#business owner moodboard
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flowerandblood · 3 months
The Lost Haven (3/16)
[ modern mafia • Aemond x niece • female ]
[ warnings: kissing, incest obviously, smut, the angst, description of cruel physical violence, bad, bad things ]
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[ description: The vacation from eight years ago still haunts his memories and doesn't let him forget what happened between him and his niece, the daughter of his sister and Harwin Strong. Their paths separate and he immerses himself in his father's mafia world until the day she calls him for the first time since those events. Sexual tension, dark, dangerous, withdrawn, thirsty Aemond. ]
Author’s note: As promised, this is another, this time official modern version of The Fall from the Heavens. In this version, Daemon is not related to the family, but is simply Rhaenyra's husband and the leader of the second gang, Alys and Larys are also not related to each other, but Larys is Harwin's brother. I will partly refer to the original series, hiding some easter eggs, and some will be a completely new, fresh plot. As in every universe, only Aemond calls her Rhaenys and this is not her real name (she is unnamed character and the others also do not know that he calls her that). There will be a lot more brutality and angst in this version, so watch out. You can read this as a standalone story.
Song used in this chapter: Don't You (Forget About Me) by Simple Minds.
Series & Characters Moodboard Aemond & Rhaenys Moodboard
* English is not my first language. Please, do not repost. Enjoy! *
Next chapters: Masterlist
For the next few days, he felt that he was functioning like a well-oiled mechanism without thoughts or feelings, without experiencing or reliving anything within himself. His mind was filled with complete emptiness: he preferred this state of affairs, because whenever a part of him hidden deep in his darkness started to come to the fore, he felt the need to write back to her.
Thank you.
She wrote it to him the next day.
He often went back to that message and looked at it for long minutes, maybe even hours, asking himself the questions his fingers wanted to tap out on the keyboard of his phone.
Who did this to you?
What were you doing there?
How do you feel?
He felt uncomfortable with the thought of how much it had affected him. Their reunion years later was shocking to him, and by virtue of him being the only person who had really experienced this reconciliation, there was something intimate and mysterious about it.
He rubbed his fingers against each other, feeling a shudder at the memory of how soft her skin was beneath his hand.
He swallowed hard, closing his eyes and tilted his head back, trying to control himself.
"Rough night?" Alys asked, sitting next to him at the bar, like him waiting for the club owner, clearly also having some business to attend to.
They fucked several times, from his perspective to simply get off: there was no finesse in these acts, but some kind of mutual understanding − they both just wanted to relax and didn't expect anything more from each other.
They spoke several times afterwards and he found that he actually liked her: she was a direct and confident woman, teasing and calculating, just like him.
Looking at her he felt he was looking in a mirror and it was an interesting experience.
He knew from his co-workers that Alys also liked women and he often saw her hitting on young girls in clubs.
She at least didn't slip rape pills into their drinks, he thought regretfully, taking a sip of his whisky as he tried to focus, the loud music around him made him feel like his head was about to explode.
"In a way." He muttered reluctantly, looking around, feeling an unpleasant squeeze in his stomach at the memory of her numb body lying in that toilet.
Vulnerable, forsaken, helpless.
"I heard about your heroic act. Apparently, you carried a little girl out of the Heavenly Beach before anyone had time to get into her panties." She sneered, taking a loud sip of beer from her bottle. He pressed his lips together, hearing the loud hiss of bubbles as she set it back down on the countertop. "Since when are you so caring?"
"It was my niece." He replied coolly, wanting to cut off the subject, drinking his whisky to the end in a deep gulp.
Alys furrowed her brow and laughed, stroking her chin, intrigued.
"So you're a good uncle, huh?"
"Fuck off."
"Why are you upset? Do you like her a little too much?"
She hissed as he grabbed her hard by the arm and jerked her, making her almost fall off her seat. He stopped, breathing heavily through his nose when he felt her pocket knife between his thighs.
"You'd better watch out, my friend, if you ever want to fuck anyone again."
He let go of her and she stepped back, massaging the sore place on her arm, looking at him angrily.
"You're fucked up."
He stood up, furious, heading for the back of the club even though he should have waited for someone to come out to him, figuring he couldn't stand to be in this place for a moment longer.
He felt like he was suffocating and wanted to leave already.
Her sleeping face as a child lying next to him on a pillow and her sleeping face then, in his car, leaning against the window, merged into one in his mind.
He realised with horror that only thinking about her made him feel anything.
"How much longer do I have to wait? You think I don't fucking have anything better to do?" He growled to one of the bodyguards, who grunted loudly, shifting from foot to foot, terrified.
They'd all heard about his scar and artificial eye, and they all knew what he'd done to some men who hadn't paid on time.
"I'll ask the boss if he's done yet." The man muttered.
He rolled his eyes as he heard the distinct, almost animal-like moans of two men from behind the door. After a moment, a young boy, all red and welted, walked out of the room, throwing him a look from which he felt discomfort, staggering with difficulty.
Tyland Lannister sighed heavily, standing in the door frame, looking at him disapprovingly, all sweaty.
If it wasn't for the fact that he and his brother dressed a little differently, he wouldn't have been able to tell them apart.
The fascination towards boys was apparently also inherited by both of them, he thought with a sneer.
"I said I'd come soon." He said.
"I don't have time for your soon."
"Jason gave you half the money last time, as agreed. I have to earn the other half, I need more time."
"Your time is up. I told him that you have two weeks, not a day more."
"Come on, we'll get along, after all…" He didn't finish as his fist slammed into his face − Tyland staggered backwards, falling to the floor of the room, and he closed the door behind him, leaving his stunned, big bodyguards behind.
He knew they wouldn't do anything to him.
It was his grandfather who ruled this town.
"Tyland." He said calmly, walking towards him with a lazy step – Lannister began to move backwards on his elbows, holding his swollen cheek with his hand, a trickle of blood dripping from his nose.
He crouched in front of him, pulling out his pocket knife, sliding the blade out.
"− n-no − please −"
"− which one do you choose − left or right? −"
"− please − please, I promise I'll have the full amount for tomorrow, I promise −" He mumbled, choking on his own tears, looking like a big, bearded, helpless, pathetic child.
He tsked, shaking his head, a smile of amusement on his face that didn't reach his eye.
"− we agreed for today − do you think I'll want to come here tomorrow and look at your face? −" He sneered, his voice on the verge of a dangerous hiss indicating that he was losing patience. Tyland nodded, his hands raised in a pleading, submissive gesture.
He looked like a dog who was laying on his back to prevent the other one from biting him.
"− I understand − I'm sorry − I'll think of something right away, okay? −"
"− now −"
"− y-yes − yes, I'll call one place − alright? −" He muttered.
He lifted his pocket knife up, grinning broadly, showing that he was able to wait another moment.
Lannister quickly took his phone out of his trousers and, with trembling hands, dialled a number. After a moment, someone on the other end spoke up.
"I need a quick loan. Twenty thousand. I know, I know I already owe you, but it's very, very important, do you understand?" He mumbled in a breaking voice.
He thought with disgust that he looked pathetic.
What did he expect?
"− please − please, help me −" He muttered, but his caller hung up.
He sighed heavily, spinning his pocket knife between his fingers.
"− time's up −"
When he returned to his flat the first thing he dreamed of was taking a shower. He watched impassively as the red-tinted water ran down his body, washing him of his sins like Saint John in the Jordan. He closed his eyes, trying to tell himself that God was forgiving him.
He had no choice.
He distanced himself from what his hands were doing, as if it wasn't his body, as if he was being directed by someone else. As a result, he felt no remorse, because he felt that he wasn't the one doing all those terrifying things.
It wasn't him who had done it, it was his dark shadow, the same one his niece had feared at night.
The thought of her made him feel an unpleasant sting in his chest. He pressed his lips together in an attempt to restrain himself, leaning his palms against the cold tiles, but his mind showed him her peaceful face again anyway, sleeping in his car.
She was so close he could smell her.
The smell of vanilla.
The next day his mother called him saying they needed to talk.
"Your father wants to throw a big party to celebrate his sixtieth birthday." She said, her voice trembling for some reason, as if something about this fact bothered her.
"Let him do what he wants." He hummed, pouring Vhagar's dog food into her bowl.
"He wants to invite Rhaenyra and her husband. Their children." She said, and he froze and cursed, seeing that he had poured too much, and some of the brown balls had spilled onto the floor.
"− fuck − has he completely lost his mind? −" He asked, running his hand over his face, feeling his heart begin to pound like crazy.
The possibility of meeting her while she was conscious made him feel his mind go into a state of panic.
He wasn't ready.
He couldn't.
He wanted so desperately to see her again.
"− he had already called her and she had said yes − Aemond, things are getting worse with him −"
"− I can just hear −" He growled, walking around the flat, feeling his emotions buzzing inside him.
"− I mean it − he's seriously ill −" She muttered, and he stopped in place, once again feeling the emptiness in his head.
"− what? −"
"− only me and your grandfather know about it − he asked not to tell you − he thinks it might be his last birthday −"
To his despair, his father demanded that everyone come to his birthday party, apparently wanting to put together in some pathetic way what had long been shattered.
Neither his grandfather nor his mother succeeded in dissuading him from this idea − his father rented a large banquet hall in a country manor house, an hour's drive from their town, and decreed that the whole event would be held there.
The manor also had rooms where they were to stay overnight, but he had no intention of remaining there any longer than necessary.
For the next few days, he would wake up in the night drenched in cold sweat, dreaming again and again of cutting her face with a pocket knife despite her screams and cries, her terrified eyes and lips parted in terror, leaving him no peace.
He was afraid of himself and what he was capable of.
He was afraid he would do something to her.
He was the last to arrive, the few missed calls from his mother indicated that everyone was waiting for him. He sat in his car for a long time, looking at the sun setting in the distance, thinking about that evening, that day, hearing the sound of the sea.
He tried not to think or feel when he got inside, all tense, his heart beating so hard in his chest that he felt like he was dying.
He was immediately struck by the loud 80s music − Don't You (Forget About Me), Simple Minds's song playing in the background, made him feel like a child again.
Won't you come see about me? I'll be alone, dancing, you know it, baby
Tell me your troubles and doubts Giving everything inside and out and Love's strange, so real in the dark Think of the tender things that we were working on
Slow change may pull us apart When the light gets into your heart, baby
Don't you, forget about me Don't, don't, don't, don't Don't you, forget about me
He felt a sense of discomfort hearing this lyrics, looking around at the crowd of people, his father's acquaintances, friends and business partners − he knew most of them, now laughing with drinks in their hands, doing disgusting and terrifying things on a daily basis, just like him.
His breath froze in his chest when he suddenly spotted her silhouette sitting at one of the tables.
She was looking at him, dressed in a simple, elegant, knee-length matte dress with long sleeves and a white collar, her long, dark hair loose.
He thought she looked like a miss from a good home, educated, full of culture and familiarity with the world that he lacked, feeling a sting in his chest at the thought.
Don't you try and pretend It's my feeling we'll win in the end I won't harm you or touch your defenses Vanity and security, ah
Her hands clenched into fists at the sight of him, something pleading in her gaze, as much as in her parted, sweet lips, looking so luscious, so soft.
She made a movement as if to rise from her chair, but he turned suddenly, panicking, walking towards the table where his brother was sitting.
"− where the fuck have you been? −" Aegon asked him, he, however, heard him only partially, his gaze returning to her: he swallowed hard when he saw that her seat was empty, but he did not see her either among the dancing couples or anywhere else.
"− are you listening to me? −" He asked, and he nodded.
As you walk on by Will you call my name? As you walk on by Will you call my name? When you walk away
"− there was terrible traffic −" He lied.
He lied constantly.
Lying to himself and others was so easy.
It helped.
It helped him live with what he did.
Who he was.
Aegon and Helaena were talking amongst themselves, he, however, was unable to focus − all he could think about was the fact that he couldn't calm down and needed a cigarette.
He pretended not to hope at all that she had gone out into the garden, that he would meet her there, that he would be able to look at her lips again.
At her eyes.
Her terrified face, the blade of his knife sinking into her skin above her brow.
God, make it stop.
"− where are you going? − you just got here −" His brother called out after him seeing that he was about to leave again.
"− I'm going for a smoke − I'll be right back −"
He stepped outside, feeling the pleasant evening breeze again, and looked around feeling his heart in his throat. He stopped when he spotted her sitting silhouette in the darkness at the end of the pier that overlooked a small pond.
He stared at her for a moment, feeling the urge to run away again, but some part of him that terrified him told him to approach her.
So he did.
Step by step he moved closer to her, as if to something inevitable, his death, his doom.
She turned, hearing him − her eyes widened in shock, her lips parted again, but this time in disbelief. She stood up from her place and he stopped a few steps away from her, pulling a packet of cigarettes and a lighter from his pocket.
"− what were you doing there? −" He asked, but it seemed to him that it was not his mouth, not his throat that left those sounds, cold and dry.
She blinked, as if she didn't understand what he meant, playing with her fingers in a nervous gesture.
"− what do you mean? −"
He slipped the cigarette into his mouth and leaned over, lighting the lighter, the warm flame making its dark tip begin to smoke. He took a drag, feeling that his hands were shaking, that although on the outside his posture was stony, on the inside everything in him was quivering.
"− what were you doing in that club −" He explained. "− looking for a new experiences? −"
She furrowed her eyebrows at his words but did not answer him, which frustrated him.
"− I don't like to ask twice −" He said more sharply than he intended. He saw that she swallowed hard, looking at him with fear and something else he couldn't define.
Her gaze was both terrified and warm at the same time, making him feel a familiar tickle in his lower abdomen that he hadn't felt in years.
God, no, he thought.
"− I wanted to find out how my father died −"
There was a long, uncomfortable silence between them, which was broken by his mischievous laughter. He tapped his finger on his cigarette making the ash fall to the ground and took another drag, its tip turning red.
"− and what did you find out? −" He sighed, letting the smoke out through his nose, looking down at her.
"− that your grandfather killed him −" She whispered in a trembling voice.
His hand froze in mid-motion before he laughed out loud.
"− who told you that? − Larys Strong? − was he the one who dragged you there? −" He sneered as if he was speaking to a small child, seeing with every word by her face full of pain and disbelief that he was right.
He walked closer to her, towering over her, feeling some sudden, strange surge of confidence, his heart pounding like mad with anticipation.
It seemed to him that he was dreaming all this, that he was about to wake up in his bed in his flat.
"− it was Larys who reported him − after the death of his father and brother, all the fortune fell to him − my grandfather just passively looked on −" He said, taking a drag on the remains of his cigarette, looking with interest at her pale face.
He thought her eyes seemed even bigger than they were then, surrounded by a fan of her dark lashes, her eyebrows arched in disbelief, her puffy lips shiny with glitter, probably from some kind of lip gloss, parted in a heavy, drawn-out breath, as if every word he said caused her pain.
"− did you know about this? −"
"− everyone knew −" He replied. "− he passed sentence on himself when he started talking with the police − his days were numbered anyway −"
She surprised him when she moved suddenly in front of him and passed him, bursting into a loud sob, walking back towards the building. For some reason he felt a cold shiver run along his spine, his mind seeming to scream.
Not yet.
Not yet.
He grabbed her aggressively by the arm making her voice stuck in her throat, her body slamming into his as he pulled her violently towards him. They struggled for a moment, his hands tightening around her waist, not allowing her to pull away.
He wasn't done yet.
Not yet.
She squirmed and whimpered, tears running down her red face as he grasped her cheeks between his fingers, able to look at her closely at last, pressing her body against his with his other arm.
Their breaths were heavy and broken when her body finally stopped resisting him, his face bent over hers so that the tips of their noses were almost touching.
"− don't you miss your favourite uncle anymore? − hm? −" He gasped, for some reason wanting to watch her suffer, wanting to punish her for seeing other men, for perhaps fucking other men, for perhaps daring to love them while he thought only of her, her, her.
She swallowed hard, her fingers clenched helplessly on the material of his leather jacket, her warm, soft cheeks all wet with tears under his fingers, her eyes big and shining, staring at him, only at him.
"− I don't recognise you −" She mumbled in a breaking voice. She closed her eyes, tears one by one running down her face again. "− God, I don't recognise you −"
He looked at her feeling his whole body tense up, his heart stopped in his throat − his lips tightened into a thin line as his grip on her cheeks grew stronger, making her cry out quietly in pain. He wanted to say something but was unable to − he just stared at her, feeling himself begin to tremble all over, a burning, embarrassing wetness gathered under his eyelids.
He knew he would be a disappointment to her and that was why he never wanted to see her again.
He didn't want to hear those words.
I don't recognise you.
"− good − because I don't fucking recognise myself either −" He hissed in a hoarse, trembling voice.
He pressed his forehead against hers, wanting to hide, wanting to be close to her, wanting her to forgive him, to tell him that everything would be all right, that she would come to him at night just as she had then.
He waited for her words, but all he heard was her loud breathing, her trembling fingers from his jacket rose slowly to his neck and jaw, her thumbs stroked his cheeks.
Something akin to a soft moan and sigh left his throat as her plump, moist lips ran slowly over his, merely teasing him. His cock responded immediately with an aggressive pulsing at the thought that her lip gloss tasted of strawberries, his eyes closed in delight as his tongue licked her upper lip, letting her know to keep going.
A wonderful, tickling heat rippled across his chest and lower abdomen as she mewled softly, opening her mouth a little wider, finally joining him in a shamelessly sticky, wet, loud kiss full of their slick, warm tongues.
The grip of his fingers softened, still holding her securely while his lips sank again and again into the wonderfully fleshy, silky structure of her skin, her scent, her hot breath, the softness of her body were wonderfully familiar, wonderfully safe.
He embraced her as she threw her arms around his neck, her body pressed against his − she moaned in embarrassment into his throat, letting his tongue invade deep between her teeth as she felt his swollen, throbbing erection on her stomach.
"− it's your fault − it's your fault −" He panted between greedy, aggressive, deep kisses that took his breath away, his wide hands clamped down on her back on the material of her dress, wandering up and down, closing finally on her plump buttocks making her fingers tighten on his short hair.
"− mghm −" She babbled between one lick of their tongues and the next, their lips joined and separated with loud, sticky clicks of their saliva, his hips rolled back and forth, rubbing his erection hidden in his trousers against her body, holding her in place.
This heavenly, shocking pleasure was violently interrupted for him when they heard someone's voice in the distance.
"− are you sure you saw her here? −" He heard Daemon's voice and moved away from her, looking at her in horror, her eyes big, her mouth open wide as if she couldn't believe what they had just done.
Oh my fucking God.
"− yes, I'm sure −" Jace said.
"− I'm here − I'm coming −" She called out to them, running towards them, leaving him alone amongst the evening chill, uncomfortably enveloping his body hot with delight and desire.
Only after a moment did the adrenaline begin to leave his veins, and the thrill was replaced by rage and shame. He groaned loudly, kneeling down and closed his face in his hands, bursting into loud, uncontrollable sobs for the first time in years.
He still loved her.
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serpentandlily · 8 months
Sly Fox, Dumb Bunny Part II Preview + moodboard
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Sly Fox, Dumb Bunny - Eris x Archeron!Reader
Part II Sneak peek
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You slipped into the private library in the House of Wind, humming slightly to yourself. The faint scent of crackling embers and something else indiscernible met your nose as the door slammed shut behind you but you brushed it off, figuring it must've come from the fireplace on the other side of the large room.
You meandered to the section that was filled with romance books—the ones Nesta had made sure to stock up on ever since she became the owner of this place along with Cassian. You brushed your fingers against the spines of the books, pulling out some that had interesting titles and stacking them in your arms.
A Heart Ablaze.
The Prince of Fire.
Your skirt flitted against the tops of your boots as you walked. You bit your lip, pulling out another book. This one titled, The Flames that Bind Us. You’d read it before but it was one of your favorites.
“You should be a bit more aware of your surroundings, bunny. You have no idea what sort of monsters are lurking around.”
You gasped, jumping in fright and dropping your stack of books to place a hand on your chest. You whirled around with a wildly beating heart.
You had recognized the voice immediately but you were still taken aback to see Eris lounging in one of the armchairs by the fireplace. He was sprawled out in the chair like it was his throne, a glass of whiskey in one hand and his other lightly stroking the soft velvet of the armrest. His red hair gleamed the same color as the burning flames behind him.
Your gaze dipped to his chest, to his cream colored tunic that had a few buttons undone, exposing the silver layered jewelry resting against his chest. He wore dark brown breeches, perfectly tailored for his long legs and brown riding boots. How he managed to make such casual clothing look elegant and refined was beyond you.
When you met his eyes again, those devastating amber eyes, Eris gave you a fox-like grin that looked anything but friendly.
“What are you doing here?” you asked as you bent down to pick up the books you had dropped. You held them against your chest like a shield.
“That is no way to address a Lord,” Eris purred.
You huffed, fighting the urge to roll your eyes.
“Apologies, my Lord,” you replied, sarcastically. “What a delight it is to see you again. What brings you to our humble court?”
Eris’s eyebrows rose in amusement.
“If you must know, I’m here for a meeting with your High Lord and Lady,” Eris said. “Pray tell, what are you doing here, bunny?”
His eyes darted to the books in your arms and you blushed, trying to discreetly cover the titles. Eris didn’t need to know your reading preferences.
“If you must know,” you said, mocking him, “I live here.”
You split time between here and the River House. Mostly because Nesta had once accused you of favoring Feyre. You hated nothing more than to be used as a pawn against your sisters. But being the youngest, your role in the family oftentimes required you playing mediator between your siblings. Sometimes, messenger too.
“Poor little bunny,” Eris teased. “Locked up here in a cage.”
“Stop calling me that!”
You glared at the handsome Lord, hating the way that made him seem even more amused.
Eris said nothing, just twirled the glass in his hands as his eyes assessed you. You felt the hairs on your arms stand up, felt a chill run down your spine at his look. His smirk never left his face. You were quite sure he had been born wearing it.
“Don’t you normally meet with Rhys and Feyre in Hewn City?” you asked, unable to take the silence. You should probably leave, but something kept your feet glued to the floor.
Eris shrugged. “Sure, when our business involves Keir.” He spat out the older male’s name with disgust. “I’m surprised they didn’t order you to stay in your room knowing I was here,” he continued, his amusement back once more. “Can’t let the little bunny be ensnared by a fox again.”
His grin was more of a display of teeth. It did nothing to quell your nerves.
“They never tell me anything,” you murmured, annoyed.
Your lips slammed shut when one of Eris’s eyebrows raised, like you had just unknowingly passed along information you shouldn’t have.
The doors to the library slammed open and you jumped, sucking in a breath at the sudden noise. Azriel stormed in, his eyes narrowed at Eris. You suddenly felt tense, sensing the way the energy seemed to shift in the room. He stopped once he was in front of you, crossing his arms over his broad chest.
“What are you doing here?” he hissed at the redhead. “You’re supposed to be waiting for Rhys and Feyre in the war room.”
Eris didn’t seem frightened in the slightest, unlike most fae did when staring down the shadowsinger.
He plucked a piece of lint from his tunic, unbothered. “Apologies, shadowsinger. I got lost.”
You doubted that and by Azriel’s growl, you realized he did too. He turned to look down at you, his lips pressed in a straight line with a stern look.
“Go,” Azriel barked, nodding his head towards the door. You bristled at the command, as if you were a dog he could order around.
But it was Eris who stood to his full height and snarled, “Don’t speak to her like that.”
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dulc3vida · 6 months
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only daughter of a ranch owner who is always away on business and may or may not be a narco. moved to the obx when she was really young. she misses home a lot, mostly because she had a pet tiger. dad taught her how to use a gun and she even has a couple of her own porque una nunca sabe. was called "conejita" or "little bunny" growing up bc she was always hanging out with the bunnies.
best paired with rafe because she's such a niña fresa. her dad's a narco (ALLEGEDLY) so it's safe to say that she has been spoiled her whole life. has never heard the word no and immediately fell in love with the luxury and class of figure 8. bunny is preppy, high maintenance and expensive. her dad has always showered her in money and expensive things to makeup for his absence so when rafe is giving her that AND his undivided attention, she's in love. is it freudian as fuck? maybe. is it real as fuck? yes.
rafe does step into the dad role a lot for bunny, especially once he moves her into tannyhill. its definitely freudian for him as well bc it makes him feel important and needed especially in season 3. season 1&2 she's like a trophy to him and she doesn't know where she stands because he's beating up all the guys she likes but he doesn't want to be her boyfriend (subconsciously knows he isn't good enough for her). season 3 is when he looks at her and decides that that's his girl, forever. whatever means necessary.
bunny lets rafe take the lead most of the time, but she's very calculating. friendship is transactional, which is why she's not really friends with the kooky girls. she has a few friends but she's very cautious and curious about everyone she encounters. they want something from her (some of the attention she recieves) while they offer nothing in return. bunny is shy and timid but people misunderstand her and think she's a bitch. she's not mean, but she can be. she's possessive and especially hates when rafe, or anyone for that matter, touches/moves her things around.
she and rafe both first fall in love with the idea of each other (rafe sees her as the divine feminine and bunny sees him as the american dream) which is why when they both display "unsavory" characteristics (i.e. rafes actual insanity vs. bunny's temper) it catches them off guard. they keep each other on their toes. like when rafe finds one of her guns in between his couch cushions.
she's upstairs doing her makeup and he's looking for his vape, damn near tearing the couch apart. then his hand hits familiar, cold metal. he calls for her once and she bounces down the stairs, a pout on her face.
"you made me mess my eyeliner up."
"what the fuck is this, hm?" rafe sets the gun on the coffee table between them.
"it's called a gun rafe."
"hey, hey. don't get smart with me, where did this come from?"
"it's mine." bunny takes it from him and shoves it back between the couch. "don't worry, the safety's on."
rafe studies her for a second. "where are the other ones?" she rocks on her heels and glances to the side before shaking her head.
"just that one." she plays with her fingers and he knows she's lying.
"okay." rafe chuckles, wiping his mouth with one hand before swiftly grabbing the back of her hair, tugging her through the house to collect all the guns bc he doesn't want his bunny to get hurt.
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another moodboard inspired by @princessbrunette and @starfxkr (aka two of the sexiest blogs on tumblr.com)
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ilovejeongintoo · 4 months
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𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕖 𝕊𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕤𝕪𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕋𝕙𝕒𝕟 ℙ𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕝𝕤
!WARNING NSFW Content ahead! !MDNI!
Genre: Fantasy, Siren Wooyoung x Reader, Smut Warnings: Implied hunting, obsessive behaviour, slight stalking?, accidental marriage, harassment(not Wooyoungs doing), technically murder(only mentioned as disappearing), edging, no condom(wrap it up pls), creampie, accidental marriage Wordcount: 4052 Not proofread
One of my other Moodboards that got me cooking up a story.
Summary: Stumbling upon a mysterious new stall that you've never seen before, the merchandise seem to be almost as enchanting as the owner.
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The sun has been shining so brightly the past few days that you barely spent anytime outside, rather choosing to stay in the shade. You were mentally thanking yourself for wearing a light dress that covered you but had a light tone to it, you would not survive this weather otherwise.
Today would be the day that the flea markets at the port would open. Just barely ten minutes and not even at the main market, you started seeing various stalls, primarily selling fish and cloth. You stopped on occasion to look at a few items but quickly put them back when you looked at the price.
Moving further in you saw more and more. A few familiar people called out to you, and you replied with a friendly smile and wave. You leaned further into one of the stalls, the shells in your hair making a few soft clinking sounds when they jostled with the movement.
A voice to your right called out to you: "looking for something specific muse?" You looked over seeing a handsome man leaning over the wooden table. The surface was riddled with lots of jewelry but what immediately caught your eyes were the colored shells and various pearls.
"Something like this actually." You pointed over to the assortment. Your eyes keeping themselves locked onto them, fascinated. You noticed him standing up slightly, looking a lot taller than you thought. Your eyes focused on the different silver rings on his hands, moving up to his wrists was a singular silver armband. Further his white shirt was pushed up towards his elbows giving you a look at his veins. You quickly snapped your eyes up, hoping that he hadn't noticed your staring.
The next treasures that you were captivated by were his sharp eyes, dark that seemed endlessly deep.
By his bright smile, he didn't notice you guessed. You looked over the stall now, simpler than the others, clearly new in the port.
"You're new here, I basically know all little businesses here." You said in a matter-of-fact tone. You'd definitely remember a face like that, especially hair that special. Upper half being black, and underneath was a bright shade of blonde.
His smile was still there, teeth on display "Yeah, I'm here just for today. Kind of traveling through here, getting my own stocks and then heading off again. A traveler? You didn't get many visitors at Lumora Bay, the place wasn't even in scripted into some maps, plus there wasn't anything to see here, so no reasons for any tourists. Your curiosity got the best of you "Really? Where are you heading to next?” This wasn’t a place for tourists really. You noticed some glances from locals being thrown at the mysterious man, he was definitely catching some attention.
"I'm just traveling through the ocean, they just take me anywhere, that's why I'm here now, I'm planning to get some rations with the money from these"
A lone sailor? Now that was even less believable than him being a tourist. He didn't look the part, his clothing clearly of higher quality, Dark pants, white shirt and in the back, you could see a brown jacket. His shoes shone a little too much for someone that was traveling a lot, practically reflecting the sunshine.
"The prices depend on what you want and how good you're gonna take care of my treasures." Honestly everything looked like something you've always wanted, though you were sure any of these you wouldn't be able to afford. The job at the local tavern only got you so much.
One item did catch your eye from the beginning, and you kept stealing looks at it, trying to figure out its realness. Clearly the owner of said thing also noticed and picked it up, his big hand enclosing it. He stretched his hand out to you "This one, right? It's also one of my favorites, haven't really found a new owner yet."
A ring with a crescent moon
You have never seen anything similar to it, everything looked like you could find somehow, but that ring was special. It looked so bright even if it’s made of silver, matching his rings immediately.
"You can take a closer look if you want" he gestured to his hand with his head. You took it into your hand, your fingers brushing his palm and noticing the cold feeling of his skin. He pulled his hand back. You pulled it onto your finger and inspected it closer, it was real silver, polished to perfection giving it a smooth surface the little moon part glittering nicely because of a few stones attacked to it, which you only just took notice of.
You looked up, his eyes meeting your instantly, he must have been looking at you for a while. "What do you think? Wanna buy it?" You bit your lip thinking about it. "How much would it be?" You really wanted to give him the right amount of money, the kind of amount that this kind of treasure deserved. It had almost a hypnotizing aura to it.
"Well, I do get my materials out in the sea, so it'll be a little pricey…” You almost sighed right there.
"-But I think it fits you perfectly, so I'll let you keep it, he smiled, for a second it almost looked a little scary.
Your eyes widened and you shook your head planning to take it off when his hand shot across the table holding yours. It was unusually soft. "Keep it, I mean it." He looked serious and he squeezed his cold hand slightly before pulling back. "Oh-Okay, yeah thank you." You couldn't form any real sentences from the happiness that bubbled in you.
"There's only a single one of those in the world, I made it, there's a slight engraving of my initials on bottom."
You held your hand slightly up, your eye level and turned your hand making you palm face your visage. Low and behold, there were two small, curved letters Y.W.
"Yang Wooyoung, that's my name if you were wondering about the maker of that masterpiece." He must be a god at reading your mind because he has done so multiple times now. You felt slightly bad about leaving him without any payment for the ring though, so you thought for a moment before a thought struck your head.
You pulled a one of your bracelets off, seashells that you've found, assorted on a small metal chain. It was colorful, almost looking childish in comparison to his whole wardrobe.
You held your hand out, expecting him to take it. If he didn’t want you to pay with money you would trade, it lifted the guilt of taking something precious from him off your shoulder a bit.
He seemed stunned. You had a stubborn look to you, not planning on being persuaded on not paying at all. another dark look crossed his face but staying as he took the gift. Pulling it over his wrist. He stood there silently observing me, almost predatory. I shivered at the idea. A loud voice ripped you out of your busy mind. You startled and spun around, regretting it right after your eyes landed on the person yelling. Motherfucking Zephyr Darkhart, notorious troublemaker known for taking whatever he wanted from the helpless locals. And also, someone that wanted to get into your pants for the past year or so.
And it appears as if your sunny day was about to be put into a cloud of darkness because he also spotted you and started walking towards you. Hoping that he didn't actually see you quickly made your way behind the table to Wooyoung squatting down, hoping that somehow, he would just walk past or something.
You knew it wasn't working when you heard big heavy footsteps kick up some dirt right in front of you.
Wooyoung was next to you, confused expression now on his face at your panicked state. He faced the man in front with the fakest customer service smile you've ever had the pleasure of witnessing. Zephyr's voice called me out of my hiding spot. "Now what do we have here? Is that also for sale." He motioned to me on the ground. Some of his henchmen in the back chuckled at the comment, they were the only one finding this amusing.
Before he could make up another one of his asshole comments Wooyoung interjected, now cold faced. No grin to see for miles, you felt goosebumps rising at the tension.
"Hey buddy, what's that look for? the only reason why you even get your materials for the trash that you're selling here is because of us, because of big, strong men that venture out onto the dangerous sea. You wouldn't survive a single day with all the little sirens out there." Wooyoung wasn't the slightest bit intimidated, the opposite actually, this part now, he found quite amusing.
He leaned forward accentuating his coming statement; "Last I heard, your ships got sunken because of the same "little" sirens."
You couldn't see his face from down here, but clearly, he was looking intimidating enough for the group of men to stumble back slightly. They hesitantly made their exit, after what you presumed was another look of Wooyoungs.
Zephyr didn't step away without getting his last words out to Wooyoung in a threat, that was more pathetic than anything. "You'll regret this." He stole a glance at you and turned and walked away rather briskly.
You finally got up from your seated position, letting out a relieved sigh and tuning to the man next to you. "I'm so sorry, the only reason he came over here was because he saw me." You pinched the bridge of your nose, frustrated that it had to come to a confrontation. "It's fine, I'm glad you're okay, I bet he wouldn't have hesitated to make you one of his victims if you were alone." True, Zephyr should be avoided at all costs, especially when you're alone, the man doesn't know how to take a damn hint.
You didn't feel Wooyoung caressing your upper arm to give you some semblance of comfort, until now.
"Yeah" the air was beginning to fill with a different kind of tension now but before you could explore that any further someone called him over, demanding his help.
He pulled away slowly, or you just thought it was because of how hyper aware you were of his touch.
He stepped away walking to the 3rd voice of the day that disrupted you. He turned after a few steps he spun back around looking at you hopefully. "If you want, later, in the evening, I'll be at the beach selling some stuff and probably relaxing, so… if you want to talk a little." "Yeah" You gulped. "I like the sound of that." You were slightly breathless, nodding and gulping another time.
He grinned that same smile, "Good, I'll be waiting little muse." Were you really going to meet him later? A stranger you just met. You looked back at the ring and then at the disappearing back of Wooyoung. Absolutely you were.
The time couldn't move fast enough for you. Waiting for it to pass, you kept catching yourself watching the clock on the wall. Right across your bed. When the clock hit 9 p.m. you deemed it late enough for you to go Wooyoung. The sky turning a deep dark blue hue, reminding you of him.
Your thoughts seemed to be constantly infested with him, from the moment you met him, luring you in slowly. Your feet touched the soft sand that was cool now, having taken off your sandals.
You were looking around for Wooyoung not seeing anyone on the beach. You looked out into the vast ocean, shiny, peaceful. You kept looking from side to side, hoping to catch sight of the pretty man. You heard a splash looking to the directions of a nearby cavern but before you could go to that direction you were stopped by a iron grip on your wrist, hurting.
Rough hands, not Wooyoung's hands.
"Well, aren't I a lucky man?" And you were hoping you got yourself enough of this guy for the whole year, your nerves really weren't prepared to deal with him a second time. You glared at him despite it probably being smart if you just tried to deescalate the energy here.
"Let go" He raised a brow. "Please just let go." He didn't seem too keen on just letting you off the hook after the stunt from today morning. His crew laughing at him after practically running away from a dude half a head smaller than him.
You cried out slightly when his grip tightened, surely leaving a bruise and then it suddenly disappeared in the next second. You had your eyes closed, so you didn't catch him falling into the water. Or rather being yanked into it.
You looked around, slightly rubbing your already sore wrist. Then you noticed a ripple in the slow waves, a dark shadow moving close to the surface. You moved closer, trying to get a better look as to what’s moving there. You saw a big tail but that was about it. Maybe an abnormally large fish. Though that didn't explain Zephyr falling in, which you were slightly getting worried for, despite him being an ass, he was still a person.
Then suddenly and slowly there was a head peeking out the water, dark familiar cookie two-colored hair looking even longer because its wet now.
And those same eyes.
You moved closer, captivated and curious to confirm your suspicions of the identity of the person.
You leaned forward your feet sinking into wet sand and getting your feet into the shallow part of the water. The shape started to move towards you but stopped a fair distance away.
So, you moved even further getting your dress wet and making it slightly see through. You slipped on a wet rock and dipped underwater for a quick second, but that was enough time for you to see the big, scaled tail attached to a very human torso. You knew what this meant, what he was, a siren. And that also meant that you would die right here.
You swam up to the surface again, desperate to get some air into your quickly emptying lungs. You gasped a little for air, being all the way out here made it impossible to see through the water and make out anything anymore. You didn't have to wait for long and the presence made itself known again now from your back though, it wrapped itself around you. Naked arms and the same rings as before. Then he whispered "surprise" into your ear, and it confirmed everything.
He wrapped himself around you tighter, in a restricting or comforting manner you couldn't tell yourself. Being in the water and having your ability to fully move your body was making you nervous and most of all Wooyoung made you nervous now, for multiple reasons but mainly for what was about to happen next.
He moved your wet hair away from your face, behind your ears. "You know I was surprised when you even came to my little stall, the whole being human thing isn't really my cup of tea. But the most surprising part is having you pick, my self-made ring." You gripped his strong arms to ground yourself a little, high on the nerves.
"Are you going to drown me? Eat me?" It felt a little ridiculous to ask him so directly but if he did it you'd rather just know it now. At that he pressed himself into the back of your head, laughing into your hair. "No, no I'm not gonna drown you. But I wouldn't mind taking a taste from you" You couldn't quite make out if he was talking about what you were thinking of or not. Your core pulsed at the thought that he did. You were feeling warmer despite the cold water.
"I've got a special plan for what we'll do from now on.”
He moved slowly over to the direction of the cavern from before, big rocks hiding what seemed to be large entrance to an open water cave.
He let go slightly and you gripped him tighter at the feeling. He softly laughed and pushed you to the edge of the little pool like area. Making you sit on the ledge, your dress and hair dripping with all the water that it sucked up.
Wooyoung moved slowly up to you, giving a clear view of his naked torso through the water. He sat himself on a ledge that's submerged in the water right where your feet stayed. He then moved closer propping his arms crossed on top of your legs while his head rested on your knees. He tilted his head, making him look far too innocent while looking up at you, it made you urge to pat over his now messy hair. Which you resisted.
You'd rather focus on anything besides the man in front of you, so you choose to take in your surroundings. Some plants were hanging from the ceiling, some moonlight shone through the entrance but what caught your attention next were the light white candles off to the side. And then the various furs and other souvenirs cluttered around, in one place was a big pile of furs almost looking like a makeshift bed.
Was he living here? Off to the side you could even spot some metal and shells, that's probably where he made some of the jewelry that you saw.
Wooyoungs head buried itself a little more into your legs, making you look at him again. He looked cute like this, small, harmless. The tail swishing behind him moving back and forth reminded you that he most definitely wasn't. He closed his eyes savoring the feeling of your body warmth in contrast to his.
His arms moved to the side of your legs, and he picked his head up, looking down. You were truly captivated by every movement, he looked different in the water, almost a mystical air around him. He looked up, feeling your stare on him. "Why did you bring me here Wooyoung?" You asked in a more serious tone than what was probably necessary.
He squeezed you a little at the question. "When a siren makes a treasure and it gets accepted, it means to marry someone. What do you think that ring that I gave you means?" You didn't really get what he meant by that, what does siren courtship have anything to do with…oh. Your eyes widened "No, wait what." You were so confused, scrambling with your hands a little not knowing what to do. "We're married now, so obviously I took you back to my home." He spoke as he took your one hand, putting it on his cheek, rubbing his thumb along the back.
"We belong to each other now, muse." He dragged your hand down to his still dripping chest, right on top of his heart. You felt it thumping rather loudly, pushing against your palm.
"And you know what married couples do? -" He leaned up slightly brushing his cheek with yours, making you instinctively close your eyes. "-they make love." He kissed your neck. "They make babies."
You were expecting something like this to happen but not exactly in this context. You were expecting some sex with the hottie at the port, who was very friendly and likeable, not marrying him and spending your "first night" together. In a cave to top that all off.
He moved along your neck planting kisses anywhere he could and sometimes sucking a dark mark onto your skin. A reminder for this night, that would no doubt keep your mind occupied. Your panties were soaked and not just with water it seemed. Your hands buried themselves in Wooyoung's hair, pulling him away from you. And when he was back to facing you, you locked your lips with his. In a gentle soft kiss. Wooyoung immediately took the chance to deepen it, tilting his head and pressing himself closer to you.
He pulled himself out of the water pushing you onto the cushioned floor that had the fur pile. You didn't even notice his tail transforming into legs, too busy kissing him back with all your energy.
He pulled your strapless dress down your body, your boobs making an appearance. He settled his hands over them, massing them making you let out small noises into his mouth. As he pulled the dress further down after a moment of playing with your tits, exposing your underwear he was stuck staring at it.
So, he went over it with two of his fingers, tracing lines along it and stimulating your nerves deliciously. Not even two seconds later he pushed those also down to get full access to your core. He kept glancing between you and your pussy when he pushed his fingers in to prep you. Thrusting in and out at a steady pace getting you wetter and wetter with each thrust.
Your noises became more vocal as he hit that one spot inside you, making you squirm a little, your hips bucking to meet his fingers. He smiled at that.
Just when you were about to hit your climax, he stopped completely. That heat and tension simmering down a little making, even more when his fingers left you, getting a whine out of you. You felt terribly empty now.
"Wooyoung." You started not even knowing what to say to get him back to abusing your cunt. You didn't have to wait long because he was already lining himself up with your hole, tip waiting patiently at your entrance. He coated himself slightly in the slick.
"Yes muse?" He was waiting for you to say something now. Well fuck it. You locked your legs around his waist and pulled him forward, making him sink into you with a groan. Your arms wrapped around his neck making him lean down and putting his hands on your hips. "Fuck me Wooyoung, please." You said next to his ear a bit desperately.
You missed the dark look that settled over his face, his grin turning more evil. Wooyoung has been waiting for this moment since forever, today definitely wasn't the first day seeing you. He made sure to get your attention today.
And now, he clearly got what he wanted. You wrapped around his finger. He moved his hips, canting them slightly up to hit that spongy spot again. The slide was so incredibly wet he was struggling to keep the same rhythm at your pulsing cunt.
The noises, god the noises were heavenly, better than anything he imagined before. The fantasies didn't compare to the real thing. You were quickly getting closer to that edge, having been left without a release a few moments ago. Your breaths grew harsher against Wooyoung, your grip tighter and your legs clasped harsher around him. You weren't even thinking about the consequences of letting him do it raw.
Way too much in your head to make any smart decisions right now. When you felt Wooyoungs long fingers return to your pussy, on your clit. You were coming undone so fast. He kissed you through it, addicted to the taste of your lips and dragging it out as much as he could.
When you were started coming down your pussy still fluttered when Wooyoung was still thrusting, wanting to get to his own release. It came a moment later, his hips stilling in you and spilling his warmth into yours with a loud moan.
He caressed your hips slightly, pulling himself out of you. That made you wince, feeling a lot emptier than before, after having him filling you up for so long.
You also felt something pouring out of you, but you were too lazy to care. Just tired. The last thing you heard and felt before passing out was Wooyoung's voice and touch.
A pat to your hair, settling a fur over you. And his voice so low that you almost didn't hear it.
"We will stay together from now on, my little muse."
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7hyein · 3 months
hi everyone, i’m anne :) i am the new owner of this account, the old founder, my friend known as nini or grace has given me this acc due to her being too busy in her personal life ! so I hope everyone can welcome me as the new official owner here, I'm excited to start my journey as a moodboard creator on tumblr ! ♡
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i-luvsang · 7 months
red tulips — kim hongjoong
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for : 1.5k milestone event ➖⟢ pairing : florist!hongjoong x gn!reader ➖⟢ genres : fluff ➖⟢ cw : not proofread/edited, kissing ➖⟢ wc : 0.6K ➖⟢ rating : pg-13
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moodboard : hongjoong + flower shop + pastel blue/lavendar/pink
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kim hongjoong has always felt like quite the enigma to you. his mystery lies in his lavender colored hair, always a pretty contrast with his dark eyes and serious manner. most days, he certainly looks like he belongs in his flower shop, especially when he puts on his soft smile that makes his customers hearts melt, and buy a few extra blooms they didn’t really need. but when he hired you to help him with the business end of things for his shop, he surprised you with his sharp and darker fashion, impeccable and fitting with his intelligent and down-to-earth personality. you guess that you were expecting someone different, someone maybe a bit naive, a grinning dreamer without much sense who needed someone like you; business-like, a slight workaholic who’s secretly craving for something far more lovely than what you had before.
you certainly found lovely, in his eyes and his firm and welcoming handshake. it surprised you that he was just about as business-like as you. he knew exactly what his small business needed—impressive, because most business owners without proper training take forever to realize that all they need is just a bit of focused help; like you. he’s definitely a dreamer, with all the ambition and sense to make things happen. your ideals and talents go together just as well as like lime juice on mangoes; intriguing and successful in making people come back for more. not just customers, but the two of you as well.
without saying a word about it, you both always find yourself lingering, even when your shift is over. at first, you never came in until midday, so you could be around for closing. but as your time in the flowershop goes from weeks to months, you’re coming in early in the morning several days a week. 
there’s something magical about those mornings, when the sun is waking up with you, its bright and clear rays streaming into the wide windows of the shop and filtering through the plastic sheets and petals of new flower bunches ready to be made into masterpieces by hongjoong’s artist’s hands. it’s quiet, always, and you love to hear his shuffling footsteps in the back room or a soft sigh from his lips you’d miss otherwise.
that’s how you realize he’s got you wrapped around his finger and his fingers are clasped around your heart. the very heart you never thought you’d wear on your sleeve like this, much less give away without even knowing it until you’re waking up early just to hear a puff of air escape his lips.
and since you love him, you learn his language, clinging to his every word when he offhandedly explains the meaning behind flowers as he constructs a pretty new bouquet. he, on the other hand, doesn’t expect you to remember a thing about this silly little thing, just talking because you told him you like to listen to him talk. he thinks about that a lot.
it’s just that he doesn’t expect you to kiss him when he hands you a simple bouquet of red tulips. he tells you that the flowers are a token of his appreciation, a thanks for helping his small business become so successful in so short a time. but since you know better than that, you cut of his words with a gentle kiss that leaves him sputtering.
“i like you too,” you grin, holding the flowers pointedly up. for a moment, the flower-nerd part of his brain wonders if he should have started with something far more obscure in the language of flowers. he intended to build up to a verbal confession, but since you outpaced him without a second thought, he flicks aside any thought that isn’t about kissing you again. he presses his lips to yours, reaching his hand up to grab the bouquet and your sweet hand, pulling both you and the flowers closer until he decides to cast aside the blooms all together in favor of getting your body flush against his. he has plenty of spare red tulips.
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angelkiyo · 3 months
in bloom masterlist [sakusa kiyoomi x indie actress! reader]
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。゚•┈꒰ა ♡ ໒꒱┈• 。゚
author’s note: because of the recent haikyuu hype, i’ve been wanting to write abt kiyoomi bc he’s one of my favs in the manga :)) + also slight semi eita x reader but that’s irrelevant.
haikyu! belongs to haruichi furudate & this story belongs to me.
。゚•┈꒰ა ♡ ໒꒱┈• 。゚
all copyrighted content and material such as social media, pictures, books, songs, and products mentioned in this fan fiction belong to their rightful owners. (don't hit me w/ a lawsuit, i'm a broke high school student)
SOME WARNINGS TO NOTE- this story will possibly contain language, mature themes, cheating, shitty writing, and nonsensical shit that will most likely make you cringe.
i’ll try to update every week or when i feel like it b/c i'm busy
overall playlist for vibes
🎧 "love.” - wave to earth
🎧 “ivy" - frank ocean
🎧 "nobody gets me” - sza
🎧 “love galore" - sza ft. travis scott
🎧 “kingston" - faye webster
🎧 "about you” - the1975
🎧 “si no es contigo" - cris mj
🎧 "peso" - a$ap rocky
🎧 "nothing’s gonna hurt you, baby” - cigarettes after sex
ty for reading this ❤️
please keep in mind that this is a fan-fiction that will most likely have random shit that won't even make sense. i'll be using pictures from pinterest, so credit goes out to them!!
this is a modern/timeskip au <3
reader discretion is advised...
(will also include twt so)
-chapter i + moodboard
-chapter ii
-chapter iii
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i-can-even-burn-salad · 4 months
Sweet Little Lies is here!
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Download on my website
The book is available for free, as pdf or epub, but I do have a ko-fi here. As always, the epub contains image descriptions for the illustrations, the pdf does not.
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Genre: Fantasy Romance Approx. Length: 37.000 words
A scoundrel as sweet as the candy she sells
Aurelia’s days are filled with work. A charming stranger with a voice like soft caramel is a welcome distraction, even though she has more to worry about than the question of whether his lips are as sweet as his words. Someone is trying to put her out of business, and their methods keep escalating.
Laurent is scouting a target for his best friend’s heist when he dives into a candy store to avoid being spotted by the guards. What starts as an attempt to kill some time ends with his heart lost to the store owner’s warm smile. He wants to see her again but returning to the scene of the crime is playing with fire.
Fortunately, Laurent is a fire mage.
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Character art, moodboard, tags, and more in the WIP intro.
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meowrette · 9 months
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⇛ ♡  "oh trust me, there's a reason why i'm very busy" ..."
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❥ ⁺ plugdreamer ➞ meowrette
♡ㅤ。。。 requests ﹕closed! (layouts/icons only) inbox ﹕0/5!
ᅠ★  what? ﹕ 🌂 — layouts, stamps, pixels, moodboards, +
𝄞  ﹢  personal blog ﹕@yuumebow!  ✦ side blog ﹕@frillyre!
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︵︵  " about the flower "    ⸝  ♪
hello! i am the owner of this blog ♡ my names lumi or u can call me solar, i go by any pronouns and any terms (fem terms pref), i am an unlabeled sapphic minor, mostly questioning labels still >_<; ... i am an ambivert with social anxiety ,, infp/enfp (?) , i am autistic and have mental illnesses like maladaptive daydreaming disorder, adhd, bpd, suspecting npd + unlisted ,,, if u wish to know more about me check out my rentry ♡ thank u for reading! please have fun on my blog and enjoy! :3
︵︵  " thank chuu! "    ⸝  ♪
other notes ^_^ ,, credits to @/kiochisato for the dividers! my theme is ann from the waiting room on yt ~ ♪
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blackpink-jane · 5 months
ㅤㅤㅤ°ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ𖤐 ִֶָ 𝐉𝐀𝐍𝐄 𓂃 profile 🧷
( moodboard cred: @lorlita )
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。    ✧ everything is figureoutable ! ⁺    。
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— BIRTH NAME ੭ go minri
— CHANGED NAME ੭ hwang jane ❪ since. '06 ❫
— CHINESE NAME ੭ zhao shengyue
— JAPANESE NAME ੭ hayashi yukicho
— NICKNAMES ੭ yue ❪ c-friends ❫, chocho ❪ dad, j-friends, jisoo ❫, honey ❪ jennie ❫, honey unnie ❪ rosè, lisa ❫, twinie ❪ chungha ❫
— hangul ੭ 고민리 → 황제인
— hanzi ੭ 趙勝岳
— kanji ੭ 林幸蝶
— NAME MEANINGS ੭ jane, God is gracious _ shengyue, rising moon _ yukicho, snowy morning
— BIRTHDAY ੭ 9th February, 1996
— ZODIAC SIGN ੭ aquarius
— HEIGHT ੭ 170 cm ❪ 5'6" ❫
— WEIGHT ੭ 65 kg ❪ 143 lbs ❫
— GENDER ੭ female ❪ she/her ❫
— SEXUALITY ੭ bisexual
— RELATIONSHIP STATUS ੭ taken ❪ since. 2020 ❫
ㅤㅤㅤ🎀 | 𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐘 ⊱ 🐈‍⬛
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— MBTI ੭ entj / entp
— TRAITS ੭ independent, diplomatic, open-minded, energetic, impatient, ambitious, outgoing, confident, competitive, passionate, creative
— LIKES ੭ hugs, animals, waffles, makeup, dancing, martial arts, yoga, jogging, reading, playing video games, formula one, rugby, cars
— DISLIKES ੭ bananas, bright lights, spring season, insensitive people, snorers, knitting
— HOBBIES ੭ reading, baking, drawing, playing video games, go-karting, pottery, painting, jogging, annoying her twin brother eli, stealing her brothers clothes
ㅤㅤㅤ ❄ | 𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐄𝐄𝐑 ⊱ 🌬
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— COMPANY ੭ YG Entertainment ❪ 2012 - present ❫, Valor Entertainment ❪ 2024 ❫
— TRAINEE PERIOD ੭ 2012 ‐ 2016 ❪ 3 yrs & 4 mths ❫
— GROUP ੭ BLACKPINK ❪ 블랙핑크 ❫
— DEBUT ੭ 2016
— STAGE NAME ੭ JANE ❪ 제인 ❫
— INSTAGRAM ੭ diaryofjane ❪ personal ❫ ; valorent.official ❪ business ❫
— TWITTER ੭ diaryofjane ❪ personal ❫ ; valorent.official ❪ business ❫
— TIKTOK ੭ diaryofjane ❪ personal ❫ ; valorent.official ❪ business ❫
— YOUTUBE ੭ Valor Entertainment
— WEVERSE ੭ diaryofjane_
— SOLO DEBUT ੭ 2021
— APPEARANCES ੭ high society (jang yoonha, 2015), fight for my way (choi aera, 2017), what's wrong with secretary kim ? (kim miso, 2018), my name (yoon jiwoo, 2021), the kings affection (crown prince lee hwi, 2021), shang-chi and the legend of the 10 rings (xu xialing, 2021), the 355 (lin misheng, 2022), sweet home (lee eunyu, 2020-2023), a good day to be a dog (han haena, 2023), upgraded (ana, 2024)
— CHOREOGRAPHED FOR ੭ blackpink, treasure, taeyang, enhypen, aespa, le sserafim, boynextdoor, txt, ive, monsta x, joohoney, taylor swift, stray kids, seventeen
— PRODUCED FOR ੭ blackpink, txt, treasure, nct, aespa, selena gomez, niall horan, superm, ive, one direction, jeon somi, itzy, le sserafim
ㅤㅤㅤ 🌺 | 𝐅𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐘 ⊱ 🍃
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— MOTHER (adoptive) :
੭ Birth Name ; hwang luhua ❪ 황루화 ❫
੭ Chinese Name ; zhao luhua ❪ 趙露華 ❫
੭ Japanese Name ; hayashi natsumi ❪ 林なつみ ❫
੭ Birthday ; 28th June, 1974
੭ Occupation ; café owner
੭ Residence ; london, england
੭ Relationship Status ; married ❪ since. 1994 ❫
੭ Children ; 3
— FATHER (adoptive) :
੭ Birth Name ; hwang wijeong ❪ 황위정 ❫
੭ English Name ; kenny hwang
੭ Birthday ; 17th September, 1974
੭ Occupation ; head engineer for McLaren F1 Team
੭ Residence ; london, england
੭ Relationship Status ; married ❪ since. 1994 ❫
੭ Children ; 3
— BROTHER (adoptive) :
੭ Birth Name ; hwang jin ❪ 황진 ❫
੭ Chinese Name ; zhao mingtao ❪ 趙明濤 ❫
੭ Japanese Name ; hayashi kurotori ❪ 林黒鳥 ❫
੭ Birthday ; 9th February, 1996
੭ Occupation ; idol
੭ Residence ; seoul, south korea
੭ Relationship Status ; unknown
੭ Children ; 1
— BROTHER (adoptive) :
੭ Birth Name ; hwang junho ❪ 황준호 ❫
੭ Chinese Name ; zhao haoyu ❪ 趙浩宇 ❫
੭ Japanese Name ; hayashi isagi ❪ 林いさぎ ❫
੭ Birthday ; 9th February, 1996
੭ Occupation ; idol
੭ Residence ; seoul, south korea
੭ Relationship Status ; taken ❪ since. 2023 ❫
੭ Children ; 0
੭ Birth Name ; hwang cheonsa ❪ 황천사 ❫
੭ English Name ; angel hwang
੭ Chinese Name ; zhao shuijing ❪ 趙水晶 ❫
੭ Japanese Name ; hayashi hanami ❪ 林花見 ❫
੭ Birthday ; 10th October, 2021
੭ Occupation ; school ❪ private ❫
੭ Residence ; seoul, south korea
ㅤㅤㅤ🥀 | 𝐅𝐔𝐍 𝐅𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐒 ⊱ 💋
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𝐢. she is the tallest member of blackpink.
𝐢𝐢. jane refers to herself as a triplet, as both her adoptive brothers share the same birthday as her, and so they were raised as being referred to as triplets ! ( junho and jin are fraternal twins).
𝐢𝐢𝐢. she is the most extroverted in the group, and often finds great joy in embarrassing her fellow members in the public eye.
𝐢𝐯. miss girl is severely allergic to tomatoes – and she genuinely despises them, names them her greatest (and only) weakness in this world.
𝐯. jane has 2 cats named mochi and rari; she really wants her third pet to be a dog, and she plans to get one soon.
𝐯𝐢. a coffee enthusiast and cocktail connoisseur – like, she's actually quite skilled in mixology.
𝐯𝐢𝐢. she absolutely adores musicals, and cannot sit through a movie that is more than 2 hours long, her short attention span just does not allow it.
𝐯𝐢𝐢𝐢. within formula one the teams he's always supported since falling in love with the sport at 10, is mclaren – and in terms of her favourite rugby team, it's the all blacks, new zealand's national rugby team.
𝐢𝐱. jane is legally blind and cannot see a single recognizable object without her glasses or contacts – my girl lives in a world of shapes.
𝐱. her biggest scandal in her career was being in a rumored fist-fight with seventeen's the8.
26 notes · View notes
late-to-the-party-81 · 9 months
Finders Keepers - Chapter Four
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AN: How are we enjoying it so far? Feel free to inbox me or screech in a reblog/tags. Any predictions? Anyway, welcome to Chapter 4. Everything that happens here was supposed to just be the first half of the chapter, but it ran away with me, so I’ve identified an extra prompt and upped the chapter count of this story by one. This unbeta'd chapter is from Bucky’s POV. 
Likes are loved, reblogs are golden.
Dividers by @firefly-graphics and moodboard by me.
Bingo Fills - @buckybarnesbingo Square C1 - Hydra
Join my tag list here
Master list | BBB Master list 
Chapter Three
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Relationship: Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
Chapter word count: 3.8k
Chapter CW: Bucky Barnes POV, angst, protective PepperRhony, hand-wavy sci-fi and computer stuff, canon typical violence, Hydra, feels.
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Chapter 4 - The sins in my wake
In Potts’ Diner
Bucky schooled his features as you glared furiously and hurled your meagre stash of credits at him. Did he feel like the world’s biggest douchebag? Yes. Would he do it all the same if he had to do it again? Probably. Because no matter how frustrating you were, how much of a thorn in his side you were being, the truth was that it would be too easy to let you in. You were clever and funny. Resourceful and focused. And far too good for this life. If he didn’t make it hard for you, you’d fall even further in and he knew from personal, painful experience that no good came from going down that road.
You spun on your heel and stormed out, and Bucky watched you go. It was only when the door closed shut behind you that he moved, using his feet to nudge the credits on the floor into a pile and then retrieving them. He stacked them up on the table and then stood, only to find the three owners of the diner staring at him, scowls plastered on their faces. The hostess - tall and willowy, with strawberry blonde hair - stepped forwards, arms folded defensively across her chest. Her two husbands - the shorter server with sharply trimmed facial hair, and the tall, serious looking cook - crowded at her back.
“I don’t know what game you are playing with our girl,” she cautioned him, “but it stops now.”
“I fail to see how this is any of your business,” Bucky growled back and tried to shove past them. The cook stopped him with a firm hand to his shoulder.
“It’s our business because we say it is,” he replied, firmly. “That girl is like family to us. And we don’t let people hurt our family.”
Bucky didn’t even hide his eye roll. “Really? The shovel talk? You know who I am, right?”
The server, whose badge announced that his name was Tony, stepped into Bucky’s personal space and jabbed a finger into his chest. “Of course we know who you are, wiseguy. It’s only because of your normal, sparkling reputation, that we haven’t thrown you out yet. But this is your one warning. Leave her alone. She’s had it tough and doesn’t deserve to be treated like shit by you.”
Bucky wanted to retort that you weren’t the only one who’d had it difficult, but in the end all he said was “I know,” then he pushed past the trio and out into the mid-morning light. All your credits, more than were needed for the check, sat on the booth table.
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Bucky still remembered the first time he met you. Although he hadn’t shown it at the time, he’d been impressed with how you’d managed to get past his forcefield. In fact he’d only noticed your presence by chance. If he’d been at one of his other sites he’d have been none the wiser to your invasion. Yes, he’d been irritated by the fact you were there, but that was more with himself for obviously not having adequate security, but the rest of his attitude? Well that was all down to a more visceral reaction to you. Because you were just so god-damn open and earnest, and he’d known what you were going to say as soon as you opened your mouth. 
But Bucky Barnes didn’t do partnerships. He’d been burnt by that before and he just couldn’t risk it all going wrong, especially with someone as sweet and innocent as you seemed to be. And, in any case, you shouldn’t be down here, with the likes of him. You should be living higher up, in one of the towers, zipping around in a personal transport vehicle above the mist.
Any hope that he’d harboured after that first meeting that you’d just back off was short lived, because two days later you were back, practically sniffing out the edge of his territory, slow and cautious. His sensors and alarms tipped him off to your presence and he went up to one of his favourite high spots to observe you. You’d then impressed him once more by somehow sensing his gaze, working out where he was and then giving him a mock salute before turning back the way you’d come.
Over the next few days you’d worked out the size and shape of the area he claimed, and each time you also identified where he was observing you from. Again, Bucky hoped this would be the end of your curiosity, but it wasn’t. You were testing him, and away from prying eyes he couldn’t help but smile and be amused by your antics. The truth was that sometimes you were actually getting in and out without him noticing - he’d only realise later when he reviewed his sensor logs and saw the discrepancies.
Part of him knew he should stop you for your own good, but then he’d imagine the satisfied grin on your face when you’d thought you’d gotten away with it, and it made a part of him, long thought dead, warm. Maybe you would be okay? Maybe this life wouldn’t grind you down, chew you up and spit you out? Maybe one day he would be brave enough to let you in?
Then the rumours started - rumours of Hydra’s return to this part of the city. 
After the botched grav-train robbery that had left a guard dead and Bucky mutilated, Pierce had ordered Brock and his goons to withdraw and focus somewhere else. Too much attention had been drawn by the discovery of the still warm corpse at the next station. Luckily Bucky’s accident hadn’t been linked to it - he’d just seemed to be the victim of an unfortunate accident and the city security hadn’t questioned him too much. He’d been found by some passers-by and Bucky himself had been hazy on the details when interviewed at the hospital. He’d been on his own after that. Ma had passed away a year before his accident and then, because he wasn’t able to look after them while recovering himself, Becca and Ruthie had gone to live with an Aunt and Uncle upstate. He hadn’t seen them since, although he did send money. They were better off without him.
It was only with the clarity that came with a near-death experience that Bucky realised how bad things had gotten with Hydra, and how deep he’d gone with it. At the beginning, as a lost boy on the cusp of manhood, the gang had seemed like the answer to all his problems. Mr Pierce had acted like a kindly uncle, praising him and ruffling his hair whenever he achieved whatever task had been set for him. Brock, Jack and the others had seemed like brothers and cousins. It was all so exciting. But as the years went by the jobs got harder and less ethical, and there were physical reprimands for failure. Brock displayed a cruel, capricious streak, taking pleasure in meting out punishments, but by then Bucky thought it was just normal. He hadn’t signed on for murder, though, and while he wished he hadn’t lost his arm, he’d never regret getting himself out of that situation.
His recovery had been slow but he was able to use money he’d originally squirrelled away for Becca and Ruthie to pay towards his prosthetic. However, he’d still been in a mountain of debt and had started off doing odd jobs like fixing electronics just to make ends meet. Fixing items soon evolved into finding items, and it wasn’t long before he’d built up a reputation for being fast and fair. As bad as Hydra had been, being with them had given Bucky some valuable skills, and it seemed only right that he make use of them now to help not only himself but the local community.
He was a self-made man now and if the Hydra gang thought they could waltz back in and pick up where they’d left off six years ago they had another thing coming. However, he was mostly worried about you. You were still in the game and there was no way he wanted you to fall prey to Hydra’s clutches. He had no doubt that they’d approach you and try to pull you in. He also thought that you’d probably tell them to go to hell, but the problem was that he also knew that they wouldn’t take no for an answer. There was nothing else for it - he’d have to force you out and fast. No more mister nice guy.
He sighed as he walked away from the diner and headed back home. He’d known you’d been lying yesterday about not finding what you’d been after, and it hadn’t been hard to track you this morning when you went to deliver the PADD. He hadn’t even had to really follow you. Having identified where you lived early on, Bucky knew you’d come back after you’d made your delivery and probably celebrate with a proper meal - it was exactly what he did. All he had to do was wait by the closest diner to your apartment block. Hopefully now you’d get the message - back away from Finding and start over in another line of work that wouldn’t attract Hydra’s notice. You’d be safe and Bucky wouldn’t be distracted while trying to run Hydra out of town.
It was that plan he started to work on as he neared his home. He needed to check his sensors and vid-feeds, and then talk to some associates about any sightings of Brock and his boys. He unlocked his door with his thumb print and shucked his leather jacket, letting it drop onto the scruffy easy chair in his main living space before making his way over to a wall of monitors and consoles. He’d programmed his computer to search for sightings of Hydra symbols in the city camera system and there had only been a few over the last couple of weeks. 
There were several today.
With a rush of anxiety, Bucky’s fingers flew over the main console, bringing up the sightings on a map. His heart sank into the pit of his stomach. They were all on your side of the city, and in fact the one with the most recent timestamp was just around the corner from the diner, on one of the routes towards the apartment building where you lived. That couldn’t be a coincidence.
He spent the next several hours working through the code and finding his way through the firewalls to get access to the full camera network. Once he was in he had to find the right feeds, a task that was far more arduous than he’d anticipated and his jaw ached from clenching it while he worked. Finally though, he found what he was looking for - the camera that cross-referenced with his own sensor readings - and he downloaded part of the recorded feed. Turning to another monitor he started to watch it and his blood ran cold at what he saw. As he’d thought, you hadn’t joined them. He’d anticipated that upon your refusal that Brock would just kill you, but he didn’t. They stunned you and took you instead. Maybe they had hopes of ‘persuading’ you. Maybe, and that thought turned Bucky’s stomach, they were just going to play with you. Either way, you were still alive and if Bucky had anything to say in the matter, you’d remain that way. However, he had to find you first.
Bucky went back over the last few weeks of sensor readings, and started a correlation algorithm. It was strange that there were no sightings after you’d been taken. Using the camera system he managed to follow Brock and the others for a few blocks, but then he lost them, and no other camera’s picked up the symbols on their jackets. They’d gone from subtle to obvious and then back again and he couldn’t work out why. It was as though they knew they were being tracked and were taking steps to hide their movements apart from when they were taking you. What could they possibly gain…
His thoughts suddenly crashed to a halt, piling up one behind the other as realisation washed over him. They wanted whoever was watching to know they had you. 
You were the bait. 
For the watcher. 
For him! 
They wanted Bucky to come find them. If that was the case though, there had be clues as to where they were actually hiding out.
The computer chirped, signalling that the algorithm had finished analysing all the sightings. Bucky looked over the results, and smiled slyly. He knew where they were. He knew where you were. He ran his eyes back over the information to be certain and then pushed his chair back harshly, standing up. He grabbed his jacket again and then a pair of stunners, checking they were both at full charge and then set off. There was no time to lose.
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Bucky walked briskly. It would take him about an hour to get to the warehouse he’d identified as Hydra’s current HQ and Brock had had hold of you for far too long now. He dreaded to think what might have been done to you and his left hand whirred as it tightened into a fist. He might only have brought stunners with him, but he was willing to take more permanent action if required. The sky darkened as he walked, and he was thankful for the cover that it would give him.
As he made his approach, Bucky slowed down. First he had to walk around the outside of the building and work out the best way of getting in. He’d need to act swiftly when he did get inside - neutralise the threats and get you out safely - so being cautious now would pay off in the end. Bucky spent another thirty minutes reconnoitring the warehouse and by the end of it had a good idea of the layout. At one end of it there were lights on in a few small offices and Bucky could hear low, deep voices coming from inside. The other end of the building was dark, but he could hear the low hum of an active forcefield. That was probably where you were, but it was also the part of the building furthest from any entrance. Off to the side was the main warehouse area, but it didn’t appear to be in use. 
Having circled the building and identified there was only one viable entrance Bucky realised he had no choice - he’d have to go into the area where Brock and his boys were, take them out and then find you. He worked his way back around and positioned himself in the shadows to the side of the door. 
There was a camera above it, the red power light blinking regularly. Bucky knew that if he tried getting in with brute force, he’d be spotted easily and lose the element of surprise. Therefore he’d just have to wait.
He hated waiting.
Time passed in a haze as Bucky stayed pressed against the side of the building. The only sound was the background hum of the city and the only illumination was the glow of thousands of neon lights reflecting off the clouds and the light streaming from the two warehouse windows. Eventually the door slid open and one of the Hydra thugs stepped out, heading straight towards the city. Probably to go and get food, Bucky thought. He acted fast though, moving silently and swiftly from his place to slip in through the open door before it slid closed again. He sighed with relief when he saw the unmanned surveillance station, and crossed to it quickly. There were only two camera feeds active - the one above the door he’d just come through and one that was pointing at a cell. There you were, kneeling as close to the forcefield as you could get, switching your gaze between the dimly lit corridor and the camera itself, as if you were trying to work out how well you were being watched. With the press of a button he cut the camera. If you were watching that closely hopefully you’d know something was happening - that you’d know he was here and coming to get you. Now it was time to deal with his former gang.
It wasn’t hard to find his quarries. Light spilled out of two rooms, offset on opposite sides of the corridor from each other. Bucky stopped outside the first, and listened. He identified at least three voices coming from inside, one that he recognised and two that he didn’t. None of them were either Brock or his second in command, Jack. They must be in the other room, but he wouldn’t be able to get past this one without being seen. He’d just have to deal with it. Bucky un-holstered both stunners, took a deep breath, and then jumped through the doorway.
There were five occupants in the room. Two went down before they even knew what was happening. As the other three turned and stood, Bucky dove across the room to take cover behind a desk, knowing that the stunners’ whine would have attracted the attention of whoever was in the room on the other side of the hallway. Chairs and tables were upturned as Bucky’s immediate adversaries made their own cover. A different pitched whine sounded and a scorch mark appeared on the wall above his head. A phase pistol and it probably wasn’t set to a low setting either. He’d have to make every shot count.
Another deep breath and Bucky stood, aiming in the direction the phase pistol shot had come from. He hit his mark but saw another goon take aim from the corner of his eye. He twisted his body and the pistol shot glanced off his left arm. There was some feedback through the prosthetic which stung, but luckily didn’t actually do him any harm - there had to be some upside to having a metal arm after all. He turned back and hit the shooter, centre mass, on the highest stun setting and the guy went down.
“Barnes!” A voice roared from the doorway and Bucky hit the deck, curling up behind his inadequate cover as shots littered the wall behind him. Rumlow had entered the fray and he obviously wasn’t happy.
“Not glad to see me, Brock?” he called out.
“You’re the one who came in here, all guns blazing. Doesn’t seem like you want to talk,” came the gruff reply, although the pistol fire came to an unexpected halt.
“What’s a little stunner fire between friends?” Bucky snarked back, all the while listening for any movements that might help him identify how many people were left standing and where they were.
Rumlow snorted. “We ain’t using stunners.”
“So I gathered.” There was barely a heartbeat between Bucky answering and standing back up, stunning the last of his original opponents, satisfying himself that only Rumow and Rollins remained and then ducking back down to avoid the expected hail of return fire.
“The problem with  stunners, though,” Rumlow drawled as he carefully stepped forwards, “is that they run out of charge mighty quick, especially on their highest setting.”
Bucky waited in a crouch behind the desk, muscles poised, because Rumlow was right. His stunners were out of power and now all he had were his wits and his fists. However, Rumlow was also predictable and as soon as his shadow started to loom over Bucky’s cover, Bucky shot up, knocking Rumlow’s right arm, and therefore the pistol, to the side with his own left arm and then punching Rumlow directly on the nose with his right. 
Rumlow staggered back, momentarily blinded and Bucky vaulted over the desk, taking advantage of Rollin’s own disorientation to crack him across the jaw with a metallic left hook. Rollin’s head snapped back and his eyes rolled. He was unconscious before he even hit the floor. Dazed, Rumlow shook his head, droplets of blood splattering over the floor from his broken nose and he dropped his pistol before raising his hands and gesturing for Bucky to come at him.
“You wanna be the big man, Barnes? Let’s see what you’ve got.”
Bucky cracked his neck to the side and then circled his left arm to re-calibrate it. The servos whirred and he couldn’t help but grin at the slight flash of concern that passed over Rumlow’s features.
“Worried, Brock? You’re the reason I have this arm, so you only have yourself to blame.” Bucky surged forwards, jabbing out towards Rumlow’s bloody face with his right fist, but his former friend just blocked it. However, in doing so, his body was left exposed and a reverse jab to his ribs left the big man winded.
“That train guard didn’t have to die,” Bucky bit out, realising that this was the first time since the accident that he’d seen Rumlow to confront him over what had happened.
His former friend wheezed at him through a bloodied grin. “He was in the way. And people in the way are always disposable. Just like your girl. Let me tell you, she’s a feisty one. You know how to pick ‘em. Cries so prettily as well.”
Bucky knew that Rumlow was trying to goad him, get him riled up so that he made a mistake, but he couldn’t stop the veil of rage that settled over him as he heard the man speak about you. He didn’t know yet what had been done to you, or what state he’d find you in. His feelings must have been writ large over his face because the smug bastard couldn’t resist taunting him further.
“She seemed to think that you didn’t actually care for her, but I knew she was wrong.  You wouldn’t be here otherwise. What have you been doing with her? Staying away out of some tortured sense of nobility?” He spat a mix of blood and saliva onto the floor. “You’re too soft, Barnes. You gotta take what you want in this life and damn whoever gets in your way. You’d still have two proper arms if you’d just accepted that sometimes there’s collateral damage.”
“Brock? Shut the hell up.” Bucky renewed his attack and the two men fought savagely. Rumlow was older and more experienced, and Bucky wasn’t able to block every blow - including one that glanced off his right cheek bone and made him see stars - but Bucky had years of repressed rage and a prosthetic on his side. Thinking back later, it was as though he entered some kind of fugue state, where he was acting purely on basic instinct, but when the world suddenly became clear again he realised he was straddling Rumlow’s unconscious body, beating his face bloody. 
Bucky pushed himself away and up in disgust. The man was barely breathing, but he couldn’t find it in himself to care. He had to find you and get out of here. The first guys he’d stunned would be coming round soon and the one who’d left might return any moment, and he didn’t really want to go hand to hand again if he could avoid it.
Exiting the office, he turned down the corridor that would lead to the forcefielded room at the other end. As he jogged down it, he could hear movement, but he couldn’t place it. It wasn’t the regular sound of someone walking or running, but more like an irregular stomp. Then he rounded a corner and saw you, clinging to the wall and hopping as fast as you could. He didn’t know how you were out of your cell - the hum of the operational forcefield still filled the air - but somehow you were. He sped up, desperate to get to you but could only watch as you lost your balance and tumbled to the floor. Desperate sobs reached his ears, and Bucky swore his heart ached from the sound.
“We’ve gotta stop meeting like this, doll,” he said softly. “I’m getting a sense of deja vu.”
You turned on the floor and when Bucky saw the relief flood your features he couldn’t help but fall to the floor and pull you into his arms. You fitted as though you’d been made to be there. When your quiet voice wavered out a stunned “You came for me?” Bucky felt something inside his chest crack open. He pulled you in, just a little bit tighter, and whispered into your hair “Always, doll. I’ll always come for you.”
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Chapter five
Tag list: @christywrites, @alexakeyloveloki, @wolfsmom1, @doasyoudesireandlive, @sonatabee-blog, @goldylions, @galactusdevourerofworlds, @apenny4thots, @km-ffluv, @wheezy-stucky, @mrs-illyrian-baby
44 notes · View notes
chaotic-on-main · 11 months
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a little moodboard I made for @happybird16 because I felt inspired
Levi Ackerman never thought he would settle down. It wasn’t as if he never wanted it- it was just something that he never thought was possible for someone like him. Of course, it was self imposed – he just wasn’t the approachable type. But then one day, you stumbled into the little café he worked in on a day he wasn’t even supposed to be scheduled. You were quite frazzled, something he didn’t really care to know why until much later down the road. You had asked what he might recommend and he couldn’t help but scoff because that’s not the first time someone came in and wasted his time on a busy morning. But perhaps you caught him on a good day because he didn’t say anything back and just started on your order. You watch as his adept fingers move gracefully as he takes out a tea sachet and plops it into steaming water. You never thought you’d be a tea person until that day. After one sip, you became a regular.
You would come in almost every day, sometimes even twice. He didn’t really care to ask, though he did start getting curious as to how you’re getting this much money to buy tea every day. It got to a point where he’d see you walk in and he would step away from whatever he was doing (yes, even from a customer he was already serving) to make your order exactly the way you liked it.
One slow day after months of this routine, you came in crying and though he felt he might regret it, he asked what was wrong. You sniffled, mumbled something about being unsafe at home, and he had a revelation that this is why you come in so much. He asked what happened, this time out of concern, and maybe it was because you were so comfortable in his presence that you told him about your living situation- most days you never felt security from the person you should be calling family. And now he doesn’t think twice about asking if you needed a place to stay for the night – though he does internally kick himself- how stupid of him to ask someone he doesn’t even know. You of course declined politely, gave him a smile, then grabbed your hot cup from his fingers before sitting down in your favorite spot.
He can’t help but watch you the rest of the evening as you stare blankly out the rain-dropped window facing the street. You didn’t realize what the time was until you felt someone sitting in the chair in front of you. Tired gray eyes stare at you over the owner’s own to-go cup of whatever it was. His apron is draped over his shoulder and behind him, the café is dimly lit and empty. They were closed. You apologize for overstaying your welcome and start to pack up but he reaches over and grabs your bag before you can leave. “It’s late.” Is all he says. Maybe it was the sense of security that you haven’t felt in so long, but you ask if his invitation is still open.
Suddenly, it’s a few years later and you’re setting a box filled with heavy dishes down onto a marble countertop, the sound of the impact reverberating off the empty walls. Evening birds chirp through the open windows as the golden sun rays filter through. A contented sigh escapes you as you take in the moment. “Let’s call it here for the night.” A familiar voice says next to you. When you look over, you’re greeted with a lopsided smile. How fortunate it was that Levi picked up that shift so many years ago.
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munsonsduchess · 2 years
Three Men and a Baby
summary: when you leave for the day and it's up to eddie, gareth and jeff to look after rose sometimes there's just no telling what kids will get up to w/c: 2,773 warnings: eddie has a mini freak out, there's mentions of a bad childhood, eddie talks about being murdered, eddie feels like a bad dad a/n: so this is a day late because i had a lot of emotions yesterday but then i saw the sun today and things weren't so bad, this is another instalment of the God and Goddess of Hellfire and you can find all the other parts on my masterlist
if you like this please reblog since it helps me out so much!
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(moodboard by me)
It was inventory day in the record store, why the owner felt the need for an inventory day in what was all but a failing business in what was all but a ghost town you had no idea. Sales had dwindled as people had left Hawkins en masse and those that remained all seemed to want to shop in the Tower Records in the Mall instead of the small independent one downtown. 
You understood more and more Joyce's initial outrage about the mall in the summer of 85, before everything happened. Truth be told you were closer and closer every day to putting your own resume in, at least then you'd be guaranteed hours and a steady paycheck.
As it stood you were still employed in Kenny's downtown and you would do your job until you couldn't anymore. Which meant Eddie being alone with Rose all day,
"You should call the guys cover, hang out, get some human interaction"  you'd told Eddie, "Miss Rosie isn't exactly up on her Ozzy vs Dio debate topics" 
Your daughter giggled in her father's arms as you tickled her little sides, her chubby little fingers reaching out for you,
"Gasp Rosie did you hear what Mommy said?" Eddie smiles broadly at his daughter, "you are the most proficient at debates!" 
Rose gurgled happily at the attention. She was definitely Eddie's daughter, and loved being the centre of attention,
"I'll take your word for that. Seriously, call the guys over. I'm sure they'd be happy to hang out. I'll see you both later. Bye bye baby girl" 
"Bye bye Mommy!" Eddie held Rose's little hand up to wave, "say bye bye" 
Rose babbled something that you were sure meant goodbye, she and Eddie stood in the doorway and watched until you'd driven out of sight,
"Well Rosie Posie I guess it's just you and me. Why don't we call uncle Gareth and Uncle Jeff huh? Does that sound good?" 
Rose exclaimed happily and Eddie just laughed. He would take that as a yes. 
The doorbell rang, sounding throughout the house. Eddie looked up from where he was currently changing his daughter and yelled through an open window,
"It's open! Come on in!" Eddie went back to the task at hand, hearing the door open and Gareth's voice call out for him with Jeff following behind, "I'm upstairs, Rose needed changed"
If you'd asked Eddie's bandmates and lifelong friends about his capabilities as a father they'd have laughed at you.  It wasn't that they didn't think he would be capable but given his less than stellar childhood, pre Wayne of  course, there was no way Eddie would even want kids.
Then you'd broken the news, Eddie did in fact want kids, this kid in particular. The kid who was currently laughing and wrapping strands of her father's hair around her fingers while he buttoned up her little black onesie,
"Ta da!"Eddie presented his daughter to the other two men and Jeff couldn't hold back a sigh when he saw the little bat wings on the back of the onesie, "Miss Rose just needed a little costume change, much more metal" 
"Dude she's a baby, she doesn't have to be metal" Gareth laughed, it was all for show of course. Eddie was just as guilty of buying those cute little floral dresses for Rose as you were,
"Nah man she's Corroded Coffin's number one fan. Most Metal Baby Ever" Jeff said easily, "just don't tell your mom I said that ok baby girl?" 
"Mama!" Rose giggled happily, she might not exactly comprehend what's going on, she's just happy to be included. 
The plan for the day was just to jam a little and see what inspiration hit, the band now had a standing gig in a bar in Salem that Eddie heard about through work. The Hideout ended up getting trashed when all the gates opened in 86 and they never really bothered rebuilding since it had been a dive beforehand and there was no way they were spending money bringing everything up to code after the 'earthquakes' so they just demolished the building. 
According to local town gossip they were going to build either a McDonalds, a new bowling alley, or any number of things that had long since been promised by the Mayor and had never come to fruition. Eddie had heard from Hopper that they were probably just gonna leave it as an abandoned lot, the police apparently had orders to just keep people out and make sure kids weren't running around in the rubble that was still left. 
Eddie didn't want Rose to feel left out while he and the guys were working so he sat her down at her own little table with some crayons and pages, 
"Here honey why don't you draw a picture for Mommy and we'll put it on the fridge so she can see it when she comes home" 
"What's the deal anyway? How come inventory takes a whole day?" Gareth asked, he had brought a pair of drumsticks with him and was currently tapping out a rhythm on an upturned piece of tupperware, "it's not like the store's that busy" 
"I dunno man, apparently the old man's always done it like this and he aint changing anytime soon" Eddie replied, strumming out a few notes on his acoustic,
"I'm kinda surprised the place is still open" Jeff said, "I mean the place in the mall is never not busy" 
Eddie sighed, it was something you'd both spoken about. You'd agreed on putting your government hush money away for Rose for whatever she wanted to do with her life, if she wanted to go to college, or travel. 
"Let's just focus on the music, I'd love to demo something new on saturday!" Gareth said changing the subject, 
"An amazing idea Sir Gareth!" Eddie's usual exuberant personality came back as he shook his head and put pen to paper, "let's write something that's gonna blow everyone away" 
The three men spent the better part of an hour writing and playing, throwing ideas back and forth, laughing, chatting, throwing wadded up balls of paper at one and other when something didn't work out. 
It was around lunch time when the group decided to take a break, stretch their legs, Gareth and Jeff were going to have a smoke while Eddie rummaged around in the kitchen to see what they could scrounge up for lunch,
"Alright Miss Rose, lets see what you've been working on" Eddie knelt down to look at Rose's table and the little scribblings she'd been working on. Nothing coherent really but Eddie figured he'd pick the most colourful one to put on the fridge and then pick one for Wayne and another for Joyce and Hop.
As he looked through the scribblings and started putting the crayons away so Rose could go down for her afternoon nap Eddie couldn't help but notice the black crayon was missing. It wasn't on the table, it wasn't on the floor or in the carton. As Eddie looked around he couldn't help but notice Rose was sniffling and her little nose looked very red on one side,
"Oh no, Rose, baby, tell me you didn't" Eddie scooped up his daughter and tilted her head back a little, sure enough there was the black crayon wedged up her nose. He could only see the bottom but that was enough, "oh this is bad, your mom is going to kill me" 
"What's up Ed?" Jeff asked coming back into the room, "who's gonna kill you?"
"Rose has a crayon up her nose. I can't see the whole thing and I have no idea how i'm gonna get it out. I'm so dead" 
Eddie could feel the panic creeping up his spine. How was he going to get this out? Did he try tweezers? If he couldn't see the whole crayon then how was he supposed to get it out? It was pretty far up there too, if he used tweezers would it hurt Rose? 
Rose, apparently sensing her father's distress, began crying in sympathy. Which was the last thing Eddie wanted right now. He needed to do something.
The first thing Eddie thought to do was to try tweezers, he knew you kept a pair in your makeup bag and while they might not be the exact thing they would use in a hospital he had to try. Asking Gareth to hold Rose's head and Jeff to hold her hand Eddie tried to get a grip on the crayon with your tweezers but Rose just cried harder and Eddie couldn't continue, thinking he was hurting her. 
The next thing Eddie thought about was calling Steve, he worked with kids so maybe he knew what to do. Steve however wasn't home so that was a bust,
"Dude we should go to the ER" Jeff said, "get a doctor to pull it out" 
"If we go to the ER then it's on her permanent medical record. I'm trying to stop anyone from having to plan my funeral" 
"Dude I don't think you'll get murdered for this, I think you're worried about nothing" Gareth added, "shit like this happens to kids all the time!" 
"Yeah but it happened on my watch! Alone! I had one job and that was to look after Rose!" Eddie thread his fingers through his hair and pulled at his scalp.
Gareth and Jeff looked at one and other before nodding. Jeff going to untangle Edde's fingers from his hair and Gareth to the phone book in the drawer in the kitchen,
"You know the chief and Byer's mom don't you?" Gareth said, "why don't you ask her for help?" 
"Yeah man that's a great idea, I'm sure both Byers got weird shit stuck in their nose or whatever when they were kids" Jeff agreed, "i'm sure she can help" 
"Yeah, yeah Joyce is always around to help" Eddie agreed, he moved into the kitchen and grabbed the phone from the wall and dialled Joyce's number. 
"Byers" the sound of Hopper's voice came through the line, that wasn't who Eddie was expecting but the Chief had a kid before Supergirl so maybe he could help too,
"Hey Hop it's Eddie" 
"What's up kid? You need Will? I think he's at Lucas' place" 
"Uh no, I was gonna ask if you could help? Rose has, uh, gotten into some trouble" 
"What kind of trouble?" 
"Um, she has a crayon stuck up her nose?" 
There was silence on the other end of the line and Eddie's panic rose again. Was the chief judging him? Did he think Eddie was a terrible father? That's when the laughter started,  which wasn't what Eddie had expected,
"Oh boy, that takes me back"  Hop laughed, "be thankful it's a crayon, you could probably get a decent grip on it" 
"Um we tried that already, I think it was hurting Rose cause it's pretty far up there" 
"Hm, you got any pepper in the place?" Hop asked, "sometimes you can make em sneeze it out" 
"Pepper? Do we have any pepper?" Eddie asked frantically, "we need to make her sneeze it out" 
"I said sometimes, it isn't a guarantee kid" 
"Is there anything guaranteed to get the crayon out?" 
"Sure take the kid to Hawkin's General and have a doc pull it out for her" 
"That isn't going to make me look like the world's worst dad" 
"You're not a bad father Eddie, kids do this, i mean if you're really stuck you could try Karen"
"Sure, she's got Holly and I'm sure Mike got stuff stuck everywhere when he was a kid" 
"I thought Joyce said you had to be nicer to Mike now he and Will are dating?" 
"I'm … nice" 
Gareth was the one who found the pepper and put a little on his hand while Jeff held Rose so Gareth could lift his hand up and try to make Rose at least smell the pepper. She only cried louder. So that was a bust as well,
"So do you have the Wheeler's number?" 
Eddie, Gareth and Jeff pulled up outside the Wheeler home around half an hour later, after a phone call with Karen who was more than happy to help out,
"Didn't Nancy say her Dad voted for Regan?" Jeff asked, "like on purpose?" 
"Yeah, Bush too" Gareth said, "both times" 
"If you guys wanna wait out here I totally get it" Eddie said, "Ted isn't anyone's favourite person" 
Gareth and Jeff had another silent conversation and sighed. They were there to support Eddie and if that meant walking into Conservative Right Wing Suburban Hell then that's what they'd do. 
Karen Wheeler however was nothing like anyone had expected. Sure Eddie had met her briefly a few times when he'd picked the kids up or dropped them off but being in her home and drinking her homemade lemonade while she fussed over Rose and bounced the little girl on her hip,
"Now honey bunny, what's this I hear about you having a little accident?" Karen asked, Rose babbled an answer and Karen nodded her head as though Rose had actually spoken, "I know sweetie but you can't scare your Daddy like that!" 
"I didn't even see her do it! I took my eyes off her for two seconds" Eddie lamented, 
"You can't beat yourself up about it. The amount of things Nancy stuck up her nose or Mike got stuck in his ears when they were little, we used to be in the ER every other week!" 
"Nancy stuck stuff up her nose?" Eddie laughed, "no way" 
"All the time! She was the worst!" Karen put aa free hand to her chest and shook her head, "but i've seen all the tricks so I think I know just what to do" 
"You do?" Eddie all but shot up out of his seat,
"Here honey, back to Daddy" Karen handed Rose back over to Eddie with a smile, "Now Eddie you're gonna want to put your mouth Rose's mouth and nose like you were giving her CPR. Put your finger on the nostril without the crayon and then blow real hard" 
Far be it from Eddie to question such strange instructions if it was going to help Rose. So he did as Karen said and blew as hard as he could and sure enough the crayon popped right out to the point where Eddie almost swallowed it and all the snot that came with it. 
"Well that was gross" he said wiping his mouth, "but it worked and I can't thank you enough" 
Jeff and Gareth put their heads down and tried their hardest to control the laughter shaking their shoulders. Eddie had done a lot of gross stuff in his time but this might take the cake, 
"I'm glad! It's always scary the first time, but now you'll know what to do next time!" Karen said with a smile, 
"Oh no, there will be no next time. I'm never taking my eyes off her again when she's got something in her hands" Eddie said. Rose seemed however to now be in the best of spirits as if scaring her father almost grey was the funniest thing in the world. 
Headed back to the house with tupperware full of homemade baked goods and a crayon free baby Eddie was exhausted. What was supposed to be a quiet chill day had turned into something else entirely, no sooner had the three men made it back into the house and put Rose down for a nap did you come through the door yourself,
"You're home early!" Eddie bounced up out of his seat to greet you, "I thought you wouldn't be back till late?" 
"Yeah well we got finished super early, cause you know. Nothing has really left the store in months" you shrugged, "honestly Kenny is just hanging on but I have no idea for what" 
"Maybe he thinks he'll get a big buyout" Gareth laughed, "since y'know downtown is so desired" 
"Yeah that's bound to be it" you agreed, "we all know how valuable property in Hawkins is these days" 
Eddie was so incredibly grateful for his friends at that moment. He had no idea how he was supposed to tell you about what had happened and to have that little buffer, especially when you spoke again
“So did anything fun happen today?”
The three  men looked at each other and considered their options and what your reaction might actually be to the truth before Jeff spoke, 
"No, not really. Just a totally normal, quiet day"
taglist: @pillow-titties @eddiemunsonwillbethedeathofme @munsonology @thegirlblogstuff @boomhauer @prettyboyeddiemunson @hellfireeddie6 @that-lame-ghoul9000 @flashyourgreeneyesatme @anxiousstark @ruinedbythehobbit @winnifredburkleismyhero @manda-panda-monium @insertcoolnameherethanks @likeficsinthewnd @aftermidnightwriting @filthy-gorgeous-library
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nerdieforpedro · 3 months
A Walk with your Pilot
Security Log Drabbles part of the Secret Springs Shenanigans
My entire masterlist and blog are for readers 18+ MDNI. I do not consent to my work being used in AI, recommended on TikTok, borrowed or plagiarized.
Summary: It’s been slow for security, until a silent partner makes her presence known and a new Marcus is discovered. Chloe tried to apologize to Frankie.
Warnings: possible kidnapping, allusions to smut, banana 🍌, Frankie being a sweetheart, Ezra being a scoundrel but also that money 💰
Word Count: 1k+ (an actual Drabble!)
Notes: I made liberal use of @pedropascalito ‘s wonderful Ezra Moodboard. Ezra is a scoundrel in this one, but in their Moodboard he’s a sweetheart. The counter is totally legit, this version of Ezra is Nerdie aka NP’s fault. 👀
Main Masterlist/ Frankie Morales Masterlist
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My security logs have been scant…not for lack of reporting. Everyone is well behaved, enjoying themselves. It’s very good, meaning less work for all of us, though I have a few concerns.
Our silent business partner, let’s call her NP. She apparently was at the Secret Springs without giving me or Dave a heads up, she also took a third Marcus who came down from one of the surrounding mountain ranges (that is a mystery on its own) for an interrogation and neither of them have been seen for the last few days. Then suddenly this morning, the third Marcus is sipping orange juice with the Mayor and the other two Marcus’s. Dave and I were perplexed and the only message we got from NP was:
He’s solid. He’s firm. He responded appropriately. He’s got quite an appetite. I handed him over to the Mayor in good condition.
I’m not an idiot, but I’m also pretty sure that kind of questioning (if you can even call it that) is entirely illegal. Roman Marcus doesn’t appear to have any complaints and says a real man shows you better than he tells you. I did not need to hear those words while he’s eating a banana shirtless but I’ll tell him I will keep that in mind. Mayor El says happy for all of our through work. I can only nod and take the compliment. It’s only been a week here.
Speaking of, I took Frankie to lunch to apologize for trying to go through his belongings and passing out drunk in his room. Neither were my best moments. I try to explain that I am a sane person, but the quizzical look he gives me informs me otherwise.
“Most people would try to be nice to the guy flying them halfway across the world. Or at least be more discreet about it. Are you sure this is the job for you querida (sweetheart)?”
“That’s why I’m taking you to lunch to apologize. That’s nice and I am excellent at my job! You’re the problem, I’ve been off kilter trying to-“ He’s sitting across from with his arms crossed, a slight lean and his lips curling into a grin. I feel like calling him a jerk, but he’s just being himself I assume. I can’t fault him for that. “Never mind. Just, see you around Frankie.” Retreat is always a viable option and one which I plan to use as I get up from the table. He grabs the hem of my white blouse, it’s lose and my yellow bathing suit is sticking out of the top near my neck.
“Hold on there Chloe, how about we go for a walk? You can do some more rounds and we can talk. Ask me anything you want to know.” His suggestion is a good one, but I should stay focused. But also maybe be a little selfish on my part. I agree and we begin our stroll.
I soon forget how nervous Frankie made me originally. He explains that he settled in Florida after serving with the Special Forces during his time in the military. One of his brothers in arms recommended this gig to not only make some extra money but for him to get away from usual business back home. Morales said that it was nice not having to worry about gators at all.
We passed by Ezra’s Beach Shop and I said hello. That usually leads to at least a five minute description from the owner about everything that could have happened this morning. Today’s answer was not a ramble but succinct, curious, I asked him if anything was the matter and he replied there was not. Suddenly, two women pop up from under the counter which he was seated behind. One bumped her head and both stared at Frankie and I. They each kissed Ezra’s cheek and left him some money on the counter, carrying a small plastic bag each with them. About twenty dollars from each woman.
“Should I even ask if that’s the stuff you keep under the counter that they just paid for in addition to the small items they have?”
Ezra scratches the exposed part of his chest above where his tank top scoops down. He’s never not sweaty, to be fair it is hot. He stands and thankfully his dark green trunks are not disheveled. He gathers the money with his one hand and plops it in a lock box he has next the small register. “The ladies were sought out some shelter from the blistering sun and I did not have ample room under my umbrella. I did advise against going under the counter but that is what they chose.” He presses his palm on the counter and snickers, “As to why they left me such a large tip, I cannot say. You’re well acquainted with my gift of gab, they also could have taken pity on an unfortunate man such as myself.” His explanation is hot air, but he adds a wiggle of his right residual limb to add to his point.
I know there’s no merit in arguing with him, whatever happened, I didn’t see it directly. “Keep your tips to the monetary kind Ezra. I’ll be back.”
“And I will look forward to it my dear straight laced Chloe. Enjoy your time with your gentleman here. Maybe he’ll introduce you to a tip.” Ezra ends as we walk away.
Frankie looks back and the shopkeeper waves goodbye. “Seems pretty cheap for your tip there. Maybe they didn’t get enough bang for their buck.” His snicker makes me lean on the nearest tree in laughter while I hear Ezra click his tongue in annoyance.
I like Frankie even more, he managed to get the last word in on Ezra.
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Those who may adopt the M.O.P method: @maggiemayhemnj @goodwithcheese @secretelephanttattoo @undercoverpena @megamindsecretlair
@fhatbhabiee @tinytinymenace @morallyinept @readingiskeepingmegoing @survivingandenduring
@inept-the-magnificent @604to647
Ending day seven log:
Violence - None
Public intoxication - None
Public Nudity - None (still suspicious of what goes on under that counter)
Destruction of Property - None
Injuries: Minor = possibly 10+ (I only saw Roman Marcus’ upper body. It was a mix of old and new marks. I’ll have to reach out to NP later)
Chlóe’s well-being: On the mend. Turns out lunch and walks are solid remedies
Security Log One. Security Log Three
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cable-knit-sweater · 2 years
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King of my Heart
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a moodboard by cable-knit-sweater
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes
Rating: T
Tags: modern royalty, Prince Bucky, meet-cute
Summary: After leaving the army, Steve decides to take a break before deciding on his next career move. He wants to see some of the world, for once not wearing army fatigues and seeing little of a country apart from combat zones. He goes to Europe first, traveling mostly by train, going to the big cities and famous sights.
Eventually, mostly by chance, he ends up in a small kingdom (that he’s never heard of), where he stays in a bed & breakfast, not intending to stick around for long. It’s a gorgeous country, that much he can’t deny- so much untouched nature, beautiful idyllic towns, great food, wonderful people. He likes it, for now, but his break can only last so long, and there’s so much he still wants to see.
One day, he meets a man in a coffee shop. They make small talk over the book Steve’s reading, and when they start to talk about what Steve’s doing in town, the man, Bucky, insists on giving him a tour of his favorite places. Steve takes him up on it, and for the next couple of days, Bucky shows him the sights.
Steve realizes that people look at them funny sometimes, that people are always very willing to accommodate them. He thinks it’s probably because Bucky is rich - he exudes money, even if he doesn’t act like the spoiled rich brat he’d expected him to be based on first impressions. Maybe people treat them differently because Bucky is so god damn gorgeous - Steve knows that he himself doesn’t know how to act or speak or breathe when he’s around him sometimes.
That is, until Bucky invites him to a party. He tells Steve he’ll take care of everything, he just has to show up. When Steve gets back to his B&B that night, a gorgeous velvet suit is waiting for him. It’s that night - talking to the B&B owner he’s become friendly with, he finds out that Bucky, or James, is the heir to the throne of the small kingdom.
Steve, to put it mildly, freaks out.
Steve’s just Steve. A kid from Brooklyn. He has no business hanging around royalty and going to fancy parties and being on the arm of a god damn real life Prince. He shouldn’t go to the party. He should travel on, or go home, back to his real life. He doesn’t belong here.
But he can’t stay away. He’s in too deep already.
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Created for @cabottombingo card CB304 | Square: C2 - AU: Modern Royalty
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