specifically a question, but that’s the way I interpreted it. So next is he says based on this, how should what should posting look like?
For each county, it should be the same topic or keyword, but content should be rewritten, including local modifiers. Yeah, I mean, that’s what I do. That’s why I have my blogger actually create. When we’re doing keyword plus location-specific content, my blogger just creates or curates a blog post that is targeting something very closely related to that topic. It doesn’t always necessarily have to be 100% then but she has my I have one blogger that handles all of this stuff for me now because she’s really good at it. She will curate top you know, stories that are topically relevant as well as something about the local area that you know, for the location modifier that we’re targeting. And then there will be a paragraph at the bottom that has a strong call to action and it has you know, a strong mention of the product or service or the services that would pertain to what the theme of the post was about. So my point is like, for example, in the tree clients I have don’t do landscaping work. However, landscaping is closely related to Tree Service stuff. Right. And so because of that, a lot of times there will be blog posts that are written about Lance a yard or keeping their somebody’s resident, you know, homes, the landscape beautiful or whatever. And then there will be a paragraph at the bottom about, you know, tree services, tree trimming, tree pruning, whatever that will kind of tie that concept to the landscaping, right? And then we just optimize the SEO title for it. And then use the tag-based silos and all of that, and it’s it works really, really well, especially when you use the SEO shield and the G site and you learn how to push keyword relevancy through backlink profile to your G site. So that’s what I do.
And so all of the content is unique because all of the blog posts each blog post is unique because there’s new newly curated content from my blogger, which is why I like it because it’s all it’s not. You know, one of the problems that I’m sure you are aware of this Pablo is is when you only have you know, a few seconds services? How do you keep rewriting about that same service over and over and over again, right, it gets to be very difficult to do so. And that’s why I kind of got away from trying to do it that way. And I just let my blogger kind of run away with it and it creates over time, it might take a little bit more time to get the traction that I like. But once you do, you have this kind of broad width of topical relevancy to that to what your primary services are, if that makes sense. So that’s what I do if you don’t have that ability yet for, you know, for curating posts and that kind of stuff, then you can just rewrite stuff I’ve talked about having like one article written about tree removal, in my case, right. And then having that rewritten by five different, you know, as a rewrite project, as opposed to a new writing project, it’s a lot less expensive, and now I’ve got six versions of the original article. And so that’s something you could use if you’re going to be reproducing keyword plus location across multiple locations. Does that make sense? I don’t know if that was clear or not. Do you have any other tricks for that?
No. Okay.
All right. And the second part of that I can’t answer because that question went way too long. Anyway, so we’re going to move on if we have time, we’ll come back to it.
How Do You Boost A Blog Subdomain?
Bobby, Ricky Bobby says, we have a client that uses a subdomain for their blog, their main site gets decent traffic 50,000 per month. But the blog that is blogged out example gets less than 1000 per month. Okay, they are not going to change it to a subfolder anytime soon. I’ve recommended it obviously, any advice on what to do to boost the blog subdomain. They have a few dozen articles on there. And we were starting to work on the content consistency going forward. Now that we have our keyword research and recommendations thanks to mgyb.
My suggestion would be just to start using the subdomain a lot more right. Your syndication network should be attached to it. You should be blogging consistently. And that’s essentially what I was just talking about in my previous reply or response to Pavlo’s question.
About overtime, just that the blog will start to gain more traction. And you’ll see in Search Console, especially as you publish more content, your total impression number will start to go way, way up. Because you’ll start being recognized by Google for a lot more keyword combinations. So different types of search queries will give your site impressions. And that’s actually a really good content strategy to go in the Search Console, and identify keywords that are relevant, like search queries that triggered an impression for your blog, find those queries that are relevant, that aren’t ranking well yet, but are that are close, like, for example, maybe their position is, you know, somewhere between 11 and 20? Well, those are good keywords than to start optimizing for producing more content for linking back to the original piece of content, that kind of stuff to help try to boost those to page one so that you start getting more traffic. My point is, you know, adding more content to the blog is would be my first step. And then you could always do things like, you know, paid traffic to some of the posts, and then do remarketing so that you can always be bringing people back, which will probably get more visits to the blog, even repeat visits, which is really, really good for SEO also. So those would be my two recommendations from you.
Yeah, that’s the SEO shield, SEO Power shield. It’s all part of the system. So it’s not just getting the syndication properties. It’s not just logging. It’s not just syndicating your content. It’s powering up your shield is powering up your right your @ID. It’s powering up everything that has to do with your entity. It has to do with getting your schema out there. It has to do with whatever you need to do to make the content right. So link building comes into play so embeds come into play. More link building more embeds. Press releases, link building to press release a stack the press releases if you’re local, posting, stalking your posts link building into your posts, local images, guys.
We’ve created a whole entire system for you to do this. We just can’t give you the pieces here for free.
I mean, we got to go back to that. People. Yeah, you want the system. It’s in the paid groups. It’s in Semantic Mastery and the heavy hitter, join Semantic Mastery. And you get a really good price for joining heavy hitter. But I like we can’t give you everything we’d love to. But then there would be no Semantic Mastery, if we gave everything away for free, right, the people who have to sit and think and do all of these things have to be able to make some kind of living, right, some kind of money, get rewarded for all the effort that we put into doing all of this.
So having said that, it’s the system ads, ads work perfectly well. If you do them the way that we say do. Don’t just go out and run any kind of ads that may or may not work. Use the system that we’ve set up to make the ads work. Use the system which we’ve created the
We make everything available in mgyb.co. But if you get it without really understanding what it is that you’re doing, then you’re actually doing yourself more harm than good, because you’re leaving so much power on the table, so much power that you could be using.
And that’s a good point, you know, press releases. I’ve shown this in our Facebook group, the SEO tutorials semantic mastery Facebook group. Somebody was asking a question about press releases. Well, it was more of a comment about how they read some article on some blog about our press releases doesn’t work. And so they were just relaying that information. And there was started to the discussion, a thread. And one of the arguments that the person that posted the question or the statement really was stating was, well, you guys are all saying they work, but I want to see proof. Right. And so I just took a screenshot of Google Analytics of just one project that I’m working on, that shows referral traffic. And it showed press advantage, right, which is the press release releases that we primarily use. And it showed for a 30 day period, I think was 287 or 267 visits directly from press advantage. So don’t discredit that either, like again. And that’s all part of what we teach is like the same content strategy. So in your blog, that’s one of the best things one of the strategies that I use, consistently, almost exclusively now is we publish blog posts for clients. And as soon as a blog post is published, not always a one to one ratio, depending on what their budget is, but we will publish a press release to promote the blog post. So every time a new blog post gets published, we have a press release that links back to the blog post. So we’re driving traffic from press advantage domain as well as a lot of you know, other news-type sites when it does get traffic press advantage tends to drive the domain itself tends to drive quite a bit of traffic, but that sends traffic to that newly public blog posts plus it builds a bunch of links to that newly built, newly published blog post. So it’s really, really good for building up the SEO value of your blog as well as driving traffic to it, which is what your original question was, is how to get more traffic to the blog. So that’s another great part of this strategy that we teach. Yep. So it was a great question.
Is It Harder To Rank Gdocs Than A Gsite?
Babies up with a list of questions just broken up this time a little bit. So maybe you’re getting better. Hey, guys, if I want to rank some Google property only, say a G doc and a G site? Is it harder to rank g docs than a G site? I have. I mean, for I guess I haven’t really set up any specific tests for that. But I tend to just focus on the G site because it has a lot more functionality than a G doc. I don’t know if one is harder to rank than the other what say you, Marco
would rank better.
So let me see that again. If I want to write some Google property on these, the G site because it is going to get all the power from the embeds the duck might rank faster originally. I like at first, but then the G site for sure will take over. Yeah, no, yeah. But that’ll convert better, won’t it? The G site will convert the dot some of the dots will rank right away. But the Gsite over time, it’s so powerful. And you still get leads from that Virginia. Right? Yeah, he’s still occasionally. Yeah. So I mean, the proof is in the pudding.
Is It Faster To Rank Google Properties Than Building A Shield To A Non-Google Property?
Is it faster to rank Google properties than building a shield on a non-Google property? Of course, it is. It is. I mean, it’s crazy. Because you get well you can just here’s the thing, even if you’re ranked trying to rank a non-Google property like so you got a self-hosted website is your main money site. You can still do all the same things to the SEO shield. That and that you would if you made the Google site, your primary money website.
It doesn’t really matter that because that’s the whole point of the SEO show, right? It’s to create a shield around your money site. So all the things that you’re going to do to that g site, if the G site was your primary money site, which will rank very quickly, you can still do all of that to the G site as part of your SEO shield when you have a self-hosted money site. So a non-Google property money site, because you’re not going to actually touch your non-Google property money site. with anything other than the SEO shield, you’re doing all your nastiness out to the actual SEO shield. So my point is, why not have both unless it’s just you don’t want to go through the trouble of setting up a self-hosted website and all that other kind of stuff, which I understand that so for example, for some lead gen assets, there’s no reason for to set up WordPress stuff if you’re just doing like a single location, lead gen assets and you’re going to do a bunch of them. You can get away with 100% with just GMB assets and the SEO shield assets and you can use the G site as your primary money site and the GMB website the two of those countries if combined, and you’ll do incredibly well that way. So again, but if you’re going to be building a brand, there’s in my opinion is no reason not to create a money site because you can still rank the G site before the money site ever ranks and still get the benefit of it. But you’re building that brand back to a domain that you have more control over. That’s, that’s my take on it. What do you think?
You know, it’s still effective, Google will say no.
But we see all these lawsuits as we see all of these things where Google prefer Google, over anything else. And we’ve proven it’s not something that we’re just saying. And it’s not just us giving you theory and concepts and all of these ideas that are nothing. We’re giving you facts. We’re giving you something that we actually showed on a webinar, how Google trusts itself above anything else, and because it trusts itself over anything else, it passes PageRank to itself, and it ranks its properties over anybody else’s. We see this time.
And again. So it stands to reason that if you build up your Google ecosystem, it’s why we’re in there in the first place. The whole idea to start with was Dr. Gary and I said, Google prefers itself over anything else. And we went from there, we set up, let that’s the scientific method. You start out you have a hypothesis, it’s a sentence, then you say that you ask a question. Does Google really prefer itself and why? And then you go out to prove it. And we did. And not only did we prove it, but we also showed it live. It’s not as if we just go we don’t we don’t hide that we showed it. How it is that Google prefers itself over anything else. So guys, understanding this, why are you not taking all of that power? and using it use Google was my original concept and idea, use Google to rank in Google?
But at least to be said,
How Do You Determine What Link Buiding Campaign To Use And Determine The Competition?
there you go. Next question. Say you are getting into a new niche. How do you determine the link building? We should use it? What is low, medium, hard competition? Which tool? Do you determine the competition?
Well, I mean, for me, I use a number of different tools. So it really doesn’t matter as I use for bigger projects. Now I’m using a digital marketer toolbox which is network empires towards a bit expensive, but you can also use stuff like sem rush and things. But honestly, what I do just to be what I do is I figure out what I how much relevancy I need to create with you on page right first, that’s, that’s always what I do like to do, am I going to need a lot of content Am I going to need to have proper, you know, how much content do I think I’m going to need so I always start with on-page but once I figure out what my plan is what I think is going to meet or exceed or meet and exceed whatever the competitors are in a particular space, then I set out to build that as far as the link building and everything. I just go by with it.
Exactly what you know we always talk about here, which is I do a ton of content marketing from the site through the blog to a syndication network, total SEO shield built around everything, I do a lot of press releases, which always link back through the blog posts mainly back to the back to the site. So that’s where I get most of my link building done and besides link building to the directly to the SEO shield through MGYB. Now, for most projects that I’ll start with a big link building package, so you know, the competitive What is it the Nitro I guess we call it the Nitro kit or the Nitro pack, link building just to kind of seed everything right off the bat, but then I just get into a regular schedule of doing either embed or link building or embeds plus link building. And now and I usually go with just depending on how competitive it is most of the local stuff, I mean, isn’t super competitive. So I’ll usually go with the starter kit, link building package or embed, you know, embeds plus link building to the embeds and I’ll just do that on you know, monthly or sometimes even by me
Monthly schedule depending on whether, you know if I’m ranking really well or where I want to be, then I really there’s no reason to just keep hammering away at it except for maintenance link building, which is, you know like I said, might be once every six weeks or every two months, or something like that, but I just how many links are going to take as many as it takes, right?
So it’s just it’s about the initial setup and everything and waiting for that Google dance to stop, which sometimes goes on a lot longer. And I think that’s the entity established. Go and Marco can talk on this speak to this, but I think it’s Google trying to establish or understand the entity itself when you first set it up because I got a treat care project that I’ve been working on and sharing in the mastermind. That’s just taken a long, long time for me to establish the brand name, like, you know, really solid but I think I’m finally there and with that particular thing, but what I’m saying is once you start getting past that, and it took shit like 10 weeks, it’s been dancing a lot, but I’ve also been noticing really aggressive with the content marketing and link building through press releases and everything. So I think that’s kind of along the Google dance. My point is, once you get past the initial Google dance, then it’s a matter of just monitoring Can I continually content market or do content marketing, excuse me, so publishing content, but then it’s just a matter of link building and embed, to try to get the desired result that you want. I can’t tell you which levels to use, because I just told you my plan, which is just I come out swinging hard, you know, come out with a lot right up front, just to initially seed the whole ecosystem that I’ve built. And then from there, it’s just more of an ongoing the tortoise, the tortoise wins the race type thing where I just constantly publishing new content and constantly powering up the SEO shield in strategic locations to get the desired result. What do you say, Marco?
Ah, man, and
yeah, it’s an excellent question. But that’s, that’s the
How It is, isn’t it?
I’m not sure how much to add to that. Okay. Good enough. So we got another Marco on he says, Hey, I’ll ask Will you guys be offering a coupon on national pasta day? Maybe lots of people will be looking forward to that, too. If we did it for potato day, we’ll probably do for pasta day as well.
That’s another reason another excuse to send an email right?
out of that gate. Can you hang on a second? Because just to go back to that, on how to define the competition, or how do you know, I use Jeffrey Smith’s method. I look at competing pages. And his it’s pretty accurate. When you look that up in Google, right? When you Google it and you look at the results, that’s usually a pretty good indication of what you’re up against. So I mean, if you don’t have it, I suggest that you go for the ultimate SEO Bootcamp, the best on-page training that there is I don’t care who says what, I agree, he rocks it. He kills it.
And I’m doing a lot of AdWords or Google Ad stuff now to a lot actually. And that’s something else that I determine what my SEO competition is not always the case. But in the local niches that I’m in, it’s, it’s pretty accurate. If my cost per click for a particular keyword is quite high, like and it changes by location to right, then I know that that keyword is probably going to be a lot more competitive SEO wise as well. And I think that’s only logical. You know, and I don’t know that that’s universal across the board for all keywords. Some see, maybe cost per click is very, very high. But the SEO isn’t so competitive, I don’t know. I’m just saying like for Tree Service stuff, which is, again, primarily almost all that I’m doing now. If I’m in an area, like for example, I’ve got some lead gen stuff going on and like Oklahoma City, for example, for Tree Service stuff and then others, and Fairfax, Virginia, Fairfax, Virginia, I might pay $35 per click for tree removal near me, but I might only pay $12 in Oklahoma City. So my point is like the keywords it doesn’t necessarily mean that the SEO is going to be you know, three times harder in Fairfax, Virginia as it would Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, it just typically means that the higher the cost per click, what I found is the more people that are bidding on those keywords are also paying for SEO. So it typically means you’re dealing with more competition and I and again, I don’t know that that’s universal across the board, but I found that to be the case for the niches that I’m in
MGYB Support Question
Okay, next is Nigel what’s up. Nigel he says hey gents, you were the best I wanted to give you money but now I’m about to be potato paid. That said I need help to get an order in so I can over-deliver for a new client just need some guidance on getting this order correct. Let me know your best route to do this. Right. Okay, so he must be this is it down here. I’ll come back to Ricky’s comment here in a moment is literally timing is perfect with a discount. Thanks, Bradley. I will also be taking you up on the calendly booking we discussed weeks back, as I have been getting real referral interest from SEO for luxury real estate niche and believe the SEO shows 100%. But I feel that I need to use this first experience to document the onboarding process and get the solid testimonials from my referral client and then have them as an ambassador, which is already working for other services. Yeah, that’s fine. I do I made that offer to you, it still stands. So whenever if you’ve got the link, if not just pm me on Facebook, and I’ll give it to you again. Whatever guidance you can give me or who to speak will help. I also will send you a quick video explaining if that’s better. And just so you know, I did contact support first to ask and they told me to reply before I asked but didn’t hit reply or hear back excuse me email could have gone to spam or deemed such please let me know. Thanks, guys. Yeah, as I said, I don’t think we’re connected on Facebook. Just reach out to my pm.
And I’ll get something scheduled with you because I know we made that offer to a few months ago. Okay. And you’ve been around for a long time. So no problem. Thanks.
Ricky says not a question. But when people ask my boss, how many does it take to do X, he would say 10 to the 12th. That basically means 10 to the 12th power, which is a trillion. He used to tell us, it doesn’t matter how many it takes, when it works, you’ll know but be prepared to do as much as it takes. The only time that question is relevant is if you don’t believe in the strategy. If you know the strategy works, it doesn’t matter how many it takes. We’ll keep doing it until it works. that’s a great way that’s a much more extended version of as many as it takes, but I like it.
It’s pretty good. We should copy that somewhere.
Alright, so Marco says like I understand a little No, none of what you’re all talking about. But I think your free content can help and that your team seems pretty cool. Okay. Thanks, Marco. Appreciate that. Next, Ricky says to be clear, we won’t mind paying for the services.
What was he asking about? The National potato day, but I don’t know what it was.
Do you want I mean, we have training on the SEO shield, the SEO, the SEO shoulder the SEO power shield. I can’t remember the name of the website, Rob put that up for free. It doesn’t get any better than that you can join heavy hitter the free section, tons of resources in there man, tons of free resources for you guys. The free SEO group this you have tons of stuff feedback.
So you can go to a heavy hitter club slash SEO shield or just go to because he set up a redirect the SEO shield calm. And I’ll just put both of these on a notepad file so you can see them on screen.
The other one would be HTTP books, that’s too many.
And it was the SEO shield.com.
Okay, so if you got either one of those specifically Marco on who was asking the question, then you can download them or opt-in or whatever for SEO shield training, which will explain to you what it is why it works and not and you know where to get it and all that kind of stuff. Okay?
So those are our methods Oh, by the way, you can also go here I still didn’t get the damn solid training done because I had another project pop up in the past week that I had to attend to. But if you go to semantic mastery comm slash process, you can learn much more about these are the training videos that I did, specifically for the semantic mastery process, which is what the SEO shield is built around, and all the different components and why we do what we do doesn’t give you the how it gives you the way if you want to how I point you in the where to find out the how you know where to purchase the training products or join our mastermind, that kind of stuff to where you can get the how, or you can just go or we point you just to go get it done. It’s mgyb so that you can spend your time building your business and generating more revenue instead of doing the execution of these processes. That makes sense
So either any of these right here will help you to get a much better understanding of what it is that we’re talking about. Okay.
All right, we’re gonna keep moving.
Unknown Speaker 48:12 The blog subdomain site, should we do the shield that the blog? Should we do the shield to that blog subdomain or to the main domain? Well, depends on both right and the Brian period, right, which when you build that you build out the brand, the subdomain is a part of the brand. That’s right. But it’s separate that you can’t separate that. You just have to do it. Right. You have to connect one to the other. It’s right to get disconnected. Does that a disconnect? Is that a separation? Yeah, the parent. It has a bit has a child, the child has a subdomain that the child has a parent is the main domain.
Right? So again, your primary URL, in this case, I would make the root domain, but you would include the blog URL and the building right
Just like you would your syndication network properties, so that that’s also being included with all of your drive stack files that are being created your G site, everything you see your blog is going to be constantly linked to and you remember from your primary route, you’re going to have a link to your blog. So you’re going to be transferring power through that anyways, to back to your blog. But just remember, you’re probably my opinion, your primary domain, your root domain should be your primary asset for the SEO shield. But you include the blog subdomain URL in the additional URLs that you’re going to submit with the order like your syndication network properties, for example. Okay. So there you go.
How Would You Deal With A Competitor That Is Using A Location He Does Not Occupy?
Aaron says arrived late and needs some advice. One of my main competitors is using a location that he does not occupy the property sold last week and he was never located there. Is there something I should or could do about this? Thanks. Yeah, just out SEO and that’s what I would say. I mean, I know there are people that will tell you that Yeah, you can report that and all that kind of stuff. I don’t do that. I just think it’s better Karma I understand even if they’re spamming and they got you to know they’re winning just outperform them and that’s just I don’t do negative SEO I don’t report shit like that I just don’t do it. It’s up to you whether you want to you certainly can go that route I just don’t like to do it because you know what goes around comes around and I would hate for somebody to do that and I’ve had it done and I don’t like it so I wouldn’t want to do it to somebody else and that’s just my opinion. And your comment no you know you know I agree I out power That’s it. That’s it. That’s what we did with this guy. The new client that I took on exactly what we did. We just blasted him out of the waterman. Now we’re after first place for the keywords. He had the knowledge panel. No longer got the knowledge panel. That’s the type of thing you do. You don’t go negative. Just hit it harder.
Yeah, Austin says I’m gonna have a header club. If I join the mastermind. Is there a discount for either one? Yes. As far as well. Yeah.
If you’re in both there’s a discount, right Marco.
If you join the mastermind we will give you a steep discount for as long as you’re a mastermind member if you leave the mastermind then heavy hitter goes to regular price you can only have the discounted price and heavy hitter if you’re still in the mastermind.
There you go.
Austin dawn I’ve been trying to talk you into joining the mastermind for some time because I know you’re in the real estate industry as well. So
Jason says again Hi guys, I look forward to working with you all in the mastermind group I need to order the keywords in the shielded package as soon as possible and do it Jason quarter the damn thing and yeah if you got any questions Jason the mastermind you know you get a hell of a lot more access to us there’s no doubt and as we talked about I think I talked to you on the phone last week actually. Remember to use the question form and the mastermind you’ll know where it is because it’s in the mastermind. If not just post a question, I’ll send the link to you in the mastermind. But yeah, make sure you use that too because we’ll dig, you know, do deep dives and webinars for whatever it is that you want to discuss, have us look at as you know, analyze whatever it is you want to talk about. We do that stuff in the mastermind. So look forward to working with you as well. We’re almost out of time. We got a couple more.
What Value Do You See In A Set Of Twitter/Facebook Accounts That Retweets/Share Items Via IFTTT?
Next is Hey, fellas, what sort of value do you see and I set of Twitter Facebook accounts in the geographic area of my client that are used to be IFTTT to retweet share items coming from that client and probably other area businesses, so as not to look suspicious? Yeah, I mean, it may help. I don’t know, I just don’t go through all that trouble. It may.
I mean, I think social signals from real accounts where there’s a real activity that generates traffic, so click-throughs. Back to the target URL, not just these I don’t think just the sharing. I don’t know I haven’t done any testing on this. Like specific testing, social signals in several years now, many years now, probably five years. But traffic, referral traffic from social networks is very powerful for SEO. So if you had real people engaging with those profiles or pages or whatever it is that you’re trying to set up on social accounts, where there are real people engaging with that, even if it was automated on your end, but other people were engaging with the automated content, which can happen. And then they were actually clicking through and some of the posts that were being shared to those, you know, the links that were being shared and that kind of stuff that can have an absolute effect. There’s no question. I don’t know. And I may be wrong, but I don’t know that just social signals in and of themselves produce any results anymore towards SEO at all. But real active engaged accounts that those share URLs on those accounts will get clicks from real people. And that does help because it’s referral traffic. So I don’t know Do you have any different data than that, Marco?
No, no, I don’t.
So, it depends on what you’re doing then really, I mean, if you like, here’s an example where we were talking about David Nelson’s RSS masher technology, which can build these beautiful automated auto blog type sites that will start to generate real traffic because a lot of them are like new sites and we’ve got something that you know, we’re working with some somebody that we’re going to be bringing, perhaps bringing to you guys’ attention in the coming weeks or months. We’re starting to test with it now actually, but it’s something very similar. We’re RSS mashers that could complement it. But my point is creating like these traffic-generating sites that have relative route relevant content, either by topic or by location, that can be used to drive real traffic back to, you know, our own properties or own assets that we’re trying to rank or clients or whatever. And, you know, if you have built these sites that start to generate traffic and they start pushing clicks the nose that’s very valuable. So it’s the same thing with social media accounts, if you even if you automate it in some way, shape or form, as long as people are engaging with the content that is being generated by that profile or that page or that account, whatever, then I think there’s value to it. But it’s, you know, how much trouble going through to set all that up. That’s why I typically just don’t do it. Okay, okay. All right. So here’s the thing, Google said that it doesn’t take a look at social signals. Okay.
And this is where we have to separate the bullshit from us fact.
What are they really saying?
What they’re, it could be true that they don’t pay attention to the social signal itself, or a social signal, as whatever that concept could possibly mean. What Google pays attention to is a link because guess what, everything in Google the foundational principles in Google are links. Everything is built around makes the button cannot get the variables that it needs for the algorithms unless it travels. And traveling quotes unless it goes through a link from one server to another. That’s what’s happening. So let’s look at this the way that you’re supposed to look at it. Let’s look at this, as I always tell people, scientists, and what’s actually happening. Google is sending a signal from its server to another server through a link a hyperlink into an HTML hyperlink. It’s going through an IP, whatever it’s going through, it’s going to that server, and it’s looking for something specific. It could be that it’s going to as a social media property, whatever the hell it is, that is going to, it’s been coded to pick up this I call it a signal. Let’s call it donuts. It’s been coded to pick up donuts through those links. And it’s been coded to look at Brown donuts, white donuts, jelly, doughnuts, whatever chocolate-covered doughnuts, whatever you want to call it. All right.
And if it finds those, it brings them back and tells Google Hey, I thought, it fills in on the variables, hey, I found these. Now, let’s go back instead of donuts, let’s just call it, they looked at the LinkedIn, they saw a person, click on the link, the person clicked on the link that and they went to your website went to what Google’s Following this, they went to your website, and they filled out a contact form, you think that isn��t gonna trigger any part of Google at all? Do you think that’s not gonna matter?
Call it whatever you want, call it. Fuck Google, like I always say metadata will say they call it what you want. But Google is seeing that whole client transaction from beginning to end. And you really think that doesn’t make a difference when Google sees that transaction goes take place from beginning to end.
Looking at everything looking, especially on YouTube, and in Google ads, because we know that Google pays special attention to the people that they send you. Do you really believe that these don’t matter, call it what you want this I call it a social signal. call it anything you want. We know from our testing from everything we do from everything that we’ve been covering from all of our client work from all of our businesses, guys, you got to understand that we’re not just Semantic Mastery. Marco isn’t just mathematically I have businesses, I’ve other businesses that I run. I have clients that I work with, I have so many things that I’m into, I don’t know how I have time in the day to do them all. But this is Semantic Mastery, just a small part of what I do. But everything that we show in Semantic Mastery everything that we give, you have to hang out, heavy hitter club, the free SEO group, and Facebook, every bit of information that we share has been tested because I’m not gonna risk my businesses. I am not going to risk my client’s businesses. On theory. We go we set up the theory we formally the hypothesis, we ask the question, we go out and use the scientific method. It’s very simple. And then we print back the information that we said, we know that Google is tracking that person. Why in the world would there be a pixel? Otherwise?
Alright, so last is not really well, I guess it is a question, Aaron’s comes back is replying to his previous comment about a competitor, not trying to be whiny. But when people are deceptive, it makes it bad for all of us if a business doesn’t have a real address, shouldn’t they be sad? Yeah, no, I agree, Aaron. And here’s the thing. If you’re talking about a storefront type of business that is using a fake address, then I would, I mean, maybe I’m wrong here. But I would think that it would get reported by a pissed off customer who went to Google Maps to try to go to the storefront business, and they go to a building that’s empty if that makes sense. So I’ve always talked about if you’re going to do spam Google Maps listings that you should only be doing surface area just type or excuse me, surface area business type of Google Maps listings, because, you know, like a contractor, plumber that goes to other people’s, you know, to people’s homes or buildings, or offices or whatever to do plumbing work, they can hide their address. So nobody’s gonna is clicking driving directions. So I don’t know, Aaron, if it’s if you’re talking about a service area type of business where customers should be going to the location, then I would expect it to be terminated rather quickly because people cussed pissed off, customers would report it, unless it’s one of those odd situations where it can be a service area business, and a local business or storefront business. And then if that’s the case, where primarily that’s a store, if it’s a service area business, then that you know, might be able to get away with it. So I don’t know again, I just still don’t do it. I still don’t report other listings. I don’t negative SEO. I just don’t do it. Again. It’s a karma thing and I just don’t want to invite that into my life even though I’ve had it happen to me in the past I’ve never felt vengeful enough to want to do it to others that’s just my opinion so again you’re entitled to yours and I’m not knocking you for saying that you want to report it fucking report it then you know that’s, that’s on you buddy. And I’m not knocking you for it. I’m just telling you I wouldn’t want to do it myself. That’s all I’m saying. any follow up comments to that Marco? Karma is a bitch call it what you will. Anything that you do can and will come back to me and look, go, and power up your shit.
That’s my recommendation you do whatever the fuck you want. I mean, you’re a grown person. I can’t tell you what to do.
But I definitely would not report shit I would just go get rid of it out the power that’s what you do. Not negative never ever. I’ve never ever done I’ve come really close.
Some piss me off that much where I was gonna blast him and make him appear for like some porn term. But then I
You take a breath and say, okay, it’s okay. It’s okay. Let’s just move on and make money. Yeah, I agree that energy can be spent making money.
So, again, they’re good questions. But yeah, no, you could encourage a pissed off customer to report them. I don’t know. All right. Thanks, guys. We’ll see you all next week.
We appreciate everybody being here. And don’t forget the potato. My rankings are your coupon code for SEO shields for 25% off. It’s only I think for the next two or three days. So take advantage of we can see you guys all right later.
Weekly SEO Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 301 published first on your-t1-blog-url
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pledje · 4 years
Weekly SEO Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 301
Click on the video above to watch Episode 301 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
We’re live. Ah, what’s up, everybody? Welcome to Episode 301 of Hump Day Hangouts, where we teach you some kung fu moves to get your rankings up there into other websites out there in the search engine. But that’s great. Welcome to Hump Day Hangouts. Today is the 19th of August and this is your weekly meeting for anything SEO and good stuff and marketing and everything that has to do with that related so welcome to that before we dive into some of the good stuff that we have for today, just gonna go through the list of the awesome people that we have here. Nicole, what’s up Marco? How are you doing, man?
You see it. Now let me tell you about it.
That’s how it makes Groundhog Day. This is my life. I can’t help it. And as I always say, don’t hate the player. Hate the game, as I like this place.
Again, that’s it. If you don’t play the game as you should, then maybe you should start looking in the right place. When you’re starting out in the right place Hump Day Hangout, so here we go. But you go get some.
Let’s go. What’s up, Chris? How are you doing, man? Yeah, like I’m looking jealous over the marketplace. I don’t know. Like we had rained the last day. So like, not too excited to your brother. Well, everything else is good. And actually, I’m a little bit excited, but I cannot talk too much about it. Because I’ve been working on something for POFU.
But I think you mentioned a couple of things about that later. Yeah, for sure. For sure. What’s up, Bradley? How are you doing, man? Good. I’m good. I’m just trying to do what Adam usually does and drop these links on to the chatbox, but other than I’m good, glad to be here. Yeah, by the way, we’re missing a core, a core member of
The team in fact we’re not able to function we’re just basically barely scraping by which is because he’s like out there running the woods doing his stuff. So what’s up, Adam? So what’s up everybody? Welcome to Episode 301.
And we’re going to be diving into question soon but before we go there a couple of things number one people live is coming in hot, he’s going to be awesome. I’m really excited about getting that well on our way is going to be our third installment or the third slot live event although this one’s not going to be in person now which guy that said this is not live so he’s supposed to live online but if you want to go and get your virtual ticket, your POFU Live ticket to be attending to POFU Live, go to pofulive.com. It’s an event that we put every single year for the past three years, and it’s been pretty awesome. People are getting a lot of stuff usually stuff that we don’t share anywhere else. Just info for live. So go there.
Go grab your ticket, we’re going to be doing some fun stuff for VIP ticket holders and all of that good stuff. So go to pofulive.com. And I also believe that we have some sell happening right now. And mgyb. And we guys, yeah, and it’s in celebration of national potato day. Hey, go there.
So I dropped the coupon code in the chatbox below. But it’s if you go to mgyb.co is 25% off of our ys drive stacks for the next I guess three days and the coupon code is potato, my rankings all one word, potato, my rankings, all one word as the coupon code gets you 25% off of our ys drive stacks. There you go. You’re gonna use me, excuse me the SEO shield, which includes a drive stack but it’s the SEO shield orders. That’s what it’s for. There you go. Awesome. And by the way, Michael does
People need to buy right away as they can buy right now. And they need to submit the order right now how How’s that? How’s that working? They have a window so that they can submit basically, you know if somebody is watching this tomorrow, and they want to take advantage of the offer, but they don’t probably didn’t have data of their clients right away, what do you suggest?
Well, we understand that we understand that people can sometimes get the information right away. We understand that people need time, right? For whatever reason it is, or maybe they just want to take advantage of the coupons. Well, that’s fine. They can go ahead, buy, and then submit the information later. Now the problem is if you wait too long if you wait past 30 days, what we’re going to do is we’re simply going to refund you because we can’t let it sit there 5678 months until whatever it is that you decide to do.
So get it, hold on to it go ahead and take advantage of the offer. So that the coupon doesn’t expire, right because once it does, we can’t give you the offer.
Then get gather the information. That’s fine. Don’t wait more than 30 days because then we will refund you no question. It gets done on our we know that if you don’t submit your information within 30 days, you’re likely not to do it. And we’ll have to refund you anyway. So we might as well get rid of the problem to start with. Gotcha. So people can buy today get get get an advantage, take advantage of the coupon. And then you said, you know, submit the details over the next 30 days, basically. That’s awesome. All right. Cool. So and by the way, if you have more SEO needs, if you have more delivery needs, you know, because you shouldn’t be doing the grunt work, let us do it for you go to mgyb.co we have that sale going on. But there’s a lot of good stuff there. A lot of stuff that allegedly doesn’t work. But you know, the proof is in the pudding. We have a bunch of case studies there and more coming. So that’s going to be pretty awesome as well.
Yep. Anything that you guys want to add on? Let’s do this. Let’s do it. Actually, we ran over last week by like, almost 10 minutes because I just lost track of time. So you guys are gonna crack the whip on me today. I tight I’ve got an appointment actually have to get to so. Alright, uh, let me grab the screen.
All right, sweet.
Do you guys see my screen? Okay. Yeah. All right, we’re gonna start with
Is It Safe To Convert Gsites To Its New Format?
Igor. Hey Brad. The NSM team just got an email about Google changing the old g sites. Is it safe to follow to convert them to the new g site? I have been? I’ve done about a dozen myself this week. Seriously, I haven’t even had VA is doing it. I’ve just because I’ve been tightening up projects and stuff. And so I’ve just gone in and click the button and made sure everything came out. Okay, Mark, I know you had some comments about that. We chatted about this yesterday. Yeah, Google has been really nice about it. They giving us everything we need. They’re just moving everything over for us all you have to just click yes it. I mean, how good is that doesn’t get any better than that. Now, you will
Hang on a second, well people do have to be careful about is that it doesn’t turn into a 302. So please monitor your URLs, right use a redirect checker every once in a while to see what it is that Google is doing it because they get sneaky. Remember what they did with geo GL? Yeah, it was a 301. Then without any warning, it turned into a 302. Then they offer Firebase, which was a three or two that you had to turn into a 301. gotta be really careful. Google is really sneaky, right? Do they change other URLs from 301 to three or two from
what do you call it? From a meta refresh, to attend meta refresh, where then it’s useless. So the only thing that I tell people is you got to be really careful. Keep track of your URLs, keep checking them from time to time. And of course, don’t you do it your time should be way more valuable than to be inserting the URLs into a checker to see if it’s a 301 or three or two, you should have a VA, doing all this menial work so you can concentrate on your business, growing your business, making more money.
That’s the way it’s supposed to be.
Yeah, what I was gonna say was a couple of things, one you brought up. Gotta be careful with Google because they’re tricky about how they’ll change stuff and make them three Oh, twos without even knowing. Yep, for example, what the old g sites I don’t know, I haven’t even checked it on the new one yet. With you know, once it’s been converted to the new ones, but I can’t imagine it would have changed. But if you left the trailing slash off of the end of the URL, then if you checked it in a redirect checker, it would throw to you the final URL with the trailing slash at the end of it. So like, if you’re looking at a home page of the G site, and you were building links to the URL without the trailing slash, then you were actually getting a 302 redirect to the home page, which I thought was crazy.
But second of all, the new g sites are a lot like page builders are now so they’re like, you know, modular and like kind of like a block editor. And there it just is a lot more intuitive than the old funky g sites. And I don’t know why I’ve wanted them for so long because it’s actually a pretty good editor now and it’s a good interface. So,
How Many Videos Are Needed For A YouTube Silo To Be Effective?
okay, let’s see, I got lost my track where I was let me try this again must have been from last week. Okay, so the next question was from when building YouTube silos? How many videos should be in a silo to be impactful to move the needle? I know it depends on the competition. But what should you start with five 750? And should we focus on building more in the silo or more silos? And if more silos, how many in the silo?
I got a little bit of a headache from that question.
It just depends on it depends on you know, how competitive the keyword is that you’re trying to rank for. So whatever your top-level keyword is the top of silo keyword that you’re trying to rank for. That’s really going to be what determines how much depth you should add to it, like how many videos essentially how many other keywords, variations, longer tail versions, that sort of thing, are you going to actually target within that particular silo? It’s just like doing it on your website, right? It’s the same principle. It’s the
How much is it going to take? I can’t tell you that because I don’t know what keyword is that you’re targeting. I don’t know what the competition looks like. It’s going to take as many as it takes. So really just it’s going to it’s very much like doing a silo on your website. That’s why we talk about theme mirroring, and all that kind of stuff because it’s, it’s all the same. Creating a YouTube silo is the exact same structure. And the mat, whether or not it ranks is going to depend on you know, a lot of factors, not just the silo structure itself, but having additional keywords in there more depth to that silo adds builds more relevancy, more topical relevancy, and there are more linking opportunities from within that silo as well. So it kind of helps to power up the entire silo, the whole playlist, if you’re adding more videos that are relevant. Does that make sense?
Anybody want to comment on that before I go to the second part of that, yeah, what you start with is more than one right? Absolutely.
And then it’s just how far you need to go to get to where you want to be. Period.
Yep. So how many are going to take as many as it takes? I was like a lot. We used to get questions all the time about syndication networks, how many posts Do you think it’s going to take for me to rank for whatever keyword now, we could always have the same answer as many as it takes to take. Yeah. So the next one is it should be focused on building more in the silo or more silos and more silos. Now, remember, guys, keep it simple. You know, you can take a top-level silo keyword, and you can create a bunch of subcategories from closely very closely related keywords that are, you know, longer tailed versions are the next level down, so to speak of that main keyword, but is it necessary to do so? That’s the point-like, again, I use this example more recently, uh, you know, I’m pretty much all I’m doing now is Tree Service stuff for SEO and, and lead generation and that kind of stuff. And for the longest time, I’ve always built a simple silo structure at least for several years.
I used to do complex silos. But I just got over doing that because most local, most local type businesses don’t need that. But and I don’t know that you’re targeting local, but I’m just using this as an example.
I used to always silo with the simple site for the last few years with simple silo structure for Tree Service stuff, Tree Service being the primary keyword. So essentially the homepage, but then the silo structure would be tree trimming would be one silo. Another one that would be tree removal. And then usually a third one, which would be additional services or arborist tree services, if it was a certified arborist on the, for the contractor that the site was for. And I saw I’d have three silos on the site, basically. But what I found was Google actually really considers tree trimming, Tree Removal tree cutting Tree Service, they’re all synonyms. So I could probably and I haven’t tested it just yet. I’ve got a couple of projects and I’m waiting on some infrastructure to be built and then I’m going to be testing that. But I could probably go with just one silo essentially tree services. And you because all that content is the same, however, I could create like, essentially subcategories, which would have been the silos of what I’ve already been what I’ve been doing right. So tree removal, tree trimming, perhaps arborist services, but if why overcomplicate things, why make the build more complex? Why make the content, you know, the interlinking between pieces of content, everything more complex than it needs to be, if I could just have a flat site with one silo tree services, and just have all the content, you know, properly structured and get the same results? Why would I go through all of that and so that my answer to you about the YouTube stuff is the same thing? I would rather focus on one silo and add more depth to it and have that whole silo be a lot more powerful than have a whole bunch of different silos with the month that is very, very specific or it’s kind of hard to get, you know, additional supporting it Now if you’ve got the main category with a bunch of different subcategories and it’s logical to do so. Then I would add additional you know, add create additional playlist and don’t forget, you can have one video and more than one playlist, so I mean, it
If you have a kind of like a parent category silo, the video can be in that playlist. But then you could also have like subcategory silos or playlists that want. You know, the video can also be in one of those, if that makes sense. So, but just don’t overcomplicate things is my point, especially when it comes to YouTube? It’s really unnecessary. Does anybody want to comment on that?
I totally agree.
Okay. Very good. And I think a lot of a lot of times we try, we try to be smart as SEOs and try to you know, well, if I get really creative with my silo structures, I can get better results and it just ends up being a lot of unnecessary work. So just keep that in mind.
How Do You Set Up A Sales Tax In A WooCommerce Site?
Jason says, Hey, guys, I’m working on an e-commerce site and I hearing rumors that I need to set up sales tax for every state in the U.S. if we sell something. Do you guys know how this would work with WooCommerce? I do not because I don’t do anything eCommerce related. Perhaps Marco might.
Do you know anything about WooCommerce being in taxes and stuff?
I don’t know, like, I don’t know how you either,
like I do, I have worked on WooCommerce websites, but that’s not the part of my job that I do.
The part of what I do on that is I get traffic, the owner is kind of like the one in charge of all that guy charges, taxes and I know, on the land, like each state has separate rules, right? for buying and selling land and how much is is due at the closing. But that all gets done, it gets taken out of the total when you close the deal. It’s like you never see it because it’s taken out. So like how much or whether each state is responsible, whether you’re responsible for collecting taxes, what you need to do is go and contact the tax attorney and have them tell you what it is that you’re responsible for, whether it’s each state, your state, what the rules are in each state because only a tax attorney would be the one to answer that question properly. I’m not a tax attorney. I’m not a tax expert by any means.
So try that. I can’t really help with that. Yeah, neither can I just don’t do any sort of e-commerce stuff. So I couldn’t help with that either. Sorry. Jason. Looks like Jason says he just joined the mastermind. That’s awesome. So he says that, by the way, welcome, Jason. He says I have five websites that I need to do this syndication networks with, I need to do two of them as soon as possible. Well, I’ll tell you what, as a mastermind member, you do get benefits, you know, so contact support, make about mgyb.co. So go to [email protected] after you’ve placed your orders, and, you know, mentioned that your new mastermind members and see if you can get two of them expedited, I don’t know that we typically do that but I know mastermind members do get benefits. So Marco’s, that’s something that we can do is try to get it pushed a little bit.
Ah, we have other mastermind members. Also order. So how can we push everything? Um, yeah, that’s why I was asking. I said if we can do something we’ll try to but I don’t know that we can but what do you think? I mean if it’s just syndication if it’s just a brand that networks you know, they get pushed out and they’ll get delivered as soon as they’re done that’s how Jason yeah absolutely order right away. But we are improving the system. We’re making everything better we’re making things better right we’re training our team we’re trying to make things more fluid speedier so it’s not as if we’re just sitting there and not make trying to make things better we are
are you go and I know you guys have been working hard on streamlining stuff and all that so it will get better Pablo says Hey guys, I’m still confused with correct structure for city pages post question. One from for now top of silo on my money site is a broad category without local modifiers. If I need to cover two or more counties, I need to make each county like a separate silo or county can go after a broad topic and link back to the main silo topic example. This is one of those questions site slash Miami or slight slash appraiser Miami based on this question, how would posting look like okay?
Should You Make A Separate Silo For County And Connect It To The Main Silo?
Pavlo, I can tell you this you know I cover how I do how I reconcile those odd issues that I’ve talked about this many times and I cover this extensively in the mastermind I can’t do it here. I can give you a very high overview like a conceptual overview of it, but I can’t get into the nitty-gritty because it’s something that I only cover in our mastermind, but I use tags for creating location-based silos in a WordPress website. Okay, so I use the category structure for my topical silos. But then I use tags in a very specific way to create my location-based silos so that there are no conflicts with URLs are trying to share location-based stuff categories across topical silos or vice versa topical silos across location-based categories. Does that make sense? I don’t know if that makes sense or not. But I think you’re talking about the oddities that occur with the URL conflicts that occur when you try to use the same subcategory across multiple categories because it’s going to automatically append like a dash two dash three for each time you duplicate that subcategory into another category. WordPress is gonna automatically append to it like a dash two dash three because it has to have another permalink. And if that’s what you’re talking about, I learned to three years ago, probably three years ago now to build silo structure for location-based silos using tags and it’s a specific hierarchy, the way that I stack those tags and everything else. That’s as far as I can tell you right now.
The other way to do it was if you were going to if because remember if you’re talking about complex silo structure, which you are in this case, right? Because you’ve got, you know, topical silos and then you want to go sub silo from that, right? So subcategories that you want to add additional content pages to or even posts at that level. Right that that can create some issues. That’s why I recommend if you, if you can get away with just doing a simple silo, then and using just the post name, permalink structure, then you can stack you know, you can cross things, subcategories and other categories and things where the URL isn’t going to be displayed and it shows as just domain comm slash the post slug at that level, and that’s okay. But again, so So I mean, if you can get away with that, then that’s the way that I would do it. But again, I can’t talk specific can’t show you the structure, how to do tag-based location silos or location silos using tags here on Hump Day Hangouts. I couldn’t talk about it the mastermind though, but if you understand tags and how to use tag pages in WordPress, you ought to be able to figure it out as my point. So you want to comment on that at all, more.
The only comment that I’m going to make is that there are things that we reserved for our paid groups only. And it’s not fair for us to give it away here in a free group. If people are paying for it, people are paying for all this information. So you people who are here free, although we try to answer as much as possible, you do have to understand is that there are some things that we can’t answer, but we can answer them in the paid groups. That’s just the way it is. It’s the way we’ve always done it. We have given people what nearly six years of free information, actionable information, people have built businesses from the information we give away for free. So imagine what we give away in the free groups.
Yeah, the paid group you mean, um, but yeah. So probably just to get back to your URL question here. See, what I was talking about here is if you take a look at how you’ve got URL one versus URL to my point is if you’ve got like appraiser is your is like one of your services and if appraiser I don’t know what your Real Estate or what, but let’s just say it real estate. And so one of your categories is an appraiser and maybe one of them is home inspections, right?
Or Yeah, something like that, right, let’s just say appraiser and inspectors, let’s just use that just to show two different service categories. If you were to try to duplicate Miami, originally, if you set it up as a subcategory, as an appraiser, then if you tried to create Miami subcategory in the inspectors’ category, or home inspector category, or home inspections, category, whatever, however you name it, then you would end up having that weird URL structure. That said, it doesn’t really matter if you’re using the post name permalink structure because you don’t see it unless you’re looking at source code anyways. So it’s not a big deal. But again, it creates some conflicts that I just don’t like to try to live with when I’m building the site. It’s not really clear to me that way. That’s why I like to use tags. I don’t know if that was specifically a question, but that’s the way I interpreted it. So next is he says based on this, how should what should posting look like?
For each county, it should be the same topic or keyword, but content should be rewritten, including local modifiers. Yeah, I mean, that’s what I do. That’s why I have my blogger actually create. When we’re doing keyword plus location-specific content, my blogger just creates or curates a blog post that is targeting something very closely related to that topic. It doesn’t always necessarily have to be 100% then but she has my I have one blogger that handles all of this stuff for me now because she’s really good at it. She will curate top you know, stories that are topically relevant as well as something about the local area that you know, for the location modifier that we’re targeting. And then there will be a paragraph at the bottom that has a strong call to action and it has you know, a strong mention of the product or service or the services that would pertain to what the theme of the post was about. So my point is like, for example, in the tree clients I have don’t do landscaping work. However, landscaping is closely related to Tree Service stuff. Right. And so because of that, a lot of times there will be blog posts that are written about Lance a yard or keeping their somebody’s resident, you know, homes, the landscape beautiful or whatever. And then there will be a paragraph at the bottom about, you know, tree services, tree trimming, tree pruning, whatever that will kind of tie that concept to the landscaping, right? And then we just optimize the SEO title for it. And then use the tag-based silos and all of that, and it’s it works really, really well, especially when you use the SEO shield and the G site and you learn how to push keyword relevancy through backlink profile to your G site. So that’s what I do.
And so all of the content is unique because all of the blog posts each blog post is unique because there’s new newly curated content from my blogger, which is why I like it because it’s all it’s not. You know, one of the problems that I’m sure you are aware of this Pablo is is when you only have you know, a few seconds services? How do you keep rewriting about that same service over and over and over again, right, it gets to be very difficult to do so. And that’s why I kind of got away from trying to do it that way. And I just let my blogger kind of run away with it and it creates over time, it might take a little bit more time to get the traction that I like. But once you do, you have this kind of broad width of topical relevancy to that to what your primary services are, if that makes sense. So that’s what I do if you don’t have that ability yet for, you know, for curating posts and that kind of stuff, then you can just rewrite stuff I’ve talked about having like one article written about tree removal, in my case, right. And then having that rewritten by five different, you know, as a rewrite project, as opposed to a new writing project, it’s a lot less expensive, and now I’ve got six versions of the original article. And so that’s something you could use if you’re going to be reproducing keyword plus location across multiple locations. Does that make sense? I don’t know if that was clear or not. Do you have any other tricks for that?
No. Okay.
All right. And the second part of that I can’t answer because that question went way too long. Anyway, so we’re going to move on if we have time, we’ll come back to it.
How Do You Boost A Blog Subdomain?
Bobby, Ricky Bobby says, we have a client that uses a subdomain for their blog, their main site gets decent traffic 50,000 per month. But the blog that is blogged out example gets less than 1000 per month. Okay, they are not going to change it to a subfolder anytime soon. I’ve recommended it obviously, any advice on what to do to boost the blog subdomain. They have a few dozen articles on there. And we were starting to work on the content consistency going forward. Now that we have our keyword research and recommendations thanks to mgyb.
My suggestion would be just to start using the subdomain a lot more right. Your syndication network should be attached to it. You should be blogging consistently. And that’s essentially what I was just talking about in my previous reply or response to Pavlo’s question.
About overtime, just that the blog will start to gain more traction. And you’ll see in Search Console, especially as you publish more content, your total impression number will start to go way, way up. Because you’ll start being recognized by Google for a lot more keyword combinations. So different types of search queries will give your site impressions. And that’s actually a really good content strategy to go in the Search Console, and identify keywords that are relevant, like search queries that triggered an impression for your blog, find those queries that are relevant, that aren’t ranking well yet, but are that are close, like, for example, maybe their position is, you know, somewhere between 11 and 20? Well, those are good keywords than to start optimizing for producing more content for linking back to the original piece of content, that kind of stuff to help try to boost those to page one so that you start getting more traffic. My point is, you know, adding more content to the blog is would be my first step. And then you could always do things like, you know, paid traffic to some of the posts, and then do remarketing so that you can always be bringing people back, which will probably get more visits to the blog, even repeat visits, which is really, really good for SEO also. So those would be my two recommendations from you.
Yeah, that’s the SEO shield, SEO Power shield. It’s all part of the system. So it’s not just getting the syndication properties. It’s not just logging. It’s not just syndicating your content. It’s powering up your shield is powering up your right your @ID. It’s powering up everything that has to do with your entity. It has to do with getting your schema out there. It has to do with whatever you need to do to make the content right. So link building comes into play so embeds come into play. More link building more embeds. Press releases, link building to press release a stack the press releases if you’re local, posting, stalking your posts link building into your posts, local images, guys.
We’ve created a whole entire system for you to do this. We just can’t give you the pieces here for free.
I mean, we got to go back to that. People. Yeah, you want the system. It’s in the paid groups. It’s in Semantic Mastery and the heavy hitter, join Semantic Mastery. And you get a really good price for joining heavy hitter. But I like we can’t give you everything we’d love to. But then there would be no Semantic Mastery, if we gave everything away for free, right, the people who have to sit and think and do all of these things have to be able to make some kind of living, right, some kind of money, get rewarded for all the effort that we put into doing all of this.
So having said that, it’s the system ads, ads work perfectly well. If you do them the way that we say do. Don’t just go out and run any kind of ads that may or may not work. Use the system that we’ve set up to make the ads work. Use the system which we’ve created the
We make everything available in mgyb.co. But if you get it without really understanding what it is that you’re doing, then you’re actually doing yourself more harm than good, because you’re leaving so much power on the table, so much power that you could be using.
And that’s a good point, you know, press releases. I’ve shown this in our Facebook group, the SEO tutorials semantic mastery Facebook group. Somebody was asking a question about press releases. Well, it was more of a comment about how they read some article on some blog about our press releases doesn’t work. And so they were just relaying that information. And there was started to the discussion, a thread. And one of the arguments that the person that posted the question or the statement really was stating was, well, you guys are all saying they work, but I want to see proof. Right. And so I just took a screenshot of Google Analytics of just one project that I’m working on, that shows referral traffic. And it showed press advantage, right, which is the press release releases that we primarily use. And it showed for a 30 day period, I think was 287 or 267 visits directly from press advantage. So don’t discredit that either, like again. And that’s all part of what we teach is like the same content strategy. So in your blog, that’s one of the best things one of the strategies that I use, consistently, almost exclusively now is we publish blog posts for clients. And as soon as a blog post is published, not always a one to one ratio, depending on what their budget is, but we will publish a press release to promote the blog post. So every time a new blog post gets published, we have a press release that links back to the blog post. So we’re driving traffic from press advantage domain as well as a lot of you know, other news-type sites when it does get traffic press advantage tends to drive the domain itself tends to drive quite a bit of traffic, but that sends traffic to that newly public blog posts plus it builds a bunch of links to that newly built, newly published blog post. So it’s really, really good for building up the SEO value of your blog as well as driving traffic to it, which is what your original question was, is how to get more traffic to the blog. So that’s another great part of this strategy that we teach. Yep. So it was a great question.
Is It Harder To Rank Gdocs Than A Gsite?
Babies up with a list of questions just broken up this time a little bit. So maybe you’re getting better. Hey, guys, if I want to rank some Google property only, say a G doc and a G site? Is it harder to rank g docs than a G site? I have. I mean, for I guess I haven’t really set up any specific tests for that. But I tend to just focus on the G site because it has a lot more functionality than a G doc. I don’t know if one is harder to rank than the other what say you, Marco
would rank better.
So let me see that again. If I want to write some Google property on these, the G site because it is going to get all the power from the embeds the duck might rank faster originally. I like at first, but then the G site for sure will take over. Yeah, no, yeah. But that’ll convert better, won’t it? The G site will convert the dot some of the dots will rank right away. But the Gsite over time, it’s so powerful. And you still get leads from that Virginia. Right? Yeah, he’s still occasionally. Yeah. So I mean, the proof is in the pudding.
Is It Faster To Rank Google Properties Than Building A Shield To A Non-Google Property?
Is it faster to rank Google properties than building a shield on a non-Google property? Of course, it is. It is. I mean, it’s crazy. Because you get well you can just here’s the thing, even if you’re ranked trying to rank a non-Google property like so you got a self-hosted website is your main money site. You can still do all the same things to the SEO shield. That and that you would if you made the Google site, your primary money website.
It doesn’t really matter that because that’s the whole point of the SEO show, right? It’s to create a shield around your money site. So all the things that you’re going to do to that g site, if the G site was your primary money site, which will rank very quickly, you can still do all of that to the G site as part of your SEO shield when you have a self-hosted money site. So a non-Google property money site, because you’re not going to actually touch your non-Google property money site. with anything other than the SEO shield, you’re doing all your nastiness out to the actual SEO shield. So my point is, why not have both unless it’s just you don’t want to go through the trouble of setting up a self-hosted website and all that other kind of stuff, which I understand that so for example, for some lead gen assets, there’s no reason for to set up WordPress stuff if you’re just doing like a single location, lead gen assets and you’re going to do a bunch of them. You can get away with 100% with just GMB assets and the SEO shield assets and you can use the G site as your primary money site and the GMB website the two of those countries if combined, and you’ll do incredibly well that way. So again, but if you’re going to be building a brand, there’s in my opinion is no reason not to create a money site because you can still rank the G site before the money site ever ranks and still get the benefit of it. But you’re building that brand back to a domain that you have more control over. That’s, that’s my take on it. What do you think?
You know, it’s still effective, Google will say no.
But we see all these lawsuits as we see all of these things where Google prefer Google, over anything else. And we’ve proven it’s not something that we’re just saying. And it’s not just us giving you theory and concepts and all of these ideas that are nothing. We’re giving you facts. We’re giving you something that we actually showed on a webinar, how Google trusts itself above anything else, and because it trusts itself over anything else, it passes PageRank to itself, and it ranks its properties over anybody else’s. We see this time.
And again. So it stands to reason that if you build up your Google ecosystem, it’s why we’re in there in the first place. The whole idea to start with was Dr. Gary and I said, Google prefers itself over anything else. And we went from there, we set up, let that’s the scientific method. You start out you have a hypothesis, it’s a sentence, then you say that you ask a question. Does Google really prefer itself and why? And then you go out to prove it. And we did. And not only did we prove it, but we also showed it live. It’s not as if we just go we don’t we don’t hide that we showed it. How it is that Google prefers itself over anything else. So guys, understanding this, why are you not taking all of that power? and using it use Google was my original concept and idea, use Google to rank in Google?
But at least to be said,
How Do You Determine What Link Buiding Campaign To Use And Determine The Competition?
there you go. Next question. Say you are getting into a new niche. How do you determine the link building? We should use it? What is low, medium, hard competition? Which tool? Do you determine the competition?
Well, I mean, for me, I use a number of different tools. So it really doesn’t matter as I use for bigger projects. Now I’m using a digital marketer toolbox which is network empires towards a bit expensive, but you can also use stuff like sem rush and things. But honestly, what I do just to be what I do is I figure out what I how much relevancy I need to create with you on page right first, that’s, that’s always what I do like to do, am I going to need a lot of content Am I going to need to have proper, you know, how much content do I think I’m going to need so I always start with on-page but once I figure out what my plan is what I think is going to meet or exceed or meet and exceed whatever the competitors are in a particular space, then I set out to build that as far as the link building and everything. I just go by with it.
Exactly what you know we always talk about here, which is I do a ton of content marketing from the site through the blog to a syndication network, total SEO shield built around everything, I do a lot of press releases, which always link back through the blog posts mainly back to the back to the site. So that’s where I get most of my link building done and besides link building to the directly to the SEO shield through MGYB. Now, for most projects that I’ll start with a big link building package, so you know, the competitive What is it the Nitro I guess we call it the Nitro kit or the Nitro pack, link building just to kind of seed everything right off the bat, but then I just get into a regular schedule of doing either embed or link building or embeds plus link building. And now and I usually go with just depending on how competitive it is most of the local stuff, I mean, isn’t super competitive. So I’ll usually go with the starter kit, link building package or embed, you know, embeds plus link building to the embeds and I’ll just do that on you know, monthly or sometimes even by me
Monthly schedule depending on whether, you know if I’m ranking really well or where I want to be, then I really there’s no reason to just keep hammering away at it except for maintenance link building, which is, you know like I said, might be once every six weeks or every two months, or something like that, but I just how many links are going to take as many as it takes, right?
So it’s just it’s about the initial setup and everything and waiting for that Google dance to stop, which sometimes goes on a lot longer. And I think that’s the entity established. Go and Marco can talk on this speak to this, but I think it’s Google trying to establish or understand the entity itself when you first set it up because I got a treat care project that I’ve been working on and sharing in the mastermind. That’s just taken a long, long time for me to establish the brand name, like, you know, really solid but I think I’m finally there and with that particular thing, but what I’m saying is once you start getting past that, and it took shit like 10 weeks, it’s been dancing a lot, but I’ve also been noticing really aggressive with the content marketing and link building through press releases and everything. So I think that’s kind of along the Google dance. My point is, once you get past the initial Google dance, then it’s a matter of just monitoring Can I continually content market or do content marketing, excuse me, so publishing content, but then it’s just a matter of link building and embed, to try to get the desired result that you want. I can’t tell you which levels to use, because I just told you my plan, which is just I come out swinging hard, you know, come out with a lot right up front, just to initially seed the whole ecosystem that I’ve built. And then from there, it’s just more of an ongoing the tortoise, the tortoise wins the race type thing where I just constantly publishing new content and constantly powering up the SEO shield in strategic locations to get the desired result. What do you say, Marco?
Ah, man, and
yeah, it’s an excellent question. But that’s, that’s the
How It is, isn’t it?
I’m not sure how much to add to that. Okay. Good enough. So we got another Marco on he says, Hey, I’ll ask Will you guys be offering a coupon on national pasta day? Maybe lots of people will be looking forward to that, too. If we did it for potato day, we’ll probably do for pasta day as well.
That’s another reason another excuse to send an email right?
out of that gate. Can you hang on a second? Because just to go back to that, on how to define the competition, or how do you know, I use Jeffrey Smith’s method. I look at competing pages. And his it’s pretty accurate. When you look that up in Google, right? When you Google it and you look at the results, that’s usually a pretty good indication of what you’re up against. So I mean, if you don’t have it, I suggest that you go for the ultimate SEO Bootcamp, the best on-page training that there is I don’t care who says what, I agree, he rocks it. He kills it.
And I’m doing a lot of AdWords or Google Ad stuff now to a lot actually. And that’s something else that I determine what my SEO competition is not always the case. But in the local niches that I’m in, it’s, it’s pretty accurate. If my cost per click for a particular keyword is quite high, like and it changes by location to right, then I know that that keyword is probably going to be a lot more competitive SEO wise as well. And I think that’s only logical. You know, and I don’t know that that’s universal across the board for all keywords. Some see, maybe cost per click is very, very high. But the SEO isn’t so competitive, I don’t know. I’m just saying like for Tree Service stuff, which is, again, primarily almost all that I’m doing now. If I’m in an area, like for example, I’ve got some lead gen stuff going on and like Oklahoma City, for example, for Tree Service stuff and then others, and Fairfax, Virginia, Fairfax, Virginia, I might pay $35 per click for tree removal near me, but I might only pay $12 in Oklahoma City. So my point is like the keywords it doesn’t necessarily mean that the SEO is going to be you know, three times harder in Fairfax, Virginia as it would Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, it just typically means that the higher the cost per click, what I found is the more people that are bidding on those keywords are also paying for SEO. So it typically means you’re dealing with more competition and I and again, I don’t know that that’s universal across the board, but I found that to be the case for the niches that I’m in
MGYB Support Question
Okay, next is Nigel what’s up. Nigel he says hey gents, you were the best I wanted to give you money but now I’m about to be potato paid. That said I need help to get an order in so I can over-deliver for a new client just need some guidance on getting this order correct. Let me know your best route to do this. Right. Okay, so he must be this is it down here. I’ll come back to Ricky’s comment here in a moment is literally timing is perfect with a discount. Thanks, Bradley. I will also be taking you up on the calendly booking we discussed weeks back, as I have been getting real referral interest from SEO for luxury real estate niche and believe the SEO shows 100%. But I feel that I need to use this first experience to document the onboarding process and get the solid testimonials from my referral client and then have them as an ambassador, which is already working for other services. Yeah, that’s fine. I do I made that offer to you, it still stands. So whenever if you’ve got the link, if not just pm me on Facebook, and I’ll give it to you again. Whatever guidance you can give me or who to speak will help. I also will send you a quick video explaining if that’s better. And just so you know, I did contact support first to ask and they told me to reply before I asked but didn’t hit reply or hear back excuse me email could have gone to spam or deemed such please let me know. Thanks, guys. Yeah, as I said, I don’t think we’re connected on Facebook. Just reach out to my pm.
And I’ll get something scheduled with you because I know we made that offer to a few months ago. Okay. And you’ve been around for a long time. So no problem. Thanks.
Ricky says not a question. But when people ask my boss, how many does it take to do X, he would say 10 to the 12th. That basically means 10 to the 12th power, which is a trillion. He used to tell us, it doesn’t matter how many it takes, when it works, you’ll know but be prepared to do as much as it takes. The only time that question is relevant is if you don’t believe in the strategy. If you know the strategy works, it doesn’t matter how many it takes. We’ll keep doing it until it works. that’s a great way that’s a much more extended version of as many as it takes, but I like it.
It’s pretty good. We should copy that somewhere.
Alright, so Marco says like I understand a little No, none of what you’re all talking about. But I think your free content can help and that your team seems pretty cool. Okay. Thanks, Marco. Appreciate that. Next, Ricky says to be clear, we won’t mind paying for the services.
What was he asking about? The National potato day, but I don’t know what it was.
Do you want I mean, we have training on the SEO shield, the SEO, the SEO shoulder the SEO power shield. I can’t remember the name of the website, Rob put that up for free. It doesn’t get any better than that you can join heavy hitter the free section, tons of resources in there man, tons of free resources for you guys. The free SEO group this you have tons of stuff feedback.
So you can go to a heavy hitter club slash SEO shield or just go to because he set up a redirect the SEO shield calm. And I’ll just put both of these on a notepad file so you can see them on screen.
The other one would be HTTP books, that’s too many.
And it was the SEO shield.com.
Okay, so if you got either one of those specifically Marco on who was asking the question, then you can download them or opt-in or whatever for SEO shield training, which will explain to you what it is why it works and not and you know where to get it and all that kind of stuff. Okay?
So those are our methods Oh, by the way, you can also go here I still didn’t get the damn solid training done because I had another project pop up in the past week that I had to attend to. But if you go to semantic mastery comm slash process, you can learn much more about these are the training videos that I did, specifically for the semantic mastery process, which is what the SEO shield is built around, and all the different components and why we do what we do doesn’t give you the how it gives you the way if you want to how I point you in the where to find out the how you know where to purchase the training products or join our mastermind, that kind of stuff to where you can get the how, or you can just go or we point you just to go get it done. It’s mgyb so that you can spend your time building your business and generating more revenue instead of doing the execution of these processes. That makes sense
So either any of these right here will help you to get a much better understanding of what it is that we’re talking about. Okay.
All right, we’re gonna keep moving.
Unknown Speaker 48:12 The blog subdomain site, should we do the shield that the blog? Should we do the shield to that blog subdomain or to the main domain? Well, depends on both right and the Brian period, right, which when you build that you build out the brand, the subdomain is a part of the brand. That’s right. But it’s separate that you can’t separate that. You just have to do it. Right. You have to connect one to the other. It’s right to get disconnected. Does that a disconnect? Is that a separation? Yeah, the parent. It has a bit has a child, the child has a subdomain that the child has a parent is the main domain.
Right? So again, your primary URL, in this case, I would make the root domain, but you would include the blog URL and the building right
Just like you would your syndication network properties, so that that’s also being included with all of your drive stack files that are being created your G site, everything you see your blog is going to be constantly linked to and you remember from your primary route, you’re going to have a link to your blog. So you’re going to be transferring power through that anyways, to back to your blog. But just remember, you’re probably my opinion, your primary domain, your root domain should be your primary asset for the SEO shield. But you include the blog subdomain URL in the additional URLs that you’re going to submit with the order like your syndication network properties, for example. Okay. So there you go.
How Would You Deal With A Competitor That Is Using A Location He Does Not Occupy?
Aaron says arrived late and needs some advice. One of my main competitors is using a location that he does not occupy the property sold last week and he was never located there. Is there something I should or could do about this? Thanks. Yeah, just out SEO and that’s what I would say. I mean, I know there are people that will tell you that Yeah, you can report that and all that kind of stuff. I don’t do that. I just think it’s better Karma I understand even if they’re spamming and they got you to know they’re winning just outperform them and that’s just I don’t do negative SEO I don’t report shit like that I just don’t do it. It’s up to you whether you want to you certainly can go that route I just don’t like to do it because you know what goes around comes around and I would hate for somebody to do that and I’ve had it done and I don’t like it so I wouldn’t want to do it to somebody else and that’s just my opinion. And your comment no you know you know I agree I out power That’s it. That’s it. That’s what we did with this guy. The new client that I took on exactly what we did. We just blasted him out of the waterman. Now we’re after first place for the keywords. He had the knowledge panel. No longer got the knowledge panel. That’s the type of thing you do. You don’t go negative. Just hit it harder.
Yeah, Austin says I’m gonna have a header club. If I join the mastermind. Is there a discount for either one? Yes. As far as well. Yeah.
If you’re in both there’s a discount, right Marco.
If you join the mastermind we will give you a steep discount for as long as you’re a mastermind member if you leave the mastermind then heavy hitter goes to regular price you can only have the discounted price and heavy hitter if you’re still in the mastermind.
There you go.
Austin dawn I’ve been trying to talk you into joining the mastermind for some time because I know you’re in the real estate industry as well. So
Jason says again Hi guys, I look forward to working with you all in the mastermind group I need to order the keywords in the shielded package as soon as possible and do it Jason quarter the damn thing and yeah if you got any questions Jason the mastermind you know you get a hell of a lot more access to us there’s no doubt and as we talked about I think I talked to you on the phone last week actually. Remember to use the question form and the mastermind you’ll know where it is because it’s in the mastermind. If not just post a question, I’ll send the link to you in the mastermind. But yeah, make sure you use that too because we’ll dig, you know, do deep dives and webinars for whatever it is that you want to discuss, have us look at as you know, analyze whatever it is you want to talk about. We do that stuff in the mastermind. So look forward to working with you as well. We’re almost out of time. We got a couple more.
What Value Do You See In A Set Of Twitter/Facebook Accounts That Retweets/Share Items Via IFTTT?
Next is Hey, fellas, what sort of value do you see and I set of Twitter Facebook accounts in the geographic area of my client that are used to be IFTTT to retweet share items coming from that client and probably other area businesses, so as not to look suspicious? Yeah, I mean, it may help. I don’t know, I just don’t go through all that trouble. It may.
I mean, I think social signals from real accounts where there’s a real activity that generates traffic, so click-throughs. Back to the target URL, not just these I don’t think just the sharing. I don’t know I haven’t done any testing on this. Like specific testing, social signals in several years now, many years now, probably five years. But traffic, referral traffic from social networks is very powerful for SEO. So if you had real people engaging with those profiles or pages or whatever it is that you’re trying to set up on social accounts, where there are real people engaging with that, even if it was automated on your end, but other people were engaging with the automated content, which can happen. And then they were actually clicking through and some of the posts that were being shared to those, you know, the links that were being shared and that kind of stuff that can have an absolute effect. There’s no question. I don’t know. And I may be wrong, but I don’t know that just social signals in and of themselves produce any results anymore towards SEO at all. But real active engaged accounts that those share URLs on those accounts will get clicks from real people. And that does help because it’s referral traffic. So I don’t know Do you have any different data than that, Marco?
No, no, I don’t.
So, it depends on what you’re doing then really, I mean, if you like, here’s an example where we were talking about David Nelson’s RSS masher technology, which can build these beautiful automated auto blog type sites that will start to generate real traffic because a lot of them are like new sites and we’ve got something that you know, we’re working with some somebody that we’re going to be bringing, perhaps bringing to you guys’ attention in the coming weeks or months. We’re starting to test with it now actually, but it’s something very similar. We’re RSS mashers that could complement it. But my point is creating like these traffic-generating sites that have relative route relevant content, either by topic or by location, that can be used to drive real traffic back to, you know, our own properties or own assets that we’re trying to rank or clients or whatever. And, you know, if you have built these sites that start to generate traffic and they start pushing clicks the nose that’s very valuable. So it’s the same thing with social media accounts, if you even if you automate it in some way, shape or form, as long as people are engaging with the content that is being generated by that profile or that page or that account, whatever, then I think there’s value to it. But it’s, you know, how much trouble going through to set all that up. That’s why I typically just don’t do it. Okay, okay. All right. So here’s the thing, Google said that it doesn’t take a look at social signals. Okay.
And this is where we have to separate the bullshit from us fact.
What are they really saying?
What they’re, it could be true that they don’t pay attention to the social signal itself, or a social signal, as whatever that concept could possibly mean. What Google pays attention to is a link because guess what, everything in Google the foundational principles in Google are links. Everything is built around makes the button cannot get the variables that it needs for the algorithms unless it travels. And traveling quotes unless it goes through a link from one server to another. That’s what’s happening. So let’s look at this the way that you’re supposed to look at it. Let’s look at this, as I always tell people, scientists, and what’s actually happening. Google is sending a signal from its server to another server through a link a hyperlink into an HTML hyperlink. It’s going through an IP, whatever it’s going through, it’s going to that server, and it’s looking for something specific. It could be that it’s going to as a social media property, whatever the hell it is, that is going to, it’s been coded to pick up this I call it a signal. Let’s call it donuts. It’s been coded to pick up donuts through those links. And it’s been coded to look at Brown donuts, white donuts, jelly, doughnuts, whatever chocolate-covered doughnuts, whatever you want to call it. All right.
And if it finds those, it brings them back and tells Google Hey, I thought, it fills in on the variables, hey, I found these. Now, let’s go back instead of donuts, let’s just call it, they looked at the LinkedIn, they saw a person, click on the link, the person clicked on the link that and they went to your website went to what Google’s Following this, they went to your website, and they filled out a contact form, you think that isn’t gonna trigger any part of Google at all? Do you think that’s not gonna matter?
Call it whatever you want, call it. Fuck Google, like I always say metadata will say they call it what you want. But Google is seeing that whole client transaction from beginning to end. And you really think that doesn’t make a difference when Google sees that transaction goes take place from beginning to end.
Looking at everything looking, especially on YouTube, and in Google ads, because we know that Google pays special attention to the people that they send you. Do you really believe that these don’t matter, call it what you want this I call it a social signal. call it anything you want. We know from our testing from everything we do from everything that we’ve been covering from all of our client work from all of our businesses, guys, you got to understand that we’re not just Semantic Mastery. Marco isn’t just mathematically I have businesses, I’ve other businesses that I run. I have clients that I work with, I have so many things that I’m into, I don’t know how I have time in the day to do them all. But this is Semantic Mastery, just a small part of what I do. But everything that we show in Semantic Mastery everything that we give, you have to hang out, heavy hitter club, the free SEO group, and Facebook, every bit of information that we share has been tested because I’m not gonna risk my businesses. I am not going to risk my client’s businesses. On theory. We go we set up the theory we formally the hypothesis, we ask the question, we go out and use the scientific method. It’s very simple. And then we print back the information that we said, we know that Google is tracking that person. Why in the world would there be a pixel? Otherwise?
Alright, so last is not really well, I guess it is a question, Aaron’s comes back is replying to his previous comment about a competitor, not trying to be whiny. But when people are deceptive, it makes it bad for all of us if a business doesn’t have a real address, shouldn’t they be sad? Yeah, no, I agree, Aaron. And here’s the thing. If you’re talking about a storefront type of business that is using a fake address, then I would, I mean, maybe I’m wrong here. But I would think that it would get reported by a pissed off customer who went to Google Maps to try to go to the storefront business, and they go to a building that’s empty if that makes sense. So I’ve always talked about if you’re going to do spam Google Maps listings that you should only be doing surface area just type or excuse me, surface area business type of Google Maps listings, because, you know, like a contractor, plumber that goes to other people’s, you know, to people’s homes or buildings, or offices or whatever to do plumbing work, they can hide their address. So nobody’s gonna is clicking driving directions. So I don’t know, Aaron, if it’s if you’re talking about a service area type of business where customers should be going to the location, then I would expect it to be terminated rather quickly because people cussed pissed off, customers would report it, unless it’s one of those odd situations where it can be a service area business, and a local business or storefront business. And then if that’s the case, where primarily that’s a store, if it’s a service area business, then that you know, might be able to get away with it. So I don’t know again, I just still don’t do it. I still don’t report other listings. I don’t negative SEO. I just don’t do it. Again. It’s a karma thing and I just don’t want to invite that into my life even though I’ve had it happen to me in the past I’ve never felt vengeful enough to want to do it to others that’s just my opinion so again you’re entitled to yours and I’m not knocking you for saying that you want to report it fucking report it then you know that’s, that’s on you buddy. And I’m not knocking you for it. I’m just telling you I wouldn’t want to do it myself. That’s all I’m saying. any follow up comments to that Marco? Karma is a bitch call it what you will. Anything that you do can and will come back to me and look, go, and power up your shit.
That’s my recommendation you do whatever the fuck you want. I mean, you’re a grown person. I can’t tell you what to do.
But I definitely would not report shit I would just go get rid of it out the power that’s what you do. Not negative never ever. I’ve never ever done I’ve come really close.
Some piss me off that much where I was gonna blast him and make him appear for like some porn term. But then I
You take a breath and say, okay, it’s okay. It’s okay. Let’s just move on and make money. Yeah, I agree that energy can be spent making money.
So, again, they’re good questions. But yeah, no, you could encourage a pissed off customer to report them. I don’t know. All right. Thanks, guys. We’ll see you all next week.
We appreciate everybody being here. And don’t forget the potato. My rankings are your coupon code for SEO shields for 25% off. It’s only I think for the next two or three days. So take advantage of we can see you guys all right later.
Weekly SEO Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 301 published first on your-t1-blog-url
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