#but! this fic does have mav attempting to recover from a shit ton of trauma
mavspeed · 2 years
Hey I just read the new chapter and left a comment but I wanted to swing by and thank you personally. Once again you did a phenomenal job on the new chapter and I am overwhelmed with so many feelings after reading it. As you know I have been dying to see how Ice is taking everything and what his side of the story is and as always you never disappoint. I am practically frothing at the mouth to read his reaction to what Cain did to Maverick. I will wait as long as you need whether the new chapter comes out next month or next year you’ve got a devoted fan right here.
I also came to ask about the comment in your notes. This one “mav oscillates between calling ice iceman and ice while ice sticks to calling him mav. this is intentional.” Would you mind explaining that in a little more depth whenever you are free? I did notice this this but not sure I understand. Thanks again and I hope you are well.
awwww thank you this is such a lovely comment!!! as I’ve told.... multiple people this chapter is uh. The one I hated the Most so I’m glad people liked it lmfjdjd (usually ice’s pov is Good to me idk why he was giving me so much trouble this time round!! fuck You Ice)
also absolutely I can explain it. yesterday I skimped on explaining it in the notes because I was posting that after work and I was exhausted to hell and back lol. basically if you go back and look at the parts where mav switches from calling ice iceman back to ice, it’s usually after mav has this realisation that ice is caring for him. in the moments he feels closer to ice, he calls him ice. and when the moments disappear, when he feels the need to put some emotional distance between himself and ice, he switches back to calling him iceman.
now this is in contrast to ice. in his pov he keeps calling mav, well, mav. that’s because he doesn’t feel any of the need to put a bit of that distance between himself and mav. each of his decisions purposely and intentionally puts him closer to mav and he’s well aware of that because he wants to be closer. he doesn’t need any of that distance and so in his head he doesn’t need to assign that distance to mav. so he doesn’t name-switch like mav constantly does.
apologies this sorta became long but the issue of identities and the importance of callsigns has always been so interesting to me! so here’s the explanation lmao clearly I put way too much thought into this than needed
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