#business matchmaking site
itgirlgyu · 10 months
✷ zb1! if not the idols of your heart, what jobs would they be doing?
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み this is just inspired by the in bloom lyrics for fun!!! 𓂃𓈒 zb1 ot9 ࿁ do not take it seriously please! › ‹゜
𖥔 zhang hao!
morning show news reporter.
he's up there at the ass crack of dawn at some random man's roof reporting to you live.
like why are you telling me that the morning has come boy??
also see him in the street doing personal interviews but it's always so invasive.
like "have you ever gotten hemmoroids? what are your thoughts on it?"
𖥔 kim jiwoong!
weather boy.
like why are you backing up zhang hao like has the flowers bloomed??
he's gonna tell us that's it's spring next.
it just makes sense because when he has to point somewhere north west in the map
he gets out his make shift cane like he's borrowed it off mr. grey
and he starts appealing his ass to the camera as much as possible.
the rating of morning show has been all time high!
𖥔 sung hanbin!
marriage matchmaker brand ambassador.
neither married nor dating but that's only because he has to lure in customers.
there's cutouts of him making a surprised face at a ring at every corner of seoul.
national "the kind of face that makes you want to get married." in korea.
𖥔 seok matthew!
chain restaurant owner.
but he's like at every goddamn establishment of his, running his mouth and working his ass off with the staff in the kitchen and the servers.
like he's using a hanky to wipe his sweat as closes a partnership deal with a multi millionaire company while serving chicken.
he literally only got big with the help of word of mouth.
like that's the power of a motormouth
𖥔 kim taerae!
strong feeling he should be a judge at rupaul's drag race.
like he literally started the whole sassy men trend idc
he'd get it.
but also he should have been a vine star turned singer either way because
i feel like he'd eat that "here's come hurricane katrina bitch" song.
𖥔 ricky!
jobless rich handsome senior.
literally don't see him working anything other than that god given face of his.
maybe a florist.
but the one that has like 30 staffs under him and only works as an influencer for his 30000 dollars a bouquet business.
like the most he'd do is post a picture on his instagram fixing the bow on his 300000000 dollar bouquet.
and it's always white roses.
𖥔 kim gyuvin!
works part time as a crane in a construction site.
not using the crane but as the crane.
had news paper from all over the globe coming to him like how do you do it?!?
gyuvin—"gotta utlise my height somehow."
also works part time as a break up guru.
i feel like he'd excel in it.
𖥔 park gunwook!
community service down the street with jongho.
he's at there helping grandmas cross the streets and singing and dancing and breaking fights.
breaking apples and showing off his strength.
like yes granny don't worry he'd braid both of yalls hair!
𖥔 han yujin!
i do not support minors working!
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COPYRIGHTS RESERVED TO ITGIRLGYU 23'. FEEDBACKS AND REBLOGS ARE APPRECIATED! PERM' TAGLIST: @impureperhaps @full-sunnies @ox1-lovesick @jisungsdaydreamer @wonioml @1921choi @forever-in-the-sky2 @beoms-sugar @gyuletters
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For many, Matchbox toy cars evoke childhood memories of afternoons spent driving over mountainous sofas and screeching around table leg bends. These days for bargain hunters and boot sale stalkers, they can now mean five figure sums for the right toy. But did you know they were manufactured in the East End of London?
The company existed until 1982 and had been started by Leslie and Rodney Smith who started an industrial die-casting company which they named Lesney Products in 1947. The name Lesney came from an amalgamation of their first names Les-Ney.
Starting off in a small building in Hackney, the move into toys only happened when they were sub contracted to cast toy guns for another company, with a cast road roller being their first in-house product. This was designed by John W. “Jack” Odell, who had become a partner in the operation and ultimately the one to spark the Matchbox brand because apparently his daughter was only allowed to have a toy which fitted in a matchbox while at school, thus Matchbox Toys was born. But their 1952/53 Coronation Royal State Coach built in two different scales really caught the publics attention and they sold over a million examples raising enormous capital, and that's when business and other projects really took off.
Expansion in the fifties saw them working from several spread out sites until 1963, when their new factory was built at Hackney Marshes, and with the new site there was increased productivity with up to a million products a day leaving the factory by 1969.
Lesney became one of Londons biggest employers, with women being the mainstay of production with their nimble hands handling the small and intricate parts, and they also liked the competitive pay and family support as well. Leslie Smith the then director of Lesney appreciated his workforce and to entice the women of Hackney to join the Matchbox ranks Lesney bought a fleet of redundant buses from London Transport, painted them in Matchbox’s trademark blue and yellow colours and offered free transport to and from work, as well as help with the school run and care for their children.
Like many toy manufacturers the company become the victim of different interests and Lesney and Matchbox lost its way and the company closed in 1982, with the Matchbox brand transferring to Mattel.
The factory was demolished in the early naughties with the site now occupied by luxury apartments called Matchmakers Wharf, I can't help but think that the person who named it lost the brief somewhere when it wasn't anything to do with matches at all. Maybe Lesney Wharf would have been a better name. What do you think?
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Lesney Products Coronation Coach from 1953.
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Matchbox Collectors Guide from 1966
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abbatoirablaze · 7 months
Behind Closed Doors, Chapter 2
Word Count: 2k
Warnings:  mentions of sex, swearing, mentions of bodily fluids.
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Chris watched you like a hawk as the smallest of snores passed your lips.  He smiled from his spot at the foot of the bed. 
Shortly after you had fallen asleep, he’d gently spread you out on the bed so he could watch himself spilling from between your thighs. 
He was obsessed with the amount of chemistry the two of you shared; and even more so with watching the after-effects of your relations spilling from your thoroughly used hole.
He smiled to himself, watching your body.  He could picture you months from now, swelling with his child, his seed still spilling from your core because he couldn’t get enough.  And neither could you.
The two of you had made a mess of the bed, you in particular leaving his sheets all but soaked as he pulled orgasm after orgasm from you, before finally spilling his seed in your tight, warm channel. 
But as you slept, part of him felt like the moment was so right.
You felt so right.
He knew that his decision to move forward in creating a family for himself had been the right one.
You looked at him owlishly as you were led into a room with a few other women. 
It felt more like a lineup as the company’s manager Elroy Petashnik had the half a dozen women that Chris and his mother had picked out.  
“You know, we don’t normally get a lot of parents coming in with their sons to pick out a girl…” Elroy chuckled as he gave Chris’ mother a tight-lipped smile, “Lisa-“
“You can call me Ms. C,” she said shortly, “and I came with my Christopher because this isn’t just a PR stunt.  He wants to settle down…start a family.  But he doesn’t want to just go on a dating site or meet someone off the street.  He’s assured me that your company is the best in…whatever this is.”
“Think of me like a matchmaker,” he smiled softly, “Chris’ manager came to me because of success with previous clients.”
“Which was why I helped him narrow it down,” she answered, “I trust his manager with helping him make business decisions.  One of these girls is to be part of our family.  So, consider this meeting a preliminary test of that.”
“Noted,” he replied gently, “the women we have gathered are from the age range, and specifications that were given to us-“
“There weren’t more women?” Lisa scoffed.
“These were the women that Mr. Evans and yourself had previously okayed, and that were alright with the possibility of leaving the company and having children,” Mr. Petashnik finished as Chris’ eyes trailed the line of women, stopping nearly at the end, his eyes meeting yours, “Mr. Evans, Ms. C, do you two have any initial questions before we go any further into this?”
You were gentle in how you raised your hand. 
The other women avoided eye contact with you, the girls on either side, taking a step away from you and how you’d drawn the attention to yourself.  They were having a discussion like the lot of you weren’t in the room, and while you had agreed to be put in the situation, you did in fact have questions of your own.
“Yes?” Chris asked softly, instantly drawn in by you.
“I just want to know how serious you are about this, Mr. Evans?” you asked softly.
Chris’ brow rose as he looked at you, “excuse me?”
“While I’m entirely open to the idea of settling down, I am curious about your motives,” you replied honestly, “I’m sure all of us have seen the type of situations you put yourself into with stories of you in the tabloids…and the characters you play aren’t a far cry from the press you get, are they?  I guess, what I’m asking is, are you looking for a hole to fill, or a wife?”
Lisa laughed, clearly amused by how you were unafraid in addressing her son.  But Chris crossed his arms, trying to keep his cool, “I can assure you, that I’m looking to settle down.  But out of curiosity, what character exactly are you referring to?”
“I’m sure we’ve all seen Not Another Teen Movie,” you giggled softly, “you seem quite like Jake Wyler…”
“You think I’m just some empty-headed guy looking for a quick fix or a woman to change on a bet?”
“Well, you aren’t looking for a banana split!” you teased softly.  Lisa laughed from beside her son, making a comment about ‘liking you already.’
“Don’t worry…I’ll save the banana split for the third date!” he teased; his own smile unable to be held back by how you challenged him.  His eyes fell away from yours as he tried to look at the other women in the group to see if they had any fire to them, “does anyone else have any questions?”
He shifted in his chair, his attention going from your core to your eyes, and how you were sitting up, sleepily wiping your eyes. 
He hadn’t realized how his throat went dry. 
Or how he had been lost in his train of thought, thinking about the first time he’d met you, and how far the two of you had come in just those two months of interviews and two weeks of being together. 
“A-are you watching me sleep again?”
A blush rose to his cheeks, and he nervously bit his upper lip as he eyed you down, “Maybe…”
“You watching it slip out of me won’t keep it in or speed up the process that we’re going through,” you teased, “it won’t knock me up any faster.”
“Only one way to do that!” he smirked, sitting forward, “knocking you up, that is.  And that means me putting even more in any time I see it slipping out of you…”
“Well, what are you doing out of bed then, big guy?” you asked gently, motioning for him to come back to bed, “waiting for all of your hard work to make an appearance before you slide back in?”
Chris chuckled to himself for a moment before standing from his chair and walking over to the side of the bed, where the blanket had fallen off during the heat of the moment hours earlier. 
“You’re tired!” he reminded you as he slipped onto the bed; the mattress dipping ever so slightly as his weight added to it, “I’m not going to make you even more exhausted…”
“Please do,” you grinned, “I love how well I sleep after I’ve been thoroughly tired out!”
“Yeah?” he asked, “you know…I never noticed it until earlier, but you have the cutest, small little snores when I fuck all the energy out of you…”
“Oh, do I?”
He nodded, pressing a gentle kiss to your lips as he wrapped his arms around you, “yes…and honestly, I’m not sure whether I like having sex with you more, or watching how peaceful you are after we’ve gone a few rounds…”
“Chris Evans…wants to take breaks during sex?” you teased, pressing another kiss to his lips, “who is this man, and what has he done to the future father of my child?”
“Made him sentimental, is all…at least a little bit,” he shrugged gently, “Makes my urge to fill you even stronger…but I’m not going to just cum in you because I can…”  
“I thought you wanted to use me all the time!” you answered, reminding him of the conversation the two of you had during one of the final interviews, “remember?  What happened to that man?”
“Exclusivity!” he said slowly, eyeing your reaction, as he looked over the checklist he’d created for the final interview, “what are your thoughts on it?”
“If you really do want to have children and settle down, then it’s the only right answer.  At least if you want a promise that any child would be yours genetically,” you replied gently, “that is still what you want, isn’t it?”
“It is,” he agreed, “just-last interview I guess it took one of the girls off guard when I mentioned it.  She seemed to think that she would be able to take bookings outside of that.”
“I read up on what the BCD contract is,” you admitted, “ I know that it refers to far more than just the standard PR contract. Pretty much it would be me agreeing to leave the company for minimum of a year.  It buys you exclusive rights to me and that time is allotted for you and I to come to a decision on children.”
“You’d move in with me.”
“I assumed as much,” you laughed softly, “you’re okay with paying the short-notice clause on my lease to get me out of it?”
“And I’d pay first and last if it doesn’t work out to ensure that you’re okay,” he reminded you, “that’s still part of the deal.”
“So…if I pass the final interview,” you shrugged, giving him a soft look, “when would this…start?”
“This?” he asked, his brow raising.
“This,” you replied, gesturing between the two of you, “the past few months, you’ve gotten to know me and a few of the other girls.  I’m assuming since it’s down to me and Violet, that you’re almost at a decision and this is the final one…you already interviewed her…and you’re still interviewing me…and since you said that you spoke to the ‘other girl,’ and she had exclusivity issues, that it’s me or you going back to square one…so…when would ‘we’ start?  Officially?”
“As a couple?” he asked, ignoring how you had managed to sort out that even though he had interviewed Violet he was less than impressed with her inability to keep up her charade of what was supposed to be her personality.
“As a couple…moving in…trying for what you really want, Mr. Evans?”
“Chris…” he said softly, “it’s not about just what I want though.  You have to want this too in order for it to work.  I want a wife…not just a baby-making machine.”
“Chris…” you urged him, “if I didn’t want this, I would have said no after the first interview, or backed out months ago.”
He nodded, “We’d go over the rough draft of the contract…we both make any amendments and sign it this week…but I’ve already handed over final payment to Petashnik.  Realistically, I’d want you to move in with me tonight…we’d ‘start’ right now.”
“Okay?” he asked, his own chuckle passing his lips, “you sound awfully alright with that.  That isn’t short notice?”
“Chris…you’ve been interviewing me for two months…and quite honestly, a lot of those interviews, felt more like dates than anything else…haven’t they?”
He sat there for a moment, thinking about it. 
He nodded.
You were right.
In the time that he’d spent interviewing you and the other women, they had been like small dates.  Sure, they were all inside the office, but it felt like he’d gotten to know you in an intimate setting.  In one where it felt very much like he was already dating you.  A few of the times there had even been drinks and dinner involved.
You laughed, “yeah?  What about it?”
“We haven’t had it yet…”
“I’m fully aware, Christopher.”
The way you said his name made a shiver run down his spine.  It made something deep within himself wake up and snap to attention. 
“I want you available at all times…” he said quickly, “is that okay?”
“Well…you did want to settle down…have children,” you offered with a shrug, “I would expect that we have a lot of sex if we’re trying for kids.”
“Wh-what if I wanted to….and you were asleep…”
“You could wake me up,” you offered, “or not…and just do it…”
His brow raised, “Really?”
You nodded, “Sure…I mean…we’d be dating, right?  On our way to becoming married?  And we’re trying to have a kid…I wouldn’t expect you to wait…or so much as waste a drop…”
“Chris…” He hummed against you.  Your hand reached up and gently stroked his cheek, pulling his cerulean eyes toward your own, “are you okay?”
He nodded, giving you a soft, delicate look, “Yeah…yeah…I just…I’ve been thinking about us a lot…”
You giggled, “we’ve only been together for two weeks, Chris.  We just finished the final draft of the contract and signed it last week…”
“I know…”
“What are you thinking about?”
You nodded, your eyes meeting his once more, and he noted the slightest bit of worry, “Chris…is everything okay?”
“I think I love you, (Y/N.)”
Chapter 3
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demonslayedher · 1 year
Kanroji Temple: A lesser-known KnY Holy Site... which is a holy site anyway
There are actually a few Kanroji Temples throughout Japan, but one very small one in Wakayama Prefecture embraces the namesake in some subtle ways. The platform-only train station which shares the name also got in on the fun with green and pink "love" banners with cherry blossom and cat motifs. Although there is not as much to see there now as there was in 2020 during a short promotion they did, there's still a few cute vestiges.
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To borrow a previous analysis of Mitsuri's name: 甘露寺: "甘露 Kanro" is "Sweetness" (in Japanese Buddhism, this is considered a virtue, perhaps you could think of it more like a heavenly sweetness than a gluttonous one) and "寺 ji" ((Buddhist) Temple). Rather than looking at this and thinking "wow, her family is so Buddhist" you could look at it and think "wow, they're probably pretty well-off." It's a wide generalization, but surnames which are also temple names imply that the family was long a (presumably wealthy) patron of the temple, and it carries a high class ring to it.
Besides the name, there are another couple reasons this is such a nice little Mitsuri related spot.
This temple was already known as a bit of a matchmaking spot, because there is a conifer on the premises with leaves that, once they are dried, don't break if you try to pull them apart. In addition, there are little protective "inome" (boar's eye/snout) marks around the roof, which people nowadays look at as upside-down hearts. There was also some romantic episode between the couple who started the Kamakura shogunate here, Minamoto no Yoritomo and Hojo Masako, but Mitsuri and Masako have very different personalities so I'll leave that there.
I did not realize this until I was on my way, but you know Tama, the station master cat? And Nitama, the successor? Kishi Station is the very next train stop. Mitsuri would be thrilled! I was also thrilled to encounter a celebrity, which was not at all on my itinerary for the day. Even got to ride the Tama train.
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It seems that during the Mugen Train hype of 2020, the temple had as many as 200 visitors in a single busy day, when they were displaying a wider banner with the temple's name and a pretty green and pink background. There were signs that cosplayers could hold in front of it, as well as a "love pillar" temporarily installed in the little courtyard. Cosplaying in public isn't welcome in many areas of Japan, so this feels a bit like the equivalent of Christian churches having welcomed Pokemon Go players after they became gyms. This temple does, after all, function first and foremost as a religious institution, specifically for the Jodo sect of Pure Land Buddhism. Still, they are flexible and open-minded with it. Back in 2020 they had Rengoku's words about how growing old and weak being what makes humanity precious written as words of wisdom on the post outside the temple where words of Buddhist-style wisdom are typically posted. Nowadays, although there are also signs saying that the inside is off-limits to anyone not there to worship, there was also a sign saying, "Come, everyone, let us go and pray... (Himejima Gyoumei??)" I love that nod, because Himejima's repetition of the nembutsu (Namu Amida Butsu) is stressed in the Jodo sect.
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Speaking of! Besides o-mamori (protective amulets), it is very common for shrines and temples to have go-shuin, a stamp or handwritten seal, in exchange for a modest fee (more technically, a donation). Many pilgrims (or tourists, that's fine) collect these directly in fancy books, but you can also just take the paper home to put in a book later. Although Kanroji Temple had their own version of these before their unexpected namesake popularity, they now have a second version on green and pink paper. It is the nembutsu written in a "rikenmyogo" calligraphy style. That is, "sword style" calligraphy.
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While the "demon slayers use swords!" association is clearly there, and in their explanation they make a lot of clever use of the 滅 (eliminate) character so prominent in the KnY world, the sword is in regard to how when Buddhist figures are depicted holding swords, this is not so much to slay the enemies of Buddhist teachings, but to sharpen oneself and cut away ones' evils, faults, and worldly attachments--the sources of worldly suffering.
That said, no one is making the fans get rid of their attachment to a hit manga/anime, and there are still a few signs to hold in "I was here" photos.
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The train station, which is surrounded by cherry trees and had a tiny heart graffiti etched into the sign, still has their "love" banners up, as well as a clearly inspired illustration of an anime girl reminding people to show their train passes clearly to the conductor when disembarking (because there are no gates on this train station platform).
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So if you ever find yourself a couple hours away from Osaka on your way to visit Nitama the celebrity station master, just remember you can make another nearby stop in honor of the Love Pillar. If you don't have the luck of riding the Tama train, you might get to ride a strawberry train too.
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taomyou · 1 year
The Romance of Reimbursements - Chapter 2
Pairing: Levi Ackerman x Reader Status: COMPLETED Summary: There’s a guy you see every Friday on bus 143, and you think he’s pretty hot. It wouldn't hurt to tell your best friend about him, would it? or, you and Levi take the same bus home from work every Friday, and you fall in love slowly, clumsily, and with all the time in the world to fold as many paper stars as your heart desires. Word Count: 6.3k Tags: slow burn, friends to lovers, modern au, office au, fluff, romance, meet-cute, matchmaking
(A/N: this fic is already completed and entirely available on ao3 here if you would like to read it. i am currently in the process of crossposting everything to tumblr, so please be patient!)
Chapter Navigation Accompanying Playlist
next time
That Friday, you do end up finishing those cookies for Hange.
After they were finished going off about the dinner they were dragging you to "no matter what," the two of you moved back over to the kitchen to roll out dough balls, cover them in cinnamon sugar, and shove them in the oven.
You both eased back into conversation about anything and everything, bar the guy from the bus, and things were smooth sailing for the rest of the day Hange spent at your place. After you were finished with business in the kitchen, Hange went back to their apartment to quickly grab some of last night's leftovers for the two of you to share as dinner, and you both decided to lay on the couch again to eat and watch random Shark Tank episodes on some probably illegal streaming site Hange found.
You swore they were uploaded to an official website somewhere, but they insisted that those episodes were probably really boring if they were free to watch. No matter, it was a great deal of fun even if neither of you really understood any of the entrepreneurial jargon they used on the show.
After you and Hange got tired of complaining for the hundredth time that none of the contestants would choose Lori as their investor, you sent Hange off with a smile, a hug, and a tupperware container of the snickerdoodle cookies. You had brought up teaching them the recipe so they could make it without you, but just like with every other recipe you tried teaching them, Hange insisted that coming over to your kitchen to bake with you was far more fun than doing it alone.
On the way out the door, Hange told you they'd text you the time and other important details once they got home, and, just like that, you were alone to stew in your thoughts again.
You dragged yourself to your bathroom, not having had a moment to change into your home clothes yet, and stripped yourself down to hop in the shower. The joyful expression that was on your face when you hugged Hange goodbye fell from your face and became replaced with a tight-lipped smile. You leaned down to turn the faucet on, tugged on the pullup knob, and let the water rain down on you.
Somehow, you missed the name Hange said belonged to him. Well, not somehow. You knew you weren't listening when they were rambling earlier, but you wished you had asked Hange at some point to put a name to a face. They had to have known you weren't listening, and you're sure they wouldn't have been offended if you did ask, but you didn't want to bring him up again for fear of them veering the conversation back to him.
Squeezing some shampoo into your hands, you rub them together to lather it up and bring them up to massage into your hair.
Oh well. No use really worrying about it now. You just needed to get through one dinner: how hard could it be?
Okay, maybe you should've worried about this earlier.
Currently, you're standing in front of two outfits laid out on your bed. On the left is a nice black dress and a white coat, and on the right is a turtleneck, dress pants, and brown overcoat combo. You have another hour before you have to go, but here you are, trying to figure out what to wear to a dinner with who you thought to be the most beautiful man to set foot on this Earth.
You've been stood in front of your bed for a good 20 minutes already.
What were you even doing? Fussing over a man was one thing, but now you're acting like you're trying to dress yourself for a second grade class field trip to the zoo.
Actually, you wouldn't be wearing anything nearly as fancy to the zoo, but you get the point.
You're a grown, twenty-seven year old woman. You're an attorney, goddammit. You should be fine handling a measly dinner arrangement with someone you just happened to find absolutely gorgeous.
It's not like it'd be just the two of you either. Hange explained over text on Saturday that the "we" in "we're having dinner on Sunday" consisted of some of the people in their friend group, one of whom was your mystery bus stranger. They never really described any of their friends before in great detail, just assigning them nicknames so they could tell you stories about them from time to time.
You especially liked the ones about Shorty, a grumpy man Hange described as having a "perpetual stick up his ass."
He seemed like someone you'd want to be friends with, despite the obvious contrast his personality seemed to have to yours. Hange would talk sometimes about how much of a pain it was to hang out with him because he'd always complain about their driving or how sweet the tea he'd ordered was. Other times, they'd retell you his stupid jokes and let you laugh into the palm of your hand at how painfully sarcastic he seemed to be.
The only time you were ever tempted to actually come along with Hange and their friends was when they invited you to his birthday party (which was apparently disguised as a Christmas party, for whatever reason) a few years ago, but you already had a vacation back to your hometown planned that year.
Hopefully, Shorty's there at dinner. Maybe his presence would give you something to focus on instead of the handsome stranger Hange apparently knew and was going to bring with them.
Shaking your head to get out of your thoughts and back to the task at hand, you grab your phone from your shorts pocket to text Hange to ask what to wear. You get your answer seconds later when they reply, telling you to wear a dress.
"Dress it is, I guess," you mumble to yourself, grabbing the dress from your bed to change into it, as well as a pair of fleece-lined tights and safety shorts from your cabinet to help fight against the cold. Thank goodness you did your makeup before figuring out your outfit so you wouldn't have to rush that on your way out the door.
After putting on the dress and other garments, you head over to the bathroom with a small box of your accessories to use your mirror to put them on. It was convenient to have worn the dress, you decide, since choosing your jewelry would be easier than it would be if you wore the other outfit. After taking a quick look at all the trinkets you have in the box, you decide on a nice necklace with a single pearl pendant, purple wisteria drop earrings, and a decently large satin bow for your hair.
You take a good step away from your mirror to see how everything looks all put together, and you decide that you look... pretty. You hadn't really had the chance to dress up recently, and it was a nice change to be able to style yourself how you wanted. Of course, you had to look good at work, but it's not like you actually liked wearing pantsuits and heels all the time. Come to think of it, the last time you remember feeling so pretty was that first Friday, months back, when you first saw that stranger.
After checking your phone to see you had another 30-ish minutes to get to the restaurant, you shove your phone, wallet, and keys into your purse. Slipping on a pair of black flats, you make your way out the door and put on your coat as you walk downstairs to your car. Hange already left their apartment earlier in the morning, so they weren't able to carpool with you over to the restaurant, but they promised they'd be there a bit earlier than the scheduled meet-up time to make sure you'd have company while you waited. Somehow, you doubt that.
And you were right to doubt Hange's early appearance. When you get inside the restaurant, you see no sign of them anywhere. You take a quick glance at your phone to see that there's 10 minutes before the scheduled time everyone's supposed to arrive. The waiting area is quite large, but everyone looks already occupied with their own group, so you can't guess who is or isn't a part of Hange's circle.
To your surprise, you hear a familiar voice say your name behind you, and you turn around to see... Erwin?
"Erwin? What're you doing here?"
He seems almost as confused as you are to see him, especially since the two of you have never bumped into each other outside of work before, but he still answers nonetheless. "I'm meeting for dinner with some friends. I wasn't sure if it was you, but thank goodness it is and I don't have to make a fool out of myself greeting a complete stranger."
You nod in understanding, feeling a bit awkward seeing your work superior outside of... well, work. He's dressed in the same clothes he wore to the office, more or less, though, so you'll get over the initial shock soon enough.
He clears his throat, bringing attention back onto himself. "What brings you here tonight, if you don't mind me asking?"
You nervously laugh at his question, bringing up a finger to tap your cheek in embarrassment. "My friend's introducing me to a couple of their friends, which is quite a long time coming since I've gotten away with not meeting them for as long as I have. One of them is apparently this guy I've seen on the bus before though, so that should be fun," you answer, and despite the blistering cold blowing into the waiting area from the constantly swinging entrance doors, you can feel your face start to heat up like it always does when you think of him.
Erwin quirks an eyebrow at your answer, but before he can say anything, you hear Hange plowing into the space.
In tow is... oh, it really is him.
A large part of you, prior to this exact moment, wanted Hange to be wrong about knowing the stranger you told them about.
Some other part of you wanted it to be true, though.
He looks just as good as he did 2 days ago when you last saw him, maybe even more so now that you're under the extravagant lighting of the restaurant.
His suit's grey, just like his eyes, and it seems like he did his hair differently—maybe it's slicked back now, you can't tell from where you are in the room. You just barely take note of his height, which you never noticed before since you were too nervous to really look at him walk off the bus, but you jest that making him short was the universe's way of trying to make him "unattractive." As if that would even be possible; the man looks like he's topped the list of TC Chandler's Top 100 Faces every year since birth.
Even with the distance, however, there's no denying that that's him. The guy you see every Friday on bus 143 is across the room from you, standing underneath the same chandeliers you are.
The two of you accidentally make eye contact, and you think you're about to faint. Let's hope the host can seat you at one of those comically long tables so nobody can see the blush blooming on your face once again.
Hange skips over to you, giving you a hug and breaking you out of your momentary trance. Once you realize what's going on, you hug them back in earnest and give them a bashful smile. They most definitely take notice of your red face after leaning back a bit to get a good look at your face and pinching your cheek playfully, but they don't make any comment about it.
"You, hey, you! You look so cute!" They coo, refusing to let go of you. You awkwardly laugh, seeing Erwin over Hange's shoulder. If you thought he looked confused earlier, he looks completely and utterly taken aback now.
Hange pulls away from you and stands proudly between you and Erwin, that same shit-eating grin from Friday bright on their face once again. They motion for the other raven-haired man to come over, which he does with a quiet frown on his face. Somehow, even that gets you just a bit more red in the face.
"Levi! Erwin! This is my friend, Astraea!"
You nervously wave at both Erwin and who you now know as Levi, though you're quick to bring your hand back down to hold your other one behind your back.
You were sure Erwin wasn't who Hange was calling Shorty in their stories, and as much as you wanted to deny the possibility, Levi was probably Shorty given his obviously short stature. Curse you for wanting to meet Shorty and not considering that him and the bus stranger could've been the same person.
"Wait, your name isn't Astraea," Erwin says, quizzically looking between you and Hange.
Before you can explain, Hange butts in. "No, you wait! How do you know that? Are you stalking me and my dear friend?" They proposition, pointing an accusatory finger at Erwin.
Levi scoffs at that, and for the first time, you hear his voice. "Please, Four Eyes, as if anybody has the time to try and follow you around," he quips.
How is it possible for someone to sound so good? Dear lord.
You have to keep your eye on a decorative plant at the corner of the room to avoid making eye contact with anyone for fear of them getting a full view of your face.
"Erwin's my work senior. You know, the one that made me give up my parking spot," you tell them, eyes still locked on the plant.
At that, Hange laughs fully and puts their hand over their chest. "Small world! Well, good to know we can skip that introduction!"
"That still doesn't explain the fact that her name apparently isn't Astraea," Levi speaks up, probably rolling his eyes at Hange.
You can feel everyone's gaze shift to you, so you awkwardly choose to face Erwin as you answer. "Uh," you start. "When I was a kid, my younger brother was obsessed with Greek mythology. Astraea was one of the first names he learned and he insisted that I was 'just like her,' whatever that meant, so he'd always call me that. I ended up using it for all my usernames because I was so paranoid about people online finding my personal information. Eventually, I got so used to it that I usually just ask people to use Astraea instead of my real name."
Hange smiles and drapes an arm over your shoulder, trying to apparently get you less tense. You melt a bit into the embrace, but you're still too nervous to even look in Levi's direction.
"And your brother was right! I took a Greek mythology course in university, and you fit Astraea to a T!"
Erwin looks like he still has questions, so you nod at him to prompt him to ask them.
"How come nobody at work calls you that, then? You're close with quite a few people in the office—surely you've exchanged information with them by now."
You politely smile at that and answer.
"I ask them not to use it at work since I don't want other people in the office to look me up on social media, but they use it if we're out together."
Erwin seems content enough with your answer and offers you a calm smile. You still can't bring yourself to look at Levi, and you don't want to even begin to think about any of the possible things going through his head.
Does he even recognize you from the bus? Sure, you two have never talked or even made eye contact before this official introduction, but the bus wasn't really crowded at all. He has to at least know your face, right?
Before you can dwell on the thought, you hear Hange invite Erwin with them to go to the reservation desk to let the waitstaff know that your party has arrived, leaving you alone with Levi.
Before you can reach into your purse to try and make yourself look busy on your phone, Levi clears his throat and starts to speak. "So, you didn't know Hange and Erwin knew each other?" He asks, trying to make some conversation to fill the silence now that the other two were away.
You make no move to look at him, opting to keep your eyes on Hange's animated conversation with Erwin at the reservation desk. "No, Hange and I don't really talk about our friends all that much with each other. Just stories here and there, you know?"
Levi gives a hum in response as a signal he heard you.
God, you can already feel your palms start to get sweaty. The red on your face could probably be written off as sensitivity to the cold winter air outside, but you're done for if someone notices you wiping your hands on your coat too many times.
"Did you come with Hange?" You ask, eyes still on Hange in the distance.
"Yes. I was supposed to come with someone else, but he had a work emergency and sent Hange instead. They're probably trying to see if our reservation is still fine now that we're a person short. If I knew that Hange was going to be the one driving me, I would've just walked over here myself."
Okay, well, now you know for sure he's Shorty.
You laugh a little at his reply before tucking your hands into your coat pockets.
"That's Hange's driving for you," you start. "Have they ever talked about me before?" You question, deciding to try and gauge his opinion of you from Hange's stories of you. You see him nod from the corner of your eye.
"If you're the neighbor who lets them run around wild with a sugar rush practically every other day, then yeah, they've talked about you plenty," he remarks.
You laugh awkwardly, eyes shifting to the floor. "Good to know."
Definitely not good to know, but you weren't gonna let anyone but you know that.
Before either of you can try and save the conversation, Hange waves their arms high up in the air to get the two of you to the desk where the host is waiting with menus tucked under his arm. You and Levi walk towards them, not much distance between you and him, and the four of you are seated at a fancy booth. Hange and you sit on the same side while Erwin and Levi are seated across from you, with Levi right across from you.
There goes any chance of avoiding eye contact with him.
To buy yourself some time away from his steely gaze, you open the menu to look at the options.
Alright, you weren't actually looking at the menu. You looked it up online when Hange texted you where you were going, and you already picked out what you wanted before today. It seems that Erwin also knows what he wants, not bothering to even pick up his menu.
"Is it alright if we call you Astraea, then, seeing as we're not at work?" He asks.
You look across the table at him, glad to see that Levi brought the menu up over his face so you couldn't see each other, and nod. "Yeah, that's fine."
Hange bumps your shoulder with theirs and asks you to help them choose between the two dishes they want, and once they choose one of them, Erwin flags over the waiter.
You think it's weird that he doesn't wait for Levi to tell him he's finished looking at the menu, but you don't want to question it.
After everyone informs the waiter of what they want, he takes your menus away and comes back seconds later with napkins, both cloth and paper ones, and silverware. Out of habit, you immediately start tearing at the paper napkin to form a long strip.
"You still make those?" Erwin asks. 
You absentmindedly nod, starting to tie the small loop at one end to start the star.
"She does it everywhere we go! I have a vase of them at my place, it's a really cute decorative piece to have," Hange praises, looking over at you with their face leaned into their hand.
"I have a jar of them on my work desk, and I've gotten quite a few compliments from clients about it over the years," Erwin adds, now also watching you form the small trinket.
You finish rolling up the strip, tucking it into itself, and pinching the corners before handing it to Hange, just as you always do when the two of you are out together. This time, however, instead of putting it into their coat pocket as they usually do, they hold it in their palm and stick their arm out across the table in front of Levi, who blankly looks between the star and Hange.
"Why are you giving it to me?" He questions.
Hange groans and gets up a bit from their seat to get closer to him. "I have more than enough at home already, and Erwin seems like he does too. Just take it!"
Levi rolls his eyes but goes to grab the star from them, placing it down on the table. You didn't think he'd take it at all, but you were even more sure that he would just leave it there after dinner was over.
Hange turns their attention back to you, eager to get a conversation going at the table. "So now that I know you work with Erwin and I don't need to introduce the two of you to each other, let me tell you about Levi!" They start. "I don't know if you remember, but Levi's the one I call 'Shorty!'"
You nod at that, having figured that out already. You look back over at Levi who seems to just be looking outside a window across the restaurant.
Seeing as Levi and Shorty were the same person, you suppose it wouldn't be a bad idea to try and become acquainted with him.
Maybe becoming friends would help force your budding attraction to him down, and seeing him every week wouldn't be so stressful on your heart. The heat on your face has cooled down significantly now that you've had a moment to get settled into your environment, but there's probably still a light tint on your face that you'd probably never be able to get rid of with Levi around. If distance made the heart grow fonder, proximity should do the opposite, right?
"It's nice to meet you, Levi," you offer with a smile.
He lets his eyes trail back to you before scoffing and going back to looking outside the window. "Thanks, Four Eyes, for introducing me as a Shorty," he sarcastically says. There's a pause where nobody speaks before Levi opens his mouth again. "And is it really your first time meeting me if we see each other on the bus every week?"
You stop breathing momentarily, letting the question sink in. You awkwardly laugh for what feels like the hundredth time today.
So he does recognize you? Go figure.
"I guess not, but it's nice to finally know your name."
He nods and looks over at Erwin whose eyes were already on the raven-haired man.
"What are you looking at me like that for, fucker?"
Erwin chuckles at that, giving his friend a good-natured pat on his back. "C'mon, Levi. Be a bit nicer," he lightly scolds.
"Yeah, Levi! She's probably already terrified of you!" Hange adds.
Levi makes eye contact with you at that, seemingly trying to gauge your own opinion of him.
You raise your hands slightly up off the table in defense. "It's fine, guys! He's right, we do see each other every so often. And the client I had last week was far scarier than Levi, I think I can handle him," you joke, trying to lighten the mood.
Hange laughs at that, as does Erwin. Levi doesn't offer up any sign he thought your comment was funny, but you notice that his frown has been replaced with a neutral expression.
Until the food arrives, you and Erwin discuss some matters from work. You feel a bit guilty for having brought up that you had a bad experience with a client, since now Erwin is determined to get you to talk about it with upper management. You most definitely won't, but something tells you that he will, being who he is. Hange is listening along to your conversation, giving their own opinion or cracking a joke here and there while Levi remains quiet. Whether or not he's listening, you can't tell.
The food arrives just as you and Erwin finish talking about work. As the four of you eat, the conversation is shifted once again towards Levi.
"So, what do you do for work, Levi?" You ask cautiously, trying to find a way to include him.
His eyes don't come away from the plate of carbonara in front of him, which you're grateful for because it means you wouldn't be making eye contact again. "I'm a professor at the University downtown," he says monotonously.
"Levi, please! Give her something to work with! Astraea, he teaches architecture at Sina University on top of doing freelance work!" Hange praises.
Your eyebrows furrow as you try to put together the pieces of information you're receiving about the man.
You did your Juris Doctorate degree at Paradis Law School, but some of your professors held lecture at the Sina campus because it was further downtown and closer to their own law offices. You knew how hard it was to try and find parking at Sina, even with the parking pass you bought during your first term. You had to call the finance office several times to try and cancel it after realizing how useless it was.
He probably took the bus to and from Sina's main campus to avoid the hassle of parking.
After you were happy with the conclusion you came to, you stew a bit in the information again, this time thinking about how you would've loved to have a professor as gorgeous as Levi when you were a student. You were never one to skip class, even when you went through periods of extreme burnout, but you knew you never would've even considered ditching if lugging yourself to class meant you got to see him.
"It's really impressive that you're a professor. You probably take the bus because of how shit the parking is, right?"
At the mention of the parking conditions, Levi finally looks up from his food to scowl in your direction. You assume it's to show his disdain for the actual parking (because the other possibility is that he's annoyed at your question).
"The absolute fucking worst. I thought I was safe because I have a staff parking pass, but no. Those childish, good-for-nothing brats would even take the last parking spot right in front of my fucking eyes," he griefs. At the mental image of an unlucky student parking and running off to avoid the wrath of a random professor, you let a full, hearty laugh escape your mouth. You don't bother covering your mouth as you laugh, having already finished chewing before Levi even answered your question. Erwin and Hange join you in your jovial giggling, and they both chastise Levi for slandering the poor students.
You can't see whether Levi's smiling or not, seeing as he brought up his cloth napkin to cover the lower part of his face, but you're sure he's just doing that to hide his mouth while he chews his food.
The rest of the dinner went smoothly—much more smoothly than you anticipated.
Everyone contributed in some way or another to the steady conversation, and the anxious feeling Levi brought you over the course of the last couple of months dissipated the further into the night you got. You didn't get to learn much more about him, though. The conservation turned over to Hange, who mostly talked about work and their coworkers, but everyone at the table knew more than enough about their antics to be able to comment on the stories they were telling. Even Levi let a small smile slip onto his face every once in a while.
Hange suggests that the four of you let the waiter do a "credit card roulette" to end the night, and you assume that Erwin and Levi are used to this because they both reach into their wallets wordlessly to give their cards to Hange. Thankfully, they see your confusion and don't laugh at you for it.
"Whenever we hang out, we let the waiter blindly choose which card to pay the bill with. If you're not up for it, that's fine, but it's always a great deal of fun," Erwin says, explaining what the three of them are about to do.
"It's fun for you guys, I fucking hate doing this," Levi grumbles.
Hange laughs at that and hunches over, hand to their chest. "Good one, Levi! Astraea, don't listen to him! He's only salty because his card always gets chosen!"
You smile at Levi sympathetically and move to your purse to get your own card and hand it to Hange, deciding to join in on the "fun."
Hange cheers at your participation, and so Erwin again flags over the waiter to choose between your cards.
Hange probably coached the waiter into choosing the Chase Sapphire card when they left the table to go to the bathroom earlier, though, because it's Levi's card that gets chosen.
You see him sigh in frustration across from you, pinching the bridge of his nose, and Hange breaks out into yet another fit of laughter. You aren't really all that surprised that Levi's card gets chosen, but you join in on the moment and laugh with them, and Erwin soon also joins with a deep chuckle and some words of sympathy for Levi's bank account.
Before the receipt comes back and Levi is able to sign off on it, Hange suggests that the rest of you leave for the waiting area to avoid the guilt of seeing Levi cover such a large bill, but you decline and say you'll keep him company. Levi looks pretty confused, but he doesn't protest, and so Hange and Erwin scurry off to the front of the restaurant to wait while you and Levi sit in silence.
When the waiter comes back with the receipt and places it on the table, you grab it before Levi gets the chance to sign his name.
"What do you think you're doing?"
You hold out your pointer finger to him, effectively shushing him as you look at the total and dig into your purse to get your wallet. Your friends are usually quick to question you about why you even keep cash on you, but you always have it in case of situations such as this one. When you get enough money to cover just a little more than half the bill, you hold it out in front of Levi and give him a tight-lipped smile.
"I feel pretty bad about having you pay for my food when you don't really know me," you reason, still waiting for him to take the bills in your hand. He seems pretty caught off guard, but he makes no move to take it from you. "You and Erwin probably didn't know I was coming until a day or two ago anyway, so think of it as me apologizing for intruding on your plans."
He doesn't look offended, but he still doesn't do anything to indicate he's willing to take the money. Instead, he stands up and leans over to grab the receipt tray from you. Sitting back down, he signs his name and motions for a waiter to come over. The waiter looks a bit confused as to why you have so much money out when the bill was already paid, but he thanks you for dining with them and leaves.
Levi looks at you for what feels like an eternity before he speaks up. "There were no plans to intrude on. Hange texted us on Friday at damn near midnight to tell us we had to come to dinner with them and their friend on Sunday."
You blink slowly. And again. And again. You don't say anything, but as the silence grows, you're suddenly aware that he's been looking at you for a good while, and you can feel that all too familiar heat on your face again.
"My best guess is just as good as yours as to why they decided to introduce all of us so suddenly," he says, trying to ease your confusion.
Except he's wrong.
You know why Hange organized all this: it was to get you a chance to meet the handsome stranger you told them about just 2 days ago. 
You're finally able to gather the words you want to say after a good second, but not before you let yet another anxious laugh past your lips.
"Still, I feel pretty guilty that you're paying," you say softly, your cash still outstretched to the man in front of you. He sighs at your words.
"Don't feel bad about it, I don't mind," he starts. He sees that you're still unwavering in your resolve and continues. "But I appreciate the gesture. If you're so worried about it, let the waiter play roulette with your card again next time," and with that, he pushes your hand back towards you.
You're already too flustered for your face to get even more red than it already is, but his touch made it seem like it was possible. And what was it he said? Next time? Would you be meeting with him in this group again? Would you even be opposed to that?
No. No, you already thought to yourself it would be nice to befriend him, even before you knew who he was.
Desperate to get some air, you sheepishly shove your cash back into your purse, not bothering to put it back neatly into your wallet, and get up from the table.
"Alright, I'll do that then," you say.
He nods in return and starts getting up himself. Once he's up on his feet, you start heading over to where Hange and Erwin should be. You notice that Levi's eyes are lingering in the direction you just came from, so you tap his shoulder to get his attention.
"Did you forget something at the table?" You ask.
He hesitates a moment before nodding, saying a quick "go ahead" to you before walking back to where the lot of you just sat.
You, not wanting to be inconsiderate, stay put and wait for him to return. Soon enough, you see him come back with a hand in his pants pocket, and the two of you continue the trek over to your friends. You don't remember feeling like the walk was so far, but you could probably chalk that up to the fact you were completely stuck in a daze earlier. You still were, to some degree, but it was to a much lesser one now.
When you catch sight of each other, Hange gives you a huge smile just as they do every time they see you, and the four of you head out of the door, thanking the man holding it open. Everyone's car in different areas around the building, so you all have to exchange pleasantries before heading your separate ways.
You hug Hange goodbye first, and they thank you for coming along to dinner. You thank them for inviting you as well, and Hange immediately moves to say goodbye to Levi, leaving you to send off Erwin.
"I didn't expect you to be who Hange was bringing, but it was nice seeing you," he says, extending a hand out for you to shake.
You accept it firmly, and you smile up at him. "I didn't think I'd ever catch you outside of work either, but yeah. It was nice," you reply.
He returns the smile you give him, and Hange comes over to the two of you to nudge you over towards Levi and take your previous spot in front of Erwin.
You didn't think Levi seemed like the type to care for physical touch, despite the earlier exchange you had at the table, so you don't offer him a hand or hug. Instead, you bring your hand up to give him a wave. You get a nod in return, which you'll take as his own way of saying goodbye.
"You know Hange's gonna drag you around everywhere with us now, right?"
You chuckle at that and look up at the dark sky above you, your hands in your pockets. They're no longer as clammy as they were when you first made eye contact with Levi, thankfully, but the warm of your coat is still very much welcome.
"Yeah, but I think I'll manage."
Just barely out of your line of vision, Levi's expression gets just that tiny bit more peaceful, and he joins you in looking up at the sky. He mumbles something under his breath, but you don't quite catch it.
After one last goodbye to everyone, Erwin walks across the street, Hange and Levi head over to the valet area, and you walk over to your car parked a little bit down the road. As you sit down and position yourself to back out of your parking spot, you let out a breath you didn't realize you were holding.
There's a heat that creeps its way back to your ears and cheeks, just as it does every time you think of the handsome stranger from bus 143, but for the first time, you don't feel inclined to try and to get rid of it.
Next Chapter
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ash-and-books · 10 days
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Rating: 3.5/5
Book Blurb:
A rollicking, unforgettable romance about two strangers finding love despite their best efforts as they embark on a sweeping matchmaking tour through Việt Nam, perfect for readers of Carley Fortune and Abby Jimenez.
What’s a few weeks to a lifetime of promise?
Evie Lang’s life is in shambles. On the heels of losing her beloved aunt, she's unceremoniously fired from her poetry professorship by her secret boyfriend. Lacking income and inspiration, she's stuck in Ohio with no idea how to move forward—until hope arrives in a surprising letter.
Auntie Hảo left Evie the deed to her San Francisco row house, a place full of Evie’s happiest memories. The catch? To inherit, she must go on a pre-arranged matchmaking tour in Việt Nam. The last thing Evie wants is to spend time with a group of strangers looking for love. But she can't resist the chance to finally visit her family’s native home.
A world away, Adam Quyền has a chip on his shoulder. He’s working around the clock as CMO for his sister’s elite matchmaking business, a job complicated by her insistence that he knows nothing about love. He’s desperate to prove himself, so when she challenges him to join the inaugural tour, he reluctantly agrees.
Adam thinks Evie is chaotic and unpredictable. Evie thinks Adam is grumpy and uptight. But from the bustling streets of Hồ Chí Minh City to the soaring waterfalls in Đà Lạt, they keep getting thrown together, their animosity charged with attraction…and they discover that true love may be out there, if they are willing to take a leap.
Two stubborn hearts, one whirlwind adventure, Adam & Evie’s Matchmaking Tour is a story of how loving (and living) bravely can lead you to the most unexpected places—and the most imperfectly perfect loves.
A poet goes on a matchmaking trip in Vietnam but finds herself falling for the unlikeliest person of all. Evie Lang's life is not exactly going great, her beloved aunt has passed away and she's been fired from her poetry professorship by her secret boyfriend. When she receives a surprisingly letter from her aunt telling her that she's been left a deed to a San Francisco row house and all Evie has to do to inherit it is go on a pre-arranged matchmaking tour in Viet Name? Evie can't say no, the house is the place where all her happiest memories are and if it means spending a trip with strangers looking for love (despite being freshly broken up with) she'll do it. Then there is Adam Quyền , a guy who is working round the clock as the CMO for his sister's elite matchmaking business and despite being someone who doesn't know anything about love, he's determined to do the job. Adam and Evie couldn't be more different, she's chaotic and flighty, he's serious and uptight. Yet when they meet each other... something sparks between them. But can a relationship work when they come from two completely different worlds... and the fact that they live in two different places once this trip is over. This was a really sweet read and the romance was cute. I think my favorite aspect of this book however was the exploration of Vietnam and all the traveling and site seeing that happened. It just felt like a magical look into Vietnam and a really beautiful tour. The story itself was a sweet and easy read but the description of Vietnam and all the tourist exploration was what made this book a real delightful read.
Release Date: September 24,2024
Publication/Blog: Ash and Books (ash-and-books.tumblr.com)
*Thanks Netgalley and Avon and Harper Voyager | Avon for sending me an arc in exchange for an honest review*
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intherainbowfactory · 2 years
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We are gathered here today, to pay tribute to @woo-catwaffles-deactivated20230, whose blog was cut tragically short mere days ago.
He was a frienly boy, who would give you a big hug. They were a devoted and talented artist, with a great heart and a love for the LGBTQ+ and disabled community. They created many original posts: commissions, of which they did freely and without bond, whenever they were able to. They reblogged many fandoms and many posts that might not have reached a higher status if it weren't for their intervention.
@woo-catwaffles. @woo-catwaffles. @woo-catwaffles.
They mattered in this site. Their interactions gave me and many others a simple smile, and it is a terrible loss to see them gone. Their followers and mutuals will miss them dearly.
In memory of their legacy, I will now post the first 6000 words of the Day Off With Fluttershy free writing commission I was working on for them.
Fluttershy and human reader, on a day off…
-search for bugs, 
-bird watching (i like mourning birds & doves & pigeons ^-^), 
-play hide and seek, 
and then build a fort :3c ?
Reader = dress over tuxedo
Discord and angel bunny exist, maybe.
Perspective: Second person
Tags: Slice of life
Below here be the Story, ay?
“Okay darling, just a little bit more and we’re done,” Rarity mutters apologetically as she adjusts your shoulder seam with a needle and orange silk. It’s the third time she’s done so. You thought your handsome (if a bit frilly) orange gown with the belt-thing get-up looked perfectly fine an hour ago.
An hour ago.
You don’t know how much more of this you can take. All the constant standing, posing, strutting, and running to test for wear in formal ballroom dresses and stuffy business suits… it’s just been getting really old. You’ve been modeling for Rarity in eight-hour shifts for three weeks, six days, two hours, and forty-seven minutes now, not that anyone was counting. The money’s been good, at least, but you really wish there were some more fulfilling job for a human in Equestria than modeling for a crazed and bored fashionista’s whims.
Rarity apparently reads your mind, saying in a soothing voice, “I know you’ve been rather tired of all these adjustments, but I absolutely have to fix this one thing, and then I promise I’ll be done with it.”
“So you say now…” you riposte under your breath, grinding your teeth.
A couple more magicked stitches of silk and she says, “And… done,” taking off her glasses with her hoof to inspect her handiwork for a minute. Satisfied, she levitates her supplies to her messy desk. You sit down in your jeans and t-shirt that Rarity made to order for you (for free!) and are about to ask her what’s next when she turns to you with a soft smile and says, “You’re free to go for today, darling.” 
At the confused look on your face, she smugly adds, “What, you thought I would really keep you here any longer? I may strive to put as much time and effort into my pieces as possible and I may be, well, a workaholic,” she looks sheepish, “but you really need to take some time off from work to just enjoy yourself and hang out with others!”
You weakly protest, “But what about the rest of my—”
“Oh, I’ll still pay you full hours for today,” she giggles. “We can say I’m paying you to stress-test that outfit you have on now. Now go have some fun! Play around in the grass, go out for ice cream… gasp! Maybe even go on a date!” She turns a hopeful smile on you with glitter in her eyes, her matchmaker instinct inflamed.
You just snort and stand up, walking to your bright orange dress of inspiration. “Eh. Well, alright. If you’re sure my outfit’s done.”
“Oh, don’t you worry about that, (y/n)! I’m positive that you’ll look absolutely stunning at the Spring Flower Formal in Canterlot.”
You blink. “Is that what this was for?”
“Oh yes,” she absentmindedly states as she begins to levitate a ponyquin and some black fabric in front of her, squinting at it with her glasses. “With how few orders I’ve been getting recently, I’ve made a little game out of designing the dresses or suits a pony would need for each occasion and then predicting ahead of time which ones would actually need to be made. It seems that I was correct, this time.”
“That’s pretty amazing! Even more so considering I haven’t even told anybody I was thinking of going…” You frown and squint suspiciously at the gown, which really does seem like it would perfectly complement the bright, vibrant tones of the flowers of spring. “But now that I think about it,” you say tentatively, “I’m not sure if I should be more impressed or disturbed.”
“You should be more disturbed if it will help you get out of here and into the spring sun more quickly,” Rarity riposted smugly. “After all, it is hardly good form to hang around your place of employment on your day off. I’ve also still got some work of my own that I need to finish, and I very well can’t have you here distracting me while I’m busy making a dress for Twilight to wear to the Vernal Equinox Festival.”
You raise an eyebrow. “She’s getting dressed for the spring equinox?”
Rarity looks at her ponyquin clad in black and delicate shades of purple and back at you with a raised eyebrow of her own. “She is now.”
You exchange goodbyes, grab your coat, and step outside to the sleepy morning streets of Ponyville. A chill wind blows through the air, only kept in check by an unusually bright and sunny sky. The pegasi, at least, did their jobs this morning.
Maybe Fluttershy would want to hang out…
Knocking on the door to Fluttershy’s cottage, you take a moment to truly breathe in the natural environment. The air here feels crisper and unseasonably warmer (but not uncomfortably so) than that of the hamlets of Ponyville, and it seems to just exquisitely fill you up with something that you were missing by being shut up indoors for the past couple days.
You hear a little movement from the other side of the door. Good, Fluttershy’s home. You were wondering if she would be staying home at this time of day. 
Or, well… she’s usually at home tending to her animals, but upon scanning the lush grass highlands around Fluttershy’s little hobbit house, you don’t really see any animals. Or smell them, either. Definitely odd. It could be chalked up to the mammals hibernating for the winter-come-spring, but your recollection of how the town of Ponyville woke up the slumbering bunnies for their Winter Wrap-Up puts that theory to rest. 
The birdhouses placed haphazardly on Fluttershy’s mossy roof also seem to be empty, and, now that you think about it, you couldn’t hear any birds calling out to each other on the path to her house. Curiouser and curiouser…
Suddenly, the door swings open to reveal a truly thick black bear sitting on Fluttershy’s threshold and watching you impassively.
“Ah,” you say. 
The bear, easily matching your height while being more than triple your weight, turns his head down while looking up at you, showing the whites of his eyes like a bored puppy. You rack your brains for any information that could help on the specifics of social interactions with bears, but come up quite short. Just when you’re starting to feel foolish standing on the threshold with your mouth opening and closing, you remember a vital piece of information.
“Your name’s Hank, isn’t it?” you ask.
The bear nods.
“...Cool. Is Fluttershy here?”
The bear nods again and gets up from the floor, revealing his true breadth as he takes a few steps and looks back expectantly, waiting a few awkward moments before you follow him inside.
Fluttershy’s living room has been, apparently, cleaned to within an inch of its life. The floor has been waxed, the cushions and rugs have been reupholstered, it looks like, and the dog bed at the corner of the stairs has been completely erased.
From what you remember to be the kitchen, you barely hear the soft cadence of Fluttershy whispering, “Who is it, Hank?” before you round the corner with the bear himself and the kitchen comes into view. The kitchen is immaculately clean, incredibly so, the dishes and glasses lying on the table sparkle with a mirror-shine. The butter pegasus—Fluttershy herself—is hard at work washing a tea set, with her long pink mane tied into a hairnet so her hair wouldn’t get wet.
She turns to face you and gives a little self-conscious smile that utterly warms your heart and banishes the last vestiges of cold from your body. It’d be cliché to say that her magic and that of nature revived your soul, but considering that she’s the Element of Kindness, there probably was some magic involved. (It might have also been the smell of fresh-cooked bacon lingering in the air.)
“Good morning, (y/n). Oh!” Her expression turns to one of shock before her sheepish smile turns to a sheepish frown and she puts a dish into the sink to paw at the ground. “Um, sorry, but you were a little too late to have tea with me and Hank the Bear here.”
“Sorry…” she repeats, hiding behind her mane.
“Aaarg!” Your heart threatens to give out on you due to Fluttershy’s sheer adorableness.
“Oh, my! Are you okay?” Immediately, she’s hovering at your side with eyes wide, her hoof poking at your chest where your hands had flung themselves over your heart in protection. “Are you hurt anywhere? Oh no! Don’t tell me you ate another poisonous flower!” She baps the side of her head onto the right side of your chest to hear your heartbeat with her ear, but gently, and with only enough force to remind you of a cat’s headbutt.
Pretty soft, 9/10, would recommend. After a few moments, her eyes open wildly and she floats right in front of you. “Oh, no! I can’t feel your heartbeat!” she cries. “What was the color of the flower you ate? How many petals did it have? Oh, no, we have to go to Zecora’s hut to get you an antidote, (y/n)!”
“I, uh—heh heh. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!” You have to hold your stomach to keep the laughter from bursting out.
Fluttershy, bless her heart, spins around to Hank in a panic. “Oh, no, no, no, no, no! Hank, they’re convulsing from the poison! We’ve gotta get them out of here! Here, (y/n), sit on Hank. We’ll take you to Zecora’s,” she says, her hoof slung over your shoulder and nudging you forward a step.
Hank snarls at Fluttershy. Before this point, you almost forgot how dangerous bears were.
She swung in front of the bear, hoof pointed at him as he gazed evenly at her. “Now, don’t be like that, mister! They do not smell like garbage!” That got you to do a double take. “We have to get them to Zecora’s hut, and quickly, because we have to help them,” she says, leveling her Stage Two stare at the humongous mammal that could probably send her flying into the stratosphere if he wanted to. 
Hank snorts out a sigh and stares at me with his eyebrows fixed at you in such a way to make sure you knows he’s annoyed at you. Well, at least Fluttershy has nothing to worry about from him, you think.
You gingerly grab Fluttershy’s hoof from her shoulder, idly noting that it’s about as fluffy as a dog’s paw compared to some of the other ponies, and bring her gently to the ground with a smile. 
“Woah, there, girl. I’m completely fine, Fluttershy,” you say.
“Really?” She examines you with concern in her eyes. “But then why couldn’t I feel a heartbeat?”
“Because, uh, my heart’s on the left side of my body…?” you point out.
“Oh.” She hangs her head low with shame. “Sorry. I might have panicked a little… I was just worried ever since,” she hesitates, “you know, when you first got here—”
“Oof. Don’t remind me,” you say. Those times were really rough. Getting dropped into the middle of the woods with a sudden lack of cell service during the night, having to forage for food and live in a cave like an animal. The nightmarish timberwolves… 
…You shudder at the imagery the memory dredges up, the core of green light in the soulless freakish golem alike to luminescent worms writhing around the heart of a real wolf, how its husks of eyes flashed before your own when it lunged towards you.
Your reaction doesn’t escape her notice, and she begins to tear up. “I’m sorry…” she murmurs.
Awww! You can’t let this happen! You just gotta cheer her up! Besides, you’re starting to feel kinda bad for laughing earlier while she thought you might’ve been poisoned. You crouch down onto your knees to hug her, which she’s surprised about, at first, but she eventually hugs you back.
She’s warm, warmer than the early spring sunlight outside her cottage. Her coat brushes against you, and you can definitely feel how her fur is longer and fluffier than any other pony’s, not to mention softer! The fog of the horrors of the past recede from your mind, allowing you to think clearly and exuberantly for the first time in… days, perhaps? 
Your troubles and worries seem to fade into obscurity as the mere fact of you being there for someone who was hurting, and someone being there for you in kind, lifts your mood, directing your gaze not into the shadowy caverns of the past put into stark contrast by fear’s lantern, but to the glittering stars in the unknowable sky of the future, and ever above the concerns of the material…
Fluttershy’s tears flow on your shoulders. “It’s okay,” you say, petting her head with inscrutable tears forming in your eyes. “I’m fine. I hardly think about that anymore. And when I do, I remember that I’m surrounded by friends now.”
Fluttershy looks up at your chest with mixed feelings evident. “Are you sure you’re okay, (y/n)? I mean, you did seem like you were hurting earlier.”
That was pretty embarrassing… “Oh, uh, I was just a little bit hungry. That’s it.”
Hank snorts at this. You almost forgot he was even here, and you stand up and wheel around in primal worry at the realization that he, in all his two-ton glory, could have effortlessly punted you across the universe at any time that struck his fancy while you were crouched down like that.
Fluttershy senses your anxiety, and, distracted from the prospect of your death, she says, “Oh, don’t worry about Hank. You two just need to get familiar with each other and he’ll be perfectly friendly to you. Here, let him sniff your hand.”
If he could, Hank would reiterate how much he dislikes the smell of humans. As it is, Hank just turns up his nose at you and saunters off to the living room.
Relief fills your body and your facial muscles relax at the bear being out of sight—not because you think he’s dangerous, though. It’s just instinct. Fluttershy, however, frowns after the retreating bear. “Oh…”
After an awkward moment, she looks at you apologetically and says, “Well, um, even after everything, it’s still nice to see you. Especially since almost everycreature else is gone and I’ve got a lot of free time today.”
“Oh yeah,” you muse, “I thought there weren’t as many animals around as I remembered there being before… What’s up with that?”
“I can tell you more about it over tea, if you want,” she says, pointing a foreleg over to the table, before she looks over and realizes it’s bare. “Oh…” Fluttershy looks despondent.
“Don’t worry, Fluttershy!” To reassure her, you move over to the sink full of the tea set dishes and roll up your sleeves, grabbing a dry towel and putting on a well-fitting apron. “If you wash the dishes and I dry them, we can get set up for tea in no time!”
“Okay. But only if you want to…” Fluttershy murmurs.
You give her a heartfelt smile. “It’s nothing, really. And having lunch after having to work for it just makes the lunch even better.”
Fluttershy puts on the hairnet again and moves over to your left to start rinsing out one teacup of a trio. “I don’t know. If your chest was really hurting so bad from being so hungry, you should probably avoid working or anything like that until I can get you something to eat,” she whispers. “I still feel really bad for all of… that, that just happened.”
You take a dry cloth to the dishes that were already hanging, getting them bone-dry in moments. “Awww, you’ve been completely fine, Fluttershy. If anything, I was the one who made things worse by, uh, being so dramatic about things. Whatever. Hey, if you wanna repay me, you could cook up some of that bacon I was smelling earlier,” you say hopefully.
Fluttershy giggles and gets to work on the very same bacon-greased plate that Hank was eating off of. “Oh, my. I forgot you ate meat. It’s just so difficult to think of you as anything but a stallion. Er, no offense…”
You snort. “I guess this means I’ve really integrated into pony society, huh?” You pick up a piece of hay from a dried plate and look at it. “Not that I would want to really stay here all my life. It’s too hard to come by a decent meal in Ponyville, not being able to eat grass or flowers off the street and all—I’m not gonna try to eat any more flowers, I promise,” you reassure Fluttershy when she glances sidelong at you with worry.
…But now that you think about it, what would the grass and hay here even taste like? Maybe it’s very nutritious and tasty, which is why all the ponies graze on it so often. Sneaking a quick glance out the window to see how edible the grass would be, your face again warms up in the sudden glow of spring sunbeams shining down on Fluttershy’s cottage.
You light up. “Fluttershy,” you ask her, “do you want to have a picnic outside instead of tea?”
She beams at you. “Oh, that would be wonderful! I was even planning to do some looking at nature later. Most of the diurnal migratory morning birds should be flying back to Ponyville today, and we can watch for them and catalog them—and sing with them!” she exclaims. “Er, that is, if you’re fine with it…”
You take the corners of a damp tea cozy and fold it along the middle. Its hanging curve roughly approximates the smile on your face on hearing that information. “I love that idea!” you gush. All the tea set dishes have been washed and dried. “You know what we could do today? It’s the same thing I do every morning, Flutters…”
“Um, ‘Try to take over the world’?”
You wheel around to Fluttershy, shocked. “What??” you ask.
“Oh, um, You said that one time at game night with the girls. I remember we were all pretty scared of you when you said that in a weird voice, and Rainbow Dash almost fought you over it like you really were going to try to take over Equestria.” She looks conflicted. “Oh, or was it that you said you try to take over the world every night?”
Damn, it’s been a long time since you’ve thought about Pinky and the Brain. Might be a good idea to write a play or a book or something about that for Equestria.
“That’s more of a human thing. Just a figure of speech, really. Anyway,” you pat your apron and untie it, “I was thinking more along the lines of looking for cool bugs after the picnic. Could you get the basket while I try to whip us up some sandwiches?”
“Ah, yeah, (y/n),” she excitedly whinnies as she trots away. You may have become more familiar with pony culture and the way the ponies look, but that will never not be adorable.
Fluttershy insists on carrying the picnic basket on her back, citing her worries at how having to carry it might hurt your fragile human back. This piece of business over with, the conversation level drops to the sweet bliss of nothingness, and the pair of you start on your journey through the forest.
The two of you are content to walk in silence along the path as you bask in the natural wiles around you. Fluttershy has a small smile on her face. You can’t help but grin a little at sharing company with a good friend of yours, just freely passing the time in another’s company without any obligations of having to partake in society or entertain other ponies with ostentatious parties. Here, it’s just you, Fluttershy, and the creatures of the Freedom Forest Valley nature trail.
However, after a minute, you start to get disturbed at how quiet it is out here. It’s not that the silence between you and Fluttershy was becoming awkward; if anything, it was soothing on your nerves and your head after having spent such a stretch of time as Rarity’s personal rubber duck to bounce ideas off of. It’s just that the silence between yourself and the critters of the forest was stretching on for long enough to be noticeable.
You frown and turn to your companion, stopping both of your advances. “Hey, Fluttershy?”
She turns to you in kind and frowns as well. “What is it, (y/n)?”
“Does it seem kind of… quiet outside, to you at all?”
She embarrassedly looks at the dirt path and paws at a branch of leaves under her hooves. “I thought you might notice. Most of the creatures of the forest have… gone somewhere else.” She sighs and mutters, “I just wish Discord didn’t decide to take them out of their natural environment for the show…”
Alarm bells start to ring in your head. You wholecloth forgot that he lived with Fluttershy until she brought him back up. But where is he, and what is he doing—what could he be doing away from Fluttershy’s watchful eye? “Discord?” you ask her.
“Oh, yes.” The two of you resume walking. “There’s an animal show happening in Fillydelphia right now. It’s an annual convention, and I just somehow forgot about it this year until it was too late to let the critters take a part in it. Oh, it’s just so wonderful every year!” She gushes, “It lets all the animals in the forest and around Ponyville present themselves to get awards while they network with others to find out what’s happening in everycreature’s lives and all around the world!”
“Hang on.” There’s a massive fallen tree obstructing the path. It wouldn’t be feasible to go around it, so you take the picnic basket from Fluttershy, put it on the other side, and carry Fluttershy with you as you vault it. “So you were too late to get any animals over there in time?”
Fluttershy jumps out of your arms and takes the picnic basket onto her back again. “Oh, yes. But Discord was kind enough to take them to the show in time with his teleportation magic. I did have to get him to Pinkie Promise not to take the animals that didn’t want to go, and to protect the animals that did go while making sure that they all made it back.” She spots something to the side of the trail and trots over to it, waving you over with a hoof.
“Wow,” you say unsurely as you veer off the path toward her. “Did he really take all the rabbits? All the chickens and wolves? Harry, too? Cuz if he took as many animals to Fillydelphia as I think he took, then he really must have brought down the house with them all.”
“Well, he didn’t take all the wolves, at least. Oh dear...” Worry dances through Fluttershy’s wingtips as she does a little steppy. “You don’t think he’s causing too much chaos over there?”
Discord’s a bit of a sore subject for you. “He probably is, in all honesty,” you tell her, and then reassure her by saying, “But I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t take it too far. Anyway, what did you want to show me?”
Fluttershy points at a mossy-bottomed rock with ferns growing on top of it in a cavity. “Look,” she says.
You look at the rock, which is about the same size as Fluttershy. You look back to Fluttershy. “It’s very pretty,” you say truthfully. “What is it?”
“It’s a rock,” Fluttershy says.
Damn, she’s good! “No, I mean, what’s up with it?”
Fluttershy perks up. “Oh! Right. This is an igneous shale rock, rich in minerals from being composed of magma and very amenable to being a habitat for microorganisms, nutritious fronds, and herbivorous crawlers to hole up in. Sorry, I just figured that if you wanted to see some insects, this would be as good a place as any to find some,” she explains while letting the basket down onto the ground.
Your eyes light up. “Nahhh, s’all good,” you tell her, “so how can we get a peek at some of them? Lift up the boulder?”
Fluttershy shakes her head. “Oh, no,” she says, “that would be rude. We can just knock on the rock and see who comes up to answer. I do it all the time when I have to wake them up for Winter Wrap-Up.”
“Really? Huh. I’ve never thought about that before.” You sit on the wet, grassy ground next to the boulder and give it a gentle tap with your knuckles, looking to Fluttershy for approval. She sits opposite you with picnic basket balanced evenly on her back and gives a big reassuring smile that turns into something softer but just as heartfelt and strikingly giddying as a huge earwig lopes out from under the mass of moss and grass attached to the boulder. 
“Woah!” you exclaim, startled by just how big it is. Forget the Saint Helena, this was an earwig roughly the length and width of your own hand, with its pincers being easily three inches long.
It lazily tilts its head up to stare at you. Fluttershy gently turns her own head to look at you so that she couldn’t possibly scare the earwig away. She’s still smiling, but it’s more subdued now. “Go on, talk to it. Its pincers are harmless; it won’t bite,” she entreaties you.
“Uh… okay.” You smile uncertainly at her and look at the earwig. It’s just staring back at you, antennae twitching around with unknown intent. In order to get closer to it and make it feel more comfortable, and also make yourself more comfortable with the strange thing you’re doing, you lay down on your stomach in front of it in the grass. “Uh, hello?” you ask the earwig nervously.
The earwig waves back at you, filling you with confidence. You continue, “Uh, well, we were just in the neighborhood and I wanted to introduce myself and check in with you, see if you were doing all right, you know… Is this your house?”
The earwig nods and walks forward until they’re right in front of your face. They look at you intently and extend a foreleg to boop your nose rapidly and repeatedly, startling you and making your nose tickle something fierce. “Uh?” you ask Fluttershy, eyes wide and moving to look to her for help with your head staying still to not harm the earwig.
“You’re doing great,” she giggles. “That’s just the way that earwigs greet other creatures,” she says, walking over and lying down to let the earwig poke her muzzle as an example. “See? He likes us.”
“Incredible!” You tell her and then turn to the earwig. “Here,” you say, proffering your finger to the earwig, “this is how humans greet each other. We shake hands—or appendages, in this case. My name’s (y/n). What’s yours?”
The earwig gets the message, and shakes your finger with their leg. However, they don’t say their name, making you feel pretty silly because you genuinely forgot that earwigs couldn’t talk for a solid moment there. Instead, they just turn their gaze to you as a faint hissing emanates from their body.
Fluttershy comes in with the assist again. “Oh, I can translate. She says her name is Light, and she’s asking where humans come from, since she’s never heard of them before, living under a rock and all.”
This is unbelievable! You’re actually talking to an earwig! An earwig called “Light”! The sun is shining pleasantly upon your body, the breeze plays in your hair, the grass is rustling underneath your fingers, soft and cool to the touch with a mild dampness, the ground underneath you is hardy and sturdy, tough and earthy, and real, and you, the human, are currently having a full, rounded conversation with an honest-to-god earwig.
Turning your head to Light, you then say, “I come from Earth! It’s a whole ‘nother planet entirely than this, with rules a lot different than you have here. Say,” you raise an eyebrow at her, which probably doesn’t track, “are you the only bug living here, or is there like a whole apartment full of insects under there?”
Light’s antennae flick around lazily and she retreats back under the rock for a moment, coming back with a few mewling and writhing grubs on her back. “Awww! She’s a mama!” you say to Fluttershy.
Fluttershy looks shocked. “Oh,” she whispers, “so sorry to disturb you, Ms. Light. We should probably get out of your antennae now; I know how rowdy the little earwigs can get when they’re about to turn into nymphs,” she continues in a conspiratoral tone, causing Light to nod sagely.
Light then comes up to you and again rapidly boops your nose. “Let me guess, an earwig goodbye?” you ask Fluttershy sidelong, and she nods slowly. “Awright. Bye, Light!” You wave goodbye at her with a finger and she waves back at you before turning to Fluttershy and booping her as well.
“Don’t be a stranger,” Fluttershy whispers out to Light. “Oh, wait, Ms. Light? Would you happen to know where we could find Pierre? Pierre the moth?”
Again the hissing from Light’s body, which this time gets cut off as one of the fat grubs flops over her face and Light runs over to the rock to contain them again.
“Thank you, Ms. Light!” Fluttershy softly calls after her. “Good luck with your budding nymphs!” And Light the earwig runs back home to her little wriggling grubs.
You get up off the ground and dust off the knees of your jeans, though nothing you do right now would be able to get the wetness off your clothing now. “What’d she say? Also, who’s Pierre? And why the heck would a moth be called Pierre?”
Fluttershy gets up and looks at you in confusion. At least she doesn’t have to worry about her clothes getting wet, since she doesn’t wear any most of the time. “Pierre is an absolutely gorgeous and friendly moth who loves getting visitors. Um, what’s wrong with the name ‘Pierre’?”
“Nothing, nothing. It’s just a bit… strange. Pierre’s like a human name, you know? Like a French name. Whatever, it’s not important,” you say, anxious to change the subject when Fluttershy still just looks at you confused. “Pierre sounds like a perfectly wonderful person—moth, and I’m sure I’d love to see ‘em,” you say. 
“Oh,” Fluttershy grins, “you will! But we better get going. Pierre doesn’t like to be kept waiting past noon. He’s very…” she tilts her head and gives a strange look, “...particular.” And off she goes with the basket, leaving you feeling even odder.
The vibrant red picnic basket on Fluttershy’s back catches your eye again and you instinctively take a deep breath of the early spring air, the faint scent of rain discernable among the scent of the trees, the leaves, and the morning dew. And, of course, the thick smell of bacon catches your nose from the picnic basket like it’s a pie in a cartoon, and you sigh in content.
Now walking alongside Fluttershy back to the path, you give her a tiny satisfied smile. “Hey, girl! Thanks for taking so much thought about where—like, for planning the whole bug-finding thing out. I was probably just gonna look under some logs or something,” you confess, rubbing the back of your neck. “Sorry about all the trouble.”
“Oh, don’t worry. It wasn’t any trouble, (y/n). I mean, I just love the insects of the woods, more than any other pony in Ponyville,” she meekly counter-confesses.
“Awww! You’re just precious, Fluttershy!” You pick up a dry yellow leaf off the ground and offer it to her. “Here, take this cool-looking leaf as a trophy for your pureness, madame.”
“Oh, um, thank you…” she mutters, hiding behind her mane. She takes the leaf from your hand in her mouth and eats it with a crunch. What? 
“Oh, sorry,” she says and smiles bashfully at you before giggling, “I just love the taste of leaves from the ailm tree! I forgot you might not be used to seeing someone eat one…” Huh.
A satisfied silence again falls upon the two of you as you just walk on, the Freedom Forest Valley trail again opening up to your sight and your fluttering heart. In your concern over the little things in life, the bugs, the plants, the upcoming picnic and migration of birds, you almost forgot about the woods and the wildness around you.
A breeze blows through you, pulling your hair and your clothes to the side. There are no birds chirping, which you still find quite unnerving, but you find that there is no end to the interesting things and junk you can see. The infinite complexity of even the smallest things astounds you: the glistening of the drops of dew on the grass and the flowers making the blushes around you glitter in the sunlight, the fractal beauty of the limbs of the tree and how the lightest of their twitches in the wind far exceeds any possible imagination or expectation, and, perhaps most stunning and satisfying of all, the roses and the lilies of the field.
Spring flowers are beginning to bloom, sporadically dotting the picture of the forest with vivid splashes of red, pink, and purple. They slowly grow in numbers as your steps advance, and the spots of their growth increase in size until, soon enough, they overtake the path entirely and you and Fluttershy have to slow your step to be able to find where it continues. You can hear the faint buzzing of insects as a nearby brackley marsh in a valley of its own comes into view. Fluttershy stops to smell a particularly vibrant rose and you take a moment to look for any butterflies around, but you can’t find any. Turning slightly to ask Fluttershy where they are, you lose your train of thought as you spot her taking a bite out of the rose. “C’est la vie de poney,” vous murmurez, and continue on in silence.
Trees stretch on as far as the eye can see. How far have you been walking, now? Your legs are kind of starting to feel tired as they hit against the bulbs of the many flowers. Taking a sidelong glance at Fluttershy, you can’t see any visible signs of exhaustion at all, though that could be due to the fluffy pony’s evolutionary traits. You have now reached the part of the forest where the thickness of the trees is beginning to block the sun with their overgrowth, but you can still see that the sun is… hm. It’s actually a bit hard to see where the sun is, as it’s now cloudy—was it cloudy just a moment ago? How the time flies.
In a momentary break of the cover, you see Celestia’s sun raised in the exact middle of the sky, but its beams don’t seem quite so hot or harsh anymore. Probably, Celestia wanted to take a nap today, if everything you know about her was correct.
While lost in your musings, you crash your noggin headlong into a HUGE fallen tree.
Next thing you know, Fluttershy’s in front of your eyes, gesticulating furiously. “Oh no, no, no! Quick! (y/n)! How many hooves am I holding up?”
“Uhhhhhh, four?”
“(Y/N)! We NEED to get you to a hospital…” she squeaks.
“Woah, woah, woah. I do not have a concussion! Fluttershy, I—Fluttershy!” you exclaim, when Fluttershy tries to hoist you up into the air with her foreleg. “Fluttershy. You are holding up four hooves.”
Fluttershy, who’s been hovering over you this whole time, takes a look at her flapping wings and falls to her flank in pure, unabashed, bashedness.
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unwounding · 1 year
I was recently approached by a woman running a luxury matchmaking site on linkedin. I initially thought it was some Business Venture (I get those a lot on account of my educational background) but she wanted to recruit me as a datee???? because im getting a phd from princeton????? like i get it but at the same time it was v weird and a bit depressing on a count of the reproduction of inequality
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vendekin11 · 15 days
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Finding the Sweet Spot: Right Machine Placement for Profitable Vending
In the ever-evolving world of vending, finding the perfect spot for your machine is akin to finding the right recipe for success. It's not just a matter of choosing where to put the vending machine, you must place it in a way that ensures a profitable spot and catches cash, full-on thirst-quencher
How do you find those golden spots then? Join us as we take a deeper look at the art and science of vending machine placement, and see how Vendekin can help you along this delicious journey.
1. Know Your Vending Machine’s Sweet Spot
Before you even start to think about the locations, you should know your vending machine's personality. Will you be providing snacks, drinks or something else entirely? A gourmet vending machine will receive different people than the one dispensing energy drinks. When you understand your product and machine, it makes it easier for you to search places and sites that will lie within the area of interest.
2. High Traffic Areas: The VIP Lounges
Think of high traffic areas as the VIP lounges of vending machine placement. Places like busy shopping malls, bustling office buildings, and lively transportation hubs are ideal. These are places where people are on the go, and a well-placed vending machine can become their best friend. Imagine your vending machine as a convenient companion in their daily hustle—offering quick snacks or drinks when they need them most.
3. Tailor Your Location to Your Product
Location is everything, so let’s play matchmaker. If you’re vending healthy foods, gyms and wellness centers are ideal. For candy and chips, look for schools or family-friendly attractions. Your vending machine’s placement should resonate with its content—like pairing a fine wine with a gourmet meal
4. Seasonal Spots: The Flavor of the Month
Don’t forget seasonal opportunities. Think about locations that are in high demand during certain times of the year. For example, beachside spots in the summer or ski resorts in the winter can be prime real estate. It’s like knowing when to drop the hottest new trend—timing is everything!
5. Negotiate and Build Relationships
Once you find a potential spot, it’s time to roll up your sleeves and negotiate. Building a good relationship with property managers or business owners is key. Offer them a piece of the action or a share of the revenue to sweeten the deal. Remember, it’s not just about placing your machine; it’s about creating a partnership that benefits both parties.
6. Monitor and Adapt
The vending world is ever-changing, and so are the best spots for your machine. Keep an eye on performance and be ready to adapt. If one location isn’t pulling in the profits you expected, don’t be afraid to pivot. Your vending machine’s success is a journey, not a destination!
How Vendekin Can Help
That’s where Vendekin comes in as your vending hero. In addition to providing a cutting-edge vending machine, with efficient targeting and analytics, we assist in selecting the right sites for the machine and enhancing its performance. The solutions come with a machine-to-machine interface and analysis which provides you real-time data on your machines’ performance.
Along with the state of art knowledge and technology, Vendekin has the most professional team which can walk you through the entire placement procedure. Also from vending machine selection to negotiating placement deals we are your partner in the vending machine business.
So, are you ready to locate that ideal area and transform your vending machine into the next cash generating machine? We offer you assistance from Vendekin to enable you to vend like a king. Here’s to increase sales and turnover on positions and vending businesses! Learn More:
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imsnhance · 1 month
Effective Marketing Strategies for Recruitment Agencies Using Digital Marketing Solutions
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There have always been online platforms for applying for jobs. According to Pew Research, 90% of Americans utilize digital channels to research jobs. It’s not unreasonable to think in the present day itself, as 99% of individuals research jobs.
The best way to find qualified candidates for your company’s open vacancy is by expanding your talent pool. This will eventually help your company in the long run.
Businesses must implement digital marketing solutions to keep their recruitment efforts working well in 2024. From creating engaging content to effective SEO practices, these can help them search for talent locally and potential employees anywhere in the world.
Major Advantages of Recruitment Digital Marketing
Enhanced impression or engagement with potential candidates
Improved credibility and business standards
Enlarge company branding and reputation
Access to a broader pool of job candidates, active and passive
Ability to target specific demographics and keywords
What is Recruitment Digital Marketing exactly?
Let’s start with traditional digital marketing for the recruitment industry, which includes only job postings and sharing updates. But now, recruitment digital marketing solutions leverage creating videos, blogging, and infographics and employing proven internet marketing strategies like SEO practices, Pay-per-click (PPC), and email marketing to reach the targeted audience.
Strategy 1: SEO for Recruitment and Digital Marketing
An estimated 93% of internet sessions begin with search engines like Google (users search for a keyword rather than go directly to a website). SEO and inbound marketing methods are critical for bringing potential applicants to your website and online job boards.
The art of SEO for recruitment digital marketing, particularly in your recruiting strategy, is to identify and target certain keywords relevant to your target demographic. It is critical to conduct extensive keyword research and analysis.
Tools like Ahrefs, SEMrush, and even simpler SEO keyword research and extensions like Terms Everywhere, which plug into your browser, may help you uncover the terms that potential clients and applicants use to find recruiting agencies.
For a free SEO keyword research tool, consider Google’s Keyword Planner, part of Google Ads, and Google Trends for more significant volume keyword traffic.
This keyword research allows you to focus on creating material that helps potential applicants better understand the job and your firm. Effective recruitment marketing techniques are matchmaking, with your content strategy at its core.
Your inbound content marketing strategy might include video marketing, organic postings such as landing pages or corporate blog articles, and even Google-friendly infographics. We recommend a holistic strategy for your SEO, and even if you primarily focus on blogs, for example, publish links to your blog posts on social media, make infographics, and record explanation videos to include in your blog posts, which Google loves!
Strategy 2: Social Media Marketing for Recruitment Agencies
Social media marketing has become critical for recruiters of all types in real-time, recruitment agencies, HR, Hiring Managers, and Talent Acquisition professionals who want to optimise the complete candidate journey through digital marketing solutions.
Recruiters and digital marketers may contact and engage with their target audience through various channels, including established social media sites and platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. LinkedIn, in particular, provides a professional network for showcasing your company’s skills, connecting with industry leaders, and establishing beneficial contacts. In addition, you may send direct messages to top prospects in real-time, much like on other platforms.
Furthermore, LinkedIn’s comprehensive targeting tools, which allow you to reach specific sectors, job titles, and geographic regions, ensure that the right individuals see your available positions.
Regarding social media marketing, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram provide excellent possibilities to connect with highly skilled individuals, and which channel is best for your organization is typically determined by the industry in which you work.
Strategy 3: PPC Advertising for Recruitment Digital Marketing
We discussed employing sponsored advertisements (PPC) in your social media strategy. However, PPC extends to search engines also like Google, Yahoo, and Bing, ensuring that your available jobs appear at the top of a candidate’s search results.
Like SEO, PPC advertising allows you to target particular keywords related to your sector and job opportunities. By displaying your advertising when people search for certain keywords, you can raise the exposure of your positions and attract quality visitors to your website and careers page.
One of the primary benefits of PPC advertising is the ability to retarget those who have expressed interest in your job ads or website. Retargeting strategies allow you to stay in front of potential applicants and urge them to take action, such as applying for a position or contacting your organization. Retargeting increases your chances of converting a potential applicant into someone in your recruiting funnel.
To get the most out of your PPC advertising, select the proper keywords and keep improving your advertisements. Conduct extensive keyword research to determine the phrases your target audience searches for. Create an appealing ad language that entices job searchers while emphasising the benefits of working with your firm.
Additionally, consider speaking with the person in your firm overseeing your PPC advertising since there might be a learning curve the first time.
Strategy 4: Optimize conversion rates
This tactic frequently slips under the radar, yet it is critical to converting your digital recruitment marketing efforts into active prospects. Conversion rate optimisation (CRO) is the ongoing practice of monitoring and refining your messaging, website, forms, application process, and even rejection process.
A user-friendly website is eventually the first step in making an excellent first impression on potential job seekers. Your website is frequently the first point of contact for potential customers and should show your professionalism and industry experience.
Strategy 5: Your Company Brand.
So far, we’ve discussed the options for advertising an open role or position via social media, SEO, and other digital marketing solutions.
However, to maximize the quality of applicants applying, your Employer Brand is crucial since it attracts high-level prospects and those who fit with your company’s culture.
If you want to learn more about Employer Branding with Video and its benefits, here are the top three reasons to focus on your employer brand:
Your Employer Brand Promotes Openness: Transparency is essential in digital recruiting marketing. Before applying for an open position, the top applicants should understand your company’s culture, EVPs, and team.
Your Employer Brand Promotes Trust: Trust goes a long way toward attracting elite personnel, who frequently have their pick of positions. The most effective technique for creating trust is to present real-world experiences of your existing employees, sometimes known as “a day in the life” films. Using testimonials and experiences from existing workers is an effective strategy to establish yourself as a desirable employer and a firm that people are glad to be a part of.
Your Employer Branding Attracts Passive Prospects, Too: Attracting passive individuals who are not actively looking for work is an incredibly effective method for both short and long-term recruitment funnels. Your Employer Brand is all about building an attractive place to work with top EVPs who are so exceptional that people would quit their existing employment.
Recruiting digital marketing is an important part of building a successful recruiting funnel. Businesses must develop a consistent and manageable funnel by adopting proven digital methods such as SEO, social media marketing, PPC advertising, and CRO.
By utilising the power of recruitment digital marketing solutions, you can stay ahead of the competition, connect with top talent, and establish a strong brand presence to assist your recruiting team grow.
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adultsads · 1 month
Promote Your Dating Website: Boost Traffic and User Engagement
In the ever-evolving world of online dating, standing out among the countless platforms can be a challenge. However, with the right strategies in place, you can effectively promote your dating website and increase both traffic and user engagement. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the essential steps to take your dating website from obscurity to the top of the search engine rankings.
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Understanding Promote Your Dating website
The first step in promoting your dating website is to identify and understand your target audience. This involves knowing the demographics, preferences, and behaviors of the users you want to attract. By creating detailed buyer Boost Business personas, you can tailor your marketing efforts to meet the specific needs and desires of your audience.
Demographic Analysis: Start by analyzing the age, gender, location, and other relevant factors that define your target audience. This will help you craft messages that resonate with them and choose the right channels to reach them.
Psychographic Profiling: Go beyond demographics and delve into the interests, values, and lifestyle choices of your target users. Understanding these elements will enable you to create content and offers that truly connect with your audience.
Creating a Unique Value Proposition
In a crowded market, having a unique value proposition (UVP) is crucial. Your UVP is what sets your dating website apart from promote your dating website competitors and gives users a compelling reason to choose your platform.
Highlight Special Features: Whether it’s an advanced matchmaking algorithm, a niche focus, or exceptional user experience, emphasize the features that make your site unique.
Communicate Benefits Clearly: Ensure that promote your dating website your UVP is prominently displayed on your Promote Business homepage and throughout your marketing materials. The benefits should be clear and immediately understandable to potential users.
Optimizing Your Website for Search Engines
Search engine optimization (SEO) is key to driving organic traffic to your dating website. By optimizing your site, you can improve Dating Digital Marketing's visibility on search engines like Google, making it easier for potential users to find you.
Keyword Research: Start by conducting thorough keyword research to identify the terms and phrases that your target audience is using to search to promote your dating website. Tools like Google Keyword Planner or Ahrefs can be invaluable for this task.
On-Page SEO: Optimize your website’s content, meta tags, headers, and images with the keywords you’ve identified. Ensure that your site’s structure is user-friendly and that your pages load quickly.
Off-Page SEO: Build high-quality backlinks from reputable websites in your niche. Engage in guest blogging, influencer partnerships, and promote your dating website social media marketing to increase your site’s authority.
Leveraging Content Marketing
Content marketing is a powerful tool for promoting your dating website. By creating and sharing valuable content, you promote your dating website to attract and engage your target audience while establishing your brand as an authority in the Web Traffic online dating space.
Blogging: Regularly publish blog posts that address the interests and concerns of your target audience. Topics might include dating tips, success stories, or advice on using your platform effectively.
Video Content: Create engaging video content, such as tutorials, user testimonials, or behind-the-scenes looks at how your platform works. Videos are highly shareable and can help increase your brand’s reach.
Social Media: Share your content across social media platforms to reach a broader audience. Encourage user interaction and promote your dating website through comments, likes, and shares to build a community around your brand.
Utilizing Paid Advertising
While organic traffic is valuable, paid advertising can give your dating website an immediate boost. By investing in targeted ads, you can Dating Advertisement reach potential users who are actively looking for dating services.
Google Ads: Use Google Ads to display your website at the top of search engine results pages (SERPs) for relevant keywords. This can drive highly targeted traffic to your site.
Social Media Ads: Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter offer advanced targeting options that allow you to reach specific demographics. Use these platforms to promote your dating site to potential users.
Display Ads: Consider using display ads to reach Ad Platform users across the web. These visual ads can be placed on websites and apps that are frequented by your target audience.
Building a Strong Social Media Presence
Social media is an essential channel for promoting your dating website. By building a strong presence on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, you can connect with your audience, Promote your dating website, build brand awareness, and drive traffic to your site.
Engage with Users: Respond to comments, messages, and mentions promptly. Engaging with your audience on social media helps build trust and loyalty.
Share User-Generated Content: Encourage users to share their experiences and success stories on your platform. This not only provides social proof but also creates valuable content that can be shared across your channels.
Run Contests and Promotions: Use social media to run contests and promotions that incentivize users to join your platform. This can help Traffic Source increase sign-ups and keep your audience engaged.
Implementing Email Marketing
Email marketing is a powerful tool for nurturing leads and converting them into active users. By sending targeted and Dating Site Promotion personalized emails, you can promote your dating website and keep potential users engaged and encourage them to join your dating platform.
Welcome Series: When new users sign up for your platform, send them a series of welcome emails that introduce them to your site and its features. This helps new users feel comfortable and encourages them to start using the platform.
Newsletters: Send regular newsletters that keep your users informed about new features, success stories, and upcoming events. This keeps your audience engaged and encourages them to return to your site.
Re-engagement Campaigns: If users become inactive, send them re-engagement emails with special offers or reminders of the benefits of your platform. This can help bring inactive users back to your site.
Encouraging User Reviews and Testimonials
User reviews and testimonials are powerful tools for building trust and credibility. Encourage satisfied users to leave promote your dating website reviews on your website or third-party review sites.
Highlight Positive Reviews: Display positive reviews prominently on your website to build trust with potential users. Include user photos and names (with permission) to add authenticity.
Incentivize Reviews: Offer incentives, such as Online ads discounts or free premium features, to users who leave reviews. This can help increase the number of reviews you receive and improve your site’s reputation.
Analyzing and Optimizing Performance
Promoting your dating website is an ongoing process that requires continuous analysis and optimization. Use analytics tools to track the promote your dating website performance of your marketing efforts and make data-driven decisions to improve results.
Track Key Metrics: Monitor key metrics such as traffic, conversion rates, and user engagement. This will help you understand what’s working and what needs improvement.
A/B Testing: Conduct A/B testing on your website and Ad network marketing campaigns to identify the most effective strategies. This can help you refine your approach and maximize results.
Adjust Strategies: Based on your analysis, adjust your strategies to focus on the channels and tactics that deliver the best results. Continuously Best Dating Ad Networks optimize your efforts to stay ahead of the competition.
Promoting your dating website requires a multifaceted approach that combines SEO, content marketing, social media, and paid advertising. By promote your dating website implementing these strategies and continuously optimizing your efforts, you can increase traffic, boost user engagement, and achieve higher search engine rankings.
FAQs on Promoting Your Dating Website
How can I attract more users to my dating website?
Ans. To attract more users to your dating website, focus on a combination of SEO, content marketing, and social media engagement. Optimize your website for search engines, create valuable and relevant content, and actively engage with potential users on social media platforms. Paid advertising, such as Google Ads and social media ads, can also help you reach a larger audience.
What is the most effective way to promote a dating website?
Ans. There isn't a one-size-fits-all answer, as the most effective promotional strategy depends on your target audience and niche. However, a well-rounded approach that includes SEO, content marketing, social media, and email marketing is generally effective. Focus on building a strong brand, creating high-quality content, and engaging with users across multiple channels.
How important is SEO for promoting my dating website?
Ans. SEO is crucial for promoting your dating website because it helps your site rank higher in search engine results, making it easier for potential users to find you. By optimizing your site for relevant keywords, improving site speed, and building quality backlinks, you can significantly increase your website's visibility and attract more organic traffic.
Should I use paid advertising to promote my dating website?
Ans. Yes, paid advertising can be a highly effective way to promote your dating website, especially in the early stages when you're trying to build brand awareness. Platforms like Google Ads, Facebook Ads, and Instagram Ads allow you to target specific demographics, helping you reach potential users who are most likely to be interested in your platform.
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dankusner · 1 month
I'll remember it In Dublin in a rainstorm And sitting in the long grass in summer Keeping warm I'll remember it Every restless night We were so young then We thought that everything we could possibly do was right Then we moved stolen from our very eyes And I wondered where you went to Tell me, when did the light die?
You will rise You'll return The Phoenix from the flame You will learn You will rise You'll return Being what you are There is no other Troy For you to burn
And I never meant to hurt you I swear I didn't mean those things I said I never meant to do that to you Next time I'll keep my hands to myself instead Oh, does she love you? What do you want to do? Does she need you like I do? Do you love her? Is she good for you? Does she hold you like I do?
Do you want me? Should I leave? I know you're always telling me that you love me But just sometimes I wonder if I should believe Oh, I love you God, I love you I'd kill a dragon for you, I'll die
But I will rise And I will return The Phoenix from the flame I have learned I will rise And you'll see me return Being what I am There is no other Troy For me to burn
And you should've left the light on You should've left the light on Then I wouldn't have tried and you'd never have known And I wouldn't have pulled you tighter No, I wouldn't have pulled you close I wouldn't have screamed, "No, I can't let you go" If the door wasn't closed No, I wouldn't have pulled you to me No, I wouldn't have kissed your face You wouldn't have begged me to hold you If we hadn't been there in the first place Oh, but I know you wanted me to be there, oh, oh, oh Every look that you threw told me so But you should've left the light on You should've left the light on
When the flames burn away But you're still spitting fire Make no difference what you say You're still a liar You're still a liar You're still a liar
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The Hunt: How Troy Was Found (and Nearly Destroyed)
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The Hunt:
How Troy Was Found (and Nearly Destroyed)
Over a few short months in 1871, Heinrich Schliemann achieved a task that had eluded literature’s fiercest ensemble of warriors:
he breached the supposedly impregnable walls of Troy.
To do so, the Prussian entrepreneur used the full toolkit of 19th-century industry, hiring a railway engineer to dig a 45-foot trench and then deploying TNT.
Take that, Agamemnon.
Today, Schliemann is a divisive figure, begrudgingly admired for pinpointing the elusive hilltop city in northwest Turkey where the perhaps-mythical, perhaps-historical Troy was located, but derided for the destructive methods he employed to reach such an end.
Schliemann was no book-bound archaeologist, and his triumph at Hisarlik, as the site is known today, was guided by the same headstrong bravado that had characterized his wildly successful business career.
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a wall rampart amid green fields showing a section of the city from Homeric times
The access ramp (1800-1275 B.C.E.) of Homeric Troy.
Growing up impoverished, Schliemann couldn’t afford to attend university and began work aged 14, finding employment first as a grocer and then as a cabin boy aboard an ill-fated brig bound for Venezuela.
Schliemann washed up, almost literally, in Amsterdam.
There, he rose through the ranks of an import/export firm before setting out on his own, trading Indian indigo, Scandinavian herring, Californian gold, and weapons that fueled the Crimean War.
A multimillionaire by his mid-30s, Schliemann retired and devoted himself to proving that Homer’s Troy was a historical place and not just a poetic fantasy.
First, though, he needed to obtain a divorce and find his Helen.
An Athenian archbishop played matchmaker, seeking out a Greek woman who was young, beautiful, and filled with the “Homeric spirit.”
Her name was Sophia Engastromenou, and after marrying her in 1869, he decamped to the Troad, the region surrounding Troy, which he would frequent for the next two decades.
Two views of the Plain of Troy, from the Hill of Hissarlik, Turkey, 1871-1875.
Two contemporary prints (1871-75) showing the site at Hisarlik. Photo: Getty Images.
In Schliemann’s own mythology, his obsession with finding the lost city reached back to boyhood.
He recalled encountering an image of the city in flames in a children’s book and learning the Iliad’s sanguine lessons at the knee of his father.
Alternatively, it was a chance encounter in Athens with Ernst Ziller, a member of an unsuccessful 1864 excavation, that proved inspirational.
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For more than 150 years, rediscovering Homer’s Troy had obsessed fastidious scholars and romantic travelers alike, and Ziller’s expedition had centered on the latest site of speculation: the hill at Pinarbasi, also on Turkey’s northwestern coast.
When Schliemann arrived at the far reach of the Ottoman Empire, however, Frank Calvert, an English expatriate, convinced his fellow enthusiast to focus instead on a site a few miles to the north.
Calvert owned a plot of land on the hill and had seen his surveys favorably published in academic journals.
The problem?
He was short of cash.
Schliemann around the ruins of Troy with a group of workers
Heinrich Schliemann in Troy alongside his workers and excavators.
Brilliantly positioned, overlooking the Hellespont with a lagoon providing protection for passing ships, Hisarlik, Calvert argued, was the ideal site for a Bronze Age trading port, and its steep terrain and windswept plain matched Homer’s descriptions.
Schliemann was convinced and in no mood to wait for official permission.
Schliemann believed that the Troy ruled over by King Priam, as in the Iliad, would be found at the deepest layer of the city, and so, beginning in 1870, he aimed for the base of Hisarlik’s mound.
He worked fast, employing 150 workmen and teams of carts that ceaselessly carried debris away on a rail line.
He uncovered a city protected by two lines of defense, with stone ramps leading to a citadel that showed the tell-tale signs of destruction by fire.
Inside stone-lined boxes, he found a cluster of jewels (gold, carnelian beads, lapis lazuli, amber) which he named Priam’s Treasure and a hoard of gold rings and diadems which he named the “Jewels of Helen.”
Next, he smuggled his booty back to Europe, photographed Sophia “Helen” Schliemann decked out in the plundered swag, and spread his news far and wide: he had found Troy.
Sophie Schliemann wearing the jewels of 'Helen'
Sophia Schliemann with the gold jewelry found in Troy. Photo: Getty Images.
Even at the time, Schliemann’s triumphalism was met with cynicism. Today, the 55-foot mound is understood to contain nine Troys, spanning from an early Bronze Age settlement in the third millennium B.C.E. to a Byzantine complex from the 13th century C.E.
It tells the story of a city whose fortunes rose and fell in cycles before its ultimate desertion.
The layer Schliemann hit upon dated to 2400 B.C.E., roughly 1,000 years prior to Homer’s Trojan War.
Schliemann indeed found the fabled city, but he obliterated it in the process.
Despite his folly, when it comes to misreading the ruins of ancient Troy, Schliemann stands in excellent company.
Beginning in the 7th century B.C.E., Troy became an ancient tourist site, with pilgrims arriving to venerate its memory.
Xerxes the Great did so before invading Greece in 480 B.C.E., and Alexander the Great followed suit when invading Persia in 334 B.C.E., each one mistaking the city’s mounds and Neolithic graves for the tombs of Homeric heroes.
The Hunt explores art and ancient relics that are—alas!—lost to time. From the Ark of the Covenant to Cleopatra’s tomb, these legendary treasures have long captured the imaginations of historians and archaeologists, even if they remain buried under layers of sand, stone, and history.
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Finding Love Online: The Ultimate Guide to Matrimonial Websites
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Finding Love Online: The Ultimate Guide to Matrimonial Websites
Finding Love Online: The Ultimate Guide to Matrimonial Websites
In a world where love often feels just a click away, online Matrimonial Website Development Companyhave revolutionized the way we find our life partners. Gone are the days of relying solely on family introductions or chance encounters at social gatherings. Today, technology opens up a treasure trove of opportunities to meet like-minded individuals who share your values and aspirations. With so many options available, it’s essential to navigate this digital landscape wisely. Whether you're looking for companionship, romance, or even marriage itself, understanding how matrimonial website design and development company  work is crucial for success. This guide will take you through everything you need to know about finding love online—from choosing the right platform to creating an attractive profile that stands out in a crowded marketplace. So grab your favorite beverage and get ready to embark on your journey toward lasting love!
The Evolution of Online Dating
Online dating has come a long way since its inception in the late 1990s.Matrimonial website development company in Kolkata
 What started as basic text-based matchmaking on platforms like Match.com has transformed into a vibrant ecosystem filled with sophisticated algorithms and personalized experiences. With the rise of smartphones, matrimonial website development company in India
apps like Tinder and Bumble brought swiping to the forefront. Users can now make quick decisions at their fingertips, reshaping how we approach attraction and compatibility. Social media also plays a significant role today, enabling connections that extend beyond traditional profiles. Platforms encourage sharing personal stories and interests,matrimonial website design services  making it easier for people to find common ground. The growth of niche websites tailored to specific communities or preferences adds another layer of evolution. From religious affiliations to cultural backgrounds, there’s something for everyone in this vast online landscape seeking love and companionship.
Why Matrimonial Websites are Different
Matrimonial Website Designing Company from Mumbai stand apart from general dating platforms. Their primary focus is on long-term relationships and marriage, catering to individuals seeking serious commitments. These sites often incorporate cultural and religious preferences, making it easier for users to find compatible partners. This tailored approach fosters a deeper sense of connection based on shared values. Moreover,matrimonial website business plan typically emphasize family involvement in the matchmaking process. Many cultures prioritize familial opinions when selecting a life partner, adding another layer of significance to these platforms. User profiles are more comprehensive than those found on casual dating apps. Detailed questionnaires help match individuals based not just on interests but also compatibility factors like lifestyle choices and future goals. This unique blend makes matrimonial website design services a dedicated space for those ready to embark on the journey toward finding lasting love within their cultural or social contexts.
How to Choose the Right Matrimonial Website
Choosing the right matrimonial website can feel overwhelming, but a few key factors can simplify the process. First, consider your preferences. Different sites cater to various cultures, religions, and regions. Identify which platforms align with your values and expectations. Next, look into user reviews and testimonials. Insights from others can help you gauge the site's reputation and effectiveness in facilitating successful matches. Evaluate features such as search filters and communication tools. A site that allows detailed searches based on specific criteria will enhance your chances of finding a suitable partner. Check for security measures. Your safety should be paramount when sharing personal information online. Explore multiple options before committing to one platform. This approach ensures you select a matrimonial website that meets both your needs and aspirations effectively.
Creating a Compelling Profile
A compelling profile is your chance to shine. It’s the first impression you make on potential matches, so make it count. Start with a clear and recent photo. Smile naturally; this simple act can convey warmth and approachability. Side profiles or blurry images just won’t cut it. Next, craft an engaging bio that reflects who you are. Share hobbies, interests, and what makes you unique without overwhelming details. Authenticity is key—be honest about your intentions. Also consider adding a touch of humor to lighten the mood. A well-placed joke can break the ice and attract like-minded individuals. Don’t forget to specify what you're looking for in a partner. Clarity helps draw in those who share similar goals or values. Update your profile regularly as life changes occur—this keeps it fresh and relevant while showcasing your journey.
The Do's and Don'ts of Online Dating
When diving into online dating, knowing the do’s and don’ts can make all the difference. Start with being authentic. Your profile should reflect who you truly are. Honesty is vital in establishing trust from the beginning. Engage actively but choose your words wisely. Ask questions that show genuine interest, avoiding generic small talk which often leads to dead ends. On the flip side, avoid oversharing too soon. It’s crucial not to divulge personal information like your home address or financial details until a solid foundation of trust is built. Another don’t? Don’t ignore red flags. If something feels off during conversations or interactions, it’s wise to step back and reassess. Remember that patience pays off in online dating; rushing into things rarely leads to meaningful connections. Enjoy the journey instead of just focusing on finding "the one."
Success Stories from Matrimonial Website Users
matrimonial website design and development company near me  have transformed the way people connect. Many users share heartwarming stories of love found through these platforms. Take Priya and Arjun, for example. They met on a popular matrimonial site after both had experienced unsuccessful traditional setups. Their shared interests in travel sparked an instant connection that blossomed into romance. Then there's Meera and Ravi, who lived continents apart but were united by their cultural backgrounds. After chatting frequently, they decided to meet in person—a decision that changed their lives forever. These narratives highlight more than just successful matches; they showcase how technology bridges distances and breaks barriers. Users often express gratitude for the platform's role in helping them find life partners who resonate with their values and aspirations. Such success stories encourage others to explore online matrimony with hope and excitement, proving that true love can indeed be just a click away.
Staying Safe While Online Dating
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taomyou · 11 months
The Romance of Reimbursements - Chapter 7
Pairing: Levi Ackerman x Reader Status: COMPLETED Summary: There’s a guy you see every Friday on bus 143, and you think he’s pretty hot. It wouldn’t hurt to tell your best friend about him, would it? or, you and Levi take the same bus home from work every Friday, and you fall in love slowly, clumsily, and with all the time in the world to fold as many paper stars as your heart desires. Word Count: 5.7k Tags: slow burn, friends to lovers, modern au, office au, fluff, romance, meet-cute, matchmaking
(A/N: this fic is entirely available on ao3 here if you would like to read it there instead!)
Chapter Navigation Accompanying Playlist
not trash
When Levi started his Saturday, he expected his roommates to be thorns on his side.
It's the first weekend in a while that Isabel hasn't been swarmed with schoolwork or MCAT studying, and Furlan got the day off at work—the two of them with the whole day free to themselves were sure to be trouble.
In the morning while he was with a client discussing plans for a building in a neighboring city, Isabel called him and asked him to send her the recipe that you sent him last night. His client took Levi's request to step away to take the call in stride, but Levi chewed Isabel out for interrupting his work instead of just texting him what she needed.
Still, after hanging up, he forwarded the picture you sent to him yesterday and told her to wait for him to ask for help from you himself if she needed it.
Yesterday, after you left the flower shop, Isabel begged him for your number. It was embarrassing, quite frankly, how open she was about wanting it despite only having talked to you twice now. He would've given it to her, honestly, to avoid her pestering him, but he was too scared to look at your contact when you'd left him on read, and he'd rather take the pestering.
Isabel would end up getting your number anyway, since you so graciously mentioned knowing Hange.
Isabel replied with a thumbs-up emoji before Levi turned off his phone to get back to his client. After some further discussion, she told him to expect some paperwork to finalize the deal in a couple of days, and she left his office space.
He typically works from home if he doesn't have a lecture to teach and meets with clients upon request in conference rooms, but this particular client requested that they meet at his university office. Not any particular issue—he can get more work done here anyway.
When she's out of the room, he brings his chair closer to his computer and checks his emails. Some students message him asking the most ridiculous, braindead questions, and he has to hold himself back from scolding them for not checking the syllabus before emailing him of all people.
There's some other emails from clients with feedback and whatnot, but nothing pressing that'd require him to make any phone calls, so he replies with more emails. He switches tabs over to his teaching site, last night having been the due date for their midterm project proposals, and he grimaces.
Can these kids turn in anything on time?
He sends his teaching assistants a message telling them they can start grading, and he finishes out his business on his computer. He checks the time; 10:29 AM. A reasonable enough time to pack up for the day and get home, considering he has no other work-related things to do.
He puts his things into his backpack, then locks the door to his office before he starts heading to the parking garage. He sees some of his students, some of whom are ballsy enough to approach him to ask about the upcoming midterm and other assignments, but he ignores them all until they give up. The instructions are on the syllabus, both him and his teaching assistants already repeated those instructions during class, and it's a fucking Saturday—he most certainly is not going to stop only to repeat himself for the third time.
When he gets to his car, it feels a bit unfamiliar.
He hasn't taken his car to work since September, only bothering with the parking for a week before deciding to completely switch over to using public transit, but campus is empty enough on weekends that he doesn't need to do that today. He reverses out of the spot and drives home without bothering to put on any music, just listening to whatever's on the radio as white noise.
For a Saturday, the roads are relatively empty, but that doesn't mean anything to Levi other than a slightly faster commute back home.
When he walks through the door into their shared house and into the kitchen, he finds Isabel rummaging through the cupboards whilst looking at her phone. When she notices him, she waves at him with the hand her phone is in.
"Welcome back!"
"What are you doing?" Levi asks, putting his backpack down at the dining table and then going over to Isabel. When he sees the mess, he picks up the nearest thing to him (which happens to be a box of graham crackers) and smacks her on the head with it. "You're making a mess."
She waves him off, unfazed by the tap. "I'm looking for ingredients. I wanna make egg tarts." Levi rolls his eyes and makes his way over to the cupboard where the box goes, puts the graham crackers back, and rearranges the other things Isabel moved in there.
"None of us ever bake. What makes you think we have anything you need for that?"
She shrugs from the corner of his eye. "Might as well check."
"Where's Furlan?"
"He's still sleeping."
Levi goes one by one through the cupboards, cleaning up the chaos Isabel leaves behind. She stretches upwards when she's done plowing through practically the entire kitchen, and the one thing that gets left on the countertop is an almost-empty carton of eggs. Levi frowns at them.
"You tore apart the kitchen only to come up with a few eggs?"
"I'm not the one in charge of groceries! It's not my fault we don't have anything."
Looking closer, he sees that one of the tea canisters on the counter is missing. He looks at Isabel before going over to the trash bin only to see it at the bottom. He frowns and grabs it—thank fucking heavens that there's nothing else in there yet. He's sure it's clean because he's the one to set up the trash bag before going to work in the morning, but he would've gotten the container back anyway.
"Why is this in the trash?" He chastises her. She looks at him quizzically.
"Is that not trash?"
What? This is definitely not trash. "Are you blind?" He opens the lid and faces the inside to her, and Isabel, again, looks at him with confusion.
"Isn't that just trash? It's not tea."
He scoffs, then brings it towards him to check and make sure she didn't throw those away somewhere else.
When he sees several paper stars inside, still perfectly intact, he relaxes a bit but continues glaring at Isabel.
"Leave this here," he huffs, putting it back on the countertop.
Furlan, now woken from his slumber by the ruckus in the kitchen, speaks up from the hallway. "What're you guys fighting about now?" He asks, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.
"This isn't a fight," says Levi.
Furlan yawns, walking over to the dining table. "Yeah, okay."
Levi goes past the two of them and into the hallway. Before he can get far, however, Isabel calls after him. "Hey, don't leave!"
He looks back at her, deadpan. "I need to go on my run."
Isabel wants to go after him, but Furlan stops her and nods for Levi to leave. He does and swiftly goes to his room to get into clothing more appropriate for exercise, and when he's out, Furlan's on his way out the door and Isabel is nowhere to be seen.
"Where are you going?"
"Isabel wants to go to the grocery store. Thanks for telling us where you got those tarts, by the way," Furlan jests.
"In your pajamas?" Levi rolls his eyes, grabs his phone, his wallet, and a bottle of water from his backpack, and he then goes to grab his sneakers from the shoe rack near the door.
Furlan looks down and comically screams out, "Oh no, I had no idea!," then laughs at himself.
"Really?" Levi finishes tying his shoes and Furlan closes the door after he's out. He sees Isabel at the car, but he doesn't say anything to her. She rolls down her window when he's close enough, and she sticks her arm out. He just stares back at her.
"Hey! Stop!" He still doesn't say anything. "I'm sorry I threw away your tea!"
He scoffs, swatting her arm out of the way. He doesn't quite know what to say, so he just runs off. When Furlan gets to the car's passenger seat, he puts his hand on Isabel's shoulder.
"Hey, don't worry about him, okay?"
She shrugs with a new smile on her face, then putting the car in reverse. "I'm okay, he's the one in the wrong here."
Meanwhile, Levi's running around the neighborhood in the general direction of the main street where most of the traffic is. Not for any particular reason—just that he doesn't need his neighbors trying to stop him to ask about his job, his house, or any of that nonsense.
Levi, despite running whenever there's enough free time to allow him to do so, is convinced that runner's high is a scam. Running is brutal, it burns his lungs, and he always swears he's never going to do it again, but he still does it because it helps get him away from whatever metaphorical demons are chasing after him (and to keep himself in good enough shape, though, Sina University is so fucking big that he gets enough steps just walking from the bus stop to his office).
He loses track of time quickly, not that he was looking at his phone in the first place. After a good several miles of running, he takes a quick break at a bench facing the bus stop he ordinarily gets off at. Bus 143 comes and goes as he waits there, but he makes sure to signal to the driver that he doesn't need to get on. Levi hears a beep from his phone, so he checks.
Isabel - 1:12 PM
hey we forgot to buy flour! can you get some :)
Instead of replying with a text, Levi calls her. "How the fuck do you forget the flour?" Levi knows fuck-all about baking, but is flour not literally the most important ingredient in any baked good?
"It doesn't matter! Can you get some?"
"I'm still on my run," he grumbles, getting up.
Levi sighs, pausing before heading for the market on Rose. It's close enough to where he is anyway. "Fine," he tells her before hanging up.
Isabel, as stubborn and irritating as she can be, is a good kid, and Levi isn't going to be the one who makes her upset on one of her few free days.
He already feels bad enough for guilting her for throwing away the canister; she wouldn't have known what it was for, anyway, besides holding onto the dandelion root tea you gave him weeks ago.
To say he got addicted to dandelion root tea is a wild exaggeration. He didn't mean to forget about his other tea blends, he just instinctively began reaching for that specific one when he went to make his tea.
When it got empty (and it got empty relatively quickly), he thought back to your first interaction back at dinner.
If Erwin and Hange both said they kept their stars from you on display, why couldn't he? He saw Erwin's jar when he came in for lunch, the day after the two of you were formally introduced to one another, and he took notice of Hange's vase on the cabinet next to their TV the next time he visited. Nothing special about it—everyone else did it, and it was normal.
He kept the one you made from your napkin from the first dinner on his dresser. The other three from when he drove you back to your and Hange's apartment complex were still in his glove box, along with all the other ones you'd given him during your times out together; the two of you were typically seated next to each other, and so he's the one you end up giving the stars to at the beginning of dinner (and the person who has to ask the waiter for a new napkin when you actually need it).
And so, he brought in the stars from his glove box, put them in the empty tea canister with the one he's kept on his dresser, and never said a word about it. Whenever he'd get a new one, he'd do the same thing again.
When he sees the supermarket in view, he slows himself down until he settles into a walk, and he drinks all of his water before throwing away the empty bottle into the trash can near the front entrance. He knows this place decently enough—Furlan's the one in charge of grocery shopping for the house, but he's been dragged along enough times to know where things are. Still unprepared to face Isabel, though, he opts to take his time and go through every aisle. He can't recall where the flour is, anyway. Nobody in their house has ever needed flour before right now.
He doesn't quite get the chance to go through everything, though, because as soon as he reaches the end of the aisle, he hears your voice. He thinks his mind is fucking with him at first because, well, why would you be here? You live a fair drive away, even if it is only 10 minutes, and there's a more popular grocery store closer to you, so why would you be here? He hesitates in looking around, because he's almost certain that he's just misheard whoever was talking, but when he sees you in the bakery section, he freezes.
Time passes without him realizing, and moments later, you're in front of him, telling him that it's nice to see him as if you haven't seen him at least once a week for the last 5 months.
"Yeah," he replies. When the silence is too much for him (and you), he realizes he's acting like a fucking idiot, and he shouldn't be scared of you. "What're you doing here?"
"Just getting some things for dinner. What about you?"
"My roommates texted me during my run and told me to buy a bag of flour."
"Isabel and Furlan are your roommates?" At the mention of them by name, he can't help but question it.
"How do you know that?"
"They called me earlier for help picking stuff out. I figured you were talking about them."
They called you? The one fucking thing he told Isabel not to do. "I told them to wait for me to text you, not for them to fucking call you. I didn't think they were serious about making anything today. Sorry about them."
"It's no problem. Besides, I wasn't busy with anything, so I didn't mind."
Well, since you're such close friends with Hange, Levi's sure you've already dealt with your own fair share of their tomfoolery and can tolerate Isabel.
"Still." He watches as you take the sweet from your hand, tear off a piece, and hold it out for him. Is this for him? "What's that?"
It's a fucking pastry, idiot. Everyone knows what a pastry is.
"Take some, the baker here gave it to me," you say, then pause. "Or if you don't want it, you can give it to Isabel."
He sighs. It could be a good enough treat to give Isabel as an apology, so he takes it. "Thank you. I'll give it to her when I'm home."
When neither of you say anything, he wants to send you off to finish getting what you need for dinner.
It'd be selfish to keep you here when you could be doing literally anything else right now.
He wants to leave and look for flour, but suddenly, he realizes: he doesn't know what kind of flour he needs.
That's fucking great.
He read over the recipe you sent yesterday, and all it says is "flour." Furlan had a phase in university where he'd watch MasterChef constantly, and Levi would overhear all this talk about how much the type of flour matters in literally anything.
So, he has to ask now.
No, it's not because he wants to keep you there with him. He could just let Isabel and Furlan fail at the tarts, and they'd be too embarrassed to ever try baking again.
But before he can stop them, the words awkwardly spill out from his mouth.
"What flour do I need?"
God, he must sound like a fucking idiot right now
You smile, then you put your hands on the handles of your cart. "I'll show you."
He walks alongside you as you go through the aisles, and he's glad that neither of you make conversation. He's made a complete fool of himself already, and he'd probably say something stupid again if he opened his mouth.
When you reach the flour, you point out which ones he could get, and he picks the cheapest bag he can. Apparently, it's not as deep as the MasterChef contestants made it out to be. You offer to let him put it in your cart, which he does, and the two of you head over to the cash register together.
When he helps you load the things onto the conveyor belt, he doesn't miss the fact that you're wearing much more casual clothes than usual.
Even when you're not coming from work to the random dinners and get-togethers that Hange organizes, you're always well put-together and dressed up. He's the same in that regard, never wanting to look bad in case a student runs into him or a client recognizes him.
Right now, though, you're both dressed down.
It feels quite domestic, the way you two are out right now.
He takes out his phone, not really because he wants to do anything on it, but he doesn't want to make you feel awkward about having to be seen with him. When he hears the cashier tell you to swipe your card, he looks up and sees that you already paid for the flour. He doesn't say anything to you in protest to avoid causing a scene and potentially angering you, who just helped him without any good reason to, so, instead, he wordlessly helps load everything back into the cart and pushes it himself out of the store.
Once you're out of the store and out of the main walkway, you both stop. You hand Levi his half of the pastry and a bag with the flour, and he opens his mouth just to say something else stupid.
"Thanks for paying for the flour," he says.
You wave him off. "Don't worry about it. It was, like, 5 bucks." He nods.
"Again, sorry about Isabel and Furlan calling you. It probably woke you up."
"It did, but it was almost noon anyway."
"Sleeping in that late now?"
You playfully go to punch his shoulder. "You're the one that told me to sleep well."
He rolls his eyes, swatting your hand away. "Yeah, yeah."
He watches as you go to put the cart away and get your bags. He doesn't dare move, just in case you want to say something else to him, even if the two of you never say "goodbye" to one another when departing like this, but you just wave at him from where you are. Well, you try. He rolls his eyes again, amused, and returns the "wave" with his own.
"It was nice running into you, Levi! Get home safe!" You yell after him.
"I will, you get home safe too."
He's careful on his walk home, not wanting to drop the pastry. It's a fair bit away, but he doesn't mind. Before he can get very far, however, he gets a message on his phone. He switches over the pastry to his other hand to free his right hand and look at the message. It's you, telling him that you're available if he, Isabel, or Furlan need your help. He can't quite think of anything intelligent to say, or find the words to express his gratitude in your willingness to help the most inexperienced bakers in the tristate area, so he tells you to just prepare for the onslaught of questions from Isabel when they start baking.
Levi doesn't bother thinking of much on his walk home, so he gets home without much of a thought as to how long it takes. Isabel and Furlan are at the couch, watching some random reality TV running, and they wave at Levi when they see him.
"Welcome home!" Isabel greets, then getting up to go over to the kitchen. Furlan follows after her, greeting Levi with a wave. Levi puts the bag of flour on the kitchen counter and awkwardly holds out half of the pastry to Isabel. She looks at him, confused. "Why'd you only give me half? If you're apologizing to me, at least have the decency not to eat half of it."
She doesn't sound angry, thank goodness, so Levi rolls his eyes. "Someone gave it to me, and they had the other half."
"Who?" Furlan asks. It apparently doesn't matter, though, because Isabel scarfs it down anyway.
"I ran into a friend," says Levi. That gets Isabel's attention.
"Which friend?"
Levi doesn't quite want to answer, but when she starts to list names, he knows she isn't going to shut up, so he tells her.
"Oh! What was she doing there?"
"Getting stuff for dinner."
Levi's short answers don't satisfy neither Isabel nor Furlan, but they just look to each other and shrug, understanding that that's as much as they're going to get out of him. The three of them then start getting everything out on the counter, and they stare at the recipe together on Levi's phone. After a bit of staring, looking back and forth between each other and the screen, and staring at the ingredients on the table, Isabel speaks up.
"What does it mean to butter a tin?"
Levi can just barely recall doing this at Hange's apartment, but that step was before you took over in teaching, and Levi can't remember what words Hange used to instruct them how to do it.
"Do we even need to do that?" Isabel continues.
Levi does, however, remember you telling them that it's something really important, so he figures this is about when they need your guidance.
And thus began the night.
When you pick up their first call, you have to hear the chaotic banging of the tins and other metal appliances in the background of Isabel asking if you need to butter the tins (and her also thanking you for half of the pastry Sasha gave you). You tell her that you do need to butter them, and Levi (lovingly) smacks Isabel on the head with the tin as an "I told you so."
The second phone call you get from them is not even 5 minutes later, and this time it's Furlan who asks you how to measure everything without a kitchen scale. You direct him as best as you can, but it does help that Furlan at least knows about baking from whatever MasterChef episodes he saw.
You're forced to hear Isabel and Levi arguing faintly in the background, though it's mostly Isabel trying to get Levi to stop criticizing how she washes the dishes as they're being brought out to hold the ingredients. Furlan makes sure to take a selfie to show you later, and laughs at the thought that this would be your first time ever seeing his face.
The third phone call you get from Isabel is her asking things completely irrelevant to baking, mostly just random questions that pop into her mind.
Furlan and Levi take the phone away periodically to actually ask you how to do things, but Isabel always wrestles it back from them to ask another "would you rather" question that she's already asked Levi and Furlan a million times.
She sees Levi putting the tarts into the oven, so she takes a picture to send to you. When she ends the call to wait for the tarts to bake, Levi has Furlan and Isabel clean the kitchen top-to-bottom to avoid the larger mess that would be made when they inevitably inhale the tarts, no matter how bad they might be.
The tarts bake faster than the three of them can clean, so Levi takes them out and doesn't let neither Isabel nor Furlan get near them until they're done cleaning.
"Good job, team!" Isabel cheers when Levi's finally satisfied with their cleaning job. He rolls his eyes, and they all move to the dining table to gather around their creations.
Even though they all worked together, they shaped the tart shells at the same time, so there's some differences in them.
Isabel was very persistent in wanting to have her tarts at the top row of the tray, so hers were a bit darker than the other two's because they were further in the oven.
Furlan's was in the middle row of the tray, and he was wanting to be very precise, so he went through with a knife to get the edges straight (citing various MasterChef contestants who apparently did the same).
Levi didn't quite bother with doing much, focusing more on making sure the other two didn't horrendously fuck up, but they looked neat enough and much better than the last time he made them.
After some very rushed waiting, they try to get them out of the pan. Isabel goes first, but the first one she tries to pry out crumbles immediately. Levi goes next, citing his "experience," but he also fails. Leave it to Furlan to whip out his "MasterChef knowledge" and get them all out neatly, without any breakage, and onto a big platter.
Levi takes one of each person's tarts and puts them on a smaller plate, wanting to at least send you evidence of your help being useful, and Isabel hands him her phone to take the picture.
They all take bites before the tarts can really get a chance to cool, but Isabel still savors it as if it's her last meal, and Furlan gives a chef's kiss to signal his approval. Levi hesitates a bit, but when he takes a bite, he doesn't hate it. It's a bit sweet, and it's not nearly as perfect as the ones you let him take last time, but he's glad that he was able to spend time with his housemates and close friends like this.
Isabel sends you the pictures from the couch, Furlan puts the rest of what they don't finish into the fridge, and Levi takes his time cleaning the kitchen area again. They let the sound of the TV fill the kitchen and living area, and they let themselves relax. Levi joins his friends at the couch when he's finished, Furlan now scrolling through his phone to find a movie for them to put on and make fun of, and Isabel rolls over onto her stomach to stare at the TV.
"Oh, yeah! Levi, can you call her to make sure she got the pictures?" Levi frowns at her.
"We've been bothering her this entire day already."
"Then it wouldn't matter if we did it again, right?"
There's no winning against Isabel, especially now that she's so hopped up on sugar, so Levi reaches into his pocket for his phone and calls you.
"Isabel told me to tell you to look at the pictures she sent you," Levi says.
You hum, and Levi doesn't say anything while you look at the pictures. "You guys should open a photography studio."
Levi scoffs. "Yeah, right." He can hear you yawn, and what sounds like moving sheets in the background. "Are you in bed already?"
"I'll have you know that," you pause, probably to check the time, "8:32 PM is a perfectly good time to be in bed."
"If you say so. Don't let me keep you up then."
You yawn again. "Nah, I have a few more minutes left in me." That's a lie if Levi's ever heard one.
"You definitely do not," Levi says, then calling over Isabel and Furlan to get their attention. "Okay, say 'thank you.'" He hands the phone to Isabel first.
"Thanks for helping us today! They turned out really yummy, even if we didn't wait for them to get cold." You tell her something, then Isabel hands the phone to Furlan.
"Thank you, we couldn't have done it without you. They're good, but they're not nearly as nice as the ones you sent with Levi." Levi rolls his eyes, but agrees with him. Furlan gives the phone back to Levi.
"What they said."
You laugh. "No 'thank you?'"
Levi rolls his eyes again. "Thank you."
"You're welcome." You yawn for the third time that phone call. "I think I gotta go."
"I can tell." Levi pauses before he speaks again. "Good to know you're getting your sleep back."
"Me too."
"Take it easy at work."
Levi doesn't know much beyond the fact you work at Erwin's firm as an attorney, seeing as Hange's the one telling him all his other information and they just cannot be trusted with anything. What he does know is that you don't get enough sleep, and that you're completely overworked. Erwin was just like you (and still is), and it blows Levi's mind just how brutally the company treats you. Not that he isn't overworked himself, but that's by choice, not because some stupid fucking higher-ups told him to never have time off.
"I will. I don't know much about how work is for you, but if Hange's right and you're really as famous as they say, you should take it easy too."
"They're not wrong, but I don't care. About being famous, I mean."
There's a bit of a pause before you speak up again. "Goodnight, Levi."
"Goodnight. Sleep well," then ending the call. Isabel and Furlan are staring at him. "What the fuck do you guys want?"
Furlan looks back down at his phone before getting up to connect the TV to the movie he's picked out, and Isabel grins.
"Nothing," she says. Levi rolls his eyes at her.
"Yeah, whatever."
"What the fuck do you mean you want to get dinner on Valentine's Day?"
Erwin smiles from across the table, fiddling with his coffee. "I had a reservation for myself and Moblit, but he wants to ask out Hange."
"And why am I invited because of this?" Levi has no issue with Moblit asking out Hange. Those idiots have had heart-eyes for each other for ages now, and it's almost funny that it's taken this much time for them to act on it. Moblit is out of town fairly often for work, though, so Levi won't make fun of their romantic ineptitude. "Also, your coffee smells like shit."
Erwin chuckles. "Of course it does. And I can't change the number of people that the reservation is for, so I can't go alone."
"You have plenty of friends, why do you need me?" Levi takes a long sip of his tea, but immediately regrets it. "This is disgusting."
"Levi, you're the only one who's available on Valentine's Day." Erwin takes a sip of his coffee, then speaking from behind the cup. "And besides, you're not seeing anyone."
Levi kicks him underneath the table, but Erwin just laughs.
"Please, as if I need your pity."
Erwin puts down his cup and brings a napkin to wipe at his mouth. "C'mon, Levi. I know you don't have any lectures on Tuesdays, and you can very easily get through all your clients in the morning."
He sighs. He already dealt with enough nagging from Isabel yesterday, but Erwin's just as persistent, if not more so.
"Fucking fine. Where are we eating?"
Erwin nods, a smirk growing on his face. He takes another sip to hide it.
"Sina's Kitchen."
"You're paying."
Before Erwin can say anything, a waitress comes to take their orders for breakfast, and the two men don't revisit the topic of dinner.
Levi doesn't give it any thought, not even on the morning of.
It's just Erwin being Erwin, and Levi's been whisked away on more than enough plans like this by his friends. He spends the rest of Sunday at home looking at midterm proposals and reviewing client information, he gives a lecture on Monday and meets with more clients, and he gets through all his clients on Tuesday by noon. Night comes fast enough, Levi finally takes a breather from the last two days, and he starts getting ready.
Levi isn't unfamiliar with Sina's Kitchen at all. Both his colleagues and clients frequent the restaurant, so he's had to sit through more than enough uncomfortable dinners there.
The night of, he puts on a suit, one a bit more formal than what he normally wears to work.
Erwin insisted over the phone to no end that this was the suit he has to wear tonight.
Nothing quite stood out aside from his cravat and the pearl cuff links Erwin also insisted he put on his pale blue dress shirt, but whatever.
Again, it's Erwin being Erwin.
Levi would've smacked him for being so demanding about it but he's too tired to really care enough to do that.
He drives himself to the restaurant, parks, and goes inside.
In that same phone call where Erwin told Levi to wear what he did, he said that the table was listed under "Smith," so when the reservationist asks, that's what Levi tells him. A hostess walks him over to the table for two, and he sits.
He's early, but he does think it's strange that Erwin isn't there even earlier. He calls him, but the call goes immediately to voicemail, so he just assumes that Erwin's caught in traffic and can't pick up the phone.
After a few minutes, a waitress brings two glasses of water to the table, and Levi takes a drink. He hears Erwin walking behind him, as well as the hostess from earlier, but when Levi looks up from his glass, he chokes on his drink.
What the actual fuck.
Next Chapter
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couplenet · 3 months
Adult Matchmaking by Couple.net
Navigating the dating world as an adult comes with its own set of challenges and expectations. Whether you're re-entering the dating scene after a long hiatus or looking for a more mature relationship, Couple.net offers a specialized adult matchmaking service designed to cater to your specific needs and preferences. Here's why Couple.net stands out in the realm of adult matchmaking.
Tailored for Mature Singles: Couple.net understands that adult daters often have different priorities and experiences compared to younger singles. The platform caters to mature individuals who are looking for meaningful and serious relationships. Whether you're a single parent, a professional with a busy schedule, or someone looking for companionship after a significant life change, Couple.net provides a welcoming environment tailored to your needs.
In-Depth Compatibility Matching: Couple.net's advanced matching algorithm is designed to delve deeper into your personality, interests, and relationship goals. The detailed profile setup allows you to express your preferences and expectations clearly. This comprehensive approach ensures that you are matched with individuals who share similar values and life goals, increasing the likelihood of forming a lasting connection.
Verified and Trustworthy Members: Safety and authenticity are paramount at Couple.net. The platform requires users to verify their identities, creating a trustworthy community of genuine singles. This verification process helps to filter out fake profiles and ensures that you are interacting with real, serious-minded individuals who are committed to finding a meaningful relationship.
Personalized Matchmaking Services: For those seeking a more hands-on approach, Couple.net offers personalized matchmaking services. Professional matchmakers provide tailored recommendations based on your profile and preferences. This personalized touch is particularly beneficial for adults who may feel overwhelmed by the prospect of online dating or those who are looking for expert guidance in their search for a partner.
User-Friendly Interface and Accessibility: Couple.net's intuitive design and mobile accessibility make it easy for adults to navigate the platform. Whether you're at home or on the go, you can browse profiles, send messages, and manage your account with ease. The user-friendly interface ensures a seamless dating experience, allowing you to focus on finding the right match.
Success Stories and Positive Feedback: Couple.net has a proven track record of success in adult matchmaking. Many mature singles have found their life partners through the site, and their testimonials highlight the platform's effectiveness and reliability. The positive feedback from users underscores Couple.net's commitment to facilitating meaningful and lasting connections.
For mature singles seeking a serious relationship, Couple.net offers a comprehensive and reliable matchmaking service. With its tailored approach, verified members, and personalized matchmaking, Couple.net stands out as the top choice for adult matchmaking.
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businessadvisorrobert · 3 months
How Can Dating Script Drive Revenue in Germany’s Online Dating Market?
In the digital age, online dating has transcended its stigma to become a mainstream method of finding romance. 
Germany, known for its tech-savvy population and robust digital infrastructure, is no exception. The country’s online dating market is thriving, with revenues projected to reach €242 million in 2024. 
For entrepreneurs, dating script offers a lucrative avenue to establish and grow their own online dating platforms.
Are you ready to monetize this burgeoning market? 
Then continue reading!
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First, What is Dating Script?
A dating script is a pre-built code that provides the foundational framework for developing an online dating platform. It includes essential features like user profiles, search filters, messaging systems, and often, advanced functionalities like video chats and AI-driven matchmaking algorithms. 
The significant benefit of this dating script is its cost-effectiveness. And it allows you to build feature-rich dating software quickly. Plus, the script is highly customizable. So you can modify its functionalities even after the launch.  
The German Online Dating Landscape
In this tech-driven country, the demand for online dating is fueled by the population’s increasing comfort with digital interactions and seeking more efficient ways to connect. 
As such, the opportunity for new entrants to the market is ripe, particularly those who can offer niche or innovative services.
Revenue Opportunities with Dating Scripts
For German entrepreneurs or businesses, leveraging online dating script can significantly lower the barriers to entry. Additionally, these scripts provide conceivable monetization opportunities. Let’s explore them right here!
Subscription Models: The primary revenue stream for many dating platforms is through subscription services. Premium memberships can offer users enhanced features such as unlimited messaging, advanced search options, priority customer support, and more. 
Advertising Revenue: Another lucrative avenue is advertising. With a rich user base, your dating platform become an attractive outlet for targeted ads. By integrating with ad networks, you can generate substantial revenue. 
Freemium Models: The freemium model combines free basic services to attract users and paid premium features for those willing to pay for extra benefits. This approach helps grow the user base while generating revenue from premium subscribers. It's a win-win for user engagement and platform profitability.
Affiliate Marketing: Utilizing affiliate marketing can also be profitable. Partnering with businesses related to dating and lifestyle (such as travel agencies, event planners, or gift shops) allows you to earn commissions on referrals. 
Why Germany is Ideal for Online Dating Ventures
Germany's high internet penetration rate and a populace that values efficiency make it an ideal market for online dating ventures. 
Additionally, the German market’s openness to niche dating services presents opportunities for platforms that cater to specific interests or demographics, such as dating sites for professionals, seniors, or those with particular lifestyle preferences.
In conclusion, the burgeoning online dating script market in Germany presents a compelling opportunity for entrepreneurs. By leveraging online dating script, businesses can quickly and cost-effectively launch platforms that meet the needs of modern daters. 
With strategic revenue models like subscriptions, advertising, and affiliate marketing, these platforms can not only attract users but also generate substantial income. 
Get ready! Invest in a robust, compliant, and user-friendly dating platform. Reap the rewards in Germany's vibrant online dating scene.
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