#but 乍一看 on the 文案 it did look like “this character is in love with his own reflection” hahahaha
hunxi-after-hours · 2 months
小镇 anon here! I did read some of 高能二维码 though I dropped it at the time because the relationship dynamic was not really for me. I have been meaning to try it one more time but I have been putting it off haha. So, this might be quite an uncomplete comparison.
Keeping that in mind, I would say that both of them feature more of an ensemble cast (especially compared to something like, say, 地球在线)and both are heavy-handed with their themes, though I personally found the themes of 我的理想小镇 more compelling. 高能二维码 has a much more traditional "无限流 game" setting. While you could say 我的理想小镇 also takes place in a "game" framework, the actual setting makes it so that the inherent theme of "rebelling against the system" present in most 无限流 novels (including 高能二维码) is not actually a major part of its premise, at least not quite in the same way. I would say that the romance aspect is not really a focal point in both novels, but the male lead of 高能二维码 is much more present as a character than the male lead of 我的理想小镇, whose presence is felt very heavily through the narrative but does not make a lot of in-character appearances himself relative to what you would expect of a typical love interest. Also, when it comes to 人外, 我的理想小镇 is pretty much one of the best you could find to explore how you feel about it. On the other hand, although the male lead of 高能二维码 being turned into a mirror is a major thing that is spoiled in the 文案, I do not remember it being explored more than very-surface level things, but as I said, I did not finish it so anyone who did should feel free to correct me. Finally, the 美貌 descriptions? Yeah, about that... 高能二维码 might be a bit challenging in some parts with that.
In conclusion, despite how hard I am trying to sell 我的理想小镇, 高能二维码 is a very good story with a tight pacing and good characterisation, I only dropped it due to not liking that particular dynamic personally so I would recommend them both, just one of them a bit more 呵呵. Thank you for coming to my TED talk. As a bonus, take a shot every time I say theme. (It's a lot of times I know.)
小镇ANON thank you immensely for this essay!!! suffice to say that you've very much sold me on 《我的理想小镇》 over 《高能二维码》 (I'm set on gamified/data unlimited flow atm so 二维码 was pretty low on the list to begin with, but the, ah, overgenerous 美貌 descriptions sealed the coffin hhh). I'll need to track down a copy somewhere sometime! it'll probably take a hot second for me to get to it since I've got other books that I'm, um, supposed to read for like, work or edification or whatever
definitely send along any other 无限流 recs you have!! I'm specifically on the search for non-数据无限流/无限流 that doesn't specifically lean on video game mechanics, which seem to be much rarer these days? and I wouldn't say no to other 人外 recs hahaha 我正在大开眼界的过程中
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